View Full Version : Need opinions from the playground!

2012-01-19, 04:07 PM
hey guys, Im looking to roll a new character for a game tomorrow night. my last character was a sneaky archer type, and Im kinda looking to go in the complete opposite direction. in the many years my group has been playing, not a one of us has ever done a spiked chain lock-down build, so i figured i'd go for it.

While I want to use crusader as the base for this build, there will probably be a two level dip in barbarian for pounce and improved trip. my question is, should i also dip warblade for access to the diamond mind save replacing counters, (more specifically moment of perfect mind) or should i just take martial study?

beyond that any other ideas/ opinions on lock-down builds are more than welcome.

(oh, and my dm went ahead and allowed me to be a half minotaur. I'm thinking that I will use human as the base creature, but any suggestions on what base creature to add that template to would be just as welcome.

2012-01-19, 04:30 PM
Dipping would allow you to have them at hand any time you might need them, but then require actions to refresh. Picking them as feats would mean auto-refresh, but also that they might not be granted, and they'd take a slot.

How about just taking Steadfast Determination and hoping for the best? :smalltongue:

For half-minotaur, well, raptoran would be a funny base race. Water orc if you want the best Str/Con boosts you can find. Lesser aasimar, with or without Magic-Blooded, for mental stat boosts, though that's less useful. Tiefling to counter int loss and boost Dex for Combat Reflexes isn't bad. Changeling would allow Warshaper entry, and all the fun with changing appearance. Dwarf of desired flavour would allow tumbling in heavy armour (swap Ride for Tumble with the Cityscape web enhancement), make you harder to counter-trip, and boost saves vs. magic on the top. Human is, of course, always solid, too.

You should probably talk to your DM about ignoring the ability boosts from size increase (even if the template specifically calls them out), since things get silly with those.

2012-01-19, 04:51 PM
A man after my own heart, I just finished puting together a crusader/warblade hellbred spiked chain ***hole for a campaign, and took a 2 lvl dip into warblade for the save counters and insightful strike to make a Stand Still DC stick in a pinch (Concentration Skill, meet Item Familiar). Personally I decided on the dip vs using the feats b/c 1) Feats were too precious to give up and 2) since most of the build's purpose is accomplished when it's not his turn via AoOs, the refresh action for warblade didn't sound like such a big deal (pending actual play).

2012-01-19, 05:00 PM
That's the funny thing, I did menion to my dm the whole stats thing, and he told me to use it as printed. I figure I'm gonna put my weak rolls into str and con, so I don't feel too cheesy.:smallbiggrin:

I hadn't thought of raptoran, huh, kinda makes me want to go for broke on the base race and do half minotaur/raptoran/dragonborn....but I'm sure that would get a book thrown at me....

On that note where can I find stats on changeling....this gives me ideas....

2012-01-19, 06:19 PM
Perhaps you could consider heading toward war mind. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/prestigeClasses/warMind.htm) Expansion as a 1st level power, and check out that level 5 ability! It lets you use any single-attack maneuver on two adjacent enemies! Ain't that swanky?

Also, you might consider going half-minotaur neraph (from The Planar Handbook) for charging awesomeness (and Alter Self/Polymorph/Metamorphosis shenanigans, if you like). Take Human Heritage if you want to qualify for half-minotaur. I think. Maybe.

What about a half-minotaur warforged?


On that note where can I find stats on changeling....this gives me ideas....Eberron Campaign Setting.

2012-01-19, 08:46 PM
thanks for all of the quick responses guys, much appreciated. looks like Im just sticking with human for the race and ill do a warblade dip later on. steadfast determination would be nice, if it weren't for the prereq....

thanks again guys

2012-01-19, 08:48 PM
thanks for all of the quick responses guys, much appreciated. looks like Im just sticking with human for the race and ill do a warblade dip later on. steadfast determination would be nice, if it weren't for the prereq....

thanks again