View Full Version : Please Critique my Work

2012-01-19, 06:50 PM
I'm continuing my efforts to create generic NPCs for rookie and low-mileage DMs who need a little help statting up townies for campaigns.

I've got a new layout, new options and a new build concept, which I think will create a template build for almost any character of that level/race/class combo.

In this case, we're starting with the L1 Human Expert. I'll be building all human Experts from L2 to L20 based on this template. I examined fluff in the DMG, studied build mechanics, got advice from the Playground and other DMs and have field tested 4 prior versions of this character template through myself and a couple other DMs who showed an interest in this concept I have in mind.

Now, I submit it to you as my prototype. Please examine it for build mechanics by RAW, ease of readability, ease of general application, and ease of adaptability and let me know what you think. If it's still a broken pile of mess, then I'd like to know before I start building 19 higher level versions of this and move on to the other races.

I trust in the Playground's expertise. You've never steered me wrong before. :smallsmile:

*Deep breath*

Here goes:

2012-01-19, 08:06 PM
It seems fairly well constructed, however I would like to point out the existance of this site. http://d20npcs.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page just allowing you to be aware of it before you spend oodles of time on this project.

2012-01-19, 08:06 PM
:smalleek: Wha-? This already exists? I've been looking everywhere for a database of build-solid generic NPCs. Hmm... it looks incomplete though. I still think I'm going to carry on, because the human race, at least, is really incomplete on your link, but that is an awesome resource that has just made my life much easier.

Some build notes, btw:

Skill Focus:
I did that, because a townies skills are really more important than their combat ability. And the SF feat is probably the easiest feat to adjust in the entire game. If you, the DM, don't like where I put the SF, just move it to another skill and boom... entirely different NPC.

Min-Maxed Skill Sets:
I originally thought to cover the full gamut of skills an NPC has with a few points here and a few points there, but then I changed it to have max ranks in skills for the same reason I used the SF feat. Now, a quick adjustment of ranks and you've got a personalized NPC. You just slide all 4 (in the case of L1) ranks into whatever skill set you want, just a note about the change, and carry on.

Ability Scores:
I used an Elite Array for the build, and will for all builds. I think this allows an NPC to be good at something without making them awesome. For the most part, I dumped in CON because these aren't adventures who need a lot of HP. They're worker bees who need to be able to make a good living selling alchemical items, running a tavern, or what-have-you, which is also why I use the Profession skill set and Skill Focus Feat.

Traits here refer to the DMGs trait list for NPCs. I probably should've clarified that on the character sheet, but I was just going to put it in the build notes. If someone really wanted to muddy up the simplicity of the build with Traits and Flaws, I suppose that they could be my guest.

I'm worried that the Character Sheet looks a little crammed. There was a lot of info to squeeze into 2 pages, and I've tried multiple layouts. This one seems to be the most readable. Of course, I could remove the graphics and free up tons of space, but I thought that would make the page boring to look at. The build comes from Pathguy, but I modified the layout to include variable options for gender, alignment, age category, equipment, traits and so on. Before I start trimming the fat, the character page can take up 3 to 5 pages. An early request was to condense it to 2 pages for easier reference. I wish I could shimmy some of the information onto pg 2, beside or below the Skills Chart, but my NeoOffice is giving me grief and won't work right. So I had to settle for a mashed up page 1, and a page 2 full of white space. Que sera.

So... any thoughts?