View Full Version : Holy heck guys, RP is fun!

The Succubus
2012-01-20, 05:08 AM
I know, I'm as amazed as you are!

But perhaps I should start at the beginning. For the past few weeks, I've been playing SW:TOR with a growing sense of overfamiliarity and boredom. While the dialogue and storyline helped, it was still very much "hack, slash, gather 10 wamp rat derriers, etc" and I was pretty close to quitting. A poke in the GiTP SW:TOR thread revealed that a few folks had set up home on Shaltain Tunnels, which happened to be an RP server. So I rolled an Imperial Agent character with the intent of hooking up with them.

As I was working my way towards level 10, I became increasingly distracted by some of the banter going on in /general, a large proportion of which was a group of players who becoming increasinly annoyed by someone RPing in it. I got chatting to the group and a small guild was formed and we started talking about a possible backstory for the guild.

Last night, there were enough of us on to do a Flashpoint (that's an instance, Wacraft fans :smallwink:) and we RP'd it.....and it was an absolute blast! :smalleek: AS the GM, I was leading the operation with two of my officers, who really didn't see eye to eye and there was a lot of in character snipping and verbal jibes. One of the officers is a cheerful, chaotic good sort, the other was a "lone wolf" neutral sort. And just the extra bits of dialogue and banter added so much flavour to place I'd run a thousand times before. Later, we took a new recruit on assignment to Dromund Kaas to test her out and see if she was guild material. Things became rather frantic when we bit off slightly more than we could chew and ended up knee-deep in angry Mandalorians and the IC dialogue between us was hilarious! :smallbiggrin:

I guess the point of this rather long and rambling post is that until this point I'd never actually appreciate the difference RP can make to a game and now that I do, I wish I had started sooner. I also wonder what other things could be improved with the addition of RPing.....

2012-01-20, 05:26 AM
Re: Topic: You're a D&Der, shouldn't that be obvious by now? :smalltongue:

I had heard that TOR had a great RP community. I'll have to check it out sometime. I'd had similar nice experiences with a few of the old MUDs and such, but never in a mumorpurger. Sounds fun.

2012-01-20, 06:23 AM
I used to be in an RP guild in Wow. (Then I took an arrow to the knee) Unfortunately, it fell apart due to a hell of a lot of internal arguing and bickering. It's a shame because many of the people in it were genuinely nice and I got on well with them.

Lycan 01
2012-01-20, 08:58 PM
One of the most recent Penny Arcade comics (http://penny-arcade.com/comic/2012/01/16) is pertinent to this discussion. As is their corresponding news thingy for that comic, though I won't link it due to some sparse profanity.

If I ever play an MMO, I think I'll be on an RP server. I'm not big on pvp and grinding and stuff like that. I want to just experience the game itself, if that makes any sense. Ergo, I think that being in an RP server would prove quite satisfying. This would especially be true for Old Republic.

2012-01-20, 09:49 PM
I'm stuck on a PvP server. No way in heck am I losing the work I've done on my character.

I sure do miss RP. :smallfrown:

Lycan 01
2012-01-21, 04:13 PM
Isn't the first month free? :smallconfused:

2012-01-24, 03:52 PM
I know, I'm as amazed as you are!

But perhaps I should start at the beginning. For the past few weeks, I've been playing SW:TOR with a growing sense of overfamiliarity and boredom. While the dialogue and storyline helped, it was still very much "hack, slash, gather 10 wamp rat derriers, etc" and I was pretty close to quitting. A poke in the GiTP SW:TOR thread revealed that a few folks had set up home on Shaltain Tunnels, which happened to be an RP server. So I rolled an Imperial Agent character with the intent of hooking up with them.

As I was working my way towards level 10, I became increasingly distracted by some of the banter going on in /general, a large proportion of which was a group of players who becoming increasinly annoyed by someone RPing in it. I got chatting to the group and a small guild was formed and we started talking about a possible backstory for the guild.

Last night, there were enough of us on to do a Flashpoint (that's an instance, Wacraft fans :smallwink:) and we RP'd it.....and it was an absolute blast! :smalleek: AS the GM, I was leading the operation with two of my officers, who really didn't see eye to eye and there was a lot of in character snipping and verbal jibes. One of the officers is a cheerful, chaotic good sort, the other was a "lone wolf" neutral sort. And just the extra bits of dialogue and banter added so much flavour to place I'd run a thousand times before. Later, we took a new recruit on assignment to Dromund Kaas to test her out and see if she was guild material. Things became rather frantic when we bit off slightly more than we could chew and ended up knee-deep in angry Mandalorians and the IC dialogue between us was hilarious! :smallbiggrin:

I guess the point of this rather long and rambling post is that until this point I'd never actually appreciate the difference RP can make to a game and now that I do, I wish I had started sooner. I also wonder what other things could be improved with the addition of RPing.....

My friends and I started an RP guild on a server. It was fine for a while, but people would rather stand around and type for 30 minutes at a time rather than get anywhere with the game, followed by the usual round of people complaining that they weren't getting anywhere.

I used to be a huge fan of chat based RP but after a while they all start to turn the same. People talking about how their character is a descendant/student/best friend/cousin/former roommate of [insert character of major importance], or how their character could take on the entire universe, or how their [insert standard power of everyone else in world] is different from everyone elses because they [insert bulltonky].

Then you get the RP elitsts and police. Hooo boy.

It's cool and all when it actually runs well, and I wouldn't mind getting into it again. It just doesn't interest me enough to go do it, in any game out there. Though it might happen in Diablo 3 when that releases, but that would totally be a thing with just my particular play group, and I feel that D3 will lend itself well that way.
"Oh, so-and-so is on, he likes RP. Lets invite him, I'm curious to see how he RP's this quest>'
"Oh, Bob is on, he's not so keen on RP. No biggie, we can wrap this up quick before we invite him to group."