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2012-01-20, 09:54 AM
You awake within a small damp prison cell. You can tell that it wasn't originally made for that purposes, due to the velvet carpet among the ground. Looking out from your all thats visible is three other cells opposite you. Each one with another prisoner within, one whom you can't make out. You can feel that your hands have been bound, but notice no similar bindings for your legs or gags for your mouth. and the room in which the cells are housed has little to no light, and no windows. You also realize quickly that your gear is gone. Although for those of you who cast spells still recognize the feeling of your spell components pouch where it belongs.

The last thing you remember before this was being attacked by a group of bandits. You fought valiantly, but eventually their numbers overwhelmed you. Before you slipped into unconsciousness you heard one of the survivors speaking. "Can't believe a paladin would commit such a crime..."

The last thing you remember was a man approaching you in hopes to join your gang. When you agreed to let him join you, you shook hands with him once, at his request, and everything went black.

On an outing just outside of town, you suddenly found yourself attacked by a vicious monster, the likes of which you've never seen. Defending yourself as best as you could, the creature finally beat you down, and slipping into unconsciousness, you remember a man garbed in black robes walking up next to the creature.

You remember being approached by a mysterious man, who engrossed you in conversation about a chance for adventure. Leading you out of the city so the two of you could speak in private, he suddenly turned on you and bashed you in the head with his concealed weapon. You remember nothing else after that

Last thing you remember was causing a commotion in front of city guards. They quickly beat you down, and still leaving you conscious, removed you from the city. Before you could recover and get back to your feet, a pair of poorly dressed warriors came upon you, one knocking you upside the head with the flat of his sword. After that, everything went black

To all
Your each imprisoned in the same room, different cells. From left to right, from the bottom, there is Syntax, Annika, Thea. Then on the opposite side, there is Darton, an unknown man, and Abigail. Please roll Perception checks DC 15, DC 10 if you have darkvision.

Morbis Meh
2012-01-20, 11:11 AM
Thea groaned as she came to, her head felt as if she had been out in the town with the boys but came with no recollection of any pleasant memories. She stirred, her body stiff from laying on a floor for a long period of time, she tries to move her arms but they were ties firmly behind her back. Man, have I ever gotten myself in a bind this time... literally.
Thea squinted into the darkness, her head still groggy then she decided to maneuver herself to the bars of her cell. She was flexible enough to reach into her spell pouch and find what she needed. She quietly chanted the only cantrip she knew that didn't require gestures then touched one of the bars. It flared up with light giving off a small glow that illuminated the darkness. She then looked at her surroundings and tried to wiggle out of her bindings.
I am assuming we gave our possessions excluding weapons so feel free to adjust my previous statement as needed here are my two checks perception [roll0] and here's escape artist I will roll the d20 but you can add a +2 if I have armor or a +4 if it was taken [roll1]

2012-01-20, 12:33 PM
Abigail Wisely

Not again, Abigail thought as she is awoke from her unconscious state. Before getting up Abigail does a quick assessment of her physical state. Noting nothing severe she stands -- this time to assess her surroundings. At a glance she notices a light from across the room. This peaks her interests more than the unnecessary velvet carpet. Why have a velvet carpet in a prison? Certainly not for aesthetic purposes and certainly not for prisoner comfort since its quite damp. Shaking her head before she gets more lost in thought Abigail speaks up to try to get the attention of whoever is across the way.

"Ahoy neighbor!"

Forgotten dice roll (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12565596&postcount=4243) Rolled 22 for a DC 10.

2012-01-20, 08:35 PM
Eyes closed, a dream playing behind them, the brunette turns over on her side. The bones of her arms pop with released pressure, her eyelid stirring in the produced light. As if in slow motion, her eyes flutter open and she finally comes to. Silently, Annika takes stock of herself.

Nothing broken, she finally determines, using the binds that hold her hands together to stretch her shoulders slightly. She manages to get herself to her knees, looking about now.

"Is someone there?" she calls, passing Abigail's voice for possibly a figment of her own imagination, yet... She had to try.

Perception: [roll0]

2012-01-20, 08:58 PM

"Lousy beatniks. How dare they jump a well dressed man when 'e's got no means of attack. That, and they left quite the blooming wallop on me bloody 'ead. " Hearing the others talk, he of course wanted to join the old conversation fast. Granted, he's never the gracious host, nor the perfect guest. Finding himself bound at the wrists really diminish his ability to be calm in nature. god forbid they steal his stuff. The irony, him, a well gifted urchin, stolen from. Getting a good dislike for the dull scene, Syntax uses his more darkly tuned eyes to search around the area. Still, he sighed with a hint of pissed off aggression.

Perception Check: [roll0] (I will edit this to add more fluff depending on my outcome. And yes, Syntax has the equivalent to a British urchin accent.)

Morbis Meh
2012-01-20, 09:54 PM
Thea was obviously too busy with her bindings to bother even trying to look around her surroundings but the numerous voices gave her a rough indication of how many people were around her. Whilst trying to wriggle free she manages to ask to the nearest voice "You wouldn't happen to have a knife would you? "

Not bothering to wait for a response, Thea stands up awkwardly and begins to walk around with her back to the wall hoping to find a touch edge or something. She simply hated being cooped up... it drove her utterly mad. She began to recite some very colorful phrases that would make a sailor blush and finished her tantrum by kicking the bars of her cell. With a sigh and a pout, Thea leaned against the nearest wall then said in a exasperated tone "So what are you fine folk in here for? I can't imagine this is a city watch dungeon... it doesn't reek of piss and there aren't any guards about..."

2012-01-20, 10:04 PM
The unnamed man in the middle cell sat up, and spoke out loud in response to Thea. "Bounties. All of us have a bounty on our head for various crimes. I don't know about any of you, but i didn't do what i was listed for. They said something about an attempt on Nihilus, but i've never met 'im. Thanks for the light too, sweetheart, i think you were the first person to wake up, i've been alone for what feels like hours." The light emanating from Thea's cell illuminated the room better, so there was a better view of the area. The area was nondescript, and the only noticeable landmark was a large number of papers on the wall opposite the doorway out of the makeshift cell.

You passed your escape artist check, allowing you to free yourself from your binds. I was waiting for the last person to post before posting, but since somebodies impatient....lol

Perception checks
Those who passed the perception check can hear movement above them, and very faint talking through the ceiling

2012-01-20, 10:12 PM
"Bounties? In the hells are you-" She trails off, having finally gotten to her feet. Straining to hear the voices above her, Annika stands on her tip-toes, for whatever leverage it may give her.

"Hush!" she demands, trying again to hear the voices above while working her wrists through the binds. Come on, she urges herself mentally. Come on...

Attempting an escape artist check to get out of the bindings. Escape Artist: [roll0]

2012-01-20, 10:48 PM

Able to hear just fine since the assertive woman forced the others to hush it down, He took time out to roll and twist his fingers in an attempt to get at the bound and release himself.

Escape artist check: [roll0]

2012-01-20, 10:58 PM
Abigail Wisely

Cheering up at the thought of being with companion Abigail peps up.

"Yes yes. It seems there are multiple people here with which to socialize with. And what is this mention of beatniks? That word greatly confuses me. Also if what you say is true about us having bounties for crimes we didn't do, we are well within our rights to break free wouldn't you say?"

Psyching up for a daring escape Abigail attempts to break free of her bindings. Before doing so she shall look for any sharp surfaces or improvised tools she can use to aid her in her escape. When and if her attempt to escape fails she'll take a deep breathe to spend as much time as need to escape -- barring any interruptions.

[roll0] Perception to find a helpful escape tool.

[roll1] Escape Artist check

If the initial check fails she'll try take 20 if possible. If the DC is higher than than the 21 she'll get from taking 20 she can't escape.

Morbis Meh
2012-01-20, 11:05 PM
Feeling the ropes loosen Thea manages to slip one of her hands free and thus worked the binding off of her other wrist. She rubbed her wrists to help the circulation out in her hands. Upon hearing the reply of the rather annoying man, Thea retorted tartly "I am no one's sweetheart and if you keep on with the pet names I will be forced to teach you proper manners. As for me being her, I have no illusions as to why I am here, I am one if the most wanted criminals in the city. I inly asked because I was bored." Noticing the person next to her wad also struggling with their bonds, Thea walks over and offers her assistance.
Assist other in escape artist for Annika[roll0]

2012-01-20, 11:05 PM

"Well dear, a Beatnik is a dirty dirty fighter or clobber'er. Yo' know, they bump ye on the head and then try and make off with 'cha. On a side note, this binds are a bit melodramatic." Being in less of an escape mood, more of a pride phase, he takes note of him having a bounty, fake or not, as an accomplishment. He never truly needed laws, so what's it to him? He checks around the cell out of mostly boredom, seeing if there would be any little ol thing to snag on his way out. after such a look, he tries to make grasping anything of notice better. Jumping to swing both hands from under his feet, in an attempt to get his bound in view, he grunts at the height of his jumping attempt. if all else fails, he can always attempt another escape. "Meow, Kitty. Watch it, i was talking to the rather chippy girl over there. Granted, where there is, i wouldn't rather know. And i know me manners, and interrupting a conversation, is partly rude."

Perception: [roll0]
Acrobatics Check on jump: [roll1]
Escape artist check, if allowed: [roll2]

2012-01-21, 10:03 AM
Darton, still wondering what happened starts to feel his blood boil and a familiar rage. Then he looks down at his marking and feels more in control of himself.
"Damn cowards blind sided me. They better pray I don't get out of here or it'll be the last..."

Darton stops short, trying to control his temper.


Perception DC 10: [roll0]
Escape Artist [roll1]
If Escape artist doesn't work...
Strength check maybe? [roll2]

2012-01-21, 07:33 PM
The man slid up to the bars, where those opposite him could see him. He spoke up again, smiling a little as he pulled at his own ties, unable to break them free. "Well within your rights, yes. But it should be soon. I heard them talking earlier about shipping us off to collect on our bounties." He focused his gaze on Annika softly, watching her try to listen in.

To all
All but Abigail have as of now, broken free from their bindings.

Although you were unable to break free of your bindings, your attempt to search the cell has directed you to, along with noticing the bounties listed up on the wall, a key hanging just behind one of the papers, in such a way that it wouldn't have normally been noticed

You can't make out any words, but based on the voices you hear, you can estimate that there may be as many as six people upstairs.

2012-01-21, 08:43 PM

Getting bored with the banter, he sighs with a twist of his newly freed hands. He checks around the cell with more precision than the first. He picks up the binds he was bound in, and hung them on his neck. Posing comically for a moment, he looks back at the bars, more importantly, the lock. The darkness inside the mechanism was not too troublesome, so Syntax looks at it, to determine the dimensions and depth of the lock.

Perception for the room: [roll0]
Perception check for the lock: [roll1]

Morbis Meh
2012-01-21, 09:21 PM
Thea laughed softly after being told that she was being "sold", this wasn't the first time she had gotten into a situation like this. Quickly she chanted and conjured forth a small glob of clay and walked over to the door of her cell. Using the light she had created and her hands she was able to find the key hole. Casually she jammed the clay inside of the hole making sure to fill it as best as she could. When she was satisfied she drew a deep breath, if this failed she had just guaranteed another hour in the cell but if it were to work she at least could investigate the room they were in; she didn't dream that they wouldn't have also locked the door out of the room. She repeated her spell again turning the malleable substance into a more solid form. Once complete she calmed herself and slowly but firmly turned the makeshift key around....

Well a 50/50 shot is better than nothing!

2012-01-21, 11:28 PM
Abigail Wisely

"Well Pharasma's cold embalming tools! I can't seem to break free of my bindings sadly. Would my lovely neighbors mind helping me free of my bindings if i could only stick my hands out the cell."

Abigail lays down lifting her legs up behind her head so that the soles of her feet are touching the wall behind. She stretches out her arms to try to have her bindings in front instead of behind her. While she attempts this she shall mention the list of our bounties and the key behind papers on the wall.

2012-01-22, 05:58 PM
Annika slips her hands from her binds as she strains to listen, trying to make out any words...

"Damn," she curses unceremoniously, lopping the rope to the ground and heading to the cell door. "There's at least six people upstairs," she whispers to the others. "I can't make out their words."

2012-01-23, 11:59 AM
"Someone mentioned a key? Well can anyone reach the blasted thing? It would most likely improve our situation. Alternatively we could sit here and rot."

Darton is going to try to listen to the voices of the men upstairs and see if he can hear a general tone in their voices...do they sound like miscreants? Officials?

Sense Motive

edit: doh cant edit in other checks..

2012-01-23, 12:02 PM
Wish I could edit in other rolls..

Ok Darton is going to try to force open the door in a fit of....anger.

Strength Check

[roll0] oops +4 str mod... so 18 lol

2012-01-23, 05:41 PM
You find no tools within the cell, and although you can somewhat make out the inner workings of the lock, you can best tell that it is a cheap lock, not built for the door. Through your search of the cell though, you can now also notice the key hanging on the board hanging on the wall nearby your cell and Darton's

The cell stays closed, but two bars become dislodged from the ceiling, causing the wood in the ceiling to splinter a bit. You also can't hear the voices well enough to get any indication of their meaning

Also, another DC 15 strength check can dislodge the bars from the ground. Feel free to do so if you manage to make the check

Your ploy fails, and the clay doesn't quit mold to the inner workings of the lock. As you try to turn your makeshift key, it fails to move, but luckily for you, should you try it, the clay didn't ruin the lock itself

I probably should have mentioned before where the key was and the door was. sorry. The exit to the room your imprisoned in is by the cells that Thea and Abigail are imprisoned in

Morbis Meh
2012-01-23, 06:28 PM
Cursing her luck, Thea suddenly jolts at the sound created a few cells over, almost breaking her temporary key in the lock. Noticing that she had not messed up the lock, Thea yet again turns the clay soft and jams it in farther this time. She holds a breath for an instant praying to whoever will listen, then she slowly speaks the cantrip again and turns the key a second time...

2012-01-23, 08:42 PM

Using his slender and long arms as tool in themselves, Syntax huddles to the cage, and sticks his good hand out. Using the speed and primary focus of his skill, he attempts to bring the keys into his grasp, and secure them enough, to pull them into the cell with him.

Sleight of Hand Check: [roll0]

2012-01-23, 11:00 PM
Strength check to dislodge the Bars from the bottom.

hmm I will retry if allowed... but I'll wait to see what happens before double posting.

2012-01-24, 05:09 AM
Abigail Wisely

Abigail being successful in clearing her legs (maybe?) her arms are now in front of her. Getting up she'll walk towards the cell door to stick her bindings out. Seeing that someone is trying to grab the key shall verbally guide them.

"Neighbor, the one reaching out, you are rather close to grabbing the key. Just a little more -- just don't drop it. If you do those nasty beatniks described by our other neighbor might come around to knock some heads."

2012-01-24, 05:45 PM
You hit the bars again with a force of strength, but the bars barely even budge.

Your attempt to lasso the key failed, but the rope missing gives you a more accurate distance from yourself to the key, allowing you to judge better for your next attempt. Between that and Abigail's coaching, you can take a +2 circumstance bonus to your next attempt.

For her second attempt at making a key through prestidigitation. [roll0]
This time around, the clay molds perfectly to the lock, and upon turning it, the cell opens up. To add to your success, the makeshift key can also be removed from the lock intact

2012-01-24, 06:26 PM

Sighing, Syantax takes the encouragement rather nicely. "Thanks, and, for the record. That was me that was a talking 'bout the boyos." He reached out further and more accurately this time, hoping to get at the keys. He hated being out done in attempts for what he was good at.

Sleight of Hand Check: [roll0] (+4 rank, +2 encouragement bonus. )

Morbis Meh
2012-01-24, 06:33 PM
Thea breathed a heavy sigh of relief and gave a small blessing to the heavens as sure heard the lock turn. Not wasting anytime, Thea quickly chanted a spell and turned her makeshift key into a mobile source of light. She then departed over to the area where she heard someone talk about a key and as she approached she noticed a man with flaming red hair desperately try to grasp at something behind a poster. She casually walked up to the poster and reached behind it thus grabbing the key along with the posters. Smirking Thea looked at the man and said "I believe you were reaching for this sir." She hands the key over to him and adds "I don't think we have a lot of time to get out of here... I am pretty certain that whoever is holding us heard that loud banging. By the way... do you know where we currently are or who captured as by any chance?"

Not waiting for a reply, Thea quickly turned to the cell across from the next one and said to the lady "I don't know if you would rather wait for him to get out and let you out or if you would instead prefer to use this." She holds up the key "It's what I used to get out but I can't vouch on it's reliability... it is only a temporary fix." While waiting for the woman's reply, Thea looked at the posters.

2012-01-24, 08:30 PM

Sighing, promptly disappointed in himself and his lack of dexterity in the situation, he discouragingly used the key, stepping out with a haste of pure anger."No, Lady. I really don't bloody know. Last i remember, was being blindsided. And alto' I appreciate the gesture, I could'a managed all me own." Stepping with a new silence, he goes to the cage with the broken like door."Would ye' like me to leave ya' 'lone while ya try and jimmy the whole door, Mate? Or....... I could just try and manage the door open with tis here key?"

2012-01-24, 10:29 PM
Darton sizes the man before him up...then swallows his pride and says:
"I guess the key works... I'd hate to ruin a perfectly good cell. Might need it when we are done. I want to know what the hell is going on! They better have a pretty damn good reason for locking me up!"
Darton calms himself by placing his palm on his chest and closing his eyes for a moment.

Morbis Meh
2012-01-25, 01:28 AM
Thea chuckles and replies to the fellow with the odd accent "I am sure you would have but time is of the essence, but if you really wanted to get it yourself, I could have let everyone out except you and put the key back. Wait, there's still time to do that if it bothers you so." She looks back to the man and gives a slight wink.

2012-01-25, 05:22 AM
Abigail Wisely

"Why thank you"

Abigail takes the key from Thea using they key to unlock her cell door. Walking out she hands the key back to Thea. Taking a look around at the ones freed Abigail offers up a small query. She lifts up her bound hounds.

"Would someone give me a hand with my bindings? I'd be grateful for this one kindness."

Turning towards the people still in the cells Abigail reassures them with a soft smile.

"Don't worry neighbors we shall be freeing you soon. Oh by the way if any one was wondering my names Abigail. But you can call me Gail or Abby. See my names right over there on the list."

2012-01-25, 07:06 AM
"Pass the key over here and I can help you out of the bindings," Annika asks from behind her bars, her hands free. "Whomever is upstairs may come down at any time, and it does sound like we're outnumbered."

2012-01-25, 07:39 AM
The man still in his own bindings cursed under his own breath. I'll be damned, i didn't think anyone could have escaped this. Maybe you'll take me with ya too?" He smiled a bit, watching the escapees. "I know where our stuff was locked up, and i'm a fair hand wit a sword myself." He turned to Thea finally, still struggling with his bindings. "Also, we're near the border between the Reynald kingdom and the Gestorn kingdom. We're captives of a group of bounty hunters, led by one Hajime Katsumi. Vicious one he is. Scared me half to death when he charged at me, i just gave in and let 'im capture me"

Should you attempt to check the list of bounties, here they are, for all six people in the prison.
Thea Umbridge 10,000 GP. Known as the Scarlet Temper, she is wanted for the theft of over 20,000 GP from various nobles and other high ranking officials.
Darton Green 10,000 GP. Wanted for involvement in the assassination of King Leround Gestorn. Very dangerous. Approach with caution.
Abigail Wisely 5,000 GP. Wanted for an assumed attack on the personal guard of Lord Reginald of the kingdom of Reynald.
Dendu Vigorn 10,000 GP. Wanted for the attempted assassination of Nihilus Daerlius. Approach with caution. Very crafty
Syntax 5,000 GP. Wanted for crimes against the state. Fast on his feet and a smooth talker. Do not fall for his words.
Annika Hoyt 5,000 GP. Wanted for the attempted break in of the Shrine of Angara.

If you can so manage it, DC 15 knowledge Nobility check, DC 10 if you lived in Vesperia before you got captured, to recognize the name of Nihilus Daerlius. If successful, you recognize him as the court wizard for the queen of Vesperia.
If you can so manage it, DC 10 knowledge Nobility check to recognize Leround gestorn as the most recent king of the kingdom of Gestorn, believed to have been assassinated by one of his own sons.
If you can so manage it, DC 15 knowledge Religion check to recognize the Shrine of Angara, a neutral point between the three kingdoms, that all three share the duty of protecting. It is believed to be the very center of the continent of Angara

Morbis Meh
2012-01-25, 09:37 AM
Thea scoffed at her bounty, only 10 thousand! She and the boys were getting lax in their work, she would are to it that it was tripled within a week. She looks at the other woman and answers her request by examining her binds and says. "Pleases to meetyou you Abby, call me Thea, now hold still while I work on this. Thea listens to the explaination provided and replies " Why in the hells was I taken this far out of the city? Those dolts won't even get a copper piece for me this far out... amateurs. "

escape artist roll [roll0]
Knowledge nobility for Vesperia [roll1]

The deftly removes the binds from Abby but the name Nihilous or Nilus or whatever was utterly lost upon her. Thea smiles at the lady and says "There you go dear, that should be much better, I shall letremedy this gentlemen out while you get some circulation back into your hands." Thea takes back her key and quickly unlocks the cell holding the who seemed to know alot... almost to much.

2012-01-25, 01:31 PM
Darton looks over the bounty list.. He seethes with anger knowing he had been apprehended under false pretenses...
"What in the... I am not guilty of this crime! There must be some sort of misunderstanding! DO I look like an assassin? Have these people lost their minds!? Are any of you guilty?
Darton says to his cellmates.

Knowledge Religion check

2012-01-25, 07:30 PM
Abigail Wisely

Abigail shakes her arms a tad to get the blood flowing. She notes that one of her neighbors still needs a hand in escaping. Seeing Thea busy talking with a man in another cell Abby asks Syntax for key assistance.

"Hey I believe you are the one to mention beatniks? Unruly folks they are. Would you kindly use that key you have to unlock that cell."

Abigail points towards Annika's cell. After a short pause Abigail turns back toward Syntax she inquires about his anger as he hopefully assists Annika.

"You feeling better? You seemed angry upon exiting your cell. First time I've seen someone angry at finding freedom."

[roll0] Knowledge Religion

2012-01-27, 02:26 AM
"I say we figure out what the heck is going on! I am certain something unsettling is going on.."

2012-01-27, 03:54 PM

Finishing up with Darton, he smoothly walks over to the last person in a cell. The woman that offered to get Abigail out of bindings. Opening her cell if need be, his flaming hair and amber eyes stand out in much of the darkness.He then speaks to Abby, "Yes'm, I'm merely Aye Okay. Just a shot to the ol' heart about needing to be assisted out of a jam. Guess the cold clock did a number on me ol' conscious, Aye?" He extends a bow to the mismatched woman, and then stood back up, pearl white teeth gleaming in what little light there was. Going over to the old man, he stared dangerously at celled victim. But, let him out none the less. After all was done, he assumed the key back on the hook, and stood behind the new mass of people. He also read his bounty. His skin was always a burning scent and sight, so it wasn't as though he blushed at his bounty. He was rather proud of it, being the scallywag he is. His new necklace looked great on him, much like a rope scarf. He kept it as a toy to play with.

First Knowledge nobility check: [roll0] (DC ten, from Visperia.)
Second Nobility Check:[roll1]
Knowledge Religion Check:[roll2]

2012-01-27, 09:03 PM
"Finally," she complains under her breath, rubbing her aching shoulders as they protest. "Shall we find a way out of here, perhaps? I do not fancy staying here especially if our captors may be simply upstairs."

2012-01-27, 09:19 PM
The man stepped out of his cell quietly, his bindings falling to the ground as he walked out, having finally undone them, and he made his way to the door quickly. "I don't think anyone's out. But there's no way we're getting out of here without a fight." He pushed the door open quietly, and slid out of the room, leaving the door cracked behind him, and opening another door quietly.

Those of you who follow him will leave the room to find a dark hallway with six doors, three on each side of the hallway. On your right side, the doors are closed, except for the last, which is open, and light could be seen from it. On the left side, the closest door is open, with no light to be seen from it, but the other two are closed. A perception DC 10 check will allow you to hear someone snoring in the dark room.

2012-01-27, 10:43 PM

Syntax pockets the keys smoothly, in case of emergency. He stumbles swiftly behind the old fellow, but calmly slows down in the darker hallway. He takes a look and hears around for the right way. Although the man is fast in his motion, Syntax doesn't trust his knowledge of the place. Coming across the sound of a snoring man, he took a halt near the room from which the sounds emanate. Once stopped, he looks inside, seeing pitch darkness, and yet adjusting his eyesight to it.

Perception check for the dark area: [roll0]

Morbis Meh
2012-01-28, 12:14 AM
Thea was suspicious of the man but they weren't in the best of situations so she ignored her instincts and moved forward behind the odd man with the red hair. She casually moves through the hall glancing around with her mini glob of light.

Perception Check I imagine the DC will be lower since I have a light source [roll0] DC15 sorry I hit preview so my roll was basically negated...

2012-01-28, 06:41 PM
Abigail Wisely

Abigail sighs happily as the last prisoner exits their cell. Looking over the group she feels that with this ragtag group they'll be able to handle whatever might come their way. Lost in thought Abigail notices the group heading off with rather knowledgeable man and follows suit not wanting to get left behind. Trailing a bit behind she instinctively checks for equipment and finds none.

"Perhaps we should look for our equipment? If we do get into a fight we'll need it. I feel quite naked with my armor. Not to mention I paid a an arm and a leg for it."

She shall also perceive the area and cast detect magic as a precaution.

[roll0] Perception

2012-01-30, 06:36 PM
A loud click could be heard. The man from before stepped out of the lit room, carrying a short sword and wearing some leather. He gestured towards the room he was in, and stepped back, waiting for the others to follow suit. He puts his finger to his lips to suggest silence.

Within the room, to any of you who chooses to go in. Is a chest containing all the gear each of the five of you had before you were captured.

Morbis Meh
2012-01-30, 07:29 PM
Thea quickly moves by the newly armed man and deftly slips on her armour. She grabs her backpack along with her rapier and leaves the room so others may get at the chest.

2012-01-30, 09:30 PM
Darton will enter the room and gather his things.
Stealth if needed. [roll0]

Darton smiles a big toothy grin having found his gear.
"Now things are looking up!"

2012-01-31, 10:54 AM
Annika follows the lot, smiling upon finding their gear. She dresses herself and takes up her bow, pulling the string taut to be sure it's strung correctly. "Definitely looking better," she agree with Darton.

2012-01-31, 01:51 PM
Abigail Wisely

Following suit with everyone else Abigail gladly goes into the room with all her equipment. Finding her gear she lovingly equips her armor making sure not to rush. When her armor on she handles her backpack onto her back, her pouch belt around her waist, her sheathed rapier on her waist's left side and her buckler to her left arm. Patting her rapier she says.

"Cayden be praised. I thought I'd lost you dear."

Turning to the stranger in the lead.

"Where to next? You do seem to know where you are going."

2012-01-31, 04:49 PM

Being the last to gather his things, he went back ,after donning all gear, to the room with the man in slumber. Pointing the rest of the party to the man, he claims an idea. " Psst. It seems a man be sleepin' over hure. Shouldn't we question the lad?" Syntax pounds his light mace into the ball of his left hand, the right bearing the handle of the nice, clean weapon.

Morbis Meh
2012-01-31, 08:26 PM
Thea hears the mans suggestion and stares dumbfounded. They didn't have time to interrogate anyone, not to mention the last thing they needed was to advertise to everyone upstairs that they were out of their cells... Looking at the man she whispered hurriedly "Unless you happen to have an inter dimensional space in your pocket, I suggest we just get out of here. Our priority should be getting out of here and quickly not waking up some idiot sleeping at his post only to warn all of his pals! If you're keen on staying to interrogate be my guest, as for me I am getting out of this place." She walks over to the man who knew where their weapons were and calmly said "Which way is out and how many thugs will we expect to encounter? If you lie to me and this is all some farce or set up I swear to you that in some way or another I will end you!"

Intimidate check I guess... I am more of intending the last comment to be a matter of fact statement rather than a threat [roll0]

2012-01-31, 08:38 PM
The man backed up a bit, and pushed at the end of the hallway, a door opening up in the wall revealing a staircase. "I don't know how many of them there are. I'm as in the dark as you are on that. The only reason i know as much as i do, is that i surrendered the moment I recognized Hajime. They didn't bother knocking me out because i didn't fight back or struggle. Trust me or not, i don't care. I just know that i'm not escaping alone, and i know that none of you can either." He started up the stairs, and turned back. "I'll lead the way. Worst comes to worst i will be the first to die. Maybe you'll trust me then." He finished his way up the stairs, stopping just short of the door, and waited for the others, holding his ear to the door.

Your intimidation does seem to have succeeded, you can't sense any treachery in his statements

To all
If you are to go through the door, and allow him to lead, Dendu will lead you into a dimly lit room, mostly barren. It appears to have once been a fancy kitchen, but seems to have long since been abandoned. Perception checks DC 20, if you so choose.

2012-01-31, 09:21 PM

"For the record, mate, the entire thing, no offense old guy, seems a bit too coincidental. I would rather spend time taking it from an employee, who i have bounds to capture, there is probably a pillow to silence, and enough armament here, to subdue. If they haven't heard you threaten yet, i doubt they'd be able to hear us secure a few new things. Worst comes to worst, i believe we have a meat shield." Smiling like a suave criminal, which he is, Syntax takes advantage of her suspicion of the old man. The same statement goes to the rest, but, and this is just inner thought, he assumes Thea would be the hardest to sway. He looks over to the older man, and looks at him with the same diplomatic face. "I do agree with her though. If there is ever a time to admit some truth, now is the best time.." Smiling with a calm and nice suffrage.

Diplomacy check on the old man: [roll0]

2012-02-02, 01:39 AM
Abigail Wisely

While Syntax and Thea are chatting with the suspicious man Abigail will check on the room with the snoring man. She will try to note any signs that label these rooms. Then she shall check if the door is open. If it isn't open she'll speak up. If it is open she'll speak up after she opens the door.

"Look here guys, there is a man taking a nap in this room. I deduce that the man is either a prisoner along with us or an employee of the building. Either way we can benefit by adding to our numbers or we might be able to find out more information about this place."

2012-02-03, 10:38 AM
As of right now. Moonlight has requested to drop out due to personal reasons. The game will continue so long as the remaining players are still in it. But all mentions of Annika Hoyt are as of now being removed from the game world. Perhaps her character will show up as an NPC in the future, should the game last that long.

Syntax's words seem to have no effect on the mysterious man, and he waits patiently for the party's decision. Afraid to leave without them.
The door was open enough to see into it originally, and the mans figure is noticable should you actually look in. No perception check needed now that you know your looking for him. The rest of that room is pretty bare. Aside from a small suit of leather armor laying on the table next to the bed, and a short sword laying against the wall next to that

2012-02-03, 12:28 PM
Darton begins pacing back and forth, clearly uneased... He then suddenly stops and exclaims:
"I am ready to make these captors of ours talk! Something is going on, and I do not like it one bit!"

2012-02-03, 11:44 PM

Pricking his hand through the air with swiftness and ease, he clogged Darton's yelling tone before too much noise was made. "Listen.. If ye want to go around picking a frackin' fight with E'eryone, then do it alone. But for right now, try to keep this loud mouth of yours shut. can ya do that, Mate?" Fed up with what the party lacks in true intention, the young rogue approaches the room, enters with little to no sound. Using this moment of epic confusion, he raises his light mace, and aims precisely down onto his foe. Waiting, he pulls up once more, and slams the weapon down at a very nice, and brutal, rate.

Standard Action: Coup de Grace on helpless foe.
Damage: 1d6]
Sneak attack damage: [roll]1d6[roll]
Move Action: Move quietly to foe. Stealth check: [roll0]
Swift Action: Draw light mace up.
Free Action: Look like a Sexy Beast.


Burning Hands:1/1

2012-02-03, 11:46 PM
Damage (fixed) : [roll0]
Sneak Attack Damage (fixed) : [roll1]

2012-02-03, 11:47 PM
Crit Damage, Because my an idiotic as*hole : [roll0]

2012-02-03, 11:53 PM
Syntax's mace slams down hard into the mans head. At first it looks like he didn't do any real damage, until blood starts leaking from the side of his head. The attack had managed to crack a part of his skull, and while not collapsing it in itself, the unconscious man didn't stand a chance.

DC 14 fort save. [roll0]

Each player is awarded 35 xp.
A search of the mans body will not find anything. There is a short sword and a set of leather armor available in the room for any who choose to take it.

2012-02-04, 12:24 AM

Syntax grabs his rightful heirs, and places them solely in his bag. Though he had little to do with them, they would give him at least some coin. Walking back out, dusting the blood from his body, he looks less charlatan, and more skilled in combat. He takes place next to the man, no speech, only the fire in his eyes, that looks like his dancing hair. "Are ye'll ready, or shall i wait on your panties to become un-knotted?" He prepares the same as for his first kill, by getting lower, holding his mace up with pride, and being sharp on the balls of his feet.

Morbis Meh
2012-02-04, 01:20 AM
Thea watches in disgust as the red haired man, her eyes turn cold and full of hate and malice towards this beast. While he's strutting around like an arrogant twit, she draws her rapier and points it under his throat and says vehemently "You are an abomination, how dare you take the life of someone in cold blood you low life scum? He was of no threat to us but you killed him while he slept and here you are lording around like you're some hero! You fiend, are pathetic, I should have let you rot in that cell. Now give me one good reason why I shouldn't end your wretched life here and now? Hmm, what's that, not so full of hot air now are we? You are just a sad creature that preys on the helpless because you are useless otherwise, I call that cowardice. Your are a joke and a disgrace to your kind!"

Btw readied action of spell combat (so basically me attacking with my rapier and casting colour spray at the same time) in case he decides to retaliate, this is not a PVP attempt, this is only roll playing because my character is absolutely against murder. I expect us to talk it out and hopefully overcome it not fight or squabble.

2012-02-04, 10:43 AM

Stepping up, skin pushed in by the tip of her blade, Syntax looks cold to her actions. His eyes regain their once glory of charismatic joy, and so does his hair, which almost grows and waves like joyful fire. As soon as he steps in, he drops his mace. Blood splatters like a crepe that's busted from the top, outward. He takes it further, dropping his leather armour, both. Takes the short sword out, but then surprises everyone, pulling out a rapier, and stabbing it directly into a crack in the ground. "You know, right now, I'm the same as that man. So, Are, You. Everyone here,is out to be a criminal in the eyes of the workers h're. You want to kill me, go ahead. But the blood is on your hands. No one else's. You could always keep an Eye on meh, and just hope i don't kill again. But let's face it. I will. So will other people here. The world is full of murder, yet it's still full of good. Want'a know the Kicker? Even heros, kill. It's what the world runs off of. So, while i'm here, no armour, no weapon, take me out. Bring down Da' Wrath of gods on meh then. But that would involve killing. Do you have the Gall to kill me? Or can we get past the fact that progress requires killing? " Kicking his feet, he lifts, and pushes the extra armour and short sword at the old man, who he did not see had already taken his stuff. Tipping his finger across the sword still on him, he tipped it off his skin, and replaced all of his gear. Winking with a calm mind, he walks back to his rightful spot, still wainting on the group.

Morbis Meh
2012-02-04, 11:47 AM
Thea winds up and kicks the man directly in his crotch then spits on him "There is a difference between killing and murder, obviously you are too stupid to know the difference. You're not worth killing because you're obviously too much of a coward to actually try to fight someone who is more of a threat than a sleeping man." She turns away in disgust grabbing the unknown man "I want out of here and soon will not be quick enough to be rid of this beast.

Thanks Savior!

2012-02-04, 01:21 PM
Darton, seeing what happened before him, almost amazed that he would do such a thing, grasps his chest, looks up and shakes his head in disgust.

You shall not do that again, I am just as angry being here as anyone, but I will not allow you to kill in cold blood. Killing on the field of battle with no other options, and while a man is sleeping are two different things.

I do not know why we are here, but these men might not have anything to do with us being falsely accused as criminals. Though from what I just saw they may have you pegged just right.

Also, if you ever put your hand on my mouth again, I'll remove it unpleasantly. Right now your handsare murderous in my eyes, and I have little regard for them.

2012-02-04, 10:02 PM

Recovering from the groin shot, he stands up, and looks Darton in the eye. " Then mind that fracking tongue of yours, and the volume at which you speak it." He stands up once more, and faces the door. "Let us be off then, please?"

Yeah yeah, i'm a fluffy Teddy Bear.

2012-02-04, 10:08 PM
Dendu slid down the stairs, a panicked look on his face. "Keep your voices down. Somebodies coming around. I don't know if they are coming here, but i'm pretty sure they can hear us." He already had out his short sword, and looked between the people he had thrown his lot in with.

Perception check DC 15 to hear footsteps. +2 bonus if you move up to the door before you do.

Morbis Meh
2012-02-04, 10:54 PM
Thea readies her rapier and moved towards the door keeping low and moving as quietly as she possibly can. As she approaches the door she reaches out to open it but hesitates, she slows her breathing and focuses on the other side hoping to gleam some information before she went through.

Stealth roll [roll]1d20+3
Perception roll [roll0]

Morbis Meh
2012-02-04, 10:55 PM
whoops here is stealth [roll0]

2012-02-05, 01:00 PM
Abigail Wisely

"Well then."

After the dramatics are done Abigail quietly says a small prayer for the man. Though appalled at the action, she doesn't know for sure whether or not that action is just or unjust so decides to stay neutral towards the action. For all she knew that could of been one of our captors or even a real criminal. She joins the parties rear end with weapon at the ready. She isn't as cheery as she was before due to the events that happened. No matter the situation she loses a bit of her pep when someone dies -- she has more of a serious face on.

"I am ready. Let's get out of here."

She waits for the rest of the parties lead and shall follow them wherever they go.

2012-02-05, 01:17 PM
@Syntax "Very well, Let's just figure this out. No more smashing in heads unless warranted though.. I apologize for my overactive anger. I sometimes let it get the best of me."

Hearing Dendu's words, Darton will draw his weapon, just in case. Hoping he won't need it....

Darton says quietly, "Please try not to kill anyone, we don't know what is going on and I will not abide another wrongful death if it can be helped."



2012-02-05, 05:33 PM

"I make no promises." Syntax walks up to the door, and then uses a silent prey to the opposite of the door. He spins his mace with finesse, just getting his wrist loose.

Perception Check: [roll0]( Sorry, +2 for moving to the door. So 15)
Stealth Check: [roll1]

2012-02-06, 08:22 PM
You hear footsteps walking towards the door. They stop for a second, now that the room has quieted down, and then back away. There is conversation that can't be made out. Finally you hear the footsteps leave the adjoining room, and you hear no more

2012-02-07, 06:34 PM

"Seems that they left. I can't hear anymore footsteps, so i assume it is Aye Okay for us to go. If you all would mind getting untwisted up about the death, can we go?" Syntax looks everyone over, and then looks forward to the door.

2012-02-08, 05:11 PM
Hopefully my players haven't ditched on me. Anyways....

Should you enter the room now, you will find there is nobody in there. It is, as before explained, a dimly lit, barren room, that appears to have once been a fancy kitchen. Dendu will follow behind the first person to go in.

Morbis Meh
2012-02-09, 09:15 AM
Thea scoffs at the murderer's request "Unlike abominations like you, most put value on human life, quick frankly you disgust me for even for suggesting such a thing. I hope your soul is torn to shreds when it is in hell."
Thea opens the door and walks off in a huff.

2012-02-09, 06:51 PM

Shaking his head in a firm disposition to Thea's remarks, he kept silent, and walked behind the man, who followed her.

2012-02-11, 12:38 AM
Abigail Wisely

Following suit behind everyone Abigail remarks on the comments.

"Your actions are your own Syntax as are Thea's so let's just leave it at that. Forgive and forget is what I say I always say. Let's just focus on getting out of this forsaken prison."

Abigail searches for a bite to eat while walking through the kitchen.

[roll0] Perception

2012-02-11, 11:36 PM
There are two doors out from this room, aside from the one you entered in. The one to your right, is closed tight, and noise can be heard from the other side. The other door is partially open, and a slight bit of light shines through. The room itself is mostly bare, its long since been cleaned out. A close examination of the walls, shows that the room is incredibly old, much older than the prison cells you escaped from recently. Dendu looks nervously between the two doors, and steps back, waiting for someone else to take the lead.

2012-02-12, 09:41 PM
"Do we question our captors or sneak out? I for one want answers.

2012-02-13, 07:14 PM

"I Agree with boyo over there. Answers do sound pretty great right 'bout now." Syntax twists his mace around nicely, smilnig in the left corner of his face.

2012-02-14, 08:03 AM
Abigail Wisely

Abigail steps closer to Dendu.

"Well my friend, it seems we are going to ask some questions before leaving."

She looks over at Syntax and smirks.

"Though some might ask questions a bit later than everyone else."

Turning to the group.

"I'd like to investigate the lit room before we ask any questions in the other. Any one want to come with me? I'm going whatever the answer is."

Abigail heads to the light to investigate with weapon at the ready.

Morbis Meh
2012-02-14, 09:42 AM
Thea looks at the other woman and nods "I will go with you, we shouldn't go off alone."

She follows behind Abigail, rapier in hand with an incantation dancing upon her lips ready to be uttered with only a breath.

2012-02-14, 11:39 AM
As you walk into the door, you see three thugs. One of them jumps up as you step in, his longbow ready, while the other two are surprised to see the party coming through the door, and upon recognizing you, will draw out their short swords too.

You have entered a surprise round. The thugs are hostile, and will be numbered as bandits in spoilers. The party may act in any order, and the only bandit not surprised is the one with the bow, named Bandit 3. Bandits 1 and 2 do not have their weapons drawn, and bandit 3 used his action to draw his own.

Intiative rolls.
--------------------------------[ ]
1[ ][ ][ ][ ][c][ ][ ][ ]----[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
2[t][3][ ][1][ ][ ][ ][ ]--- [ ][ ][s][ ][ ][v][ ][ ]
3[t][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][a] [t][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
4[t][ ][ ][ ][ ][2][ ][ ]----[ ][ ][ ][d][ ][ ][ ][ ]
5[ ][ ][ ][c][ ][ ][ ][ ]----[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
--------------------------------[ ]
--------------------------------[ ]
--------------------------------[ ]
A stands for Abigail, T for Thea, S for Syntax, D for Darton, V for Dendu. C is a chair, and The line of t's in the back is a table. Forgive my crappy mapmaking skills, but i'm trying. Please use the letters and numbers to denote where you move so we have a visual of where you are. The ? show the room you didn't go towards, with the closed door.

Morbis Meh
2012-02-14, 01:25 PM
Thea rushes forward and goes for the unarmed thugs. She stands directly in front of the closest thugs and quickly chants a spell. Losing herself in an arcane transept she unleashes a blast of colour at her opponents hoping to disable them without killing them.

Colour spray, will save for thugs 1 and 3 DC 13 to avoid being knocked unconscious, stunned and blinded.

2012-02-14, 01:28 PM
Both bandits immediately fall to the ground, unconscious for an undetermined amount of time, they lay there motionlessly.

Bandit 1 will save [roll0]
Bandit 3 will save [roll1]
Gah, color spray. Curse it's power.
The other PC's are free to take action. The remaining conscious bandit is still surprised

2012-02-14, 03:58 PM
Abigail Wisely

Abigail shall chant out some magic words while nimbly working in some hand gestures.

"Cold steel remember how you came to be. Tempered heat."

Then she will step adjacent to Thea.

Abigail shall cast Burning Disarm on Thug 2. DC 14 Reflex negates. Upon failing - 1d4 fire damage and the weapon gets dropped.

2012-02-14, 04:07 PM
The bandit is unaffected. He had not drawn his weapon yet, still surprised at the influx of prisoners charging into the room.

The bandit had not drawn his weapon, it was still sheathed, thus the weapon is not yet held. I'll allow you to recall your spell, since it appears it was my fault that you didn't realize he hadn't drawn it yet. If you'd like, you can replace it with a different spell, or end your turn as is anyways.

2012-02-14, 04:34 PM
Apologies I misread. I'll just hold the action until he does draw his sword. So a readied Standard Action to cast Burning Disarm whenever the bandit draws his sword.

2012-02-14, 08:17 PM

Syntax rushes swiftly to the last conscious foe. He Already had his mace ready, swinging with a sneaky blow to his surprised foe. Hoping to hit cleanly, he wishes not to upset the party again, at least in this early a meet.

Move Action: Rush from original spot to G4 (20ft).
Standard Action: Attack as well as sneak attack surprised foe.
-Attack: [roll0]
-Damage: [roll1]
-Sneak Attack Damage: [roll2]
Swift Action: None.
Free Action: None.


Burning Hands: 1/1

2012-02-14, 08:23 PM
The remaining conscious bandit takes a powerful hit to his gut, the blows strike causing him to cough once, and then fall to the ground unconscious. A small puddle of blood starts leaking from the wound, but a pulse can be found.

The PC's are free to move around for the following minute. after that, Color Spray may or may not have worn off. Do with the men what you will. Please, don't piss each other off.

2012-02-14, 09:20 PM

" I know we all are not on exactly great terms, but i have a ploy." Syntax raises his bounds to which he kept, smirking like an evil genius. "Why not exact some sweet karma on the thugs who took us?"

Morbis Meh
2012-02-14, 10:06 PM
Thea already had the same idea "We will need to bind and gag them quickly before locking them and we must do so quickly before the spell wears off! Does anyone have rope?"

As she speaks, Thea cuts off pieces of her sleeves with her rapier and shoves them quickly into the mouths of the unconscious men.

2012-02-14, 10:49 PM

Removing his newly fashioned necktie, Syntax shows off the binds that he had escaped from, which he kept intact. "Will this make do?"

Morbis Meh
2012-02-14, 10:59 PM
Thea nods "It'll have to do, quickly tie him. "
She cuts off her other sleeve, forming it into a long strip that she quickly used as a makeshift binding. When finished she looked to the others Would any of you CR so kind ti help be with this one? "

2012-02-15, 04:39 AM
Abigail Wisely

"Aye I'll help you out however I can."

Abigail helps Thea and Syntax bind the thugs. She will also try to procure any weapons these guys may have. She figures that the weapons would do well to be away from their hands.

2012-02-15, 12:18 PM
A search of the three comes out with two short swords, one longbow, 20 arrows, and 50 gp. They have no other gear of note, except the leather armor they wear. While your doing this, Dendu walks over to the table, moving a few papers from one side to another, as though looking for something.

Just as an FYI, the foe Syntax attacked is still dying. Bleeding out from his wound. Boy hit just a little too hard, i guess.

2012-02-15, 05:25 PM
Abigail Wisely

Abigail shall set the items taken on a table making sure not to cover up the papers Dendu is shuffling through.

"What are ya looking through find anythin..."

Abigail notices the dying foe and decides to at least stablize him.

"Pardon me. Ill be back in about six seconds.'

Abigail tries some physical stabilizations. She talks to the group while doing so.

"Don't think less of me for doing this. If they are a continued problem feel free to finish the job."

[roll0] DC 15 to stablize.

Sadly I don't have ranks in heal. :smallredface:

2012-02-16, 05:34 PM

Syntax approaches a knocked out bandit, and ties the bounds around the wrists of the foe. He laughs at the enjoyment of karma, but gets the job done professionally. He pulled the unconscious foe over to one of the tables, wedging the leg in between the ties, and then knotting it further, to make it harder for the bandit to escape. "'Ere we go. Hope the little bugger don' find a way outta dis one, 'hen."

2012-02-17, 09:54 PM
The dying foe continues to bleed, while the two tied up ones begin to regain consciousness.

Morbis Meh
2012-02-20, 02:08 PM
Thea looks over to the man that Abigail treated, she was no surgeon and definitely no cleric... but she couldn't just leave a man to die and it looked like he wasn't getting any better. Sighing she tried her best to staunch the wound and bind it so it would heal over. After cleaning the wound with some water, Thea made a compact out of her tattered shirt then ripping yet another strip, this time from around her waist, and bound the makeshift bandage tightly.

heal check [roll0]

2012-02-20, 06:59 PM
Abigail Wisely

Abigail stifled an amazed look when Thea helped with the bleeding man.

"You are quite deft with your hands Thea! Maybe you should join a clerical order equipped with your overflowing compassion."

2012-02-20, 07:27 PM
The man stabilizes, his wounds bleed a little more, but he is in no danger of dying anymore. The tied up men start struggling against their bindings, but to no avail.

2012-02-24, 12:15 AM

"What'll we do with the little buggers? I say a good whooping outta help set 'em straight." Syntax clubs his weapon into his hand, smiling with a nice smirk to scare the bandits ****less.

Morbis Meh
2012-02-24, 12:52 AM
Thea rolls her eyes "Why waste the time? They're restrained lets get out of here before the others come." She begins to quickly rummage through the tied up men's pockets before heading out the door.

2012-02-24, 11:23 AM
Abigail Wisely

"If it would ease your heart you could knock them unconscious before we head out. We still have to escape the prison after all. I'll be out here with Thea be sure to meet with us once you've done your business."

Abigail gives Syntax a quick smile and a small thumbs up before heading towards Thea. She'll grab the short bow, arrows and 50 gp she set out previously before leaving the room. The two short swords shall be left for Syntax or Thea if they decide to grab them.

2012-02-25, 12:09 AM
Dendu Vigorn followed after Abigail and Thea, a piece of paper clutched in his hand, and his own personal short sword in the other. "According to this, there's supposed to be another 3 here that aren't accounted for. If i'm not much mistaken, they'll likely be behind the closed door over there." He points to the closed door that they had originally chosen not to go through.

2012-02-25, 11:31 PM

Syntax only has to nod before he has to be told twice. He takes a nice swing at the first one to look as though he were coming to.

Attack roll, picking the stomach as my call shot, as to not kill, only knock the gas out of.

Called shot, easy, on chest. -Attack: [roll0] -Damage: [roll1]

2012-02-26, 07:51 PM
Abigail Wisely

Abigail nods at Dendu's findings.

"Your reasoning sounds sound friend. Shall we then? I suppose I'll lead the way for now."

Abigail will try to sneak closer to the door. Trying hard not to make any noise she tries to hear what is going on on the other side of the door.

[roll0] Stealth
[roll1] Perception

2012-02-26, 09:57 PM
You can hear two people on the other side of the door, along with an occasional thunk. One is moving, and the other is talking about what he would do with his share of the bounty money. Neither of them seem to have heard anything from the party thus far.

Morbis Meh
2012-02-27, 12:02 AM
Thea notices Abigail going towards the door and smiles... she has an idea that would make this much easier on everyone. She silently moves towards Abigail then whispers in her ear "We should set up an ambush... you, the half orc and the murder flank the doors and I will call them out and grease them. With a little luck they will be on the ground and we can neutralize them quickly with as little injury to us as possible..."

Stealth roll [roll0]

2012-02-27, 06:26 PM
Abigail Wisely

Abigail nods at Thea's great idea. She whispers back to Thea about her perceptive findings.

"I hear only two in there meaning the third one is M.I.A. Not much we can do about it but its good to keep that in mind as to not be surprised."

Abigail positions herself so that she'll be in flanking position if the thugs come through the door. Whenever Syntax shows up she shall wave him over and divulge to him the plan.

2012-02-27, 09:04 PM

After knocking out the two bound fellows, Syntax comes to Thea and Abigail, wanting in on the fun. "So, Lassies. What're we standin' 'round fo'?"

Morbis Meh
2012-02-28, 10:37 PM
Thea doesn't answer with words, she merely points to Abigail on one side of the door then motions for Syntax to move to the others. She then moves ahead of the others positioning herself as far away from the doorway as possible but still facing it. Thea then takes off her armour, a gambit to be sure, but one necessary for her idea. Tearing at her already tattered shirt, she makes it so her womanly charms are much more visible.

Watching for the red head to move in to position and give her a sign showing that he's ready, Thea loudly whistles and says in her most seductive voice (which may or may not sound attracting) "Oh boys... I've been a naughty girl and I need to be punished. Won't you come on out her and keep me company, I am ever so lonely!" She hides her rapier behind her and poses, showing off as much as her non existent cleavage as possible.

2012-02-28, 10:49 PM
Behind her, Dendu stifles a laugh, and watches, stepping back so as to not get in her way.

Meanwhile, The bandits turn towards her, and the closest one charges towards her, growling. "Who let you out of your cell? I thought...." He stops himself from finishing his sentence, and pulls his greatsword from its sheath on his back, closing the distance between him and the door. The other bandit looks away for a second, obviously a little embarassed, but then remembers his duty and picks up his crossbow, preparing to load it.

That....was the funniest thing i've ever seen. Should have expected it, but with the bounties on your heads, money is more alluring.

1----[ ][ ][ ][ ][2][ ][ ]
2----[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
3----[ ][ ][ ][1][ ][ ][ ]
4----[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
5-----------[ ]
6---[ ][ ][S][ ][A][ ][ ][ ]
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2012-02-28, 11:14 PM

Syntax can't help but laugh at the super model pose from the magus. Fearing he had given away the plan, he took advantage of the off-guard bandit, and sprang fire from his finger tips. "Suck on that!" The fire spread is low compared to other forms, but it gets the job done. After the mark hits, he opens up for his light mace, readying himself for the charge, assuming it still comes for him.

Standard Action: Cast Burning Hands. -Damage: [roll0]
Move Action: Retrieve Light Mace.
Swift Action: Five-Foot step.
Free Action: None.

Hp: 9
AC: 16
CMD: 14
Burning Hands: 0/1

Morbis Meh
2012-02-28, 11:55 PM
I imagine the others get a surprise round while I just roll for initiative? As for them being more attracted to the money, well my plan was simply to lure them out and if they got distracted well that would be a bonus. I thought I would simply add a little comedy! Anyway, without further adieu, my initiative roll. [roll0]

2012-02-29, 09:06 AM
Abigail Wisely

Abigail lets out a loud 'Pffft' at Thea's seductive antics. Seeing the bandit near by she strikes at him as he takes out his great sword. Then with the bandit still surprised she takes another stab at him with her rapier.

"Take this pig!"

Attack of Opportunity if plausible
[roll1] Damage

Standard Action due to surprise round (they should be flat footed for Abi, Syn and Dendu if he decides to attack)

2012-02-29, 09:51 AM
Bandit 1

The bandit moves in through the doorway, barely effected by Syntax's attack, as he feels Abigail's rapier stabbing into him, he raises his greatsword above his head, attempting to strike down the one he saw first.

damage [roll1]
Without her armor on, Thea takes the hit head on, suffering a powerful hit in that first strike. Thea takes 11 damage. She is now at -1 and dying.

Bandit 2

The second bandit curses, his ally is preventing him from having a clear shot, and he starts to approach the doorway himself, his crossbow in one hand, while he pulls out his sword with the other

Surprise round was the approach, and as such, nothing really happened but them approaching. I rolled initiative outside the game this time. Sorry, and Abigail's AoO hit, as he went through the doorway, Syntax can make one too, to strike the same foe. I'm gonna do away with the maps from now on, since they are awkward, and its plausible to play without them. Party members may take actions in any order.

Morbis Meh
2012-02-29, 10:14 AM
Well thanks for the game... send me a pm if they overcome the two if not best if luck with DMing! [On a side note this is why I never start campaigns at level 1, too many one shots)

2012-02-29, 10:15 AM
You don't die at negative HP, you have a healer. Who will probably heal you right back up. You aren't dead. I wouldn't back out just yet.

I'll try and figure that out today.

2012-02-29, 10:15 AM
Still wouldn't mind a map though. The text based map is messy so maybe you can try looking into using a table for maps? It'll be more organized.

Table Tutorial Link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=205677)

I believe it should be a simple copy paste. Just need to fill in the table how you please.

2012-02-29, 10:18 AM
Abigail Wisely

Abigail seeing Thea go down decides to use one of her burst heals. She uses a technique to skip over both enemies so they won't be healed. A burst of light comes forth from Abigail healing all within the circle (besides the baddies.)

Additionally she shall attack the second guy that comes through the door if able.


Attack of Opportunity if its a new round. Also contains crit confirm from first AoO
Link to rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12811909&postcount=4390)

2012-02-29, 10:22 AM
Thea is now at 2 HP and regaining consciousness quickly. She will be on the floor, but otherwise alive. Nobody else has taken any damage, and as such will unaffected.

Told you you were still alive. I wouldn't have thrown in a greatsword wielding maniac if i wasn't sure you guys could survive it.

Morbis Meh
2012-02-29, 10:45 AM
Oh I know, there was a chance of survival and I know you need to be at -20your ti die; however, I didn't expect immediate healing since channeling heals everything in a radius (unless they have selective channeling as a feat) thus making the entire action counterproductive . So I was just waiting nothing more nothing less, do I get a turn this round?

2012-02-29, 06:22 PM

Syntax slams into the wounded foe with his light mace. He fights perfectly after getting in his laughs, he turns into a more serious being, attacking with ferocity. He then moves to cover Thea as she stands up.

Standard Action: Attack closest bandit.
Move Action: Move to square in front of Thea.
Swift Action: None.
Free Action: None.

-Attack Roll: [roll0]
-Damage Roll: [roll1]
--AoO if given: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]
Hp: 9
AC: 16
CMD: 14
Burning Hands: 0/1

2012-02-29, 06:26 PM
The bandit falls to the ground from Syntax's attack of opportunity, collapsing into unconsciousness. The second bandit moves into the doorway, but with Syntax and the body blocking his way in, he is unable to go any further, so he instead lashes out with his short sword at Syntax.

Damage [roll1]

Syntax nimbly avoids the blow. No damage is taken, and it is the parties turn again. Thea may take actions again, due to having regained consciousness, but is still on the ground for the time being.

2012-02-29, 07:09 PM
Abigail Wisely

Unsure if she is able to hit the conscious foe Abigail moves to the unconscious foe. Taking her small step adjacent to the foe she delivers a coup de grace.

"That's for almost killing my comrade."

5 foot step
Full Round Action: Coup de Grace

2012-02-29, 07:13 PM
DC 15 fort save [roll0]
The first bandit is dead now. Syntax and Thea may take actions.

The foe coughs once, and starts to bleed heavily, his life extinguished.

Morbis Meh
2012-02-29, 08:03 PM
Thea coughs up some blood and looks down to her utterly ruined shirt now almost fully exposing her torso. She gets up slowly while muttering "Why is it that everytime I make a pass at a man I get stabbed? Honestly can't a woman be assertive in this Fay and age? " Without skipping a beat she uses her last prepared spell thus conjuring a thick slimy coat of grease over the remaining foes short sword.

As she finishes the incantation she looks at the other man and says rather tartly "Is that any way to treat a lady? Now if you were a gentleman you would offer tour coat to a lady in distress!""

Grease reflex save DC 13 or drop weapon

2012-02-29, 08:15 PM

Dodging the grease, Syntax moves in next to Thea, and places his over coat across her shoulders. His face is crumpled up in more tact than rage. Moving forward in a straight line from Thea to the doorway, Syntax makes his light mace slam forward once more, trying to take down another foe.

Standard Action: Attack last bandit.
Move Action: Move to bandit.
Swift Action: Cloth Thea.
Free Action: None.

-Attack: [roll0] --Damage: [roll1]
---AoO if given: [roll2] Damage:[roll3]
Hp: 9
AC: 16
CMD: 14
Burning Hands: 0/1

2012-02-29, 09:43 PM
Reflex save DC 13 [roll0]

The bandit drops his weapon, and, immediately reaches to try and grab it. Picking it up, he tries to swing it towards Syntax. However, as he does so, Syntax swipes his weapon up at the man again, knocking him out cold in the process.

The remaining bandit is unconscious and dying.

2012-02-29, 09:47 PM
Abigail Wisely

"Why Thea the man was just being assertive right back at you -- by asserting the great sword into your abdomen. Luckily, he missed and bonked your head instead."

Smiling at her own quip Abigail turns to aid Syntax with his attack. Taking a page out of Thea's handbook Abigail exposes a lone breast to distract the foe.

Standard Action
[roll0] Aid another on Syntax's attack. Against AC 10.

If successful Syntax shall have a +2 to his attack.

2012-02-29, 09:57 PM

Syntax looks over with a smile at Thea and Abigail. As he turns to Abigail, he notices the breast, and a faint line of red can't help but form on his cheeks. He shakes his head, and just laughs into his hand. "Ignoring all of th' blood, and the graphic breasts, today was pretty fun."

2012-02-29, 10:03 PM
Dendu walks past the party and checks the unconscious man. Then he turns to the rest and speaks. "You should probably heal up. Neither of these are Hajime. He's vicious, we won't stand a chance if you aren't in top form. He's got to be the last one here."

The new room appears to be a living room, so to speak. A few wooden chairs and some couches are in there. There's a staircase going upstairs, and a door that appears to go outside. The party may do as they wish.

Morbis Meh
2012-02-29, 10:12 PM
"Why do men always fell the need to penetrate anything and everything?" She looks to Syntax and his over then disregards it completely. She limps over to her armour and slowly dons it, she knew rust would form on it if she didn't clean it properly when she had the time. She winced at the cold iron touching her bare skin and nearly doubled over from pain when the chain slid over her wound.

Dear god... what have I started? Random nudity and flashing! We'll surely end up in jail from indecent exposure alone!

2012-02-29, 10:31 PM

Rolling his neck around, popping the excess fluid like an exact pro of his trade. Syntax readies his mace, and flips it across his wrist with nice finesse. He looks back at the two women. "Ya' ladies done flashing me, or do I need to return the favor?" Wiggling his eyebrow teasingly, he fastens his armour tighter around his chest, and crinkles his finger tips, getting the excess fire energy out of his skin before he goes on.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-01, 02:32 PM
Thea returns the comment with a dull glance then retorts "Do you know you look like an imbecile when you twirl that thing? Were you some kind of band conductor in a previous or are your hands trying to hit you over the head because they want you to shut your filthy mouth? If I see anything of your I will proceed to cut it off and shove it don't your throat, are we clear on that? I'd rather gouge out mt eyes with cork screws then see you naked..."

She turns to Abigail "Thank you, I supposed that makes us even now, doesn't it?"

2012-03-01, 05:58 PM
Abigail Wisely

Tucking away her teat Abigail frowns at Syntax's comment. Fixing up her hair into a thick pony tail braid mutation she glibly responds to his comment.

"Meh. I am an exhibitionist. I don't respond to nudity with childish glee. Just raging voluptuous respect. Sadly others don't and I use that to my advantage."

She completely ignores the section about returning the favor. Abigail steps over the dead body to heal Thea. Deciding to forgo her bless spell she replaces it holily (what?) with Cure Light Wounds.

"Now, I'm not sure if you've ever been healed by a cleric before but it gets pretty intense. You literally feel your body rebuilding itself. You'll feel an overwhelming energy build up inside you and rush straight into the wound. You can even watch the wound close up if you are interested in that kind of thing. It's hard to describe the feeling -- I'm not exactly a wordsmith. Anyway...here goes."

Abigail touches your head lightly and you are healed.

"You know now that I think about it. I can say that it feels like a full body orgasm. A classmate of mind described it that way so I'll still that from her."


Edit: Ohohoho maximum healing. A rare sight.

2012-03-01, 09:08 PM

Clubbing the light mace into the wall nearest him, his hair flares out and he steps over the body of his downed foe. Without turning to face Thea, he talks. "Why don't you take that stick that's shoved so far up your bum that you cough splinters, out of your rectum, and sit on it like a witch is supposed to. Honestly, you may not be a criminal, but you have no sense of justification for being a stuck up, sniveling juvenile. You flash crude skin, and I'M the bad guy!? Why don't cha get your personalities straight, before you go around being an oxymoronic B*tch. Oh, and by the way, a joke is made to incur humour, not a stone facing troll to cast a wicked tongue, over a comfortable offer of good charm. Oh, and by the way, you're ****ing welcome for me protecting you back there. Get your head out of your own misguided soul, and know what it's like to be a human, trial and error. Not being perfect in morality, and a tyrant in the same sense." Syntax stops for the second part of his talk. Disregarding the two females, he walks to the other male. "Tell me how i can get out of this ****ing place, before I lose my COOL, and SMASH her ****ING HEAD. ..... By the way, for those who were so against ME killing a helpless foe. The man was unconscious, UNCONSCIOUS. Get your priorities straight... " He settles to face a door as well as Dendu, waiting for an answer.

2012-03-01, 09:22 PM
Dendu answers calmly, ignoring the outburst. "Out that door over there." He points towards the door that obviously leads outdoors.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-01, 09:24 PM
Thea laughs at the man "My, my, quite the temper, obviously you're dumber than you look. I never flashed any skin, cloth doesn't exactly hold up to a steel sword genius and as for your "protection" which equates to you beating sleeping people to death, is something I don't need. As for not being a criminal, you must certainly be an amateur because I am quite well known for my exploits but you are nothing more than a petty murderer, and not human at all so don't preach to me you lowlife. As for the stick, a girl needs something to protect herself in a tight situation, besides threaten me all you want, you're utterly useless in combat if your opponent is actually facing you."

She examines the bodies of the fallen bounty hunters in hopes of finding something useful.

Savior, nice crack about the witch, gave me a chuckle, if you could please switch your colour... it's a little hard on the eyes and sometimes my computer screen goes a little buggy so I can't read your text at all.

2012-03-01, 09:26 PM
There is two full sets of leather armor, a short sword, a greatsword, a crossbow, with twenty bolts, and two potions of cure light wounds.

2012-03-01, 11:01 PM
Abigail Wisely

"Aw hey don't act like that. I wasn't for or against your actions. I stayed silent and neutral. Your actions are your own my friend as are my actions. Plus I did say I respect nudity. If you reeally want to you could present yourself, but this is hardly the place or time right now. And this prison is rather dirty and as the resident healer I wouldn't condone such behavior. You could get an infection. The mass majority of men aren't circumcised after all. "

Abigail walks to Syntax looking at him with a befuddled look then offers him a small smile.

"Come we may still have a ways to go, right Dendu?"

A query pops into her head before Dendu can respond.

"What makes my 'execution different from his actions."

Abigail turns to Thea and jilts her head towards Syntax.

"Plus what in Cayden's name is your name?"

Abigail turns back to Syntax.

2012-03-01, 11:04 PM

Syntax exerts pure heat from his red skin. The heritage of his people showing by the fact the air is literally crackling from his burning up temperature. Most people would fall faint from his internal body temperature, but he finds it soothing. He goes back to twirling his classy weapon, not wanting to prove the self-proclaimed master criminal wrong. He nods to Dendu, and ignores the loot, moving on to the door way pointed out. He ignores the circulation cut off to his head by his tie, which more than normally is perfectly tight, however, in the expansion of muscle and skin, his neck props nearly twice as wide. Syntax leaves behind noticeable wafts of burnt carbon as he passes through the area. He leaves the "team" to figure out their own way, but he is fed up with the constant over tone. In his mind, he lets loose. Physically showing this, the leather around his handle begins to burn and seem into his pores. The gust of his exhales turn soot in the air. He may have cast his fire, but his magma blood still boils hot. Internally he thinks - Not face to face!? You're the dumb slut that tried to act cute, and got bashed the **** in. Who knocked the bastards out!? Mister Ape boy over here. Forget about the respect i have for a fellow Scimitar wielder, that THING needs to learn respect. to think, I was going to indebt my gratitude to a low class WHORE! .... One, Two, Three, Four... To hell with it! That's never worked before, why would it now!?- Syntax continues on, but keeps his head out for danger, in case of a trap.

Perception roll: [roll1d20+4[/roll]

2012-03-01, 11:07 PM
Perception Check: [roll0]

2012-03-01, 11:08 PM

Syntax hears heavy breathing outside the door. It can't belong to anything human, but he can't identify what it does belong to

Morbis Meh
2012-03-01, 11:49 PM
Thea looked at the other woman "Self defence is purely justifiable, what that thing over there did was needlessly kill a man that could have easily been subdued like the others. Doesn't matter anyway, the hot head has already left and probably isn't paying too much attention right now, there is still the boss of this operation that we need to deal with and it is probably walking directly up to the boss. Should we stop the fool before he gets killed?"

2012-03-02, 12:15 AM

"Syntax.." Last word said before he clambers up to the door, releasing his scimitar, and propping it on it's flat side, before tilting it up and down underneath the doorway to try and reflect the image of the heavy breather on the other side of the door.

Replace light mace with Scimitar, and then use the metal as a mirror. Perception roll for making out the distance and make of the creature. If nothing else, just the distance of the creature, hopefully which way it is facing, as well. [roll0]

2012-03-02, 10:23 AM

All he can see is a mouth filled with pointy teeth. It appears to be waiting for the door to open.

2012-03-02, 03:55 PM

Readying his light mace, in place of his scimitar, Syntax digs into his pouch, and pulls out a handful of marbles. He then scatters them in front of the doorway. Picking his way out of the area, he reaches for the knob, making ignorant noise. He then cracks the door, readying himself against a charge.

Take my time preparing for the beast. Place the marbles directly in front of the door, the exact square in front of it. Then, pick my way through it, to the square below the affected one. Set and brace against a charge with light mace.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-02, 05:57 PM
Thea raises her eyebrow at the sound of marbles scattering amidst the floor, she quickly sheaths her rapier and quickly picks up the heavy crossbow and loads it. and aims it at the door.

Readied action, as soon as the door opens I will fire the crossbow at whatever is on the other side

2012-03-02, 06:54 PM
Abigail Wisely

Abigail nods in response to Thea.

"Yes, let's hurry he might get himself killed."

Jogging with Thea into the living room area she takes note of the couches then Syntax standing at the top of the stairs. Seeing Syntax lay out some marbles she has an idea herself. Taking the chairs in the room, Abigail places them lwith the legs up towards the stairway. So if Syntax's plan comes to fruition the enemy shall fall down into the bluntly sharp chairs.

"Syntax look down and be wary."

She tries getting his attention and give him an idea of what she had set up so that he doesn't trip into them if he needs to run down.

2012-03-02, 07:22 PM

Shooting Abigail a look, he wills for her silence. He scoffs at the two women, and then turns back to the door he is carefully opening. He pulls it all the way to, and moves back ten feet, getting ready for the being on the other side of the door.

2012-03-02, 07:32 PM
Dendu yells out as the door opens up. "Sic 'em Goliath!!" As he spoke, the creature charged into the doorway, leaping to attempt to bite him in the shoulder.

Reflex save DC 10 [roll0]

Attack roll, Bite: [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

The creature nimbly keeps its ground as it charges, and reaches Syntax, attempting to bite, but unable to get through the leather that covers his skin.

Initiative goes to the PC's.


As the creature launches into the doorway, you recognize it as the same one that beat and subdued you one on one before you were captured.

Don't forget about Thea's crossbow attack before you make your move. I'm still trying to get the code down so i don't have to copy paste, but i'll have maps for combat after this. I promise

Morbis Meh
2012-03-03, 12:44 AM
As Thea sees the beast charge forward she calmly taps into her well of power and allows it to flow through her into the crossbow. Her breathing slows as she takes aim and shoots the bolt at the creature.

Also note this attack should go before Goliath's since it was readied... Arcane Pool use, so +1 to attack and damage with weapon as swift action [roll0] damage [roll1]]

Morbis Meh
2012-03-03, 12:48 AM
After the bolt is loosed, Thea immediately drops the crossbow and draws her rapier as she moves towards Dendu. Before she strikes, she funnels more of her arcane reserve into her weapon then strikes at the lying bastards heart.

So free action, drop crossbow, swift action activate arcane pool, move action to move/draw weapon and standard action attack
[roll0] damage [roll1]

Morbis Meh
2012-03-03, 12:49 AM
Critical hit confirm [roll0] extra damage [roll1]

2012-03-03, 02:49 PM

Releasing a strong attack on the dog, Syntax howls at the walls, empathetic to the beast. None the less, the mace seeks to find home in the rosy beast.

Attack on Goliath: [roll0] -Damage:[roll1]

--AoO-- Attack:[roll2] -Damage: [roll3]

2012-03-04, 09:16 AM
Goliath appears unfazed by the attack, the beast simply shrugs it off as though nothing had happened, the rune on its forehead glowing now. Dendu meanwhile, taking the strike easily, does nothing but remove the headband he was wearing, revealing a matching rune. "I'll say this, i didn't think you lot were as smart as you turned out to be. But, thats why i was here in the first place. To detain you."

Abigail still needs to take her turn before we can move on.

2012-03-04, 09:14 PM
Abigail Wisely

"Hey, I recognize this beast! This was the beast that subdued me! Are you its owner!?"

Abigail refers to Dendu seeing as he is the one who commanded the beast just now. Feeling hurt after being deceived so easily Abigail preps her rapier by casting bless on her prized possession. Seeing as both Dendu and the beast are preoccupied with her allies she'll use this chance to bolster her offense. Nodding her head at what she thinks is rather clever the blessing shall affect her allies weapons as well (within 50 ft.)

Move Action: Draw Rapier
Standard Action: Casting Bless - duration 1 minute or 10 rounds.

2012-03-04, 09:26 PM
Dendu smiles evilly, backing away from Thea, as he began to speak. "Why yes, yes i am. I should have brought my black robes, maybe you'd have recognized me then. Good people will trust anyone, i guess." He keeps backing away, carefully back out the doorway, where he was out of sight then. As he does so, Goliath turns on Thea, leaping towards her this time, he snaps out, trying to bite her.

Before you ask, Dendu used the Withdraw action to back out of combat. Because of that, its safe to give Syntax an attack of opportunity on him. But not Thea. Shoulda thought that better...

Goliath attack rolls. [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

{table=head]X | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
A | - | - | D | - | - | - | - | - |
B | x | x | x | x | - | x | x | x |
C | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
D | - | - | G | - | S | - | - | - |
E | - | - | T | - | - | - | - | - |
F | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
G | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
H | - | - | - | - | A | - | - | - |
I | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |

Well, my second table map. Tell me if you think i can do anything better, otherwise, this'll be the format I'll use. X stands for wall, or otherwise impassable terrain.

PC's may take actions in any order.

2012-03-04, 11:57 PM

Swinging at the man he never truly trusted, he readies up soon there after, making head's way through the fiasco. He singles in on the rabid thing attacking everyone, but stays fifteen or so feet back. He can't help but enjoy the pure irony of the headstrong woman, being mauled by the doggie.

AoO: [roll0] -Damage: [roll1]

Move to square D6.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-05, 01:19 AM
Thea nimbly dodges the clumsy mutt and counter attacks viciously at the beast.

Just a straight up hit... so I take it my previous 2 attacks did nothing?

2012-03-05, 05:12 PM
Abigail Wisely

Abigail moves in to attack Goliath thinking to take care of an immediate threat. She initiates a thrust with her blessed rapier.

"Syntax! Thea and I can take down this little beastie. Would you kindly show our friend Dendu how sharp your blade is? Er and I suppose you can call out if you need any healing help."

Move Action: Move to D2.
Standard Action
[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Damage

In case of crit confirm.
[roll2] Attack
[roll3] Damage

2012-03-05, 08:51 PM
Syntax's attack while Dendu Vigorn passed him struck clean, but showed no sign of stopping him.

Goliath stumbles for a moment, taking Thea's hit, while Abigail's doesn't manage to pierce the armor that makes his skin. He pulls himself up to his four feet, and turns to Abigail, snapping out to bite her instead, then rearing up onto his hind legs, to lash out with the claws on his forepaws.

Bite [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Claw 1 [roll2]
Damage [roll3]
Claw 2 [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

His bite attack strikes home, while he falls to the ground unable to hit her with his claws. Abigail takes 5 damage.

{table=head]X | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
A | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
B | - | D | - | - | - | - | - | - |
C | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
D | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
E | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
F | x | x | x | x | - | x | x | x |
G | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
H | - | A | G | - | - | S | - | - |
I | - | - | T | - | - | - | - | - |
J | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
L | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
M | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |

Pc's may take actions in any order. Apologies for expanding the map, but its still accurate.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-05, 10:40 PM
Thea moves into a better position now that the beast has focused its attention on Abigail then strikes at it's exposed rear.

5 ft step to H5, (I think there is an AoO so I will take it) attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2012-03-05, 11:33 PM
Goliath howls out and collapses to the ground, the blow strong enough to cause him to start to lose consciousness.

A five foot step would put you at H4, and a five foot step doesn't provoke. If you went to H5, you wouldn't have been able to attack, so i'm assuming thats what you meant to say. Anyways

{table=head]X | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
A | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
B | - | D | - | - | - | - | - | - |
C | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
D | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
E | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
F | x | x | x | x | - | x | x | x |
G | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
H | - | A | G | T | - | S | - | - |
I | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
J | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
L | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
M | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |

Goliath has been rendered unconscious. Abigail and Syntax may take actions, if they wish to pursue Dendu, if not, combat effectively ends, and all are free to do as they wish.

2012-03-07, 05:18 PM

Syntax dashes off to catch up to Dendu. Taking a dip off to the right, he finishes in a diagonal line in front of Dendu. Light mace readied, he analyzes Dendu the rest of the time.

Move until in square D4.

2012-03-07, 09:39 PM
As Syntax leaves the building, he see's Dendu, and a second person, one he's never seen before, chanting a spell. As he reaches close enough to almost touch him, the man finishes his incantation, and a black light begins to envelop the two, both vanishing into it at the same time. "You three were stronger than i expected. I'll be back for you later, but here's a parting gift." Before he vanishes, he throws out a small book at Syntax. After it leaves his grip, him and the man with him vanish, leaving not a trace behind.

As that happens, Goliath begins to fade into the air, as though he had never been there in the first place.

Dex check DC 10 to catch the book. Why? Because i want to.

Combat is over. Since i've been forgetting, party members are at 600 XP now.

2012-03-07, 09:44 PM
Dexterity Check: [roll0]

2012-03-07, 10:07 PM

Catching the book with his left hand, he placed his mace onto it's hook, and he opened the book, peering at it lazily. He looked up at the sky, and felt the breeze across his face. Instantly cooling off from the prison's fiasco, he falls backwards without fear. He lands softly across the knoll of grass. Resting his eyelids, he looks up at the clouds with a pleasant sigh.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-08, 01:30 AM
Thea frowns at the sudden disappearance of the dog... she feels there is something much more dangerous going on than she was currently aware of. Sheathing her rapier she begins to walk towards the exit This reeks of magic and I don't like it one bit.... Upon exiting she notices the odd man with a book, laughing she says "I don't think that's the type of book for you, from here it seems that it lacks pictures. Anyways, where did you get that? You certainly didn't have it before."

2012-03-08, 09:44 AM
The book is titled The legend of Sentan Teishu. A few seconds in thought will allow you to recall the story of the great hero Sentan Teishu, who saved Angara from the ultimate evil 500 years ago. It was a story that was told to kids constantly, no matter their place in the world, to help them understand the differences between right and wrong. The book itself contains nothing out of the ordinary besides a more detailed version of the story. More details will be given if any member of the party should choose to read it thoroughly.

From this point on, the game is completely sandbox. You are free to go where you want, when you want, how you want. As none of you are intimately familiar with this area, Abigail (assuming she's still in the game.....) would be most familiar with the Reynald terrain. Thea and Syntax are both a very long way from their home countries of Vesperia.

2012-03-08, 07:43 PM
Abigail Wisely

"Oh." Abigail is surprised that beast dropped so quickly. She dashes over to Syntax but finds his fight over with as well.

"Where did Dendu go? And why do you have a book?"

Sheathing her prized rapier Abigail takes a deep breathe of fresh air. Analyzing her surroundings she finds the area to be some what familiar. If her inkling is correct this is Reynald. Though she isn't sure exactly where they are. Abigail assumes that once north is discerned she'll easily be able to find her way to a city or at least a small town. She takes another deep breathe before speaking again.

"As a side note I know where we are. Maybe. If only I knew which way was north..."

[roll0] Survival to discern north?
[roll1] Perception for any nearby towns/buildings.

Edit: Also I've been busy the last couple days so sorry about that. :) I'll be back to my usual posting rate (at least once a day) assuming posting is necessary.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-08, 08:34 PM
Thea turns around at the sound of Abigail's voice then replies "I know not of how he came to have a book, though it's a children's tale... as for knowing where we are that is a blessing, I could use a hot meal and a bath. "

She sighs and looks skyward wondering how long she had been out and where she was. Stretching her muscles she exclaims "Well we better get a move on, lest we have more bounty hunters after us."

2012-03-08, 08:41 PM
Near the east, just barely within sight, is the possibility of the building. Knowledge of the country lines, allows Abigail to believe its more likely to be Gestorn territory than Reynald. She has found due north, and knows that the capital, and the nearby town she grew up in is likewise to the west.

2012-03-09, 12:11 AM
Perception checks
Thea [roll1]
Abigail [roll2]


You first hear the clank of armor, then see a man leading a bound man by a rope west from where you currently stand. The leading man appears to be in good condition, well rested and all, while the other one appears to have been bound up for a few days, unable to do much more than walk. You can tell the follower isn't quite human, but are unsure about anything else. Over the leader's shoulder appears to be a bag that would likely contain the follower's belongings. You have about five minutes until they arrive, so do with it as you will.

2012-03-10, 08:44 AM
Abigail Wisely

"Yes...we should. To the west you'll find my home town."

Abigail nods at Thea's suggestion. Spotting the man, his baggage and the man's baggage's baggages Abigail warns the party.

"Ah, not wanting to alarm any one but we have company coming in from the west. From what I can tell its a man leading another man bound by rope. Possibly another prisoner? Regardless I shall have a talk with him."

Abigail will walk towards the duo. As she gets closer she shall raise her hands not wanting to give off an aura of aggression.

"Greetings! Why is this being bound?"

[roll0] Sense Motive - to see if the answer given is a lie.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-10, 01:49 PM
Thea's eyes follow the woman as she moves away, then sees the armed man and the bound one. A sick feeling rises in her stomach Oh...Not again, hopefully this time around we can talk come sense and avoid a fight. 3 on 1 is never good odds... Though I think we should at least live by the code, do onto others as you would want others to do onto you. She begins to appraise the captor of his gear, trying to calculate what he was wearing and how much she could get for it.

Looking down at the hod head she says tartly "Get up, you can laze about later, unless you would prefer to force ladies to do all the work?"

2012-03-10, 01:59 PM

Syntax lets a single tear leave his left eye, and wiped it with the over side of his jacket. He straightens his tie upon standing, and cradles the book into his pack, now stepping off to go meet the man. He thinks for a second, and decides to turn more to the left, before the leader of the bound man can see him. Dipping behind some bushes, he walks with no weapons out, only hoping to flank the clad man from the left side, and unto the rear.

Stealth Check: [roll0]
Perception Check: [roll1]

Kon Lesh
2012-03-10, 02:52 PM
Feeling the guiding rope suddenly become relaxed, Vangor looks up to see what is happening. For the last few days he has been searching for the perfect moment to break loose and punish the man for the ambush attack. He turns to see the approaching women. Another guard. I can...wait....'Being bound?' This might be my way out even without my help. He moves his eyes back and forth to the women's mouth and then to his capture's mouth. Abigail will be able to notice the prisoner's strange eyes, pure silver with no pupils.

2012-03-10, 09:26 PM
The leading man stops, and takes a moment to assess the situation before responding. "This man has a bounty of 5,000 gp on his head for the attempted assassination of the king of Reynald. What happened to Dendu and Hajime?" He obviously has no clue that the party members are either hostile, or escapees.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-10, 09:47 PM
Thea shrugged in an exasperated manner "Hell if I know, the boss doesn't bother to tell us low peons anything. We recently just signed up and they feel that we should be left in the dark until they can trust us. Men and their issues... anyway, the others are inside rolling dice while we were forced with sentry duty. We can handle the charge if you want to go down and get a bite to eat, I just made some stew if you're interested."

Well... this has the potential to go very very wrong since my charisma is ****... may the dice gods bless this poor soul [roll0]

2012-03-10, 09:55 PM
The man smiles, and hands the rope to Thea. "Sounds like a plan. Its been tiring holding onto him these past couple of days." He then moves towards the door without a care in the world.

Sense motive [roll0]

Morbis Meh
2012-03-10, 10:42 PM
Thea stops the man for a moment "Oh wait, Dendu ordered us to inventory all of the captives equipment. This one here" she points to the red haired man "Has been ordered to go to the nearest, city and sell it for profit. The other woman is his escort so he doesn't cheat us out of it." She lowers her voice and draws nearer "To be honest I don't trust non humans, they are too shifty for my liking..."

Second bluff to get the equipment of our newest companion back [roll0]

2012-03-10, 10:48 PM
The man shakes his head softly, and drops the bag on the ground, before moving back towards the door. "Alright then. Whatever you say." He lets himself in, closing the door behind him.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-10, 11:00 PM
As soon as the man closes the doors, Thea immediately draws her rapier and cuts the bonds on the prisoner then tosses the bag at them. I don't care who you are or what you did but we have exactly a minute, or two if we are very lucky until he realises that he's been duped. So let us get the hell out of sight before he comes back up."

She looks to Abigail "Alright leader, take us out of her and fast!"

Kon Lesh
2012-03-11, 01:32 AM
"It is sad to run from battle. But I thank you for the help. I am indebted to you. So I shall follow." You notice that he does hold his s's for just a second longer then you would think normal and that forked tongue must be a part of the reason why. But he does bow and then takes his sword out of the bag and puts it on his side.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-11, 01:52 AM
Thea raises an eyebrow at this odd man's appearance and speech "You don't owe me anything, lets just get out of here and quick before he comes back up here. I have had enough excitement for today thank you very much."

She begins moving on, not wishing to waste any more time with idle chatter, for their time was precious and she did not wish to spill any more blood than they already had.

2012-03-11, 02:58 AM

Scoffing at the arrogant woman, Syntax sticks with Abigail and the new fellow, who have yet to piss him off. He can't wait for rest, so he can get over the fever he's grown to have from pure rage to the obnoxious witch he is seemingly stuck with.

2012-03-11, 04:53 PM
Abigail Wisely

"I...uh okay. That went off pretty well eh Thea? Anyway. Welcome stranger. You are welcome to join us obviously. We are going to be heading west to my home town. What is your name and did you really attempt to assassinate the king? But please answer on the go for we are in a slight hurry."

She leads the party west at a brisk walking pace. In the back of her head she thinks that once that fellow walks into the complex and finds all the dead and or bound bodies he'll be looking for us. Feeling a bit anxious Abigal looks behind her periodically to see if that man is following us.

What would my character know about the King?

Morbis Meh
2012-03-11, 07:20 PM
"We were just lucky the fool was tired, people are more willing to overlook details when their destination is in sight and their belly is grumbling. So what's the name of this town we're heading to and how large is it?" Thea was sick of being in the middle of nowhere, she was a city girl and needed to be with civilization. She noticed that the murder was oddly silent, maybe the Gods had shown favour to her and shut him and his grating accent up for good but that was probably too much to ask for.

2012-03-11, 07:42 PM
As the party makes their escape, there is no sign of the man who went inside coming back out after them. After about fifteen minutes it became apparent that he isn't attempting to pursue them.

You are welcome to name your own hometown, that little farming village, i mean. As for the king. Being that you lived near the capital of Reynald, The bustling metropolis of Palmford, you know that the king of Reynald, King Harry Reynald the eighth, is a good king, caring to his subjects, and has been known for his generosity. There is little reason why someone would want to kill him.

Kon Lesh
2012-03-11, 08:25 PM
You notice that your new friend is highly interested in whoever is talking. His silver eyes always looking directly at you whenever you talk. "I have never had any desire to intentionally kill anyone, nor have I even had anyone ask me to kill. I was a guard and then bouncer. Then I was called. I began walking. Then I got ambushed and bond by that man. I am called Vangor."

2012-03-12, 04:28 PM

Syntax straggles behind the group, looking at the skies with a heavy soul. He peeks to the front for guidance, but other than that, he continues on looking at the clouds.

2012-03-12, 06:27 PM
Abigail Wisely

"Vangor? Interesting name. I am Abigail and my two friends here are Thea and Syntax. We had just escaped that complex for wrongful imprisonment. Our situations are similar in that we were all ambushed and brought to that place"

Abigail indicates back behind her.

"And I'm glad to hear you weren't out to kill the King. This King is a good one after all."

Walking silently for awhile Abigail thinks upon the future.

"Now, while walking back to Crescent Hill let us discuss our future plans of action. I for one am interested in finding out more about our captors. We have possible names Dendu and Hajime."

Morbis Meh
2012-03-12, 07:13 PM
Thea grunts dismissively "I could care less right now who they are, all I am interested in is a bed, bath and some booze. As far as wrongfully imprisoned, I definitely don't fall within that category. How long until we arrive?"

Kon Lesh
2012-03-13, 05:16 PM
"Crescent Hill? Can't say that I have ever heard of it. But since you have freed me, I will assist you. Truth be told, I am also interested in learning more about our captors. Something important is happening and this is only the tail of the snake." Vangor says to Abigail. He does pay attention to Thea.

2012-03-13, 06:34 PM

Sneezing out the rest of his hot blooded smoke from his nostrils, Syntax wipes his nose politely, and then resumes staring at the clouds. His eyes red and puffy from the amount of tears he's kept inside, not even knowing why they truly are there in the first place.

2012-03-14, 12:25 PM
Abigail Wisely

"How long? I'm not entirely sure on foot. We'll leave it to the grace of a god. Once we get you a bed, bath and booze maybe you'll be more interested?"

Moving her head slightly in the direction of Vangor Abigail responds to him.

"Mm, Crescent Hill is a relatively small farming town. I haven't been there in ages so I'm not sure how its changed. When I left they just put in a small guard tower at the edge of town. And I'm terribly glad you're interested in finding more about our captors. They are up to something suspicious and I can't turn down a good mystery slash adventure."

She tries to get Syntax into the conversation.

"Syntax what do you have to say on the matter?"

2012-03-14, 01:20 PM

Syntax looks at Abigail, still red and puffy in the yes, and a snivel in his throat. He has no control of his fingers, as they just dangle from his hand, which in turn dangles lifelessly from his wrist. After a few seconds, he looks back up at the sky, and lets his soul go back to being a hermit.

Kon Lesh
2012-03-14, 06:54 PM
Vangor moves his eyes to Syntax. Vangor looks confused for a moment. "Are you injured? You seem distracted for some reason."

2012-03-14, 07:10 PM

Moving his neck down very slowly, he lays his amber eyes on the pure eyes of the man talking to him. Syntax blinked a few times. "No... no external injuries. Just... thinking.." Syntax moves his head backwards, looking up at the clouds again, and thought about his blood, and how he gets this way when he has no fire left.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-14, 08:40 PM
Thea chuckles "Ah! That is why I am smelling smoke, your brain is trying to do something it was not meant to do and it's burning out!" Turning to Abigail she frowns slightly with dissatisfaction "Leave it up to the grace of god? Bah, as for discussing it, right now it is pointless. We need need information that I doubt any of us have, we need to ask around when we arrive at this 'quaint' farming village. This business revolves around magic and to look into that we need a library of some sorts."

2012-03-14, 08:43 PM
It'll be about a two hour walk till you reach the village. There is little of interest on your trip.

Feel free to continue talking as much as you feel like it, until your ready to be in town.

2012-03-15, 11:32 AM

Syntax has his eyes closed, but he knows where she is. Stepping a hand on his light mace, he slings his head down, and opens his eyes. He's looking at the back of the head of Thea, someone he truly wants to murder. He cracks his neck in circles, releasing the fluids that built inside of his bones. He opens his mouth, and makes no effort to project his voice further than so she can hear him. "I'm sick... sick of this. Thea. When we get to town, and after all of this 'drinking' get a good night's rest. I want to duel you, so we can squash this bull**** YOU started. Call me a caveman, call me anything to deal with low intelligence, but I'll be damned if I'm not the one that got almost butchered because he wanted to show some skin!" He looks back upwards, not smiling, but not angry, only resuming his thought process.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-15, 12:11 PM
Thea begins to laugh at the statement "My a bold statement coming someone who barely did anything but sit around and pick off defenseless or distracted enemies. I got you out of that cell remember that chump, I dealt with almost an entire room of bounty hunters and that dog that you covienently allowed passed you. You are obviously too stupid to know anything about tactics, I was luring out an enemy so you and Abigail could take advantage of an unaware enemy and it worked. Just because I have a spine and am willing to put myself at risk unlike a coward like you. As for your duel, which roughly translates into me putting you into an early grave, fine if that is what you want I am game for it. "

Looking to the new comer she adds "Sorry about this, but this coward has a death wish and I am sick of listening to him. "

2012-03-15, 12:21 PM

Syntax smiles, feeling the fire come rushing back into his body. He hardly ever gets underestimated, and this is one time he has been. His arms lock up, so he pops them much the same way he did his neck. The blood that rushes through him now, melts away most of the fluid build up, making him quite the flexible sport.

Kon Lesh
2012-03-15, 01:20 PM
"A duel? There is nothing ever wrong with a duel. They are contests between two fighters to prove their mettle. If there is no one to mediate then I will volunteer for it. It is my purpose to do so. What would the rules be? Everything allowed or would there be restrictions like only magic or only a single weapon. Also what would be the end. 1st blood or unconscious." Vangor looks at both Thea and Syntax as he speaks.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-15, 01:28 PM
Thea raises an eyebrow at the stranger's enthusiasm "There is only one way to settle this and that's no holds bar, hold nothing back and don't restrict anything that way the loser can't whine about it. First one knocked out is my code but it's the murder you have to limit if that's what you want, he takes pleasure in killing the helpless. "

2012-03-15, 03:25 PM

Syntax starts to whistle and hum hymns through the chatter. He pats his head with both palms, creating the percussion of drums and other bass lines. He's no Bard, but he creates a nice tune of music all the same. He times them perfectly with his steps, a nice bright smile frothing over his face, and the silence in his person states it all, it only wants to hurry to town.

Kon Lesh
2012-03-15, 05:21 PM
"Wonderful then let us hurry towards the morn. A duel awaits and with it salvation from tension." Vangor DOES seem a bit too enthusiastic for to watch the duel. But he has never before managed one and with such simple rules. He can not wait to see what his new companions can do.

2012-03-15, 05:40 PM
Abigail Wisely

Abigail lets the two bicker out. Once they have settled on the duel she decides to speak up.

"Now then, I feel depressed that no matter what I say you two will continue to argue. Cayden's trough I bet you two will continue arguing even after this little duel!"

She sighs running a hand through her messy hair.

"I'd like to take your duel as an opportunity to raise funds. So let's hold off on this little duel til we reach town. We can provide entertainment to the entire town and make a little gold. If my known acquaintances are still about in Crescent Hill we can set up an arena for you two to duke it out."

Let's reach town? Unless any one says otherwise.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-15, 05:49 PM
Thea shakes her head and chuckles "My and I thought priests were supposed to condemn violence not promote it, though the idea is sound enough but it may not last as long as the crowd may hope..."

Yes let's get to town

2012-03-15, 11:56 PM

Taking no opposition or hopes in raising money, Syntax whistles with delight. His arms bend and flex, as he works out the kinks of jail. He's fairly used to most prisons, and can get out of the damper of being locked up pretty quickly now a days. He rotates on his feet, doing small flips and cartwheels to better loosen himself up before town, which he wishes to come up soon.

Oh yeah, town sounds real nice.

2012-03-16, 11:27 PM
Crescent Hill

As the party reaches Crescent hill, they find that it has changed a little compared to last Abigail saw it. The once open village that she grew up in has become a walled little town, with guard towers and a single gate that was decently well defended. The highest ranking guard by the gate recognizes Abigail though, and allows her and her companions in without question.

Should you go to the inn and request a room, Abigail will be recognized and get a discount, 5gp per room per person, adding up to 20 Gp out of whatever or whoever's pockets they choose to do.

Also, whoever goes out to spread the word about the duel. roll Diplomacy check to see how much of the little town will show up to watch.

2012-03-17, 06:07 PM
Abigail Wisely

Seeing her small hometown change over the years makes her feel rather proud. A tough little town growing into a tough medium sounds town. She sheds a fake tear and waves to the guard she recognizes.

"Ello Faulkner I see you've let yourself go a bit. AND joined the town guard. Finally making something of yourself."

She gives Faulkner the guard a few verbal yet loving jabs and walks on into the village. Reaching the Inn she'll pay for everyones rooms. Then go out to spread the word about a friendly little duel.

"Going out to see what I can do about this duel. We'll have it in the town square. Nice, open and familiar."

[roll0] Diplomacy

2012-03-17, 11:13 PM

After thanking Abigail for his room, and setting his stuff within it, he locks his things away, taking only his two weapons, and his body. Walking some way away from the inn, Syntax finds a suitable tree, and begins to scale it. Once high enough, he drops down, and uses low hanging branches to do exercises. He does this four an hour, incorporating his weapons to get better fluid motion from them. He rests exactly eight hours.

2012-03-17, 11:17 PM
Once everyone has decided to take their night, the next day will begin. The duel will be held once both parties are ready. Abigail will have drawn a decent sized crowd, all of which will likely be willing to pay for a good fight. For those interested, there is a single shop, run by the blacksmith, which has all the weaponry and armor needs for the entire town. Anything more advanced is usually bought from the nearby castle.

Kon Lesh
2012-03-18, 01:00 AM
Vangor will go out and watch Syntax as he exercises. He will then check on Thea. He stays completely quiet as he watches both of them. Any type of inquire he stays quite, only nodding or shaking his head as answers. The only time that Vangor speaks during the night is with Abigail.
"Thank you for the room. I own you greatly for this." Vangor will sleep well for the night for this is the first night in a long time that he has slept without any bindings. Vangor sleeps silently.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-18, 12:03 PM
Thea retires to her room after washing herself, calm and focused. She partakes in no vices, only spends her time caring for her arms whilst reflecting on the day's past events. She is not worried, only contemplative, so long from her home and now fighting a duel with a man who is rather odd. He definitely is no warrior, a street thug maybe but no warrior, so why would he bother to go through such a formal motion instead of just bashing her over the head while she slept? He already showed he had no aversions to murder so why risk his own life against her, who was much more suited to one on one combat. She pushed her thoughts aside and relaxed for the remainder of the evening, she had enough exercise for the day and it would be more wise to rest so she would be loose and limber.

2012-03-18, 05:42 PM

Syntax snaps out of his bed, and gathers his things from which he had last night. Nothing more than his light mace and armour. He had no pocket items, nothing he normally uses in battle. This was his home ground, a duel. He's made his name in the streets from this, being the fiery man with ill-temper and hot hands. He tries his door, and shuts it. He walks down to the town center, and wastes no time donning gear. He leaves his mace in leather strap, and pertains the hour by completing more average exercises.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-18, 06:41 PM
Thea was up with the dawn, but she was slow to arm herself, instead she spent her time reading her spellbook to prepare for the day ahead. When she has completed her task she slips her chainshirt over her tunic and straps her rapier to her waist. With a grim face she sets out from her room, ready to do battle.

2012-03-18, 06:46 PM
A large number of the villagers begin to circle around the town square, wanting to watch the combat between the rogue and the magus as it is the most exciting thing to happen in recent history. The area is already surrounded by the time Thea would arrive, but the villagers will open up a path for her to enter into the ring.

The fight itself will actually effect how much gold you and the party can make from it. The more extravagant the fight the more you all can make. Good luck both of you.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-18, 07:02 PM
Thea draws her rapier and stands en guard, anticipating her opponent.

Initiative! [roll0]

2012-03-18, 07:23 PM

Syntax pulls himself up, and then readies his light mace. Staring at Thea with a calm look, he waits for the referee.

Initiative: [roll0]

Kon Lesh
2012-03-18, 09:42 PM
Vangor stretches in the morning. He then starts to dress and put on his armor. He practices with his longsword for a short while and then gives a small prayer May the gods watch this duel. And my their grace fall upon the victor and may the defeated be gracious in there loss. He then puts away his sword. Before he walks out, he looks out the window and people outside can hear a "OH GODS! I'M LATE."

Vangor runs down the stairs, to the door of the inn. He stops in his tracks. Brushes his armored kilt to be straight and takes a breath and then walks through the doorway. Vangor walks pass the crowd and appears between the two duelists. He raises his hands in the air. After a few seconds he speaks, "Ladies! Gentlemen! We gather today to witness two competitors duel in the field of the combat. The rules are simple! This is a one on one combat. It goes until one person is knocked out or surrenders. Magic, items, and weapons are all allowed. There will be NO outside help. Now, may I present the challenger, Syntax!" Vangor will give a six seconds for people to cheer and yell. "And on this side we have Thea!" Again giving 6 seconds for cheering. "May both of you fight with both honor and fervor." Vangor takes a few steps back out of the way. "NOW FIGHT!"

Because I want the people to be excited about this, perform check Oratory to try to rile up the crowd [roll0]

Morbis Meh
2012-03-18, 11:34 PM
Thea wastes no time hesitating, as soon as she hears the signal she moves towards her opponent quickly. Though her heart is racing with anticipation, her mind is calm and tranquil like the eye of the storm. She digs deep within her very essence and draws forth raw arcane energy that she covers her blade with. When she is within striking distance she unleashes her fury and brings down her rapier upon her quarry's midsection, hoping to cut the tendons in his should.

swift action: 1 arcane spell point to give +1 bonus to sword, move action: to close distance and standard: attack [roll0] damage [roll1]
Edit: ignore these rolls, I got 503'd and it resulted in a multipost, I deleted the wrong post which was a 14 to hit, therefore a miss. I am sorry for the inconvenience and frankly I am getting sick of all the 503's I have been getting as of late.

2012-03-19, 06:49 AM

Syntax spins out of the slice, and uses the moment to carry over and take a shot with his light mace towards the heel of his foe. This makes his center of mass much more compact, allowing for greater defense. He curls inwards upon his attack, but flocks outwards soon there-after to create a gap of distance.

Standard Action: Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Move Action: Five-foot step to go behind Thea.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-19, 08:03 AM
Thea parries the clumsy blow with her rapier and counters with a spinning riposte aiming yet again for her opponents arm.

attack roll [roll0] damage [roll1]

2012-03-19, 04:55 PM

Syntax takes the blow with iron will, only smiling at the duel. He flips about, and attends to his target with a solid looking blow.

Standard Action: Attack with Light Mace.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-19, 05:28 PM
Thea sees the mace aimed for her and immediately initiates a passata-sotto thus ducking under the swing. With the lower half of Syntax's body exposed she slashes at his thighs hoping to finish the bout.

Ignore the fluff, it's just a fencing term :smallbiggrin: anyways to hit:
damage [1d6+2

2012-03-19, 06:41 PM
Abigail Wisely

Before the morning fight Abigail Wisely is sure to do her daily prayers. Her spells set and her spiritual obligations met for the day she goes out to the dueling area before either fighter gets there. Abigail sets up a sign and makes sure any local business's have prime positioning to sell their wares. Not to mention she sets up a quaint collection booth made of a borrowed table, a chair and a small chest or two. Once the crowd is in position and the fight is on the way. She quickly yells out odds for the fight.

"2 to 1 for the Ifrit whose fiery passion overflows on an hourly basis and 3 to 1 for the comely lady who brandishes magic as if it were a physical weapon!"

2012-03-19, 07:12 PM

Syntax hops over the shining blow, and allows for a nice turn around his foe. He takes her from the back, and swings roughly at her spinal tap. The blow feels nice in his hands, but he makes sure to keep low, in hopes to not be hit again.

Standard Action: Attack Defensively: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Move action: Get behind without AoO'ing Thea.

AC: 18

Morbis Meh
2012-03-19, 07:24 PM
Thea narrowly dodges the blow aimed for her spine and swings upward quickly and Syntax moves away from her leaving himself exposed. She then thrusts again to land another blow to his midsection.

AoO from Syntax moving (you do provoke one since you are moving out of a threatened square and it is without your bonus from defensive fighting) to hit [roll0] damage [roll1]
to hit for regular attack against AC 18 [roll2] damage [roll3]

2012-03-19, 08:40 PM
Syntax takes the final blow like a boss, and collapses to the ground a moment later, wavering only a second trying to stay on his feet. After Abigail takes the time to treat his wounds, the betters collect their winnings, leaving the party with an extra 50Gp from the fight. After the crowd disperses, a well dressed man with a pair of swords strapped to his waist approaches them, and starts to congratulate the two of them on their fight, saying they were two of the best he had seen in recent time.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-19, 08:56 PM
Thea sheaths her rapier and looks at the man dully, in her current state her hair was an utter disaster, she had mile long sweat stains and she stank like an orc; however, she at least got a good work out and was physically injured. She ignores him and walks over to Syntax and extends her hand "You may have been trounced but you did it with a pair of balls, and the fact you had me break a sweat is an accomplishment in and of itself. Let's say we call a truce for now and I buy you a beer?"

2012-03-19, 09:06 PM

He tends to Abigail on his way down, instructing her of how hot his blood gets after fights, to a near boil. After that, he lets her do her work, only breaking rest for Thea to walk over. After some odd moment, he extends the likewise hand, and smiles to her. "Make 't Burboun. Beer jus' won' cut it after that kind of a beating. Keep your eyes on me lass, I'll be a comin'." As well, he pays little mind to the near man, not giving two shakes of a penny to more outsiders.

2012-03-19, 09:09 PM
Mysterious man

The man raises his voice at the two. "I was talking to you Thea Umbridge. I would appreciate it if you turned your criminal little behind around and talked to me." He began to sound agitated, as he put his hand on the larger of the two swords attached to his waist, staring intently at the two.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-19, 09:12 PM
Thea raises her eyebrow "Bourbon? That's the last thing you need, if you belch you'll burn down the inn!" She laughs at her own joke "As for keeping my eyes on you, it's hard not to, you're a freaking firefly in comparison, enough chatter, I put off that drink long enough. I think by right's you and I each earned a third of that money, so that should get the day started."

2012-03-19, 10:36 PM

Syntax smiles, but looks at the man behind Thea. Syntax flexes both hands towards the man. Smoke filters off of his fingers, and he is in no mood to mess with his wounds. "Thea... I can't fight this guy off, and God forbid I can hold my own right now... Please, talk to him, before he flips his ****."

Kon Lesh
2012-03-19, 11:28 PM
"I congratulate both of you. You have both proven your skills. May the two of you be blessed for your glorious skills." Vangor speaks very highly about both Thea and Syntax. He will then turn towards the swordman. "Do you need to disrupt them now? They are going to celebrate their brand new friendship. Surely it can wait for some time."

Morbis Meh
2012-03-20, 08:22 AM
Thea stares at Syntax incredulously "You're joking right? My track record talking to armed men isn't exactly stellar. Last time I tried to talked to a man with a sword I ended up on the ground with my brain leaking out if my skull. I cam certainly take him on if it comes to that but I will let the other party oddity handle this one. "

2012-03-20, 08:42 AM
Mysterious man

"Relax. There will be no need for violence. I simply wish to speak to the criminals who defeated my men. There is no fun in a fight I would win without contest." He smiled, a wicked smile that sent shivers down the spine. As though the man was truly a monster in a mans body.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-20, 08:59 AM
Thea looks at cautiously at the man, appraising him "To what purpose? You accuse half of us of false crimes to collect on bounties? Words are cheap so speak plainly because I feel my mood souring the more I have to look at you. Yes we trounced your useless men and sent one running with his tail between his legs. Obviously you have a poor eye for recruiting or you're too poor to hire anyone of quality. Nonetheless unless you get to the point I am going to the tavernLucinda so speak or shut it. "

2012-03-20, 09:27 AM
Hajime katsumi

"Why yes. My men weren't top of the line. Dendu chose not to pay for the best. How about I treat the lot of you to a round of drinks while we speak? The tab is on me."

2012-03-20, 03:41 PM

Coughing softly into his hand, he smiles at the gesture. "Count me in. Free drinks are free drinks."

Kon Lesh
2012-03-20, 06:42 PM
"Free drink is something worth while. It might be good to hear what you might say, we should give him a chance. But touch only your drink. And please don't take long with what you have to say." Vangor smiles as he speaks.

2012-03-20, 07:20 PM
The man leads the group of them to the nearest tavern, a small place called Helga's and takes a seat at a table in the back corner, waiting for the other four to all sit down before he is ready to talk. "Get them whatever they want. It's all on me" He says to the serving girl, when she comes around.