View Full Version : Quest for The Invisible Castle

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2012-01-20, 01:14 PM
The three sit in a small clearing south of the town of Callal. Kand sits on a log, playing his mandolin and singing softly, of legends of old, and heroes of legend. Linteshar and Zaribeth sit on the other side of the fire, half-listening to the bard and half making plans for tomorrow. All the three knew, is that the crown was in a castle in the caldera of the gigantic volcano that made up the center of the land

Kand's Perform

2012-01-20, 03:05 PM
Kand, geography is not my specialty, and with teleportation magic now blocked by whatever, do you know the way to this volcano, and how long will it take us. We need to get supplies from the city, and horses too, I dont relish the whole walk on foot.
As well, are there any tales about this castle and the volcano, other than the one that says it holds the crown. Something about what we might expect to face? A volcano suggests fire creatures.

2012-01-20, 03:10 PM
Zarabeth, for the moment, merely waits on the bard's reply. She clearly reacted to Linteshar mentioning horses, she has no intention of walking the whole way either, and she knows she has more than enough gold to get a good steed. For now, she contents herself with sharpening her blades, one after the other, knowing that sooner or later they will be needed.

2012-01-20, 03:18 PM
I've told you all I know about the castle. Kand will say with as he stops playing for a bit to speak to the women. All I know, is that if we keep going north on this road, we will reach the Dwarven city of Hammerblast, where there is hopefully a way into the caldera. I'm all for finding out more about this castle from others, though are best chance is likely Riverwood, where the mage's college used to be. There has to be some books still there in those towers.

2012-01-20, 07:08 PM
Then Riverwood is our first destination, but we still need supplies. I'll go get the horses, Zarabeth, you go get the rest of the supplies. Kand, you can come along with whichever one of us you want.

Linteshar first makes sure she looks her very best, and dresses in the bare minimum she needs to avoid being arrested in the city, however its as least as possible and as tight as possible. She heads to a corral that sells horses, and finds the owner. Making sure she has his full attention...

Hello sweetie, I would like to buy some horses from you. I want some really good traveling horses, not for speed or power, but good endurance. I'll also need all the tack, harness, saddles and such...and I want your best price, honey. You can make me a good deal, cant you?

[roll0] Diplomacy

2012-01-20, 07:14 PM
Zarabeth watches the sway of Linteshar's rear as she walks off, then shakes her head and concentrates on her task. Her clothing is only slightly less revealing than Linteshar's, but is equally tight. She heads to a general store, and finds a clerk.

Sugar, my companions and I are heading on a trip, and we need some supplies. Now, I could probably search around this fine store of yours forever, and not find what I want, Im sure you know exactly where everything is. Could you just round it all up for me? We need food, waterskins, bedrolls, blankets, the usual sort of stuff that a traveller would need. And Ive got money, but not a whole lot, so could you give me as good a price as you can?

[roll0] Diplomacy

2012-01-26, 11:37 PM
Kand trusts the ladies to get the supplies that they need. Kand will hand 100 gold pieces to each of the ladies, to pay for his part of the supplies, and he makes his way towards the inn and begins playing to pass the time, and maybe making some coin as he does.

The man at the stables seems speechless as the beautiful young woman approaches and asks him for horses. He appears to be in his early twenties, with a short well kept beard, and relatively clean clothing of a worker. It is obvious which head he is thinking with as he stutters O...of...Of course miss, I can get you those horses you need. He runs off and towards the back of the stables and comes back with three beautiful horses, complete with saddles. He says, with a sheepish grin these are the three finest horses in all the area. They've got plenty of *ahem* stamina. As he says this last word, he blushes and looks down at the floor quickly. That'll be 150 gold pieces miss

The older man behind the counter, a curly mustache on his face and a pristine grey apron over his clothing. His store seems to be immaculately kept, and he stops sweeping long enough to tell Zaribeth You're barking up the wrong tree miss the man behind the counter says with a smirk, you gather up the supplies yourself, and you pay the same prices as everyone else. The man then returns to sweeping the store

2012-01-27, 07:58 AM

Zarabeth is about ready to eviscerate the rude shopkeep, but manages to hold her temper in check, and gathers up the supplies needed for about a week and half of travel. She drops them on the counter and lets him total up the tab which she pays, half out of her money and half out of the 100 that Kand gave her.

Backpack X3 = 6 gold
Bedroll X3 = 3 silver
Blanket X3 = 15 silver
50' rope (with hook) = 11 gold
Mirrors X3 = 30 gold
Belt pouchs X3 = 3 gold
Trail rations X3X10days = 15 gold
Sacks X6 = 6 silver
Tent X1 = 10 gold
Waterskins X10 = 10 gold
Spell component pouches X2 = 10 gold
Travelers outfit X3 = 3 gold
Entertainers outfit X3 = 9 gold
Pefume X6 vials = 30 gold
139 gold total, we just realized we hadnt bought any of the normal gear for both us, now its covered

Can I at least arrange to have this all delivered to the inn where my partners and I are staying?

[roll0] Diplomacy

After finishing her negotiations, she heads over to the Inn, joining in with Linteshar in her activities. (see Mikelas post)

2012-01-27, 08:32 AM

Linteshar smiles seductively at the young man, and makes sure she brushes up against him as she walks around the horses. She makes a show of inspecting the horses, including bending over to check the hooves, which would give him a wonderful view of her rear, 3 separate times.

Im sure they'll have all the stamina I'll need. You look like you know all about stamina.

She draws close enough to whisper in his ear, which puts her lightly brushing against him again.

Heres the money dear, I really appreciate it. She nibbles on his ear just a bit. Why dont you come by the Inn after your shift is done, my friend and I will be putting on a show. Who knows, you might even get a backstage pass.

She brushes against him even more, then moves off to gather up the reins, and leads the horses back to the Inn stables. Leaving the horses in the care of the stables there, she heads in to find Kand, giving him a kiss when she finds him.

Having any luck earning coin? You know more about this inn, do you think the Innkeep would mind if Zarabeth and I gave a little dance show when she gets back. With your music and our skill, we should make even more.

Will describe show if he says its okay.

2012-01-27, 03:50 PM
Linteshar and the Stablemaster
Feeling a bit emboldened by Linteshar's flirting, the man says with a grin

I wouldn't miss that for the world

Linteshar can feel him undressing her with his eyes as she leaves, ideas popping into his head that would make a prostitute blush

Kand and Linteshar
My dear, I don't know of anyone who could say no to an offer like that

Kand says with a sly grin. He pulls over a young serving girl, who he later identifies as the innkeeper's daughter, and asks her

Well miss, is there anyway you could convince your father to let me play a song and my friends dance? We're headed out tomorrow, and were hoping to put on a show for the town before we left.

As he speaks, Linteshar recognizes the look Kand is giving the girl. It is his vampire heritage, allowing him to enrapture someone with a glance. As the girl runs off, Kand gives her a pinch and she grins at him impishly, and hurries off to talk to her father. Kand turns to Linteshar and says

We'll have no problem from the innkeeper. His daughter has him wrapped around her finger, he'll so whatever she wants.

The old man sighs, and then looks at Zaribeth saying

Your things will be at the inn in the morning. Just please leave my store. I find you grating to be around

2012-01-27, 07:02 PM

Zarabeth comes in a few minutes later, however both can see by the look on her face that things didnt go perfectly.
I got the stuff, but that shopkeeper is so rude, its ridiculous.
When Linteshar tells her about doing a dance for the locals, she brightens considerably.

2012-01-27, 07:33 PM

Cheer up, we'll have the rest of the locals eating out of our hands. Kand has arranged for the Innkeeper to allow us to perform...and of course he's going to play the music for us

Linteshar and Zarabeth are both already in their dancing silks, and head to whatever impromptu stage has been set up. As Kand begins to play, both of them set up on opposite sides of the stage. The first part is a traditional belly dance from both of them, their beads and bangles flashing in the light of the room, their hips swinging in perfect rhythm with the music. As they continue, it seems like they "notice" each other, and their gyrations become even greater, as if they are competing with each other. They step it up by picking members of the audience and seem to dance exclusively for them, the seduction of one working by extension to the seduction of all.
If the stablehand is there, that is who Linteshar picks. Zarabeth just chooses whichever man looks the best, outside of Kand, obviously
Moving away from their targets, both women move back onto the stage, and now the belly dance begins to change, very slowly, into a strip tease. In turn, each woman removes one silk veil from the other; as more and more of the silks come off, both are taking even more time with each removal, caressing each other as they do so. By the end of this, they have gotten each other down to about 25% of their original state of dress.
The final stage is back to more of a traditional belly dance, but now with almost no silks, there are not just flashes of skin, there are flashes of breast and hip, made even more enticing by the way each one is unexpected and brief. Finally, even though neither in any way spent physically, their peformance draws to an end.

[roll0] Perform (Linteshar)
[roll1] Perform (Zarabeth)

2012-01-29, 10:57 PM
The combination of Kand's playing, and the ladies' dancing has everyone in the bar, men and women alike, were absolutely enthralled. It was as if time had stopped to watch the artistry unfold as the ladies danced. The men the women chose were starry eyed as they reached the pinnacle of their lives, watching these enchantresses dance for them.

After the dance had finished, a shower of silver coins came clattering onto the stage. Kand began his rounds, collecting the coins into the pouch hooked to his belt, hamming it up for the women in the crowd, producing flowers, giving winks. The stablemaster sort of mills about in the crowd after the dancing, Linteshar can make a fairly good guess as to what he is hoping will happen.

2012-01-30, 11:47 AM
Linteshar and Zarabeth (Debbie approves this post) continue to take bows and blow kisses to the crowd, letting Kand collect the coins while they do so. They have no doubts about his honesty when it comes to divvying up afterwards. After a few more moments, they move off the stage, and head towards the stairs (hallway?) to their room for the night. Just before they leave however, Linteshar turns to the stablehand, giving him her most salacious smile in invitation. At the same time, she sends a telepathic message to Kand.

Give us about an hour with this rube, if he follows, and then we'll be ready for you

I'll let you indicate if he follows or not, even though theres not much doubt, and then describe what they do to him.

2012-01-30, 04:27 PM
The stable hand sees the smile of Linteshar, and quickly makes his way towards the stairs to follow the ladies upstairs. As this happens, Kand draws the rest of the crowd's attention with his musical abilities, allowing the three to do what they wish, without any disturbances.

2012-01-31, 03:43 PM
After seeing that her “messages” have been received, both by Kand and the stable hand, Linteshar and Zarabeth continue on to their room. Moments later, when the knock comes on the door, neither are much surprised. Both of them have removed what little remained of their dancing silks, so when Linteshar softly bids him to enter, the first thing he sees is the two beauties lying resplendently on their beds, completely naked.
We’re so glad you could come coos Linteshar, with an extra little smirk adding to the double entendre of the word “come”.
Yes, youre just in time purrs Zarabeth you can help us take a hot bath after all that exercise She stands up, and leads him to the bathroom, where a tub of water awaits, Linteshar padding right behind him.
The two sorceresses apply some simple cantrips to the water to heat it to just the right temperature, all the while letting him gawk at their nude forms and feel the tingle of the magic in the air. When that is taken care of, Zarabeth gets out some soap and starts working up some lather and bubbles in the water, while Linteshar turns to him and starts slowly removing his clothes, all the time caressing him and complimenting him on his manly form.
Linteshar and Zarabeth both step into the tub, bringing him in with them, between them both. The two of them proceed to give him a very thorough washing off, concentrating on his most sensitive areas, they toss away any wash cloths that happen to be near, and use their hands and occasionally their tongues. After a good five minutes of soaking and lathering, Zarabeth moves so that she is now positioned between the two, and they can concentrate on her. She keeps her front towards him most of time, letting him wash her breasts as much as he wants, while Linteshar rubs against her from behind while giving looks to him over Zarabeth’s shoulder that would melt an iceberg.
Again, five minutes go by, and then the stable hand’s wildest dreams are realized, as Linteshar takes her position between the two. At first, she keeps her back to him, but any disappointment he feels is soon washed away by the sensation of being able to put his arms around the succubus, and snuggle up to her; as well, she cleverly places her butt in such a way that his manhood is cuddled into her ass cheeks, which she flexes and relaxes in a slow rhythmic fashion. As he continues to caress her, she leans back into him, sighing in satisfaction at his attentions. She lets him enjoy this position for a while, and then knowing what he really wants, she turns in the tub so that she is now facing him. His hands are almost magically drawn to her breasts, an irresistible lure, while his eyes seem to lock with hers. Her soft voice fills his head, relaxing away any sort of conscious thought, as he snuggles closer and closer, feeling like he is drowning in warm honey. Zarabeth pushes up from behind him, completely sandwiching him in between them, and guides his legs over those of Linteshar so that their bodies are pushed right together. His stiff manhood now pushes against the succubus and with an almost imperceptible shift, Linteshar changes position and his manhood plunges deep within her. She nuzzles close to him, nibbling on his ear, continuing to whisper her soft words of hypnotic relaxation, drawing him deeper and deeper into a warm state of bliss, no need to move or even think, just enjoy.
He’s not sure how long this state lasts, because when he is finally aware of his surroundings once more, he is being toweled dry by the two women. They lead him back to the bed, Linteshar lies down first on the bed, drawing Zarabeth down onto her, and then the stable hand on top. Linteshar begins to caress Zarabeth, and taking his cues from her, he does the same. Knowing exactly what Zarabeth likes, Linteshar soon has her helpless in ecstasy and the caresses of the stable boy only heighten the experience for her. Guided by Linteshar’s telepathy, he soon begins to probe her womanhood with his manhood, driving her even higher. With an explosive climax, he comes deep inside the warrior woman, over and over again, until he feels like he is completely spent. Linteshar and Zarabeth reposition themselves, now snuggling him between themselves, and he feels a tingle as seductive magic flows from one of the sorceresses. As it fills his body, he feels re-invigorated, and soon his body is responding to the caresses of the women. Now facing Linteshar, his hands roam over her body, he seems driven to caress every inch of her, with his hands and his tongue. He cant get enough of the sexy succubus, each time he touches her, he feels a burst of desire to touch her even more. Her breasts are calling to him once again, and he is powerless to resist the lure, moving to them and burying his face in their cleavage. As comfortable as that is, his desire continues to fan higher, and he is driven to suck and nibble on them. Zarabeths sweet voice is a song in his ear, urging him to keep going, while Linteshar’s seductive magic swirls in him. Finally, he pushes himself into position and plunges his manhood deep within her, while his eyes are once again locked with hers. Her ruby red lips pout and call to him and as he continues to push deep inside of her, he bends down to kiss them. An unbelievable ecstasy fills him, like nothing he has ever felt before, the desire to kiss her again and again overpowering in its intensity. She pauses just a moment, letting him savour the feeling and the desire and then they kiss again. His last thought is that of the sweet bliss the kiss brings, and then the last of his life energy is sucked from him and he collapses, moldering into dust as his soul departs his body into Linteshar.
You really do have to teach me that power
Linteshar draws Zarabeth closer. Soon my pet, very soon, you will be a sweet succubus like myself and the world shall be our playground. Her hands continue to caress Zarabeth while her seductive magic begins to work on her, relaxing her under her power.Kand will be joining us soon, but we still have a few moments for ourselves

2012-01-31, 11:36 PM
Well I'm sure he'll be dying happily Kand will think to himself as he plays. After about an hour, the inn has mostly emptied, and the serving girl from earlier sits on the edge of the stage, lost in the Bard's music. After Kand is sure the ladies are done with their "dinner", Kand picks out their "dessert." He moves to the woman and whispers in her ear, a soft invitation to pleasures she has only imagined with Kand and the dancers. Enraptured, the girl goes with Kand, and they both knock on the door where Linteshar and Zarabeth are.

There you go, have fun with it! :smallwink:

2012-02-02, 02:40 PM
Linteshar and Zarabeth look up as Kand enters with the serving girl.
Oh, look, dear, hes brought us a nice midnight snack.Now, my young apprentice, watch and learn how you sow true chaos
Welcome, my dear, I hope you enjoyed our little dance, it was so nice of you to convince your father to let us perform. We’d like to show you our appreciation. Why don’t you come over here, thats a nice girl. Just lie down here and relax. Positioning the young girl between the two of them, and leaving enough room for Kand to be able to touch as well, Linteshar and Zarabeth begin to caress the girl. Linteshar continues in her soothing, relaxing and hypnotic voice.Just relax, and enjoy, we’re going to make you feel so good, so warm and relaxed...just listen to the sound of my voice, feel how good it makes you just to relax and listen...warm fingers caressing every inch of your lovely body...nice warm breasts to snuggle up against...not a care in the world...this is your special time, alone with us...being so naughty, it feels so good doesnt it?...just relax and let yourself go...totally safe with us, we’ll take good care of you...youre feeling so heavy and lazy right now, and it feels so good...don’t fight it, youre safe and warm with us...just let that heavenly relaxation flow into you...so warm and evil, it feels good to be evil, doesnt it?...because evil is good and good is evil...don’t bother to think about it, just relax and enjoy...your eyes are so heavy right now, you cant keep them open...don’t try to fight it...just relax and enjoy...so sleepy, so heavy, just let your eyes close, just relax with us
Linteshar continues to hypnotize the girl as the others caress her, until she is satisfied that she is totally under her spell. She then begins to speak, once again, still softly, but now telling her what she is to do.
From now on, youre going to remember that you are the boss of this Inn. Not your father, he works for you. You make sure he understands that youre in charge now. Anything you have to do, you do it. And being the boss, whatever you want to do with the Inn is fine. You don’t have to answer to anyone, if you want to turn it into a casino or a brothel, you can..its yours. Do you understand what I’ve told you?
When she nods her head in agreement, Linteshar continues.Oh, youre doing so very good. It makes you feel good when I tell youre doing good, and Im so pleased, you doing very good, so very good, really, really good
Linteshar watches as the girl squirms helplessly under the power of her spell. Now Im going to count up to 3. When I get to 3, youre going to be wide awake, and we’re going to have the best sex of your life. Look at Kand here, he so male and so muscular, hes going to fill you like youve never been filled before, and youre going to love it. You wont remember our little talk, only the sex, but you will remember that youre the boss here now, you do whatever you want. Now, 1...slowly coming up...2, eyes opening, stretching and yawning...and 3 wide awake.
As the girls eyes open, Linteshar slides to a position behind her, allowing Kand to move on top of her. Helpless under the power of Linteshar’s post hypnotic suggestion, and already previously enspelled by Kand, she embraces him as Linteshar and Zarabeth continue to caress her. Kands powerful manhood pumps deep within her, and she is soon begging in ecstasy. Kand has enough control, with her at least, to keep her there for several minutes with his smooth powerful thrusts, but soon he explodes, filling the girl who screams in rapture. Linteshar manages to restrain herself from kissing her, thinking it likely that she is totally unleveled and wants her to leave alive, to carry out her plans for mischief. All 3 smile as they bid the girl good night.

[roll0] Perform: Sex (Linteshar)
[roll1] Perform: Sex (Zarabeth)

2012-02-02, 02:44 PM
Linteshar and Zarabeth turn to you after the girl leaves.
It would be interesting to stick around and see what the little slut does with that programming....but we have more important things to attend to....tomorrow that is
But for now, we’ve got some special loving for our special man who brought us that nice treat
Positioning themselves so that you are sandwiched between them, Linteshar and Zarabeth begin their massage of your body. For now, you are facing Zarabeth, with Linteshar pushing her curvy body up behind you. Zarabeth wraps her arms around you, kissing you deeply, while Linteshar’s clever fingers continue their exploration of every inch of you. As always, she finds your ticklish spots with ease, and you are soon squirming and giggling as she teases you unmercifully. Locked in a warm embrace, its impossible to escape and when Zarabeth starts tickling as well, you feel like you are about to explode with pleasure. Linteshar continues to tickle and now her tongue and teeth are licking and nibbling at one ear, while Zarabeth works at the other. Neither of them have even come close to your manhood, but you can begin to feel just a little bit of come leaking out. The two girls continue their attentions, you can feel it oozing out of you now, and you beg for mercy, but they show you none. There is no mind blowing orgasm (yet) but you feel like you have leaked a full load nonetheless, and when they finally finish, the evidence shows that you have.
Hmm, thats a nice start, but Im sure you can do better than that Linteshar turns you so that you now face her, while Zarabeth slithers down into a position between your legs. Her fingers begin a soft caress of your balls and very quickly your manhood responds, swelling and growing in size. Moments later, you feel a warm wetness engulf you, and then Linteshars lips are pressed into yours. Pleasure fills you, you know in an instant that an absolute bliss could fill you from her power, but for now, you simply savour the normal pleasures of a kiss, and one of the most perfect blow jobs ever given, a dual sensation that few men ever get to feel. Youre the king of the world, with two beautiful women attending to your every need, and as the feeling fills you, a savage moan escapes your throat, as ecstasy bursts forth. Timed perfectly with your explosion into Zarabeth’s mouth, Linteshars power kicks in, and the dual release is overwhelming to your senses.
Thats pretty good, but still not perfect
More magic tingles the air, moments ago you felt like all your vigour had been taken from you, but in an instant, the sorcery refreshes you. Zarabeth is back in front of you, and your throbbing manhood is positioned perfectly. Linteshar is whispering in your ear, once again, her seductive demonic language fills you with an evil bliss and with complete abandon, you begin to pump into Zarabeth. The delicious corruption of her demon speech fills you, you embrace the helpless rapture this evil brings, and moments later you are exploding into Zarabeth. No sooner have you finished with her, but you are spun around, and gaze helplessly in Linteshar’s shining eyes, light with unholy desire. You bury your manhood, still stiff from the power of her magic, deep within her, pumping with all your heart as she continues to whisper sweet words of corruption. As your ecstasy grows, she begins to kiss you, deeply and draining. The combined bliss is overwhelming, the world seems to pause for a moment, and you wish you could have this feeling forever, and then its like your body explodes into a million pieces.
Youre not sure how much later it is, but Linteshar and Zarabeth are lying beside you.
Now...we achieved perfection

[roll0] Perform: Sex (Linteshar)
[roll1] Perform: Sex (Zarabeth)

2012-02-03, 05:13 PM
The three wake at the sunrise, as light pours into the room. They quickly get their clothes on, thought the innuendo hangs thick in the air as they discuss last night. As they come down the stairs, they overhear the innkeeper's daughter yelling at her father, an occurrence that brings an evil smirk to Linteshar's face.

The group of three realize they should be quick in leaving the town, especially before anyone realizes the missing stable boy. They quickly load the horses with Zarabeth's purchases, and head north towards the mage's college

2012-02-03, 07:08 PM

Okay we're heading for the mage college, or at least where you said the mage college used to be. Do you know if its still there, or are we investigating a ruins, no doubt inhabited by all manner of beasts. If the college is still intact, we'll be dealing with a bunch of stuffy old men who look down their noses at our sorcery and bardic magic. Two very different challenges

2012-02-06, 05:33 PM
To the best of my knowledge, the college is still there, though how many people still attend is unknown to me. It has been many a year since I was last there, hunting a few demons that had been summoned by a student. They seemed more put off by my abilities with eldritch powers than by my bardic abilities, and there were many sorcerers in attendance. Our only problem may be a high ranking mage seeing through your disguise. Apart from that, we should have no problem gaining access to the library, what with your talents Kand says the last words with a knowing wink to the Succubus. He continues We should also look out for any other demon hunters. I was not the last one, though we were few and far between. The college does seem to attract them though, likely because it used to be a hotspot for amateur summonings.

2012-02-06, 07:20 PM

Okay, I'll focus my efforts on the head mage, once we figure out who he is, because Im not hiding behind a disguise. He true sees me, he sees what he sees now. I may not be the uber-beauty that Linteshar is, but when I want a man to notice me, hes going to notice me. Despite what that rude shopkeep thinks.

2012-02-06, 07:28 PM

And I'll take care of the lesser mages. When Im finished with them, using a true seeing will be the last thing on their minds, and even if they do, I have ways to disrupt concentration. Try to cast a spell on me, Kand

As he goes to cast a spell, Linteshar casually strolls up to him, as she gets in range, her hand gently caresses his groin.

Oh, I can think of much better ways to spend our time...and if you want to see whats under the robes, you only have to ask And with that, her robes seem to part just a little, giving an even more tantalizing view of what they cover.

2012-02-06, 07:34 PM

And as for you Kand, you said you have been here before. Why dont you try to look up some old friends if they are still here, and see if you can get any ins there. As well, you used to be demon hunter, didnt you...until we convinced you of the error of your ways, that demons bring more pleasure than pain. You might be able to recognize someone with the tools of the trade, and give us a warning before they run into Linteshar.

2012-02-07, 10:51 PM
As Linteshar gives Kand's groin a brush, he gives her a quick kiss on the forehead when she is in range, and then smirks. He turns to Zarabeth, saying as I have sworn to do, I will do my best to protect you both from meddling as best I can. As for identifiers, look for people carrying silver or cold-iron weapons, as only those dealing with demons and devils need such implements. Also, look for those who feel the need to openly carry weapons in a mage's college. Apart from that, we can just keep our eyes open for anyone suspicious.

2012-02-08, 10:41 AM

Ha, ha, thats funny. Youd think we were the suspicious ones. But thats good, those sorts of weapons will stand out pretty clearly. Hopefully we'll be in and out before anyone is the wiser. Lets move out then, how long of a travel do you think it is.

Linteshar remounts her horse, and prepares to move out.

2012-02-10, 07:14 PM
Well, it shouldn't be more than two days of normal riding. Kand will say, remounting his horse as well.

2012-02-10, 07:31 PM

Two days on a horse. Well, it cant be helped.
Zarabeth checks both her swords. Maybe something will try and make trouble for us Her wolfish expression makes you think she would welcome it.

2012-02-11, 04:26 PM
The party continues to ride towards the mage college at Riverwood, the first day of their travel is uneventful. Just before supper, Linteshar spots a secluded spot just off the road, and suggests that they make camp there. Linteshar and Zarabeth decide to set up the camp and make the supper, while Kand goes out to collect some wood for fire.
Kand spends his time finding the wood, and is about to come into the campsite, but he pauses just outside the line of shrubs and looks in.
Zarabeth is standing just a few feet away from Linteshar, who is speaking in a soft and soothing voice. Kand immediately recognizes that Linteshar is using her powerful charm monster on the swordswoman. Zarabeth stiffens, trying to summon up her will to resist the spell, but it seems to worm past her defenses, find her weak spots, and work its seductive power to relax her mind to the succubus. As Kand watches, Zarabeth's body seems to sag, her muscles relax and a happy smile crosses her face as she falls victim to the spell. Linteshar takes her into her arms, with a wicked grin on her lips, and once again begins to speak in soothing voice, urging Zarabeth to relax even more. Kand realizes that the succubus is using a hypnosis on her, and he well knows how effective Linteshar is with that particular spell. Zarabeth, of course, is already under the effect of a charm and has no chance to resist the second spell; as Kand watches, her muscles continue to sag, her body seems to turn to jelly and Linteshar is able to slowly lower her to the ground. As she lies on top of her, she continues to work her insidious spell on her, completely robbing Zarabeth of the ability to move.
Eventually, the demon seems satisfied that she has Zarabeth exactly how she wants her, and sits up momentarily. Kand wonders just what the succubus is up to, and his unspoken question is quickly answered. Linteshar bends back down to Zarabeths legs, and her tongue comes out, beginning to lick the womans leg. Her warm, wet tongue starts licking every inch of Zarabeth's leg, right up the inside of her thigh, but staying away from her womanhood. She works every spot on the right leg and then moves over to the left one, repeating her actions.
After she finishes, she slithers a bit higher on the prone woman, and once again starts licking her body, this time focusing on her belly and sides. Kand imagines that Zarabeth would have been squirming helplessly under the treatment, but Linteshar's powerful hypnosis had robbed her of the ability to move. Once again, Linteshar covers every inch of the woman, but avoids her breasts for now. She works both sides as well her belly, even working her tongue into Zarabeth's belly button and through her armpits, all the while Zarabeth is completely unable to react, other than giggle or moan helplessly.
Finishing up with her torso, Linteshar continued to slide up Zarabeth's body, rubbing her own curvy body against her entranced “victim”, until she was in position to start licking her face and neck. Once again, her tongue came out to do its devastating work, going over all parts of Zarabeths face and neck. Nibbling and licking at Zarabeths ears in turn, Linteshar works slowly and patiently, making sure that each part of her companion gets stimulated. She bends in, licking at Zarabeth's neck, in a manner that Kand is more than familiar with, she looks exactly like what a vampire would look like if they were working on her.
Kand is just about beside himself with desire, he can only imagine what must be going through Zarabeth's mind and what she is experiencing, Linteshar seems to know exactly what she is doing in her through arousal of the swordmistress. She begins to slide back down again, her tongue trailing through the throat of Zarabeth and moves slowly towards her breasts. She starts at the base of one, swirling her tongue all the way around it, and then slowly moving up, still making sure to cover every spot. She teases, but doesnt quite touch the nipple, and then moves back down and over to the other one. Kand can hear Zarabeth moaning with pleasure, being driven totally to distraction by the luscious treatment, but still softly held by the relaxing hypnosis. As before, she swirls her tongue all around the base, and works slowly up the mound. This team, when she reaches the top, her tease is only momentary, as she latches on to Zarabeth's nipple, sucking softly. Zarabeth's moans increase, as Linteshar knows exactly how to stimulate and please her, her tongue working Zarabeth's nipple expertly. She finishes with the one, and moves seamlessly to the other, continuing to keep her partner in a state of bliss. Kand can see slight beads of wet beginning to form on Zarabeth's womanhood, even though Linteshar has not touched her there in the slightest. The stimulation to Zarabeths breasts is so skilled, Kand wonders if she will be brought to orgasm before Linteshar even reaches there. Again, his unasked question is soon answered, as a cry of ecstasy escapes her lips while her womanhood becomes soaked. Kand marvels at the total control of Linteshar's hypnotic trance, even in orgasm, Zarabeth's body doesnt even twitch. He also marvels at Linteshar's ability to bring a woman to orgasm by only working on her breasts, he doesnt know of anyone else who could do that.
But Linteshar is hardly through with her young apprentice, as she begins to slide her tongue lower down on Zarabeth's body, tantalizingly slow in its approach to Zarabeth's groin. She pauses for another quick probe of her belly button, but its no more than a slight tease and single probe before she continues on. Moments later, she attains her goal, and begins her final stimulation. She starts by licking the whole surface first, savouring the taste of Zarabeth's juices that she has already brought forth, and then begins her slow and careful work. Her tongue traces the lips of Zarabeths flower, and then with an almost infinite delicacy, slowly begins to penetrate the folds. Zarabeth's body continues to lie still, but by her moans, Kand can tell that Linteshar has her under her complete control. Her tongue continues to press deeper and deeper inward, she knows exactly what she is looking for and where to find it, Zarabeths G-spot is well known to her. Her fingers finally are brought into play as she uses them to part the cheeks of Zarabeth's ass, once done, a delicate finger slips inside, increasing Zarabeth's moans even more. It seems to take forever, as Linteshar takes her time, but finally, she finds the spot she is looking for...time seems to stand still just for a moment, and then her finger thrusts in just deep enough while her tongue pushes Zarabeth's button. This time, it is screams of ecstasy that Kand hears, not just cries, Zarabeth begs and calls Linteshar's name over and over as ecstasy courses through her body. Linteshar continues to work Zarabeth's body, her head comes up for just a moment as she whispers a word to the entranced sorceress, and with that word, motion returns to Zarabeth's body, which is immediately bucking and squirming under her attentions. Kand is not sure how many orgasms that Zarabeth goes through, at least 3 or 4, and only when Linteshar is finished and rises up from her body do her gyrations cease.
Kand is speechless at what he has just witnessed, the control and skill displayed by the demon of sex are unmatched...and then Linteshar slowly turns to him, with an even wickeder smile than she had before. Kand blushes a bit, its obvious that Linteshar had known he was there the whole time, and he hears the softest of whispers “I think she'd love some male attention as well.”

2012-02-12, 12:55 AM

Zarabeth as well turns to Kand, holding out her arms, calling him to come to her. The lures of two beautiful women would be too much for Kand to refuse, even if he had any intention of doing so, and since he doesnt, the firewood that he collected, even the supper that he thought was being prepared completely gets forgotten.
He hurries quickly to the prone Zarabeth, tossing aside his wood in his haste. His robes seem to fly off as he melts into Zarabeths arms, and when Linteshar drapes herself on top of him, he experiences once again the warm comfort of being cuddled by two women. His association with Linteshar and Zarabeth has trained and fortified his stamina, not to mention the fact that both women are well versed in the simple cantrip that allows him to satisfy both of them in that regard. A warm and soft session soon breaks out between the three, and several hours pass by in sensual bliss. Eventually, all three end up satiated, with Kand wondering where all his bardic talent disappeared to, and after the rest of the wood is added to the fire for the night, all three bed down in the warm sleeping bag that has been sewn together to accomodate all of them. They are not disturbed during the night, fortunately, for none of them are really ready to deal with any sort of aggression towards them. The next morning, all three awake quite refreshed and thoroughly pleased with last nights encounter, Kand once again thanking the blessing of his magical medallion that allows him to experience the bliss of Linteshar's energy drain and yet be fully restored the next day. They saddle up, and continue on their way to Riverwood.

2012-02-12, 03:00 AM
After three days of riding, the group finally sights Riverwood as they crest a hill. The town seems normal, apart from the giant spire jutting high above the skyline. The casters in the group can clearly see what looks to be a large gash being cut into the sky by the tower. As they approach, they are stopped at the gate by two guards wearing a red tabard marked by a brilliant golden sun.

Halt the eldest guard says, raising his hand to signal the three to stop. What brings you to Riverwood?

Kand moves to the front to speak, Taren, well met! How is the Riverkeepers doing? Found any rogue elementals lately?

With this, the eldest guard gives Kand a disappointed glare, and waves the group through to the stables. The group leaves their steeds at the stable and begins to make there way into town. As they walk to the nearest inn, Kand says Well, apparently something has gone wrong at the college, if the Riverkeepers are here. They only come out enmasse as they have if there is an incredibly large number of elementals about. They've never liked the colleges lax rules on conjuration by apprentices. Their only goal is to protect people by destroying rogue elementals. That might also explain the gash in the sky. Perhaps a wayward mage opened a large portal to Limbo or some other realm letting elemental chaos through.

2012-02-12, 12:52 PM

It sounds to me like the Riverkeepers know a lot about conjuration, and that would mean they know about outsiders like me. They are likely people that we should give wide bearth to. Kand, is it possible for people to actually stay at the college, or do we need to find a room in the nearest Inn, and go from there? I would like to be based in the college if possible, getting in and getting out quick with those Riverkeepers around is our best plan. If we can stay at the college, Zarabeth and you can arrange for our room, I'll sort of stay in the background, at least until we know where the Riverkeepers are working their stuff.

2012-02-13, 11:02 PM
I have a feeling that the college is off limits right now Kand will say, motioning towards the base of the tower, where four Riverkeepers were standing guard. The only reason this many would be here is if some sort of elemental outbreak had happened. Considering the full name of their organization is Lia Riverkeeper's Legion, the woman who saved the world from the princes' of elemental evil, all they do is fight elementals. Most couldn't identify another outsider if there was a sign around its neck. As the trio enter a small inn at the end of the street, Kand will say this will likely work in our favor though, as the demon hunters and the Riverkeepers do not get along, and tend to avoid each other. We shouldn't have to worry about them here. I would recommend we not "perform" our usual way though, to avoid suspicion.

2012-02-14, 10:24 AM

Okay, we get rooms here, then we spread out and gather information. Zarabeth, you find out if there is a fighters guild, and see what you can find with them. Even better if you find a Abjurant College, they tend to be buddy/buddy. Kand, you see if you can get in touch with your old friends at the college. I'll just stroll through town and see what I can pick up.

Linteshar walks up to the Innkeeper.

My friends and I need a room for evening. As well, we've had nothing but trail rations for a week and we need a good hot meal, with good drink as well. After we eat, we're going out on the town, so we dont want our room double rented either

[roll0] Diplomacy

2012-02-14, 10:26 AM

Zarabeth, for her part, just smiles at the Innkeep while Linteshar negotiates. She also looks around the room, seeing who is already there and what they might be up to.

2012-02-14, 11:14 PM
At the mention of double renting, the innkeeper looks insulted, but only briefly as Linteshar's natural charisma soothes any insults he may have felt. He stops wiping down the bar and says I'll go get the food, feel free to take a seat anywhere. As for drinks, you'll want to talk to my son over there and he points to a young man carrying drinks to a table of rowdy Riverkeepers. After this, the innkeeper heads into the kitchen to grab some food for the trio.

2012-02-15, 10:18 AM

I just meant that you run such a fine establishment, and with the town having more people than usual and us leaving after our meal, you might have thought we didnt want to stay. No insult meant

[roll0] Bluff

After attempting to smooth things over with the Innkeeper, Linteshar picks out a spot for the group to sit, and makes eye contact with the serving boy, with a look designed to make him spill his drinks in haste to get over to see what she wants.

[roll1] Bluff

When the food arrives, she eats enough to allay the suspicions of anyone who might be watching them, trying to look like she needs to eat, even though as a demon, she feeds on "other" things. She does drink however, demons do like human alcohol, even though its far weaker than anything that comes out of the Abyss.

Okay, heres what we are looking for when we go out. First, and best option, hearing anything about the volcano and the Crown that might be in there. Second, is there any way to use whats going on in the town as a distraction to get into the mage college and use the library. Third and least, is there any way we can knock off some of the elementals, and use that to get a reward of using the library. Helping this city isnt big on my list of things to do, but if it gets us into the stacks, its okay. Lets head out our separate ways.

Linteshar heads into the city, using her natural charisma and investigative skills to try and find out anything related to her three aims.

[roll2] Gather Information

2012-02-15, 10:22 AM

Zarabeth eats a little bit more than Linteshar, mostly fruits and vegetables, but enough to keep her going. She doesnt even think of matching Linteshar drink for drink, she knows better than to try. When Linteshar outlines her plan, she nods acceptance to it.

There should be some sort of fighters or adventurers guild that would know about the Crown or the elementals. I'll start there and if they also know of an Abjurant Champion group, I'll check with them as well.

Zarabeth leaves the Inn at the same time as Linteshar, her skills arent nearly as good as the demons, but she still possesses enough natural charm that men tend to open up to her.

[roll0] Gather Information

2012-02-17, 11:29 AM

As she wanders around the town, Linteshar obviously draws lustful eyes. More than a few Riverkeeper patrols finds themselves falling over each other as they can't help but star at the disguised Succubus. As she wanders, she happens upon what looks to be an old book shop that looks promising. Next door is a blacksmith, and across the street is an alchemists shop.

Giving options!


Zarabeth is able to find a young man who is rather eager to help her find the fighter's guild in town. He happily leads her there, chatting inanely as they walk, clearly trying to impress her with his wizard abilities. She quickly finds out he is an apprentice mage at the college, but with the college closed, he has decided to join the fighter's guild. More consistent work is his reasoning.

If you want to ask him questions, then do so. If not, tell me OOC :smallbiggrin:

2012-02-17, 11:16 PM

Zarabeth is quite interested in what the young man has to say, and keeps him talking about the college. She steers the conversation to finding out why the college is closed, what caused that to happen, and how long it will stay that way...as well, if he has any ideas about how to get it to re-open. She will act suitably impressed with his magical prowess, and will try to see what exactly the extent of his power is. And if he seems to be getting friendly because of how much attention Zarabeth is lavishing on him, she will work to encourage that as well.

2012-02-17, 11:22 PM

Linteshar reacts to the looks with an extra sway of her hips, in any other situation, she might explore what more she could get, but she has other aims on her mind. (for now, maybe a few hours later?)
She debates over the three options she has, discarding the blacksmith first, as magic and ancient castles are not likely his thing. The alchemist might have something, but its much more likely that the bookstore would have the most potential. She pushes open the door, and looks around for the shop keeper.

2012-02-22, 12:40 PM

The young man seems excited about the attention he is receiving from the beautiful woman, and is more than happy to brag about the college and his abilities. Well, apparently what happened was one of the freshman tried to summon an elemental after the plane between planes had closed. He stole the Archmage's staff and tried to use it to rip a hole to the elemental plane of Air, and he succeeded in a way. If you can see magic, there is a giant hole between this plane and limbo in the Archmage's quarters at the top of the tower, and lots of elementals have come through. They closed the tower to keep the elementals from escaping into the town. As he speaks about the college, you are able to find out he is a 5th year wizard at the college, and was a week away from his final exam when the incident happened. He will also reveal his name as Darek.


As you enter the bookstore, the smell of old tomes of knowledge, mixed with a bit of lavender and sandalwood meets your nostrils. Whoever owns this store keeps it clean and well maintained. A small Male Gnome appears from behind the counter and does a double-take when he sees his customer. He will quickly disappear behind the counter and cast a few spells, and reappear looking tidied up, clearly trying to impress the woman. He will say Welcome to my store miss. What can I, Lardergear, help you find today?

2012-02-22, 08:09 PM

Linteshar smiles as she sees a gnome, shes done this trick before. She walks right up to the gnome, which pretty much puts her breasts right in his face.

Oh Im really hoping that you have something that can help me. She backs up at this point, allowing to try and collect his senses. Im wondering if you have any books on either a castle that is rumoured to be in the caldera of the volcano...or on a crown that is supposed to be in it. She half turns as she looks around the store, allowing the gnome a view of her in profile, before turning back. So can you help me sweetie...I would be ever so appreciative if you do have something.

2012-02-22, 09:40 PM

Are you saying that the tower has been sealed and nothing can get in or out? And all the people who were in the tower when the rift was opened, theyre still in there with the elementals going crazy? So you would have to be really careful trying to sneak in there if you wanted to, lest the elementals break free
And thats really too bad about your exam being postponed, from what I can tell, Im sure you would passed easily She slips an arm around his waist, drawing him closer to her. Youre very powerful, as far as I can tell. Any plans after we deal with the fighters guild? If they dont have any bright ideas on how to solve the problem, you think maybe theres something we can do?

2012-02-23, 02:51 PM

Oh, you mean "The Legend of the Invisible Castle" don't you? Now why would a beautiful young woman like you want an old fairy tale book like that? the Gnome will say with a sly grin. As Linteshar looks around quickly, she notices a tattoo on the gnome's face that is clearly magical, and as they're in a town with a mage's college, it is likely a spell protecting against mind-affecting spells so the students don't steal the books.


As Zarabeth pulls him closer, his confident demeanor fails for a bit, but he quickly puts the confidence back up with well, if you want into the tower, I know a way in that doesn't seem to be guarded by those Riverkeeper ********s. I could get you in, though I might need a little convincing as it could get me kicked out of the school. The meaning of his words is clear to Zarabeth.

2012-02-23, 08:01 PM

You know a way into the tower? I should have known, I had you pegged as a clever man. So who needs these silly fighters, they wont be a help anyway.
Using the fact that she has her arm around his waist, she steers him away from the fighters guild and back towards the Inn.
I have a room back at the Inn, and I have a friend as well. But we'll have a bit of time to kill.
She leads him back to the Inn.

Once in the room, she guides him to the bed, telling him to just have a seat. She disappears behind a curtain, coming out a moment later dressed in her dancing silks and jewels. Even without music, she has perfect rhythm, moving sensously, swaying to a song only she can hear. Her silks swirl and billow about her, giving tantalizing views of her skin and toned muscles.
Her movements begin to increase in pace, and with this, every so often, one of her silks seems to float away from her, giving that much more of a view. At one point, she comes temptingly close to him, draping one of her veils over his head but dances away as he reaches for her. Eventually, all of her veils are gone and she is still dancing in all her naked glory. The bangles and beads flash in the light, and the tiny cymbals clash, as she continues to swirl.
Her movements begin to slow, and her pattern carries her closer and closer to him. When she finally closes to him, she wraps herself around him, kissing him deeply.
She breaks the kiss, and with gentle hands, pushes him down to the bed, arranging him to lie on his front. With skilled hands, she strips him of his robes, and begins to caress him. Her touches are light and tickling, stroking him everywhere. She watches his every reaction, taking note of what he squirms the most to and makes sure to repeat those touches the most.
When she finishes, she turns him over, helping him as he's probably a bit drained. Once again her touches repeat themselves, tickling and caressing his whole body. Her fingers move ever so temptingly close to his manhood, but for now, its only a tease, they seem to dance away just before making it there. She moves around him to tickle from different angles, at one point she sits at his head, and works her magic down on his legs and sides. As she bends forward to reach the farthest spots on his legs, her breasts cover his face, and the slightest adjustment makes sure her cleavage is perfectly centred on him.
Watching to see how mad with desire she is driving him, Zarabeth waits until she feels she is at his height. Her hands dance slowly down his legs and then come back up his inner thighs, and this time float ever so gently into his groin. One hand strokes his manhood, and the other caresses his balls. She bends over once again, softly caressing his face with her breasts for a moment, and then pulls back. She favours him with a wicked grin and slides down. Seconds later, her velvety lips lightly kiss his swollen member while her tongue temptingly teases it. With infinite slowness and patience, her mouth slowly engulfs him, her tongue rubbing up and down the shaft as she takes him completely inside. The pleasure builds to an incredible peak as Zarabeth takes total control of his muscles, and then with one perfect touch, she causes a huge explosion of his member, drinking every drop down as he cascades forth.

She waits until he slowly comes back to the here and now.
Ready to go against your masters rules? If not, Im sure my friend will be able to give you even more encouragement.

[roll0] Perform: Dance
[roll1] Perform: Sex

2012-02-23, 08:06 PM

A fairy tale. Maybe I want to read it to my children. If I ever have children. I dont have any idea of why it hasnt happened yet, I dont know what Im doing wrong. I think I just need a strong man, a man who can fulfill me and make me his.
Oh, so do you have a copy of it? And how much are you charging for it?

2012-02-24, 12:27 PM

The young mage looks into the warrior woman's eyes, a look of gratitude and indecision in his eyes. He will speak in a voice clearly regretful I don't know. You were fantastic, but I'm still scared I'll get kicked out of school if I let you in, and I really need this or else I'll be branded a Sorceror and be unable to do much more than become an adventurer. I'll wait for your friend though, perhaps the three of us can figure something else out.

This has all happened in the future compared to Linteshar's interactions, jus so you can keep your timeline in your head.


The gnome takes a large swallow at the insinuations in Linteshar's words, but he quickly says with a sly grin well, I only have one copy, and it is a pretty rare book. I'd part with it for maybe, 1000 platinum pieces. The Gnome grins as he says this, and then continues or, you could help me with a rather large problem I've been having since you walked in. The wizard couldn't be any clearer in his innuendo if he leaned over the counter and comically winked at Linteshar.

He stands about 3 and a half feet tall, and looks to be in his 150s, but he is well-kept, so he wouldn't be worse than a lot of people who'd summoned Linteshar in the past

2012-02-24, 08:39 PM
This should catch us up to Zarabeth's time line


The succubus turns back to the gnome, making sure her back is to the door, so that no one walking by gets a free show. Her robes seem to part, almost like magic in the front, spilling forth her assets to wow the gnome.
Then why dont you lock the door, close for the day and draw the blinds. No one gets a show of me for free, this is all just for you

Assuming the gnome walks past her, she half turns to watch him, still keeping her body turned away from the door and shop windows. She waits until he locks the door and drops the curtains on the windows, and then she fully turns to him, her robes completely discarded. Just before he turns back to see her, she strikes a pose designed to inflame him with passion. She gives him a moment to savour that view, and then coyly beckons him to her. Once again, when he walks forward to her, she does the trick of smothering him with her breasts.
She lets him experience that for a moment, and breathe in the scent of her perfume, and then takes a half step back.
Lets get you out of those confining clothes
With deft hands, she easily assists the gnome in getting out of his clothes, caressing him liberally as she does so. When he is finally naked, Linteshar gets a naughty look in her eye, and draws him down to floor, licking her lips as she does so.
Ive heard that gnomes have the most amazing taste to them, I want to know if its true
Starting with his toes and feet, Linteshar begins to lick the gnome. Her luscious tongue touches every spot on his body, sucking each toe individually and then moving up one leg at a time. Both legs get fully done, and then she moves into his groin. She sucks each ball in turn, drawing them into her mouth and rolling them across her teeth. She licks the full length of his shaft, rolling her tongue across the tip, but before anything more can happen, she moves on. She moves across his belly and his sides, again slowly moving up his body. As she does so, she positions herself so that his manhood is nestled in the snug warmness of her cleavage, her skill and dexterity ensuring that no matter where she moves, she keeps his manhood "prisoner".
His chest is Linteshar's next target, nibbling and biting at his nipples as she licks the rest of him. The smaller size of the gnome allows her to keep his manhood encased as her tongue explores every inch of his body. She moves up to his face, swirling her tongue over his eyes, and into his ears, nibbling on his earlobes as she does so. She moves back down, her tongue exploring his lips and then gently begins to slide into his mouth. Her tongue curls and twines with the gnomes, as their lips meet in a sizzling kiss. Her hands move to her sides, pressing her breasts together to snuggle Lardergear in her "tunnel of love", and she begins to slide up and down on him. She keeps the 'french' kissing going while she does the 'russian' finish on him, building him to the point of climax, but with her incredible control, she pulls back just before he explodes.
We need to slow this down just a bit.
She pulls herself up to her knees, once again posing for a moment in full view of him. Seeing his eyes roving up and down her form, she begins to writhe and gyrate, almost dancing while still on her knees. Her hands rub all over her body as she moans in pleasure, her gyrations increasing until she almost (appearantly) orgasms from it.
Her gaze comes back to the gnome, and she bends down to whisper in his ear.
Is there anyway you can shut that tattoo down, just for a few minutes? If you've never had sex under the effect of powerful, seductive charm, you dont know what youre missing.
If Lardergear says he will do it, Linteshar will pull back just a bit more, her smile becoming even more seductive and sexy. Her voice is soft and soothing, laced with the seductive magic of her compulsion.
Just relax Lardergear, its so nice to just relax, it will feel so good. Let your will go, submit to the soothing power of my spell, let it flow over you, tingling and oh, so nice. It feels so wonderful to submit to me, to relax with and let me control you. It will feel better than anything else you've ever felt.
Whether or not Lardergear allowed the spell to affect him, Linteshar begins to carress the gnome once again. She slowly builds his arousal, working him back to a fever pitch. She lies on her back, pulling the gnome on top of him, and guiding him into her. Once she feels him enter her body, she lets him take control, doing her at whatever pace he wants to set, until finally, he climaxes, coming deep within her.

[roll0] Perform: Sex

(at this point, her actions depend on whether or not he let down his guard, scenario #1 is what she does if he relaxed his protection against her charm)
#1-Just relax Lardergear, feel how good it feels to just lie and enjoy. You feel so happy, so relaxed, so good, let the langour fill your body, so warm and decadent. Just let yourself float in the warm relaxation, just let your eyes close, and drift off into a warm wonderful sleep. It will feel so good, just relax and let your eyes close. She will lightly kiss him one more time, and then cast her "deep slumber" spell to send him off to dreamland. When he is deeply asleep, she will kiss him one more time, and whisper soft demonic speech into his ear, letting her tongue trail across his cheek as she comes back to his lips. She kisses him once again, and then she activates her succubus power, kissing him once again to drain him. She will dress herself, and take the book, slipping out the door quietly.
#2-Hmm, yes, the stories were true, a gnome really does have a unique taste to him. You were delicious. So....have I helped you with your large problem? Helped you enough to have that book?

2012-02-29, 01:05 PM

Lintehsar leaves the pile of dust that remains from the gnome wizard, and quietly slips out the door with the book. It is an old tome that has clearly been well red, but retains its beautiful illustrations. As she walks, Linteshar feels a need to return to the inn, as if she is needed.

Sorry again for not posting for 5 days. I got sick and was pretty out of it

2012-02-29, 10:40 PM
Hmm, hadnt meant to drain the gnome to death, just one level...but what the hey, Im an evil succubus, its all good.

Linteshar ambles back to the Inn at her own pace, she still misses her teleportation power at times, but walking around gives her the chance to drive men crazy with desire, just by walking by them. She does the same now, but cant take it any further just at the moment, she has other business to take care of.
She walks through the common room and heads back to her room, pushing open the door and coming in.

I found this book on the castle and the crown, it should be a big help to us. But, I see you've found a friend, who is this?

2012-02-29, 10:47 PM
This is Darek, Darek meet Linteshar, my partner. Darek says he knows a way into the college, but hes worried about sharing it with us. He might get into trouble with his teachers, and he doesnt know if he can share.

2012-02-29, 10:49 PM
Oh, he wont? Well, we know how to deal with people who dont share, dont we?
Linteshar walks towards him, letting her robes swing open as she does so.
Im sure we can convince you to help us, make it worth your while, as it were. Why dont you just stretch on the bed, on your belly to start with.
Once Darek lies down as she has indicated, the two of them will position themselves, Zarabeth will straddle his head between her knees, while Linteshar will be sitting with his feet in her lap. Both of them will begin with long, slow strokes on his back and sides, half of them just stroking and the other half tickling. Quite often, Zarabeth will bend over in such a way that her breasts cover his head, while Linteshar will lean forward and snuggle her breasts against his rear.
After continuing this for several minutes, the two will start something new. Zarabeth will arrange Darek so that he not face down, instead he will be on his chin. She will also slide further in, so that his face is right in her womanhood, and she will rub against him occasionally, subtly encouraging him to use his tongue on her. Meanwhile, Linteshar will concentrate on his feet only, rubbing and stroking them, giving them a very thorough and soft massage. She will slide her fingers in between each toe and will suck softly on each one as well. When not doing that, she will snuggle each one in turn against, underneath and in between her breasts, rubbing them with her soft mounds.
Darek feels Linteshar move away from him for a moment, and then feels a large amount of warm oil being poured on his back. He also hears Linteshar rubbing oil on herself and then moments later, Linteshar lays her whole body down on him. The smooth oil makes for a slippery surface between the two of them, and Linteshar rubs her soft body all over him. The feel of her breasts rubbing against him is exquisite, and Linteshar also kisses and tickles him as she does so. Zarabeth continues to encourage his tongue to explore her, while her hands gently caress and stroke his ears, head, neck and shoulders.
Finishing with his back, Linteshar and Zarabeth get Darek to turn over, although Zarabeth keeps his head straddled between her knees. Linteshar continues to kneel in front of him, giving him a full view of her, and after a short pause, starts to rub oil all over herself again.
Are you having second thoughts about helping us, honey? Think about how good we can make you feel, how good we are making you feel. And think about how powerful you can become if you help us get in there. Just imagine what secrets and powers you can get in there. Zarabeth and I, we get so turned on by powerful men, you get that sort of power, we'll be eating right out of your hands.
Her hand begins to stroke his manhood, ever so lightly.
Have we made a strong enough case for you? Are you willing to help us get into the college?

[roll0] Perform: Sex

Assuming he says yes....Oh, we're so glad, so glad you're going to help us. We need the help of a big, strong man like you, Im sure we're both going to get what we want. Now just relax, we've got one more in our group that will be coming along with us. And while we wait for him....

Zarabeth bends over him, once again smothering him with her breasts, and Linteshar moves into a position where she straddles his waist. She adds even more oil between her breasts, and also pours some over his manhood. Her cleavage takes his erect manhood snugly inside, and then she ever so lightly squeezes them together. With smooth strokes, she rubs, up and down, up and down.

Ummm, Darek, that feels so good doesnt it. Oh, such a nice powerful piece you have, so hard and strong. Umm, I can feel it throbbing, just let it go, just let it go, JUST LET IT GO

2012-03-05, 12:31 PM
Darek lets forth with a shudder, a moan escaping his lips as he does so. As he finishes, he smiles at the women and says Yah, I'll help you guys get in, as long as you let me travel with you after this. I've always wanted to meet another Succubus. Considering how my meeting with the other one went, this is a much more pleasant outcome.

2012-03-05, 09:57 PM

Of course you can travel with us, just as soon as we get our business done in the college. We have one more member of our crew to get here, hes a bard She smiles at Darek in a winning fashion. By the way, how did the other meeting go that was so bad?

It might have been pleasant this time, but I imagine it will end in much the same way

2012-03-06, 01:11 PM
I can answer that for you a voice will say as the door to the room opens and Kand walks in. Kand, what are you doing here?! Darek will say, scrambling to his feet while still pantsless and saying Tou won't take another one of these beautiful creatures from me! as he shoots 4 magic missiles at the bard. The missiles hit the shield created by his brooch, and dissipate while Kand says calm down lover boy. I'm travelling with these two lovely ladies. I should have known you're "gift" would cause you to run into them before too long.

Kand will sit down at a table and motion for Darek to get dressed so they can talk. After Darek is dressed, Kand will address him, Now why don't you answer this lovely lady's question about what happened last time.

Darek will use a prestidigitation to clean himself up and begin his story saying I was in my second year at the college, and still a virgin. I wanted to fix this in the best way possible, so I stole a book from a professor and summoned a Succubus in my room. After the wonderful creature finished taking my virginity, I began to feel the exquisite feeling of the draining, and I didn't care. Then Kand and his Demon hunters burst into my room and killed her before she could finish. Apparently I was all but dead, and it took about 6 months of recovery before I was able to cast the spells I used to, but I've felt empty ever since. And that is the story. With that, Darek's eyes will return to the form of the two women.'

Kand will add in, with a roll of his eyes at the Mage's lack of subtlety, What he seems to be skipping over is what happened because of the drain. Because he survived the drain, but just barely, something odd happened to his soul. Much like a monk's constantly breaking his ribs to strengthen them, apparently Darek's soul can't fully be drained from his body, the bond is too strong. He also has the ability to see through any disguise worn by a Succubus. I've never seen such odd side effects of a drain, but that is the story. After the story, Kand will turn to Linteshar and Zarabeth and ask So other than the fulfillment of a dream for the boy, why is he here?

2012-03-06, 02:08 PM

The succubus smiles, another male she can enthrall with her kiss and still use afterwards, she seems to be attracting quite a few of them. Of course, she will have to meet some that she can fully drain, a complete soul is just so tasty. The gnome has slacked her appetite...for now.

Actually, it was Zarabeth that ran into him, on her way to check out the fighters guild. I only met him when she brought him back here. But he says he knows a secret way into the college, and I thought we might pick up some information in there. If we have to disperse a few elementals, that wouldnt hurt either, give us some bargaining chips to use.
As well, I was at an old book shop and came across this lovely tome points out the book Between research in the tower and research in this book, we should be able to move forward.
She smirks.
And we havent fulfilled his dream just yet. We only recreated the first part
She turns to Darek.
So you can see that Im a succubus? And you want to feel that wonderful drain again? she pouts her lips, just a bit You can you know...its waiting as a reward for doing well on this mission.

2012-03-06, 03:41 PM
Linteshar can see that once again she has someone eating out of the palm of her hand, and she doesn't even have to use her charm person ability. Derek swallows the lump in his throat at the succubus' suggestion, then says of course I'll show you the way in. But remember, I get to come with you when this is all done. I'm ready to go when you are

2012-03-06, 08:20 PM

We're both ready to go. We both have our full compliment of spells, how about you, Kand? You ready to go now?
Linteshar turns to Darek
And yes, I promised that you can come with us, after we finish. Once again, she purses her lips at him. You can even earn this reward too.
By the way, you told Zarabeth that you havent taken your tests. How long after we clear the tower are your tests scheduled? Is that going to affect you coming with us?

2012-03-13, 01:04 AM
I've finished all but the final test, and helping some "adventurers" in an elemental infested tower should have them waive the test Darek will say, retrieving his supply belt from the corner it was left in and hooking it around his waist. After that, the group starts out towards an old house on the edge of town.

As they enter, it becomes clear that this is likely Darek's house, as it is full of various reagents, as well as locks in various states of being taken apart. The quartet makes their way to the basement of the house, too a bookcase on the wall. With the casting of a spell none of the group had seen before, a swirling vortex opens next to the bookcase, and soon an image of what looks to be a storage room appears.

This portal leads to a little used storage room in the basement of the college. I'm starting to wish I'd connected the portal to a room higher in the tower now, but what can you do. Now, follow me Darek will say as he steps through the portal.

2012-03-13, 08:33 AM

Linteshar gets to work setting up the group's arrangement
There are four of us, so I suggest a diamond formation. Zarabeth is our lead fighter, so she should be out front. I will be the second line with either you, Kand or you, Darek. The other will be our back point. You two know each others skills better, what is your choice?

Once that last question is settled, Linteshar will motion to Zarabeth to lead the way into the portal, and she does so.

2012-03-15, 03:16 PM
I will take up the rear. We must also be sure to either avoid Riverkeepers, or at least take any out we see. They're bound to be in the tower, especially if the elementals are still running amok Kand will say with authority as he moves to his position and Darek does the same.

The group enters the storage room clearly in the basement of the mage's tower. The walls are lined with shelves of empty class bottles and wand sized pieces of wood, glass, and bone. A few jars of odd looking body parts of rare creatures, as well as large bags and barrels of various spell components sit almost haphazardly around the room. Darek will say the library is probably what you want. It is on the fourth floor of the tower. If we wanted to stop the Elementals as well, we'd need to get to the Archmage's room at the top of the tower, through the rift in the sky. There is no telling what is actually up there though. Also, let me do this and Darek begins to cast a spell that no caster in the party would recognize, though it resembles a glyphmaster's casting of a summoning spell. As he finishes he points at each member of the group in turn, and each becomes invisible to all senses, though a sort of group telepathy that forms allow your instincts to let you "see" the others in the group. Darek will say it's an invisibility spell of my own design. It makes you invisible to all senses, like vision, scent, and even tremorsense and true seeing. The problem is that the Riverkeepers use a version of true seeing specifically to see air elementals, and because the elemental's methods of invisibility are what the spell is based on, they'll still be able to see us. We should be able to sneak past the elementals though. It also only has a 5 hour duration, so we should get going.

With that, the group begins to head through the tower. The first three floors are bypassed without a hitch, though there are a few close calls with Riverkeeper patrols. These floors are clearly just classrooms and freshman student quarters. As the group reaches the door to the fourth floor, Darek's spell runs out, and he pulls a runestone from his pocket which allows him access to the fourth floor of the tower. The group enters and Darek tells the group, whispering the library is on the other side of the tower, and I can't cast that spell again for quite a while. The downfall of developing your own spells I guess.

In front of you, you see a small hallway with multiple doors on both sides of the hallway. The hallway is littered with small fires, wet spots, dirt, and the bodies of multiple wizards who had been fighting elementals.

2012-03-15, 06:15 PM

If the library is on the other side of the tower, we should probably bypass these rooms.
She points to Zarabeth.
You continue to lead the way. Everyone try to be as quiet as they can...we dont want what might be in these rooms to try and stop us

[roll0] move silently
[roll1] listen

2012-03-15, 06:21 PM

Zarabeth nods her agreement with the plan, and continues to head down the hallway, using her own powers of stealth

[roll0] move silently

2012-03-18, 06:35 PM
The four move quietly through the hall, ignoring the doors along the side, there eyes on the prize of the library. This single mindedness may have led to Linteshar tripping over the invisible corpse, though how she might have seen it is unknown to the group. She hears what sounds a bit like a river begin seeping around the door to her right, and a wildfire burning to her left. And they're getting closer.

Roll Initiative, and Linteshar will get a surprise round as she hears whatever is coming, coming

2012-03-18, 07:52 PM

Linteshar stumbles a bit over the corpse, but turns it into a graceful pirouette
I meant to do that
Suddenly she becomes serious as she hears the approach of water and fire and holds up her hand to signal the party to action

[roll0] Linteshar initiative

2012-03-18, 07:54 PM

Zarabeth reacts to Linteshars warning, getting ready to defend the group.

[roll0] Zarabeth initiative

2012-03-21, 05:05 PM
Surprise Round

The doors on either side of the party burst open, and a blast of mist as well as a blast of heat come pouring out of the rooms. A humanoid creature made out of flames comes out one door, bearing down on Linteshar. The other creature looks to be a walking whirlpool, and begins running towards Darek.

Linteshar will get an action, then initiative starts

Fire Elemental
Whitewater Elemental

2012-03-21, 06:49 PM

Linteshar targets the fire elemental.
Hey burn boy, see if this can cool you off.
Knowing that fire elementals are vulnerable to cold based attacks, she fires a cone of cold at it

[roll0] + extra vulnerable damage
DC: 31 Reflex half

2012-03-23, 04:08 PM
As the blast of arctic air hits the flame, the creature lets out a scream, a sound of wind and burning wood. It then sends a blast of fire at the group, as the whirlpool moves into the same square as Kand and attempts to drown him.

Cone of Fire
[roll0] Fire Damage
DC 21 Reflex save for half damage

Darek's Reflex save

Kand's Reflex save

Kand's Fortitude save versus Drowning
If he fails, damage
Now we start on normal rounds

2012-03-23, 07:01 PM
Linteshar is listed next in initiative, so I assume she goes.

Linteshar continues with her cold based attacks, launching another cone of cold at the fire elemental

[roll0] damage + vulnerable to cold bonus
DC: 31

2012-03-30, 11:52 AM
The fire Elemental begins to shrink in size with each blast of cold.

Kand's eyes glow with an odd silver light and a blast of sonic energy explodes out from him, and the whitewater elemental begins to cry out with the sound of a rushing river full of rocks. Darek sends a blast of acid at the water elemental as Kand struggles to escape the roil

Kand's Damage

Darek's Attack


Sneak Attack

Zarabeth's turn too

2012-03-30, 01:58 PM
With an imperciptible flick of her wrist, Zarabeth activates her shield spell, powered by her Abjurant Champion abilities. (AC:38)
With her blades still in hand, she launches a vicious attack on the water elemental.

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage
[roll2] attack & [roll3] damage
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage

[roll6] attack & [roll7] damage
[roll8] attack & [roll9] damage
[roll10] attack & [roll11] damage

2012-03-30, 02:00 PM
only one crit threat in the whole range :smallfrown:

[roll0] threat confirm & [roll1] damage

EDIT: 96 if they all hit.

2012-04-01, 07:55 PM
With each strike, Zarabeth cuts into the whirling roil that is surrounding Kand. The creature stands still even after this onslaught, and it begins to shrink as it forces itself into the Bard's lungs, trying to drown him.

Fortitude Save vs Drowning

The Wildfire Elemental seems to be on its last legs, its fire's greatly diminished from the Succubus' blasts. The creature lets loose with a blast of fire more intense than even the devil is used to.

Cone of Fire
DC 38 Reflex
Damage is half fire/half wildfire
So half damage bypasses fire resistance.

The blast will hit Zarabeth, Linteshar, and Darek

And as the fire billows forth, the creature dims significantly, clearly putting most of its being into the attack.

Linteshar's up

2012-04-02, 09:34 AM

Linteshar screeches in pain from the elementals firey attack, but she manages to control her temper enough to not use her most devastating spells, seeing as the creature is near death. She uses a magic missile to conserve her energy, hoping its enough to finish it off.


2012-04-02, 12:49 PM
The magic missile streaks towards the weakened elemental, and it falls back into the room it came from, exploding in a shower of sparks. A hot wind comes from the room, but after that last attack, the heat it produces is nothing.

Darek seems to have avoided the worst of the blast from the elemental, but his burnt robes show he didn't avoid it entirely (Improved Evasion)

Darek will send a bolt of sonic energy at the elemental, and the added weight of Kand in its "gullet" hinders its ability to get out of the way.

As the bolt streaks towards the elemental, Kand lets loose with a scream from inside the elemental, a burst of sonic energy visible within the creatures form, then the Bard falls unconscious, the energy required to resist the creature having taken its toll

Sonic Substituted Lightning Bolt

Elementals Reflex Save

Sonic Blast from Kand

Elementals Fortitude Save

With the two attacks, the creature seems to be barely holding together.

Zarabeth's up

2012-04-02, 01:10 PM

Zarabeth is a lot closer to death than she cares to be, and wants to make sure she finishes off the elemental before it gets another attack on her. She takes careful aim with her two blades, and prepares to dissect it.

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage
[roll2] attack & [roll3] damage
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage

[roll6] attack & [roll7] damage
[roll8] attack & [roll9] damage
[roll10] attack & [roll11] damage

2012-04-02, 01:12 PM
only one threat

[roll0] confirm & [roll1] damage

2012-04-02, 03:54 PM
With each slash, the elemental gets smaller, and more water splashes away from it. With one final hit, the creature collapses, and the unconcious form of Kand rolls to the floor. Zarabeth is soaking wet, her clothes singed from the wildfire blast earlier, but she has bested the Whitewater elemental

Combat is over. Good job everybody.

Everyone Damaged to varying degrees
Kand Unconscious and not breathing
No immediate danger visible

2012-04-02, 06:01 PM

With a wink at Darek, Linteshar walks up to Zarabeth and rubs her in sexy fashion, eventually applying a heal spell to the swordswoman. She then sways her way over to the unconscious Kand, and goes through the same routine with him, again applying a heal spell.
She then strolls up to Darek, lightly brushing against him and whispers in his ear.

How about you honey? Any wounds you need tending to?

2012-04-02, 09:59 PM
As Linteshar heals Kand, he quickly turns to his side violently coughing up water.

Darek looks into Linteshar's eyes and can barely eek out a a few as the succubus slinks around him

2012-04-03, 09:01 AM

Well, I cant have the men in my stable going around with scratches on them...at least, not ones that I didnt give them.

Linteshar's hands find Dareks groin, rubbing him softly. She lets that go on for a few seconds and then casts a cure critical wounds on him


Now, how does that feel? The double entendre of her comment is enough to make him blush. She very throughly examines his body, and if needed will cast a second spell


2012-04-03, 09:04 AM
Zarabeth barely manages to suppress a smirk and a giggle as she watches Linteshar work her wiles, getting Darek totally ensnared in her charms. The two elemental bodies have dissipated, so she carefully looks into each room to see if there is something interesting in either of them.

2012-04-03, 12:22 PM
The rooms show clearly what has been in them, as the room where the wildfire elemental was looks as if it has been burning for a while, with white ashes and live coals left in the room. A few bodies burnt beyond recognition sit in the room, as well as a quarterstaff that seems to have escaped burning, despite being made of wood.

In the room where the whitewater elemental was, the floor is covered by roughly an inch of water. Any desks that had been in the room have been smashed, and there are numerous bloated bodies sitting around the room, all of them clearly students. A cursory glance around the room shows an odd looking scimitar hanging on the wall, and a longsword on the remains of the teacher's desk.

2012-04-03, 01:25 PM
While Linteshar works her wiles on Darek, Zarabeth tends to Kand, making sure he is going to recover from his near drowning.
Once she is sure she has him stabilized, she goes into the frist room to retrieve the quarterstaff; and then into the next room to get the scimitar and long sword. Once she has all 3 items, she uses a cantrip to do a detect magic on them.

2012-04-05, 01:03 PM
Spending a few minutes studying the items with detect magic reveals the quarterstaff has a very strong abjuration aura on it, the scimitar has a strong evocation aura on it, and the longsword has a medium conjuration and medium divination aura on it.

2012-04-05, 01:17 PM

We'll stow these for future distribution, unless anyone really wants one right now. Kand, are you okay to continue?

If she gets an answer in the affirmative, she will look to Linteshar to make sure she is finished dealing with Darek and then lead the way further down the hallway.

(Unless Darek indicates one of the doors as leading to the library)

2012-04-05, 05:06 PM
No, I'm fine now Kand will say with a small smile at Zarabeth's apparent concern for his well being. He will say If you give me a second, I might be able to identify those for us.

2012-04-05, 09:38 PM

The succubus takes the items, and hands them to Kand.

Lets see what we have here honey.

2012-04-06, 07:49 PM
As Kand grabs the Scimitar, the color seems to drain from his face, and he quickly drops it, cursing in a combination of Sylvan and Abyssal. I knew I recognized that accursed thing! he will say, quickly healing his hand. That blade is known as "Leafblade." It is a scimitar that is very effective against the fey and undead, which is at least 3/4 of my ancestry. Kand will then take the longsword, and it begins to hum quietly as he takes it. A smile crosses the Bard's lips as he says a Singing Blade? I've always wanted one of these. No idea what else it does though. As for the Quarterstaff, it looks to be what is known as a Staff of Command. It's like a wand, but better. With that, Kand will hand the Longsword and the quarterstaff back to Linteshar, leaving Leafblade on the ground where he dropped it.

2012-04-06, 09:06 PM

Zarabeth reaches down to pick up Leafblade.

I know you would probably prefer if we just destroyed this thing, rather than selling it and letting continue to exist in the world...but I imagine that its worth almost too much for us to pass up. Although if it really isnt worth a lot, we might consider destroying it for you.

She puts the other items back in the sack.

Okay Darek, lead on to the library

2012-04-06, 09:31 PM
Kand will respond to Zarabeth My first choice would be for us to keep it personally. I'd rather that thing be in yours or Linteshars capable hands than someone else's. My outburst was almost as much at myself for not recognizing it before touching as it was at the artifact's existence. I am curious though, could I use the songblade? It would likely be better against these damned elementals than my current sword

2012-04-07, 07:48 AM

Linteshar hands the songblade to Kand.

Do you know how to use that thing? We'll decide about the other blade later. Who knows, maybe its basic enhancement will be as good as Zara's current blades, and she'll end up keeping it. Undead can be pain for us to deal with anyway.
So Darek, lead on

2012-04-09, 12:05 PM
Kand will give Linteshar a smirk and says Of course I know how to use a longsword. You don't think I beat all of those demons with just my good looks do you? To prove it, Kand gives the blade a few swings to get used to the weight

With that, the group continues towards the library quietly, keeping their ears and eyes alerted for more danger

Needing Move silently checks and spot and/or listen checks if you want!

2012-04-09, 02:36 PM

Silly, I didnt meant the blade part, I meant the singing part. Its a nice bonus for the thing. But keep it quiet for now, we dont want it letting everyone know we're coming

Old Bugs Bunny image of him trying to sneak past Yosemite and the sword mouthing off

[roll0] Listen Linteshar
[roll1] Move Silently Linteshar
[roll2] Spot Linteshar

[roll3] Move Silently Zarabeth

2012-04-11, 06:26 PM

As she walks, Zarabeth can feel the power coming from the scimitar. She turns to Kand.

Now, Im really torn. I can feel the power coming from this scimitar, and its power to deal with the undead is a nice bonus. But I specialize in the short sword, so it might not be as useful for me.

2012-04-12, 03:35 PM
Well, you could just ask the sword to change into a short sword Kand will say as the group finds itself in the library, successfully sneaking past any other enemies, I have no problem with one of you wielding the blade, as its usefulness far outweighs any distaste I have for it. Besides, you two wouldn't need the sword to kill me. But, as I was saying, the sword can change into any other sword type with a mental command from its wielder. It can be useful, and was in the stories I've read. I can't imagine how it ended up in the tower though.

As Kand and Zarabeth speak about Leafblade, Darek will say to Linteshar If anywhere in this tower has the information you seek, It will be here. I'll put up an spell on the door to keep us soundproof and the door locked. That will buy us as much time as we need to find your info. Who knows, maybe there are other useful things in here. With that, Darek walks over to the door and traces a glyph in the air in front of the door, and a light shimmering curtain forms on the door.

2012-04-12, 08:11 PM

Zarabeth concentrates on the sword, willing it transform into its short sword form. If she succeeds, she thinks at it You should stay in this form, you look so much better that way...and I can use you to attack those undead and fey you dislike

Once she finishes with that, she applies herself to searching the library, either for books on the Crown, or interesting items

[roll0] Search (no ranks)

2012-04-12, 08:18 PM

Linteshar watches the exchange between Zarabeth and the sword.

I wonder how it got here as well. And if we are going to claim credit for clearing the elementals out of the tower, we might end up having to give it back. Maybe we just wont take credit, although that wouldnt be good for you, Darek.

Having said that, Linteshar helps out in the search

[roll0] Search (no ranks)

2012-04-17, 12:33 PM
Linteshar and Kand

Kand and Linteshar go off into some bookshelves across the way from the Darek and Zarabeth, searching the other side of the library. As they are searching, Kand says They will be unlikely to ask for the sword back as who is to say we stole it? It could have been anyone in the tower. And even if they do suspect us, they won't realize it is missing for quite sometime, and by then we should be well on our way to your destiny.

As Linteshar leans down to look at the bottom shells of the library, she can almost feel Kand's gaze attracted to her backside, she is clearly distracting him from his search for the book.

Zarabeth and Darek and Leafblade

Zarabeth hears in her head
I actually don't hate the fey, those are just the two creatures I'd studied back when I was still a human. It just happens that I'm better against them than against most. May I know the name of my new beautiful wielder?

Darek follows Zarabeth, clearly trying to stay close to the swordswoman, with poorly concealed brushing against her by his hands.

2012-04-17, 04:36 PM

Our destiny, together corrects Linteshar with a smirk. Im not getting rid of you after I get that crown, I'll need a smooth talking bard to spin my lies as well as I do. Besides, Ive found some excellent uses for that tongue.
Seeing Kands gaze wandering, Linteshar slides in front of him and stops to look on that shelf. As she does so, she backs up just a bit, until her rear is planted firmly in Kand's groin. She bends just a tiny bit, until she feels his by now erect manhood snuggled in between her cheeks, even though he still wearing pants. Still pretending like she doesnt notice that he is there, she begins to flex her cheeks, relaxing and tightening them in a smooth pace. She gauges the pace of his breathing, slowing down when it becomes too fast and speeding back up when he relaxes. Her level of control is impressive, and she keeps him in his highly aroused state for a good 10 minutes
[roll0] Perform: Sex

2012-04-17, 04:50 PM

My name is Zarabeth and I hope we can have lots of fun, killing together. You were once a human? How and why did you become a sword?

Zarabeth aids Darek's efforts to feel her up by stopping unexpectedly as they walk, causing him to bump into her. Her own hands are just as frisky as his, working him into a lather. She mimics one of Linteshar's earlier actions, by standing up straight and then bending over from the waist only, turning it to Darek to see his reaction.
When she sees the succubus doing the frottage trick, she copies her, working Darek as smoothly as Linteshar works Kand.
[roll0] Perform: Sex

2012-04-17, 05:19 PM
Kand and Linteshar

Kand, clearly having trouble concentrating with the teasing, will say well, we'll see if you still need me after all of this is over, but you know my wish is to stay with you forever. Though I must say, I'm having a "hard" time looking for this book with you Kand will say, putting a familiar emphasis on the word hard.

As Linteshar teases the Bard, she happens upon an old looking tome on the bottom shelf on one of the racks, a book which looks to be what she was looking for. Kand still seems very distracted though, small moans escaping his lips every once in a while due to the succubus' attentions.

Zarabeth and Darek

As Zarabeth mimics Linteshar's activities, she quickly realizes that Darek will be next to useless in searching in his current state. She does find an odd looking card on the ground though.

On the Card

Your eyes are quickly drawn to an entry about half of the way down the card

The Legend of the Invisible Castle Volume III- Headmaster Elefander has had the book for 2 weeks. Should check that he hasn't forgotten about it again. Why would he want that fairy tale book anyway.

Apparently this card was some notes made by the head librarian

2012-04-17, 09:12 PM
Both women are quite satisfied, having their man exactly where they want them, eating out of the palm of their hand. Linteshar establishes a telepathic link with Zarabeth and both of them work in synchronization, making sure that their men climax simaltaneously.
As they both attempt to cover up the tell tale stain on the front of their pants, Linteshar and Zarabeth meet, pretending to be oblivious to the problem they caused, to converse on their finds.

I found a book here, it could have some information

And I have a charge out card for a book called Legend of the Invisible Castle Volume 3, but its charged out to a Headmaster Elefander

Darek, do you know a Headmaster Elefander? And where his room would be?

Pending those answers, we might all go to that room, or look around to see if we can find anything else in the way of research materials or goodies.

2012-04-17, 10:55 PM
Darek blushes as he quickly casts a spell to clean his pants, and says to Lenteshar his office/chambers are at the top of the tower, likely in the portal. I was really hoping we wouldn't need to get all the way up there. Is there anything useful in the book you did find?

As the trio scan the book, Linteshar hears Kand in head Well, I've found out two things so far. The first is that the sword you gave me seems to have given me telepathy. The other is that there are demon hunters in the tower. I found one of our marks on a dead mage standing outside of a half-finished summoning circle. I assume the mage was trying to get help to escape the tower. This could be a problem and we should probably keep moving as soon as we get a chance to.

2012-04-18, 06:38 AM

We havent had the chance to study it in depth, and from what Kand tells me, there are demon hunters in the tower, and they can probably tell that Im here. Thats a problem, and we wont have a chance to study it until we get away from here. Besides, a headmaster's quarters ought have lots of things just as valuable as this book, so lead on Darek.

(and just for fun, Linteshar backs her words of 'lead on' with her suggestion power, DC:29)

2012-04-19, 06:10 PM
Darek quickly gathers his equipment and goes to look around the threshold of the door out of the library, as Kand comes out from behind the bookcase, the new sword in his scabbard, and a new hat on his head.

I found a hat of disguise on the dead mage. I figured I'll wear it while were in the tower, and we can sell it after we're done in here. And as we go on further, I want you closest to a wall Linteshar. A common tactic for us hunters is to take out the demon first, then deal with their thralls. If we keep you next to a wall, hopefully they'll waste their most potent attacks on us non-demons. A look of worry crosses Kand's face as he speaks of other hunters possibly being in the tower.

Darek will whisper back Ok, the hallway is clear. We've got a few more floors to the headmaster's chambers, so we need to be careful.

I need dice rolls!

Move Silently, Listen, Spot, and Search if you please

2012-04-19, 06:43 PM

Would it be better if I moved into the back row. Although, I suppose if they are below us, they are more likely to come up from behind. I'll just try to keep out of the way.

She moves to the side as the party begins to slowly move out.

[roll0] Move Silently
[roll1] Listen
[roll2] Spot
[roll3] Search

2012-04-19, 06:46 PM

Zarabeth as well feels unease about the presence of demon hunters, and gets a firmer grip on her swords as she moves carefully out into the corridor

[roll0] Move Silently
[roll1] Listen
[roll2] Spot
[roll3] Search

EDIT: At least Im quiet. I dont notice bugger all....but Im quiet.

2012-05-05, 06:06 PM
The group moves quietly, avoiding rooms where the sounds of battle are clearly coming from, and making their way to the top of the wizard's tower. As they climbed, the scenery outside the window changed drastically, to a wasteland on snow and ice. They were on the floor below the headmaster's office, an open room, clearly larger on the inside then on the outside. As Zarabeth quietly opened the door to the chamber, the four noticed two creatures that gave them pause. The first was a snake made of fire, the size of most large buildings. It was talking to what looked to be a skeletal hound archon, an odd aura of good and evil emanating from its undead body.

I didn't realize archons could become liches Kand will say quietly in the group's minds, his new sword drawn.

Darek will say quietly It seems we'll have to fight whatever these creatures are to get to the top of the tower. You can see the door on the other side of them, and the book is obviously up there

Surprise round, then normal combat begins

Combat order
Lich Hound Archon
Fire Snake

Items found as you scaled the last two floors (Tell me OOC who wants what)
Bag of Holding Type III
Satchel of Books
Surprise (Artifact Dagger)
Magical Diamond Earring
Set of Bracers with strong Abjuration magic on them
All the following are magical and can turn into creatures with a command word, more info if you want
Ruby Tiger Figurine
Emerald Stag Figurine
Sapphire Falcon Figurine
Diamond Wolf Figurine

2012-05-05, 08:57 PM

Zarabeth and Linteshar have been together for so long, they are a well oiled team, communicating more mentally than out loud
I'll take care of boney there, you take snake boy
She charges the lich, leading with Leaf blade, and following up with her secondary blade.

Leaf blade
[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage
[roll2] attack & [roll3] damage
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage

ordinary blade
[roll6] attack & [roll7] damage
[roll8] attack & [roll9] damage
[roll10] attack & [roll11] damage

2012-05-05, 09:04 PM
Since Leaf blade has the ability to crit undead

[roll0] confirm & [roll1] damage

2012-05-05, 09:40 PM

We have a surprise round, so Ill post up my attack, without waiting for Kand? Then Debbie can do Zara after both Kand and Darek act

Linteshar considers the situation and figures that a fire snake ought to be very unhappy if he got hit with a cone of cold. Aiming her spell so that the cone does not hit Zara as well, she lets loose with a blast at fire boy.

[roll0] damage + any vulnerability, DC31

2012-05-07, 11:38 AM
As Linteshar's spell hits the Snake, and Zarabeth charges the Lich, Kand casts a spell using his gauntlet, a quiet music beginning to play. As Kand joins Zarabeth's charge at the Lich, he begins to sing a song of heroism and valor, a legend forged long ago. The song fills the warriors with courage and knowledge they can overcome any challenge.

Darek moves to Linteshar's side and fires off a ball of sonic energy which explodes, hitting both the Snake and the Archon as the creatures wheel around and glare at the group, preparing for the battle which has already started.

Kand casts quickened Inspirational Boost using his magic gauntlet

He then begins inspiring courage (+4 to hit and Damage) I'll add it to Zarabeth's attacks as needed

And he attacks with the Songblade

[roll2] Sonic Damage

Darek's Sonic Fireball

A flurry of blows begins to buffet the Lich, with Zarabeth's blades quickly scoring the skeleton of what used to be an avatar for good. Most of the attacks hit, and leafblade's abilities help it to bite deeper with each hit. Kand's sword also connects, adding another layer of damage as the two twirl around attacking the creature.

The Snake screams as the cone of cold air and sonic blast hit it at the same time, it's fire noticeably dimming as they do. Its fire brightens back up as it wheels around on the pair of spell casters.

On to normal combat

Also, Zarabeth should roll the undead bane damage from Leafblade

2012-05-07, 07:16 PM

Not sure how much the bane damage is, and how many times I hit in surprise round.
These attacks have the bardic bonus added in

Zarabeth is well used to Kand's bardic powers boosting her fighting skills and she takes full advantage of the benefits his buff provides. Her blades weave a dazzling display of skill and precision, and someone who did not know her stylings would miss the fact that she was able to blend her spell casting in with her sword play, bringing up her Abjurant Champion version of her shield spell as well (AC:38 now)

Leaf Blade
[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage
[roll2] attack & [roll3] damage
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage

[roll6] attack & [roll7] damage
[roll8] attack & [roll9] damage
[roll10] attack & [roll11] damage

2012-05-07, 10:19 PM
As Leafblade cuts gouges in the bones of the lich, a blue glow surrounds the sword, enhancing its damage. Yet the creature still stands, and looks to be beginning to cast a spell defensively, but quickly realizes that this is impossible with Kand next to him (Mage Slayer Feat). So the creature reaches a claw out at the woman whose blade is hurting him so much

Touch Attacks

[roll2] Negative Energy Damage
[roll3] Negative Energy Damage
Two DC 26 Fortitude Saves versus paralysis

As the creature reaches out his bony hand, Kand will cast a spell, his song blending into the words used by casters, a harmonious resonance forming in the air. As he continues to sing, the violet glow alive on the Songblade continues to spread over the Lich, dealing more damage to the creature

Kand casts Harmonious Chorus
+2 to Caster Level
+2 to DC of spells
For every party member who can hear him

Ability of the Songblade
Lich takes 20 points more sonic damage

2012-05-07, 10:27 PM
[roll0] fort save
[roll1] fort save

2012-05-07, 10:46 PM

Seeing her friend paralyzed by the lich attack, Linteshar decides to try an all or nothing spell to deal quickly with the fire snake. She jabs a stick in her side, and twists it, while speaking a word of power at the snake. Its a final rebuke and if the power affects it, it will be dead. She adds an Assay Spell Resistance to make sure the spell breaks through the things resistance.

[roll0] SR....+15 from level, +2 from Kand, +10 from ASR, +2 from Spell Penetration feat
DC:39 Will

2012-05-07, 11:06 PM
The world seems to stand still as Linteshar speaks the word she learned so long ago, the brief pain in her side well worth the power she was invoking. The word seems to hang in the air, as the snake snuffs out, as if a great gust of wind were putting out a candle left near a window. Without anymore fanfare, the creature falls to the ground, a lifeless husk of its former self.

Darek seems temporarily awestruck at the succubus' power, but he quickly regains his composure as he moves to help out Zarabeth. With a wink, he pulls out a small scrap of paper and slaps it onto the warrior's butt, keeping up his antics even in the heat of battle, and she instantly feels the paralysis leave her body as the spelled piece of parchment takes effect. As the spell does its work, Darek moves to help encircle the Lich, his quarterstaff drawn and at the ready

Go Use Magic Device!

Also, holy crap Mikela. That spell destroyed that thing. Well done! :smallwink:

2012-05-07, 11:12 PM
EDIT: There, now it has decided to appear

2012-05-08, 09:07 AM

Knowing who released her from the lich's paralyzing effect, Zarabeth's next battle dancer spin displays a lot of ass cheek to Darek, even though she knows this might throw off his next round of actions.
As she spins through her attack routines, she activates one of Leaf Blade's powers, the one to cure her. (35 points by my count)
Her blades continue to slice the lich as she dances about the creature.

(OOC: Im not sure how much of an action using the sword power takes, so I'll just roll a full attack routine for Zara, and you take the ones that she gets...all bonues included)

Leaf Blade
[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage & [roll2] bane
[roll3] attack & [roll4] damage & [roll5] bane
[roll6] attack & [roll7] damage & [roll8] bane

[roll9] attack & [roll10] damage
[roll11] attack & [roll12] damage
[roll13] attack & [roll14] damage

2012-05-10, 09:17 PM
Each stab with Leafblade comes closer and closer to the undead abomination's weakest points, until the final slice severs the creatures canine-like head from its body, the unnatural magical light leaving the sockets where its eyes used to be. Without its head, the rest of the body turns to dust, along with the creatures head, though a silver tooth remains where the creature's skull had landed.

With the two odd creatures dead, the room seems eerily quiet, the only sound is the wind whistling outside the windows in the room beyond the doors the creature was guarding. It seems the group is alone again.

2012-05-11, 09:40 AM

There is a way to walk for a woman that makes sure every man's eye in a room is focused on her....and Linteshar is a master of it, using it as she strolls up to her protege
[roll0] Perform

A very impressive display of swordsmanship, my dear, very impressive for sure.
But it looks like you got nicked in a few places. Let me take care of those for you.

Linteshar proceeds to rub and kiss at Zarabeth's wounds, making sure that she positions herself so that Kand and Darek only a get an idea of what she might be doing, but cant actually see.
[roll1] cure critical wounds

Hmm, not quite full yet, I think you need a little more

This time, Linteshar kisses Zarabeth's breast, and this time, she positions herself so that the men do see what she does
[roll2] cure moderate wounds

There...now youre perfect

She gives another affectionate rub to her sword guardian and then turns her attention to the silver tooth. She uses a detect magic on it, and then follows with an augury...will picking up this tooth cause woe for me?

2012-05-11, 09:44 AM

Zarabeth has always been putty in Linteshar's hands, and this time is no different as she is soon moaning under the succubus' tender attentions. Any thought of putting on an extra act for the men is not neccessary, Linteshar can extract a full and real response from her with ease.
She tries to compose herself after Linteshar turns to deal with the tooth.

2012-05-13, 03:17 PM
Linteshar's Spells

The tooth radiates an overpowering transmutation aura, and the augury returns a feeling that picking up the tooth will not cause you woe

Darek will say, after the show, the headmaster's chambers should be just beyond these doors. We're almost to the book.

2012-05-13, 07:54 PM

This tooth is a bit of a prize as well. What exactly, Im not sure, but its got a transmutation aura about it. Since we've got demon hunters all around, I'll study it later.

She picks up the tooth and then readies herself to go through the door.

[roll0] Listen
[roll1] Move Silenty
[roll2] Spot

2012-05-13, 08:25 PM

Zarabeth uses the time that Linteshar spends dealing with the tooth to get herself settled. When Linteshar is ready to move out, of course she takes the lead, with her swords out, ready for anything that might oppose them.

[roll0] Listen
[roll1] Move Silently
[roll2] Spot

EDIT: I feel like Sgt. Schultz. I see nothing, NOTHING...

2012-05-14, 01:43 PM
The group makes their way through the double doors, and up a set of stairs to a lavishly decorated study. Linteshar notices a man standing with his back to the quartet, holding a book in his hands. An almost finished summoning circle behind him.

As the group enters, the man doesn't seem to notice them. Darek will wave for the group to stay put as he sneaks over to get a look at the book the headmaster is reading. Just as he reaches him, Linteshar's new training causes her to see the nearly imperceptible rune on the ground, but her warning comes too late. A cage of force springs up around Darek and the headmaster's body, the crossbow bolt piercing his heart visible as the body falls.

Before the group can react, a crossbow bolt comes wizzing at the Succubus, but it is caught by Kand before it can hit her. The bolt drips with a bright blue liquid, which causes a shiver through Linteshar's spine. This is a poison she has not seen since she has been on this plane, and that means only one thing: Demon Hunters.

As the word flashes through her mind, a dark shape comes leaping from the shadows, its voice masculine and determined saying and now you shall die demon. The silvery blade comes rushing down towards the Succubus, but is quickly met by the songblade in Kand's hand. A resonating clang fills the air of the room, as four others come rushing from the shadows towards Zarabeth, various weapons drawn. Kand will say to Linteshar help out Zarabeth, I'll take care of this washed up hunter. As there blades meet, blow after blow, Kand says to the stranger I should have realized they sent you here. Are these your new proteges? Did you curse them with amulets like mine too?

Why are you defending this creature? Aren't you aware of what she really is? Or is her power so great she has gotten around the amulet? the attacker will say, the hood of his cloak falling down, his face becoming visible. His face looks almost familiar, though much paler than Kand's. Obviously Kand's father has come hunting for Linteshar.

Sorry for the long "cutscene", I just wanted to get some little plot-like stuff out of the way at the beginning of the fight. So now I need initiatives from you two. At the moment, It seems to be Linteshar, Zarabeth, and possibly Darek versus four demon hunters.

2012-05-14, 02:31 PM
I will roll for the both of us

[roll0] Linteshar
[roll1] Zarabeth

2012-05-15, 07:25 AM

With that initiative, shes likely going first and even if she doesnt, her actions do not change, so I will post up

Battle is what Zarabeth lives for, and this sort of challenge is one she relishes, especially when it involves defending Linteshar specifically. In a blur of action, her shield comes up from her Abjurant Champion power, and she casts defensively on herself as well. As her spell takes effect, her whole body seems to change, her hands change to claws, and her face takes on a decidely bearish aspect. Her skin hardens into a tough hide, her muscles bulge and thicken, and her whole body seems to become that much more resistant to damage. She positions herself so that Linteshar is defended behind her and she snarls a challenge at the demon hunters.

You want her? Come and try take her

Swift action: Cast shield
Standard action: Cast defensively, Bite of the Werebear [roll0] only fails on a 1
AC: now 45, with shield and natural armour bonus from spells
Move action: Take a defensive position preventing the hunters from getting at Linteshar without going past her.

2012-05-16, 02:16 PM
You can't win you close minded fool Kand will say, fire in his eyes as his sword matches his fathers blow for blow all of us will give our lives to protect her, what makes you think you and your hunters can best us without that conviction?

As the swords meet in blow after blow, Kand begins to sing a song, and old song, older than any kingdom that currently exists. The music seems to reverberate with each meeting of the swords, traveling within the blade of his sword. A shimmering barrier forms around the hunter and the former hunter, ensuring his father can't leave and must focus on Kand. As always though, Kand's singing fills the group with courage and will to fight even harder.

+5 to attack and damage, and 20 temporary hitpoints to all allies. Barrier encompasses both Kand and his father, so you only need to deal with the other four hunters

As Kand's song meets the swordwoman's ears, so does the biggest hunter's scythe. This hunter has scars all over his face and wears a set of hides. He seems to be half-ogre of some sort and looks to be raging, foam beginning to show at the sides of his mouth. His scythe seems to glow with holy light.

Attacking Zarabeth


As the barbarian attacks Zarabeth, two arrows streak towards Linteshar from the bow of an elven woman dressed in fine mithral chainmail, quickly followed by a throwing axe from the dwarf in full plate next to her.


Damage from Arrows

Arrows are Cold Iron and Good for DR purposes

Throwing Axe


Darek seems poised, concentrating on the halfling in robes who has yet to do anything, but seems to be a caster of some sort

Linteshar's turn

2012-05-16, 07:05 PM

Oww, that hurt. That was really not nice at all

The near critical on her lover and the attacks on Linteshar completely change her mind. She had planned to toy with these hunters just a bit, and give Zarabeth a chance to really shine, but now she was going to even the odds by taking at least one out.
Shifting to her honey sweet voice, she began to soothingly whisper to the dwarf, urging him to relax, close his eyes and just go to sleep.

Casting Hiss of Sleep
Will save, DC:37

2012-05-16, 08:42 PM
Linteshar's words are like a warm wave to the Dwarf's old bones. The exhaustion of waiting in ambush for hours catching up with him all at once. His eyes slowly shut and he slumps to the floor, snoring loudly.

As Linteshar's spell takes hold, the Halfling in robes begins chanting of his own, the familiar motions of casting a spell beginning. But as he casts, Darek, still trapped within the cage of force, motions a glyph in the air.

Darek's counterspell

Halfling's Spell
If Darek's counterspell fails (<26), Linteshar needs to make a will save versus banishment, because you're no longer on the material plane, so that can happen now

Also, versus SR

As Linteshar begins to feel the tug of extraplanar summoning, her vision of the tower begins to blur. But just as the feeling that she's returning "home," an odd ethereal silver glyph appears on her chest, and her vision returns to normal.

Oh, you're not sending her back yet Darek will say to the Halfling, an impish grin on his face.

Kand's song continues, as does the reverberations of swords hitting one another, and the sounds of a pitched battle echo off the walls.

Zarabeth's turn. Current situation

-Kand and his father fighting within a magical bubble, Kand still singing
-Half-Ogre Barbarian next to Zarabeth, having just gotten a good hit on her
-Elven archer knocking more arrows, and a dwarf snoring away
-Halfling caster glaring at Darek within the force cage next to the book and the dead headmaster, though the book seems to be missing from the floor, and Darek seems to have a book shaped lump in his pack.


2012-05-17, 06:23 AM

A raging barbarian, no doubt. Zarabeth has dealt with witless barbarians before and the one thing she knows is that while their rage gives them great strength, it comes at the expense of defense, and shes going to exploit that hole. She begins her attack routines.
Normally, Zarabeth's sword play is a combination of grace and artistry, cutting opponents apart slowly in eye-boggling display of flashing swords. That is still present now, but powered by her Werebear spell, there is another element this time...power. Its only made that much more effect with Kand's power of song in her. Her twin swords slam into the half-ogre for great effect.

Leaf Blade
[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage
[roll2] attack & [roll3] damage
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage

[roll6] attack & [roll7] damage
[roll8] attack & [roll9] damage
[roll10] attack & [roll11] damage

No crit threats, but as long as 36 hits, theres 6 hits there for 171 points

2012-05-17, 04:21 PM
Zarbeth becomes her typical whirlwind of blades, an almost perceptible anger present as she slashes the barbarian, each hit digging deeper and deeper into the creature, but it doesn't seem to be slowing him down at all. Blood flows down his chest and soaks his armor a dark red color, and the foam in his mouth takes on a pinkish hue. The barbarian lets loose a roar and brings down his scythe multiple times, trying to slay the warrior woman as the blood leaves his body. And as his scythe comes down for multiple attacks, two arrows streak towards Zarabeth, trying to fell her quickly.

Barbarian's attacks


Elf's Attacks

Elf's Damage

As the two seem to be focused on Zarabeth, Darek seems to have escaped from the force cage, and plunges a wicked looking dagger into the sleeping Dwarf's chest. As the blade enters him, the dwarf's eyes grow wide and he seems to age until all that remains is a skeleton in armor lying on the ground. And as the blade does its work, Darek looks over to Linteshar and says well, that is one down

2012-05-17, 06:15 PM

As Darek finishes off the dwarf, the smallest flicker of annoyance crosses Linteshar's face, perhaps she was saving him for something special. Only one of the attacks actually hit Zarabeth, so shes not too worried about her for now. She quickly shifts her attention to the warrior elf, and casts at her with another spell designed to incapacitate.

Cast Feeblemind
DC: 37 will, and if she can cast spells her DC is 41
Fail=INT and CHA fall to 1

2012-05-17, 07:13 PM
As Linteshar's spell hits the elf, the spark of intelligence in her eyes disappears. She tries to speak, trying to tell the Barbarian something, and all that came out was "uuuuuuhhh graaaah bluuhhhh," before shooting an arrow at Darek. And as her arrows fly at the group's wizard, the Halfling caster smiles cruelly and casts a spell very familiar to Linteshar, Harm

Darek's save versus Harm

Elf's attack


Darek's eyes grow wide as the spell hits him and the color drains from his face. He stands to cast, but the Elf's arrow pierces his throat, bright red blood shooting over the skeleton as Darek falls onto the Dwarf's skeleton, dead before he hits the ground.

As the last breath leaves Darek, another great clash of swords happens within the bubble with Kand fighting, though his singing remains as strong as ever.

What has happened

-Darek killed the sleeping dwarf, and then was killed by a Harm spell and a feebleminded Elf's arrow
-Barbarian has continued to attack Zarabeth, and seems to be far from slowing down, as if his rage was keeping him alive
-Kand seems to still be alive and fighting within the magic bubble

Zarabeth's turn

2012-05-17, 07:39 PM

Zarabeth knows full well how barbarians can keep going long after they should be dead...but she also knows their resources are not infinite. You just have to be determined to bring them down blow by blow.

Leaf Blade
[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage
[roll2] attack & [roll3] damage
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage

[roll6] attack & [roll7] damage
[roll8] attack & [roll9] damage
[roll10] attack & [roll11] damage

EDIT: 146 with that 1 in there. Too bad she isnt the crit machine that some PCs are. The downside of using the short sword.

2012-05-17, 07:56 PM
Slice after slice cuts into the barbarian, coloring his skin a deep crimson color, but he continues his assault

Attack Rolls


Also, it is now Linteshar's turn. I accidentally had the elf go twice last round, so she killed Darek this turn, not really last.

And yes, the Barbarian is still fighting. Or should I say Berserker? :smallamused:

2012-05-17, 08:08 PM

Linteshar smiles at the barbarian (or berserker) as she prepares to cast.
All that work you've done, all that damage you think youve done to her....and poof, all gone, too bad
With that, Linteshar touches Zarabeth, casting a heal on her, completely curing her of all damage.

Its almost like we are playing on an instant message game. Just like that one night when we were playing in that epic game. I had Eshalyn, you had the storm gnome.

2012-05-17, 09:24 PM
As the fight continues, and Linteshar heals Zarabeth's wounds, a resounding crack issues forth from the opposite side of the tower. A great piece of the wall is sucked away by a great cyclone and hurled into a void of nothingness. The top of the tower seems to be desinigrating as the women see the portal back to the material plane closing. Both hear in their heads Kand's voice saying grab the book and get out of here! I'll keep them in Limbo while you get back to the material plane. As they hear this, another chunk of the tower is ripped free, along with the Halfling caster and the headmaster's body.

Linteshar then hears in just her head I told you this was your destiny to fulfill. Remember, you need to trust the Bard. Now go, because if you die here, you're going back to your home plane and will be cut off from the material plane forever. GO!!

With that last go, Kand's magical bubble bursts, sending a wave of force at the elven woman and the berserker, flinging the woman out into the vortex of elements. The berserker stands resilient and still frothing at the mouth

Action sequence time go! You estimate you have about two rounds to get the book and get out of the tower

Also, I really liked that epic villain campaign. It was fun

2012-05-18, 09:11 AM

Linteshar mentally relays what she has heard in her head to Zarabeth, and then adds...Take one more set of attacks on the barbarian and hope you finish him off...but whatever happens after that first set, go back through the portal. I will get the book

With that, Linteshar steps up to Darek and takes his pack from wherever he is carrying it.

Im sorry, I would bring you with me but I cant carry the load. Even if I did, while I have the spell to ressurrect you, I dont have the material components.

She looks to Kand to see if he needs help in dealing with his father, and if he seems to have the situation under control, she will head to the portal.
If he needs help, she will fling a spell at the father, depending on the situation.

2012-05-18, 09:19 AM

A quick nod from Zarabeth confirms she has heard Linteshar's instructions, and then she goes back to the business of trying to finish off the stubborn barbarian.

Leaf Blade
[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage
[roll2] attack & [roll3] damage
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage

[roll6] attack & [roll7] damage
[roll8] attack & [roll9] damage
[roll10] attack & [roll11] damage

If this damage is enough to finish off the barbarian, she as well will look to the situation with Kand, and help as needed or dive through the portal after Linteshar.
If the barbarian is not down, she will attempt to give him a kick into the vortex, he should be at least staggering with the amount she has dealt him

2012-05-18, 09:20 AM
one crit in there

[roll0] confirm & [roll1] extra damage

EDIT: Thats 168 before the crit, and if it was confirmed, then 196.

2012-05-18, 03:49 PM
It seems to be the final kick that finally vanquishes the barbarian, as he goes flying off on a piece of the tower that gets torn off. Both of the ladies make it down the tower, to the level just below the portal, they begin to see the portal closing, shearing off the tower at the top. And just as the pair make their way bursting out the front door, and look to see a group of riverkeeper mages chanting around a large glyph on the ground. And just as the portal begins to finish closing, a person fighting a large fire elemental comes falling out of the portal.

The fighter seems to use some sort of ability to hurl the elemental back into the portal just as it closes, and then falls at an extreme speed, landing on a cart full of hay with a loud crash. Linteshar hears in her head hopefully they believed my illusion over my dad. And hopefully they heal me soon before he goes quiet.

Current situation

-Riverkeepers moving to where the man had fallen into the cart, likely to scoop up the goo, though perhaps Kand is still alive?
-They don't seem to notice the two who just came bursting out of the tower
-You have all of the books you wanted, along with the two artifact weapons and the satchel of books

Sorry about the weird events. I wanted to have something pretty awesome happen. Also, the reason the barbarian didn't go down was because he was a frenzied berserker. They can fight until their frenzy ends, no matter what their hitpoints are at. He was at around negative 200 hitpoints, and had two more rounds before his frenzy ended. He was all but dead.

Also, based on Kand's statement, it is likely that the "Fire elemental" he was fighting was his father, and he gust of winded him back into the portal, trapping him in Limbo

So, what are you going to do now?

2012-05-18, 05:00 PM

Linteshar's thought process is quite simple. A woman rushing forward to heal a hero is pretty unlikely to be a demon, their kind would sneak away in the distraction

She moves forward towards Kand. Hes a hero, we need to heal him, he killed all those elementals and sealed the portal.

[roll0] Bluff

If no one causes trouble for her, she will cast a Heal on Kand.
Cure 150 points

2012-05-18, 05:17 PM
The crowd around Kand's broken, bleeding body parts as Linteshar moves forward to heal him. As the positive energy enters the bard's body, his breathing returns to normal and his bones seem to knit themselves back together. The gaurd who had been standing at the gates to the city, the one Kand called Taren speaks up I won't ask why he was in the tower to begin with, as it does seem he had sent that large elemental back into the portal before we finished sealing it with particular emphasis on the word we. He will then turn to the rest and say I'm sure his companions can care for him from here. Now let's get into what remains of the tower and insure it is cleared out before we leave town. And with that, the Riverkeepers begin dispersing, some entering the tower, others heading back towards the gates of the city.

Kand lays on the broken wagon surrounded by hay, his breathing having become much less labored and even, though it seems that even with the healing spells, he'll likely be out for a while. This was quite a fall, but it seems like the group has made it out mostly in tact. Any prolonged observation of Kand it will become apparent that Kand seems to have a large gash over and through his left eye that healed as a scar, rather than renewing his skin. It is likely he will not regain his sight in that eye without divine intervention of some sort.

2012-05-18, 09:23 PM

The spell on Zarabeth eventually wears off, but she is still strong enough to pick Kand up and carry him, which she does. She and Linteshar return to the room they rented in the Inn. Linteshar spreads out the stuff they have collected, putting the book aside for now and proceeds to work on identifying the items the group collected but hadnt catalogued yet. Zarabeth, who knows Linteshar better than any other person, realizes that the succubus is pleased with getting the book but is a little put out by some of the losses.

2012-05-21, 01:53 PM
The group sleeps soundly through the night, all tired from the days events. The next morning, the women awake to a Kand observing himself in the mirror, touching the scar and around his now blind eye, with a bit of a forlorn look on his face. He seems to have some cloth and has been sewing some sort of patch to wear over his eye, likely taking advantage of his now slightly more "dangerous" appearance. After placing the eyepatch over his eye, he then goes about studying the items obtained in the tower, writing down observations.

After this, he leaves, leaving a note for Linteshar and Zarabeth.

2012-05-21, 02:42 PM

Linteshar arranges for a bath for both her and Zarabeth, making sure the water is warm and soapy. The two of them take a long and luxurious bath, taking turns washing each other very thoroughly and intimately. Once the bath part is finished, both use the remaining water to wash their hair, and take turns styling each other. Cosmetics and perfume follow, and it might be hard to recognize the road and battle worn women that entered the Inn the night before with the two dazzling gems now present.
Zarabeth sets to work sharpening her blades, taking extra care with her newest one, Leafblade, and also communes with the sword to see if she can learn anything new from it. She looks over her two previous swords with a studied and careful eye, seeing which one she will likely sell as it wont be needed anymore.
Meanwhile Linteshar looks over the note Kand has left for them.

2012-05-21, 03:53 PM
Kand's Note
I thank you two for fixing me up after that nasty fall I took. I realized that if I must wear an eyepatch, I'd damn well better make sure it is more than just cosmetic. So I'm off to get some components to make a magical one, but I figure the one I threw together should work for now. Should be back in less than two hours.

Also, I took the liberty of looking over some of the items you retrieved from the tower and wrote down what I knew of them.

Satchel of Books
Copies down any book placed within into the book of knowledge. Any book copied thus can be called upon with a mental command to the book of knowledge

Apparently used to be a Halfling ranger who devoted his life to learning the best ways to hunt fey and undead. Might have other powers as it seems to have been made quite a while ago

Silver Tooth of the Werewolf King
Now this one is interesting. This tooth serves as a couple of items. It is an amulet that toughens the hide of any creature that dons it, and sharpens the teeth to allow anyone the ability to bite as a wolf does. I also allows the bearer to communicate with any canines, and even summon a large wolf to help in battle or other capacities. Apparently functions as long as it is on your person, doesn't have to be in your mouth,

Seems to be a magical weapon with some illusionary magic woven into its core.

Singing Sword
Reverberates with a Bard's music, empowering the song and its wielder. Also, it apparently makes its wielder telepathic

Odd Looking Dagger
This is a confusing weapon I found in Darek's pack. It looks to be some sort of soul drinking blade, but one of the souls seems to be in control. It resembles a phylactery to some respect, though it looks like it it lacking some power to let the Lich out.

I took the satchel with me. I plan on getting some more information into this book of knowledge that should also help us get to the castle. I also have the singing sword with me.

The note is signed with Kand's recognizable signature

2012-05-21, 05:48 PM

Linteshar shares the contents of the note with Zarabeth, and the two ladies discuss.

I kind of like the idea of him as a pirate. Although we will have to do something about fixing the eye for real eventually.

Okay, I have Leafblade, and its probably most suited for me anyway. Kand has the Singing Sword and it clearly belongs to him. The satchel of books, well, thats a party item, anyone can carry it. That leaves the tooth, the staff, and the dagger

The tooth probably should go to you as well, or Kand. I already have a form of natural armour, so it wont help me. You can cast a spell to grant yourself the same, along with many other benefits, so it probably should go to him.

None of us use a quarterstaff, so its a candidate for being sold, along with my extra blade, unless Kand can use it, but Ive never seen him doing so

Theres also the dagger, its an interesting case. I got a dagger from another location and its a pretty good attack weapon. Its got lots of nifty features. And Im already in to drinking souls, although I cant use them in the same way. But selling it will be a problem, the market is limited, and we would be exposed as evil for trafficing in it.

2012-05-22, 05:23 PM
The two women busy themselves for a while, when Kand returns to the room, a navy blue silk eyepatch with an embroidered silver griffon on the front over his left eye. He also carries a pouch at his side, full of various components for enchanting the patch when the group gets a chance. He will set the pouch down and sit in a chair saying So, what's next? You've got the books, which should let us know where to go next. A shame about Darek though, the kid seemed to have potential. Oh, and I take it you read my note on the things we've found? Any thoughts on what to do with them?

2012-05-22, 07:05 PM

Linteshar turns the full effect of her dazzling smile on Kand, just because she can.

We were just talking about that as a matter of fact honey. We decided that the Singing Sword is yours, and that Leafblade should go to Zarabeth. I claimed the dagger we found earlier, and that satchel is really a party item, it serves us the same no matter who carries it.
Because I already have natural armour, and Zarabeth casts a spell that gives her the same, along with lot of other benefits, neither of us need the tooth, and you should probably have it as well.
None of us really need the dagger, I have a better one in terms of attacks, and I dont need it to drink souls. Zarabeth doesnt use a dagger either. The only question about sellling it is to find someone who would be willing to deal in these sorts of things, without turning us in.
The quarterstaff is another item to sell, and its much easier to market, and with that new sword, one of Zarabeths is now redundant. Do you have any opinions to offer.
She pauses for a moment.
Yes, he did have potential, he knew enough how good it would be to give himself to a succubus. Too bad I never got the chance to give him the full treatment.

2012-05-23, 12:45 AM
Kand will return Linteshar's smile with one of his own, saying Well, selling the sword and the quarterstaff shouldn't be a problem. As far as that dagger goes, I'd be wary selling it to anyone without them knowing what it is. I've been thinking about it since I went to get this eyepatch, and I realized why it is absorbing souls. Once it has enough souls, whatever Lich made the dagger gets to come out. As much fun as the chaos that ensues would be, I'd be afraid if the dagger absorbed a soul too powerfu. Most Lich's are power hungry megalomaniacs anyway, so a extra powerful one would be quite a nuisance. I'd actually prefer to destroy the damn thing and be done with it

I appreciate the tooth, as I have always enjoyed wolves and dogs, so talking to them may be interesting. After this, Kand rolls his neck in a circle, clearly a bit stiff from the fall yesterday and some of the stress from fighting his father.

I realized that I never really let you guys know some stuff about Kand's stats to give you some ideas about his appearance and abilities.

His stats are (without magical items)
Charisma 28
Dexterity 20
Strength and Intelligence 16
Constitution 15
Wisdom 10

He is an accomplished fighter of Outsiders and Spellcasters
He has a Major Demon Bloodline, which gives him +4 in any interaction with Demons
He is Half Nymph/Half Vampire
His Perform Bonus for Singing, String Instruments, and Dancing is +35
Diplomacy and Bluff is +38
He has a ring that gives him +6 Charisma, and A cursed Amulet that does what you guys already know
He is as loyal to Linteshar as possible without a Domination spell of some sort, though Zarabeth still has him beat in the loyalty department

I figure you guys should know this to give you a better idea about his mechanical stuff. I'm pretty sure I already gave you his physical description.

And I didn't mean for you guys to find items for Kand necessarily. I was hoping to make up for the lack of the correct WBL for your characters.

2012-05-23, 02:19 PM
Linteshar exchanges a knowing wink with her partner Zarabeth, who begins to move slowly behind Kand.
I look forward to seeing how you and I work together when negotiating with merchants, we should be able to get a good price on the staff and sword. We’ll keep the dagger for now, if its that dangerous, we wont be able to get a decent price at all for it. It might prove to be a useful bargaining chip later on however, if we meet a wizard who would be interested in having a lich that he thinks he can command while its inside the dagger.
By now, Zarabeth has moved in behind Kand.
But for now, that battle seems to have taken quite a bit out of you. You look like you have a sore neck, you silly boy, why didnt you say something? You look like you could use a nice massage
Zarabeth assists Linteshar in guiding Kand to the bed, lying him down face first on the mattress. Linteshar straddles his back, just above his rear, while Zarabeth cradles his face and head between her knees and her crotch. Kand feels a warm, soothing oil being poured on his neck and shoulders, and then Linteshar’s gentle fingers begin to massage his tired muscles. Her touch is gentle yet firm, for now, just working out the kinks and taking all the tension out of them. Zarabeth’s fingers begin to run through his hair, lightly massaging and stroking his scalp and then his skull. For some reason, the effect is quite relaxing, almost like there are some ‘buttons” for her to push up there. Linteshar’s fingers continue to work his neck, expertly finding the knots that caused him to roll his head moments ago, and work them out, her honeyed voice softly soothing him. Moments later, he feels the unmistakable touch of her breasts as she bends over, to gently nibble on his ears. Zarabeth’s fingers gently trace little circles on his temples as a pleasantly lazy feeling takes hold of his whole being.
The women keep the massage going like that for some time and then Kand feels them shift around a bit. Linteshar moves down his body, Kand figures she is about at his knees, while Zarabeth shifts forward, burying him even deeper into her crotch. He can smell just the faintest whiff of her womanhood, its delightful aroma teasing at his nose. Linteshar pours more oil on his legs, and then passes the bottle up to Zarabeth who adds the soothing ointment to his back. The massage begins again, but this time, while it is still relaxing, Kand can feel an element of sensuality in it. Linteshar’s fingers don’t quite reach to his manhood as they caress his thighs but they are oh so teasingly close. Zarabeth is massaging his back, but its almost at the level of a caress and stroke instead of a massage. Little by little, it gets more and more arousing, but the mistresses of tease that they are, they never quite turn it sensual, its more Kand’s mind imagining the possibilities that leads to that.
Just as Kand feels like he is about to burst, he feels Linteshar shifting just a little bit as she reaches for her bottle of oil again. This time, Kand feels the oil being poured on and into his rear. Slowly, she begins to massage his “cheeks” moving them back and forth, left and right, working to relax them. Zarabeths massage of his back turns completely to caressing now, stroking him even more and more gently. Mixed in with the caresses, she bends forward several times, allowing her breasts to rub up against his back. Linteshars fingers slowly but surely move closer and closer to his rear, and finally, one slips inside, softly probing him. Her hand slips underneath, caressing his balls and then moving to stroke his erect manhood. The process is still slow and gentle, but arousal is building to something beyond anything Kand has experienced from this. There is no warning, no last minute trick from Linteshar, just all of sudden, Kand feels it well up in him, and he explodes with more force than he has felt in quite some time. Once, twice, three times even he fires off, the drain that follows is one of the most satisfying he has ever felt.
Easily, Linteshar and Zarabeth turn him over, his head continuing to rest between Zarabeth’s thighs, with Linteshar posing in front of him. Hes not exactly sure when they had been able to remove their clothes, but they are gone now.
So, I take it you like prostate massage? Your father wouldnt approve, I know, but thats his loss, isnt it?

2012-05-23, 02:21 PM
However, Linteshar is not yet finished with Kand. As he lays on the bed, somewhat drained from the prostate massage, Linteshar proceeds to rub the oil all over her body. She makes quite a show of it, rubbing and caressing herself quite intimately, using enough to make her body eventually glisten in the room light. With a soft sigh, she stretches out, and begins to rub herself luxuriously against Kands body. She whispers softly in his ear, all manner of naughty thoughts and ideas, all in the corrupting Abyssal tongue, filling Kand with not only sexual arousal but also the delicious tingle of utter corruption. Helplessly aroused by Linteshar’s touch, his hands move with a mind of their own, caressing every inch of Linteshar’s curvy form, eliciting happy moans from the succubus.
He wouldnt approve of this either she whispers. But there is one thing he did give you that works out well. One thing that you love just so much
With that, Linteshar’s ruby red lips curl just in front of his. Drawn irresistibly, Kand arches his head up, meeting hers in a sizzling kiss. Instantly, his body is flooded with demonic ecstasy as her powerful kiss begins to drain his lifeforce. Headless of the danger, unable to stop himself, the power of the kiss urges him on and on, to kiss her again and again. Skillfully, she positions herself and Kand feels his suddenly once again erect manhood slipping inside of her fiery warmth, the ecstasy doubling from two sources now. Driven by incredible passion, he pumps with complete abandon, each kiss and each pump drawing even more from him. Each suck pulls a little bit more from him, he forgets spells, he forgets his music, he forgets how to even swing a sword, he forgets everything and regrets nothing, giving it all and more to the beautiful, bewitching demon. With a sudden explosion, Kand comes deep within Linteshar, just as the last of his life force is drained from his body. With a happy sigh, he rolls to the side, lost in that special glow as the amulet works its power to renew his lost powers. And thats the one good thing your father gave you
Linteshar looks up to see the shining eyes of Zarabeth. And you, my dear, we have a different way of fulfilling you Her magic surges forth and Zarabeth melts under the power, helplessly taken under Linteshar’s seductive control. She collapses into Linteshar’s arms, practically begging to be kissed. Linteshar caresses her all over, driving her wild with ecstasy but not kissing her just yet. Once she judges her to be as hot as she can make her, then she finally begins to reward her with kisses, and Zarabeths face shows her state of total bliss. Just like Kand she has no resistance to the seductive drain of the succubus power, the insidious magic completely stripping her of her will to avoid oblivion. As she begins to collapse at the last moment, Linteshar casts with consummate ease, a Greater Restoration completely restoring the lost levels, although Zarabeth still collapses in rapture. Surrounded by her two depleted minions, both of whom continue to gaze on her with adoration and devotion, Linteshar smiles and snuggles them both close to her, singing softly in the demonic tongue once again, a warm lullaby that sends them both into an erotic dreamland.

[roll0] Perform:Sex (with Kand, should have had it in first post)

2012-05-25, 05:07 PM
The trio awake to an odd site standing in their room, or rather sitting in a chair next to the table, reading the book of knowledge. I seems Darek is not actually dead, at least most of him. His right arm and the left side of his face are lacking in flesh, but other than that he looks to be ok. A familiar dagger can be seen on his belt. Seeing the three are awake, he smiles saying well, it seems it was a good thing I got the dwarf's soul in the dagger before I "died." I was apparently just enough souls to bring me back using the piece of my soul in the dagger. Apparently I need to wait about another hour before I'll be all back though.

2012-05-26, 07:24 PM

Linteshar excitedly comes over to kiss Darek (not draining) when she sees him alive.
Part of you was in that dagger? I dont understand how being in there could get you out? Did you know there is a lich in there? You should have told us more, we were ready to sell it off.

2012-05-26, 08:23 PM

Zarabeth, still lying on the bed with Kand quietly remarks to him
I guess that solves what to do with the dagger.
She moves a little closer to him, to whisper in his ear.
I imagine the two of us are going to have to amuse ourselves, probably after you go sell the extra items, because Linteshar will have her special reward in mind for him.

2012-05-28, 12:50 AM
Darek enjoys the attentions of the Succubus for a bit, before beginning well, I'm glad you didn't sell it and leave. It would have been tough trying to follow the lot of you. As for why I didn't tell you about the dagger, I actually wasn't sure whether it would work. I made the dagger not long after the succubus incident. After the Clerics told me about the soul side effect, I wanted to die. To know I could never experience the exquisite bliss of death by a Succubus was more than I could bear, so I made a soul-drinking dagger and tried to kill myself with it, hoping it would suck my soul out and let me die.

Well, all it did was suck part of my soul into it, but I couldn't kill myself with it. I decided to study the dagger and see if I could use the fact that it held a part of me to my advantage. I found a book with the spell for making a phylactery, but it was missing many of the details. That means I needed to find a Lich to ask, or at least study an intact phylactery. Needless to say, the Lich whose phylactery I stole was unhappy, and I ended up killing him with the dagger. I used his soul to power me coming back from this whole ordeal.

To make a boring story short, I found out that if I die, I can regenerate myself using souls stored in the dagger. The souls are destroyed in the process, but at least I get to live. I wish I hadn't left my siphoning dagger in that Dwarf though Darek says with a small frown, I created it so I wouldn't have to use the actual dagger in combat. The siphoning dagger captured souls and stored them in this dagger. Darek hold up the dagger from before, It's power clearly diminished to match its dulled blade.

I could show you my formulas sometime if you wanted? Darek says to Linteshar, as a pupil would to a teacher.

Kand will whisper in Zarabeth's ear
I'm sure we can come up with something to entertain ourselves while they "talk" Kand will say, nibbling softly on her ear.

Kand will then say to everyone as he gets out of the bed and begins to get dressed but all of this talk needs to wait, as I believe we need to leave town before the Riverkeeper's decide we must be questioned or some other nonsense. There is actually a place I'd like to visit before we leave the general vicinity, and there is a house near it that we can rest at for a bit while we figure out our next step. It is about a four hour ride north of town.

2012-05-28, 12:11 PM

Yes, getting out of here sounds like a good idea, the spectacular results of our actions in the tower brought a lot more attention on us than I would prefer, and even more based on our grand exit from it. That Taren fellow was looking me over very carefully, and not the way any other man does.
Now, we still do have a few items to sell Kand, does this other place have a market for such things? If it does, we can move out right away, if not, do you think we have time to do it here? If you think the Riverkeepers are going to be looking for us in hours, we cant take the chance.
She turns to Darek
You can show them to me, but I dont know if I would be able to grasp them. You see, Im a sorceress, not a wizard, so I dont train and focus the way you do as a wizard. My talents just come from within, and they are focused towards what you would call the school of enchantment.
She continues, with a seductive smile.
But the clerics lied to you. Not that thats any surprise. You can still experience the bliss of a succubus kiss, and the true bliss comes from the drain, not the final death. I'll show you, as soon as we are clear of this city. Youve earned it.

2012-05-29, 04:34 PM
I'd enjoy that Darek says with a barely suppressed grin, but Kand has a point. It is unlikely you'll find many buyers for this stuff here. We'd need to head someplace like the capital city to find buyers for most of the haul from the tower. And it is likely the Riverkeepers are going to be looking for us before too long.

Well, it just so happens our journey will likely take us through the capital. What little bit of the book I've skimmed, it seems the castle is in the middle of the continent, which means we must head north through either the capital, or the Dwarven city of Hammerfall, both of which are large enough for our purposes. But we can plan our exact route after we get to the cabin Kand will say as he finishes putting on his belt and scabbard.

2012-05-29, 06:18 PM

Getting dressed is not much of a process for Linteshar, a flimsy piece of silk that barely qualifies as a robe and what human women would define as a bikini, just enough that she doesnt violate any rules of decorum, but presses those rules to the very limit.

Well then, lets get a move on. Im ready when you all are.

2012-05-29, 06:22 PM

For Zarabeth, the process of getting dressed is a slightly longer process, she has several silk robes to put on, all of which serve the purpose of bewildering her opponents when she goes into her battle dance routine. Her clothes dont cover a whole lot more than Linteshars, but there is a bit more intricacy in their placement. She belts on her swords afterwards, and agrees with Linteshar.

Not that Im afraid of crossing swords with a Riverkeeper, but it would take up time that we dont really need to spend.

2012-05-30, 02:08 PM
Oh, I'm sure we could take most of the Riverkeepers in town, especially with the mages tired from sealing the portal, but I'm pretty sure we'd like to be as secretive as possible while we can be. We may have others looking for the castle as we speak. But let's not dwell on that, we can rest at my cabin and regroup, planning our next move.

The group leaves town, Darek riding Kand's horse, Kand having created one from some sort of magic (Phantom Steed). The group has an uneventful ride for roughly three hours when Kand stops along the road through the dense forest and turns, leaves and branches parting before him as he moves through the forest silently, and with ease. A glance backwards shows the path diappearing behind the group as they walk, until they reach a clearing among the most beautiful places any of the assembled has ever seen. A rustic, but comfortable cabin sits on one side of the clearing, next to a crystal clear spring. A lone oak tree sits next to the cabin, protecting it from the harshest weather, and a mound of dirt sits at the bottom.

Welcome to my home Kand will say, dismissing his horse to the ether and walking to the spring and taking a drink. He'll turn to his companions Feel free to let the horses wander, they won't leave the grove. Go ahead and make yourselves at home, there is someone I need to go see. And don't worry if you see any runes above the door. Even if you recognize them Linteshar, they won't hurt you. I planted that lie in demon kind many years ago, to the point that none of them wanted to check. Most of the runes you know of as protective are bunk. Now, if you'll excuse me

With that, Kand walks over the the oak tree and kneels next to the pile of earth, setting a bouquet of flowers on it. Those with keen ears can hear a quiet crying coming from the demon hunter.

Darek begins to take his stuff into the house, and works at getting a fire lit in the fireplace before it gets too much later.

2012-05-30, 09:18 PM

Linteshar makes an almost imperceptible nod of her head to Zarabeth, who stays outside the cottage, as Linteshar heads inside, following Darek. She waits until he has fire going, and then when he turns to her, what little is left of her silks and bikini seem to float away from her.
Come here, Darek she whispers in her honey soft voice come and claim your well deserved reward
As Darek comes to her, she holds out her arms to him, her eyes promising delights beyond anything he can imagine. She folds him into a warm embrace, slowly lowering him to the floor. Just relax now, Darek, you dont have to do anything. Let me take care of everything. Just relax, it feels sooo good to just relax. Warm, soft, relaxing, your arms feel so heavy as you relax, your muscles feel like just dissolving into soft goo. It feels really good, so very, very good to just relaxxx, jussst relax. Your eyes are so heavy now, so very, very heavy, dont fight it, just let them close down, closing, closing, closing, just let yourself relax. It feels sooo good to listen to me, to obey me, it pleases me so much when you do as I ask, and you love to please me, dont you? It feels so very good to please me, so very good to relax, just let yourself go, youre safe with me, safe and happy, warm and relaxed. Youre drifting down into a warm hypnotic trance, it feels so good to be hypnotized. Im going to count to three, and at the count of 3, you will be ten times more relaxed than you are, ten times more hypnotized, ten times more in my control. Ready?, 1, feeling even better, 2, feeling even more happy, and 3...ten times more relaxed, completely hypnotized, completely in my control.
If her voice is not enough, she supplements it with her hynpotism but that should take him down.
Linteshar studies Darek, making sure he is completely hypnotized, and then begins to whisper her instructions to him.
Now Darek, I want you to listen carefully to me. You love this feeling, so relaxed, so happy, it feels totally wonderful. Whenever I, and only I, say the word “sleep” you will instantly drop back into this condition, totally relaxed and completely hypnotized. When I say “return” you will come out of the state, fully awake, and fully ready to act. Remember, “sleep” from me drops you down, and “return” brings you back. Youre doing so very well, Darek, Im so pleased with you. Now, here is my next instruction for you. Whenever I, and only I, say the words “defend me”, you will immediately drop whatever you are doing, even if you are engaged in a battle, and come to my side to defend me. Nothing else will be more important to you at that moment than defending me. When I say “return”, you will then be free to act as you want. Do you understand both of these instructions, Darek?
Linteshar will pause to check the reactions of Darek, quite sure that her programming has taken full effect on him.
Youve done so very well, Darek, Im so very pleased with you. It feels so good for you to please me, its one of the best feelings in the world...and Darek, you have pleased me. Theres one other thing I want you to do. When Zarabeth, and only Zarabeth says to you “magical research”, you will be totally open to helping her do any research she wants to do. Now, Im going to count up to 5 and when I reach 5, you will be awake, fully refreshed and fully alert. You wont remember my instructions to you, just how wonderful it felt to be relaxed by me. But my instructions will hold in your sub-conscious, ready to kick in when needed. Now Darek, 1, beginning to stir just a bit, 2 remembering to forget and forgetting to remember, 3, coming up from being so deep and being so relaxed, 4, arms and legs stretching as you come back, eyes, slowly opening, everything returning to normal, and 5...wide awake.
Linteshar smiles at Darek as he awakens, So how do you feel, Darek, are you ready for the reward you have longed for, all your life?

2012-05-30, 09:20 PM
Linteshar begins to rub herself against Darek, easily removing any clothes that are left on him, letting him feel her silky smooth skin gliding against his body.
umm, doesnt that feel good Darek, its feels good to me. I just love the feel of a mans body next to me, on me, touching me. She takes his hands in hers, moving them all over her body, especially her breasts. Doesnt that feel so good, touch me all over, caress every inch of me. I just love the feel of hands on me. Touch those big, lovely breasts, Darek, caress them rub them, they feel so good in your hands.
After letting him touch her for a moment, she shifts, burying his head in her cleavage, and shifting so that she is in top of him.
Breathe in deeply Darek, nuzzle up to them, snuggle with them, it makes you feel good, doesnt it? Kiss them, lick them, its the best thing for a man to do. Let me take control of you Darek, let my breasts control you, you'll feel wonderful when you do. Free from all concerns, free to just have the best sex of your life
Linteshar continues to caress every inch of him, rubbing herself luxuriously against him, making sure that each part of her body rubs against him. She tickles and teases him, her hands seem to dance all over him, touching his manhood liberally, along with his ribs, legs and everywhere else. Her aim is to drive him totally wild with passion, making his blood surge as hotly as possible through his veins. Higher and higher she drives him, using every sex secret she has learned in her succubus life, she slides a finger into his rear, she kisses him all over, her hands explore the most intimate parts of his body to drive him absolutely wild.
[roll0] Perform: Sex
When she is sure she has him at his most aroused peak, she pins him down, and kisses him deeply, once, twice, and then on the third, she activates her drain. As the ecstasy floods through his body, she positions herself to suck on him manhood, while scissor-locking his head between her thighs, firmly held up against her womanhood. She takes his manhood deep within her mouth, swirling her tongue against his shaft, up and down several times, before draining him for her second time. She keeps up the blow job, draining him two more times, and then releases him. The ecstasy surging him, Linteshar keeps the stimulation going with her tickling touch, as she moves around, getting him ready for his next draining. Seconds later, Darek finds himself deeply plunging inside the warm folds of Linteshar, sending a sexual bliss through his body. She rolls over so that she is beneath him, letting him pump deeply into her. As his passion rises, she begins to kiss him again, and activates her succubus powers totally (luring a male into an act of passion or kissing him), to drain him simultaneously from both actions. Darek is now floating in complete euphoria, his life force being sucked from him without a thought of resistance. Linteshar revels in the power she has over him, and in the sweet taste of his lifeforce in her. Almost as out of control as him, but in a very different way, Linteshar keeps up the drain constantly now, taking every last vestige of his power from him, until he collapses unconscious, left to restore himself by the strange process of his original succubus experience.

2012-05-30, 09:27 PM

Zarabeth has learned to read the smallest of signals from Linteshar, and the little nod of her head tells her that she is going to take this chance to give Darek his "reward" which will likely enslave him to her for life. She stays outside the cottage, idly going through her dance and attack routines, waiting for Kand to finish with the grave, and to make sure he doesnt go in to interrupt Linteshar's session.

2012-05-31, 01:29 PM
Hours pass, and Kand has yet to leave his spot kneeling next to the grave, idly cleaning it and staring into the middle distance. As it begins to get dark, he finally comes into the house, slight streaks of moisture still visible on his cheeks, a look of seriousness on his face. Seeing Darek unconcious on the floor, he gives Linteshar a bit of a smirk asking You sure you want to just leave him lying there? I have a feeling he might not recover quite as fast as I do. I'll take him upstairs to a bed and then we can get some food ready.

After getting the young wizard into a bed, Kand comes back downstairs and goes to the basement to get some food from his store downstairs and returns with various canned vegetables and cured meats.

I guess I'll need to go hunting tomorrow to get us some fresh food. All I had left was things she canned... At the mention of some mysterious she, Kand's eyes begin to water again, and he sets the food on the table and moves to begin studying the books, though it is clear he is just trying to hide his emotions from the two women.

Yah, Kand has a bit of a macho side, trying not to show any emotional weakness to his companions

2012-06-01, 05:37 PM

Zarabeth looks over the meats and vegetables that Kand brought from the basement and selects enough of them to make a meal for her and Kand. She knows that Linteshar doesnt need ordinary food, and although she will drink alcohol or some foods (like chocolate); she doesnt actually need them. She isnt any sort of trained chef but she knows how make a meal, and with the fire already burning, its easy enough to heat up the foods she selected. When the food is ready, she serves a plate for Kand and brings it to him, and then makes a plate for herself.
Seeing as she does not need to eat, Linteshar takes the book that she got from the headmaster, and begins to study it as well.

2012-06-01, 10:20 PM
Kand gives Zarabeth a smile as she gives him the food, and he pulls out his new eye-patch and his enchanting supplies. He begins mixing various powders and says a few words, and then he begins to sing over his work. It is a song of ages past, an ancient technique used by Bards to allow them to mimic the enchanting abilities of wizards and other casters. The song is simple, but to the other casters, its true meaning is apparent, and in a way beautiful the way it weaves the arcane and music. The words ring lovely to the women, as Kand's slight demon blood shines through in the words he uses

Perform Sing: [roll0]
4 higher for Demon's ears (Yah Demon Bloodlines)

As Kand's song continues, Linteshar feels as if her eyes begin to be drawn to certain words and phrases in the book, as if Kand's song was enhancing her already vast problem and puzzle solving abilities

Any Knowledge checks made tonight count as trained, even with no ranks, and all count as having ranks equal to your level or actual ranks, which ever is higher.

Also, reference for Performance

Kand's singing, playing, and dancing and the ladies' dancing and sex (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/skills.htm#perform)

2012-06-02, 09:23 PM

With Kand's song still ringing in her ears, Linteshar re-applies herself to her readings of the book. For some reason, the song allows her to concentrate even more, as if the song was occupying that part of her mind that distracted her, allowing her to apply herself fully to her task. As she reads, she absentmindedly pushes her hair back over her ear, exposing a earring to sparkle in the light.

Know: Arcana [roll0]
Know: Geography [roll1]
Know: History [roll2]
Know: Nobility [roll3]
Know: Local [roll4]

2012-06-02, 09:38 PM

After finishing up her meal, Zarabeth picks up one of the books that neither Kand or Linteshar are working with, and starts to page through it. In the past, shes never been a terrific researcher, her magic has always sprung from within her, but she tries to apply the principles of learning sword play to researching. Its a strange connection, but Kand's song seems to suggest the connection to her.
As her fingers flick through the pages, the light flashes off her rings, and you are struck again by how Zarabeth still looks the part of the typical gypsy dancing girl, with baubles and beads dangling from every concievable spot.

Know: Arcana [roll0]
Know: Geography [roll1]
Know: History [roll2]
Know: Nobility [roll3]
Know: Local [roll4]

2012-06-02, 11:00 PM
As the women read through the books, they begin to compare notes on what they're finding. It seems that rather than being three volumes of one series of books, the books are three separate accounts of the castle's location. Using a map Zarabeth had been given by Darek, the women are able to pinpoint the most likely location of the castle, as well as the quickest route to get there.

The stories seem to suggest that there is a passage that starts in the halls of the Dwarven City of Hammerfall, and leads into the ancient caldera that inhabits the center of the continent. In this caldera lies a forest almost as old as the land itself, and in that forest lies the Castle of the Kings of Time. The books provide no clue as to why it is named thus, or even how it came to be there, but this information provides the group with their best lead yet for finding the castle.

The women finish marking the map with the location as Kand's song comes to a finish. Kand turns from the table and smiles at the dancer's as they finish working, his newly enchanted eyepatch on, and a small box in each hand. He says I hadn't sung that song in quite a while, but now seemed as good a time as any to use it. It seems that you two have found out where we need to go next. I made you each a gift as thanks and with that he lies one of the boxes in front of each of them. I realized while I was fighting my father that I wouldn't know what I'd do if anything happened to either one of you, so I decided to make you each a gift to help protect you from any more hunters who may find us.

In Linteshar's box, she finds a silver earring in the shape of a buckler, inlaid with beautiful emeralds matching her eyes. Zarabeth's box contains a small clasp made with a gold coin, clearly of ancient make, with a small sapphire for the eyes of the profile on the coin. Kand returns to his seat, and takes out his sword and begins to polish it, awaiting any reaction the women may have.

I don't know the best way to have him say this in game, so just assume Kand will tell you guys what the items do

Linteshar's Earring
-Damage Reduction 10/Epic
-Protection from abilities which are effective against Demons, Evil Outsiders, or chaotic Outsiders or Alignment based effects(such as a Ranger's Favored Enemy, Bane Weapons, Holy Weapons, or poisons specifically made to harm demons. Includes Smite Evil and Detect Evil)
-Immunity to Hostile Planar Shifting
-Dimension Door 3/day
+2 Luck Bonus to Saving Throws

Zarabeth's Bauble
-Damage Reduction 10/Epic
-Greater Invisiblity 3/day
-Protection from abilities which are effective against Humans or Alignment based effects (such as a Ranger's Favored Enemy, Bane Weapons, Holy Weapons, or poisons specifically made to harm Evil Creatures or Chaotic Creatures. Includes Smite Evil and Detect Evil)
-Immunity to Magic Missiles
+2 Luck Bonus to Saving Throws

Also, level up to Level 16 if you would. I figure you should be around there after all that has happened so far. And this will be the last level up for a while, unless you guys request it.

2012-06-03, 02:33 PM

With the explanations done, both women excitedly clip the earrings on themselves, discarding the one that gets replaced. Both are eager and ecstatic with them. Linteshar especially likes the protection against hostile planar shifting that hers provides, seeing as the current state of affairs in the world would prevent her return, and she has been targeted by such an attack recently. Zarabeth, ever the warrior, appreciates the damage reduction the earring will provide, and looks forward to using the invisibility to launch a few sneak attacks. Both of them generously cover him with kisses, promising even more erotic delights when they have the chance.

After this, they get down to business.
It appears as if our choice of routes has been made for us. We must head for the dwarven city, and pick up the trail there. We can do our dealings there.

There should be a decent market for the sword there, even if dwarfs favour hammers and axes. Its powerful enough that most will ignore that little detail. The market for the quarterstaff might be a little more restricted. And I hope they have the trade up item I am looking for. I trust in your two's abilities to bargain a good deal for us.

2012-06-04, 02:15 PM
I'm sure in a city the size of Hammerfall we can find someone to take these items off our hands for a good price Kand will say, clearly appreciating the women's kisses. He continues so we can begin to journey again whenever you would like, but this place is hidden from all but the most talented Fey, so we can also rest here for as long as we need to before setting our again. I might also be able to enchant some items for you if you would like. I have a decent enchanting apparatus downstairs, though anything I enchant now wouldn't be nearly as possible as what I made using the song. I used up the three gems I had to enchant my eyepatch and your earrings. Just mundane enchanting for me from now on.

Kand has Enchant Woundrous Items and Enchant Magic Arms and Armor, if you need them

2012-06-04, 06:52 PM

Zarabeth's ears perk up at the thought of Kand being able to possibly enchant some items for her.

I dont know how much you can do, but anything you can do for my cloak and my gloves (CHA, DEX) would be appreciated. They are both the second most powerful they can be, stepping up to the first rank would be an improvement. I know the process of making magic can be taxing, but Ive heard of a technique where another persons life force can be used to power the items

2012-06-05, 04:15 PM
My enchanting methods aren't like the ones you would get from a wizard or sorceror. My mother taught me a technique using precious gems, certain mystical plants, and music to increase the power of enchantments or add new ones, but it only works a few times as the enchanter's power grows. And seeing as it will take a while before our young mage will be back to full strength, we have about a week of time to kill, so I can get the items enchanted while we wait. Kand will smirk at Linteshar and say I would refrain from anymore complete drains on Darek for a while. Either that, or have some restoration spells ready.

2012-06-05, 06:30 PM

The succubus has an innocent look on her face.

Are you sure it was me? Perhaps it was another random succubus that snuck in on him.

She looks around, to see if the other demon is still here.

Either way, he didnt seem to complain very much.

2012-06-05, 07:22 PM

Zarabeth considers her options for a moment, and then hands her gloves to Kand.

I think I would like these upgraded please. With an increase in my dexterity, it will not only give me a better chance to hit as I am a finesse fighter, it will also improve my defense. That would be the best benefit for me

OOC: Upgrade Gloves of Dex +4 to +6.

2012-06-07, 12:33 AM
I believe I may be the singular authority on this, having fought many a drain survivor and regularly enjoying the ability, and I must say that complaining is the last thing on any drainee's mind.

Kand will give a wry smile to the succubus, one full of mischief and a bit of lust saying I mean, you did see how Darek tried to kill me when he thought I was going to stop you from draining him when we first met. Though, I do enjoy the sex as much as the drain, both at once certainly takes it out of a person, even with my accursed amulet, or Darek's odd immunity. So complaining is unlikely, and thanks is a more likely reaction. Any way, is there anything you'd like enchanted my dear? Kand will say, bowing to the Succubus, a hand outstretched, his smile still on his face.

2012-06-07, 08:26 PM
As Kand makes his offer, an evil smirk crosses Linteshar's face and the bard realizes the succubus is about to fill her request with salacious content.
However, her voice starts out quite demure...Its my clothes, theyre so, theyre so and she suddenly rips off her vest, exposing her breasts to him..plain
I mean, theres almost nothing to them she continues to be exposed to him, giving her breasts a little jiggle now.Its like its almost not worth wearing them.

Zarabeth comes gliding over at this point, and begins to rub and caress at her breasts...Maybe you shouldnt wear anything, looking at these all time certainly would be nice, dont you agree Kand?

Linteshar beckons Kand forward, and while he might be able to resist the overt magic of Linteshar, her subtle magic still has a power over him, and he moves forward, to kiss and nibble at Linteshar's other breast. Smiling, with both mortals under her control, Linteshar lies down on the nearest couch, with Zarabeth working on one breast, and Kand working on the other. Yes, thats it, my pets. Suck and kiss, enjoy yourselves. Her voice soothes and relaxes both, as her fingers begin to lightly caress both bodies. Dont hold back my babies, you know your mommy loves you, just let mommy keep you safe and happy A warm contentment flows over both Kand and Zarabeth, and they happily continue to suck at Linteshar's generous breasts.
Linteshar smiles down at both of them, and then concentrates for a moment. Seconds later, the sucking action of both mortals yields a sweet liquid from the nipple and eagerly both drink it down. Almost instantly, wildfire touches their viens and their bodies experience a powerful ecstasy surging through them. Unable to control themselves, they helplessly continue to suckle and consume Linteshar's "milk", each drop filling them with more and more ecstasy. Kand feels his manhood throbbing under the power of the drug, while Zarabeth feels a hot wetness filling her lap. Driven far beyond the point of normal climax without release, their minds and bodies are almost on the verge of exploding and then suddenly with Linteshar still not lifting a finger to the situation, both of them suddenly and powerfully orgasm. Kand feels his manhood pumping furiously, while Zarabeth is literally squirting from her womanhood.
Losing track of time, both revel in the delicious abandon of the demon milk, and only after its power on them fades, do they collapse against their demonic queen, resting their heads in her lap, as she gently strokes their hair.
So do you think you can help me? I think they call it a vest of resistance.

OOC: No upgrade for Linteshar here, totally new item, Vest of Resistance +?

2012-06-08, 09:09 PM
I don't know if I could bare to cover these lovely orbs up Kand will say as he reaches up and tweaks Linteshar's nipples, massaging her breasts as he talks, I may need to measure these before I can make anything. But none of my work can begin until tomorrow. Kand will give Linteshar a wicked grin as he says but we may have a problem. It seems there is only one bed left in the house. Whatever shall we do? Kand's massaging continues, making his invitation even clearer then it already would be.

2012-06-08, 10:28 PM

The demoness has a wicked smile on her lips as she turns to Zarabeth. Her voice becomes soft and soothing, weaving a powerful spell on the swordswoman to cause sleep. Kand recognizes her using the super powerful Hiss of Sleep spell, but in her hands (or actually, her voice), its more seductive and powerful than any human sorceress could even hope to invoke. Even Kand, who isnt even the target of the spell, feels it tugging him down to a wonderful sleep, and he can only imagine how Zarabeth must be feeling right now. Zarabeth is defenseless against the seductive, soothing spell and her eyes soon gently close as she drifts off to an erotic dream filled sleep.

Linteshar turns to Kand.
We havent had some special "alone" time in a while, have we? You know how I feel about you, dont you? Darek is just a boy, he has his uses Im sure, but still a boy. And Zarabeth holds the womans place in my heart, but you are my man. Youre the only special man in my life.
Her voice is unbelievably soft and soothing, causing Kand to relax into a pleasantly lazy feeling, his ego being stroked by the demoness.
Linteshar checks the reaction of Kand, satisfied that she has him feeling exactly the way she wants him. She slithers around on his body for a few minutes, giving him what they call in the business, a "body slide" and finally ends up at his feet. She decides to put her tongue to a different use for now.
Linteshar begins to lick at Kand, swirling her tongue over and through each and every toe on both of his feet, and then doing the feet as well. She continues on, moving over both legs, the calves and thighs, hitting every inch. Kand continues to luxuriate in the feeling, he feels like a king as Linteshar gives him a tongue bath to remember.
She moves upward, working his hips, and inner thighs. Kand feels only the smallest pang of disappointment as she seems to avoid his rapidly stiffening manhood, swirling her tongue across his belly instead. Her attentions move to his sides, and his chest, nipping ever so lightly at his nipples. As she moves to cover him, Kand feels his manhood settling gently into Linteshars cleavage, the idea of pumping them flickers briefly in his mind, but hes just too relaxed and feeling too lazy to do so.
Linteshar moves on, now licking at Kands neck, working away with skill. Kand is reminded almost of a vampiress in the way she works on his neck and arteries, but Kand's blood is not on Linteshar's mind. Her tongue is now working Kand's face, licking away at his nose and eyes, and even slides around to his ears. Each ear gets probed on the inside, and then Linteshar begins to slide back down his body. Trailing kisses across his chest and then his belly, Linteshar draws closer and closer to Kand's groin.
She gets very close and then begins to tease, coming closer and closer each time, but still pulling back before she quite reaches it. Kand is slowly being driven to distraction by the tender attentions of the succubus, but finally she gives him his reward. Linteshar starts with the base of the shaft, and slowly works her way up. As she covers the tip with her mouth, one of her fingers presses lightly on his base, keeping him from climaxing. Inch by inch, she takes him deeper and deeper into her throat, lubricating his shaft generously. She builds and builds Kands pleasure, and finally releases her finger. As he begins to explode into her mouth, she activates her drain, not only sucking Kands juice but also his lifeforce. Knowing Kands limit with all her previous escapades, Linteshar only drains half of his power, letting him finish off with his orgasm.
Once Kand's orgasm is spent, Linteshar moves into a cuddling position with him. She starts to whisper in the Abyssal language, telling him of deep, dark secrets no human should ever know, filling him with a delicious sense of corruption. Linteshars voice gets softer and softer as she completes her corruption of Kand, and as his manhood begins to swell again, she moves herself to take him inside of her.
Once again, Kand is pumping Linteshar, and as his orgasm nears, she once again begins her drain. The effect of the drain is immediate as Kand dissolves into the ecstasy of Linteshars kiss. Bliss blossoms in him from two sources, the kiss and the orgasm, and the world fades away for him, as nothing else matters. As the last of his power drains away, the world fades to black, and he drifts off to sleep, trusting in his amulet to have restored him by the time he wakes the next day.

2012-06-08, 10:40 PM
forgot to make the roll in last post
[roll0] Perform: Sex

2012-06-11, 01:09 AM
Kand dreams lovely dreams of his two favorite women, often involving acts that would make most blush, but merely causes the demon hunter to smile even more contentedly as he sleeps.

I don't know if Linteshar or Zarabeth have figured this out yet, so you can say she's realized it at some point, or even just now, but it might have always struck your characters as odd that Kand refers to his amulet that prevents permanent level drain as a curse. Who wouldn't want the ability to be drained, and then instantly cured of it five minutes later. Well an idea would have occurred to the women that this amulet makes Kand a never ending source of life energy and essentially, soul. A succubus, or even another demon or devil, could capture him, keep him restrained, and use him as a never ending source of positive energy. The fact that he has fallen so far for both Linteshar and Zarabeth should clue the women into just how much he trusts they won't confine him to an eternal draining. Just in case you wondered why he always calls it a curse

What is Linteshar doing while Kand enjoys the dreams brought on by her powers? I want to give you a chance to finish posting anything else that happens that night before we move on to the next day.

2012-06-11, 11:09 AM
Linteshar smiles as she looks around, all three of her thralls are sound asleep as a result of her spells and powers; and that always fills her with a warm sense of satisfaction. Usually, at least one of her charges is sleeping from natural causes, and since Darek is newly joined, this is probably the first time she has three under her powers. It’s a good feeling for her.
With the time to spare, Linteshar takes out a notebook, one that not even Zarabeth is aware of. It contains all her plans for what she will do when she gets the crown and harnesses its powers, as well as what will be the fate for her thralls. She doesn’t know exactly how much power the crown has, but she believes in thinking big and positive. This kingdom certainly, and however much more she can expand its borders in time. She knows better than to dream of the whole world, that sort of power would bring too many enemies to bear on her, and one kingdom would be beyond what her wildest dreams would have been since Zarabeth first summoned her to the prime. She knows what it feels like to have two people worshipping her, and as soon as Darek returned to consciousness, it would be three; the thought of an entire kingdom doing so was intoxicating.
She makes notes on what has happened since she last updated her diary, its unusual for a creature so chaotic as a demon to make plans instead of just mass destruction, but Linteshar is an unusual case. She loves sex as much as any other succubus, there’s no doubt about that, but unlike most succubi, she has advanced beyond their simple powers, mastering both the arts of arcana and divinity. As she writes, she dreams of the power this worship, and the crown, will give her.
When she finally finishes, she tucks her notebook away into its secret hiding place, and settles down for some sleep (not that she really needs it) for herself.

2012-06-20, 04:32 PM
The women awake to delicious smell coming from the kitchen of the small cabin, where Darek is fixing a breakfast of rabbits caught by Kand. Noises of working can be heard from the basement of the cabin can be heard, where Kand is likely working on enchanting and sewing the items for the group. A pot of coffee is brewing over the fire in the hearth, its heat warding off the slight chill of the morning.

2012-06-21, 06:41 AM

Zarabeth awakes in a teasing mood, and she naturally focuses on Darek. She pauses only long enough to pour herself a coffee, and then gets to work.

So how you feeling this morning, honey? It takes a lot out of you she says with a smirk at the double entendre being with Linteshar? I remember my first time, but believe me it only gets better and better.
But seriously, how much of your skills have you retained? I remember you said, some of your spells were of your own creation. How much of that do you remember? Would you still be able to work with on some magical research pausing to test the effect of the hypnotic suggestion that Linteshar told her she had planted.

2012-06-21, 09:52 AM

Linteshar watches the byplay of Zarabeth with amusement, and watches to see if her hypnotic suggestion has properly taken hold of Darek. If it has, she nods to herself with satisfaction and then will head down to see if she can assist Kand in any way. If it hasnt, then she readies herself to do more programming

2012-06-24, 12:31 AM
A Zarabeth says the words, Darek drops the spoon he was using to stir a pot of rabbit stew and runs off upstairs saying excitedly I'll go get my books right now!! He returns downstairs with a bag of books and a wand in his other hand. As for my abilities, I've always had a knack for using magic items, so I picked up this wand of greater restoration. I figure it should come in handy around you two lovely ladies. Now, what did you want to research, anything in particular? I'm sure the book of knowledge has some interesting arcane lore. Also, you mentioned wanting to learn some rogue things a while ago. Are you still interested?

Linteshar's programming obviously succeeded wonderfully, agumenting Darek's willingness to please the women in any way he can. As Zarabeth and Darek begin research, Linteshar heads downstairs to where Kand is working. As she enters a cozy workshop downstairs, she sees Kand sewing a beautiful bit of silk into a form perfect for covering Linteshar's assets without leaving too much to the imagination. As he sew, the fabric changes colors constantly, until Kand sings softly to the cloth and it returns to a lovely emerald green color. On the bench next to him sit Zarabeth's gloves, still glowing slightly from being enchanted, with new accents adorning them, added by Kand. A pair of leather riding boots sit on the floor, likely Darek's, unenchanted as Kand seems consumed in his loving work on Linteshar's item. He is so consumed in his task, he doesn't seem to acknowledge her appearance in the room.

Kand used Major creation to make any cloth or leather he needed for these projects, in case you wondered

2012-06-24, 11:31 AM

Zarabeth snickers to herself just a little, Linteshar's power over mortal males (and females for that matter) never failed to impress her, and the thought that she was even more in her power than any other always gave her a warm feeling inside. Just thinking about the lovely succubus was enough to give her a special tingle in her womanhood.
When Darek returns, Zarabeth wastes little time in explaining.
I dont know if you are familar with a school of magic called the Abjurant Champions, we specialize in abjuration spells to augement our defenses in battle. No Abjurant Champion worth her stuff would ever use armour or carry a shield, mage armour and shield spells are our thing.
Now the weird thing is, Mage Armour and its cousin Greater Mage Armour are both from the conjuration school. Even though they work exactly the same as Shield, which is an abjuration spell. I want to research Greater Mage Armour, but as an abjuration, instead of conjuration spell. Think you and I can handle that?

She spares the smallest smirk for the wand that Darek carries.
I'd keep that wand close at hand if I were you. Linteshar sees those sorts of things as a challenge. As in, how fast can I make him use up all of it? A wonderful thing, when she decides to do it, I had one of those once and it was gone in one incredible weekend I'll never forget.
And yes, when not working on our research, studying some rogue skills will really round out my talents.

2012-06-24, 12:21 PM

Linteshar smiles at the effect her programming has had on Darek, and with that one holding, she is quite sure her emergency defense plan will work just as well, bringing him to her side at a moments notice.
She heads downstairs now, interested in checking on Kand's progress. She watches him work, it seems a shame to disrupt his progress, but Linteshar is a being of pure chaos and upsetting the apple cart is what she does best. Besides, Kand didnt notice her arrival, and that sort of situation just cant be allowed to continue.

She walks over to the bench, and checks on the bra that Kand is working on.
Now are you sure that you are making it the right size honey. Im a DDD you know, but then, youve touched them enough times to know that, dont you? Why dont we just make sure?
Linteshar picks up the bra, and tests on herself.
I think its just about right, but lets make sure you get the right final adjustments
Linteshar puts the bra back down and moves between Kand and the table.
Now put your hands right here She moves his hands to her breasts. Feel every inch of their size, so soft yet so firm. Umm, it feels good to have them in your hands doesnt it? Its so hard to concentrate on remembering the size though, you just keeping thinking about other things you'd like to be doing right now? So hard to keep your mind on what youre doing isnt it?
And I'll bet something else is hard to, isnt it? She reaches down into Kand's groin. Oh yes, so hard, so very, very hard. Youre so remarkable Kand, Ive never met a man as big as you, and able to go so rock hard. Really, really hard. She keeps up her rubbing. So long, so hard, so much for a women to touch, its just amazing, amazing, amazing With a final deft touch, Linteshar insures that his load spurts out, soaking the insides of the robes he is now wearing.
I'll just sit here and let you finish she says with a smirk. I think you've got most of it under control.

2012-06-25, 05:19 PM

Kand, as always, clearly enjoys Linteshar's attentions, and with a quick prestidigitation spell to clean his pants, he finishes up the item for Linteshar, which has begun to glow at this point with its enchantment. Kand will give his winning smile to the Succubus, and then bow presenting the bra like top to her, its color still shifting slightly in his hands. As loathe as I am to hide such beautiful works of art as your wonderful gifts, I believe this shall help us keep a lower profile when needed. It should help with overall protection, as well as adjusting to look however you would like it to look.

Kand explains that the item is glamered so it can look like any item that could be worn about the torso (bikini top, tight shirt, pasties, bustier, even loose shirts if required, and any color, though it defaults to a deep dark hunter green bikini top).

As Linteshar takes the top, Kand's eyes are full of devotion and lust at the lovely Succubus to whom he feels bound.

Linteshar's Top
Glamered top of +4 Resistance, also provides DR 3/Piercing as a side affect of the silk used in its construction

For the future, as Kand hasn't given Zarabeth her gloves back yet
Zarabeth's Gloves
+6 Gloves of Dexterity, also function as a +3 clawed gauntlet when needed (1d4 slashing weapon). Also casts Enervation 2/day

For when he gives her these


At Zarabeth's request, Darek sits at a table and begins to thumb through his spellbook until he finds a page containing a page with odd, rune-like, symbols on it. Darek will explain that he is a wizard known as a geometer, which has taught him how to manipulate runes and symbols, and a technique to record spells in his spellbook with only one page, unlike the normal multiple pages required. He says well, here is the traditional greater mage armor spell. I think if I can develop a rune you could use, I could combine it with an abjuration effect, changing the school of magic it would fall under. Let's see and Darek begins to draw on a blank parchment, the symbol for greater mage armor, and then he turns to a page which he says is the shield spell, and he draws this symbol as well.

He begins to trace the first symbol in the air, and then the second, changing and combining them each time he does so. As he does, Zarabeth begins to see a trail of silver sparks following Darek's fingers, creating beautiful patterns in the air. He spends roughly an hour on this until he jumps up excitedly, saying I've done it! He then quickly draws the symbol hanging in the air on a piece of paper, along with a word in Auran next to it. He turns to Zarabeth, and excitedly says If you can memorize this symbol and this word, you should be able to cast a greater mage armor spell much more in line with your abjuration training. The only problem is that in the process, the power of the spell had been reduced somewhat.

Zarabeth's Dancing Armor
Level 4 Spell
School: Abjuration
Duration: 30 minutes/level
+5 Armor bonus to AC, counts against Incorporeal attacks as well as normal ones. Succesful melee attacks on the defended cause 1 point of sonic damage to the attacker as a clear note of an unknown song plays out with the hit

I didn't want to make it as powerful as the regular spell, but still better than regular mage armor. I also figured I'd give it a benefit as a way to make-up for the power reduction. Given more time, Darek may be able to bring the power up, but not for now.

Six hours of study in one day allows you to add the spell to your known spells. Of course, Darek would be more than happy to help with Zarabeth's training, with the spell or "otherwise" :smallwink:

2012-06-27, 12:59 PM
Zarabeth carefully studies the symbol Darek has transcribed, while she quietly mouths the word. When she thinks she is ready, she attempts to cast the spell.
Her first attempt meets with no success, as does her second. But Zarabeth is nothing but persistent and her third try produces a basic shimmering, although it collapses quickly. Emboldened by the fact that arcane power is clearly being weaved by this symbol, she tries for a fourth time, and finally her fully armoured protection snaps into force around her. Zarabeth has always seen her mage armour in force around her, ever since she was a warrior, she has relied on the spell in one form or another (normal and later greater); but with only a glance she can tell that this version of the spell is reinforced by her abjurant training. The smile she gives to Darek is enough to make his knees buckle.
She immediately insists on a sparring match with Darek, hes no slouch in that regard, but now with Zarabeths twirling skirts (which expose more than enough skin to keep him distracted), her arcane shield and now her newly empowered arcane armour, she’s nigh unhittable for him. Not to mention the fact that she also fights with two weapons, and trying to keep up a defense against one tends to leave him open for the other; and Zarabeth is able to trust in her arcane defenses enough that she can devote all of her power to offense. Darek ends up getting a few bruises.
With her weapons training done for the day, Zarabeth turns to Darek.
You said you could also help me with rogue talents? I think I want to start on them now
Darek decides that the first thing he should show Zarabeth is the art of picking pockets. It’s a basic thief skill and given Zarabeth’s nimble fingers, she should be able to master the technique. He goes over the basics with her, and then lets her practice on himself, alerting her whenever he feels what she is doing. Her first few attempts are not all that successful and he decides to give her a few more pointers. Before he can however, Zarabeth’s fingers begin to trace his groin, as she gently pushes her body next to him. Darek sighs in satisfaction, and then suddenly twirling before his eyes is his little coin pouch.
Now, did you feel it that time, honey?
Well, no, I certainly didn’t that time, but you cant go around feeling up every mark you plan to pick pocket now, can you?
Zarabeth’s fingers continue their devious and distracting work. Why not? Is someone going to start objecting? You don’t have a problem with this, do you? Zarabeth nuzzles up even closer to him, letting her body touch him fully now. Too distracted to even think of a response, Darek can only enjoy the sensations begin to pulse through his body.
Ummm, now doesn’t that feel nice? Her fingers deftly part his robes, allowing her to caress his manhood directly, with no intervening cloth. That’s it, just relax and enjoy As Dareks body sags just a little bit, his face comes level with Zarabeth’s bosom, which has somehow conveniently become uncovered. Her breasts press softly into his face and the last of his resistance vanishes. Completely unresisting now, Zarabeth is able to lower his body to the floor, keeping his face firmly pressed into her chest, as her free hand quickly relieves him of the rest of his clothing. Her own billowing silks might as well not even be considered clothes, and a quick flick of her wrist is all she needs to part the rest of them. In control, Zarabeth continues to use her breasts to smother Darek, while her fingers begin to display just how nimble her fingers can be. She starts by caressing him all over, and when that ends, she commences a tickle attack. Every so often, she lifts herself off just enough to let Darek get a breath, but she quickly covers him up again, making sure her nipple is in sucking range or his face is buried in cleavage.
When his arousal has reached its peak, Zarabeth smoothly rolls on her back, pulling him over on top of her as she does so. She guides his already swelled manhood deep within her, pumping with her own hips to ensure he goes as deep as he can. At this point, Darek needs no encouragement and begins to smoothly stroke into her, aided by Zarabeth, he goes deeper and further than ever. At one point, he knows he must have hit Zarabeth’s G spot, because she clutches at him in ecstasy, it will probably leave scratches on his back but he pays them no mind. He keeps going, each deeper push bringing about a new spasm of ecstasy from the battle dancer, and with a great final push, he spills totally inside of her, continuing to pump as each gush shoots forward from him. Zarabeth reacts to each spurt with a gasp of pleasure until Darek finally runs out of juice.
She smiles at him as he finishes….So are my fingers nimble enough for you now? And since you’ve finished picking my locks, maybe we can go on to the mechanical kind

2012-06-27, 08:44 PM
Linteshar takes the bra from Kand and tries it on. As she expected, it fits her perfectly, every inch of her breasts are burned into Kand's subconscious, hes handled them so often, even if most of the time his mind has been befuddled by her magics. She tests out the glamouring power that Kand spoke of, going between various types of clothing and various color combinations; some so garish and outrageous that Kand cant help but laugh. Finally, she finishes up on her testing.
Its absolutely perfect, as always Kand, you done a wonderful job
She draws him close and kisses him for the present, and because she's feeling impish, she drains him in the process. As Kand's mind reels from the intoxicating power of the kiss, Linteshar sits him down in the chair he was using moments ago, and takes a few steps back from him.
I dont think Ive danced for you in the longest time. Its time to remedy that
Theres no music in the basement, but clearly Linteshar can hear something in her mind, because her body starts to move in sinuous rhythm. Her silk robes seem to billow away from her, and one by one they seem to just float away from her, revealing more and more of her gyrating body. After about five minutes she is totally naked, writhing on the floor in front of him, or standing and spinning.
Now completely naked, she continues her dance, moving closer and closer to him. She gently makes him part his legs, and moves into the space between them, still moving to a beat only she can hear. As she continues, she slowly turns her back to Kand, and lowers herself into his lap. She leans back into him, bringing his arms around his body, and resting his hands on her breasts. She gyrates and grinds herself in his lap, using her rear to stimulate his manhood. As he begins to lengthen and thicken, Linteshar positions herself so that he now rests inside her cheeks. Slowly, she begins to flex her muscles, rubbing him without touching him, the frottage feels nice and relaxing for Kand. Lintehsar continues for a few minutes, but makes sure that she stops short of making him climax.
She turns, still dancing, and starts to press closer and closer to him. Her womanhood is teasingly close to his straining groin, but she doesnt quite make contact yet. Her breasts tease and taunt his face, again not quite connecting. The sway and flow is almost hypnotic, and Kand feels like he is falling deeper and deeper into the tempting cleavage. Linteshar waits until just the right moment and then she moves forward. Simultaneously, Kand finds his face buried in her breasts, his manhood taken to shaft and Linteshar's honey voice whispering in his ear. The demonic whispers fill him with a delicious sense of corruption, the breasts make him forget about the rest of the world, and Linteshar's hips do all the action, meaning he just has to enjoy. Already aroused by the dance, it doesnt take long for Linteshar's pumping to have the desired effect, and he empties his juice into her. Even as the warm afterglow settles over him, she continues her whispers, continuing her corruption of him, until she is satisfied that she has done enough.
Well, as much as I like to stay with you, we should see what the others are up, and maybe make our plans for the rest of week

2012-06-27, 09:04 PM
Some perform rolls

[roll0] Perform: Sex (using Arcane Flourish to grant +10 competance bonus

[roll1] Peform: Dance
[roll2] Perform: Sex

2012-06-28, 04:02 PM

Well, I should probably finish enchanting Darek's boots, and my cloak. I''ll be upstairs in a few hours. I'm sure the three of you can come up with some worthwhile things for the four of us to do in the ensuing week With that, Kand will give Linteshar a kiss and return to his spot, picking up the riding boots next to him, creating a bit of blacks leather with a spell, and beginning to sew. He conducts his work carefully, clearly skilled at this sort of work, likely because of his many years repairing his equipment while hunting demons and devils.


Darek looks at Zarabeth saying with a grin I much prefer training with your locks, but I did promise to help you, so perhaps we should get dressed and begin your lock-picking training. With that, Darek stands and puts on his pants, leaving his shirt of for now, as the heat of the day has begun to infiltrate the cabin somewhat. He moves to his bag and pulls out a lock, and says I found the best way to learn how to pick a lock was to see what you were doing. With that, he removes the cover of the lock, revealing the insides. He then places the lock on the table, with his custom lockpicks next to it. The lockpicks have almost inperceptible runes and shapes etched into their surface, clearly magical in nature. Now, let's see how much you know before I start to teach you

2012-06-28, 09:33 PM
With the heat beginning to infiltrate the cabin, Zarabeth does not bother with getting dressed, having no particular hang ups with her nudity. She gives a quick study to the lockpicks, using her knowledge of the arcane to guide her.
[roll0] Spellcraft
[roll1] Know: Arcane
Once she finishes with the lockpicks, she turns her study to the lock itself. She checks the mechanics and tumblers, seeing how they turn and drop, in order to see where they have to be in order for the lock to open.

2012-06-29, 06:21 PM
Darek is more than eager to assist Zarabeth in her study of the lock, explaining how the different parts work together, and demonstrating how to use the lockpicks to manipulate the inner workings of the lock. He is as skilled a teacher as Zarabeth could hope for, having spent multiple years studying and picking various locks. As he teaches, he tells stories of various times he has gotten in trouble at the tower, as he broke into professor's rooms. He even relates the tale of catching one of the librarians "tutoring" a young mage in "anatomy."

There needs to be a font for innuendo

2012-06-30, 08:04 AM
Linteshar decides to leave Kand to his work (seeing as it is important to her overall quest) and heads back upstairs to see what the others are getting into. Spotting Zarabeth and Darek working on a set of locks, Linteshar just watches for a while, wanting her swordswoman to pick up these sorts of skills. Shes also most wanting Zarabeth to get the hang of sneak attacks, combining her stealthiness (through spells and skills) and her already formidable fighting skills, sneak attacks from her are going to be deadly.

After about an hour or so however, she gets a bit bored, and decides thats enough study for now. Darek has been tutoring Zarabeth, but now its time for Linteshar to school him. She begins to cast, and Darek suddenly finds his muscles very slow to respond to his wishes. He feels like he is become caught in warm, sticky molassses, unable to move with his normal quickness. Recognizing what is happening to him, Zarabeth quickly plays her part, snuggling him into position and removing what little remains of his clothing. (seeing as she doesnt have to deal with her own). Linteshar moves slowly and sinuously into view, letting Darek get a good look at her, moving towards him almost like a snake slithering up on its prey. (which is pretty much what it is) Zarabeth continues to whisper soothingly in Darek's ear, making sure the slow spell takes full hold of him.
Linteshar reaches into her pouch, and brings out a jar filled with a reddish liquid. She pours it all over Darek, Zarabeth and herself. The liquid is incredibly slippery, and as the two of them rub Dareks body, the bodies become very slick. Once everyone is fully lubricated, Linteshar and Zarabeth begin to rub themselves all over Darek's still relaxed body, some slick and slippery fun. Helpless to resist their attentions, Darek can only enjoy the double body slide, reveling in the feel of the two curvy bodies rubbing against him.
Eventually, Linteshar's slide carries her into a position where her lips are tantalizingly close to Dareks manhood. Gracefully, she scissor locks his head into her own womanhood, and smoothly begins to lick at him. Urged on by Zarabeth, Darek returns the favour, finding that the gel is actually very tasty, which only encourages him to lick more and more, deeper and deeper. That, in turn, causes Linteshar's own juices to flow, an even more enticing treat for Darek's tongue. Meanwhile her lips and tongue are working Darek over expertly, bringing him to a hardness he has never experienced, all the while almost unable to move as his muscles are still under the effect of Linteshar's enchantment. The combination of the skillful blow job and working on Linteshar (a classic 69), soon have Darek in ecstasy and with a joyous shout, he blows several full loads into Linteshar's mouth.
[roll0] Perform: Sex
Part one of Darek's schooling has been taken care of, but Linteshar is nothing if she is not thorough. She has more in mind for her newest protegee. She renews her slow spell on the young mage, and moves back to be able to whisper in his ear. Sandwiched between the two women and once again robbed of the ability to struggle, Darek can only luxuriate in the feeling. Linteshar begins to whisper to him in the corrupt Abyssal language, the sound of this tongue alone is enough to fill a mortal with a delicious, decadent corruption, and Linteshar's honey sweet voice makes it that much more compelling. She tells him deep, dark, demonic secrets, filling him with an irresistable corruption, totally subverting him to the power of evil, seducing him totally into Linteshar's power. The effect and the secrets that Linteshar tells him soon become overwhelmingly arousing, and his body begins to shiver and pulsate with yet another orgasm. Still without either woman touching his manhood, the power reaches its peak, and once again, he experiences yet another mind blowing orgasm, filled with the evil bliss that Linteshar can generate.
[roll1] Perform: Sex
As the effect slowly wears off, Darek can only lay exhausted between the two women, slowly trying to sort through what the demoness has put him through. Idly, he notices that Linteshar did not even use a drain on him, and his own slowly regenerating powers have not suffered a set back.
Did you like what my powers can do to you?

2012-07-02, 12:29 PM
Of course I do Darek says with a sedated smile on his face, clearly basking in the afterglow of the women's attentions. He then turns to Linteshar asking so, what is the plan for this week. We've got a rare opportunity to plan our next moves, and a safe place to do so.

2012-07-04, 06:44 AM
Well, the first part of the week is going to be taken up with Kand finishing off our new items and then recouping his strength. He wont be in any condition to travel after doing that. Meanwhile, I want you to finish training Zebra, her newly developed skills will come in handy.
According to our books, our route will either take us through the capital or the dwarf city of Hammerfall. We have a few extra things to sell, so we do need to visit one of those cities, and I would like to see if we can pick up even more knowledge before we move on.
My preference would be for the capital. When a dwarf falls for my charms, he falls hard, but getting them to fall is tough. Humans are much more co-operative. As well, dwarven society is too ordered for my taste, and anyone who is not of the clan is automatically greeted with suspicion. No, I think the capital is our better bet. You have any thoughts on that?

2012-07-05, 03:47 PM
I'm fine with either city personally Darek will say, I hadn't got much traveling on this plane done, even after the other planes got shut off from the material plane. We used to learn teleportation and protection spells, practicing them by visiting places like the elemental planes mostly. This does mean I've never been to either the capital or Hammerfall.

2012-07-10, 08:19 AM

The capital city it is then, dwarves are too stinky and smelly anyway. They dont believe in having fun either. Nerver had a dwarf and never would want to, if theyre that small in height, what else in them is small?
Now, whose up for more training?

As she says this, she picks up one of the discarded locks, and starts to fiddle with it.

2012-07-11, 10:17 PM
The next few days past mostly without incident, with Kand spending the majority of his time in the basement enchanting the items, and Darek teaching rogue skills to Zarabeth. The morning of the fourth day is mostly uneventful, until a loud voice is heard from outside the cabin Kand! Get out here you gorgeous piece of man meat!

Kand is currently downstairs, singing to the items, finishing the enchantments. He doesn't seem to hear the voice outside

2012-07-12, 08:08 AM
The two women look to Darek to see if he recognizes the voice from his limited contact with Kand. Assuming he does not, Linteshar takes charge of the situation

(To Darek) Go downstairs honey and tell Kand whats going on. We'll go out and talk to whomever is here and see what they want.

Linteshar first makes sure she takes a human female form, i.e. no wings, horns or tail, although she obviously retains her succubus charisma. She adjusts her new vest so that is in bikini form, not as small as possible but still showing plenty of cleavage and skin.

(To Zarabeth) Lets go see who this person is and what they want. We will start friendly, but be ready for action

With that said, Linteshar leads the way out of the cottage, checking out who is making all this racket.

2012-07-12, 08:24 AM
Zarabeth suppresses the smallest bit of a pout at the thought of starting friendly but she suppresses it well. Even though Linteshar has said they are starting friendly, she still has her hands hovering near her weapons as she accompanies the succubus outside. She does not take the lead as she normall does in a dungeonning situation, allowing for Linteshar's appearance to be her best weapon, but she is more than ready to jump in front of her should the situation warrant.

2012-07-12, 05:11 PM
Out in front of the cabin stands an elven woman, standing roughly 5'4" tall, with golden blond hair and piercing blue eyes. She wears a white linen shirt and set of breeches that show off her curves quite well. She is rather attractive, though nowhere near the two women or Kand. On one hip sits a cutlass, the other a Kukri, both clearly magical. She has a silken bandanna tied over her hair, which ends in a pony tail. Her skin is tan, though still youthful in appearance.

At her side stands a mountain of a man, clearly of giant parentage, though human traits are obvious. Considering the average half-giant, he is absolutely stunning, but rather pedestrian compared to the other three assembled in the clearing. He sports an odd set of leather armor, with what look to be serrated spikes coming out of it. At his side is a Falchion of superior craftsmanship. A large wolf lies on the grass to his left.

At the site of the two women, particularly Linteshar, the woman's eyes narrow in a look very familiar to the succubus. Some call it jealousy, some envy, some lust, but something about the succubus has clearly perturbed the elven woman. She quickly regains her composure though, saying Have either of you two ladies seen a half-elven man by the name of Kand? He is the most gorgeous man in the world, and he has requested my presence.

As she finishes her questions, a loud ****! issues forth from the basement, followed by a loud crash and footsteps hurrying upstairs.

2012-07-12, 07:58 PM

That noise you hear is likely him coming up from his workbench. And you're right, he is the most gorgeous man in the world. There is the slightest hint of tone in her voice that would add "and hes mine" but she doesnt actually say it.
So who exactly are you, and what do you want with Kand?

2012-07-13, 01:29 AM
The woman clearly understands Linteshar's implication

Why, I'm his wife, Lily Albeveria. I'm surprised he hasn't mentioned...

As she says this, a rather purturbed looking Kand comes storming out of the house

Lily, we are not and never have been married! You kidnapped me and held me hostage on your boat for a month and a half. You just lucked out when I stopped you first mate from murdering you in your sleep! But we are not, and never have been married!

Kand makes his way between the three women, insuring if Linteshar or Zarabeth wanted to get to Lily, they would have to pass him. He turns to Linteshar with an apologetic look, then returns his stern gaze to Lily

Now Lily, I called you here because I have a proposition for you. But first I would like you to meet my lovely companions, Zarabeth and Linteshar.

With that, Kand makes a grand bowing motion, introducing the women to Lily, who looks hurt and just a bit seething, but she curtsies sarcastically

A pleasure to meet the two of you. What whor... Kand glares at her with a look that could turn a man to stone uhh, where did you meet Kand?

She seems genuinely shaken and apologetic towards Kand.

As this exchange continues, Linteshar remembers something Kand told her earlier in the week. He had mentioned reaching out some feelers to his old contacts, trying to build up a fighting force in case the succubus would need one.

2012-07-13, 01:07 PM

Zarabeth bristles visibly at the term, "whore".

I am a dancer, miss Lily, and unlike a cold bitch like you, I dont need to kidnap my men.

2012-07-13, 01:12 PM

Linteshar moves smoothly to cut off Zarabeth before she says anything more to Lily.

We met Kand about a year ago and we've been adventuring with him ever since Miss Lily. Right now, we're chasing a bit of a legend and Kand has told us of some old contacts he has that might be able to help us in it. If successful, we could become quite powerful and those who aid us in this would be well rewarded. Wealth, power and with a suggestive look at the giant all sorts of rewards can be arranged.
Does this interest you?

2012-07-13, 01:56 PM
Oddly, the Half-Giant seems not to respond to Linteshar's look as she would expect, almost looking quizzically, rather than the typical lustful looks she receives. But Lily seems to look between Linteshar, Zarabeth, and Kand, a look of utter defeat on her face, as if everything she believed in was collapsing in on itself, but once more she puts on a brave face

Fine Kand. I get that you care more for these fine ladies than for me. I get it

This time, she says fine ladies without a hint of sarcasm, as if earlier she was just putting on a show of strength, hoping to win Kand away. But this having failed, she goes into business mode

So I guess my question now is, what can I do to help you achieve your goals? All I want in return is wealth and she looks wistfully towards Kand, but then shakes her head sadly continuing Perhaps some land on which to retire on. The job of a river pirate is becoming less and less interesting to me. Perhaps it is time for me to settle down, find a nice man, or maybe a few decent ones at least she smirks at the suggestion, clearly working her way out of a depressive state.

She approaches Linteshar, holds out her hand I guess I we got start off on the wrong foot. I'm sorry for my earlier rude behavior. It was uncalled for. I think we can all agree that a man like Kand can make a woman act irrationally. My name is Lily Silverleaf, Captain of the Kestrel. I am a river pirate. And that is my first mate Tallen. She whispers to the succubus, having seen the look she gave him earlier he is a eunuch, so don't be hurt if he doesn't respond to your advances. He was a slave whose master feared an attractive half-giant stealing away his daughters or wife. He is a hell of a fighter though, and smart as a whip.

As Lintehsar looks into her eyes, she sees an apologetic look, actually filled with an almost admiration towards the woman who seems to have tamed Kand's heart.

2012-07-13, 11:13 PM
Linteshar accepts Lily's hand, drawing her in close for a conspiratorial whisper...Just dont call her a whore, she's very touchy about that, she used to be an exotic dancer, where it was just assumed they were all sluts. Shes actually a hell of a fighter, and men underestimate her because they think she's just a dancer.

Out loud, she says...We are seeking something called the Invisible Castle, which contains a crown that could give us enough power for me to become a queen, and then we can arrange the world the way we want. So you call yourself a river pirate? What sort of skills do you have? You say Tallen is a fighter, and thats always helpful.

Linteshar doesnt immediately let go of her hand, letting her feel the contact of her skin on hers.

2012-07-17, 03:13 PM
Lily seems to enjoy the feel of Linteshar's skin, but she quickly removes hers and moves towards Zarabeth, bowing

As I told your friend, I am very sorry for any offense I may have caused to you two lovely ladies. I felt threatened, and I lashed out in the only way I felt I could. And if it is any consolation, I wasn't going to call you whores, I was going to imply he met you in a whorehouse. To be fair, that is where I met him as well, so just meeting a man there doesn't make you a whore. But once more, I am sorry for my outburst.

She then moves over next to her first mate

As for my skills, I have a gang of roughly 100 various brigands, of varying skills, under my command. In my time since the kidnapping incident, I've built up a bit of a following. We mostly stick to sailing the Tellan River, though lately we've branched out into more land based thievery, as the capital has sent the royal marines to begin patrolling the river. After meeting you though, I don't think it would be too hard to convince the group to follow such an lovely, ambitious woman such as yourself. And I'm always up for an adventure!

As am I the Half-Giant will say

2012-07-17, 07:05 PM
Linteshar puts her arm around Lily's waist as she walks her towards the cabin.
A hundred brigands, you say? Almost like an army....well maybe only a division, but still a start at least. And loyal to you? Well, I suppose, as loyal as a brigand can be. No offense, you understand. Do you think they will respond well to having some real fighting discipline imposed on them. Zarabeth, shes never really been a leader, but she would probably be their captain, or maybe a major. Wait, whats higher, captain or major, those human distinctions always get me confused. Maybe she counts as a colonel or a general. She laughs a bit
Linteshar keeps her arm around Lily's waist, keeping her close to her. While she doesnt actually cast a spell on her, her voice is relaxing enough as it is.
So you bring an army to me, and thats a really good thing. But what about you personally. You must have some real talents of your own to be able to raise up followers. A nice touch of flattery to stroke the ego.

2012-07-18, 07:58 AM
Seeing (and knowing) what Linteshar is up to, Zarabeth attempts to steer both Kand and Darek away from going into the cottage, in order to give Linteshar the privacy she needs to work on Lily. If there is a second entrance to the basement, she will steer Kand in that direction, while with Darek....
One of the biggest benefits I can see, at least for myself, is the ability to land sneak attacks on unprotected foes. Why dont we stay outside and do some sparring, you can show me those techniques. Being a warrior already, it shouldnt be too difficult for me to pick them up.

2012-07-18, 03:39 PM
Kand maneuvers himself away from the basement, also fully aware of Linteshar's plans, and he moves to talk with Lily's first mate. The two shake hands and begin to talk, laughing every once in a while, clearly catching up with each other.

Darek will gladly take Zarabeth up on her suggestion, creating a wooden shortsword for Zarabeth and a wooden dagger for himself using major creation spell.

As Linteshar holds Lily, Lily looks confused for just a second, then a look of excitement comes across her face, followed by a smirk as she places her arm around Linteshar's waist.

Most of my men are used to some sort of military heirarchy, though a strict military system is likely out of the question. With a group that large, you need to have some sort of order.

As for my abilities, I've been called a wizard with knives and my speeches seem to go over fairly well with my crew. I'm also quite good with a repeating crossbow.

Seeing as the others are busy, I must ask, does your current hand situation imply that you and Kand are in some sort of open relationship?

Her last question asked with a hint of lust and hope.

2012-07-18, 07:02 PM
Zarabeth is just a touch less dangerous with only one sword, and Darek finds it very difficult to deal with her. She might not be conjuring up any magical armour or shields, but her whole fighting style is based on her battle dance skills and that alone is distracting enough for Darek. Add in the fact that shes already an outstanding warrior, and Darek gets more than his share of bruises. At least they are only bruises, her blades would have been a lot sharper.
But her analysis of her basic fighting skills being adaptable to the sneak attacks proves to be quite correct. It doesnt take long for Darek's tutelage to pay dividends, and she begins to score what would probably be devastating hits, if she were actually using a sword. As it is, Darek's ribs just take a beating, and he ends up just a bit sore. At the end of the session though, Zarabeth takes out Leaf Blade, and uses its power do a maximized Cure Serious wounds on a hit to Darek. (which would take care of any real damage she does from the hit, plus cure the bruising damage)

2012-07-20, 01:50 PM
Linteshar removes her arm from around Lily’s waist and turns to face her, giving her the full benefit of her figure. At the same time, her glamoured vest, already in bikini style, shrinks even more, which almost seems to make her breasts “pop out” with less clothing on them.
An open relationship? Honey, all of my relationships are open, Kand, Darek, Zarabeth, I’ve got no time for any sort of prudish human notions of exclusivity. Besides, I enjoy sex too much to restrict myself to one person drawing even closer to her and yes, I included Zarabeth in that list. In many ways, women are even better than men. Let me show you
Reading the lust that was in Lily’s voice, Linteshar is pretty sure her attentions will be accepted by the elven woman. She begins to slowly disrobe her, while at the same time guiding Lily’s hands to the ties on her bra and panties, encouraging her to give them the smallest of tugs to have them fall away. Once she has her naked, she begins to caress and stroke her, relaxing her with her soothing voice, gently easing her down to whatever bed is nearest to them. Linteshar judges by the company of people that Lily keeps, she has likely never been with a woman before, and uses this to guide her actions. Men most likely pay the most attention to her breasts, but they are more inclined to be rough, or at least firm in their touchings, Linteshar is soft and gentle with long soothing strokes, although she does tweak her nipples once in a while. She draws Lily close into her body, slowly positioning herself so that she is resting her face in Linteshar’s cleavage, while she starts to nibble lightly at her ears. Linteshar has never been with a full-blooded elf before, the closest being Kand who is half-elven, but she knows from experience with him that elf ears are very subject to erotic stimulation and she uses that to further arouse Lily. Her hands continue to dance on Lily’s body, tickling her into a squirming mass of pleasure.
Slowly pulling herself away from the helpless elven woman, Linteshar starts to go to work on her with her tongue. She trails kisses and licks across Lily’s face and neck, slowly moving down to her shoulders. She spends only a short time there, and then moves on towards her chest. She teases Lily, going incredibly slowly and backing off at times, but she finally begins to make contact with her breasts, moving slowly up the mounds, with long swishes of her tongue. Finally, she comes to the top, and teases in her approach to the nipples as well, and only when Lily is beside herself with wiggling does she make contact with them. Sucking and kissing at them, Linteshar gives her the full treatment.
After she finishes with Lily’s nipples, she continues her progress down her body, continuing to lick and kiss as she crosses the elf’s taut belly. Her tongue dives deep into Lily’s belly button, making sure she squirms from that experience as well. Her fingers continue their demonic work on her sides and hips, but as she moves away and down from the belly, she uses them more to hold Lily in place, while continuing some stroking.
Lily is becoming breathless in anticipation when it becomes obvious where Linteshar’s next ‘stop’ will be, and true to her nature, Linteshar is a tease about getting there. Her tongue swirls along the inside of Lily’s thighs, teases above and below her womanhood, and gives just the lightest hint of touching, before she moves off for another cycle of tasting the rest of Lily. Again, Linteshar is the mistress of knowing how far she can push one of her “victims” and she brings Lily right to the edge. When she knows she can take no more, her tongue begins to press inside of Lily’s womanhood on its next pass. Gently, she uses her fingers to part the folds just a bit, and her tongue delves deeper inside, while the fingers continue to gently touch the lips. Linteshar knows exactly where to find the G spot on a woman and Lily is no different in that regard. Within seconds, Linteshar knows exactly where it is, but continues her work of probing around it. Seeing as Lily has never been with a woman (and probably with only unskilled men), shes likely never had a G spot orgasm in her life, and Linteshar intends to build her up to it to maximize its effect. One of her hands moves to Lily’s rear and begins to probe in, arousing her even more as her tongue continues its sweet torment of her insides. Linteshar brings her up as high as she can, and then simultaneously hits the target with her tongue while sliding her finger deep inside Lily’s ass. As the orgasms explode in the elf woman, Linteshar continues, touching and probing, bringing about orgasm after orgasm, draining Lily of everything she has.
[roll0] Perform: Sex
When Linteshar knows she can take no more, she moves to cuddle Lily almost like a baby, letting her come down from the heights of ecstasy. Having never had an orgasm quite like the succubus can give her, and certainly never experiencing more than one or two in succession, Lily takes some time to recover. While she is doing so, Linteshar whispers to her in her incredibly soothing, honey-sweet voice, using the Abyssal language to begin the slow corruption of the elf.
Eventually, Lily is able to come around, but Linteshar is not finished yet, not by a long shot. Lily has not experienced the most devastating power of the succubus, one that she has used to bind Zarabeth, Kand and Darek to her, utterly. She begins to kiss Lily gently, on all other parts of her face at first, only finally moving to her lips. Gently, her tongue slips inside Lily’s mouth, twining itself around Lily’s tongue, deepening the kiss into a true ‘french’ kiss. Unsuspecting about what is about to happen to her, Lily returns the kiss, not knowing that Linteshar is a succubus. Linteshar waits until she is totally lost in the kiss itself, and then without warning activates her draining power. Lily is suddenly convulsed in the demonic bliss of the kiss as Linteshar begins to drain her life force, and knowing that Lily does not have the protections that Kand or Darek have, while she continues her draining kiss, she also uses restoration spells on her from her Favoured Soul powers, allowing the ecstasy to go on and on, and also prevent her from dying. Linteshar has plenty of those spells, and Lily has plenty of levels to give and give again, and she soon loses all track of time, helplessly swirling in the demonic euphoria. Only when Linteshar uses the last of her restoration spells does she stop the draining process, turning back to normal kissing as she lets Lily come down from her equally intoxicating high.
So, do you think working with me is something you can learn to enjoy? Im sure your men will also come to appreciate these rewards, they can be held out as special favours for those who go above and beyond the call of duty.
And speaking of your first mate, maybe I should give him a sample. He can’t experience me in other ways, but even if he is a eunuch, hes still not immune to the kiss and he can still feel its pleasure. I really love it when a big strong man wraps his arms around me, and the kiss will certainly do that. I just love it when a big, strong man wraps his arms around me, unable to even think straight for what Im doing to him.

2012-07-23, 04:57 PM
Lily clearly appreciates Linteshar's attentions. She moves several times to try to return the favor, being rebuffed by the succubus every time. At the knowledg of Linteshar's true nature, she will whisper well that explains how you got Kand's heart and other parts on your side she smirks at her allusion, then continues, and I'm sure my first mate will appreciate your skills. So what can my crew and I do for such a lovely woman as yourself?

2012-07-23, 09:46 PM

At the moment, theres not a whole lot your crew can do. We have to find the Invisible Castle and the crown within it, and I dont want a whole lot of people on that mission. Too many people attracts too much attention, you and your first mate can join us, but I dont want any more than that. Especially if Kand is recruiting even more. Unless something changes and we run into some massed opponents.
Where your crew can help us is when we get the crown. We need the crown to take power, but we'll need muscle to back it up. They'll do that for us.

2012-07-24, 12:55 PM
But that’s not really important right now. What’s important right now is that I want you to just relax. Just lie back, take a slow easy breath and just let yourself relax
Linteshar snuggles Lily into her lap, resting her head right next to one of her breasts, holding her almost as if she was a baby.
Just listen to the sound of my voice, and let it relax you. It feels so good to just relax, to let your mind go, let all the cares of the world slip away for a while and just relax. Take a nice deep breath, hold it, hold it…and now just let it go. Now take another deep breath…and let it out slowly. Feel all your muscles just turning soft and helpless. So nice and warm, your body beginning to feel wonderful and heavy. Just relax, you’re safe with me, all alone and so very, very comfortable.
If necessary, Linteshar supplements her hypnotic voice with a hypnosis spell.
Your eyes are so very, very heavy now. You can barely keep them open, those eyelids just seem to droop down…so very hard to keep them open. Just relax, let them close gently down, gently down, no need to fight it, just let them close. You’re feeling so wonderfully heavy now, it’s such a nice feeling, just settling in, being drawn down into a warm, wonderful hypnotic trance. All your muscles turning to jelly, it’s just so wonderful to let all your cares go, just let yourself sink lower and lower. As I count to 5, you will sink lower and lower with each number. Each number takes you deeper and deeper, deep down where you want to go, deep down to the most wonderful trance you have ever experienced. 1…slipping away, slipping down…2…your conscious mind totally asleep now…3…going even deeper, so deep, so helplessly relaxed…4…now even deeper still, your whole body in a wonderful heaviness…and 5…totally hypnotized, totally in my control.
Linteshar checks to see if Lily is hypnotized, and then proceeds to her next step.
Now, Lily, you love this feeling, it’s so nice to be like this, totally relaxed, totally hypnotized. You love to be like this, it makes you feel so very, very good. And it pleases me that you love to be like this and pleasing me is so nice for you. When you please me, it makes you feel even better, even better than this hypnosis, and that makes it even more delicious to let yourself go in it. When I, and only I say Lily rest, you will immediately sink back into this state. Do you understand me, Lily rest, and you will always fall back into this hypnotized state
Linteshar settles her even more, her lips almost right at Linteshar’s nipple.
I’m going to bring you up now Lily, but just a little bit. You will still be hypnotized, still unable to move the rest of your body, but that won’t bother you, because you won’t really want to move. It just feels so good to lie next to me, rubbing against me, feeling so helpless with me. As well Lily, when I bring you up, you will be a little baby. A hungry little baby. And mommy’s nipple is going to be right here for you. Do you understand Lily? Now, at the count of 3, you come up, but just a little. Still hypnotized, still relaxed and feeling wonderful, and a very hungry baby. 1…that’s it, slowly coming back…2…opening your eyes, but still unable to move…and 3…back up
Lily opens her eyes, and still under the effects of Linteshar’s spell, feels very good but also hungry and very much like a little baby. Linteshar has positioned herself so that her nipple is right at Lily’s lips and unable to resist the powerful suggestion placed on her, she begins to suckle at it. With a satisfied smile, Linteshar concentrates for a moment, and seconds later, her powerful demons milk begins to flow into Lily. Just as it did with Zarabeth and Kand earlier, the milk has an unbelievably potent effect on the woman, sending her into a euphoric bliss of erotic pleasure. Her whole body convulses as she eagerly drinks down the powerful intoxicant, sending wave after wave of ecstasy through her. It doesn’t take long before the milk has its ultimate effect on her as she begins to orgasm uncontrollably; even as she does so, she continues to drink from Linteshar’s generous breast, keeping the effect going on and on. Only when her body can take no more does she finally slow, the last little drops dribbling away from her lips as she lies in a stuporous bliss.
Now Lily, Im going to bring you the rest of the way up. You’ll remember everything about this experience, except the little part about my command word on you. You will especially remember how it feels to drink my milk. You’ll forget about the command word, but it will still have its hold on you, Lily rest, and you’ll be instantly hypnotized once again. When you wake, you will feel totally refreshed, totally alive and really wonderful. As well Lily, I have one more instruction for you. When I bring you up, youre going to go and get Tallen, and have him come to see me. He needs to experience the bliss of my kiss as well. Now, when I count to 3, you’ll be wide awake. 1…slowly coming around…2…remembering to forget what I told you to forget, arms and legs returning to normal…big stretch, it feels so good…and 3…wide awake.
Well, Lily, how do you feel?

[roll0] Peform: Sex....even though the milk did the job.

2012-07-24, 01:18 PM

As Zarabeth goes to heal Darek, she actually bull rushes him in the process, their momentum carrying them behind a bush, away from the eyes of Kand and Tallen. With the fury of almost a tigress, she rips his clothes off of him, kissing him as she does so. Her own robes, which werent much considering she was in fighting form disappear just as quickly and then her fingers go to work, caressing, tickling and stroking Darek. Meanwhile she continues to rub herself against him while still kissing, almost savagely. Darek, used to the women being soft and gentle with him, is almost taken aback at first by how forceful Zarabeth is, but its just as arousing, and his manhood is quick to stiffen to attention while his body responds to the squirming woman in his arms. Eventually, Zarabeth guides him into position to allow him to penetrate her, and she urges him on, telling him to take her, hard and fast. Driven to heights of passion by her arousal, Darek responds with gusto, pumping hard and deep into the swordswoman. Zarabeth might not have all the skill that Linteshar does, or her looks, but shes no slouch in that regard, and she has one thing that Linteshar does not, and thats a superbly toned and muscled body. Her pelvic muscles are especially strong, and she seems to know how to clench them in special ways, giving Darek extra bursts of pleasure each time he drives deeper into her. As well, the clenching seems to hold off his orgasm for an extra pump or two, building his release to higher and higher levels. When it finally peaks, Zarabeth clenches in a slightly different way, and Darek explodes with a greater intensity, as Zarabeth screams and claws at him, in throes of passion. There will be a few marks left on his back from her nails, nothing that will leave a scar and almost badges of honour for the bliss they produced.

[roll0] Perform: Sex

2012-07-27, 01:43 PM
Tallen, Lily, Kand, and Linteshar

As Lily awakes, a content smile is spread across her face. She looks at Linteshar with a look of adoration, saying I think I'm gonna like working with you. She gets up and gets dressed, heading out the door with a bit of a spring in her step. She heads over to Tallen and Kand, and whispers in Tallen's ear, a small smile crossing Kand's lips as he can see Linteshar's work in Lily's face.

Tallen seems confused, but heads into the cabin with Linteshar, his wolf staying next to Lily and Kand, who begin to talk in a slightly serious way. As long as Zarabeth and Linteshar have been with Kand, they can tell that he does care for Lily, and wouldn't be averse to taking there relationship to a physical level, but his old chivalrous nature seems to prevent possibly leading her on.

Zarabeth and Darek

Darek holds tightly to Zarabeth as they come down off of the peak of their union. He will then whisper in her ear You guys aren't going to get rid of me after you find the crown are you? I don't care what I have to do after you find it, but I can't see ever being away from you...or Linteshar for that matter. A look of apology quickly crosses his face as he says umm, sorry about that. I'm not sure why I said that. But you're picking up these rogue skills quicker than anyone else I've seen, except maybe me. He smirks, a look of admiration and adoration on his face as he looks at the swordswoman.

2012-07-27, 10:53 PM

Where did you get the idea we would be getting rid of you. Just because we have the Crown, doesnt mean everyone is just going to bow down to Linteshar right away. We're going to have plenty of work taking what we want after that. I have no idea of what position you are going to hold when Linteshar sets up her court, but I know shes going to have a place for you, and it will be close to her and me, dont you worry.

2012-07-28, 07:13 PM
Linteshar watches as Lily's first mate enters the room. She knows that Lily told her that he was a eunuch, and that would mean her usual lures will not work on him. But thats why she has her spells, and shes more than willing to use them. The moment Tallen enters the cottage, she uses her Dominate Person on him.
Her instructions to him are quite simple, for him to walk into her arms and kiss her. It might not be something he normally does, but theres nothing either strange or dangerous about it (at least, nothing visible) and so he just walks forward to kiss her.(His DC on that spell is 36 and for a warrior, will saves arent good). Linteshar wraps her arms around him, mentally commanding him to do the same, and starts to kiss him. Being a eunuch, he probably has no idea of how to kiss a woman, but thats okay, Linteshar has skill enough for both of them and can lead him in the right way to kiss. Her first two kisses are normal, and then once she has him right where she wants him, she activates her draining power.
While Tallen doesnt feel sexual pleasure, he can certainly feel any other type of pleasure and the pleasure from a succubus kiss hits a person body, mind and soul. Its more than Tallen has ever experienced, and the bliss blossoms within him as Linteshar draws the life energy from him. As she did with Lily, she uses her Greater Restoration to keep him from being drained to death, and can keep it going for as long as she wants. Theres no orgasmic finish for Tallen because of his state, but there is still a climax that Linteshar can read and as soon as he expriences it, she shuts down what she is doing to him.
So Tallen, I imagine you've never kissed a woman before. How was your first time? More than you expected?

2012-07-31, 12:35 PM
I rather enjoyed that kiss, perhaps even more than I did when my former owners wife and daughter kissed me. You didn't think he castrated me for noting did you? But I suppose that kiss means you are a Succubus, and you have probably got everyone on your side already. And I assume that you are promising your followers a wish of some sort? Well, my wish will likely depend on how much power the crown actually possesses. If possible, I'd like my castration to be reversed, so I could make Lily happy. If not possible, I'd like to do whatever I could to make her happy.

As Tallen speaks, it become clear that he cares for Lily quite a bit, and that she was not lying in her assessment of his intelligence. He is clearly much more perceptive than his heritage lets on.

2012-08-01, 04:15 PM

Linteshar is taken a bit aback by the reaction of Tallen to her kiss, usually mortals are not able to think straight after she gives them a full treatment, and the only negotiation they do is to get more of them from her. Perhaps she needs to practice a bit more.

Actually, Tallen, reversing your castration is easy. Well, easy once I get a bit more spell power, there is a spell that will regenerate any sort of damaged organ, and as soon as I am able to cast it, I can do that for you. With that as my promise to you, can I count on your support in our missions?

2012-08-01, 04:57 PM
Assuming Lily has already agreed, then yes I shall lend my support in any way I can. And I would rather appreciate a casting of that spell when you get the chance. Perhaps we could try the kiss out again after that? Tallen will say with a bit of an impish smirk. But for now, shall you address your group? I assume we will be setting out on some sort of journey soon?

2012-08-02, 09:05 AM

Linteshar calls for Zarabeth, Kand, Darek and Lilly to re-enter the cottage.

Kand, I want to thank you for bringing these two, and potentially her whole crew to assist us. You've brought the forces we will likely need at one point or another.
Now, our next step will be to head to the capital. We were going to go either to the dwarf kingdom or the capital, but since our powers will likely be more effective on humans than dwarves, our path should be through them.
Zarabeth and I can charm, Kand can dazzle, Lilly and Tallen can intimidate and Darek can sneak, but dwarves are so dour and suspicious that none of those tricks will work. Plus, we have a few magic items to trade and dwarves make crappy magic.
So we will move out as soon as Kand has finished with the crafting and his recovery. She smirks a little at Darek. And some of our other members, or perhaps his member, recover as well.

2012-08-06, 03:47 PM
I should be ready by tomorrow Kand will say, then he turns to Lily and Tallen saying You are both more than welcome to stay the night before we set out tomorrow. I can get you both some horses for us to continue our way towards the capital to sell and buy various things. Then we can make our way to the Dwarven city and onwards from there.

2012-08-09, 10:09 AM
Linteshar watches the men disperse after the meeting. Kand, as she suspected he would, heads back downstairs to finish his crafting, or recover from the expenditure of energy. With nothing better to do, Tallen heads outside, to either stand some sort of guard, or practice with his weapon. That left only Darek hanging around, looking hopeful. Linteshar walks toward him, smiling, but this time, the spell that she casts wraps around in his mind with a pillowy softness, relaxing him completely. As she continues (Hiss of Sleep) his whole body slowly succumbs to the seductive spell, sending him off into a warm dreamland. Just before his eyes close totally, Linteshar gives him a last succubus kiss, ensuring warm, erotic dreams for him.
She turns back to Zarabeth and Lilly wearing a naughty smile as her robe slips off her body I thought we girls should get to know each other better, without the boys being involved, what do you say? Without waiting for an answer in the affirmative (which she knows she is getting anyway), Linteshar walks back to the two of them, gathering them together in a small circle. When they are both gathered around, Linteshar brings out a small brass plate that has several scorch marks on it, and then produces a small, pyramid shaped block of greyish material, about an inch tall. Using one of the candles from the room, she lights the top point of it and watches with satisfaction as the material catches fire, and then blows out the flame, allowing the block to settle to a bright red glow. Incense smoke begins to rise from the block, with an appealing odor. Zarabeth, acquainted with this type of incense draws a deep breath and holds it in for moment, letting the smoke fill her lungs. The smell is enticing enough for Lilly to breathe in deeply anyway, but Linteshar uses a little encouragement, just in case, as she duplicates Zarabeth’s breathing.
Moments after first breathing it in, the incense begins to have its effect on the women. A relaxed and aroused glow begins to settle in on them, as well as a warm sense of evil and corruption. This incense block was clearly made in the Abyss, with aphrodisiacs from there, and its powers are potent indeed.
Linteshar waits for a few more minutes to make sure both women (and herself for that matter) are completely under the effect of the incense, and then moves over to Lilly. As she does so, Zarabeth moves as well, and Lilly finds herself in warm sandwich between the two women, facing Zarabeth. It doesn’t take any time for them to begin to passionately kiss, while Zarabeth’s fingers begin a magical dance on Lilly’s body. Meanwhile, Linteshar starts caressing her as well, tickling her soft spots and caressing the rest. Her breathing gets quicker and quicker as the two women get her hotter and hotter, which just leads to her breathing in more of the intoxicating incense. Seeing the effect the scent is having on her, Zarabeth breaks the kiss and joins with Linteshar in caressing the former river pirate, and she is soon helpless under the combination of fingers, and tongues, as both of them bend down and apply them to her exposed skin.
With Lilly completely under their, and the incense spell, Linteshar and Zarabeth slowly rotate their positions so that Linteshar is at Lilly’s head and Zarabeth near her belly. Linteshar straddles Lilly’s head between her knees, lowering herself so that her womanhood is right in Lilly’s face. Unable to resist such a tempting target, Lilly’s tongue begins to probe Linteshar’s womanhood, and seeing as she is as affected by the incense as much as the other two are, she is soon spasming with desire as her juice pours out over Lilly. Seeing Linteshar going through her orgasm, Zarabeth concentrates on keeping Lilly hot, but not pushing her over the edge just yet (which is hard to do, considering how much the incense is doing), knowing what Linteshar intends to do after she has taken her pleasure from the pirate. Lilly continues to drink in Linteshars juices as she continues pleasuring the succubus with her tongue, the power of them and the incense building even more in her.
Linteshar finally reaches the peak of her orgasm as the bliss blasts through her, and now she is ready for the next stage in the orgy. She moves to bury Lilly’s head in her cleavage while giving a subtle nod to Zarabeth. Taking her cue, Zarabeth moves herself between Lilly’s legs and starts to work on her womanhood, using her fingers to gently spread Lilly’s ‘lips’ and using her tongue to probe in. Linteshar gives her a moment to really get Lilly going, and to make sure she is totally snuggled into her breasts, and then bends over her and begins to whisper in her ear.
Linteshar’s voice is as sweet as honey, and she uses the Abyssal tongue to whisper deep dark secrets that no mortal should ever know to Lilly. When they first had been together, Linteshar had done a little of this, but now, its much more devastating for the river pirate. Totally intoxicated by the incense, having drunk Linteshar’s love juice, being expertly pleasured by Zarabeth and having Linteshar nibbling on her ears as she continues her whispers, Lilly is defenseless against the evil temptation that Linteshar pours into her. As she draws nearer and nearer to orgasm, Linteshar keeps up the whispers and even adds in a succubus kiss or two (or three, if she can hold on long enough), making sure Lilly associates the overwhelming pleasure with the Abyssal tongue. Finally, even though Linteshar and Zarabeth can hold a woman in this state for a long time, they cant hold them there forever, and with a thunderous explosion of bliss, Lilly has one, two and three devastating orgasms in a row, her own juice literally squirting out of her and onto Zarabeth. As she comes down from the high, Linteshar keeps up the whispering, intent on thoroughly corrupting the elf, just as she has done with Zarabeth and Kand, and is working on with Darek.
[roll0] Perform: Sex (includes a further +2 from Zarabeth “aid other” in skill check, she automatically makes the level she needs)

EDIT: Thats the 50+ I was hoping for.

2012-08-09, 10:12 AM
Linteshar is not finished with the women’s orgy, not by a long shot, and now her target is the first of her thralls, Zarabeth. As Lilly regains the power to move, Linteshar rearranges the three of them, now having Zarabeth lying between herself and Lilly. She begins to tickle the lithe swordswoman, showing Lilly how it is done to a woman, and under her guidance, Lilly performs quite well. Zarabeth is soon convulsing with helpless laughter as the demonic tickling shows no mercy, the two women’s fingers finding every one of her weak spots. Linteshar incense block continues to smoulder and now it has burned through to the next “layer”. Linteshar made this block herself and put the ingredients she wanted in it, knowing how long each layer would take to burn through. The incense block now gives off a smoke that is equal to laughing gas and the combination of tickling and gas has Zarabeth laughing even more uncontrollably. Linteshar and Lilly are affected by the gas as well (although they are not being tickled) and so are having fits of giggles, both at Zarabeth’s reactions and from the power of the incense. Linteshar keeps going for as long as Zarabeth can stand it, and then starts doing less tickling and more stimulation of Zarabeth’s womanhood. Taking her cue from Linteshar, Lilly’s fingers begin to include a tickling of Zarabeth’s breasts, along with the rest of her. Zarabeth is now alternating between moans of pleasure and peels of laughter, but eventually the pleasure wins out and she explodes in a powerful orgasm.
[roll0] Perform: Sex

EDIT: Another 50+, Linteshar is on a roll today

2012-08-09, 10:14 AM
Meanwhile, down in the basement, Kand is attempting to recover his energy after finishing off his crafting. However, by this time, the aphrodisiac nature of the incense has penetrated to this level, and try as he might, he cannot resist the urges it is spawning in him. He tosses and turns, but the demonic incense is undeniable, and he eventually heads upstairs. When he gets to the top of the stairs, he is greeted by a sight that every man would kill to see. In fact, its so unbelievable, it takes several moments to process it. Linteshar, Zarabeth and Lilly are totally naked, entwined with each other and still helpless from the effects of the laughing gas. By now, the incense has dissipated enough that Kand is not affected (although the longer lasting aphrodisiac is still in him) and he almost cannot believe his luck. Quickly, he strips out of his clothing, and heads over to join the group. Zarabeth is his first target, still convulsing from the dual orgasm/tickling, and Kand is soon deeply thrusting inside of her. Zarabeth warms up quite quickly to the man’s attentions and is soon screaming in orgasm once again. Kand rolls off of her and his next target is Lilly, a woman he has had feelings for before, and now with the aphrodisiac ruling his thoughts, any sort of chivalrous denial is out of the question. He moves quickly to take her, again powered by the incense and thrusts deep within her as well. Lilly has been waiting for this moment for a long time, and enthusiastically joins with him, the pleasure soon overtaking both of them as he explodes for his second orgasm. Finally, there is Linteshar, and with a quick application of the cantrip she has perfected to let a man “perform” again and again, Kand is more than ready to take her. By now, the incense has worn off just enough to allow Linteshar to think straight enough to control the session, and as the two of them reach bliss, she still remembers enough to add a succubus drain to complete the experience.

P.S. And meanwhile, over in the corner, Darek snoozes on, oblivious to the whole thing

2012-08-21, 01:05 PM
The odd looking group sets out the following morning, after Kand explains a course of action.

We're going to need planning to get the crown, and in all likelihood, we will need an army. Lily has generously offered the use of her brigands for such a purpose, but we will need them to be where we will be when the time comes. I've given Tallen directions and he has agreed to insure the army is where we need it when we need it. Lily, you and Darek shall accompany Linteshar and Zarabeth to the capital. Tallen and I shall meet you there in roughly a week. I've got one more "person" who will likely lend their aid to our cause, and after we trek through the underground to the caldera, we will need all the help we can get.

And with that, the three groups go their seperate ways. Kand heads off towards a large mountain to the west, while Tallen directs his horse towards the bandit camp to the south. Linteshar, Zarabeth, Lily, and Darek all begin the 4 day trip to the capital city, to sell off the extra weapons and other acquired magical items, and stock up for the long journey ahead of them.

Flawless Transition

The group arrives in the city of Fellspire, an awe-inspiring city of human build. A grand stone wall surrounds the city, which surrounds a large golden tower in the middle. As they enter the large doors into the market, the hustle and bustle of various traders and shoppers, hawking there wears from stalls and wagons parked along the road.

Kand and Tallen should be arriving in roughly two days to meet with the group. So...go

2012-08-21, 07:33 PM
On the road to Fellspire, Linteshar will surreptitiously make use of her detect evil, detect good, and detect thoughts to get a read on Lily's alignment and see if her efforts to corrupt her to evil are working. Since she has 4 nights to work on both her and Darek, she will split her time between both of them, with Zarabeth "entertaining" the other on each off night.

About an hour or so before entering the city, Linteshar calls a momentary halt and concentrates on her glamoured vest for a moment. She increases the coverage it provides by just enough to be legal by "human" standards, although plenty of cleavage is still visible and her bottom barely makes it onto her thighs. Once she is satisfied that she has covered the exact minimum that she has to, she addresses the group.

Of course, our first step will be to secure our lodgings for our time here. Once that is done, we need to find out where the vendors are for the things we want to sell.

She turns her horse, and leads the way into the city, and picks out the vendor that has the biggest visual reaction to her.

Pardon me, my good man, but we are weary travelers, new to your fair city. Can you direct us to the nearest inn, one of the finest quality, of course.

[roll0] Diplomacy

EDIT: Yet another 20, does he offer to guide us there personally? Linteshar loves having people fawning all over her.

2012-08-21, 07:50 PM
Zarabeth provides advice and direction when Linteshar is adjusting her clothing, having more knowledge of human standards of dress than Linteshar. She accepts the direction that Linteshar sets for what they will do in the city, and knowing how the vendors will react to the succubus, lets her do the talking.
She does select a couple of fruits, trying to hide her amusement at the man's reactions to Linteshar's requests.

(IC: I havent seen his reactions, but with that result roll, hes probably falling all over himself to be helpful)

2012-08-27, 08:35 PM
The man drops the carpet he was carrying, yells to his wife that he is leaving the stall, and says with barely disguised lust I would love to direct you to the best inn in town. He eagerly hurries ahead of the group, leading them to a beautiful inn just inside the wall of the city, in a much quieter part of town.

Here it is, the Golden Gryphon, the finest inn in the city.

2012-08-28, 08:04 AM
Zarabeth catches the small pouch that Linteshar tosses to her, and fully aware of what the succubus is planning, takes the lead in going up to the Innkeeper.

My good man, Ive been told that this is the finest Inn, in all of Fellspire, and from what Ive seen, I have no doubts that it is. My companions and I require lodging for several days, Im not sure how many it will take. Will this be enough to secure our quarters?
She intentionally spills out about twice as much gold as it would take for a room for a week.
[roll0] Diplomacy

Assuming the Innkeeper accepts the offer and passes her a key, she will surreptitiously hand it to Linteshar, while leading Darek and Lily into whatever common room the Inn has, finding a table close enough to the fire, and catching the attention of the nicest looking serving wench in the room. She coos at her in a seductive voice, and for giggles, adds in a Charm Person

My friends and I have been on the road for days now without a decent meal, or fine drink. I will have one tankard right away of your finest ale, and a second one when you bring my meal, and they can give you their orders. I'll have a double helping of whatever meat is on the fire tonight, with plenty of potatoes and such on the side. She also winks suggestively at her, and opens her pouch slightly so that the serving girl can see that she has more than enough gold to pay for it all. As well, the angle that the girl is looking at also puts her in line for a good look at Zarabeth's cleavage, which is certainly on display for her.

We'll just enjoy our meal down here, and if Linteshar joins us later, thats fine. I think she'll be eating on her own first though

2012-08-28, 08:18 AM
Linteshar watches while Zarabeth conducts party business, and seeing that everything is going well (Im going to assume that a 46 is more than enough) turns her attentions fully on the man who guided them.
This Inn is exactly what I am looking for. We dont know the city at all, we would have probably ended up in some sort of fleabag, robber infested hole. How can I thank you?
Her meaning is more than clear, and when she gets her room key from Zarabeth, she gives it a glance and then looks back to the man. She licks her lips just a little and begins to move towards the stairs up to the room, giving a glance over her shoulder to make sure he is following her.

2012-08-28, 03:23 PM
The look on the man's face says it all. He can't believe his luck, the most gorgeous woman he has ever seen is giving him a clear signal that he will achieve what he has wanted since he met her. He follows the succubus eagerly.

Note for Linteshar
You might not want to drain this guy completely (soul wise, other draining is welcome:smallamused:) as it might grab too much attention for your group if he were to disappear. A quick glance says he is probably a mid-level expert

Darek will order the same as Zarabeth, taking a chance to get a glance at her cleavage as well. The barmaid distractedly takes the order of Lily and Darek, clearly intrigued by the warrior with the large coin purse, though the look in her eye is clearly more than greed. A hint of lust perhaps?

2012-08-29, 12:32 PM

Linteshar smiles as her target begins to follow her, and she turns back to walk up the stairs to her room. She allows her rear to sway seductively as she walks, just to make sure he is following her, and to begin the process of getting him under her control.
Linteshar would really like to drain this man all the way, she hasn’t fed that way in some time (last time was the gnome booksmith), but she knows that might draw too much attention to her. Unlike 99% of the demons in existence, Linteshar can make a plan that covers more than the next minute and so she will have to settle for something less. Making trouble for him in his marriage sounds like a nice way to start, as well as satisfying her sexual urges. Its not a well known fact that not only do succubi use sex to enslave mortals, they actually crave it and enjoy it as much as their victims do. Its one of the reasons why they are so good at it.
When they get to her room, as soon as the door is closed, she turns to face him, her glamoured vest suddenly shrinking in size until it just slithers off her body, exposing her in all her glory.
Do you like what you see honey? Im going to make sure you have the time of your life, an experience you will remember for the rest of your days. For now, I want you to take a deep breath, hold it in for just a second, and then let it out slowly. Now, take another, and just let yourself relax. It feels so good to just relax, breathing slowly and evenly, letting all your tensions and cares just drain right out of you. While youre doing that, I want you to pick a spot on my breasts, and concentrate on it. I know you love to look at my breasts, so warm, so soft, so inviting, just pick any spot, and look only at it. I’ll let in on a little secret, not only do you love to look at my breasts, they just love men too. They love when men look at them, massage them, kiss them, lick at them, they just love making men happy. My breasts are going to do that for you. Just relax, breath deeply, and just let yourself go. Watch them as they sway back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, relaxing as you do so, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Your eyes are getting so heavy now, so very, very heavy, its so hard to keep them open, you want to keep looking at my breasts, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, almost impossible to keep your heavy, heavy eyes open now, back and forth, back and forth, eyes dropping down now, your whole body dropping down now, dropping, dropping dropping, down into a nice warm relaxing trance. So warm, so relaxed, back and forth, back and forth, down, down, down.
Linteshar checks on the man to make sure he is totally hypnotized. Her voice should be enough to do it, but she made sure by using a hypnosis spell as well when she was soothing him, making him fall under her control.
Now, honey, in just a moment, Im going to count to 3. When I reach three, you will be able to open your eyes, but the rest of your body will be so heavy and relaxed, you wont be able to move it. It feels so wonderful to be so relaxed, so warm and heavy, you wont even want to move. Not rigid and paralyzed, no, that’s not fun, more like a warm, wet noodle, so very heavy, so very warm, you wont even want to move. 1…slowly opening your eyes…2…noticing how warm and heavy you are…3…open wide
When he opens his eyes, the first thing he sees is Linteshar sitting straddled on him at his waist, her breasts jiggling just slightly before as she does a little sway.
Look at my breasts honey, they love you so much, they love that they were able to relax you so much, and now theyre going to make you feel so good.
As she says this, Linteshar applies a bit of her special perfume to all her spots, a little bit more than usual. She then applies a bit of oil to her breasts, making sure to make a show of it for him as she does so, and then bends over, and begins to rub her breasts all over him. She starts with his legs, and then moves on to his chest and his arms. She rubs herself all over him, making sure that his skin is impregnated with the scent of her perfume. Not enough that he smells to high heaven of course, but enough that if someone gets close to him, the scent is unmistakable.
Umm, doesn’t that feel good honey, nice warm soft breasts rubbing you all over, every inch of your body, sinking into that warm soft cleavage. Wouldn’t you just love to be trapped there forever, always rolling in that nice cleavage, so soft and relaxed, so very heavy, it feels just wonderful doesn’t it
Linteshar moves to smother him with her breasts for a moment, he would probably love to kiss and lick at them right now, but the power of her spell has robbed him of movement, and so he can only enjoy the feeling as they cuddle his head. After a few moments, Linteshar begins to slide back down his body, keeping her breasts continuing to rub him as she moves. Her breasts slide past his manhood, sparking a moment of despair, but seconds later her warm wet tongue arrives, and she begins to lick him into a full erection. As she does so, she applies a generous amount of oil into her cleavage. Once she has him at full, she smoothy moves to engulf him completely in her soft, pillowy breasts, and begins to slowly pump him. She builds him up slowly and surely, and begins to moan in ecstasy when he does. As he builds higher and higher, she pumps faster and faster, until he can take no more, and explodes all over her. Time and again, he comes, with Linteshar keeping up with him.
As soon as he is completely spent, Linteshar applies her cantrip that makes a man able to achieve consecutive orgasms. Due to his long association with her, Linteshar knows that Kand would easily be able to have two or even three in a row if he was lucky, but she knows this man doesn’t have the same sort of experience with a succubus’ sexual demands, and doesn’t want to chance him not being able to “perform”.
Once that is taken care of, she snuggles back down with him. Now, honey, close your eyes. That’s a good boy, just let them close. I just love how you obey me all the time, it pleases me so much when you obey, and pleasing me makes you feel so very good. And because you have pleased me, Im going to give you another treat. Im going to count to three again, and when I reach three this time, you are going to open your eyes once more. You will still be completely in a trance, but now, you will be able to move, and of course, you will still obey me without question. Are you ready? 1…slowly opening your eyes…2…realizing you can move your arms and legs…3…wide open, able to move
When he opens his eyes, he finds himself lying on top of the demoness, with a smile designed to melt a paladin’s soul. His manhood is positioned perfectly to enter Linteshar, and he has a glorious view of her breasts.
Now, honey, take me, take me, take me with all of your might
The power of the hypnosis probably wasn’t even needed, considering the position Linteshar had set him in, but she loves the control almost as much as she loves the sex. With inspired gusto, the carpet salesman eagerly slides his manhood deep within the sexy succubus, pumping with total abandon. It doesn’t take long for him to reach ecstasy (Linteshar privately lamenting his lack of endurance, compared to Kand or even Darek) and within moments he is orgasming deep within Linteshar, filling her with his seed. Linteshar moans in pleasure with him (only half acting, hes not that bad, just no staying power) until he finally finishes what he can do, and collapses to the side. Linteshar would dearly love to drain him, or even use her milk on him, but if she were to do so, he would probably realize what she was after the fact and when his experience settles, and that might not be good for her. If she wants, she can always come and get him just before she leaves town.
Now, just relax, let yourself sink back into that nice warm trance. Just relax, think about my nice soft breasts, swinging back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, so nice and relaxing, just let yourself go down, down, down, back to that warm wonderful trance. Im going to count to 5 now, and when I do, you will wake up refreshed and happy, remembering everything that happened here. Remembering how good it felt, how good my breasts can make you feel. If I ever come back to see you, you will remember how good the sex was and you’ll want more. You’ll go back home to your wife, but you know shes not as good as me, she cant make you feel the way I can make you feel. Okay. 1…slowly waking up…2…eyes opening…3…stretching out those legs and arms, it feels so good to stretch…4…becoming aware of where you are….and 5…wide awake
Linteshar is sitting just beside him, her glamoured vest back on her body now.
Well honey, how do you feel?

[roll0] Perform: Sex

2012-08-29, 01:17 PM

As the waitress takes the orders from Darek and Lily, Zarabeth will take the opportunity to caress her leg as she stands there, and her hand will slowly rise until it just begins to tickle at her groin and her rear. She winks at both Darek and Lily as she does so.
When the waitress leaves, she talks to both of them.
Im not sure just how much Linteshar will do with him, if she thinks he might be missed, she might just give him the time of his life, although set him up for later draining. Either way, she'll probably want one or both of you when shes done. I think Casandra here will be more than willing to join us as well when she gets off shift. Once we get done with that though, its down to business tomorrow. We have my old sword to sell, and the quarterstaff. Is there something Im missing? And do you have anything you want to sell, this is the time to do it
When the waitress comes back with the food, Zarabeth will take the chance to caress her ass, everytime she has to bend down to put down a plate. When she is done, Zarabeth beckons her close, and when she comes, she slips two platinum coins in her top, fondling her breasts as she does so.
Thats a little tip for you Casandra, you give such good service. Thats just for you though, dont share it, and we'll pay the full bill later

OOC: Took the liberty of naming the serving girl Casandra. Thats a tip she wont soon forget

2012-09-04, 05:16 PM
I...that was...you are amazing. But I should get back to my stall. Could I see you again some time? the man says with a look of unadulterated lust at the succubus, but he hurriedly gets dressed, running into the door frame on his way out as he can't take his eyes off of her.

Darek, Zarabeth, and Lily

Cassandra is clearly yearning for the warrior woman and will most definitely take her up on her offer after she is done working. She does bring drinks and food for the three though, allowing her hand to brush up against Zarabeth as many time as she can.

2012-09-05, 06:50 AM

Of course you can honey, Im going to be in town for a few days, I'll make sure to come see you again. Maybe next time, I'll have an extra surprise for you.

After the man leaves, Linteshar heads down to the common room to check on Zarabeth, Darek and Lily. She nods approvingly at Zarabeth's antics with the waitress, and makes sure she doesnt interfere. After she is gone, she talks with the group.

Try to keep a low profile while we are here. I had to restrain myself in dealing with that rube, although I'll get him just before we leave. Hopefully, we sell what we need to sell and get out quickly. If you have any spare cash and want to buy something, do it at the same time as we sell our stuff. That way, when Kand gets here, we get out quickly.