View Full Version : Dealing with the Sphere and Mindflayers

2012-01-21, 03:26 AM
I need help guys!! How to defend against Psionic attacks, a mind flayer to be more specific. Our DM gave us a one in game day to prepare and we will be facing a "Cult" of Mind Flayers.. I have no idea how many that is but currently one of my issues is that they killed my cleric ( at his brains :smallfrown:) and they had a Sphere of Annihilation ( most likely having by throwing a bag of holding into a portable hole) and they moved it over my cleric's body, sucking it in and destroying him forever, and no true ress will work on him.

My main issue now is how to kill a "cult" of mind flayers and deal with one ( possibly more) Sphere of Annihilation. We currently have three wizards in our party, but the Mind Flayers that are controlling it seem to have a amulet of the sphere so it is crazy easy for them to control it while our wizards are having a problem.

Any ideas?

2012-01-21, 03:32 AM
Needs more information. What level, resources, etc., do you have available?

2012-01-21, 03:37 AM
Level: 16
Resources: Immunity to all elements, can fly a 150 ft a round for 20 rounds and that is mostly it for my paladin. I have no idea what the other characters have going.
Place: It is in a cave ( typical) they have a group of Hill Giants guarding them, which i am not worried about because i can kill them without too much trouble.

If you need more info let me know

2012-01-21, 06:38 AM
Level: 16
Resources: Immunity to all elements, can fly a 150 ft a round for 20 rounds and that is mostly it for my paladin. I have no idea what the other characters have going.
Place: It is in a cave ( typical) they have a group of Hill Giants guarding them, which i am not worried about because i can kill them without too much trouble.

If you need more info let me know
Race? Classes (assuming you're not straight paladin)? Magic items? Feats?

2012-01-21, 07:47 AM
Glib answer is a "third eye conceal" (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/universalItems.htm#conceal). Bit pricy, but it's the sort of wealth characters of your level might have if they're lucky.

2012-01-21, 09:25 AM
Get freedom of movement - if they can't grapple you they can't remove your brain.

As for sphere of annihilation: let wizard with best int control it to use against enemies (see description (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Sphere_of_Annihilation)). Or buy rod of cancellation (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Rod_of_Cancellation) and throw it at the sphere of annihilation (expensive...).

2012-01-21, 04:13 PM
Alternate answer: Find out what the mind flayers want, and just give it to them.

Nobody said you actually had to beat them. Just give them what they want, and toss them one of your party members to sweeten the deal.

BOOM. Problem solved.

2012-01-21, 04:33 PM
... one of my issues is that they killed my cleric ( at his brains :smallfrown:) and they had a Sphere of Annihilation (...) and they moved it over my cleric's body, sucking it in and destroying him forever, and no true ress will work on him.

Actually true resurrection would work. Removing brain killed him, Sphere of Annihilation destroyed only clerics remains (you couldn't true resurrect someone if sphere of annihilation killed that someone, but that's not the case). But it would be really expansive (25'000 gp worth of diamonds + casting cost).

2012-01-21, 04:34 PM
A cult is 3-5 Mind Flayers and 6-10 Grimlocks.

2012-01-21, 04:39 PM
Glib answer is a "third eye conceal". Bit pricy, but it's the sort of wealth characters of your level might have if they're lucky. Alternately, at that level there might be someone in the party who can cast Mind Blank, the spell. Brain-eating itself isn't much to worry about, without all the mental powers to back it up, and I think Mind Blank will stop pretty much everything illithids can do.

Do you at least know what classes your other party members are?

2012-01-21, 05:05 PM
Mind blank+Freedom of Movement should protect you from just about all of the mindflayer's abilities, and the DC for the stunning cone is only 17 (child's play for a 16th level wizard, and doable by a same leveled paladin). A rod of cancellation is probably your best bet for combating the sphere. If that's too expensive, your next pest bet would probably be power word stunning or nauseating whichever mind flayer is controlling the sphere (thus preventing him from concentrating on the sphere), and then taking control of the sphere and using it to kill him. Another possibility is to hit the talisman with a greater dispel, followed by a quickened shatter. Or, you could drink a potion of glibness and then convince the mind flayer that the other ilithids/hill giants are in fact polymorphed aboleths waiting to kill him, and then suggest that he kill them now.

These all would be fairly effective means of eliminating the cabal, I think. They may be a bit limited by your spell selection, but with so many wizards I doubt that that would be an issue.

2012-01-21, 05:10 PM
There is actually a super cheap way to get rid of the sphere. Have a summoned creature do the bag of holding/portable hole trick next to the sphere and it will be taken to the Astral plane. Boom, problem solved.

2012-01-21, 11:37 PM
Our game does not allow that.. as the soul is destoried by the Sphere and can not be ressed. That being said, I am not a skill monkey and i have no interest in being one. I will let our Rogue do that.

O this may be important. I have the ability to turn into a Solar for 20 rounds... I got rid of one of them by using Wish but i have no idea where it went, because i was stupid and was not specific enough to where it went. Let the ideas come!

2012-01-22, 05:55 AM
Our game does not allow that.. as the soul is destoried by the Sphere and can not be ressed.

But if cleric was dead when sphere destroyed body his/her soul already went away... well unless your DM said it didn't :smallmad:

O this may be important. I have the ability to turn into a Solar for 20 rounds... I got rid of one of them by using Wish but i have no idea where it went, because i was stupid and was not specific enough to where it went. Let the ideas come!

Well this gives you power word stun/kill/blind, wish and prismatic spray 1/day which is pretty powerful in combat...

2012-01-22, 06:12 AM
But if cleric was dead when sphere destroyed body his/her soul already went away... well unless your DM said it didn't :smallmad:

That !
The cleric was dead from having his brain eaten by the mindflayer so the body was just an object that got destroyed.

True resurection allow you to rez someone without his remains so true resurection work in this case.

2012-01-22, 07:31 AM
To start with a minor nitpick.

( most likely having by throwing a bag of holding into a portable hole)

This does not create a Sphere of annihilation.

Anyway, the only real problem here seems to be the Sphere, but all things consideret it is pretty slow, so the first thing to do should be to fight it somewhere with enough space to move around.

The second thing to considder is that the sphere is only dangerous as long as its being directed, if you instagib the mindflayer with the talisman (like fx though a couple of maximised orb's of force), then one of the wizards should be able to take command of the orb.

Also, the mindflayer can only direct the sphere towards you if he can see you, make sure you are all invisible, and use a greater dispel on the mindflayers as soon as you see them, to remove any see invis they might have running.

Lastly, the mindflayers can only direct the Sphere if they can see it, so block LOS to it by either dropping a wall around it, or the mindflayer.

2012-01-22, 07:46 PM
Play a Slayer? :smallbiggrin:

Have one of your Wizards cast gate on the Sphere from 190 feet away/