View Full Version : Soulknife Feats

2012-01-21, 10:51 AM
Hey all, I'm going to be playing a Soulknife in a campaign, it will be the PF variant slightly modded to fit into the 3.5 rules, and I was curious what kind of feats you would feel fit with it?
I'm not planning on being a charger or skirmisher, I need to read up on those a bit more, and this is the first time for our DM, so I didn't want to try anything too complex. So I'm mainly looking for pure damage or anything else that may fit.
Hopefully as optimized as possible with what I can do, but the group is not exactly tearing through things so I don't have to be a killing machine :)

At the moment its a Tiefling (I know not optimal but I love the idea of Tieflings)
stats are roughly
18 - STR
18 - DEX
16 - CON
12 - INT
12 - WIS
6 - CHA

I plan on using two weapon fighting but I'm not sure if I should go two mind blades or a mind blade and a real weapon.

So far for feats at level 1 I have TWF, Mind blade weapon focus.
I was thinking of going for ITWF and GTWF later on, but past that I'm not sure, as the Soulknife blade skill gives the Mind Cleave feat.

The only other feats I have in mind to possibly take are:
Critical boosting ones.
Oversized weapon - To use any kind of one handed weapon in my offhand.
Power attack - get some extra damage, although I'm not sure its worth it for a TWF build.
Life Leech- from Unearthed Arcana, this is mainly just for the idea of leeching life from anything dying to heal, although I'm assuming at level 5+ it won't heal enough to be worth it.

Any advice for what I should go for?

2012-01-21, 11:20 AM
Go dual mind blades, PF Soulknives are very good at that. There's a bladeskill that eliminates the enhancement penalty for splitting your blade, so you erase one of the main drawbacks of a TWF build (i.e. needing to upgrade two weapons) and can reallocate your WBL to other uses. There's also a bladeskill that lets you store a psychic strike in each blade, which you of course can't do if you're only using one; combine that with the bladeskill that lets you recharge your blade(s) when you down a foe and you can have near-constant psychic strike against weak to moderate foes. Finally, the Mind Daggers bladeskill lets you switch to ranged on a moment's notice, getting your full ranged increment and even throwing with iteratives before you get multiple throw.

I would also move at least one more point if possible into Wis - you need 13 for Psionic Meditation, and being able to refocus quickly opens up a lot of other feats for you.

2012-01-22, 08:22 PM
Dual mind blades is what I've been going for, seems pretty much what I was thinking of taking, I will take a look at that psychic meditation though, that could be quite useful for the psychic strikes and I missed it on my breeze through the psionic feats thanks