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Lycan 01
2012-01-21, 05:17 PM
The desert is unforgiving. If the sun doesn't kill you, the sharks will. Luckily, transportation exists between settlements in the form of sand-ships - vessels which harness the harsh desert gales to sail across the dune seas. And its aboard one of these craft that a rag-tag group of adventurers now find themselves.

Coming from various backgrounds and walks of life, the adventurers have managed to book passage aboard a small merchant vessel. Its a simple cargo brig with three masts and a single deck. The inside of the ship is filled with ballast and materials for ship maintenance; the cargo is piled and strapped down at the bow of the vessel. The stern of the ship has a raised housing to shelter the Captain, crew, and helm. The passengers, lucky them, have no choice but to wander the deck by day, and sleep there by night.

Thankfully, the tangled mass of sails and rigging above them provide ample shade from the sun, so dehydration and sun stroke aren't an immediate threat. Their main problem, more than likely, is simply boredom; its high noon, and it will likely be several more hours before they reach their destination, a modest-sized settlement that serves as a trade hub in this part of the Dune Seas.

Lix Lorn
2012-01-21, 05:44 PM
"Captain! Mister caaaptaaain!" says Nadia, trying to attract the attention of the ship's captain in a loud, and mildly annoying, but highly cute way. "I've worked on a ship before and I was wondering if maybe I could help out! I could blow at the sails and we could get there faster!"

She pauses.
"Zaaayn. Where are we going?" she says, realising she hasn't a clue.

2012-01-21, 07:58 PM
Being a little less...well, let's say "noticeable", among the throng of people and doing his absolute best to be inconspicuous, Abdul-Malik Yushua was exercising his own business practice.

Which is to say, he was cutting coins out of people's pockets.

Thievery: [roll0]

2012-01-21, 09:00 PM
Sagirah, on the other paw, was quite noticeable. As a dragonborne, her copper scales were one of her most noticeable features. Her only saving grace was that she was short enough that people sometimes overlooked her, a fact which she often exploited to good effect.

On this particular voyage, she could be found sitting apart from everyone else, keeping a wary eye on the other passengers.

Lycan 01
2012-01-21, 09:05 PM
The Captain, a darkly tanned half-elf swathed in regal blue robes and a bright yellow turban, steps out of the stern cabin. "Who's calling for me? What?" he asks. Arching an eyebrow at Nadia, he inquires: "Wait, you can do what now?"

Mr. Abdul-Malik Yushua manages to cut the pockets and purses of a few passengers standing on the port side of the ship. While they're distracted by the fins of a sand shark trailing slightly behind the ship, he manages to relieve them of [roll0] gold.

2012-01-21, 09:21 PM
"Captain! Mister caaaptaaain!" says Nadia, trying to attract the attention of the ship's captain in a loud, and mildly annoying, but highly cute way. "I've worked on a ship before and I was wondering if maybe I could help out! I could blow at the sails and we could get there faster!"

She pauses.
"Zaaayn. Where are we going?" she says, realising she hasn't a clue.

"This ship is bound for D'jbrah, Nadia. And we're going where it's going, in case we can find a way to make money there."

Zayn replied from where she had been casually examining the ropes on the mast above her. The tanned lady-captain always looked at the set-up on any ship she was on, comparing it to other ships she was on. To contrast her warm skintone, she wore a blue captain's coat of her own. She had ger goggles pulled over her eyes to keep the sand out, so it was a bit difficult to read her expression. But she seemed not at all bothered to be pulled out of her thoughts, but sauntered over to the ship's captain and Nadia.

"Sorry, sir. But if you do find yourself needing some extra hands before you hit port, for magic or for shipwork... Well, Nadia and I would actually be more than willing to help for a while. It's the least we can do after your vessel pulled the three of us out of the sand like that."

She was referring, of course, to the time immediately after the crash of the late Cracked Lemon, lost to a sand whirlpool. She, the dragonborn Sagirah, and Nadia had been wandering the desert, worrying over their water... Until they had been saved (for a price) by the ship they were now on.

2012-01-21, 09:24 PM

The young paladin of Marduk sat at the bow of the sand ship his eyes closed in meditation. The silt sand made small pings against his armor every now and then, his shining armor emblazoned with the symbol of Marduk on the breastplate. His helmet and sword were on his lap as the cooling hot winds blew against his raven hair, oh the mauve prose~

He had been on a pilgrimage for his god, and his second stop was the settlement of D'jbrah where he would pay his respects to the local shrines for Marduk.

2012-01-21, 09:30 PM
Shortly after collecting his ill-gotten gains into a pouch, Malik settled into a quiet area of the ship, and looked at his ill-gotten gains.

Then he looked again, very carefully, because what he had seen couldn't possibly be correct.

And after the third time, he finally did believe his own eyes.

Barely able to contain himself, he slipped the tied-up bundle into his backpack, and took a few quick bounds over to his friend with the parasol.

"I have a good feeling about today, Jes." He said with enthusiasm, smiling up at the fox girl.

Mystic Muse
2012-01-21, 09:57 PM
Shortly after collecting his ill-gotten gains into a pouch, Malik settled into a quiet area of the ship, and looked at his ill-gotten gains.

Then he looked again, very carefully, because what he had seen couldn't possibly be correct.

And after the third time, he finally did believe his own eyes.

Barely able to contain himself, he slipped the tied-up bundle into his backpack, and took a few quick bounds over to his friend with the parasol.

"I have a good feeling about today, Jes." He said with enthusiasm, smiling up at the fox girl.

Oh? And why is that Mal? Jeska asks, not doing much in particular, other than looking for particulary imperceptive and well-off passengers.

Jeska was a Foxgirl, with White Hair, and the same color fur on her ears and tail. Her hair is fairly long, and she's dressed to impress. A word which here means, look hotter than the desert sun, and use that to get away with stuff. Underneath the folds of her clothes she had concealed a few daggers, and concealed in her Parasol was a short sword. She kept her right hand on it whenever convenient.

Most would take her features to mean she was a priestess of Anubis.

2012-01-21, 10:05 PM
"Well, for one thing, I was successful for a change. Just take a look."

Stealthily, he slips the pouch out from under his hat, showing his locks of dark black hair that tangle in a mess beneath. He opens the pouch just a slight bit so Jes can look.

'Al' is shorter than Jes, much to his frustration, and is dressed more to survive. Which is to say, he dresses in whatever scraps managed to survive years of climbing and jumping rooftops, waiting for a chance to snatch just a little bit of light from the surface. His clothes are mainly brown and tan, worn by earth and sand to blend into just about anywhere. He carries an obvious sword in a sheath at his side, mostly for show. In his hand is a more tried-and-true dagger, and if one were to examine the multiple baggy folds within his clothes, they would find a multitude of similar throwing weapons hidden everywhere.

'Al' was a man who would take any advantage he could get, and do anything he could to survive. To him, fifty gold pieces in one fell swoop was a windfall.

Lycan 01
2012-01-21, 10:05 PM
The Captain smiles warmly. "If you wish to pitch in, that would be appreciated. I can't in good conscience ask for payment in exchange for rescuing you. I couldn't just leave you all to die in the desert wastes, now could I?" he rhetorically asks.

Mystic Muse
2012-01-21, 10:17 PM
"Well, for one thing, I was successful for a change. Just take a look."

'Al' was a man who would take any advantage he could get, and do anything he could to survive. To him, fifty gold pieces in one fell swoop was a windfall.

Jeska's eyes widen.

Very nice. she says, taking another look for anybody she could potentially get such a windfall from.

Perception: [roll0]

(Note: She's particularly looking for people who aren't paying attention)

Lycan 01
2012-01-21, 10:24 PM
There's only a handful of passengers on deck, and most of them are distracted by the sand sharks. The Captain is busy with the shipwreck survivors, and the Paladin is zoned out.

2012-01-21, 10:53 PM

After having had spent some time in prayer in and mediation, the young dark olive skinned paladin stood up from his position at the bow of the sandship. Sword in sheath, helmet over his head he took a moment to observe his surroundings.

Perception: [roll0]

Mystic Muse
2012-01-21, 10:55 PM
Jeska decides these people aren't actually worth her time, despite Mal's rather generous profits.

So, know anybody on board? she says, taking a look around. Avoid him. She says, pointing to the Paladin of Marduk. Unless you're particularly keen about getting your wrist cut off. she says.

2012-01-21, 11:02 PM
"We'll see, we'll see..."

She wasn't one for idleness, particularly while on a ship... But she didn't want to commit to this person just yet.

"Please, seek me out if you need me."

She waved a hand and walked back over to where Saigarah was sitting. She took stock of the very noticable man in the Marduk-themed outfit, as well as the other little bundles of people.

"It looks like we won't be paying hand over fist for the rescue...But... It also looks like we're stuck with a Marduk paladin for our voyage. You gonnna be OK?"

2012-01-21, 11:16 PM
"Well, rumor has it I know this fox girl with white-colored ears and a tail." He says in momentary humor as he puts the loot away again. "But no, no one other than that, and I'm quite grateful too."

Jeska is probably the only person he would be grateful for company with anyway. Anybody else he knew well enough from the city would be very...violent company.

"Do you recognize anyone, Jes? I don't know if there's anyone from the city on this boat but us."

2012-01-21, 11:30 PM
Sagirah raised an eyebrow at Zayn. "Why wouldn't I be?" she asked, taking a swig of some liquid from some container she got from some place. "They're a silver piece a dozen, he ain't the first and he won't be the last."

Lycan 01
2012-01-21, 11:34 PM

There's a few interesting folks aboard, from what you can tell. The most noteworthy passengers are a girl with animalistic features, a woman in Captain's garb, and... a Dragonborn. Oh goody.

2012-01-21, 11:46 PM
Zayn laughs heartily, probably drawing some attention.

"I don't mean 'will you survive?' Just surviving's not good enough! I don't want you to have to go on running away, and hiding in alleys alone when you're hurt. That's what I mean by 'OK.' "

She explains, a wry smile on her face still. She was remembering the day they had met. Apparently, that sort of thing was on the lean woman's mind sometimes.

"I mean 'is this going to be a situation we'll need to watch out for?' And don't say I shouldn't watch out for you, either. Because you're my crew, and I'm your captain!"

That was said with... Not volume, but sheer force. Like she was punching Sagirah as hard as she could... with LOYALTY. IN THE SOUL.

Mystic Muse
2012-01-22, 12:25 AM
Jeska's ears popped up a bit. Her Fox ears that is.

She decided she'd have to keep an eye on this "Captain"

After all, Mal had convinced her to come on this ship for adventure! And money, and excitement! and money. And to go to exotic places! and money.

Yeah, it was mostly money.

2012-01-22, 12:50 PM

There's a few interesting folks aboard, from what you can tell. The most noteworthy passengers are a girl with animalistic features, a woman in Captain's garb, and... a Dragonborn. Oh goody.

Ugh, how could they let those sort of people aboard this vessal...Ammar grimaced for a moment as he watched the dragonborne converse with a human woman. Oh that heathen race. But at the moment he couldn't do anything about it as it wasn't conducting any sort of crimes it was aware of.

So instead he walked over to the half-elf captain. "My good sir, how long until we hit the next town if you don't mind my asking?"

2012-01-22, 02:04 PM
Mal, on the other hand, took one look at the adventurous captain and determined that he would avoid her at all costs.

She seemed like the magnetic type that would draw attention from anywhere...okay, so was Jes, but he knew Jes well enough. A captain though...it could never work. He'd be found out as a thief within five minutes.

Naturally, he thought, this means that they'd be traveling together soon, knowing his luck.

Lycan 01
2012-01-22, 06:10 PM
"About five hours, give or take. Surely before nightfall," the Captain replies to the Paladin nonchalantly.

2012-01-22, 07:28 PM
"About five hours, give or take. Surely before nightfall," the Captain replies to the Paladin nonchalantly.

"I see," Ammar stroked his chin with a gloved hand as if thinking about something. As if. He then put on a smile which had the side effect of being a charming smiles to some. "I think I'd like to help out the crew. Perhaps some labor of some sort, here."

2012-01-22, 08:51 PM
"Looks like the Paladin's offering a helping hand to the captain." Malik said conversationally to Jes. "Certainly...noble of him..."

Lycan 01
2012-01-22, 10:42 PM
"You can if you'd like, though there's not much to do for now," the Captain shrugs. "I'll let you know if anything changes. Though..." the Captain looks up at the top of the mast. "How good is your eyesight?"

2012-01-22, 11:10 PM

"I like to think I have a good pair of eyes on me," He replied with a slightly dopey smile.

Lycan 01
2012-01-22, 11:20 PM
"Perhaps you can scramble up to the crows nest to examine our surroundings, then?" the Captain inquires. "He's a bit sun-sic, so if you wouldn't mind..."

2012-01-23, 12:54 AM

"No, of course I wouldn't mind, though is there a good spot to stash my armor? As I wager trying to 'scramble' up there with my armor on would grant me a fall to the ground," Ammar rubs the back of his black tussled hair with a gloved hand and lets out a small chuckle.

Lycan 01
2012-01-23, 01:17 AM
"I'm afraid not, other than here on deck. Perhaps you can ask one of your fellow passengers to look after it for you?" the Captain shrugs.

2012-01-23, 10:10 AM
"Very well," He gave a slight nod of his head and did a quick survey of the area. Immediately his gaze fell upon a rather pretty shifter in uh...yes, rather nice clothes.

His eyes then shiftily fell upon the questionable looking young man talking to her, he looked like he needed a bath, and a tailor. Ah well, perhaps Ammar was just profiling. He shook his head of that negative thought, just because a fellow looked like he could be a thief, didn't mean he was one. Probably just a simple poor kid, but then again most poor were thieves, that's just how things were.

Again he shook his head of the thought, no, no, it would be fine. He then went on to approach the razorclaw shifter.

2012-01-23, 11:09 AM
Malik did his best to shift his gaze away from the Paladin as he approached. This had the undesired effect of making him look incredibly guilty of something. It was an awful habit he had whenever someone with the Law on their side approached.

2012-01-23, 12:02 PM
Zayn laughs heartily, probably drawing some attention.

"I don't mean 'will you survive?' Just surviving's not good enough! I don't want you to have to go on running away, and hiding in alleys alone when you're hurt. That's what I mean by 'OK.' "

She explains, a wry smile on her face still. She was remembering the day they had met. Apparently, that sort of thing was on the lean woman's mind sometimes.

"I mean 'is this going to be a situation we'll need to watch out for?' And don't say I shouldn't watch out for you, either. Because you're my crew, and I'm your captain!"

That was said with... Not volume, but sheer force. Like she was punching Sagirah as hard as she could... with LOYALTY. IN THE SOUL.

Sagi shook her head wryly. Typical Zayn, it was almost amusing. "Of course," she said, though weather it was a direct answer or a wry comment on the captain was up for debate. "It's me, isn't it? Of course it's a situation we'll have to watch out for. Especially when the other guy's a paladin." From the tone of her voice, it was clear she didn't think much of paladins. Bunch of bigoted, racist pigs, the lot of 'em.

Mystic Muse
2012-01-23, 01:45 PM
"Very well," He gave a slight nod of his head and did a quick survey of the area. Immediately his gaze fell upon a rather pretty shifter in uh...yes, rather nice clothes.

His eyes then shiftily fell upon the questionable looking young man talking to her, he looked like he needed a bath, and a tailor. Ah well, perhaps Ammar was just profiling. He shook his head of that negative thought, just because a fellow looked like he could be a thief, didn't mean he was one. Probably just a simple poor kid, but then again most poor were thieves, that's just how things were.

Again he shook his head of the thought, no, no, it would be fine. He then went on to approach the razorclaw shifter.

Hello Handsome. How are you doing today? Jeska asks, unfazed by the Paladin approaching her. She gives him a nice smile, showing off her somewhat more dog-like Canine teeth. Oddly, it didn't detract from her looks.

2012-01-23, 01:47 PM
Malik completely fails to contain a short burst of laughter.

2012-01-23, 03:22 PM
"Alright, then. I'll ask Nadia to keep her eyes on him, too."

She stood back up, looking determined. She watched the scene unfolding with the paladin carefully, trying to judge what to think about him.

There was a place law and order -- in places she had no interest in. The short-haired woman rubbed her chin thoughtfully.

"I wonder what he wants to say to her. Probably some religious debate. Still, the lady's not dressed like a priestess... So it may be unrelated."

2012-01-23, 04:45 PM
Hello Handsome. How are you doing today? Jeska asks, unfazed by the Paladin approaching her. She gives him a nice smile, showing off her somewhat more dog-like Canine teeth. Oddly, it didn't detract from her looks.

The paladin briefly looked at the young man next to Jeska who broke into a giggle (:P) before returning his attentions to the lovely shifter. A small blush did appear on his cheeks as his ears turned a little red at the compliment of being called handsome.

He discretely coughed into his gloved hand and asserted control over his red cheeks. "I uh, ma'am, am doing fine. I um, this may sound like an odd request since we just met and all, but, will be so kind as to keep an eye on my armor while I go up to the crow's nest to do some surveillance, keeping an eye out for oncoming danger,...?"

2012-01-23, 04:57 PM
"And try not to fall on your ass..." The small man beside her said, just barely under his breath.

Mystic Muse
2012-01-23, 04:58 PM
The paladin briefly looked at the young man next to Jeska who broke into a giggle (:P) before returning his attentions to the lovely shifter. A small blush did appear on his cheeks as his ears turned a little red at the compliment of being called handsome.

He discretely coughed into his gloved hand and asserted control over his red cheeks. "I uh, ma'am, am doing fine. I um, this may sound like an odd request since we just met and all, but, will be so kind as to keep an eye on my armor while I go up to the crow's nest to do some surveillance, keeping an eye out for oncoming danger,...?"

Jeska has a pretty good poker face, so she doesn't react much when the Paladin asks her to do this thing. Sure, I'll watch over it for you. she says, giving him a nice smile. Good luck on the watch.

2012-01-23, 06:52 PM
"Alright, then. I'll ask Nadia to keep her eyes on him, too."

She stood back up, looking determined. She watched the scene unfolding with the paladin carefully, trying to judge what to think about him.

There was a place law and order -- in places she had no interest in. The short-haired woman rubbed her chin thoughtfully.

"I wonder what he wants to say to her. Probably some religious debate. Still, the lady's not dressed like a priestess... So it may be unrelated."

Sagi shrugged. "I'm not gonna assume," she said. "That's one place I'm better than them."

2012-01-23, 07:12 PM
"And try not to fall on your ass..." The small man beside her said, just barely under his breath.

Jeska has a pretty good poker face, so she doesn't react much when the Paladin asks her to do this thing. Sure, I'll watch over it for you. she says, giving him a nice smile. Good luck on the watch.

Ammar frowned for a moment and the young man's words but instead of getting butt hurt about it instead he decided to turn it into humor. "I'll try not too, better an unarmored paladin fall than a heavily armored paladin," He went for a small wink.

He then returned his attentions to Jeska. "Thank you kindly ma'am, your words I appreciate." He gave the two a nod and walked out of the scene to go take off his armor somewhere else as it would feel weird to just strip it down right there in front of them, and to give the two a moment to finish off the scene before he returned.

2012-01-23, 07:42 PM
"Really? Because here we just were, making assumptions about this guy."

Zayn grinned. Something about her nature -- a certain mix of competitiveness and a basic self-honesty -- made it something of a pleasure to root out hypocrosy when she heard it. As she spoke, it was completely without harshness.

"And you made assumptions about me when we met, too, didn't you? Assumptions are how people judge when trouble's coming, so they survive. The difference is about confirming before you act."

Anyway, it didn't look like a debate, so there went that idea. Instead, it looked like he was going to do something interesting. So she stood up, still grinning, and sauntered more towards the activity.

"I think I'm gonna go watch."

2012-01-23, 07:47 PM
Mal has only one thing to say to Jes, once the Paladin is out of earshot.

"Bet you the coins I earned today that he doesn't make it to the top."

Mystic Muse
2012-01-23, 08:05 PM
Mal has only one thing to say to Jes, once the Paladin is out of earshot.

"Bet you the coins I earned today that he doesn't make it to the top."

Nah. Besides, I think I'm about to match your payday. she says, referring to the rather expensive scale armor she would soon be holding. She stuck her tongue out at Mal. Unless you're not asking for anything if you win, in which case I will take that bet.

2012-01-23, 08:08 PM
"...This is why I hang out with you, Jes." The thief grins, winking at her. "I'd still wager I could get up there faster than he can."

2012-01-23, 09:16 PM

After some off screen scene of removing his 30+ lbs of scale armor he returned wearing a comfortably loose white-blue tunic with the symbol of Marduk embroidered on the front. He totally came off as bishonen, it was silly, especially since he was prone to having winds melodramatically blow through his black locks.

He lugged the thirty plus pounds set of polished armor and smiled at Jeska, a dopey friendly smile. "Thank you again." Aside from his armor and sword, he had the rest of his belongings with him, including his small pouch of ten gold pieces. He then proceeded to try to climb to the crow's nest, perhaps if there's good climbing equipment to get up there might get him a circumstance bonus. Hint, hint. :smallwink:

Making Athletics check to climb: [roll0]

Lycan 01
2012-01-23, 11:05 PM
The Paladin of Marduk scrambles up the crisscrossing network of ropes and sails. A few passengers look up to watch, whispering back and forth as he climbs higher and higher. To the surprise of some, he manages to make it all the way to the crows nest without issue.


You make it up to the top of the mast, where a small railed platform has been set up for an observer to sit in. And in a twist of irony... there is a crow sitting in the crows nest. A very large, very irate crow.

Roll initiative.

2012-01-23, 11:08 PM
Looking up, shielding his eyes from the sun with one hand, Malik lets out a low whistle as he sees the Paladin make it to the top.

"Guess I gave him too little credit. I'll never bet against HIM again."

And, after a few seconds, he adds

"So, will you be needing some help shifting some of his valuables into your satchel?"

Mystic Muse
2012-01-23, 11:11 PM
Looking up, shielding his eyes from the sun with one hand, Malik lets out a low whistle as he sees the Paladin make it to the top.

"Guess I gave him too little credit. I'll never bet against HIM again."

And, after a few seconds, he adds

"So, will you be needing some help shifting some of his valuables into your satchel?"

Why, so you can take your fair share? Jeska asks him teasingly. She knows he would probably never actually steal from her, and she didn't intend on taking this stuff anyway.

2012-01-23, 11:14 PM
Ammar-Crow's Nest

Ammar just blankly stared in surprised upon seeing the angry crow. Oh 'dat irony. Beat.

Initiative: [roll0]

2012-01-23, 11:14 PM
"Oh Jes, you wound me so!" He declares with a dramatic flair. "You know I would never steal from you directly." He shifts his eyes to the side after muttering the last word. "Food doesn't count. A man has to eat, after all."

Mystic Muse
2012-01-23, 11:17 PM
"Oh Jes, you wound me so!" He declares with a dramatic flair. "You know I would never steal from you directly." He shifts his eyes to the side. "Food doesn't count. A man has to eat, after all."

I know. As for this stuff, no, I'm not stealing it. Yes, it could fetch a pretty copper*, but we'd never convince him that we don't have it, and I like to think I have standards about what I do. I told him I'd hold his stuff for him, and I meant it. Though, if that crow kills him, I'm sure he won't mind if I keep it. she says with a sly smile.

*Same thing as "A pretty penny"

2012-01-23, 11:24 PM
"Oh I'm sure someone will catch him if he falls." Mal says as he casually watches the epic battle of the Crow's Nest. "Everyone loves a hero. Almost as much as they love the favor of a god on their side."

Lycan 01
2012-01-23, 11:41 PM
The crow lets out a furious squawk before flapping its wings and lunging forward to attack the Paladin. Ammar finds himself having to move his face from side to side, avoiding the pecking beak and slashing talons of the wicked little avian. The effort leaves him slightly exhausted, but no blood is drawn. Yet.

Ammar loses 4 HP.

2012-01-24, 12:11 AM
Ammar goes to grapple the feathered fiend but probably fails badly.

Lycan 01
2012-01-24, 01:26 AM
The Paladin manages to grab a feather or two, but fails to maintain a firm grip. The crow, further infuriated by Ammar's uninvited groping, launches a fresh attack of pecks and scratches. However, its squawk is worse than its bite, and it fails to land any blows.

2012-01-24, 05:01 PM
Once again, the slippery gloved paladin attempted to grapple the feathered fiend, again.

2012-01-25, 12:41 PM
Zayn decides that this has gone on long enough. It's embarassing, that's what it is. She feels ashamed to share sapience with this guy, and shakes her head.

She takes the grappling hook from her climber's kit out of her bag and tosses it up towards the crow's nest to give her an easier way up.

((Athletics to climb:
[roll0] ))

2012-01-25, 12:52 PM
Initiative: [roll0]
Sagirah placed a hand on Zayn's shoulder and shook her head, whispering something to her. Then she pulled out a shuriken and casually threw it at the raven.

Hit vs AC: [roll1]
Sly Flourish: [roll2]

2012-01-25, 12:54 PM
Zayn actually did listen and stepped back.

((So, how to handle stuff like "How exactly does one get a grappling hook back, anyway?"))

Lycan 01
2012-01-25, 01:18 PM
Ammar's attempts to grapple with the crow only result in him getting his fingers pecked vigorously. The crow then launches into the offensive, and quickly flies up to try pecking out his eyes.

However, before it can even get close to his face, the crow violently explodes into a shower of black feathers and pink mist as a shuriken tears through it with violent speed and accuracy.

Also, once he gets the blood out of his eyes, Ammar may notice a grappling hook snagged right next to him on the crows nest.

Ammar loses 6 HP from being pecked. The crow explodes from taking 19 damage in one hit. :smalleek:

And the only way to get the hook down is for somebody to unhook it.

2012-01-25, 01:29 PM
Ammar staggered back and down as the crow exploded in front of him. His eyes were wide, mostly because he got gross crow guts on him. He frowned feeling ashamed that he couldn't even deal with a crow of all things by himself, it made him feel foolish, inept, and not in the funny way. Little did he know, he should have prayed to the Dice Goddess, that fickle turd.

2012-01-25, 03:20 PM
Until a few seconds ago, Malik had been staring up at the Paladin's futile struggles with mild amusement.

His expression froze, twisted, and gradually unfurled into bewilderment after seeing a Dragonborn make minced meat out of the avian pest.

"Well...I didn't see that coming." He says, to nobody in particular.

2012-01-25, 03:52 PM
"Nice one, Sagi..."

She cupped her hands over her mouth and yelled up to the dazed paladin,

"Hey buddy! Mind tossing my hook back down so I don't have to come up there?"

A third idea occured, which was that having a paladin enclined to like you would be a good way of keeping him off a crewmate's scaly back, so she added,

"Unless you need a little fixing up -- I can probably help you out there. Bird pecks are nasty stuff!"

2012-01-25, 07:04 PM

No, he didn't need tending to, the only thing wounded was his pride. He frowned, glad no one could really see how he was feeling from all the way up here.

He obliged however in unhooking the grappling hook, taking a ten if by chance a dice roll was needed.

2012-01-26, 04:08 PM
After a second or two, Malik ambles his way over to Sagirah, attempting to walk in a friendly manner with his hands in his pockets. It gives the impression of one trying to keep his pants from falling down stealthily, and failing to be stealthy about it.

"Quite a shot you made there, friend." He says conversationally, eyes looking to the sky. "One in a million, I'd say. You must have some keen eyes for a hit like that."

Lix Lorn
2012-01-26, 05:39 PM
"A million to one chance is always a sure thing!" says Nadia cheerfully, suddenly behind them. "You can always trust to luck when it really matters!"

Disturbingly, she seems to be serious.

2012-01-26, 09:14 PM
"I've heard that's how it works, too... But a million and one chance in one will never happen, by that thinking."

Zayn agrees, stowing her grappling hook back in her pack.

2012-01-26, 09:22 PM
"Er...right, in my experience, you need to find your own luck..." Mal Lied. He would always prefer to have luck on his side, but he wanted to sound more impressive than that. "Either way, that was a nice shot there. Allow me to introduce myself." He pulled a hand from his pocket, and offered it to the Dragonkin. "You can call me Malik."

Mystic Muse
2012-01-26, 10:42 PM
"I've heard that's how it works, too... But a million and one chance in one will never happen, by that thinking."

Zayn agrees, stowing her grappling hook back in her pack.

Eh. It's more like it only happens when you absolutely need it, but it never happens if you're relying on it. Only happens when you've completely given up hope. Jeska says. In my experience that is. She says, still holding the dumb Paladin's armor and sword.

2012-01-27, 09:11 AM
Sagirah observed the Malik for a moment before nodding her head in greeting. "Sagirah," she introduced herself. It wasn't like she was trying to be rude, but she'd learned early on to never shake a stranger's hand.

Lix Lorn
2012-01-27, 02:08 PM
"Nadia!" says Nadia brightly, offering her hand to anyone with one spare.

2012-01-27, 03:19 PM
Malik suddenly finds himself shaking hands with a completely different person.

"Er...very nice to...meet you." He said, unsure how or why he was suddenly shaking her hand. "Er..you three wouldn't happen to have any relation to that Paladin, would you?"

Lix Lorn
2012-01-27, 05:40 PM
"Never spoken to him ever." she says cheerfully.

2012-01-27, 05:46 PM
"Nah, but there's only so long you can let an embaressing show like that go on, right? The name's Zayn."

That was her explanation for why she was going to step in, anyway, but she waved her hand a little dismissively at the suggestion of being related to the paladin.

"...And you?"

She asked Jeska, turning with a grin.

Mystic Muse
2012-01-28, 12:01 AM
"Nah, but there's only so long you can let an embaressing show like that go on, right? The name's Zayn."

That was her explanation for why she was going to step in, anyway, but she waved her hand a little dismissively at the suggestion of being related to the paladin.

"...And you?"

She asked Jeska, turning with a grin.

"My name's Jeska. Pleasure to meet you, Beautiful." she says, giving Zayn a nice smile. Unlike in humans, the smile she gives, showing off her teeth actually looks quite natural.

2012-01-28, 10:15 AM
"Nice to meetcha."

Was that flirting? Because Zayn is not nearly aware of flirting enough to notice that. It wasn't that she didn't know what to do with being called 'beautiful' out of the blue... It was just that it happened, and it didn't have particular meaning.

"You're getting off at the next town, too, right?"

2012-01-28, 07:15 PM
"Er...as a matter of fact, I think we are." Malik nodded, still a little out of it, and not noticing that his best friend was flirting with the other girl right in front of him. "It will be good to get back on land again."

Mystic Muse
2012-01-28, 07:20 PM
"Nice to meetcha."

Was that flirting? Because Zayn is not nearly aware of flirting enough to notice that. It wasn't that she didn't know what to do with being called 'beautiful' out of the blue... It was just that it happened, and it didn't have particular meaning.

"You're getting off at the next town, too, right?"

"Er...as a matter of fact, I think we are." Malik nodded, still a little out of it, and not noticing that his best friend was flirting with the other girl right in front of him. "It will be good to get back on land again."

"Yes, we are ma'am." Jeska responds, trying to be polite.

That was indeed flirting. "Eh, I think we could get back on land easily enough. It's just that the land would be infested with Sand Sharks, and we probably wouldn't be much more than a lunchtime snack for them." Jeska comments.

2012-01-28, 07:23 PM
"Yes, we are ma'am." Jeska responds, trying to be polite.

That was indeed flirting. "Eh, I think we could get back on land easily enough. It's just that the land would be infested with Sand Sharks, and we probably wouldn't be much more than a lunchtime snack for them." Jeska comments.

"Ah...then allow me to correct myself." Mal replied in a non-serious tone. "I'll greatly appreciate being on land where I can savor having legs again."

2012-01-28, 07:59 PM
"Don't forget sand whirlpools -- on a passenger ship like this, it's tricky to get sucked in... But if you're in a small ship or on foot, it'll just be like the ground opens up out of the blue and sucks you down!"

She declares with a strange amount of cheer and vigor. Especially considering that her own ship was lost to a sand whirlpool just recently. She waves a hand in the air.

"In the end, I don't think there's a better place to be than on a sandship."

2012-01-28, 08:20 PM
Malik suddenly finds himself shaking hands with a completely different person.

"Er...very nice to...meet you." He said, unsure how or why he was suddenly shaking her hand. "Er..you three wouldn't happen to have any relation to that Paladin, would you?"

"Fortunately no...." Sagirah said flatly.

"Don't forget sand whirlpools -- on a passenger ship like this, it's tricky to get sucked in... But if you're in a small ship or on foot, it'll just be like the ground opens up out of the blue and sucks you down!"

She declares with a strange amount of cheer and vigor. Especially considering that her own ship was lost to a sand whirlpool just recently. She waves a hand in the air.

"In the end, I don't think there's a better place to be than on a sandship."

Sagirah quietly sweatdropped at this.

Lycan 01
2012-01-28, 08:23 PM
As if to punctuate Zayn's statement, the ship suddenly shudders to a halt, and there's a piercing scream from the left side of the ship. A little old lady, who only moments before was staring out into the sand dunes, is now being entangled by a massive tan-toned tentacle. As the passenger is lifted into the air, two more tentacles erupt from the sand, and begin to loom up over the ship, looking for prey.


2012-01-28, 08:34 PM
Zayn draws her sword and...

I roll initiative.

Whenever her turn is, she'll rush into the fray.

2012-01-28, 08:42 PM
[color=royalblue]"In the end, I don't think there's a better place to be than on a sandship."

*The thing that just happened*

"...Are you still sure this is where you'd rather be?" Malik says, as he prepares to defend himself from this unexpected attack.

2012-01-28, 09:24 PM
Sagirah didn't hesitate. As soon as the beasts from the sand appeared, she whipped out a shuriken threw it at the tentacle holding the passenger with all the speed and force she could muster. Then she slipped out a dagger and started running towards it.

Hit vs AC: [roll0]
Sly Flourish: [roll1]

2012-01-28, 09:36 PM
Brandishing a knife, Malik moves himself towards another tentacle, maneuvering himself into an advantageous position to make a decisive blow against the beast.

Hit Vs. AC: [roll0]
Sly Flourish: [roll1]
Sneak Attack: [roll2]

Lix Lorn
2012-01-28, 10:12 PM
Nadia gasps, leaping into action!


When she gets a chance, she will unleash a howling, frosty blast at one of the tentacles!

(If necessary, she will move first. Standard action, ranged 10.)

[roll2] cold
Also pushes target one space, if that's applicable.

2012-01-28, 10:23 PM
"Absolutely! I live for this part!"

Zayn knew these things couldn't really move back... But in case it did, she was ready. She flung herself towards the one to the left, slashing at it with her sword.


In case it tried to move back, she had it guarded -- it'd have a hard time escaping her... Or a nearby ally.

((If it shifts before my next turn, it provokes an OA from an ally of my choice.))

Mystic Muse
2012-01-28, 10:29 PM
Jeska readies herself for a fight with the Sand Squid.

Jeska will go attack the tentacle discussed in the chat, drawing her sword from her parasol (Since her hand was on it, I think it counts as a minor action to draw out? If not, ignore the attack and damage rolls. If she can't take it out with a minor action, she's going to go up, get in position to attack, and draw out one of her daggers instead.)

[roll0] Attack Vs. Ac

[roll1] Damage

If it hits, she'll make the tentacle take a -2 penalty to its *Insert whatever defense is most targetted by other player attacking tentacle here* until the end of her next turn.

Lycan 01
2012-01-28, 10:57 PM
The Dragonborn's ferocious strength and brutality is somehow transferred into the small shuriken. The flying blade impacts the middle tentacle with almost unnatural force, and neither the shuriken or the beast's flesh can withstand the collision. A small explosion of gore and shrapnel erupts, and the tentacle is severed in its middle. The detached upper portion flails wildly before thumping heavily into the sand beside the ship, and the woman is thrown loose - directly into the air.

There is now a screaming old lady hurtling towards the deck.

Malik dashes towards the left tentacle, and leaps up onto the railing of the ship. He then slashes into the beast, cutting deeply into its hide, and is rewarded with a shower of blood. Before the tentacle can withdraw back into the sand, Captain Zayn rushes in and delivers another devastating blow. She slashes into the tentacle, and hits the same spot Malik carved into. The resulting blow nearly severs the tentacle into two portion, and the crippled pseudopod rapidly retreats back down into the sand, spurting blood as it goes.

Left tentacle is defeated, but Deme can still target it with her AO ability if she wants as it retreats.

Nadia attempts to summon forth elemental fury, but only manages to create a cool breeze that gently blows across the deck. Aaaah, refreshing...

Jeske draws her sword, rushes forward, and stabs the blade into the right tentacle. While it doesn't cause much damage, the fact that there's a sword stuck in it keeps the tentacle from wiggling about freely, greatly reducing its mobility and defensive abilities.

2012-01-29, 02:18 AM
Ammar makes an attempt to not horribly climb down the mast netting-whatever to get down and attempt to be useful.

Lycan 01
2012-01-29, 02:28 AM
Ammar manages to make it down the rigging, albeit in a very ungraceful fashion, nearly losing his footing a time or two.

Jeska, meanwhile, is made the target of the remaining tentacles wrath. It violently smashes against her, but the railing of the ship takes most of the impact. Still, she'll likely have a few bruises after that...

Two more tentacles suddenly erupt forth from the blood-stained sand, replacing their fallen counterparts!

Jeska gets smacked for 6 damage.

Round 2 begins now!

Mystic Muse
2012-01-29, 03:10 PM
Jeska attacks the tentacle with her sword again.

[roll0] Attack versus AC
[roll1] damage

If it hits, the tentacle will take a -2 penalty to AC until the end of her next turn.

Lix Lorn
2012-01-29, 04:01 PM
Nadia, unperturbed, tries the exact same thing again!

[roll1] cold

2012-01-29, 04:06 PM
Zayn grinned her wildest, most derring-do grin.

"Hey, Sagi...Cover me, alright?"

She had a plan to give the dragonborn a chance to put some real hurting on the monster. But she was also expecting it to hurt.

"Hey, jackass! Come and get me!"

She leapt at the tentacle above her, swinging her sword in a wild arc that left her totally open.

((Brash Assault: [roll0] vs AC
Damage should it hit: [roll1] ))

The creature, right now, could get in a nasty hit. And she knew that. As open as her posture was, she was ready for it -- braced for impact. And... Whatever happened, she had faith in that dragonborn.

((Basically, regardless of whether or not this move hits or misses, the monster can take a free hit on her with combat advantage, no less. However, her defenses against that tentacle are now +2 until the end of her next turn.
If the monster takes that free shot, regardless of whether or not it hits, Sagi (or anyone else, but she signaled her) gets to make a free basic attack on it with combat advantage) ))

2012-01-29, 04:38 PM
Sagirah nodded and whipped a pair of shuriken out of her tunic. She threw them at the tentacle Zayn was distracting, one quickly after the other.

Sly Flourish: [roll0] [roll1]
Attack (If the tentacle attacks Zayn): [roll2] [roll3]

2012-01-29, 08:35 PM
Which left Malik with one target to himself.

Lifting his dagger into the air, he leaps upon the railing, and grabbing it with one hand, strikes a gashing blow across its length.

(Dazing Blow)

Hit vs. AC: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1], if successful, target is dazed until end of Malik's next turn.

2012-01-29, 11:00 PM
Ammar wasted time by trying to put on his armor.

2012-01-29, 11:21 PM
After that near-attack, Zayn grinned. She could have gotten pretty beaten up there...But there's nothing a shuriken of pain won't solve. From where she had been standing open, she kept dashing to where the woman was falling.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!"

Then she spends her action point to catch the lady and set her down relatively gently. Zayn didn't see anyone else trying, after all. The whole thing was happening very quickly, in the end.

"Sorry about the delay, Ma'am."

Lycan 01
2012-01-29, 11:46 PM
Jeska rips her blade from the tentacle she's attack, only to slash at it again, cutting deep into the creature's beige hide. As blood sprays from the wounded appendage, a layer of ice suddenly forms over it as a result of Nadia's magic. The tentacle, now suffering from frostbite, recoils wildly and disappears back into the sand.

Sayn's wide blow actually strikes true, carving a gaping wound in the tentacle she's fighting. The pseudopod lashes back at her, but she deftly ducks beneath its brutal assault. Sagirah's first shuriken misses, but the second manages to not only strike the distracted tentacle, but it also hits something vital. Blood spurts from the wounded tentacle as it slithers back and disappears beneath the now-crimson sands.

Malik targets the middle tentacle, but his knife-work yields no results. The tentacle has more luck, though, as it whip-cracks him in the chest, knocking the breath out of him.

Ammar is making progress with his armor. Slow progress, but progress none-the-less.

Zayn manages to grab the old lady just before she hits the deck. "My hero!" the frail old woman squeals, hugging the Captain tightly before scurrying to safety.

Marik takes 5 damage.

Round 3 begins, now!

Mystic Muse
2012-01-30, 01:29 AM
Jeska moves to help Malik after the tentacle in front of her recoils.

[roll0] Vs. AC (Probably not gonna hit)

If it hits, the tentacle in front of Malik will take a -2 penalty to AC until the end of its next turn.

2012-01-30, 04:28 PM
"Thanks, Jes." Malik said with a flourishing grin. Following Jeska's aid, he took advantage of her distracting attack to slip in with his own knife.

(Sly Flourish)

Hit vs AC [roll0]

Damage [roll1]

2012-02-01, 08:53 AM
With a nod of relief at the lady's saftey, Zayn joins in on the final spot adjacent to the tentacle and swings her sword at it.

damage if it hits: [roll1]))

Conditional, if it hits:
Zayn nods to Malik.
"It's open! Go for it!"
She yells. Malik gets a free Melee Basic Attack on the tentacle, with a +2 bonus to the damage.

Conditional, if it misses:
Zayn swears.

2012-02-01, 04:13 PM
(If an opening happens...)

"Got it!" Malik shouts back, as he pulls his blade out of the creature, and stabs at the opening made by the ship captain.

Hit Vs. AC: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

Lycan 01
2012-02-03, 09:44 PM
The tag-team trio of blows from Marik and Zayn rend and flay the remaining tentacle, which leaves a crimson arc of blood as it flails back under the sand.

After a few tense moments, the ship suddenly shudders... and then begins to gently grind along the sands, just as it had been doing before the attack.

The various passengers all stand in awe, staring at the band of adventurers before them. The Captain of the ship staggers towards them, jaw hanging open. "That... that was amazing..." he stammers.

2012-02-04, 08:39 AM
"Well, I think that makes us at least even for the rescue, eh, Captain?"

She said, hefting her sword to rest on her shoulder with a hearty chuckle.

"I have to hand it to these two, though -- they're very good at fighting sand-krakens. And good work from Sagi and Nadia, too, girls! Drinks'll be on me!"

...Well, for the first round, anyway. Money was still very tight. She waved over to where they were standing, raising her voice to be sure they heard it. She was naturally kind of loud-voiced, so this was just excessive.

Mystic Muse
2012-02-04, 09:31 AM
Jeska's ears perked up at the mention of a drink. She took a cloth out of her bag, wiped down her sword since it was covered in tentacle juice, and put it in her parasol sheathe.

She then walks over to Zayn, keeping her hand on her sword. She's a little battered and bruised from the tentacle hitting her, but she'll recover.

"a drink sounds rather nice, Gorgeous. Lead the way?" she requests of Zayn with another large smile on her face.

Naturally. she makes sure the Paladin gets his equipment back, and nobody else stole it before doing anything else.

Lix Lorn
2012-02-04, 10:22 AM
Nadia gives a happy smile of victory!

2012-02-04, 11:01 PM
"Er...right, good show and everything...yes..." Malik tried to stay low and out of obvious eyesight. He wasn't quite sure that he wouldn't still be running into a merchant or traveler from his hometown who might recognize him.

It didn't even occur to him that they'd probably forgive him after saving their lives.

Though it did occur to him that they would take his hand if they saw what he had under his hat.

2012-02-04, 11:33 PM
Jeska's ears perked up at the mention of a drink. She took a cloth out of her bag, wiped down her sword since it was covered in tentacle juice, and put it in her parasol sheathe.

She then walks over to Zayn, keeping her hand on her sword. She's a little battered and bruised from the tentacle hitting her, but she'll recover.

"a drink sounds rather nice, Gorgeous. Lead the way?" she requests of Zayn with another large smile on her face.

Naturally. she makes sure the Paladin gets his equipment back, and nobody else stole it before doing anything else.

"I meant when we got to port -- a proper round of drinks on me, that sort of thing."

Since this was the second time this happened, it caught her attention. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously and looked at Jeska.

"What's all this gorgeous stuff about?"

Mystic Muse
2012-02-05, 12:09 AM
"I meant when we got to port -- a proper round of drinks on me, that sort of thing." "Ah. Was hoping they might have a bar or some sort of place to get drinks on this ship." Jeska said, disappointed they don't.

Since this was the second time this happened, it caught her attention. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously and looked at Jeska.

"What's all this gorgeous stuff about?"

"...I find you attractive so I'm complimenting you?" Jeska says, a little curious that Zayn didn't understand that.

Lycan 01
2012-02-05, 12:19 AM
"Rawr..." one of the nondescript passenger's comments upon overhearing Jeska and Zayn's exchange.

"Actually, in regards to drinks, I think they will be on me when we get to town," the Captain proclaims, taking a firm step towards the adventurers. "You saved all of our lives here, and for that, I am greatly in your debt. I will not only buy you all a round of drinks, but I will speak with my employer. He has been on the lookout for people of great martial quality, useful skills, and rare talents. I would say you all fit the bill quite well, and he would likely be most pleased to meet you..."

2012-02-05, 09:27 AM
One of the nondescript passengers would quite suddenly find themselves a little more descript.

Specifically, they would henceforth be known as "passenger with a limp" as Malik gave them a subtle kick to the shin, outwardly flashing a broad smile to the rest of the ship's passengers.

2012-02-05, 10:05 AM
"Ah. Was hoping they might have a bar or some sort of place to get drinks on this ship." Jeska said, disappointed they don't.

"...I find you attractive so I'm complimenting you?" Jeska says, a little curious that Zayn didn't understand that.

"Actually, most of the drinking material on this vessel is likely alchohaulic -- cleanier and easier to get than water -- but popping down to the galley and getting a flagon of grog doesn't have half the energy of a good shore-leave drink, not to mention that it's likely all watered-down here, to let supplies last and keep the hands from getting actually drunk. It's about careful planning followed immediately by reckless abandonment!"

She explains her reasoning straightforwardly. To the rest of it... She raises an eyebrow.

"I wouldn't exactly call it complimenting as not using my name. It's Zayn, in case you forgot."

She waves a finger. 'Gorgeous' or 'Beautiful' tended to be used as names... When, in Zayn's experience, there was a distinct lack of respect for her going on. Or drunkeness.

As to the captain...She turned her attention back full-throttle.

"Sounds like a fine plan to me, but I need to consult my people. Nadia, Sagi? Your opinions?"

Mystic Muse
2012-02-05, 11:49 AM
"I wouldn't exactly call it complimenting as not using my name. It's Zayn, in case you forgot."

She waves a finger. 'Gorgeous' or 'Beautiful' tended to be used as names... When, in Zayn's experience, there was a distinct lack of respect for her going on. Or drunkeness.


Jeska looks a little Crestfallen. Her ears even kinda droop.

"I don't see how they aren't compliments when that's exactly what I intended them to be, Zayn." she says, disappointed the captain wasn't realizing that.

2012-02-05, 11:53 AM
"Because they weren't delivered complimentarily. When someone calls you 'gorgeous' instead of using your name, it doesn't exactly make a person feel good... But... Thank you. For the sentiment." She added sincerely, waiting for her subordinate's take on the potential meeting with a potential employee.

Mystic Muse
2012-02-05, 12:11 PM
"Because they weren't delivered complimentarily. When someone calls you 'gorgeous' instead of using your name, it doesn't exactly make a person feel good... But... Thank you. For the sentiment." She added sincerely, waiting for her subordinate's take on the potential meeting with a potential employee.

Jeska's ears perk back up, and she gives Zayn a curious look. In her experience, that is exactly how compliments work.

"Alright. Sorry for inadvertently offending you, Miss Zayn." Jeska says to her.

2012-02-05, 12:14 PM
"No hard feelings, no hard feelings!"

She laughed, heartily, at the formality. She waved a hand to dismiss this whole conversational cul-de-sac.

"And it's Captain. None of this 'miss' stuff, alright, Jeska?"

and then back to waiting.

2012-02-05, 12:23 PM

Ammar frowned feeling he was utterly useless and pathetic. He was still lamely trying to put on his armor when the combat ended and the others went on to save the day. It felt like getting kicked in the stomach at how utterly pathetic he felt, or a crow's raze to the face. Either way.

He wanted to help, but he wound up only making stupid decisions, wasn't keen on the actions he could have taken to have contributed. He sighed crestfallen and watched from a distance the real heroes of the hour. He got dirty looks from a few passengers or two, he was really shaming Marduk with his stupidity. He turned away and went to go separate himself from the real heroes. He walked to the back of the ship and gazed out upon the sand sea, a hand on the railing and just brooded his own incompetence.

Mystic Muse
2012-02-05, 12:25 PM
"No hard feelings, no hard feelings!"

She laughed, heartily, at the formality. She waved a hand to dismiss this whole conversational cul-de-sac.

"And it's Captain. None of this 'miss' stuff, alright, Jeska?"

and then back to waiting.

"Alright Captain Zayn. Not used to knowing Captains, so I just used the usual honorific. Won't happen again." she says, with a slight smile.

Jeska, realizing the conversation is mostly over, goes to sit down.

Lix Lorn
2012-02-05, 12:26 PM
"Sounds great!" Nadia says happily. "Something new to do! It'll be fun."

2012-02-07, 08:37 PM
"Don't suppose Jeska and I will be invited too, eh cap'n?" Malik asks the sandship captain, knowing that one should never take a free drink for granted.

Lycan 01
2012-02-07, 08:47 PM
"Naturally," the Captain nods. "You all helped, so you all deserve a reward."

2012-02-08, 05:07 PM
"Ah, excellent." Malik says, clapping his hands together. "In the meantime, seeing how our Paladin friend here has grounded himself, I believe I'll take a stab at being lookout." He then struts right up to the mast, and gives the paladin a cocksure grin.

"Watch how a pro does it, holy boy."

Climb Check: [roll0]

And naturally, he didn't fare anywhere near as well as the other man.

2012-02-08, 06:59 PM

The paladin wasn't even paying attention, he hardly noticed the thief as he was away from the others, a good distance, brooding, angsting as he looked out at the sands, his hands on the railing, still.

2012-02-08, 07:19 PM
Malik looks back to notice, scrabbling for a proper purchase on the ship's mast. "Damnit, it's no fun showing him up if he doesn't even pay attention!"

Lycan 01
2012-02-08, 09:39 PM
Marik can't find enough handholds to scramble all the way up, at least not enough within easy reach. He can easily climb back down, but attempting to keep climbing may prove challenging.

2012-02-09, 06:54 PM
Since the Paladin isn't even watching, which was his expressed purpose for climbing anyway, he let himself down.

"...I'll give it another go in a few minutes." He said to no one in particular, as the sandship continued its slow crawl across the desert.

Lycan 01
2012-02-24, 05:05 PM
The rest of the voyage is relatively uneventful. When the ship finally reaches D'jbrah, the passengers disembark and head on about their way. The Captain gives the group of adventurers instructions on how to reach a local tavern, where he will meet up with them in an hour or so. He's going to go speak with his associate, and see if there may be a job available for them.

D'jbrah is not a large settlement, but it is not modest. While it takes up much space, several areas are mostly brick-and-blanket shanties. There are, however, a few larger, well-constructed buildings scattered about. A town hall, a tavern, a blacksmith, and a few private residences. There is also a densely crowded market district in the center of town, though much of the bustle has died out by now. Its late in the afternoon, and evening will be approaching soon.

2012-02-24, 07:03 PM
"Hmmm...An hour to kill."

Zayn tapped her chin thoughtfully, trying to put her priorities in order. Odds of her having money to buy anything in the market: catastrophically low. Odds of her having a chance to buy those drinks after speaking to this would-be employer: High.

So instead she looked around the docks for the first sign of anyone, including the people she was with, doing something interesting.

2012-02-25, 11:08 AM
Ammar took in his surroundings with a wan smile, not quite over his little humiliation. A moment later, with his things, he set out to look for/find the local shrine/small temple to Marduk.

2012-02-25, 11:44 AM
Walking beside Jeska, Malik lowers his voice to a whisper as they step off the ship.

"Well Jes, I'll see you at the tavern. I'm going to go turn my ill-gotten gains into gemstones, so as to dissuade suspicions from our fellow travelers whose coin pouches have been 'lightened'."

Mystic Muse
2012-02-25, 01:34 PM
Walking beside Jeska, Malik lowers his voice to a whisper as they step off the ship.

"Well Jes, I'll see you at the tavern. I'm going to go turn my ill-gotten gains into gemstones, so as to dissuade suspicions from our fellow travelers whose coin pouches have been 'lightened'."

"Good plan. Don't buy anything alcoholic at the tavern." she warns him.

2012-02-25, 02:12 PM
"What? No, of course not." He flashes hr a wide grin. "Why waste my own money, when the captain has so readily offered to waste his own for us?"

He flashes her a wink, and is off to the market to find himself a wholesale jewel salesman.

Lycan 01
2012-02-25, 09:32 PM
Malik finds his way to the market. Its a long street, lined with stalls and kiosks, and a multitude of peasants and other folks wandering around, buying and selling goods amongst the merchants. It doesn't take him long to find a merchant who deals in jewels and jewelry. However, as Malik pulls out the gold he wishes to trade, he suddenly finds himself standing in the shadow of somebody much bigger than him. "Well now..." the shadow-casting brute croons, his tone audibly condescending, "How did a street rat such as yourself get his grubby little mitts on that much gold? Let me guess... just found it?"

If Malik looks up, he finds himself eye-to-chest with this fellow:


Ammar wanders around the town for a bit, and soon finds himself in front of a small chapel. Its constructed quite soundly from well-carved stone, and is decorated with the iconography of Marduk. Standing in front of the door is a black-garbed figure, all of his face except for his eyes obscured by a black turban, and a small golden scales icon hangs from his neck. A rune-inscribed scimitar hangs from his hip, and his arms are crossed in front of his chest, giving him a somewhat intimidating appearance. When he sees Ammar, however, he nods his head respectfully. "Greetings, brother. Have you come for prayer or guidance?" he asks.

Back at the entrance of town, Zayn's searching for interesting people or events is quickly satisfied. "Hello!" a voice suddenly pipes up from behind her. Turning about, she finds herself looking down at a small, robe-shrouded fellow. "You look like a well-traveled and world-experienced individual! Perhaps I can interest you in a useful device that will make your life much much easier?" he asks, twirling his mustache, and flashing a toothy grin. He then scurries back a bit, over to a bedraggled mule loaded down with boxes. "I think I have just what you need! Care to take a look? Of course you do!"

He then proceeds to pull a small device from one of the mule's saddlebags. Its roughly cylindrical in appearance, with various levers, buttons, and other doohickeys jutting from its structure. "Its a one-of-a-kind device that does everything! It tells time-" he points to a sundial on its side, "-grinds pepper-" he twists a lever on the top, "-serves as a rather nifty hooka-" he inhales deeply from a small tube on the side and then exhales a puff of smoke, "-and even slices potatoes!" He checks his pockets, but gives up when he can't find a potato.

"And best of all," he grins, "It will never break!" To prove his point, he smacks himself lightly on top of the turban a few times. The machine promptly explodes into a cloud of gears, springs, and a stray potato slice.

The man continues to hold the ruined device over his head, maintaining his charming grin.

2012-02-26, 12:12 AM
"Perhaps I did, oh venerable one." Malik says, putting on his best smile, and also putting at least five feet of space between himself and the brutish man. "I found that it was quite easy to make small change here and there doing perfectly innocent odd jobs for folks here and there, and I simply wish to exchange this loose currency for something a bit more...permanent?"

(Bluff: [roll0])

Lycan 01
2012-02-26, 12:27 AM
The guard stares at Malik for a moment. He then reaches up and tilts his big poofy hat. "Ah. Sorry to bother you then, my good man," the flatly states, before turning on his heel and walking away.

2012-02-26, 12:29 AM
Ammar wanders around the town for a bit, and soon finds himself in front of a small chapel. Its constructed quite soundly from well-carved stone, and is decorated with the iconography of Marduk. Standing in front of the door is a black-garbed figure, all of his face except for his eyes obscured by a black turban, and a small golden scales icon hangs from his neck. A rune-inscribed scimitar hangs from his hip, and his arms are crossed in front of his chest, giving him a somewhat intimidating appearance. When he sees Ammar, however, he nods his head respectfully. "Greetings, brother. Have you come for prayer or guidance?" he asks.

Ammar tiredly and earnestly smiled. "I suppose you could say both. I come here on a pilgrimage, traveling the same path my father took, paying my respects to the great one Marduk, doing my spread to...help....others." His face flushed as he recalled his...encounter with the crow.

2012-02-26, 12:30 AM
Malik freezes in place, staring into open air for a few minutes, completely baffled that it worked.

"...They really must not know me here." He says...as a great big grin forms on his face. "Oh this is soooo beautiful."

It then occurs to him that he was making a transaction, and so he goes to talk to the jewel dealer again.

"Sir, can you offer me something worth this much gold?" He asks, putting the sack down on the counter. "I believe I have about fifty pieces in there, and I'd like to store it in something more...stable, if you will."

Lycan 01
2012-02-26, 12:35 AM
The black-garbed man arches an eyebrow. "Something troubles you, my brother?" he asks Ammar.

The jeweler offers Marik a pair of small blue sapphires and an opal, or a medium sized green emerald. His choice.

2012-02-26, 12:50 AM
Sagirah, meanwhile, was keeping a low profile as per usual. She was content for now; she hadn't been called out or assaulted, mostly thanks to her clever disguise of a fully concealing cloak. She didn't know how long this would last, however, so she slunk into an alleyway to wait for an hour to pass.

2012-02-26, 01:14 AM
Malik examines each gemstone carefully, the emerald, the sapphire, the opal...what's that? Two sapphires? Which two? Are you sure there were two sapphires there? Maybe one of them went back in with the others, I'm certain there was only one, or perhaps it fell back behind the counter, you never know...

(Thievery - Sleight of Hand: [roll0])

Lycan 01
2012-02-26, 01:18 AM
The frail old man does not notice Malik callously robbing him of his livelihood.

2012-02-26, 01:24 AM
Having performed a transaction, Malik takes the Emerald for his gold pieces, and suffers -5 Karma damage.

Which is promptly blocked by his DR 5 to guilt over petty theft.

Having finished his errands, Malik makes his way to the tavern.

2012-02-26, 01:24 AM
The black-garbed man arches an eyebrow. "Something troubles you, my brother?" he asks Ammar.

"What...oh no...its nothing," Ammar shakes his head with a neutral smile. "Well maybe...but its not worth talking about. I simply desire right now to give my prayers."

Lycan 01
2012-02-26, 01:30 AM
Sagirah melds into the shadows, unnoticed.

The black-garbed man steps aside, and gestures at the door. Upon entering, he finds the temple of Marduk to be much like other shrines to the deity. Sparsely decorated, with two rows of pews on either side of the sanctuary, and an alter at the front. In the back of the chapel, a large statue of Marduk has been erected. He is shown as a tall and powerful figure, clad in a breastplate, flowing robes, and a horned, visored helm. In his left hand, he holds aloft the scales of justice. In his right hand, he raises the sword of retribution. His feathered wings enshroud the faithful. His steel-shod feet crush the unworthy. Bla bla bla, righteous fury and fanaticism, amen.

The chapel is empty at the moment. There are also two small doors on either side of the statue.

2012-02-26, 02:03 AM
The black-garbed man steps aside, and gestures at the door. Upon entering, he finds the temple of Marduk to be much like other shrines to the deity. Sparsely decorated, with two rows of pews on either side of the sanctuary, and an alter at the front. In the back of the chapel, a large statue of Marduk has been erected. He is shown as a tall and powerful figure, clad in a breastplate, flowing robes, and a horned, visored helm. In his left hand, he holds aloft the scales of justice. In his right hand, he raises the sword of retribution. His feathered wings enshroud the faithful. His steel-shod feet crush the unworthy. Bla bla bla, righteous fury and fanaticism, amen.

The chapel is empty at the moment. There are also two small doors on either side of the statue.

The two doors on the side of the statue hold no interest for Ammar as he's not into trespassing and stuff. Unless unsavory shenanigans are occurring that would require him to trespass. for justice, and all that silly nonsense.

He sets to kneeling in front of the statue and begins his prayers. Probably junk about forgiveness for his..mishap, to provide him some vaguely defined guidance, and to lend him the strength to something just as vaguely defined.

Afterward he would look to see if there was a donation box.

2012-02-26, 08:05 AM
Back at the entrance of town, Zayn's searching for interesting people or events is quickly satisfied. "Hello!" a voice suddenly pipes up from behind her. Turning about, she finds herself looking down at a small, robe-shrouded fellow. "You look like a well-traveled and world-experienced individual! Perhaps I can interest you in a useful device that will make your life much much easier?" he asks, twirling his mustache, and flashing a toothy grin. He then scurries back a bit, over to a bedraggled mule loaded down with boxes. "I think I have just what you need! Care to take a look? Of course you do!"

He then proceeds to pull a small device from one of the mule's saddlebags. Its roughly cylindrical in appearance, with various levers, buttons, and other doohickeys jutting from its structure. "Its a one-of-a-kind device that does everything! It tells time-" he points to a sundial on its side, "-grinds pepper-" he twists a lever on the top, "-serves as a rather nifty hooka-" he inhales deeply from a small tube on the side and then exhales a puff of smoke, "-and even slices potatoes!" He checks his pockets, but gives up when he can't find a potato.

"And best of all," he grins, "It will never break!" To prove his point, he smacks himself lightly on top of the turban a few times. The machine promptly explodes into a cloud of gears, springs, and a stray potato slice.

The man continues to hold the ruined device over his head, maintaining his charming grin.

Zayn blinked, sticking her hands in her coat pockets. Well, at least it was interesting. Not a way to kill an hour's worth of interesting, but a funny story to tell at the tavern. It was almost sad to see the machine break, in a way.

"Nice try. Want help picking all that up?"

Lycan 01
2012-05-22, 10:18 PM
There is a donation box in the temple of Marduk.

The man with the broken device shrugs aloofly. "Eh, I have a dozen more on the mule. Besides!" he exclaims with a grin, before holding up the tool's core cylinder that survived the invention's cruel demise, "I am sure this device could still prove useful to certain customers. Particularly of the female variety..." he croons, wiggling his eyebrows a bit.

If you want to slap him, you get +2 to your attack for Combat Advantage. :smalltongue:

2012-05-22, 10:28 PM
Slap? Slap? ... You misunderstand Zayn's nature. She is neither a tsundere nor a wilting maiden. She is a free woman of the sandships, who spent her life among sailors and adventurers. She would never slap someone for a crude comment!

She throws a (hopefully) solid punch right at his jaw.

Roll to punch him right in the kisser.

The damage is less relevant than the dignity, but...

Lycan 01
2012-05-24, 07:46 PM
Swing and a miss. The swarthy merchant ducks under the blow, steps to the side, and grins. "Oh, I meant no offense. But hey, there's another use you can find for it. Beating people!" he exclaims.

2012-05-24, 07:57 PM
"Nah, I'm good."

She says with a smirk. If he backed off, then that's about her goal. She looked at the man thoughtfully.

"You're pretty good -- I don't ever make excuses for myself, so my guess is, you're a little bit wasted on just selling broken-down junk."

Lix Lorn
2012-05-24, 10:30 PM
Nadia giggles at the quick dodge, watching the exchange.

2012-05-28, 12:43 AM
There is a donation box in the temple of Marduk.

At the church/temple/thing whatever

Ammar after saying prayer dropped a gold coin in the donation box. He would have loved to have given all whopping ten coins of his, but he needed fare if he was to travel to the next area pilgrimage thing.

Lycan 01
2012-05-31, 08:17 PM
"Hah! Oh, I sell more than just broken down junk!" the merchant proclaims with a smirk, adjusting his turban and robes to make himself look more presentable. "I'm actually a rather savvy businessman. I just happen to enjoy selling my wares on the street sometimes. Its more hands-on and personal, unlike selling my wares through a storefront..." he shrugs.


Marduk smiles upon Ammar's generous offer.

2012-06-04, 12:12 PM
She didn't seem to believe he sold things other than broken-down junk until she saw something that wasn't broken-down junk.
"Then why peddle that?"

Lycan 01
2012-06-08, 06:17 AM
The peddler smiles wistfully. "Because I have two dozen of them, and I gotta get rid of them somehow. I can't just throw them away or give them away, otherwise I lose money. And I haven't gotten where I am today by doing silly things like that," he idly waves his hand.

2012-06-08, 08:16 PM
Afterwards, Ammar returned to the black robed man, trying to carry himself with dignity. Cough.

"My good sir, may I ask, if there are any sort of quests that need dealing with?" He asked in his 'hero' voice, slightly puffing his chest. Remember, this fool is one raised on tales about heroes.

2012-06-08, 08:21 PM
The peddler smiles wistfully. "Because I have two dozen of them, and I gotta get rid of them somehow. I can't just throw them away or give them away, otherwise I lose money. And I haven't gotten where I am today by doing silly things like that," he idly waves his hand.

"But how far will you get grinding your reputation to dust? Why not seek to improve them, or break them into sellable parts? Why surrender to selling sub-par things, when you claim to be better?"

Zayn asked, apparently getting into this discussion of sales. She spoke with a deep passion, not for selling, but for never surrendering to mediocrity. It was Zayn at her Zayniest, and in that moment she was almost beautiful in her fit of passion.

Lycan 01
2012-06-11, 07:59 AM
Afterwards, Ammar returned to the black robed man, trying to carry himself with dignity. Cough.

"My good sir, may I ask, if there are any sort of quests that need dealing with?" He asked in his 'hero' voice, slightly puffing his chest. Remember, this fool is one raised on tales about heroes.

The black-robed follower of Marduk shrugs at Ammar. "If you are looking for an assignment, I have nothing to offer you, Paladin. As you know, Marduk desires for us to spread His mercy and justice wherever we may go. Help the needy, punish the wicked, ensure social balance... But specifically, I am not aware of any glaring social injustices that need resolving. Not locally, at least."

After a moment, he adds: "Though, if you're just looking for odd jobs, there are a few folks around town who might appreciate your help. I know there's been a bit of a sandshark problem recently, but..." he shrugs again, "I don't think there's much you can really do about that, aside from get your legs gnawed off."

"But how far will you get grinding your reputation to dust? Why not seek to improve them, or break them into sellable parts? Why surrender to selling sub-par things, when you claim to be better?"

Zayn asked, apparently getting into this discussion of sales. She spoke with a deep passion, not for selling, but for never surrendering to mediocrity. It was Zayn at her Zayniest, and in that moment she was almost beautiful in her fit of passion.

The merchant stares of at Zayn for a moment. He then drops to his knees, lets out a loud wail, and then tightly hugs Zayn's legs. "Oh, I have been such a fooooool!" he howls as tears begin to freely flow down his face. "What am I doing with my life? Mother would be so ashaaaaamed..." he bawls. "Here I sit selling cheap garbage, trying to make a quick buck, when in the end I'm just wasting my time and making myself look like a fool! I should be smarter, wiser! Oh, how wrong I've been!" he exclaims through crying fits. After a moment, he sniffs loudly a few times, and then looks up at Zayn blearily. "Oh, thank you ma'am, for opening my eyes. From this day forward, I shall never settle for being sub-par, and shall endeavor to only sell the best - to only be the best! Oh... and sorry for getting your trousers wet with my bitter, manly tears..."

The merchant then hops back to his feet, and claps his hands together. "As a token of my gratitude, why don't you take all these nifty little doo-dads? Free of charge? Maybe you can find some use for them. Like I said, it makes a nifty hooka. Or you can beat people with it. Seems like that might be your thing..." he shrugs, before unstrapping several large bags from his pack animal.

2012-06-12, 04:47 AM
The black-robed follower of Marduk shrugs at Ammar. "If you are looking for an assignment, I have nothing to offer you, Paladin. As you know, Marduk desires for us to spread His mercy and justice wherever we may go. Help the needy, punish the wicked, ensure social balance... But specifically, I am not aware of any glaring social injustices that need resolving. Not locally, at least."

After a moment, he adds: "Though, if you're just looking for odd jobs, there are a few folks around town who might appreciate your help. I know there's been a bit of a sandshark problem recently, but..." he shrugs again, "I don't think there's much you can really do about that, aside from get your legs gnawed off."

Ammar pondered the task for a moment. Well, it was kinda...a hero thing, who started off by killing large rats in most stories. Surely, this wasn't as different as killing rats. :smalltongue:

He intensely stared at the man and then pretended to be in deep thought.

"I'll do it. Could you direct me to where I can find such folks who would like to have this task done, sir?"

2012-06-12, 07:35 PM
Zayn blinked. She had just been making conversation, being her run-of-the-mill shonen protagonist self. This sort of result...Was a little unheard of. She put her hands in her pockets. She accepted his offer with a shrug.

"Sounds good...I guess. I wish you luck, Mr...?"

Lycan 01
2012-06-25, 01:31 PM
"Oombaba," the merchant bows. "Mr. Sayid Oombaba. I fear I must be going now, though. Until next time..."

The robed warrior shrugs at Ammar. "I think the blacksmith actually had some sort of offer going on sandshark teeth and hides..."

---time skip---

An hour after reaching the town, the rag-tag band of adventurers find themselves in the local tavern. Evening is falling, and the building is lit by a myriad of oil lamps and paper lanterns. The business is rather bustling, with many of the tables and most of the bar occupied by everyone from peasants to guards to men in fine robes. The smell of hooka fills the air, as several of the pipes have been set up around the establishment.

Music and noise floods the adventurers' ears, as patrons talk and laugh, and several musicians play flutes and drums up near the stage. On the stage itself, a scantily clad women (who's face veil covers more of her body than her clothing) shows off her (rather remarkable) belly-dancing skills. Judging from her lithe figure and the pointed ears visible amongst her long, curly raven hair, she's obviously an elf.

Off in one shadowy corner, the Captain is sitting at a large table. Upon spotting the adventurers, he grins, and motions for them to join him.

2012-06-25, 01:36 PM
"Good evening, Captain!"

Zayn announces cheerfully as she enters the bar and pulls up a seat at the table. She's apparently in good spirits, having filled her bag with all this whatever, and the prospect of an evening of drinking, bad singing, and even worse storytelling ahead of her. Or, in this case, adventure. Maybe with bad drunken storytelling-singing.

2012-06-25, 01:54 PM
Well if she's looking for drunken storytelling and singing, Mal looks just about ready to do both. He offers Zayn a wiiiide, wide smile as she approaches, nursing a big cup of some very hardy-looking beverage, his face glowing like a street light. The man stands up and opens his arms wide.

"Ah! Friend! Good friend! It has been so long! Come, sit down!" He slams the table with his hand. "Drink with us! I'll buy you anything! Anything at all it is on my house!"

Lycan 01
2012-06-25, 02:00 PM
"Good evening, my friends!" the Captain returns Zayn's greeting cheerfully. He then looks over to Mal and smirks. "Your friend has just been showing me just how good he is at holding his liquor. It has been... interesting."

2012-06-25, 02:15 PM
"Nonsense, Malik, I said I would pay for drinks! Though...Perhaps I'll pay for some food instead."

After all, she hadn't eaten, either, and drinking on an empty stomach was a poor choice. Always. To the captain, she added,

"How many has he had?"

2012-06-25, 02:39 PM
"...Friend...you truly are a wonderful person, you know." Mal says, looking like he's on the verge of tears. "I should stand out on rooftops and cry your name to the heavens for how lucky I am to have as good a friend as you!"

Malik thinks about that for a few seconds.

"Could you remind me what your name is so that I might shout it to the heavens?"

Mystic Muse
2012-06-25, 02:42 PM
Jeska was rolling her eyes as she had her own drink. Of course Malik was drunk. Again.

She'd had a little bread to soak up the beer, and drank water in-between sips to dilute it a little.

2012-06-25, 02:47 PM
The robed warrior shrugs at Ammar. "I think the blacksmith actually had some sort of offer going on sandshark teeth and hides..."

And so Ammar bowed his head in thanks and left the temple shrine whatever. Taking a ten he went into town and searched for the blacksmith, eventually coming across a shop with an anvil image on on it, or something.

Under the assumption it was still opened for business he went inside and called out the blacksmith.

2012-06-25, 03:12 PM
"...Friend...you truly are a wonderful person, you know." Mal says, looking like he's on the verge of tears. "I should stand out on rooftops and cry your name to the heavens for how lucky I am to have as good a friend as you!"

Malik thinks about that for a few seconds.

"Could you remind me what your name is so that I might shout it to the heavens?"

"It's Zayn...And it won't be necessary. You know, and I know, and the drink-addled citizens of this bar know."

She flags down a nearby barmaid.

"What do you serve as food here?"

Lycan 01
2012-06-25, 03:15 PM
"He's had enough, that's for sure," the Captain deadpans.

One of the serving women, a petite brunette human, walks over to Zayn and begins to list off some of the menu items. Some various traditional Middle Eastern and Mediterranean meals, as well as a few more exotic choices, like roasted game bird or fried scorpions.

2012-06-25, 03:21 PM
She orders something relatively filling and hearty, and inclined to soak up the alcohol well...And orders something slightly lighter but hopefully stomach-settling for Malik in the hopes of sobering him up just a tad.

2012-06-25, 03:34 PM
"Generous, ain't she? And cute too!" Malik says not-quite-as-quietly-as-he-thinks to Jeska next to him, ribbing her slightly and continuing to soak his mouth with the intoxicating beverage. He really doesn't know better.

Mystic Muse
2012-06-25, 04:02 PM
"Oooh, I'll take the fried Scorpions please." Jeska says. They sound nummy.

2012-06-25, 04:26 PM
"And make it double!" Malik says, in a continuing string of bad ideas.

2012-06-25, 04:54 PM
Alas, the blacksmith was apparently taking a break and having a drink at the local bar. Ammar thanked the blacksmith's wife and left. The space cadet sighed for a moment not really keen heading to a bar, he went to a bar once, foolishly took on a dare to drink a light mead, turned out to be a really strong whiskey, threw up, passed out, got robbed of the money he was to use to by a chicken for dinner, got spanked by his grandma for his foolishness.

Anyways, he eventually found the bar and walked inside.

Lycan 01
2012-06-30, 12:44 PM
Before long, the group have all been served the drinks and meals of their choice. Once everyone is settled in, the Captain takes a drink from his drink, and then loudly clanks his tankard on the table to get the adventurer's attention.

"So, I spoke with my employer," the Captain says with a smirk, his white teeth sharply contrasting with his dark skin, "And he would be interested in hiring you folks for a job. As I said earlier, he's been looking for people like you to perform a certain task. You will be given the location of an item, and a small sand-vessel with which to travel there. I won't lie, the trip and the recovery of the item will likely be quite dangerous. But you'll be paid handsomely for your trouble, and I'm sure you can handle yourselves..."

2012-06-30, 12:54 PM
"JUST ONE QUESTION!" Malik says in an entirely too loud voice into the captain's face.

"...Is it vaaaaaluable?"

2012-06-30, 05:06 PM
Ammar, who did not know in game he was supposed to be part of that group getting a quest, and nor was he an invitee for their little social circle, took a small table for himself away from the others. He did recognize them from the boat, but the circumstances he had met them under didn't paint a good picture of him. So, naturally he sat as far away as he could.

He scanned the bar trying to spy the blacksmith, but face palmed when he realized he didn't know what he looked like. So he hailed a bar maid.

2012-07-02, 10:39 AM
"Well, I'll have to see what the other two think of it, but I'm always up for money and adventure!"

She turned and looked at the (hopefully present) dragonborn and her little mage-friend.

"Well, girls? Whaddya say?"

Lix Lorn
2012-07-02, 11:10 AM
Nadia nods excitedly!
"I'm sure we'd be happy to help!" ^_^

Mystic Muse
2012-07-02, 03:11 PM
"I'm certainly in the mood for it." Jeska says.

Lycan 01
2012-07-02, 08:22 PM
"Yes, the item is valuable. Why else would he be asking you to retrieve it?" the Captain shrugs. The half-elf then leans forward, spotting Ammar entering the bar. "Hey, Paladin! Come take a seat. I have a proposition for you."

2012-07-02, 08:43 PM
Malik looks up at the man who is at an indeterminate distance from the bar, and a wiiiide wide smile crosses his face.

"FRIEND!" He cries, slamming the table so hard it threatens to break his hand. He runs up to the Paladin and proceeds to give him a big, manly hug.

"Remember me? From the sandship? Come! Drink with us! You were great up in that crow's nest, fella! Hahaah...Ah, no hard feelings mind you..." He says, quickly trying to lead him back to the table before he can protest.

2012-07-02, 09:08 PM
Ammar did protest and furrowed his brows in being reminded of the crow's nest incident and tried to push Malik off him. "Please, no I'd rather not...I'll be fine, sitting over there, alone, and not with anyone else."

2012-07-02, 09:31 PM
"Oh Pshaw...come on man! I'll even buy you a drink! Besides, that man over there has a business proposition! It's for a valuable thing!"

Malik is not so easily dissuaded from terrible ideas.

2012-07-02, 09:40 PM
"I don't drink," He said bluntly and pulled away. "Anyways, I'm here looking for someone, so if you'd....leave me alone."

2012-07-02, 10:23 PM
"Aha!" Malik cries, again far too loudly. "Then perhaps, my friend, you are looking for them at the very table at which we sit? How do you know this is not true, hm?...Who is it you are looking for? Perhaps I have seen them..."

2012-07-02, 11:55 PM
"Aha!" Malik cries, again far too loudly. "Then perhaps, my friend, you are looking for them at the very table at which we sit? How do you know this is not true, hm?...Who is it you are looking for? Perhaps I have seen them..."

"I've seen those folks and crew on the ship...I don't think that's the case...anyway...its okay...I could just ask a nice employee here..or something." he stared at Malik with an awkward looking severe stare. Ammar's paladin senses were tingling but that was just silly.

2012-07-03, 08:19 AM
Zayn looked over at this with some amused pity. She had, on occaison, had to reinforce that no meant no when a crewmate could not do the complicated mental math... But never when the subject was just a drink.

"Malik, lay off him; it's probably against his whatever to drink... But it's not against your whatever to earn some money for your god by doing some honest work, is it, Sir?"

Because the plot was not letting him go once. Also, impressive display of religious understanding, there.

2012-07-03, 09:08 AM
"...Ah...I understand..." Malik says with a totally understanding nod. "Take it easy then, friend. Maybe have a little yogurt to calm things down, eh?"

2012-07-03, 05:29 PM
"Its not against my religion not to drink thank you very much," He fumed. "I just choose not to drink. Hmmph.

Lycan 01
2012-07-16, 11:59 PM
"One of the waitresses said you were looking for me," a deep voice rumbles from behind Ammar.

If the Paladin turns around, he will find himself dwarfed by a massive old man. The elderly human is wearing a black leather apron over his sleeve-less grey robes, exposing his bronzed, muscular arms. He has a shaggy white beard that hangs down almost to his stomach, and his head is bald, tanned, and shiny. He wears a pair of goggles, made from smoked glass, which make him much more mysterious and... well... scary.

Meet the blacksmith.

"What is it, little Marduk man?" he asks, arching a silver eyebrow.

2012-07-19, 04:40 AM
Ammar wondered how he could have not spotted someone as cliche looking as that. (;D) j/k He should really work on his profiling better, he missed something.

"Uh yes, my good sir," He said polity and coughed into his hand. "I hear you had a sort of job for dealing with sandsharks."

Lycan 01
2012-07-29, 06:57 AM
The massive, muscular hulk of an old man cracks a large, crooked-toothed grin. "Ah, you want to bring me some shark hides, eh? The deal is simple. Bring me some fangs, fins, or hides, and I'll repay you based on the quality or quantity. The town has less leg-chompers swimmin' around it, I've got more materials to work with, and you have coin in your pocket. Everyone wins!"

2012-07-29, 09:23 AM
After a good bit of looking around, Zayn determined that her other crew-member wasn't there. Which was... Well, the logical conclusion would be that the dragonborn ditched the crazy lady now that she was away.

Zayn, while smart, was not fond of logical conclusions; he brain didn't even consider it. So came her second thought:

"I'll have to hold off on my answer; I'm worried for my other crewmate. I'm going to go look for her. Nadia, will you come?"

She stood up and made ready to leave.

Lix Lorn
2012-07-29, 05:58 PM
Nadia nods rapidly. "Of course!"

2012-07-29, 07:46 PM
"Alright, then. Anyone else coming can follow me, I suppose."

She'd have to begin searching by the docks, since that's this chain of events began. She'd see if there was anyone she'd seen there earlier who might have seen where the dragonborn had gone, etc.

2012-08-01, 04:09 AM
"Yes...heh, everyone wins," He wanly smiled and nodded his head once. However, on a meta-level, in the back of his mind, he felt like his course of action here was the wrong one and he wasn't sure why, ah well.

2012-08-01, 09:46 AM
"....Hey, listen, ah' don't know where my friends've gone. But pfftth, if you wanna get somethin' valuable, all ya' need's Jeska an' me. So those two...three...however many? Jus' gravy on the cake...eww, who would eat gravy on a cake?"

Mystic Muse
2012-08-02, 12:43 AM
"We should probably try and find them at some point. I kinda felt like there might be something there that could be useful. After all, 6 is better than 3, especially when one of those three is a Paladin who probably doesn't particularly like us." Jeska says with a smirks and starts swishing her tail a little.

Why no, this has nothing to do with the fact she has the hots for Zayn. Nothing at all!...Okay, maybe a little.

2012-08-02, 08:18 AM
"...Ya' know......I totally forgot you had a tail for a sec there, Jes." Mal says with a big, goofy grin. "...Wha was I talkin' about again?"

2012-08-02, 08:26 AM
"Gravy on a cake," Ammar factually stated and then continued on. "I do no know about this 'valuable' treasure or the reason to head out looking for it or the nature of your....'quest'. So I have no answer."

2012-08-07, 02:53 AM

Meanwhile, in the alleyways near the docks, Sagirah was approached by a small group of thugs, intent on skinning her hide because, well, dragon and all that. She frowned and drew a shuriken as the thugs approached....


"Alright, then. Anyone else coming can follow me, I suppose."

She'd have to begin searching by the docks, since that's this chain of events began. She'd see if there was anyone she'd seen there earlier who might have seen where the dragonborn had gone, etc.

Zayn's quest would eventually lead her to the alleyways near the docks. There, in a back alley, she would find the violently murdered thugs, their heads half-exploded, and a light blood trail leading away from the scene of the crime.

Lycan 01
2012-08-07, 04:41 PM
The Bar

Zayn and whoever else opted to accompany her, leaving the Captain rather confused. "Um... Well, alright then. I guess I'll just sit here and wait..." he mutters.

A short moment later, a dockworker bursts in through the front door. "There's a killer on the loose!" he screams. Immediately the bar falls silent, and all eyes turn upon the man. "Somebody's killed a bunch of folks down near the docks! Guards are-" he pauses as he suddenly notices Ammar. "Paladin! Sir, they're looking for you! They need your help! Down by the docks, I can show you!" he says, waving for Ammar to follow him as he turns to go back out the door.

The Crime Scene

As Zayn enters the alleyway and sees the blood-splattered walls and corpses sprawled about, she immediately realizes that she's not alone. Several of the town's guards - including the burly bearded one Mal ran into - are examining the bodies. There's also a man clad in loose black garb, with only his eyes visible from behind a turban that covers his whole head. He's kneeling in the middle of the alley, tracing the pattern of blood splatter with his left hand, while his right hand holds a rune-inscribed scimitar. A small set of golden scales dangle from his neck - a holy symbol of Marduk.

"I say we go after them now..." the burly, bearded guard growls.

"Patience. We need the Paladin for this," the black-clad man calmly replies. "The killer is strong and skilled. We need-" he suddenly pauses, catching sight of Zayn out of the corner of his eyes. He calmly rises, and turns to face her. "M'lady, is there something we can help you with?" he calmly asks her.

2012-08-07, 05:28 PM
Zayn looked around, an expression of increasing worry, without fear or displayed disgust, crossing her face. It was a messy, brutal scene... But it only made her more worried.

"I'm looking for a girl, who would have just come into town today. We started out near here. Dragonborn, very focused on not being spotted....But what happened here?"

She asked. She didn't like cities or their laws... But she couldn't let something like this go unanswered.

2012-08-07, 06:38 PM
At the Bar

Ammar did indeed follow and made a quick apology to the black smith but this was important.

At the Crime Scene

"By Marduk....who could have done this?...." Ammar looked away from the gruesome sight and composed himself.

Lycan 01
2012-08-07, 11:50 PM
The guards all scowl and look back and forth at each other. "A Dragonborn? Feh... Filthy thing can hide all it wants. Better for everyone that way..." the bearded guard growls in disgust.

The black-clad follower of Marduk says nothing, but keeps his eyes focused on Zayn. After a moment, he calmly asks: "Does she use shuriken?"

When Ammar shows up, the black-garbed fellow looks over to him and nods respectfully. "Ah, you're here. Excellent. We may begin our pursuit in earnest. The culprit is wounded, and we may be able to track them with the blood trail they're leaving. As for their identity... well..." he looks back over to Zayn, "That is yet to be confirmed."

2012-08-08, 07:57 AM
She winced and bit her lip. This...Was not what she was hoping for. And...What did she think happen? If it was her, then would anyone in this world but Zayn give her a fair shake, or break her out if it wasn't her and they found her?

"...Yes. But I don't think she did it."

It wasn't so much any factual knowledge, so much as a deep faith in her crewmate not to go too far. When you're blowing up heads with non-explosive shurikens, you've gone too far.

"Which means I'm coming with you, if that's alright. If it's not her, I need to protect her... If it *is* her, then...I need to know that for myself."

She said that with a bundle of sincerity, if nothing else. If they needed more convincing, she was ready for that.

Lycan 01
2012-08-08, 12:41 PM
The black-garbed man stares at Zayn, processing what she has sad. After a moment, his grey eyes betray a small bit of sadness. "I am sorry, then, to inform you that we have recovered several shuriken from the bodies. If you wish to accompany us, we will not stop you. If you feel you can negotiate with your friend so we can reach a non-violent conclusion, that would be welcome. But... Marduk demands justice."

The black-garbed man looks around at the bodies. "It is likely these man accosted your friend. Self-defense would have been permissible. But... this is not self-defense." His gaze hardens in grim determination. "This was a slaughter."

He then turns to Ammar, and nods. "Our perpetrator is most likely a female dragonborn. Do you wish to lead the pursuit, or shall we let the suspect's friend take point?"

He then looks back at Zayn. "What did you say your name was?"

2012-08-08, 03:57 PM
[The Bar]

Malik likewise makes haste!

...to the floor, because honestly he was only staying awake at this point because the fumes hadn't reached his head yet.

He won't be terribly useful to anyone for awhile.

2012-08-09, 07:44 AM
"I know what it looks like...And I even I can't deny the possibility. But until I know for certain, from no one but her, I can't give up on her. Worst comes to worse, I will help you."

That was a little painful to admit; she wanted her to just be involved in an ancilliary way, to have been part of a three-way fight. She could believe that until...Well, until she couldn't. As long as there was room for doubt, Sagi would get the benefit of it from her captain. That was what being crewmates meant.

"My name is Zayn. The paladin there and I met earlier, sort of."

She nodded to Ammar.

Lix Lorn
2012-08-09, 12:42 PM
Nadia was... quiet. She had followed her captain out, but this wasn't something she knew how to deal with. She was sunny, happy, and... this was shadows.

2012-08-09, 06:32 PM
"No, I'll lead the pursuit," Ammar shook his head, he didn't quite trust the lead to the dirty dragonborn's friend. Comradeship, can and 'loyalty' can get in the way of justice and blah.

2012-08-14, 07:21 AM
"Fine by me."

Zayn shrugged. She was less interested in the whole legal business, let a Paladin take lead. She just needed to see the truth.

She gripped Nadiah's hand in a gesture of comfort for the more cheery girl.

Mystic Muse
2012-08-14, 10:06 PM
Jeska picks up Mal and drags him to wherever the captain is going. When she gets to the scene, she has a similar reaction to everybody else.

"...Oh dear god." she says as she surverys the scene. She ends up closing her eyes, because that's just gruesome.

Lycan 01
2012-08-16, 03:11 PM
The black-clad follower of Marduk turns to study the newcomers. "More members of your crew, I assume?" he asks Zayn. "Please keep them in line. Interfering in this investigation would not be a wise choice," he states flatly.

He then turns to Ammar, and nods. "Whenever you are ready."

2012-08-16, 04:50 PM
Mal rouses himself, rubbing his eyes, then groaning in frustration as he encounters the second reason why he should never drink.

The Hangover.

"Jes...Jes...I am an idiot."

2012-08-16, 06:43 PM
And so, Ammar set forth following the trail of blood as far as it would lead. He would try to see of there were any foot/boot prints along the way or some such.

2012-08-16, 10:11 PM
Well, there was the blood trail, which Zayn followed.

"I'm a little surprised you came,"

She said to Jes. And Mal, but she didn't expect Mal to really answer.

2012-08-27, 10:41 PM
Sagirah could be found at the end of the blood trail, nursing an injured throwing arm. Further examination would show several blade wounds on that arm.

Lycan 01
2012-08-27, 10:44 PM
The guards and the servant of Marduk immedaitely draw their weapons, and move to surround the wounded Dragonborn. "Only one thing you can do with a wounded animal..." the hulking, bearded guard leers threateningly.

"Hold!" the black-clad man barks. "The Paladin is leader of this hunt, and her Captain desires involvement. No use of lethal force unless necessary."

"A waste of time..." the guard growls. "You saw what she did to those men..."

"Nontheless... we will do this right..." the man of Marduk replies somberly.

2012-08-27, 10:49 PM
The guards and the servant of Marduk immedaitely draw their weapons, and move to surround the wounded Dragonborn. "Only one thing you can do with a wounded animal..." the hulking, bearded guard leers threateningly.

"Hold!" the black-clad man barks. "The Paladin is leader of this hunt, and her Captain desires involvement. No use of lethal force unless necessary."

"A waste of time..." the guard growls. "You saw what she did to those men..."

"Nontheless... we will do this right..." the man of Marduk replies somberly.

Sagirah grimaced and reached for her shuriken, but flinched at a spasm of pain and held back. When the black-clad man told them to halt, she raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"What? Someone in authority treating me like an actual person?" she asked snarkily. Or so she would have liked to believe, but it came across just plain tired.

2012-08-27, 11:00 PM
She doesn't know exactly what to think here, but the clear look of disgust on her face at the "animal" comment speaks wonders.

The face she makes to Sagi is... Somewhere between compassion and dissapointment. The truth was almost unavoidable, but at the same time...If she had even a little line of hope thrown at her, she'd take it.

She crossed the line of guards with a stern glare, brooking no argument, and offered Sagi a hand to put her arm on, making a 'give it here' gesture.

"Stop trying to be tough -- you can barely move that arm. Give it here, and I'll at least patch you up. If you have a defense, I think now's the time to make it."

2012-08-27, 11:15 PM
She doesn't know exactly what to think here, but the clear look of disgust on her face at the "animal" comment speaks wonders.

The face she makes to Sagi is... Somewhere between compassion and dissapointment. The truth was almost unavoidable, but at the same time...If she had even a little line of hope thrown at her, she'd take it.

She crossed the line of guards with a stern glare, brooking no argument, and offered Sagi a hand to put her arm on, making a 'give it here' gesture.

"Stop trying to be tough -- you can barely move that arm. Give it here, and I'll at least patch you up. If you have a defense, I think now's the time to make it."

Sagi hesitated, then gave her arm to Zayn. But at her comment, she seemed slightly confused, and a little annoyed. Or maybe she was already annoyed, but why could that possibly be?

"Defense for what?" she asked. SUrely she couldn't mean ...?

2012-08-27, 11:19 PM
She clicks her tongue and tries to bandage up the arm as best she can, maybe even ripping bits of her shirt up if she needs to.

((Heal Check, I guess: [roll0]))

"For the thing where you, a wounded wielder of explosive shuriken, are found at the end of a blood trail leading away from a gruesome multiple-murder where the victims were exploded and there are shurikens around."

She explained somewhat snarkily. No, for some *other* violent crime. But...Her confusion gave Zayn some hope that maybe...Something happened. Something.

Lycan 01
2012-08-27, 11:23 PM
The guards and the black-clad man stand silent, listening to the exchange.

2012-08-27, 11:49 PM
She clicks her tongue and tries to bandage up the arm as best she can, maybe even ripping bits of her shirt up if she needs to.

((Heal Check, I guess: [roll0]))

"For the thing where you, a wounded wielder of explosive shuriken, are found at the end of a blood trail leading away from a gruesome multiple-murder where the victims were exploded and there are shurikens around."

She explained somewhat snarkily. No, for some *other* violent crime. But...Her confusion gave Zayn some hope that maybe...Something happened. Something.

Not gonna lie, Sagi's eyes went wide at the mention of exploded heads. "Exploded?! What are you talking about? I don't explode people. Tempting though it may be sometimes."

Lycan 01
2012-08-27, 11:53 PM
"Bah! See how she lies!" the burly guard growls.

The black-clad man calmly slips his left hand into his robes, while his right hands his scimitar aloft. He proceeds to fish out several blood-encrusted shuriken. "We retrieved these from within the pulped remnants of several dock workers. Some of them were armed. Some of them were not, having apparently dropped their weapons in an attempt to flee once they saw what they were up against."

He idly tosses the shuriken into the sand at Sagi's feet. "A blood trail from the scene leads straight to you. You fight with shuriken, according to your Captain. The evidence..." his voice trails off, his cold eyes bearing no emotion.

2012-08-28, 12:20 AM
"You caught me," Sagirah deadpanned. "I'm bleeding all over the place, and clearly I'm the only one to ever use shuriken. Case closed, lock me up and throw away the key."

Mystic Muse
2012-08-28, 12:26 AM
Well, there was the blood trail, which Zayn followed.

"I'm a little surprised you came,"

She said to Jes. And Mal, but she didn't expect Mal to really answer.

"Didn't see any reason not to...as I'm sure you can understand, kinda wishing I hadn't now." She says, obviously referring to the massacre, and the fact that somebody she considered a crewmate a few hours before is now likely to be executed for mass murder.

2012-08-28, 12:35 AM
"Bah! A confession laced with sarcasm to try throw us off! Don't even try. " Ammar barked, his hand at his sheath, eyes narrowed. That dirty dragon born, murderer.

Mystic Muse
2012-08-28, 12:46 AM
"Let's not be hasty!" Jeska says, kind confounded that all this happened. "I know this looks suspicious, but if she did this, why isn't she running for her life? I mean, anybody who would do something like that who isn't running for everything their worth because the alternative is the chopping block would have to be insane and an idiot to boot." Jeska says, attempting to sort of make them give Sagirah the benefit of the doubt.


2012-08-28, 12:56 AM
"Obviously, its because she was nursing her wounds, or did you not see them?!" Ammar flared. "Give her enough time to heal up and she'd be running out of town for her life, obviously it what she was doing given we had to set out to find her!" The paladin glowered and sniffed in disgust.

2012-08-28, 08:21 AM
"You caught me," Sagirah deadpanned. "I'm bleeding all over the place, and clearly I'm the only one to ever use shuriken. Case closed, lock me up and throw away the key."

It is at this juncture that Zayn whacks the top of Sagi's head with her spare hand. Nothing overly harsh, just enough to say 'my god, are you trying to die?'

"You idiot. This isn't the time for sarcasm. I mean, what? You think being clever's going to help you? Hells no. But if you've got something *meaningful* to say...Then that'll help you, because I'll help you."

On her own, though, she did have one small argument to make:

"They were already attacking her for being a, what did you call it, sir? 'an animal', I think? -- a scenario like what you're describing doesn't make sense. If you think something's an animal, you don't drop your weapon when it attacks you, expecting mercy. Whatever happened, that story doesn't follow."

Lycan 01
2012-08-28, 08:31 AM
"Huh. That was easy..." the burly guard mutters.

The black-clad holy man listens and watches thoughtfully. When Jeska makes her argument, he nods his head towards Ammar. "Indeed, she was running. We caught here. Here we are now."

He then looks over to Zayn, and shakes his head. "They did not drop their weapons to beg mercy. They dropped their weapons, I believe, so they could run."

The dark-garbed man shifts his gaze to Sagi, and studies her for a moment. "So you admit your guilt. I admire your honesty, despite its taint by sarcasm and spite. You know the Code of Marduk... yes?" he calmly asks.

Oh boy. Here it comes.

2012-08-28, 02:12 PM
Malik didn't know the first thing about the Code of Marduk, but he knew what that usually ended with. A like punishment for a like crime, and if the crime is murder...

Now Malik didn't have much reason to care what happened to a Dragonborn, which made the next thing he did, the last thing he ever wanted to say to a guard, all the more galling.

"Listen, I am a thief."

A moment of silence likely followed, as everyone processed this sudden admission.

"...Hypothetically, I should start with that, I am hypothetically a thief, alright? Now, look here."

Malik takes a knife, and 'stabs' himself in the arm with it, taking hold of it with his other arm.

"Alright, now I am a wounded "thief", you guard, what would you do if you saw me like this, wounded and running from you? I daresay, you would not throw down your weapon, especially when I am in this state."

"Now look, this happens to be her primary arm." He says, touching the wounded arm gingerly. "Correct? So you are telling me well-armed men would throw their weapons down at such a disadvantage?"

He then takes his dagger, and poises with it, like he is on a precipice.

"Now look, I am a 'thief', not her, but a different one, who just saw all of this transpire. And look, this one is wounded, and surely they will go after the blood trail if I simply finish off these stragglers. I, being far more dangerous, can convince them they are outnumbered, and make them flee in terror, while she, being the dragonborn, will take all the blame."

He then sheaths his dagger again.

"So, you see how this all happened? And, I hasten to add, she is indeed very badly wounded, and a single dragonborn could scarcely take on that many men by herself, and come away with little more than a wounded arm."

"Besides, if she truly was the perpetrator of these crimes, there's a fairly obvious way she could have defended herself, and I don't recall any scorch marks at the scene of the crime, do you?"

Lycan 01
2012-08-28, 06:53 PM
The black-garbed stranger shakes his head. "An excellent argument, but I am afraid it falls flat. The chances of a serial killer who uses the same signature weapon as your friend happening upon the crime scene just in time to 'finish the job' is woefully unlikely. And we have no way to gauge her martial abilities when wounded or not, but in case you did not notice, she did reach for her weapons when we accosted her, so clearly she still possesses some ability to fight. And as for not using her dragon's breath, that would have been a foolish move on her part, as it would have automatically exposed her identity not just to us, but to all the town. There would have been mobs of citizens hungry for dragonborn blood. It is no surprise she chose a more 'stealthy' approach. And you seem to have forgotten the part where she confessed," he calmly explains.

After a short silence, the big burly guard looks down at Malik and asks: "...didn't I see you at a jewelry store earlier, hypothetical thief?"

"Bigger sand-fish to fry," the holy man chides him.

The guard grunts in annoyance, and takes a step back.

2012-08-28, 06:59 PM
"She sarcassed! If everything she said sarcastically was true, she'd have been really happy to be eaten by sand-sharks!"

That was a very pathetic argument, and Zayn knew it. But it didn't count as a confession, because Sagi did say things sarcastically fairly often. It was sort of her party role.

No, it was probably better for everyone if she tried to avoid that whole 'code of marduk' dealy. Which meant explaining what she guessed the situation was, terrible as it sounded.

"You called her an animal; there are citizens of this town hungry for dragonborn blood now. In fact, I'm willing to bet that's what started this, or do workers in this town who aren't going to gang up on a girl in a back alley to assault her normally carry weapons?"

2012-08-28, 07:00 PM
Malik, who feels like a giraffe for stretching his neck that far, if giraffes even exist, decides to back off from the scene before drawing more attention to himself.

"Well, I tried." He mutters to himself mostly.

2012-08-29, 07:32 PM
Sagirah reached into her pocket with her good arm ... and produced a bottle of alcohol. She took a big swig. "I know you're not going to believe me, because you're a bunch of racist pigs, but I didn't kill anybody."

Lycan 01
2012-09-03, 05:50 AM
And then the nuns attacked.

Things looked pretty dark for the young dragonborn and the intrepid heroes associated with her. But the desert works in mysterious ways, and those ways sometimes defy all sense of logic and reason.

At just that exact moments, screams where heard from a nearby alley. The Avenger of Marduk and his guard companions, accompanied by the "suspect," her companions, and the other individuals who somehow wound up present all ran off to investigate. They soon found themselves happening upon a gruesome crime in process.

A shapeshifting sand demon was in the process of murdering several dock workers who were enjoying a nice break. It appeared to be a fragmented skeleton of some sort, swathed in tattered rags and swirling sands. The sands would periodically shift into one solid form, and it would temporarily take on the guise of... none other than Sagi. The macabre creature cackled wildly as it raised its hands and sent forth bursts of sand, which rent and shredded their way through the hapless thugs. The sand would then gather together and form shuriken deep within the pulped flesh, or strewn about on the ground.

However, the creature's cackling and wild murderous fun ended when it saw the approaching heroes. Knowing that the jig was up, the creature let loose a hideous howl that send shivers down the spines of all present. The creature then tore itself apart before their eyes, forming a swirling whirlwind of sand, worn fabric, and bone shards, which quickly rose into the air before them. With another unholy shriek, the whirlwind ascended into the sky, and disappeared into the night, leaving a long, piercing wail echoing in its wake.

Well, that certainly changed things.

The champion of Marduk made his apologies to Sagi, and absolved her of wrongdoing. In this situation, at least. The guards were less forgiving, and still wanted to hassle her for her earlier snarking and resistance. However, a harsh glare from the holy man quickly shut them up, and sent them slinking off on their way. The black-garbed man then thanks the Paladin for his assistance, and observes that since night is falling, he'll need a place to stay. The temple of Marduk has a few bunks available that he can use - the rest of the group, though, should probably check the tavern. He bids them good evening, and then heads off to, presumable, handle the legal technicalities and paperwork these murders have produced.

Well... now what?

2012-09-04, 07:37 AM
"I believe you...But you could have said that earlier."

That was the last thing she had a chance to say before the chaos kicked in. And it came like weight off her shoulders, as in the arguments between her cynical head and her faithful heart, her heart had the ultimate trump card.

And....Stuff happened. She eventually gave Sagi a hug. Everything was in order.

"Anyway, I was sort of looking for you because someone's offered us a job. Sounds like a treasure-hunting deal, probably heavy fighting. You in?"

2012-09-04, 10:04 AM
~Huh...I didn't think she was actually THAT innocent...~ Mal thinks to himself, genuinely surprised at this turn of events.

2012-09-05, 11:13 AM
It was such a confusing turn of events, Ammar was most certain it was that horrid dragonborne. But alas. Though there was a new enemy, the shape shifting sand demon that had accosted this town too many lives.

He knew he had to hunt down this foul demon and slay it, was the job of the paladin. Who knew if it would strike again. Tomorrow, he would seek a group, fund it himself if he had to and quest together to slay the beast! Yes, yes, that would do nicely, he would make his father proud.

Ammar gratefully accepted a bunk in the church to stay the night in.

Mystic Muse
2012-09-06, 09:45 PM
"...I don't envy whoever has to deal with that." Jeska says

"Anyway, I was sort of looking for you because someone's offered us a job. Sounds like a treasure-hunting deal, probably heavy fighting. You in?"

"That sounds like a lot of fun. I'd be willing to go along if you'll have me." Jeska says.

2012-09-07, 07:48 AM
"You know, you were offered this job too. And Mal..."

This was what her sensible brain had to say. Her non-sensible heart replied with this:

"But I'd be glad to have you along! You were a big help back there!"

She laughed heartily and pounded Jeska on the back.