View Full Version : AVB Fighting Ring: Hustlertwo's Thread

2012-01-21, 05:38 PM
Myself and DMs only. Anyone else will become Bennett's love slave.

Wilstaff and Bennett, fully outfitted and equipped underneath their presenter's regalia, enter the killing field for their own part in the competition.


-Animal companions, familiars, and other class feature creatures or companions are allowed in matches, as are mounts. Cohorts (wild or otherwise) and anyone acquired through Leadership are not, ditto for any attempts at hiring people to fight with you or buff you.
-First one to go down or surrender is the loser.
-500 gold to enter, the prize to the winner will be half of all the entry fees. Second place will get a magical item of some kind, whose value is guaranteed to be more than the entry fee. XP is awarded for every match (and some even when you lose). All slots in a tournament not taken up by PCs will be taken up by NPCs.
-No pre-buffing.
-It is an endurance-type round. One hour elapses between rounds (during which you cannot do anything). Buffs that last longer than an hour will carry over to the next fight. Spells and power points won't be replenished, same with rages, flurries of blows, so on and so forth. Damage taken remains; you can't heal it in between matches (but can heal it in matches, of course)
-NPCs will lose random amounts of HP in each round to simulate the degradation of their matches (and NPC mages will consume spells in a similar fashion).
-If a match is being unnecessarily stalled, the current fighting ring manager will dip into his Boring Box. It contains a nasty assortment of ranged weapons and combat items to be used on whoever is ticking the crowd off. Mechanics-wise, this can be translated as anyone who either hides or runs away for five rounds or longer without taking an offensive action.
-You must post at least once per day (unless you're currently awaiting DM response). Every day you don't post is a round your character sits idle.
-Other rules may be added as they come up; when in doubt, ask before you do to avoid any rewinds or anything.
-This is a public thread. Matches will take place in separate, and PRIVATE, threads. Summaries of those matches will be posted here. You can read about them here, not there, where the standard rule against seeing other people's threads will apply. If you post in here (as an audience member or fighter watching other fights, or what have you), please post in-character. If the thread starts to fill up too fast, we'll begin charging for 'tickets' to post.

The Map:


-To reiterate what the map rules say above, everything in here is transparent. There is no way to block line of sight aside from magic, powers, or items. Please make a note of it.
-Ignore the lava, it's not there. Those squares instead represent the unpassable border of the map.
-Max elevation is 150 feet above 0. Go past that, you get disqualified as if you ran away.

2012-01-23, 11:00 PM
Init: Bennett [roll0] Wil [roll1]

Also bump. Still participating?

2012-01-26, 10:23 PM
A lone warrior enters the ring looking somewhat confused. He appears to be holding... a bedroll.

So, where do the characters start?

2012-01-26, 10:32 PM
I'll take red, you take green. Can start anywhere in that 4-square area. Wil will be in M-4, Ben in N-4.

2012-01-26, 10:37 PM
The stocky dwarf man starts in M23 and moves to G16, taking stock of you as he does so.


2012-01-26, 10:49 PM
Knowledge local? Is this to find out more about Wil and Ben?

Bennett double moves to E-9, his flail in hand.

Wilstaff moves to G-5 and casts a spell, Spellcraft DC 17 to identify.

False Life, for [roll0] temp HP

2012-01-26, 10:57 PM
The dwarf dances from where he is, up the stairs, to P14.


He sings as he does his dance, waving the bedroll around his head.

"Where, oh, where, oh, where is Suzy? Where, oh, where, oh, where is Suzy? Where, oh, where, oh, where is Suzy? Way don yonder in the paw paw patch."

2012-01-26, 11:05 PM
Wilstaff appraises their foe. I like the dancing one, Bennett. When you crush him, take care not to injure his legs so that we may watch them twitch oh so gracefully as he dies.

Wil double moves to N-10. Bennett double moves to L-13.

2012-01-27, 05:17 AM
"Goooo.... Speeeeed... Racer! GO!"

He seems to run preternaturally fast, speeding forward in the blink of an eye, ending his movement at P10, 10 feet away from you.

"I'm rubber, you're glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and STICKs to you!"

As he chants this, he obviously casts a spell. His arm seems to disjoint and stretch bizarrely, flailing his bedroll at your face. [roll0] Easily connecting with you, you find the bedroll glued firmly to your face, rendering you effectively blinded.

Spellcraft DC15Cantrip: Stick - glues an object of up to 5 pounds to any surface. Can be pried away as a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity.

Best. Cantrip. Evar.

2012-01-27, 11:22 AM
Haha, that's a level 0 spell? I've GOT to get that for Wilstaff, it's both relatively useful and completely hilarious. Can you PM me the full spell description?

Bennett placidly pursues, double-moving to Q-11.

Wilstaff, however, is having problems.

Mrrrphple drrrf!

The hob takes a five foot step back to M-9 and pries the sticky bedroll from his face.

I just don't want to know what you do at night to make your sleeping back quite this sticky, friend.

He then reaches into a pouch, tossing a small ball of fluff onto O-10 (or N-9 to O-10 if it's Large).


2012-01-27, 11:23 AM
A large warhorse appears in N-9 to O-10.

Does it attack this turn?

2012-01-27, 05:59 PM
"Momma always said, 'If you can't say something nice... IMPROVISE!'"

Despite being 15ft away, a chain flashes out from the dwarf's other hand, the attack of opportunity raking across Wilstaff's body and leaving deep, nasty cuts.

[roll1] + [roll2]
(Can't see him, so you're flat-footed)

Just as the bag comes off Wilstaff's face, he sticks his tongue out and crosses his eyes as an immediate action while shouting "BLAGH!"

Make a Will save.
If you beat the DC, then you can take your turn.

2012-01-27, 11:53 PM
The chain bites deep into Wilstaff's flesh...albeit not as deep as it would a normal person.


2012-01-28, 02:49 AM
He succeeds on the Will save; however, knowing he's within attack range he has to either cast defensively or potentially risk another AoO...

2012-01-28, 11:34 AM
It's not a spell, it's a Tan Bag of Tricks.

2012-01-28, 09:30 PM
Sorry. I was really tired when I posted that. Ignore.You now have a large warhorse.

Fillian attempts to [roll0] around the warhorse to M7.

"It's just like a merry-go-round... except the horse isn't moving... and isn't pink... and is NOTHING like a merry-go-round at all! False advertising, man! Not cool!"

Rolling past the adorable horsey, he continues to try to target Wilstaff. Bennett is too far away, and he'd never hurt a big, dumb beast. His oddly stretching arm extends in a whip-like manner to slap Wilstaff across the face.

"NO! Bad goblin! Don't you know there are leash laws in this city?!"

Casting a spell in the process, Wilstaff take [roll1] + 6 + [roll2] damage, Fortitude half.

Spellcraft DC17Wracking Touch. Deals 1d6+CasterLevel+Sneak Attack damage, Fort half. Target does not have to be flanked or flat-footed to take SA damage.

2012-01-29, 03:32 AM
Fort save roll (Mythweavers is down, will add mod later if it ends up mattering).


Bennett double-moves to X-16.

Wilstaff points to the harness that has popped into being with the horse.

Ha ha! He comes pre-leashed for my convenience! Never try to match wits with the Wilstaff! Now stop bad-touching me, and prepare for the wrath of my demon steed. Dearest horsey...stampede his nuts.

The horse will step closer to Fillian (in N-8/O-9) and unleash a barrage of horsey goodness all up in his face.

[roll1] [roll2] [roll3] (will roll damage if any of these hit)

Ride the pony of pain!

Wilstaff will try to cast a spell defensively. [roll4] If it succeeds Wilstaff will fly 60 feet up.

Hooray for Myth finally coming back up so I could see what I had prepared.

2012-01-29, 03:57 AM
"What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? WHAT are you DOING?!

... Go with the last one."

The horse hits him only with the last attack.

"OWWW!!! I wasn't talking to you, ya dumb animal!"

He takes his AoO for Wilstaff flying up.


"Oh, Rapunzel! Let down your hair! Rapunzel? Helllloooo? Hair please? Fine! I'll find my own way up!"

He pulls a scroll from his belt as a move action, drawing an AoO from the horse. He then attempts to cast a spell from it, drawing another AoO from the horse. [roll2].

2012-01-29, 04:37 AM
forum error

2012-01-29, 05:14 PM
I had actually changed the spell to Blindness because I wasn't sure if I had Fly prepared. But I guess we can leave it as posted since apparently I did.

Also, is the AoO with his hand, or the chain?

Finally, drawing an item does not incur an AoO, actually. Just sheathing one. Not that it matters, horse can only do one of them anyhow.[/spoiler]

Horsey damage

Horsey AoO on spellcasting [roll1] [roll1d6+4

Too late, hot plate.

Wilstaff flies to U-17 +60 and burns one charge on his healing belt for [roll2] in healing.

Bennett double moves to X-24.

The horse will double move to X-17/Y-18, taking the squeezing penalty where necessary.

2012-01-29, 05:15 PM
Horsey AoO roll. [roll0]

2012-01-29, 08:36 PM
The attack was from his chained slashing weapon.

Taking an item from a pack/bag/etc is the "Retrieve a stored item" Move Action, which does provoke AoOs.Regardless of when the attack is made, Fillian leans a half inch to the left at the last second, causing the horse's attack to miss completely. He finishes reading the scroll as if nothing happened, causing a massive stone ramp to emerge from the ground 20 feet long and 30 feet high going from L-7 to L-10.

Another flash of light from his belt, and Fillian is at the top of the ramp in L-10, holding a strange spear-like weapon with an attached rope.

"I can see my house from here!"

2012-01-29, 09:06 PM
"Hey! Come back here! That's no fair!"

Fillian attempts to cast again from the same scroll. [roll0]
Another bridge of stone forms connected to the first, occasional buttressing supporting its weight. It stretches from M10 to P13. Fillian immediately walks down it towards Wilstaff, stopping in P13.

2012-01-29, 09:23 PM
is too is too is too! Tell 'im, Bennett!

The skeleton says nothing.

Ha ha, good one, my cruel compadre. Hope you brought a potion to cure you from that wicked burn, sticky man.

Wilstaff flies to Y-26 +60, then taps a sigil on his gloves and points at Fillian, sending 5 spheroids screaming toward him for [roll0] damage.

Bennett 5 foot to Y-25, sheathing his flail and drawing a dagger.

The horse moves to W-25/X-26.

2012-01-29, 09:35 PM
Fillian takes the blast then takes a 5ft step to P12, intentionally falling the 30 feet to land behind the wall.

(Have to see the roll results before posting other actions)

2012-01-29, 09:38 PM
Fillian takes 4 damage from the fall.

Pulling a potion from his bag, he quickly drinks it, healing [roll0].

2012-01-29, 11:04 PM
Wilstaff looks incredulous.

Whaddya know...he really did need a potion to recover from your burn, Bennie. This wall, though. I just do not like walls.

Wil flies to R-12+60, drawing out his bow as he moves and firing it at Fillian.

[roll0] [roll1]

He then shifts the bow to a one-handed grip to allow himself to better grab his little hobgoblins and shout at his foe If you want to die so bad you'll jump off a wall to do it, why not sit still and let me help you out, Sir Sticky?

2012-01-29, 11:53 PM
With a fly speed of 60, how do you get from Y26 to R12 and still be able to attack?

2012-01-30, 11:17 AM
Yeah, ignore me. I was going from the round before that when I was at U-17.

Wilstaff looks incredulous.

Whaddya know...he really did need a potion to recover from your burn, Bennie. This wall, though. I just do not like walls.

He shouts at his foe If you want to die so bad you'll jump off a wall to do it, why not sit still and let me help you out, Sir Sticky?

The hob stays where he is, draws a potion and drinks it, whereupon he drops the vial to the arena floor below.

Faith Healing, 9 points restored.

End turn.

2012-01-31, 08:47 AM
Fillian takes another 5ft step to the left, into O12. Using the cover, he [roll0].

2012-01-31, 09:08 AM
Wilstaff flies out to U-17 +60 and readies an action:

to cast Magic Missile if LoE is established.

Technically speaking, we don't have LoS right now. But easier to keep posting stuff in the open compared to getting a third party to arbitrate such matters.

2012-01-31, 09:26 AM
Fillian doesn't move from his spot but...

Your character can't see this. :smalltongue:He silently drinks a potion of shield.

2012-01-31, 11:19 AM
I don't think Shield can be potionized. I forget the exact reasoning, but I believe it had something to do with it being a personal range spell?

2012-01-31, 09:18 PM
Really? I've never heard of that before. Alright, then he draws a scroll and casts it from the scroll. I'll just assume "potion of shield" on his sheet was "scroll of shield."


2012-01-31, 09:43 PM
Yeah, came up a lot in Arena since Magic Missile is so popular there. There's something called Nightshield that can be potionized, but not Shield itself. But I'm good with Fillian scrollifying it instead.

Wilstaff remains in his spot, and retains his readied action.

Warrrrior....come out and playyyyyy.

2012-01-31, 11:44 PM
Even if Fillian came out, there would still be a tall, indestructible magic wall blocking LoE. So, he stays put, readying an action to attack Wilstaff with his weapon if Wilstaff comes within range. He remains hidden.

2012-01-31, 11:45 PM
Even if Fillian came out, there would still be a tall, indestructible magic wall blocking LoE. So, he stays put, readying an action to attack Wilstaff with his weapon if Wilstaff comes within range. He remains hidden.

2012-02-01, 12:15 AM
Seems we are at an impasse, friend. Why go to the trouble of walling up my pretty Arena just to cower in the corner?

Wilstaff flies back to Y-26, descending to +30 along the way.

The others do nothing.

2012-02-06, 10:40 AM
Sorry about not posting. I've been working so many back to back doubles and kept falling asleep as soon as I sat down to reply to anything.Fillian says nothing but moves north, following the stone wall above him until he meets one of the glass walls. (I forget where he is at the moment and am posting from my phone.)

2012-02-06, 01:17 PM
No problem. With my PC as the only one left in the tournament, no great rush. Aside from the gold received at the end to fatten up my Extracity Watch purse, that is (and to a lesser extent, Wilstaff's personal cash).

Wilstaff moves to Y-17 +30, readying an action:

to cast Blindness if Fillian comes within LoE and the spell's range.

Bennett moves to Y-18.

2012-02-20, 04:50 PM
Sorry, but my PC's thread is heating up and the money/XP from this tournament is now needed. As per the each day without a post is one round spent idle rule...

Bennett and the horse venture out, taking two rounds apiece to reach Fillian. Once there they surround him and attack a bunch. Bennett with his claws (2 attacks per round), the horse with his horse accoutrements.









2012-02-20, 04:53 PM
Crit confirm for Bennett:


For horse:


Since the Shield wears off somewhere in the middle of there, plus I doubt Fillian's AC ever went above 25 even with it, that should do for him.