View Full Version : Star Wars: The Price of Freedom

Lycan 01
2012-01-21, 06:07 PM
In the shaded lighting and smokey haze of a Corellian bar, a group of prospective spacers have gathered to start a small venture together. From varying corners of the galaxy, ranging from spacehounds to aristocrats, they've somehow joined up together and come into joint possession of a starship. One of them, likely with a little financial backing from one or more members of the ground, managed to purchase a Corellian YT-1300 freighter a few days ago. Used, of course. Its a stock model with the basic features expected of that model starship, albeit a little worse for wear. The ship is currently docked at one of the nearby spaceports, which is located only located several blocks over.

Unfortunately, they were only able to put down slightly more than the required down payment. They're still about 10,000 credits short of fully paying off the ship, and the sooner they pay it off, the better. But this is Corellia - somebody's always looking to hire a starship and crew. Be it for transport, smuggling, exploring, escaping, or just an excuse to burn credits, there are many reasons for somebody to wish to pay for their services. The problem, however, is finding the right deal.

The group is seated at a small table in one of the back corners of the cantina. Its still the middle of the afternoon, though you couldn't tell from the dim lights and lack of windows. Ergo, the bar is nowhere near full, though it does have a decent amount of patronage right now. The bartender and owner of the establishment is a somewhat obese Quarren, who's casually cleaning glasses behind the bar. A black-furred Wookie is calmly sitting at the bar enjoying his drink, while a green-skinned Rodian sitting a few seats down from him is completely sloshed and liable to fall off of his stool any minute now. A Twi'lek barmaid with blue skin and revealing attire casually makes her rounds, delivering drinks to and ignoring crass remarks from a pair of Zabrak scoundrels. Meanwhile, a cloaked Bothan and a lightly-armored Trandoshan sit at another table near the back of the bar, having a quiet discussion while watching the rest of the bar with disinterest.

Here we go again. :smalltongue: You know the drill. You can use this opportunity to introduce and describe your characters, then do whatever the heck you want. Feel free to talk to NPCs, order food and drink, try to find work, or wait for work to perhaps come find you. Have at it! :smallbiggrin:

2012-01-22, 01:46 AM
The Twi-lek captain of the currently unnamed Corellian YT-1300 freighter sat around drinking corellian merlot, a little purple in her blue pale cheeks, but nonetheless was having a good time.

"Aaaah....that really hits the spot you know," Shakti gave off a charming smile, she had a sort of charismatic presence, it was difficult to retain a frown for too long around her.

"Hey beautiful, another corellian merlot please," Shakti flashed the barmaid a smile, well, the compliment was really because the two looked similar and Shakti was sort of complimenting her own self, but hey, no one had to know that.

Lycan 01
2012-01-22, 02:25 AM
"Uh, y-yes ma'am," the blue Twi'lek replies, a slight stammer in her voice as her cheeks go from blue to purple. Visibly flustered, she turns around and seems to pause for a brief moment, before walking back towards the counter with her hips not-quite-subtly swaying.

The Zabrak scoundrels just stare, the one on the left's jaw slightly hanging open. The drunk Rodian giggles, before having to regain his balance just before falling off his stool. When the barmaid gets to the counter, the bartender mutters something to her with a chuckle in an alien dialect, and she hisses something back at him under her breath.

Mystic Muse
2012-01-22, 02:43 AM
Smoothie had come here to help her friend get away from Reporters. Her job was very simple; Keep her friend in line, and put up with her crap.

There weren't enough credits in the world for the latter job.

By now, she knew what it was like to be hit on when the attention was very much not wanted, and so she sympathized with the Twi'lek barmaid. .

She turned towards the Black Wookie.

So, what's your story? Smoothie asks in as polite a tone as possible. She had come here to enjoy her drink, then get back to the ship and Meditate.

This is what she was in fact doing, but her friend always teased her that she had to have been doing something else in there, because nobody is boring enough to meditate for twenty hours straight.

Then Smoothie forced her to watch.

Her friend believes her now.

Smoothie had been meditating for several reasons. She preferred keeping her mind clear, and cleansing it of her friend's....filth. The only thing she was interested in learning from her friend at this point was how to use a Lightsaber correctly, without several responses that were horribly sexual.

At the moment though, she was just curious about the big black Wookie.

2012-01-22, 02:51 AM
Shaki H'darr

The twi'lek scoundrel smirked as she watched those swaying hips walk to the bar counter. She played with her old glass and looked at her companions who were in her with her as she waited for new glass of drink.

Lycan 01
2012-01-22, 02:53 AM
The big black Wookie turns towards Smoothie and arches a furred eyebrow. It lets out an alternating series of low growls.


"~Oh, hello? Do you actually speak my language? That's uncommon among your species...~"

(Perception check)

Mystic Muse
2012-01-22, 02:56 AM
The big black Wookie turns towards Smoothie and arches a furred eyebrow. It lets out an alternating series of low growls.


"~Oh, hello? Do you actually speak my language? That's uncommon among your species...~"

(Perception check)


"Well, I can't really speak it, but I do understand it." Smoothie responds."So, what are you doing in a Cantina on Corellia?"

Lycan 01
2012-01-22, 03:02 AM
The Wookie smirks. It makes several more grunts, then idly gestures at the Rodian. The green alien turns and begins to wave enthusiastically. "Hiiiii!" it says in nasally, accented Basic.


"~I am here to make sure my drunken friend stays out of trouble. He has a knack for that...~"

The Wookie sounds very civil and reserved, albeit exasperated. Likely a result of his friend's antics.

Mystic Muse
2012-01-22, 03:09 AM
The Wookie smirks. It makes several more grunts, then idly gestures at the Rodian. The green alien turns and begins to wave enthusiastically. "Hiiiii!" it says in nasally, accented Basic.


"~I am here to make sure my drunken friend stays out of trouble. He has a knack for that...~"

The Wookie sounds very civil and reserved, albeit exasperated. Likely a result of his friend's antics.

Smoothie chuckles a bit at the Wookie's response.

I have a friend with the same tendency. she says giving him a small smile back. Kind of irritating, but I manage to live with it.

Smoothie politely waves back to the Rodian, though more conservatively, and says "Hi" as well.

2012-01-22, 11:14 AM
The droid enters the bar.

5L-4L is a tall, solidly-built droid, clad in only a simple, threadbare cloak that covers most of his outer casing, which is made of resilient durasteel. He turns his head to look at the bartender, ensuring that his presence here would not be objected to, and then eyes the others gathered at the bar. His keen sensors quickly spot his new organic companions.

5L-4L approaches his Twi'lek captain with a level of grace beyond that of most droids. "Captain," he says in his low, slow, baritone voice, "I hope I am not interrupting anything. May I join you?"

2012-01-22, 12:12 PM
Shakti H'darr

"Not at all my metal friend, come sit down, join us," She said gesturing to an empty seat at the table.

2012-01-22, 03:06 PM
5L-4L sweeps his cloak back a little so he can sit, and then does so. What might be a black blaster pistol can briefly be seen during the motion. "Thank you, captain," he says flatly. "I must admit, I am eager to begin working; it would be advantageous to earn money to make upgrades so I can better defend the rest of the crew."

Lix Lorn
2012-01-22, 03:28 PM
Shortly after her droid, Sephy finishes... whatever it was she was doing, (it's unlikely that anyone wants to know) and heads into the bar, headed for the group. Seeing her droid speaking to the captain, and her best friend speaking to a rodian and a wookie, she heads towards the latter.

"Hey sweetie." she smiles at Smoothie, before giving a dazzling grin to the wookie and the rodian.

Mystic Muse
2012-01-22, 03:34 PM
Shortly after her droid, Sephy finishes... whatever it was she was doing, (it's unlikely that anyone wants to know) and heads into the bar, headed for the group. Seeing her droid speaking to the captain, and her best friend speaking to a rodian and a wookie, she heads towards the latter.

"Hey sweetie." she smiles at Smoothie, before giving a dazzling grin to the wookie and the rodian.

Hi Sephy. Smoothie says with a slight groan. She really didn't like being called Sweetie. She didn't like being called much of anything for that matter. If she had to be called something, she preferred something that didn't make it sound like the two were in a relationship.

2012-01-22, 03:38 PM
Immediately upon seeing Sephy enter, 5L-4L instantly becomes more alert, but doesn't stand. He wasn't aware that she'd finished... whatever she was doing. "My apologies," he says, turning to his charge, "I was not aware that you were ready to leave just yet."

Lix Lorn
2012-01-22, 03:55 PM
Hi Sephy. Smoothie says with a slight groan. She really didn't like being called Sweetie. She didn't like being called much of anything for that matter. If she had to be called something, she preferred something that didn't make it sound like the two were in a relationship.
Sephy grins. It's quite possible that that's why she said it... but equally possible that she just doesn't know how to not speak in a flirty way.

Immediately upon seeing Sephy enter, 5L-4L instantly becomes more alert, but doesn't stand. He wasn't aware that she'd finished... whatever she was doing. "My apologies," he says, turning to his charge, "I was not aware that you were ready to leave just yet."
"Not a problem, Fivel. You know what you're doing." she says, cheerfully.

Mystic Muse
2012-01-22, 04:10 PM
Smoothie says to the Black Wookie Sephy is the friend I was talking about. in a vaguely irritated voice. She takes a drink of her blue space milk.

Lycan 01
2012-01-22, 06:25 PM
The Twilek barmaid returns to Shakti's table with her drink on a platter. A slight tinge of purple is still on her cheeks when she sets the drink down, saying "Here you go, ma'am," as she does so.

The two Zabraks watch Sephy as she flirtatiously greets Smoothie and the two aliens. They begin to whisper back and forth with lopsided grins.

"Hiiiii..." the Rodian drones in response to Sephy, his already-big eyes growing even wider as he looks her over.

The Wookie chuckles, before grunting and growling a few things at Smoothie.


"~I see. I feel your pain, human. So what brings you here to Corellia? You're not drowning your sorrows like my friend here, so I assume there must be some other reason for your presence?~"

Lix Lorn
2012-01-22, 07:17 PM
"Hiiiii..." the Rodian drones in response to Sephy, his already-big eyes growing even wider as he looks her over.

The Wookie chuckles, before grunting and growling a few things at Smoothie.


"~I see. I feel your pain, human. So what brings you here to Corellia? You're not drowning your sorrows like my friend here, so I assume there must be some other reason for your presence?~"

Sephy grins widely and winks at the Rodian.
"Hiiiii to you too."

Mystic Muse
2012-01-22, 07:18 PM
The Twilek barmaid returns to Shakti's table with her drink on a platter. A slight tinge of purple is still on her cheeks when she sets the drink down, saying "Here you go, ma'am," as she does so.

The two Zabraks watch Sephy as she flirtatiously greets Smoothie and the two aliens. They begin to whisper back and forth with lopsided grins.

"Hiiiii..." the Rodian drones in response to Sephy, his already-big eyes growing even wider as he looks her over.

The Wookie chuckles, before grunting and growling a few things at Smoothie.


"~I see. I feel your pain, human. So what brings you here to Corellia? You're not drowning your sorrows like my friend here, so I assume there must be some other reason for your presence?~"

"Trying to keep my friend out of trouble. She's kind of naturally prone to it." Smoothie says, noticing the Zabraks making comments about her. This "Vacation" was becoming less and less relaxing. She was considering just going back to the ship at this point, and locking her self in her room.

2012-01-22, 07:20 PM
Shakti H'darr

"Thank you kindly cutie pie," She sports a lazy smirk and gives the barmaid a playful wink. She dips a slender cyan finger in the drink and gives it a little stir and proceeds to casually lick the dropletts off her finger, all while giving the barmaid that smirk.

She continues for the moment to just sit casually and quietly to the conversations around her, even if she doesn't understand most of the tongues.

2012-01-22, 08:49 PM
Fivel tilts his head slightly as he watches the others eyeing his owner; sometimes the way organics interacted would confuse Fivel, but in the time he'd known Sephy, he'd become used to the sort of looks they were giving the human.

He once more turns to Shakti. Her flirtaceous glances at the other Twi'lek were not missed by the droid, but he gave it no mind. "Do you suppose," the droid says in a low voice, "that one of these patrons is likely to hire us?"

Lycan 01
2012-01-22, 09:35 PM
"My name is Zeebo," the Rodian introduces himself to Sephy, shifting from side to side due to drunkenness and/or nervousness. "I'm a mechanic..."

The Wookie grunts a few things to Smoothie.


"~I see. Perhaps we should step in before they get beyond introductions?~"

Meanwhile, across the bar, Shakti's antics are having interesting results. The barmaid's blue face takes on a deep purple hue, and the platter almost drops out of her hands as her eyes remain locked on Shakti's mouth while she sucks the liquor from her fingers. She opens her mouth a bit, seemingly trying to figure out something to say, while her head tentacles subtly twitch. Finally, she gives her head a slight shake, and blinks her eyes back into focus. "Er, uh, are you horn- hungry? Hungry?" she asks, flashing a nervous grin. "I can get you something to eat. Or let me know if there's anything thing else you like me to do to you. For you!" she corrects herself, her blush growing into perhaps the deepest shade of purple ever to exist in the known galaxy.

The Zabraks are staring, jaws agape. Even the shadowy Bothan and Trandoshan have turned their attention towards the hot Twi'lek action, though they're still carrying on their idle discussion between curious glances.

Mystic Muse
2012-01-22, 09:41 PM
"My name is Zeebo," the Rodian introduces himself to Sephy, shifting from side to side due to drunkenness and/or nervousness. "I'm a mechanic..."

The Wookie grunts a few things to Smoothie.


"~I see. Perhaps we should step in before they get beyond introductions?~"

Smoothie knows Sephy pretty well.

This means she knows Sephy doesn't have standards, and probably would get beyond introductions with the Rodian. Plus, her job was keeping her friend out of trouble.

"Yes, let's. Sephy, I'm sorry, but I need you back at the ship, okay?" she asks, trying to get her friend out of there before there was a repeat of the incident.

Lix Lorn
2012-01-22, 09:47 PM
"Aww." she pouts. "What for? I was just about to start... talking!"

Mystic Muse
2012-01-22, 09:56 PM
"Aww." she pouts. "What for? I was just about to start... talking!"

Well, Smoothie had been wanting to learn how to properly wield a lightsaber anyway. Now seemed as good a time as ever. Especially since her friend was about to get in another incident.

Just trust me on this, alright? she says.

Lix Lorn
2012-01-22, 09:58 PM
Siiigh. "Fine."
She looks at Zeebo, and winks. "Call me later. The droid can give you my number." she says, nodding towards Fivel.

2012-01-22, 10:05 PM
Fivel tilts his head slightly as he watches the others eyeing his owner; sometimes the way organics interacted would confuse Fivel, but in the time he'd known Sephy, he'd become used to the sort of looks they were giving the human.

He once more turns to Shakti. Her flirtaceous glances at the other Twi'lek were not missed by the droid, but he gave it no mind. "Do you suppose," the droid says in a low voice, "that one of these patrons is likely to hire us?"

"At the end of the day, that's what ah hope for even if the chances are slim that one of these folk here by chance has something they need hiring for," Shakti says with a small smile as takes another quick observation of the general area here.

Meanwhile, across the bar, Shakti's antics are having interesting results. The barmaid's blue face takes on a deep purple hue, and the platter almost drops out of her hands as her eyes remain locked on Shakti's mouth while she sucks the liquor from her fingers. She opens her mouth a bit, seemingly trying to figure out something to say, while her head tentacles subtly twitch. Finally, she gives her head a slight shake, and blinks her eyes back into focus. "Er, uh, are you horn- hungry? Hungry?" she asks, flashing a nervous grin. "I can get you something to eat. Or let me know if there's anything thing else you like me to do to you. For you!" she corrects herself, her blush growing into perhaps the deepest shade of purple ever to exist in the known galaxy.

The Zabraks are staring, jaws agape. Even the shadowy Bothan and Trandoshan have turned their attention towards the hot Twi'lek action, though they're still carrying on their idle discussion between curious glances.

The mostly cyan Twi'lek lets out a small low chuckle with a come hither smile. "I'll have for lunch whatever you recommend, I'm sure you have...good tastes."

Mystic Muse
2012-01-22, 10:10 PM
Siiigh. "Fine."
She looks at Zeebo, and winks. "Call me later. The droid can give you my number." she says, nodding towards Fivel.

Smoothie pushes her friend out of the bar back towards the ship.

Once back there, she makes sure to take her to a room and close the door before saying to her

"What are you thinking? Aren't we trying to avoid another incident? If you get caught with a Rodian, do you really think it'll be limited to just your home? You'll never have a private moment for the rest of your life." she says, oddly not sounding very angry. Smoothie tended to be a bit reserved when it came to her emotions.

Lix Lorn
2012-01-22, 10:20 PM
Blink blink.
"...is that all?" she says, mildly annoyed. "That'd only be a problem if someone was FILMING us!"

Mystic Muse
2012-01-22, 10:26 PM
Blink blink.
"...is that all?" she says, mildly annoyed. "That'd only be a problem if someone was FILMING us!"

"I'm trying to keep you out of trouble, alright? This means preventing you from having relations with weird aliens. It doesn't matter if there's film if it gets all the way across the Galaxy. If you're intent on having "fun", ask the captain.... I'm pretty sure she just convinced that bar maid to switch teams. Smoothie says, rolling her eyes in exasperation at her overly hormonal crew mates.

"Besides...I was kinda hoping.....maybe you'd help me learn how to use a lightsaber?" she says, telling her crewmate the main reason she dragged her back to the ship.

Lycan 01
2012-01-22, 10:31 PM
"Aw, bye bye..." the Rodian waves after Sephy and Smoothie, and the Wookie gives a farewell growl as well.

"Hee, well, you'd be right... I do have good - and varied - tastes," the still-blushing barmaid replies back with a coy smile. "I'll be back with you meal in a moment, ma'am..." she says. As she turns to leave, one of her head-tentacles gives a subtle twitch; Shakti recognizes this as being on par with a wink, in Twi'lek lekku-speak. The barmaid then heads back over to the bar, a noticeable bounce in her step.

As she begins to banter with the bartender, a new patron walks into the bar. Clad in a grey traveler's cloak, their identity concealed by a hood, they pause near the entrance of the cantina to look around for a moment, before heading over to the bar and speaking with the bartender.

2012-01-22, 10:37 PM
Fivel examines this new entity more carefully, though attempting not to be obvious while doing so.

2012-01-22, 11:02 PM
Shakti H'darr

She watches the purple cheeked barmaid leave to the bar, presumably to fetch her some good grub. She watched as Sephy and Smoothie left presumably for the ship, who knows what they'd be up to. She casually sipped her drink and looked over at Fivel and watched his line of sight.

"So cliche," She smirks referring to the cloaked figure who just walked in with their hood concealing their face. "It makes one look more suspicious when they're concealing themselves like that haha." She's just making an observational joke, speaking to Fivel.

2012-01-22, 11:21 PM
Fivel briefly looks down at his own cloak, mentally notes that it has no hood, and then silently turns his gaze elsewhere after a few seconds.

Lycan 01
2012-01-22, 11:43 PM
After a few minutes, the barmaid leaves the bar and returns to Shakti and Fivel's table. She's holding a plate of food on the serving tray, and her hips have a bit of a swagger to them, as if she's trying to subtly flaunt her hips. Her blush has mostly disappeared, though there's still a slight hint of purple on her cheeks.

"Here you go, ma'am," the Twi'lek smiles meekly as she sets the food down in front of Shakti. She then pauses, and says in a low voice: "By the way, weren't you and your droid saying something about looking for work a few minutes ago? Well, the person who just came in was asking the bartender about patrons who may be offering transportation. Should I send them your way?" she asks in a hushed tone.

2012-01-23, 12:10 AM
She briefly glances at Fivel, unaware that she made him a little self-conscious. When the barmaid returned she a adopted a sly smile. She looked at the warm plate of gruuvan shaal, mmm, lizardy, and took a whiff of the seasoned aroma.

"Oh? Sounds like someone here was being a little eavesdropper," She playfully winks and brushes her hand casually on the barmaid's wrist. "Though, I would very much appreciate it if you could send them our way nonetheless." She withdrew her hand and picked up one end of the wooden spit and deliberately took sexy bites.

2012-01-23, 12:22 AM
Fivel leans in to pay attention to the barmaid, a gesture that he'd picked up from the organics to indicate interest. Yes. I do not mean to speak for the captain, but it would be helpful."

He deliberately avoided the urge to tell the barmaid that he did not, in fact, belong to Shakti; such information was unnecessary in this situation.

Lycan 01
2012-01-23, 12:27 AM
Shakti's attempt at seduction does not go as well as she'd hoped. When she bites into the meat, its much more tender than she expects. What was supposed to be a "sexy bite" results in a large piece of perfectly-cooked lizard meat hanging out of her mouth.

The barmaid giggles. "Bravo," she says with a wink. "Now, I'll go speak to the other patron for you. Was there anything else you'll be needing?" she asks. Unless told otherwise, she cheerfully bounces back to the bar.

2012-01-23, 12:32 AM
Shakti finds her own self blushing a little and hastily and almost cartoonishly gulps the partially chewed lizard meat and washes it down with her drink. "I uh...no...that w-will be all for now," So uncool behavior Shakti, tsk tsk. After the barmaid leaves she looks over at Fivel.

"We don't tell the crew about that moment of mine." She says in a deadpan tone, its almost a humorous little scene.

2012-01-23, 12:57 AM
The droid simply nods in reply. He neglects to tell her that as a droid, he is obligated by his programming to obey the commands of his master; if Sephy gave him a direct order, he would have to tell her about it. Still, he doubted that she would ask Fivel about it.

"Our would-be customer seems to be either a Zabrack or a human," Fivel says, changing the subject.

2012-01-23, 01:16 AM
"Oh? How can you tell our cloaked 'friend' here could be either of those?" She asks curiously, and to distract herself from her 'smooth' behavior just moments ago.

2012-01-23, 01:26 AM
"I saw the lower half of the face," replies 5L-4L, indicating to his own face with his hand, despite his visage only tangentially humanoid. "It was only a brief glimpse, however; I could be mistaken."

2012-01-23, 08:26 AM
"I see," She simply said in mild thought about the topic. She took another bite of her food and washed it down with her drink. "Well, regardless, we're probably going to find out soon anyway when they come over here."

Lix Lorn
2012-01-23, 10:23 AM
"I'm trying to keep you out of trouble, alright? This means preventing you from having relations with weird aliens. It doesn't matter if there's film if it gets all the way across the Galaxy. If you're intent on having "fun", ask the captain.... I'm pretty sure she just convinced that bar maid to switch teams. Smoothie says, rolling her eyes in exasperation at her overly hormonal crew mates.

"Besides...I was kinda hoping.....maybe you'd help me learn how to use a lightsaber?" she says, telling her crewmate the main reason she dragged her back to the ship.

"That's not trouble! That's just fun! How would it get all across the galaxy without any proof?" she says annoyed. Fortunately, she's distracted by the request.
"...what? Really?" raised eyebrow.

Mystic Muse
2012-01-23, 02:41 PM
"That's not trouble! That's just fun! How would it get all across the galaxy without any proof?" she says annoyed. Fortunately, she's distracted by the request.
"...what? Really?" raised eyebrow.

Yeah. If you wouldn't mind. she says, feeling kinda small at the moment.

Lix Lorn
2012-01-23, 03:41 PM
Blink blink.
"You know that if anyone finds out, the chances of you surviving are kinda... not?" she warns.

Mystic Muse
2012-01-23, 03:45 PM
Blink blink.
"You know that if anyone finds out, the chances of you surviving are kinda... not?" she warns.

....I don't care. Smoothie says truthfully. Ever since that day, she dreamed of becoming a Jedi. It didn't matter to her, because she knew this from day one. She hated the empire, and once she found out she was force sensitive, she knew what she wanted to do to oppose them. I'm not very strong, so I won't be very good, but I'd like to know anyway. she says truthfully.

Lix Lorn
2012-01-23, 06:31 PM
She nods slowly. "Okay then. But it'll be a while before you get anywhere near an actual saber." she warns. "I don't want you cutting off your own leg. Your sister'd never talk to me again..."

Mystic Muse
2012-01-23, 08:09 PM
She nods slowly. "Okay then. But it'll be a while before you get anywhere near an actual saber." she warns. "I don't want you cutting off your own leg. Your sister'd never talk to me again..."

"If she found out you did it with a Rodian, I don't think she'd ever talk to you again anyway. She's pretty understanding, but I think there's a point where she'd really hate your guts for something like that. That's also why I'm trying to avoid a repeat of things." she says, referring to the incident. "And not using an actual one at the moment is fine with me." she says. She's not exactly eager to lose a piece of her body.

Lycan 01
2012-01-23, 10:47 PM
After a few moments, the cloaked stranger leaves the bar and walks over towards Fivel and Shakti's table. Pulling up a chair, they take a seat across from the Twi'lek and the droid. They fold their black-gloved hands in front of them and rest them on the table, and then state: "Greetings." Their voice is that of a young female, though the dim lighting and the shadow of their hood keeps their appearance concealed. "I understand you're looking for work?"

2012-01-23, 11:00 PM
"You are correct there..ma'am," Shakti said with a casualness as she subtly tried to get a better look at the person here, but didn't put much effort really.

2012-01-23, 11:17 PM
Fivel pays attention to their words, but says nothing; it would hardly be professional for the bodyguard to speak at this point.

Lycan 01
2012-01-23, 11:27 PM
The cloaked figure nods thoughtfully. "I see. I assume you have a ship? Do you offer transportation?" the female stranger inquires. "I'm looking for passage off planet. Trying to get to Tattoine, specifically. Is that something you'd be interested in?"

2012-01-24, 12:10 AM
She tries to play it cool and casually takes a sip of her drink. "How much are you willing to pay for transport?"

Lycan 01
2012-01-24, 12:17 AM
"Five thousand," she replies factually. "Standard credits. Half up front, half when we arrive. That good enough for you?"

2012-01-24, 12:34 AM
"Oh 5k eh?" The twi'lek lazily smirked and looked at the cloaked possible employer. That would....really help in paying back her debt much quicker. "You know ma'am, that sounds plenty good enough."

Lycan 01
2012-01-24, 01:23 AM
"Excellent," the stranger nods, a tinge of excitement detectable in her voice. "When will we be departing? I am ready whenever you wish. Also, I suppose introductions are in order. My name is Velaria Luxis," she idly gestures at herself. "My business is my own, I'm afraid."

2012-01-24, 09:27 AM
"Shakti, a pleasure Miss Luxis. My companion here, well, we call them 'Fivel'. We'll probably be departing in a bit. And yes, your business is your own, unless it starts causing trouble for my crew, then I might have to charge you extra." Shakti kept her lazy smile and winked in supposed 'jest'.

Lix Lorn
2012-01-24, 10:32 AM
"If she found out you did it with a Rodian, I don't think she'd ever talk to you again anyway. She's pretty understanding, but I think there's a point where she'd really hate your guts for something like that. That's also why I'm trying to avoid a repeat of things." she says, referring to the incident. "And not using an actual one at the moment is fine with me." she says. She's not exactly eager to lose a piece of her body.
"I'm sure she wouldn't mind." she says happily. "It's not like Rodian's are dangerous or anything."

It's possible she's entirely missing the point.

"Okay. Well, we'll need to find some kind of stick or staff of approximately the right length and weight..."

Mystic Muse
2012-01-24, 11:06 AM
"I'm sure she wouldn't mind." she says happily. "It's not like Rodian's are dangerous or anything."

It's possible she's entirely missing the point.

"Okay. Well, we'll need to find some kind of stick or staff of approximately the right length and weight..."

"Alright..." Smoothie says, helping set out to look for the staff, not pointing out why her sister would be disappointed. She had the feeling Sephy wouldn't get it anyway.

Lix Lorn
2012-01-24, 12:48 PM
"Alright..." Smoothie says, helping set out to look for the staff, not pointing out why her sister would be disappointed. She had the feeling Sephy wouldn't get it anyway.
This is probably an accurate feeling!

She looks for a staff/stick/thing.

Lycan 01
2012-01-24, 07:55 PM
"I will do my best to keep your crew out of trouble," Velaria shrugs idly. "So, when do we leave?"


Meanwhile, back on the ship, Sephy finds a few lengths of pipe in the engine room. They don't look important...

Mystic Muse
2012-01-24, 11:06 PM
Smoothie follows Sephy and grabs a short, less than important looking one.

(What kind of check to find out what these are intended to be used for?)

Lix Lorn
2012-01-25, 06:54 AM
"Excellent!" beams Sephy, not even thinking of this factor.

2012-01-25, 10:44 AM
"I will do my best to keep your crew out of trouble," Velaria shrugs idly. "So, when do we leave?"

"In a bit," She said as she glanced around for the barmaid.

Lycan 01
2012-01-25, 12:16 PM
The barmaid is at the bar, idly chatting with the bartender.


(Mechanics check to see what the pipes are for.)

Mystic Muse
2012-01-25, 12:26 PM
[roll0] She has the feeling that, regardless of what the pipes are for, it'd be best to find an alternate source for their fake lightsabers. Smoothie goes to look in the supply closet for cleaning supplies or something similar she could use the handles from.

Lycan 01
2012-01-25, 12:48 PM
Smoothie has no idea what the pipes are for, but she does manage to find a space broom. Its just like a regular broom. Just... in space.

Mystic Muse
2012-01-25, 01:00 PM
Smoothie has no idea what the pipes are for, but she does manage to find a space broom. Its just like a regular broom. Just... in space.

"Here. I'll use this. That way, if those pipes are important, all we lose is a handle to a broom as opposed to something more important." Smoothie says, winding the head of the broom off so that it's just one long wooden rod. She gets a nice handle on it, making sure it's comfortable. "Well, you're the expert here, so I'm not going to make many assumptions about how I should be doing this."

2012-01-25, 01:35 PM
Shakti calls for the barmaid.

Lycan 01
2012-01-25, 01:42 PM
The barmaid swaggers over casually. "What can I get for you, ma'am?" she asks with a polite smile.

Lix Lorn
2012-01-25, 02:34 PM
"Here. I'll use this. That way, if those pipes are important, all we lose is a handle to a broom as opposed to something more important." Smoothie says, winding the head of the broom off so that it's just one long wooden rod. She gets a nice handle on it, making sure it's comfortable. "Well, you're the expert here, so I'm not going to make many assumptions about how I should be doing this."
As Lixie has little idea on the proper use of a lightsaber, Sephy shall rapidly slip into a training montage!

2012-01-25, 02:34 PM
Meanwhile, Fivel attempts to recall if he has heard of Velaria Luxis before. Not able to place her, the droid remains silent, and elects to remain with the captain.

2012-01-25, 11:47 PM
The barmaid swaggers over casually. "What can I get for you, ma'am?" she asks with a polite smile.

"Oh..I know a lot of things you could get me," She answered with a sly grin, she let out a small chuckle and lightly shook her head. "Any whom, silliness aside, I'd like my check for my drink and meal."

Lycan 01
2012-01-26, 10:19 AM
With a smirk and a slight blush, the barmaid nods. "Right away, ma'am." She then turns and heads back to the bar, and returns a few moments later with the bill.

2012-01-26, 06:22 PM
With a smirk and a slight blush, the barmaid nods. "Right away, ma'am." She then turns and heads back to the bar, and returns a few moments later with the bill.

Another charming grin as Shakti took the bill and paid for it via her credit chip or whatever its called again. "You know beautiful, I think I'm going to have to figure out a way to repay for the favor of sending work my way."

Lycan 01
2012-01-27, 01:13 AM
"Oh? And how do you intend to do that?" the barmaid asks coyly.

2012-01-28, 02:46 AM
"Oh? And how do you intend to do that?" the barmaid asks coyly.

"Well like I said...I'm going to have to figure out a way," She replied back with a smirk and wink combo. She then stood up and gave her a little peck on the cheek and gathered her belongings from the table which weren't many.

2012-01-28, 12:35 PM
Noting that the captain is standing, Fivel also gets to his feet, adjusting his cloak a little. "Captain, shall I go to the ship to wait for you?"

2012-01-28, 03:19 PM
"If you desire so, we'll be heading out in a bit anyhow," She answered nonchalant.

Lycan 01
2012-01-28, 06:50 PM
"Hee..." the barmaid squeeks slightly, grinning girlishly in response to the kiss.

Velaria rises from her chair and looks around. "Right, I suppose we should be going. The less time wasted, the better," she observes factually. She's not trying to be forceful, but it seems she'd rather not stand around for too much longer.

Mystic Muse
2012-01-28, 08:01 PM
Smoothie is probably learning how to use a double bladed Lightsaber with Sephy's help right about now.

Lix Lorn
2012-01-28, 10:10 PM
Smoothie is probably learning how to use a double bladed Lightsaber with Sephy's help right about now.
Indeed she is!

2012-01-29, 01:17 AM
Velaria rises from her chair and looks around. "Right, I suppose we should be going. The less time wasted, the better," she observes factually. She's not trying to be forceful, but it seems she'd rather not stand around for too much longer."Very well," replies 5L-4L. "Do you require any assistance?"

Lycan 01
2012-01-29, 01:26 AM
"No," the woman shakes her hooded head. "I have everything I need. I have only the clothes on my back and a few small personal items. At least I won't take up much space on your ship," she quips.

2012-01-29, 01:51 AM
Fivel nods in reply. "Affirmative, to the ship, then..."

The droid does not dally on his journey to the ship.

2012-01-29, 02:28 AM

"Before I go, may I ask the name of this lovely barmaid?" Shakti asked with a friendly smile. Whether or not Shakti gets an answer, she will afterward head out of the cantina to join her crew mates and return to the ship.

Lycan 01
2012-01-29, 02:37 AM
"You already have it," the barmaid winks. If Shakti checks her bill from earlier, it has the barmaid's name on it. There's also what appears to be contact information scrawled on the back of it...

A few moments later, Shakti, Fivel, and Velaria step out of the cantina. At about that same moment, a pair of stormtroopers and an Imperial officer are crossing the street, making their way towards the cantina. "Hold it right there!" the officer calls out upon spotting the trio leaving the establishment.

"Great..." Velaria mutters under her breath.

2012-01-29, 02:46 AM
Shakti smirks seeing the bill and casually pockets it.

Outside the Cantina

"..........Really....man....these storm troopers, a pain in in my hair tentacles," She frowned upon seeing the mood killing guard-cops-whatever. She stopped and looked at them with an affable smile. "What seems to be the problem officers?"

Lycan 01
2012-01-29, 02:56 AM
The officer, a young man with stern features, frowns. "The person in the hood. Lower it; we need to see your face," he states factually. The stormtroopers standing on either side of him have their blaster rifles cradled, but not raised.

Velarie lets out a small sigh. She reaches up, and pulls back her hood, revealing her appearance. She's looks to be in her early twenties, with a somewhat tan complexion, freckles, and fair features. Her hair is long, curly, and dirty-blonde. But her most noteworthy features are her eyes; her eyes are a vibrant green hue, and give her a piercing gaze.

"Ah..." the officer observes, his lips curling into a smug smirk. "For once, our informants were right. Jade Krosus, you are under arrest for crimes against the Empire, as are your associates."

2012-01-29, 03:09 AM
"Lolwut?...." Shakti deadpanned and furrowed her brow. "FYI, I'm not an associate....I hardly know them."

Lycan 01
2012-01-29, 03:20 AM
"Lolwut?" the officer quirks an eyebrow. "What language are you speaking? And if you hardly know them, then am I to assume that they're together?" he asks.

Valeria sighs. "Look, can we talk this out? Have some sort of negotiation? I'm sure this is all just one big misunderstanding..." she observes, idly raising her hands up in front of her in a supplicating fashion.

"Shove it, there's nothing to negotiate - you're under arrest," the officer growls, drawing his pistol but not yet leveling it with her.

2012-01-29, 04:08 AM
The presence of the Stormtroopers puts Fivel on edge. He had intentionally avoided acting when he saw that Shakti intended to speak; however, being placed under arrest would render him unable to protect Sephy.

Their rifles will be problematic; I will draw their fire and engage them in close range.

His combat initiative subroutine begins to run, and Fivel takes a step forward. With his right hand, he pulls his heavy blaster pistol, leveling at one of the Stormtroopers, and with his left, he unfastens his cloak, and throws it in the face of the other.

At this range, my blaster should be sufficient to bring them down.

Lycan 01
2012-01-29, 10:12 PM
As soon as the droid steps forward, the three imperials all train their weapons on him and open fire. He manages to catch them off guard, judging by the looks of surprise on their faces. The officer's shot goes wide, while the stormtrooper on his left misses by inches. The right trooper, though, manages to land a hit. Sparks fly from Fivel's side as a laser bolt blasts into his chassis, but its not enough to put him down. The droid proceeds to rip off his cloak and throw it at the troopers, obscuring their vision as he draws his pistol.

2012-01-29, 11:05 PM
"Woah woah...woah...." She stepped to the side dodging a stray shot made for fluff purposes only. "Really...breaking into a gun fight....come ya'll...there's no need for this." Her hands are up, she's really not in a mood for a firefight.

Lycan 01
2012-01-29, 11:56 PM
Everyone ignores Shakti.

Especially when Valeria ignites a lightsaber and tries to slice off the officer's head.

In one deft movement, the young woman pulls a silver cylinder from her robe and grips it with both hands. A shaft of vibrant blue energy suddenly materializes with an electric whine, and she wastes no time in lunging forward to hack at the Imperial. The man screams, his eyes wide with surprise and terror, and he manages to throw himself back just enough for the tip of the energy-blade to barely miss his throat. "A Jedi?!" he yelps in disbelief, while the stormtroopers beside him both take a step back in shock. "No one said anything about a Jedi!" he screams, the color draining from his face.

The stormtroopers both open fire, but their aim is slightly off, especially with Fivel's cloak in the way. Valeria deftly bobs from side to side, the las bolts missing her by more than a few inches.

2012-01-30, 12:14 AM
Fivel ignores the shot to the side; other than scorching some circuitry beneath his durasteel shell, he was unharmed. The droid takes another step to allow the group's new client fighting room, and then carefully fires his shot at one Stormtrooper.

Damage to systems currently non-critical. Target still lives. Fire again.

That the client was possibly a Jedi did not elicit any special reaction from Fivel, though the droid noted to himself that Sephy might be interested.

Lycan 01
2012-01-30, 12:16 AM
The droid's shot rips into the troopers flank. He lets out a yell of pain, and staggers slightly to the side, grasping his side with one hand while still keeping his blaster held aloft with the other. Though wounded, the stormtrooper shows no signs of going down.

2012-01-30, 01:28 PM
"Seriously...." Shakti deadpanned as she was ignored, well she didn't mind getting ignored by the storm troopers, she wasn't in the mood to get shot at right now.

"They're just going to summon more guards and then we'll be out numbered....This skirmish is not worth the sizzling holes, or the extra bounty on my head," She was going to run away..I mean make a tactical retreat to the ship, she was not going to risk her life for an unwarranted skirmish. "I suggest you two follow my lead for a tactical retreat."

Lycan 01
2012-01-30, 04:03 PM
Valeria once again tries to slice apart the Imperial officer, but his frantic movements and Shakti's distracting blabbering keep her from actually landing a blow. Shooting a quick glare at the Twi'lek, the saber-wielding woman begins to backpedal, flourish her saber defensively in order to dissuade the Imperials from opening fire. "Droid, fall back. I will cover you," she barks at Fivel.

Valeria uses Withdraw to avoid getting blasted with opportunity attacks.

The Imperials fire on both Fivel and Valeria. The officer and right stormtrooper take shots at the retreating woman, but their aim is off. The wounded trooper fires at Fivel, but the shot goes wide.

2012-01-30, 04:33 PM
Fivel is reluctant to retreat, but with his comrades backing off, he has no choice but to follow. "If we leave them alive, your bounty will increase regardless."

The droid fires off another blast as he withdraws, focusing on keeping his defenses up and discouraging the troopers from following.

2012-01-30, 07:53 PM
"Yes..but murdering them will just increase it ever so more when they were only just doing an arrest originally," She snapped and dashed. To her, they were just doing their officer duties, they didn't need to die because of it.

As she ran assuming the other two would join her and not lag behind, she would try to lose them and take...different paths as to not lead them to the general direction of the ship.

Lycan 01
2012-02-02, 12:11 AM
The droid's shot misses, but the counter-attacks from the stormtroopers miss as well. Valeria turns and runs after Shakti, while the Imperial officer hunkers down behind the stomrtroopers and keys his commlink. He quickly yells their coordinates, and states that they've encountered a droid, twilek, and Jedi.

The stormtroopers spot Shakti running for a nearby alley, which they recognize. One of them keys his own commlink, and reports which way she's heading.

2012-02-03, 09:50 PM
Shakti keyed in her own comm link-whatever to get hold of the others at the ship as she ran.

"We uh..ran into some trouble...Just ah...make sure the ship is ready for take off...!"

Mystic Muse
2012-02-08, 04:57 PM
Smoothie uses a use computer check to check the hyperdrive.


She'll use a force point too, which IIRC adds 1d6 to the roll so [roll0]

2012-02-08, 05:10 PM
Fivel observes the Imperials calling for backup. He realizes that without the aid of his fleeing companions, the odds would be against him. The droid turns and flees as well, the damage from earlier not inhibiting his movements any further.


The droid remains motionless, until he saw the wounded Stormtrooper come around the corner. He disengages his magnetic feet, simultaneously firing his blaster at the Imperial, before his durasteel shell impacts the Stormtrooper with a crunch. The droid picks up the trooper's rifle and stands in a fluid motion.

"Do not leave a task unfinished," the droid remarks, before resuming his egress.

Lycan 01
2012-02-24, 08:49 PM
The death of the storm trooper is not a pretty sight. However, he was not alone, as the other trooper was just a few steps behind him. Further down the alley, the officer is running to catch up, screaming coordinates into his comm-unit. Both Imperials snap off shots at the droid, but the las-bolts zip harmlessly past him.

Captain Shakti and her trouble-causing passenger have almost made it back to the space port. As they make their way through the crisscrossing network of alleys and back streets, they catch brief glimpses of white armor running through the accompanying pathways. A blaster round rips through the air behind them as they cross one intersection, and warning alarms begin to sound in the distance.

The hornet nest has been stirred. In the space port, warning klaxons begin to howl.

Fivel can either run or fight, but he's gonna have to dodge las-fire either way. He can spend a Destiny Point, however, to make it all the way back to the spaceport without harm or serious incident.

Shakti is almost to the spaceport. She can use Stealth to sneak past the nearby patrols, Endurance to outrun them, or Acrobatics to dodge their attacks.

Everyone on board the ship can make rolls to prepare the ship for takeoff, OR they can make a Pilot check to recognize what the warning sirens mean.

2012-02-25, 11:01 AM
Shakti opted to try stealth for this as she crept past past patrols.

Stealth Check: [roll0]

Lix Lorn
2012-02-25, 11:26 AM
Sephy yelps as sirens interrut their training, looking around wildly.
"Oh god what's going on"

Mystic Muse
2012-02-25, 02:54 PM
"Sounds like the crew is in trouble. We need to get the ship started up." She says, and tries to work on starting up the ship.

(Pilot check for anything that might be relevant in starting up the ship. She's not trying to identify the sirens)


This is important, and she's not really very good with being a pilot, so she'll use a Force point too. [roll1]

Lycan 01
2012-02-25, 05:01 PM
Shakti manages to make it to the spaceport. Almost. Just as they cross the last street, making their way towards a back entrance, a patrol of Stormtroopers round the corner up the street. The immediately begin to raise their weapons, screaming for Shakti and her companion to surrender.

Several odd things then proceed to happen.

Fivel, moments before, managed to outrun his own pursuers. Las bolts ripping through the air all around him, he managed to duck and weave a path through back alleys, eventually gaining enough of a lead that he could simply clamber up and over a small shack, placing himself on an adjacent alley. He then made his way swiftly to the space port, sprinting at full speed.

Meanwhile, on the ship, Smoothie does not manage to turn on the engine. She does not manage to do anything to help prepare the ship for launch, in fact. Rather, what she does manage to do, is activate the sound system.

The result of all this?

As the trio of stormtroopers raise their blasters towards Shakti and her associate, alien space-punk music suddenly begins to blare from within the spaceport hangar next to the them. As the stormtroopers momentarily lose focus, Fivel suddenly comes barreling out of a nearby alley. Still running at full speed, he smashes into the stormtroopers, clotheslining one, pistol whipping another, and simply running over the third. Armor and bone shatter beneath the force of his simultaneous assaults, and all three Imperials are hurled to the ground screaming and moaning.

2012-02-25, 05:04 PM
Fivel's head then swivels in the direction of Shakti and their new Jedi client. Gesturing amicably in the direction of the hangar, the droid says, "Shall we embark, then? I would be grateful to be finished with this endeavour."

Without waiting for an answer, Fivel picks up another of the Stormtroopers' weapons and walks to the ship.

2012-02-26, 12:31 AM
"Absolutely..!" She yells as she runs like hell into the ship.

Lycan 01
2012-05-17, 08:00 PM
Shakti, Fivel, and the Jedi make their way through the back-entrance of the space-port, and find themselves in the hangar where their ship is parked. The YT-1300 transport sits parked in the middle of the large circular room, landing gear still down, engines cold, and boarding ramp lowered. Its also very loud in there, as the music is still blaring loudly from the speakers, and the hangar's warning sirens are whining. There are also several crates and boxes scattered around, which could easily be used for cover in a pinch.

As the trio runs towards the ship, the other hangar door across from them opens, and a pair of stormtroopers step through, weapons at the ready. Valeria raises her saber, and barks to Shakti and Fivel: "Get aboard! I'll try to hold them off while you get the ship ready!" As if to punctuate her command, a las-bolt whines past her head. She twirls her saber, and manages to knock the second shot back towards the stormtroopers who just entered, forcing them to dive for cover.

2012-05-17, 09:25 PM
Shakti again yells into her com for anyone near the bridge to start the ship proper. She will still though try to make her way to the bridge herself.

Mystic Muse
2012-05-17, 10:00 PM
Smoothie, since she kinda failed miserably with the engine thing, decides to get the other computer systems up and running such as the navicomputer.

Aaaand using another force point.:smalltongue:

[roll0] (Computer use)

+ [roll1] for force point.

2012-05-17, 10:32 PM
Emily Star rubbed her head, grimacing in pain. She'd fallen asleep next to her speeder bike, and when the alarms went off she'd jumped and bumped her head. Tail twitching rapidly, she made her way to the bridge and took stock of the situation, spotting Smoothie nearby.

"Wha's goin' on?" she asked, still half-asleep. She glanced around and shook her head. "....Nevermind. Let me have it." With that, she sat down in the pilot's seat and worked to start up the engine.

Pilot check: [roll0]+[roll1]

Lix Lorn
2012-05-18, 01:15 PM
Sephy frowns, looking around wildly as she follows Smoothie.

2012-05-18, 08:53 PM
Fivel steps onto the ramp, using the ship to provide as much cover as possible between the stormtroopers and himself, and then lines up a shot in their direction. As soon as one emerges from cover, he will fire. The droid engages his magnetic feet to stick to the ramp - he will need to keep his footing if they take off.

Lycan 01
2012-05-19, 07:37 PM
Smoothie's work with the computer systems manages to pay off, as several lights in the cockpit begin to flicker and glow green. The navigational computer is on line, the pertinent systems are up and running, weapon systems are online, et cetera. At the same time, Emily manages to key in the proper commands for the engine to begin warming up. A deep hum begins to reverberate through the ship as the engine starts up, and begins to prepare for takeoff.

It shouldn't be long now before the ship can take off. However, the Imperials have no intention of letting them get away that easy.

The two stormtroopers cowering behind cover pop out to open fire. One fires at the Jedi, who easily dodges it, while the other fires at Fivel. A bolt of energy whines past the droid's head, and he quickly returns the favor with better accuracy. The stormtrooper screams as the blaster shot rips through his shoulder and sends him sprawling to the ground.

Another salvo of blaster bolts suddenly rips through the hangar. Three more stormtroopers have entered the hangar, using the same back entrance that Fivel and company used moments ago. Valeria manages to block several shots, and even manages to reflect one back at its shooter, sending him screaming to the floor.

2012-05-19, 10:11 PM
Well, from the sounds of the engines, it seemed that the ship was in capable hands. With that in mind, Shakti H'darr ran back to the hangar bay to assist Fivel, pulling out her blaster. She then dove behind the cover...of...uh...uhm...something solid. Yes, that's right, something solid.

Acrobat Roll for "fun": [roll0]

2012-05-24, 11:49 PM
Three more stormtroopers? Protecting Sephy was difficult, indeed! Nonetheless, Fivel takes the time to give a grateful nod to Shakti. "Shall we coordinate our shots?"

Lycan 01
2012-05-31, 08:05 PM
Shakti manages to run down the boarding ramp and leap into cover, taking up a position behind a large storage crate a few feet from the ramp.

Shakti's turn is up.

Still waiting on everyone else...

2012-05-31, 08:37 PM
'Coordinate our shots? Why sure, hahah..." She lightly chuckled trying to make light of this cruddy situation.

Attack with Blaster [roll0]

Damage (stun damage): [roll1]

Lycan 01
2012-06-08, 08:28 PM
The hum of the ship's engines grows louder and louder, building into a dull roar. The ship is finally ready for takeoff!

Unfortunately, the Imperials realize this, and increase the pressure on the "criminal scum" in the hangar. A hail of blaster shots rip through the air around Fivel and Shakti, leaving the stench of burnt ozone in their wake. One round misses Shakti's face by mere inches, leaving her cheek uncomfortably hot.

Valeria is a swirling whirlwind of movement, twirling and spinning her lightsaber through the air around her in an attempt to deflect the many shots being sent her way. The stormtroopers begin to concentrate their fire on her, though several of them are sent to the ground screaming and thrashing by rebounded bolts of energy.

But then her luck runs out. A stray round rips into her leg, and the Jedi lets out a yelp of pain as she staggers slightly. In that brief moment of broken concentration, she lowers her guard, and pays dearly for it. Another stray bolt tears into her chest. The woman drops, silently and limply, to the floor. She lies in a tangled heap in the middle of the hangar, about 30 feet from where Shakti and Fivel are, unmoving.

There are over half a dozen stormtroopers in the hangar, with more arriving with every passing moment.

The ship is ready to go. Somebody just needs to fly it.

And to clarify, whoever is in the bridge of the ship right now saw the Jedi get dropped.

Save the girl? Or run? The choice is yours. And for every choice, a consequence.

2012-06-09, 12:52 AM
Fivel disengages his magnetic feet and sprints forward toward the fallen Jedi, swiftly picking her up and heaving her onto the boarding ramp in one smooth motion. He then attempts to run for the ramp himself.

2012-06-10, 11:15 AM
Emily could see everything from her place in the cockpit, next to Smoothie. She saw Valeria fall, and let out a choice curse. She hadn't even met the Jedi, but her companions were protecting her, so she must be important.

"Take the controls," she ordered, hopping out of her seat. "As soon as everyone's on board, get us out of here." She grabbed her vibroblade, and dashed out to help.

2012-06-12, 03:34 AM
Shakti began to try to provide cover fire to assist....Fivel....or....Emily, whatever is canon here.

She briefly poked her self out of cover to shoot at the closet foe to the unconscious Jedi within her point blank shot range. She gritted her teeth, having had to change her blaster from stun to lethal, but these butt munches were playing for realz.

[roll0] Attack

[roll1] Damage

Lycan 01
2012-06-12, 05:39 AM
Shakti fires off a shot at the nearest stormtrooper, and manages to wing him slightly. However, while one trooper is staggered, there are still more than six left, scattered around the hanger taking cover and firing upon the criminals taking cover near their ship. A few shots streak past Fivel and Shakti, keeping them pinned.

Without warning, Emily suddenly comes running down the boarding ramp, armed with only a vibroblade. The stormtroopers momentarily pause their shooting, unsure of what the Cathar is about to do. However, when the catgirl suddenly begins to sprint forward, the Imperials all raise their weapons in unison and open fire.

Emily runs like she's never run in her life. She leans down and keeps her head low as blaster rounds whine through the air just inches from her body. She feints and jukes from side to side at random, throwing off their aim and making herself a harder target. One bolt passes right by her ear, slightly singing her hair. Another shot passes between her legs mid-stride, with only a split-second of movement keeping her from having a blown out kneecap.

In a matter of seconds, she somehow closes the distance between herself and the fallen Jedi. With only a few yards to go, Emily suddenly drops to her knees and leans her head and torso back. She then skids forward the last few feet, as a hail of deadly laser bolts rip through the air just inches above her. In one fluid movement, she rolls forward, grabbing the Jedi as she rolls over her. As she rises back into a crouching position, she has the wounded woman slung over her shoulder.

Emily promptly turns and runs like her life depends on it. Which is does. The stormtroopers are momentarily surprised by her actions, stunned that she could move so quickly and avoid their shots. Their fire lets up for a brief instance, giving Emily a few seconds to get back up to speed. They then resume their firing, spending wall of death in her direction.

Somehow, against all odds, Emily avoids serious injury. Several blaster bolts pass frighteningly close, and a few even make glancing blows. But by some miracle, she manages to run all the way back to the ship and up the boarding ramp without being struck down or injured, aside from a few contact burns on her left hand, right side, and left shin. The woman, still slung over her back, was not struck either. Still, her original wounds appear to have left her unconscious, or worse.

Emily is back aboard the ship with the Jedi, both safe. Shakti and Fivel are still taking cover just outside the door. They can either keep shooting, or quickly run back into the ship.

Whoever is flying this thing needs to make a Pilot check. Time to run for it! :smallamused:

Mystic Muse
2012-06-12, 08:22 AM
Smoothie attempts to fly the ship out of here (Once Shakti and Fivel, and I keep thinking of that mouse when I see that name, are safe.) like a bat out of hell.

Pilot check: [roll0]

Last Force Point I have I think. Time to do or die I guess. [roll1]

Lycan 01
2012-06-12, 08:48 AM
With a mighty roar, Smoothie guns the engines, just as Fivel and Shakti run aboard and close the boarding ramp behind them. The YT-1300 freighter shudders and rises off the ground, sending the stormtroopers scrambling for cover from the engines' blowback.

The starship lifts up through the open roof of the hangar, turns towards open sky, and smoothly rockets off. It roars over the city, causing the necks of many citizens and Imperial soldiers to crane. The vox system in the engine room begins to beep loudly - somebody is trying to hail the ship.

It will take several minutes for the ship to reach the upper atmosphere.

Y'all have a few rounds to chat or take actions.

If you want to go ahead and get to a certain position or something, here are your options:
-Pilot's seat (currently occupied by Smoothie, but can be switched out right now; used to fly the ship)
-Copilot's seat (Empty; allows for Aid-Another with Pilot checks)
-Gunner's seat (Empty; there's one gun turret on the starship)
-Engine room (Empty; monitoring and adjusting engines can allow for Aid-Another with Pilot checks)
-Medical bay (Empty; somebody should probably get the Jedi in there and check on them)
-Cargo bay (Empty; there are a few smuggling compartments that items or people can be stuffed into)
-Crew Quarters (Empty; y'know, in case you feel like taking a nap)

2012-06-12, 10:05 AM
Fivel carries the unconcious Jedi to the medbay.

Lix Lorn
2012-06-12, 01:34 PM
Sephy takes a deep breath as they fly up, and sits in the second chair. Piloting is really not her area of expertise, but perhaps a second pair of hands will be useful until someone better appears.

I don't think she has piloting trained, but aid another yaay.

2012-06-12, 03:22 PM
"Your captain is here, 'tis time I take my rightful place as the awesome pilot of this vessel....though, you are doing a good job Smoothie," Shakti hammily announced as she popped into the bridge. "I need someone to go monitor the engines in the engine room and someone to take the gunner's seat just in case." She said speaking to those in the bridge and to everyone else via use of her communicator.

Mystic Muse
2012-06-12, 03:50 PM
"Your captain is here, 'tis time I take my rightful place as the awesome pilot of this vessel....though, you are doing a good job Smoothie," Shakti hammily announced as she popped into the bridge. "I need someone to go monitor the engines in the engine room and someone to take the gunner's seat just in case." She said speaking to those in the bridge and to everyone else via use of her communicator.

"Feel free to take over. I'm generally not a competent pilot." Smoothie says, getting out of the Pilot's chair in whatever the natural safety precautions are.

"I'm going to go try to tend to our wounded friend. She looked like she could use some help." Smoothie says.

Lycan 01
2012-06-12, 06:43 PM
Shakti takes up her position in the pilot's seat, while Sephy hops in the copilot seat beside her. The vox system is still beeping.

Fivel whisks the unconscious Jedi to the medical bay, where he lays her down on the examination table. A moment later, Smoothie arrives. At a glance, the woman has a few minor contact burns, a glancing blaster wound to the left outer thigh, and a direct blaster wound to the right side of her chest. She's alive, but unconscious, and her breathing is shallow and labored.

You can diagnose the extent of the injuries, and/or try to stabilize/treat her with some of the medical supplies in the medbay. Please clarify what you're doing if you made a check, though, so I can adjust the DC appropriately.

Mystic Muse
2012-06-12, 06:53 PM
Smoothie is going to attempt to diagnose the extent of the damage first to get some sort of idea of what she has to do.


2012-06-12, 07:10 PM
Fivel will provide assistance to Smoothie for as long as she needs, and then will move to the gunner's seat.

Lycan 01
2012-06-12, 07:15 PM
Smoothie: Sweet merciful hutt nuts, she has space-bronchitis! :smalleek:

No but seriously, she's been shot in the chest, and the entry wound is rather charred and bloody. There's no telling how bad the internal damage is, but its probably pretty damn bad.

2012-06-12, 07:16 PM
Treat Injury: [roll0]

Lycan 01
2012-06-12, 07:17 PM
Fivel hands Smoothie a scalpel. What he experts her to do with it is anyone's guess.

2012-06-12, 07:57 PM
Meanwhile, Emily made her way straight back to the cockpit, taking over for Sephy. She noticed the beeping comm, and placed her hand over it.

"Okay, what the hell is going on?" she asked.

2012-06-12, 08:49 PM
"Language my friend, hold it in," Shakti said from the pilot's seat. "The extra cargo we picked up.....came with extra baggage in a manner of speaking. though frankly I think its all self explanatory."

2012-06-13, 06:16 PM
(Here's another Aid Another Treat Injury roll: [roll0])

Fivel begins taking the Jedi's pulse, one hand holding her wrist with care as the other moves to continue handing equipment to Smoothie.

Mystic Muse
2012-06-14, 11:58 AM
Let's see if Smoothie can't get a better diagnosis this time.


Lycan 01
2012-06-14, 12:30 PM
Smoothie and Fivel work together to try again at diagnosing the extent of the woman's injuries. They manage to determine that her pulse is weak, and her breathing is shallow and labored. Judging from the location of the injury, it is safe to assume that one of her lungs has been damaged, though they cannot determine the severity.

Meanwhile, back on the bridge, the vox unit is still beeping. And now the radar is whining, giving off several loud warning chimes.

Whoever checks the radar:
There are three craft leaving from the proximity of the spaceport, rapidly closing behind your starship. Their ID markers show them as Imperial TIE Fighters, and their Friend-Or-Foe tags register them as "Hostile."

You probably should have answered the vox...

2012-06-15, 04:35 AM
The Bridge

"Frotz!" Shakti uttered as she checked the radar as it whined in warning. "We've got hostiles on our tail......great, just great." She answered the vox anyway or something involving it.

Lycan 01
2012-06-15, 10:09 AM
"Unidentified starcraft!" a voice barks authoritatively over the voxcaster. "By order of the Empire, you are to reduce speed and return to the spaceport under Imperial escort! If you continue to flee, you will be fired upon! Surrender immediately!"

Lix Lorn
2012-06-15, 10:28 AM
"...that seems like a bad thing." says Sephy apprehensively, quietly.

2012-06-15, 03:12 PM
"Unidentified starcraft!" a voice barks authoritatively over the voxcaster. "By order of the Empire, you are to reduce speed and return to the spaceport under Imperial escort! If you continue to flee, you will be fired upon! Surrender immediately!"

Emily sighed and silently indicated to Shakti that she'd take this one. "This is Emily Star of the Cornellian Racing Federation. What the HELL is this all about?!"

Lycan 01
2012-06-15, 04:44 PM
"You have a wanted criminal aboard your vessel, whom we would prefer to capture alive if possible," the Imperial officer crisply replies over the vox. "On top of that, you and your crew are now wanted for aiding and abetting a fugitive, evading arrest, and the murder of several Imperial servants. So surrender peacefully, or we will not hesitate to blast you out of the sky, Miss Star." Clearly, he's not a racing fan...

The red blips on the radar are closing in distance. Before too much longer, the ship will be in range of their lasers. And vice versa.

2012-06-15, 07:28 PM
Shakti quickly turned on the PA system and blahed into it the situation, an abridged version or some such. Blah.

"You know what stupid sack of *insert Twi'lek cussword* for brains! If your stupid officers didn't fire first being a bunch of trigger happy pricks, we wouldn't have had to defend ourselves!" At least that's how she remembered it.

"****dbgfxgcd it! How fast you think this baby can go?" She either both Emily or Sephy.

2012-06-15, 07:43 PM
Fivel realizes the danger of the situation, and his priorities change; the droid quickly moves to man the gun turret, ready to help deal with the fighters.

Lycan 01
2012-06-16, 07:45 AM
Fivel clambers up the ladder in the center of the ship, and takes a seat in the swiveling gun turret. The weapon systems prime and whine to life as Fivel takes control of the ship's laser cannon. Three hostile targets are painted on the HUD system.

You are free to open fire, if you want. Your attack mod would be +1.

Normally it would be +3, since vehicle attack mods are your base attack bonus(1)+ship's intelligence mod (2)+range modifier. But the range modifier for right now is -2.

2012-06-16, 03:08 PM
(In that case, I'll just aim 'til they get into the -1 range before firing - aiming provides a bonus, right?)

2012-06-16, 06:29 PM
"You have a wanted criminal aboard your vessel, whom we would prefer to capture alive if possible," the Imperial officer crisply replies over the vox. "On top of that, you and your crew are now wanted for aiding and abetting a fugitive, evading arrest, and the murder of several Imperial servants. So surrender peacefully, or we will not hesitate to blast you out of the sky, Miss Star." Clearly, he's not a racing fan...

The red blips on the radar are closing in distance. Before too much longer, the ship will be in range of their lasers. And vice versa.

Emily glowered at Shakti before responding.

"Look. I have no idea what's going on. I just woke up to find my crew had gotten themselves in deep, again. But frankly, I don't like you guys, so y'all just have fun with your fancy little tie thingies someplace else 'kay?" With that, she began blasting the alien equivalent of Shoot to Thrill over the vox.

Pilot check to outmaneuver the enemy ships: [roll0]

2012-06-17, 01:08 PM
Fivel swivels in his turret and begins firing on the closest of the fighters, mechanical hands determinedly gripping at the mechanisms of the lascannon. His body integrates smoothly with the gun, allowing him to fluidly move the cannon to aim at the first fighter.


Lycan 01
2012-06-17, 01:18 PM
Emily apparently decides that she doesn't want to be just the copilot, so she jumps out of her seat and leaps into Shakti's lap. The surprised Twilek has the controls wrestled from her grip, though she doesn't seem to mind the situation.

Emily sends the transport into a wild spin, performing a barrel roll (not an aileron roll) to throw off the TIE fighters' aim, and gunning the engine to full speed. The ship wildly pulls up, punching through thick clouds as it climbs higher into the atmosphere. The Imperial starcraft respond by opening fire, and several streams of crimson laser-fire rip through the atmosphere around the ship. Emily's hotshot flying, though, keeps the enemy's shots from even coming close to the vessel.

At the same time, Fivel opens fire with the ship's own lascannon. Unfortunately, the catgirl's wild flying throws his aim off, too, and his shots disappear into the clouds around the TIE fighters.

Okay, new round.

Emily is now flying, unless Shakti wants to throw her out of her lap. Sephy is still in the cockpit, unless I'm mistaken. Smoothie is in the medbay with the critically wounded Jedi. Fivel is manning the gun turret.

The copilot's seat is empty, and the engine room is empty.

There are three Imperial TIEs pursuing the ship, though it will take them a couple of rounds to fully catch up. Attacks against them are at a -2 penalty.

2012-06-17, 01:24 PM
Fivel realizes that he had forgotten to compensate for the ship's movement, and quickly recalibrates his aim before firing again.


Mystic Muse
2012-06-17, 01:31 PM
Alright, trying another diagnosis roll. You'd think +7 would be enough to get a decent amount.


2012-06-17, 11:29 PM
Gearstri-----I mean Shakti was pleasantly surprised to have a alien catgirl sitting on her lap. She was kinda cute, a bit, in a way, though she would have preferred that cutie pie Sephy in her lap, Shakti had a fondness for humans. But this is utterly irrelevant.

She'd for now let Emily have her little fun as pilot.

2012-06-20, 04:55 PM
Ignoring the awkwardness of the situation, Emily just kept up her flying, so convinced was she of her superiority.

Another pilot check to keep up the evasive maneuvers: [roll0]

Lycan 01
2012-06-21, 01:31 PM
Lasers continue to rip through the air around the freighter as it punches through the clouds. The TIEs can't seem to get a lock on the ship. But the inverse is true for Fivel, as his shots continue to go wide from their target. Perhaps if the ship weren't twisting and turning so much, he'd be able to aim better.

Down in the Medbay, Smoothie is struck by a flash of medical insight. The chest wound, the labored breathing, they all seem to indicate that the woman has a collapsed lung, and probably other internal trauma. She likely won't survive too long without immediate intensive medical care, which the crew aboard this vessel is not equipped to provide her with.

2012-06-25, 02:47 PM
The droid continues to fire on the fighters.
