View Full Version : Harry Potter and the Bowl of Super. (Has nothing to do with Harry Potter)

An Enemy Spy
2012-01-23, 02:15 AM
So as the however many of you that care about sports now know, the Giants and Patriots are set to have a rematch of Super Bowl XLII, where the Pats got beat in one of the greatest upsets in football history.

And I am miserable.

I wanted the Ravens to win so bad. While they are not my team, the fact that they are bitter enemies of the evil Steelers really endears them to me. To see the Patriots escape with yet another lucky BS playoff win (anyone remember the Tuck Rule game?) is just horrible. There are sixteen teams in the AFC, and the Patriots, Steelers and Colts are the only teams that have won it since 2002. I hate them all, except the Colts. I just don't really like them that much although Peyton Manning seemes like a nice guy.

Luckily I actually have somebody to root for. As a giant Seahawks fan, I despise the 49ers almost as much as I do the Steelers. I hate them venomously. I hate them as much as Star Wars fans hate The Phantom Menace (I actually like The Phantom Menace, so don't go turning this thread into Prequel Hatred Thread #6978758. Seriously, we get it. You don't like a movie.)

As nice as it was to see San Fransisco lose, that doesn't change the fact that The Pats get to play in yet another Super Bowl. They'll probably win too, just because the universe hates me.

So discuss your thoughts, feelings, or indifference here, and go Seahawks!

And Giants too, I guess, but only for one game.

Mauve Shirt
2012-01-23, 06:41 AM
Man, I dislike BOTH of those teams. I wanted the Ravens to win too, because eff the patriots. All of the newscasters here are in tears.

2012-01-23, 10:00 AM
I'm not a die-hard NFL fan for anything (college is my game!) but I usually root for the Steelers. That's out, so I'm rooting for the Patriots to support my college school's new coach. But I'm going to be out of town for the superbowl anyway.

2012-01-23, 02:54 PM
I actually hate the Ravens so I am pretty ok with the outcome. I think the rematch should be interesting, though I would rather the 49ers have gone

Actually I take it back, I think the Pats are going to tap dance on the Giant's faces

2012-01-23, 04:30 PM
All I know is, there were Two Zeros and one Hero from yesterday. Zeroes: Kicker for the ravens >< Missing a..what, 33 yard field goal? That's childs play, and he is going to be obsessing(and likely depressed) that he missed that kick between now and the start of the regular season next year. Other Zero was 49ers punt returner, screwed em two times in a row, first time by not being far enough away from a ball he had no business being near, and instead it glanced off his leg, giving the Giants superior field position leading to a TD, and then in OT when he fumbled. The Hero of course was the Giants field goal kicker who made his 30ish yard field goal ftw in OT.

I have no real team to root for in the Super Bowl, any team I liked was eliminated last week(poor Packers ><), and my favorite team, of course, hasn't won a play-off game(and didn't even make it this year) since I started following football in the 7th grade, The Chiefs.

So, I'll be watching the Super Bowl, but more for the wonderful commercials and previews of movies, then for the actual game itself.

2012-01-23, 04:43 PM
I'm hoping the Giants win again. I don't really like them, but I really dislike the Patriots.
I actually would have liked to see the Ravens or 49ers more then either of the teams that made it, not a fan of either team per say but I like how both of them play. I like running and strong defense.
Of course my brother dislikes the 49ers because they are always competing with the Cardinals for the division. I like the Cardinals (we both lived in Phoenix for a several years), but I don't dislike their main competition. Of course a few decades ago I didn't like the 49ers, but that hate faded after Elway and Denver managed to win their super bowls and the 49ers dropped down to nothing.

I didn't end up watching either game yesterday, I went skiing instead. I don't have any specific plans for the Super Bowl, but we always end up watching it somewhere, so I'm sure I'll end up watching it even if I'm not really engaged in it. That is of course unless we get another big storm in 2 weeks, then I might go skiing instead... maybe it will mean less crowds on the slopes.

An Enemy Spy
2012-01-23, 04:44 PM
Fortunately, the last two superbowls have ended happily. The Saints won their much deserved championship and the evil Steelers were vanquished once and for all(for that season) by the Packers. Maybe Peyton should let Eli borrow some of his magic for the game. He sure hasn't had any use for it.

Even if the Patriots win, I guess I can still be happy the Steelers got Tebowed. That game was almost as good as my Hawks beating the Saints last year.

Howler Dagger
2012-01-23, 04:55 PM
I really wanted the Ravens to win. Granted, I'm only like the ravens because they annoy all the Texans fans around me, so................

2012-01-23, 08:40 PM
GO GIANTS! Im looking for a repeat here people. Now if Eli can just bring his good game this time, we can see it happen. Ive been a giants fan for the better part of 20 years. I like Eli, really, I do, I just wish he was consistent. He either is amazing, or amazingly bad.

2012-01-23, 09:12 PM
As I imagine Wilfork to be saying

Haters gonna hate :smallcool:

We're set for the most wins of the decade, I think.
Vengeance will be ever so sweet :smallamused:
Time to make momma proud, Gronk.

Unpopular Opinion Rabbit strikes again!

2012-01-23, 09:59 PM
Yeah, I'm with Mauve Shirt, can I root for both teams to lose? Like, mutual disqualification or something? I'm having a hard time even figuring out which team I hate less.

2012-01-23, 10:08 PM
I'm rather dissapointed this year with the playoffs. Three teams from AFC North went into playoffs, and two were eliminated first round. While I didn't expect Cincinnati to go very far, I was hoping to at least have a division victory.

2012-01-23, 10:47 PM
I'm not going to play the blame game on who to blame for the Ravens or 49ers lost. I'm just going to leave it at they lost, time to prep for next year.

That said, I do see hope with the Ravens next year. The things they need to work on in the off season: -Better Pocket Protection for Flaco,
-Speaking of Joe, he gotten better, and needs to focus on the very tactics that helped him from the second qtr, on. I want to see more of him running the ball when there is no receivers available, and if that's not possible, throwing the ball for an incomplete pass to avoid the sack.
-Work on some plays that will give Rice alternate paths for the running game, rather than constantly trying to go up the middle.
-Let Tory Smith practice catching the Hail Mary plays and sprinting down field.
-Stop running the same play 3 or 4 times in a row. Mix it up!.
-Improve and refine the Blitz Defense, seeing as how teams have gotten wise, and started devoting pocket protection for their QBs, at stopping Suggs, Ngata, etc.
-Improve the pass defense game.

Now with that said, pardon me, I need to start figuring out things I can do on Super Bowl Sunday, to ignore the game... like, going to play some Airsoft, or play some WH40k at my local hobby shop.

I guess I can take some comfort, that the Steelers are out, as is Indy (yes, it's a sore spot over the name, leave it at that) so I guess, 2 out of 3, of the "evil empire" teams is not too bad.

Oh well, At least I still got my Washington Capitols. And then, in the Spring and summer, I have my Baltimore Orioles Frederick Keys

2012-01-23, 11:18 PM
Oh well, At least I still got my Washington Capitols. And then, in the Spring and summer, I have my Baltimore Orioles Frederick Keys

At least the Keys are a fairly decent team. Hagerstown Suns are pretty damn laughable ><

2012-01-24, 12:24 AM
You know, you dont have to be in love with, or hate, one of the teams playing in the super bowl in order to enjoy watching it. Most years when I dont care who is playing, I cheer both teams on every time they do something incredible. That 15 yard sack? I cheer. The guy who broke 6 tackles and carried three guys on his shoulders as he jogged the last 10 yards for a touchdown? I cheer for him. That amazing hail mary pass that noone thought would land and yet it did? I cheer. I dont care who wins, I just want to see some crazy plays! And awesome commercials. :smalltongue:

2012-01-24, 01:31 AM
I really wanted the Ravens to win too, well, as much as I could really care one way or another. I mean, I wanted the Ravens to win because I live in Baltimore and they're purple and the Vikings failed miserably this year. I did actually watch the Ravens/Pats game though, which is something.

2012-01-24, 08:28 AM
I'm not sure how excited I am bout this year's Super Bowl.
On one hand, I really don't want the Giants to win, cause they snuck into the playoffs by that last week win against the Cowboys (yes, the Cowboys were crap in that game, but still).
On the other hand, I don't want the Patriots to win, because then we'll just keep hearing about it forever and ever.

But if I had to choose one of the two, I'd pick the patriots to win.

not sure if i'll be able to watch it this year, though, since it's the same weekend as the UKitP meetup, and we will have been driving back from Bradford that afternoon, so I might be absolutely shattered as it is.

An Enemy Spy
2012-01-24, 08:16 PM
I know the Pro Bowl is tied with the most unimportant sporting event in the world along with the Stanley Cup(zing!) but this year it looks like five Seahawks will be going. Might almost be worth having on while I do something else.

2012-01-24, 08:19 PM
The Pro Bowl is fine, as long as you don't expect a nail-biter of a game (as nobody's going to risk getting hurt in what is basically an exhibition match), except for the abysmally stupid time when they placed it. It should be (and used to be) after the season is over.

2012-01-24, 09:12 PM
On the other hand, I don't want the Patriots to win, because then we'll just keep hearing about it forever and ever.

Whaaaaaat? Noooooooooooo- okay, yeah. This is completely accurate and I will feel bad for everyone who comes into contact with me for a week or so after the Super Bowl.

2012-01-24, 10:39 PM
Whaaaaaat? Noooooooooooo- okay, yeah. This is completely accurate and I will feel bad for everyone who comes into contact with me for a week or so after the Super Bowl.

Of course, when the giants beat the patriots again it will just confirm that the patriots are amateurs incapable of beating a REAL football team. :smallbiggrin:

2012-01-24, 10:41 PM
Of course, when the giants beat the patriots again it will just confirm that the patriots are amateurs incapable of beating a REAL football team. :smallbiggrin:

Stuff like that would grab my goat if it weren't so obviously untrue statistically.

2012-01-24, 11:02 PM
Stuff like that would grab my goat if it weren't so obviously untrue statistically.

Heh, I was exaggerating for the fun of it, but the giants beat em once, they can do it again. Honestly the last time they met was a very annoying season for me. Manning couldnt decide whether he sucked or ruled. Luckily he ruled just enough to get into the playoffs then stopped sucking for the most part.

I stand by my statement, its pretty much always down to him. When he is on his game, the giants are almost unstoppable. But then he hits patches where he couldnt hit the ground. He makes bad choice after bad choice, or throws terribly, and its almost never anyone else's fault but his. He gets the protection he needs, his team is out there ready to catch, but he picks the wrong target, or he screws up the throw. Hopefully he will be bringing his best to the big game, as the last time they met it was a DAMN good game to watch. I hate blowouts, and I love it when the last few minutes have me yelling myself hoarse as it goes down to the wire.

2012-01-24, 11:12 PM
Heh, I was exaggerating for the fun of it, but the giants beat em once, they can do it again. Honestly the last time they met was a very annoying season for me. Manning couldnt decide whether he sucked or ruled. Luckily he ruled just enough to get into the playoffs then stopped sucking for the most part.

I stand by my statement, its pretty much always down to him. When he is on his game, the giants are almost unstoppable. But then he hits patches where he couldnt hit the ground. He makes bad choice after bad choice, or throws terribly, and its almost never anyone else's fault but his. He gets the protection he needs, his team is out there ready to catch, but he picks the wrong target, or he screws up the throw. Hopefully he will be bringing his best to the big game, as the last time they met it was a DAMN good game to watch. I hate blowouts, and I love it when the last few minutes have me yelling myself hoarse as it goes down to the wire.

Hmm, what would you consider Mannings performance to be in the last game then? He was hitting receivers pretty well, and set a record for most attempts and completions for the Giants in the post-season, and over-all did fairly well, but he also got nailed pretty hard on multiple occasions and did let a few golden opportunities pass him by. I'm still trying to decide if he was spectacular and hampered by a ****ty offensive line that couldn't hold back a pack of elderly grandmothers, or mediocre and just helped by some outstanding receivers and some well-timed screw-ups on the 49ers part.

An Enemy Spy
2012-01-24, 11:27 PM
Heh, I was exaggerating for the fun of it, but the giants beat em once, they can do it again. Honestly the last time they met was a very annoying season for me. Manning couldnt decide whether he sucked or ruled. Luckily he ruled just enough to get into the playoffs then stopped sucking for the most part.

I stand by my statement, its pretty much always down to him. When he is on his game, the giants are almost unstoppable. But then he hits patches where he couldnt hit the ground. He makes bad choice after bad choice, or throws terribly, and its almost never anyone else's fault but his. He gets the protection he needs, his team is out there ready to catch, but he picks the wrong target, or he screws up the throw. Hopefully he will be bringing his best to the big game, as the last time they met it was a DAMN good game to watch. I hate blowouts, and I love it when the last few minutes have me yelling myself hoarse as it goes down to the wire.

I remember he played pretty well during the Seahawks game. It was Victor Cruz's flashes of brilliance and then utter incompetence and the fact that their running game got annihilated that was really the dciding factor in that one.

2012-01-24, 11:33 PM
Stuff like that would grab my goat if it weren't so obviously untrue statistically.

This isn't baseball. Statistics aren't all that great a measure of a football team's performance. A mediocre team in a poor division will have better stats than an excellent team in a strong one.

2012-01-24, 11:41 PM
Hmm, what would you consider Mannings performance to be in the last game then? He was hitting receivers pretty well, and set a record for most attempts and completions for the Giants in the post-season, and over-all did fairly well, but he also got nailed pretty hard on multiple occasions and did let a few golden opportunities pass him by. I'm still trying to decide if he was spectacular and hampered by a ****ty offensive line that couldn't hold back a pack of elderly grandmothers, or mediocre and just helped by some outstanding receivers and some well-timed screw-ups on the 49ers part.

Ill be honest with you, i am not a die hard fan of the game, I watch games from time to time, and I always cheer on the giants when they play, but most of what I say is what ive gathered from personal observation. I actually missed the 49ers game, I dont know what happened, but for some reason i had a brain fart and thought green bay was the last pre bowl game for them and so stopped paying attention.

2012-01-25, 10:36 AM
Stuff like that would grab my goat if it weren't so obviously untrue statistically.

Funny how that goes though. You're only a "really good team" if you win the big game. Almost winning it doesn't count for much. Denver and Elway was ridiculed for years as being a poor team for only making it to the Super Bowl 3 times and not winning. The Simpsons even covered that, thats how prevalent the thought was. And ironically not much is every said about the teams that never make it to the game to loose.

2012-01-25, 10:43 AM
I am a Giants fan. One that didn't call for Coughlin's firing or was distrustful of Eli Manning.

But our running game gives ny stomach pains. Ugh.

2012-01-25, 10:54 AM
Funny how that goes though. You're only a "really good team" if you win the big game. Almost winning it doesn't count for much. Denver and Elway was ridiculed for years as being a poor team for only making it to the Super Bowl 3 times and not winning. The Simpsons even covered that, thats how prevalent the thought was. And ironically not much is every said about the teams that never make it to the game to loose.

Same with the Bills, who got to the Super Bowl four consecutive years, and didn't win. They're not remembered for anything other than 'WIDE RIGHT!'...

But they were a really good team. how else would they have got to the Super Bowl?

2012-01-25, 12:39 PM
Same with the Bills, who got to the Super Bowl four consecutive years, and didn't win. They're not remembered for anything other than 'WIDE RIGHT!'...

But they were a really good team. how else would they have got to the Super Bowl?

Duh. Everyone else sucked more. :smallbiggrin: Nah, but seriously, its just one of those things. I dont have the statistics, but I wouldnt be surprised if more people watch the superbowl than watch the entire nfl season. Because fo that, with such a huge number seeing one team win while one team loses, obviously that means the losing team isnt very good. Of course, this isnt helped by 30 point blowout superbowl games as has happened a time or two.

Have I mentioned I hate blowouts? Cause I do. Even when its my time crushing the opposition I hate it. Its boring. The giants/gb game? I liked that one because up until the giants scored that last time, there was still a chance. Green bay had the time on the clock to hurry the hell up and score fast to close the gap. Therefore there was still some drama up till the last few minutes of the game. There is nothing I enjoy more than seeing a 6 point game with a minute on the clock, and the team down by 6 is 20 yards from the goal line. Every play is huge, every move gets cheers or yells or screams, its a freaking HOOT!

An Enemy Spy
2012-01-25, 03:48 PM
Yeah, the last decade has had some pretty good superbowls. The only real blowout I can think of was Buccaneers-Raiders.

An Enemy Spy
2012-01-25, 05:28 PM
I just thought of something. Who do you cheer for if you're a Jets fan? The hated hometown rival or the hated division rival?

2012-01-25, 11:13 PM
I just thought of something. Who do you cheer for if you're a Jets fan? The hated hometown rival or the hated division rival?

Neither, you cheer for any awesome plays made by any player. You dont care who wins, you just want to see something awesome! Like I said, you want to see the guy who runs a kickoff return from the rear border of his end zone all the way for a touchdown, spinning, juking, and hurdling the entire opposing team the whole way. Preferably with one guy attached to each of his ankles. You want to see the quarterbacks get sacked so hard its now 2nd and 40. You want to see a guy make an insane catch that involves at least 15 seconds of fingertip ball juggling before he is able to secure possession of it as he stumbles towards the sidelines. You want to see tackles so epic that they will be on highlight reels for years to come. You want to see the coach freak out so hard at a bad call that the referees break out the tazers to protect themselves. You want to see an end zone dance so stupid that it becomes a youtube meme for the next year and a half. The game and its winner isnt important, being entertained by sufficiently interesting events is all that matters when you hate both teams playing.

2012-01-25, 11:38 PM
Neither, you cheer for any awesome plays made by any player. You dont care who wins, you just want to see something awesome! Like I said, you want to see the guy who runs a kickoff return from the rear border of his end zone all the way for a touchdown, spinning, juking, and hurdling the entire opposing team the whole way. Preferably with one guy attached to each of his ankles. You want to see the quarterbacks get sacked so hard its now 2nd and 40. You want to see a guy make an insane catch that involves at least 15 seconds of fingertip ball juggling before he is able to secure possession of it as he stumbles towards the sidelines. You want to see tackles so epic that they will be on highlight reels for years to come. You want to see the coach freak out so hard at a bad call that the referees break out the tazers to protect themselves. You want to see an end zone dance so stupid that it becomes a youtube meme for the next year and a half. The game and its winner isnt important, being entertained by sufficiently interesting events is all that matters when you hate both teams playing.


That will be my entire reason for watching the Super Bowl this time around, as I could really care less about either team. That, and of course, the totally awesome commercials!

An Enemy Spy
2012-01-26, 12:05 AM
Neither, you cheer for any awesome plays made by any player. You dont care who wins, you just want to see something awesome! Like I said, you want to see the guy who runs a kickoff return from the rear border of his end zone all the way for a touchdown, spinning, juking, and hurdling the entire opposing team the whole way. Preferably with one guy attached to each of his ankles. You want to see the quarterbacks get sacked so hard its now 2nd and 40. You want to see a guy make an insane catch that involves at least 15 seconds of fingertip ball juggling before he is able to secure possession of it as he stumbles towards the sidelines. You want to see tackles so epic that they will be on highlight reels for years to come. You want to see the coach freak out so hard at a bad call that the referees break out the tazers to protect themselves. You want to see an end zone dance so stupid that it becomes a youtube meme for the next year and a half. The game and its winner isnt important, being entertained by sufficiently interesting events is all that matters when you hate both teams playing.

I think you're missing the point. This isn't the perspective of someone who is neutral and doesn't care who wins. It's the perspective of someone who despises both teams and considers either of them doing well a horrible scenario. It was what I was worried about when it was still possible that the game could be between the 49ers and Steelers. The idea of both of them in the superbowl was just too awful to imagine.

2012-01-26, 01:27 AM
I think you're missing the point. This isn't the perspective of someone who is neutral and doesn't care who wins. It's the perspective of someone who despises both teams and considers either of them doing well a horrible scenario. It was what I was worried about when it was still possible that the game could be between the 49ers and Steelers. The idea of both of them in the superbowl was just too awful to imagine.

Then you either don't watch it, or you watch it in the hopes that someone gets injured(not in a terrible way, but in such a way to remove them from the game), and then cheer on all the awesome commercials. Seriously, the commercials make watching the Super Bowl worthwhile, no matter how you feel about the two teams involved ^^

2012-01-26, 10:55 AM
Duh. Everyone else sucked more. :smallbiggrin: Nah, but seriously, its just one of those things. I dont have the statistics, but I wouldnt be surprised if more people watch the superbowl than watch the entire nfl season. Because fo that, with such a huge number seeing one team win while one team loses, obviously that means the losing team isnt very good. Of course, this isnt helped by 30 point blowout superbowl games as has happened a time or two.

According to the Nielsen ratings (http://blog.nielsen.com/nielsenwire/media_entertainment/nielsens-tops-of-2011-television), 9 of the 10 most viewed tv shows of 2011 were NFL programming, with the Super Bowl grabbing the top spot.
Now, that's only in the US, though.

According to TMQ, who is really good at checking facts, even if he hasn't provided a source for the following statement:

Of the 20 most-watched television events globally, all 20 were Super Bowls. Recent Super Bowls averaged more than 1 billion viewers worldwide.

<Source for my quote> (http://espn.go.com/espn/page2/story/_/id/7468174/the-nfl-ratings-continue-surge-dominating-all-programing-path)

I will likely watch the game, but like I said, I really don't care who wins, as long as it's not the patriots or the Giants.. :smallwink:

2012-01-26, 12:03 PM
According to the Nielsen ratings (http://blog.nielsen.com/nielsenwire/media_entertainment/nielsens-tops-of-2011-television), 9 of the 10 most viewed tv shows of 2011 were NFL programming, with the Super Bowl grabbing the top spot.
Now, that's only in the US, though.

According to TMQ, who is really good at checking facts, even if he hasn't provided a source for the following statement:

I will likely watch the game, but like I said, I really don't care who wins, as long as it's not the patriots or the Giants.. :smallwink:

Brett favre is in the audience. He will leap onto the field, intercept a pass, and score a touchdown before being escorted off by security. It will be the only points scored in the game. Favre will be recorded as having won super bowl xlvi.

Admiral Squish
2012-01-27, 08:59 AM
Not a football fan, personally... But I work at Buffalo Wild Wings. On the day of the superbowl. I fear for my sanity...

2012-01-27, 10:05 AM
Not a football fan, personally... But I work at Buffalo Wild Wings. On the day of the superbowl. I fear for my sanity...

The part that will likely suck the most is that you will probably get a big rush just before kickoff, then noone will leave for hours and hours, meaning your tips will suck, and you will do about twice as much work per group of people as you normally would.

Admiral Squish
2012-01-27, 11:17 PM
The part that will likely suck the most is that you will probably get a big rush just before kickoff, then noone will leave for hours and hours, meaning your tips will suck, and you will do about twice as much work per group of people as you normally would.

Oh, yeah, it's like that EVERY time there's any kind of good game. But thankfully, I get paid hourly. It might actually be slightly less busy than usual because nobody's gonna leave. I'm assigned to be the bus boy for the night, and if nobody LEAVES, that means no tables to bus.

An Enemy Spy
2012-01-29, 04:52 PM
It's here. The day the entire season has been leading up to. A titanic clash of the best of the best. Yes ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for is finally...
Oh wait, it's the Pro Bowl.

Nevermind then.

2012-01-29, 09:51 PM
Oh, yeah, it's like that EVERY time there's any kind of good game. But thankfully, I get paid hourly. It might actually be slightly less busy than usual because nobody's gonna leave. I'm assigned to be the bus boy for the night, and if nobody LEAVES, that means no tables to bus.

Ah, see, I worked as a busboy and I got a portion of the nights tips. It wasnt as much as the waiters got, but I was pissed when we had low traffic. I mean, a good night got me 50-60 bucks. A bad night 20ish. The night we broke our single days receipts record I brought home 100 bucks. Id be pissed if I had been working a sports bar on superbowl sunday. It would be like the day I watched some poor bastard get stuck with 2 little old ladies in a 6 person family booth that did nothing but drink coffee for SIX FREAKING HOURS while chatting with each other.

Not to derail the topic but god that still pisses me off. The fact that they left about the same amount of a tip as a guy drinking a single cup and leaving 20 minutes later just enrages me still today. Just a tip to the nonservice industry types here. If you go to a restaurant and decide to spend the entire freaking day there, keep in mind that you are keeping that poor waiter from making any money from the three normal sets of customers he would have, and tip accordingly.

An Enemy Spy
2012-02-05, 10:20 PM

2012-02-05, 10:41 PM
Excuse me while I go cry in my bed forever.

2012-02-05, 11:41 PM
Woot! I didn't care who won, but I can tell ya right now, that was a freaking amazing game, and certainly came down to the wire. I was cheering for both teams at the end, screaming for that Patriots guy in the crowd of 3 Giants players to catch the football in the end-zone. I laughed my ass off at the Giants player who tried to stop at the 1-yard line and fell over on his ass into the end-zone. Some really truly great plays tonight, and it was a hard-fought game.

2012-02-05, 11:44 PM
Heh yeah, my mom was watching and she said thats the first time she has ever seen a team be upset about scoring a touchdown. :smalltongue: Until they showed the replays i couldnt figure out why he did that. It didnt look like he tried to stop, it looked like he did stop, then decided to fall over backwards. But on the replays you could see the sheer momentum he had built up in those few feet. Cant stop that much mass on a dime unfortunately.

2012-02-05, 11:51 PM
Yeah... its not often you see someone trying *not* to score a touchdown. You could actually see the patriot defenders jumping to push him in. He should have slid feet first as then the ball is counted as down when you start the slide, but really its only QBs that practice that.

2012-02-06, 12:18 AM
Yeah... its not often you see someone trying *not* to score a touchdown. You could actually see the patriot defenders jumping to push him in. He should have slid feet first as then the ball is counted as down when you start the slide, but really its only QBs that practice that.

I also dont think he expected them to just let him through like that. He practices putting his full force into charging the defensive line in order to break through. Its what his job IS. It would be like trying to shoulder charge a door to break it down, only for it to be a hologram. You just dont expect it and cant instantly halt your forward momentum.