View Full Version : To Counter the Funeral Thread:

2012-01-23, 03:13 PM
To counter all the people who are very sad about recent developments, I would like to say that today's comic felt very, very relieving. How many times have you seen situations similar to the last few days in which an annoying (rell, that's in the eye of the beholder) character upstages another one with, "You can't touch me, so I can do what I want! Nyah!" and the other character can CLEARLY do something about it, but doesn't?

Well, today someone said "Uh, yes I can." And did. And that just felt satisfying. A very annoying bad guy who, in other works, would continually become more and more important before eclipsing everybody (because she's young and female, which appeals to several demographics) instead got the axe in a fairly realistic way. Thanks!

2012-01-23, 03:39 PM
Yeah, I've been wanting to say, "Just kill her already!" for awhile. Now that it's happened, I'm feeling a mix of :smalleek: and :smallbiggrin:.

2012-01-23, 03:42 PM
Funny thing is, I was smiling at the situation more than Tsukiko, the character.

This situation happens far too often:
Character A: "What are you doing here, person-whom-I-can-easily-kill?"

Character B: "Rifling through your stuff, finding your secrets, killing your friends, and you'll let me, because I'm young and hot and have audience appeal!"

Character A: "Alas, I can do nothing!"

Character B: "Now I'm gonna go pee on your breakfast cereal."

2012-01-24, 01:23 PM
I liked seeing Redcloak flex and show his power for once. Tsu was in the wrong place and the wrong time and mucked with the wrong gobbo.

Bleak Ink
2012-01-24, 01:28 PM
I liked seeing Redcloak flex and show his power for once. Tsu was in the wrong place and the wrong time and mucked with the wrong gobbo.

Couldn't have said it better myself; it's nice to see him put his higher-level foot down.

King of Nowhere
2012-01-24, 01:54 PM
i don't think the guys posting in the funeral thread were sad about tsukiko. At least, i posted there and i wasn't.
it was just something to comment on the death of an important character

2012-01-24, 02:38 PM
I'm genuinely glad she's dead. Calling her 2 dimensional would be a complement. As much as I disliked the character (and not in the love to hate type way) the way it played out was perfect. The last 2 strips alone make previous ones with her all the better.

2012-01-24, 02:47 PM
I didn't want a funeral, as Tsukiko pretty much deserved it, but damn if her last words weren't heart-wrenching. I feel far, far sorrier for her than I ever did for Miko, because Tsukiko actually felt emotion.

2012-01-24, 04:28 PM
I liked the last page because I love a good villainous rant, and Recloak's was absolutely juicy.
I love it when a villain comes together!

2012-01-24, 05:34 PM
Certainly Tsukiko got a nice big heapin' helping o' karma. Her death was richly deserved and poetic.

Even so, I feel some sorrow because I think it's a shame when any creature capable of goodness fails to be redeemed and instead dies in its sins. It is a far better thing, to my mind, to restore a fallen creature to the light than it is to punish it for being dark.

Also, this means the manga OOTS thread won't be drawing much more of her, and that really IS a shame.


Brian P.

2012-01-24, 06:19 PM
As I said in the other thread, Tsukiko died because she mistakenly believed she was a Mary Sue. Sadly, the main character who inexplicably falls in love with her and the major villain she outwits almost without trying? Yeah, I guess she wasn't one after all was she?

2012-01-24, 11:32 PM
Here is what I'm going to say: I have no remorse for Tsukiko's death. I think she was a pretentious little ***** who, like a few other villain in this story, thought she was much more important than she actually was. Samantha, Miko, Crystal, these are just a few (Wait a minute, they're all female...). I'm glad she's out of the way, and I'm glad Redcloak finally did something more than just sit back and think to himself:

:redcloak: "I didn't really do anything terrible, right? Right. It's for a good cause, right? Right."

However, what I will say is this: I was surprised at how Redcloak killed her. He did so in a way that, frankly borderlines on torture, both Physically and Psychologically. Sure, he tortured O'chul, but Redcloak could justify it then as:

:redcloak: "I needed to, so I could stall Xykon from leaving."

True, in that case, he was a Azurite, the people Redcloak has hated and wanted to completely destroy all his life. But I digress...I understand that he held nothing but complete loathing and hatred for Tsukiko, and I understand that his method of attack did, in effect, make her completely helpless, until she died from negative levels, or however it works. I could honestly care less.

What I found distressing, was that he took the time to give her a long rant, nearly the length of Xykon's to Post-Darth V, forcing her to see that everything she has ever believed was wrong, that she was a complete idiot for believing it, and that she will now be killed by the very beings she considered her family. That seems dangerously close to an action Xykon would commit, in my opinion, and I always thought Redcloak held himself above the needless killing and crushing of your enemies. He seemed, to me, as someone who didn't want to wast threats with a dead man (Woman).

Too use to comparative quotes, that I feel finish this post (One of which is from SoD):

:xykon: "And they died happily ever after. The End."

:xykon: "With all that time to think it over, and over, and over again...it could drive a soul crazy"

(If this is wrong, someone please correct me...it was late and I recalled it from memory.)

I personally became very worried for Redcloak's stability at the end of this strip.

2012-01-25, 12:08 AM
Well, today someone said "Uh, yes I can." And did. And that just felt satisfying. A very annoying bad guy who, in other works, would continually become more and more important before eclipsing everybody (because she's young and female, which appeals to several demographics) instead got the axe in a fairly realistic way. Thanks!

I'm hoping Nale gets similar treatment from Malack.

Roland St. Jude
2012-01-25, 06:48 PM
Sheriff: This should just be discussed in the existing thread. One thread per topic, please.