View Full Version : One Piece: Set Sail [Freeform RPG]

2012-01-23, 03:46 PM
The day had started as usual; Big Bradon running throughout the ship blaring a cacophony from his bagpipes to wake the crew, Sonjeet and Kudomoro making breakfast in the kitchen and arguing about mythical creature battles, Steel Jake practicing his sword-throwing on deck. It seemed like an average day for the Crown Pirates, but a storm was approaching. Around mid-day a pirate ship approached flying a strange jolly roger.


A shout rang through the air as the ship drew closer and closer to the Crown Pirates.


A cannon thundered and a cannonball smashed into the captain's quarters. Seconds later Magnus, captain of the Crown Pirates emerged unscathed with the cannonball in one hand and his sword in the other. He heaved the lead ball into the air and with a KERRANG sent it flying back with the back of his sword.

"Crew, we all knew this day was coming! Prepare for battle!"

In a flash the other ship was upon the Crown Pirates', it's crew swarming overside and onto the deck. Above, a storm began brewing. Both crews were embroiled in a fierce standoff save for two new members of the Crown Pirates who had no idea what was going on. Lightning crackled overhead and rain poured down in a merciless torrent. Magnus' blade clashed against the enemy captain's, but the tide was turning against him. He motioned to his first mate Vellow, a man easily ten feet tall and thickly muscled. Vellow nodded and grabbed the two effortlessly, tossing them into a lifeboat. The other captain made a move to interfere but Magnus put himself between the boat and his enemy.

"Those two aren't part of our fight! Leave them out of this, Ba-"

The storm carried away the rest. Vellow lifted the boat and hurled it out to sea with a mighty grunt. The two fledgling crewmates drifted farther and farther away from the two ships locked in conflict, only able to see what was happening in the occasional flash of lightning. Suddenly, the Crown Pirates' ship was split. Split. Right in half. The sound of wood being rent apart almost drowned out the thunder. In a few seconds all that remained of the once proud vessel was a few chunks of timber afloat on the turbulent sea. The other ship did not pursue the jettisoned crewmates, simply sailing away in the direction it came from. The storm dissipated not long after. Eventually a small silhouette of land began to peep over the horizon.

2012-01-23, 10:09 PM
The sound of water had never been calming. Not to someone born and raised in the mountains, no. For one Sinbad K. Davies, the sound of water on a wooden ship had always made him nervous. Magnus had proved him wrong, Magnus had shown him that this sea may be a stinky, noisy place full of things that wanted nothing more than to see you torn in half. Sinbad looked back upon the horizon, the splinters and tatters of the once great vessel nearly forcing the words out.

"He was wrong" Sinbad muttered as he lay in that small, patchy boat. And just like back at home, being wrong meant pain. He grunted as he stretched his arms and sat up, wiping the splashes of sea water off his face. He patted down his waist, breathing a brief sigh of relief as his hand touched upon his sword.
With another grunt he ripped the blade from it's leather scabbard, hopping to his feet and wearily looking in all directions, his blade held high.

"Looks like they finished..." Sinbad said, his face awash with a look of relief and disappointment. "I wonder if any of them survived..." he muttered, his hand scratching at the side of his head.

2012-01-25, 01:16 AM
Nordons head was hit hard during the ships crash, memories of the crew came rushing back to him. In his years of searching the ocean to join a pirate crew never has he been able to be accepted to join one due to his wings. Not many people cared for the idea of a Shandarian joining their crew. However the day that he met captain Magnus he accepted him as a he would any human and welcomed him on board with a smile. Just to be one step closer to reaching the goal of finding that man again made a world of difference, Nordon pulled out his heat dial and held it against his forehead I'm sorry Father.. I wish I could have helped you back then, but I will try to make things right now I promise. . While attempting to put the flame dial back in his dial pouch he noticed that his pouch was completely gone. With nowhere else to put it he buried it inside of the pocket in his pants.

He searched his body to see what else he had lost during the ships, his two back up arm quivers were missing though the two thigh quivers were secure. 144 arrows were still remaining which would thankfully last a while. The trusty bow that he took with him from Skypiea was thankfully safe and undamaged. The boat rocked gently even after such a long time of the ships destruction.

Nordonsat up and saw behind him the ocean, there was nothing but blue water for as far as his eyes could see besides the odd piece of driftwood. He rested his head on the boat and realized that he was looking off the bow. He began to awkwardly turn around to see that there was in fact another man in the boat, it was the crewmate that you saw only briefly on the ship. He must have been another one of the survivors. Woah, when the hell did this hhappen? . After clearing his throat to make sure he didn't sound startled still after realizing someone else was there he introduced himself “Uhh hey. My name is Nordon and you were another one on the ship weren't you?” The man was distracted by the ocean at the time. “By the way, stylish bandana”

2012-01-28, 04:37 AM
Sinbad lowered his sword as he inspected the survivor. He recognized him, although barely. He had seen him around the ship a few times, and he looked just as shook up as Sinbad did. With a weary sigh Sinbad bent over to retrieve his scabbard, strapping it to his back and sheathing his blade. He shot the survivor a glare as he adjusts his bandana to face the correct way. "Sinbad, not that anyone particularly needs to know". He eyed the man's pocket, seeing the unusual bulging shape of an odd seashell, a telltale place for hidden treasure. "That some treasure you got in there?" he asked as he motioned for the handle of his blade. "You wouldn't happen to know nothin' about those pirates who attacked us, would you?".

2012-01-28, 08:27 PM
Nordon sighed and pulled his flame dial back out of his pocket, motioning it high up in the air he releases a small burst of flame into the air. "It's my dial, with it I have the ability to shoot flames from it as long as I have charged it with fire prior to using it". Nordon scratched his head and put the dial back into his pocket for safety reasons, "I would have expected you to know at least a small amount of just what a dial is". After depositing the dial he eyes the sword quickly to notice he was holding the hilt "Anyway, if I knew about this then I would have actually been able to do something instead of getting beaten and being on this tiny little dinghy". Nordon peaked over Sinbads shoulder to see that the boat was getting closer to the mainland.

2012-01-29, 08:01 AM
Sinbad's hand grasped the hilt, his gaze following Nordon's. Spying the island, a grimace shot across his face, being replaced by a scowl. "I'll trust you on that, but if you aim that thing at me I'm sticking you like a pig back home" He said gesturing to Nordon's bow. Sinbad doubted he could seriously beat this guy, especially if that fancy thing did what it was said to do. But being a mountain bandit was never about actually beating the guy, it was about scaring them ****less.

But only one thought rang through Sinbad's mind now. He had lost it. He had lost his goddamn whip. He could feel the beads of sweat run down his neck as the thought of having to fight someone without it ran it's course. He needed to find his satchel, and he needed to find it as soon as possible. "Hey, you're a sniper, right? Go get a better look at that island, why don't ya!" Sinbad shouted as he rushed past Nordon, shoving him aside.

He was desperate now, and his tough guy act was making it worse. His lip quivered slightly, which he halted by biting down upon it. His eyes desperately scanned the horizon, poking through the ship wreck. All he needed was that damn satchel. He swore he had seen it fall in the water somewhere nearby while he was airborn.

He nearly toppled in to the blue ocean as the dingy hit something, causing it to rumble slightly. With a panicked look Sinbad grabbed the edge of the boat and poked his head over, looking for whatever they had collided with. He nearly cried as he saw it, a piece of the former crewship's railing. He leaned over further to grab it, accidentally over extending and losing his balance. His feet thrashed violently as he struggled to maintain balance. "Hey! Help would be nice!"

2012-01-30, 03:00 AM
Nordon shrugged and figured it would be best if he helped the man back in, he tugged on his mid section and managed to pull him back in as they both landed in opposite ends of the boat, he got more comfortable after injuring his behind from the collision. "Well, putting hostilities aside I think our best bet is to get to land so we can get something to eat, I didn't eat since we last docked".

They both sat back quietly for a moment still getting used to just what had happened from the incident, Nordon began to feel uneasy from the drifting and attempted to peak past Sinbad yet again. "It's hard to see, you mind seeing just what is in the distance for me?"

2012-01-30, 02:03 PM
Sinbad winced at the man's suggestion "You're the marksman! You do it!". He hefted the piece of torn railing over his shoulder and placed one end in the center of the boat, with the other jutting out just over the side. "What are you, stupid? Of course we want to get back on land! Those guys could still be out there!" he shouted, pointing to the colossal wreck of their former ship. "Do you have a knife or something? This is going to take forever by myself" he said as he got to work, dragging the edge of his blade along the wooden slab, narrowing it down.

2012-01-30, 11:16 PM
"No can do, only thing I got on me is my arrows, my bows and my trusty little dial here". Nordon put his hand in the water and splashed it around gently every few seconds letting the crisp ocean breeze sway him gently. He closed his eyes for a moment as Sinbad carved the railing into a oar. The water caressing the boat was a calming feeling, it felt almost as tranquil as it did when playing in the clouds of skypiea. Remembering the feeling of being able to glide along the clouds freely was a calming thought and the sounds of everything around him, even Sinbad carving were almost nonexistant.

Memories of gliding through the clouds and shooting fruit from trees as training back on the island, the mid day feasts of fruit you had were truly wonderful things to remember. Suddenly a splash of water assaulting his hand catches his attention as he looks down to see there is a small current pulling them towards the ocean. "Sinbad, I don't think we will be needing that paddle anymore".

2012-01-31, 01:17 AM
It had taken time. Time and a lot of wood shavings. Sinbad blew on the now finished oar, breathing in a reminder of his time back home. He winced as he slapped himself, this wasn't the time to get nostalgic, not over that. He slid himself to the center of the dingy, putting the middle of the oar on his lap. "Just keep a look out" shouted Sinbad as he began to row, eyes sit firmly on their island destination.

2012-02-02, 06:59 PM
You draw nearer to the coastline and see beaches of black sand before forest. You see some people on the beachfront as well as a carriage that looks to be pulled by... a massive dog? The people look like they are collecting things from the ground and putting them in the carriage. Perhaps shells or some sort of fruit or even little creatures for cooking.

After a few minutes of paddling and drifting you hear voices shouting. It seems the people on the beach have spotted you. You can't quite make out what they're saying but they don't sound hostile at least. A man, a woman and two children stand on the shore shouting and waving their arms at the little boat drifting their way. As you move closer and closer their words become clearer: "Hey are you okay? Your boat looks pretty beat up! Where did you come from?"

2012-02-02, 08:29 PM
His eyes were left gazing at the giant dog for a while before realizing there were other things to do. He looked around and saw there were a lot of humans all asking what had happened to them both. He attempted to conceal his wings inside of his shirt to make sure nobody would notice them to cause a scene, well more of one. "I apologize for the scene we caused, we were roughed up a bit by some pirates and have been in this dinghy for quite some time. Is there any chance that you have a village nearby we can stay at when we get on shore?"

It was bad to lie about what had happened but if they were to know that you were pirates they would turn you into the marines instantly, it was the only option you had to get help. "Please help us when we get on shore, we're so hungry from the time we spent out here"

2012-02-05, 02:46 PM
"Pirates? How terrible! You guys are lucky you escaped alive!" shouted the people on the beach. "Why not come with us to our ranch? The village is all the way on the other side of the island and you sure sound like you could use a hot meal and a good night's rest!"

2012-02-07, 01:55 AM
"Eh? Yeah, we'll head to you ranch. Just don't go expectin' any work for repayment or nothing, we got no coin to our name" replied Sinbad as he stepped out of the dinghy, throwing the cumbersome makeshift oar to the sand. His attention quickly drifted away from the natives, his hands resting on his hips as his eyes dart around the beach, clearly looking for something amongst the warm sand. "Oh, and if 'ye find a green satchel with a mint leaf pattern on it, you give it to me, aye?" He said as he sighed, still missing his equipment. "Where's this ranch, anyways?"

2012-02-07, 04:01 PM
The little girl sitting on the large dog points toward a cobblestone path leading through the woods. "We live down that way but it's a long wide. Momma and Poppa pwomised that today we would come down to the beach to collect Shell Cwystals. Isn't that wight, Awoo?"

The large hound lifts it head and howls, "AROOO!" much to the delight of the girl.

The father smiles and wipes his brow, meeting Sinbad's gaze. "Our ranch is four hours from here down that path there. It's also sort of a halfway point between the town and this beach so you'd have to pass by it anyways. We got plenty of room and plenty of food so don't be shy."

The boy, off to the side digging around in the sand, suddenly shouts! "Momma! Poppa! Look, look!" He runs over to them, hands full of gleaming, glittering stones. "I found some Shell Crystals!"

2012-02-07, 09:58 PM
Nordon over heard talk about shells and figured the child had found something quite rare. I miss my dials already, they were fun to play with. He walked over casually to him to see the child shuffling his hands through the sand to pick up the shells. "Hey there little guy, I see you like shells there. I'm actually pretty fond of them myself, any chance I could see the ones you got and I will show you my prized shell."

2012-02-08, 01:04 PM
The child looks at Nordon for a second and then scoops up a handful of what he unearthed. "Look mister! A whole bunch of Shell Crystals!" In the boys hand are spiral seashells that... could it be? They appear to be made of diamonds! "Aren't they neat?" the boy asks with a broad grin.

2012-02-09, 03:13 AM
Nordon gazed at the quality of the shells shimmer and the bright, beautiful color of them. They were made out of diamonds... My god, where are we to find such a rare and beautiful shell. This kid really is lucky. "Those shells really are beautiful kid", Nordon was still in a daze from it. The child was tugging on his arm near rapidly "Oh right I forgot about my part of the deal, give me a minute". Nordon pulled out the heat dial from his pocket and spun it around to show the child. "This shell means a lot to me, and not only that but I can do a very special trick with it". Nordon pointed the dial in the air and ignited it to let out a short burst of fire.

2012-02-09, 01:19 PM
"Wow that's cool!" shouts the boy. "Where did you get a shell that does that?!" The boy's father walks over and looks at the shell for a second. "Well I'll be. That's a Flame Dial. You wouldn't happen to be from a sky island, would ya son?"

2012-02-10, 05:11 PM
Sinbad's attention was immediately drawn to the shimmering sea shells, his hand probing his pocket, feeling the weightlessness of his almost empty coin bag. With a cautionary look he turns around, interrupting Nordon and the little boy. He crouches down, looking the boy eye to eye. "Hey, kid, where ya got more of these things?" he asks, pointing towards the shell crystals.

2012-02-10, 07:50 PM
The kid looks at Sinbad, fixing him with a critical gaze as i he was sizing him up. "Mister, these Shell Crystals are really really rare. You know that? This beach is the only one in the whole entire Grand Line where they are! This beach also belongs to my Dad! But..." the boy leans close and lowers his voice, "if you'll do me a favor I might tell you where you can find a whole bunch."

As the father stands waiting for Nordon to answer his question his daughter tugs on Nordon's pant leg. "Mista awe you an angel fwom the sky too? Do you have pwetty wings like Dabney?"

2012-02-11, 02:37 AM
With the fact that he was from the sky islands exposed there was no real point tucking his wings into his shirt. He shook his shoulders heavily in order to loosen the wings to enable them to come out of the two holes dedicated to them from his shirt. "I didn't expect you to know what a flame dial was, I'm pretty impressed sir, I was pretty nervous about you all knowing I was from the sky islands as well". Nordon smiled and turned the dial around admiring it again to see that people were aware of the sky islands.

Nordon looked down to see that the daughter of the family was tugging on his pant legs, it would appear that she was doing it for quite some time. She mentioned another person with wings that caught his attention immediately. He lowered himself to kneel down next to the girl and smiled at her. "Tell me, who is this Dabney person little girl".

2012-02-11, 09:40 PM
The father frowns a little at the mention of the name. "Dabney is... a little off. He came to this island about five years ago and set up a shop where he tinkers away making all manner of nonfunctional devices. He has a few Dials himself which is how I recognized what you've got there as one." He then turns and looks down at his daughter. "Melly, what did I tell you about hanging around that man? He's dangerous to himself and anyone around him."

"Hmph! B-but he's weally nice and he pwomised he'd make something cool fo' next time!" the girl says, tearing up a little.

"Now now, dear. Dabney's harmless and you know it," chimes her mother, "if Melly were really in danger I wouldn't allow her to go at all. Besides, who was the one that found him washed up on the beach? I think I know him better than anyone else on this island."

The father tries to protest but gives in with a sigh. "If you say so, dear. I'm just worried he might blow up his shop again while Melly's there." He turns back to Nordon and smiles again, "You should definitely seek him out tomorrow when we all head into town. I'm sure you would have a lot to talk about and he'd be very interested in that Flame Dial."

2012-02-12, 09:35 PM
Nordon perked up after hearing that the man that had a large collection of dials, he might be able to help him with going back to the sky islands or even possibly selling him a few dials that he no longer has use for. I really didn't expect to see another sky lander so nearby, I hope he is friendly like the girl says. He might even be good utilizing dials with other things like I am. Nordon smiled at the girl and ignored the fathers warnngs "I would love to meet him with you young one".

2012-02-13, 04:14 PM
Sinbad's face contorts into a grin as the child gives him the offer, his eyes focused on the bright, shiny shells. His mind raced with images of himself, fantastically wealthy. He crouched down beside the kid, utterly a single word: "Deal".

2012-02-13, 06:41 PM
"Poppa, this guy said he'd help me find some more Shell Crystals so we're gonna go look further down the beach!" the boy yells over his shoulder as he starts walking, motioning Sinbad to follow him.

"Fine, Dario, but be back in one hour or your walking home alone." his father replies.

"Sure thing! Come on, mister! I think there are some more Shell Crystals down this way! Follow me! Say, what's your name anyways?"

2012-02-17, 11:47 AM
Sinbad smirked, the sound of ringing future coin almost deafening to him. He waved the others off, happily patting at his empty pockets, thinking about how he lucked out here. His imagination was racing so bad that he nearly forgot that the kid was talking to him. He snapped out of his greed fueled daze, adopting the sullen look of contempt that he so often used like a mask as he hurried to keep pace with the boy. "The name's Sinbad, kid. Now, where we goin' again?".

2012-02-17, 02:13 PM
"Just up the beach a little bit. There's a shoal cave that my sister and I were playing in a few weeks ago. We had just gotten this sparkly toy boat and we were sailing it in this really cool tidepool when a crab took it! I tried to get it back but it was too fast for me. If you can get our boat back I'll show you where to find some Shell Crystals easy."

2012-03-07, 04:06 PM
Sinbad looked at the kid oddly, his mouth bent in a shape that could only be described as a cross of confusion and disgust. "You want me to get your toy boat back from a crab?!" He shouted, standing tall and looking down upon the kid.

2012-03-08, 10:59 PM
The kid starts, surprised by Sinbad's reaction. He then stands up and looks Sinbad right in the face. "Yeah, I do! And if you don't then you'll never get any Shell Crystals!"