View Full Version : Non-Combat Encounters [PF]

2012-01-24, 02:17 AM
Ok, so I'm currently in the midst of writing up a short Kingmaker-style campaign for my friends, and I've reached a point where the party is exploring the ancient ruins of a civilization that had settled in the land before them, only to be destroyed by the same plague that is now affecting their fledgling kingdom. Long story short, I need non-combat encounters for the party to happen across while exploring the temple in search of clues. So far, the encounters I've written include helping a fellow explorer caught in a trap, (who then becomes a helper/NPC leader later on, should the party choose,) a few traps, and a few haunts. Ideas for puzzles would be greatly appreciated, as would some good traps for a 5th level party to deal with. Ideally, the exploration should provide enough XP to reach about 3/4s up to 6th level, so about 24000 XP total. Is this a feasible goal?

2012-01-24, 04:35 AM
All sorts of ancient writings seem appropriate, possibly in ancient and/or forgotten languages - mundane letters, accounting, contracts, arcane and religious texts, magical writings (including traps), encrypted writings. These may include evidences of civilization's attempts at fighting plague, at least specifying some methods that do not work, etc.

2012-01-24, 07:00 AM
I have one that may turn into a combat encounter, depending on the party's choice. As in, if they fight first, ask questions later.

After passing through a heavily sealed door(I suggest using the party's strengths in a puzzle, not just disable device) the party sees a figure working hurridly, scribbling on various pieces of paper. He is a researcher from ancient times, taking the souls of others to survive that long. He did increaddibly grusome and terrible expiriments, and believes he has found a cure. He offers himself to the party to do with him what they may.

Hooray moral choices!