View Full Version : Time Traveling!

2012-01-24, 12:12 PM
Just a quick question here. Looking at the Zerth Cenobite it seems pretty cool, even though most of it's stuff is once per I don't mind that. It seems like a cool, flavorful idea. Anyway my question is when you use Timeless Step to slip into the future, are you allowed to do anything while in the future? Could you Temporal Strike someone into the future, and then travel in time to meet up with him, and continue the fight, for example?

2012-01-24, 12:27 PM
Just a quick question here. Looking at the Zerth Cenobite it seems pretty cool, even though most of it's stuff is once per I don't mind that. It seems like a cool, flavorful idea. Anyway my question is when you use Timeless Step to slip into the future, are you allowed to do anything while in the future? Could you Temporal Strike someone into the future, and then travel in time to meet up with him, and continue the fight, for example?

I'm not sure what you mean by "do anything while in the future." For you, the minute you step outside the timestream, you're there and it effectively becomes the present. And yes, if you punch somebody forward in time, you could theoretically step after them to continue the fight some rounds later.

Of course, you could always travel to the future with a much more reliable method. (http://xkcd.com/630/)

2012-01-24, 12:35 PM
I'm not sure what you mean by "do anything while in the future." For you, the minute you step outside the timestream, you're there and it effectively becomes the present. And yes, if you punch somebody forward in time, you could theoretically step after them to continue the fight some rounds later.

Of course, you could always travel to the future with a much more reliable method. (http://xkcd.com/630/)

Ah, yes. My bad. I suppose if I time travel into the future, that would be the present for me. You answered my question though. Basically Timeless Step allows you to go into the future, at which point you can still act and do whatever you want, and when the amount of rounds is up, you end up in the space exactly where you left, right?

2012-01-24, 01:07 PM
Basically Timeless Step allows you to go into the future, at which point you can still act and do whatever you want, and when the amount of rounds is up, you end up in the space exactly where you left, right?

I don't think I was being clear earlier. When you arrive in the future, the rounds that you've been gone have already passed. It's not like Time Stop, where you get some "me time" to buff yourself or tap your foot or run away or something while nothing can touch you.

Say you (as a ZC) are in a party. You use your timeless step ability to jump ahead in the battle 5 rounds.

Round 1: You step outside the timestream. Your party and the monsters take their actions as normal.
Round 2: You're not here. Your party and the monsters take their actions as normal.
Round 3: You're not here. Your party and the monsters take their actions as normal.
Round 4: You're not here. Your party and the monsters take their actions as normal.
Round 5: You reappear and can begin acting again as normal.

To an observer, it's as if you teleported somewhere, twiddled your thumbs for a few rounds, assumed the same pose you were in when you left, then teleported back.

It's primarily a defensive ability (e.g. You get grappled/pinned by something nasty: you can hop ahead to the future, and hope it gets confused and moves away from where you were. Or you're about to get caught in a cave-in - you time hop forward, the cave-in happens, and now the space you left from is clogged with rubble - so you're harmlessly shifted to a clear spot outside.)

2012-01-24, 01:17 PM
I don't think I was being clear earlier. When you arrive in the future, the rounds that you've been gone have already passed. It's not like Time Stop, where you get some "me time" to buff yourself or tap your foot or run away or something while nothing can touch you.

Say you (as a ZC) are in a party. You use your timeless step ability to jump ahead in the battle 5 rounds.

Round 1: You step outside the timestream. Your party and the monsters take their actions as normal.
Round 2: You're not here. Your party and the monsters take their actions as normal.
Round 3: You're not here. Your party and the monsters take their actions as normal.
Round 4: You're not here. Your party and the monsters take their actions as normal.
Round 5: You reappear and can begin acting again as normal.

To an observer, it's as if you teleported somewhere, twiddled your thumbs for a few rounds, assumed the same pose you were in when you left, then teleported back.

It's primarily a defensive ability (e.g. You get grappled/pinned by something nasty: you can hop ahead to the future, and hope it gets confused and moves away from where you were. Or you're about to get caught in a cave-in - you time hop forward, the cave-in happens, and now the space you left from is clogged with rubble - so you're harmlessly shifted to a clear spot outside.)

Oh. So it can't be like, I jump ahead 5 rounds:
Round 1: I step outside the timestream, my party and monsters take actions as normal
Round 2: My party and the monsters take their actions as normal, and continue the fight, Meanwhile I still have a turn to do something in my current time period
Round 3: My party and the monsters take their actions as normal, and continue the fight, Meanwhile I still have a turn to do something in my current time period
Round 4:My party and the monsters take their actions as normal, and continue the fight, Meanwhile I still have a turn to do something in my current time period
Round 5: I reappear.

Thanks for all the help! I really appreciate it. This for some reason is really just confusing me:smallfrown:

2012-01-24, 01:19 PM
Or to put it another way: Timeless Step is like having a special oven that lets you travel into future, at a rate of 1-second-per-second. You set the timer for three rounds and sit in the oven, and when the timer rings you get out of the oven, gasp, it's three-rounds later than when you got in!

In other words, it's an ability that lets you miss out on the exciting adventures your friends are having.

2012-01-24, 01:24 PM
Or to put it another way: Timeless Step is like having a special oven that lets you travel into future, at a rate of 1-second-per-second. You set the timer for three rounds and sit in the oven, and when the timer rings you get out of the oven, gasp, it's three-rounds later than when you got in!
So what happens if somebody bashes your special oven up with a crowbar?

A metaphorical crowbar, of course.

2012-01-24, 01:33 PM
Timeless step, Time Hop, etc. are actually pretty good if you are about to be Mcguffined. "When the box of Pandora is opened, there will be a giant explosion 40d6 in its magnitude!" "I Timeless Step past the explosion thanks"

2012-01-24, 01:38 PM
So what happens if somebody bashes your special oven up with a crowbar?

A metaphorical crowbar, of course.

Then you have eggs and biscuits.

2012-01-24, 01:38 PM
…This for some reason is really just confusing me:smallfrown:

Time travel is for a lot of people. :smallwink:

From what I'm reading here, it basically sounds like you just skip your turn without having to worry about being attacked.

2012-01-24, 01:49 PM
Timeless step, Time Hop, etc. are actually pretty good if you are about to be Mcguffined. "When the box of Pandora is opened, there will be a giant explosion 40d6 in its magnitude!" "I Timeless Step past the explosion thanks"

The problem with this trick is that both TS and TH are standard actions. You thus have to be pretty aware of the trouble about to visit you, and ready an action or synchronicity to be able to protect yourself.

2012-01-24, 01:51 PM
The problem with this trick is that both TS and TH are standard actions. You thus have to be pretty aware of the trouble about to visit you, and ready an action or synchronicity to be able to protect yourself.

True. If only there was something like psionic contingencies (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/contingencyPsionic.htm).

2012-01-24, 01:55 PM
True. If only there was something like psionic contingencies (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/contingencyPsionic.htm).

Which works for Time Hop, since it's a power. Not so much for Timeless Step, which is a class ability.

2012-01-24, 02:14 PM
True. If only there was something like psionic contingencies (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/contingencyPsionic.htm).

Funny, I didn't know Zerth Cenobites got 6th-level powers.

2012-01-24, 02:26 PM
To be fair I was thinking more in line with Time Hop than anything. Because defending an arbitrary example of usefulness I threw up on the spur of a moment is important dang it! :smallwink:

2012-01-24, 02:44 PM

Time travel is for a lot of people. :smallwink:

From what I'm reading here, it basically sounds like you just skip your turn without having to worry about being attacked.

Several turns actually, but essentially yes.

If you want a real "time-mage" psionic class, crack open Hyperconscious and check out the Chronorebel. I think I posted the class table on the forums awhile back too (it's OGL.)

2012-01-24, 02:50 PM
Not sure if this is 100% related... but have you seen this?
