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2012-01-24, 02:26 PM
The smell of burning peat hangs thick in the foggy air, its pervasive pall an inevitable presence during the cold winter months. The nearby Muddy Run is not yet locked in ice, though most of the bogs are frozen stiffer than Grandma's knees, and it is the shallow river that contributes the heavy moisture to the air. Tendrils of blue-grey smoke curl upwards from every fireplace, with nary a breeze to set them adrift or dissipate their translucent forms.

A handful of flurries drift down from the sullen blanket of clouds that scuds above, though the precipitation adds very little to the white mantle that already has buried Dismal Hollow to the ankles. The roads have turned as muddy as the town's river, and are heavily rutted with wagon and cart tracks to the point that it's a lost cause to keep one's boots clean.

Within the town's sole tavern, however, the mood is bright and the atmosphere festive. On Master Underbarrow's orders, preparations are in full swing for the upcoming solstice festival. Branches of holly and mistletoe bedeck the heavy wooden beams that support the cedar plank roof. The fire burns brightly in the hearth, fresh logs contributing to the blaze that would normally be spared in favor of peat to save money. Candles are set in every window, to be lit upon evenfall--as much in celebration as in hopes of the master's return. He is several days overdue now...

While it is not yet dark--though the fourth hour of noon is near, and the sun sets early in these parts--the peat cutters, dredgers, farmers, and other laborers of the village are on holiday at this time of year, and a number of them have already started to drift in for their customary libations. The musicians of the town contribute to the growing, lively atmosphere, while the servers put on extra cheer in the hopes of earning a larger tip in this season of generosity.

2012-01-24, 02:59 PM
"With the Solstice drawing near,
let us all enjoy this, hear
It's the sign of a new year,
Be happy, and cheer"

It was yet again this time of the year. The Solstice. The time that gave us joy, and power to continue on another year. And another year since that incident... Even so... I've got to earn money, and this is the best way to do that

"You're warm around the fire
Outside the cold so dire
It is you who me inspire
To the music I aspire"

Did I just see Rijand? That can't be... He usually doesn't socialize that much. Adrian I'm not suprised of to see.

"Now the ladies seek the men
the men seek a lady
to dance they go then
and later to the shady"

Finishing his last sentence with a very 'naughty/playful' tone and a wink to a lady in the room, Lance looks around the room, while still playing his violin. People wanted to dance after having been encouraged to do so by this song. They almost always did.

Let's see. Who was here in the tavern? Lance couldn't really distinguish. It was all too happy and drunk to notice anyone in particular.
Lance was hoping for some really good money today, both for him and the tavernkeeper.
"After this song I'll take a break, see if I can find Adrien for some fun."

Perform (Violin):[roll0]
Perform (Singing):[roll1]
Charisma (for the wink to the lady):[roll2]
Welcome to the game everyone! Let's enjoy!

Grim ranger
2012-01-24, 03:41 PM
Pulling the hammer back for umpteenth time, Adrian looks at the horseshoe he is currently forging for a good moment before bringing the tool ringing down against the iron again. He is sweating somewhat, even while one of the windows in his smithy is open and letting in cold winter air. During time like this, some cold breezes are just appreciated. Holding the half-finished horseshoe on place with pair of tongs, the young blacksmith of Dismal Hollow continues to patiently work the metal.

While allowing his hands to work, Adrian allows his mind to wander even as he is focused on creating useful object out of white-hot piece of iron. This is his twenty first solstice celebration, and yet he is apparently starting it in middle of work. It is not like he does not enjoy his work: being a blacksmith gives him purpose and respected place in the community, currently even uniquely important one. Still, in times like these he longs to leave and wander the lands with nay thought for obligations or responsibilities. Sadly, he also knows that such a venture is rather unlikely to happen. His life is very much tied up in Dismal Hollow, and has it's fair share of problems as well.

He knows that it is not necessary for him to really work this much during solstice celebrations: of course his help has been needed in many a thing before the celebrations, but he has done those things weeks ago. There really isn't anything keeping him from going out and joining the soon starting celebration except his wish to just work in peace. But then again, this chance only comes around on yearly basis, and he is so feeling like letting out some of his stored and unvented frustration with prank or two. And that means finding Lance.

Making his desicion, Adrian finishes forging the horseshoe before placing the white hot metal to bucket of cold water to cool. The sharp hiss and small cloud of evaporating water bring small smile to his face as he takes off his blacksmith's apron and gloves. Switching to unstained shirt and long winter cloak, he leaves his forge and locks the door behind himself. Even if the thing is not really his yet (the matter surrounding it's ownership being very, very complicated at the moment), he is allowed to use it and live there just fine.

Pulling his cloak tighter around himself, he begins to head towards the tavern he knows Lance is often spending his time in to ply his own trade. It is about time for him to have some fun as well.

Yay, IC thread! :smallbiggrin:

Making Craft (Metalworking) check for the heck of it.

[roll0] (Craft (Metalworking))

Smokin Red
2012-01-24, 04:55 PM
Solstice, this time of year again, too cold to stay in the woods for long and much too long until spring comes.

Rijand squats in the darkest corner of the tavern, trying to avoid the crowd, while, at the same time, savoring the liveliness.

As someone catches his eye, he ducks deeper in the shadows.

"Damn, if it wasn't for that Underbarrow, I could perhaps even enjoy being here.", he mutters under his breath.

Happy to see this starting.
Sorry for the short post, I have much to work this week - will be better soon.
Ah, and just to roll something:
Hide: [roll0] (plus exorbitant circumstance-boni due to the smoke and the crowd :smallwink:)

Howler Dagger
2012-01-24, 04:58 PM
Gimble rushes into the Tavern, violin in hand. He skulks sillently at first, hoping to gain a feel for the mood of the tavern. He Works quickly, tuning his isntrument as quitely as possible, hoping for Lance to notice him so his arrival on stage wouldbn't be as awkward. He mutters under his breath when his injured rib starts to hurt again. Gaah, I'm going to have to get more medicine from Zeke.

2012-01-25, 12:34 AM

In the midst of the festive atmosphere inside the tavern, a group begins to gather. In the center is a young man, dressed in colorful arrangements of bright hues, from his floral coat, to his tunic and shirt. Glaring, but not in discord. Maybe a bit too loud for the common folks of such a town as Dismal Hollow, but for one with an open mind and a taste for fashion, it is very much in flavor, an artistic expression.

Eyes and ears are on him as he tells one of his many jests, his whole body in motion as he does so. His hair, a curious thing, made of stripes of blond and light brown, and cut in an asymmetrical fashion, waves from left to right as head turns whenever his eyes dart among his audience. His eyes, deep orbs of steel grey, seem to speak through to the very soul anyone he looks at. There is a warm and light sparkle in them, entrancing, affable. His face, though not strikingly handsome, possesses a charm on its own, especially when he smiles. His lips and mouth, always curved in a smile as he talks, and his hands wave in emphatic motions, trying to tell the story on their own.

He elicits a round of applause and laughter as his jest reaches its punchline, and he bows theatrically a few times, then grabs his mug and raises it for everyone, then downs its content in one go. In the background, Lance plays his music, and he is now at the part talking about men and women, and the shady. The young man wheels around to face the bard and whistles at him, then chuckles. Seeing the opportunity, he looks around and spots a rather charming young lady, walks up to her, and bows.

"Milady, would you care for a dance?" he opens up and beams a smile at her.

Charisma: [roll0]

2012-01-27, 04:47 PM
Zeke tries to pour on the charm, but Ellaine Fairchild--the auburn-haired daughter of the late blacksmith--already has her large, brown eyes locked on Lance. It seems his singing brings out her nearly forgotten happiness, for a bit of a smile plays on her freckled countenance as she regards the bard with a reserved shyness born not of natural reticence but of a heavy heart. Her friends at the table are certainly more vocal about their appreciation of the song, stamping and cheering as Lance reaches his conclusion, but Ellaine just sits and watches. She breaks from her musically inspired reverie long enough to deny Zeke any such pleasure with the barest toss of her wavy locks.

A chill breeze cuts through the taproom as the door swings open and Adrian Crane shoulders his way into the tavern. The portal hinges creak at his push, an audible reminder that Master Underbarrow had requested new ones be made some months ago, before Adrian's master met his untimely end. But Master Underbarrow is not here to shoot a look of disappointment toward the young man...

The serving crew is kept busy as the ale continues to flow, and as the music comes to a lull the roar of the crowd fills the void with cacophony of loud voices. Whatever their virtues, the hard-working folk of Dismal Hollow are not a quiet bunch, and certainly not when liquored up.

Lance is scooping up the handful of coppers that were tossed his way when Gimble emerges from between two tables; the gnome's small stature makes him next to impossible to pick out of the mostly human crowd unless he happens to be standing right next to you.

Howler Dagger
2012-01-27, 11:34 PM
Gimble thinks to himself Curse the giant humans! He needs to notice me...........

I know! get him off the stage, then fill the void!

Accessing the unique internal magic of the Gnomes, he causes the the string's of Lance's violin to slacken noticably, cuasing them to play out of tune. Gimble smiles to himself and waits to see what happens.

Grim ranger
2012-01-28, 05:30 AM
Sighing as the creaking door reminds him of yet more work that he has to get to soon enough, Adrian tries his very best to simply enjoy the moment before normal life will return once again. Solstice celebrations only come around on yearly basis, after all... And he still has time to finish the work after enjoying himself some.

Spotting Lance as he is just finishing his Song, Adrian waits until the applause has died down before approaching his friend. It has been a while since they last pranked someone, and it is about time to remedy that unfourtunate situation.

"Good show, my friend" the blacksmith says to Lance, smiling in his own slightly depressed way and nodding at him in way of greeting. "So, all ready for Solstice celebration proper? I would be dispointed if you did not have anything planned for it!"

2012-01-28, 12:01 PM
"I, my best bud, have planned the best one so far, truly a masterpiece. But I cannot tell you here, too much people around..."
Lance says. He notices the late blacksmith's daughter, and continues:
"Say, Adrian. You're a blacksmith. Do you happen to know Ellaine well?" Trying to sound as casual as possible. He walks to the bar, expecting Adrian to follow while answering. He lays the 10% share on the counter, as per agreement and returns to the side of the dancefloor.

Once Adrian catches up again: "Say, have you seen old man Wenser over there? He cheated on his wife. And guess what? his pockets are filled with coins! So what do you say we take some of those, buy a little present for Lady Wenser, and keep a little to ourselves? Do you want to distract, or shall I go?"

While passing Ellaine, he manages to whisper a message in elven:
"i vanessė lambinalya
luthanya cuilė"

I actually translated that from Tolkien's -___-
"The beauty of your eyes enchants my day"

Sorry, had to do that.

Also: Charisma roll, just cause

Grim ranger
2012-01-28, 12:30 PM
Following Lance, Adrian listens to his friend's plan and rubs his chin. Such a ploy has it's inherent dangers: if caught, thieves are not usually looked kindly upon in Dismal Hollow, even if they don't have a proper militia to keep criminals at bay. Thus far, such a thing has not been necessary. Still, he is bit worried about this plan, but nods his head since it will help his friend. Besides, Wenser is ornery pain in the boot he has to deal with on almost daily basis, as well as altogether unlikeable person. It's rare wonder that the old man's son is his main rival in the village, alongside his group of sycophants.

To be entirely truthful, it would not bother him at all to see them take brunt of this insidious plan... And besides, it will also help someone else.

"I can distract him, buddy" Adrian says confidently. "I have wanted to give the man piece of my mind for a long time now, and I think that now I have the chance to do just that. It will also likely draw Wyll after me again, though, but it is not the first time I have confronted him" he muses, shrugging slightly. His brothers will likely have a word about this to him as well, but it has been a long time since he has cared much for their admonishments.

"Oh, and about her... Yes, I think I know something" Adrian says almost as an afterthought when they are not close enough to Ellaine to be heard, raking his memory for more specific information.

Hoping that you have good Sleight of Hand, gunnar!

Rolling Knowledge (Local) to see what Adrian knows about the lady Lance currently has his eye on...

[roll0] (Knowledge (Local))

Also, Wyll is the rival of Adrian in the village. More specific details can be written up when necessary. :smallsmile:

2012-01-28, 01:33 PM

At that moment, Zeke sees the fair Ellaine's eyes, and as he follows it, he sees no other than the singer in the midst of his performance, such that when she regards him the way she did, he simply smiles back and moves on. Typical. "Why, oh, why did the gift of Song ever elude me?" he says in jest as he moves along, a look of mock despair in his face which turns into a smirk as he goes on scanning the place for another girl to dance with.

The Song is now at its end, and the sudden draught of cold air makes him turn towards the door. He notices his brother, and keeps his eye on him for a moment. When he goes directly towards Lance, his eyebrow raises. Not another prank. Man, does that boy never grow up. He shakes his head and moves on. Instinctively, he cranes his head left to right, searching the room for his other brother, but does so seemingly nonchalant. When he does not find him, he carries on.

As he weaves through the crowd, Zeke's eyes finally catches a glimpse of who he was hoping to find: Elie. His heart sinks as he remembers the countless times she has turned him down in the past. It did not help that his reputation for asking out almost every girl in town was very much known. Yes, he had to admit it was true. But there was something with the young student that affected him so, and even though he dared not admit it, even to himself, she definitely has him reeling and out of his element whenever he is around her.

Again he hits himself on the head as thoughts begin to race inside it. Again it is happening, and only when she is around. Questions, plans, how to do this or that, what to say or how to act. Stop it, you bufoon. This is not like you. Quit fooling around and just talk to her like you normally do to other women. Just go already, stupid...But is she just like any other woman?

He is still undecided on how to proceed as Elie's eyes catches his, and she smiles at him, sending his discorded mind into overload. He smiles back and walks forward. This is not the time to think.

"I cannot allow this night to pass without asking you to dance with me. Please," he says with a smile as he extends his right hand in a gesture of asking hers.

Charisma: [roll0]

Howler Dagger
2012-01-28, 03:35 PM
When Lance gets off the stage, Gimble turns to follow him, hoping to talk to him about performing. He shudders from the blast of cold when Adrian enters. He sneaks over to where they are talking and overhears the last part of their conversation. Gimble mutters to himself A thievery, eh? I have no qualms against pranks, but i think this goes a bit too far. I don't want them to be caught, but I think I can prevent it.

He walks to the dance floor to where Zeke Crane is waiting. Gimble taps Zeke on the back after he offered to dance.

Zeke, he whipers loud enough for him to hear It seems your brothers are planning a thievery.

2012-01-30, 03:06 PM
Elie--Elizabeth Tanner in this case, the gangly daughter of the town's leather master who had grown some two or three inches since this summer and now stood almost as tall as a man--is about to whisper something to one of her friends when Zeke presents himself in her field of view, offering his hand. Her blue eyes meet his for a moment, and she rakes her stick-straight, mouse-brown hair from her face with one hand before reaching out to take Zeke's with a smile.

Zeke has a mere fraction of a second to register the girl's touch before there is a polite tap on the small of his back, originating from the small gnome standing right behind him.

To Adrian:
You know Ellaine fairly well, for her father was your master for several years before his recent and unfortunate death. A bubbly and vivacious sixteen-year-old, Ellie has a substantial coterie of young friends throughout the social scene of Dismal Hollow. While it was once in your master's mind to arrange for Adrian and Ellie to be wed, that plan was time and again thwarted by Ellaine's mother Amelie (the town flowerseller and resident busybody/gossip). The rumor mill supposed that Amelie wished her daughter to marry someone of rank or stature, to rise above the mundanities of common life in Dismal Hollow. Someone like Sir Hector Wolvesbane, the adventurer-in-residence who had retired to the little town five years ago, supposedly with a tidy sum of gold secured on his estate...

Grim ranger
2012-01-30, 03:35 PM
Smiling his sad smile as he sees his brother be rejected once again by Elizabeth, Adrian shakes his head. Although he does find the girl beautiful, he never was too enthusiastic about the marriage plans his old master had for him and her. Well, at least now they do not have to think of such things, and he does not even feel himself ready for that sort of commitment. Nope, his current lifestyle suits him just fine.

But still, he should propably warn Lance first. There are certain details he might not know about that girl he is currently wooing, even if he tends to be quite knowledgeable in general.

"She is quite well-liked... And I think that she likes you as well. Well, as far as I can tell anyhow" Adrian says to Lance quietly with a small shrug. "I do think that you should be careful around her mother, though. She has been planning to send the girl to Sir Wolvesbane, like propably many other parents around this region. However, that is not the main source of my concern: and before you ask, yes, I am concerned. Allow me to tell you why."

Patting Lance to the shoulder, Adrian speaks in unusually grave voice even for himself, looking his friend right into the eye. "My concern is that you swipe her off her feet and then leave to pursue someone else. Don't get me wrong, I know that you can be committed, but honestly everyone knows of your reputation. She is the daughter of man that taught me, and I see her as one of my dearest friends."

Shifting slightly, the blacksmith continues speaking quietly while keeping up the smile for other people in the room. "So if you are going to do it, don't leave it halfway. We are friends and I would tackle pack of wolves for you, but please don't shatter her dreams if you want to go down this road. Oh, and just give me the mark when you want your distraction, by the way" he says almost cheerfully, nodding to Lance and then walking off to get himself a drink.

2012-01-30, 04:46 PM
Lance seats himself next to the rich man, trying not to be too easy to spot. He grabs a drink, drinks a bit, chats to the person next to him and winks at Adrian when the time is right.

"This better go right." he thinks, as he uses Adrian's distraction to slip his hands in the man's pockets and take some weight of his shoulders. Literally.

Sleight of Hand[roll0]

2012-02-02, 08:04 AM

Zeke smiles as he takes Elie's hand. In that instant, all activities seems to stop for him, and all he can see are those pair of beautiful azure eyes and that warm smile. The background seems to stop, and all the noise is cut off. His heart skips a beat, and at the same time his head is straining itself to think straight.

He is about to lead her to the dance floor when he feels a tap on his back. He wheels around and sees Gimble. "Hey, what is, mate?"

Howler Dagger
2012-02-02, 09:43 AM
I overheard Adrian and Lance planning a thievery. Normaly I wouldn't interfere, but the punishments for thievery can be severe. Dance if you wish, but I plan on taking action. He says as quite as possible while still being heard.

Gimble walks over to lance, weaving trhough the dance floor to get to him.

So, how much did you get?

2012-02-02, 12:52 PM

A frown finds its way to Zeke's face. Just as I suspected. What are they planning this time? Without letting go of Elie's hand, he whispers to the gnome. "I'm sure it's not something serious, but if you have nothing to do, then please keep an eye on them. But stay safe yourself. I don't want the last time happening again," then turns back to Elie as soon as he finishes his sentence.

"Sorry 'bout that. My friend needed something. Now, where were we? Oh, but of course. Shall we?" His face registers a smile as his other hand is pointing to a wider space in the tavern where they could dance.

Grim ranger
2012-02-07, 03:06 PM
Seeing that it is go time, Adrian strides towards Wenser, folding his hands. "Old man, we have something rather serious to discuss about. Just where is Wyll? I ask because I am going to smack the bratty part of his personality straight off if he does not stop harassing me."

Knowing that mentioning his son in poor light is the surest way to get old man Wenser going, Adrian keeps going. "Also, you still have not paid me for fixing your plow. Do you have any idea how long I toiled on the bloody thing?" he asks in angry tone, bringing up Wenser's unpaid debts. That is another good way to get him going... and it seems that he might need all of them this evening.

2012-02-07, 04:34 PM
Elie smiles and follows Zeke to the dance. She is light on her feet and a skilled partner, and Zeke finds himself rather enjoying the little divertisement, to the point where Gimble's warning seems to vanish into the back of his mind.

Adrian rather surprises Old Man Wenser, who starts to guffaw and bluster and turn red in the face. Unfortunately, the mention of debts causes the well-off farmer to immediately reach for his coin purse--just as Lance is about to put his hand on it. The farmer's eyes widen in shock as his strong grip wraps around the bard's wrist, and he looks down to see Lance about as close to a man as one might get to put a knife in his back. "What's the meaning of this?" he demands angrily, standing up from his stool and puffing out his cheeks. The bar suddenly quiets down, and even the music falters. All eyes turn to the developing scene.

Old Man Wenser's Spot: [roll0]

2012-02-13, 12:26 AM
Rory was blissfully drinking the long days pains. Werther was at him again about the demand for quality beef as the season began to ice over. Hunched over his pint, it wasn't hard for him to overhear parts of the argument a few stools down. He thought, "Why now, why tonight?" Another gulp, he looms past a few patrons on his way towards the scene, as the old barkeep motions towards the old crotchety farmer and his brother. With a sigh, he finally makes it over and places himself beside the two,
"What's this, Aidan?" he asked with a touch of ale in his breath. Looking into both Aidan and the farmer's sneering glares told him that this would not end with less than a few bruises tonight. He looked around to find Zeke for a more sober mediator for this situation. After all, one Crane barely missing the stocks was enough for poor ol' Mum's soul.

2012-02-13, 01:57 AM

The young barber's eyes is fixed on his partner's, and he tries to keep up with the grace the young maiden is displaying. After all, he cannot give a bad impression. This chance maybe the only one' he'd ever get.

Maybe it's the stars and the moon in the sky, that are aligned just right. Or maybe it's just simply Lady Luck smiling down on him this cold winter night. Whatever it maybe, he did not care. All he cares about is this moment.

Zeke is so engrossed with his little moment that trouble unfurling only a few feet away goes by him unnoticed. It is not until Elie motions to him what is going on that he turns around and hears the raised voice of old man Wenser. He is annoyed at the distraction, cutting into his little moment of happiness, and the feeling escalates as soon as it now dawns to him what is happening.

By the heavens, why here? Why now?

He lets go of Elie's hand as his temper gets to him, his fists clenched and his teeth biting into his lower lip. He looks at Adrian and the mess he is apparently in, and then back to Elie, and the maybe-once-in-a-lifetime chance he has right now. Damn you, Adrian. You clean up your mess this time, is what he thinks. But deep inside him, if things go south, he knows he'd be running over there.

He feigns a smile as he looks at Elie. "Ah, that's nothing. A little discussion gone sour. Must be the ale." He stands there, but he could not help look and observe the situation more.

2012-02-13, 12:12 PM
"What is it old man? Why are you holding my hand, it's not like I'm a bad boy or anything, I'm not misbehaving." Lance says in an airy fashion. At the words bad boy he winks at Ellaine. He is in a tight spot, but with good crowd manipulation, and later a bluff, he could make it.

"You know, you're actually hurting me, so could you let go? OUCH!" he says. He tries to make himself look like the victim and win the public over to his side.

Charisma:(for the crowd)[roll0]

2012-02-14, 04:46 PM
When Rory inserts himself into the situation, Wenser slaps Lance's hand away and stands to his full height. He is a tall man, though on the lanky side, and his grizzled face meets the eldest Crane eye-to-eye. "I'll tell you what this is, you worthless son of a jackal. Your younger brother is a liar and an accomplice to theft. He's not worthy to be the town's smith." He crosses his arms with a muffled "Hrmmph" explosion of breath, and then glares at the still-silent patronage of the tavern as though to say, "I know you're all thinking it. There, I said it."

If Master Underbarrow were present, he would employ one of his sly means to defuse tense situations and have the whole place back to merriment in no time. But without him, the tavern staff seem loathe to approach one of the town's elders with any attempt to soothe the rage.

Grim ranger
2012-02-16, 10:27 AM
Looking at the old man with quite angry look, Adrian opens and closes his fists once, but retains control of his temper. Well, this is most definitely going well. "Don't talk of me as if I am not present, old man. I think that you need some proof before you start throwing accusations like that around. I know that I am not really perfect replacement for my master, but I am quite a damn lot better choice than the cocky thug you would like to see in that position. Wyll is all bluster and not concerned overtly much with responsibilities: with him as smith, this place would be facing a crisis before a week would be allowed to pass."

Even while knowing the denial and redirection might not be enough, Adrian has no wish to throw Lance to the methaphorical wolves. He looks out for his friends, even if they do get him into trouble at times. "You are very quick to make assumptations without backing them up with credibility, old man, so try to calm yourself. Oh, and if you ever speak ill of my brother again, I will break your wrangly nose, stocks be damned. There is a limit in my patience as well."

Rolling Bluff to resolve the situation by convincing everyone that Wenser is just trying to cause a scene, and Intimidate to get him to back off. Hopefully this will work.

[roll0] (Bluff)
[roll1] (Intimidate)

2012-02-22, 04:15 PM
Wenser's nostrils flare with fury, and his face turns a dark shade of red. He looks as though he is about to deliver a blistering retort, but then his eyes catch the faces of the people around him, townsfolk who would dearly love to get back to their merriment and forget about this scene. He purses his lips tightly together, puffing out his cheeks once more. Then, with a piercing stare at Adrian, he speaks in a much quieter voice. "This isn't the time. But I have my eye on you, boy--screw up and I'll have you run out of town on a rail, hear?"

When it becomes clear there isn't going to be a scrap, many of the patrons immediately return to their beverages and chatter. The music and dance resumes apace, and bright-eyed Elie tugs at Zeke's arm with meaningful forwardness. She seems to be enjoying herself...

2012-02-23, 01:49 AM

Zeke winces as Adrian tries to go for the intimidation route out. He is about ready to step forward, expecting the worse. It always had been.

When the old man backs away, he is visibly relieved. "Well, that went better than I expected," he mutters and shakes his head. He turns around when he feels the tug on his hand.


He looks at her, and he notices he likes to dance some more. His chest flutters with the seemingly positive development. Nothing happened with his brothers, his dance partner seems to be enjoying herself; there must be something with this night. He smiles at her.

"No more distractions. Let us continue," he takes her hand and leads her on.

Grim ranger
2012-02-25, 11:41 AM

Glaring back at the old man, Adrian regains his calm composure again. "I won't, you can count on that" he replies calmly. "Give my regards to Wyll when he gets back to...whatever it is that he does these days. Oh, and I expect to get paid next time you want something repaired" he says, small spike quite noticeable as he turns away from Wenser... Onto to catch sight of Zeke trying his luck at wooing Elie.

This is going to be one of those days, isn't it?

Sighing to himself and shaking his head, the youngest of Crane brothers walks away with Lance, giving his friend a stern look. "Well, that went well, didn't it?" he says quietly in Dwarven. "Let's not get up to anything else for the evening. My brothers would kill me. Or at least seriously scoff, and that is never very fun. Maybe we can just pool our money so that you can get her a gift?"

2012-03-02, 03:19 PM
As Lance and Adrian move from "center stage" to confide privately out of earshot, the dance continues to the far side of the tavern where Zeke and Elie are cutting up the proverbial rug. Rory's intervention no longer being required, he too returns to his own private merriment at the Crane family's customary booth. From that vantage, he has a perfect view of the tavern door as it swings open again, letting in a blast of cold air along with a motley crew of visitors.

The foursome cuts a queer appearance: a tall, hulking man in mismatched plate armor, draped with a bearskin cloak and carrying a greatsword strapped across his back; a rotund dwarf probably half the man's height but equal his weight, with stained leather armor and a pair of hefty hammers hung from his belt; a skinny, fire-haired woman with strangely pointed ears that are barely concealed by the ebon robe that shrouds her; and a male gnome looking ridiculous in scale-mail armor and a pint-sized battle axe. They earn numerous stares but no words from the regulars, who are collectively either too drunk, too ignorant, or too chicken to greet the newcomers.

The big man looks around the tavern for a table, but with the impending festival seating is scarce; the only place with enough seats left is the mostly-empty Crane booth. Seeing a potential opportunity, he stumps over toward Rory, boots slapping heavily on the wooden floor, and clears his throat. "You mind we sit here?" he asks gruffly, gesturing to his eclectic posse.

2012-03-03, 02:07 PM

Enjoying himself with the dance, Zeke does not notice the group enter. He may very well have chosen not to, either way, he has his eyes glued on his partner, his face displaying a smile wider than anybody has ever seen for a while. He tries to come up with anything to say. Small talk.

"Haven't seen you these past couple of days. That old geezer swamping you with too much stuff to learn?"

DM's Note: I described Elie as the sage's student in my previous post, so he kinda wants to talk about it, or at least ask about what she's doing in that aspect.

2012-03-04, 10:46 PM

The crowd had grown denser since the mild scene earlier, and Rory took to the foreground as his attempt to steal a glance at Elie wavered as the throngs of dancing townsfolk circled and twirled among filled tables and barmaids struggling past. He motioned toward a young barmaid for a flagon, and generously gulped as it's heavy underside thumped the table as he finished it whole.
Although a pint or three had less than a clouding effect on his judgement, Rory still had his wits about him. How ale-soaked vision dances from each interestingly dressed individual to the next, paying particular eye to the "walking bear rug" and cast an intrigued look towards the red-haired lass. Rory leaned backwards as he looked each of the motley band each in the eye.
With raised eyebrows and a drunken smile, "To whom do I owe the pleasure of my booth to?", he asked. He then signaled for yet another flagon, and cast an inquisitive look and a smirk towards the group.

2012-03-06, 11:53 AM
Elie shrugs and leans in a bit closer. "Copying books. Some of them are interesting, at least, and it's better than digging dirt or..." she wrinkles her nose and adds, "... wrestling fish. I was reading one about elves; it said that one of them lived to be nine hundred! Do you think they're real?"

At the Crane booth, the hefty man slides in next to Rory, and following his lead his companions pile into the booth. There is just enough room for the other three to squeeze in on the other side, with the dwarf occupying a shade more than half the seat and the woman and gnome together taking up Adrian's usual place. The gnome has to unfasten his axe and lean it carefully against the side of the booth, lest someone trip on it. "Me Burg," the big man introduces himself. "That Gormack, Teyla, Vance." He gestures to the motley trio on the far side of the table.

The serving girl, a little slip of a brunette whose full name was Valleri but was better known as Val to the regulars, catches sight of Rory's signal and arrives a minute or so later with his usual beverage. She stops short as she sees the newcomers, looking at them doubtfully with doeish eyes and chewing on her generous lower lip. So taken aback is she, the flagon remains on her tray, unserved.

2012-03-06, 01:09 PM

"I wish I were one, and if I were, then I'd spend those hundreds of years by your side," is what he would have said if it were another girl but Elie. He tries to hide a snicker at the thought, and distracts himself by leading with a rather sharp turn.

As he does so, his eyes now catch the new arrivals in full view. He holds their position so he could study them for a while. Looking at them, they seem to be well equipped than the common merchants or wanderers that pass through their town. Adventurers this time of the year? What do they want here? They do occasionally get adventurers from time to time, not a new event even for their backwards town. But what makes him uneasy is the fact that it is Rory that is seating with them. That runt could run off with his mouth sometimes, especially with liquor.

His thoughts are erased as Elie comes in closer, and his nose catches the scent of his hair, bringing him back to their own little world. "What? Some would find wrestling with fish appealing, you know?" he replies at last, then belts out a laugh. "Elves, you say? Well, I have never seen one, nor am no expert on how they look, but what can you say about our visitors over there? Any of them perchance one?" he swings her around, making her face the direction of the newcomers.

2012-03-09, 03:28 PM
Elie's gaze follows the path directed by Zeke's dance, and a small gasp escapes her lips as she takes in the appearance of the four outsiders. "By the gods," she purrs, "the sage would give his eye teeth to meet one. Stories in books are one thing, but a real live elf?" She unconsciously leans in a little closer to Zeke, caught up in the magical moment of serendipity.

The purported elf leans in across the table just a bit, ignoring the serving girl's stares and focusing her attentions on Rory. "Ve understand you sometime have wolf problem here. Found near ruins north your village. You know anything mebbe? Know someone who know?"

The rotund dwarf hesitates for a few seconds with the flagon just out of his reach. Then he makes a little lunge for it, nearly toppling it on the serving-girl's tray, before wrapping it in one meaty paw. The gnome squeaks in mild protest as his big friend's bulk threatens to flatten him against the wooden bench, but once the drinking vessel is obtained the dwarf is able to right his posture and avoid any further unpleasantness.

Poor Val stammers something incoherent for a few seconds, then manages to get herself under control. She blurts out, "I'll get you refilled in a jif, Rory. Any... anyone else want something?" She shrinks back as the three male adventurers respond with a near-unison demand for ale and meat, then bolts for the bar without asking any further questions.

2012-03-10, 02:37 AM

"Why don't we go there and you can ask for yourself of the truth, if she is one or not?" he smiles. He is ecstatic about the development he is having with Elie, but at the same time he cannot help but be worried about Rory facing these adventurers by himself. And he has become curious about them as well; adventurers bring information, and information is worth more than gold for Zeke. With this, he could be doing all of that all at once.

2012-03-11, 01:19 AM

Rory paused for a moment and grabbed at air and soon realized that the intended flagon was now copiously drained by a thirsty, axe-swinging dwarf. A slight pause as his eyes darted for Val and regained focus toward the elf as her accented question suddenly rang a bell. "Ruins, ehh...might be a ways off by Wenser's land."

"Wolves," Rory grumbled, "Well, it shouldn't be a problem then for stout folk such as yourselves." Then adds, "The weather should temper down for a while later on, clear moonlight and such and I'll personally guide you folk where you need to be." With that, Rory turned towards the Dwarf, recalling Underbarrow's appreciation of Dwarven brews and spirits. "Do say, how are the Dwarf liquors?" Rory inquired. The thoughts of going out to the cold left him with a desire for a bottle of poteen and a hearty meal. As the thoughts of rotgut spirits and trudging though moonlit farmland began to surface, Rory could spot Elie dragging along Zeke with a look of wild fascination in her eyes.


2012-03-15, 09:45 AM
The dwarf gives Rory an approving nod but says nothing. The little gnome interjects in a high-pitched nasal voice, "We appreciate your offer and will certainly find some way to recompense you for the trouble. As for the ale, he always says they're much better than the swill found elsewhere." To this comment the elf-woman rolls her eyes and nods, apparently having suffered the dwarf's lectures on the subject far too many times.

Elie coos with delight at Zeke's suggestion and nearly drags him across the dance floor to the Crane booth. But it seems the actual moment is a bit too much for her; rather than say anything, she shyly hides just a bit behind Zeke's shoulder, like a young child nervous about whether a big dog might lick or bite them.

2012-03-15, 11:27 PM

Zeke cannot help but chuckle at the excited young lady dragging him to the booth and in the end becoming silent. Cute. He stops and clears his throat before looking at the group now in front of him.

"Good evening gentlemen, madam. To what do we owe the honor of having you grace our dreary village on this time of the year?" he begins with a smile.

2012-03-22, 03:05 PM
The elf-woman, Teyla, turns to regard Zeke with passing interest. The gaze is enough to make Elie cower a bit more behind her dance partner's shoulder, from which she peers at the black-robed woman in amazement.

"Wolves," she says simply in her thick accent. "Zey grow strong here, no? Sometime take sheep, sometime cow? Sometime vorse?" Her dark eyes are unblinking as she watches for a reaction. "Ve vill find out why. Mebbe reason lies in ruin."

2012-03-28, 08:41 AM
"I might know something, if you're willing to listen, that is.." Lance mentions. He knows travellers tend to have more money on them than the local folks, and tend to be able to spend it more carefree in search of their goal.

"It's a tower, closeby, or so the legends say" Tickle their fantasies, then something they're interested in "it might have something to do with the wolves" and top it off with the catch "do you need a guide?"

2012-03-28, 11:13 AM

Wolves and ruins, huh? Zeke tries to think about anything pertaining to those that he has heard, but he could come up with nothing. He is about to open his mouth when he hears Lance butt in on the conversation.

A tower? Was there a tower out there like that? He again racks his brain, but he cannot seem to find anything.

"We've always had wolves around here. Sure they get a cattle or two some of the times, but I do not seem to think there is anything of urgency about them to warrant the attention of people such as yourselves. May I ask how you came about with this information?"

2012-03-28, 12:39 PM
The elf nods appraisingly as she considers the additional offers of guidance; the gnome, however, is the first to speak; he addresses Zeke's question. "We have spent the last several years tracking... others, from this particular tribe, that have spread as far as the Three Forks Market. Our research indicates this is the area where they originate from. With luck, we can figure out why they are behaving so oddly."

Three Forks Market is well-known to everyone in town, though only the most enterprising from Dismal Hollow have ever ventured the twenty leagues to the south where their own river meshes with two others to form a natural nexus of trade. Supposedly, Master Underbarrow went there to conduct business, and his return is overdue.

2012-03-28, 01:12 PM

Three Forks Market, huh. Quite a large range, but not that surprising. "Hmm. I see. Three Forks Market, huh? That is quite far, but certainly not out of range for a wolf territory. Hmm. I wonder. What do you mean by this odd behavior...?"

But before he could wait for the gnome to answer, he speaks again. "Ah, my apologies, to be bombarding you with so many questions. I gather you are tired from your travels and wish to unwind in our humble tavern? Oy, Val, 'nother round here, please!" he turns around and calls the serving girl's attention, then turns back at the group.

"I hope you do not mind if we sit and join you? It is such a rare occasion to have people such as yourselves visiting us, and I would be honored to hear your stories of your adventures. Oh, allow me to introduce myself. I am called Ezekiel, and that bloke right there is my brother Rory. I gather you have been acquainted? And this here is my...good fried Elie." He smiles at the thought of holding himself from saying girlfriend.

2012-03-29, 12:15 PM
The Crane booth is crammed full with Rory and the four armed adventurers, but at the elf's dismissive shrug Zeke busies himself booting some other patrons from a nearby table and dragging it over to push up against the booth. Lance takes care of the chairs, and just as Val returns with the drinks, Zeke, Elie, and Lance are all seated and resuming their chat.

The elf laughs, a sound at once sultry and haughty, as Zeke reiterates his question. "Ve have vays, and vays upon vays," she answers with a little wiggle of her fingers. "Zis not be zomething you worry about involved in. Too dangerous."

The barbarous man seated next to Rory nods solemnly to this pronouncement. "One bite..." he says, and makes a knife-like motion across his neck.

2012-03-30, 11:46 PM

A booth over, the mouthful laughter of drunken farmers echoed and rang in Rory's head as the elf woman's warning settled in. Rory took leaned back in his seat and darted his eyes toward Zeke and Lance. Hmm...it is not the first time...no, well...
"What is to fear then from those mongrels?" Rory asked. Clearly unshaken he continues, "I guess few pelts down to Three Forks for a nice cloak is worth the gold," he added while appraising Burg's own bear shawl. "There be but a few more rounds, then I'll arrange for food for the trip." Rory then turned his gaze toward the elf woman and spoke, "As an able guide to Three Forks, a hasty trip is a few hours short of dawn with the moonlight." Rory recalled spending endless trips to and from the market collecting ingredients and fresh groceries to bring home for Master Underbarrow or mother each year for the spring harvest or plying his master's wares at the butcher stall. Each year the path grew shorter yet the trips lasted for ages it seemed as the summer days grew shorter and the demand for goods locally grew larger. These wolves had yet to reach the town's outskirts, thought Rory. Yet, the danger was still there. Rory then turned toward Zeke and got his attention.
"Zeke, I know mum would otherwise be it you, but I know she'll worry of you not showing up home," Rory put bluntly.


[roll0] Survival
[roll1] Diplomacy (for Teyla)
[roll2] Diplomacy (for Zeke)

2012-04-04, 12:08 PM

Zeke smiles and replies to the elf, "Ahahaha, no involvement, I assure you. Information is what I am after. It is so rare I get to go outside town, but I am very much interested in what is happening outside."

He then turns to his brother, his facial expression changing from a smile to that of a look that is trying to keep his temper in check. "What are you saying? Going to Three Forks? You tell me I do not visit mom, and now you want to leave? You want to give mom a heart attack?"

Grim ranger
2012-04-04, 12:31 PM

Having followed coversation from the sidelines for a while, Adrian decides to join in as well. After all, he is way too reclusive (at least if some inhabitants of the village are to be believed), and if he does not say something his brothers will most likely embarass themselves in front of complete strangers. Besides, the conversation has sparked his interest: it is not often that outsiders come to Dismal Hollow these days, and he is always curious about the outside world.

"Yeah, Rory, she is not going to like it... at all" Adrian says solemnly, nursing his drink and shaking his head at his brothers. "I have to agree with eldest brother here...Don't we have enough problems as it is, brother? Chasing wolves around? That sounds like exordinarily bad idea to my ears."

Eying Zeke, Adrian rolls his eyes almost imperceptibly, signalling to his elder brother that there will be much hilarity to be had in his expense once they are out of the earshot of the rest of the village. Adrian himself has never been the kind of type to desperately seek companionship, so he can still take jabs at his brother about that particular matter.

2012-04-04, 02:03 PM

"There, you got told, didn't you?" he smiles at Rory after Adrian's remark. Looking at the latter, he notices his strange look and the eye rolling, and he only has one guess at what he is meaning to say. He mouths the words 'Shut up!' smilingly before going back to the others.

"Anyway, I think you got it wrong there. They came from Three Forks, and came here because they think the source of the wolf problem is somewhere here. Am I right?" he asks the group.

2012-04-04, 06:18 PM

Rory scratched his head and thought, "Did I say Three Forks?". He cleas his throat and turns toward Ezekiel. "Right then, I see no harm then in giving these travelling folk hospitality," Rory responded as he nodded toward the adventurers all the while turning his gaze to Adrian. A sigh escaped Rory's mouth as he occupied himself with enjoying the rest of the night.

2012-04-09, 02:14 PM
The adventurers nod to each other, but it is the dark-robed Teyla who responds to Rory. "Goot. Ve see you here tomorrow morning, you show us vay. Ve go in ruins alone, ve no responsible for your necks." She offers a taut, feral smile to the eldest Crane, though with a hand gesture she includes all the men gathered at the table.

2012-04-09, 03:43 PM

"Right." Raising his mug of ale, he continues, "Allow me to propose a toast to your successful adventure tomorrow! May the gods show you favor and protect you from harm, and may they bless your blades and magicks to strike true!"

After gulping down the whole mug, he looks at his lady companion. "Hey, what are you doing sitting there silently? Go on, this is your chance to to talk to them, especially lady Teyla. Go on, talk to her. You likely would not get another chance to see another elf in the flesh, much less talk to one!"

2012-04-10, 01:09 PM
Rather timidly at first, but with growing confidence, Elie begins peppering the female adventurer with questions about her people, culture, homeland, and the like. The elf initially responds with rather terse bursts of basic information, but eventually is prised open to a more verbose conversation. The menfolk continue to enjoy their ale, except for the dwarf, who after disparaging its strength decides to doze off in his corner of the booth. The gnome gives his friend a hard stare as dwarven snores start to permeate the thick blanket of evening conversation.

At long last, when Elie's thirst for knowledge is finally slaked--or at least, she pauses long enough that a further interruption wouldn't be abrupt--the big barbarian sitting next to Rory stands and nods to the others at the table. "We find beds now, meet tomorrow." Without another word he stalks off to find the innkeeper. His booted feet surprisingly light and quiet on the wood floor of the tavern.

Teyla the elf throws a sharp elbow into the ribs of her stout dwarven companion, jolting him into wakefulness. "Ve take you bed now, you snore like owlbear." The dwarf protests somewhat meekly but follows his two friends in pursuit of the barbarian.

Elie is positively giddy about the whole experience and snuggles in close to Zeke, leaning her head against his shoulder. She whispers to him, "Be careful out there tomorrow, alright?"

The late hour starts to claim more and more of the tavern's patrons, as even in the holiday season there is work to be done at home every dawn. Master Underbarrow has yet to return, but his staff makes themselves busy cleaning up after another profitable evening's business.

2012-04-10, 02:57 PM

As soon as everyone headed on their own individual path to their respective houses, Zeke offers to walk his lady partner home. As they near their destination, he turns her to him and says his parting words.

"I am hoping you had a good time. Well, I am sure you did. Me letting you talk with that elven lady sealed the deal right there. Ha ha ha!" he bursts out in laughter. "So..." He pauses, thinking what to do next. His mind is racing, going through the thousand lines he ought to say and the million things he ought to do now.

Should I kiss her? Or hug her? Godammit!

In the end he raises her hand and kisses it. "Good night then. And I shall see you on the morrow, hopefully," he smiles as he begins to walk backwards, waving his right hand before spinning around and head for home.

2012-04-11, 12:15 PM
Elie flushes, her freckles revealing themselves in the limited torchlight. "Good night, Zeke. I have some work to do for the sage tomorrow morning, but you stay safe and I'll see you at the Underbarrow's in the afternoon." She slips through the doorway of her parents' home and offers a little wave goodbye.

Grim ranger
2012-04-11, 12:36 PM

Keeping calm facade until Elie and Zeke leave the tavern, Adrian's face takes on a grin quite unusual for him and he shakes his head. What is world coming to, his brother managing to woo someone at last? Well, even if he wants to laugh, the young blacksmith is still sincerely happy for his brother: about time the eldest brother managed to get someone. He himself has never been as interested in such pursuits yet... Maybe because no one has been much interested in him either. Maybe he is just one of those people who are looked at as part of the landscape in a way, always as service provider?

Well, contrary to the popular belief, he has nothing against that. Or at least less against it than most others would have in his position.

Deciding that the evening's entertainment is likely exhausted by now, Adrian pays for his drinks and exchanges few pleasantries with Rory and Lance before heading back out and to the smithy, which also doubles as his residence. It will be good to catch some sleep before day of hard work, after all... He can only hope that troubles can wait until tomorrow.

2012-04-15, 10:58 AM

Everything in the tavern happened very fast. Zeke was courting Elie it seems. The strangers came in, talked and went out, and after saying goodbyes to Adrian, Lance left the tavern to go home. He hadn't earned much, but it wasn't little either. He could come by off this. Maybe finish painting the walls. That is, if the herbslady could make some paint for him.

He slept as soon as his head hit the cushion

2012-04-17, 12:53 PM
The snow has stopped, but the air is colder the following morning and much of the slush has hardened into icy ridges that make traversing the streets of Dismal Hollow all the more treacherous. Winter days are hard and boring when the livestock are in barns, the peat too hard to cut, and the river too chilly to fish, but there are always the mundane chores associated with daily living: stacking dried peat, drawing water from the near-frozen river, rationing out the stores of cured meats and preserved produce, mending clothes, and the like.

This day is a little different, however. Four adventurers lodged in Master Underbarrow's inn the night previous, and the brothers Crane and their good friend Lance are engaged to guide the stalwarts to their destination: purported ruins north of town, in the woods beyond the wide pastures, where the itinerant heroes believe can be found the source of local wolf troubles.

The interior of the taproom is warm and brightly lit by the early sun, though the lingering smell of wood smoke reminds of yestereve's revel. There are few patrons in the inn, only a handful of caravaners having elected to winter over so far north. Even so, it would be impossible not to notice the oddly garbed adventurers gathered at one long table on the side of the room nearest the stage.

2012-04-21, 11:19 AM

A cold chilly draught intrudes the warmth of the taproom as the doors open, revealing a young man clad in bright clothing walking in in a graceful manner. He sweeps his asymmetrical hair in stripes of blond and light brown left to right as he scans the room for familiar faces. Well, everyone is familiar in this room to him, but today he is looking for a particular group: the one he had drank and spent time with last night. And not too long, he finds them sitting near the stage. Hard to miss really, with their shiny armor and adventuring equipment.

"Ah, there you are! Good morning! I was afraid I would be late, but it appears my brothers are not here yet?" he exclaims as he makes his way towards the group. "So, how was your night? I trust you slept well?" he asks with a smile.

2012-04-23, 11:17 AM
"Bed too soft. Room too warm. Ale too weak," the big barbarian complains in immediate response to Zeke's inquiry.

"I vas pleasure not sleeping ditch for once," the elven woman butts in, chiding her armor-clad ally with an elbow to the ribs that results only in a faint clank and a smile from the human brute.

"As you can tell, we are all early risers," the gnomish warrior adds in his high-pitched voice. "Where are your brothers? If we are to make this trek while the sun shines, there must be due haste in our step."

2012-04-23, 12:08 PM
"Ughh... Too much beer last night" Lance murmurs to himself as he approaches the group. He was worried he'd be too late, because of his 'alarm clock' not being there. "The farmer must've killed that old ****"

Nearing the group he tries to make himself look a bit more decent, walking straight and greeting with a big smile: "Hey there folks. Ready to go? Or are we still missing some people?"

2012-04-23, 12:13 PM

"He he he," the barber laughs with a weird smile. "Surely some things could be arranged to suit your personal tastes if you decide to stay longer here." He then hurriedly looks to his back, towards the door, hoping to see a glimpse of his brothers, and finds the figure of the town bard, who seems to be still dreaming.

"Oh, well, here you are, Lance. Now where are those brothers of mine?"

Grim ranger
2012-05-02, 08:32 AM

Taking into account that he has not drinked all that much and thus manages to start the day without pounding headache, the youngest of the Crane brothers arrives surprisingly late. He has left his smith's leather apron next to the forge, instead showing up in simple, sturdy clothes made with withstand cold, a metal mace hanging from his belt. Given that they can run into some wolves themselves, he does not expecially like the idea of embarking to trip like this unarmed.

"Apologies for late arrival", the blacksmith says plainly, nodding to his brother and Lance. "I am ready to leave whenever you are, though it seems that we have to wait for Rory for a while still... My guess is that he celebrated somewhat too hard and is still picking himself up from a gutter."

2012-05-06, 09:07 PM

Seemingly spent from last night's carousing, Rory reeled forward out of the small temporary quarters. Seeing the sun past the windowsill, this caused Rory to instinictively rise and stretch as his legs autonomously led him towards the scullery. Washing away at his ragged body and just as hurriedly dressed, again depriving himself of a proper shave. Whilst making way down the stairs of the building, he caught the inviting aroma of a morning broth simmering upon the kitchen's hearth and freshly baked rolls laid upon the counter.
Val carting a basket of some harvested tubers from the tacern's modest garden, she nodded as Rory fetched a bowl to indulge himself, declining as he offered to ladle a bowl for her. Seeing as her expression turned to playful disappointment, she looked towards the direction of the main tavern where he could hear his brothers and laughter immediately after his name and gutter. He blushed and finished his meal, immediately filling several more bowls of broth upon a tray and loaded another with rolls as he waltzed towards the common towards the stage.
"I did promise provisions, and yet Underbarrow would be so kind as to serve a hot meal before a trifle with beasts out in the cold," rang Rory with a twinge of satisfaction in his voice.

2012-05-08, 12:14 PM
"Good. Hate fight on empty stomach," rumbles the big barbarian, digging into the offered portions and earning a hand-slap from the elven woman when he tries to filch one of her rolls.

"Time's a wasting," the gnome chides, but he does not disparage the hospitality and sets himself to sipping the broth. The dwarf sniffs the bowl suspiciously, takes a small taste, then sets it back down and returns to the tankard of ale he had already obtained. The barbarian reaches across and snags the bowl, guzzling it down before anyone can tell him no.

Perhaps due to their adventuring experience, the foursome does not linger long over breakfast, and as soon as the last morsel is swallowed they all stand abruptly. The robed elf draws up her hood, once again shrouding her fine features in darkness, and looks to Zeke. "Now, how ve get to zese ruins?"

2012-05-08, 01:38 PM

"Well, it seems we are all here. And yes, if our guests approve of a meal before we depart, I guess that would be arranged," he says, squeezing in to a spot for his own meal. Apparently, in his hurry, he forgot to eat his meal earlier.

If it were other times, Zeke would go on about a story he knows or two while they eat, but seeing the need for haste, and not wanting to be the further cause of delay, he eats his meal fast and in silence.

Finishing his last spoonful of the broth, he chugs down a mug of milk he ordered from Val earlier; he always had his milk in the mornings, especially after a night of drinking. Placing his mug down, he stands up at the exact time the elven lady asks him the question.

"Ah yes of course. Well, to make things easier for you, we would be accompanying you to where it is," he replies with a smile.

2012-05-16, 02:41 PM
"Good. Ve go now," she says, and her companions gather up their possessions and make for the door. Zeke manages to get a step or two ahead and open the portal, a courtesy that goes entirely unnoticed by the adventurers.

Out in the street, a bitter wind has picked up its pace, whipping among the buildings and setting thatched roofs to rustling and cloaks to fluttering. Heavy woolen clothes are the only thing standing in the way of being instantly chilled to the bone, but the adventurers boldly trudge to the northern outskirts of town without any commentary regarding the cold.

When the last house is reached and the only structure visible ahead is the temple off to the left, the barbarian sets his hand over his brow and scans the tree-lined horizon. Glancing to Zeke, he inquires with typical bruqueness, "There is trail?"

2012-05-17, 12:12 PM

The barber walks in silence as the group leaves the warm comfort of the tavern and into the frigid streets of Dismal Hollow. What were puddles of mud are now frozen ice sheets, requiring a little attention when walking. As they reach the edge of the village, the barbarian asks if there is a trail leading towards the ruins.

"Ahh, well...yes. A trail," he says in a louder voice to be heard over the wind. He looks towards the bard and asks. "Lance, the trail. Care to refresh my memory?"

2012-05-22, 04:48 PM
"I thought you were the perfect guide, Zeke. You knew everything about the town and it's surroundings, right?" Lance says with a grin. Obviously Zeke was being overconfident again. "Shall I give some hints then?" still grinning.

Then he remembered the barbarian, and the fact that he and his comrades probably didn't like to wait, and continued: "Right, follow me"taking the lead.

2012-06-08, 08:29 AM
Lance takes the lead and brings the group into the woods along a narrow game trail, disused for the last month or more on account of the winter. There are occasional rabbit tracks across the drifted snow, but for the most part the animals have holed up until warmer days return.

Because of the nearly uniform blanket of white, it becomes practically impossible to see where the "trail" bends and weaves among the trees, but Lance's unerring memory--and unshakable confidence--keep the group going for the better part of an hour.

The bone-chilling cold is starting to become a bit painful by the time the group emerges into a hilltop clearing, where jumbled stones are piled high upon the ground and surmounted with a thin layer of snow. The wind whips bitterly above the trees, howling and driving tiny ice crystals into an airborne state of frozen mist that further stings any exposed skin.

Grim ranger
2012-06-08, 10:53 AM

"This seems like it might indeed be the place... I see your memory has not dulled in this matter, my friend" Adrian says to Lance, nodding at his occassional partner in crime in respect. "Although of wolves there is little sign yet... I am sure that they will show up sooner or later, though. The weather is getting worse: I suggest we at least find some shelter soon."

2012-06-08, 12:26 PM

"Good job Lance. You seem to have some good use in you after all. Ha ha ha!" he laughs. "Of course I jest. Well then, my little brother is right, we should look for some place to take shelter from this horrible weather, yes? Of course somewhere nearby would be best," he asks the adventurers in a loud voice to overcome the howling wind.

2012-06-12, 11:18 AM
The armored barbarian sniffs at the air, showing little concern over the frigid temperatures. "Wolves near," he says, slowly drawing his two-handed weapon from its sheath on his back. The steely blade bursts aflame as he grasps it in gauntleted fists. On the alert, he stomps around the top of the hill, continuing to smell the air, while his companions prepare themselves.

Finally, he points to the middle of the rocky pile with the tip of his magnificent weapon. "Here," he grunts.

It's not immediately obvious what he is pointing at, but after looking more closely Lance and the Crane boys can discern a hollow in the snow that is darker than the surrounding white. As the barbarian thrusts his blade into the snow, the frozen water melts back a bit to reveal a narrow cleft between two of the fallen stones. It's just big enough for a large man to fit through...

2012-06-23, 01:26 AM

Rory squinted against the haze of snow and brought the ends of his cloak towards his chest, bracing against the stiff, howling winds.
"Shall we now?" he asked offhandedly, all the while looking at the fissure within the stone. Still regarding the wind, Rory eyed the faint trail the group shuffled into the growing snowfall during the trek. Ignoring the cold, he cocked his head in each direction. Trying to discern the wind's howl, from that of a wolf.
Images of wrestling such a beast filled Rory's head, as he caught himself eyeing the barbarian's fur cloak.

2012-06-23, 04:04 AM

Zeke peeks into the crevice, wary of what might be inside, but nonetheless decides to in; the wolves and the cold pretty much weigh more to affect his decision. He creeps in slowly, holding on to the walls for support.

Grim ranger
2012-06-23, 05:48 AM

Seeing that they might as well be wise about things and let professional slayers handle the wolves in the cold, Adrian follows his brothers, mace held in his hand. Who knows, there can be dangers ahead as well as behind them.

2012-06-25, 04:02 PM
Pushing past the cold, snow-covered boulders only enhances the sensation of bitterness already felt by the travelers. However, a short distance underneath the pile, the air warms substantially, enough that formerly constricted blood vessels start to widen, bringing with them the pins-and-needles feeling of relief.

The cold flame of the barbarian's blade illuminates the small chamber into which the group has crammed itself. Judging from the shattered wooden beams and off-kilter stones, it was once the cellar beneath a tall structure, but now is a disused, crypt-like void. The ceiling is as tall as five feet in some places, and as short as three feet in others; the span of the square space is about twenty feet on a side. There are no visible doors or other passages leading out.

The dwarf, unconcerned by the cramped quarters, begins moving about and knocking on each stone with one gauntleted hand. It takes him a minute or two to circle the room, at which point he growls discontentedly and bends down on all fours to knock on the floor stones.

2012-06-25, 09:34 PM

Zeke watches silently as the dwarf does his thing. Searching for traps or hidden passages, maybe, he thinks to himself.

"Uhh, yes, so what is the plan, gentlemen, and lady? We wait here, you go and scout the ruins?" he asks with a smile.

2012-08-03, 08:57 AM
At last the dwarf seems to find a stone that suits him, though it seems no different from the others. He snaps his fingers to the big barbarian, who brings his big burning blade over and wedges it into a crack. With ample leverage, he swings the stone up and out of the way, revealing a passage below.

"Ve take it here," the elven woman replies to Zeke's minute-old question. "You stay, go, your choice. Just no let volf bite."

2012-08-03, 11:19 AM

"So that's what it was? A secret passage! To see master adventurers in action! Brilliant! Ahh, well, maybe not the actual action, but yeah, you know it is with us village folks," he says with a chuckle.

When the elf replies to his question, he turns to her. "I shall prefer to stay here and wait, thank you. My brothers here shall do the same, yes?" he turns to his brothers, giving them the stare.

2012-08-03, 12:07 PM
"Thanks for ignoring me, once again, Zeke. I'll stay for sure, what is there else to sing about?"
Lance stares into the hole, and is ready to enter it, of course after the barbarian.

2012-08-03, 12:23 PM

"Ignore? You have it wrong, my friend. I was including you as my brother," he winks at him. "But then again, I already have enough headaches from these two. And when has my words ever fallen upon your ears, anyway, I wonder? You do as you please." He shakes his head. "Ahh, the woes of being first born."

Grim ranger
2012-08-03, 01:00 PM

"Firstborn maybe, but far from the wisest" Adrian comments dryly, sitting down on a rock and weighting his mace on his hands. "He has made plenty of bad calls, if I recall right... So no chance to get uppity, big brother" the smith says with a laugh.

2012-08-06, 12:24 AM

Yawning, Rory settled upon a wall towards the opening to which the adventurers had entered. Heaving a sigh, he wiped a small dusting of snow that had fallen upon the crest of his thin cloak. Eyeing Adrian's mace, Rory thought, "Maybe I could have borrowed a club..."Ever curious, he peered into the depths of the dark cave wondering how different these wolves were from what he knew already. Still pondering on the elf woman's warning, he turned to Adrian and asked, "Any idea what makes these wolves so 'special'?"

2012-08-10, 07:39 AM
Rory's question hangs in the still, quiet air as the four lads wait in the collapsed antechamber. Their breath still steams, but the bitter chill of exposure is giving way now that the wind no longer saps their energy.

The adventurers have been gone for a minute, maybe two, when there is a noise of grinding stone from below. Then, silence.

2012-08-11, 02:58 PM

"Whoa, what was that? Did everybody hear that?" he asks the others as he moves towards the entrance. He peers into the darkness, but does not dare take a step inside.

"What do you think happened down there?"

2012-08-24, 08:15 AM
The stone groans again, then creaks, and finally there is a practically inaudible 'click'. Again, no voices come up from below, nor is there the steely sound of battle. Only the shrill scream of wind whipping across the snow-bound opening of the ruined tower echoes through the crumpled hall.

2012-08-24, 08:43 AM
"Ok, that was creepy. What happened to them? Should we go check it out?" Lance asks. The noise seems to have settled down now, but it could start any minute now.

"Although I like it here too, it's a bit safer maybe" he says, laughing nerviously.

Grim ranger
2012-08-24, 08:47 AM

"Well, if something has indeed happened to the adventurers, better that we find out what it is now than wait here and get caught by surprise", the smith says and pats his mace slightly. Even if he is calm and careful in mind for most part, this particular situation calls for something else. "I think I will go to check it out... Want to come along, Lance? At least we would have a story to tell when we go back."

2012-08-24, 11:52 AM

"Hey, hey, hey!" the eldest interrupts. He looks down inside the depths again, then back to the relative safety of the space they are currently sitting in. He could not deny the pull of curiosity and adventure is well winning the tug of war within him, but he knows if things are such that the adventurers themselves could not handle it themselves, how could a group of young ruffians who had barely stepped out into the world be of any use? Nevertheless, he knows he could not stop his brethren.

"Okay, if someone should look things out, we should go together. Nobody goes alone, ya hear? This is no mere stroll outside on a winter day. Be on your guard."

He laughs at himself inwardly. When has he ever acted this way? Well a lot maybe, but not this outwardly. He knows this is not the same as the antics his brothers had been in before.

"Did you bring your gear with you?"

2012-08-24, 11:53 AM

"Hey, hey, hey!" the eldest interrupts. He looks down inside the depths again, then back to the relative safety of the space they are currently sitting in. He could not deny the pull of curiosity and adventure is well winning the tug of war within him, but he knows if things are such that the adventurers themselves could not handle it themselves, how could a group of young ruffians who had barely stepped out into the world be of any use? Nevertheless, he knows he could not stop his brethren.

"Okay, if someone should look things out, we should go together. Nobody goes alone, ya hear? This is no mere stroll outside on a winter day. Be on your guard."

He laughs at himself inwardly. When has he ever acted this way? Well a lot maybe, but not this outwardly. He knows this is not the same as the antics his brothers had been in before.

"Did you bring your gear with you?"

2012-08-24, 06:27 PM

To his annoyance, Rory couldn't help but feel underpowered aside his better-equipped companions. Knowing his options were surely limited with bare hands, his mood defended along with the temperature of the cave. Looking down at his own hands, he chided. "Well, if a wolf comes to attack one of you, your ever faithful Rory will gladly press his foot down on the tail while you all club it to death," Rory mused with a sardonic smirk.

2012-08-27, 07:46 AM
Cautiously, not certain of what might be going on below, the four youths slip down through the trap under the false stone. Adrian is the first to go down into the dark hole, using his strong arms to hang himself down the narrow shaft, but the ground eludes his feet even then. It takes a few feet of climbing down before his boots touch the floor of the passage below, an almost pitch-black corridor leading left and right into total darkness both ways. The other three join soon after, and stand in the small circle of faint sunlight that leaks through the ruined antechamber above.

2012-08-28, 06:59 PM
"So the question now is which way to go" Lance murmurs to himself. He soon repeats it, this time to the group.

The icy wind is cutting into him, and so is the tire of the happenings this day. He would have quite a story to tell if, no, when they got back to the village.
Lance looked left and right, trying to somehow find a rational answer as to which way they should go. They had to find the adventurers or the exit, one of both, and climbing back up wasn't that good an idea, he feared.

"Does anyone know which way to go? We can't call for the mercenaries, as that would alert the wolves, and we can't just guess, it could get us killed!" Yet in his head resounded his minds voice: You will HAVE to guess, there's no other way. and so he made a difficult and weird suggestion: "We could scan the area faster if we split up in two groups..." speaking softly now "And we could set a time to meet back here, or send each other a signal if we found something.... I for one have my violin right here" he gained more confidence of his plan, showing his precious instrument onto his private crowd.

2012-08-29, 12:19 AM

"No. No splitting up," Zeke replies vehemently. "We are not in a hurry here." He looks around in the darkness. "Anybody brought a torch or something?"

2012-09-04, 08:25 AM
Everyone checks their belongings, but naturally none of the lads was expecting to go spelunking. However, as their eyes adjust to the darkness, there is a bit of a faint glow coming from down the right-hand passage.

2012-09-05, 09:08 AM

As his eyes adjust to the darkness, the barber catches sight of the faint glow down the passage to their right.

"Shhhh. Down there. Something's...glowing. Come on, slowly everyone," he speaks in a low voice before inching his way towards the glow. He places his right hand on the wall to support himself in the darkness.

2012-09-07, 08:20 AM
Following Zeke's lead, the four lads carry on down the passage. The floor is flat, though strewn with crumbled rocks that have fallen from the ceiling of the low passage; the going becomes easier as the light grows stronger, illuminating more of these minor hazards.

After about a hundred feet, Zeke finds a leftward bend in the passage. Peeking around the corner, he can see the source of the glow is the party of adventurers who had preceded them into the secret passages beneath the tower. At least, it is the remains of said adventurers...

In the sourceless glow of a magic spell yet unexpired, the lads can clearly see that all four of the would-be heroes have been crushed to death, their mangled and bloody corpses flattened to the stone floor. The passage itself looks unremarkable, continuing on into darkness some sixty feet past where the other group met its end.

2012-09-09, 06:08 AM
"Oh my... Oh my... Oh my...." Lance begins to say. He has trouble breathing, having just been confronted with the death of such high-skilled adventurers.

"Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god, WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?" he's hyperventilating now, descending more and more into a state of panic. He can't walk anymore, fear taking over his heart, and as such he leans agains the wall, try to hold himself steady.

"WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO? IF THEY DIDN'T MAKE IT ALIVE, WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO? I AM SO YOUNG, I AM SO..." finally it seems that the blood pressure or the emotions take over, and as a self-defence his brain says: "**** it!" and shuts down.
Lance loses consciousness and falls to the floor. His breath, luckily, seems to calm down.

2012-09-09, 09:54 AM

Zeke could not help but cover his mouth and look away. He has of course seen his fair share of blood, being the village barber, but this is just not similar to cutting up flesh cleanly with sharp tools; the brutality of it all is just too much for him to take.

As such he is not surprised to see Lance feint in shock, and he readily catches him to prevent his head hitting hard. Letting Lance's unconscious body lean on the wall, he looks at his brothers and speaks in a somber tone though trying to compose himself.

"We...we have to get out of here fast. This is enough."

Grim ranger
2012-09-10, 09:30 AM

Feeling sick himself, Adrian nevertheless forces himself to maintain his composure at least somewhat, even if he too has to lean on the wall slightly for support. "Yes, I agree... To go further would be too dangerous. However, it would be respectable to bring something back for proper burial instead of simply leaving them on cave floor. I will try something. Hold fast."

Grabbing a rock from the floor, he weights it in his hand before throwing it towards the place the adventurers met their end in. This should be a good way to test whenever or not whatever slew them is still there, waiting for it's next victim.

2012-09-11, 10:24 AM
Adrian's rock lands right in the middle of the mess, about fifteen feet away from where he is standing, and goes bouncing and skittering on the stone floor to end up almost forty feet away. During its travels, it does not manage to trigger anything, let alone the type of calamity that befell the dead adventurers.

In the tunnels, somewhere, something has heard the goings-on. A very faint, moaning howl carries through the stone passage and reaches the ears of the nervous foursome.

2012-09-11, 10:45 AM

"What was that?" he asks in a whisper while spinning his head around to look for the source. His right hand goes for the dagger on his belt, and stays firmly gripped on its hilt.

"We should leave. Let us just go back some other time, bring more people with us to get their bodies and give them a proper burial."

He taps Lance' shoulder. He knows they wouldn't be able to make a run for it if they were carrying him.

"Hey, wake up," he whispers. "Hey!"

2012-09-11, 11:50 AM
Lance slowly lifts his head, awakening on the voice of Zeke "Hey, wake up, Hey!"
He stands up and tries to remember what made him fall asleep in such a desolate cave.
"Ouch, my head" he says, still not knowing where he is. Then he sees the bodies, remembers, and for some seconds almost faints again. He manages to steady himself though, with the thought that he hadn't to be a burden to his companions. He then notices everyone is standing a bit awkward, as if there was some kind of danger nearby.

He inquires about the happenings, speaking this time in a more quiet fasion. After that he decides that leaving this cave is indeed a good idea.

OOC: I went on ahead and assumed you guys tell me the correct story, and don't make up one.

Grim ranger
2012-09-11, 01:28 PM

"Yes, let us get out of here. The wolves are enough of a problem as it is: I don't think we will be much of a challenge to whatever lurks in here if those adventurers did not stand a chance either" Adrian says, beginning to retreat towards the way they came in from. It is time for them to get out when it is still possible.

2012-09-19, 03:40 PM
Chastened by the experience, the four youths make their way back toward the entrance. It becomes evident as they hustle through the dark corridor that the wolves' howls are coming from the other passage that they did not follow. What's not clear, amid the disconcerting echos, is whether the wolves or the boys will make it to the secret trapdoor first.

2012-09-23, 08:32 AM

Zeke tries to pinpoint the source of the howls, but with their hustle and the echoing effect, it is rather hard to.

"Let's hurry. They might head us off!"

Grim ranger
2012-09-23, 12:44 PM

"If the beasts reach it before us, we might have no choice but to fight for our lives" the blacksmith muses darkly, gripping his mace as they hurry along. "In case we do get out before them, however, I suggest barring the trapdoor with a large rock or suitable substitute. We wouldn't want those beasts to get back out to threaten anyone else."

2012-09-24, 04:12 PM
"ADRIAN!" Lance snaps at his companion "What we do after we get out of here is something to think of later. Right now, if you have breath to talk, you have breath to run!" he says. He's trying to quicken his tempo the best he can without falling or losing the group. Lance wouldn't like a fight with these wolves, but if the worst thing happens, he'll have to hit them with his.... violin.... or something...

2012-09-28, 09:43 AM
The boys hurry down the corridor, their booted feet slapping on the hard stone, and soon they see the blessed last hints of sunlight through snow from above. One by one, they hoist themselves through the narrow gap, and Lance slams the trap-stone shut while strong-armed Adrian pushes a bigger piece of rubble over to secure the spot.

As the adrenaline starts to fade, the bitter cold takes hold once again and the four realize exactly how much their breath is steaming in the confined space under the tower's wreckage.

2012-09-28, 10:52 AM

Breathing heavy and resting his hands on his knees, it takes a while before he could look up and speak.

"Let's...huff...let's go back to the village...now...shall we?"

He stretches his body upright and tries to fight the pain piercing through his sides.

Dammit, since when have I been in this so bad a shape?

Grim ranger
2012-09-28, 12:10 PM

Seemingly not even that much out of breath yet, Adrian looks at his eldest brother and nods. "We propably should return, yes... I still have orders to complete, and I somehow doulbt that lingering here would gain us anything but pack of wolves chasing us until we would have to fight them."

2012-10-06, 09:07 PM

After spending moments reflecting upon the previous events, Rory simply blanked. As the musty air of the cavern filled his senses back into reality, the moments spent pondering upon the fate of those unfortunate folk, he rebound back into his blunt, stark view of this world. Nodding in thought to Adrian's suggestion, he simply said, "I happen to think the rocks did them in, not the wolves." With some more thought he added, "Look, if those things make it toward the village, we can probably lead them astray with some leftover cutlets from the butcher's block, eh?"

2012-10-08, 02:20 PM

"They didn't seem that crushed by boulders, to be honest. But yeah, let's return as fast as possible, and drink these memories away." Lance says, grabbing his violin tightly out of fear.

2012-10-09, 01:09 PM
The foursome make their way back out into the swirling snow. Their footprints from the earlier journey have not quite been covered up yet, so it is fairly easy to follow them back toward the smoke-shrouded buildings of Dismal Hollow. It is, however, still bitterly cold, and none of the lads had quite warmed up during the brief foray into the musty tunnels below the ruined tower. By the time they reach the familiar warmth of the old gnome's tavern, teeth are chattering and fingertips are pink-pale from exposure.

The festivities of the evening are already in full swing, with dancing and merriment filling every square inch of the bedecked hall. The Crane boys' usual table is still empty, but Valleri quickly notices their arrival and starts pulling ales--oblivious to their unusually frigid and frightened apppearances.

The serving girl is not the only one in the tavern to recognize the Cranes. Over at a quieter booth opposite the bar, Wenser and his son Wyll cast twin steely stares across to Adrian and his brothers before leaning their heads together in private conversation.

2012-10-09, 02:38 PM

Zeke quickly gulps down his ale as soon as he could get his hand on one tankard, sloshing some of the contents into his face and neck and having to hold it with two shaking hands to prevent it from falling. As soon as he finishes, he slowly puts down tankard and looks at the serving girl.

"Mo..more alcohol thi-this way, Val!" he calls out in his best straight voice he could muster. Then, he turns to his companions as he rubs his palms together vigorously and places them over his cheeks and talks in a low, trembling voice.

"Listen, y-you musn't tell anyone about wha-what ha-ha-happened, yet. Well I d-doubt people would ta..ke our stories m-m-more than face value, but try not to tell them anyw-w-way. By the gods, it's cold!!" Zeke shivers again and rubs his shoulders and arms this time. "Let's t-talk about this tom-morow, before w-we do anything ab-bout it."

2012-10-09, 03:19 PM
"What are you saying, Zeke?" Lance inquires. "Have you become crazy? We have to give those bodies a proper burial! and to do that we have to gather the village." he frowns.
He takes out his violin and walks onto stage. He doesn't care anymore. Those men deserved a grave, and Lance would do anything to make that possible.

With a still shaky voice, and all those memories running through his head he still musters the courage to speak to the public. "Hey there, everyone. Normally I'd sing songs about love or about happiness in life, we all must get through it, don't we?" he swallows and breathes before continuing. He's still a bit nauseated by the death men on the cave's floor.
"But I, no, We have to face the facts. Death is luring around every corner." he let's out a deep exhalation. This is very tiring but needs to be done. "Today I saw men of unbelievable power dead, on the floor of a cave. So puny and shattered. It made me realize I need to do my best to enjoy every moment they couldn't..."

And with that he begins to sing. It's the saddest song he's ever sung, but the more beautiful for it. Even so, with his shakey voice, it could turn out to be really horrible.

"In one of the purest of the black nights,
accompanied by lords of godly mights,
I entered the cave, reeking of beasts,
and saw something to be cured only by priests.

The corridors were dark, the air was damp
we could see nothing, the moon was our lamp,
and if it weren't for the hole and it's height,
we wouldn't have fallen on the full force of our weight.

But there we were, scared and scarred,
two passages, one by wolves barred,
but which was which? we didn't know, had to choose
a glow came from the right, so there went our shoes

something more horrible was encountered in the deed
something that made me cry for help, plead
the adventurers always tough to the very bone
now lay dead on the floor. Crushed by spell or stone.

We ran as fast as we could away from the place
we set a record time, running from the beasts at that pace
this tavern we turned to, as if by a race
I'm sorry these men are dead, I pray for their souls.

He finished. He let the song sink in to everyone's minds, and then requested, although it was a bit bold at the moment:
"These men deserve a burial. I'd like to request everyone to go with me tomorrow to gather those corpses and bury or cremate them. No wolves are mighty enough for a whole village!"

2012-10-11, 09:25 AM
The previously jubilant crowd falls silent as Lance's somber tune takes flight through the rafters of Underbarrow's inn. Silence gradually gives way to muttering as the patrons take stock of the interruption to their festivities. No one leaps to volunteer for the job, certainly, and after a few moments of staring at the bard they begin to return to their own conversations and libations.

For Lance:

The crowd overall doesn't seem particularly interested in a cold and potentially dangerous venture when there's good food and drink and partying to be done. From his vantage on the stage, though, he can see that Wenser and his son were paying close attention, and their private conversation seems to take on more animation without so many dark glances toward the Cranes.

For DM:


2012-10-11, 10:54 AM

"No, h-hey!" he shouts after Lance, but doesn't give chase, his tired body not responding to his commands.

"Uygh, that b-brat," is all he could say as he grabs another tankard and gulps it down. He looks at the crowd's reaction and sighs as they give the reaction that he had expected.

"That's why I said not t-to talk about it yet. Especially with this...this cheerful atmosphere about. Nobody's going to listen to us!" he directs his rant to his brothers.

He stares blankly at the empty tankard in his hands, and immediately his thoughts drift to the events he and his companions experienced earlier. He looks up and shakes his head to clear his mind, and shouts once more.

"More alcohol, Val!" As soon as the serving wench approaches their table, he inquires, "Y'hey Val, d'you have something stronger?"

2012-10-11, 11:07 AM
Val turns from her route back to the bar and comes back to the Crane table. Leveling Zeke in her gaze, she leans on the table, offering him a top-down view of her less-than-ample bosom from above the blue bodice covering her woolen winter dress. "What's this now? I thought you swore off the whiskey."

Grim ranger
2012-10-11, 11:12 AM

Sighing to himself, the youngest of Crane brothers can do naught but agree with his eldest brother's assessment of the situation, staring into his cup of ale as he ponders the recent events. Lance's song does not seem to have much in way of success, which does not surprise him: this is supposed to be time of relative festivity, not ventures to reclaim corpses for burials.

People sometimes see only what they want to.

Glancing over the tables at Wenser and Wyll, Adrian's face darkens somewhat before he decides to forget about the pair for the time being. He will have time to argue about his right to be blacksmith of Dismal Hollow somewhat later. For now, he truly wishes to get drunk.

"So, Zeke... any chances of pooling some of our petty cash and ordering more drinks? I am not feeling like I want to be completely sober at the moment..." he says somewhat shakily... right before noticing that Zeke is way ahead of him and sighing again.

"Well, you can't blame people for not wanting to make that particular trip at the moment... Personally, I can see the appeal of just staying here until my limbs begin to thaw" he deadpans before nodding to Val. "Ale will be fine, thank you. Even if we could use more drinks, it seems I will still have to make sure Zeke here keeps a lid on."

2012-10-11, 11:51 AM

"Bah! Special celebrations call for special drinks! And of course, give my brothers whatever they fancy," he replies with his eyes resting on that mysterious, dark space between the gal's bosoms. A welcome distraction indeed. "Besides, you heard the boy, he'd be a good brother and stop me from doing anything that I'd regret tomorrow."

Dammit, I'd need anything to distract me.

When Val leaves, he turns back to his brothers. "Alright, drink up. Don't worry about it. Besides, it's a festival!" he says in a pretend cheerful voice, before continuing in a lower voice. "Yeah. We'll think about what to do tomorrow. But for tonight, let's just forget."

2012-10-11, 06:06 PM
but before Zeke or any of the other brothers is able to get the cups to their mouths, Lance snatches them away and drinks them to the bottom down. He isn't in a good mood, not good at all. People are evil, caring only about their money and safety, then about others. Lance had enough of this world already, but suicide was not an option.

He drank, and he felt refreshed. "Iww wwanntzz m-mwore!" he shouts. Maybe those drinks went in a little too fast. Com'on, Adwrinnaaaaa Lance laughs at his own joke, "Lezz ged zomwe munneyz! and he begins to dance.

Lance doesn't get rejection well.
Or death.

2012-10-12, 01:41 AM

The village barber lets his hand hang in the air and stares at Lance as the bard gulps down their drinks. He does not move for a few seconds, then puts his hand down and looks at his brothers.

"Well, looks like the position for the village fool for the night has been covered," he says with a shrug. He looks at Adrian and continues, "Don't worry about me, you look out for that crazy friend of yours."

He slams his hands on the table, stands up and smiles. "Though I think he's got the idea. I don't know 'bout you guys, but it's time to dance!" His lean and still-shaking figure mingles into the crowd, apparently headed into the group of girls on the other side of the room.

2012-10-12, 01:15 PM
Zeke and Lance head off to the dance floor to mingle with the ladies, and the festivities roll on as Val returns to the Crane table with a fresh round of drinks. Lance quickly finds himself in the company of Ellaine Fairchild. "Where have you been all day? Playing in the snow?" she chides the bard playfully.

Rory and Adrian:
After a few minutes, the Wensers get up simultaneously from their table. The elder leaves a few coins on the table before leading the way out into the cold and gathering night. The son, as he heads out the door, shoots a fox-in-the-henhouse grin over toward Zeke and Lance, who are too busy flirting to notice.

2012-10-12, 01:25 PM
"Hey tzere, beauzifulllll, wherwe havz you been?" Lance says, he's still drunk, and most definitely confident way out of bounds, because before Ellaine even gets the time to notice he's drunk he's already pressing his lips on hers.

"You know?? Youw're awwwwesome!!" he says as he twirls her hair around his finger. His strong embrace isn't letting her go. Is Ellaine actually pleased with a drunk Lance, or is he going too far?

Charisma check: [roll0]
Apply any drunk-modifiers

Grim ranger
2012-10-12, 03:26 PM

Seeing that all the booze is gone for the time being and that everyone else is making fool of themselves in ways he cannot bear to watch, Adrian instead decides to be the sensible party (much like always) and gets up, pulling the hood of his cloak up as he follows Wensers out of the tavern a moment later. He knows that the two, expecially Wyll, cannot be up to anything good to leave back out to the snow when everyone else celebrates... and as such he sacrifices chance for merriment in order to make sure of things.

Following the Wensers (expecially Wyll if they split up) as inconspiciously as possible. PM me what rolls will be necessary, if any are.

2012-10-17, 02:35 AM

Zeke's head whips back and his eyes widen as he sees Lance go in for the kill.

"Whoo, boy! Looks like someone's had one too many on the booze!" he chuckles. "Aww man, now I'm envious." He looks around the crowd, searching for the familiar face of the village scribe's apprentice.

2012-10-21, 10:47 PM
Ellaine looks at first shocked, then disgusted by the drunken advance. "Smells like you love your ale more than me," she says archly, pushing Lance away to arm's length but not disengaging entirely.


The Wensers tromp through the snow up the road to their house on the northwest side of town. The family is well-off even for farmers--it's rumored the old man was an adventurer once, but nobody in town is willing to corroborate that story with hard evidence. Adrian lurks behind a nearby building as the two men ahead of him head inside their warm, brightly lit single story home.

Grim ranger
2012-10-22, 02:51 AM

Smiling slightly and mentally berating himself for the idea that something crucial could happen because Wensers decided to head homewards, the youngest of Crane brothers turns back around and pulls his winter cloak tighter around himself, beginning to walk back towards the tavern. He still needs to make sure that the others do not cause too much damage while drunk out of their minds, after all.

2012-10-22, 04:33 AM
"C'mwon luvv! You know I luvv you the mwost owf evewywone! It's just... Nowone likes the bard... he'zz pwoor they say. How will we evew get a gwood mawwiage?" Lance starts crying. Jeez, this guy really is awful with booze.
He is now crying, hating his fate, but still standing next to Ellaine, trying to embrace her.

2012-10-22, 07:50 AM

With Lance starting to cry, Zeke immediately puts distance between himself and the bard. He engages almost anyone who is willing to listen and starts with another of his tall tales, the alcohol making him exaggerate his movements more. He notices Adrian and pauses his story mid way to comment only, "Hey, hey, hey, your friend over there's making a fool o' himself," before continuing.

2012-10-23, 12:19 PM
Ellaine looks saddened, but doesn't allow the clingy drunk to get any closer. "I think you need to head home for the night, Lance. You'll feel better tomorrow, and we can talk then." she says in the soothing, patronizing, motherly tone of someone who knows the other party is incapable of higher mental function.

2012-10-23, 01:48 PM
"S-okay..." Lance murmurs and heads off into the streets. He didn't really know who was the person that sent him away, but that doesn't matter either way. He gets home and crashes down on the couch, the bed is too far away, and falls asleep.

2012-10-26, 11:24 AM
The night whiles away, the crowd thins, and eventually even the rowdiest find their beds. The next morning dawns foggy and a fair bit warmer than the previous day, and the pitter-patter of melting snow and ice from roofs echos through the drafty homes and halls of Dismal Hollow. The roads outside are slushy and muddy, and the smell of peat smoke is even thicker than usual.

2012-10-31, 03:42 AM


Zeke slowly rises from his bed while holding his head. He had a bit too much drinks last night, but it is nothing he couldn't handle. He is not foreign to drinking a lot, especially on cold, winter nights.

Or so he thought.

He immediately runs and pushes open the window just in time before his insides turns out, vomiting most of what he had for dinner.

Wiping his mouth with his sleeve, he leans on the wall and shakes his head to clear his mind.

"I really did have too much this time..." he mutters to himself.

After a few minutes, he finally musters enough willpower to move. First, he takes of his shirt and throws it down on a pile of dirty clothes. Then he proceeds to the small corner that serves as the room's kitchen, takes the clay jar and pours the water inside over his head while bending over what serves to be some sort of sink.

With the cold water waking him up, he proceeds to finding a clean shirt inside a small drawer underneath his bed. Having donned it, he fixes his hair for a few minutes, and, satisfied, finally goes out.

The sun is still below the horizon, but the sky has brightened enough to be able to see every detail of the small town clearly. He breathes in the fresh, and awfully cold winter morning air and stretches his body. Carefully treading through the muddy street, he makes his way to the town baker's shop. After buying a few pieces of warm bread and milk, he goes on to walk while eating, greeting anyone he comes across and offering his bread.

After a few minutes, he finally reaches his destination. Knocking on the door, he calls out.

"Hey, Adrian, you up already?"

2012-10-31, 12:32 PM
As Zeke awaits Adrian's reply, he hears the sound of horse hooves splattering through the muddy streets as two cloaked riders round the corner from the north head westward through town. They pass the Underbarrow Inn at a trot, not stopping, and continue onward toward the lonely manor on the outskirts to the west--the home of retired free-lance Sir Jules Balesford.

2012-10-31, 03:46 PM
Lance wakes up. Or at least, he tries.
He is feeling really sticky, and the moment he sees the couch he's lying on, he knows why: All the alcohol that had entered his body left the same way, and was now on the couch.

Lance didn't remember anything after the deaths of those men, and hoped nothing bad had happened.
He got up, washed himself, got himself donned in some nice clothes, and ate some stale bread. He was ready to go into town and find out what he had done the night before.

He headed into the streets, when two cloaked riders pass by him at extreme speeds. "Hey! Watch it!" Lance yells after them, and he watches them dissappear towards the manor.
The manor? Maybe something interesting will happen!
He decides to follow them, not leaving his violin behind.

Grim ranger
2012-11-01, 07:36 AM

Having already begun work quite some time before his elder brother even saw fit to raise his head from the pillow, the sounds of hammer meeting hot metal continue for a moment from within the young smith's workshop before stopping with hiss of metal being cooled. Afterwards, the door opens, showing Adrian in his usual smith's clothing, the young man wiping some sweat off his brow.

"Well, you look bit under the weather today, brother", the level-headed craftsman observes with utterly dry tone, nodding for Zeke to come on inside. "And of course I am up: who else here is going to repair things from morning to afternoon if I will not? Sadly, I did not quite manage to quell your need to revel in drinking last night. And Lance made a fool of himself, more or less as expected... I suppose I will need to go and see him when I am done with this."

2012-11-01, 10:52 AM

"Ah. I am afraid that will have to be sooner than you plan to," he says as he follows the two riders and a certain familiar figure with his eyes. "Looks like we have more visitors. And your good friend may be about to make a fool of himself with them as well."

He turns back to Adrian.

"Well, sorry for bothering you. Imma go and check this out first. I think these visitors have some connection to...you know," he speaks the last two words with a shrug. "I'll tell you what I'll find out later."

He starts off after the riders but stops after a few steps.

"You could come you know," he says without turning back, then starts walking again.

Grim ranger
2012-11-01, 11:42 AM

Sighing to himself in frustrated manner, Adrian is halfway through with putting his cloak on before he even pauses to consider. "Hey, you can't just...! Always charging after problems and stumbling into even more of them as a result. Can't you just... be patient for one day?"

Looking after his brother as the stubborn man begins to walk anyhow, Adrian rubs his temples in tired manner, closing the door of his forge and running after Zeke. "Why do I always have to be the sensible one even when I am the youngest? This is stupid!"

2012-11-02, 12:14 PM
The riders quickly outpace Lance, but since there's really no other place for them to be going, the bard is easily able to follow along to the manor. Once there, the two cloaked men picket their horses at one end of the yard and approach the door on foot; they are admitted by the knight's valet after knocking at the front door of the sprawling single-floor manor house. The heavy wooden portal, decorated for the holiday, shuts quickly after the guests are ushered inside, leaving Lance out in the slushy cold to look at the limestone walls and leaded-glass windows.

Zeke is the first to catch up with Lance, and Adrian joins the pair soon thereafter. The blacksmith still has his forge apron on, and the chill seems to hit him hardest as he has spent his waking hours in the company of hot metal. Steam practically pours from his muscles and forehead as perspiration evaporates into the cold morning air.

2012-11-03, 11:37 PM

Last night had passed through his thoughts as did the fog early this morning. After the Crane celebration, Rory had left the tavern for the butcher. A crate of scraps and bones in arm, he trodded back with the cold, packed earth beneath his feet and his mind at ease. Settling the crate in the kitchen, he settled into his spot overseeing the floor along the upper bar, his feet propped up against the railing of the upper balcony.
The scents of the central hearth and of his evening pipe cleared his thoughts, after sharing a few drinks with his brothers and Lance. He fell asleep as the last patrons drifted out, and awoke early to hoof beats passing the door of the inn. After swinging open a window to welcome a brisk draft, pattering feet raced past the inn. Rory took little time to spot Lance, and soon his brothers after. With a groan and a hasty wash, he dressed and downed a tea as he took off for them. Outside, he ran into Val and her knowing look was followed by a nod in the direction they went. Rory smiled and trodded into the fog, boots trudging into the slough of wet dirt and snow.

2012-11-04, 10:40 AM

"Hey, hey hey, fancy seeing you here, Lance! So, what're you doing here in our dear Sir Balesford's mansion so early in the morning?" the barber calls out to the bard.

Grim ranger
2012-11-04, 12:29 PM

"Causing trouble, no doulbt" Adrian says with some humor in his voice, but less so than usually in situations where Lance is about to get up to no good. "Look, I admit I am curious about this as well, but we cannot just go about spying people, much less trying to get in there. Besides, don't you have enough problems from last night?" he asks, knowing full well that Lance's drunken hijinks will likely result in something less than spectacular.

2012-11-06, 12:47 PM
A cold drizzle starts to spit from the wooly clouds as Rory joins the other three just beyond the edge of Sir Balesford's land. There are others out and about this morning in Dismal Hollow, but none seem interested in venturing to this part of town, so the four lads are on their own.

Having re-shod every horse in town at least twice, Adrian recognizes the two animals picketed at the manor house as belonging to the Wenser clan.

Grim ranger
2012-11-06, 04:35 PM

Looking somewhat wary, Adrian mutters to himself and shakes his head before speaking to others. "This is propably not good. It might be just my paranoia talking, but... Those are Wenser's horses, and I have never really trusted that clan even as far as I can throw them" the blacksmith explains, folding his arms. "I have always wondered what they are up to now that Wyll cannot run the forge to the ground thanks to me being the new smith... And even if this can get us into serious problems, I would still want to know what Wensers are doing at Sir Balesford's."

2012-11-06, 11:18 PM

"The Wensers you say? Now what the hell would they be doing riding in horses, clad in cloaks, in the house of the local knight? Curious. Curious indeed," he replies.

He looks at the ground and grabs his chin in thought. "Hmmm. Any idea what this could be about based on their recent actions?"

Grim ranger
2012-11-08, 12:22 PM

"Honestly? Absolutely no idea here" Adrian replies, apparently rather mystified. "Also, we don't know that those are Wensers, although those ARE their horses, so it is rather safe assumption. Still, I have a bad feeling about this... Normally I would be against evesdropping, but up for doing some sneaking around, Lance?" the smith asks, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

2012-11-08, 12:37 PM

"Yeah, that'd be a good idea. I could try to distract the guards if you'd need it."

2012-11-08, 04:34 PM

"Let us go, then." Lance said, as he took the left side of the mansion. He signaled Adrian to go on the right side, and hoped that Zeke would distract the guard should they decide to run a check.

Move Silently: [roll0]
Hide: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]
Listen: [roll3]

2012-11-08, 11:53 PM

"Alright. Be careful, ya two," he gives a pat to the two's backs.

"Oh, hey, you're here. What about you? Are you going to join us with our endeavor today, dear brother?" he smiles at Rory.

2012-11-09, 07:27 PM

As the falling drizzle begins to turn the freshly trodden track into oblong circles on the beaten path, Rory spies his brothers and Lance along the fence of a manor. As Zeke sets the Adrian and Lance off, Rory just shrugs and walks over to his brother.
"Glad to see Adrian and Lance up early for once," Rory stated firmly. After looking around, he finally asked "Seeing as they have dragged us along, what do you propose?" In response, to Zeke's question, Rory simply nodded but seeing the rather large land before him had stirred the same curiosity that had driven his brother and Lance to investigate. "What do you know about this Sir Balesford fellow?", Rory asked.

2012-11-09, 11:37 PM

"Well, he's the local knight and all. Retired though. Cut and shaved him once or twice, though he only takes house calls. Odd fellow, though I think being a knight and all, one cannot afford not to be. Or somesuch," he beams a smile.

"Anyway, we were more curious about the owner of those two horses right there. Adrian says they belong to the Wensers, though we never really saw if the riders were actually them. In any case, it's weird, that's why the boys and I decided to check things out, if you know what I mean," he says, chuckling after.

"Soo, while Adrian and Lance sneak around, I was going to distract the guards. I know them, had them in the shop a couple times. Maybe just strike up some random chatter. You'll help me with that, or you wanna go with the others?"

2012-11-11, 11:52 AM

Rory stared at the track of land stretching from the gate to the doorway before finally deciding, "Lead the way, Zeke."

2012-11-11, 12:30 PM

Zeke looks at Rory for a second before smiling.

"Good, good. Then observe how your elder brother does idle banter. Ain't no one better than the barber of Dismal Hollow. Well, technically I'm still the assistant, so yeah, that was quite true as well." He grins then begins his approach towards the front door of the mansion.

"Top of the mornin' to you, gentlemen!"

Grim ranger
2012-11-12, 02:33 AM

Seeing that it is indeed time to go, Adrian tries his best to sneak off along with Lance.

[roll0] (Move Silently)
[roll1] (Hide)
[roll2] (Spot)
[roll3] (Listen)

2012-11-14, 08:06 AM
Lance and Adrian sneak off around the side of the building, earning even soggier boots as they cut across the slushy snow that lays upon Sir Balesford's lawn like a wet blanket. Meanwhile, Zeke and Rory take the direct approach and go straight to the front door.

Lance and Adrian:
The low, sprawling mansion has many rooms, each with tall, narrow windows shuttered tight for the winter. But with the remote location, there is not much background noise and before long, guided by the smoke rising more heavily from a particular chimney, the two lads find themselves outside Sir Balesford's study, where the sound of voices within can be heard faintly through the layers of wood, glass, and stone.

"... small expenditure on your part, I expect we could triple your investment."

"That is all well and good, but naturally there is no guarantee for your safety!"

"Leave that to ..., your honor."

Zeke and Rory:
A few tense moments pass after the knock upon the door. Then, the sound of unlocking and unbarring can be heard, and a square wooden window in the door flips open to reveal the face of the knight's valet. He squints discontentedly into the sunlight. "Who goes there?" he wheezes, sniffing the cold air like a hunting hound.

2012-11-17, 04:05 AM

Zeke peeked in the whole and noticed the familiar set of eyes and the familiar wheezing.

"What do you mean who? It's me, Zeke. Has the cold gotten into your head?"

2012-11-26, 01:50 PM
Zeke and Rory:
"Why, so it is!" the valet says with a grin. Zeke knew the man well--Gregor Finch was a long-time family friend and a patron of Zeke's barberly mentor. "Good to see you again, old pal. What brings you out to these parts on such a fine holiday?"

Grim ranger
2012-11-26, 03:47 PM

Nodding slightly to Lance and narrowing his eyes in suspicion, Adrian strives to hear more. Just what are the Wensers up to? If he is any judge, nothing good at the very least...

Rolling Listen again.


Edit: Hooo, and it is natural 20! Right when I need it most :smallbiggrin:

2012-11-26, 11:18 PM

"Nothing much. I was passing by and thought, hey might as well greet you here. Oh, my brother's here with me by the way. We were just outside of town looking for some stuff, herbs for mom's ailing back. The cold hasn't been particularly kind to her old bones, and we figured we knew how to make her medicine, so we just got the ingredients ourselves to cut the cost."

Catching himself to be rambling again, he just added with a smile, "So, how're you been?"

Bluff: [roll0]

2012-11-29, 11:52 AM
Zeke and Rory:
Gregor leans his head to one side. "You don't say. I suppose it is getting to that time of year--you have any extras I might claim for the missus?"

Adrian and Lance:

There is the sound of sliding wood, and then the jingling of coins changing hands. "Don't spend it all in one place."

"It'll be put to good use. And triple upon completion."

"I'm a man of my word, Wenser. Don't forget that."

There is a pause for a few seconds.

"N..nn..n.. of course, your honor."



2012-11-30, 12:23 AM

"Oh, unfortunately my good man, we don't. But we could get another, if you'd like. Anyway, I seemed to notice you have visitors. Looks like the Wensers?" he asked to change the topic.

2012-11-30, 06:30 PM
Lance nodded to Adrian. It was time to go. Nothing good would come out of staying here to listen more. The deal was closed, and no more info was going to be exchanged.

Lance backed away slowly, and calmly tried to disappear from the house, and with a wide arc return to Zeke and Rory.

Move Silently: [roll0]
Hide: [roll1]

2012-12-03, 02:31 PM
Zeke and Rory:
The valet's face hardens a little bit, as he hesitates to discuss his master's business. "Perceptive as usual. Don't worry, I doubt their little spat with your brother is the subject of this visit." He stares down the barber. "Or should it be?"

Lance and Adrian:
Circling back around the house to the front, Adrian spots the retired knight's cook leaving the woodshed with an armful of split logs, heading back toward the main building. Vivane, or Miss Priss as she's better known in town, is a notorious busybody and not one to tolerate nonsense. Her white-as-the-snow bun is barely visible above the pile of wood that reaches up to the bridge of her nose, and her booted feet scrape up the snow as she shuffles her way across the winter-touched yard.

2012-12-03, 10:18 PM

The barber pulled his head back and looked quizzically.

"Why would the Wensers go and consult with Sir Balesford for their petty squabble? I mean I'm not really privy of all that transpired between them, but I'm pretty sure it was just about that scuffle the other night."

He quickly shifted his gaze between Rory and Gregor.


2012-12-09, 02:53 AM

Idling beside Zeke, Rory patiently thought of responses while his elder continued. Hearing the conversation wind down, Rory reassured, "I swear, it takes Zeke and I to watch the two."

2012-12-11, 01:26 PM
Gregor offers Rory and Zeke a sly grin. "And yet you two are here. What are the other two up to, I wonder? Still a-bed, perhaps, for the safety of us all? Look, I don't know what the master is up to and you know he doesn't like people poking around his affairs. You'd best be off before he knows you're here, or I'll be taken to task for allowing loiterers."

Grim ranger
2012-12-11, 03:15 PM

Quickly nudging Lance, the blacksmith hurriedly begins to sneak back, hoping that he will be fast and quiet enough to avoid any unpleasantness that may follow from snooping around.

[roll0] (Move Silently)

2012-12-11, 06:11 PM

Lance pulls on Adrian's shirt, indicating to follow the lady.
He then hurries along Adrian as fast as his legs can bear him, and as quiet as his possessions allow him.

Move Silently: [roll0]

2012-12-11, 09:34 PM

"Hmm. Yeah, those two. I wonder. They say I'm the most immature Crane of all, but these siblings of mine, they never fail to give their older brother a headache, you know?" he said with a laugh.

"Well, we best be off then. We don't want you getting in trouble on our account. Say hello to the missus for me, will ya? Come, Rory. Our mother awaits her medication."

He held his brother on the shoulder and led him off while waving at Gregor. Reaching the street, he relaxed a bit.

"Whew. That went well, didn't it?" he burst into laughter.

2012-12-12, 10:17 AM
"Zat you, Gregor? Give me a hand with these logs, will ya? It's a positive mess out here!" Vivane's shrill voice carries from behind the massive stack of logs in her arms; she clearly can't see who is there, but she knows someone is about in Sir Balesford's yard.

Miss Priss's listening ears: [roll0]

Grim ranger
2012-12-26, 02:21 PM

Deciding that trying to bluff Gregor's voice would be too risky, Adrian continues to sneak away as quickly as he dares. He can only trust to his luck now... Hopefully it will not let him down this time.

[roll0] (Move Silently)
[roll1] (Hide)

2013-01-02, 06:52 AM

The small moment of hesistation that Adrian showed indicated for Lance to respond. Lance, an entertainer of all sorts, knew how to imitate some voices, and as such tried to imitate Gregor's:

"I'll help you in a moment, I just have to take care of some stuff first. Be back in 5."

Bluff: [roll0]

He then proceeds to follow Adrian away from the house.

Move Silently: [roll1]
Hide: [roll2]

2013-01-02, 12:40 PM
"Wait, what? Gregor! You get back here this instant!" Vivane fumes indignantly, struggling through the snow a few more steps toward the house. But Adrian and Lance are already gone, slipping away to the front yard where Zeke and Rory have just said their goodbyes to the real valet at the door.

2013-01-04, 04:53 AM

Seeing Lance and Adrian come up the other direction, Zeke registers a quizzical look but nevertheless asks away.

"Hey, how'd it go on your end?"

Grim ranger
2013-01-07, 02:19 PM

The blacksmith shakes his head at his brother as they begin walking away from the retired knight's house, Adrian looks somewhat troubled. "Well, we were not caught for once... But the news we managed to hear are somewhat disturbing. It seems like Wensers are doing some kind of transaction with Sir Balesford... And judging by the fact they are getting paid a lot I suspect it is quite dangerous undertaking as well. I have to say that I have been often paranoid about Wensers without reason, but still...this troubles me."

2013-01-09, 09:40 AM

The eldest brother's eyebrow raises at the news. He then speaks out loud.

"Oh, if it isn't Adrian and Lance! Perfect timing! We were looking for you," he said to Adrian. "Come, come!"

Then, in a low voice, he adds, "Okay let's go home and talk about this more."

2013-01-09, 11:06 AM
En route to the Crane residence, the boys come across Gene, the town tailor, stomping through the snow and looking miserable. He huddles a heavy blanket around himself like a coat, and his fur hat is crammed down tightly against the thinning crown of his head. He rubs his hands together often to try and warm them, but the chapped fingers yield no heat of their own accord. His narrow-set eyes, however, are sharp as always and pick Adrian out from the crowd. "Ah, good master smith, just the man I was hoping to find. If you've a moment for business, I'm in the market for a new pair of shears. My best pair seems to have run off... somewhere."

Grim ranger
2013-01-09, 01:12 PM

Stopping, Adrian looks at Gene with fair bit of surprise. "Pardon me for saying, but it is rather unlike you to lose tools... You have no idea what happened to the last ones?" he asks before sighing. "I will go back to the forge and see if I have any shears pre-made that I have not promised to anyone... But if not, you will sadly have to wait until I have managed to forge new ones. How urgent is your need for them?"

2013-01-10, 03:52 PM
Gene nods glumly. "They were there yesterday when I closed up shop. Went down to Underbarrow's and had a fine time, this morning I go to work and they're gone. I've got a backup pair that'll work for day to day stuff just fine, but I won't be making any fancy dresses before you help, if you know what I mean!"

While Gene is speaking, the lads see the town sage, Ralf, doddering around the corner of Underbarrow's. The man has a book tucked up under his arm and seems to be in as much of a hurry as he can manage. "Crane boys?" he wheezes. "Your bard friend with you? Ah good, just the man I need. Devilish time with this obtuse poetic rhythm, it's gummed up my translating." He shuffles absently toward the group, his voice growing a bit louder as he closes in on Lance.

Grim ranger
2013-01-10, 05:13 PM

"I will get to work right when I get back to my smithy, Gene" Adrian assures the tailor, rubbing his chin slightly. "I just wonder who would need to steal shears... I have never pegged you down as type to lose, well, anything, so theft seems somewhat likely at the very least."

2013-01-10, 07:56 PM
Lance noticed Gene and Ralf busy in their own jobs. He wanted to discuss what he had heard with the brothers, but it could wait until tonight, he hoped.
"Guys, I think it is wise for me to go help Ralf, while Adrian helps Gene. Can we split up right now, and tonight, with the company of a fire, talk about our day?" he asks, then nods to Ralf. "I'll go with you, if it's ok with them" nudging towards the Cranes.

2013-01-11, 02:49 AM

Wow. On cue, huh. Oh, well...

"Yeah, yeah, sure. We can talk later. But we have to talk about this," he looked at Lance and his brothers meaningfully.

"Hey Gene, wanna borrow my snips? They cut through flesh like cutting paper, I'm sure they'd run through your fabrics no problem." He looks at the tailor seriously for a few seconds before bursting into laughter.

"Just kidding. I couldn't lend them to you if you wanted to. The gods know when some stupid bloke with an infection might come and visit me. Anyway boys, later!"

Zeke lifts his hand as a salute and walked on. He has nothing to do with everyone busy and so he decides to go and do his work.

2013-01-13, 06:37 PM

Digging his hands into his cloak, Rory found his clay pipe and tapped the chalky dottle left in the bowl into the snow. Looking around, it seems his brothers and Lance had wandered off to business. Looking to his side, he notices Zeke has gone as well, and proceeds toward the town butcher, seeing if he shall have some work.

2013-01-15, 10:23 AM
Ralf and Lance start the long walk back to the sage's squat stone tower, and the elderly man takes the opportunity to flip open the book he was carrying to show it to Lance. The "obtuse rhythm" Ralf referred to earlier is actually a five hundred stanza epic poem, written in an obscure dialect of the common tongue not spoken in at least the last century. "Critical commission," Ralf offers by way of explaining how an ancient text could be so important to him. "His honor wants a first reading within a fortnight. A fortnight!"

Zeke trudges toward his shop to find three customers waiting outside. "'Bout time you got here," Gabe the tanner quips as he rubs his motley locks. "Thought I was gonna grow another inch of beard." The two others, Sam and Hal, are both peat-cutters and offer hearty guffaws to Gabe's zinger.

At the butcher's shop, Rory finds the cutting table is crammed full of a young buck. "Good timing," says Yonn, the towering, bald-headed butcher, as he stands sharpening his cleaver. "Just got this dropped off this morning. Let's see how fast we can full-dress him, eh?"

Meanwhile, Gene thanks Adrian profusely for the effort to replace his lost shears, and returns toward his shop whistling a jaunty midwinter tune. Adrian looks around for his brothers, but Zeke has long since retreated to his barbershop and Rory has wandered off to the butcher, leaving the sturdy smith standing alone in the snow.

Grim ranger
2013-01-15, 12:44 PM

Sighing to himself, Adrian shakes his head and walks to his smithy. It seems he will have work to do, and obligations like that are something he tends to take very seriously. The whole matter of Wensers still weights heavy on his mind, however.

2013-01-15, 01:04 PM

"Now, now. Stop worrying about pointless things. We all know nobody here's going to notice that anyway, not with that horrible excuse for a hair you got on top of your head."

He began the usual banter that came with the trade. Walking past them with a grin, he whipped out a small metal ring with a few keys jingling from it, picked out one overly-used looking key, placed it inside the keyhole, and pushed the door open.

"Come inside. Let's see what we can do to remedy that," Zeke said, turning back to the men before laughing. He stepped inside and went about his usual routine of starting the day at the shop. When he finished, he went to the newest looking of the three barber chairs (the leftmost facing outside) and beat the backrest.

"Come on. Let's start with you Gabe. How do you want it? You know what, nevermind. Let me take care of it. I've got just the thing that would suit you."

Zeke opened the drawer nearby and took out his favorite pair of scissors and comb. Doing a few imaginary snips in the air, he looked at the top of the tanner's head and envisioned what he intended to do before starting.

Do I need to roll profession here? Just in case:
Profession (barber): [roll0]

2013-01-17, 02:37 PM
"Just a little of the top and sides, Zeke. You know I hate cold ears in the winter, but the missus wants me all gussied up for a dinner party." Gabe leans back in the chair, closing his eyes and relaxing to the sound of steel scraping steel.

2013-01-18, 03:03 AM

"Right, right," he replies while snipping away at the tanner's hair with his dexterous hands. After almost half an hour, he is satisfied with his work and then proceeds to give attention to his client's facial hair.

Zeke takes a basin atop the desk and proceeds to work a lather with the soap, then applies it to Gabe's face. After wiping his hand with the towel, he takes out a steel razor from the same drawer he took the scissors and proceeds to work the beard. After a few minutes of work, he takes a hot towel to wipe away the remaining soap.

"Voila!" the barber pronounces. "How is it? Do you like it?"

2013-01-22, 12:15 PM
"Quality craftsmanship as always," Gabe replies with a smile. "At least I won't have Vivane prattling about me looking like a bear." He takes one of the empty chairs, sitting around to shoot the breeze in the brazier-heated confines of the barbershop being preferable to an immediate return to the cold.

Sam puts a hand on Hal's chest and uses it to push himself to a standing position. "Too slow, buddy," he grins as he stomps on over to have a seat in Zeke's favorite chair. "Clean up the face, but leave the back. Gotta have the winter mane, you know," he instructs the barber.

2013-01-22, 02:51 PM

"Oh dear" Lance exhales, seeing the text for the first time clearly. "It's been some time since I mused an ancient text like this. he looks worried. "But, you know, if his excellency wants it done soon, it shall be done soon" and together they begin working.
While Lance mostly concentrates Ralf.

2013-01-22, 11:58 PM

"But of course! And if bears were to be remotely as good-looking as you are now, they'd have surely stopped by here," the apprentice barber laughed and readied his tools for the next customer.

"So you want your winter mane, huh? Hmm, I may just have the thing you are looking for," he said while still preparing his things.

"Alright, Sammy old chap. Let's begin!" he said as he pat the man's back and pressed on his shoulders, making him lean squarely on the chair's back rest. He began snipping away at the top and began his usual conversation.

"By the way, what's this dinner you were mentioning Gabe?"

2013-01-28, 12:15 PM
"Oh, just something Mama Wenser's throwing together. Not sure why we need a celebration so soon after the holiday, but any excuse to drink, eh?" He leans back in his chair, stretching out his booted feet so they are a few inches closer to the brazier.


Lance digs into the poem, first endeavoring to figure out the central characters and then puzzling over the theme. Fortunately, Ralf has a few texts on this particular dialect, but they are by no means complete. As the candles illuminating the study slowly dip lower, Lance feels like he's barely scratched the surface of this epic tome.

2013-01-28, 02:53 PM

"Huh. How lavish. And do pray tell who are invited, my good man?" Zeke is fishing now. He smiles inwardly. Perhaps he had made the right decision to come to work, for once.

"Right, look this way, please," he instructs Sam to look to his right and up, and again continues snipping away at the tangled mass of keratin.

2013-02-07, 04:00 PM
"Oh, you know, the fancy gang," Gabe replies, lacing his fingers behind his head and smiling. "Master Underbarrow, Ralf, the priests at the temple, even His Lordship. And the well-to-do among the merchant caravans. Naturally, not hard workers like you and me, though I guess I get a pass, married to the town baker! I'm supposed to stay quiet and nod politely."

2013-02-07, 11:19 PM

"Bah! Those Wensers. Giving all those who can actually provide for themselves, when they should be holding those fancy things with fancy food for us!" he says in mock disgust. "You are indeed one lucky bastard, you. Just eat our share for us, will ya?" he continues before exploding into another boisterous laugh.

"How 'bout you, Sammy old chap? How's it goin' with the peat cuttin' stuff?"

2013-02-09, 08:28 AM

"I'm sorry" Lance says to the sage. He had been meaning to get this sorted out, but the troubles of the past few days seemed to have put a blockade in his mind. He just couldn't really GET the poem.
"Is it ok if I try this another time? I really feel burdened today, even though I'm trying my best..."

2013-03-08, 02:49 PM
"That's quite alright, lad," the sage responds amiably to Lance. "Take a few pages home and sleep on it. That always seems to work for me."


Back at the barber shop, Zeke continues to wage war on Sammy's scalp. "Well, I suppose it's going as it always does in the winter," Sammy answers the barber's question. "Might as well be in the stonecutting business with as hard as things get. Should have enough stock for you to last all winter, though." He sniffs idly at the fragrant draft from the brazier in the corner. "This is good stock from the north bend. Lots of sweetgum roots among the peat. Pain in the arse to cut," he adds with a grin.


In the smithy, Adrian selects a couple of thin iron rods and begins heating them to a uniform temperature. Then, with the hammer and tongs, he carefully beats one end of each into a comfortably sized loop. More heat, and more banging, and gradually the simple shape of the scissor blades comes into being. The process would take almost an hour to get to its final form, before it would need quench-hardening and finishing of the blades. A task for another day, perhaps, as Adrian finds his mind preoccupied with misgivings about his competitor's purposes and nearly forgets to make the twin arms oppositely curved.

Grim ranger
2013-03-09, 12:29 PM

Shaking his head somewhat as he nearly forgets to make the arms of the scizzors correctly curved. The whole affair with the Wensers has really got him suspicious and thoughtful, and it is hard to focus on work when in such a state of mind. Still, he tries his very best to do just that: he knows how much Gene needs this particular tool, after all.

Working dilligently until the product is finished, Adrian wipes sweat from his brow and grabs his cloak, heading out to visit Gene's shop. He can return to work somewhat later, and perhaps little walkabout will help him with his raging thoughts as well.

2013-03-09, 07:33 PM

Thanks is the last word Lance mutters before taking the pages and going home. He'd have a look at them tomorrow, but for now it'd be just some food and then off to bed.

2013-03-10, 12:37 PM

"Yeah, good thing I do. This one's gettin' too cold to my liking," Zeke says while continuing to snip away at Sam's hair. He remains silent as he concentrates for the finishing touches, and upon doing so, puts down his scissors and proceeds to work the lather for the shave. It took a bit longer than with Gabe, but Zeke finishes the job just as good.

"Man, are you using peat to wash your hair and beard? They're so damn tough!" he exclaimed before laughing at his own jest as he brushes of the hairs that still cling to the peat-cutter's clothing.

"All right, last but certainly not the least. Hal. Step right up please," he calls out to Hal, beckoning him by patting the back of the barber's chair.

2013-05-01, 09:25 AM
Adrian trudges through the soggy snow, his boots kicking up trails of slush and mud as he navigates the streets of Dismal Hollow to find Gene's shop. The poor tailor is inside, hovering over a small peat fire and tented under his blanket, with needle in hand and two pieces of pinned fabric laid across his lap. He practically looks like a pile of cloth, almost invisible against the backdrop of hung garments and fabric-laden tables, until he fixes his beady-eyed gaze on the door as it swings open to admit the smith. "Ah, good master smith. Done so soon? You're a credit to your profession."


Hal positions himself in the chair and leans back a little to allow Zeke to run his fingers through the peat-cutter's curly tangles. "Good luck, you saved the best for last," Hal jests. "Leave the muttonchops if you please, I'm not one for cold ears in midwinter."


Lance, meanwhile, makes his way to Underbarrow's place for an evening meal. His friends aren't there yet, and the post-holiday lull seems to have set in with the rest of the patronage. Fortunately, the Wensers aren't there to make trouble either.

2013-05-01, 11:50 AM

"Sure did," the barber replies with a chuckle as he runs through his fingers through Hal's hair and felt the shape of his head. "Are all peat cutters' hair like this? Man, I won't be surprised if something like a specialist peat cutter barber comes along or something," he adds with a laugh.

"All right, I think I've got just the thing for this one. Radical, but stylish. And you get to keep your muttonchops," Zeke says as he prepares his scissors.

As he starts snipping, he goes on with the usual small talk. "How 'bout you Hal? Got something fancy goin' on like Gabe and there and this dinner thing of his?"

Grim ranger
2013-05-01, 04:08 PM

Nodding to Gene as he enters the man's shop, Adrian holds out the scizzors to the poor tailor. "I know that you would be hard-pressed to practice your own profession without the tools of the trade, so I made it my top priority to help you" he says with a small hint of a smile, waiting until the tailor takes the scizzors from him before continuing. "Any new talk around the village? It seems that as of late things have really picked up when it comes to downright strange happenings..."

2013-05-02, 08:04 AM
"Pshaw," Hal laughs. "My idea of fancy is going home tonight and cracking open a cask of Old Farley's best brown. Which I intend to do!" He pats his belly to the chortles of his pals.

Gabe puts in, "You know, Zeke, you'd probably be invited to swanky affairs like this party if you stopped hanging out with that troublemaking troubador."


Gene accepts the scissors gratefully and puts five silver coins in Adrian's palm. "I know, it's been a strange day," the tailor admits. "About twenty minutes ago, Master Wenser came by and gave me these. Said they'd ended up in the pocket of his coat I'd just mended." Gene pulls out his original pair of shears and lays it side by side with the pair Adrian had just crafted. "Well, at least now I have a backup pair. I'll just have to charge the old man a little extra the next time his wife needs a new dress, eh?"

2013-05-02, 09:33 AM

"You and me both, Hal. You and me both!" Zeke manages to say amidst the laughter.

"Oh, you mean Lance? Nah, I don't hang around with that boy. That's my brother your talkin' about. They're trouble. And you know me boys, I don't get into trouble," he says while he cuts, and then he pauses for a few seconds, turns to the other two, and adds, "...unless it's with a pretty lady," bursting into laughter before resuming his work.

After a fw more minutes of snipping and talking, Zeke finally brushes off cut hair from Hal's face and upper body and pats him on the shoulder.

"There, all done! How d'you like it? Way better than the old timer's, yeah?" he says with a smile. "All right, since I'm in a good mood today, you get half off on your fees. How about that?"

Grim ranger
2013-05-07, 12:02 PM

Looking quite a bit more curious about the news, Adrian mulls over this "mistake" of Wenser in his head before shrugging his shoulders and chuckling a bit. "Make sure to check his pockets the next time" he cautions the tailor in jest before looking somewhat more serious again. "Did you see where he was going? I have to speak with him."

2013-05-07, 12:13 PM

Lance does his usual business on this usual day. He collects info on the town's happenings, just like a good bard is supposed to.

Gather information: [roll0]

2013-05-07, 01:28 PM
"Half-off? A bargain at twice the price," Hal laughs. "Leastways I don't have to worry about drunken twitches like with ol' Baor, gods rest his soul." He stands up and shakes a few loose locks from his heavy work pants.


"Back toward his house, I think. Though he said something about stopping by the butcher's on the way," Gene answers, his face taking on a serious expression. "If it's about his party, don't bother. It's just going to take time before the elders accept you as a pillar of society. Better to win them over quietly, one at a time, than to stomp around in a huff and make mischief with your old friends because you aren't invited to dinner. That'll only confirm the whole lot's suspicion you're just an overgrown child." He reaches out and pats Adrian on the shoulder. "Remember you've got me on your side, Adrian. You're a good man; be the better one."


Lance works his way around the Underbarrow common hall with his usual aplomb. His feet walk unerringly from table to table, weaving around chairs, patrons, and servers as though they were dance partners. He could probably do this little dance blindfolded in the dark, so practiced is the routine.

Master Underbarrow remains overdue, and the staff is concerned that it might be more than a simple winter storm holding him up. With the ill happenings in the north woods--a cold scene that Lance remembers all too well--speculation is running rampant that the two events are related and dark forces are encircling Dismal Hollow.

On a less despondent note, a group of young men complain loudly to Lance that Ellaine Fairchild deserves better than a lousy minstrel; it appears the bard's musical magic has made a lasting impression on the spirits of the late smith's daughter. One of the group points out that she'd already be married if Adrian was half the smith her father was, to which point another cites as evidence Adrian's lack of invitation to the elders' soiree at the Wenser house.

2013-05-07, 02:07 PM

"Well, you gotta live life to the fullest, and man did ol' Baor live," Zeke said with a smile.

"Awrighty, folks. Just leave the pay on the counter right there, and you have a good rest of the day," he said as he began to tidy up the place.

Grim ranger
2013-05-14, 03:06 PM

Nodding slightly to the tailor, the young blacksmith sighs somewhat. "Don't worry, my mind is not set on making my situation worse. It is not like anyone has to be invited to a party..." he says wistfully before shaking hands with Gene. "Thanks for the vote of confidence. I suppose I should get going now: might as well go to have some lunch before I will return to work. Have a good day" he says to the tailor before walking out and heading towards the tavern. Picking a fight with the Wensers is not currently on his agenda, but finding Lance is. He wants to talk with his friend, and the tavern is often the most logical place to look for him.

2013-05-15, 02:35 PM
By the time Lance has finished disengaging himself from the barbed conversation offered by the young men of the village, Adrian has completed his trudging through the snow and enters Underbarrow's place with soggy boots and a pensive expression. Valerie, who is pulling pints at the bar, offers the arriving smith a pleasant smile and reaches over the bar to pull down Adrian's mug from its hook.


Hal, Gabe, and Sammy deposit their coins on the far end of Zeke's prep counter and say their goodbyes. Sammy slaps Hal on the shoulder on the way out the door and asks, "Don't suppose you've got an extra mug for that cask, eh?[/B]" Hal laughs and answers, "Mug? I plan to drink it standing up!"

As the door swings closed, Zeke catches a glimpse of Wyll Wenser heading north past the barber shop. He's got on a heavy fur coat and is carrying a burgeoning leather pack with the handles of several tools sticking out from the latched top flap.

2013-05-16, 04:16 PM

Finally some good company! he yells to the other side of the bar. He was done talking to these critisists. They didn't know anything about his craft.
Lance walked over to Adrian, mentioning him: There's a party, Wenser's it seems... You know anything about him? while looking at the barmaid. Isn't she something for your brother by the way? He seems to be needing company...

Grim ranger
2013-05-16, 04:32 PM
"I would not know about my brothers... I assume they are both busy practicing their trades" Adrian replies calmly, ordering himself a beer and sitting on a barstool. "And yes, there is party at Wenser's... I was not invited, which is not truly a surprise. They are getting quite daring, I would say: it seems that the old man has resorted to "borrowing" tools as well as of late. To be honest, the more I hear about their doings, the more nervous I get,"

2013-05-17, 12:47 AM

"Wyll Wenser? What in the hells are these Wensers up to?" Zeke's smile slowly turns to a frown as he catches a glimpse of the younger Wenser.

"Awright, time to close shop," he says as he haphazardly places the tools on the sink and runs for the door. After making sure the door is locked, he immediately turns and goes after the directionwhere Wyll went.

2013-05-21, 01:21 PM
The wet weather lashes at Zeke until he manages to fully don his coat, but Wyll hasn't gotten far, so the barber is able to follow the trail of footprints in the snow that leads north toward the edge of town. Zeke catches sight of Wyll just as he is about to cross into the snow-blanketed woods east of the temple. The weather is taking a turn for the worse, and a cold, misty rain starts to fall.

Further pursuit is going to require some Hide (DC 15) and Search (DC 10) checks.


Val brings over the first round to the Crane table, where Adrian and Lance continue to confer on the situation. After a few minutes, the tavern door opens and Rory steps in from the freezing mist that has engulfed Dismal Hollow. He stamps his boots to shake off the worst of the moisture, then joins the others at the table. "Up to my elbows in venison; sorry I'm late," he grins. "You've been keeping up my share, no doubt?"

2013-05-21, 02:25 PM

Zeke tries to take his mind off the cold as he tries to decide whether to follow Wyll or stop. He is leaving the village, and he knows he has to be sneaky about following or risk being seen. If he gets seen sneaking around, he does not know how the Wenser boy would react.

"Ah, what the heck," he mutters as he decides to go for following Wyll Wenser, whose figure begun to disappear beyond the mists. He leans his frame on one of the trees to his right to conceal his position, and tries to make out his target's tracks.

Hide: [roll0]
Search: [roll1]

Grim ranger
2013-05-22, 09:42 AM

Nodding as Rory arrives to join them, the blacksmith summons up a small smile. "I don't think anyone would think that we would ever miss that opportunity, brother" Adrian remarks humorously before turning back to the matter at hand. "We were just discussing about Wensers... All their scurrying about as of late makes me quite nervous. I hope that we will be able to find out more soon, although I doulbt any of us could get into that party they have planned. At any rate, we still have something important to do: those adventurers need to be properly buried, which means we should go and brave that cave again, even if it is dangerous."

2013-05-22, 02:44 PM

Adrian's right, I fear. Lance said, pondering.
The cave was dangerous, as seen before, and they couldn't allow themselves to make a mistake. Even so, those corpses needed to be buried, the wolves driven away, and Lance himself needed more tales to chant about.
Furthermore, the party at Wenser's seemed futile, as the only way Lance imagined going in was to sing to entertain, but the Wensers would recognize him at once, and throw him out.

The cave it had to be.

Although this time we should be more prepared. Bring a spear, a knife or something.

2013-05-23, 03:54 PM
Zeke keeps a sharp eye on the tracks of his quarry, pursuing Wyll into the woods. The snow is heavy and crunchy, and the barber keeps his head down to mind his footing and avoid the worst of the mist.

Unfortunately, that also means that he fails to notice the crafty Wenser boy doubling back until he practically runs into the big lad. "What's your problem, Crane?" Wyll hisses, probably flexing his muscles--though the effect is entirely lost beneath his bulky coat and overfilled pack. "If you've got such an urge to leave town, you and your brothers should get packing. Unless you want to help push up the daisies this spring."

2013-05-23, 11:31 PM

Zeke is definitely surprised to bump into Wyll, but he doesn't show it. He makes an annoyed face and speaks.

"What is your problem, Wenser? The hells are you doing here? You following me?"

Instinctively his hand slowly found his scissors and closed on it firmly, the motion lost under his coat.

"And what's that? You threatening me? Or is your little brain just feeble enough for something like keeping your evil plans to yourself before you actually do it?" he says with a smug look.

Bluff: [roll0]

2013-05-28, 09:27 AM
Wyll takes a slow step forward, enough for Zeke to contemplate just exactly how much bigger the fellow really is. "Not a threat, just a promise, you little weasel. I'd hate to have to tell your mama how I was too late to save your scrawny neck before your body was torn apart by the wolves."

The Wenser lad reaches under his coat and puts his hand on the hilt of a sword that was concealed beneath the heavy fur. Zeke's naturally seen many caravan guards and the occasional adventurer under arms, but a townsperson--a resident of Dismal Hollow--with a blade strapped to his belt is definitely something unusual.

2013-05-28, 10:05 AM

"Oh, you're carrying swords now? What, you're gonna use it on me, Wenser?" he says as he steps forward as well. He is scared, but he tries not to show it. His hand lets go of his scissors and makes its way for another tool he has on him, his razor.

2013-05-30, 07:42 AM
"You wanna test that idea, Crane?" Wyll sneers, sliding the blade a couple of inches out of the scabbard. It makes a familiar steely hiss, one that Zeke knows much better from his barber shop when he's sharpening his razors. "Best go home to mama. What I do is none of your business; not now, not ever. Got it?"

2013-05-30, 01:39 PM

Zeke steps back, looks at Wyll for a few seconds before bursting into laughter as he turns around and walks away.

"Don't be conceited. I don't give a horse's **** what you do, Wenser. I just hope you're smart enough not to hurt yourself with that," he says as he walks away, without looking back.

Underneath his coat, his hand has tensed up in its grip on the razor. Partly because of the cold, mostly because of the fury that boils within him. But he knows better than to dive headlong into trouble. No, he is smarter than that. He knows to pick his fights.

You'll get yours, Wenser. You'll damn well get yours.

2013-06-03, 07:24 AM
Zeke trudges his way back to town; Wyll doesn't say anything in response, instead remaining in the woods until the barber safely returns to the snow-laced streets of town.


In the tavern, Rory nods solemnly to Lance's suggestion. "I've got some big knives at work. Never held a spear, though I guess it's not much different than a pitchfork and sticking haystacks. What's the plan, then? Go tonight? It's going to be freezing."

2013-06-03, 09:38 AM

Zeke kicks the snow in frustration as he walks back to the village, partly because of his anger at the younger Wenser, but mostly because of his ineptitude at even doing a decent tailing. He then realizes his hand is still grabbing his razor tightly, and lets go of it, putting his hand relaxed inside his empty pocket.

Ahhh, I failed. Now I don't know what that bastard's up to. Oh well, better check up on my problem brothers. They might know something. Or worse, they might be up to something.

Without looking up, he makes his way through the mud and snow and water towards the tavern, the one place in the village he's probably going to find them. Within minutes he stands before the all-too familiar doors, shakes off the snow on his coat and water on his coat, then steps in into the warmth of the Underbarrow. It doesn't take him too long to notice who he is looking for, and makes his way towards the trio.

"Ah, and I see the whole ensemble is present. Val, one mug please!" he shouts at the waitress without even looking at her direction. "So, what...devilish plans are you up to now, huh?" he asks while looking at them one by one.

Grim ranger
2013-06-03, 01:02 PM

Glancing at Zeke as he enters, Adrian waves his brother to sit down, his expression just as stoic as usually. "Nothing terribly spectacular, big brother... We just thought that it is about time to go and haul the corpses of those poor adventurers out of the cave we left them in. Nobody deserves to be left without proper burial" he explains, taking sip from his own mug and patting his steel mace. "I have weapon of my own right here, so I am quite ready."

2013-06-05, 07:50 AM
Val rolls her eyes and starts pulling a pint for Zeke, making sure to leave it extra foamy. It arrives at the table with a plop and an overly exaggerated eye roll from the server, who swishes her hips at the barber on her way back to the bar.

Rory leans in conspiratorially. "We'll need even warmer clothes than last time. My hands were about to fall off by the time we climbed out, and then we still had to walk home."

Grim ranger
2013-06-05, 09:12 AM

"I am sure Gene has some winter tunics and cloaks for us to use... And we might need some blankets to wrap the bodies in as well, if there is anything to save at this point" Adrian weights in before sighing somewhat. "Even if the doings of Wensers are beginning to seriously trouble me, those adventurers deserve graves and last rites of at least some sort... And besides, I doulbt that trying to sneak about and follow the shifty buggers right now would help us any."

2013-06-05, 09:14 AM

Zeke slaps Val's behind as she passes him by, still maintaining his gaze at his brothers. He shakes his head and picks up his pint, takes a few gulps, halfing the contents, and slams it down.

"Ahhhhhh," he exclaims as he leans back. "So you're up to no good after all. Why am I ever surprised?" He takes a deep sigh before leaning in the table, beckons the other to lean in close, and speaks in a low voice.

"Listen, I'm up for burying those adventurers, the gods bless their souls, but hear me out." He looks around, and making sure no one's listening, he continues.

"Just a few moments earlier I saw Wyll heading off to the forest. He was holding a few things that looked mighty suspicious, so I decided to follow him. But, well, I got caught up in finding my way that I didn't realize he had spotted me. We had a bit of...'discussion', and I went my way back here."

He stops, grabs his pint and takes another gulp, burping as he puts it down. He leans closer in again, and continues in a low voice. "Now, it was suspicious, what would Wyll Wenser be doing out in the forest by himself in this weather, right? What's even more suspicious though was the fact that he had a sword with him. Yeah, that's right. A sword. Yeah, even tried to draw it against me."

"I've heard more suspicious things about them lately, like this dinner they're holding later, and now this. The odds are stacking up against them. Heard anything new?"

Grim ranger
2013-06-05, 09:48 AM

"Yes, we all are aware of the shifty activity that they have been up to lately, I think" Adrian says while taking small sip from his own drink, giving group of young men that he knows generally do not hold him in that high of an esteem a pointed, challenging glare before continuing in lowered voice. "I visited Gene, and it seems that the elder Wenser "borrowed" his tools for a little while. Says it was an accident, but I don't believe that in the slightest. Now, just what would they need tools, weapons and money for? And all that sneaking about behind everyone's backs... Yeah, I am not feeling too good about this."

Thinking for a moment, he continues. "I know that waiting and seeing propably seems like the safest course of action, but... I feel like we will not have time for that soon. Things are getting more mysterious and dangerous by the day it seems, so we really should get to the bottom of this. And most people around don't hold us in much of an esteem anyhow, so we have less of social standing to lose than most."

2013-06-06, 03:22 PM
"That slug, out in the forest by himself, with a sword? That'll do him well against wolves." Rory takes a sip of ale and looks to his brothers. "Where do you think he got the sword from? I bet you've never made one, Adrian. Maybe he stole it from a caravan guard?"

2013-06-07, 02:05 AM

"I know right? Where in the hells did he get it? And what for? i know he wouldn't have hesitated using it against me had I tried to fight back. Other than that though, what?" he says, then muses on the possibilities.

"And I'm with you on this. We should get to the bottom of this. But how? We're already, me included by association to you idiots, as you said, in a bad light. If we screw things up, its gonna be us who gets the business end of the stick, no matter what proof we get."

He grabs his chin and rubs it. "Hmm. What to do?"

2013-06-12, 08:12 AM
Rory shrugs. "You know I'm not the ringleader here. But if we're going to head out tonight, we'd better bundle up. I can get us some furs from the shop, so long as you don't mind the smell."

Grim ranger
2013-07-18, 05:27 AM

Nodding, Adrian gets up from his seat. "Go and get them then. We need to fetch some winter cloaks and weapons as well, but after that we are set to brave the snows. Let's head off to Gene's shop to get the cloaks before going to mine to grab some wolf-killing tools for us. Time's-a-wasting."

Waiting until everyone has gotten up and paying for his drink, Adrian walks out of and begins heading back to Gene's shop. It is about time for them to get on with this.

2013-07-18, 02:14 PM

Taking the last gulp of his ale, Zeke shrugs and follows his brothers up and out into the cold once again. He is still stumped on what to do with the Wensers, but he figures maybe doing something else would make his brain work. He follows silently, still pondering what to do next.

2013-11-14, 08:22 PM

Rory staggers up to the shop, yanking the door back and making his way across the room towards the rack. He pulls together several large stripped furs, nowe sling across his back. No one's around, huh, guess the old man had closed up shop. His right arm gropes around the work tables for some blades and a saw, loading whatever he could find onto his belt. Before leaving he quickly blows out each candle and takes along a small hammer. Lastly, he hauls the furs, wrapping one against himself, and rushes out into the cold to meet with his brothers.

2013-12-02, 03:17 PM
Flurries have started to fall, replacing the icy mist from the afternoon, as the Crane boys and Lance gather themselves in fur and prepare to head out into the early evening to brave the frozen ruins and take charge of the fallen adventurers--and perhaps, to find out exactly what Wyll Wenser was up to.

The heavy, uncured furs from the butcher's shop reek faintly of charnel, but their weight lends its own warmth against the encroaching chill of midwinter. Zeke leads the way, tracking his own footprints and Wenser's as they lead through the otherwise undisturbed snow. There is no sign of a second returning pair that would indicate Wyll had already returned to town. In fact, by following the rich boy's outgoing tracks and marking the landmarks, the group finds that the young man has disappeared into the very ruins that the Crane troupe had come to explore.

Grim ranger
2013-12-02, 03:26 PM

"Well, that definitely can't be good" Adrian summarizes rather aptly as he stares darkly at Wyll's tracks, hefting his mace in his hands. "This is all getting stranger by the second, and I have to say that I don't like the possibility of Wyll having something to do with the death of those adventurers" he muses, looking at the others. "Let's follow his tracks and find the man so we can finally shed some light onto this situation!"

2013-12-03, 07:28 AM
"Oh god, this place holds terrible memories..." Lance says, pondering the best strategy to go about. "I say we go charging in, not screaming, though, as to be a surprise for old Wenser if he's in there - Lance looks at the tracks -, and he probably is"

Then he rethinks his strategy "Or perhaps sneaking is more fruitful, but I'd hate to get attacked like those adventurers..."

2013-12-04, 01:08 PM

"Oh, come on. You guys are giving that lunkhead too much credit. Like he could have thought about something that much. I mean, come on. To even use the word think and Wyll Wenser in one sentence is hilarious to say the least," Zeke replied with a snicker, then turned serious.

"Though to say he is working alone, that is something else. Maybe he's in cahoots with someone, I don't know...maybe the old Wenser or someone else. But to what end?"

Without any answer to his own question, he shrugged. "Let's not overanalyze things. And yes, sneaking in is better."

2013-12-05, 01:27 PM
The quartet cautiously follows the footprints into the ruins, in the process flushing a snowy white hare from a little hollow between two of the snow-covered stones. The tiny animal bounds across the otherwise undisturbed white surface, zig-zagging back and forth before disappearing into the treeline.

The antechamber beneath the crumbled tower is largely as the group left it days before, except there are boot-shaped rings of crushed snow that lead toward the open trapdoor leading into the catacombs further below.

2014-01-07, 01:59 PM
Somewhere out in the cold, a snowy owl hoots its awakening as the evening starts to fall around the ruined tower. Gradually, the crumbling antechamber begins to darken, resembling more closely the pitch-black tunnels beneath. There is still no sound from below, though Wyll's footprints clearly lead that direction and no other.

Grim ranger
2014-01-07, 02:11 PM

Seeing that they have delayed quite enough by now, Adrian decides to take point in their little incursion, descending into the catacombs below. "Time to face those fears of ours, brothers... Are we men or mice?" he jokes, even if the distinct feeling of unease still remains.

2014-01-07, 10:06 PM

Zeke sighed at his brother's joke.

"Either way, we'll be killed if we don't do this right. Let's go," he added, following Adrian's lead down into the darkness.

2014-01-08, 06:04 AM

"whatever I do for great tales..." Lance murmurs to himself, entering the cave after the brothers. He holds onto the only knife he could find at his home, ready to strike any danger below.

"Let's go"

2014-01-08, 08:53 AM
Rory nods and lights up a lantern, the flint and steel casting fiery sparks until the wick takes and begins to glow, fed by cloudy oil from the reservoir below. He lets the other three go down first, holding the lamp over the door to illuminate the corridor with flickering golden light, before descending himself.

The passage is dry and somewhat warmer than the antechamber, though a fresh flow of cold air sweeps in from above now and again as the gusts from the surface dictate. The stone-walled corridor runs straight north and south with no obvious bends, though the boys recall from their last visit that further south, just around a corner, was the trap where the adventurers had met their end. This time, the dusty floor is marked with many footprints, having been disturbed at most only a few days ago by the Crane clan's own explorations. It seems like there are more, though...