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2012-01-24, 06:47 PM
Castle Galreitch. A grand building, standing taller than any in the land. From outside it is a wonder to behold, worked stone upon worked stone towering high above the fields it ruled over. But, even more regal was the throne room, where you all now stand. You await the Emperor's entrance, as you have yet to receive the details of your mission. Even the Prince, who collected you into his group, said he knew only that he was told to find a group he could put his trust in to aid him on a quest. The soldier's stationed to the Throne, ever vigilant, are silent on their balconies and overlooks, red armor gleaming in the sun trikling in through the windows.

2012-01-24, 08:20 PM

"Bah! I can't stand all this waiting," Gavin said, his arms crossed tightly over his chest as he paced back and forth in front of the group he had collected. In truth, he pretty much took any one he could find, ignoring his father's request to take royal guard or knights with him, preferring to find his own way.

He looked at the four he had brought with him, regarding each in turn. He opened his mouth, about to speak, but thought otherwise, and resumed his pacing.

2012-01-25, 12:33 AM
Hey, uh, Prince, uh, Gavin, was it? I thought you said you were recruiting for a job of some sort... Why are we standing around here? Uncomfortable around the palace's wealth and status, Max has his cloak drawn tight around him and his axe holstered at his back.

2012-01-25, 08:03 AM
"Yeah, there's a job to be done, but until my father tells us what that is, we get to wait," Gav said, glancing to the throne for a moment, as though expecting the emperor to have appeared suddenly.

2012-01-25, 08:16 AM
Oh. Okay. Fair enough, I suppose. He crosses his arms and starts absent-mindedly tapping his foot. Wow, my first employment and I don't even know what it is. Smooth move, kiddo, he thinks to himself sarcastically.

2012-01-25, 10:05 AM

The high walls of Castle Galreitch, Durant had heard stories and tales of the magnificent walls, able to resist any attack and a symbol of Galreitch's power. He had never had the time nor need to take a detour on his travels to specifically sightsee around the castle. He was genuinely impressed by the magnitude of it's commanding inside, but it was the circumstances that had gotten him here that drew his attention. Standing at attention he observed his contractors furtive pacing, no doubt impatient. Durant was still a surprised that this man, Gavin, was a prince, but he simply took it as sign that most nobles were indeed, eccentric.

He looked at his other companions, an assortment who were all called together by Gavin to aid him in...something. The details would apparently be coming shortly. Taking out his journal, he began to jot down the details of his circumstances to pass time.

2012-01-25, 10:36 PM
Lark stood fairly straight wondering how long he was going to have to stand here, from an outward appearance it would appear that he was standing perfectly still, on close observation however he was actually tapping his fingers in a tune against his leg. But that was actually under his cloak, completely invisible to the out side world, except for the slight creases it made in said cloak. However this event turned out, it would prove to be... interesting.

2012-01-26, 10:09 PM
If one word was used to describe the moment for Lyle, it would be Overwhelmed. He a simple archer in the militia of Galreitch was chosen to be in a team of imposing mens for a mission unknown by now. Plus, he was in presence of the Prince of Galreitch.

Stressed, he was moving his weight from one leg to the other in a nervous way. As the prince looked at him, he bow his head lighty to make sure he doesn't eye contact the prince, He was only a citizen of the country and he was the second man of power of Galreitch.

Looking around him a lot. He await further instructions as he himself would never speak first, not in here anyway...

2012-01-27, 01:28 AM
One of the soldiers at the throne come to a stiffer attention.


"All hail! Emperor Xavier!"

The other soldiers come to attention and repeat "Hail!"


A man walks in from a hall behind the throne's raised dais, clad in the royal colors of Galreitch. He stands tall, observing the five standing before him. He smirks slightly, an expression he seems to wear better than all others. It conveys a sense of both pride and amusement.

"At ease, all of you. So, my son, these are the brave warriors you have chosen to call your comrades?"

He looks at Gavin, a proud mirth in his eyes as he awaits his answer.

2012-01-27, 09:59 AM

As his Father enters the room, Gavin drops to one knee, with both hands upon the ground, then stands after his father begins to speak.

"Yes, they are. What do you require of me and my men, father?" Gav asks, adjusting the sword strapped across his back, as it had shifted when he prostrated himself.

2012-01-27, 05:43 PM

Cue the emperor...Durant thought as he saw the man appear. He was oddly less imposing than Durant had imagined, yet still drew an air of authority. Durant also detected some kind of sense of bemusement directed at him and the others that Gavin had assembled. He stopped writing and closed his journal, now was the time to be paying attention.

2012-01-27, 07:48 PM
As the emperor entered Lark's hand stopped tapping the tune against his leg, but apart from that, there aren't many noticeable differences, except for the fact that he straightened a little.

2012-01-28, 10:38 AM
The moment the king entered the room, Lyle was amaze at his monarch, he never saw him this close and all his will went to be a good soldier. He straightened a lot, maybe too much. Nervous he stare at the king and await his future words.

2012-01-29, 09:47 PM
Not quite sure what court etiquette is meant to be, Max decides to follow the Prince's lead and drops to one knee. Then is again not sure what to do, so he just stays in that position for a bit. Seeing the Prince stand once again and speak, Max again follows suit, assuming its alright to stand again. He keeps his mouth shut. Remember, this is the first time you're being paid to do something legally. Don't you dare screw this up, kiddo...