View Full Version : (Pathfinder) Creating an...antagonist?

2012-01-24, 06:59 PM
So yeah, I'm looking for some aid in creating a sort of antagonist type character for a campaign I have in mind (I don't have a gaming group at present, but it never hurts to make back-up plans).

First a quick overview of the campaign world and the campaign itself (What little I've actually though of):

The planet is populated by all the "standard" races (Humans, elves, dwarfs, orcs, ect.) but no magical or otherwise fantasy creatures (Gryphons, dragons, mer-people, krakens, ect.). Due to not having to be on the lookout for dragon attacks or similar monster based catastrophes, the magical and technological levels have advanced to an almost Industrial Age level. The various races have their own niches in the world, but it's not important to this thread. Will elaborate if asked.

With the rise of clockwork creations (Those being the Clockwork creatures from the Bestiary 3, all sorts of Golems, and the Clockwork Creature template from the Advanced Bestiary by Green Ronin (Used in several PF Adventure Paths)), anomalies are likely to occur. One such anomaly is that a construct has gained sentience and has escaped out into the city. No deaths have occurred, but the scientists and mages responsible want the construct brought back for examination and dissection.

A basic bounty hunt with moral implications.

Anyway, the "antagonist" I'm looking to create is based off of Orianna from League of Legends (http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Orianna_the_Lady_of_Clockwork).

What I am looking for:
A good base creature to use (Templates maybe to get it down to Medium size). Construct type is a must as in the Lifespark Construct template. Clockwork Creature template from the Advanced Bestiary is fine.

A way for the character to utilize something akin to Orianna's "Ball". Best way to equate the Ball to something is...an orb a little larger than a beach ball (Small size) with perfect flight that the character can use as a focus for spells (All spells go through the Ball as the focus point).

A class for the character. I was thinking Bard and Sorcerer personally, but suggestions are more than welcome.

2012-01-24, 07:39 PM
Not sure how you'd do it, cause Share Spells might be weird, but since you're the DM, I think you can afford to do some weird things.

Consider Warlock with a familiar and Improved Familiar along with some method of extending the range of your Share Spells.

2012-01-24, 07:54 PM
Not sure how you'd do it, cause Share Spells might be weird, but since you're the DM, I think you can afford to do some weird things.

Consider Warlock with a familiar and Improved Familiar along with some method of extending the range of your Share Spells.

And as DM, I don't really have to play by the rules =3

Warlock might be difficult, as I don't think there's the class in Pathfinder.

2012-01-24, 08:00 PM
The issue with doing any LoL/DotA/HoN/Etcetera casters in D&D is that you need an At Will spell-ish attack that isn't just refluffing. Infinite use cantrips are nice, but they don't deal enough damage to even stand in for crossbow. Hence my recommendation of Warlock. Another option is to look into the Spellshaping Codex (a homebrew system published on the Minmaxboards) because it might be able to do some stuff for you.

Note that I'm more into DotA than LoL, so I'm not sure how much my advice can help. I understand the mechanics, and am only really poking my head in to say "it's hard to do these things."

2012-01-24, 08:15 PM
The issue with doing any LoL/DotA/HoN/Etcetera casters in D&D is that you need an At Will spell-ish attack that isn't just refluffing. Infinite use cantrips are nice, but they don't deal enough damage to even stand in for crossbow. Hence my recommendation of Warlock. Another option is to look into the Spellshaping Codex (a homebrew system published on the Minmaxboards) because it might be able to do some stuff for you.

Note that I'm more into DotA than LoL, so I'm not sure how much my advice can help. I understand the mechanics, and am only really poking my head in to say "it's hard to do these things."

Well, Orianna's attack is basically chucking a 3-pronged shrunken the size of a Frisbee at the enemy, and her damage increases with each consecutive hit (stacking up to three times) on a target. I figure taking a Starknife, boosting the damage to 1d6 or 2d6, give it a sort of "returning" property and add in her Intelligence + Caster level for damage for each consecutive hit. So if she's got +3 Int and she's a lvl 10 caster, you deal base damage on the first hit, +13 damage on the second, then +26 on the third and all subsequent hits on the target. The damage bonus resets to +0 when an attack misses.

The three abilities that I'm a little worried about are Command: Dissonance (Small AOE that deals damage, slows enemies and speeds up allies for a short duration) and Command: Vortex (Deals damage and bring all in the AOE range to a central point, often the Ball). Command: Protect could simply be a 1-2 round +DR and +SR and has the Ball deal damage (Not sure on how much) to any creatures between Orianna and the Ball when activated (Reasoned by the Ball zipping right back to Orianna and hitting whoever is between the two).

As for the ball, I fell that being a Familiar wouldn't be enough. And I've the feeling that this will need a whole mess of homebrewing to make work...

2012-01-24, 08:33 PM
Instead of Int Mod + CL, I gently recommend Int Mod * CL / 2 which means slightly more damage, but it rewards ability score boosts more. You'd peak out at a slightly higher damage bonus, making blasty options a bit stronger.

I think that the familiar rules are appropriate, and you could probably find spells that emulate the spells pretty well. Someone made a bunch of (short) 4-5 level PrCs for a bunch of heroes from LoL, and they're around here somewhere, but I'm pretty sure the hero you want isn't among them.

2012-01-24, 09:07 PM
Instead of Int Mod + CL, I gently recommend Int Mod * CL / 2 which means slightly more damage, but it rewards ability score boosts more. You'd peak out at a slightly higher damage bonus, making blasty options a bit stronger.

I think that the familiar rules are appropriate, and you could probably find spells that emulate the spells pretty well. Someone made a bunch of (short) 4-5 level PrCs for a bunch of heroes from LoL, and they're around here somewhere, but I'm pretty sure the hero you want isn't among them.

I suppose I could always make the Ball a magic item tied to her and the abilities as Spell Like abilities or something...I mean, I'm already gonna be homebrewing quite a bit here =P

2012-01-25, 02:05 AM
Sounds suspiciously like Irobot.

2012-01-25, 02:14 AM
Well, the sorcerers from Kingdom Hearts II are kinda similar. And someone made them (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=168742&highlight=kingdom+hearts+sorcerer)!

Alternatively, you could simply give her 4 powers. An at-will ability that deals a small amount of force damage (think 1/4 character health) to each person, a 1 per 4 round lightning attack that does 1/3, and a once-er-day that does about 1/2. Her ball grants her full concealment, DR and SR, and a +10 to AC except after one of her big attacks.

2012-01-25, 05:32 AM
Well, the sorcerers from Kingdom Hearts II are kinda similar. And someone made them (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=168742&highlight=kingdom+hearts+sorcerer)!

Alternatively, you could simply give her 4 powers. An at-will ability that deals a small amount of force damage (think 1/4 character health) to each person, a 1 per 4 round lightning attack that does 1/3, and a once-er-day that does about 1/2. Her ball grants her full concealment, DR and SR, and a +10 to AC except after one of her big attacks.


Aren't powers a 4E thing and not a Pathfinder thing?

Sounds suspiciously like Irobot.

I suppose it does, now that I think about it....

2012-01-25, 05:47 AM
I can't even begin to comprehend taking LoL-style characters and turning them into statted creatures, so I won't try.

The only think I'll offer is this: the Sandman (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/bard/archetypes/paizo---bard-archetypes/sandman). It's like... the ultimate villain.

2012-01-25, 01:55 PM
I think what you have so far seems good, All I can really offer is that the orb is some form of weapon, so perhaps an Arcane Bonded Orc Shotput moved around by Mage Hand or some other spell. Maybe create a weapon ability similar one used in my groups campaigns called "Metrognome" (+1(+2)) basically each time you hit with it gets a +1 to hit and damage. (+1, +2, +3, +4 or at least in the earliest stages it went +1, +2, +4, +8) something like that might possibly work for you.

Granted, the bonuses only applied so long as you kept hitting. The ability seems like it guarantees that you'll keep hitting but since part of the equation is 1d20 your chances are questionable, unless you're like a guy who I play with who reached +16 and then naturally missed (frightening when you learn that the two attacks after would've hit, making it +64, the reason we only add 1 not double, again it was the beta test)

2012-01-25, 08:50 PM
I think what you have so far seems good, All I can really offer is that the orb is some form of weapon, so perhaps an Arcane Bonded Orc Shotput moved around by Mage Hand or some other spell. Maybe create a weapon ability similar one used in my groups campaigns called "Metrognome" (+1(+2)) basically each time you hit with it gets a +1 to hit and damage. (+1, +2, +3, +4 or at least in the earliest stages it went +1, +2, +4, +8) something like that might possibly work for you.

Granted, the bonuses only applied so long as you kept hitting. The ability seems like it guarantees that you'll keep hitting but since part of the equation is 1d20 your chances are questionable, unless you're like a guy who I play with who reached +16 and then naturally missed (frightening when you learn that the two attacks after would've hit, making it +64, the reason we only add 1 not double, again it was the beta test)

I'm liking this idea. Just need to find a feat/create an ability that adds in her Int score (To reflect her in-game ability of her basic attacks being enhanced by her Ability Power).

2012-01-26, 07:42 AM
I'm liking this idea. Just need to find a feat/create an ability that adds in her Int score (To reflect her in-game ability of her basic attacks being enhanced by her Ability Power).

Three Levels of Swashbuckler? Or, doesn't Magus get an ability like that?
So something like a Warforged (or your Lifespark Golem) Magus with the Eldritch Heritage Feat (Arcana) so you can gain a Bonded Item, prerequisites are 3rd Level and a Knowledge Skill Focus Feat, so there you go.