View Full Version : [OOC] The Rise of House Eastfall

2012-01-24, 08:21 PM
http://i830.photobucket.com/albums/zz221/CorrinoForever/daenerys.jpg (http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=Daenerys%20Targaryen&order=9&offset=48#/d3f5leo)

~ The Rise of House Eastfall ~

OOC Thread

Game System: Song of Ice and Fire RP

Description: The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros are at peace. Other than the occasional murmuring, the smallest veiled strife, whispers of aggression - the Kingdoms are silent. Robert Baratheon sits the Iron Throne, with Jon Arryn at his side as the Hand of the King.
All of this is about to change.
House Eastfall, a young and fairly small banner house of House Arryn, holds The Bloody Gate, a pass which guards the entry into Arryn's vale. An upstart knight-made-Lord, Lord Eastfall holds a better reputation with the smallfolk than the landed nobility, yet nonetheless, must carve out a name for the House and his newly founded dynasty, before it is stripped from them.
For in the coming days and the coming horrors will come a game of thrones, a clash of kings, and a storm of swords... and Eastfall plans to be on the winning side, and come out on top.
"When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground." - Cersei Lannister.

Dramatis Personae:

Ok, here's a tenative character sheet for now, I know we are still working some stuff out but take a look.

Sain (last name still TBD :smallwink:)

Age: Adult-22
Status (whatever the houses is, 5 right now)
Role: Leader/Fighter
Background: TBD
Goals: Power
Motivations: Peace
Virtues: Devoted
Vices: Ambitious

Agility 3
Animal Handling 3 (Ride 1B)
Athletics 3
Awareness 3
Cunning 3
Deception 2
Endurance 3
Fighting 4 (long blades 2B, shields 1B)
Healing 2
Language 3
Knowledge 2
Marksmanship 2
Persuasion 3
Status 5 (Stewardship 1B, Breeding 1B)
Stealth 2
Survival 2
Thievery 2
Warfare 3 (command 2B)
Will 3

Benefits: Heir, Heirloom (Valyrian Bastardsword), Head for Numbers
Drawback: Marked (Scar on face - from childhood incident)

Signet Ring
Half Plate
Hard Leather
Large Shield
6 Gold Dragons

Intrigue Defense = Awareness (3) + Cunning (3) + Status (5) = 11
Composure = 3 x Will(3) = 9

Combat Defense = Agility (3) + Athletics (3) + Awareness (3) + Defensive Bonus (4) - Armor penalty (Half Plate -5 or Hard Leather -2) = 8 in HP, 11 in HL
Health = 3 x Endurance (3) = 9
Armor Rating = Half Plate 9 or Hard Leather 3
Damage = Valyrian Bastardsword (Athletics +2, +1 free degree of sucess)
I suppose since spears and lances fall under the same category, Ser Damon will be a spear fighter when he's not using his lance.

Age: Adult (22)
Status: 5
Role: Fighter
Damon Eastfall came into the world just a few seconds after his twin brother Sain. Being children of a long summer, they had a fairly easygoing childhood and couldn't have been closer with each other and with their baby brother. While both of the twins were appreciated by their father as excellent fighters in their own way, Sain always had the opportunity to spend more time with the lord of the house as he was the one who would take his father's position one day, not Damon. He never held this against his brother, but it made him always strive for excellence in all avenues. Sometimes when they were young and Sain was tired of the lessons from his father on top of the lessons they both received from their septa, master-at-arms, and Lance Noble, Sain would allow Damon to pretend to be him and listen to father's lectures. Though they were boring and his father didn't realize it was him, the special attention felt good.

By the time Damon was eight he had taken a liking to horses, growing especially close to the household's stable master and spending extra time learning to fight on horseback. While attending a banquet for the lords and ladies of the Vale, Damon was hand-selected by Ser Lyn Corbray to serve as his squire. Ser Lyn is notorious for his particular interest in handsome young boys, a category Damon easily fell into. He also has a reputation for being reckless and hotheaded, but he remains a renowned knight nonetheless. While squiring for the knight, Damon began to admire him despite the abuses he often had to suffer.

Ser Lyn was quite showy about his talents and often entered jousting tournaments to prove himself against other knights. On several occasions Damon found himself traveling with his knight to far areas of Westeros so he could compete in tournaments. Corbray was often the victor in tournaments exclusive to the Vale of Arryn, but wouldn't make it to the semi-finals in the grander tournaments where he was consistently unseated by the likes of Ser Barristan the Bold, Jaime Lannister, Renly Baratheon, or the Clegane brothers. While he learned many things while squiring for Ser Lyn, nothing compared to when he could watch the gallant knights participate in their jousts. It became a lifelong desire for Damon to one day be able to compete with the best of the best.

After squiring with Ser Lyn Corbray for quite a long period of time, Damon was finally able to earn his knighthood on the way back to the Vale from a tournament at Riverrun. Bandits crept into the camp at night trying to steal his master's Valyrian blade and tournament armor. Fortunately for Damon he happened to be returning to their small camp after relieving himself and was able to take the bandits unawares, sticking one of them with a dagger and rousing his master in time to fight off the other two.

After being knighted, Ser Damon returned home to Ramshold to serve with his brothers under the rule of his lord father. After his years of service under Ser Lyn Corbray, the two have developed a strange bond where the they visit each other often. Damon has begun to enter himself into jousting tournaments locally and throughout the Vale. He has made it to the finals of a tournament for the Vale and won several small, local tournaments and is constantly continuing his training to one day compete with the best.

Damon and his brother share a similar look aside from the scar Sain suffered in his younger years. Damon has dark brown hair, very pale skin, and light blue eyes. He has a slim, but muscular build and is considered to be very attractive, gaining a great deal of attention from ladies and the rare lord. Often having to defend his family's holding against the hostile mountain clans, Damon has quite a bit of training with his horse and lance or with his spear, the two weapons of his choice.
Goal: Become renowned throughout the Seven Kingdoms for skill in a joust
Motivation: Excellence, Glory, Recognition
Vice: Proud

Agility: 3
Animal Handling: 5
Athletics: 3
Endurance: 3
Fighting: 3
Language: 3
Persuasion: 3
Status: 5
Will: 3

Ride 2B
Tournaments 3B
Spears 2B
Shields 1B

Benefits, Drawbacks, and Destiny Points:
Benefits: (3)
Blood of the Andals
Tourney Knight

Supreme Arrogance

Destiny Points: 1

Coin and Equipment:
Gold Dragons: 2
Silver Stags: 156
Traveler's Garb - 3ss
Castle forged Dagger - 20ss
Large Shield - 40ss
Castle forged War Lance - 60ss
Castle forged Tourney Lance - 40ss
Castle forged Spear - 50ss
Destrier - 1000ss
Courser - 600ss
Hard Leather - 400ss
Brigandine - 1200ss
Saddlebags - 1ss
Intrigue Statistics:
Intrigue Defense: 9
Composure: 9

Combat Statistics:
Combat Defense (Hard Leather): 10
Combat Defense (Brigandine): 8
Health: 9
Armour Rating (Hard Leather): 3
Armour Rating (Brigandine): 8
Damage (Dagger): 1
Damage (Spear): 3
Damage (Tourney Lance): 8
Damage (War Lance): 9

Name: Ser Owain Eastfall
Age: Adult (20)
Status: 3
Destiny Points: 1
Role: Schemer (Schemer/Leader if Heir)
Owain is the third son of House Eastfall. Youngest and least favoured by their Lord father, although he is close with his brothers, mother and other assorted relatives.

Born into wealth, Owain doesn't remember the days of his father being a hedge knight nor the first few years of their life in the castle. In those says it was half empty and bandits and turncoats from the chaos of the war were still raiding the lands.

As he was growing up he was usually just too young to join in with his brothers. If they were allowed to practice archery, he was relegated to reading and writing with his tutor. When he learnt to shoot, they had progressed to swordsmanship. When he was learning swordsmanship, they were now using real steel rather than wooden practice blades, and so it went.

He could never compete with them there, so instead he played with friends and honed his mind; the area where his brothers were none too interested. Even if his father didn't appreciate him as a great warrior like he thought a son of his should be, he knew his son was smart and courteous where he was rough and common-born.

This recognition has been enough for Owain to become the usual ambassador for the house whenever there's a tricky situation. He knows uses the responsibility to forge a better future for the house: for it's own sake; to prove himself to his father and so that perhaps if the house become large and strong enough he might branch out as a separate minor House as the Karstarks did with the Starks centuries ago

Goal: Empowering the House
Motivation: Proving myself to father.
Vice: Ambitious


Agility 3 (10 exp)
Animal Handling 3 (10 exp)
Awareness 3 (10 exp)
Cunning 4 (40 exp)
Deception 3 (10 exp)
Fighting 3 (10 exp)
Knowledge 3 (10 exp)
Language (Common tongue) 4 (40 exp)
Marksmanship 3 (10 exp)
Persuasion 4 (40 exp)
Status 3 (10 exp)
Will 3 (10 exp)


Cunning (Logic) 1B
Fighting (Long blades) 1B
Knowledge (Education) 1B
Marksmanship (Bows) 1B
Persuasion (Charm) 2B
Persuasion (Intimidate) 1B
Status (Stewardship) 1B

Benefits and Drawbacks

Charasmatic (charm)



Intrigue defence = 10
Composure = 9

Combat Defence = 8
Health = 6
Armour rating = 6
Damage = 3

Coin and Equipment

Long Sword - 500 ss
Long Bow - 900 ss
Scale Armour - 600 ss
Shield - 30 ss
Noble Clothes - 100 ss
Rounsey - 50 ss
Coin - 130 ss

Ser Aeryn Darrow

Adult Knight of the House (22)
Destiny Points: 1
Health: 12
Composure: 9
Intrigue Defense: 9
Unarmored Combat Defense: 11 (15 with Large Shield) (17 with Tower Shield)
Soft Leather Combat Defense: 10 (14 with Large Shield) (16 with Tower Shield)
Breastplate Combat Defense: 9 (13 with Large Shield) (15 with Tower Shield)
Goal: Righteousness, Become the Greatest Warrior in the Seven Kingdoms
Motivations: Excellence, Glory
Virtues: Courageous, Loyal
Vices: Wrathful, Prideful

Agility: 4
Animal Handling: 3
Athletics: 4
Awareness: 3
Cunning: 3
Endurance: 4
Fighting: 5 (Long Blades 2B, Shields 2B)
Language: 3
Persuasion: 2 (Intimidate 1B)
Status: 3 (Reputation 2B)
Thievery 1 (explanation- aspiring to be a hero like his father, he would never stoop so low as to commit common larceny)
Warfare: 3
Will: 3 (Courage 1B)
All Other: 2

Long Blade Fighter I
Weapon Mastery (longsword)
Blood of the Andals (Fighting)

Honor Bound

Superior Long Sword: 5 + 2B Dice, Damage 6
Superior Lg. Shield: 5 + 1B Dice, Damage 2, Bulk 1, Defensive +4
Superior Tower Shield: 5 Dice, Damage 2, Bulk 2, Defensive +6
Superior War Lance: 4 Dice, Damage 7, Bulk 2, Impale, Mounted, Powerful, Slow, Vicious
Superior Dagger: 5 Dice, Damage 2, Off-Hand +1, Defensive +1

"Superior" Breastplate: AR 5, AP: -2, Bulk 3
"Superior" Soft Leather: AR 2, AP -1, Bulk 0

-5 pints of oil
-Far Eyes
-Flint and Steel
-Traveler's Garb
-Noble's Garb
-Destrier (mount)

Belt Pouch
- 1 GD
- 13 SS
- 2 CP


This story begins with Lord Eastfall, then merely a hedge knight. The Lord was not the only man from his village to join the ranks of those seeking to dethrone the Mad King. Alec Darrow was a friend of the Lord, and would not let the man go into battle along. So he joined him. He was there throughout every battle, and was even present at the taking of the castle that earned Eastfall his place among the nobility. A moment sooner and Darrow himself may have been the head of this new house. But he was never bitter. In fact, he was ecstatic. His friend has risen from the ranks of the smallfolk and would be a good and righteous lord.

Lord Eastfall naturally kept his friend around, knighting him and making him the main protector of the household. Ser Darrow was a powerful warrior, striking fear in the hearts of any man who dare stand against him in battle. Time and time again he proved his ferocity and loyalty to the house.

Ser Darrow fathered a child, Aeryn. Aeryn was born the same year that the Lord’s twins were born. Aeryn and Sain were fast friends, thick as thieves.

Things went well for young Aeryn, until the age of (insert appropriate time here, still slightly unsure of our timeline). The Lord had been invited to hunt with a neighboring noble, and had brought along some of his men, the children, and of course, Ser Alec. On the way back from this visit, they were attacked by a tribe of mountain folk. The attack was surprisingly coordinated, and saw the Lord and his men forced to retreat.

Ser Alec told his lord, his friend, to leave, and he went to face a large group of the attackers on his own. “Look after my boy. That’s all I ask.”

As the party fled, they could only look on helplessly as Ser Alec sacrificed himself – but not without taking some of his enemies with him.

The counter-attack against the tribe was swift and brutal, but the damage had been done. A local legend and a hero had been slain.

Lord Eastfall took young Aeryn into his household to foster him, as payment for Alec’s courage and dedication. He saw to it that the child received the finest training. Aeryn trained alongside Sain, Damon, and Owen. It was soon apparent that the warrior’s blood ran strong in Aeryn, just as it did his father.

Aeryn was always trying to fill his father’s footsteps. Honor, courage, loyalty, justice. He wished to emulate these qualities and become a pinnacle of excellence.

The Lord recognized the superior talent of Aeryn, and sent him to squire with Lord Horton Redfort’s son, Ser Creighton. This move both ensured that Aeryn would see real battle with a strong house as well as tying the two together – Lord Eastfall’s foster child and most promising warrior sent to train with and aid the Redforts.

While Aeryn was with the house, a rivalry developed between himself and Ser Mychel, who was displaying great promise as a young swordsman. This rivalry continues to this day, to see who is truly the best swordsman in the Vale.

Aeryn earned his knighthood fighting the mountain clans. Ser Creighton and a small contingent of men had been sent to guard a relatively unprotected village when the raiders came. The force was split into two and outnumbered by the enemy. Divide and conquer. Ser Creighton’s party held their own against the savages, but the other party was being over-run. Ser Creighton could spare nothing to aid their defense. Aeryn told his master, “Send me.”

“You, alone?” Creighton responded.

“Just me.”

Creighton gave a small grin, “You really want this, don’t you?” He didn’t wait for an answer. “Go.”

With that one word, Aeryn broke from his party and stormed across the battlefield – charging, as his House is so famously known for. He slammed into the enemy flank like a tornado, and with furious fighting, he turned the tides of the battle himself.

For that display of bravery and power, he was given his knighthood, and the adoration of the men he served with. It was part of a growing reputation Aeryn was gaining -- to face impossible odds and turn the tide of battle. It added to the legend of the House of Eastfall.

Now, as a sworn knight to Lord Eastfall, he serves the House as a potent weapon. He hopes that after all the training and the years of preparation that he can now properly take his father’s place.

He will destroy anyone who comes after his friends or his lands, and he will gain glory for himself and the house.

A handsome young man with close-cut blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, and a tall, strong form. He has stubble across his face from infrequent shaving. He has several forms of attire, depending on the occasion. In combat, he favors a breastplate with the crest of the House upon it, along with other pieces of armor to complete the outfit.

Okay. As seen, I did some pretty big tweaks. Mostly making him a bit more of an agile fighter as opposed to an armored tank. Sir Elwyn has that covered.

Meanwhile, Blood of the Andals and Weapon Mastery (longsword) along with Long Blade Fighter I assure that he is a deadly combatant on the field of battle.


Ser Edwyn Maidenway

Ser Edwyn Maidenway
Middle-Aged Knight ousted from his ancestral lands in the Reach.
Destiny Points: 2
Health: 12
Composure: 6
Intrigue Defense: 9
Half-Plate Combat Defense: 5 (9 with Large Shield)
Mail Combat Defense: 7 (11 with Large Shield)
Soft Leather Combat Defense: 9 (13 with Large Shield)
Goal: Regaining his ancestral lands
Motivations: Hatred
Virtues: Courageous
Vices: Cruel

Agility: 3 (-1D Flaw)
Animal Handling: 3 (Ride 2B)
Athletics: 4
Awareness: 3 (-1D Haunted)
Endurance: 4
Fighting: 5 (Long Blades 2B, Shields 1B, Spears 1B)
Language: 3 (I wanted him to be literate)
Marksmanship: 2 (Bows 1B)
Status: 4 (Reputation 1B)
Survival: 2 (Hunt 1B)
Warfare: 3 (Command 1B)
All Other: 2

Armor Mastery

Flaw: Agility

Bastard Sword: 5+1B Dice, Damage 5, Adaptable
Lg. Shield: 5 Dice, Damage 2, Bulk 1, Defensive +4
War Lance: 5 Dice, Damage 7, Bulk 2, Impale, Mounted, Powerful, Slow, Vicious
Hunting Bow: 2+1B Dice, Damage 3, Long Range, Two-Handed
Dagger: 5 Dice, Damage 1, Off-Hand +1, Defensive +1
Boar Spear: 5 Dice, Damage 5, Impale, Powerful, Slow, Two-handed

Half-Plate over Mail
Mail Armor (without Half Plate)
Soft Leather (Under Mail, also used when not expecting combat)

- Flask
- Horn
- Flint and Steel
- Lantern
- 5 Pints of Oil
- Rope
- Waterskin
- 4x Whetstones

Belt Pouch
- 2 GD
- 245 SS
- 180 CP

- Saddlebags
- Wagon
- Soldier's Tent


20x days Horse Feed

Coming Soon

Lance Noble

Middle Aged pseudo Maester of the house
Status: 4
Role: Expert
Movement: 4 yards
Childhood friend of the lord of the house. The current lord became a hedge knight while he went to the Citadel to study to become a maester. During the revolution, his friend requested him to assist him in leading his small army, formulating tactics and strategies. With only a few links left before peer-ship, he left the citadel. With his expertise, they hardly lost. His friend was rewarded with land to rule over for his support and Lance was given a pseudo maester position in his friend's household.
Goals: To stop his friend's children from doing anything stupid.
Flaw: Sedentary


Agility: 3
Animal Handling: 3
Athletics: 3
Awareness: 3
Cunning: 3
Endurance: 3
Fighting: 3
Healing: 3
Knowledge: 4
Language: 3 (Common Tounge)
Marksmanship: 2
Persuasion: 3
Status: 4
Stealth: 2
Survival: 3
Thievery: 3
Warfare: 4
Will: 3


2 BD (Education)
2 BD (Brawling)
1 BD (Literacy)
1 BD (Pick Lock)
1 BD (Persuasion)
1 BD (Siege)
2 BD (Dodge)
1 BD (Run)


Intrigue Defense: 10
Combat Defense: 9
HP: 9
Composure: 9


11 Gold Dragons
210 Stags


Gifted Teacher
Knowledge Focus (history and legends)
1 Destiny Point

NOTE: The above character sheets are not polished, in the same format, or possibly the latest to date. If you want to help with arranging that, let me know. Otherwise... I'll get to it sometime soon hopefully.

(IC Thread) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12600245#post12600245)

2012-01-24, 08:34 PM
first! now to read the OP.

(can you tell I'm excited?)

2012-01-24, 08:36 PM
I am glad to be here, can't wait to get started.

2012-01-24, 08:58 PM
I claim BLUE.

2012-01-24, 09:05 PM

I was always partial to Sienna

Ser Edwyn Maidenway
Ser Edwyn Maidenway
Middle-Aged Knight ousted from his ancestral lands in the Reach.
Destiny Points: 2
Health: 12
Composure: 6
Intrigue Defense: 9
Half-Plate Combat Defense: 5 (9 with Large Shield)
Mail Combat Defense: 7 (11 with Large Shield)
Soft Leather Combat Defense: 9 (13 with Large Shield)
Goal: Regaining his ancestral lands
Motivations: Hatred
Virtues: Courageous
Vices: Cruel

Agility: 3 (-1D Flaw)
Animal Handling: 3 (Ride 2B)
Athletics: 4
Awareness: 3 (-1D Haunted)
Endurance: 4
Fighting: 5 (Long Blades 2B, Shields 1B, Spears 1B)
Language: 3 (I wanted him to be literate)
Marksmanship: 2 (Bows 1B)
Status: 4 (Reputation 1B)
Survival: 2 (Hunt 1B)
Warfare: 3 (Command 1B)
All Other: 2

Armor Mastery

Flaw: Agility

Castle-Forged Bastard Sword: 5+1B Dice, Damage 5, Adaptable
Castle-Forged Lg. Shield: 5 Dice, Damage 2, Bulk 1, Defensive +4
Castle-Forged War Lance: 5 Dice, Damage 7, Bulk 2, Impale, Mounted, Powerful, Slow, Vicious
Castle-Forged Hunting Bow: 2+1B Dice, Damage 3, Long Range, Two-Handed
Castle-Forged Dagger: 5 Dice, Damage 1, Off-Hand +1, Defensive +1
Castle-Forged Boar Spear: 5 Dice, Damage 5, Impale, Powerful, Slow, Two-handed

Half-Plate over Mail
Mail Armor (without Half Plate)
Soft Leather (Under Mail, also used when not expecting combat)

- Flask
- Horn
- Flint and Steel
- Lantern
- 5 Pints of Oil
- Rope
- Waterskin
- 4x Whetstones

Belt Pouch
- 2 GD
- 241 SS
- 175 CP

- Saddlebags
- Wagon
- Soldier's Tent


20x days Horse Feed

Ser Edwyn Maidenway

Ser Edwyn was a landed knight of House Maidenway in The Reach. A house sworn to House Tyrell formed after the Tyrell’s were raised to lordship over The Reach. It was a small house, but proud in it’s reputation for strong warriors and fierce loyalty to the Tyrell family.
Edwyn took over the House after the death of his father, not three years before Robert began his rebellion. Edwyn participated in the Battle of Ashford and fought well, earning glory for himself and a reputation of a skilled warrior. However, during the Siege of Storm’s End, Edwyn became more and more frustrated by the lack of action on the part of his commanders. When Eddard Stark arrived and Mace Tyrell dipped his banners, effectively ending the war, Edwyn was furious.
When occasion came that Edwyn happened to meet Stark face to face he proclaimed his eternal loyalty to Tyrell and Targaryen and spat in Eddard’s face. Eddard, being the honorable and gracious man he was, did not slay Edwyn though it was likely his right to do so. However, Mace Tyrell was forced to punish Edwyn despite this display and stripped Ser Edwyn of his lands at Maidenway and forced him into exile. His House was scattered. Edwyn had no wife or children before the war so he was left entirely on his own. His lands were granted to Ser Tomas Goldenhall, a hated enemy of Edwyn’s after Tomas’s wife, Edwyn’s sister, died under mysterious circumstances.
Years of hard living on the road hardened Edwyn, but made him bitter at the same time. Ever does he yearn for his homeland, but knows that his name is no longer favorable to the Tyrells and thus The Reach. It happened that he was performing mercenary work for a merchant travelling to The Vale and wanting protection against the mountain clans. One evening they spotted a skirmish of Burned Men and Valemen ahead. Despite the merchant’s protests Edwyn rode ahead to aid the assaulted men. He slew three men before the rest of the clansmen scattered back into the hills. It turned out to be a party led by Elric Eastfall, a man of Edwyn’s age and a veteran of Robert’s Rebellion raised to nobility by Jon Arryn. Lord Elric, impressed with Ser Edwyn’s ability and willingness to aid complete strangers, offered him a place in his new House.
The irony of a strong Targaryen loyalist such as Edwyn coming into the service of a man raised to nobility for serving the Usurper was not lost on Edwyn. Neither was the fact that their fortunes in life were reversed. Still, Edwyn was tired of life on the road, and exile. He swore his sword to Lord Elric and was made his Master-at-Arms and Castellan. It was Edwyn who was responsible for heading Elric’s guard and training his sons to fight. This was a task that Edwyn surprisingly enjoyed. He had had no sons of his own, and took Elric’s sons as surrogates for his own. This did not mean that he made things easy for them. Edwyn understands the difficulties and hardships expected for young nobles and trained them accordingly. He was harsh, but not without reason. He also served as a confidant to the boys. Elric has since become a good friend of his, and Edwyn will forever be his most loyal retainer.
Still, the bitter memories of his past, and his hated foe, Ser Tomas, nor the injustices fallen upon him for his steadfast loyalty will never be forgotten and they haunt him to this day. He still has taken no wife and likely never will. On his nights alone, he sits and broods, unable to tear away the memories of his home. He has respect and honor here, but can never forget what he has lost.

2012-01-24, 09:08 PM
Maybe Indigo?

2012-01-25, 12:13 AM
Huzzah!!! Three cheers for Corrino!

Guess I'll take Red.

2012-01-25, 02:12 AM
Lance Noble

Middle Aged pseudo Maester of the house
Status: 4
Role: Expert
Movement: 4 yards
Childhood friend of the lord of the house. The current lord became a hedge knight while he went to the Citadel to study to become a maester. During the revolution, his friend requested him to assist him in leading his small army, formulating tactics and strategies. With only a few links left before peer-ship, he left the citadel. With his expertise, they hardly lost. His friend was rewarded with land to rule over for his support and Lance was given a pseudo maester position in his friend's household.
Goals: To stop his friend's children from doing anything stupid.
Flaw: Sedentary


Agility: 3
Animal Handling: 3
Athletics: 3
Awareness: 3
Cunning: 3
Endurance: 3
Fighting: 3
Healing: 3
Knowledge: 4
Language: 3 (Common Tounge)
Marksmanship: 2
Persuasion: 3
Status: 4
Stealth: 2
Survival: 3
Thievery: 3
Warfare: 4
Will: 3


2 BD (Education)
2 BD (Brawling)
1 BD (Literacy)
1 BD (Pick Lock)
1 BD (Persuasion)
1 BD (Siege)
2 BD (Dodge)
1 BD (Run)


Intrigue Defense: 10
Combat Defense: 9
HP: 9
Composure: 9


9 Gold Dragons
255 Silver Stags
101 Copper Pennies
Traveler's Clothes
Pouch Belt
Flint and Steel
Maester's Kit
Soldier's Tent
Maester's Garb
Far Eyes


Master Of Ravens
Knowledge Focus (history and legends)
1 Destiny Point

here's my complete character sheet. Taking mauve

2012-01-25, 02:59 AM
On my way to work. Just making an early post so I can C&P character sheet in at a later date once we start being able to advance our characters and I need to change it.

Name: Ser Owain Eastfall
Age: Adult (20)
Status: 3
Destiny Points: 1
Role: Schemer (Schemer/Leader if Heir)
Owain is the third son of House Eastfall. Youngest and least favoured by their Lord father, although he is close with his brothers, mother and other assorted relatives.

Born into wealth, Owain doesn't remember the days of his father being a hedge knight nor the first few years of their life in the castle. In those says it was half empty and bandits and turncoats from the chaos of the war were still raiding the lands.

As he was growing up he was usually just too young to join in with his brothers. If they were allowed to practice archery, he was relegated to reading and writing with his tutor. When he learnt to shoot, they had progressed to swordsmanship. When he was learning swordsmanship, they were now using real steel rather than wooden practice blades, and so it went.

He could never compete with them there, so instead he played with friends and honed his mind; the area where his brothers were none too interested. Even if his father didn't appreciate him as a great warrior like he thought a son of his should be, he knew his son was smart and courteous where he was rough and common-born.

This recognition has been enough for Owain to become the usual ambassador for the house whenever there's a tricky situation. He knows uses the responsibility to forge a better future for the house: for it's own sake; to prove himself to his father and so that perhaps if the house become large and strong enough he might branch out as a separate minor House as the Karstarks did with the Starks centuries ago

Goal: Empowering the House
Motivation: Proving myself to father.
Vice: Ambitious


Agility 3 (10 exp)
Animal Handling 3 (10 exp)
Awareness 3 (10 exp)
Cunning 4 (40 exp)
Deception 3 (10 exp)
Fighting 3 (10 exp)
Knowledge 3 (10 exp)
Language (Common tongue) 4 (40 exp)
Marksmanship 3 (10 exp)
Persuasion 4 (40 exp)
Status 3 (10 exp)
Will 3 (10 exp)


Cunning (Logic) 1B
Fighting (Long blades) 1B
Knowledge (Education) 1B
Marksmanship (Bows) 1B
Persuasion (Charm) 2B
Persuasion (Intimidate) 1B
Status (Stewardship) 1B

Benefits and Drawbacks

Charasmatic (charm)



Intrigue defence = 10
Composure = 9

Combat Defence = 8
Health = 6
Armour rating = 6
Damage = 3

Coin and Equipment

Long Sword - 500 ss
Long Bow - 900 ss
Scale Armour - 600 ss
Shield - 30 ss
Noble Clothes - 100 ss
Rounsey - 50 ss
Coin - 130 ss

Edit: Good to go

2012-01-26, 12:08 AM
In Character Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12600245#post12600245)

2012-01-26, 11:15 AM
I will try to better flesh out Ser Edwyn's background soon. Just the move has got my time limited somewhat.

As it stands, I hope I am roleplaying the Haunted drawback appropriately.

Also, Corrino, I was thinking about the Nemesis drawback. How about the lord/knight that now holds possession of former Maidenway lands in The Reach?

Looking over Tyrell participation during the War of the Usurper it seems that Edwyn is most likely a veteran of the Battle of Ashford and the Siege of Storm's End.

Edit: And I have written by background. I hope it works. Lance, Lord Elric, and Edwyn should be about equivalent in age, I believe, and I would like to think they are friends. If something doesn't fit, let me know so I can change it.

2012-01-26, 11:53 AM
Was anyone keeping track of our House stats? If so can someone post it?

2012-01-26, 11:53 AM
I tried to get someone else to do it. I have no class today, so give me a few and I'll compile.

2012-01-26, 12:06 PM
Since I wasn't heavily involved in House Creation I would certainly like to see everything that Eastfall is capable of. :)

Also need to amend my background to reflect whatever Elric has me doing. :smallbiggrin:

2012-01-26, 12:56 PM
House Eastfall: ”We Overcome.”
New House (from the time of the War of the Usurper)
Events: Infrastructure, Glory, Treachery

Lord Elric Eastfall
Lady Lyra Eastfall
Eldest Son/Heir: Ser Sain Eastfall
Second Son: Ser Damon Eastfall
Third Son: Ser Owain Eastfall
Daughter: (Name TBD)

Location: Mountains of the Moon / The Bloody Gate

Influence: 43 – Maximum Status 5;
First-born Son (20);

Second Son (10);

Third Son (5);

Daughter (5)

Defense: 50 – Superior Castle: Ramshold (50), +12 defense to defenders

Land: 24 – Mountains (9), +2B on fighting and marksmanship for defenders, very slow movement, no cavalry, no siege weapons;

Small Town (10, split with population), +2 cover defense, slow movement, no cavalry;

Road (5), Removes slow movement, changes very slow movement to slow movement, enables cavalry (in mountains)

Law: 21 – House Fortunes -2

Population: 23 – House Fortunes +1

Power: 43 – Unit List Below
Trained Personal Guard (9 points) - Athletics 3, Endurance 3, Fighting 3 - Discipline 3;
AR 10, AP: -6, Bulk: 3; Fighting Damage: 4; Carries shields

Trained Infantry (7 points) – Athletics 3, Endurance 3, Fighting 3 – Discipline 6;
AR: 3, AP: -2, Bulk: 0; Fighting Damage: 4; Carries shields

Trained Archers (6 points) – Agility 3, Awareness 3, Marksmanship 3 – Discipline 9;
AR 2, AP: -1, Bulk: 0; Fighting Damage: 1; Marksmanship Damage: 5, Long Range

Trained Cavalry (8 points) – Agility 3, Animal Handling 3, Fighting 3 – Discipline 3;
AR: 5, AP: -3, Bulk: 2; Fighting Damage: 8; Carries shields

Trained Garrison (5 points) – Awareness 3, Endurance 3, Fighting 3 – Discipline 3/9 (on home land/off home land);
AR: 3, AP: -2, Bulk: 0; Fighting Damage: 3

Trained Scouts (5 points) – Endurance 2, Stealth 4, Awareness 3 - Discipline 9;
AR: 2, AP: -1, Bulk: 0; Fighting Damage: 2; Marksmanship Damage 2, Long Range

Green Support (3 points) – Animal Handling 2, Endurance 2, Healing 3 - Discipline 12;
AR: 0, AP: 0, Bulk: 0; Fighting Damage: 1

Wealth: 32 – Artisan (10), All weapons count as castle-forged, cover benefits from fortifications increase +1, Add +1 to House Fortunes rolls;

Marketplace (10), each month whenever House Fortunes would increase Wealth, the Marketplace further increases it by +1;

Mine (10), +5 on House Fortunes rolls;

1 spent on Personal Guard armor upgrade. 1 spent on cavalry fighting damage upgrade.

2012-01-26, 12:57 PM
If someone else doesn't get the stats posted today I'll get them, I have most of it in a doc somewhere on my home PC, and could scour the thread for the rest / updates.

The nemesis idea sounds good, I'll get back to you with other details/ideas mebbe tonight.

2012-01-26, 12:58 PM
Booyah! Ultimate ninja move!

On a side note, due to the way status is limited by influence, some of you guys may need to drop it down and move the experience elsewhere.

Edit: I also think we should take our 2 spare wealth and use it to upgrade some of our units. The base gear is terrible.

Maybe the max status thing is for npc's. I don't know. Seems kind of rough.

2012-01-26, 01:48 PM
Only problem with dropping our status at this point would mean having to re-purchase our gear.

Like, I can see why my Status might be 3 instead of 4, but I would lose my Half-Plate...

2012-01-26, 01:51 PM
Yeah. I think we should keep status as is, for simplicity's sake, at least. Besides, status isn't a gamebreaker.

2012-01-26, 01:52 PM
Technically the House is supposed to be made before the character, for this exact reason. :smalltongue:

2012-01-26, 02:00 PM
I think most of us were new at this. But it's ultimately no problem, I think. That is, if Corrino agrees with me.

Now moving on to the 2 wealth points. I think we should increase the fighting damage of the cavalry (From Athletics +3 to Athletics +5). It's a lot of bang for your buck. And maybe increase the armor for the infantry (doesn't give them much more armor, but they are the front line).

I am also going to suggest we remove one infantry unit so that we can make some groups veterans and transform our other infantry unit into "Personal Guards." Their stats are amazing in the warfare section, and they can easily perform complex maneuvers.

Edit: A veteran personal guard unit would cost 11 power. The discipline difficulty is an astounding -3.

Athletics 3, Endurance 4, Fighting 4

With one of our spare wealth spent on their armor, they have an armor rating of 10. And there’s a special ability where the commander or subcommander can attach and still give order, thus giving two bonuses at once. If we’re looking for the backbone to a fighting force, this is it.

2012-01-26, 02:23 PM
I actually just noticed the status problem on my spreadsheet this morning. I think that it's worth noting that it's wrong, and in fact, it could become an issue at some point... but I'd say that I'm fine with just leaving it since we're already rolling.

2012-01-26, 02:30 PM
What we could do to fix it is every time we have glory or some gain in a holding, we have to invest it in influence until we're accurate.

2012-01-26, 02:49 PM
I actually favor dropping the Cavalry. I don't see them as being terribly useful in a Mountainous setting.

2012-01-26, 03:11 PM
I think cavalry is important just to represent a handful of knights who might be loyal to our house and trained on horseback. It's only 20 horsemen, so I'd assume any house with some amount of power has at least some men on horseback (unless you're from the Iron Islands). If we drop the cavalry, I'd at least ask that we pick some back up when we get the chance.

The idea of having young, less significant siblings was mentioned on Skype, sort of like Rickon is to the Starks. If that's okay, I'm going to write in maybe a little brother and sister between the ages of 4 and 7. If anyone has name preferences, let me know. Otherwise I'll pick something.

2012-01-26, 04:08 PM
After hearing your argument, I concur. I still think our military is fine as it is, with the possible exception of improving some equipment.

In regards to lesser siblings, I think we should have a couple girls. Too many boys.

2012-01-26, 04:35 PM
Okay. I changed the commando unit to regular scout. Then used the 2 points it gave me to make one infantry unit a personal guard. Used 1 wealth to upgrade the personal guard armor. 1 wealth to upgrade the cavalry damage.

I also made changes to update our units for errata. Example: cavalry damage is based off of animal handling, not athletics and scouts have awareness instead of survival.

Final answer.

2012-01-28, 12:21 AM
Good start guys. I had a long day at work today, and then the first tabletop game, just got home and I'm beat, so I'll post more tomorrow. Sorry for missing today.

They redid the house today, to include the others, we had 2/4 of the original group and two new members, so four today with a potential for 5 or 6 other times. The new house is in the Riverlands. We started playing (off the cuff, as I had nothing prepared for the new house) and it went very well. The newest guy (never played tabletop) was the best at the RP side hands down. They definitely like the new system, and we owe that to you guys, so thanks :D

Anyway. More tomorrow.

2012-01-28, 12:45 AM
I'm glad that it went well.

2012-01-28, 02:31 PM
Time to skip forward to the Inn?

2012-01-28, 04:32 PM
Nope. As I said, I was just out yesterday, so the intra-party rp had to drag on a bit long.

2012-01-28, 05:29 PM
Can't seem to edit extra dice rolls into a post when you mess them up so

Cunning: [roll0]
Logic: [roll1]

2012-01-28, 05:43 PM
Yeah, I think it's an anti-cheating thing. This works just fine though!

2012-01-28, 07:25 PM
I would call Captain_Obvious' character over as he has ranks in healing, but as far as I've seen he hasn't actually named his character yet. That makes it pretty hard to refer to him in a post, so could you sort this out Captain_Obvious?

2012-01-29, 02:03 AM
To answer your question from the IC, Corrino, I don't mind moving ahead. If the rolls have succeeded and we've got all we can, let's keep it rolling.

2012-01-29, 02:28 AM
I'm Lance Noble. Read the sheets please. :smallbiggrin:

2012-01-29, 04:11 AM
I'm Lance Noble. Read the sheets please. :smallbiggrin:

Ah, I thought that was a two word description of your character concept and that your guy was a noble who used a lance.

2012-01-29, 01:25 PM
Alright guys. I'm mostly back from my internet blackout. However, I am unpacking today and my wife will be furious if I spend much time on the computer right now. :smallbiggrin:

Sorry to miss the first few rolls, but Edwyn is a fighter, so he is best served if we get ambushed.

2012-01-29, 03:20 PM
On small checks that (I know, as the GM) are fairly inconsequential, or have already been exceeded, do you all mind if I do not wait for everyone to roll before continuing, or would you rather I did?I want to allow you all to go at the pace you want, and not rush things nor delay them too much. You can respond in OOC I guess, this is the wrong place for this :p

I'd say play it by ear depending on the circumstances. If it's something like Lancer's heal check, he's pretty much the only one with a chance of doing anything anyway so there's not much point waiting for anyone else to post.

If it's something like talking with an NPC, I'd say leave it a little bit so that even if there are people who don't have the skills to make intrigue-related rolls they can still roleplay, ask questions and generally involve themselves in the scene.

2012-02-02, 10:35 AM
I never bothered to learn this on the forum roller, but what's the code for making it so that your rolls show up individually?

Or I could not be an idiot and actually do a bit of legwork :smallmad:

2012-02-02, 11:04 AM

That is the code you seek.

2012-02-02, 09:33 PM
Damn, previewing my post ruins rolls too.

This is for the IC roll I just made:

2012-02-05, 06:40 PM
Got called away to do emergency babysitting for my brother over the weekend and he forgot to tell me the password for his laptop.

I'll post in the morning after I've had a sleep.

2012-02-06, 09:15 AM
Any update on the conversation at Damon's table and his charming of the barmaid from across the room? :smallsmile:

2012-02-06, 09:23 AM
Yeah, tbh I forgot completely, then remembered, but was having her stop at this other table en route. Also, I can't see your roll anymore, as you edited your post and the forum disabled it.

Please, if you think I've forgotten something, mention it here like he did. I'm still not the best at PbP! If you're wrong, I'll tell you, if you're right... then the problem gets solved!

Anyway, either reroll or tell me your roll if you remember it, and I'll let you have it this time. See if she falls for it!

2012-02-06, 09:27 AM
Thanks! I figured I would ask since I'm so new to pbp. I tried to avoid saying "the barmaid came over" by doing this flirting thing across the room to help influence her actions. I rolled in the OOC thread 4-5 posts above this one because I previewed my post IC and it ruined the roll.

2012-02-06, 09:29 AM
Nerp. I have an attention problem of some kind as well, and this isn't tabletop.
If you have a question, ask. Pretend I'm 100% fail. It'll work out better that way.

Haha. Pretend, dangit, I'm not really...


BRB shiny

2012-02-08, 11:46 AM
Just so you know, Ser Edwyn has no interest in the sellsword or the bodies they found on the road. He will spend the rest of the evening with his dinner and drinking ale and chatting with whomever will sit with him.

I made no rolls with the barmaid because he has no intentions of seducing the young girl, but will gladly tell her a story or two from his younger (and happier) days.

Basically, Edwyn is done for the night unless Lord Elric, or his sons, require him for anything.

2012-02-12, 04:58 PM
Guys, you still here? Been a little quiet the last few days.

2012-02-12, 05:06 PM
Still here! Just had a busy weekend.

2012-02-12, 05:12 PM
Yeah I'm just getting home from being away for a few days.

2012-02-12, 06:17 PM
Glad I'm not the only one then, haha

2012-02-15, 02:23 AM
Do we want to try and find a tracker or do this ourselves?

2012-02-15, 02:53 AM
Though I suck at stealth, I say we do it anyway. Hiring someone to do it may lead to getting some other low-life involved.


We have scouts with us... at least maybe one or two people since we have the unit.

They can do it! Stealth and awareness.

2012-02-15, 08:07 AM
From Skype ( I know, not everyone's using it, and it was a bit ago) I have been operating under the assumption that the only unit with you right now is the cavalry unit, since that garnered the agreement of three different people. You could send a cavalry soldier or knight to scout, but I would tend to wager that you all (one or two of you, at least) would do better. Cavalry soldiers aren't really going to be trained to sneak about.

2012-02-15, 08:58 AM
I haven't posted in IC because I figured that, unless he is asked, Ser Edwyn would prefer a night's rest over traipsing through the woods at night.

Naturally, he will follow his lord's commands.

2012-02-15, 11:27 AM
Drat. You're right. Well, I guess we'll try it ourselves.... feebly with our 2 stealth all around. And when we inevitably fail, we'll just beat him up or something. XD

2012-02-15, 11:28 AM
I'm thinking about sticking around the inn to see if I can get anything more out of the barmaid and to see if there are any more interesting folks who stop by.

2012-02-15, 12:15 PM
Mind you, I'm only pulling myself out of this encounter mainly because it is completely outside of Ser Edwyn's skill set and out of his character.

But, again, if you guys want him along, he has to follow commands.

2012-02-15, 02:58 PM
Owain will keep his bro company. Can't have family getting shanked.

2012-02-15, 04:39 PM
Aeryn will come to protect the other two.

2012-02-17, 11:07 AM
Scene skip to LATER THAT NIGHT...?

2012-02-19, 12:57 AM
I'll skip you tomorrow morning, I think I was waiting on confirmation of that and then ended up being unavailable today, so yeah.But we shall venture out after the miscreant at night.

2012-02-21, 12:57 PM
I want to give you guys notice. I will be very likely unable to post very often in the next couple of weeks until I receive a new hard drive. If I REALLY need to post, please give me a heads up at my email address: [email protected].


2012-04-04, 07:16 AM
SuperMuldoon would like to continue this game. Is anyone else interested? I just assumed from the lack of postage on everyone's part that we were pretty much done, and got no objection except from him.

But, I want your OK - or lack thereof, I guess - before he and I take the game and do something else with it.


2012-04-04, 07:36 AM
I would be interested in continuing. I just lost steam when posting died off.

2012-04-04, 11:18 AM
I am willing to keep playing. Everybody's post frequency needs to increase.

2012-04-05, 06:07 PM
Well, that's four of us, three players. That's worth it to me if it's worth it to you all. I'll set the thread to send me instant emails again for better response (hopefully) on my end. I'll post something to prompt us back into it either today or tomorrow (I'm going to re-assess where I'm guiding you, since I've followed this campaign path before, now) but I'm excited to see where you go.

BTW the tabletop group is still playing, and are a powerhouse in the Riverlands now, but they're SOL because they're rising to power (still not as good as Tully or Frey, but big now) right as the Lannisters are mustering to march on Golden Tooth... and the Starks are mobilizing on the other side... and they are mortal enemies of the Freys, due to recent events. So I have bad thoughts about what's to happen to them, lol.

Also, if anyone has any insight preemptively - we had some major problems with the warfare system mechanics as is, I was going to make up some additions. Also the combat system took forever and a day with tabletop, and will undoubtedly be worse in PbP. If anyone has any insights or ideas, let me know. That said, we expect slowness in PbP, so I'm not too particularly worried about the combat. We'll see.

2012-04-05, 06:09 PM
Unfortunately I don't have suggestions for combat and such because I haven't experienced it. I'm excited and perhaps only 3-4 characters would help our speed and such, actually. I'll do my best to post as much as possible. Hopefully my writing doesn't suffer too much.

2012-04-08, 08:41 AM
I give my sincere apologies for my lack of posting.

2012-04-08, 10:26 AM
I'm still here. Ser Edwyn just isn't suited for clandestine sneaking... That's why I originally just had him going to bed. I changed it because I figured we needed more posting.

2012-04-09, 07:49 AM
All right, sounds good then. Like I said, I'll get something posted today (I've been away this weekend). I've got the day off except for a job-interview sort of thing via conference call, so all I have to work on is a paper for a class and fun stuff. lol.

2012-04-17, 02:43 PM
woo woo! lets get this train back on the rails :smallsmile:

2012-04-18, 10:02 AM
Ha. I double posted accidentally because of the forum. The first roll I got 1 & 4, the second I got 6 & 6. I was so tempted to delete the first. :smalltongue:

2012-04-19, 01:24 PM
To investigate the clearing and risk getting caught by a terrible Move Silently check or to go back to the others for back up first... decisions, decisions.

2012-04-19, 05:04 PM
Decisions, decisions. What would your character do :D

2012-04-20, 01:25 PM
Ah, crud. I didn't realize I was unsubscribed to the game thread.

I was spending the past few days thinking "Are we going to start up again, or not?" :smallredface:

I will work to posting, but I'm off my lunch hour so it probably won't be at work.

2012-04-23, 09:22 AM
Looks at thread. OOps.

2012-05-07, 11:01 AM
This whole trying to be stealthy thing is pretty humorous for a group that doesn't specialize in sneaking at all.

Do you think it would be worth PMing Bitter and SuperCracker that we are trying to start up again? Bitter's character especially is essential to the team and they may have unsubscribed to the thread. It'd also be great if we could increase the activity level to a point where things are moving along at a regular pace.

2012-05-07, 12:07 PM
I can PM them later, feel free to do that if you want as well. Also, as far as activity, most days I'm able to respond, when the GM is needed, relatively quickly. It's really about how much the group as a whole posts / wants to post.