View Full Version : Into the Haunted Forest

2012-01-24, 08:28 PM
The party is traveling along a trade route and plans on stopping at at inn for the night soon as the sun is starting to loom low in the sky.

(Everyone check in, post a link to their character sheet, choose their speech color and role any Know(Geography, History, Local or Nobility) you have. I'll set up the intro encounter when everyone has checked in, PM/Email me any questions, feel free to RP meanwhile)
How to use the Die Roller (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5563683#post5563683)

2012-01-24, 09:02 PM
Hello, Kyle here.

Indeed, with a name like Fubbs, I am playing a bard.

I will be doing OOC like this and in character like this.

Sort of confused on how to roll dice, so if someone could clear that up for me that would be nice (don't get the jumble on the dice rolling page).

Anyway, happying roleplay!

2012-01-24, 09:06 PM
Rolled a 15 on my knowledge (History) check, 16 on Nobility, 5 on Geo, and 2 on Local, because I am a Bard! Yeah!

2012-01-24, 09:15 PM

Just checking to see if I did it right

2012-01-27, 10:09 PM
Just a small piece I put together... hope it hits the spot:

Call of the reaches farthest from home
Call of the caverns built from eternal gloam
Listen, listen, my friends, for it denies
All it says and believes is lies

Found of home this:
Substantial bliss
Knowing and showing
Truth of the warm
Truth of the snowing
Destroyed by no storm
Covered by no qualm
And known but of the calm

2012-01-28, 04:06 PM
I am Cadwagan. I come from the eastern mountains of Jurvall, and I am pleased to offer you my services.


2012-01-28, 06:38 PM
Hail, Cadwagan. Did you like my poem? I spent a few minutes on it! I hope it pleased your palate.
Anyway, I am creating another piece. A song, in fact. I will be finished soon...

2012-01-28, 07:02 PM
Traitors, Scoundrels, and Scryers, Pickpockets, Cadavers, and Spies
All of them burn in the fires, All of them Built upon lies
None are to live
For all they decide to give
Is pain and misery
Pain and misery

Murderers, Killers, and Monsters, anger inflamed
Always the innocents maimed
“Rip them to shreds”
Killed in their beds
Nothing is left but the dead
But the dead

All is gone and all is in doom
when the world devolves and is gloom
And not much left that is spared
Means that the agony is shared

When pain is created, pain follows through
There isn't much left we can do
But if you are bright
You follow the light
Then surely you can be good and true

Travel the world
With the flags on the ships unfurled
You will find nothing
Nill but bluffing
Lies upon lies
The world is in ties
And naught we can do but watch

In the start there was a glim
but the lights are now dim
Possible to be lit once again

Travel down deep
Within the sleep
Of everything
And you will find
All of it kind
If you can change it's mind

Not an easy feat
Evil is hard to beat
But never, never give up
Or you will not be complete

Thanks for listening, everyone.

2012-01-28, 07:33 PM
Avatar Test!:smallsmile:

2012-01-28, 07:42 PM
Your song does soothe me, bard. It shall be a fair pleasure to accompany you on this journey. What, may I inquire, is your name?

2012-01-28, 07:45 PM
My name, though important
May shake your lungs
Laughing at is like sucking on tongues
You may always do it, though akward it is
May name, be Fubbs, and Fubbs, tis

2012-01-28, 09:57 PM
I am the Woad Frog.


Knowledge (Dungeoneering) : [roll0]
Knowledge (Engineering) : [roll1]
General Knowledge (Plain int check) : [roll2]

Oh and Mr.Forge you do realize its a 15pt point buy, right? Your stats aren't possible... you're over by 6pts.

2012-01-29, 12:48 AM
I am the Woad Frog.


Knowledge (Dungeoneering) : [roll0]
Knowledge (Engineering) : [roll1]
General Knowledge (Plain int check) : [roll2]

Oh and Mr.Forge you do realize its a 15pt point buy, right? Your stats aren't possible... you're over by 6pts.

He's good, the +2 Str makes it affordable
Gen know [roll0]

2012-01-29, 08:50 AM
Why did my rolls not show up?
In character color :: 1

2012-01-29, 09:27 AM
A short Horror piece I put together, not my best, but what can you expect of a rushed bard? These people need entertainment. Here it is:

Terror in the Cold

Chapter 1

A scream was heard.
“Robert, what was that?”
“I don't know, Teresa dear.”
Everyone got up from their meal laden table, nigh simultaneously, and walked carefully towards their door.
It was as if the air chilled for a moment, and then all was still.
Robert, Lord of Corsic, had taken his family to their country retreat nestled in the northern mountains. The Lord hefted his waraxe and slowly opened the heavy oaken door.
Teresa the Lord's wife, was Lady of Corsic,and was shivering and shaking, holding her two young twin daughters close and tight.
Outside of the house lay the quivering, convulsing body of a huntsman in his death throes. His feet were nothing but bloody, immolated stumps at his joint. He lay supine in an awkward position, his neck crammed into his collar, pushing his back, which was in turn snapped in two, his flayed and frozen skin meagerly holding his form together. His pelvis lay on the back of his head, backwards and disgusting. The snow about him, scarlet with blood, told a thousand ugly tales of how this monstrosity occurred.
It was as if the air chilled for a moment, and then all was still.
Frost nipped at the Lord's face, and he grimaced. He couldn't stop staring at the man's broken face. It was smiling, as if his last action was to laugh.
The axe drooped to the ground, bobbing up and down in walking motions as it moved with the Lord to the disfigured corpse.
A weak cry sounded from the mouth of young Emily. She was motioning with terror at their wooden, steel-bolted table, it was slowly warping and changing, shaking and quaking, food dropping from it's sides. It formed the figure of an elk-headed man. The family began to flee, screeching in horror.
It was is if the air was chilled as the aberration approached, and the trees seemed to sadden and depress as the monster passed by, rigidly moving it's mock legs.
The Lord, in his valiance, ordered his family to continue running, and charged the creature. His attack proved fruitful. He beheaded the beast in a mass of splinters, oaken shards, and viscous black bile.
It's body drooped to the floor of the snowy landscape, bile pouring from it's every notch and crack.
The only sound heard throughout the forest was a deep laugh, coming from the bleak sky above, shrouded darkly by clouds. The sun momentarily flickered, or possibly the clouds simply thickened for a moment.
The family attempted to retreat back to their home, but no matter the place they searched they could not find their establishment. They took shelter in a nearby cave, sleeping not far from the entrance. They slept close together that night. Nothing chattered about them except their freezing teeth, and they silently contemplated the strange day for a moment.
The following day was one of their last.

Chapter 2

Almar, the family's firstborn son, and only son, had intense nightmares that night. Nightmares of death and torture, and disgusting murder, psychotic laughter haunting him the whole night. He woke around 1:00 A.M., and stepped out of the cave. Something was calling his name.
He had to find out what was happening. He needed to find who was beckoning him.
Everyone woke to the sound of his heavy footsteps, his wheeze-like breathing weighing down the atmosphere.
It was as if the air chilled for a moment, and then all was still.
He darted off into the forest.
“Everyone, come on!”, Robert began to run towards the treeline.
Sprinting was difficult for the youngest, Sally. She was only 4 and a quarter years of age. This lead to disaster.
She fell behind, and as everyone looked back to find her as she screamed, they only could see her petite hands reaching out to the world, groping for aid. The trees were pulling her in, the branches wrapped about her legs, dragging her into a grove. Everyone ran back to her, and the parents jumped in to save her.
She was in the grove by now, and branches from four trees were grabbing her limbs, each a separate one. Robert attempted to chop a branch with his weapon, but the metal head of the axe exploded, shrapnel flying everywhere, skewering Sally in the eye.
She continued screaming in pain and terror as her parents' futile to save her continued, and so she was drawn and quartered by tugging branches, half of her torso being pulled with her right leg, the rest being shared among her other limbs, and the left arm carrying her tear-covered face back into the forest. All that were left were the echoes of her screams and frozen blood mixed with tears.
Above, the family barely heard through their cries the sounds of blazing heat, and the smell of melting flesh. Almar was walking up into the sky directly above them, and his feet looked the same as the huntsman. He fell to earth, being skewered on the same tree that had pulled Sally's head off. His face was sticking up, for his neck was stabbed, and he was smiling.
All three began to run, Teresa, Robert, and their last daughter Emily.
They ran all the way out to the mountainside, and a massive, deep laugh, echoing throughout the region was heard.
It was as if the air chilled for a moment, and then all was still.
A rock slide began. The family began sprinting again, but Teresa was carrying Emily, and the stone began gaining on her.
It was as if time slowed as Robert turned around to be blasted in the face by a crushed organ, propelled from the smashed bodies of his loved ones.
He rolled and slammed his way through the treeline, just barely escaping the boulders.
“NO!”, he screamed, his body burning equally with agony and sorrow. He hated whatever had done this, but he needed to run.
He ran and ran.
And ran.
He came across the edge of the north sea, many floating ice blocks occupying the frigid waters.
He then turned, and saw the creature. It had white fur, and hovered just slightly above the ground.
It looked just like the wooden monstrosity that he had once slain.
It beckoned him over to it, and he had to obey.
Fighting the control was futile, and he found himself face to face with the beast.
“You... YOU MONSTER!”, he screamed.
It simply laughed, then he heard an echo in his mind, You're next.

Gale Catcher
2012-01-29, 06:26 PM
"Greetings, I am named Auralean, but you all may call me Aura." said the young woman with rust red hair, and a mischievous gleam in her strange, phosphorous eyes. "Where I hail from is of little consequence, and I see no reason to either disclose information on the matter, nor dig up other... unsavory past events." She paused only long enough to take a short breath before continuing with a bright smile encouraged by the bard's prior round of song, "Nonetheless, I look forward to our travels together. Hopefully, we'll all get along swimmingly - I know Fubbs certainly will."

2012-01-29, 07:32 PM
Greetings Aura. How radiant your name is, I shall engrave it upon history by writing a ballad.

Aura, Aura, Radiant Aura
Shining upon my heart
Will you free
And befriend me?
For I would surely feel marked

God Grant me
and the wisdom to comply
with the wishes of beauty
and make peace of mind

2012-01-29, 07:45 PM
(Well thats enough to start, everyone remember to add your bonus for favored class +1 HP or skill point)

The dark mass of the Arthfell Forest looms just to the north of the trade route an ominous wall of unbroken green and shadow. Not far ahead is the famous Travelers Stop Inn, the only safe refuge in the area. Rounding a bend in the road, you see a trio of mangy dogs playing a gruesome tug-of-war with some sort of humanoid corpse. Their snarls and barks break the silence of the otherwise calm afternoon.

Your group is around 60 paces away from the dogs.

2012-01-29, 07:45 PM
Bad seem lyre! Stake imp to! Crab Duress!

My ears bleed! Make it stop! Curse Bards!

Hint: Each sentence is an anagram.

2012-01-29, 07:55 PM
Carp! Heck mat tat! Elves howl kilt!

Crap! Attack them! Kill the wolves!

2012-01-29, 07:55 PM
I begin playing my music. Inspire Courage!

Mangy dogs! Foul beasts! Feel the wrath of your slain!
Dark Fogs! Sour meats! Feel, feel his eternal pain!
For You, you are the sound of death,
To the innocent
And you, you will die by our blades,
For you are of many evil raids!
Stealing lives, killing people!
Always removing from good!
And now, though you are from a terrible wood
you shall be maimed!

Gale Catcher
2012-01-30, 02:54 AM
Aura grins cat-like, and toothily as she drops into a crouch and attempts to steal through the ambient shadows and into range of the mangy mutts - dagger in one hand, hand-cross bow in the other.
Stealth check(18=10(taking 10)+8):
Moves roughly 30 paces in, weapons drawn, cross bow loaded, preparing sneak attack, waits for allies to engage. Also, I can't get the dice roller to work, it keeps reading 0 even with my +8 mod, so I'm taking 10, since I doubt you all would trust me to either roll it out the hard way, or use an emulator.

2012-01-30, 07:28 AM
We trust you Josh...

Anyway. I am assuming a pace is a foot? As in you moved 6 squares?
Also, remember your +1 from MEH MUSIC!

2012-01-30, 01:12 PM
Simplified How to Do Dice Rolls
Take out the * and it rolls 1 d20 plus the imputed X value other numbers work like 3d6 and the +X is only needed when you have a bonus/penalty

Josh's stealth roll [roll0]
And Fubbs, Inspire Competence is what helps die rolls, also moving at full move while in stealth has a penalty but I'll let it slide for this one

The dogs give no indication they have noticed the figure creeping towards them.

Aura is currently 30 paces away from the dogs. The rest of the group is 60 paces back. Fubbs is using inspire courage. The sparse treeline is roughly 15 paces away from the sides of the road.

2012-01-30, 01:32 PM
I move 20 feet and ready an attack with my glaive.
Melee Elf Sty!
Feel my Steel!

2012-01-31, 09:29 PM
--Cadwagan gives a primal roar and charges headlong at the wolves with his greatsword held high.--

(activate rage)
(40 ft move)

2012-02-01, 03:30 PM
The dogs snarl, angered by the obvious challenge to their territory.

Dogs [roll0]
Fubbs [roll1]
Aura [roll2]
Cadwagan [roll3]
Woad [roll4]

Looks like you guys got all the good rolls, feel free to go in whatever order you choose since you all go before the dogs.

2012-02-04, 02:07 PM
Cadwagan advances forward another 10 feet to the first WOLF and swing my greatsword.

[roll0]: ATTACK
if hit, [roll1]: DAMAGE

2012-02-04, 02:09 PM
Cadwagan advances forward another 10 feet to the first WOLF and swings his greatsword.

[roll0]: ATTACK
if hit, [roll1]: DAMAGE

2012-02-04, 06:37 PM
That should be 15 feet Blacksteel.

The dog attacked by Cadwagan is ripped through by the massive sword and falls.

Status: 2 Dogs alive, 5 paces between them and Cadwagan
Aura is 30 paces away
Woad is 40 paces away
Fubbs is 60 paces away
You all have +1 to attack and damage from Inspire Courage

2012-02-04, 09:58 PM
Continuing Bardic Performance and moving twice while drawing Rapier, Runs up to next dog, now 20 ft away.

Fast and quick
Kill them all
Fall, fall ,fall, fall, fall, fall, fall!

Gale Catcher
2012-02-05, 10:55 PM
From the brush, Aura calmly aims at the feral hound closest to her claymore wielding compatriot and fires her cross bow.

For the attack: [roll0]
For damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

2012-02-08, 04:45 PM
Aura fires the crossbow bolt, but it flies over the head of the wary dog. Only Woad left to go.

2012-02-09, 07:34 PM
(Updating without Woad, since he can't get into range this turn anyways. Feel free to take your both turns when you post.)

The dogs, angered by the death of their companion, move to attack Cadwagan.
One lunges directly towards him, while the other attempts to maneuver behind him and bite his exposed back.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Both Dogs are Adjacent to Cadwagan, one on the far side of the road, and one on the near side.

Fubbs is 15 paces away from the closest dog
Aura is 25 feet away from the closest dog.

2012-02-11, 02:09 PM
Fubbs steps up to the closest wolf and attacks with his rapier.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Bardic Fury!

2012-02-11, 02:14 PM
Woops... Forgot all about MEH MUSIC. Make that 6 attack and 4 Damage, not that it probably matters.