View Full Version : Star Wars d20 Dual Sabers vs Double Bladed Sabers

2012-01-25, 12:34 AM
So, after our current PF Kingmaker campaign that I'm DM'ing finishes, one of the group has offered to GM a game of Star Wars d20. I have never played either Star Wars pen and paper game, but did read the books for both d20 and SAGA back in the day; however I've forgotten lots of the old rules and stat outs.

Being the fan boy that I am, when the time comes, I hope to create a two weapon fighting jedi, but looking over the Core book's rules and feats, I'm confused and disappointed with how I interpreted the weapon stats and rules.

By the looks of it, double bladed lightsabers are superior to dual wielding two lightsabers in every way. Double gets -2/-2 to attack with ambidextrous, TWF since the 2nd blade is treated as light, whereas 2 lightsabers gets -4/-4 since both sabers are medium sized. The only thing that is not an advantage is that a double bladed is 7000Cr vs 2 sabers costing 6000Cr.

Is this correct? Are double bladed lightsabers superior to using two lightsabers? Or is there something I'm missing? I did see some rules about modding lightsabers, but from what I could tell, those were fan base made, or are they in fact WOTC created? Or are there other advantages that I'm missing?

2012-01-25, 01:36 AM
Which is rather stupid really given it is a Lightsaber and the blade has no physical weight beyond the hilt (eliminating one of the problems with dual wielding).

2012-01-25, 02:19 AM
The primary problem with dual wielding is not getting your swords tangled. Trust me, I've tried it. Especially difficult with lightsabers, because you don't have a physical sense of where the blade is at any given moment.

I don't see anything in the rules that would make dual sabers better than a staff, except for the possibility that if you're playing a 4-armed creature or a Large creature (or if you're a real munchkin, play a Charon to be a 4-armed Large creature) you can dual-wield two Great Lightsabers for good reach.

In Knights of the Old Republic, which is partially based on the Star Wars d20 system the dual lightsabers were superior simply due to all the passive buffs you could stack on them. Without customization, I don't see any advantages to paired weapons.

If you're planning on specializing in lightsaber combat, the Jedi Weapon Master prestige class from Power of the Jedi is nice.

You'll want to work on your armor class; the dual-pistol-slinging Scoundrel/Soldiers do a surprising amount of damage, especially if they're smart on their equipment choices (Verpine Shatter Guns FTW).

And always remember; a full attack with a personalized StarAnvil is the last word in combat. Even if you're a Jedi. Hell, I played an expy of HK-47 once who took down three Jedi Masters in as many round.

2012-01-25, 02:41 AM
So, after our current PF Kingmaker campaign that I'm DM'ing finishes, one of the group has offered to GM a game of Star Wars d20. I have never played either Star Wars pen and paper game, but did read the books for both d20 and SAGA back in the day; however I've forgotten lots of the old rules and stat outs.

Being the fan boy that I am, when the time comes, I hope to create a two weapon fighting jedi, but looking over the Core book's rules and feats, I'm confused and disappointed with how I interpreted the weapon stats and rules.

By the looks of it, double bladed lightsabers are superior to dual wielding two lightsabers in every way. Double gets -2/-2 to attack with ambidextrous, TWF since the 2nd blade is treated as light, whereas 2 lightsabers gets -4/-4 since both sabers are medium sized. The only thing that is not an advantage is that a double bladed is 7000Cr vs 2 sabers costing 6000Cr.

Is this correct? Are double bladed lightsabers superior to using two lightsabers? Or is there something I'm missing? I did see some rules about modding lightsabers, but from what I could tell, those were fan base made, or are they in fact WOTC created? Or are there other advantages that I'm missing?

Use a shoto(short lightsaber) in your offhand. It's small and 2d6 isn't all that much less on average than 2d8.

2012-01-25, 03:06 AM
"The weapon consisted of a blade of pure plasma emitted from the hilt and suspended in a force containment field. The field contained the immense heat of the plasma, protecting the wielder, and allowed the blade to keep its shape. The hilt was almost always self-fabricated by the wielder to match his or her specific needs, preferences and style. Due to the weightlessness of plasma and the strong gyroscopic effect generated by it, lightsabers required a great deal of strength and dexterity to wield, and it was extremely difficult—and dangerous—for the untrained to attempt using. However, in the hands of an expert of the Force, the lightsaber was a weapon to be greatly respected and feared. To wield a lightsaber was to demonstrate incredible skill and confidence, as well as masterful dexterity and attunement to the Force. " Wookie Pedia.

just thought i would put that out there. ya know about the weight issue.

2012-01-25, 03:16 AM
I've played that system. I remember being annoyed that the double-bladed was simply superior to the dual-weilding as well. However, its been a couple of years since I played, and the details escape me.

I think there are things you can do with a two-weapon build that you can't do with a double-lightsaber build. Using a guard shoto in the offhand, for instance. I had an ewok jedi dual wielding shotos, and some combination of abilities that shifted my attack and damage to dex. I don't think the system supported a double-bladed lightsaber for small creatures, and I don't remember if any of the dex-based things were not compatable with the double lightsaber.

2012-01-25, 04:46 AM
I had an ewok jedi dual wielding shotos, and some combination of abilities that shifted my attack and damage to dex.

I checked this, as I saw it earlier. It is from Hero's Guide, Form IV Mastery. Use dex instead of strength. I did a quick google to confirm the book though; but while doing so, I found a web enhancement for Hero's Guide. One of the Force Feats is Niman Mastery, where when wielding 2 lightsabers, you treat the off hand one as light and get an extra +1 to the feat off hand parry (one of the things a double bladed can't due). But this needs +8BAB and the full TWF tree (ambi, twf, imp twf)

I can't seem to find the Shoto though. Googling tells me it's in Saga edition easily, but I can't find in d20 RCR?

But thank you Mystify, you added me into finding an answer!!!

If you're planning on specializing in lightsaber combat, the Jedi Weapon Master prestige class from Power of the Jedi is nice.

Yes. Yes it is. Thank you for telling me that, I likely would have missed it.

2012-01-25, 05:25 AM
Be aware playing SAGA edition clears up most, if not all of the stupid rules from previous editions. I guess it's kind of like Pathfinder in terms of being well-designed as a self-contained unit, whereas the d20 revised books kinda sprawl.. 3.0 style.

2012-01-25, 11:35 PM
Ya, I know about the improvements of SAGA. But the guy who offered to GM didn't even know SAGA existed. He was like 'Um... this is the dark side character sheet', then showed a PDF of a char sheet with Wound Points, which told me instantly it was d20.

You can only really play what you have a GM willing to run. :p
Old rules were the cause of all my confusion about the dual lightsabers, after all.

Edit: And any other points of interest for 2 sabers would definitely be appreciated.