View Full Version : Uber Psion Cheese!

Vixsor Lumin
2012-01-25, 05:54 PM
I just thought of my first original piece of cheesy optimization ever and i wanted to see what the playground thought it was legal. Lets assume level 20.

Ok so say your a shaper and you take the expanded knowledge feat to get true mind switch. You have an astral seed in your genesis plane next to a psiforged with your ideal physical stats. theres a couple places the warforged could have come from depending on what your GM allows. 1) build one with an intelligence of 1 and order it to stay put. its an animal level intelligence so all it would seek is food shelter and a place to sleep. warforged dont eat or sleep and your genesis is a shelter, so its just going to sit there as ordered. this wont work if your GM rules that you cant build one. 2) Polymorph a plant into a warforged. you cant create a plant with genesis but you could create an optimal growing area and transplant one. argue that plants are intelligent as per the speak with plants spell.

Your playing as an Elan (:elan: haha) and have all the benefits that come with it. then you die and come back. you still have your elan abilities becuase you retain all spell-like abilities (read psi-like). manifest true mind swith to trade your mind with the psiforged. smash the crystal you just left. now you are a psiforged with the elans abilities and gain no negative levels, due to the psiforged immunity. you also retain your mental stats but gain the better phyisical stats of the psiforged plus the free body feat.

step 3: ???

step 4: profit

The Glyphstone
2012-01-25, 06:15 PM
Sounds like the Psionic Sandwich trick, which is the same but cooler because you are a sandwich, not a Psiforged.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-01-25, 07:09 PM
Grrrrr. So much for my origionality haha :smalltongue: but I have to agree about the sandwich being cooler.