View Full Version : [IC] The Rise of House Eastfall

2012-01-26, 12:03 AM
~ The Rise of House Eastfall ~

IC Thread

Game System: Song of Ice and Fire RP

Description: The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros are at peace. Other than the occasional murmuring, the smallest veiled strife, whispers of aggression - the Kingdoms are silent. Robert Baratheon sits the Iron Throne, with Jon Arryn at his side as the Hand of the King.
All of this is about to change.
House Eastfall, a young and fairly small banner house of House Arryn, holds The Bloody Gate, a pass which guards the entry into Arryn's vale. An upstart knight-made-Lord, Lord Eastfall holds a better reputation with the smallfolk than the landed nobility, yet nonetheless, must carve out a name for the House and his newly founded dynasty, before it is stripped from them.
For in the coming days and the coming horrors will come a game of thrones, a clash of kings, and a storm of swords... and Eastfall plans to be on the winning side, and come out on top.

Dramatis Personae:

(OOC Thread) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/editpost.php?do=editpost&p=12592338)

2012-01-26, 12:04 AM
It is December the nineteenth. House Eastfall is en route to King’s Landing, at the invitation of King Robert Baratheon. He has called a festival and a great tourney for the celebration of the turn of the new year.
As the Eastfall House’s nobility and company travel, you have almost reached the Kingsroad. What began as a trip with promising weather and sunshine, as you rode out of the Bloody Gate, now has turned to a murky grey sky and a bitter chilly rain. You are hoping to make the Kingsroad today, as there is an inn at the crossroads, or there was, a few months ago. The inn will certainly be a welcome dry place to stay for yourselves and your men.
Lord Eastfall has been engaging his sons in conversation about the tourney, and describing to them the events surrounding, and the political atmosphere there. Lord Eastfall is interested in making some allies outside of the Vale; independent of, but certainly not at odds with, House Arryn and the Vale.

[The game begins as you are walking along the muddy road. Lord Eastfall has ordered that the travellers not stop until reaching the inn, even if night falls, because it is very close now.]

2012-01-26, 12:28 AM
Among the retinue is Ser Aeryn Darrow. He is a strong young man, the same age as Lord Eastfall’s eldest sons. His features are plainly Andal in origin, with his blonge hair and piercing blue eyes. He is not quite so heavily armored as the Man-at-Arms, his teacher, sporting a breastplate and light armor to complete the set. He rides a proud Destrier horse. He carries, as always, his tower shield (emblazoned with the House coat of arms) and his longsword at his side.

It is known that Aeryn is the son of Ser Alec Darrow, the Lord’s closest friend and bravest knight, who died defending the noble family years ago. It is also known that Aeryn is a fierce warrior in his own right.

Aeryn rides alongside Ser Sain Eastfall. The bitter rain has wet his blonde hair down, but he shows no outward sign of discomfort. But as the sun creeps ever closer to the horizon, Aeryn keeps a closer eye out for trouble.

Aeryn listens to the Lord’s political strategy, but he makes no comments of his own. It’s not his place. Furthermore, he wishes to learn… and the best way to do that is to listen. And what he heard made sense. Allies outside of the Vale would be a good thing. It would expand the reach of the House.

The only thing he did say was more of a reassurance.

“Sain,” he spoke in a rich baritone voice, “I look forward to the grand melee. I assume you'll take part, as well?”

His chance to prove his skills with the sword against worthy opponents. Of course he looked forward to it.

2012-01-26, 12:54 AM
The rain patters off of Sain's armor, a rhythmic sound that adds to the weariness he already feels. His Lord Father said they must reach the inn no matter what - so they pressed on. He reaches up with one free hand to wipe his face clear of moisture, and out of habit traces the line of his scar. He recently began to grow a beard to hide the mark, at least partially. Yet another thing to differentiate himself from his twin, he thinks, as he looks over at his brother, still so well groomed even in this weather. Sain shared the brown hair, fair skin and pale blue eyes of his brother, but his features had taken on a more rugged look as they grew up, mostly due to their different paths that life had put them on.

Sain turns to see his lifelong friend Aeryn ride up next to him. "I will indeed be taking part. I was also thinking of trying my hand at the joust as well, but I would not want to steal any of Damon's glory." he says, showing a slight smile to offset the serious nature of his voice. "This will be a great chance to see how our skills stand against the best in all Westeros."

2012-01-26, 02:53 AM
Now that they've gone far enough that the mountain tribes should be well behind them, Owain is much more relaxed. He gives the thinning trees one last look until he's happy no marauder is about to leap out of them, then he so gives his horse a dig of his heels and rides up alongside the others to join in the conversation.

A wry smile crosses he lips once he gets close enough to hear the topic of conversation. He should have guessed that if his brothers were discussing their plans for the trip to Kings Landing, it was going to be duelling or jousting or something along those lines.

"Best be careful," says Owain, "The usual rule with the joust is that if you lose in the first round you get to ransom the other knight's armour and horse back to them. if you get knocked out in the first tilt, although awful funny to have you walk back home in your breeches it might damage the house's reputation a bit."

2012-01-26, 07:16 AM
Elric Eastfall turns in his saddle and grins wryly at the group. "Well, I certainly hope that you don't fall in the first bout; it would be most... unfortunate."

"In any case, the reason I would like to begin making some approaches to other houses is... more of a time issue. We've been established now for years, and people are aquainted with our name in this region. We have some allies and enemies among Arryn's banners, but, hidden away in the Vale, we haven't made many trade agreements or alliances in our own right. We are well positioned to see trade agreements through, in the mouth of the Vale and all.

In any case, I'd like to see what we can come up with. And if nothing else... it'll be a chance to show everyone who hasn't seen it what a ridiculous amount of coin our good King wastes on tourneys and festivals, as of late.

I would also remind you all that we'll be seeing Lord Arryn in King's Landing. Try not to embarrass me too much, if you please." he adds with a look that suggests that he does not necessarily think that what he is asking is possible.

2012-01-26, 07:32 AM
A cloaked man as old as Elric walks behind slightly behind the group. Hearing Elric's comment, he chuckles.

He then says I'll try my best old friend at a high enough volume to be heard grinning the entire time.

2012-01-26, 08:32 AM
Elric responds laughingly "Well, that was more directed at these younger fellows, but perhaps you and i are the more likely to make fools of ourselves!"

2012-01-26, 09:56 AM
Sain nods at Owain's comments. "Perhaps the fact I had forgotten that bit of information shows I should probably forgo the joust, lest my inexperience cost me a fortune. Thank you little brother." he says, and gives his brother a friendly clap on the back.

Sain listens to his father's words and nods. "Of course father." he says, while thinking that his father should be more serious about this whole trip.

2012-01-26, 10:44 AM
Ser Edwyn Maidenway

King's Landing...

The embittered middle-age knight rides in the van of Lord Eastfall's party, his thoughts causing him to ignore the chill of wearing heavy armor in the rain. The mountain tribes are behind, yes, but there is still danger in Westeros. He frowns at the playful banter of the young lordlings behind him. Once, aye, once he had been a Summer's knight, impetuous and full of vibrant youth. His days had also been spent chasing after glory and kitchen maids. Now he was approaching old age, the strength of his youth slowly waining.

Kings Landing...

It was the most bitter of ironies that he should be sworn to a lord who had fought against the last Targaryen king. Mad he had been, but king he was regardless. Edwyn hadn't been to King's Landing in many years, and still couldn't help but remember the sack perpetrated by the cursed Lannisters and that twice-cursed Lord Tywin and the murder of his king by the thrice-cursed Ser Jaime...

He looks up, forward. He was so lost in his thoughts that he had forgotten to keep his eyes about for trouble. The war was years past, and even though he was little more than a Hedge Knight, he still had a sworn lord to protect. Besides... Lord Elric Eastfall's sons and that Darrow lad had promise. He had already seen his influence molding them into proper men, proper knights. He owed Lord Elric everything, for taking in a lost man, and giving him some new purpose.

Aye... those boys of his were his new purpose...

But King's Landing...

He will feel much better once they have left that usurper's vipers' nest and were returning home.

He turns his rounsey to face Lord Elric. "It shouldn't be much further now, my lord. With your permission, I would like to take some time with your sons, for practice. It's a rare opportunity to test their footing on slick mud such as this."

2012-01-26, 11:20 AM
When Owain gives the small reminder that the horse and armor were on the line, Aeryn cracks a small grin. He made no outward comment, but sometimes his facial expressions were enough.

Lord Elric was right. Creating trade agreements would be beneficial to Ramshold and its people. Lord Elric commanded a great deal of admiration from Aeryn, for a multitude of reasons. In response to the Lord’s pleading not to embarrass him. “Yes, my lord.”

Still, the desire to test his sword against other men of Westeros had his blood pumping. You have to beat the best to be the best.

He heard Ser Maidenway suggest some time for practice. The older knight had been a source of knowledge and discomfort for Aeryn and the brothers’ entire lives. Maidenway was a strong warrior, to be sure. It had taken Aeryn years to get to that man’s level with a sword. Frankly, he was the measuring stick Aeryn used to gauge himself.

2012-01-26, 12:00 PM
"Don't worry," says Owain as Sain slaps him on the back, "We'll all put our money together to buy your horse and armour back. Whether we'll give them back to you until we get home is another thing though."

His ears have pricked up at the talk of trade agreements from his Lord Father, although he thinks he might not be looking at it the right way. House Eastfall doesn't control especially bountiful lands at present, the income would be more likely to come from tolls for those passing through the Bloody Gate. Still, he's got a few ideas for that and would be the most competent at arranging something like that.

"If my brothers aren't going to represent our house," he says after he's finished thinking, "I might be tempted to take up the burden of seeking glory myself. Archery though, if they've got a field set up. No chance of loosing my horse or my head there. I doubt I'd win, but getting the practice in at a proper range during a real tourney would be worthwhile".

The talk of sparring he ignores completely. There's no need to ruin a perfectly good day by putting himself in a position where he'll have to compare his martial talents with his brothers.

2012-01-26, 02:29 PM
Elric slows his horse and looks over at Edwyn.
"If you think that there's a lesson to be learned here, then I see no problem with it. My sons, and any of the others here who wish the practice are free to to do so. We could take a quick break to provide the necessary time, should you desire it. What say you, Sain, Owain, Aeryn?"

2012-01-26, 02:41 PM
Edywn slowly shakes his head. "I apologize for my lack of clarity, my lord. My intent was to hold the practice once we arrive at the inn. It would be a great exercise to test your arms while suffering discomfort and fatigue."

2012-01-26, 02:49 PM
Sain nods, and looks up to the clouds watching the rain fall. "I'm up for it. If we can fight well in these dreadful conditions, the tourney should seem easier in comparison." he says. "Though I would suggest we be careful. It would do us no good to turn an ankle in the muck, or otherwise injure ourselves where we could not participate in the tourney."

2012-01-26, 03:05 PM
“I would be glad to practice at the earliest convenience, my lord, Ser Edwyn. It will make a good warm-up for the duels at the tournament.” For a warrior, Aeryn is well-spoken. It’s a testament to the education he received being raised in Lord Elric’s household.

Aeryn reached up and drug his hand across his brow, wiping away some of the water before casting it off to the side.

Aeryn wondered what opponents would be there at King’s Landing. Would he get an opportunity to match blades with the Kingslayer? He could only hope.

2012-01-26, 03:52 PM
Rain. It always made travel miserable. But they would be arriving at the inn soon, thought Damon, pushing one of his damp locks out of his eyes. He rode his courser next to the modest cart where his lady mother rode with his sisters and baby brother. The girls were especially miserable from the dreary weather, so Damon had been going on-and-on about King's Landing and the great knights they would see in the tournament, trying to distract them and keep their spirits up. "It was the first time I'd ever been to King's Landing and one of the most memorable matches I've seen to this day. After seven passes, Barristan the Bold finally unhorsed his opponent in the final joust. To this day I can still picture the great knight in his bright armor sitting high on his destrier. I'm sure you'll get to see the man himself when we reach the capital. He's Lord Commander of the Kingsguard and still a magnificent knight."

"Maybe we'll get to see the Queen's twin brother too. I hear he's a handsome man and a great knight. He's one of the Kingsguard too."

Damon laughed at his sister's remark. When he smiled, Damon's beauty was obvious. Like his twin brother, he had dark brown hair, pale skin, and bright blue eyes. He took care of his appearance and had learned how to use it to take advantage of certain situations. On the other hand, the years had weighed heavily on his brother, and they'd even left him scarred. "Dear sister, please refrain from referring to Jaime Lannister as a great knight in my presence."

"Damon, when am I going to get to fight in the tourneys?" asked his baby brother.

"As soon as mother lets you!" he replied, winking at her. He ruffled his brother's hair and rode ahead, catching up with his brothers and the others. He overhead them talking about training in the mud. "Well, I have to save my energy for winning the joust. But I suppose I could practice a bit."

2012-01-27, 05:36 AM
With his brother being eager enough to wave his sword around, Owain can hardly plead out of taking part while his father is right there watching. Damnable pride. Still, no reason to go overboard with it.

"A little practice to keep my skills sharp seems fair enough. Nothing too strenuous though, because I'll want time to practice my archery before we get to King's Landing."

"I agree about needing to be wary of injuries as well. I haven't brought a practice sword with me, only hard steel, so it'd be all for a stray blow to accidentally break or cut one of you and ruin your chances in the tourney."

"And vice versa, of course," he adds with a grin after a moment's pause.

2012-01-27, 08:36 AM
Ser Edwyn Maidenway

Edwyn nods at Owain as he turns his rounsey and continues treading the path again. "Archery is a noble skill. Proper archery, that is. I hope I never see you wielding a dishonorable crossbow, Lord Owain..."

He continues to shout back as he rides forward. "And if you were negligent, my young lords, in bringing your practice and sparring gear than I will simply have to knock you around in the mud with my bare hands." He finishes with a laugh.

2012-01-28, 12:30 AM
My friend, the crossbow is an amazing weapon. many a commander has won a battle by carefully husbanding their crossbowmen. You knights may call it dishonorable, but a properly disciplined line of crossbowmen are capable of taking out an entire lance of cavalry.

2012-01-28, 06:14 AM
"Yes," says Owain to Edwyn, "I practice archery rather than... crossbowery? Crossbowmanship? I'm not even sure what you'd call it. I'm not even sure if there is a term for the martial act of using a crossbow, considering it's more a weapon for barely trained peasant militias then trained men at arms."

"Still, if you want to fight without using a weapon then I see no trouble with that myself. I see no reason to hamper myself like that personally, but I admire the courage. In fact, as I need to practice archery, how about we start at thirty paces and me with my longbow?"

Owain's cocky grin makes it obvious he's not being serious.

2012-01-28, 04:24 PM
Elric smiles briefly at the discussion over bows, and nods at Edwyn. "As it suits you. Either place, by the looks of the weather, is going to be just as unfortunately dreary. It shouldn't be too much farther, I suppose."

At this point, as the party rounds a bend in the road, you can see just ahead, off the right side of the road, people, bodies, in the ditch. Three of them, wearing scarcely anything. Three men, one of them more an older boy, perhaps.

Elric looks wary at once, and also a bit saddened. "Someone take a look at those bodies... and everyone be on your guard. Whatever happened here, we should be wary."

2012-01-28, 04:33 PM
Damon urges his courser into a gallop towards the bodies. After climbing off his horse, he looks around the area warily before stooping down to inspect the situation, a look of concern plastered onto his youthful face.

2012-01-28, 05:03 PM
Ser Edwyn Maidenway

Edwyn dismounts to examine the bodies with Damon. As a precaution he unbuckles his scabbard.

He doesn't have his shield but a bastard sword is just as useful without one.

2012-01-28, 05:13 PM
[Anyone who is checking bodies can use Cunning to garner detail. Anyone who is looking around or keeping watch may use Awareness to do so. If desired.]

2012-01-28, 05:26 PM
"Guard the carriage," says Owain to some of his father's men who make up their escort on this long journey to King's Landing. The High Road could be trouble, but it is unusual to see the mountain clans killing so far West. More likely this was bandits who would be too fearful of attacking well armed men, but he wouldn't risk his Lady Mother testing that theory.

Dismounting his horse, he hands the reins off to another man, draws his longbow and goes over to join his brother at the body. Though Damon's martial knowledge might well tell them type of weapon that killed these men, Owain values his own wits the most when it comes to solving a mystery.

Rolling Cunning to see if Owain can put together any clues about why they were killed: [roll0]
Bonus dice if Logic is applicable: [roll1]

Whoops, those were d10s, not d6s

Cunning: 4d6
Logic: 1d6

2012-01-28, 05:30 PM
Aeryn narrowed his eyes as he saw the dead bodies. He left the investigation of the bodies to Owain, but he himself kept an eye out for any possible ambushes. Still atop his destrier, he draws his longsword and readies his shield.

Awareness [roll0]

2012-01-28, 05:55 PM
Owain's sharp mind would prove more capable at determining what had happened to the men that lay before them, and Damon had no problem admitting that. But he stayed at his brother's side, observing what he could about the bodies and offering suggestions about what could have happened.

Adding +1 to Owain's Cunning test as part of the assistance function.

14 + 1 = 15

2012-01-28, 06:08 PM
Upon seeing the bodies, Sain grits his teeth in anger at what he believed to be the murder of innocent commonfolk, but quickly composes himself. He unstraps his shield and draws Mountainsong, the Valyrian bastard sword of House Eastfall. His eyes scan the surroundings for any sign of the people who did this. "Looks like a robbery, all their clothes and belongings were stripped. The scum that did this could still be close, and part of me hopes they are..." he says, trailing off and letting the threat hang in the air.

[roll0] (away from books so I hope this is right.)

2012-01-28, 06:53 PM
On small checks that (I know, as the GM) are fairly inconsequential, or have already been exceeded, do you all mind if I do not wait for everyone to roll before continuing, or would you rather I did?I want to allow you all to go at the pace you want, and not rush things nor delay them too much. You can respond in OOC I guess, this is the wrong place for this :p

Upon closer inspection, you see wearing marks upon the underclothes of the two older men, and rust stains, perhaps signifying that they wore armor over them. Both have extremely calloused hands, of the sort that would come from extensive sword usage, and the younger boy is neither as well muscled nor having the calloused hands. A pair of knights or men at arms, and a squire? Difficult to tell.

The first man has an arrow through the side of his neck. The second man has been stabbed through the chest. The boy has a gut wound, with angry red splotching and lines around it, perhaps indicating some sort of infection, and indicating that he has been here for some time.

And the boy is still breathing, shallowly.

Those watching the surrounding road and area do not, at this time, see anything out of the ordinary.

2012-01-28, 09:48 PM
“I don’t see anyone,” Aeryn says as he moves to stand over Owain and Damon, holding his shield out as a wall between any would-be marksman and them. “To murder and rob men like this...” That spark of wrath is well apparent in his blue eyes.

He wished he saw one of the culprits. He wished he could place his blade firmly into their chests and skewer their black hearts.

2012-01-29, 04:23 AM
"Lance, this one's still alive!"

How long he would be is another thing. Owain knew from his father's war stories that gut wounds could be slow but sure killers, as could infections. It might be that the boy needed a septon now more than he needed a maester.

Shuffling aside to allow the man room to attend to the patient, Owain still stays close to the patient. He has quick hands when needed and can follow instructions well enough that their almost-maester can make use of him while he attends the patient.

"Careful," he says to the others. "These weren't smallfolk, they were armed men. Whoever preyed on them might try the same with us."

Aiding any healing action from Lance. Adding +1 to his roll.

2012-01-29, 05:00 AM
Lance, runs over to the still breathing body and begins to give medical aid
[roll0] the extra dice is from bitter, right?

2012-01-29, 10:24 AM
(Assistance is a straight number. The one giving assistance gives 1/2 their rank in the score, rounded down. So, if you have a 2 or 3 in heal, you'd give a +1. So you'd really want to roll a die lower, and just add one. In this case, I'll let you keep the higher roll, because of the following result)

As you administer to the boy, you note with what experience you have that he is almost certainly dead already, as this is very much a mortal wound. As you do so, he stirs slightly, and his eyes list open partway. He tries to speak. "Ser... Ser Tyman... is he..."

(The boy is awake, and at least partially coherent, but obviously struggling to speak and unable to maintain focus well)

2012-01-29, 04:51 PM
Ser Edwyn Maidenyway

Boys are always so quick to draw their swords... More discipline is required, I believe. Ser Edwyn thinks to himself as he stares coldly down at the bodies and the unfortunate lad about to meet The Stranger.

He knows that he can do little to help the boy's treatment, as his knowledge of the healing arts is limited to bandaging minor cuts and salving bruises.

Instead, he tries to keep an eye out for an trouble. But again his thoughts wander and distract him from his watch. This was a harsh, unforgiving world, and these supposedly armed and trained men had fallen prey.

Awareness: 10 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3349507/) (Awareness 3, Haunted -1D)

2012-01-29, 06:33 PM
As Lance sets to work, Owain follows the instructions he's given, which most involves the simple application of pressure and holding clothing out of the way so Lance can get to the wounds.

As he comes to, Owain leans over the boy and holds his gaze. At first he seems confused, barely aware that the knight is there; but after a few moments his eyes focus and he seems a little more aware.

"He hasn't made it, but we'll do our best for you. Just let us know who did this; what happened to you. Do that and we'll make sure whoever did this faces the King's justice."

2012-01-30, 07:48 AM
The boy looks at Owain, and attempts to speak. "Ser Tyman... they're both dead, aren't they... bandits... cowards, ambushed from the trees... Ser Tyman took an arrow before we even saw them... four, five men, happened so fast... we were going to the tourney... I've never seen a tourney..."

With this last, the boy breathes out, and the light goes out of his eyes.

2012-01-30, 10:43 AM
Sain sighs as he watches the life leave the young boy. That someone would kill one as young as him is as large a crime as one could commit. He turns his horse to face the men guarding the carriage. "Shields out and watch out for archers in the trees." he says and turns to his father. "Father, those responsible for this should be hunted down and made to pay for their crimes. I fear if we do not do something others will fall to the same fate as these three, and that is something I cannot stomach." he says, his face a mask of stone, hiding the anger he felt just beneath.

2012-01-30, 10:47 AM
Ser Edwyn Maidenway

"So that...is that..." Ser Edwyn says with a sigh. He returns to his Rounsey and mounts. He draws his shield along with the others. Best to be prepared now.

He doesn't respond to Sain's request, but merely nods in agreement, but not to anyone in particular.

2012-01-30, 10:52 AM
Closing the boy's eyes, Lance rises, turn to Elric and says Old friend, we cannot do anything more for them. I suggest we move on. his eyes facing the ground.

Knowledge Education on Ser Tyman.

2012-01-30, 12:07 PM
Aeryn whispers a small prayer for the boy, “May the gods welcome you with open arms. Your murderers will soon follow.”

His fingers flexed, gripping the pommel of his sword more tightly. Sain spoke the exact words Aeryn bore in his heart. He was glad that he would be the Lord of Ramshold one day.

“I’m with you, Sain.”

2012-01-30, 04:07 PM
As the boy dies, Owain feels a sudden flash of anger towards Lance for letting the boy die. He holds his tongue and after a few moments the emotion ebbs as he reminds himself the man did all he could.

With one hand he reaches out and closes the boy's eyes, something he's never done before. He expects it to be hard, but they brush shut with no resistance

"The people who did this should pay, there's no doubt of that, but I don't like mother and the children waiting in the cart. If one of you can find a trail or a sign of where they went, perhaps father will let us go after them while mother is escorted to the inn, but otherwise I can't see any wisdom in wandering around the wood."

"It might even be the brigands went to the inn to spend their coin on drink."

2012-01-30, 04:09 PM
Ser Edwyn Maidenway

"Lord Owain speaks true. No matter how feelings of justice, dividing our party may be exactly what these fiends wish... They could handle these men, but may balk at facing our entire party." Ser Edwyn pipes up.

2012-01-30, 11:22 PM
Sain looks to his younger brother and Ser Edwyn. "Alright, let us continue as planned to the inn. I will question the folk there to gather any knowledge of the victims and the perpetrators of the crime we have stumbled upon here." he says as he slides Mountainsong back into its sheath. "I aim to bring these brigands to justice." he finishes, with a look that showed he would not change his mind.

2012-01-31, 10:58 AM
Elric watches as the boy speaks, then passes, then turns to the others. "I agree. This should not go unpunished. When we arrive at the inn, you should ask about and attempt to discover information about these bandits. If this is not an isolated incident, surely someone knows something. I will entrust you all with this task, as I fear that people will not speak as willingly to a named Lord in their presence."

With this, he signals the other men to begin to form up on the road again.

2012-01-31, 11:00 AM
I'll give this a couple of hours in case anyone has anything else, and before I leave after lunch, I'll post the intro to the inn and the description of the area and characters there so that you all can get your men settled in, ask questions, get rooms, etc

2012-01-31, 04:12 PM
Feeling like something of a vulture, Owain picks over the bodies of the dead men.

"There could be something left on the body that would help," he says, feeling like he's forced to explain himself. "Bandits would have taken any gold, but assuming they're illiterate smallfolk then they could have overlooked some message or scrap of writing that will let us know who these people are. Even a small coat of arms to let us know who they served."

The main thought occurring to him as he searches is that if they don't find out who these dead people are, their relatives would never find out what happened to them. It will seem as if they simply disappeared.

2012-01-31, 09:04 PM
The death of this innocent boy hit Damon hard. He could only imagine the excitement flowing through the boy as he and his companions made their way to the highly anticipated event in King's Landing. But, unlike his brothers, his initial reaction was not justice. Now more than ever, Damon wanted to be in King's Landing with his family and their company where he would be able to keep a closer watch over his siblings and mother. Despite his internal feelings, he knew he had to go with the others after the murderers. "Yes. Let's be quick to bring justice to the monsters who did this. There will be many more innocent travelers making their way to the capital in the coming days."

Damon took one last lingering look at the boy's youthful face and stood up. He immediately mounted his courser, always feeling safer on the back of a horse. "It would be a shame to leave their bodies in this ditch. Perhaps the rest of the company can take them to King's Landing to see that they get the respect they deserve."

2012-02-01, 11:02 PM
Someone let me know how you're disposing of the bodies, whether you stopped to bury them, or left them, or what, just for the info, but i'm moving along.

The rest of the evening's journey is uneventful. Arriving at the crossroads with the Kingsroad, you see the creatively named 'Crossroads Inn' ahead, as the sun fades beyond the horizon.

The stableboy outside accepts the reins of horses.

(Assuming any PCs enter the inn)

You are hailed by an elderly woman as you step through the door, who you can assume is the inkeep. "My name is Masha. If you'll step in here out of the weather, Sers, we can get you fixed up with some rooms, and perhaps a meal, if you'd like. I fear we may not have enough rooms for your entire company, however, it looked like a fair few riding up."

You see a few patrons about the room, at the bar and tables, and an Awareness check could reveal any specifically interesting details.

2012-02-02, 12:15 AM
Ser Aeryn made his way into the inn. Right now he wasn’t interested in the comfort of a bed or the feeling of food and ale warming his belly. Justice needed to be wrought and he felt he was the man to do it. He glanced about the room once before having a word with the innkeep.

Awareness to scope out the room: [roll0]

“Thank you for the hospitality, Masha, but there is wickedness afoot near your inn. Our party discovered knights and a squire murdered by thugs out on the road to here. I would welcome any information you may have heard of these brigands, so that the men of House Eastfall might bring them the King’s justice.”

There’s a spark in his eyes. To Aeryn, it’s about more than justice and bravery. It’s about excellence. And any true knight would root out this kind of evil wherever he found it.

2012-02-02, 08:45 AM
Rather than go inside with the others, Owain takes his time stabling his horse and getting the mud out of its hooves with a pick. Then once the rest of the group has gone, he takes the opportunity to corner the stableboy.

If he's lucky, a young lad who's kept his eyes and ears open could be just the person to ask about any strangers.

"You're taking good care of that horse," he says, gesturing to the horse the boy is rubbing down. "I was wondering if you've seen anyone else coming from our direction recently. Probably all men who look a bit rough, at least a couple of them wearing armour that's a bit dented but better than you'd expect them to have. There's a chance one or two of them might have hurt themselves."

"Does that remind you of anyone?" Owain asks, giving his coin purse a single pat to make it clear that there might be coin for him in this.

2012-02-02, 08:59 AM
Lance steps into the warm interior of the inn. Blinking he takes in the homely aura of the inn. He walks up to Masha and say's

Thank you Maam for your kind hospitality.

2012-02-02, 10:31 AM
Sain enters the inn, savoring the tranistion from cold and rainy roads to the warm and dry inn. He takes a look around at the various patrons, looking for the sort that would know who committed the murders along the road. He strides up next to Aeryn, and hands the innkeeper the amount of coin required for his family and friends rooms.

"Thank you for the warm welcomes Masha, this should cover the rooms we need. I'm sure the rest of our troop will make due with their tents if there is not enough commodations here." he says, somewhat warmly, but quickly changes his tone. "However, what Ser Aeryn says is correct - there are foul deeds being committed by foul criminals along the road. We aim to root them out before we make our way to King's Landing. Any information you can provide, or if you could point us to someone who could help, would be most appreciated." he says sternly.


2012-02-02, 10:44 AM
Ser Edwyn Maidenway

Ser Edwyn is his usual brooding self the rest of the trip to the inn. He can't help but be infuriated with the alacrity that his boys enter the inn, ignoring his appeal for training to their father.

Well, that's all well and good, but he's going to make sure they answer for it next time they meet in the yard.

His only display of this emotion is a small shake of his head. Instead, he dismounts from his horse and slips a few coppers into the hands of the stableboys before entering the inn. He stays near Lord Elric.

"Long travels used to be no difficulty to me, my lord. Where has our youthly vigor gone?" He says with a half smile. "Do you have any orders for me?"

Edwyn also takes a moment to gaze about the room at the other occupants.

[roll0]-1D = 10

2012-02-02, 07:45 PM
Entering the inn with the others, Damon stops at the entrance while a few of the others go to speak with the innkeep. Running a hand through his wet hair, he takes this time to look around the inn. He takes note of any suspicious persons and the layout of the room; it couldn't hurt to have a good grasp of his surroundings in case they ran into any trouble. Subtlety fingering the dagger hanging at his waist, Damon makes his over to one of the tables by the fire. He sits down next to a few of the other patrons, enjoying the refreshing warmth of the fire. "What's the occasion, boys?"

Awareness Check: [roll0]

2012-02-02, 08:54 PM
The Awareness Checks:

They (above three) reveal, in particular, that there is one strange man in a corner by the fire, a sellsword, perhaps, by the look, who is hacking and coughing into his sleeve. Additionally, there is a beautiful serving girl among the three waiting tables and the bar who seems a bit... out of place, but you can't quite place why.


One of the men at the table turns to you, an extremely pale fellow with dirty grey hair and a beret-like hat, and says "Bah, we need an occasion?" he smiles. "Are you men travelling to the tourney, ser?" he asks.


The stableboy looks a bit abashed at being made to speak. "Well, ser, I suppose a lot of people come through here... but not really anything like what you're speaking of. Are you looking for something in particular, ser?"

Lord Elric, the others, and the Innkeep:

Elric asks that his sons and the knights handle accommodations, and questions regarding the incident on the road, while he sees the ladies to their rooms. "Come get me at once if there is anything that you feel needs reported. Otherwise, I suspect we shall convene at dawn to decide where our course should lie, and if we have any further information on these brigands."

The inkeep shakes her head in response to the questions. "I can't say, sers, that I know anything about any bandits. Although, I've heard rumors that these roads have been dangerous to travel this season, I can't say that I've heard anything for certain, like what yer sayin now. Do you know who you're lookin for, or anythin about em?"
The telltale stained red teeth of the sourleaf chewer flash disgustingly at the party as she speaks, and she smiles helpfully as she finishes her entirely unhelpful response.

2012-02-02, 09:28 PM
"You're right; who needs an occasion? I'll drink to that!" says Damon with a friendly smile. He beckons to the pretty serving girl. "As for the tourney, I intend to win the thing myself!" he says, only half joking. "Hey - while we're on the subject, have you heard any news of the road ahead? We're traveling with some of the family, so it'd be good to know what to expect."

After beckoning to the girl, Damon continues to watch her movements as she takes the requests of some of the other patrons. He makes prolonged eye contact with her, his mouth curling into a mischievous smirk that he knew women loved.

I'm not sure if I can make a persuasion test in the form of Charm/Seduce at this point, across a room, or if I need to wait for her to approach. If it's okay I'll roll one now to represent Damon taking advantage of his Attractive benefit.


2012-02-02, 10:08 PM
Aeryn furrowed his brows. Damn. He should have known it wouldn't have been so easy. If only any of them were good trackers… or had hunting hounds. Bah. He shakes his head. Before he moves on to other things, he catches sight of the lovely bar maid. He gives her a small smile and a small word of greeting as she passes by. “My lady.”

However, he’s not out to chase women… at least not today.

He also takes note of the sellsword. Wretched.

“Ser Edwyn. I haven’t forgotten about our training.”

2012-02-02, 10:32 PM
Ser Edwyn Maidenway

Edwyn nods toward Aeryn and raises a hand to rest on his shoulder. "You will make a strong name for yourself. Even when you are my age, you will never lose the need for training. Time and your own body will betray you, one day, and you will only have your skills and knowledge to carry you the rest of the way."

Edwyn quickly makes accommodations for a room for the night. Upon doing so he turns back to Aeryn. "I am weary. I will head upstairs to my room and get this armor off. Then I will find the time to enjoy a stout ale. I suppose training can indeed wait for tonight. It's already been a hard day."

Edwyn leaves to do just that, heading up to his room he strips off his plate and mail, leaving it in a neat pile by the door. He leaves on his soft leather jerkin. Typically it serves as padding for his heavier armor, but can also serve as a small degree of protection. He takes some time to wash his face and hand in a water basin. When he returns to the common room he still has his Bastard Sword slung across his back and a dagger shoved firmly in a boot scabbard, but is otherwise unarmed. He did make sure that the latch to his room was securely locked.

He takes a seat at an empty and beckons for Aeryn to join. He orders two ales from the barmaid and sits silently. If Aeryn joins him he will speak, otherwise he will drink in silence.

2012-02-02, 10:37 PM
For anyone who's new at this PbP roleplaying bit, this is an example, in my opinion, of excellent form as far as instigating interaction between PCs:

He takes a seat at an empty and beckons for Aeryn to join. He orders two ales from the barmaid and sits silently. If Aeryn joins him he will speak, otherwise he will drink in silence.
He says what he'd like to do, interacts with another PC, and then notes what he will do if they choose not to go along with him. As opposed to saying "When Aeryn joins him, he says, "..." etc. People often do the latter, and force each other into things.

Just a side note; carry on!

2012-02-02, 10:54 PM
Aeryn listens to Edwyn’s words and gives him a small nod of thanks. Although Aeryn was one of the smallfolk, he was raised alongside Lord Elric’s sons. Thus, he received fine training. There were few warriors as talented as Ser Edwyn. And it was only because of his tutelage that Aeryn’s own talent was nurtured to that same level. For that, Ser Edwyn (regardless of who he served in days long past) would always have Aeryn’s respect and admiration.

“Very well. A nice drink would shake the chill from our bones.”

Aeryn made arrangements for his room and went up to put away his own armor. Like Ser Edwyn, he emerged wearing soft leather armor, though it looked much more like casual travelers attire. Aeryn never was one for excessive aesthetics.

He found Ser Edwyn when he returned and sat with the older man, making sure there was room for Sain as well, if he wished to join.

He thought of what to speak about. The two subjects on his mind were bandits he didn’t know anything about and a tournament. He was hesitant to speak of the tournament, as Ser Edwyn would chastise him for being a Summer child. Still…

“I must admit, I’ve never actually been to King’s Landing. This is my first time. I hear it’s a pit of vipers.”

2012-02-02, 11:02 PM
Ser Edwyn Maidenway

Ser Edwyn stares ahead into nothingness for a few moments after Aeryn speaks of Kings Landing. He nods soberly and takes a drink. "Not every man fights with their blades. The wealthiest and most successful men fight more with their wits. But those men are the easiest to corrupt and are the most grasping for power. They are drawn to centers of wealth and power. You see them at Lannisport, you see them at White Harbor, and most of all you see them in Kings Landing."

He sighs. He doesn't want to scar the boy before him too much. He's a good lad, and looking to be a fine man one day.

He looks Aeryn straight in the eyes. "Just... keep to your values, lad, the values of our noble lord, and you will fare well."

Another drink. "I can see in your eyes that most of your thought is toward the coming tourney. There is no shame in that. Past the pomp and circumstance that fine ladies and lordlings entertain themselves with, it is a good opportunity to get to know your peers. Annointed knights, hedge knights, squires, any fighting man worth two stags rubbed together will be there. Learn from them, learn about them. You may find yourself on the opposite end of the field one day."

2012-02-03, 12:06 AM
Keep to your values. That’s something Aeryn can do. Serve House Eastfall faithfully and with honor. Don’t lower yourself to the depths of the vipers. Aeryn maintained eye contact with Ser Edwyn and gave him a short nod. Conviction shined in his eyes.

It didn’t sound like a place he’d stay for very long.

As for the tournament... he didn’t care for the pomp. He did care for the glory however. Not for the sake of fame or riches, but to achieve those heights and know that he has accomplished something.

“You'll mock me for saying this, but I want to face the best of them. For myself, yes… but also for all of us. These high-born men and women, even in the Vale, look at us with contempt sometimes. I want them to remember the day when men from that ‘lower House’ stood tall among a field of bloody, yielding noblemen.”

2012-02-03, 01:31 AM
Well, just don't get too uppity. There are people there who prize their public image highly and upon being beaten and insulted by a child will find ways to make him vanish.

2012-02-03, 08:34 AM
Ser Edwyn Maidenway

Edwyn turns his head up toward Lance. "Lance, old man, I didn't see you come up. Please, join us." He says, kicking a chair out from the table.

He turns his attention back to Aeryn. "Unfortunately, Lance is right. To the Highborn, their image and reputation is everything. It's... it's... well, you lose that... and you lose everything."

Edwyn goes silent again, his face darkens.

2012-02-03, 11:56 AM
Sain heads up to his room after Masha failed to give them any useful information. Stripping off his plate armor, he laid it down neatly on the floor near the bed, and using a cloth dried each piece to avoid rust. Shaking out his arms to combat travel fatigue, he quickly washed up and changed into his more comfortable leathers. Making sure to keep Mountainsong strapped to his back, and locking the door behind him, he headed downstairs to rejoin the rest of his companions.

He orders a drink from the bar and after receiving it notes his twin had that look in his eye for the attractive barmaid, and deciding to leave him to his activities pulls out a chair and joins Ser Aeryn, Ser Edwyn and Maester Lance. "Fellows, I fear we have naught much information to go on of the criminals we seek, would that we did I would be out there right now hunting them down." he says and takes a long swig of his drink and listens to the conversation between the two knights and maester, one his closest friend, and the other two his mentors, albeit in different areas of expertise. "Both your viewpoints are valid, which is why I feel we must struggle to find the middle road. Making the established noble houses fear and respect us in equal amounts, to give them many reasons to think twice about striking at us. Victory at the tourney must be tempered with humility - our winning will do us no good if we earn the ire of the defeated. It is a slow road to the top, and we mustn't overplay our hand."

Sain begins to scan the room again, wondering if his twin or younger brother managed to get any info. His stomach was in knots having to sit in this bar while the criminals were out there free to prey on others along the road. He found himself watching the coughing sellsword by the fire. Perhaps he knew, or maybe was even involved, with the criminals. Sellswords would do anything if the coin was right, perhaps they could buy some information from him. Sain found himself clenching his fists tightly, and told himself to relax.

2012-02-03, 12:13 PM
Aeryn gave deference to the older men. “Yes, Maester, Ser Edwyn. I will endeavor not to be a braggart. Still, I intend to win.”

Sain came and joined them. His words spoke for the both of them in regards to the bandits. However, the leads were not presenting themselves clearly. But… Sain was looking at the sellsword. Aeryn could see what Sain was thinking.

“Brother, let’s go have a discussion with this,” the typical word he’d say would be ‘wretch’ or ‘knave,’ “… man.”

Aeryn left his drink and stood up. If one of the group came with him, he would approach the sellsword at the same time. If one didn’t, Aeryn would go by himself.

2012-02-04, 01:26 PM
The sellsword raises his dark eyes to meet Aeryn's as he approaches. With another hacking cough, he speaks, "What do you want?" In a tone that displays all but open hostility.

2012-02-04, 01:48 PM
Sain nods at Aeryn, thankful that his friend shares his desire for justice. He follows his friend to the sellsword, adding his imposing presence to Ser Aeryn's already considerable countenance.

"On our way here, we came across some bodies - murdered and stripped of their belongings. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?" Sain asks the man, voice bordering on accusatory and his face showing no emotion, hand ready to go to his sword if he tried anything hostile.

2012-02-04, 03:20 PM
"No. I wouldn't. I've been here, sick, for days now. You accusing me of something?" The man says, giving the same insolent gaze to this new man approaching him.

2012-02-05, 12:39 AM
“Sellsword to brigand isn’t a large leap. But, since you’ve been here for a few days—maybe you’ve heard something.” His blue eyes narrow at the man. The fingers on his right hand flexed. If the man made any move towards Sain, Aeryn would make sure he regretted it.

“Two knights and their squire. The squire, a boy, was stabbed in the belly and left to die slowly,” he says, giving out the horrid details to try and rattle the man—elicit either guilt or shake him into saying anything he knows.

However, it could all be a dead-end. Still… worth a try.

2012-02-05, 03:29 PM
The man's eyes flick between the two standing at his table, and then he responds: "A boy, eh? Sounds... unfortunate. I don't know what quarrel anyone would have with a kid..." he mutters, with a bit of a troubled look.

"Anyway, I don't know anything about that. Like I said, been here. Sick."

At this point, the pretty barmaid approaches Ser Edwyn and the Maester at their table. "Need a drink, or a bite to eat, sers? Where are you headed, the tourney? I hear it's to be grand." She says, all the while her eyes flicking over to the knights speaking with the sellsword.

2012-02-05, 04:06 PM
“Collateral damage. The knights and their coin and gear were the most likely targets. And then the boy is murdered to keep anyone from talking.”

Aeryn leaned in a bit closer, his blue eyes sharp as steel.

“You hesitated… I think you might know something. Best speak up before I make assumptions.“

First, awareness for empathy. [roll0]
Then, Intimidate. [roll1] - Total = 10 (1 was a bonus die)

2012-02-06, 04:43 AM
"Just some possible trouble on the High Road to the Vale. My father is Lord of the Bloody Gate, so though we don't control the road we still like to make sure there's no trouble. If you see or remember seeing anyone coming from that direction who looks like they've been in a fight, or with some armour for sale, then find me and you'll have more of these," he says, pressing a silver stag into the stableboy's hands.

Perhaps it will do some good. More likely he's just wasted coin on nothing, but then he's sure that the boy will appreciate it. Heading into the Inn proper Owain is surprised to see the group split between two tables, his brother talking to a hardened looking man. His brother can be awfully competitive, so comparing sword lengths perhaps?

Walking over to the table, Owain lurks behind his brother to find out exactly what's going on.

2012-02-06, 10:39 AM
Ser Edwyn Maidenway

Edwyn turns his gaze upward to the young barmaid. Her smile stirs him slightly, but he does not let it show. Let the pretty one be laid waste by one of the boys. He only prays to the Mother that they don't put a bastard in her belly.

"More ale," Edwyn croaks. "And whatever's hot." he says, drubbing out four silver stags and tossing them to the girl. "Keep it coming until I say stop, then you keep whatever's left. Everytime you come back, I'll tell you about the tourney..."

Yes, let the boys try their luck with her. If he can keep this girl distracted, maybe they can focus more on the days ahead and less upon what she looks like outside of her dress.

He turns back to Lance and resumes their conversation.

2012-02-06, 10:34 PM
"Thank you, ser" the barmaid says, with twinkling, mischievous eyes, as she scoops up the coin and saunters off to the next table (Damon's) on her way back to the kitchens.

She looks at Damon. "And for you, good ser? A drink, perhaps?"


The sellsword is a bit difficult to read (you still get the impression that he's hiding something, though), but he seems a bit shaken by your veiled threats, and responds in the manner he knows best.
"Was that a threat? I don't believe that you've got the right to come in here accusing a sick man of misdeeds merely because you're the uppity knight of some pitiful house. Noble don't make you that much better a man than I, just fancier clothes. And it don't give you the right to accuse me, for sure!" he says, clenching fists as they lay upon the table.

2012-02-07, 01:47 AM
His fists clenched when the sellsword uttered the words “pitiful house.” In fact, Aeryn might have hauled off and punched the man had he not been sick.

“No. The fact that I don’t sell my sword to the highest bidder is what makes me a better man than you. Nor am I making accusations. What I do know… is that you’re trying very hard to keep something a secret. If you had a clean conscience, that wouldn’t be the case.”

He never raises his voice, but his bearing and stature are enough.

2012-02-07, 10:42 AM
"Listen." Sain says to the sellsword, "You seem of the sort who would know of doings like this. Just tell us what we want to know, and then we let you get back to whatever it is you're doing. Perhaps if what you tell us is good enough, I'll tell our Maester to take a look at that nasty cough." His eyes briefly show a flash of anger at the sellswords slight against House Eastfall, but the burden of finding these criminals outweighs having to tell Lance to use his healing knowledge on this poor excuse for a man.

Don't know if a roll is applicable here, but why the hell not, go dice!

2012-02-07, 08:38 PM
"A drink sounds lovely, but it would be all the more lovely if you'd take a moment and have one with me." He knew the line was cheesy, but women sometimes found such attempts to be endearing.

Do I know if my Charm roll of 13 had an effect on her? Should I reroll now that we're talking?

2012-02-08, 06:38 AM
After watching the conversation for a few moments, Owain thinks he gets the general gist of what has happened. Leaving his brothers to their own devices, he joins Lance and Edwyn at their table.

"Found anything useful? And what's all that about," he asks, jerking a thumb over his shoulder to indicate his siblings arguing with the sellsword.

2012-02-08, 10:46 AM
Ser Edwyn Maidenway

Edwyn shrugs. "A misguided sense of justice? I've half a mind to scold them for accosting the first stranger they meet, but I really can't blame them for being paranoid after what we've seen on the road. Me...the solution is simple."

He calls to the pretty girl. "Another ale!"

2012-02-08, 11:17 AM
An ale for me too lance say's raising his hand.

2012-02-09, 11:25 AM
The sellsword smirks at the offer of healing "I think I'll be fine."
(Incidentally, anyone with a heal ability who is here or watching, out of curiousity, may make a diagnose check if interested, which is a bit difficult of course without close inspection, but for this purpose, it's ok)

The barmaid smiles at the attempt. "I think they'd have my head if I stopped for a drink, ser. And I don't have the slightest clue what someone like you would want with someone like me."
She frowns again at the display in the corner. "Are those your friends arguing with that man in the corner? He creeps me out. He's been here a few days now, always brooding, and sneaking around."

2012-02-10, 08:49 AM
Owain was going to pretty much let the matter of the murders lay to rest. He wasn't a guard and anyone with half a brain would have gotten as far away from here as he could. He'd tried to figure it out, failed and for him that would have been enough

Despite this, cut-throats aren't renowned for their common sense and if the barmaid is volunteering to talk about his brothers' suspect then he figures he might as well enquire.

"Yes, they're with us. To tell you the truth, we suspect he's broken the King's Laws."

"Tell me, is he here constantly or has he gone other places for any length of time. Have you seen him with anyone else or doing anything suspicious? I mean you did say he was sneaking around, so that seems fairly suspicious to me."

2012-02-12, 10:21 AM
The barmaid looks over at Owain (I was thinking you were at separate tables from Damon, but she's going to say this to whoever was talking with her for the sakes of moving ahead :D )

"Well," she says in a conspiratorial voice, "I think that he's faking at being sick. He's only coughing and sniveling when people are watching, and he goes out in the middle of the night in the cold rain about every night that he's been here. Who tramps around in the rain at night when they're sick? The rest of the time, he just sits here and watches people."

2012-02-13, 05:45 PM
Sain gives the sellsword a cold look. "Have it your way." he says curtly and motions to Aeryn to follow him back to the table they were seated at. He sits down, somewhat dejected, and mulls over the next steps while nursing his ale.

sorry about the long delay in my posting, had a some family business to take care of.

2012-02-13, 06:26 PM
"Thanks," says Owain, "That's a great help."

Moving closer to Sain, he pats his brother on the shoulder.

"I was going to give up on the murder of those men," he says in a low voice so he's not overheard, "But some information fell into my lap - though I would have preferred it if the person giving me the info had fallen into my lap. The sellsword you were speaking to goes off walking outside in the middle of the night."

"What say you, fancy joining me for a midnight stroll of our own?"

2012-02-13, 07:25 PM
Prior to Sain practically dragging Aeryn off, Aeryn leans down towards the sellsword with a furious look in his blue eyes.

“Be glad you're sick..."

A healthy man would have had his face smashed into the table for such attitude towards Sain.

He then walked with Sain back to where he was sitting. He was fuming, but containing it with a draught of ale. Then Owain came and made the world better again.

“..A stroll sounds nice.”

And a beating at the end of it sounds even better.

2012-02-14, 07:51 AM
"Then it's settled," he says before breaking off speaking to have a sip from his tankard.

"Following a man without him knowing in the dark of night is no easy feat though, or at least I imagine it isn't as I've never tried it myself. Harder still if we're going armoured and ready for a fight."

"We need someone who can follow tracks. Lance, perhaps you? If not, we might look at seeing if there's an experienced woodsman or hunter we can hire."

2012-02-14, 08:24 AM
Lance says, My tracking skills are mediocre at best. Raising his hands in mock surrender.

2012-02-14, 10:39 AM
Sain nods at his little brother. "Very interesting Owain...I must say I feared we wouldn't have anything to go on, but you came through with some excellent information. This changes things." he says, letting a small smile briefly slip through his normally stoic face. Listening to the talk of tracking, Sain knows that he is also not very skilled in that field. "I think we either have to find someone to help us, or we just go and do it ourselves regardless. We must act on this information."

2012-02-14, 12:08 PM
While the barmaid's information about the sellsword was useful, there still seemed to be something off about the girl. Owain had returned to the others, probably sharing what she had told them. "What's your name anyways? And do you work through the night or do you get some time off?"

2012-02-14, 08:42 PM
"Oh, I get time off. Tonight my shift is closing the bar, though, so I'll be here until we can get the drinkers out or to rooms, then I clean up and leave the common room for the night barkeep, who basically just watches the place."

You all decide what else you need to do, if anything, before your stroll, and how you want to go about it; then we can skip to that, once you're ready. Take your time if you've got other things to do / RP though.

2012-02-22, 05:51 PM
Night has fallen, and the inn grows quiet. A man who you have not seen before, if anyone is watching, comes in and sits behind the bar, absentmindedly polishing glasses and arranging items on shelves. The sellsword is back at his table in the corner again.

What's the plan? Where are you all, and what're you doing / going to do (when he leaves).

Sorry, I for some reason had just waited on someone to post since I was the last IC post, and it's been really hectic, so I've mostly just looked for updates to my gitp threads. I didn't even realize that we'd already said time skip in OOC.
My fault entirely, next time just nudge me please, I get the thread updates every day, usually.

2012-02-23, 07:14 PM
Sitting at his table, Owain forces himself to look engaged, happy and talkative. In truth he wants to drain his drink, stop this charade and go to sleep; but he's committed to this venture now.

Instead he carries on the pretence of happily drinking the night away, while actually only takes tiny sips to stay sober, and talks to his brothers while keeping one eye on the sellsword.

2012-02-24, 10:28 AM
Sain watches the new man come in and begin doing busywork behind the bar. Must be another bartender. he thinks, paying him no mind. Sain continues to watch the sellsword out of the corner of his eye, waiting for him to make his move. He barely touches his ale, not in any mood to drink.

well I think the plan is to try and follow the sellsword when he leaves, and try to be sneaky about it. Hopefully he leads us right to the bandits and doesn't spot us! Unless someone has a better idea!

2012-02-24, 12:58 PM
Aeryn sits with Sain and the others, remaining quiet. He plans to try and sneak along with the others to where this man is going. He doesn't know how useful he'll be at sneaking, but someone has to watch out for them.

2012-02-25, 01:16 AM
Realizing that the few people left in the bar are simply not going to disperse to bed, the sellsword shuffles to his feet, throwing up the hood of his cloak, and opens the door, striding out into the sheeting night rain.

2012-02-25, 01:50 AM
Lance yawns and say's Well, we should go to our rooms now, It's late and we should start early tommorow. Would'nt want to miss the tornumant now would you? He drains his only glass and goes to his room.

ooc:Sorry, did'nt expect the overload of homework.

2012-02-27, 11:18 AM
Sain watches the sellsword throw his hood up and walk out of the inn. As soon as he is gone, Sain stands up and looks to the rest of the group. "Come with me if you want, or go to sleep. I am going to see what that man is up to." he says matter-of-factly and heads out into the rain after the man.

2012-02-27, 11:20 AM
"I'm coming with you," says Damon, following his brother outside.

2012-02-27, 11:53 AM
Aeryn stands wordlessly and walks out into the cold night with Sain and the other two. He isn't wearing his heavier armor at the moment, just his soft leathers. He didn't want to be slowed down too much in case he needed to chase down this man.

2012-02-27, 02:58 PM
"You're an old woman Lance", says Owain as the man slinks off to bed. "Don't let the snarks wake you."

Feeling adventurous, Owain joins those heading out to follow the sellsword but makes sure to stay a dozen paces behind them, not trusting himself to be silent while possibly traipsing through the woods in the dark.

2012-02-27, 04:03 PM
Ser Edwyn Maidenway

His head swims from the ale, and he scowls at the boys. "Damn fools are going to get themselves killed" he mutters. He pulls away from the table and follows them outside. He is also not ideally suited for battle. But this is a loan sellsword, and he still has his skills with a blade.

2012-02-28, 08:10 AM
As the group exits the building (Make awareness checks for more, and whatever sneakiness you're doing) you see the sellsword hiking up the road away from the Crossroads Inn. He has abandoned his hunched over look, and is walking quickly, and glancing fervently around him.

2012-02-28, 12:47 PM
Ser Edwyn Maidenway

"Focus, damn you, focus..." Ser Edwyn mutters to himself. He brings up the rear, with his blade sheathed. He was never particularly talented at hiding and sneaking, so did not wish to alarm their quarry.

Awareness Roll:

Dropping the 1 for a total of 8

2012-02-29, 12:46 PM
Since everyone seems to be equally inept at sneaking, Aeryn doesn't hang back completely. However, he does give the sellsword plenty of space in front to minimize the chances of being spotted. Thankfully they do this under cover of darkness.

Awareness [roll0]
Stealth [roll1]

2012-03-01, 05:34 PM
As you head down the road, the sellsword up ahead leaves the road and down the slight hill to the edge of the woods.


Anyone above this awareness notices that a small figure, probably a child, is standing in the shadows behind a tree that the man approaches.

The man leans against a tree with his back to the group. He appears to be conversing with someone that is out of sight in the shadows.

You may try to confront him, approach silently, or listen in on what is going on, or whatever else you might think of.

2012-03-01, 11:22 PM
Sain stays close to Aeryn, keeping an eye out for the sellsword and trying to be as stealthy as possible. If he notices the sellsword, he motions for everyone to hold up and listen for a moment to try and find out as much as he can from their meeting.


2012-03-02, 02:57 PM
Aeryn quietly whispered to Sain,

"He's speaking to... a child. I'm uncertain what's happening. If we go for him, someone needs to catch the child, or else we'll never have a full account of what is happening."

2012-03-04, 10:44 AM
Those of you who have eyes on the boy see him nodding in understanding, and beginning to turn to leave; if you are going to make a move, it must be quickly.

The sellsword grabs the boys arm before he leaves, and begins to speak again. It looks almost as though he is trying to explain something or emphasize a point.

2012-03-12, 09:57 AM
Sain looks to his youngest brother. "Owain, follow that boy and when you're far enough away find out what he's up to. I have a feeling he's being used by this sellsword. We'll need his info." he says, then turns to the rest. "Alright, shall we wait and see what this scum is going to do, or do we take him out now?" posing a quick question, but hand going to Mountainsong, ready for a fight.

2012-03-23, 08:06 PM
In the same manner that one puts down a dying horse, I think I'm just going to call this over... I keep waiting for responses and they never come. Easier to just stop checking it, IMO.

Let me know if anyone disagrees...

And, If anyone ever needs a player and/or DM in the future feel free to message me.

2012-04-10, 01:36 PM
Whichever of the party is following the boy should at this time decide whether they'd like to follow him to his destination, or stop him and question him in the woods. Either way, a move silently check would be warranted. Post and tell me intentions/roll.

Anyone who's going to intercept the sellsword before he goes back into the inn, roll anything you'd like (if you're hiding, etc) and let me know of that as well.

2012-04-13, 12:29 AM
Lance turns in his bed. Unable to sleep, he exit's his room and goes down to the hall, where he see's the sellsword strangely missing. Sitting down he wait's patiently for him to enter.

2012-04-17, 02:42 PM
Once the kid runs off, Sain steps out of his hiding spot, brandishing Mountainsong. "Seems a strange time and place for a walk, and to be bringing children out this late. Why don't you tell us what you're really doing out here?" Sain says, threat evident in his voice.


2012-04-18, 09:56 AM
While his brothers dealt with the sellsword, Damon chose to follow the boy. He does his best to keep far enough away so that the boy can't hear him, but is careful not to lose sight of him.

Well, Stealth is not my specialty, but it's not really anyone's. I guess I'm as good as person to follow the boy as any. If he detects me, hopefully I can catch him with a superior Athletics roll. :smallbiggrin:

Move Silently Check:
Stealth [roll0]

2012-04-19, 07:05 AM
The sellsword freezes in place, eyes flicking about the scene, at Sain, to the Inn, and back down the road. He takes a step backwards.
"What do you want with me? My businesses is none of yours, and I want no trouble," he says, fumbling until he grasps his sword's hilt.

With that, you follow him through the woods. The boy makes no particular effort to be stealthy, and you are able to stay back far enough to remain unseen as you follow him. He travels through the woods almost parallel to the road, for almost a mile. However, as you approach a clearing (assuming you follow him for a while - if you didn't want to follow that far, just tell me) you realize that there is smoke ahead, perhaps from a campfire. Will you approach to investigate, return, etc?

@Lance - you hear Sain speak up just outside the inn, and perhaps a portion of the sellsword's reply from across the road. Something about a boy, and being out late.

2012-04-19, 10:33 AM
Sain's eyes flick for a moment to the sellsword's hand fumbling for his blade. Sain takes a strong step forward, Mountainsong at the ready. "Best not try that. You would be dead before steel left scabbard. What I want is the truth. You seem to be gallavanting about late at night a bit much for someone who is supposedly as sick as you say." he says, fixing his steely gaze upon the sellsword.

2012-04-19, 05:01 PM
The atmosphere here is different. It is dark, and raining off and on, and the sellsword stands alone on the road, confronted at swordpoint. There is not an inn full of people to bluster in front of, safe in the public eye, and the man is scared.

You can tell by the way his eyes flick around the scene he is gauging his ability to escape. He moves his hand carefully away from his sword, and changes his attitude from earlier.

"Ser, you must understand, I just do what I must to get by. Really, sometimes you have to do what people say, or you get hurt, you know what I mean? If I've done anything wrong, it's only because I was made to do so, you understand?"

2012-04-23, 09:28 AM
Walking out, Lance, seeing Sain and the sellsword speaks up saying, Now, now what do we have here?

2012-04-23, 03:01 PM
Seeing what appears to be a campsite, Damon pauses. He suspects that getting closer would give him a better idea as to what the boy and the sellsword are up to, but it is too risky to go alone. Careful to take notice of his surroundings, Damon makes his way back to the inn and his party to report his findings. He approaches as his brother and the others are questioning the sellsword.

2012-04-24, 02:02 PM
"I understand very well. You were used as a tool. However your hands are just as bloody as the people who hired you. I am not entirely unsympathetic, however, and if you tell us who hired you perhaps you can repent your crimes upon the Wall." says Sain. Nothing was ever easy. He may have been used by someone, but murder is still murder. Sain hears Maester Lance approach from behind.

Now, now what do we have here?

"Maester Lance, what we have here is a confessed murderer to the crime of killing those knights and squire we saw on our way to the inn. He will be telling us who hired him, in return for being allowed to take the Black, am I right?" he says, directing that last part to the sellsword. Out of the corner of his eye he sees his brother enter the clearing. "What did you find brother?"

[roll0] on the sellsword to tell us who hired him in return for being allowed to take the black instead of getting his head chopped off. :smallamused:

2012-04-24, 08:14 PM
"Hey, now... I'm not any murderer, ser, I didn't murder anyone... all I do is sit at this here inn and watch for... people." the man's eyes constantly flick between the gathering party members as he speaks.

2012-05-01, 08:18 AM
Sain gritted his teeth, he didn't have time for this nonsense. "So tell me what kind of people you were told to watch for, and who hired you to do it?" he said.

2012-05-01, 08:23 AM
Weighing his consequences, the sellsword speaks. "Ugly fella, that one. Scarred face. Dark hair, about down to here," he gestures at his own shoulder, "came by as I was stopping here and told me if I'd meet that boy at the edge of the woods every night or two, and give them information on who was travelling the road, how armed they were, and what goods they seemed to have on them, he'd send money back with the boy every couple of days. And he has. I don't know no more than that, I swear, by the Seven and on my own mother's grave!"

2012-05-02, 01:03 PM
"Well, I think there's some amount of truth to what he's saying," says Damon. "I followed the boy through the woods as far as I could risk and found the camp where he comes from. I didn't risk getting too close without back up, but I bet we'll find our criminals there." He looks at the sellsword carefully. "I believe him. I say we leave him here with a few of the men just in case and we head to the camp to check things out."

Damon turns to the sellsword to speak. He is obviously quite disgusted by the man. "If there's anything more that you know that would help us, I would appreciate you sharing."

2012-05-03, 07:22 AM
"I don't know anything else, sers, truth be told. I really don't!" he splutters

2012-05-07, 10:50 AM
Sain nods to Damon. "It will be as you say." he says, and points to two of the guard with them. "You two, stay with the sellsword. Now, lets check out that camp."

2012-05-07, 10:55 AM
Damon leads Sain and whoever else chooses to follow towards the place where he initially followed the boy to. As they approach the place where Damon had turned back, he motions to the others that they're close. Moving slowly and quietly, he moves towards the clearing to get a closer look.

Move Silently Check: [roll0]

2012-05-10, 02:41 PM
Sain follows his brother, trying to keep his boots from squelching too loudly in the wet muddy ground.
