View Full Version : Adventure of Angara IC

2012-01-26, 12:18 AM
The beginning of summer means many things to many people. For some, it means the tending of crops, or planting, maybe. For others, it means their birthday is coming up soon. But for adventurers, it means one thing, and one thing only.

Hiring season.

Everyone knows that adventurers always get hired in the early summer. Sure, you can find jobs to get you through the year, if you know what you're doing. But if you're lucky, you can lock down a solid job that'll either having you working all year, coasting on the loot you cash, or dead. And so, adventurers from all over clamour to the nearest major city, hitting up every tavern and house of local power to offer their services. You six are such adventurers. You are in the province of Ellidor in the nation of Weyard, and made your way to the largest city, Angara. Many others are headed the same way, hoping to find riches and glory. This is what you seek.

Unfortunately, you were late.

Whatever the reason may be, you got to Angara about a week late. All of the good jobs are taken, and you can barely find a farmer willing to pay a meal to kill some goblins. Disheartened, you drown your sorrows at the cheapest tavern you can find, The Squeaky Hinge. The bartender, a grizzled, scarred Half Orc named Tunk, continues to serve you this swill that looks like it should taste like Dire Rat vomit, but surprisingly tastes more like Rust Monster vomit. But it's cheap, and it gets you drunk, so you spend a day or two there, wondering what to do next.

Suddenly, in bursts a Halfling, out of breath and drenched in sweat. "Heroes! I need heroes!" Perhaps it's the constant rejection you've all felt in the past few days. Maybe you feel sorry for the poor little Halfling. Perchance you felt the tug of destiny, awakened by the arrival of this man in need. Possibly, it was that last pint that Tunk served you as he winked (at least you think it's a wink, he wears an eyepatch) telling you that this is "the good stuff". But you leap to your feet and follow the Halfing to a small carriage he has. You clamour in the back and set off west, not entirely sure where you're going, or what you're going to go when you get there.

The Halfing yells something as he drives the carriage, but being crammed with five other people into a carriage clearly designed to seat four creates a bit of a din when one goes over uneven roads. And this Halfling seems to be doing this exclusively. You hear a few words, and are able to piece the rest together with some intuition, imagination, and whatever the hell you've been drinking for a few days.

"Onwards! To adventure! To fortune! To destiny!"

2012-01-26, 02:29 AM
Standing by the bar with her trusty musket propped up against the counter beside her on the right and her stuff all packed on the other Helena contemplated the folly of taking a detour to visit Mother. Sure, it had been nice and Mother had appreciated it. But she knew time warped back home. A day could become a week without you noticing it, which was just exactly what had happened, and now she was stranded and without a job.
Well... not exactly stranded, she had enough saved from last season to keep her a year if she was just a bit careful or took a normal job. But still. If Zirak heard about it she'd never live it down.

Taking a healthy swig of the brandy that tasted like something you could dissolve a rustmonster in instead of something that it might have eaten a long time ago -she had given up on the beer quickly enough- the half-elf maid looks down to her pack with a grimace. It was getting time to leave this horrible town and stay a good distance away until next season. She'd just as soon forget this one ever ha-

As the halfling crashes into the Hinge the gunslinger perks up, draining the rest of the glass with a widening smile. "Heroes, eh? You've found one right here, goodman!" With a horrified look at the beer Tonk kept trying to push on her Helena scoops up her pack and musket and follows the halfling to the door. Calmly declining a seat in the carriage the half-elf slips her musket in a scabbard on the saddle of a sleek looking, black horse bound outside the tavern. Keeping her coat in order she mounts up quickly and rides up next to the carriage's open windows, setting a pace and distance to the wagon that lets her listen in on the conversation of the other adventurers from the Hinge. And giving them some measure of extra room and comfort.

I do hope it's all right that Helena does NOT take a seat but decides to ride instead.

A) That's why I spent a little over 100 gp on a horse to begin with. :smallwink:
B) I don't want to leave said 100+ gp behind. :smallbiggrin:

If not, then I'll have to edit my post. But I'd like a refund on the horse. :smallamused:

2012-01-26, 08:45 AM
Deigo swore silently to himself. Was it his fault that the sheriff of that last town found Deigo in his house, smoking his pipe, drinking a glass of his good ale, reading a passage from a journal of Agnar Stoneaxe, the famous dwarven dragonslayer? How could a person pass up such an opportunity to read such literature?! Before he knew it he was trussed up and thrown into jail. It was a well built jail too, taking several days to escape from. That put Deigo behind schedule which put him here, drinking this rotgut/rotmetal stuff. He was thinking about stashing some of it to disolve mechanical traps/bars when the halfling stormed in. Deigo had to blink a few times to make sure the halfling is real, and not just the drink playing tricks on him.

A fellow little person! Of course I would be gald to help one such as you! Diego gathers up his belongings and takes a seat in the carriage. He tries to make sure someone else is sitting next to the bearded human with the thing for naked gnomes and goats though, Deigo is not to sure about him yet.

2012-01-26, 11:16 AM
Luke wanted to be there on time, but he always got interruptions: helping an old lady find her cat, carriage wreckage, potty breaks, and more. He had hoped he wouldn't be too late, but someone done took his jobs in town.

Here he was in his black vest and blue pants drinking the day away. Luckily he spent only most of his money and not all of it. He really would have been bad off had he no job ands no money.

The stuff they push as drinkable was closer to poison than grog. Maybe he'd find another town... couldn't hurt. But then something incredible happens. A halfing runs in shouting and getting all emotional. He always liked them halfin', look like children but more responsible.

"You need of me? Well, isn't that a treat. I reckon, I'm your hero." Luke followed as quickly as he can, but he wasn't the only one he noticed. Soon he was stuffed into a small area in a carriage with others. Some of which smelled as bad as that stuff he drunk tasted. "I'm Luke, fellow heroes. Guess we might as well say hi as we will be stuck for the ride."

2012-01-26, 12:08 PM
Jorath was in a mean mood ever since he came into town late, the damnedest thing had happened to him on the way over. He was jumped by some bandits!

It had taken him several seconds to register the unmitigated gall of the road pirates to attack him! Jorath FangBearer, Whirlwind of the North, Holder of the Flame, Keeper of the Red Dragon! Oh did they pay, on the bright side, there purse had made his a much heavier one and he was utilizing the well earned coin in the first bar he could find.

Not really caring how he got there, he had quickly fell in love with the Rusty Hinge, the Beer was fantastic and the woman were even better! He was having the time of his life, well deep into his first keg.

Being slightly larger than the average man he was currently sitting in the taverns largest chair, even still it was a little awkward for him, his knees almost coming to the tables full height. But that hadn't stopped him, a local lady sat on his right with his arm around her and his left hand had a giant mug of the most excellent beer the barkeep was giving him.

And then his fun was to stop.

A little halfling man came running in yelling and hollering things about adventurers and the sort, several other people stood up and took the call.
Jorath found himself looking at the beer in his hand the heavyset woman on his hip. Sighing with resignation he stood, his head almost hitting a crossbeam he looked to the halfling and bellowed across the room. "Bwahaha, little man thing, you have found one! I will help you!" and with that he stomps to the door, grabs his weapon where he had left it and squeezes inside the carriage mumbling something about losing the chance to drink some of the finest beer he had ever drank.

2012-01-27, 03:47 PM
The bartender rolled his eye. He'd rolled it previously, too. Pointedly, in fact. In a none-too-subtle way. Leaving no doubt as to the fact that he had both A) rolled it, and B) rolled it at someone very specific.

"Completely naked! Can you imagine? Well, I just about burst from laughing so hard! Standing in the middle of a flock of hundreds of rampaging sheep; an island in a raging river of wool, with a banged-up gnome tucked under my arm--"

Markus paused at the clamor of the door bursting open, his attention drawn to the diminuitive figure entering the room at breakneck speeds. The eye rolled again, but this time in relief.

"Heroes! I need heroes!"

"Ah! Now, that's my cue!" He reached into his pouch and laid a generous handful of silvers on the counter. "A pleasure, Tunk. Great little place you've got here. I'd hazard I'll be back in a fortnight with a full pocket and another story to tell ya! Until then, keep an eye them sheep. Your good one, preferably! Tricky little buggers, they are. You never know what they might be hidin'. Or who! Haha!" *clang*

Markus made his way over to the sweat-soaked halfling and shook his hand vigorously in introduction. He rushed out the door excitedly, flushed with the thoughts of exploration and camraderie, then quickly sidestepped to avoid barrelling into a long-haired half-elf woman with a nasty looking firearm. "Pardon me, madam!" he apologized, stumbling backwards in the general direction of the carriage.

More sedately, he pushed his way into the carriage following a couple others, settling down next to the unoffensive-looking man with wavy black hair. Markus offered his hand to him, then to the truly hulking figure in the seat opposite--"A good day to you two gentlemen!"--and a moment later to the well groomed gnome next to him. "I apologize, three gentlemen! Almost didn't see you back there, my gnomish friend! I wouldn't want to be on unfriendly terms with my associates-to-be, stature regardless! Name's Markus. It'll be a pleasure to work with you, I'm sure. Or at least an adventure! Haha! Speaking of adventures, did you all ever hear about the one-eye'd orc? Ah, 'course ya have! Every adventurer knows that one. How about the one the one about gnome and the sheep stampede? No? Great! It all started in a small village on the outskirts of..."

"Onwards! To adventure! To fortune! To destiny!"

The carriage rattled on.

Last time with that joke, I promise. ...maybe. :smallwink:

Deducting 3gp for tip. Because everyone loves a good listener! :smallbiggrin:

Edit: Punctuation.

2012-01-27, 04:12 PM
Shaking her head in bemused amusement listens to the people in the carriage. The rattling of the wagon meant that she'd probably miss parts of the conversation, at least from her position on horseback. But the boisterous one called Markus she could make out clearly. Raising her voice to be heard above the din she says: "And I'm Helena! Helena Dalanyn! Feels good to be on the road, doesn't it?"

2012-01-29, 11:28 PM
Jorath laughs heartily at the newcomers mirth, he liked the man and was one of the many people in the tavern to listen to him as he wove the magnificent stories. He had no such talent with the tongue.

Adjusting his wolf pelt he stretched his arms upwards, having to do with keeping them half bent as his hands touched the ceiling of the carriage. He drops them one by one taking hold of his impressive weapon that he kept balanced between his knees.

"Oh I do hope we'll have something to kill, I haven't killed a man in a good few days, it's bad luck." he finishes with a grin.

2012-01-30, 08:24 AM
Diego nods his head in agreement upon hearing Helena, "Yes, it does feel ood to be on the road. That drinking establishment was beginning to bring down my spirits."

He attempts to shout up to the driver to see if he can get any information about where they are headed. Pardon me sir, but we did not get your name. Where are we headed and what do you require of us?

2012-01-30, 11:07 AM
Agreed, he didn't really elaborate much of the details. Luke says.

These are the strangest bunch he ever adventured with he thought.

2012-01-30, 03:46 PM
"That drinking establishment was beginning to bring down my spirits."

Markus slapped his knee in both mirth and cacophonous ringing. "Haha! 'Spirits!' Good one!" He savored the gnome's subtle humor in his mind for a few seconds before continuing, loud enough to be heard outside the carriage, "I've always felt the road is a welcome place for folks like us, Miss Helena. It's like when my granddad would gather us all around the hearth for a story. I'd be the first one there, sitting prim and proper as you please as everyone else gradually wandered into the room and wrestled their way into a good spot. There was that moment of anticipation that built and built as he surveyed the room, and it culminated in a long drag on his pipe that lit up his face from the burning embers, after which he'd start his story."

"It's just like that. We're all gathering in the room, getting into place, waiting for the story that we know is about to take shape. It's a pleasant anticipation of the work to come. Especially work that isn't another summer of tilling fields or pulling wagons! Let the mules do that, I say! Haha! I relish the opportunity to cut my teeth on something with a little more risk, and I've got a strong feeling..."

He glanced at the monstrous axe held between Jorath's knees.

"...that we'll be cutting more than just our teeth."

2012-01-30, 03:59 PM
"Nicely put, my new found friend! the half-elf replied with a grin, dividing her attention between the surroundings and the people in the carriage. I'm not eager to kill. But I am eager to test myself against new foes and find fame and fortune! Let's hope this venture will be both profitable, interesting and fun."

2012-01-31, 10:27 PM
The Halfling yells something at you, but over the din of the carriage, you can barely hear him. It sounds like complete gibberish. You manage to maintain conversation inside the carriage, but just barely, and not for very long. Anyone who attempts to yell at that pitch the entire trip will soon find that their voice will fail. Those of you sitting in the carriage just manage to keep down the contents of your stomach while exchanging a few screamed words occasionally.

Helena, charging alongside on her horse, manages to see where you are all going. The Hafling takes you out of the west gate of the city, and quickly turns south on what is surely a new road. A forest quickly springs up to the right of the path, and you continue on the border of it for a few hours. The Halfing begins yelling things, which luckily Helena can understand, as he is yelling in Halfling. "We're going to the Hammerfall Mining Project set up in the Demtarst Forest! There's been a problem with the local wildlife, and the Local Council has authorized me to hire some folk to clean up the place!" He winks, and sticks up his elbow a couple of times. This is his way of subtly saying "kill some kobolds or something".

You thunder along this road for some time before finally coming to a halt. The Halfling yells at you to hop out, and as you all finally jump out of the wooden crypt, and the Halfling pushes you all around a bit. Still disoriented from the ride, you all stumble around until you're standing in a line facing what appears to be a small camp. Three figures walk towards you from the encampment on the edge of the forest.

"Greetings! Welcome to Hammerfall Mining Project 184!" cries out the centre figure, who you can now see is a stout, aging Dwarf. He has an enormous grey beard braided into one enormous braid that goes past his belt. He carries a large warhammer on his back, and a prominent religious symbol on his tabard. "We're glad you finally made it! I am Rorak Greatforge, the emissary from the church."

The younger man standing to the left of Rorak speaks up. He is clearly a human, wearing simple clothes and sporting a quaterstaff on his back. "I am Julian Springwater, the consult from from the capitol."

And on the other side of the dwarf stands a tall, pale elf with jet black hair. She eyes you wearily, and says nothing.

Introduce yourselves to these new NPCs and ask them any questions you have! Feel free to make any skill checks you'd like, as well.

2012-02-01, 06:42 AM
Relaying, and interpreting, the information from the halfling to the people in the coach takes a bit of yelling, but she realizes that even if any of them would even have understood the language to begin with it was doubtful that they heard him like she had. That the halfling thought the matter easily settled for adventurers should probably have calmed her down a bit, but instead the half-elf looks slightly more wary now. She has seen enough "simple assignments" go south over the years to mistrust them. Mainly because it bred complacency that in turn led to one being surprised and crushed like an insignificant bug.

And then they arrive at Mining Project 184. Quickly dismounting, and nowhere near as disoriented as her fellow adventurers in the coach she still forms up in line with the rest, with a sardonic smile on her face and leading her horse to take a place on her left side, bringing up an equine end to the line. Her smile widening to a grin she clears her throat and speaks up: "Right! I'm Helena Dalanyn, I'm a tracker and sharpshooter. Give me some room to maneuver and I'll pick the warts off of a green hag from a hundred paces!"
Not entirely true, of course, but it always paid of to boast a bit. Well, almost always, some people just didn't have any sense of humour.

2012-02-01, 11:56 AM
Diego smiles, glad to be out of that bumpy carriage. He bows before the trio and introduces himself, "Good day gentlebeings, I am Diego, scout and explorer. We were not able to get much information out of our driver there, we understand that you are having trouble with the local wildlife?

2012-02-01, 06:20 PM
Jorath exits the caravan, as he does the carriage rocks back and forth from the massive weight exiting from it's strained suspension.

Standing back on solid ground he cracks his back. Taking up his axe he casually sets it on the floor.

"wildlife?" he howls out as if that was all needed to say. "well I haven't wrastled a bear in a good time, I'm in!" he finishes with a big grin. He suddenly looks down and sees his beard and smirks as if something is wrong. Wriggling his fingers he says a word of magic. And his hair turns a bright shade of red.

Cast prestidigitation
Spell failure chance (10%, low) [roll0]

Once the hair is the right color he nods his head in success, "so, when do we start?"

2012-02-02, 12:13 AM
Luke was happy to be out of that stuffy ride. The company wasn't bad, but he needed more leg room.

I'm Luke. I use the magic to make myself look good but not in the way of big guy there. He said with a laugh.

"Ah, a dwarf, haven't seen many of your people. In Dwarven: Pleased to meet ya.

2012-02-02, 11:22 AM
Markus watched Jorath's arcane chicanery with bemusement. "Haha! Now you're the spitting image of my great aunt Tully! Facial hair and all! 'Course, by 'great,' I mean size, not relation. She's actually just an aunt of mine; a real bear of a woman. And by 'bear,' I mean...well, let me digress for once and just say that she's big. Next to her, I feel positively dwarfed! Hah--" He cut himself off abruptly, eyes quickly going to the shortest of the three figures in front of him. He cleared his throat almost sheepishly and stood up a little straighter, bringing himself to a sloppy and undisciplined--yet sincere--form of attention.

"Markus Thunderpunch, adventurer, troubleshooter, and gnome savior. Er," he faltered, "at least, to one of 'em. Specialties include heavy armor expertise, unarmed combat, and punching orcs. For both fun, and profit. I've a small experience with wildlife, but handle myself better with domesticatedlife. I've only known the gentlemen and lady beside me for naught but a few hours, but I'd gladly punch an orc for any of them.

"And no, I usually do not go out of my way to possibly insult my prospective employers with inappropriate use of racial epithets. I find my mouth has a mind of its own and likes to go its own way at times. 'To err is human,' after all! And seeing as how you're the church emissary," Markus grinned, "perhaps you could see fit to forgive divinely?"

Markus is interested in noting people in the camp who are easily spotted as armed/armored. Two-fold benefit: spotting an ambush (not likely, given his talents), and how many might help fight if things go bad. A general count of those visible will suffice. Since his perception is +0, he'll just take 10 and leave it at that.

2012-02-02, 02:26 PM
The Dwarf looks at each of you as you speak, his eyes lingering on Markus for a moment with a bemused look on his face. He smiles and laughs when Luke speaks in Dwarven, replying in the same language, "Hahaha, it does an old Dwarf good to hear you folk learnin' our language!" His accent is thick, clearly a Dwarf from Hammerfell, but Luke can still understand him.

As the Dwarf begins to speak, a sudden explosion can be heard from the camp. The smoke that indicated a small fire has suddenly grown to what could possibly be one of the many canvas tents going up in flames. The three people who have come to greet you, whipping around. The female Elf draws a longbow, the Dwarf his warhammer, and the Human his quarterstaff. "Explanations will have to wait!! They're attacking again!" cries out the young Human, immediately charging towards the camp. The elf quickly follows him, drawing an arrow as she does so.

"By Torag's Beard! They couldn't have timed this better, eh? Well, I suppose you'll all have to learn by doing. Follow me, we'll drive these bastards away!" he charges forward, shouting some incomprehensible Dwarven battle cry (although it sounds suspiciously like "After this, we'll get drunk!").

Please describe your characters going into battle. The battle does not actually start yet, as I'm still trying to learn this mapping tool, but it will begin tomorrow, I promise! You can have your characters draw whatever weapons they need and make any preparations you want for battle. You'll be acting first in initiative, so get ready!

2012-02-02, 02:37 PM
Jorath eye's enlarge at the sound of explosion and then a big grin appears on his face a the dwarfs exclamation.

"Tis a good day for a fight!" he exclaims to no one in particular and his fingers start to wiggle once more, but this time in a slightly more complicated and longer gesture.

Once he is done his form starts to grow, his shoulders broaden, if that was possible. His legs enlarge and his arms grow longer as he stretches them out, even his greataxe now seems like a hugeaxe in his giant hamfists.

Looking down to everyone he seems like a veritable giant, he was large before but now he is a walking giant, he towers just over 13 feet.

He then takes off running after the dwarf and the elf (and will most likely catch up to the dwarf)

Enlarge Person
Spell failure chance (10%, low) [roll0]

2012-02-02, 02:55 PM
Careful not to get in the way of the towering Jorath, Diego draws out two daggers and makes his way toward the explosion. He tries to stay under cover and not attract too much attention as he moves in, following the trio that greeted them.

2012-02-02, 03:05 PM
"Mephisto's balls!" Helena growls as she instinctively ducks when an explosion thunders quite near them. Working for so long with black powder has made her jittery when it comes to explosions. Still, she isn't frozen in fear or anything. As she cowers instinctively she also turns to her horse and as she straightens again she draws the musket form the scabbard and checks the priming pan. Comforted with what she sees she hurries after the others musket at the ready and scanning for enemies.

This might be a good time to mention that Helena always loads her musket with black powder and bullets (which takes more time) when she can afford it timewise. In battle she uses paper cartridges which is quicker but raises the misfire chances. :smalltongue:

2012-02-02, 03:13 PM
Markus toed the ground to dig in an inch, then launched himself forward as fast as his heavily armored frame allowed. He flexed his fingers in his intricately articulated gauntlets, ensuring that the well-oiled joints were ready for another bout of fisticuffs, Premier of Ellidor rules. "Usually the fight comes to me. Having to go to the fight is something I hope I need not get used to!" he huffed.

He turned his head to Diego as they ran. "Let me know if you need me to hold one still for you. I'd be glad to oblige."

"For the hundred and eighty fourth mining project yeah, that needs work."

2012-02-03, 01:19 PM
Markus, his brain obviously working overtime, shouted ahead to the three original campers, "And just what kind of wildlife explodes, anyway?"

2012-02-04, 01:48 AM
Luke drew his scimitar that glistened in the light. "Well, looks like we go to work!" Luke said as he started moving toward the battle while downing his mutagen.

Drinking Mutagen means: Dex increases by 4, NA by 2, -2 Wisdom. Duration 10 minutes.

2012-02-04, 02:45 PM
You reach the camp long after the young man and the Elf arrived, as they are nowhere to be seen when you reach the camp. The small, makeshift road leads up to a large, circular canvas tent to your right and a small, wooden tower to your right. ”Secure this area, I’m going to give the others a hand!” Rorak calls out, running off past the circular tent and into the distance. A man suddenly leans over the edge of the wooden tower as Rorak runs off and shouts, ”Abominations! Attacking the camp!!” He points ahead of you, and as you follow his finger, your eyes are greeted with an awful sight.

Standing over nine feet tall, what could have once been a woman stands far down the road. Each time the creature exhales its shuddering breath, you can see it form fog in the air, as if it was freezing outside. And indeed, as you look around the creature, you realize frost has formed around its feet, and the grass nearby has gone partially white. Those of you with decent enough eyes can see through its ectoplasmic flesh to a wretched skeleton inside, clearly built from multiple other contributors. Its skin continues to slough off, piling on the ground around it. And as you look at the pile of ectoplasm on the ground, you realize its feet aren’t actually touching the ground, and that it floats a few inches off of it. Its left arm ends in a giant clawed hand, while the right arm curves into a disgusting scythe that drips with crimson red blood. To finish off the grotesque creature, its eyes are two blue flames streaking out of its face, reaching nearly as high as the horns that grow from its forehead.

The creature screams, a horrible piercing noise. Four bodies on the ground around this creature suddenly rise up, picking up whatever is around them as a weapon. One seems particularly well armed, wearing the tattered remains of some armour and carrying an axe. The others seem dressed in regular clothing, all carrying pickaxes. They stare at you with a slack-jawed stare, their eyes unfocused and blank.

Sorry this took so long to get going, Dungeonographer took longer than expected to learn.

Everyone has until Monday at noon EST to post their first round of combat. You can begin anywhere in the red square at the bottom of the map. Post all of your flavour in a normal post, then put mechanics (including your starting square) in a spoiler tag at the end of your post. Remember to use grid coordinates for when you move.

Battle Map
Black Sqaures at the top are tents. Circle on the right is a tent. Square on the left is the wooden tower. If you can spend one move action getting to the door of the tower, you can spend the rest of the round getting to the second floor.

Large creature is enormous skeleton lady. Z is for zombie. aZ is for armoured zombie.
Knowledge: Religion DC 12
The zombies are Draugr, common undead that can cause you to be nauseated if they touch you.
DC 13
The armoured zombie is also a Draugr, but seems to be moving with more ease.
DC 18
The eight foot tall abomination is a Daughter of Urgathoa, a spirit of a woman adopted by the Goddess of Undeath to do her bidding. She can cast divine spells, and the scythe on her hands carries a deadly poison.

2012-02-04, 05:48 PM
Slightly behind some of the other adventurers hired Melinda has just caught up when the undead comes into view and skidding to a halt she looses a second simply gawking at the abominations. What in the name of all things holy was that?! "Not good. Not good! Boys! I hope you're up for something a bit rougher than bears!!" Throwing up her enchanted musket to her shoulder and leaning forward to brace against the recoil with the weight of her entire body the half-elf "ranger" scans the enemies for the best choice of target. Undead was definetly not her field of expertise, but one of the creatures looked bigger, meaner and all around more dangerous. Even if one of the smaller ones were well armed and all. Calmly she takes bead on the "woman" and gently squeezes the trigger.
A loud crack and a flash of light and smoke later and she's immediately busy with reloading her gun. With lightning fast movements she snatches a paper tube from her belt, bites of the end of it, empties it's contents into the barrel of her gun and sets to pushing them into place with a stick previously held under the musket.

Starting out on 10-19.

Standard action:
Fire musket (it has a +1 enchantment if that influences stuff like DR) at the horny skeleton girl, sacrificing a Grit Point for Deadeye (making the attack a Touch Attack despite it not being within the first range increment:
(Edit: Fairly nice rolls. Still, I wish I had a rifle. :smallbiggrin:)

Move action:
Reloading, no enemies close enough for me to trigger any AoOs.

2012-02-04, 06:33 PM
Luke saw the dead rise and was angered with the speed of quickness. You shouldn't mess with the fabric of life! He pause a moment to power his sword up with arcane glow before charging near the zombie wearing armor and another miner one but swinging hard at the armoring wearing one.

Do we roll init? If so,
Swift action: arcane pool to make sword magical (+1 damage and bypass DR magic). Controlled Rage for +4 dex.
I start at 10.17 location, charging forward between Armored zombie asnd miner one at 10.06 so he is adjavent to both ensuring Crowd control ability buffers his AC/hit (+1 dodge AC and hit while adjacent to two enemies).
He swings at Armored one as he seem bigger threat.
[roll=Sneak attack]1d6
Effects: Rage +4 dex, Mutagen +4 dex, +2 NA, Arcane pool (magic weapon), Crowd control +1 dodge AC, 1 hit.
Current AC now: 26
I need to conserve my rages as they are limited to 16 rd/day but I can use it this round.

2012-02-04, 08:48 PM
Jorath sees the interaction between the dwarf and the man in the tower and then watches intensely as the newcomers rise from the dirt.

Hearing the others exclaim their outrage at such a show of disrespect, he merely shrugs. If not a bear then the undead, he thought to himself as he crossed the distance to them raising his axehead as he went.

"Lets see how these compare to a grizzly!"

Start in square's 08.17-09.17, 08.18-09.18 (I'm large) charges to 08.07-09.07, 08.08-09.08 and attacks Armored zombie.

Charging, Power Attack & Raging attack the Armored Zombie
[roll3] (Slashing, Magic)

2012-02-05, 08:25 PM
Nothing so dramatic for Diego. He will move up as fast as his little legs will carry him.

Start behind the big guy in 8-19 and then do a double move up to 7-11.

2012-02-05, 10:19 PM
Markus cursed under his breath at his bulky armor and drew a dart from his belt as he approached, squaring up a throw at the next zombie to get near Luke.

"That's just..." he trailed off in shocked disbelief. "You need to be put out of your misery, because you can't be anything but."

Markus begins his turn on 11.17. He performs a move action to move his speed to 11.13, drawing a dart as part of his move action. He readies an action to throw the dart at the next monster to come within 10 feet of Luke on his right side (such as if the zombie at 12.03 moves to 12.05 before approaching him; specifically choosing 10 feet due to lack of Precise Shot).

Readied Attack (if triggered)
Attack Roll: 1d20+6 (please subtract range increment; likely -2)
Damage Roll: 1d4+6 piercing

2012-02-07, 01:48 PM
The armoured zombie quickly falls as Jorath and Luke lash out at it. Helena’s gun lets out a bang, tearing off some ectoplasmic flesh. It lets out a great roar, and slashes its scythe-arm through the arm, conjuring a mystical, ghostly scythe in the air. As this happens, the zombies wielding pickaxes all charge forward, one attacking Jorath, another Luke, another running out all the way to Markus.

Battle Map
Movement and AAO
Z1 5-foot steps to 11.06
Z2 charges Markus to 11.12, provoking his readied dart attack.
Dart [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Z3 charges Jorath to 8.06, provoking an AAO from him.
Scythe appears at 9.06
Attack Rolls and Damage
Z1 on Luke
[roll2] [roll3]
Z2 on Markus
[roll4] [roll5]
Z3 on Jorath
[roll6] [roll7]
Scythe on Jorath
[roll8] [roll9]

Wow. Everything misses. Nobody makes any Fortitude saves. But Jorath needs to make an AAO against Z3.

2012-02-07, 08:45 PM
I am not able to see the map. Can anyone else?

2012-02-07, 11:56 PM
Not sure if she hurt the big undead or merely annoyed it Helena moves a step forward and again puts the stock of her gun to her shoulder, takes aim and fires. With battle upon them a difference between the half-elf and her companions can be seen, or at least another one: While they yell and roar as they tear into their enemies she is deathly quiet. Working as if in a trance she utters no sound herself and her concentration is squarely fixed on her enemy. The musket is loud enough for the two of them, of course, as another loud crack and another cloud of sharp-smelling smoke clearly shows the gunslinger hard at work. And as before she is immediately and expertly at work reloading as soon as the shot has gone off.

Nope. I can't see the map either. Still, I know what Helena does anyway: Attack the boss monster. :smallwink:

Free action: 5 foot step forward, slowly moving closer and, hopefully, in range.

Standard action: Shoot musket, using no grit points this time. Got too few of them. :smallannoyed:

Move action: Reload.

2012-02-08, 03:37 PM
Diego see's an opportunity and moves up behind the zombia attacking Markus and stabs it in a vulnerable spot.

Move to 8-10, 9-10, 10-10, ending in 11-11

Sneak attack on Z2 with a magical dagger

To hit: [roll0] (includes flank)
Base damage: [roll1]
Sneak Attack damage: [roll2]