View Full Version : AVB - Lethos

2012-01-26, 12:32 AM
Private thread for stack and DM only.

Walking out of the administration building, Lethos wanders around the campus a bit. Unfortunately, the buildings aren't labeled, at least not in any way that he recognizes.

2012-01-26, 09:02 AM
Private thread for stack and DM only.

Walking out of the administration building, Lethos wanders around the campus a bit. Unfortunately, the buildings aren't labeled, at least not in any way that he recognizes.

Hmm...maybe I should have asked for a map? Let's see...if that is high energy magic then would that be postmortem communications? Bah, I'll just ask someone.

He seeks out a passing student to get directions to the building where his class will be held. Should also ask about a reasonable place to stay. Burned enough money signing up for this class. Hope it is worthwhile.
gather info [roll0] for [roll1] hours if needed

2012-01-26, 10:33 PM
Gather Information is actually 1d4+1 hours. Everyone forgets the +1.A passing student easily points him to his building.

"It's that tall one there, the first one past the dorms."

He finds no information about a place to stay...

2012-01-27, 09:34 AM
Gather Information is actually 1d4+1 hours. Everyone forgets the +1.A passing student easily points him to his building.

"It's that tall one there, the first one past the dorms."

He finds no information about a place to stay...

"Thank you. Good day." I believe I saw an inn back at the square. Perhaps I will seek accommodations there for now. Afterwords, exploring. There is much of the city yet to see. Perhaps I should take a view from above? Or would it be better not to be marked? Certainly there are enough able to fly here...

To the inn first. The Sad Flint, was it? Odd name, perhaps there is a story there.

He turns away from the student and walks back to the square, taking a different route so as to acquaint himself with more of the city. He keeps an eye out for any place that looks like it may need the services of a scribe as he goes.

Perhaps I will seek out the Temple later. Should have went there first, come to think of it. All these new sights have me distracted.

heading into the Sad Flint, unless something come up along the way. What time of day is it now?

2012-01-27, 10:51 PM
The interior of the Sad Flint is quite crowded. People are coming and going all over the rather large barroom. Patrons of any possible description abound, most content to drink the beers in their hands. No one bothers to turn their head when yet another patron walks in. The atmosphere of the place is slightly dingy, but comfortable.

A lone half-giant is serving as the bartender at the long bar across from the entrance. Round tables with an average of four chairs each litter the common area, although several have borrowed chairs from others nearby. More than half of them seem occupied by patrons of some description and number. A pair of armored bouncers guard a double door along the west wall.

Barmaids of many different races weave in and out of the traffic, delivering food and drinks, as well as picking up empty crockery and more than a few pick-up lines.

2012-01-27, 11:40 PM
The interior of the Sad Flint is quite crowded. People are coming and going all over the rather large barroom. Patrons of any possible description abound, most content to drink the beers in their hands. No one bothers to turn their head when yet another patron walks in. The atmosphere of the place is slightly dingy, but comfortable.

A lone half-giant is serving as the bartender at the long bar across from the entrance. Round tables with an average of four chairs each litter the common area, although several have borrowed chairs from others nearby. More than half of them seem occupied by patrons of some description and number. A pair of armored bouncers guard a double door along the west wall.

Barmaids of many different races weave in and out of the traffic, delivering food and drinks, as well as picking up empty crockery and more than a few pick-up lines.

Lethos takes the room in for a moment before approaching the barkeep. "A glass of wine, if you please. Something southern and white, if possible. Also, might I inquire about a room? Any discount for long term occupancy?"

2012-01-28, 03:06 AM
The barkeep eyes you a second before pouring from a bottle of wine.

"3 gold.

Rooms are 5 a night for a single. No discounts."

2012-01-28, 10:52 AM
The barkeep eyes you a second before pouring from a bottle of wine.

"3 gold.

Rooms are 5 a night for a single. No discounts."

Lethos hands over the coins. "I'm new in town, as you likely guessed. There anyone about in need of a scribe. I could use a steady income."

2012-01-28, 09:17 PM
"Do I look like a billboard to you? I pour drinks and take your money. I don't advertise."

2012-01-29, 02:47 PM
"Do I look like a billboard to you? I pour drinks and take your money. I don't advertise."

"Of course. Thank you."

What time of day is it now?

2012-01-31, 08:40 AM
Early afternoon. It's always early afternoon in Aldhaven unless I specifically say otherwise. Time on this plane is highly fluid but likes to pool around 1:15PM.

2012-01-31, 09:05 AM
Early afternoon. It's always early afternoon in Aldhaven unless I specifically say otherwise. Time on this plane is highly fluid but likes to pool around 1:15PM.

Having pre-payed to reserve his room, Lethos spends a moment drinking before heading back onto the street. He inquires to the crier about directions to the temple district and sets off to find a temple or shrine of Bahamut.

2012-01-31, 09:24 AM
The bartender gives him an odd look as he leaves but says nothing.

Entering the Temple District, he finds himself outside the temple of Pelor (http://images.yuku.com/image/pjpeg/37716d3423a654bdbbb1b92b223a9cedc158e54c.pjpg), which is surrounded by the thick, circular outer wall. A sense of power seems to linger in the air. The large front door to the temple stands open, and can be seen from the gate in the wall, revealing a large statue of Pelor sitting cross legged with open arms, welcoming his children into the temple. A gold sun the size of a troll tops the temple.

Barely a block away stands the opposite of the grand temple of Pelor. The modest temple of Bahamut is simple and avoids the baroque and heavy ornamentations of many of the other temples. It seems to be made of rather plain stone, though the inside of front door is inlaid with Bahamut's holy symbol wrought in platinum, the only ornamentation visible on the temple.

2012-01-31, 10:20 AM
The bartender gives him an odd look as he leaves but says nothing.

Entering the Temple District, he finds himself outside the temple of Pelor (http://images.yuku.com/image/pjpeg/37716d3423a654bdbbb1b92b223a9cedc158e54c.pjpg), which is surrounded by the thick, circular outer wall. A sense of power seems to linger in the air. The large front door to the temple stands open, and can be seen from the gate in the wall, revealing a large statue of Pelor sitting cross legged with open arms, welcoming his children into the temple. A gold sun the size of a troll tops the temple.

Barely a block away stands the opposite of the grand temple of Pelor. The modest temple of Bahamut is simple and avoids the baroque and heavy ornamentations of many of the other temples. It seems to be made of rather plain stone, though the inside of front door is inlaid with Bahamut's holy symbol wrought in platinum, the only ornamentation visible on the temple.

Lethos walks in, looking for a priest to inquire about the events in the city.

2012-01-31, 09:10 PM
A dragonborn woman greets you at the door.

"Welcome to the temple of the Platinum Dragon."

2012-02-01, 08:25 AM
A dragonborn woman greets you at the door.

"Welcome to the temple of the Platinum Dragon."

Lethos bows, in courtly manner.
"Thank you. I have just arrived in the city and thought it wise to know where the temple is. A bit larger than the shrine in Verasione's lair. I also thought I would offer my services. I know little of the city, but I have a number of skills. Have you any use for a lowly scribe, touched by the power of the dragons?"

2012-02-06, 10:38 AM
Sorry about not posting. I've been working so many back to back doubles and kept falling asleep as soon as I sat down to reply to anything."Okay, but... who are you?"

2012-02-06, 10:49 AM
Sorry about not posting. I've been working so many back to back doubles and kept falling asleep as soon as I sat down to reply to anything."Okay, but... who are you?"

Lethos looks chagrined. "Of course, where are my manners? I am Lethos Drake. I was trained by the mighty silver Verasione, whom you may have heard of. He wishes to know more of the happenings in the city and has dispatched me to do so."

Everybody has busy stretches. Let me know if you need a few days.

2012-02-06, 10:56 AM
"A silver, you say, sent you to Aldhaven? That's quite... interesting. Tell me more about this Verasione?"

2012-02-06, 11:35 AM
"A silver, you say, sent you to Aldhaven? That's quite... interesting. Tell me more about this Verasione?"

"Of course. He is, as I said, of the silver race, ancient by human reckoning though not yet old by dragon. He makes his lair in the mountains to the east. I was chosen to serve him from a young age, he takes great interest in the affairs of the younger races. It seems Aldhaven has made his notice."

I don't know the geography that well, so i am presuming somewhere to the east there may be mountains. If not, the direction isn't terribly important anyhow.

2012-02-06, 12:52 PM
Fortunately for you, the only direction there are mountains is to the east."Interesting. I'll need to put you in touch with someone. We'd like to have you help out here, but it seems like you're going to need to meet this person first. I'd suggest not doing anything more until you meet them. It's really in your own best interest. Do you have something on which to write?"

2012-02-06, 01:39 PM
Fortunately for you, the only direction there are mountains is to the east."Interesting. I'll need to put you in touch with someone. We'd like to have you help out here, but it seems like you're going to need to meet this person first. I'd suggest not doing anything more until you meet them. It's really in your own best interest. Do you have something on which to write?"

"Of course." Lethos reaches into his haversack and produces a quill, ink, and parchment. "I understand that due caution must be excercised. Will this meeting be today, or shall I return another time? I have engaged to spend some time in the mornings at the local university, but the rest of my days are open as of yet."

2012-02-06, 03:00 PM
"His name is Damier Licorta, and you'll have to meet him on his schedule."

She gives you an address in Old Town.

2012-02-06, 03:36 PM
"His name is Damier Licorta, and you'll have to meet him on his schedule."

She gives you an address in Old Town.

"Of course. I shall inquire there presently. I shall tell him you sent me. Good day and thank you for your help." He bows and leaves the temple, making his way as best he could to Old town to see where this note would lead him.

2012-02-10, 11:31 AM
Lethos casts summon DM IV :smallwink:

2012-02-22, 10:55 PM
The building in Old Town appears to be a small government office of some sort, though it isn't immediately apparent which it is from outside.

2012-02-23, 08:07 AM
The building in Old Town appears to be a small government office of some sort, though it isn't immediately apparent which it is from outside.

Why would I have to come to such a place in order to aid the servants of the platinum dragon? This is growing strange. Still, nothing to do but proceed.

He strides to the door, (Presuming a government office is open) and enters, inquiring after obtaining an audience with Damier Licorta to the first person you appears to work there.

2012-02-23, 10:19 PM
The receptionist quickly points you to Lord Licorta's office, the door of which is closed.

2012-02-24, 08:03 AM
The receptionist quickly points you to Lord Licorta's office, the door of which is closed.

"Of course. Thank you. Shall I knock, or do I need to be announced? Or is he otherwise engaged." I see polite civil service is somewhat beyond this office. I hope her superior is more capable. However, if it were a trap, they would make it inviting.

(If told to knock, he will, and introduce himself.)

2012-02-24, 09:39 PM
You knock and enter. He looks up at you over a pair of spectacles as you enter.

"May I help you?"
Sorry, but the way you handle this will determine the outcome. It matters how you introduce yourself, so I can't just skip over it.

2012-02-24, 10:52 PM
You knock and enter. He looks up at you over a pair of spectacles as you enter.

"May I help you?"
Sorry, but the way you handle this will determine the outcome. It matters how you introduce yourself, so I can't just skip over it.

Lethos bows politely. "My apologies. I was directed to you by the attendant at the Temple of Bahamut. I inquired there as to if they had any use of my services. I fear I am quite ignorant of your fine city, though I am working to rectify that, and am not entirely certain why I was referred here, though the attendant was rather adamant."

2012-02-24, 10:57 PM
You seem to have piqued his interest.

"Oh, really? Well, why don't you tell me what you told the attendant. It's obviously something important."

2012-02-25, 01:47 PM
"Ah, yes, of course. I merely mentioned my patron, Verasione. She seemed to think it was important that he is a dragon of the silver race. I know not why that was so remarkable, but I am, as I said, new here."

2012-02-26, 12:50 AM
He sets down the pen his is holding and steeples his fingers in front of his nose, his elbows on the table and his brows slightly furrowed.

"Oh? And what brings you to Aldhaven?"

2012-02-26, 02:38 PM
He sets down the pen his is holding and steeples his fingers in front of his nose, his elbows on the table and his brows slightly furrowed.

"Oh? And what brings you to Aldhaven?"

"Knowledge. The great city has influence. What happens here sends ripples throughout the land. My patron would know of what transpires. I would aid the good people of the city, as far as I am able. Within the bounds of the law, of course."

2012-02-29, 11:23 PM
He stands up, his eyes and hair turning silver as he does so, an aura of menace begins to fill the air within the office.

"So, you are a rather poor spy for a rather poor player. I see. You may return to your master now and tell him that his move has failed and will cost him many points in the turns to come. It doesn't matter that you don't understand the message. He will."

2012-03-01, 08:07 AM
Lethos's eye widen momentarily, though his voice stays level. "Yes indeed, a poor spy who offers his aid. And a poor player that would send a spy so unwitting. Is it, perhaps, possible that my intentions are true and I wish to give you aid?"

diplomacy [roll0]

2012-03-01, 09:31 AM
"It is obvious Verasione has not included you in his plans, which is likely why you still walk free in Aldhaven. It is a dangerous game we dragons play, and an unwitting pawn lasts long not at all. My House will not risk losing any cards or forfeit any points to such a young player as he.

You, realistically, have only two options here. You can leave the city and never return, or you can work for me where we can keep an eye on you and you not report this to Verasione. The third option is fight us and eventually die when making an illegal move."

2012-03-01, 10:27 AM
"It is obvious Verasione has not included you in his plans, which is likely why you still walk free in Aldhaven. It is a dangerous game we dragons play, and an unwitting pawn lasts long not at all. My House will not risk losing any cards or forfeit any points to such a young player as he.

You, realistically, have only two options here. You can leave the city and never return, or you can work for me where we can keep an eye on you and you not report this to Verasione. The third option is fight us and eventually die when making an illegal move."

"I presume in working for you, I will be allowed to make general reports, just not that I am receiving direction from you? He would be rightly suspicious if I made no communications." There is much here beyond me. Best to go along and see where this leads.

2012-03-02, 12:07 AM
"No, I will expect you to make regular reports back to your master."

He fishes a ring out of his desk.

"Wear this. It will help us to keep track of you. Don't take it off. You're dismissed for now, but we'll be in touch."

2012-03-02, 07:59 AM
Lethos bows and takes the ring before leaving the office and the building. Now what?

He wanders the streets aimlessly for a time, considering his predicament. Not here a day and already embroiled in intrigue. Nature of dragons, I suppose. Should I have been more circumspect? If I cannot be honest in the temple of Bahamut, then what have we come to?

He finds himself back at the inn. He takes his meal and spends the evening in the corner of the common room, brooding, lost in thought.

Unless anything happens, he will crash for the night and go to class in the morning.

2012-03-03, 02:42 AM
Nothing of note happens that evening, the other patrons giving the brooding man a good berth.

2012-03-05, 08:17 AM
Lethos rises early, invoking his draconic magic before leaving his room and taking a whatever breakfast is on offer. Best be early to class. It wouldn't do to start as poorly there as I have elsewhere. What possessed me to sign-up for it in the first place? Still, may be informative.

He secures his room for another night, then heads off to the college, unsure of what a new day might bring in this strange city.

2012-03-06, 12:56 PM
He finds his way back to Aldhaven Royal University of Scientific Esoterica and quickly finds his classroom. Arriving early for the first day, most of the seats are still empty. A few students in their mid to late teens are hanging around, waiting for class to begin.

2012-03-06, 01:07 PM
Lethos takes a position near the back. He readies a pen and paper, then sits back and observes the room and his classmates, his mind wandering over the events that had transpired since his arrival. Once the lecture begins, his mind snaps back. He takes notes.

Not sure how to play-out classroom time.

2012-03-08, 03:42 PM
Sorry for the delay, it didn't show me that you had posted.The teacher arrives, introduces himself, and passes out a class syllabus detailing what he will be teaching over the course of the semester. He also passes around a sheet of paper on which he instructs every student to write his name legibly and a short note about his specialty as he goes through his requirements and expectations of the students in the coming weeks.

2012-03-08, 04:06 PM
Lethos signs the sheet with a flourish, 'Lethos Drake, many interests.'

I wonder if my time wouldn't have been better spent elsewhere? Too late now, see where it goes.

2012-03-08, 04:41 PM
The basic requirements of the class are show up every day that class is in session, turn in assignments on time, and don't disrupt the class. Pretty basic, really.

"And that's what I expect of you. Now, are there any questions?"

2012-03-08, 04:57 PM
Lethos waits quietly for the lecture to begin, having no questions about matters as simple as attendance.
Which may come to bite him later, but that's for him to discover.

2012-03-20, 06:58 AM
Okay, so RPing class time seems to be a loser. Can we move on to a plot hook?

2012-03-29, 11:42 AM
Sorry...in lieu of a lecture, the professor dismisses class after reading the syllabus to yo. It seems an awful waste of time overall...

The majority of the students leave immediately, but a few lag behind. Two practically rush the professor in their attempts to start sucking up early, three small groups of students stand in small clusters talking, and one poor guy seems to have fallen asleep and is drooling on his desk.

Should Lethos decide to talk to any of these students, he might find a plot hook, or he might choose to leave and find a plot hook outside somewhere instead.

2012-03-29, 12:37 PM
(In light of recent announcements, do you wish to continue?)

2012-03-29, 11:36 PM
Yeah, I'll keep going as long as you do.

2012-03-30, 06:57 AM
Honestly, we've not been able to generate much steam. In the months since I made the character I've kind of lost interest in him. Now that there won't be the background support that drove the whole thing, I think maybe we should just stop. Thanks for being DM, see you in LoC.

2012-03-30, 06:58 AM
I'm sorry I was so AWOL there... :smallfrown:
I really did like him and wanted to run him. Sorry...