View Full Version : Help me get Light magic to work.

2012-01-26, 12:51 AM
When I started playing DnD, the first character concept I wanted to make was basically what I would now call an agile gish that uses Light magic almost exclusively, maybe with some fire thrown in. Fast forward about a year, now that I've got decent mastery of the game and gone through almost every book there is looking for a way to make it a reality. I still don't have any good ideas to make it work. I've compiled a list of spells with the fluff I'm looking for. Most of them are cleric, others are from domains or the sor/wiz list (marked with a w):

1- Dawnburst (w), Handfire, Nimbus of light, Lantern Light, Ray of Hope
2- Sunbolt, Body of the Sun (w), Ayailla's Radiant Burst, Luminous Armor
3- Body Blaze (w), wreathe of flames (w), Celestial Aspect, Soul of Light (Combine with Soul of anarchy/law)
4- Nchaser's glowing orb, searing exposure (w), Wall of moonlight, sun mantle, Celestial Brilliance, Diamond spray, Radiant Fog
5- Blistering Radiance, Crown of Flame, Emerald Burst, Heavenly Lightning, Opalescent Glare (or Righteous Glare)
6- Crown of Brilliance, Sun Sceptre, Fiery Vision, Fires of purity, Bolt of Glory (glory), Storm of shards, Vengeance Halo
7- Rejuvinating light, Sunbeam (sun), Phoenix Fire, Channel Celestial, Tomb of Light
8- Sunburst, Righteous burst, Unearthly beauty
9- Deadly Sunstroke (w), Moonfire (moon), Blinding Glory (glory)

Most of these spells are horrendously underpowered. There were ones that were even worse, but I omitted them because I wasn't willing to take them. It's seriously irritating to see a LEVEL SIX light spell that does the same thing as Glitterdust.

Master of Radiance is the only class I've found with the flavor I'm after, but the Sunbeam mechanic seems kind of broken. A level 5 Master of Radiance gets to cast Sunbeam as a full-round action, and the attractive synergy is supposed to be that she gets increased caster level on light spells. But Sunbeam gives additional rays on following turns after casting anyway, so what's the point of casting Sunbeam at will, or even casting it at an increased caster level? Is it possible to use this class and still be a viable character?

I'm in desperate need of ideas. Perhaps I've overlooked something. Ideally the concept should be:
-Decent BAB/Combat ability
-Casts almost exclusively light spells, which are the major source of his damage.
-Melee, but uses some rays.
-Offensive, something whose entire purpose is not to buff.
-Sunblades, Brilliant Energy Weapons, etc.
-Originally wanted to be a Two Weapon Fighter, but I'm willing to admit that doesn't seem very optimization.
-Probably a cleric, but I'm open to other suggestions.
EDIT: -The ability to manifest a weapon via spell or class ability.


2012-01-26, 01:00 AM
You might want to look at Spell Thematics if you find a better spell you intend on using a lot. Suddenly your magic missile is a blinding light that never misses. You could even call it something like Neutrino Wand or a proton pack.

2012-01-26, 01:29 AM
You might want to look at Spell Thematics if you find a better spell you intend on using a lot. Suddenly your magic missile is a blinding light that never misses. You could even call it something like Neutrino Wand or a proton pack.

I've thought about spell thematics, but it seems kind of like a band-aid solution. I'd go for this only if I had no other viable option.

Also, I forgot to mention this in the first post, but if was capable of manifesting his weapons as magical effects instead of carrying them around, that'd really help me achieve what I'm going for. A la Soulknife (but not Soulknife because psionics are banned).

2012-01-26, 01:31 AM
There are plenty of magical make-a-weapon spells (Flame Blade is the most obvious, but there are no shortage of 'em), so that's pretty easy to do, really.

2012-01-26, 01:34 AM
Do Prismatic spells not fit your character concept?

2012-01-26, 02:40 AM
Do Prismatic spells not fit your character concept?

Come to think of it, they sort of fit. I did have a more golden-ish idea to begin with, though.

2012-01-26, 02:55 AM
More spell suggestions -- the Luminous Assassin series from PHBII. They sort of suck, especially when compared to the Summon Monster series (okay, they really suck), but at least you can cast them with a standard action. The Lesser version might be viable as a flanker. Might.

2012-01-26, 09:26 AM
As a cleric: Radiant Servant of Pelor and Morninglord of Lathander both seem appropriate. And maybe the Sunmaster (lost empires of faerun)

Spell thematics is a bit of a bandaid like you said, but could help:
Spiritual weapon. Instead of a warhammer. It's a glowing warhammer burning with divine radiance. Or something.

There's 2 feats together in BoED that could help with the holy light thing.
Nimbus of Light and another. You glow with an aura that is harmful to undead. Granted, it's really only useful if faced with large numbers of undead mooks. But it looks cool.

2012-01-26, 10:44 AM
Sunlight Eyes (CMage) gives you +1 CL to Light spells and lets you see through any darkness (even magical) as a swift action.

2012-01-26, 10:52 AM
Did you see the Light of Lunia-1st, Mercuria-2nd, and Venya-3rd spells? All medium range that shed light for 10 mins/level, fires to two rays, deals twice its base damage to undead and evil outsiders, and in Venya's case heal a little.

2012-01-26, 02:23 PM
What about moonbow?

Favoured soul might work. Kind of. You get some melee ability and you can choose to exclusively pick light spells.

With the favoured soul of Tiamat/Bahamut ACF in dragon magic, you can get some sorcerer spells as well. The downside is that's dragon flavour, not light flavour, but Light as a theme goes pretty well with Bahamut as a deity, although Pelor would probably be a bit better.

2012-01-26, 02:40 PM
Question: is this a case of Light = Good, or is Light not necessarily Good?

Because if Light = Good, a blaster with Consecrate Spell seems like the way to go.

Dusk Eclipse
2012-01-26, 03:19 PM
There are plenty of magical make-a-weapon spells (Flame Blade is the most obvious, but there are no shortage of 'em), so that's pretty easy to do, really.

Thunderlance is pretty neat, 4th level IIRC.

2012-01-26, 03:42 PM
I don't know anything about the mechanics of Magic of Incarnum, but from what I know about the flavor, the book actually might be a great candidate, yeah? Any ways to make incandescent champion work? (This includes convincing my DM to buff certain parts of the class)

2012-01-26, 03:54 PM
Knight of the Raven is a strong class with some Light support (Sun Domain + increased CL/DC/area). But that's a bit of a stretch.

But you're right. The support for Light-themed characters is pretty weak.
I'd seriously just swap the Light descriptor into some other spells (color spray, glitterdust, flame blade).

Actually, Faerie Fire also has the Light description and for a pretty powerful effect - especially for a level 1 option.

2012-01-26, 05:00 PM
I don't know anything about the mechanics of Magic of Incarnum, but from what I know about the flavor, the book actually might be a great candidate, yeah? Any ways to make incandescent champion work? (This includes convincing my DM to buff certain parts of the class)

I think there was an Iron Chef optimization contest using this class here on the boards a while back. If anyone can make it work, it would be them.