View Full Version : Make me feel better about my Natural 1!

2012-01-26, 03:18 PM
I'm in a game! Yay!

It's a PBP Game! Yay!

It's about Zombies! Yay?

I'm playing as a student! Okay?

I'm trying to move silently, so I don't get noticed by 2 particularly undignified zombies! Alright...

And I rolled a Natural 1 on my Move Silent Check, with no other mods. Ouch.

So yeah, there's a good chance I'm the girl who only exists to provide the blood curdling scream that scares the rest of the survivors before she dies.

What were -your- favorite Natural 1s, and what happened to you?

2012-01-26, 03:20 PM
Well, there was the one time a player of mine rolled a 1 on a Strength check, the end result being one-shotting a mature adult red dragon at level eight.

Doughnut Master
2012-01-26, 03:21 PM
Someone has to slow down the horde so the group can survive!

First roll of my first session of my first campaign was a natural 1. We were in a tavern and the room went dark. I told the DM I wanted to spring out of my chair and head for the door. He made me roll a wisdom check to remember the layout of the room. I ended up tripping over my own chair and falling on my face.

2012-01-26, 03:30 PM
Best natural 1 I've ever witnessed was on a skill check. Not an auto-fail, but...

DM was playing a low-level necromancer antagonist. He decided to rig up an improvised trap on his hideout that would alert him to our approach. He rolled a 1 on a craft (trapmaking) check.

My rogue approached the house, to discover that the "trap" consisted of a bucket of nails balanced on top of a door that opened out. We actually ended up avoiding the door because, clearly, he wanted us to walk into such a poorly-defended area. :smallbiggrin:

2012-01-26, 03:31 PM
> [Natural 1 thread has been created]
> [thread is looking for stories]
> [output = Sameo (http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Sameo)]

2012-01-26, 03:33 PM
At the latest session, my DM had a failure table made because we were fighting in a magical library with dangerous books; so, if you got a bad roll on an attack, you'd swing into the books and cause some bad things to pop out of them.

I rolled three 1's in a row...and thus spawned 4 magic floating weapons, 13 skeletons, and a chimera which attacked us and the three monstrous spiders we were fighting.

2012-01-26, 03:52 PM
I was with the bard in mechanus. The rest of the party wasn't there(long story), but we needed to jump from gear to gear to get anyplace. So I jump first, roll a nat 20, and get over. The bard rolls a 4, falls in the gears, and starts getting crushed. I roll a 2 and a 1 on the 2 strength checks to pull her out before she gets crushed. Yeah, no more bard...

2012-01-26, 04:24 PM
> [output = Sameo (http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Sameo)]

Well. Thread's over guys. We can go home.

2012-01-26, 06:10 PM
My d20 is biased-- It hardly ever rolls a 20 (and yes, I have done enough rolls to get good statistics, and enough statistical ability to interpret the results). I still remember the first time it ever did actually roll a 20 in a game. It was on a 2nd edition nonweapon proficiency check. Which means that low rolls were good.

2012-01-26, 06:15 PM
If you're a student you probably stepped on half a bag of chips.:smallbiggrin:

(that's crisps for the UK types)

How this makes you feel good? You got half a bag of chips. Score!:smalltongue:

now run...

2012-01-26, 06:43 PM
While fighting the last stand in the Mines of Moria, the Balrog confirmed his natural 1 on his attack roll with 2 more 1s. He dropped his vorpal sword as he swung it and it landed next to our fighter. We got imploded and full attacked down 1 by 1, but gosh were we pretty hopeful when that happened.

2012-01-26, 06:59 PM
It was actually a whole BUNCH of Natural 1s, as I was playing Exalted, but...

...The game was just starting, and the GM wanted to play out a short "prelude", telling a bit about our characters before we got Ultimate Cosmic Power by being Exalted. My character & one other guy's who wanted to play a Snivelling Heroic Mortal were investigating an ancient, magically booby-trapped tomb. My very first roll of the game was to notice a trapped floor - A Fumble. My second roll was to avoid falling in the resulting bottomless pit - FAIL.

The other PC got mine out of it, in the course of which, my character was Exalted. I maintain to this day that the Unconquered Sun meant to Exalt the other guy, he just had bad aim that day. :smalltongue:

2012-01-26, 07:25 PM
Ah, my character with the one-round lifespan.

A few years ago, I went through a nasty trend of losing a lot of characters - some due to poor decision-making, some due to simple bad luck. I was making a new character (D&D 3.5), and had a fun idea for a Cleric of Freedom (the concept). Picked some powerful and flavourful domains, statted him out, worked out a reason he was encountering the characters with the DM.

Scenario begins. The party get into a fight with a beholder mage. I run in to help, being conveniently nearby.

I get smacked with Harm.

I roll a 1 on the save.

Bye-bye cleric.

2012-01-26, 07:29 PM
The other PC got mine out of it, in the course of which, my character was Exalted. I maintain to this day that the Unconquered Sun meant to Exalt the other guy, he just had bad aim that day. :smalltongue:

Maybe he rolled a 1?

Averis Vol
2012-01-27, 02:17 AM
i was playing a chaos gnome swashbuckler (yes yes weird) in a pirate game, and on some ship combat i ran and balanced along the mast and, seeing a pirate swinging across with rope from his ship i leaped into the air and DOVE with my rapier pointed down impaling the pirate in the eye. so knowing i couldn't remove it i let go and kicked off the pirate dude taking his rope and started the decent back. at this point i just have my dagger so as im going to land my DM has me make a jump check to see how far onto the ship i make it.
so i fall straight down and make a reflex save to land on the ship
so the dm rolls to see which square i land in and he shows me to my ultimate dismay that i landed IN the enemy cannon.
next round the pirates fire said cannon and i first take a **** load of fire damage and then i fly along with the cannon ball and splatter my captain. and that was the end of Barlow the mad and captain stuffy.

2012-01-27, 06:23 AM
I had a thri-kreen monk with a 20 dex and decent strength. 'Kreen have a +30 racial bonus to jumps. Between bonuses and maxed skill, I had +40-something to my jump skill.

My graceful leaping wonder rolled a nat 1 on the jump check, under "critical fumbles" play, and landed in a tangled heap right in front of the dragon. Prone. In front of its mouth. Good times.