View Full Version : Thrallherd Questions

2012-01-26, 07:52 PM
So Thrallherd lowers the cost of Dominate by your level. I have always assumed this meant after augmentation, otherwise it would be entirely redundant since you don't even get the ability until fifth level of Thrallherd and 10th level total. So if you were getting -10 to the cost of Dominate, you could cast it for normal price, (7pp,) but augment it 5 times, right? Would you have to be ML 7 or ML 17 to do this?

Oh, it says it reduces cost by the Thrallherd's level. Does that means the total level of the character or the character's Thrallherd level?

2012-01-26, 08:56 PM
It's a flat subtraction - whether you augment first and apply the reduction, or reduce first and apply the augmentation, the result is the same. You can do the whole process like this:

1) Start with Psionic Dominate (PP cost 7 as you stated.)
2) Subtract PP cost = to your Thrallherd level.
3) Add PP cost for whatever level of augmentation you want.
4) Add PP cost for anything else (metapsionics, catapsi etc.)
5) Compare this result to your ML. If it is less than or equal to your ML, you can manifest the power; if not, go back to step 3.
6) If the result is less than 1, you spend 1 PP (it won't go below 1.)

For your second question - what do you mean by "Augment it 5 times?" It has a list of specific augmentations that you can choose from. Assuming you mean the multi-target augment, you would add 10 PP (2PP per target * 5) during step 3. Assuming you're a Telepath 5/Thrallherd 5, your ML is 9, and the cost of that augment would be 7 + 10 - 5 (for the 5 levels of TH) = 12, and you wouldn't be able to manifest it.

This should hopefully answer your third question - the reduction is equal to your thrallherd level as the ability says, not your character level.

2012-01-27, 02:01 PM
It's a flat subtraction - whether you augment first and apply the reduction, or reduce first and apply the augmentation, the result is the same. You can do the whole process like this:

1) Start with Psionic Dominate (PP cost 7 as you stated.)
2) Subtract PP cost = to your Thrallherd level.
3) Add PP cost for whatever level of augmentation you want.
4) Add PP cost for anything else (metapsionics, catapsi etc.)
5) Compare this result to your ML. If it is less than or equal to your ML, you can manifest the power; if not, go back to step 3.
6) If the result is less than 1, you spend 1 PP (it won't go below 1.)

For your second question - what do you mean by "Augment it 5 times?" It has a list of specific augmentations that you can choose from. Assuming you mean the multi-target augment, you would add 10 PP (2PP per target * 5) during step 3. Assuming you're a Telepath 5/Thrallherd 5, your ML is 9, and the cost of that augment would be 7 + 10 - 5 (for the 5 levels of TH) = 12, and you wouldn't be able to manifest it.

This should hopefully answer your third question - the reduction is equal to your thrallherd level as the ability says, not your character level.

Alright, thanks! By augment it five times, I meant if I was Thrallherd ten I could just increase the save 5 times without extra cost. But you still lose a little bit of ability to blow PP on powers due to losing two manifester levels... By the way, was their ever a clarification on how thralls/leadership worked? As in, the followers are supposed to be NPC classes or have the non-elite array or something?

2012-01-27, 02:17 PM
At thrallherd 10, calculate the full cost to do whatever you want (base 7 + any augments + metapsionics etc.) Then subtract 10 from that number. If the result is less than or equal to your ML, you're good to go; if not, you have to scale back a bit on the augments etc.

For the Leadership question:

- Thralls can definitely have class levels - they are like cohorts.

- Believers are like followers - these are the ones generally restricted to NPC classes.