View Full Version : The Rise (IC)

Overlord Rion
2012-01-27, 03:17 AM
The siege has lasted for days. Each of you has, for your own reasons, ended up in the Fief of the Dying Rune. The town is easily defensible. Yet the horde refuses to give way. At this point they're just trying to starve you out.

Cirophi's talents are put to good uses on the battlefield. Meanwhile, Alex has been instrumental in keeping people alive. How you came here was simply happenstance. Each of you has heard there is a Wizard around, but that he's useless in a combat due to a small condition known as blindness. They theorize that if you point out the direction, he could possibly bombard the enemies. They're just not sure if he knows the spells needed.

In other news, Kurmak has been trying to get in for days. He's cold, he's hungry, and he really, really wants to get inside for some food. They paid you fairly well, but not even that much gold was worth this. This was just...stupid. Yeah, that's the right word.

Speaking of stupid, Kurmak (joking of course), I need three attack rolls from you in quick succession. You'll see why.

2012-01-27, 10:28 AM
Kurmak furious hungry attacks!
Rage, Power 1:[roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Rage, Power 1:[roll2] Damage: [roll3]
Rage, Power 1:[roll4] Damage: [roll5]

Overlord Rion
2012-01-27, 07:55 PM
The rolls are for a reference later. Saves a little time.

Camp has been made near the village. Finally, Kurmak gets some food. It's still cold, but at least that's one problem found. Once you have finished devouring the soup, you notice your spoon has a note attached to the end. Funny, you were hungry enough not to notice at first. Unfortunately, Kurmak isn't able to read.

So Kurmak is going to need a listen check.

Cirophi searches for those willing to at least attempt learning the rigorous discipline. Out of the two hundred or so people (including women and children), only about twenty were able to be convinced. When all is said and done, 4 of them contain latent power. While not unlike your own, it is decidedly different. Two of them form small knives of psionic energy. Another seems to figure out how to tap into a reserve of...something, and you can actually see the energy rolling off him. The last...certainly feels different, but doesn't look different.

Two of them are obvious what they are, the others...not so much.

2012-01-27, 08:14 PM
"OM NOM NOM... uh?"

Listen: [roll0]

2012-01-27, 11:09 PM
"~sigh~ Well, three Psionics users are better than one. However..."

Cirrophi looks at the two with the unusual power about them.

"You two are definitely not Psionic whatsoever..."
Knowledges to figure out what they are!
Dungeoneering:[roll3]Cirophi turns to Alex.

"Alexandria, have you had any success in making others potential healers?"

The Succubus
2012-01-28, 04:22 PM
Another town, another promise of a cure, another disappointment. He had begun to become accustomed to the words "I'm sorry, but there is nothing we can do for you" through his travels over the past 2 months. At least this town had had the promise of a comfortable respite when he had arrived. Now however...

He did not need his eyes to know that the siege was taking its toll. The smell of blood had been growing stronger and the cries and moans of the wounded grew ever more piercing. Cord was perched on the roof outside watching the comings and goings of people.

He stirs from his seat on the cold stone floor. He senses a change in the air nearby, although what it is he could not say. Slowly tapping his way forward with the cane, he leaves the tent and heads outside.

2012-01-28, 04:46 PM
"Well, there are certainly a few that are willing to help assist the injured at the very least. Hopefully their skill will continue to improve, and they will be able to easily provide relief for the hurt..."Alexandria commented to Cirophi, although she still had doubt over the skills of those who came to help. "If only this fighting hadn't been happening in the first place..."

2012-01-28, 08:17 PM
"I know, but there's nothing we can do about the fighting at the moment, but fight back."

Cirophi thought for a moment.

"I have heard rumor of a wizard in this town. Have you? If he exists, we should see about acquiring his help in this... struggle."

Overlord Rion
2012-01-28, 11:39 PM
Cirophi is unable to identify what the two unknown fighters are. One seems almost on the tip of your mind, but not quite. Supposedly they would have to find out their power in combat. A lightly armored man come up to Alex "Ma'am, we require your assistance! Someone from outside managed to get through the horde and get inside, but he's badly hurt!"

As for Kurmak, you follow the path of the rock to some nearby bushes. You see a man there, motioning for you to come over rather vigorously. He is large and muscled, almost as much as you are. Other than that, his most notable feature is the fact he's missing an eye.

2012-01-28, 11:53 PM
"I'll be right there!"

Cirophi turns to the four people she helped find power.

"You four, come with me."

Cirophi lastly turns to Alex before running to the invader's location.

"Find that mage if he exists. We could use his help!"

With that, Cirophi runs with the four to the infiltrator.

2012-01-29, 12:31 AM

Kurmak approaches the man pushing aside the bushes, while doing so he takes some leaves. He is still holding his spoon.
"Umm, don't worry, that happens to Kurmak sometimes." sais Kurmak handling the leaves to the man.
"Use these to clean the poop."

2012-01-29, 05:15 AM
Alex stood still for a moment, wondering about how to find the Wizard. She stared into the sky, pondering where he might be, and how she would be able to find him.

As she did, her eyes widened, and then relaxed again. She placed her hand on her chest, feeling the touch of the symbol on her necklace. Alex then began to follow Cirophi and her group. I'm sorry for not listening to you, my friend, she thought, and I understand that getting any assistance we can is important. But I'm far more helpful caring for those in need rather than searching for someone.

The Succubus
2012-01-29, 07:51 AM
Themman feels the breeze on his face as he steps out of the tent, the wind carrying with it the smell of smoke and the distant sounds of combat.

"Hey boss."

He turns his head in the direction of Cord's voice. "Did something unusual just happen out here?"

The raven croaks. "Yeah, it was really strange. There was this lady out here dressed in a strange outfit - her hat had a really shiny gem in the middle of it. She had a group of villagers with her and then all of a sudden they all took off down one of the roads. That other woman that's been tending the injured followed them. It seemed urgent."

Themman looks troubled. "I wonder if those wretches have managed to find a way through the wall."

Cord clicks his beak. "Hmmm, dunno about that but it might be worth a look, if only to make sure we're not ripped to pieces by barbarians."

Themman checks his spellbook before setting off in the same direction, being led by Cord:

Level 0 Spells:
Ghost Sound
Dancing Lights
Ray of Frost

Divination school bonus spell: Detect Magic

Level 1 Spells:
Burning Hands
Colour Spray

Divination school bonus spell: Comprehend Languages

Overlord Rion
2012-01-29, 03:39 PM

The man waves away the leaves. "That isn't what I meant at all. It took me until now to remember you can't read yet. Listen, and listen close. One of the mercenaries here has turned against them. He managed to find away inside. He's injured, and needs help. Lots of it. On the left side of the city is a small door. It'll be a tight fit, but I need you to head there, break the door down and find him. You'll be rewarded greatly, trust me." He looks around , making sure no one was around before continuing. "Whether you do it or not is up to you. Good luck, whatever you may do." With that, the man quickly disappears, not magically so, but just by being that fast.

Alex & Cirophi (and co.)

The man is badly wounded and still bleeding. You can see a very large greatsword nearby, obviously his. The source of most of his pain is that he appears to be missing an eye and instead there is an arrow miraculously stuck in his eye socket. The other caretakers are afraid to move him, instead trying to stabilize him. Unfortunately, nobody has the skill to reliably take that arrow out of his eyesocket.

2012-01-29, 09:28 PM
"Please pardon me." Alexandria called out as she approached the injured, moving past those near him to reach him. She sat down on her knees next to him as she looked him over.

"Please, try to endure, Sir. Hopefully we will be able to help you. Just remain calm." Alexandria closes her eyes, grabs her necklace with her left hand, and places her right hand onto the chest of the soldier. Mother... if you're watching over me right now... Please, lend me your strength, she prayed to herself.

"That Arrow has to come out soon. But before we do anything else, we must ensure that you live. So, please, heal."

Cure Light Wounds: [roll0]

2012-01-29, 09:48 PM
Cirophi, though cautious and wondering why Alex didn't go off to find the mage, is now more focused on the man's proximity to her dear friend.

In case things become hairy, Cirophi is preparing to coat him in ectoplasm, and lock his movements until they can be locked more securely.

She will only attack, however, if he does anything brash or sudden enough to cause her to manifest her power.

The Succubus
2012-01-30, 06:47 PM
A rhythmic tapping sound heralds the approach of Themman as he moves towards the group. Cord is perched on his shoulder and is quietly whispering words of guidance. Themman stops a short distance away from the 2 women and the injured man.

"What do you see, Cord?" he whispers.

"Well, the lady with the shiny-gem-hat looks awfully fidgety, boss. I'm not sure what she's doing. The other one is busy fiddling with an injured guy. It looks like you and him might have something in common."

"Oh, is he a wizard as well?"

"Ummmm....not quite....."

Overlord Rion
2012-01-30, 07:20 PM
The man's bleeding has stopped completely at this point. He still looks in pretty bad shape, but it appears that he'll live once that arrow comes out of his eye. For the moment, however, he's still out cold.

2012-01-30, 07:51 PM
Hopefully, that should be good enough to help keep him alive, she thought to herself.

Eyeing some of the nearby equipment, Alex grabbed some supplies, and scooted closer to the soldier's head.

"Now, let's see if we can do something about this arrow", Alex says as she prepares to remove the intrusion.

Taking 10 on the check, with 4 Ranks in Heal and +2 from Equipment should give me a 16 on the Heal Check.

2012-01-30, 08:52 PM
"...he's unconscious?" Thank the Gods...
Cirophi stops concentrating on her manifest, instead walking up to the large greatsword and picking it up with her hands.
"Oof... this is heavy."
She turns to some of the townsfolk crowded around them.
"Can someone please put this in the armory? Once this conflict is over and the brutes outside disperse, give this back to him." She impales it into the ground so she no longer needs to hold it.

She walks over to Alex. "Good work, my friend." She finally turns to the crowd once again. "If you have nothing else to do here, then I suggest you all return to your duties. This situation is under control, see to the defenses."

...when will this conflict resolve?

Overlord Rion
2012-01-30, 10:12 PM
During her administrations, Alex had assistance from two of the others. With their aid the arrow comes out easily and the eye is quickly patched up. The man now simply needs some rest to recover.

It is at this point some stirring can be seen in the camp outside. For what reason, nobody knows.

Fortunately for you, they succeeded and granted you an extra +4, giving you a grand total of 20 Heal check.

2012-01-30, 10:22 PM
Cirophi tries to examine the figure more closely.

2012-01-30, 10:24 PM
"Phew!" Alex sighed with relief. "He should be just fine with some bed rest."

"Um, before anyone goes, could a few people help us get this man back to the shrine, please? Thank you for all of the help." She bowed to the crowd, before bowing again to those who assisted her.

Alex looked into the sky, clutching her necklace. Thank you as well, Mother.

"I would like to return to the shrine as well, just to make sure that no one else is in need of help." she motioned to her friend.

The Succubus
2012-01-31, 10:58 AM
Disappointed about the lost potential for a fresh meal, Cord grumbles to Themman that the man with the arrow in the eye looks like he's probably going to recover.

"Shiny-gem-hat lady seems to have settled down as well. She took the big guy's sword off him although she didn't exactly get very far with it."

Themman nods. Although the immediate threat has passed, the fact the man had managed to get through a horde of barbarians relatively intact leaves a lot of questions. He decides to wait for a bit in case the man regains conciousness.

2012-01-31, 07:22 PM

Meanwhile Kurmak was jogging to the left side of the town. Triying to avoid being shot in the face if any archers happens to be on the walls.
Why does Kurmak has to do everything? "Go back and bring the horses." They say. "Go in and help the wounded-man" They say. "Wear clothes already!" They say. Kurmak is always doing their jobs. But in a way, he was happy to help.

While he was lost in his thoughts he reached the left side wall. Once he was there he started looking for a small door. It was not very well hidden.
Spot or search? Spot: [roll0] Search: [roll1]

He approaches the door, grab his big stick of smashing, raises it in the air with both hands, and strongly knocks. *Knock!* *Knock!* *Knock* "HELLO?"

Overlord Rion
2012-02-01, 06:11 PM
The figure is a man, barely twenty years of age. He is large and muscular, as he should be given the size of his sword. That missing eye is going to be a detriment for a good long while you think. Other than that, the man appears to just need a good long rest.

Meanwhile, Alex is a bit...covered in blood and needs to clean up before she begins to work on anyone else. However, the attention is drawn to a knocking near the door. The first thought across everyone's mind is So that's how he got in. Followed by Wait, who puts a door there?

2012-02-01, 07:11 PM
Slightly disgusted by the blood covering her, Alex turned to the people nearby. "One more thing, if you don't mind my asking. Is there a chance someone could provide me with some clean water for my hands, and maybe a change of outfit as well? I'd be very grateful." Although honestly, I may as well just take a bath, she thought to herself.

She looked at the injured fellow with a smile, happy to have helped another person, when she heard a knocking nearby. "Um... were we expecting visitors?", she asked, her smile replaced by an unsettled look.

2012-02-02, 12:50 AM
"Who puts a door in the walls of a town?! I mean, a gate I can understand or a well hidden trap door, but some random door in the wall??" Cirophi, grumbling, walk over to the door, prepares her Entangling Ectoplasm to lob at whatever is on the other side.

"I am legitimately shocked at how long this town has stood with that, there. I mean, the barbarians could have stormed through here now if they knew about this!"

Rather annoyed now, Cirophi flings the door wide open, not taking a single thought towards preparing some sort of defense. With her power readied and aimed at whatever may lie on the other side of the door, she asks a very blunt and straightforward question.

"What do you want?"

The Succubus
2012-02-02, 08:10 AM
Themman hears a sharping knocking sound and turns his head towards the source.

"What was that?!"

Cord answers the question. "Someone knocking on the door."

"What door?"

"The one in the wall surrounding the village."

"Whoever decided that putting a *door* in a protective wall designed to keep people OUT has to be the most stupid person in the world."

Themman then hears a creaking sound and a petulant voice speaking. "And what was that?" he asks, suspecting the answer already.

"Shiny-Gem-Hat lady just opened it and asked who was there."

Themman's hand covers his face. It seemed the wall designer had just fallen down a step in the stupidity stakes. He feels a surge of power flowing down his arm as he aims a spell in the rough direction of the door. If the foolish woman was in the way of whatever threat came through, well, accidents happen....

2012-02-02, 02:29 PM

Kurmak was ready to take the door down when it suddenly opens.
"What do you want?" sais the weird-dressed lady who opened the door.
Kurmak freezes for an instant, not sure if he should bull rush anyways. He decides not to and instead he sais "I am here to help the wounded man. The man in the bushes sends me. It's dangerous for him to be here, there is a siege." sais while peeping inside over the ladies head.

The Succubus
2012-02-02, 03:59 PM
Themman moves a little closer, ready at a moment's notice to unleash his magic. He overhears a gruff voice, which he assumes is address to the lady in the strange hat.

"I am here to help the wounded man. The man in the bushes sends me. It's dangerous for him to be here, there is a siege."

Themman is unable to contain himself any longer. "Of COURSE there is a siege you simpleton! You and your repulsive associates outside are the ones sieging US!" It is taking all of Themman's self control not to send a gout of flame in the direction of the two exceedingly stupid individuals by the door.

2012-02-02, 04:25 PM
"Please, everyone, calm yourselves. There is no need for there to be such aggression." Slightly shaken by the surprise outburst nearby, she attempted to mitigate the tense situation.

She glanced over at the source of the foreign voice, and realized from the walking stick and the blindfold that he may very well be the Wizard Cirophi tasked her to find.

She turned back towards the door, where her friend and another figure were, and continued to speak. "Your comrade has already received care. But why are the two of you here in the first place? What purpose may you have to be in the area? Hopefully you are not our enemy."

2012-02-02, 05:03 PM
Cirophi tried to make sense of the situation, but even her Psionic mind was having a difficult time comprehending things.

"...a man in the bushes, told you to come here, to help him?" Cirophi points to the man who just received eye surgery.

She begins to rub her eyes with her hands, trying to relieve her strained head. "You know what? I'll take your word for it. Come in."

After the grey-skinned being walks through, Cirophi closes the door behind him, and turns to some workers. "When this conflict is over, I want you to replace that door with wall, understand?"

Lastly, Cirophi turns to the blind one. "Oh, so you do exist. Good, we need your help. My name is Cirophi."

2012-02-02, 06:00 PM

"Wounded man is no more wounded?" Kurmak smiles, the task was a lot easier than he thought but he hoped for some more action.

"I will wait for the bushes man near him. Oh wait! Kurmak almost forgot." He shows a big smile as he moves back to the door, grabs his cleave with both hands and charges at it, trying to break it down as much as possible.
"Now Kurmak's mission is complete! Where is my reward?" :smallsmile:

Charge with power attack 1: [roll0] Dmg: [roll1]

The Succubus
2012-02-03, 04:56 AM
Themman hears the owner of the voice turn towards him and speak:

"Oh, so you do exist. Good, we need your help. My name is Cirophi."

He lowers his arm slowly, still wary about the other figure near the door. "Well, Miss Cirophi, I am Themman and before long you and I are going to have a little chat about why it's a bad idea to open a door with a barbarian horde on the other side of it."

He pauses briefly. "However, as you say, we both have larger concerns for now. What exactly do you want me to do?"

A sharp croak comes from somewhere above him. "Oh, of course. The raven above me is my familiar, Cord. Say hello to the nice lady Cord."

"Hello to the nice lady Cord."

2012-02-03, 05:24 PM
"Nice bird, he has a sense of humor. Anyways, I actually had a power ready to lob at whatever was on the other side of the door, so that lecture isn't necessary. Anyways, I doubt it would matter much anymore since the door's been destroyed."

She turns to the one who smashed it in.

"And you, stop smashing things, especially doors. And I don't know what kind of "reward" you were looking for, but we don't have one for you. ...who told you to come here again?"

2012-02-04, 10:13 PM

"NO REWARD!?" Kurmak was petrified, his smile banished, could it be true?
"The... the man... in the bushes... said..." Kurmak is beginning to doubt about it, he seems to be strugling to remember things.

Overlord Rion
2012-02-05, 07:54 PM
Before this conversation could go on for too much longer, the large horde stirs to life. Yelling and screaming begins, and the next wave of an attack begins.

From the beginning, you can tell that something is different. Maybe they got something extra to attack with, but the town begins scrambling. The four Cirophi has trained move quickly, as if the awakened power also awoke some discipline, as each of them move as one, following the hand signs of the one who is brimming with power.

But there is one surprise for Alex. She would feel something familiar and furry brush against her leg, growling at something behind her.

2012-02-05, 10:27 PM
Upon hearing the horde outside beat again the drums of war...

Cirophi turns to some workers.

"Get that wall fixed, now!"

In a panic, she re-prepares her power, on the likely chance that something gets through.

The Succubus
2012-02-06, 05:07 AM
Themman hears the drums outside change tempo and a low chorus of howls and yelling fills the air. A flash of insight races through Themman's mind and he turns his head in the vague direction of the simpleton barbarian's voice:

"They *USED* you to do the dangerous bit, you fool! Now they're going to charge through and slaughter *ALL* of us, yourself included!"

He addresses his familiar. "Cord! Fly to the top of the door and croak when you're there!"

Cord flys over and perches on the frame above the door, well below the top of the wall. He lets out a loud "Kaaark!" and Themman points his hand in the direction of the sound and then lowers it slightly.

2012-02-06, 07:55 AM
Alex found herself immediately fearful, and indecisive as to where she should go, and what she should do. Her hand came up to her chest, feeling the beating of her heart, as she began to hyperventilate.

All anxiety flowing through her rose to a fever pitch for just a moment, amplified by shock, before completely dissipating as she recognized the familiar touch of a friend. She looked down and began to scratch the fur of her four legged friend.

"It's good to see you, Halo. I was wondering where you had ran off to." she said with a heartwarming smile, as she scratched in between his ears, ruffling the light circle of fur that granted Halo his namesake.

After a moment, she realized that he was distracted by something, and attempted to turn her focus towards it.

Spot Check (feel free to add a +2 modifier since she's trying to find something that Halo seems to be pointing out):


Overlord Rion
2012-02-07, 01:35 PM
You immediately notice a man there, looking frightened at the sight of Halo's growling. "M-Ma'am, the warrior you patched up is gone!" Turning to look, you see that he is indeed gone. Looking a little harder, you see Halo isn't growling at the man, he's growling at someone behind him. It's him. He's walking! But that's...impossible?

The man with the rolling power isn't used to giving orders, but he has a knack for it. After he finishes he makes a beeline straight for you. And right on past. You think you heard a distinct "Follow me" from him, but you can't be sure.

It looks like everybody went nuts the moment the horde started up again. They horde may think they have a chance, but they have the all powerful Kurmak to deal with now!

The din of preparation is getting deafening, but you hold fast to the sounds of Cord. However, with your heightened hearing, something faint starts up. The sound of drums. They have bards!

2012-02-07, 02:44 PM

"They used me? They not my friends anymore!"

Kurmak grabs his huge cleave and move to the broken door, he tries to position himself so anyone who crosses it has to fight him.

2012-02-07, 03:14 PM
Having just performed surgery on him, Alexandria believed she knew the condition that the soldier was in. She was convinced that he would require a day or so of complete rest, at the very least. She could hardly contain her shock when the fellow was not only awake, but mobile as well!

"Um, sir? Please, wait for just a moment!" she called out as she walked past the messenger to approach the man, her faithful companion moving ahead of her every step.

"You really should not be walking around in the condition that you're in! Especially with the issue at hand; if anything we need to get you back to the shrine with the rest of the injured! Sir?"

Maybe we can learn a thing or two from him later, she thought to herself, but he really shouldn't be out and about right now...

2012-02-07, 03:42 PM
"Where is he... hm." Cirophi turns to Kurmak. "Make sure none of the barbarians get through!"

With that, Cirophi runs off, chasing after the man.

Overlord Rion
2012-02-09, 03:32 AM
The one eyed man heads straight toward the gate, his footing getting more sure each step he takes. He arrives at the closed gateway, and makes his way up the ladder towards the top, pointedly ignoring Alex. Once he reaches the top, he makes himself known with a cry of "You want me, you bastards!? COME AND GET ME!"

As for the man with the power, he quickly brushes past Kurmak and heads through the door. "If you want to help, you come with me as well. I have a plan." He sounds so confident, it's hard to Cirophi is lead out the door and through the woods for several minutes. Their destination is to the left of the horde as they prepare to charge. He sighs, and sets his hands in a triangle shape. "Okay, this is new and I've never done this before. If it works, thanks. If not, run."

2012-02-11, 04:03 PM
When they stop moving momentarily or hide somewhere near the encampment, Cirophi asks something in a hushed voice.

"So, what's your plan? Why did we run all the way out here?"

The Succubus
2012-02-12, 03:45 PM
"BARBARIAN!" yells Themman. "If we're going to survive this, we'll need to work together! I cannot see, so I need you to tell me as soon as the horde reaches the gate!"

He takes a deep breath and concentrates. "Barbarian....I will unleash two spells which can strike our foes. Do not get caught in the blasts."

2012-02-12, 06:15 PM

Kurmak looks arround when he hears the blind man voice OH! So that's the black bird's name, strange name for a bird, Barbarian Kurmak giggles before he focus again on the door ready to stop any invader.

Kurmak actually readies an attack with his great cleave.
Map-wise he is positioned 5 feet away of the door, withing reach of the first square of it.

OOC: @The Succubus, how am I suppossed to not get caught in a blast spell?

2012-02-12, 10:06 PM
Beginning to mentally question her actions, Alexandria continues to chase after the man, following him up ladder, and attempts to grab hold of his wrist.

"Sir, Please! Please listen to me, even for just a second! I would really appreciate it if you would at least acknowledge me! Please, Sir!" Her concern, for the safety of her patient and for her own wellbeing, as well as for those around her, is causing her voice to vary in consistency, but she is all but ready to scream at the man.

I suppose I will apply both the Grapple check [3] and Diplomacy check [17].

Overlord Rion
2012-02-15, 02:37 AM
"All right, he should do it right about....now." The cry of the soldier back in the town is heard, reverberating across the horde. At the sound of his voice, another joins the cacophony. It is deep, powerful, and reminiscent of a bear that talks.

"The time is now! Rend our enemies!"

As if on cue, the you are with waves his hand and slams it on the ground. You can literally see the energy flow in a line, spreading out once it reaches the horde. Vines and other plants shoot up from the ground, entangling many of the horde. Few managed to make it out in range of the spell. "Now! Do what you can to distract them. The reinforcements are here"

Finally, the man acknowledges you. His head turns and he looks you dead in the eye. He smiles now, even through the blood on his face. "Relax, I was just calling in the calva-" he stops once he sees a spell go off in the middle of the horde. "Looks like you guys have something of your own in storage. You're Faithweaver, right?"

2012-02-15, 09:15 AM
"Yes, my name is Alexandria Faithweaver. To those who enjoy my company, I am Alex. And what may I call you, brave warrior?" she responded with a friendly smile on her face.

"I'm honestly not at all sure what is happening here, actually. I was hoping, after some rest, that you might be able to inform me, as well as assist us, assuming you didn't do anything reckless to be hurt even more. Perhaps maybe we could continue this conversation on the ground?"

She turned to the ladder and was about to begin the descent downward, when she stopped. A quick jolt of realization made her continue speaking after a pause.

"If you don't mind my asking, how do you know who I am?" she asked inquisitively.

2012-02-15, 10:53 AM
Cirophi stands there, slack jawed and wondering what the hell just happened.

"...wha- huh? I, but, wha- are you Druids?"

She is very, very confused.

Overlord Rion
2012-02-21, 01:39 AM
"Druid? Met a few, never felt like joining them. I was kind of hoping that was going to be one of those big powerful wizard spells, but that works too, I guess." He shrugs, as if it wasn't really important. "They're distracted as they're gonna get. What say you and me go and kick some ass?" At that, the man calmly picks up a large stick and heads in towards the crowd.

If you want to follow the man, roll initiative. You'll get a surprise round as well.

For Kurmak and Themmen, the chaos outside isn't apparent. However, some decide to risk the town instead, eventually finding the door. For a normal person, only one could get through at a time. Except they're halflings. So two are able to get through, and you can hear the rumblings of people behind them.

Alright, Kurmak gets a readied action. Themmen's blindness prevents a readied action since he has to wait on the raven, but it does put you in the top of initiative once the combat actually starts.

The warrior shrugs at Alex's question. "I just had some woman tell me to find her daughter. I was guessing it was you, what with the whole overpowering urge to help anybody injured." He starts ruffling around in his clothes, seemingly ignoring all the chaos under him. Completely unworried about arrows hitting him. Finally finding a piece of paper in his pockets, he hands it to Alex. "Told I needed to give you this. I can't read, but I'm going to make a wild guess and say you can."

2012-02-21, 10:37 AM
Alex was momentarily concerned with the dangerous position that she found herself in, but that concern was instantly forced out of her mind the second she heard the man's words.

You.... Mom came to see you?" she stammered. She zoned out for a moment, thinking of her mother, before coming back into reality upon hearing the soldier’s voice.

"Y-yes, I can read." She replies as she takes the paper. She wastes no time in trying to open it and read it.

2012-02-22, 09:33 PM
Cirophi listens to his requests as he runs to battle.

You know... I've been overthinking things too much.

Quickly springing out of the brushes, she runs up to him, smiling maliciously.

"Into the fray!"

As she nears the first enemy, bits of ectoplasm begin to form next to one of the barbarians. This swirling, foggy glass-like material takes the form of a small automaton, which then beats the barbarian's face in.

I'll be manifesting the Astral Construct Power, using one pp. I'll give it the Improved Slam Attack from List A, and it will be making its attack. It only lasts for one round.

HP: [roll0]

Hit: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2]

Overlord Rion
2012-02-23, 01:54 AM
The letter from your mother contains information about a kingdom where necromancy has become widespread. Looking into it would be recommended, but it is completely up to you. A friend of yours has been contacted to help gather information. Alex would notice the word friend was written as if she was laughing while writing it.

The construct beats the barbarian's face in easily, turning his face into a bleeding pulp. It was a good thing the construct disappeared after its attack, because another mercenary would fly through the spot where it used to be. Members of the horde are dropping left and right, but a few smart ones are attempting to retreat.

Kurmak appears to be waiting for those who came through the door. Once it all said and done, there appear to be about 3 Halflings and what at first glance appears to be an orc.

2012-02-28, 04:19 PM
Cirophi threw another one of her constructs at them.

HP: [roll0]

Hit: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2]

Overlord Rion
2012-03-01, 08:33 PM
This barbarian manages to stay up after the blow, and simply smiles. The way he took the was as if...he'd fought one before. The others attempt to come in and help out, only to be stopped by the man himself. They are mine, back off. Turn your attention to somewhere else. Reluctantly, they comply. The area clears out and he looks toward the both of you before backing away from the construct and bringing his weapon to bear.

Your companion steps in front of you to shield. You're up again Cirophi.

The warrior looks at Alex and reaches out a hand. "Daven, at your service Ms. Faithweaver. Not to rush you, but I think your wizard friend is going to need some assistance by the door. Shall we?"

2012-03-02, 09:02 AM
Lost in thought after reading her mother's words, Alex is all but shocked when she is brought back to reality by Daven's words.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry, Daven. I was just thinking about my mother..." Alex replies with an endearing smile. "Thank you very much for all of your help, Sir. Hopefully after might I be able to ask you a thing or two, if you don't mind. And Alex is just fine."

Alexandria folds her mother's letter, and stores it on her person, before granting Daven her hand. "If you're still hurt at all, please let me know. I would be overjoyed to help in any way I can."

The Succubus
2012-03-02, 09:31 AM
Themman could hear the sound of voices in the doorway, none of them particularly friendly. He knew that if they got into melee range, he was as good as dead.


..he shouted and a dazzling display of colour shot from his fingers towards the rough direction of the door.

Casting Colour Spray....

2012-03-05, 01:11 AM
Cirophi look at the one who now moves closer to the two of them, waving and moving her arms until psychic power collects into her hand.

Extending it towards the barbarian before them, Cirophi throws her power at him.

"Eat ectoplasm!"

Entangling Ectoplasm

Hit: [roll0]
If hit: entangled for 5 rounds.

Overlord Rion
2012-03-09, 11:54 PM
"All right, Alex then. Let's move." With a quick movement, he sort of...twirls around you and clambers down the ladder in order to assist the mage. Speaking of the mage, his color spray was extremely effective. To the man, each attacker actually falls unconcious.

The barbarian on the other hand, is completely taken out by the ectoplasm. You see his face shift from his grin to a...not exactly surprised, but concerned. Your companion quickly turns to the right and slams his hand on the ground, entangling more mercenaries. By now both of you can clearly see the reinforcements coming in. Their armor varies, but on each person, there is clearly a symbol of a hammer in front of a moon somewhere on each person.

I have never seen so very many failed saves.

2012-03-10, 12:59 AM
Alex follows Daven down, all but clinging to the wall as she inches down each step of the ladder. Much more fearful having to come down than she was climbing up, she was no less determined to help out in anyway she can.

Alex tails Daven after she makes it down, with Halo shadowing her.

2012-03-15, 03:29 PM
Cirophi will summon another construct, and have it wail on her... gooey enemy.

HP: [roll0]

Hit: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2]

Overlord Rion
2012-03-20, 12:53 AM
The barbarian falls, a satisfied smile across his face as he does so. Extremely odd, but you don't have time to consider that as a ball of...it wasn't actually able to be seen, but the enemies seemed to clutch their ears and drop, while others just fell outright.

Daven manages to get to the enemies by the wizard before they wake up. He takes some extra effort to make sure that they don't wake up anytime soon.

Like, ever.

"Now, Rurik should be coming in soon. He's the leader mopping up outside. Maybe he can be asked about the note that was sent."

2012-03-20, 04:21 AM
"What in the..."

Cirophi will try and see what exactly they are crouching and covering their ears from.Spot Check: [roll0]

2012-03-20, 04:05 PM
I'll be acting based on the assumption I made Out of Character.

As Alex watches the battle unfold before her, she kneels down and begins praying, her pendant held tight between her hands. Those of you who have perished, please forgive us for our transgressions, and may you find peace. Mother, please help guide the righteous and innocent to their resting places, and bless those who remain on this world.

"I will be more than happy to speak with Mr. Rurik. Thank you, Daven." Alex responds to him. "Is everyone here okay?" Alex asks as she surveys the situation. "And does anyone know where Cirophi headed off to?"

Can I take 20 on Spot, Listen, and Search? If not...

[roll2] respectively.

Edit: ... Did the Dice Roller just give me 2 Natural 20s? Something terrible is going to happen to me in the future....

The Succubus
2012-03-22, 01:27 AM
Themman feels the surge of colour leave his fingers and hurtle in what he hopes is the right direction. Several very noisy seconds pass, featuring the sounds of groaning, curses and the thuds of bodies hitting the floor.

"Great shot boss, you got them all!" calls a cheery raven voice from somewhere in front of him. Then Themman smells something that strikes fear into his heart.


"Cord?! What's happening?"

"Those halflings you knocked out, boss? There's a guy stabbing them up while they're prone."

"Oh." says Themman. "Thank you for your aid in dispatching these wretches, stranger. Might I know who you are?"

2012-03-22, 02:06 AM
"I would much sooner prefer peaceful alternatives than this, personally. Hopefully the fighting may eventually end." Alex responds, a hint of anguish merged into her tone. "Even so, it is good that Daven here" Alex continues, placing noticeable inflection on the name of the warrior "seems to hold our best interests at heart, and hopefully his allies share that view."

Alex continues to pray for the slain, before rising to her feet and walking toward the Wizard. "Are you uninjured ... Themman, if I remember correctly? Earlier, you introduced yourself to my friend, Cirophi. My name is Alexandria Faithweaver. Alex to friends." She speaks calmly and peacefully, knowing that her voice is the only way for her to connect to this possible ally.

Overlord Rion
2012-04-01, 01:58 AM
"Yeah yeah yeah, no need to thank me. Chances are I'll be...you know, it's probably better for you to hear yourself. Rurik will answer questions." Upon speaking his name, the makeshift gates opened wide enough for a single man on horseback to walk through. The man himself didn't attract much attention, it was his horse. Even from Alex's viewpoint, she can see that the horse appears to be...living bronze? It feels as if the horse is giving off waves of heat.


As far as Cirophi can tell, it was a wall of sound that hit them. However, the bronze horse that gallops through the pile of downed combatants draws most attention. The remaining horde sees the spectacle, and promptly stops combat to gape. Many surrender outright. Your companion taps you on the shoulder, his eyes wide. "That...can't be right. No one has managed to ride that horse in hundreds of years. We need to get back in the town as quickly as we can."

2012-04-01, 04:48 AM
As Alex watches the man and his large metallic horse draw close, she whistles for Halo to come to her side. Feeling a little nervous, hopefully her companion would be able to help keep her calm. Never the less, Alex still holds herself as dignified as she can. "I assume you are Mr. Rurik, Sir?" she asks, her voice tender and kind as she greets him.

I have a +8 to Handle Animal, and +2 for Halo being a companion. And he knows the tricks "Come" and "Down". I shouldn't have to roll to hit a DC 10 Handle check to get him to stay close, nor to keep him from doing anything bad.

2012-04-01, 04:56 AM
Cirophi stares at the bronze horse, watching it gallop into the town.

"Well... that's not something you see every day..."

After the Druid guy pokes her on the shoulder and speaks, she starts walking towards the town again, and pipes up.

"So... what's so special about that horse anyways, despite... well... the obvious."

The Succubus
2012-04-11, 03:42 AM
Themman hears several voices speaking to him at once. It's a little difficult to follow as he can't place a direction on where they're all coming from. It's also a little unsettling suddenly having all these people nearby...

"One at a time please! Sorry, but it's a little difficult to follow multiple conversations when you cannot see the people you are speaking with." He pauses and plays back the words he's just heard a bit more slowly.

"You...the young lady? You're friends with the somewhat bold woman who opened a door with a barbarian horde on the other side of it. Judging from your voice, though, you seem somewhat more collected than your colleague. I am Themman and I came to this town in search of a cure for my blindness but to no avail, sadly."

He turns in the rough direction of "Daven". "You did a good service sir-"


"-and my raven Cord thanks you for the four course buffet your efforts have provided him with."

Themman sighs and turns back to Alex. "That's the drawback with ravens, of course..."

2012-04-13, 03:26 PM
"Indeed... quite a drawback... Is there any chance of the fallen at least being buried?" Alex remarks, turning back to Themmen. That she is revolted by both the recently diseased and the disgusting eating habits of the raven is so apparent through her tone it would be impossible to miss. Clutching her necklace, she prays again. Please forgive me for being powerless to do more than this. And please allow the slain to rest in peace.

She brightens after a moment. "I certainly had plenty of issues trying to ensure Halo could behave." As she speaks, she scratches the wolf's ears, and he lets out a loud bark. "But the value of a good companion can never be understated. Including those that may be a bit daring." she giggles, thinking of her friend. "Cirophi may seem odd, but she means well, and her judgment is reliable. I certainly find I can trust my life to her with little risk."

Alex approaches even closer to Themman, with Halo orbiting her. "I unfortunately would not be able to restore your sight now... but one day, such a miracle would certainly be within my abilities. Perhaps after the bloodshed has ended, we might be able to talk in peace, and maybe a solution can be found. For now, I suppose we should focus on the more urgent situation at hand, if there is no other way I might be able to aid you." By the time she is finished speaking, Alex has moved close enough to place her hand on the side of the wizard's face. She inspects him as she speaks, lingering on his eyes. If only I was as gifted as you are, mother, I could heal this man without a moments delay. Maybe one day I will be able to...

After speaking to Themman, Alex waits patiently for a response from either Daven or Rurik.

Overlord Rion
2012-04-18, 12:50 AM
Your companion shakes his head as you begin to walk back. "That..is the horse Erem. Nobody knows if that's the same horse over the years or if it just breeds true. It's almost like the horse is made of living bronze. Supposedly it has all sorts of abilities and is even faster than some monks. I can't tell you much more, but it probably would be better if we ask him directly. He looks like the leader." As he finishes explaining, you get in through the gates as they close. The man who was on the horse is easily visible, or at least, his horse is.

Rurik gestures grandly towards Daven Unlike Daven's dark brown hair, Rurik's is bright blonde. "Brother, nice to see you survived heading through the horde. Don't make me so worried again!" His face hardens for a moment, then softens and he hugs his brother.

"Oh...dear Tolven, need to stop squeezing. Lungs, maybe a broken rib." Rurik promptly lets go of his brother. Once freed, Daven proceeds to let Themman's raven get his fill before taking bodies back and forth to be buried, or burned, or whatever was to be done with them.

Cirophi and her companion, who has finally told her his name (Dominic. He obviously isn't from around here.) approach Rurik. He steps back in order to get everyone in his view before starting with "So, you all probably have questions. Let's begin the question and answer portion of our victory."

2012-04-18, 02:32 AM
Cirophi has a look of interest inscribed on her face. "A bronze horse? Interesting..."

Cirophi looks at Dominic. "Well, it looks like we'll have more questions answered once we get to town. Let's hurry!"
2As is Cirophi's nature, she completely ignores the question part and walks up to the bronze horse, stroking its metallic head. "Nice horsey..."

Cirophi snaps back to reality for a moment.

"Right, who are you and why did the horde leave? In fact, why is the horde attacking in the first place?" she says with her question directed towards the rider of the Bronze horse.

She returns to petting the pretty metallic horse, listening to his response.

2012-04-18, 08:49 PM
Alex watches the reunion of brothers with a warm smile, remembering the gathering of her family. A light hearted giggle escapes her when one provides an extra friendly emotional response. "If that hug hurt at all, I could patch you up again." She calls out.

As Daven works on taking care of the bodies, Alex takes a step closer to Rurik. She opens her mouth to speak, when she pauses, noticing Cirophi's return... along with another fellow. Her eyes can't help but dart toward each person involved: her friend, the blind wizard, the brothers Daven and Rurik, the bronze horse, and the stranger.

As they begin to talk, Cirophi accepting their offer for questioning, Alex reaches into her shirt. "While you explain a little bit more about this war, maybe you could shed some light on this?" she responds, pulling her mother's letter from her pocket.

The Succubus
2012-04-19, 10:09 AM
Cord lets out a reproachful croak as "dinner" is taken away to a more dignified location.

"...didn't even get to eat the eyeballs....no one ever lets me eat the eyeballs..." he mutters from his perch on Themman's shoulder.

"Hush for a second, Cord." He keeps half any ear towards the conversation regarding a bronze horse, although it sounded like a perfectly ordinary beast to him. Further voices join the dialogue but his thoughts for the moment revolve around the words Alex spoke:

"I unfortunately would not be able to restore your sight now... but one day, such a miracle would certainly be within my abilities."

Could this really be true, could this strange woman give him back his missing sight? He had heard of healers capable of great feats, even raising the dead to life...He feels a glimmer of hope. Perhaps by walking the same path, they could help each other and form a close friendsh-


Themman sighs. "Cord..."

"Sorry boss, halflings always give me indigestion."

Overlord Rion
2012-04-27, 12:48 AM
Rurik coughs and brushes his hair back. "Right, well...that kingdom has been running off necromancy usage for...almost a hundred years now. They simply haven't been obvious is all. They've always been efficient. Exports include a myriad of magic items, skilled wizards, crafters, doctors, and the like. However, recently there have been some interesting movements. Somebody is trying to expand and take over the kingdom."

Daven, now finished with the bodies, pipes up, "And whomever it is needs bodies. I've been there before, and they've never used an army of undead before. If that was your mother, Alex, then that's probably why she sent the letter." He motions to Cirophi, "If you notice, we didn't take out the horde lethally. They need bodies. Lots of bodies. We need to find out who it is, and stop them."

2012-04-27, 01:30 AM
At the mention of Necromancy, Cirophi stops petting the horse, resting a hand on its head.

She walks over to the small group to listen closer.

When the conversation turns to her, she responds in time.

"Well... if specifically they need dead bodies, then burning them would remove a rather immediate threat. Surely ashes don't make for good Necromancy components..." Then a look of worry crawls onto her face. "...do they?"

Then, she breaks out into a smile.

"Regardless, seeing that we'll be dealing with the undead, you'll be a big help!" She says as she rest two hands on Alex's shoulders. "Though I do wonder..." She turns to Daven. "If her mother sent the letter, then she also knows of the undead threat. Where is she and what has she done about it? Any information she knows about this could be useful."

2012-04-27, 05:18 PM
As she listens to her allies speak, her mind stirs, as the surface of a lake disturbed by pebbles.

How could such a place possibly stay in such dire straits? To be founded by something as horrible as the use of the undead... but if the entire kingdom has been corrupted in such a way, what can someone like me do to change that? I'm still so inexperienced; isn't this beyond my capabilities?

Brought back to earth by Cirophi's touch, Alex pays a bit more attention to the conversation. When said conversation reaches her parent, Alex immediately interjects. "Mother might be busy right now!” she responds, turning toward Cirophi and the quiet fellow who arrived with her, then to each of Daven, Rurik, and Themman as she speaks. "I see no reason that the angels wouldn't be able to deal with any situation. But if they saw fit to send a message to have someone on the mortal realm deal with it, then they might have more pressing matters to deal with! Or they saw fit for us to solve the issue ourselves! Or any number of reasons!"

She continues after a pause. "I wish I could have seen Mom again. Just to say hello, at least, if not to ask her about this task. But if she, or those that she works for, saw fit to deliver this message to me, then I have to have faith in their judgment, and must accept this great endeavor!" Her normally peaceful smile is replaced by a confident grin.

Shortly afterwards, it fades into a considerate frown. "But, what about the people here?" she asks, looking in the direction of the makeshift hospital. "I can't simply leave the casualties of war and the hurt soldiers to fend for themselves. There are a few people capable of helping take care of them, but would it be right to leave the injured I've placed in my care, even at the behest of the will of the gods?"

She turns to the brothers more than anyone else. "How long must the fighting here last? Is there no chance of reconciliation with the leaders of their side? Why must blood even be spilled in the first place?" Tears begin to trickle down her face, her cheeks as rosy as her hair.

The Succubus
2012-04-27, 07:09 PM
Themman listens carefully to what Alex is saying but before too long loses patience.

"And exactly what good will your magic do against an army of undead abominations? Will your few cantrips and blessings hold off spectres and monstrosities? It is abundantly clear by the bloodthirsty horde that attempted to disembowel us not thirty minutes ago that their leaders have little interest in what we have to say, unless it is to take a sadistic pleasure as we scream in agony."

Cord lets out a sharp croak, "What Boss is trying to say is that you might do more to help these folks if we find out what's going on with these others guys and stop 'em."

He hops between his claws in agitation. "Not keen on undead personally. I like my lunch to stay put, not shuffling around asking for brains."

2012-04-28, 06:56 AM
Cirophi eyes the bird with a slightly disgusted look.

"Eew... I couldn't believe that rotting flesh would be good for your digestion..."

Cirophi turns to Alex, connects her thumb and index fingers, and promptly flicks her on the forehead.

"Now now, crying will not do. How will tears solve the current issue at hand? Trust me, they won't." Cirophi turns to the side, looking at the sun bathed lands before them.

"...tears didn't save my home from self destruction. It only added to the pain."

Cirophi turns to Alex once more, with a more serious look in her eyes.

"I know you want to stay and heal these people, but their wounds will mend either way, only faster with your powers. Therefore, we should do our best to take care of this undead threat before more people become hurt, don't you think?"

2012-04-29, 04:50 AM
Themman's words, harsh but true, serve to further complicate Alex's thoughts, and the few tears streaming down her face were quickly joined by more until Cirophi calmed her down. Alex rubbed her forehead, then wiped away some of the tears, still sniffling a bit.

"Thank you, Cirophi. I'm sorry about that outburst..." she apologized. "It's just... I really miss Mom... and the first time I get to hear from her in a while, it's over such a monumental task, one I'm not even sure how to begin to attempt... and while people are already here that might need help..."

Her voice gains a bit more force behind it and she makes sure she is loud enough to be audible to Themman. "I honestly don't know what I'm going to be able to do. And I know my abilities are limited. But I wouldn't have been tasked with this if the celestials thought I couldn't do it. Mom would never forsake me. All I need is faith, and I will be able to help, in this matter and in my life's dedication to the less fortunate... somehow."

Alex focuses on Rurik again. "Are you fellows the 'friend' Mom said had been gathering information on this matter, if you don't mind my asking?"

Rushed post is rushed! I'll edit it after work today if anyone dislikes it or if anything is wrong.

Overlord Rion
2012-05-09, 12:17 AM
"Friend? Just the one. Well now, it appears to that she has forgotten you Daven!" Rurik lets out an enormous laugh, earning disapproving looks from some of the townsfolk. He calms himself and takes a look over the three laid out before him. "I believe you three are what several of my men call the squishies. I prefer casters myself, but you know how it is. The three of you need a bodyguard, somebody who knows the area and mission....Daven, you're it!" Ignoring his brother's outbursts, Rurik continues, "In any case, we have several healers in our ranks, so you shouldn't have to worry about the townsfolk. I know how it works."

2012-05-09, 04:13 AM
Hm... perhaps I should learn how to wear full-plate and prove them all wrong... Cirophi thinks as the words of Rurik flow into her ears, dancing in her mind.

Although, she is a little annoyed at her "squishiness".

"Hey it's not my fault I'm this way. ...well, actually it is, but wouldn't I be stronger if I focused my talents more towards one aspect of myself than both at the same time? Besides, I can summon little constructs to do the fighting for me."

Thoughts fly through Cirophi's head for a moment, until she coalesces them into sentences for the small gathering of people.

"Although, having some muscle I wouldn't have to conjure all the time would be a relief on the mind, sort to speak. And besides, Aqil would be glad to have someone to talk to!" She says smiling like a little child. She has not, however, explained who Aqil is.

The Succubus
2012-05-09, 10:03 AM
Themman's thoughts turned hither and thither in his mind. It seems he was being roped into some sort of quest to save a kingdom from the predations of another kingdom, yet he had little interest in the politics of the world. However, the victory of one nation would inevitably lead to the ransacking of the other and might cost him a potential resource to restore his sight...

His train of thought wass derailed slightly by a new voice expounding on the physical frailty of casters and derogatorily referring to them as "squishes". He turned his head to the source of the voice.

"'Squishy?'" he mimicks, "True, I am not as well muscled as some but you should never mistake physical frailty for weakness...." To underline this point, he extended his hand and a glowing sphere of fire appeared in it as Themman smiled grimly.

"Awww boss," complained an avian voice from somewhere nearby, "I hate it when you do that. I like my food rare, not burned to ashes."

2012-05-12, 01:15 AM
"I never really considered myself squishy. I was built in the mold of my mother, and I am very happy to be as healthy as I am, even if my athleticism leaves something to be desired." Alex confidently responds. She poses for just a moment, attempting to show off what little physique she had, though her muscularity is all but nonexistent.

After a moment of pause, she continues, turning her attention toward the younger brother as he attempts to respond. "I had not forgotten you at all, Daven. It would be very nice to have you come along with us. I would appreciate any and all help, and I would be overjoyed to know that I would be safe in your care. Hopefully you would not be so reckless while you are to be in mine." She finishes speaking to him with a cute smile.

Alex turns back to Rurik. "That you and your men would be so willing to assist us and to help care for these people... I don't know how I could begin to repay you. If I could do anything, please do not hesitate to ask me." Alex curtsies to the man.

"One thing still remains, actually." she continues, her voice echoing her concerned sentiments. "As I am aware, neither Cirophi nor Themman here are bound by any laws but their own to be a part of this endeavor. I would hope that Cirophi, my friend, would be willing to come along, but she may certainly have plans of her own."

Alex focuses on the blind magician. "And good Themman; we just met him today. As helpful as his incredible power would be, It would not be fair to rope him into these affairs against his will, especially should he and his companion" she emphasizes the bird, her voice slightly disapproving. "Already be on a mission."

She looks around. "Would we have maybe until the end of the day before we would need to be off? Or shall we leave as soon as possible? Should either of the two of them have other business to take care of, or decide not to be involved, it would give them time for a just choice in the matter. I would like time to offer any final services or prayers I could to those staying here." Looking down at herself, she continues. "And maybe wash this dress, and myself, before leaving."

Slight Diplomancy: Taking 10 with a +8 modifier on Diplomacy (total 18) to improve Daven's mood, at least toward Alex, if not in general, for the sake of getting his cooperation.

I demand -someone- in character be amused or unimpressed as Alex attempts to look tough. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FlexingThoseNonBiceps)

2012-05-13, 07:17 AM
"Alex, you fret too much. I've been following you this entire time, because not only are we friends, but interesting things always happen around you. It's a good experience for me. I mean, how often do you get to pet a bronze horse?"

Overlord Rion
2012-05-29, 10:31 PM
Rurik smiles as his joke flies right over Alex's head. Meanwhile, Daven is chuckling at her attempt to look tough. Man, casters just never get a break, do they? Daven speaks before Rurik can "Rurik is a bit of a bleeding heart, but he'll make sure everyone is patched up. As for you, go ahead and get yourself ready. We'll leave tomorrow morning."

Sorry for the short post, but it's something.

The Succubus
2012-06-06, 07:55 AM
Upon hearing Daven's words, Cord lets out an excited croak.

"Awesome boss! We're going off on an adventure!"

Themman grimaces. "By "adventure", what you actually mean is staring starvation in the face, trudging through endless muddy fields in the pouring rain, extremely questionable hygiene routines and almost certain death?"

Cord croaks again. "Cheer up boss, not everything that meets you ends up dead. Some of them just end up with lifelong trauma and therapy sessions."

2012-06-06, 10:07 AM
Cirophi, always the jitterbug she is, pipes up.

"Well, I won't starve. I can sustain myself mentally if need be. And stop being such a sourpuss. Adventures aren't that bad, especially when you have company."

Then, Cirophi lets out a nice large yawn.

"Haah... however, that battle was a little exhausting... I think I'll feed Aqil, and find somewhere to bathe and rest my mind for a while..."

She turns to Daven for a moment.

"...where are we heading exactly?"

The Succubus
2012-06-06, 10:50 AM
Cord flutters over to Cirophi and makes himself comfortable on her shoulder. Despite having no facial muscles whatsoever, he gives the impression that he's grinning.

"Don't mind boss, he just likes the little comforts of civilised life. Hot water, feather mattresses..."

"...not being dismembered and eaten by undead cannibals..."

"...you know, the little things in life."

Themman pauses for a moment as he replays Cirophi's words in his head. "An inn and a good night's rest does sound like a commendable idea. I don't suppose you could point me in the right direction for one?"

2012-06-08, 11:47 AM
Alex performs a curtsey for the two soldiers, sporting a warm smile. "Thank you so much, for everything." she responds.

She stops to listen to Cirophi and Themman, as well as Cord. Her smile fades into a frown at the Wizard's pessimism, before being forced back into a smile again by the little bird's twisted yet whimsical sense of humor. Despite not fully appreciating his remarks, she can't help but to release a light hearted giggle.

"Hopefully the Gods will favor us with far greater luck than that." she directs her voice to the Mage, walking toward the shrine. "Until we leave, I am trying to help tend to the injured at a location nearby here. I'm sure, should you wish it, we could find somewhere safe for you to stay as well."

As she heads toward that direction, she pauses, standing next to the man. "If you truly do not wish to, you do not have to come on this adventure. Hopefully I will see you soon... and by then, be able to enable you to see." she softly speaks into his ear. With that done, Alex continues to head back to the medical center, Halo at her side.

Overlord Rion
2012-06-24, 11:04 PM
OOC: Jesus, was my post really that long ago? I am SO sorry.

The night passes easily now that the threat of the horde has passed. Alex likely works herself to exhaustion before being forced to sleep, while Rurik coordinates efforts to fortify the town against any other attacks. Daven gives Cirophi a map of the city they will be traveling to. He mentions it may have changed in the few months he's been there, as the city's workers can be quite diligent on city improvement.

Themmen, of course, is given proper leave to do whatever he damn well pleases.

The sun rises, and is actually quite high in the sky before Daven takes the time to gather the lot of you. He explains the route he will be leading you through. If his calculations are correct, it shouldn't take more than a month or so to get there. Once there, you'll head through the front gates and try to find a friend of his. He stresses it will be exceedingly obvious who you're meeting once you see him. He sighs and a small smile appears on his lips, as if remembering something. "Oh, I nearly forgot, Rurik decided to give us a bit of a fund in order to equip ourselves once we get there."


The city was easily spotted due to the large towers spiraling towards the sky. The gates, while large, were not decorated with much, though they were well kept and the guards welcomed you in with a smile.

Speaking of the gates, Spot checks on those operating the gates.

Inside, the city livens up considerably, the hustle and bustle of the crowd spitting in the face of the information you have. Daven leads you into a bakery near the entrance and turns. "Unfortunately, the only way we'll be able to find my friend is by wandering around the city and shopping. You guys don't know the city, so stick together. I have a few things I need to tend to. Here's some shopping cash, courtesy of my brother and his piles of money I never get to touch." The bags he hands each of you is fairly weighty, weighing at least two pounds.

For those that look in the bags:

Alex: Alex has a bag full of platinum coins. There's at least 80 or 90 in the bag, but that's just what you can see.

Cirophi: Likewise, platinum coins abound. There's also a slip of paper in the bag.

Themmen: I'm going to assume Cord comments on the contents in a way to portray the amount without alerting anyone else.

For everyone: Everyone can assume at least 100 Plat in each bag. It took me a while to find this, but 50 coins weigh a pound, so it's really hefty. Also, this city is pretty much metropolis level and beyond. If you can imagine it, you can probably find it here. Gals and Guys, the money is to reward you for putting up with my erratic posting so far.


2012-06-25, 12:20 AM
As the morning sun rises, Cirophi rides her camel, Aqil, keeping stride with the Bronze Horse. The little cart behind her camel clacks along, holding whatever gear their recently formed group might want placed there for long term travel. As they pass into the city through the main gates, Cirophi looks around. Perhaps it was out of instinct, perhaps it was just to assure herself that they weren't walking into a trap. Regardless, she looked as keenly as she could before passing by.

As Cirophi was handed the bag, she opened it up, her eyes going slightly wide at the sizable lump of platinum resting in her hands. Only after watching Daven walk off did she notice the note inside her bag. She opens the slip of paper, seeing if it has anything to say.

Afterwards, she turns to the other two.

"Well... shall we find somewhere that appeals to us all?"
Spot check! [roll0]

And now... I can't post anymore because I need to figure out what I'm gonna buy! XD

But seriously, thanks GM! MONEY! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkhX5W7JoWI)

The Succubus
2012-06-25, 07:24 AM
"Hold out your arms for a second boss, that Daven guy is giving you something."

Themman feels a bag being placed in his hands. It's heavy and made of thick leather. He kneels down on the floor and after a little searching opens it. Cord lets out a croak of disappointment.

"Awww. I was hoping it was going to be full of eyeballs but there's just these little black metal discs in there." He pecks one of the coins in the hope it might be edible and lets out another disappointed caw.

Themman reaches in and feels the weight of one of the coins. It's a platinum coin and judging by the weight of the back there seems to be just shy of a hundred in the bag.

"We have a very generous benefactor, Cord. There's an awful lot of money in here. Money we can use to buy lots of useful things with."

"Like eyeballs?"

Themman covers his face with his hand. "Yes Cord, I'm going to spend a hundred platinum pieces on eyeballs."


Themman turns his attention to the two women. "Would one of you please take my arm? It's the first time either my fixated familiar or I have been here and I need someone to lead me please."

Spot check is an auto-fail for me as Themman's blind and Cord wouldn't know what he's looking at.

2012-06-25, 04:40 PM
OOC: I'm still waiting on other Dms longer than I've been waiting on you.

Nice assumption on how Alex would spend her time.

Spot Check: [roll0]

And fudge; I'm not sure of what I would want to purchase. I might donate 1/10th of it, just because it seems appropriate in character.

The maiden spends as much time as she physically can tending to all in need before leaving the Fief of the Dying Rune with her companions. Such trips are always easier when aided by friends.


As the group enters their latest destination, Alex is sure to wave a friendly greeting in return to the guards patrolling the gates. Inside, she is momentarily distracted by the majesty of the city. "This place is certainly nothing like I'd have expected it to be... although to be fair, I don't remember hearing much of this place.", she comments, before listening to the others.


Alex is distracted by the food at the bakery, only half way paying attention to Daven's words. So when she attempts to receive his gift, its weight surprises her. She struggles with the bag for just a moment, before placing it in the backpack placed on Halo. Peeking inside, she is awed by the massive amount of money within the bag. "It seems good fortune smiles upon us. May it continue to last."

After Daven heads off, Alex addresses the others. "If we are not expected to meet with our contact for a little while, perhaps we should find somewhere safe and comfortable to sleep?" she asks. "I wonder what churches lie nearby. It certainly would not help to try to look around."

Hearing Themman's request, Alex wraps her arm around his. "It is my first time here as well, but I would be happy to help guide you as well as I can."

Alex looks at the people for just a moment. "We should find somewhere safe to stay the night. Once we have, we can shop to our heart's content."


Holding Themman's hand, she walks over to the nearest person and attempts to ask for dirrections. "Excuse me. Pardon me if I am interrupting anything. My friends and I are new here, and we were hoping to find somewhere safe to stay. Do you happen to know of any Inns with available space? Or better yet, any nearby churches?

Gather Information: (1d20+5)[13]

Overlord Rion
2012-07-14, 11:08 PM
Spot Checks

Cirophi: Not only are the men moving rather mechanically and oddly, you noticed the two aren't even exerting themselves. The strangest and most unsettling part? It doesn't appear they're breathing.

Alex: They move oddly, a little mechanically.

Themmen: You may be blind, but Cord does notice something off about the two. He can't place exactly what though.

Easily enough, you are given directions to a decent inn near the financial district. With a quick drop off of stuff and description of your fourth member, payment is deferred to after your stay is complete.

-Timeskipping for PLOT-

Before you ask, you did in fact get to make a roll to spot the attempt...at the DC of his roll. Remember those rolls from a few days ago? There you go.


2012-07-15, 01:06 AM
After analyzing the movements of the city guardsmen of the watch through her head several times, Cirophi came to some startling conclusions. If they were indeed fighting Necromancers of high caliber, and if the guard themselves aren't breathing, they might have been walking into a vastly elaborate trap this entire time without realizing it. Though she was concerned, she remained calm. Keeping cool now would ensure clear-headed thought in planning, and especially in more crucial scenarios which might occur. While at the inn, Cirophi brings both Themman and Alex into her room, presumably the one she is sharing with Alex.

"Themman, do you perhaps have a spell which allows the three- er, four of us to talk in private, with no outside ears listening in?"

Depending on his answer, Cirophi will either wait until such a spell is cast to explain her theory, or she will simply talk in a very hushed voice as to conceal hers from unwanted ears.

"Listen, I just realized something which concerns me, and I think we have to find Daven as soon as possible. I think the town guard are all dead, and being controlled by someone. They weren't breathing, and their movements were very... mechanical, sort to speak. I think they're being preserved through necromancy, but more importantly, I think whoever these Necromancers are already have a strong grasp on this town. We'll need to tread carefully from here on out. We... might have walked into a trap without knowing it, but that's just speculation on my part."

Oh man it feels so GOOD to RP again!

A la the spot check we were allowed to make: are we supposed to make another one on top of the check we've already made? I didn't understand that part.

The Succubus
2012-07-16, 08:18 AM
Themman speaks very softly to all those within ear shot. "We may be being observed at this very moment. If that is the case, then as soon as our watcher notices something out of the ordinary in our behaviour, the trap will be sprung. Cirophi, I lack the magics needed to give us privacy but I do have a spell that could confirm our suspicions..."

If there are some of the potential zombies in range through the window, Themman casts Detect Magic on them.

Deleted Cord's comment about the smell for purposes of accuracy.

Overlord Rion
2012-07-21, 10:29 PM
My bad, for some reason the spoiler wasn't showing...weird.

The spell detects many auras of magic wandering through the street of varying schools. The majority of them are small time things, likely not much past the usage of prestidigitation a few times per day.

The Succubus
2012-07-23, 03:33 AM
Themman lowers his hand, the gentle glow fading. He frowns.

"This is most odd. If these creatures were truly undead, then the entire area would give off a strong necromantic aura. As it is, my spell only picked up a few traces of "house magic" - presdigitation and a few other cantrips. Certainly not enough to magically control an army of the dead."

He turns his head in the direction of Cirophi. "Your talents are somewhat different from my own. Can you pick up anything unusual?"

2012-07-26, 04:19 PM
While listening to her companions speak, Alex moves about the room, seeking the best spot for herself and for Halo to rest after a long trip. Upon hearing his question, the maiden earnestly responds, eager to be of service.

"Maybe I can please help us?" she responds to his query. "I can verify for certain if they are undead or not with a spell I know. It helped a lot, back at the Fief of the Dying Rune... It's a slightly dark spell, but even darkness can be used for good!"

Alex moves toward the room's entrance. "It's unfortunately a bit short ranged, though. But we could take a bit of a walk and try to see if we can find anything, since it lasts for a few minutes."

I didn't know if we were within 30 ft. to one of them or not. 60 ft.’s a lot easier to judge. Besides, this way's a bit more roleplay'y.

2012-07-27, 12:08 AM
Cirophi ponders for a little bit, her hand holding onto the bottom of her lip slightly as she thinks.

"I think your plan is the best, Alex. That way we can know for sure if they're really undead or not. However... I don't like the idea of you going alone..."

Promptly, the wizard finds his arm wrapped around by Cirophi's.

"Care to be our escort, Themman?"

The Succubus
2012-08-09, 05:31 AM
Themman nods in the direction of Cirophi's voice. "There is something odd going on in this city. I do not know what the cause of it is but I mislike waiting around for a trap to be sprung on us. Let us go and determine the nature of the peril for ourselves."

Cord flys back over to Themman and settles on his shoulder, before he and Themman are led out of the room by the two young women.

Overlord Rion
2012-08-17, 01:10 AM
For the sake of a little bit of speed and headache, I'll roll diplomacy rolls for haggling and speed on through. We can work out details in the OOC. Kay? Kay.

And since it's for you, here's the rolls

Alex, since she's close to double digit bonuses: [roll0]




There is indeed some amiss in the city. But the people don't seem to notice, or even care. It's odd, to say the least, but it's almost like the reliance on necromancy was...accepted? Encouraged, even? That couldn't be it, right?


------------------------Oh yeah, time skip--------------------

The shopping has been completed, everyone is satisfied, and you even have a decent chunk of change left over. The girls each feel a sharp pinch in their posteriors, but it's gone as quickly as it appeared. But you certainly feel lighter than before...

Somehow, your money has disappeared! Those with eyes only have enough time to see a flash of blonde in a sea of dark hair quickly working its way through the crowd past you. He's moving quickly, expertly using the crowds as cover.

So what's the plan, heroes?

2012-08-18, 06:01 AM
After the pinch and tug of a certain pouch of money being relieved from her person, Cirophi's eyes spy out the bobbing blonde head in a sea of black. Like any sensible person, she yells, "THIEF!!" And promptly starts the chase (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK6TXMsvgQg).

The Succubus
2012-08-20, 03:25 PM
"Confound this wretched city!" mutters the wizard as he hears his companion cry out. Although he could not see the people around him, given the numbers he had been jostled, bumped, pushed around and tripped, he knew the market square was busy. It was also a miracle of his patience that he hadn't set anyone on fire...

...but now a target was offering itself to wizardly wrath. "If only we had a way to spy on our quarry from on high!" he said.

Two pairs of normal eyes and one pair of bandaged eyes turned to a small pair of black, beady eyes and their owner.


2012-08-20, 05:50 PM
For merely a breath, Alex smiles at the strange avian. "Good luck." she commends with a giggle. A certain feeling of optimism wells within her chest as she whistles out, calling Halo to follow her. She immediately dashes off after the brief flash of yellow that she was certain just picked her pockets. "I'll be back in just a bit!" she yells to her allies as she gives chase along with her canine companion.

If possible within the crowd, Alex does her best to point out the target in question for Halo to attempt to subdue.

What rolls, if any, are needed?

Overlord Rion
2012-10-18, 11:27 PM
The blonde man weaves through the crowd, moving just fast enough to keep all of you in pursuit, but manages to be slow enough for everyone to keep up just out of reach.

Slowly, you realize the crowds are getting thinner and thinner, and the streets, while not becoming dirtier, are certainly becoming more foreboding. It's obvious he's leading you, but is it into a trap?

2012-10-19, 01:06 AM
Cirophi runs with all her might, but is quickly losing breath, and sadly only able to run so far.

"*huff* I wasn't- *huff* -built- *huff* -for this. *huff*"

She kept up with everyone else though, keeping a hand latched onto Themman's arm to keep him up to speed, even as Alex's wolf galloped past her and their surroundings suddenly took a turn for the worse.

The Succubus
2012-10-19, 04:12 AM
Themman feels a lurch as he is "led" along by Cirophi, although the sensation is closer to being "dragged". His shoulder feels considerably heavier as Cord not so much lands as collapses there with an angry squawk and a cloud of feathers.

"That took forever! I felt like I was flying up there for seven and a half weeks!" he complains.

"Stop complaining - you were only up there for a few minutes. Now, what did you see?"

Cord gives Themman a brief rundown of where the thief is running to and also mentions the thinning crowd.

Oh fantastic, he thinks. I don't need eyes to see we're heading right into a trap here.

2012-10-19, 04:15 AM
At the mention of Trap, Cirophi turns her head towards Themman, still running of course.

"Do you- *huff* -think- *huff* -I should have- *huff* -a construct- *huff* -stand in front?"

The Succubus
2012-10-19, 04:46 AM
Somewhat startled by the way the young lady has apparently read his thoughts, Themman stumbles for a moment causing the pair to slow down briefly. As they begin the chase again, Themman considers her question.

"Keep the spell to hand but do not summon anything until the trap has been sprung. No point giving a potential foe a warning that we suspect something. Oh and one other thing - if you start reading my thoughts again without permission, I will set you on fire. Just a friendly warning."

Overlord Rion
2012-10-22, 10:15 PM
The thief leads you into a cul-de-sac. Upon entering, a quick look of surprise crosses his face. "Aw hell, I goofed on navigation again." He quickly turns toward the three following him. "All right, ya caught me. Ain't no way I'm giving up on such a sweet amount of bank though. In the spirit of fairness...how about a fight for 'em?"

2012-10-23, 04:19 PM
Visibly out of breath, Alex has to brace herself on Halo to keep from collapsing once the chase stops. She immediately perks back up upon hearing the thief's request. "I'd have never considered combat and crime to be within the spirit of fairness... Though I was raised differently from yourself, good sir." she responds. "I don't see at all why this has to come to blows. Might you at least explain why, if at all, you need that money?" she politely asks. While speaking, she keeps a tight hold on Halo, trying to keep him from continuing the chase.

2012-10-23, 06:18 PM
Cirophi will move Themman up to where Alex is standing, and stand by her side, the power to summon another Astral Construct ready to be manifested at a moment's notice.

"I don't think we exactly have a choice in the matter, thief."

Cirophi will see where Alex's diplomatic methods get them, and if it's nowhere, Cirophi doesn't need to see the future to tell that they'll need to fight to get their money back.

The Succubus
2012-10-24, 03:36 AM
After what seems like hours of being dragged along, bumped into and generally knocked around all over the place, Themman finally comes to a stop. He hears a strange voice speaking and correctly assumes it's the voice of the thief. Themman is rather...cranky...as a result of his exertions.

"I'd like to make a counter proposal, if I may. First, you stole from a blind man. This does not say anything positive about your character..."

Themman's hand begins to glow gently.

"...then, the afforementioned blind man and two poor defenceless women were forced to chase you across half this accursed city..."

The glow begins to get stronger and starts to look rather ominous.

"...during which, I have been shoved, tripped, bounced around and all in all I am in a very, VERY unhappy mood."

There is a crackling sound as magical lines of fire wrap and twist around Themman's hand.

"So, my counter proposal is that you have exactly six seconds for me to finish casting this spell before I vaporise you, this alley and anything else within a half mile radius. If, however, I had to reach down and pick up a large bag of gold, for example, it would disrupt my spell casting, or at least stall it long enough for you to get a headstart."

Overlord Rion
2012-10-30, 12:36 AM
The thief looks pensive while Themmen talks. "Here's my counter to your counter offer!" In a flash his hands grab something from his belt and let it fly.

Straight at Themmen. The object bounces solidly off his head (any readied actions you guys had will go off as well.) "I like these odds much better.

Ladies, roll for initiative.

Themmen, you take 7 damage.

2012-10-30, 01:08 AM
"Rather cocky if you think you can take us all!" She yells, summoning an Astral Construct right behind him.

HP: [roll0]

Hit: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2]

2012-10-30, 10:57 AM
"Can't this at all be solved reasonably?" Alex asks as the mage charges his spell. The sound of a projectile flying past and striking her ally confirms that this situation would only end in violence.

"Oh no..." She immediately moves to heal Themmen a bit. As she does, she remembers for a moment that she had been trying to contain her furry friend. Alex looks in time to see Halo jump at the thief.

I believe we're still doing the free cantrip thing, which means Themmen gets 5 of his hit points back.

Halo's Charging Attack Roll: [roll0]

Halo's Damage Roll: [roll1]

If he hits,Trip Attempt: [roll2]

Overlord Rion
2012-11-01, 01:15 AM
The thief easily whips to the side as Cirophi's construct attacks, and uses his momentum to slide past Halo's charge (read: fluffed tumble). During this tumble, another round object comes out of his hand and flies at Alex.

What actually happens now depends on what Alex's AC is. I can't actually see the sheet for some reason.

With bonuses, he hit a 17, so if Alex's AC is 17 or less, then she takes...


9 damage! Actually the max he can do in one shot!

2012-11-01, 10:16 AM
Halo continues his restless attack against the thief.

Halo's Charging Attack Roll: [roll0]

Halo's Damage Roll: [roll1]

If he hits, Trip Attempt: [roll2]

2012-11-04, 06:18 PM
Cirophi will slam down another construct onto his head.

HP: [roll0]

Hit: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2]

2012-11-04, 09:04 PM
"Why does it have to come to this? Why do we need to fight?" Alex laments as she heals herself, slightly unsteady from the previous blow she took.

Having been staggered due to Non-Lethal Damage equaling her Hit Points, Alex can only heal herself or move this round. -5 Non Lethal Damage.

I'm guessing at no point in this a Diplomacy Check would be worth anything... [roll0]

Overlord Rion
2012-11-14, 08:33 AM
"Normally I'd agree with you, but the haul is too sweet. I can bail my buddy out of jail with this!"

Another stone flies out from his hand, the wolf's closeness be damned. It flies true, impacting Alex on the noggin. As her world goes dark, she can see a flash of regret on the thief's face.

6 Nonlethal, Alex is out of the fight.

2012-11-14, 10:15 AM
"I'd be happy to help..."

Alex isn't sure if she merely thought such words or managed to speak them before she loses consciousness, her body falling to the floor.


Halo's attack still continues, despite being unable to land a hit on the thief.

The Succubus
2012-11-19, 04:35 AM
Themman groggily pulls himself into a sitting position and mutters some extremely colourful and descriptive Dwarven cursewords. He hears the sounds of growling, yelling and constructs manifesting and fires off a Colour Spray at the whole sorry mess of it.

2012-11-20, 03:51 PM
"Alex!" cries Cirophi as she runs over to her unconscious friend.

Meanwhile, the Construct will lift up its ectoplasmic fist and strike the head of this thief to unconsciousness.

Assuming I still have to hit and deal damage & whatnot... Or is this a Coup De Grace?

Hit: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

Cirophi begins murmuring to herself. "Damnit, I'm no healer!"

She starts rummaging through Alex's stuff, searching for a healing potion or a salve or something she can use.

Overlord Rion
2012-11-25, 04:17 PM
For the purposes of expediting the battle, I can call this a Coup de Grace.

The construct's massive body slams the stumbling thief senseless. He crumples to the floor in a heap.

2012-11-26, 06:18 PM
Still worried, Cirophi will run over to the now unconscious thief, checking anything he has on his person which might heal Alex. If there's nothing to be had, well, they got the money back at least.

The Succubus
2012-11-26, 07:00 PM
Although still slightly disorientated after the fight, Themman's ears picked up a "thump" sound made by a stunned thief being slammed into the floor by a psionic construct. Themman's hearing could be remarkably acute at times.

It also picked up a flutter of wings from somewhere above him.

"Nice shot with the swirly colours, boss! As he was looking at them all spinning and dancing and stuff, something weird looking clocked him on the back of the head!"

""Weird looking"?"

"Hey, you're the brains of the outfit, not me!"

Themman suddenly realised that he could hear movement ahead of him. "Cord? What's happening?"

The raven let out a sharp croak. "Hey, that's not fair! The glowing hat lady is already picking over the corpse! If she gets the eyeballs I'm going to be really annoyed!"

Taking a deep breath to gain some measure of self control, Themman turned his attention to Cirophi. "Is the wretch dead? Was anyone injured in the fight?" He winced. "Correction: was anyone *else* injured in the fight aside from me?"

2012-11-26, 07:18 PM
Cirophi turned her head to the blind wizard.

"Dead? No, just unconscious. Unfortunately so is Alex, which is why I'm searching him for any healing salves of potions he might have on him. And before you ask, yes", with a clink of coins in a bag, "I have the money."

Cirophi continues to rummage.

"If bad comes to worse, we can walk back to the town, hand him off to the guards, and buy some potions while we're there."

Overlord Rion
2012-11-28, 05:14 PM
Upon searching the thief's pockets, Cirophi finds a small bottle with what looks like salt inside. These are very obviously smelling salts. There are folded up pieces of paper in his belt pouch as well.

If Cirophi looks at the papers
The first one appears to be a floor plan for a prison. There are faint traces of plans that were promptly smudged beyond recognition.

The second looks like nothing but gibberish.

And the third is a drawing. The drawing is a crude representation of Cirophi, Themmen and Alex, with arrows pointing out details.

2012-11-30, 03:57 AM

Cirophi takes it all, first waking Alex up with the salts. Then she walks over to Themman, explaining what she's seen on the papers.

2012-12-01, 01:35 PM
Groggily awoken, if only slightly, by the salt used by Cirophi, Alex immediately begins restoring her own vitality.

"Ugh... my head... I'm sorry I went down so easily... thank goodness everyone's alright... more or less."

After taking care of herself, Alex moves to make sure Cirophi and Themman are healthy, before walking over to the thief's body. Halo sits nearby, having pilfered a plump piece of pork from the pit-pocket's pocket.

"What should we do with him?" she asks. "We shouldn't just leave him here... Maybe take him back to Daven? Or question him ourselves?"

Alex is busy, so no checks for her. Halo, on the other hand....

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Survival: [roll2] (make that +5 through smells).

If he's had time, consider him having taken 20 for a 24 in Perception and 25 in Survival. Maybe he found something else around here besides food.

Overlord Rion
2012-12-06, 03:52 AM
Halo does not find much else besides jerky while sniffing through the thief's pockets.

He does, however, find a ring, which promptly gets shoved to the side in lieu of more jerky.

2012-12-06, 04:17 AM
Cirophi pauses for a moment to think about what they should do with him.

"Well..." she starts.

"Is there a jail in town we can take him to? I have no other ideas and that sounds like our best bet..."

The Succubus
2012-12-06, 05:10 AM
Themman begins to speak before interrupted by growling, wings and kaarks as Halo and Cord have something of a disagreement over ownership of the jerky.

"As I was about to say," he continues, glaring in Cord's approximate direction, "the piece of paper intrigues me. To the best of my knowledge, we have not done anything to provoke the ire of the local denizens, although I have every faith in our ability to do so.

If we think for a moment, whoever sent this misfortunate footpad after us knows we are here and what we look like. The idea of heading towards a place where we can be imprisoned does not appeal. Perhaps our unconscious friend here may be able to shed some light on the matter with the right...persuasion.

The paper with the gibberish on..." Themman grimaces in frustration, cursing his lack of eyesight.

2012-12-10, 10:05 PM
"Bad Halo! We need to share! Be nice..." Alex requests of her companion, hoping he doesn't decide to munch on the birdy.

"I agree with Themman. I would hope that our presence anywhere is never an issue, but there might already be reason to suspect that we are not welcome here. The local government might not be as helpful as one might hope."

Alex looks over the thief. "I suppose, if we do not want to find Daven again, we could speak with this man ourselves... if we can find a way to keep him from fleeing or attacking us again. It would only take but a moment for me to relieve him of his injuries, which should be sure to awaken him... but maybe this is not the best place to make such conversation, yes?"

Do I need a spot check to find, like, an alleyway or any other location where we could question him? I'm sure Halo could drag him...

Also, do I need a spot check to see the ring? The ring seemed noteworthy...

I wonder if I should read the note, too. See if anything significant is posted on it.

2012-12-10, 11:22 PM

Cirophi looks at her two companions, back at the thief, and the rough direction that Daven walked towards.

"...I say we tie him up with copious amounts of rope and magical enchantments, leave him in our room with the cover of him being drunk and hung over. Then we find Daven and have him help us with his interrogation, as well as letting him know everything we've found out."

The Succubus
2012-12-11, 05:07 AM
A frown forms on Themman's brow.

"A disturbing thought. Who brought us to this city?


Who knows what we look like?


Who knew we had an excessively large amount of money?"

"I did!"

"...you don't count. When you're blind, you have to put your trust in the right people or you will be led astray and hurt. I agree with your plan, Miss Cirophi, however, when we summon Daven, say nothing of the papers. Merely state that this wretch tried to rob us and we wish to turn him over to justice."

2012-12-11, 06:11 AM
"Now wait a second. Yes, he does know everything about us, but I seriously doubt that he's trying to kill us. I mean, is there anything that legitimately convicts him? I don't think so, even if the facts can be tailored to point at him. I agree on the caution, but I think it's a little too early to be suspecting him just yet. Although..."

Cirophi pauses for a brief moment, collecting her thoughts until she's ready to ask.

"...why did we come to this town in the first place?"

2012-12-13, 09:18 AM
"I came to this town because I was appointed a mission by a sentinel of the Gods themselves; to be their tool on this world and prove my loyalty and righteousness to the agents of Good. Cirophi, as far as I know, you've come along also because you aid the forces of Light, and because you are my friend. And Themman joins us in search of a way to find his sight, at least until the day comes that I might restore it myself. Together, we quest to save this town from the darkness that plagues it from the sidelines."

She turns to them, her voice oddly aggressive. "Whether or not your reasons are worth the risk this town might bring, and it is entirely understandable that you might waver now that we have been threatened here, and whether or not everyone in this scenario is trustable or not to -you-, I do know this: My Mother forever watches over me, and by extension, us together, as we endeavor to liberate this town from an evil hold placed on it, even if it is only apparent in the shadows. And she also noted in her letter that Daven and his companions are friends of ours; the word of an Angel is worth its weight in Gold. I see no reason to suspect him, especially given it was he and his brother that provided us that money in the first placeee..."

The last letters trail off through the wind, as thoughts rolling around in her head light up her emerald eyes. She turns back to, and sits next to, the thief. Halo moves out of the way, still sniffing for more food. “I.... I might actually like to talk with this man now, before we do anything else. I would prefer negotiations under much softer context, but if he is kept from being able to attack or flee from us, he might be willing to share what he knows on our many mysteries here."

2012-12-13, 12:19 PM
After listening to a rather unexpected speech, Cirophi, at first, merely blinked in response.

"Well... that was a speech. I suppose I should have specified my question, considering we all have our own reasons for being together at the moment."

"Why does Daven want to be here? He never explained why, he just threw money at us and left, more or less."


Cirophi begins shuffling about her personal belongings until she pulls out that piece of paper at the bottom of her bag, before the thief promptly stole all of their money.

"I completely forgot about this."

OOC: to be fair GM, you kinda forgot about this, here's a reminder. :smallwink:

So what does that little note say that I got?

Overlord Rion
2012-12-13, 08:55 PM
The note Cirophi pulls out if very simple and quickly written. It says "If you catch me, don't kill me, please."

2012-12-13, 09:43 PM
Alex's face turns a vivid shade of red as time allows just how preachy she was to sink in. "Sorry, guys... maybe I was a bit carried away. But Daven actually did explain why we were here, at least for the moment: he has a contact here, a friend of his, who he wanted to find, that we might only find if we do a little bit of exploring."

She places her palm on the man's forehead and gets a good look of his features, both bodily and facial. "This man was the first relevant person we could find, and he's had reason to be looking for us. This meeting may have been destined, or it could be a simple clash of interests. Either way, I'd still like to hear what he has to say, if he's willing to say. He could at least share what he knows about this city."

She redirects her voice at her companions. "Besides, he may need help himself; most thieves are victims of circumstance. It might be wrong to simply allow him to what fate finds him if he can be helped. What do you say?"

Overlord Rion
2012-12-31, 06:03 PM
Well, I wasn't able to find my notes on...well, the note. As a result, the note now reads:

Cirophi, Rurik here. Once you come into contact with Daven's friend, whoever that might be, find Daven. He likes to wander off in that city, and I know he's going to do something stupid. If you can keep him out of trouble I'll owe you a dinner.

2013-01-04, 07:43 PM
Cirophi read both notes, thought for a brief moment, then looked up at her companions.

"Okay, so, it seems Daven is trying to meet up with a friend of his, although we're cautioned to find him once he does, for the sake of keeping him out of trouble." she says while showing them the note she received.

"I'm still wary of immediately convicting Daven, considering we don't have any solid evidence to convict him of, well, anything. I still think we should take this thief here and see what information we can pry out of him. And Alex, circumstance or not, the bottom line is that he stole from us. I don't really care what his reasons are... well... actually that's not true. I do, but the point is that I, at least, don't feel beheld to aid him. He should do something other than pure thievery, or at the very least be a better thief and not get caught to make his living."

Cirophi then walks over to the thief, lifting him up and putting his arm over her shoulders.

"First thing's first though, we need to drag him back to the Inn."

The Succubus
2013-01-07, 05:42 AM
Themman sighs.

"I feel like we're walking into the mouth of a very large and hungry dragon with toothache...but I dislike walking around in the dark even more. I assent to the plan. Maybe in the privacy of our inn room, this light-fingered wretch might be more forthcoming with details."

Cord perches on Halo's back to get a free ride back to the inn.

2013-01-10, 09:25 PM
"Then let's get back to the room! Daven might already be back for all we know; it has been a while. Even if he isn't this is best done with a bit of privacy, I suppose..." Alex chirps in as she supports the pick-pocket's other side. "I think everything's going to be just fine."

Halo looks back at the bird once, then follows along, sniffing pockets for more food.

Overlord Rion
2013-04-03, 05:05 PM
You each head back to your room, somehow managing to evade the crowd and questions. Regardless of your methods, the thief doesn't talk. You're not sure whether it was out of spite or just trying to prolong the questioning to avoid the authorities.

The most you can get out of him is his name. Gerome. Gerome Fada. "You guys can all go to hell. Either let me go or call the cops. It has been a few hours, so a second bout of questioning can be had, but he is still staring at you defiantly.

2013-04-04, 11:38 PM
Alex approaches the man, keeping as dignified a smile as she can toward their new guest. "Now now, that's no way to act. We really don't need to have anymore hostilities toward each other, Mr. Gerome Fada. ...hm... may I ask how you might prefer to be called?"

Without entirely waiting for an answer, she sits next to him, brushing her long red hair out of her way, reaching for the holy symbol hanging over her bust. "I'm surprised you're still so aggressive. After all, rather than finding yourself in the next world, or left for dead in the streets here, you're safe in a nice room. You can at least be thankful for that, right?" she remarks as she runs a glowing finger along his body, imbuning him with warmth.

Free Cantrips, right? Cure Minor Wounds, not only to ensure he's not hurt anymore, but hopefully to continue to convey the message "She's a good person; she can be trusted; she's not interested in killing you." After all, if negative energy burns mortals, then positive energy should feel good, right?

Diplomacy: [roll0]. I say actively trying to tend to any remaining wounds should give a +2 mod to that roll, since it's usually good to listen to someone with the capacity to keep you alive, but eh.

Let the game continue! Give me at least a 12 on that roll so I can hit a 20!

*edit* YES!

Overlord Rion
2013-04-08, 12:38 AM
"Yes, because asking nicely is going to...." He raises an eyebrow as she runs her finger along. "I'm not sure whether or not that's you coming on to me.' He sighs and looks toward the ceiling. "Fine. But my name is actually Gerome, at least believe me on that. I can't answer all your questions, but I can at least give you some answers."

2013-04-08, 10:11 PM
Cirophi laughs at Gerome's reaction, absolutely expecting it and holding her sides with overwhelming humor.

"Aaha, haha, that was rich..."

Cirophi wipes some tears from her eyes from laughing so hard.

"Although that does answer a question, it poses new one's still."

Her mind is replaying the event, her face and lips contorted into a horrible attempt at some kind of poker face. She seems to be highly amused and in no way ready to try her own diplomatic measures.

The Succubus
2013-04-09, 04:39 AM
A kaark of avian understanding erupts from a nearby bookshelf. "Oh! That makes sense now," says Cord. "So boss, when you were asking that Paladin acolyte to lay her hands on-"

"This isn't the time for that Cord," growls Themman.

"So why did she slap-"

"Not. The. Time." says Themman with an air of closing the subject. "We have more pressing matters to attend to. I have a question for the man that hurled an object at my face - have you noticed anything...odd...about the inhabitants of this city?"

Overlord Rion
2013-04-09, 08:57 AM
"You're going to have to define odd. In a city like this, even people like me mostly seem fine."

2013-04-10, 08:49 PM
At Gerome remark, the color in Alex's face gives way to furiously embarrassed blushing, leaving only a pair of emerald eyes floating amidst a sea of scarlet skin and hair. I did not know if you were still hurt or not.... She mumbled, slightly unhappy. I was taught that physical contact establishes trust... she mumbles at Cirophi's amused response, scooting away slightly, sitting with her hands wrapped around her knees, pouting. Cord's remarking was the final nail to the coffin, as she begins to visibly pout, fruitlessly trying to hide her face, despite her skin visibly releasing heat from her shame.

After a moment, she composes herself while Themman speaks, and manages to speak once Gerome gives his response. "You say yourself normal, yet I find your situation slightly abnormal. You would be willing to fight against three, to my knowledge, strangers, over a pile of money, despite knowing full well that you might have been left to die, if not outright slain during the battle. You even prepared a small note, hoping that, should you fall, your opponents might be merciful enough to let you live."

Looking up, she attempts to catch his eye, some of the magenta leaving her face as she became more serious. "If you do not mind me asking, do you know who we are? Was your assault an attack of opportunity, or was this meeting predestined?"

I think, at her age, even someone as sheltered as she would have gotten the joke by then. But that's neither here nor there.

Continued Diplomacy Checks: [roll0]

Edit: At least the dice roller isn't making this worse.

Overlord Rion
2013-04-10, 09:03 PM
At Alex's last comment, Gerome chuckles. "I said mostly. But as for the meeting...you tell me. Is it fate, or coincidence? I can never tell. All I know for sure if I've met a lot of weirdos in my fight, and you guys are the most normal."

2013-04-18, 09:51 PM
“So, Gerome, you'd greet those that you find the most normal with theft and violence? I wonder how you might entertain those you find odd! That certainly isn't a good way to make friends!” she responds with a giggle. “Speaking of which, I do not think we have been introduced. My name is Alexandria Faithweaver. And these three are Cirophi, Themmen, and Cord. Halo makes for a better guard than conversation.” She acknowledges each of them as she mentions them, before turning her focus back to Gerome.

“If you do not mind me asking, is it not dangerous to pick fights like that in public? Not only do you gamble that you bite off more than you can chew, as has just happened, might I add,” she notes in a matter-of-fact way, a sly smile meeting her lips for a brief moment before vanishing. “but isn't such fighting likely to attract unwanted attention from the law enforcement to yourself? If you truly wish to save your friend, it would defeat the purpose of your efforts to be killed or imprisoned yourself, would it not?” she asks, a genuine look of concern shining in her eyes.

More Diplomacy! [roll0]

Overlord Rion
2013-04-19, 10:41 PM
No more Diplomacy rolls are required. He's compliant.

"Usually I'm on the winning end." At this, Halo chuffs, as if he's laughing. "Shush you, oh eater of my food." Gerome rolls his eyes at Halo. "You're talking in circles Ms. Faithweaver. I recommend you get to your questions soon so we can get this over with."

Spot checks, people.

2013-04-21, 04:48 PM
"Now hold on." Cirophi declares.

She begins to rummage through her pockets until she pulls out the sketched pictures of their small troupe.

"You can't just claim meeting and stealing from us fate or coincidence you lying bastard, when you had this in your pockets. Alex, he's been lying to us, and I doubt your looks, though impressive, are going to get more information out of him. Themman, I'm sure we could use out powers for more.. direct means, and...

The Succubus
2013-04-29, 08:47 AM
Themman turns his head at the rustling of paper and listens to Criophi's rather testy speech.

"Is it not obvious, Miss Cirophi? Our friend here, in addition to being a con artist, is also a regular artist. So captivated was he by the beauty of yourself and Miss Faithweaver, he felt moved to commit your likenesses to paper, prior to robbing and assaulting us."

A gentle glow pulses around Themman's hand.

"Of course, truly great artworks increase in value after the artist in question is deceased. So either our struggling artist can be a little more forthcoming with the truth, or we can add a few gold pieces in value to the paper in your hands."

2013-04-29, 12:29 PM
"Now hold on." Cirophi declares.

She begins to rummage through her pockets until she pulls out the sketched pictures of their small troupe.

"You can't just claim meeting and stealing from us fate or coincidence you lying bastard, when you had this in your pockets. Alex, he's been lying to us, and I doubt your looks, though impressive, are going to get more information out of him. Themman, I'm sure we could use out powers for more.. direct means, and...

Themman turns his head at the rustling of paper and listens to Criophi's rather testy speech.

"Is it not obvious, Miss Cirophi? Our friend here, in addition to being a con artist, is also a regular artist. So captivated was he by the beauty of yourself and Miss Faithweaver, he felt moved to commit your likenesses to paper, prior to robbing and assaulting us."

A gentle glow pulses around Themman's hand.

"Of course, truly great artworks increase in value after the artist in question is deceased. So either our struggling artist can be a little more forthcoming with the truth, or we can add a few gold pieces in value to the paper in your hands."

Cirophi will walk slowly behind Gerome.

"Considering your hands are as loose as they are, perhaps a few coils would keep them occupied, hm?"
Cirophi is most likely rubbish with tying or tightening knots (how did we get those on him anyways?), so she will prepare to summon an Astral Construct the moment he frees himself. (Note: he will be used for out of combat, and I believe it's 10 rounds out of battle for every 1 in battle, so yeah. :3)

Overlord Rion
2013-05-09, 01:23 AM
Gerome sighs. "Damn, that was my last chance. Didn't think you'd catch me." He ceases his struggling once Cirophi starts tightening the knot. "I guess it's about time I come completely clean. Give me the info you've got, and I'll fill in the gaps."

2013-05-09, 12:43 PM
"And how do we know you will stay true to your word?" Alex asks, visibly and audibly upset. "You have sought us out once, with pre-existing knowledge of us and our belongings, despite us being entirely new to this area. You have tried attacking and possibly killing us as well, even though we have not done anything to you. And despite graciously being left -alive-, as per your wishes, and -not- locked behind a cell, with even the offer of freedom or even help, in exchange for what truths you -chose- to provide, you instead continue to weave deception, taking advantage of generously and truthfully offered trust for your own ends."

Alex stands directly in front of the man, holding his chin to lock eyes with him. Her own emerald eyes lose quite a bit of their luster as her expression grows cold. "I abhor violence. I detest not helping those in need. I love mercy and compassion, and champion forgiveness. Even you, a man we just encountered in a fight, would receive assistance from me, if you were willing to assist us as well. Yet I see no reason why we should continue this, if you are not willing to be truly genuine. What makes us sure that now, everything you do truly will be "completely clean"? What guarantee do we have that you will try to comply, rather than half-heartedly entertaining us and wasting our time while trying to escape us and do more wrong? Why should we not take you, an obviously wanted criminal, to the closest thing we can find to proper authorities?"

At this, she engages Cirophi and Themmen more. "Maybe Daven might know what to do with him or who to bring him to. Perhaps Halo, Cord and I should go to find him, while you two stay and interrogate "Gerome" more. If that even is his name." she adds almost spittingly, as she throws another glare in his direction.

That wasn't Intimidate. It was an angry Diplomacy Check!

....which I somehow failed to roll. Rolling OOC.

Overlord Rion
2013-05-10, 02:11 AM
Gerome visibly deflates at Alex's admonishments. "Yeah, you're right. I was just jerking you around. But my arms are starting to fall asleep, so hang on." Gerome flexes his arms and the ropes binding him snap. "Let's try this again as equals instead of an interrogation. You ask me a question, and I get to ask you one." Gerome makes no aggressive movement other than snapping the ropes.

Damn. I used all the charges on his bracelet and nat 20ed on the strength check. For future reference, it's a DC23 for snapping normal rope and a 24 for silk rope.

2013-05-10, 07:56 AM
Cirophi is surprised by his sudden self-freedom, and is on the cusp of summoning her pet. However... he's not attacking... again, she'll keep the power prepared, and cast it if Gerome attacks.

"Gods, do I have to shackle you to that chair, or better yet, just keep you chained with the lock in my hands?"

The Succubus
2013-05-11, 04:46 PM
Themman turns to face "Gerome".

"Let's start from the beginning. You were sent to find us by the person that gave you the drawings. Tell us their name please."

He then turns in the direction of Alex's voice. "Not a bad suggestion - Cord, if you would accompany them...?" Cord flutters over and takes up position on Halo's head. "Do try to stay out of trouble though."

"You heard the boss, missy!"

"I wasn't talking to Alex."

2013-05-14, 04:39 PM
Alex's piercing glare practically melts as she sees that her words appear to have taken affect on Gerome. She stands silently, listening as the rest begin to talk, before watching Cord join Halo.

"There might actually be a rather decent chance that I will need to stay out of trouble as well, Themman. This city might not be the safest, is rather large, and already has at least one person who knows us; the chances others might also know are decent. Cord?" She kneels in front of Halo, to give the bird her undivided attention. "If anything -does- happen, you make sure to fly right back to your master and tell him everything you see and hear, okay?"

Giving a moment to let him answer, Alex turns once more to Gerome. "If your arms hurt from the bindings, I could make them feel better before I go... I am sorry for being so aggressive a moment ago... though if you had been honest before, I would not have to have been so hostile... That still does not make my deplorable manners acceptable; again, I apologize."

She aims her glance toward Cirophi. "I do not think your discussion with him will be difficult anymore... Please make sure to remember well anything important, and fill me in when I return."

After speaking her peace, Alex walks to, and lingers near, the exit, Halo getting up to shadow her. "Wish me luck, everyone. And may you remain safe here..."

Overlord Rion
2013-05-15, 10:55 PM
"The picture was drawn by my friend Hazel. Hazel's a seer, so that's how I know what you look like. Unfortunately Hazel was jailed before I could be told WHY you were here."

He turns his head towards Alex as she leaves. "Good luck finding him in this town. It's a damned maze. If you do manage to find him though, make sure to tell him he still owes me for that time with the nanny."

2013-05-15, 11:31 PM
"Don't worry too much about us. I'm certain Halo can track him down, and help us find our way back! If not, Cord can certainly help lead us back here." She smiles back to the group, her face warm and friendly again. "I'll make sure to let him know. See you soon."

With that, Alex exits through the door, closing it behind her part of the group. The sounds of their leaving can be heard slightly.

After a pause, rapid footsteps can be heard, followed by the door swiftly opening, Alex's head piering through the gap, eyes slightly more alert and widened by realization. "Wait, did you just say that you knew Daven? Daven, as in part of the entire reason we are here, Daven?!"

2013-05-16, 09:48 AM
Cirophi starts to put two and two together; at this point she's now just frustrated, tired, and rubbing her eyes to try & think more coherently about the fact that Themman was right & she was wrong.

"Gods dammit Daven."

2013-05-18, 11:51 PM
Sensing her friend's discomfort, Alex's focus turns from shocked to serious, as she re-enters the room. "Maybe I -should- stay for this explanation, and learn as much as I can before I wander off. Everything's getting rather confusing, so we do something about that. Daven, and his accomplice; to our knowledge, his older brother Rurik. What, exactly, is your and this Hazel's relationship with them?" She asks, her poise guarded and her approach cautious, a hand on Halo's collar as the wolf moves to guard his master.

Overlord Rion
2013-05-20, 11:07 PM
"My relation to Daven is solely through Hazel. Daven doesn't know me exactly. He knows Hazel, and what the bugger has gone through. Hazel knows exactly why Daven is here, but he unfortunately didn't see himself being arrested on what I assume are probably true charges." Gerome runs his fingers through his hair as he talks, almost like a nervous tic. "So why did Daven bring you?"

The Succubus
2013-05-22, 03:35 AM
"That, sir, is an excellent question and one I wouldn't mind finding out myself."

Themman pauses for a moment. "I do not know what our mutual acquaintance is doing but from what you've said, Hazel is our best shot at getting a straight answer. I think it's time we started making plans for the retrieval of this friend of yours. Tell us what you know about the prison she is being held at. Even the smallest detail could provide us with an opportunity."

Overlord Rion
2013-05-27, 09:15 PM
"Well, I had the plans for the prison, but some very nice people decided to loot my unconscious body.'

2013-05-28, 09:34 PM
"Wait a minute.... Hazel, you said he was arrested on true charges, and is now in prison.... are... we're not actu... what EXACTLY did you intend to do with the money you would have received from us?" Alex inquires, her face slightly whitening. "In fact, since your attacks seemed more likely to knock us out than to kill us, what were you planning on doing with us?"

Overlord Rion
2013-05-28, 09:38 PM
"I was going to take your money, bribe some officials and get him out the easy and legally questionable way. But now the deadline is passed, so I have to go for the unquestionably illegal way." He leans back and puts his hand behind his head.

"And I was just going to leave you guys in a more or less safe place."

2013-05-28, 11:43 PM
"So, jailbreak I assume?"

Overlord Rion
2013-05-30, 01:57 PM
"If you all are willing to help me, then yes, a Jailbreak."

2013-06-01, 08:48 PM
"I don't think I'd be entirely helpful with a Jail break... um, would you mind too terribly if I went to find Daven now? I think if we were to do anything like this, we might value his strength and expertise a bit, since I do not believe I could otherwise contribute." Alex asks, nearly stammering. It is obvious that even the idea of a morally dubious act like a crime does not come across as a positive thing to her.

"Or... maybe... you said there isn't enough time to go to an official to pay for your friend's release, but are you sure? It wasn't too long ago since you first attacked us; unless you were expecting to get the money immediately, the day hasn't ended yet, and you could still try." As she responds, she reaches in between her breasts and retrieves one of the coins from the bag she was given. "I suppose if it is for a good cause, I would be happy to part ways with my share of the money to help out. I actually happen to be relatively decent with words; maybe I could help convince whom you need to speak with to more lenient. After all, Hazel couldn't have done anything too terrible.... right?"

2013-06-04, 09:26 AM
Cirophi looks at Gerome, waiting for a response. Her readiness to summon a construct in the blink of an eye seems to have relaxed, as her hand has stopped glowing with the power to summon her beloved ectoplasmic minions.

The Succubus
2013-06-05, 03:43 AM
"May I propose the following then?

I do not know the layout of the prison and as such any attempts on my part to move around it will be slow and cumbersome. So perhaps I should accompany Alex with the facade of making an attempt to free Hazel by legal means but ultimately to provide a distraction for both Gerome and Cirophi."

"We also have another advantage in the form of Cord. A wolf wandering around the prison will doubtless raise a few eyebrows but I don't think anyone would bestir themselves over a harmless raven."

2013-06-05, 01:37 PM
"A harmless, talking raven, mind you..."

Overlord Rion
2013-06-06, 01:58 PM
"Okay, those are all valid points. I suppose we could try and see if the deadline for bribery has passed yet or not.

How long was I out?"

2013-06-06, 07:32 PM
"Okay, those are all valid points. I suppose we could try and see if the deadline for bribery has passed yet or not.

How long was I out?"

"It's still the same day we knocked you out in."

Cirophi thought for a moment.

How did you break out of the knots anyways?

Overlord Rion
2013-06-07, 03:22 PM
"Nobles are a funny set of people, if you haven't noticed. Especially in a town like this. As for the ropes...well, I'm just really strong."

2013-06-08, 11:10 PM
Alex looks at Gerome, eyes somewhat mistrusting, her arms crossed over her chest. "Are you sure it was just your strength? Why would such a big, strong man have waited so long to free himself when he was being held by his enemies, I wonder?"

Her snarkish gaze turns into a demure smiles after a moment, before going serious again, this time hoping to catch Cirophi's eyes. She aims her voice such that Themmen should also hear her clearly. "But now isn't the time to wonder. We should act soon, before it is too late to take any legal action. But should we be doing this before contacting Daven or Rurik at all? Without at least sending a message of some kind: they did state they were our allies, and other than not telling us more of what they know, I see little reason to not trust them."

Overlord Rion
2013-06-15, 12:01 PM
"See, now I know you're flirting with me. And without knowing where the brothers are right this second, there isn't any point in wasting time trying to find them. This is in their interest anyway. Hazel might be willing to help them once jail isn't an issue anymore." He gets up and cracks his neck. "For future reference, if you want to interrogate someone, you're supposed to make them think they've been here a while."

2013-06-15, 12:30 PM
As her face once again matches the color of her vibrant red hair, Alex opens her mouth to speak in protest. Unable to form words due to being flustered, her accusatory thoughts are pushed to the back of her mind as she sits on her knees, looking into the floor silently.

The Succubus
2013-06-17, 06:32 AM
"Enough banter - the longer we wait, the less likely our distraction is to be effective. Cirophi, if you would kindly lay out the map of the prison on the table, Gerome can talk us through it. If someone can give me a vague description of the place, it will help."

Themman's eye head turns towards Alex. "I am still unsure as to why our mutual acquaintance has gone to such duplicitous efforts to introduce Gerome to us, if all he wanted to do was free this "Hazel" person. Maybe there is malicious intent to it or he merely withheld important information through carelessness. Either way, we can contact him once Hazel has been freed."

2013-06-17, 01:47 PM
"Right." Cirophi will take out the mal, unrolling it and laying it on the table.

"Gerome, was it? Here, put your hand on this side so the map will stay flat."

Overlord Rion
2013-07-09, 11:36 PM
The map reveal the prison is very large, consisting of 4 wings. Each wing contains 30 cells, which are split into 15 cell blocks. Each cell is able to accommodate two prisoners. "Okay, first thing you guys need to know is that this map is a few years out of date. Precious little information gets out, and what does has a tendency to be false. I've had this map checked out and it's genuine. Hazel is somewhere in the east wing, either in C or D block. Each one has a different set of patrols, of which I've only halfway memorized."

He points to a room that is almost like a foyer. "This is where we go to visit prisoners. This room to the left of it is for...eh, conjugal visits. Word of warning, my plan involves using the conjugal visit room." He produces a piece of charcoal from somewhere and draws a few circles and lines. "I've had to alter it to include all of you. Basically, one of you ladies will be escorted by Themman inside the prison. You say you're in for a conjugal visit for Hazel Oddthorn. They'll likely take you into the room with Themman outside while they check with the guards in the east wing to see if Hazel is cleared for visits of any kind. From there, we need a distraction so I can take out a guard or two and steal some uniforms for Alex and I. Any questions so far?"

2013-07-10, 12:11 AM
Cirophi raises a hand.

"What's a "Conjugal Visit"?"

"Also, do we intend to see if we can spring him out by paying the proper officials before we attempt our break-in, or do we just want to spring him out asap?"

Overlord Rion
2013-07-15, 12:13 AM
"We need Hazel out as soon as possible or else he's basically useless to me. As for a conjugal visit....uh...well. Alex might want to cover her ears for this one. A conjugal visit is when you go visit for sex. fortunately, Hazel built up a reputation of basically doing anything that moves, so it won't be out of character."