View Full Version : Deities of Arthex [3.5e]

Milo v3
2012-01-27, 06:51 AM
These gods are from the world of Arthex and will be used in the the Campaign setting The Shadow of the Fallen Kings (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12587757).

Erebos, Father of the Noble
Rank: Greater Deity
Symbol: A Black Disk with a Golden Heart symbol in its centre
Homeplane: Astral Plane
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Cosmos, Households, Parent, Plans, Villages
Alignment Restrictions: None
Domains: Community, Creation, Family, Force, Planning
Favoured Weapon: Gauntlet

Erebos is the father and ruler of the gods and the patron of communities and families.

He tries to make his followers help people whenever they can and form strong communities so they can thrive and produce more people.

Clergy and Temples
Erebos's often has a shrine in small towns and villages where they bring offerings of milk and pray for him to protect their children and families. This shrine rarely has more than two priests which maintain it.

Role in the Pantheon
Erebos is the father and ruler of the gods and keeps them from fighting. He has Nyx as his wife.

Nyx, Mistress Of Shadows
Rank: Immediate Deity
Symbol: A Disk with one side of it Black, the other white
Homeplane: Plane of Shadow
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Hunters, Moon, Night, Stealth, Trickery
Alignment Restrictions: None
Domains: Darkness, Greed, Hatred, Illusion, Lycanthropy (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12625002#post12625002), Suffering, Trickery
Favoured Weapon: Dagger

Nyx is the mistress of shadows and those who dwell within them. Nyx is the patron of the Moon, Darkness, and stealth. Most who worship her are thieves who need her blessing to succeed, also hunters often pray to her as they will probably need her skill.
But their is a dark side of her, some worship her in as their profession is one not only of stealth but deceit. Assassins also worship the mistress of shadow and she gives them her blessing.

She asks only for those who use her gifts to respect her and pray to her, as she knows that if you use her skill you are probably causing someone somewhere suffering.

Clergy and Temples
Nyx doesn't have many shrines as nearly all who pray to her commit crime, but it isn't uncommon for hunters to make small shrines to her in their homes. There are only a tiny amount of temples to Nyx and nearly all of them are part of the thieves guild.

Role in the Pantheon
Nyx is the first daughter of Erebos and is allied with Moros, Oneiroi, and Philotes. She is also mother to Hemera (With Erebos). She hates her daughter Hemera and seeks your downfall.

Hemera, Daughter of Dawn
Rank: Immediate Deity
Symbol: A red burning sun
Homeplane: Ethereal plane
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Farmers, Sun, Light, Sky, Weather, Fire, Rain, lightning, Light, Food
Alignment Restrictions: None
Domains: Air, Destruction, Fire, Gluttony, Hunger, Plant, Storm, Sun, Weather, Windstorm
Favoured Weapon: Scythe

Hemera is the Daughter of Dawn. Hermera is the patron of the Sun, Farming, and the weather. Most who worship her are farmers who seek good weather and food for the winter, also sailors often pray to her as they hope for a clear stormless journey.
But their is a dark side of her, as she is the goodess of flame her powers are sometimes used to cause destruction. Strangely, despite being a giver of life she is fine with people slaughtering in her name and using her powers to cause suffering.

Hemera asks her worshippers to give part of the rewards to her, seeing as you used her gifts, she is partially responsible for anything you accomplish. This is normally in the form of sacrificing an animal or crops at her shrine.

Clergy and Temples
Hemera has hundreds of shrines, generally one in every human farming village. There are also a few temples to her in the lands, generally in only the largest of towns. Also cities with large ports or docks might have a temple in her honour.

The Priests which serve her are generally kind and are taught that you must respect those greater than you.

Role in the Pantheon

Hemera is the daughter of Nyx and Erebos and is allied with Thalassa, Aether, and Gaea. She is also manages the mortals and makes sure they never get out of hand.

Moros, The Eternal Judge
Rank: Lesser Deity
Symbol: A skull with red eyes.
Homeplane: Limbo
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Death, Disease, Undead, Fate, Healing, Balance
Alignment Restrictions: None
Domains: Balance, Death, Deathbound, Fate, Healing, Oracle, Pestilence, Purification, Renewal, Repose, Time, Undeath
Favoured Weapon: Shortsword

Moros is the Eternal Judge. Moros is the patron of Death, Healing, and the Fate. Most who worship him are healers who seek his power to help.
But their is a dark side to his followers, several of his followers are fanatical and use his gifts to bring disease, death, and chaos to the lands in an attempt to create balance.

Strangely Moros doesn't ask for anything in return for his gifts. He wonders what the mortals will do with them and that is enough.

Clergy and Temples
Moros has a temple in every major city and its priests are often only seen as healers, despite their ability to cause death as well as healing.

Role in the Pantheon
Moros is allied with Nyx, Philotes, and Oneiroi. He is obsessed with mortals and enjoys toying with them, simply to see how they will react.

Gaea, The Silent Forger

Rank: Lesser Deity
Symbol: A shining gemstone
Homeplane: Elemental Plane of Earth
Alignment[b]: Neutral
[b]Portfolio: Caverns, Creation, Fertility, Metal
Alignment Restrictions: None
Domains: Animals, Artifice, Cavern, Craft, Creation, Dwarf, Earth, Lust, Metal, War
Favoured Weapon: Warhammer

Gaea is The Silent Forger. Gaea is the patron of the Earth, Animals, and the Craft. Most of her worshippers are builders or blacksmiths were their work dwells completely within her domain. Her most prominent followers are the dwarves who believe she is their mother.

Philotes, The King of Games

Rank: Intermediate Deity
Symbol: A spinning coin
Homeplane: Mechanis
Alignment[b]: Neutral
[b]Portfolio: Art, Games, Gambling, Monney, Trade, Alcohol, Diplomacy
Alignment Restrictions: None
Domains: Charm, Envy, Luck, Lust, Halfing, Trade, Wealth,
Favoured Weapon: Shortsword

Philotes is The King of Games. Philotes is the patron of the Luck, Taverns, and the Entertainment. Most of his worshippers are Inn keepers or merchants. He likes his followers to enjoy themselves and is a very playful deity. He is also the god of Harlots.

Thalassa, The Queen of the Torrent

Rank: Intermediate Deity
Symbol: A shining scale
Homeplane: Elemental Plane of Water
Alignment[b]: Neutral
[b]Portfolio: Boats, Cold, Liminal, Power, Protection, Reptiles, War
Alignment Restrictions: None
Domains: Cold, Domination, Dragon, Kobold, Ocean, Portal, Protection, Scalykind, Strength, Travel, War, Water
Favoured Weapon: Halberd

Thalassa is The Queen of the Torrent. Thalassa is the patron of the strength, transitions, and the water. Most of her worshippers are warriors and sailors. She likes her followers to use any means to have power, even if it is the power to be strong and appear weak. She is also the god of War.