View Full Version : Resisting the Empire

2012-01-27, 08:23 AM
The Necromancer’s Laboratory, secreted away in the black wing of the Ar’Suth Castle, lies in ruins and small flames. Where once there stood oak bookcases filled with bound volumes and dozens of scrolls tied together lazily with strips of desiccated leather, there are now splinters and the wreckage of war. The tables once strewn with jars and vials are now covered in glass shards and sticky, smoking ooze. The white washed walls are covered in scorch marks, the elaborate tile flooring cracked and shattered, the gilded scry mirror tarnished and warped. Brass pipes jutting from the walls carry water for a basin on the far edge of the room. A stray knife has pierced the arriving vein, a puddle spreads as the water spills from the broken pipe.
The fight was almost complete. The ooze knew it was defeated, if such a creature could know anything at all. But it wasn’t finished. Not yet. It’s funny what kind of details become as solid as granite when the whole world feels like it’s about to lurch into darkness. That’s what it felt like when the oozing mass of inky black tendrils whirled around and shot out a desperate strike at Lars’ innocent face.
Her light blue dress is ripped threadbare at the knees. Her pale face is covered with her light golden hair clumped and matted with dirt, tears and blood. The small silver ring with the relief of leaves you recognize as a gift from her father shines in the dim lamp light as she extends out her hands in a failed attempt at self protection. As she shuts her eyes tight and turns her head away, you see the tiny emeralds on her earrings glitter. But it’s her voice that catches you, her scream that sends a jolt of adrenaline. It’s the second one tonight, the first from the crystal… thing, biting her skinny arm. The blood still drips from the wound.
Prior to this scream, the crystal creature was introduced , looking like a large fox made of liquid diamond, the light shifting and glistening off of it’s smooth body. It acted feral, the place where you expect eyes, you find dark, beady spheres of gray light. That’s when it attacked Lars, crystal teeth ripping through her soft flesh. That was her first scream, and it shifted the whole room laboratory chamber into a frenzy. It wasn’t clear at first, but the crystal fox immediately released it’s hold and, tasting her blood like something toxic, peeled off with a cry of its own, shifting into something else. Something human.
Before the ooze can connect, the crystal creature morphs back into its feral form, and blocks the blow from the sickening ooze, barring its fangs to all who would assault its charge. The greasy ooze doesn’t get a second chance. Between fire and brute strength, the ooze is dispatched into green-gray grime welling into pools at the intersections of floor tiles.

Current Mission Status:
Dr. Necropolis has fled the room, seeking out illusory phantoms of courageous knights past, produced by Dellyn, who has taken a brief reprieve from being Dellyn. Taking a drink from a bubbling draught, the once timid gentleman is now a beastly, massive and hulking brute. Lars is safe; the crystal creature has resumed a humanoid stature, about the size of Lars herself, but somehow distinctly male (for lack of true anatomical details). The room is otherwise empty, with two doorways, both leading to the hallways in the second floor of the black wing. The cage is attached to a pulley system, beneath it an opening to the rest of the prison system on the first floor of the black wing, used for special prisoners, and apparently research specimens of the “Good Doctor”. The Resistance members of the other factions are likely imprisoned below. Whatever the party chooses, they should act quickly, before guards, or worse, arrive…