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View Full Version : Practiced Warrior(3.5 feat, PEACH)

2012-01-27, 09:08 AM
Practiced Warrior[General]:
Requirement: 4 ranks in balance
Benefit: Your base attack bonus increases by 4 up to your level. If you can't apply the full bonus, the rest of the bonus is saved until your level is higher then your base attack bonus.

Improved practiced Warrior[General]:
Requirement: Base attack bonus +5
Benefit: Your base attack bonus increases by 1 up to your level. If you can't apply the bonus, the bonus is saved until your level is higher then your base attack bonus.

2012-01-27, 09:59 AM
Practiced Warrior[general]:
Benefit: your base attack bonus increases by 4 up to your level. if you can't apply the full bonus, the rest of the bonus is saved until your level is higher then your base attack bonus.
Special: you may take this feat more than once. each time you take the feat, the benefit is halved to a minimum of 1(so the first is 4, the second is two, the third is one, the fourth is one ect...).

I wouldn't make it selectable more than once, just taking it on an Average BAB class gets them to near Good BAB and Poor almost to Average, which is a big deal. I'd also put a BAB requirement on it, so you can't just pick it at 1st level, make them actually work a little for it, like Practiced Spellcaster and Manifester. Say BAB +3, which means that Average and Poor BAB can get it at 6th at the earliest. Maybe also make it a Fighter feat, though that's not necessary if you'd prefer it to be otherwise.

2012-01-27, 10:08 AM
eh... their spending a feat. those are a rare and precious commodity. two feats for an upped level of base attack bonus? thats nearly a third of their feats! not sure about giving this a requirement. I want it to be possible to take at first level...

but fair points that I will consider, thanks!

2012-01-27, 11:01 AM
ok no more taking it again, but a secondary feat for people that want to up there BAB a level.

2012-01-27, 11:19 AM
Seems pretty nice for gishes and other 'but why should I have to choose between cool abilities and BAB?' types.

The Balance prereq for Practiced Warrior seems funky, and Impv'd PW has some awkward copypasta in it. "if you can't apply the full bonus, the rest of the bonus is saved until your level is higher then your base attack bonus. " The bonus is 1. Either you can apply it, or you can't. Unless you're using fractional BAB.

Oh, and you forgot to capitalize the it, but that's nitpicking.

2012-01-27, 11:34 AM
exactly! a full base attack bonus character should be able to prestige without fear of losing his last iterative!


I was thinking of making it either martial lore or concentration... but martial lore is a bit specific, and concentration is not skill tax for the gishes.

2012-01-27, 11:55 AM
exactly! a full base attack bonus character should be able to prestige without fear of losing his last iterative!


I was thinking of making it either martial lore or concentration... but martial lore is a bit specific, and concentration is not skill tax for the gishes.

Getting the last iterative isn't difficult, you just need 4 Good BAB levels and the rest can be Average BAB without worry about not hitting +16. With just the first feat, any Average BAB type will get the 4th iterative. Poor BAB types don't need the help, between Divine Power, Tenser's Transformation, etc.

That said, I seriously don't think we need the 2nd feat, it's just not that worthwhile. Weapon Focus is less of a pain and applies regardless of what my BAB is, without requirements. Weapon Focus is deemed not that great a feat, either, so that doesn't say much for this.

2012-01-27, 12:23 PM
A point, that I forgot in fact. But it does help for prerquests... and for people that like round numbers. Also, it has no skill prereque, so people can get it if they are low on skills.

2012-01-27, 02:32 PM
Since no one did, I'll be the one to say: This'll make most meleer classes even more useless at higher levels, specially fighters. I.E. will make the "PrC out of it" even easier.

2012-01-27, 03:40 PM
Oh dear? I don't see that as a major problem. There are already a dozen ways to fix melee at high levels. This just let's you remove the massive punishment for having a average BAB...

2012-01-27, 04:48 PM
I can see wizards and other spellcasters abusing these.

2012-01-27, 05:30 PM
Once again, oh dear? Or are you meaning T3 spell casters? That would be concerning.

How would you see it as abuse able?

2012-01-27, 07:48 PM
I'm unclear on how Improved Practiced Warrior is better than Practiced Warrior. +4 BAB is better than +1 BAB, the pre-reqs are easier on PW than IPW, and they each cost one feat. I might have just caught you mid-edit, but...

2012-01-27, 08:06 PM
level one v.s. level 8-10, or level 5+ with the first feat being available level one. improved is easier at later levels. also, I wanted to give an option to move up a bab level if you want to spend another feat.

2012-01-27, 09:22 PM
Why does the feat require balance ranks? The characters you specify as intending this for generally will have that as a cross class skill and very few skill ranks... and since it's targeted at prestige classed characters then those few skill ranks are probably already spoken for for prestige class requirements.

But even without that, this feat is less likely to be taken by warriors, and more likely to be taken by Rogues, Wizards, etc. I would say this is a really bad idea.

2012-01-27, 09:26 PM
eh, if a melee doesn't have balance 5, he has problems. they are called grease.

what would you suggest instead of balance?

2012-01-27, 11:33 PM
Once again, oh dear? Or are you meaning T3 spell casters? That would be concerning.

How would you see it as abuse able?

Well, for one, a wizard or any other class with a 1/2 HD BAB advancement could easily use this to get the equivalent of a 3/4 HD BAB by 20th, and could even get BAB close to their HD if they were willing to invest the feats, which they probably would be.

2012-01-27, 11:36 PM
or they could rule the multiverse from there demi-plane. not seeing the worry there... its not like they miss with touch spells much.

2012-01-28, 08:31 PM
I seriously don't think we need the 2nd feat, it's just not that worthwhile. Weapon Focus is less of a pain and applies regardless of what my BAB is, without requirements. Weapon Focus is deemed not that great a feat, either, so that doesn't say much for this.

Well that just gives me a better idea of what to suggest with regards to the second feat. Make it the new Weapon Focus. Instead of gaining +1 to attack rolls with your focused weapon, you gain +1 BAB instead...?