View Full Version : Making a Sapper Dwarf, IE, An explosive Expert.

2012-01-27, 03:23 PM
As the title suggests, I am looking for a way to make an explosive expert dwarf character. However, I wish to do this in an effective way without magic if possible. On the other hand, if impossible, I would like to do it with very little magic, such as a bard instead of a wizard. I would like to take leadership at level 6 so I can gain three followers along the road who are my team. A gnome alchamist, a kobold sneaky thief setter upper guy, and a halfling or goblin loader, carrier guy. So, Playground, go nuts.

Things I wish to do with the character...
Blow up buildings,
Blow up my enemies,
Throw Bombs,
Throw bombs with spell like effects,
Set up bombs,
Dig holes and tunnels...
Lay mines...

2012-01-28, 02:12 AM
As the title suggests, I am looking for a way to make an explosive expert dwarf character. However, I wish to do this in an effective way without magic if possible. On the other hand, if impossible, I would like to do it with very little magic, such as a bard instead of a wizard. I would like to take leadership at level 6 so I can gain three followers along the road who are my team. A gnome alchamist, a kobold sneaky thief setter upper guy, and a halfling or goblin loader, carrier guy. So, Playground, go nuts.

Things I wish to do with the character...
Blow up buildings,
Blow up my enemies,
Throw Bombs,
Throw bombs with spell like effects,
Set up bombs,
Dig holes and tunnels...
Lay mines...

Is Eberron material on the table? If so, go Rogue/Silver Key/Trapsmith. (Silver Key is from Dragonmarked, but it's free online (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20061106a&page=2). Trapsmith is from Dungeonscape.) The exact proportions are up to you, but since you can get into Silver Key with only 3 levels of Rogue and Trapsmith has only 5 levels, it's not that hard to get what you want out of each of them even at relatively low levels. Basically, you are a trapping god; a mundane Acererak wannabe. You glance at a trap, and it's yours; undone, totally safe, ripe for cannibalizing. If you want to set a trap, including an explosive one? Well, stand back, because you're about to do something nasty. You can also do this from across the room, which is just hilarious.

Do note that while Silver Key is tied to Eberron fluff, it is not tied to Eberron crunch; while you are supposed to be associated with House Kundarak, unlike every other PrC in Dragonmarked (except Vadalis Beastkeeper), it doesn't require you to actually have a dragonmark, so it can all be refluffed away.

2012-01-28, 03:14 PM
Dude, thats great, Thankyou, anyone else got ideas... Keep them coming!

2012-01-28, 03:32 PM
I believe that the Dwarven demolitionist alternate class feature (Races of Stone, I think) allows extra damage vs objects. That plus UMD on various wands and liberal use of alchemical bombs and traps, might make rogue a good chassis for a low magic sapper type.

2012-01-28, 04:48 PM
Have a look at Pathfinder's Alchemist (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/alchemist)
Their primary method of attack is throwing explosives at people. The discoveries and bomb-admixture extracts they get can be used to further enhance the bombs. There's some superfluous stuff in there like the mutagen and poison use but you could probably convince your DM to let you swap those out for some trap making abilities (have a look at the trap related rogue talents for more inspiration.)
If you can, you could also take a launching crossbow, to give your bombs an extra kick.