View Full Version : Avatar: The Legend of an IC II

Mina Kobold
2012-01-27, 04:30 PM
[As the Battle Rages...]

OOC Thread! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12610782)

Fuelled by Serena's anger, the ring of fire explodes outward, burning both enemy and friend along.

Swordsman Reflex [roll0]

Earthbender Reflex [roll1]

The ring engulf the swordsman, his scream of pain silencing as his consciousness wanes and his body hits the earth in the flight of unconsciousness.

His unfortunate companion's stubbornness excludes this escape, however, as she hits the ground rolling. The fire quenched, but her wounds too deep to move.

"Ho-honorless fir..."

Korro, roll Reflex.

If Isca remains conscious, she may act.

Mina Kobold
2012-01-27, 04:34 PM
Murphy's Roll (I clicked Preview Post, sorry!):

Swordsman: [roll0]

Earthbender: [roll1]

2012-01-27, 04:56 PM
Reflex save:

Mina Kobold
2012-01-27, 05:00 PM
Charging through the flames, ignore their sting as a true Earthbender, Korro hits the Golem with a shattering attack.

Cracks emerge from the indentation made by the quarterstaff, the weapon barely keeping together against the collision, but the Golem does not fall or wince. The cold stone ignoring all but the Wallbenders' commands.

Korro takes 4 damage.

Blue Ghost
2012-01-27, 07:38 PM
... Sorry, can I get an update on the situation? I'm totally lost right now.

Rae Artemi
2012-01-27, 08:29 PM
... Sorry, can I get an update on the situation? I'm totally lost right now.

((Points you at the OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12610782)! I posted a summary there just now. I think.))

Blue Ghost
2012-01-28, 11:21 AM
Those who live by the sword... will die by the sword!

Isca's water whip lashes out at one of the earthbenders controlling the golem.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Add water blast.
Bending: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Mina Kobold
2012-01-28, 12:48 PM
In her hurry, Isca's bending fails to hit the Earthbender, who now notices that his companions are not getting back up.

"Tahn! Ying!"

The desperate bandit does not have time to act, however, as Amelia's reaction time is much faster than him.

Amelia may act.

Lix Lorn
2012-01-29, 04:26 PM
Amelia, seeing the benders nearby, lashes out at them with a blast of sand!


Mina Kobold
2012-01-31, 01:14 PM
The bender ducks skilfully below the attack, turning to face her with a snarl.

"Golem's not our only trick, sandbender!"

Shifting his stance, the Earthbender tears up a piece of the earth and sends it launching towards Amelia.

Bending check: [roll0]
Attack Roll: [roll1]

"You two are not dying on us yet!"

The other Earthbender yells as he abandons his stance as well and runs to the fallen swordsman's side.

Heal Check: [roll2]

As the rock slams into Amelia, almost breaking her nose, the fallen swordsman's wounds seem to be worsening despite the other Earthbender's best attempts.

"Not the time to die, Tahn. Not the time."

Amelia takes 1d6 damage (Sorry, forgot to include it. ^_^') and Shao may act.

Grim ranger
2012-01-31, 01:49 PM
Looking at the earthbender who has just hurt Amelia, Shao draws another arrow and sets it to bowstring. "You should NOT have done that" he says rather calmly under the circumstances before sending the arrow striking towards the bender. Without pausing, he swaps his bow for sword yet again, ready to go back into melee.

Shooting the Earthbender who hurt Amelia amd drawing longsword.

[roll0] (To hit)
[roll1] (Critical confirmation)

[roll2] (Damage if it hits)

Mina Kobold
2012-01-31, 02:48 PM
The Earthbender steps back, instinct saving him from more than a cut sleeve as the arrow narrowly avoids his arm and buries itself within the wall.

"'Tis wartime, bowman. Fend for yer own and I will fend for mine!"

As the Swordsman fades a little deeper into unconsciousness, Serena sees her chance to act!

Serena may act.

Rae Artemi
2012-01-31, 03:46 PM
"Hey! I'm still here!" Serena says to the Earthbender in front of her, the one throwing rocks at her friends. "And the prude was right, you shouldn't have done that!" Serena swings both of her hands wildly, caring a lot less about hitting and more about hurting if she does. Whether she hits or not, though, she's going to let a jet of flame push her fists back up for a second swing at the Earthbender.

First Attack: [roll0] (+4 normally, -2 for firestorm and another -2 for power attack)
First Damage: [roll1] (+3 strength because of haymaker, +4 from power attack)
Second Attack: [roll2]
Second Damage: [roll3]

Mina Kobold
2012-02-01, 12:10 PM
The Earthbenders eyes widen at the attacks, but a combination of instinct and sheer dumb luck saves him from the hits, who hit the walls instead and sends an explosion of debris and ashes flying.


The rain of rocks and ash are of little concern to the Earthbender, however, as he still focus all attention on what had looked like easy targets beforehand.

Korro and Isca may act.

2012-02-02, 04:19 PM
Korro is already lost in the battle, with a roar he twirls his staff overhead and brings it down on the golem again.

Bending check for Headracker: [roll0]
Attack roll: [roll1]
Damage roll: [roll2]
Headcracker damage: [roll3]

2012-02-02, 04:24 PM
Well, since I exceeded the DC of Headcracker by 14 points, I deal 3d6 extra damage with it. (the attack also ignores any DR or Hardness the Golem has)

Mina Kobold
2012-02-06, 11:55 AM
As the Earthbenders' attentions are diverted, the Golem stops and
without a mind to guide it, it provides no defence against Korros strike.

With enormous power, Korro uses this lapse in his opponent's to shatter the very Golem itself, pulverising its torso and sending bits and flying far from the battlefield.

As Korro staggers to regain balance after the blow, Isca may act.

Blue Ghost
2012-02-06, 06:40 PM
Swinging her whip furiously, Isca lashes out at the earthbender again.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Water Blast.
Bending check: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Mina Kobold
2012-02-10, 03:18 PM
Isca's strike passes the Earthbender's defences masterly, his counter but a second too slow to block the hit which almost knocks him over.

"Ugh-You are no amateur, I see."

Complimenting his opponent, the Earthbender retakes his stance as Amelia may act.

Lix Lorn
2012-02-11, 06:46 PM
Amelia yelps in pain, taking a moment to rub the hurt part, before lashing out at the nearest foe with a blast of sand.


Mina Kobold
2012-02-12, 02:46 PM
Seeing her chance as the Earthbender's defences are down, Amelia manages to blast him off his feet.

As he collides with the wall around them, the Earthbender weakly tries to move before passing out.


The other Earthbender, still trying to patch up the bleeding swordsman, screams as he sees his comrade fall as well.

Heal Check: [roll0]

In his hurry, his efforts are clumsy and unhelpful for the swordsman.

Shao may act.

Grim ranger
2012-02-12, 02:57 PM
Seeing that the tide is finally beginning to turn in their favor, Shao raises his sword and charges right at the earthbender, intending to wound the man enough to take him out of the fight.

Attacking the earthbender that is still standing with longsword.

[roll0] (Attack roll)
[roll1] (Critical confirmation)
[roll2] (Damage)

Mina Kobold
2012-02-12, 03:12 PM
The Earthbender raises his arms in panic as Shao strikes, screaming as the sword nearly cuts to the bone.

"Aaaah! No, please. W-we are just poor robbers. P-p-please spare our lives. We shan't attack you ever again, you have my word!"

As the panicking Earthbender meekly tries to guard his fallen allies, Serena, Korro and Isca may act.

Rae Artemi
2012-02-12, 06:48 PM
"Oh, will you please shut up?" Serena says, rushing over to the still standing earthbender and throwing punches as usual, though she's trying for contact more than power now. An Axe punch down, and then boosting it back up, much like last round.

To hit 1:[roll0]
Damage 1:[roll1]
To hit 2:[roll2]
Damage 2:[roll3]

2012-02-16, 12:20 PM
Korro smiles as he watches the golem shatter, then takes a deep breath and stands in place, banging the end of his staff on the ground.
"Stop! There's been enough blood spilled now, and I won't stand by and watch not entirely bad people die. Bandits! I offer you a compromise. We let you live now, and you swear off your lives of thievery. I know a lady who'd be more than willing to employ and look after each of you. There is no need to continue this pointless battle."

Conclusion: Diplomacy check to convince everyone to cease fighting and cut a deal with the bandits out of pity with a +2 circumstance bonus I discussed with Kev.


Mina Kobold
2012-02-18, 07:12 AM
The bandit looks from his fallen comrades to Serena and Korro. After a few seconds of this, he nods.

"Y-yes, we will swear off our thieving ways. Let malevolent spirits take me if I break my vow."

He makes a motion to return to his attempts of stabilising the bleeding swordsman, eyeing Serena nervously.

To Serena, Shao, Isca and Amelia, Korro seems convincing enough to stop fighting. But not enough to hold them off if they desire to continue the battle.

Isca may act.

Blue Ghost
2012-02-19, 03:00 PM
It's not malevolent spirits you have to worry about, it's me.
Isca stands over the bandit with her water whip, in an aggressive stance, ready to lash out if he shows the least sign of hostility.

Mina Kobold
2012-02-21, 02:48 PM
The bandit stares at the angry Waterbender with a determined look, shifting to cover the fallen swordsman.

"I gave my word, I can give no higher insurance than that. Strike me if you will, but let me tend to Tahn first."

Not awaiting an answer, the Earthbender begins tending clumsily to the Swordsman's wounds, clearly not used to the art.

It seems the bandit doesn't wish to postpone the injured any longer, but Amelia may act before him.

EDIT: As Amelia allow the flow of time to pass her over for now, the Earthbender is unhindered in his healing.

Heal Check: [roll0]

Unfortunately, his attempts seem of no effect on the dying swordsman. Serena may act while the bandit is ocupied.

"No Tahn, you cannot die now."

The bandit pleads to his wounded friend.

If Serena takes no action to initiate combat, the initiative will end and all may take actions once before the wounded bandits fall further into oblivion. It is difficult to tell how many seconds they have left, but the swordsman is clearly closest to death.

Rae Artemi
2012-02-21, 04:06 PM
Sweets flies out of Serena's saddlebags and lands on Serena's head. Okay, deep breaths Serena, deep breaths. They couldn't threaten you if they tried at this point. Besides, they are hurt and you really don't want to see anyone die, no matter how angry you are. "Alright, alright. Look, it's obvious that you don't want your friends to die, and we really need to get going, so why don't you turn over your weapons, armor and any bending scrolls you have to us, and we'll heal up your friends so that they can take these stupid walls down. 'Kay?" Sweets nods, and will GLAAAARE at anyone who disagrees with Serena.

That's probably a diplomacy check or something as well.

Mina Kobold
2012-02-26, 07:40 AM
The bandit looks up at the girl with a turtleduck on her head for a second, sighs and replies.

"If you can save my companions, I shall give you all that I own. I know that they would do the same, but I cannot promise their possessions for the sake of what honor I have left"

The bandit immediately returns to his work, but it is clear that he is desperate for help.

2012-02-26, 07:48 AM
"Allow me."
Korro kneels next to the conscious bandit and attempts to heal the injured with basic first aid.
Heal check:
"Rise swordsman, it is not yet your time."

Grim ranger
2012-02-26, 10:50 AM
"It is foolish to so readily aid those who just attacked us without provocation", Shao says and gives the cowering bandits a glare. "Still, if this is how you want to go about it, very well... But know this, robbers: should you break your word, it is not the spirits you will have to worry about", the firebender threatens in dark tone, brandishing his sword before swiping blood off it and re-sheathing his weapon.

Rae Artemi
2012-02-26, 11:56 AM
... "I meant for them to hand over their weapons and stuff before we healed them. You know, so they couldn't attack us, just in case." Serena says, looking at Korro as if he is more than a little bit stupid.

Mina Kobold
2012-02-26, 12:10 PM
The bandit bows in appreciation to Korro as the fallen swordsman is stabilised and turns to Shao.

"I can swear by no more than my honour. Should I break it, I expect no less than your vengeance"

After speaking he runs to the other wall-creating bandit and attempts to stabilise him as well.

Heal Check: [roll0]

It doesn't seem to work, however, and he seems close to panic.

(Sorry, forgot to write it. He gives Serena his weapons, armour, extra clothes, a few coins and a map. The others are all unconscious and he is unwilling to give their stuff to you without consent. :smallsmile:)

2012-02-26, 02:02 PM
"They are beaten Serena. There will be no more bloodshed."
Korro shakes his head, quite disappointed at the rush of his companions to violence and threats. Such things are pointless when there are people dying around them.
No one dies today.

If allowed, Korro will attempt to stabilise another one of the unconscious bandits if he can.

Blue Ghost
2012-02-26, 04:41 PM
Isca sighs. I suppose you are right.
The tendril of water in her hand, a deadly weapon a few moments earlier, reshapes into a soothing balm. She places it on the bandit's wounds, healing them.

Healing Waters bending check: [roll0]

Why did you attack us on the road? You invite death this way.

Mina Kobold
2012-02-28, 05:00 PM
Through Korro and Isca's combined effort, the injured bandits are healed and slowly awakened. Isca's question is answered by Ying, the Earthbender who had joined the melee at the battle's beginning.

"It seemed the fastest way, figured we could knock you out and take what we needed."

The bandit who had helped patch up his comrades cringes at her honesty, but speaks up as well.

"We did not seek to kill neither you nor the people you protect, merely escape before L-Lord Zei's army finds us. We were desperate."

The bandit attempts to bow in apology to the group and the frightened villagers. The latter now slowly emerging from the far corner of the wall where they had hid.

(You may roll Knowledge (History) checks to see if you recognise the name. :smallsmile:)

Blue Ghost
2012-02-28, 05:48 PM
Knowledge (History): [roll0]
Sense Motive: [roll1]

Grim ranger
2012-02-29, 11:24 AM
Seeming quite less angry now that he hears the motives of the bandits, Shao nods slowly, thoughtful look on his face. "Still, there are better choices than banditry... But in this day and age, I guess that man can't be blamed for desperation. The land is very much torn asunder by all the petty infighting... I just hope that we will be able to make a difference in this next village at the very least."

Rolling knowledge.

[roll0] (Knowledge: History)

Mina Kobold
2012-03-01, 03:51 PM
Ying answers this part as well, interrupting the wall-creating bandit before he can reply.

"You proved that point quite well, I almost believe you can make a difference."

She say with a mocking smile. Sitting up straighter, the young Earthbender continues in a friendlier, if still arrogant, tone.

"But you will need whatever help you can get if you are going where I think. My items are in that tunnel"

She indicates one of the holes the bandits had ambushed from with a nod.

The other two bandits, now mostly awake, nods in agreement to the first two. Although the swordsman, Tahn, takes a few moments of thought before responding.

"My brother's promise is mine as well, I ask only that you leave us with enough to reach the person you believe will shelter us"

"Ying's got a point, take my sword as well if you need it. I don't believe it will be of as much use, but it is of good quality"

Isca recognise the name as related to Chin's army before his death. Supposedly, he is still a powerful warlord.

The bandits seem sincere and their promises very believable, they seem to value their honour quite well on that point. Isca does not notice any attempt at deceit or trickery, although the humbler one seems quite fearful of this Zei.

Shao know that Zei was a high-ranking member of Chin's army, well known for being ruthless in the search of any tool to crush the Earth King's defenses and penetrate the walls of Ba Sing Se.

After the death of Chin, he remained as a warlord. While he is among the more powerful ones, his conquests are known for being of strange and desolated places, even so far as to briefly claim the Si Wong Desert.

2012-03-04, 09:15 AM
"I am simply thankful that this whole ordeal was resolved without casualties. Do not worry, you will be looked after well enough, Grandmother's farm is not too far from here. 5 miles west of Ba Sing Se at most. Just follow the road" he gently says with a soft smile.

Grim ranger
2012-03-04, 01:19 PM
Rubbing his chin thoughtfully, Shao raises his eyebrow. "Wait... I have heard of Zei. He is one of more powerful warlords around. Used to be one of Chin's more high-ranked goons, and is expecially well known for seeking any way to breach the walls of the city... Usually, his attacks are at quite desolate and strange locations. He is either a madman or very clever man... Let's not hope he is not both of them."

Seemingly having forgotten about the bandits already now that news of one of more infamous warlords has surfaced, Shao climbs back onto the saddle of his ostrich warhorse. "Well, it is best that we get back onto the road. After all, we have a spirit problem to take care of, if I recall correctly."

Rae Artemi
2012-03-04, 07:46 PM
Serena is busy loading all of the loot into her Ostrich-horse's saddlebags. She has plans, and those plans require money, and nobody else seems interested in it. "Tightass Mcfriendlyfirepants has a point. Wasn't the entire point of taking the plains to get to the spirity place faster? We don't really have time for small talk. Besides, the quicker we do this, the quicker I can get back to my own pursuits." ... Wait, Serena has plans and pursuits? And by pursuits I mean bagging as many guys as I can." Oh.

2012-03-05, 07:19 AM
"While I agree we should continue on our way, it seems you are being a little too hasty. The joy of adventure is in the journey after all!" Korro booms with a hearty laugh, setting off on the road again, caring not if anyone follows him or not.

Mina Kobold
2012-03-10, 03:22 AM
The bandits bow as the group continues, the villagers still eyeing them warily, but seemingly convinced that the matter is resolved.

If the others follow Korro, they will see that the bandits do indeed follow the road as told. Although they seem to already be bickering about something.

Serena's ostrich-horse is now loaded with an extra twenty Earth Nation money, a quite well-made sword, a bundle that seem to contain a set of armour and a set scrolls.

(You can still act before leaving, but the spirit doesn't like waiting! :smallmad::smalltongue:)

Mina Kobold
2012-03-19, 04:37 PM
((Sorry for the double post, but the spirits need sacrifi opponents! :3))

The remainder of the trip pass by with little event, the villagers now determined to catch up on the lost time by hurrying the group.

Just as the sun is setting in the horizon, you reach the top of a hill and look upon a small village, the buildings obscured by fog rising from a lake at the far end of the settlement. It seems quite peaceful and tranquil from this distance.

What do you do?

Blue Ghost
2012-03-19, 05:03 PM
Isca gazes off at the village. I presume that is our destination? Let us head there post-haste.

2012-03-20, 10:10 AM
"Agreed." Korro states almost solemnly. "It would be best if we do not waste any more time. Shall we proceed then?"

Grim ranger
2012-03-20, 01:45 PM
"Indeed, we should make haste", Shao says in rather solemn tone as he observes their destination, sitting on the saddle of his ostrich-horse. "I don't think we will have much time before spirits become an issue again, and I would not wish to leave these people to fend off for themselves even for moment longer because we chose to delay..."

Mina Kobold
2012-03-27, 01:15 AM
One of the villagers nod and hurries the others on.

"You are correct, that is our village Miwu. I just hope we are not too late"

As the distance to the village grows smaller, the fog seems to reveal no more of what lies within, sans the very outmost buildings.



The villager point at a large building on the highest point in the village, a fearful whisper spreading amongst her companions.

"That is the home of Elder Lio, if anyone is alive, they are there. The spirit only attacked those close to the lake, but I fear it has not stayed there."

2012-04-01, 10:24 AM
"We should check on the wounded and see if the Elder knows anything about these spirits beforehand." Korro says with a nod. "As much as I want to get to grips with these spirits, I do not want to go in unprepared."

Mina Kobold
2012-04-08, 09:17 AM
The villager nods, looking nervously at the fog.

"Of course. Anything that could help you prepare."

The villagers will lead the group towards the hilltop of the Elder's residence, growing ever more scared as the fog seems to move around them despite the lack of wind.

As you draw nearer, you begin noticing light coming from the windows along with the silhouettes of humans within the building. They appear to be more villagers, but it is difficult to tell.

Roll a spot check.

2012-04-08, 09:35 AM
Spot check:

Lix Lorn
2012-04-08, 05:03 PM
haha this won't work

Rae Artemi
2012-04-08, 05:51 PM
Spottedy! [roll0]

Blue Ghost
2012-04-08, 07:29 PM
Supersharp waterbender eyesight go!


Grim ranger
2012-04-09, 10:59 AM
Spot check:
[roll0] (Spot)

Mina Kobold
2012-04-11, 03:10 PM
All of you get an eerie feeling of being watched, but it's difficult to tell if there is anything hidden in the swirling clouds of fog or if it is merely imagination.

As the Elder's home draws nearer, one of the silhouettes raises a hand to signal the others and unsheetes a short blade. Clearly intend to take no chances. The villagers you have escorted seem noticeably happier, however, and wave to the silhouettes in joyful recognition.

"How! Song! We have returned with the saviors Elder Lio predicted!"

One of them shouts, the guards inside the home turning to unseen villagers and repeating the message with relief and joy. They quickly open the doors as you reach them.
As they gather around you, you can clearly see that these are the ones who were too old, young or weak to travel to Ba Sing se. All those who could do nothing but wait and hope.

Behind their hopeful faces, you can see an old woman dressed in the style of an Airbender surrounded by the mysterious tools of divination. Cards, bone dice, incense and many others scattered in strange patterns and symbols around the Elder.

"So, you have come. Well met, I apologise that we can not provide better conditions. But you already know how fearful times have gotten for Miwu."

2012-04-18, 09:48 AM
"It is no bother wise one. What can you tell us about the spirit that has been attacking? That is, do you have any idea why it's attacking your village?" Korro asks the elder in a respectful tone.

Mina Kobold
2012-04-21, 03:59 AM
The elder raises a hand and places it on a village map behind her, pointing at a lake, on which shores the village is built.

"We know the spirit as Wu, the protector of lake Miwu. The first of our forebearers witnessed first hand her power tear through the land and form the river that feeds the lake. She had been peaceful since the great Avatar Yangchen, but something has happened in the spirits' world. Something which will reach farther than any of us imagine."

The aging Airbender says, the foreboding statement almost making it feel as if the warmth had left the room. The silence lasting among the villagers, until the elder continues.

"But please do not feel that the burden of calming the Spirit World is on your shoulders, that responsibility lies on the Avatar as the bridge between our worlds."

She says, a comforting smile accompanying the words. Although, something seems off. Not with the elder, but it is difficult to place it.

(Roll a listen check)

2012-04-21, 05:22 AM
"Hmmmm, then what can we do to help?"
Listen check:

Grim ranger
2012-04-21, 06:19 AM
"I wonder what we can do then if we indeed cannot calm the spirits... I do believe that the Avatar is somewhat too busy to make it here for the time being" Shao says somewhat dryly. "Still, we were called here to help, and we accepted... So I do wish that there is something we can do to aid you with your troubles."

[roll0] (Listen)

Lix Lorn
2012-04-21, 02:53 PM
"Is there nothing we can do?" headtilt.


Rae Artemi
2012-04-22, 08:50 AM
"Why don't we just, like, kill the spirit?" Serena suggests. And then is nipped on the ear by a turtleduck! "Ow! What, it was just an idea!"

Listenins! [roll0]

Blue Ghost
2012-04-23, 06:28 PM
Trying to interfere with the spirit world is a difficult and dangerous task for mortals. I would much rather be dealing with human foes. But if we are to bring peace, all conflict must be ended, if possible. We will do our best to help.

Listen check: [roll0]

Also a Knowledge(Religion check), for any knowledge of lake spirits and how one might placate them: [roll1]

Mina Kobold
2012-04-26, 01:49 PM
Isca and Shao notices a quiet rumbling as the Elder speaks, almost too faint to hear, but enough to get their reflexes on edge.

The rest are caught off guard, however, as the rumbling suddenly becomes deafening. With the force of a warmachine, a massive wave slams against the side of the building, water rushing through the still-open doors.

Nearly everyone is knocked off their feet by the water, only Isca and Shao barely manage to get leap to higher ground. The Elder fighting to gain enough footing to airbend.

As fast as it came, the wave retreats, dragging several villagers and Serena toward the doors.

Shao, Isca and Sweets may act.

Blue Ghost
2012-04-28, 02:18 AM
What is the meaning of this?

Isca tries to use her bending to reverse the flow of the water and stop the water from carrying Serena and the villagers away.

Bending check: [roll0]

Grim ranger
2012-05-15, 01:39 PM
Acting instantly, Shao grabs coil of rope with a grappling hook on one end and spins the hook end in the air couple of times before throwing it towards Serena. With any luck, he will manage to get the rope secured around her, and drag her back even if the waterbender will not manage to prevent the people from being washed away.

Ranged attack to get the rope to coil around Serena!

[roll0] (Attack roll)

Mina Kobold
2012-05-15, 02:31 PM
While the rapid movement of the waters drag Serena out of Shao's reach, Isca's bending manages to break its rush. The current strengthens as Wu's anger grows, but release its victims.

As the group regain their footing on the now-dry floor, the waters collect at the entrance to the building. A humanoid shape forming from them, a featureless face turning toward Isca.

(Roll for initiative!)

Water Creature: [roll0]

Elder Lio: [roll1]

(The other villagers are too scared to participate at the moment, but are still present. :smallsmile:)

Rae Artemi
2012-05-15, 02:42 PM
Initiative! [roll0]

Grim ranger
2012-05-15, 02:48 PM
Dropping the rope, Shao calmly assumes bending position, his open hands held before him in ready stance. It seems that against this foe his arrows and blades would not quite cut it, so maybe fire will. One of his most basic techniques might be of considerable help in this very situation.

[roll0] (Initiative)

Blue Ghost
2012-05-15, 07:16 PM
Initiatime! [roll0]

2012-05-16, 08:59 AM
Koro readies hist staff and plants his feet as firmly on the ground as he can, smiling as he feels the strength of the earth flow around the room.

2012-05-19, 03:35 PM
My apologies for the double post, but I assume that means I'm first up, and if that's the case then:
Korro booms a battle cry and charges the elemental, spinning his staff overhead and bringing it down on the creature with as much force as he can muster.
Crunch: He charges and uses Headcracker, taking 10 on the Bending check (for a total of 19).
Attack roll: [roll0]
Quarterstaff damage: [roll1]
Headcracker damage: [roll2]
Headcracker ignores DR.
(I'm assuming here that the Water Elemental has small bits of earth floating within it and therefore is an elligible target for Headcracker. If that's not the case, then just take the attack as a standard Quarterstaff strike that deals 1d6 if it hits (hence why I separated the two).)

Mina Kobold
2012-05-24, 08:47 AM
Initiative Roster:
Elder Lio
Water Creature

Korro's attack goes straight by the creature's defenses, landing a direct hit. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be enough earth in it to deliver the full blow, but the wuarterstaff itself damages it and momentarily makes it lose its shape.

Before it can reform, Elder Lio manages to regain footing completely and begins bending, attempting to pull the villagers away from the line of fire


The villagers are pulled away by a blast of wind, softly putting them down at the back end of the room. It even looks like their clothes have been dried and ironed!

Amelia and Serena may act.

Lix Lorn
2012-05-24, 10:49 AM
Amelia draws open her gourd, and sand flies from it, blasting for the creature as she runs closer.


Mina Kobold
2012-05-28, 02:12 PM
The creature unfortunately moves too quickly for the sand, gently redirecting it with a small wave and letting it be harmlessly carried past the gates.

As the creature is distracted by the sand, Serena still has a chance to act.

Mina Kobold
2012-06-16, 08:58 AM
(Skipping Serena by Rae's request)

Serena unfortunately does not manage to stop the Water construct. Moving swiftly, the creature rushes toward Korro like the floods of rivers, evading the staff. Attempting to slam into the Earthbender with the same force as the floods, it attacks.

Attack: [roll0]
Critical Confirmation: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Luckily, Korro easily blocks the water and forces the tides back, allowing both Korro, Shao and Isca to act as it reforms. Its featureless face still emotionless, but the whipping motions of the water indicating the frustration.

2012-06-16, 12:36 PM
Korro twirls his staff overhead and strikes the creature again.
"Back spirit! Trouble these poor villagers no longer!"
Attack roll: [roll0]
Critical Confirmation rolls: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

Mina Kobold
2012-06-21, 02:38 PM
Seeing a chance as the creature is reforming, Korro strikes true, hitting the water construct before it can raise defenses.

The hit does little to damage it, but it is quite clearly less stable than before.

As it lets out the thunderous roar of a crashing tidal wave, Shao and Isca can act.

Grim ranger
2012-06-22, 08:26 AM
Seeing that purely physical attacks do little against the spirit creature, Shao assumes his combat stance and brings his open palm forward, a burst of fire launching outward as he clenches his hand into fist. Perhaps fire can hurt the thing somewhat more effectively? Well, he will at least try that particular tactic. Attacking again as the first fireblast is still flying through the air, the firebender looks utterly focused to the task at hand.

Using Firestorm to execute 2 fireblast attacks with -2 penalty each. Full-round action.

Fireblast 1:
[roll0] (to hit)
[roll1] (fire damage)

Fireblast 1:
[roll2] (to hit)
[roll3] (fire damage)

Edit: it seems like Shao's absurdly bad aim will become a running gag in this game... :smalltongue:

Mina Kobold
2012-06-26, 03:24 AM
In hurrying to attack, Shao's aim is far too poor to hit the water creature, although it still swerves to avoid any contact with the fire. The second blast simply flies past and leaves naught but a scorch mark on the mansion's door, but it is scarcely noticed by most of the villagers as they watch the result of the first shot. Flying much too high, it slams against one of the beams supporting the building's roof, causing parts of it to go up in flames.

In stark terror, the villagers watch the creaking beam, hoping it will not break.

Isca may act.

Blue Ghost
2012-08-14, 06:31 PM
Isca rushes into a waterbending stance, exerting her will over the water construct, trying to tear it down.
(Ad hoc Water Blast.)

Waterbending: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Mina Kobold
2012-08-28, 11:58 PM
The creature silently screams as Isca's bending destroys its control, nearly breaking apart from the damage. The eyeless face of the creature glaring at Isca, its focus entirely on the Waterbender's threat, the waves of the flood whipping to foam.

Korro may act.

2012-08-29, 02:31 AM
Korro swings his staff in a sweeping arc, attempting to at least drive the creature backwards.
Attack roll: [roll0]
Crit confirmation (if necessary): [roll1]
Damage roll: [roll2]
Crit damage (if necessary): [roll3]

Mina Kobold
2012-08-30, 10:50 AM
Unfortunately, the creature evades Korro's swing. twisting around the courageous Earthbender to focus on Isca. Blind with anger from the Waterbender's attack.

Meanwhile, Elder Lio attempts to quench the fire still building in the ceiling beams. Aiming to stop it before the villagers are trapped between deadly torrents and a flaming inferno.


The efforts are yet of little effect, however, as the ancient Airbender is split between protecting the villagers and bending the winds.

Amelia and Serena may act.

Lix Lorn
2012-09-07, 03:23 PM
Amelia is a little embarrassed by her utter failure last round, and her second strike is a flurry of sand flying at the elemental!

If only I could do something mechanical to back up that fury. Can I channel conviction?

Mina Kobold
2012-09-13, 01:20 PM
Amelia's attack yet again is dodged by the swift creature as it continues the wrathful glare at Isca. But by a stroke of fate, the sand's path leads it to clash violently with the deathly streams passing by the building, sending a cascade of water and sand high in the air.

By a luck that seems guided by the spirits, the lightning strikes that very moment. Thousands of droplets and grains glowing in the blitz and mesmerising both villagers and creature.

In the confusion, Serena sees a chance to get past the creature's defences!