View Full Version : Drug Addicted Wizards

2012-01-28, 02:22 AM
So, I plan on making a Wizard for an evil game I've got coming up. Not sure what level it'll be yet, but somewhere around 10-15.

So, my question is, what drugs from BoVD/ Anywhere else would provide a noticeable benefit to a Wizard? Looking through the Extract Drug spell, Mushroom Powder seems the best, though I was wondering if there are any better ones.

Another thing, is Evil spells. Some of the ones I've seen and really want are "Flensing", "Curse of the Putrid Husk" and a few others. But are there any "Iconic" Evil spells that I should know about?

2012-01-28, 02:24 AM
Terran brandy boosts your caster level. It's a staple for anything that involves CL boosting.

2012-01-28, 02:36 AM
Isn't addiction a will save? How does a Wizard get addicted?

2012-01-28, 02:39 AM
Isn't addiction a will save? How does a Wizard get addicted?

It's a fortitude save. :P