View Full Version : 3.PF ill needs a saviour such as you (Building Castlevania)

2012-01-28, 02:24 AM
For a future game I'll be running I decided that it will be a blatant and shameless rip-off an homage of the Castelvania games. I'll be building it for a party of 5 about level 6 mid to low op.

Anyway, I'm looking for advice as to go about it. What monsters should I use (aside the the obvious Zombies, skeletons and vampires), what types of traps should I use? How many Medusa Heads (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/undead/beheaded/medusa-head) should I throw at the party to be a quality CV parody, and is it more than the amount that it would take for the players to be obliged to hurt me physically?

This is just for general suggestions and advice so any help is appreciated.

2012-01-28, 08:33 AM
It's "ill" not "i'll"

Houserule whips to do lethal damage, they'll pick it up immediately.

2012-01-28, 12:47 PM
It's "ill" not "i'll"

Houserule whips to do lethal damage, they'll pick it up immediately.

You could just use a Whip Dagger, which works off the same proficiency. Unfortunately, houseruling lethal damage won't save you from not having the proficiency, unless they're a bard or some PF archetype that picks it up for free. Half-Elf with Ancestral Arms will get it for free.

2012-01-28, 12:56 PM
Don't forget bats, mummies, fire-breathing fish-men, dire wolves, were-wolves, a minotaur, assorted animated objects, harpies, dudes in armor, a succubus, and a creepy old dude on a boat.

2012-01-28, 01:06 PM
Start with a normal campaign and reveal that it was all, suprise, a plot to revive an ancient vampire.

2012-01-28, 02:47 PM
Some good ideas were tossed around in a recent 4e thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=193998). Many can apply equally well to 3.5 or other systems, so take a look.

2012-01-28, 03:38 PM
LOTS and LOTS of Demons.

2012-01-28, 07:02 PM
Here is a quick guide to Whips that I just whipped up.
(all from Pathfinder)

Feats first, classes 2nd.
Whip Mastery (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/whip-mastery-combat), it basically lets you treat a Whip as a normal weapon, minus the ability to make Attacks of Opportunity.
Improved Whip Mastery (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/improved-whip-mastery-combat), Oh, here's the AoO's.
Feel free to skip Greater Whip Mastery (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/greater-whip-mastery-combat).

The Bard is the only base class to get Whip Proficiency. But it only has 3/4 Bab, which will delay getting the above feats (you need +2 Bab and Weapon Focus to take Whip Mastery).
There is no happy way around this, you need Feats and you need Bab.

Pain Taster (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/n-r/pain-taster) is a Prestige class that has some VERY nice bonuses Whip-wise. The flavor NEEDS to be changed if you plan on making use of it though.
The pre-reqs are 6 bab, and 3 "meh" feats. Unbreakable Fighter (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/fighter/archetypes/paizo---fighter-archetypes/unbreakable) can get you 2 of the feats with 1 level.
At 1st level, a Pain Taster can do Lethal Damage with a whip.
At level 2, Pain Taster grants Cruelty +1d6, which is basically fancy Sneak Attack, BUT
As long as he chooses to inflict lethal damage with his whip, he inflicts cruelty damage on every strike.....When attacking with a whip using cruelty, the pain taster ignores the restriction on damaging creatures with high armor or natural armor bonuses.
At level 4 he gets another +1d6 Cruelty, making ALL of your Whip attacks do +2d6!
Definitely needs reflavoring though, maybe strip the good parts out and make it a Fighter ACF or something?