View Full Version : Fully armored ranged?

2012-01-28, 08:34 AM
So, here is the point.

I am running a game ATM, and I plan to have some NPC be a heavy armored ranged fighter-type.

Is there a way to make this work?
I AM trying to stick to PC rules here, because he is a part of another adventurer group, and I try to keep it fair as such that similar creatures work by the same rules.

There must be a way other then Zen Archery to make ranged attacks non-dexterity dependent, or some fully-armored class that actually benefits from high wisdom scores, otherwise I am stuck here.

As for damage, I am fixed, the "over the rules" limit I DID allow him is that the guy has access to better technology then the PC's, he's packing a rifle. (that the players will acquire for themselves if they take him down, but probably won't be as good using it...)

2012-01-28, 09:19 AM
Well, technically, there's no real reason why you just couldn't have a high DEX score even while using full plate: though you wouldn't get your full DEX bonus to AC, at low levels, the full plate armor bonus should make up for that, especially at lower levels.
Also, there are a variety of armor materials (enhancements, IIRC) that increase your max DEX bonus spread across multiple books, the details of which I'm certain someone will point out, for I am feeling too lazy.

2012-01-28, 09:22 AM
or some fully-armored class that actually benefits from high wisdom scores

...Cleric? :smalltongue:

2012-01-28, 09:27 AM
Kina losing the whole "fighter type" point then, doesn't it?

SilverLeaf167-yea, but high dex AND massive armoring is a waste of resources...

2012-01-28, 09:35 AM
Pathfinder paladin with a bow can do some sick damage against evil creatures.

Pathfinder fighter gets armor training that lets him benefit from high Dex but his damage output is subpar to say the least. If you have easy access to poison then multiclassing or prestige-classing to get Poison Use can yield interesting results since the number of attacks works in your favor.

In 3.5e I have never successfully created an armored ranged character. Clerics with zen archery work but it's not exactly a strength, you're better off in the thick of things.

2012-01-28, 09:36 AM
Dwarf cleric with Zen Archery, Knowledge Devotion, Holy Warrior and Ancestral Knowledge + Knowledge domain, cloistered cleric may work better. Ancestral Knowledge means you use Wis instead of Int for Knowledge Checks, Holy warrior adds your highest level prepared War Domain spell to damage rolls ( Includes bows ) Knowledge Devotion adds up to +5 on attack and damage.

You could also go Dwarf Mystic Ranger with a dip in fighter for heavy armour proficiency, then go scout witht he swifthunter build, again with Ancestral Knowledge/Knowledge Devotion/Zen Archery. Have Silence made permanent ( Create it, if it can't be done already ) on your armour for stealth.

What level is this character coming in to play? If it's above 5 but not quite levels 13+, I'd just suggest straight cleric (Z. Archery. A. Knowledge, K. Devotion, Holy warrior, etc.) with Magic Vestment on its armour, with perhaps Divine Magician for Blur/Displacement/Protection From Arrows with a Crystal of Arrow Deflecting + Entropic Shield for maximum defense from ranged attacks at low levels.

Another option could be a heavily armoured Warlock...?

EDIT: Person_Man's X Stat to Y Bonus may help in finding a substitute stat to Dex; http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=125732

2012-01-28, 09:39 AM
There must be a way other then Zen Archery to make ranged attacks non-dexterity dependent, or some fully-armored class that actually benefits from high wisdom scores, otherwise I am stuck here.

Well, first of all, mithral full plate with the Nimbleness enhancement (MIC) can accommodate a Dex bonus up to +4.

Swift Hunter builds make pretty decent archers, and tend to have at least 14 Wis (for Ranger spells).

2012-01-28, 09:40 AM
Kina losing the whole "fighter type" point then, doesn't it?

Nah, not really. Just worship a deity of war/battle.

2012-01-28, 09:44 AM
If you're going with Pathfinder sources, Gunslinger into Hellknight can work for this.

2012-01-28, 08:25 PM
SilverLeaf167-yea, but high dex AND massive armoring is a waste of resources...
Well, you still do get your DEX modifier to Reflex saves, initiative and DEX based skills. Heck, if you're a Dwarf, or have a Tooth of Savnok, you can even tumble in full plate.

2012-01-28, 09:10 PM
Warblade/Bloodstorm Blade fits. You can clank around in armor as heavy as you like, chunking around greataxes as though they were throwing knives, having them bounce off of opponents, and return to your hands to be used in melee.