View Full Version : Fixing the reanimator (PF)

2012-01-28, 05:25 PM
Well looking over the Reanimator I am MAJORLY disappointed.

Point is that its a Alchemist Archetype.

Its a cool idea yes (http://www.imdb.com/media/rm1074696704/tt0089885)

What bugs me is a couple of things:

It SEVERELY weakens your character. Not only is your bomb damage a step downward, you also miss out on it sometimes. For just a single spell

In return for undead that you cannot control..Oops.:smallannoyed:

Any ideas on how to fix this?

2012-01-30, 01:39 PM
Hmm, I would add Command Undead and Control Undead to their formula list (and actually, that's how those extra formulas should work - not "add to book" like such abilities actually say, but I digress).

Now, since extracts are potion-like, they may not be the appropriate mechanism for enacting control. Instead, I'd make it work like an injection like the alchemist versions of Animate Dead and Create Undead. Using it against an active undead would require a successful attack roll (against normal AC), and the injection would not be expended unless the hit is made. This is to compensate for the fact you have to make an attack rather than do it from the comfort and safety provided by a nice distance margin. To use it on an undead you're creating with Create Undead, you can inject the body while the 1 hour "warm up time" is in progress.

If you're in the mood for overhauling, I'd add even more undead-related abilities. Perhaps grant Control Undead per cleric (if that is what it is called; I don't know much about clerics), and other goodies in lieu of bombs altogether.

2012-01-30, 02:17 PM
Personally I would replace the same things that the summoning alchemist replaces (Thats roughly 6 spell replacements vs Lesser animate, animate, create, greater create, command control. Perfect).

Then I would give the option Of negative energy bombs.

Mindless undead are under permanent control and Mindfull undead require re-injectiones every couple of days.