View Full Version : Troubles of Bluestone

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2012-01-28, 06:23 PM
Welcome Low-OP characters to your new campaign complete with title. :smallamused: This is a semi-sandbox game and as such your choices will change the world.
However things will progress outside your actions.
But first something needs to happen to get you to meet. Not necessarily join together.
Starting positions in the town.
Doombringer.Sitting (or standing) in the mercenary guild welcome hall.
Hazuki.In the market or temple districts. There is a preaching square if you are trying to get interest from the general populous for your god.
Jukashi.In the market district gathering supplies.
Chrisrawr.Getting drunk on the south side.
Razorback.Trying to get information in a pub on the south side.
Amiplayable.Somewhere in the mercenary guilds welcome hall. The hall is big and there is plenty of space to hide.
An event will take place Tommorow night real time so RP to your hearts content till then.

2012-01-28, 07:09 PM
On a bench in the market district of the city sits a young woman, dressed in an elegant black dress over her slender elven form. Her arms are covered completely by the matching silk gloves, as well as a fine silk cloak hanging over her shoulders, and a hood casting a shadow across her snow-pale face. She seems somehow out of place with the people around her, even as she gets to her feet among the commonfolk and patrons of the market district.

Ezra pulls down the hood of her cloak gently, letting curly silver hair cascade over her shoulders as her deeply golden eyes settle on the preaching square that would attract the people of Bluestone to listen. She manouvres her way through the crowd, avoiding contact with the people with a certain grace as she arrives to the preaching square, stepping upon it with a clack of her shoes.

The bard steps up to the front of the preaching square, pursing her lips briefly before she lets out a melodic tune with her singing voice, to capture the attention of the nearest patrons of the market. With the tune in her voice, she speaks the dogma of Chronepsis in a voice loud enough for them all to hear. Once done, she places an hourglass beside her on the stage, tipped upside down so the sand falls.

"Chronepsis;" Ezra begins, letting her enchanting voice carry. "is neutral. Silent. Unconcerned. Dispassionate. Few of you know his name, if any at all. He is the draconic deity of fate, death, and judgement. I stand here to tell you all who would listen, about Chronepsis."

I modified it from Chronepsis' description and added some things, 'cause I can't write an entire religious ceremony, but I have some more stuff written down as posts go on. :smalltongue:

2012-01-28, 10:56 PM
Make a perform oratory check.

2012-01-28, 11:00 PM
Perform: Oratory: [roll0] C'mon, good roll...

Darnit. :smalltongue:

2012-01-28, 11:00 PM
Kaython Grithand

From a distance, some folks in the marketplace seem to be moving oddly: a line of them, suddenly shifting or twitching to one side, then glancing downwards with a frown before going on their business. The reason soon comes into view, however. Well below head height, a squat figure draped in a thick cloak over heavy, travel-stained leathers, his face concealed between hood and thick black beard, jostles his way through the town square. A massive pack laden with tools seems to offer only a little encumbrance to the stout dwarf as he trudges from one stall to another, leaving a trail of caked dirt from his boots and only sometimes pausing to contemplate the goods on offer.

An elf nearby catches his attention with a song, but his interest wanes as she starts talking about religion. "Bah," he grumbles softly. "Nae time fer this, thar's gold and orcs alike I need swingin' my pick intae... need a mule or somethin'..." He peers around, momentarily forgetting where he was going.

2012-01-28, 11:03 PM
@Ezra people listen but none show interest in Chronespis.:smallfrown:

2012-01-28, 11:23 PM
Ezra shall not be deterred!v:smalltongue:


Ezra takes no offense to the distinterest of the patrons of the marketplace; they did not go there for religious hearings and she fumbled on more words than she should have...she mustn't have tranced enough. "Think of the judgements that are passed on by the governments of these lands; of injustices you may have suffered from yourself. You suffer from these because the judges are not impartial; they are biased, some perhaps even corrupt."

"I will not make judgements upon the rulers of this city; I have met with them myself, and they are upstanding people. But there are places and times where this is not true, and it is happening all the time. The noble who takes advantage of his heritage; on a daughter of a blacksmith, or bullying hard-working people into submission from his station. Think, perhaps, of the churches. The clergy hold biases and use it against people; some believe that others are somehow inferior for not devoting their lives to a church who does not aid them in the first place."

"Chronepsis would have no such thing. He is Chronepsis the Silent, Chronepsis the Watcher. He sees what there is, and sees through what has been conjured. By putting power to his church, there will be no more of this. A man brought down to begging would be judged the same as a Nobleman. Chronepsis notices the act; not how many of the guards' palms were greased."

2012-01-28, 11:32 PM
@Ezra A few people walk away after the speech talking or With thoughtful looks on their faces. A guard nearby shoots you an angry glance. Another right next to him nudges the first with his elbow, and the first looks away.

2012-01-29, 12:12 AM
Durith weaved his way around the foot traffic. He had gotten used to the big people not noticing him and had, perforce, adapted to them. Spotting a pub near the end of a street, he moved towards that side, narrowly avoiding the pack animal who looked at him like he might a rat.

As he walked in and noticed that this was a human bar, the seats high above where he could reach. Smile and walk up like you don't notice he thought to himself. Grabbing a stool and pulling himself up, he noticed the barkeep had a smile on his face but was pointedly not looking his direction. Gritting his teeth for a moment, he forced the smile back on his face.

"Pint of ale, barkeep. How much?" he asked when he finally forced the mans attention. As he waited for his drink he made a little small talk with the man, trying in a circumspect manner to get information he may need sooner or later.
"Hey, I don't supposed you have seen a couple of my kind around here? Brothers, the two of them, although a bit taller and thinner than I. Not kin, but fellows I've worked with before. Close enough to be twins, they be.

[roll0] for diplomacy
[roll1] for gather information

He looked around the pub, seeing if anyone reacted to what he said.


2012-01-29, 12:17 AM
@Durith The barkeep gives you a furtive glance. "1 gold"
No one seems to pay any attention to the description

2012-01-29, 12:20 AM
Orin had been careful to enter the welcome hall when many people were coming and going. One person was easy to observe, but among many, anyone could blend in. She looked small, unassuming, and nonthreatening. Slipping away was easy. Everyone seemed preoccupied with their own business to pay her any attention.

The hall was bigger than she thought, with plenty of places to hide. She carefully took the signal whistle she had in her pocket and held it in her hand. If she was caught, it might make for a reasonable excuse. Somebody sneaking around, hiding, was suspicious. Somebody picking up something they dropped was not so. The moment she saw felt that no one had their eyes on her, she made her attempt.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

2012-01-29, 12:34 AM
@ Orin no one sees you slip into the shadows. What are you doing now?

2012-01-29, 12:59 AM
Orin was relieved that no one had seen her. Before leaving, she checks to see if there's anything suspicious, worth noting, or may be relevant to her mentor Ayabe or Athair Bront.

Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

If there's nothing, she'll sneak to the door closest to her.

2012-01-29, 01:25 AM
@Orin Nothing notable except a young man in old worn armor and weapons.
There are no doors just halls.

2012-01-29, 01:57 AM
Seeing that her current methods weren't getting her anywhere, Orin headed down the hall that looks the most empty and least used.

2012-01-29, 11:16 AM
Durith looks at the barkeep, trying to keep his eyes from growing large.
A pint will suffice, good man. I don't need the whole keg, no matter what you have heard about my kind and their drinking abilities. he tells the man with a smile.

Can you describe what the barkeep looks like?

2012-01-29, 11:22 AM
@Orin all the passageways are well traveled and without hiding spaces :smallfrown:. However as you wait for a minute trying to time a way to get into the place a mercenary walks past you talking about Athair. :smallconfused:
@Durith He gives you an annoyed look and says two copper.

2012-01-29, 11:56 AM
With nothing to show for pinching that waitress' bottom but a black eye and a bloody knuckle, Elimar swaggers... well, stumbles, at least, down the road to another tavern. His mule brays as he passes, reminding him of at least one of his responsibilities. Hs patience is truly tested, against reins that seem to have been tied in a dozen knots along the post. Finally, he loses his temper - "You wanna piece of me?!" he yells at no one, and everyone, in particular. "I'm assrong as an horse, an as drunk asa fox! I'll fietcha! I'll-OOF" his ramblings are cut short as Mule nudges him lovingly in the stomach with a hoof. "Sryuour probably right, lezsgo, you dumb... dumb... you sexy beast, you." Mumbling to himself, Elimar and Mule stumble down the road, the rest of the now untied animals scared off by his tantrum.

2012-01-29, 12:03 PM
@Chrisrawr make a listen check at -3.

2012-01-29, 12:10 PM
@Elimar a knife is at your throat. "Drop your coin purse now".

2012-01-29, 12:31 PM
Durith slaps down 3 coppers and gives the man a nod.
Taking a drink, he looks around and see's who is in the pub that he might be able to get some information from as he wipes his beard.

Durith looks to see who is in the pub so he can go talk to them AKA gather info

2012-01-29, 12:37 PM
Elimar does what any sensible Elf, confronted by a big, strong city-dweller would do - he drops his coin purse.
Initiative [roll0], Rage, Grapple [roll1], Toss STR check [roll2]
As figure reaches down to grab it, however, he reaches out to wrap his powerful arms around them...

...And promptly dumps him into the trough that Mule and the other animals had been stabled at. "Scuse... scu- sorry, I thought you were... on fire. Jussa old habit incase peoples on fire needed any... any helping."

2012-01-29, 12:40 PM
You fling him into the building and he goes out with a thud. Three more thugs step out of the alley looking angry:smallfurious:.

2012-01-29, 12:45 PM
Initiative again if necessary, move action to draw sword and move toward nearest thug and make serious face at him [roll0], [roll1].

Taking a step to avoid Mule's nervous kicks, he rushes headlong toward the nearest - bringing his massive Falchion up a hairs' breath from the mans throat - Elimar's face is red with rage, spittle is beginning to form at the edges of his mouth. The alcohol on his breath only adds to the effect. His neck and arms are solid muscle, trembling with barely-controlled fury, as he asks with a slight slurr, "ARES YOU FEELIN' PUNKY, LUCKSH?"

2012-01-29, 12:49 PM
One tries to stab you as another runs away the last one pees his pants and starts crying for mercy.

2012-01-29, 12:52 PM
unarmed strike [roll0]Perhaps because of his oddly drunken gait, Elimar manages to completely miss the dagger that'd been coming right at him, instead catching the man's forehead with his own. Or he would have, if someone hadn't placed that wall in the way!

2012-01-29, 12:54 PM
The thug darts out of the way and attacks again the other one starts running.

2012-01-29, 12:55 PM
Damage Durh.

2012-01-29, 01:00 PM
"Hey! Thash not a pretend knife! You can't just go shtabbin people..." With a generous moment of thought as he swings at the man, he adds, "...well, at least, not without buying me dinner first!"

Schwing [roll0] Kerchunk [roll1]

2012-01-29, 01:03 PM
The thug goes down.

2012-01-29, 01:08 PM
Elimar reigns in his battle-fury as he realizes he's in a town, and would like to stay that way for the night, at least. He sags for a couple seconds as he tries to catch his breath, finally finding it hiding in a small tin of whiskey. He grabs some canvas from Mule and, soaking it with the rest of the whiskey, presses it against the man's wound. "y'er gon'eed see th'doc... doct... medshin man, man." Looking around, but not seeing hide nor hair of a doctor - even after checking his whiskey flask again - he shouts, "HEY GUARDS! FIRE OVER HERE!"

2012-01-29, 03:01 PM
The mercenary immediately caught Orin's attention. If he was willing to speak of Athair out in the open, there was no need to hide. Before he goes to far past her, she called out to him, ceasing all attempts at hiding.

"Excuse me, sir." Orin began, trying not to sound too excited about her first lead. "I couldn't help but overhear you talking about Athair. You wouldn't happen to know him, do you?"

2012-01-29, 03:09 PM
@Elimar the guards come rushing over and look at the thugs. "What happened here?"
@Orin The mercenary is startled and stares it you. "Yes I know him. Who are you?"

2012-01-29, 03:30 PM
"I'm... an acquaintance of his. He owes me something, and I wish to collect. Do you have any news of him?" Orin asked. She didn't think it was a complete lie. Athair owed her the safety and return of her mentor, and she did wish to collect him.

Bluff: [roll0]

2012-01-29, 03:54 PM
Agamemnon looked around at the mercenary guild ..this was the place where he was going to carve out a legend or die trying. He would quickly try to find a place to rest for the night and find out what sort of problems this place was having. "Well I suppose I best get use to the area..going to be home for a long time." Then turning slowly he hit the streets trying to get familiar with the city.

Any wanted or help posters or things like that Agamemnon would be interested in.

2012-01-29, 04:01 PM
@Orin He looks at you suspiciously. "Ok another one you're the seventh person to say he owed them. I'll tell you what told them I don't know what happened to him and that guy. They've been gone for a while." He then walks away.
@Doombringer you see a mercenary talking to a short woman on the way out. They finish their conversation when you get to the door.

2012-01-29, 08:41 PM
So Athair owed quite a number of people. That was an interesting piece of information, but it still didn't give her much to work with. She would've asked for more information, but he had already left before she had the chance. Orin sighed. She was never the best at gathering information from people, preferring to use other methods involving breaking and entering.

Still, talking with the mercenary went pretty well. She could talk to the other people here, asking about Athair or even the people he was apparently indebted to. If she really wanted to take a chance, she could ask about Ayabe directly. On the other hand, she was still a stranger, and she wasn't quite sure how willing they'd be to talk to her. For now, she'll take a moment to think before her next action.

"Damn, what should I do?"

2012-01-29, 08:50 PM
He spotted from the corner of his eye the woman talking to the mercenary and then tried to see if he could possibly overhear anything of importance. "Anything of note going on?" Agamemnon was trying to find work before he ran his gold out.

2012-01-29, 09:44 PM
The Event. Dun dun dun.
The city shakes around you as a roar comes from the south east. The sound of many horns comes immediately afterwards.

2012-01-29, 10:08 PM
The elf on stage quickly sweeps up the hourglass beside her as the city shakes; placing it in her pocket as she whistles a short tune, a tiny black hummingbird whizzing through the air and perching on the comb on her hair. "Hide." She suggests loudly to all of the people that can hear her in the marketplace, as she sounds another melodic note to fill the people of the market district with the courage to preserve themselves.

Ezra keeps her mind calm even as she jumps down from the preaching square and begins a sprint to the slums of Bluestone; attacking forces, whether they were so or not, would not visit the slums during an initial assault. Were they anything else, they still would not likely go there. She had given the townspeople an instruction; and it was all she could have done, for not even she could control the panic that would surely rise.

Inspire Courage on as many of the townspeople as possible.

Ezra is running for the slums of Bluestone.

2012-01-29, 10:25 PM
Durith gave an askance look at the barkeep, making note not to trust him.
<I wonder if he does this to all non-humans or just gnomes... or just me> he thought.

Scanning the room, he saw a couple of cloaked individuals of shorter stature but couldn't make out what race they were.
Grabbing his pint, he started to make his way towards their table when he hears the sounds of horns off in the distance.
What in The Joker's name was that?

Rolling knowledge???? Not sure what one you want to apply to recognize if these are horns of war and, if so, what race/country/army they may be.

[roll0] +?

2012-01-29, 10:31 PM
Bells are now tolling from the fort on the cliff on the east side.
Also I meant south-west not south-east of the city.
@Orin The slums wrap around the south and west side of the city.

2012-01-29, 10:36 PM
He saw the city shaking and then the horns..."You fools it isn't an earthquake it is an ARMY!"He looked to the mercenaries eyes wide."Well come on let us get to the walls and send these bastards to hell!" Agamemnon was ready and willing to show his might to the enemy.

2012-01-29, 11:47 PM
"I SAID, IT FEELSh LIKE THERE'Sh AS FIRE OVER HERE," Elimar points to where the man had stabbed him, "Ans this guy's needsin some help, I thunk... if you don't mind?" There's some rumbling, throwing him a bit more off balance than he normally is, but some drink calms it - as the roar of alcohol dampens the real world, he sighs contently.


Alcohol doesn't roar... and where'd the guards go? Elimar lifts the man onto Mule, who then quickly wanders off. He cleans his blade on his trousers and stumbles into the direction of the noises and sounds.

2012-01-30, 12:27 AM
@Durith you don't know what the horns mean but some of the patrons are panicking.
@Doombringer when you arrive you see a massive crater where the was. An elf is standing nearby it. There are orcs coming.
@Elimar you stumble to a large hole in the ground there is still smoke pluming up. As the smoke clears you see a large amount of orcs jumping into a crater and clanking armor behind you.

Please take a break till the last people make posts.

2012-01-30, 12:32 AM
Before Orin could respond to the the man, she gasped as she, too, felt the city shake in a way unfamiliar to her and heard the roar. The man yelling that it was an army did little to ease any growing fear.

The girl then began to follow the man toward the source of commotion, not so much for a confrontation, but to see what, exactly, was the cause.

2012-01-30, 12:35 AM
You see what Doombringer sees.
Forgot to mention guard are rushing to the scene. They are creating a shield wall. Some mercenaries are there to.

2012-01-30, 12:44 AM
"Alright this is more like it..." He himself then looks to the others and falls into the wall..trying to get a good advantage point. "Come on you motherless dogs!!My blade is thirsty!!" With that he pulls his longsword and braces for the assault. "Russell let us hope your training pays off one more time."

2012-01-30, 08:38 AM
Hearing bells go off, Durith knows it can't be good.

Barkeep, what do the bells mean? he yelled at the man but the patrons were already getting up and running for the door.
<Definitely not good>

2012-01-30, 08:46 AM
Kaython Grithand

The shaking of the ground barely rattled the dwarf's toolbags, though taller folk stumbled around him. Ignoring the cries of alarm, Kaython peered at the ground, judging the sensation that had come up through his boots; the horns, though, answered more than he had thought to ask, his head swinging upwards in alarm towards the host of horns calling over the rooftops. With a curse, he swiftly swung his largest pick from his backpack and hefted a hatchet in the other.

"Orcs!" he bellowed, swiftly lumbering his way to full speed in the direction of the enemy, looking this way and that for a vantage point that would let him see what was happening. "Take cover! Up swords! Orcs are coming!!"

2012-01-30, 09:35 AM
@Durith "It's the warning bell get to the fort." With that he starts running to the fort.
@Kathon You arrive and see an elf in front of a crater with smoke coming out.
@Doombringer and Orin You also see a dwarf nearby.
@Elimar A dwarf comes running up.
@Ezra The people are running towards the fort. The slums are away from the fort. The people you inspired are panicking less then the ones you didn't.

2012-01-30, 10:13 AM
Ezra looks out across the emptying slums, as the people of the village flee to the fort. She looks out for a building in the slums with a high rooftop that would be easy for her to get to.

Ezra's Spot: [roll0]
Sonnet's Spot: [roll1]

2012-01-30, 10:16 AM
@Ezra You see a old house apparently built before the slums expanded this far.

2012-01-30, 10:19 AM
Arrrghhh! Is all that comes out as Durith runs out the door.
Damn you, Teg brothers! Why couldn't you have picked a nice, cozy town that wasn't being overrun? He looked to the fort and, drawing his bow, ran as fast as his diminutive legs would carry him.

2012-01-30, 10:51 AM
"OI! DWARF!" Elimar shouts, "HASH YE'GOT ANY ALE? THERSHUM EXPLOSINS AN' ORCSH AN' I'M ALL OUTTA WHISHKEE!" Looking from the Dwarf to the man on Mule, he adds, "An if ye got anythin lighta, thish bloke could use a flashk'er two."

2012-01-30, 11:09 AM
Everyone roll initiative. The orcs are charging up the slope. There is plenty of rubble around to hide behind or to use as choke holds. There are seven guards in a shield wall holding a nearby street marching slowly down in formation.
Edit forgot there are three mercenaries with you.

2012-01-30, 11:10 AM
Forgot my initiative.

2012-01-30, 11:12 AM
Agamemnon looks to the dwarf coming "Come join the fight...and you..I promise you a keg if we live through this.." He said in the direction of the drunk one (Elimnar).He then clanked his shield testing it looking to the swarm of orcs coming. "Best be ready gents! orcs I hear are a nasty lot that care only for blood and chaos!"

2012-01-30, 11:14 AM

2012-01-30, 11:55 AM
Ezra quickly moves to the house, entering it through the door and closing it behind herself. She locks the door of the house with a nearby chair, before looking around her immediate area. If she sees nobody, she moves upstairs, looking for a wardrobe or other large compartment to hide inside.

2012-01-30, 11:57 AM
@Ezra your hidden.

2012-01-30, 12:20 PM
After a couple blinks to make sure he'd heard what he'd thought he'd heard, Elimar chimes, "A keg an' a fight'ye says? YOU HAVE MY SWORD!" Though his fury was spent on the bruisers from earlier, he charges directly into the oncoming Orcs - gleefully, none the less.
Initiative: . Charge right into the first Orc available - Attack [roll1], Damage [roll2] and if applicable critical hit damage [roll[2d4+4

2012-01-30, 12:27 PM
"How can you think about alcohol at a time like this?!" Orin exclaimed, directed at the two men. She drew her shortbow and an arrow. The situation wasn't too bad. There were more able-bodied fighters around and being at the top of a slope against a charging army with a bow was a better position than most.

Initiative: [roll0]

2012-01-30, 02:45 PM
Five orcs make their way to the top of the slope. Two attack Kathon, two attack Agamemnon, and the last one attacks Elimar.
Damages [roll5] [roll6] [roll7] [roll8] [roll9]
Durith, Orin make hide checks to be hidden at the start of combat.
10 damage to Kathon.
Elimar the one on you dies from your attack.

2012-01-30, 04:14 PM
With an almost contemptuous sneer now that he's in the dirty, and not drinking or having a rough-n-tumble, Elimar dislodges his Falchion from the Orc. "Ash noh a nife, thish's a nife!" Winking at another, he shouts over the battle din - "SHAY 'ALO TO MAH NOH-SO-LI'L FRIEN!"
Attack nearest Orcums, add +2 if I've got charging room. [roll0] Damage [roll1] Critical conf and critical damage if applicable, again add +2 if chargan room, [roll2], [roll3]

2012-01-30, 04:27 PM
Orin darts behind some rubble, moving farther away from the crater but close enough to still be in range. Carefully, she makes a shot.

Hide: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

AC: 15 Norm, 14 Touch, 13 FF
Skills in Use: Hide +8

2012-01-30, 06:20 PM
Agamemnon blocks the blows with his shield laughing"Because we love, we drink, and we slay..and we are content." He then takes his longsword and lashes out trying to down one of the vile creature upon him. "Dirty little suckers aren't they?" He swung with precision trying to take the orc quickly aiming for inner thigh to try and bleed him out in mere seconds.

Attack [roll0]
Crit Confirm [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2012-01-30, 07:15 PM
Agamemnon kills one. Durith hits once. Orin misses. Elimar wait your turn. :smalltongue: Now waiting on Kaython. Make a sneak attack Durith.

2012-01-31, 06:15 AM
Kaython Grithand

"I ain't had a proper drink in two weeks," the dwarf grumbles as he meets the enemy, "Don't remind me!" Kaython's arm blurs as he swings pick and axe in a deadly circle, his boots skidding across the ground as two of the orcs swing for him. His armour catches some of the blows, but still the ranger curses as their steel bites into his tough skin. "Blast ye to th' hells, orc scum!" he spits.

Initiative: [roll0]
[[Edited; new rolls in OOC thread.]]

AC: [14] Norm, [11] Touch, [13] FF
Current hp: 15

2012-01-31, 09:15 AM
Durith fires, hitting one of the orcs, seeing it cringe at the power of his mighty little bow.

Sneak attack damage:
[roll0] + [roll1]

2012-01-31, 10:31 AM
Durith kills one. Kaython you are already in melee.

2012-01-31, 03:09 PM
Orin swears after she misses. "Okay, let's try this again."

She draws another arrow and fires.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

AC: 15 Norm, 14 Touch, 13 FF
Skills in Use: Hide +8
HP: 15/15

2012-01-31, 08:54 PM
Agamemnon looked to the other orc smirking "I think you are going to join your friends down on the ground soon." That longsword then came up and down in a deft arc trying to slice this once from throat to sternum. "Next time you should think about attack a city protected by me!"

Attack [roll0]
Confirm Crit [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2012-02-01, 10:09 AM
Alright one Orc dies on from Kaython. Four more orcs swarm up the slope towards you. Three orcs attack Agamemnon, one each attack Kaython and Elimar.
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7]
[Roll]1d20+4[/Roll. [roll8]
Elimar hits kills one. Orin misses. Agamemnon misses.

2012-02-01, 10:15 AM
Messed up a roll.
[roll0] [roll1]
Elimar takes 4
Kaython takes 11

2012-02-01, 07:55 PM
Agamemnon laughs and then looks to the orcs "Alright now it is a party!" He then takes his shield blocking the assaults and slicing in a wide arc with his longsword."Come on you dogs...lets see what you got!" He was not showing fear loving the blood spraying through the air this is what he was born for.

Attack [roll0]
Confirm Crit [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2012-02-01, 09:10 PM
What the heck it didn't bump the thread.

2012-02-01, 09:19 PM
Living up to his name, Elimar speeds through the ranks of orcs, looking for anything bigger to fight.
Spot, looking for anything that looks like bigger orcs. [roll0] if he sees anything, he'll move toward it, charging if possible. AoO's incoming :D

2012-02-01, 09:47 PM
Elimar you see a byar chief.
Agamemnon you kill another.
Everyone hears bugles blowing. The cavalry are coming.

2012-02-01, 11:12 PM
Durith drops one of the orcs with an arrow threw the neck.

Take that, foul creature he udders to himself, conscious of keeping quiet. Seeing an opening, he looks around for a better vantage point. With a slight 'ah', he sees a building with stairs leading to the roof.
Death from above he says with a wicked grin on his face.

2012-02-02, 03:39 AM
"Damned Mule better not get any aser.. asprin.... any IDEAS about them FANCY CAVALRY HORSES," Elimar says through hiccoughs. The drinks from last night were starting to hit him - the giddy euphoria of a light buzz tingled its way up and down his spine, just as he spots someone who looks challenging.

"WHUARUGHOURGH!" he screams articulately, pointing his bloody sword at the Byar.
Intimidate to see if I can't challenge an open path to engage in some sexy orc-elf slip'n'slide.[roll0]

2012-02-02, 09:10 AM
"Grrgh!" Kaython grunts in pain as he suffers another injury from the orcish blades, shrugging off the pain with a string of dwarvish curses. Hearing the sound of reinforcements on the way, he continues dealing with his anger by venting it on the nearest enemy.

Another full attack.
Pick: [roll0]
Axe: [roll1]

AC: [14] Norm, [11] Touch, [13] FF
Current hp: 5

2012-02-02, 09:49 AM
Another orc is struck down by Kaython.
Elimar the Byar bellows back at you.
The bugles are getting closer.

2012-02-02, 01:24 PM
"We need to move to higher ground lads...or split them up or we will be trampled!" Agamemnon looked around trying to find a place to gain better footing not wanting to be torn under by whatever was coming. He then took the longsword and swung it at another one of the nasty creatures trying to fall back slowly.

Attack [roll0]
Confrim Crit [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2012-02-02, 01:36 PM
Agamemnon you miss.
Also I meant the cavalry is your cavalry. It is the warmages of the city come to throw fireballs at the orcs. (Basically I want to end the battle so we can get back to what you guys want to do individually.)
Edit the bugles go past Ezra. That means that you are in the safe zone now.

2012-02-02, 08:59 PM
Elimar doesn't know whether to be wooed or afraid of the Orc's savage cry. Maybe a second date will tell - regardless, he charges the beastie!
If a path is not clear, BULLRUSH CHARGE INTO NEAREST [roll0] knocking them back (will enter after result)

If a path IS clear, ATTACK! [roll1], Damage [roll2], Crit confirmation if needed [roll3] [roll4]
(OOC) I dont know why i did that for bullrush)

2012-02-02, 09:20 PM
The path is clear.

2012-02-03, 12:29 AM
Agamemnon growls and then takes his longsword hearing the cavalry now knowing it is his allies swings with renewed vigor. "FORWARD!!" He yelled before taking another slash at the dumb orc trying to split it into pieces. "Would you just die already!!"

Attack [roll0]
Confirm Crit [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

I hate this dice roller it has a tendency to always roll low.

2012-02-03, 03:06 PM
Durith reaches the top of the building, peering over the side.
He looks down and sees the mass of bodies in combat.
Determining which are orcs and which were not, he fires at one not directly engaged in combat, not wanting to accidentally hit a defender.

Prepare for death, scum!

Rapid shot:


Damage: [roll1]

If the first shot takes down the target, he aims for another. If the original target is missed or still standing, he targets him again.

Damage: [roll3]

2012-02-03, 05:24 PM
@Agamemnon you miss.
@Durith first hits and the orc roars in pain.
The bugles are really close now.

2012-02-03, 06:12 PM
Agamemnon was getting tired of this elusive orc and soon his blade swung trying to flank with one of the men making the shield wall to take it down "DIE!!" He could not believe how wild he was swinging perhaps it was because the piles of bodies and blood.


"Oh look you can bleed!" He then took a step to the side to keep from being flanked.

2012-02-03, 06:44 PM
The orc falls to the ground.
The sound of hooves comes thundering down the street as fireballs whis over your heads. Finish the ones your standing near and that is it for the fight.

2012-02-03, 06:58 PM
Ezra waits for a few moments longer as she hears the sounds of bugles call past her hiding place. She steps out of the wardrobe she had been in, Sonnet fluttering to her shoulder as she brushes down her cloak. "Well. I think that's the sound of safety." She speaks melodically to her familiar, who stays quiet on her shoulder. The elf moves down the stairs in no hurry, moving out of the front door of the apparently abandoned house.

A thought comes to her mind as she once againt treads along the streets, turning to the marketplace again. If she was going to be spending much time in Bluestone, and if there was going to be widespread panic whenever a band of...whatever they were attacked, she would need somebody to protect her.

The cloaked elf keeps her hood down, as she heads for the entrance to the mercenaries guild. "Perhaps some will be wounded and we can get one on discount, hmm?" She says to the hummingbird, a smirk at her lips.

2012-02-03, 09:21 PM
Elimar jumps up from his current position... well, stumbles up, anyways. Brandishing his sword, he's ready for another go.

2012-02-04, 12:00 AM
Agamemnon smirked before looking to the last of the four orcs that were on him and swung toward it using the ability to out flank it. He took that sword and gave a elementary over hand chop while using his shield to protect himself. "I hear the bugles your attack was pointless."

Attack [roll0]
Confirm Crit [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2012-02-04, 12:10 AM
Another one falls.
Elimar finish the Byar.

2012-02-04, 02:07 AM
With the people ahead doing such a great job and the cavalry coming into help, Orin retreated far behind where the bugles were coming from. She wasn't necessary and besides, she wasn't much help there anyways.

Still, she stayed, wanting to see the end of this. Mostly, though, she wanted to see if she could interrogate any of those mercenaries once it was over. The guild building will always be there. No need to risk the chance of missing a potential lead.

2012-02-04, 01:07 PM
Attack, Damage, Crit Conf, Damage
I believe he gets an AoO at +4 because I'm prone

Elimar swings with a desperate fury at the Byar, "I'SH TOLDYE, Y'DON GETS T'STICK IT IN TILLS ER SECON DATE!"

2012-02-04, 01:09 PM
Wincing as he feels at his wounds, Kaython decides thundering hooves are not a completely welcome sound to a dwarf, and makes for the side of the road; as he does so he takes an opportunistic swipe at the legs of the nearest enemy, attempting to knock them to the ground for the horses.

Kaython attempts to Trip the nearest enemy and moves, or the other way around depending on if there's an enemy near or not. Touch attack roll: [roll0]
And the strength check if it succeeds: [roll1]

2012-02-04, 01:35 PM
Elimar no you just get a penalty to your attack roll. You hit anyway and the Byar roars in pain.
Jukashi you miss.

2012-02-04, 01:56 PM
I stood up from prone.

2012-02-04, 02:21 PM
Ah in that case [roll0] [roll1]
Hahahaha wow a huge FAIL!!!1!1!!

2012-02-04, 03:35 PM
(bahahaha - Lucky, because that would've almost laid me low!)

2012-02-04, 08:39 PM
He looked to the man fighting the rather large creature and charged in to aid..ignoring the others and taking his sword out and swinging it in a wide arc. "I got your back..now let us slay this mangy mutt and get a stiff drink!" He looked to the byar and his eyes furrowed he was not going to let this beast slay another soldier.


2012-02-04, 09:34 PM
Durith takes aim, firing at the first orc he sees


dmg: [roll1]

Crit conf(just in case):

As the arrow goes flying he doesn't wait to see it hit is mark as he yells
Death! Death to you foul creatures! Garl to you to the abyss! and lets another arrow fly.


dmg: [roll4]

Crit conf(just in case):

2012-02-04, 11:21 PM
Another orc dies with two arrows sticking out of him.

2012-02-05, 02:30 PM
Was I allowed to help with the byar or not now that all my orcs are dead...mean dm and swarming me with orcs lol.

2012-02-05, 02:47 PM
The orcs start fleeing from the town as you all cut down those that were on this side of the crater.

2012-02-05, 06:41 PM
"OI! GET BACK'ERE N FIGHT Y'COWARDS! ONWARD! ONWARD TO VIC'TREE!" Elimar shouts, as he chases down the door to the nearest tavern.

2012-02-05, 08:03 PM
He looked to the one calling the others cowards and laughed a bit. He then shrugged sheathing his blade only after cleaning it off. He then knelt to say a small warrior's prayer for the fallen. He then stood and moved to find the nearest fountain to wash himself off. "Good day."

2012-02-06, 02:40 PM
Doombringer as your washing off a mercenary comes over. "that was nice fighting kid. Where did you learn to fight like that?"
Chrisrawr you find the nearest bar and the door is barred from the inside.

2012-02-06, 03:15 PM
Durith sees his arrows sink in, felling the orc. Moments later he sees the orcs begin to retreat.

Damn, I'm good. RUN, YOU MANGY DOGS!
He climbs down from his perch and begins to see if anyone needs help.

2012-02-06, 06:05 PM
"I learned to fight from a man named Russell.." He turned to look to the fellow "He said if I wanted to make a name for myself to head here."Agamemnon laughed "He gave me the blade and armor I have on my back." The blade was of good quality well taken care of. "So when the orcs came I was all to eager."

2012-02-06, 08:48 PM
Elimar thuds against the door with an audible thud, and then flops to the floor with an audible flop. Mule clip-clops over with audible clip-clops and the man he's carrying sighs with an audible sigh.

"Good day, Mule. Y'got any boosh?"

2012-02-06, 09:38 PM
Ezra as you enter the guild hall a heavily armed man meets you. "What can I do for you, miss?"
Durith as you look around you see a cleric going around healing people. Anyone nearby gets healed to full health.
Agamemnon "Russell! That's where the old dog got of to hahaha. Yeah, this is where you want to be if you want to be anybody. Come up to the guild house around noon tomorrow. I'll meet you there." With that he walks off laughing.
Elimar the mule snorts and looks around.

2012-02-06, 09:46 PM
Winding his hand through a bit of dangling rope, Elimar whistles at mule to start walking. That one guy owes him a barrel of ale...

2012-02-06, 11:46 PM
"I am surprised Russell was known here..." He shook the though hearing the man about the keg. "Hey there ...I owe you a keg to drown your aches and soreness into..the name is Agamemnon let us go find a tavern and enjoy something that challenges slaying orcs." He then looked to the fellow noticing the mule. "Well seems you have a friend too..I will get him some oats."

Chrisrawr I didn't forget...Agamemnon owes Elimar a keg.

2012-02-07, 07:19 AM
Durith overhears the two warriors conversing and offers up
If your looking for a drink, I'm heading back to that pub right there as he points down the street to finish the drink I was working on when all hell broke loose.

2012-02-07, 07:39 AM
Ezra offers the heavily armored man a smile, inclining her head briefly. "Hello. I'm looking for protection in these strange times when orcs come out of the walls." She speaks clearly and articulately to the man, standing at her full height and letting Sonnet absentmindedly pluck at her hair.

2012-02-07, 12:11 PM
Ezra "Ah, so you'll want some protection then. I can have someone ready by Tommorow. Do you have the money for a guard?"

2012-02-07, 01:23 PM
Ezra recalls the last city she vistd in which she had considered hiring a bodyguard before. "Let's see...the going rate for one of the most inexperienced of your ranks should be two silver pieces a day. I think somebody to protect me should have some experience, with a decent amount of armor. That would be six silver pieces a day, correct?"

Going by the Mercenary costs in Arms and Equipment Guide. A 3rd level Fighter in Medium armor is 6 silver pieces a day. A 5th level Fighter in heavy armor would be 1 Gold a day.

2012-02-07, 01:49 PM
Ezra "That's for in city. Just need a bodyguard eh."

2012-02-07, 02:09 PM
Ezra sighs, turning the hourlgass on her belt upside down. "So as not to completely waste my time, let me hear the ludicrous prices you are charging for your stick-swinging peons." The elf says, no tone of derision in her voice as she meets the heavily armored man's eyes.

2012-02-07, 03:54 PM
Stretching his arm to test how the healing went, Kaython grumbles a thanks for the cleric who did so, and begins setting off in the direction the orcs fled, searching for a high vantage by which to see where they're going. "Seemed a bit of a dumb move, even fer orcs..." he mutters to himself.

Assuming that he got some healing too.

2012-02-07, 04:40 PM
Ezra "Caravan or another adventurer? We get cuts on the profit from adventurers 1 gold per guard per day for travelers or caravans."
Kaython (You got healed) Strange indeed. The entire section of wall is almost gone that's some powerful magic. :smalleek: Orcs shouldn't have access to it. They haven't in the past.:smallconfused:

2012-02-07, 04:53 PM
Orin was relieved when the orcs ran off, but decided to wait for the excitement to die down a bit before approaching anyone. Once the cleric finished making their rounds and the rowdier fighters went away, she approached the cleric.

"That was some battle," Orin said. "Tell me, does this happen often? I'm rather new in town, and it would be rather nice to be prepared for these things beforehand."

2012-02-07, 04:57 PM
"So even when you get a cut you charge double the going rate from elsewhere?" Ezra akss with a smile of amusement on her lips. "I could ge a ride on a carriage for two gold pieces to the nearest city and get a bodyguard of far better skill and equipment." She sighs again, turning halfway to the door.

"Now, I would stay and discuss why you feel the need to charge more, but I don't think either of us have the time." The elf lets Sonnet hop onto her finger smiling at the small bird and watching it instead.

"So I shall summarize. Your guild has either fallen on hard times and feels the need to charge less well-minded patrons more money than your men are worth. Your guild has a bloated ego because of the oh-so-common reverence for combat. You're being controlled by some other organization into extorting more money; perhaps a duo job with some thieves guild? They make the streets dangerous so you can charge more."

"I think that covers most of the bases here." The hummingbird flits back to Ezra's shoulder and she meets the warrior's eyes again. "Are you going to lower that extortion, or shall I look elsewhere?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2012-02-07, 08:42 PM
"I could use a good drink..if you want to join us you are most welcome." Agamemnon then looks to the tavern down the street asking the other fellow. "What is the name of the watering hole?" He looked over to Durith and waited before adjusting in the weight of that full plated armor.

2012-02-07, 09:31 PM
Orin "Nothing like this. Something is wrong"
Ezra "Heh I like you so I'll let you in on something. This place is dangerous, stuff like that explosion happens daily. These prices are good."

2012-02-08, 12:03 AM
Orin raised an eyebrow. That sounded worrisome. She was beginning to think that her search was going to be the least of her problems. "Is that so? Care to elaborate? I have plenty of time."

2012-02-08, 02:32 AM
Orin "Okay just keep up." He starts striding around surveying the damage. "The problem with this was the scale. The orcs do have shamans that typically specialize in destructive magics. They're just not this powerful typically. It's worrying."

2012-02-08, 08:49 AM
"I see." Ezra stands to face the man fully again. Now they were getting somewhere. "And what would you say is the cause of these attacks? Incompetence on the part of the guild to do their part in protecting their base of operations, leading to the assaulting groups having a large amount of confidence to attack? Somebody must be doing something wrong for these to be so common."

The elf produces the Symbol of Chronepsis from her cloak, displaying it briefly to the mercenary. "Now. I am setting up a church in this city. I have been in meetings with the ruling class of Bluestone and am well on my way to achieving land for my church. If I could get a good impression of your guild, a group of you would be considered for protecting the church. This would pay quite well, I'm sure you've noticed."

"But to get that, I'd need a good impression of your guild. A steady flow of gold from inside the city is much more efficient than being hired to occassionally guard caravans; less dangerous, too. I don't know about your business sense, but it would be a profitable endeavour for your guild to accept that offer when the time comes. As opposed to another group being hired."

"People will ask why your guild wasn't hired. They will wonder why this new church has hired a different group for protection. Are you incompetent? Did you blunder through negotiations for prices? Regardless of what conclusion they come to - it will be bad for business."

"Now, will you consider lowering your prices or shall I look elsewhere?" Ezra asks, arching her eyebrow at the man.

Taking 10 on Diplomacy for 25, again.

2012-02-08, 09:31 AM
Durith looks up at the massive human and starts to say It's called the... uhm... lets see... boy, the name isn't important. It only matters that they have cold ale. Now, lets go. That's for the rest of you, too, if you're interested. Without waiting for a response, he Durith tries to muster as much dignity as he can as he stomps off to the pub in question.

2012-02-08, 11:51 AM
Ezra "Your opening a church? Well for in town the guard will keep you safe." He looks thoughtful for a second. "Wait a minute go talk to Fasrins. He will be exited to meet you. Come back in an hour. We will have someone get a contract ready."

2012-02-08, 12:38 PM
"Perhaps I would do so if I knew who Fasrins is, where he is, or why he will be excited to meet me." Ezra tells the warrior sardonically.

2012-02-08, 01:05 PM
Ezra "Hahahaha. Forgive me he's my best friend, he has saved my life three times. SERVANT." A man comes over. "Show this lady to Fasrins. Hahaha. Sorry again."
The servant speaks "Right this way miss."

2012-02-08, 01:52 PM
Ezra nods, looking to the servant. "Please, lead me to this man." She asks of the servant, Sonnet flying above her head to follow from the air. She didn't trust this man one bit, but she was confident in her abilities.

2012-02-08, 03:20 PM
Ezra "Of course miss." After a short walk you arrive in a large training room. "He is right over there." He points to a silver half-dragon training with a greatsword.

2012-02-08, 03:46 PM
"Thank you." Ezra tells the servant, before approaching the half-dragon training with the greatsword, standing a good ten feet away. "Fasrins?" She calls out from where she stands, her tone inquisitive.

2012-02-08, 04:19 PM
The servant bows and walks away.
Fasrins responds while still practicing. "Yes what do you want?"

2012-02-08, 05:00 PM
"Your heavily armored friend said you would be interested in my opening a Church of Chronepsis. I don't want anything; I simply thought it best to follow up on this information." Ezra responds curtly, though she is confused by the prospect of this man being interested.

2012-02-08, 05:49 PM
Ezra he stops and turns to you. "Really that's great news."

2012-02-08, 06:03 PM
Ezra stares at the half-dragon for a few moments, stopping her mouth from gaping at the response. "Thank you, I suppose. Will that be all?"

2012-02-08, 06:48 PM
"Mule! Mule! Follow those men! MULE!" Elimar gestures weakly toward the warriors filtering off toward refreshment after the battle.

Elimar is still just lying on the ground, being dragged around. Bleeding :P How's the guy on mule doing?

2012-02-08, 06:51 PM
Durith walks into the pub and without waiting to see if anyone follows.

Barkeep, ale! he yells.

2012-02-08, 08:39 PM
Elimar a cleric tries to heal you what do you do?
Durith the bar is empty.
Ezra "Mostly, I'll spread the news about the church. I'm glad to see another follower."

2012-02-08, 09:15 PM
Kaython hangs around for a moment, clambering atop rubble to inspect the shattered stonework, and glowers out in the direction the orcs went for a while. Soon, he makes his way back to where the cleric and Orin are talking. "Aye, that's well true," the dwarf remarks, turning to spit dismissively as he goes on: "Y'don't get orcs smart enough for spellwork like this; not stickin' around with the rest of their kind, anyway." He nods towards the cleric. "You lot gonna get any lads out to track 'em back and see what's what?"

2012-02-08, 10:19 PM
Agamemnon looked to the fellow storm off toward the tavern. He then moved toward the mule and inspected the bleeding fellow. "You know if you die down there I won't have to buy you that keg of ale." He then slowly moved into the tavern and looked about seeing it rather empty he said "Make that TWO Ales!"

2012-02-08, 11:03 PM
As Elimar drowns himself in the watery ales of men, he feels his strength renew - his wounds heal and his battle fatigue grows distant. "What's this? Even m'Kingdom's finest wines can't... this," he gestures grandly to himself.

2012-02-08, 11:37 PM
Agamemnon watched the man drink and consume the liquid as if it was nothing but water. "Durith was it you seem to be decently skilled in combat..did you come to make a name for yourself here as well?" Agamemnon drank from his own mug deeply and sighed a relaxing sigh. "I have to see a man at the guild tomorrow that knew Russell it should prove interesting..Russell was my mentor."

2012-02-09, 01:16 AM
"That really is something to worry about. I really did arrive at a bad time." Orin said as she quickened her pace to keep up. She, too, looked at the damaged caused by the orcs. It didn't look good at all. "So, are you saying they've gotten stronger? Or perhaps they're getting outside help from somewhere? It's strange, though. If they could have done this much damage, it's a wonder why they didn't do more. Though, I suppose that's a lucky thing for all of us."

2012-02-09, 08:27 AM
Durith looks up and is pleased that he has company.
No, I have some personal business I was looking into here. That, and an odd adventure to line my purse with coin, if I could find one. He quaffs down the ale and then produces a gold piece, taps it on the counter and nods to the barkeep to keep them coming.

2012-02-09, 08:43 AM
The elf's gaze continues to grow skeptical by the second, crossing her arms where she stands. "You worship Chronepsis? Forgive my surprise; but a mercenary seems like an awfully odd choice for a member of Chronepsis' faith."

2012-02-09, 01:09 PM
Orin "We don't know. And that's going to scare the nobles."
Ezra "Well isn't an elf a strange worshiper of Chronespis."

2012-02-09, 02:03 PM
"It is a strange tale of how an elf could come to be a worshipper of Chronepsis." Ezra agrees, as she holds up her finger, Sonnet flitting over to perch upon its tip. "But my race isn't paradoxical to the faith I claim to belong to. Your job, however is."

2012-02-09, 03:05 PM
Ezra "A reasonable but unimportant point. Until my time comes I have to survive somehow. This is just a job. One that makes me money."

2012-02-09, 03:34 PM
"Few people actively worship Chronepsis. Even among dragons. For somebody to claim to do so, while they actively work to change and shape the world around them by the will of any who carry enough gold, rings a bell of warning in my head." Ezra gestures to a nearby window, approaching it to look out of.

"A true worshipper of Chronepsis would not work to change the world for anyone who has enough coin. Charging far more than your work is worth, I might add. There are many jobs that do not involve this blatant disregard for the deity you claim to worship. Yet this is the one you choose?" Ezra turns to look at the half-dragon again, taking one step to leave the guild.

"You are either a liar or a fool."

2012-02-09, 04:43 PM
Agamemnon looked to the fellow and said "Adventure you say now that is something I could really sink my teeth into as well....something that my name would be sung in drinking halls across the country." He smiled and downed his ale before pulling another coin. "Let us get a little food over here as well barkeep if you please...we are lining your pockets with gold tonight." Agamemnon looked to Durith "What draws you to adventure?"

2012-02-09, 05:55 PM
The easy life, boy, the easy life. Live a full life, marry me a good woman, have a bunch of me own children. Die by the fire of my hearth rather than the fire of a dragon's breath. he takes another swallow of his drink. And you?

2012-02-09, 06:54 PM
"I live for shankin' pretty elfs in zhe alley wif mu friendsh after we'z had a fe-" he shakes his head, confused, "Wait, no. MULE! Mule? Whershhat hoooligan? Get'im soma this magic booze!"

"Ahlbee right back ferzat... zat ale..." he waves at the group, and walks off to find Mule and the robber. Fighting the Orcs had left him particularly dissatisfied, but maybe this lot knows where there's fun to be found. But first, his new friend is probably not having a good night - and there's magic ale to fix that right up!

2012-02-09, 10:01 PM
"Yeah, I wouldn't want to be the one to tell them that new discovery. A panicking nobility is the last thing anyone needs." Orin said. She thought for a moment. "You seem to know a fair amount of these orcs' activities. I'm curious. Have they been known for abductions or causing disappearances?"

2012-02-09, 11:08 PM
Kaython "Of course. Still leaves me worried."
Ezra "First off I don't take any job offered, I pick. Second what other job do you recommend? It's not like my kind has a wide range of options. I'm only barely accepted here where my talents are needed. I didn't have the opportunity to be a sage, my hometown was small. We didn't have the option to not have warriors."
Orin "Only if you go into the badlands. Or if they raid you. But they don't attack in this small a number against Bluestone." :smallconfused: He walks over to a lower ranked officer. "Sargent talk to this lady for me." The Sargent is standing next to a dwarf.

2012-02-10, 07:25 AM
"Oh, well as long as you only serve the nice world-shapers,n that's perfectly fine." Ezra responds, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Another job? Let's see. Caravan guard? Town guard? Soldier in the army? Those are only jobs if you choose to stick with combat. You could become a merchant; people will believe you know your stuff more than any other merchant because of your heritage."

2012-02-10, 09:59 AM
Ezra "At this point the guild does all of that. This is where all warriors head to get jobs."

2012-02-10, 10:02 AM
"And do all of the warriors know that the guild is corrupt?" Ezra asks, arching an eyebrow at the half-dragon.

2012-02-10, 10:05 AM
Ezra "No, that's the worst part about it. Most of the people here are little better then thugs of the street. And even worst everybody belongs to a guild they control this city." He sneers in disgust.

2012-02-10, 10:54 AM
As Durith takes another swig, he looks up at Agamemnon and ask,
Do you be from around here? And, what do you make of this attack? Seems like an opportune time for someone to make a bit of coin helping out the city.

2012-02-10, 10:57 AM
Elimar returns, a bloodied man slung over his shoulder. He eases the man onto the floor and begins pouring ale over the man's face. "I alwers knew'd ale'd be goods fer somethin'... Other than fillin th'hole in me heart, that ish!" he says with a chuckle.

2012-02-10, 11:07 AM
"Such strong feelings from a worshipper of Chronepsis." Ezra comments before turning around completely. "Farewell, Hasrins. Good luck with your corruptions." She tells him, before heading to stand near the front doors of the guild, to wait for an hour until her bodyguard is ready.

She starts to sing softly in her corner, letting Sonnet flit about around her as she does so.

Taking 10 on Perform for 21. Not for any particular purpose. :smalltongue:

2012-02-10, 05:32 PM
Agamemnon looked to Durith "Oh no I am not from around here..my old friend told me if I wanted to make a name for myself this was the place to go." He shrugged "So I traveled a long way to get here after his death..." Agamemnon was very young if one could see past the features of a hardened life they would notice that. "I do not know much about orcs...but I am sure that one could make a little coin." Agamemnon smiled "Hopefully the guild will help me do that tomorrow; if I find work you are welcome to join me. I will split the take with you evenly."

2012-02-10, 06:51 PM
Appreciate it, lad. Truthfully, my skill in not tremendous in the fighting skills, although I am not one to run from a fight. But, for avoiding trouble or scouting, you'll find yourself hard pressed to find better. Durith Morningmist be my name he said as he extended his hand.

2012-02-10, 07:16 PM
The dwarf mutters darkly to himself for a moment, stroking his beard, before asking: "You don't think they'd object t' me goin' along with 'em, would ya? I know a bit about trackin' myself, and I was gonna head out in that direction as it was."

2012-02-10, 08:53 PM
Orin approaches both the Sargent sheepishly, guessing that she may have asked one too many questions to the cleric. She remembered the dwarf fighting the orcs alongside some of the others and was impressed with his skills. At his request, she shows some interest. "Going along where? You wouldn't happen to be wanting to follow those orcs, would you?"

2012-02-11, 06:07 PM
Orin and Kaython "The trackers will be riding. But if you can keep up then it would be fine."
Ezra An hour of waiting ends when a servant comes to you. "Right this way Miss. Your guard is waiting."

2012-02-11, 07:14 PM
Agamemnon looks outside to see just what time it was and then sighs. He himself would then slowly take a drink and eat the food brought to him. "I wonder if they are going to send people after the orcs or to find out where they got magic to blow down a wall?" He then looked to his form frowning at the orc blood. "Barkeep I don't suppose you have a room for sale?"

2012-02-11, 11:55 PM
Doombringer "You'll want to head to Blackwell inn over on Tyorin and Main. Can't really miss it."

2012-02-12, 12:41 AM
Elimar is discouraged by the amount of magical ale on the floor.

2012-02-12, 04:59 AM
"I hate to say it, but tracking is hardly my specialty, and I doubt I could keep up with riders. Don't get me wrong. You're very brave for chasing after the orcs, but I think I'll take my chances in the city." Orin explained. She then turned to the dwarf. "And for the record, might I say, you wield quite the pick and axe."

2012-02-12, 02:06 PM
Ezra gets to her feet as Sonnet jumps into the hood of her cloak, she inclines her head briefly to the servant. "Please, lead the way." She says, and follows the servant when he does.

2012-02-12, 02:16 PM
Agamemnon looked to Durith Morningmist extending his own hand and shaking it firmly. "Agamemnon...pleasure to meet you Durith." "I was just fixing to head over to the Blackwell Inn to acquire a room. I mean that is if they are not all taken due to the recent event." Agamemnon instead sat with the fellow and waited for more conversation to take place. "So your are a scout or tracker I assume?"

2012-02-12, 02:35 PM
I don't have a room as of it, as I just came into town. Let us finish these rounds and amble over to this and see if they still have rooms available.

2012-02-12, 11:58 PM
Agamemnon nodded "Sounds like a good plan us new people have to stick together." He laughed before grabbing a drink and downing it deeply "The ale here is good but I hear that the dwarven ale from the high mountains is much better." Agamemnon shrugged still content that his thirst was sated after a hard fought battle.

What time is it in the game?

2012-02-13, 01:57 PM
Depends on who you are. You three are in the late afternoon. Orin and Kaython are early afternoon. And Ezra is right in the middle.

2012-02-13, 04:14 PM
With an inquisitively arched brow he answers 'Tis been a long while since I've had some Dwarven ale... my palate could certainly use a refresher. I suppose my travels could take a short... detour, if we be heading that way.

2012-02-13, 07:33 PM
The grizzled dwarf nods sagely at the cleric's words. "Aye, well, I was aimin' to scout around, do some survayin', maybe investigate a few of the old ruins around here. Investigate the locals, too," he adds, again looking off in the direction the orcs went with a frown. "I can track a bit meself, and sure I could keep up if I got meself a pony. Was thinkin' of gettin' a mule, anyway. Might be an idea to ride out with some others, at least part o' my way."

Kaython blinks as Orin addresses him, and nods. "Ah... aye. That I do," he mutters.

2012-02-13, 08:10 PM
Agamemnon looked to Durith and said "Now that would be a adventure. I wonder what sort of old stories or things of that nature we could dig up?" He then stood after finishing his ale. "Well let us get going to see about our rooms for the night." Agamemnon then strolled toward the door after paying for the drinks.

What race is Durith just curious?

2012-02-13, 11:24 PM
Ezra the man you meet with to confirm the contract gets the meeting over quickly talking as little as he has to.
Kaython "They would probably appreciate that."

2012-02-14, 07:34 AM
With a nod of his head, the gnome downs the last of his drink, bringing his tankard down as he says to the barkeep
Many thanks again, good man. I'm sure we will renew our acquaintance at a later time.
To Agamemnon he says
Lead on.
As he hops down from his stool.

2012-02-14, 07:28 PM
(We are moving to the tavern ..I am trying to get to day 2 so I can speak with the guy at the guild hall.)

2012-02-14, 08:08 PM
Unless you hook him, Elimar is just gonna drink the rest of the magical ale, eventually sobering up to momentarily drop the poor near-death man off at a hospital or medica, and then head out toward the orcs. He may meet up with the party chasing the orcs, or he may just rabblerouse. Who knows?

2012-02-14, 10:32 PM
Orin bids the sargent and the dwarf goodbye before taking leave. Even if she wanted to go, she had no idea how to ride a horse. She still needed to focus on task. Since there was still light out, she figures that she could still have some progress at the mercenary's guild. She heads way, hoping that it was still open for the day.

2012-02-15, 12:44 PM
Agamemnon alright I'll get back to you when it's the next day.
Elimar Alright anything in particular you want to do. Otherwise describe what kind of trouble you get in.
Orin yes it is in fact open. As you go in you walk past a waiting elf.

2012-02-16, 09:45 PM
(Well let me know cause I am interested in knowing where this might go.)

2012-02-17, 03:45 AM
At first, when Orin sees the elf, she's worried that the building was not opened and she had arrived too late. That worry turned out to be unfounded as she opened the entrance. She peered inside, saw that business was still going on, and sighed in relief.

"Hey," She called out to the taller woman, who was singing. "The place is still open. There's no need to wait outside. I'm sure there"s still time to conduct whatever business you have."

2012-02-17, 10:15 AM
Ezra stops her singing as she gets to the final word, her golden eyes turning like molten to look at the person talking to her. She offers the woman a small smile, and a shake of her head. "Hello. Thank you, but I'm waiting for one of the mercenaries to get everything in order so I can hire a bodyguard. It's ridiculous, but people can only do so much..."

2012-02-17, 12:49 PM
Elimar was sad for a little while when he finally realized that the ale was not, in fact, magical. He spent his night punching and being punched, destroying the lesser races in drinking games, and looking for a hospital. Wait, no, he sent Mule to look for a hospital.

Good Mule.

Alas, morning comes for even the hardiest and most determined of drinkers. With a light-hearted, and off-tuned whistle, he begins his journey after the Orcs at a pondering pace. Mule will catch up eventually, and being sober has always brought him better clarity in battle.

And from the memories of last night, there would be battle to be found...

2012-02-18, 12:07 AM
"And so, you have to wait for them to get things together?" Orin frowns. She looks briefly at the building door again, looking unimpressed, before staring back at the singer. "This is a Mercenary Guild. Preparing a bodyguard should be a simple task for them. I'm hoping the rest of their standard procedure doesn't sound this unprofessional. They're not always this unorganized, are they?"

2012-02-18, 07:04 AM
"I do." Ezra tells the staring woman, a small smile on her face as Sonnet flits above her head. "I don't know whether they are always this way, but I know the prices they tried to charge me at first were exorbitant; and even the lower ranking members hate what the guild has become."

2012-02-19, 03:11 AM
"It sounds like they're exploiting their customers. I never liked this place, and I'm finding more reasons to dislike it." Orin replied, shaking her head and returning the other's smile with one of her own. Her eyes were slowly focusing less on the woman and more on the strange bird around the woman's head. "By the way, my name's Orin. And you are-?"

2012-02-19, 12:33 PM
"I think it's smart of them to realize they can exploit the stupid." Ezra says, holding out her finger for the black hummingbird to perch upon. "But they don't know how to get around the smart ones yet. And I am Ezra. This is Sonnet."

2012-02-19, 07:34 PM
"A pleasure to meet you both. Although, I can't say I've ever seen a bird like that before." Orin says, her eyes never leaving the bird. "Oh, just before I go inside you wouldn't happen to have a name or two of those lower ranking members disenchanted with the guild, do you?"

2012-02-19, 07:43 PM
Ezra smiles, nodding her head to Orin with a smile. "A pleasure to meet you, too." Sonnet's wings hum, tilting its head at Orin in a mimic of Ezra's nod. "And Sonnet says the same, it seems." She says, amused. "She's a special bird; my familiar, in fact. The one I know of is named Fasrins; a half-dragon to be precise."

2012-02-19, 09:03 PM
Seeing the way Sonnet tilt its head similar to how Ezra moved manages to let Orin let out a small laugh. "She really is special and very cute as well!" She says. She begins moving back to the door, beginning to open it again. "Well, I hate to leave so abruptly, but I really must go. I still have business to do before the day is done. I hope to see you around soon. It was a pleasure talking to you."

2012-02-19, 10:42 PM
Ezra gives a wave as Orin enters the guild, giving Sonnet a soft chide for showing off.

*time passes*

Ezra leaves the office of the man she'd dealt with, expecting her guard to be waiting for her nearby as she casts her gaze across the hall, Sonnet resting in the hood of her cloak.

2012-02-21, 11:52 AM
(Sorry for the lateness, I could of sworn I posted something.)
The guard is waiting outside for you, he nods and falls in behind you.
Orin as you enter the large welcoming chamber a group of mercenaries comes in behind you shoving you aside.
Agamemnon and Durith You wake up refreshed from a nice sleep.
Elimar You don't, make a fortitude check.

2012-02-21, 05:18 PM
Durith got up out of the bed and stretched, looking out the window.
Should probably be hungover but I ain't he said with a smile to himself.
His stomach grumbled loudly, probably waking the person in the next room, as he remembered he only had a liquid diet yesterday.
Best be finding where the boy found himself a place to sleep he mumbled to himself as he gathered his belongings and headed downstair to look for Agamemnon and some grub. And some more drink, too.

2012-02-21, 06:35 PM
"Hey!" Orin cries as she's shoved. She immediately begins following them. "Careful! That was very rude, I hope you know.!"

2012-02-21, 07:22 PM
Agamemnon was downstairs with the sun looking around trying to find some food. He would be dressed in his armor shined to perfection with that long blue cloak. Shield and sword strapped to back it seemed he was eager to start the day. "I wonder where Durith has got to this morning I hope he didn't leave without me." He decided it best to ask the innkeeper just to make sure.

2012-02-23, 12:25 PM
Orin A man turns around. "Sorry about that miss, this is an emergency." As he turns back around you see some blood dripping behind them.

2012-02-23, 02:40 PM
Kaython, puzzling to himself over what his plans are, decides to head to the miner's guild and make inquiries about the landscape around here, taking a meal and spending a night there as allowed.

2012-02-23, 04:54 PM
As Durith wound his way down the stairs, spacious for him but probably a bit cramped for the larger folk, he noticed Agamemnon talking to the inkeeper.

Lad, I'm ready to go have my belly filled. Too much drink and not enough food leaves me ravenous like the bear after his winter's sleep.

With a yawn and a stretch, he ambled over to the towering human, ready to meet the day.

2012-02-23, 06:48 PM
Agamemnon looks to Durith "Fair enough let us get going." He then lifted his shield to his back once more. The day seemed to be starting early for the pair now if they could just find a way to turn some sort of profit. He moved outside and headed straight toward the guild. "I hope we hear something worth while here."

2012-02-23, 06:51 PM
Orin lets out a small gasp, covering her mouth as she sees the blood, and apologies with a soft "I'm sorry. I didn't realize." She continues following the group of mercenaries to wherever they head to.

2012-02-24, 10:32 AM
So, what fare do you prefer? Whatever it be, I prefer bacon and a bit of potatoes first thing in the morning. And a fine wench serving it.

As they strolled out, he looked around to see how much damage had been done and then repaired since yesterday's attack.

2012-02-24, 02:43 PM
Agamemnon laughed at that "I myself am a fan of bacon and potatoes. The wench I would imagine any man prefer look good." He looked about saying "I wonder if they will be sending parties out to find how orcs were able to blast down a wall so easily." Agamemnon lifted his waterskin drinking a bit before offering Durith a draw. "I wonder when the rain season hits here?"

2012-02-24, 03:03 PM
Well, the magic arts are not my specialty. Unless you count jumping out of the way of a foul sorcerer's spell. he said with a laugh. As they turned a corner, the smell of fried, pork skin wafted in the air.
That's close enough for my tastes, if it suits your pallate.

"I wonder when the rain season hits here?"

Wyvernlord, what season is it now?

2012-02-24, 07:44 PM
Orin A servant comes running up to you. "Excuse me miss. I'm terribly sorry to keep you waiting."
It is early summer.

2012-02-25, 02:40 AM
Orin seems hesitant for a moment, looking at the servant cautiously before easing away her suspicion. "Thank you. Please, direct to where I can do business."

2012-02-25, 07:09 PM
"Looks good to me." Agamemnon then pulls out some coin paying for the duo's meal before looking to the sky. "Days are starting to get longer have you noticed?" Agamemnon then ripped a bit of bread taking a bite. "Good farmland up this way or do you know?" Agamemnon was just trying to make small talk to make breakfast enjoyable.

2012-02-26, 06:48 AM
With her bodyguard in tow, Ezra searches for a place to spend the night that will be relatively more calm than the standard inn.

2012-02-26, 01:00 PM
Between mouthfuls, Durith manages,Well, I had some look at the earth here and it's dark and full of life. If they could manage to push back or eliminate these interlopers, they would have a very sustainable crop, I'd imagine, but I'm no farmer. Which lead into, Why did that horde attack? Are the farmers here encroaching upon their land, were they here for a bit of loot, or was there some more sinister plan afoot? sopping up the last bit of fat on his plate with the nub of his bread, he finished with and that, my boy, is where we will be able to find a bit of coin while helping these good people out.

2012-02-26, 01:42 PM
He watched the little fella put it away. He thought it was funny how someone so small could eat so much. "Well let us get going ." He stood and moved directly to the guild halls where he was told to meet the gentleman yesterday. He was hoping for good news and a little adventure.

2012-02-26, 07:31 PM
Durith got up and followed Agamemnon, keeping a wary eye on his surroundings, as the towering human parted the way before him.
A gnome could get used to his. he said to himself with a grin.

2012-02-27, 12:37 PM
Orin. "Of course, right this way miss." He leads you through wide hallways to a well lit room. "You might have noticed the problem as you were coming in, it might take a little for your meeting."
Ezra. You could always try and get more permanent residence.
Agamemnon. As you arrive at the mercenary guild the man you talked to yesterday meets you in the welcoming hall. "Remil he's here. Nice to see you came." He spots Durith, "And who is this?" :smallconfused:
Kaython. The miners guild house is a short but spread-out set of buildings. As you enter the main building you see a few dwarves sitting at a table playing a game.

2012-02-27, 03:35 PM
Durith extended his hand to the man and said
Durith Morningmist, at your service. An aquaintance of Agamemnon, new to the city like him, who took it upon himself to help fight of your invaders yesterday. Advance scout of the Army of Clan Dvertll by profession, adventurer by trade. Like good Agamemnon, I have come to see if you seek someone of my no small skill in ferreting out what happened yesterday.

2012-02-27, 06:53 PM
"I understand. I'll wait for as long as I have to." Orin says. She waits and waits in the room until somebody comes to talk business to her.

As she waits, she'll keep her eyes and ears open for anything suspicious.



2012-02-27, 08:53 PM
Agamemnon looked to the man and smiled "Well here we are what sort of dirty work do you have for us?" He knew things rolled down hill and most of the time the younger lads looking for work got them. "My new friend and I want to work together."

2012-03-01, 10:10 AM
Agamemnon and Durith. The man listens to you both then laughs.
"I'm sure we can find you two some work. Follow me and we'll talk."
Orin. After a few minutes a man walks into the room.
"What is your need today?"

2012-03-02, 12:53 AM
Agamemnon looks to Durith before walking with the man remaining silent until he spoke. Eyes would glance about the place before muttering something about how well constructed the building was. He was curious as to what was on the man's mind."Durith and I believe that it was odd that the orcs had magic enough to blast down a wall."

2012-03-02, 02:40 AM
Orin looks towards the man but takes no effort to approach him. "I'm in need of mercenaries, two preferably. I'm hoping to have them accompany me out of town, though you might find my request a little unusual. I have two specific ones I have in mind. I trust that may be all right with you?"

2012-03-02, 07:28 AM
Aye, the lad speak true. It would seem that the mangy jackals have some skill that and boldness in assaulting this walled city, traits that aren't usually attributed to their foul kind.

2012-03-04, 02:02 PM
Orin. "Do you have their names?"
Agamemnon and Durith. "The higher-ups are talking about it now. You know as much as I do right now."
You three enter a small room and see an old grizzled man sitting behind a desk.
"Is this the boy you were talking about."
"Yes sir he is."
"Sign here and welcome to the guild. And I imagine you would like to join as well?" he says looking at Durith. He pulls out another contract for you.

2012-03-04, 04:07 PM
Durith looks through the contract.
How much does this cost me?

2012-03-04, 11:28 PM
He looked to the others before taking his pen and quill signing the contract. "Durith the question should be how much will you not get if you do not sign." He placed the quill back in the ink well and smiled."Good to be on board sirs." He then took a step back waiting on Durith.

2012-03-05, 01:17 AM
The two could see the internal hemming and hawwing going on for Durith for a few moments before he decided with a Ok.

Signing, he stepped back and waited with a satisfied look on his face.

2012-03-06, 08:54 PM
Orin nodded. "Indeed, I do. Their names are Athair Bront and Ayabe."

2012-03-08, 02:12 PM
Durith looked at Agamemnon and asked
Have you done this type of work before? It would seem to be similar to militia work but, hopefully, with better pay and spoils.

2012-03-14, 03:36 PM
Orin, He takes a slow look at you. "Why do you need them in specific."
Make a sense motive check.
Agamemnon and Durith, The hiring officer smiles at you. "This is a high risk high reward business. You'll risk your life for more money most people can get in a month."
He laughs
"In any case what type of job are you looking for. Some are safer then others."

2012-03-16, 01:39 AM
Orin stares back at the man suspiciously. "I've met Athair and Ayabe before, unlike the other people employed here, I'm sure. It's not a crime to not want to travel with a complete stranger."

Sense Motive:

2012-03-23, 11:09 PM
Orin. "That is not a problem. They are out on a mission. They are already considered dead to the guild. I'm sorry if they meant something to you."
Ezra. It is starting to grow dim as you leave the guild. The mercenary speaks up, "What do you need now. I can recommend a some good places to rest if you so feel."
Elimar. Your almost steady gait evens as you walk. After a few hours you hear hooves coming from both ahead and behind. The mule walking up behind you as some riders come over a small ridge. The riders look at you and your mule they slow to talk.
Kaython. The guild welcomes you to their hall. You are given the option to join the guild if you feel like it. If you accept they gladly share the small rooms in their guild hall. One of the officers comes to speak to you. "We're starting a new settlement out to the west to see if we can get some of the resources out there. You in?"
Agamemnon and Durith. "I have one job that is needing quite a few members still, would you be willing to take it? It is guard duty in a new mining camp out in the badlands. We could use some more people out there."

2012-03-24, 11:17 AM
Durith looks up at Agamemnon, eyebrow arched.

Well, lad, whatcha think of this? Badlands sounds, well, bad, but, maybe, not in a bad way.

2012-03-24, 06:51 PM
Orin replies with her eyes downcast, clearly distressed by this news. "That's dreadful... I couldn't even imagine - I'm sorry, but would it be too much to ask about the mission they were on?"

2012-03-24, 07:25 PM
Elimar hails the riders and scratches the Mule's head. "I's heading at the orcs' lands?" he calls, when within hearing distance.

2012-03-26, 11:45 AM
Orin, "They went to the west. That's all I know, I wasn't involved with that deal." He tilts his head to the left. "Athair has some family on Warwick and 3rd. I'll give you some directions. Tell them that Walter sent you." he writes down directions on a piece of paper and hands the paper to you.
Elimar, "You are heading towards the orcs." he looks puzzled by your slurred speech. "Why are you heading towards the orcs?"

2012-03-26, 04:00 PM
(OOC: Sorry was on my phone for this) "Well, whoelse m'I gonna fight without pissin in someones drink?" He asks. The mounties realize that the slur is natural for him - a sign of a longtime drunk, or someone pretending to be one.

2012-03-27, 12:44 AM
Elimar, "Ah, that is one thing you could do, yes. If your looking for work there is an outpost up a path to the left of the road a few miles ahead it will lead you straight to a mining camp. A man of your, temprement would be welcomed there."

2012-03-27, 02:39 AM
"'slong as they got more drink," Elimar says tiredly. He continues his shamble, now using Mule as an aide. Good Mule.

2012-03-27, 10:35 AM
Elimar, "Mining towns always do." The men ride off in the direction you came from.

2012-04-17, 12:21 AM
"Thank you, Walter." Orin says as she takes the paper in hand. She gives a small sigh. "I'm sorry to say this news about Ayabe and Athair has thrown my traveling plans in a bit of a loop. I hope you don't mind if I can resume business on later date? If so, I'll get myself out of your hair, unless there was anything else you'd like to tell me?"

2012-04-18, 12:28 AM
Orin, "None, I liked Athair. I wish you luck."