View Full Version : [Pathfinder] How do I escape this prison cell?

2012-01-29, 02:00 AM
Also posted on the Paizo boards.

At the moment, I'm locked in a 10 ft by 10 ft prison cell. Inside the cell is a steel bucket and nothing else. I have no items or clothing (I am being kept nude to make sure I can't hide anything on my body). The cell is three solid brick walls with a steel door. The door has a small window with a steel shutter and no other openings. I don't know what is outside (I didn't get a good look being brought in), but it sounds like there are two guards.

I need to get out now. I am to be executed in a couple of hours (the BBEG took a justified act of self defense and defense of an innocent person and twisted the story of what happened, getting me tried and convicted of multiple counts of murder), and the BBEG is planning a very nasty magic ritual tonight that needs to be stopped. The problem is, I have to do it without killing any of my guards. They haven't done anything to warrant death.

Here are my stats:

Female Human Ninja 4/Paladin 4

Str 14
Dex 18
Con 10
Int 16
Wis 10
Cha 15

Skills with ranks (I have 8 ranks per skill):

Bluff +10
Diplomacy +10
Intimidate +10
Disguise +10
Stealth +12
Acrobatics +12
Disable Device +12
Perception +8
Sense Motive +8
Sleight of Hand +12

Ninja Tricks

Vanishing Trick
Forgotten Trick

Ki Pool 4


Weapon Finesse
Vital Strike
Power Attack
Quick Draw
Improved Unarmed Strike

Hit Points: 40 (I have taken 22 points of nonlethal damage from the cold weather)

Can you help me figure out a plan?

2012-01-29, 02:17 AM
Any idea how thick the walls are?, You might be able to smash your way out using the bucket.
edit: thought of a few more ideas; Perhaps crushing the bucket to get part of it into a triangle shape, or breaking/tearing the bucket to get a pointy piece of metal, then using that to dig/chisel your way out,
Another one; perhaps seeing if your gm would let to suspend yourself in the corner for a few rounds while you use bluff to imitate a guards voice shouting "the prisoner is escaping", then defeat the guard once one comes running, and take his uniform to make a disguise, and than walk out, bluffing your way past any other guards you come across, and using his keys to get through any locked doors to need to get through.

If you can get your gm to allow the hide in the upper corner, then impersonate a guard trick to work, it would probably work the best of the ideas, as it would(probably) also distract the guards and make them try to look for you(hopefully they would first try looking inside the prison),
In addition, as you have improved unarmed strike you could probably defeat the guard without killing him as well.

2012-01-29, 02:54 AM
Another one; perhaps seeing if your gm would let to suspend yourself in the corner for a few rounds while you use bluff to imitate a guards voice shouting "the prisoner is escaping", then defeat the guard once one comes running, and take his uniform to make a disguise, and than walk out, bluffing your way past any other guards you come across, and using his keys to get through any locked doors to need to get through.

To build on this idea - you could use your Forgotten Trick to use Ventriloquism, and throw your own voice outside your cell while impersonating a guard's voice in your cell. When they open the door to free their "colleague" you jump them.

Alternatively, Bluff to change your voice as mentioned, then FT into Sudden Disguise, looking exactly like a guard you've seen. When they open the cell, jump them..

And if none of the above work, turn on your xbox and ask the DM when the cutscene is over.

2012-01-29, 02:58 AM
How aware are the guards of your powers? I notice you have vanishing trick, so you can turn invisible. Take the bucker, and very noisily start banging it on the window. When the guard comes to investigate, they will see no-one in cell, and open it to investigate. You now slip out. Basically, anything that will get the guard to open the door will allow you an escape. You could also try to knock out a guard that you lure into the cell, and use their clothing as a disguise. Using your bluff to fake a medical emergency that requires aid, bluff/diplomasize them into entering with suggestive remarks(you are a nude female), bluff that you are preparing a magical spell, perhaps a teleport with invisibility to sell the idea, etc.

2012-01-29, 03:02 AM
Good ideas(hadn't realised that ninja tricks were different from rogue talents until now:smallredface:) looking at the ninja tricks available, ventriloquism or sudden disguise would probably work well, and if combined with vanishing trick you could make the room look completely empty to the guard, which would help solve the problem of other guards asking for information on how you escaped.

2012-01-29, 03:04 AM
You're a Ninja (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/alternate-classes/ninja), so just use your Ninja Tricks to get out. :smallamused:

For example, get the guards to open the door (shout that you're escaping from their wimpy prison, pretend to be dying, try to seduce them, or just wait until the executioners come to retrieve you). When they're in the process of opening the door, use your Vanishing Trick to become invisible. While they wonder where you went, use your Forgotten Trick to simulate the Acrobatic Master Trick and do a masterful dive over their heads and out the door. Since you're invisible they may not even notice you doing it. Once you're outside, use your remaining 7 rounds of invisibility to run away somewhere, such as where you can get a spare guard's uniform or knock out an unattended guard and steal their uniform, to continue your escape. :smallsmile:

2012-01-29, 03:06 AM
Good ideas(hadn't realised that ninja tricks were different from rogue talents until now:smallredface:) looking at the ninja tricks available, ventriloquism + sudden disguise would probably work well, and if combined with vanishing trick you could make the room look completely empty to the guard, which would help solve the problem of other guards asking for information on how you escaped.

One problem is that he doesn't have enough ki to use both VT and SD, because acquiring either one will also require spending 2 points on Forgotten Trick in addition to the cost of activating what he gets.

He has just enough for ventrilo + invis for instance.

I'm not sure what the Paladin levels are in aid of to be honest, some retraining might be in order there.

2012-01-29, 03:08 AM
"Pazuzu, Pazuzu, Pazuzu!"

2012-01-29, 03:09 AM
Claim that you had hidden a bag of holding in your person and pull stuff out :P (http://www.enworld.org/forum/2539869-post44.html)

Anyway, the no killing is easy. You already have Improved Unarmed Strike, so you can deal nonlethal damage as you like. Probably your best weapon too, given that the improvised bucket isn't likely to be a good weapon.

Use the bucket as an improvised weapon to smash the walls. (Walls don't have a good AC). If they come in to investigate, knock them out, or turn invisible and sneak out. If they don't... well, lets hope you hit hard enough to damage the walls.

2012-01-29, 03:14 AM
"Pazuzu, Pazuzu, Pazuzu!"

No! Bad! *whacks with rolled-up newspaper*

2012-01-29, 03:21 AM
One problem is that he doesn't have enough ki to use both VT and SD, because acquiring either one will also require spending 2 points on Forgotten Trick in addition to the cost of activating what he gets.

He has just enough for ventrilo + invis for instance.

Aye I realised that after I posted.

2012-01-29, 07:15 AM
hands to your head move to a corner of the cell, cowering but not full fetal position (standing at least) and then start screaming bloody murder, go wide eyed as though something is attacking you in your cell or you are hallucinating etc. When the guards come in to investigate (or more likely shut you up) push past to the door, and vanish once outside the cell so they have no idea which way you ran.

This should give you a small head start.

2012-01-29, 09:47 AM
1) Scream/Make Noise/Start breaking the walls/bars.
2) Guard comes to investigate/shut you up.
3) You continue.
4) Guard opens cell to force you to quit it.
5) Punch him in the throat, run out invisibly.

2012-01-29, 01:47 PM
You may be able to punch the door down, PA for full should break hardness (on an Iron door, hardness is only 10). Sneaky options have already been presented, basically getting the guards close enough to be punched or sneak-ed past. Not killing them shouldn't be a problem; your unarmed strike can still do nonlethal without penalty.

PS. The prison gave you 22 nonlethal from coldness (more than enough to freeze people to death), and is leaving a woman nude in a lethally cold cell with nothing but a bucket. I put my vote in for killing/torturing everyone in the building if possible.