View Full Version : Improvised Weapons for a Jester Character

2012-01-29, 02:23 PM
I will be playing a Jester/Factotum in an upcoming game based on some homebrew that I found on the BG forums. The class contains some excellent support for improvised weapons and I have been trying to come up with some decent weapon ideas for my character to use.

I have been thinking along the lines of wacky weapon ideas as opposed to the drunken master using a chair or broken bottle as an improvised weapon. So far I have really been considering using Yo-yos, (haven't decided if I want to dual-wield them or not) but was looking for some more ideas.

Also I was wondering if actual weapons could be used as "improvised weapons" and instead of using their game stats you would set their damage and crit based on the rules for "improvised weapons". It makes sense from a fluff perspective but I didn't know if there was some crunch that was againist it. Also if this is the case would this be a way to get improvised weapon bonuses and weapon enchantments without having to enchant a "chair leg" or "broken bottle"

Thanks for all the input.

Here is a link to the class if anyone is interested.Jester with Factotum Chassis (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=12784.0)