View Full Version : Contemplative Favored Soul

2012-01-29, 05:29 PM
I have a player entering my campaign who wants to play a FAvored Soul 10 Contemplative 1. The 1st level of Contemplaive gives access to a domain, and I am trying to figure out how to make it work with a Favored Soul.

First off, a domain gives a Cleric a power and one spell per level per day that can be used in a cleric's domain slots.

Since the FS gets no domain slots, I could rule that that aspect of a domain does not apply to the FS, but I am thinking that instead I will let the character have a domain spell slot just like a Cleric, and once per day per spell level, the Contemplative FS can cast his domain spell of that spell level. The domain spells would not be a spell known in the sense of his normal FS spell progression, but a bonus. As he gains contemplative levels and gets access to additional domains, he would still have only one domain slot per spell level, but be able to choose from his domain spells to cast in it, like a Cleric, but spontaneously. Does this seem fair or overpowered?

The other aspect of a domain is the domain power. This player wants to start with the magic domain. The magic domain power lets a cleric use items as if he were a wizard/sorcerer of 1/2 his cleric level, but a minimum of 1. If I were going strictly by RAW, I would say that since he has no cleric levels, he would only be able to use magic items as a 1st level wizard, thanks to the minimum of 1 clause. But since I see FS to a cleric like a sorcerer is to a wizard, I think he should get some benefit here. Would you think this would make a much too powerful combination if his FS levels in this case were like cleric levels? For the record, I would not let the contemplative levels stack, with either Cleric or FS as the base class.

What does the playground think?

2012-01-29, 05:29 PM
Complete Divine has rules for what happens when non-clerics get domains on page 20.

2012-01-29, 05:46 PM
Complete Divine has rules for what happens when non-clerics get domains on page 20.

Cool, thanks. Didn't see that before...

I still think I will let the domain spells be in addition to the normal spells known...

The part about the domain power:

She can use the granted power bestowed by the domain normally.
does not really cover the case of the magic domain:

Use scrolls, wands, and other devices with spell completion or spell trigger activation as a wizard of one-half your cleric level (at least 1st level).

Where cleric level is explicitly specified. Would it be too powerful to let the power in this case be 1/2 the FS level?

2012-01-29, 05:48 PM
Where cleric level is explicitly specified. Would it be too powerful to let the power in this case be 1/2 the FS level?

You might change that to half levels in divine casting classes, to account for prestige classes, but that's a common solution.

2012-01-29, 05:53 PM
Cool, thanks. Didn't see that before...

I still think I will let the domain spells be in addition to the normal spells known...

The part about the domain power:

does not really cover the case of the magic domain:

Where cleric level is explicitly specified. Would it be too powerful to let the power in this case be 1/2 the FS level?

Just replace the word "Cleric" with "Favored Soul" in any of the Domain power descriptions.

Having 1 level in Wizard is enough to use most wizard items, so there should be no problem with this.


Your player may not fully understand how adding domains to non-Clerics works. You should inform him of the information from Complete Divine on page 20.

If the noncleric is a spontaneous
caster like a sorcerer or favored soul, then she may select a
domain spell to add to her spells known whenever she would
have an option to choose a new known spell. A sorcerer [or FS] does
not get to exceed his normal limit of spells known. Once
the domain spell is known, the sorcerer [or FS] may cast it freely

The player may be under the impression that they add all the spells from the domain onto their spell list and can use them as they like. They can't. You should inform them of this so that they understand and don't show up to the first game with that expectation.

2012-01-29, 06:36 PM
if he is looking for the magic domain then he probably only cares about the domain power instead of the spells.

2012-01-29, 07:14 PM
if he is looking for the magic domain then he probably only cares about the domain power instead of the spells.

Mage's Disjunction though. Actually Magic has a lot of good higher level spells.

Edit: But FS 10 is pretty boring. Needs Divine Oracle 2 in there at least for Super Evasion. Maybe Church Inquisitor as well if alignment matches.