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2012-01-29, 07:59 PM
The Festival of 200 Days

Stars loom overheard, faintly shining in a sky of orange and purple as the sun finally sets against the vast branches of the Breathing Woods. In the center of town, many of the local artisans have moved their wares to the street, hoping to make a small fortune during the celebration of the 200th Anniversary of Ingred’s Grove. Along the main road, there are several stalls, mainly of those bearing food. Jeb Lorast is one of the most popular among the children, for during festivals he will bake buns sweetened with lemon and honey, serving them warm and fresh with cup of milk sweetened with crushed cacao beans. Among the other stalls, you also find Dwarves of the Fürst Mountains selling exquisite jewelry of fine metals and gems; there are also Elves from the Breathing Woods pawning off soft furs and intricately carved statues.

Elsewhere in town, there is much to do for the youth of Ingred’s Grove, among the events are an obstacle course, pie-eating competition, and, soon, there will be a performance from the famed Seylawind Silvertongue. While night is upon the village, the moon is bright, sky is clear, and the festivities are not likely to end for a few hours. It's only the seventy-seventh day of the planned two-hundred, there are still countless nights of celebrating ahead for the folks of Ingred's Grove.

2012-01-29, 10:44 PM
"Ashton, buy me a bun!" his younger sister demands, tugging on his arm. "I'm hungry!"

The half-elf sighs. It was too late for his little sister to be out and she was starting to get cranky, and he was stuck babysitting her because his mother was off talking to that fur trader. It had been hours since he'd last seen her, too.

Ashton checks his pocket for change. He didn't have much. Hopefully the buns were relatively cheap. "Yeah, alright. Do you want milk too?"

The little girl nods, and the pair of them make their way to Jeb's stand.

2012-01-30, 04:37 AM
"And did you want Milk with that? There you go, have a good evening."

Just my luck to be stuck here while everyone else is off having fun...

Derall had been helping her father at the bun stand for most of the night. She wasn't all that pleased with it, but she'd been promised that she'd be allowed to go to see Seylawind Silvertongue perform if she did help out. The implication of that of course being that she wouldn't be allowed to see her if she didn't.

"Good evening, were you looking to buy a bun?"

The bun stand was positioned to overlook some of the more spectacular displays, so at least she wasn't missing out entirely.

"And would you like Milk with that?"

Derall glanced round to look at her father, everyone at the stall was franticly busy. She was forced to admit that Lorast probably could use all the hands he could get, the bun stand was easily one of the most popular.

"There you go, have a good evening."

And I really wanted to visit the Elves too.

Derall sighed quietly then glanced back over at her father again. He probably wasn't paying much attention to the time. She wondered idly if she could convince him that the performance was about to start so that she could try and find her friends and have a proper look around.

"Good Evening, were you looking to buy a bun?"

If she couldn't, it was going to be a long night.

Morbis Meh
2012-01-30, 09:37 AM
Amelia for once in her life was being forced out pf the house, her parents would not have her moping around the house and tending to her grandmother foe the entire extent of the festival. Also they needed to have her watch her brother, Cyrus, while they went out for the evening. Her father, Jeremiah, had been extremely busy helping with the construction of all the structures for the festivities and tonight he had a rare night off that he planned to spend with his wife.

So needless to say Amelia amidst her grief was saddled with her overly energetic brother. Sometimes she wished she had a leash for the brat, he never waited for her and she knew by the end of the night her leg would ache.

"Sister! Hurry up, I want ro enter the pie eating contest before all the spots are taken! Come on, Amelia, why do" you always have to be so slowwwwwww?"

At the mention of her leg, Amelia immediately became agitated and snapped at her brother "You know very well why I am slow you little hellion! Remember you have to listen me or else you will be grounded! Why do you want to enter a pie eating contest? You know you won't be able to win against all of the grown ups?"

"Of course I won't, I just want free pie! Besides mom's pies are terrible, we haven't had a good one since grams got sick…" Upon finishing the sentence, Cyrus knew he had struck a nerve, he immediately went silent and prayed to Torag, the manliest god around, and hoped his sister didn't hit him.

Amelia went silent, her face sullen and on the verge of tears, she sighed then began to giggle "Mom's pies are terrible aren't they? Well we better hurry then and don't eat too much pie! The last thing I want to deal with is a sick brat. Be warned if you get sick I am going to make you that foul tasting medicine mom likes to use!"

Cyrus laughed gleefully and charged on ahead, leaving his sister to catch up. Amelia swore that Cyrus would be the death of her... At least she had the chance to listen to Seylawind Silvertongue perform and maybe she'd bump into Amelia, her first real friend. Tonight may not be so bad after all...

2012-01-30, 09:57 AM
Torm had risen early, as was his custom. Even during the festival the temple acolytes had to keep up their duties. The sooner those where done, the sooner his day could really start.

The militia drills light for the duration of the celebration, it being rather difficult to drill on grounds covered in tents and booths, his morning had been unusually open. He had carefully shepherded the few copper coins Father Mordek had given him at the beginning of the week. "A wise man would make them last."

After prayers, he mentally reviewed his plans for the day. Floor scrubbing this week. Bah, hate scrubbing floors. Candle duty next week though, that's easy. No drills to watch. Good, floors will take all morning. Widow Haythek goes to market today, she'll want help carrying things. Hmm, there was something else...oh there is a patrol today. If I can tag along...Should be back with plenty of time to walk the grounds.

That evening, his day wrapping up, he takes some time to indulge himself at the festival, certainly the biggest event of his short life. "Maybe they'll let me hols that sword again. I wish I had 350 gold. Awesome sword, almost as long as I am tall! Father prefers hammers, but still. The balance was amazing. I bet I could fight a dragon with a sword like that!

Village priests don't get rich though. Not that the village would ever want me. He looks out beyond the edge of the tents, off into the woods. Maybe someday I'll go. There will be a big monster and everyone will be afraid and I'll take my hammer and be a hero. Everyone will like me and I'll travel the world fighting dragons and demons and monsters and stuff. No one will care what is under the helmet of their savior.


Ooh, sticky buns! He wanders over to the sweets booth, fingering the few coins.

2012-01-30, 10:34 AM
Ashton made his way to the front of the line at the bun stand, having to all but hold back his sister from nabbing something off the table.

"Hey, Derall." He greets the halfing behind the counter with a half-smile when he recognizes her. "How much for a bun and some milk for my little sister, here?"

"I'm not little!" The girl insists stomping her foot. Ashton just rolls his eyes.

2012-01-30, 10:42 AM
Jeb Lorast smiles at Derall. It looks like your friends are finally starting to arrive. Grab a milk jug and a dozen sweetbuns and go run along. I can manage the rest of the evening. He laughs musically, a testament to his elven parentage. His belly quivers, a testament to his human side.

2012-01-30, 12:34 PM
Derall grins back, happy to see her friend and even happier to be released of her duties. "Thanks Jeb, I owe you one. See you later dad!"

"Hmm?" Cailan looked over at her, "Is it time for the performance already?"

"Not yet, but Jeb said I could go early."

Cailan turned to Lorast for confirmation, receiving it in the form of a nod. Sighing, he turned back to his daughter and said "Alright, I'll see you back at the house later, be careful"

Derall rolled her eyes, "Of course dad, see you later"

Quickly moving over to the stock boxes, Derall carefully began balancing a tray of of the buns in one hand and picked up a jug of milk in the other. As she came back out she smiled at Ashton and his sister, the former towering well over her and the latter standing at about the same height. "I can see you're not little, you're as big as I am and I'm certainly not little!" Derall laughs a little at that.

Looking up at Ashton she said "Jeb said these were on the house, let's find a place to sit so I can put them down. Have you seen much of the festival yet? Or any of the others for that matter?"

As she spoke, Derall carefully moved out away from the crowd a little to find a clear spot to sit down in.

2012-01-30, 12:52 PM
Juno was looking around at the fairgrounds first before heading into the challenges and games. Running through the games would be the best part of the day, though she wouldn't like to run it alone. There's competition, and there's a friendly competition, and you didn't need to tell Juno twice which would be more fun.

Her dad had been assigned to what he called "clean-up duty", or taking care of any injuries the kids will get themselves into, and left the house early. There had to be a constant eye on the kids, mostly because of fear from the parents, but Silas can't be busy with kids all day, can he? Before he left, he chided to Juno, "And I don't want to have to tend to you today. I do it enough already with the scrapes you manage to get yourself into, and I don't need more work than I'm guaranteed today."

Playing along, Juno poked him back, "Pfft, you say that like I won't be sending kids your way during the games anyways. I wanted to ask Torm to run with me in the three-legged race so I could use his size and strength to push the other kids over. "

"If you do that, you're definitely grounded for a month. Sending kids to see your dad is not the right way to give him work." He sighed, knowing he was going to lose to his daughter's wit. Definitely inherited that from her mother too, he thought.

Going back to the present, Juno headed for the sticky bun tent, first. Derall's were more delicious than Jeb's, she thought, something about the innocence of youth leading into a little more stickiness and gooyness. As she came up, Derall was just leaving with Ashton in tow. What luck! She quickly ran up to the two and asked them, "Hey guys! What are you two up to today before the performance?"

2012-01-30, 12:54 PM
Ashton's little sister, Diana, giggles at Derall, then looks up at her brother as if to say 'see?'

The half-elves follow Derall out of the crowd. "I haven't talked to anyone yet, but I've been babysitting all day. I want to try out the obstacle course, though." Ashton admits.

2012-01-30, 01:06 PM
Torm approaches the sweets stand just in time to see a group of children head out with a tray and some milk. I wonder if...nah, they wouldn't want me to come. Not hungry anyway.

He kicks a toe in the dirt and turns away. Maybe the pie eating contest? Its a free dinner, right?

Getting close, he sees some of the other acolytes already there. I'm with them every day, maybe I'll go do something else. Is that Amelia there?

2012-01-30, 01:16 PM
"An obstacle course? That sounds like it could be fun."

Hearing Juno's voice, Derall stopped and turned slightly. Raising the jug of milk in greeting she said "Hey Juno! I've just been let off working at the bun stand so I've got the rest of the evening free, got given these to share too," smiling, Derall lifted the tray up a bit towards Juno, "Take one if you like, we were just trying to find somewhere to sit so that we can enjoy them without worrying about dropping them. After that I'd like to go and see the Elves store and Ashton was just talking about trying the obstacle course. What were you wanting to do?"

Morbis Meh
2012-01-30, 02:11 PM
Amelia stops to catch her breath Curse you Cyrus for being able to EU. So fast... wait is Torn staring at me?. Smiling, Amelia shuffles over to Torn "Good evening Torn, I am glad to see your father gave you some free time to enjoy the festivities. What are you planning on doing this evening?"Jarod She sniffs the air suddenly "How odd, is it just me or does it smell like soap over here? No mind, my brother is entering the pie eating contest. Would you like to watch with me? I think it is only proper that a young lady such as myself be escorted by a fine gentleman, wouldn't you agree?" Amelia smiles brightly at Torn, he always looked so sad, maybe a bit of company would cheer him up?

2012-01-30, 02:51 PM
Torm smiles. "Hi. Just been wandering the festival. Contest should be entertaining. Thought about joining myself, but I think I'll stay out." At the 'fine gentleman' comment he blushes, embarrassed. Standing with me will only get you dirty looks and nasty jokes. Oh well, her choice.

Morbis Meh
2012-01-30, 03:14 PM
Amelia laughs "You should enter the competition, you would at least give my gluttonous brother a challenge!"Amelia She the n quickly takes Storm's arm and proceeds to drag him towards the registration booth.

2012-01-30, 03:28 PM
Torm doesn't struggle too much, though his mind churns. I'm going to lose. it will be embarrassing and my clothes will be stained and I'll get in trouble and lectured about gluttony and people will laugh and I don't want to try if I can't win but what if I do? Its only a stupid contest but Amelia wants me to and I hate to say no but...I'm at the registration. Look weak if people knew I this wasn't my idea. Bah.

"There room for one more?" He puts on his best confident face, protruding tusks helping his case.

2012-01-30, 03:42 PM
Taking a bun, Juno nodded back at Derall, "Thanks for the food, I'm starved. I can't run the obstacle course on an empty stomach. What if it growls at me, and I lose my grip on something? That'd be embarrassing."

Yes, she was confident at the obstacle course. It couldn't be that much more difficult than the town already was, right?

"...except I almost want to go the pie eating contest and seeing Torm eat pies in Amelia's name. Somehow, she just brings out his best, and it's adorable." She added, watching the half-orc getting dragged over. "I'm sure the Elves will be here all day, and we'll go see them at some point. Aren't they camped over by the site where they're having all the contests, anyways?"

2012-01-30, 04:01 PM
"Torm's joined the pie eating?" Derall smiled and shook her head, "You're right, that is worth seeing."

Derall tried to peer around the many legs between her and the contest entry booth, hoping to spot Torm standing there. Unfortunately there were far too many people in the way.

"Come on then, let's get closer, I can't see a thing from here."

Slowly moving through the crowds again, Derall turned her head back to Juno and said "I hope you're right about the Elves, I'd hate to miss them. Might even have time to see them before the contest starts."

As she gets closer to the stage for the contest, Derall starts to hum merrily to herself.

2012-01-30, 04:06 PM
Torm and Amelia

As it happens, nobody seems to be whispering about the odd sight of Torm, Amelia, and her brother starting off toward the registration table for the pie-eating contest. The prize for the winner is an exquisitely-crafted elven dagger, easily worth over 150 pieces of gold. It was donated by one of the elven smiths who had arrived for the fair, on the condition that everyone be informed who made the fine weapon. There have been many quips and jokes about how the fattest man or boy will relish in their ability to cut meat more easily.

A bespectacled matronly woman is handling registration. She peers down at Torm and Amelia with a bemused expression. "Shouldn't you be at the Temple, Torm?" she says, handing him a piece of paper and a quill dripping with black ink, for him to sign his name. She glances at Amelia and, seeing her eager brother, sighs and offers him the same.

Everyone Else
"Last call for the obstacle course registration!" a crier bellows out from the starting line. Already you see the participants doing stretches and breathing exercises. "1st prize is a magic hat, courtesy of Ingred's Grove's very own Nanami Fitheyn! 2nd prize a golden chalice courtesy of the Whitebeard Forge, 3rd prize is a purse of 50 gold pieces. Test your skill tonight!"

2012-01-30, 04:14 PM
Hearing the announcer, Derall sighs. "I guess if we're going to enter that obstacle course then we'll have to miss the pie eating contest..."

Derall looks up at the stage for the pie eating contest for a few moments, then starts to head over to the obstacle course registry. Upon reaching it she catches the registrar's attention and says "Hi, is there still time to register? And if I do, could you look after this tray and jug?"

2012-01-30, 04:45 PM
Upon hearing the last call for registration, Juno looked at Derall and joined her at the obstacle course. Before she left the pie-eating contest though, she yelled at Torm, "Good luck Torm! MAKE AMELIA PROUD, EH?" She was sad she didn't get to watch. Mostly because she knew Torm was going to push himself, and it would be hilariously messy, and an awesome show.

After Derall caught the registar's attention, she added, "Put me down as well for the obstacle course." Seeing some of the others stretching themselves out, Juno followed suit. The race wasn't starting yet, so might as well spend it doing something useful.

She asked Derall, "You know how to stretch yourself out, right? I can show you how if you don't. Considering we just ate, it might be a good idea," as she pulled her arms across her chest to start stretching out her biceps. She'd been on her feet all morning, so she was gonna start with her upper body instead. Climbing was likely to be as important as running in this scenario.

2012-01-30, 04:49 PM
I have no idea what skill checks are required for a pie-eating contest. Never though about optimizing for that.:smallbiggrin:

Torm stares intently at the ground, mumbling his reply as he takes the slip of paper. "Did my work this morning have the evening off so its okay, thought I would enter."

He quickly scratches his name, the writing nearly illegible when he hands it back, ink still running.

2012-01-30, 04:54 PM
Derall nods her appreciation at Juno's offer and begins to stretch. "Good luck to you by the way," then with a wink, "may the best person win."

Morbis Meh
2012-01-30, 06:07 PM
Amelia looks sternly at her younger brother "Now Cyrus, remember what I told you, don't over eat! I have absolutely no to take care of you for the rest of the night and if you do win I am taking the knife to give to dad."

Cyrus nods absently, he was used to his sister nagging him on a regular basis but at the mention of the knife he immediately objects "Hey now, that's no fair! If I win it then it's mine and you can't do anything about it, if you want it so badly then maybe you should enter!

Amelia sighs as she rolls her eyes "I don't want the knife you idiot, I plan on giving it to dad so you don't cut yourself with it and then he can decide when you're old enough to have it."

Cyrus whines further then stomps off in frustration. Amelia turns back to Torm and says "Now the same goes for you, no getting sick on me! Other than that here's something for good luck." She stands awkwardly on her tip toes and gives a light peck on Torm's cheek and adds "I'll be cheering for you!" She leaves the booth hoping to find a good spot to watch the competition.

2012-01-30, 06:43 PM
Torm's blush returns, his tan skin shading to maroon. "Uh thanks I guess. Better get over I think it starts soon."

He quickly turns away and shepherds the young boy along with him to the competition tables.

2012-01-30, 07:20 PM
Juno replied as tongue-in-cheek as she could, "I'm sure she will. Best of luck to you too."

Continuing her stretching, she bent down and put her hands on the ground. Drawing her navel up as far as she could while maintaining a v shape, she explained the maneuver, "This one's the downward-facing dog. It focuses almost everything, but your core and your hamstrings are affected the most."

That was the explanation her dad gave for it anyhow. He admitted he got most of his exercise lessons from Juno's mom, and that he gave out the instructions pretty awkwardly, but they seemed to work for her.

2012-01-30, 08:14 PM
Pie Eating Contest

Torm is escorted to a long table, where six others are seated, of various builds and ages. Two surprisingly slender men are accompanied by a dwarf, a halfling, and two large men, Sven the Banker and Aristos the Miller.

A sizable crowd has gathered and the first pies are laid out in front of the contestants. They have long since cooled and are obviously made of mountain blueberries.

"Ready! Set! Go!" Cries the scorekeeper.

((Torm, roll a Fortitude check))

Obstacle Course

There about about 15 people participating in the obstacle course. They are lined up in front of a massive wooden structure, specially built for this festival and taking nearly a year of effort to prepare. It snakes and loops over hills and under valleys. It culminates in a sharp angled climb up the side of Mount Jostering, before suddenly veering back and ending in Old Man Hob's pasture. Most of the course is set below the village, so observers can see most of the race's progress and the track is easily changed so each race is different.

"Participants, ready? On your mark, get set, go!" The announcer cries. The racers are off at a shot. First is a long stretch of running, slightly angled downhill ((roll a fortitude check))

2012-01-30, 10:43 PM
[Obstacle Course]

Ashton was eager to sign up for the obstacle course, and follows the others to register.

"Stay here and eat some more buns, Diana." He tells his sister. "You can cheer me on, alright?"

The half-elf stretches out a bit before the race, loosening his muscles. Though, he doesn't get very far, as he's suddenly distracted by Juno's display of yoga.
"That... that one does a lot for you." He stammers out. An instant later, Ashton goes red, realizing what he'd just said, and then quickly decides lining up at the start was a great idea. He makes a B-line for the far end of the starting line and continues to stretch there. When the start is called, he runs!

2012-01-31, 03:24 AM
This should be fun, here we go

Derall sets off at a light jog down the hill, no sense exhausting herself just yet when there's so much more still ahead.

2012-01-31, 08:10 AM
fortitude [roll0]

Mountain blueberries. I haven't had those since...oh, that ended poorly. I was sick for a week. And too many blueberries can...why did I volunteer for this? Amelia has a lot to answer for.

Too late now. Time to eat. The oversized boy dives in, hands and face soon splattered purple black, bits of crust stuck to his protruding tusks.

2012-01-31, 08:29 AM
Getting into the starting lane and seeing what the obstacle course comprised of, a plan of action was already forming in Juno's head. I'm gonna get slowed down more than the others when it comes to skipping over obstacles, so I'm just gonna have to make up for it in the sprinting parts.

When the race began, Juno took off like a bullet, looking to lead the pack and get as much of a head start on them as soon as she could.

She also kept her sights out for any shortcuts she could take. If there was a way to bypass any of the more challenging aspects without losing too much ground, Juno was going to take it. Nothing in the rules said anything about straying from a pre-determined path.

OOC: Adding a perception check here because I can't add rolls to post: [roll0]

Morbis Meh
2012-01-31, 10:00 AM
Amelia couldn't help but feel a little bad for bullying Torm into entering... she could see the apprehension mirrored in his eyes and it reflected in his effort. Cyrus wasn't even trying to win, the brat was just casually eating pie! Shaking her head, Amelia began thinking of a way to help out Torm then she noticed some young children running around with some sort of streamers the elves were handing out for kids. Amelia moved as quickly as she could over to the table and quickly asked for two streamers. The woman working the table gave her an odd look but reluctantly handed over a pair of streamers.

Amelia then found an open spot took a deep breath then began to dance and sing as best she could, while waving the brightly colored streamers, hoping to boost Torm's performance.
" Oh Torm you so fine , you so fine now eat that pie! GO Torm! Hey hey, GO Torm! Oh Torm be a hound, be a hound now chow down! GO Torm! Hey hey Go Torm!
alrighty here is a perform vocal [roll0]
and here is a perform dance... may this go well [roll1]

2012-01-31, 11:09 AM
Torm nearly chokes on a bit of crust when Amelia starts cheering. What is she...oh no...I uh...keep eating. The pie splatter conceals any additional embarrassment as he redoubles his efforts while simultaneously wishing he could disappear under the table.

2012-01-31, 01:25 PM
Derall watched a little despondently as she fell behind everybody else. I guess it's just part and parcel of them being bigger then

Remembering that she'd just eaten, Derall shifted her jog to a more comfortable rhythm in an effort to prevent a stitch, or worse, seeing her food again. She smiles as she notices that Ashton isn't doing much better than she is.

Perhaps I'm not doing so bad after all, though if I'm going to stand any chance of placing then I'll need to catch them on the obstacles. Derall grimaced slightly at the thought, Hopefully they won't be expecting us to swim.

2012-02-01, 12:17 AM
Alexa hurries through the town with a agitated look on her face. She has her cat Winter in tow, and decided to paint her lips and nails bright red, which contrasts with her pale skin and black hair.

Finally...chores are done! So I snuck out to read last night... no reason to make me clean up dad's huge mess in his shop. I didn't realize reading was a crime, even if they don't understand what I like to read. Sometimes I think they get together and come up with ways to annoy me...

Alexa continues to head towards the festival, arriving late.

"Well Winter, looks like something is happening, shall we take a closer look?"

Alexa heads to where all the commotion is coming from. Looking for a familiar face.

2012-02-02, 06:32 PM
Obstacle Course

Derall and Ashton quickly fall behind the other runners. Only Juno seems to make any appreciable headway, only one racer are ahead of her.. You dash through the course, barely able to hear the noises of the crowd watching you from below.

The course suddenly turns into a series of small climbs, up the side of the mountain.

((Roll Climb Checks))

Pie Eating Contest

Despite the cheering that Amelia is providing, Torm isn't quite making the same progress as Sven and Aristos, but is still in a solid third place. There are only a few minutes to go.

((roll another fortitude check))

2012-02-02, 09:10 PM
Ugh, how much more pie can there be? Never thought I would get sick of eating pie. The only way for this to get more embarrassing is if I...don't even think it. Less thinking, more pie. He reaches for yet another with stained, sticky fingers.

[roll0] (not including any moral bonuses)

Morbis Meh
2012-02-02, 09:58 PM
Amelia see Torm pick up his pace, it seemed her cheering had worked, so she decided to continue with her performance and step with up a bit and increase the volume to 11!

"His mouth is big, his gut is strong, against Torm you won't last long! His eating is a thing of grace, just watch him as he stuffs his face. His talent is something no one can never deny, I am here to shout it out Torm is the king of pie!"

hopefully this will work at as well as the last time fingers crossed :smallbiggrin:... here is perform song [roll0]
Here is perform dance [roll1]

2012-02-02, 10:38 PM
((I'm putting this post in because, presumably, the pie-eating contest will go quicker than the obstacle course. Those on the obstacle course, keep rolling!))
Pie Eating Contest

Whether it is from a hidden reserve of strength, an unknown second stomach, or the power of his friend's support, Torm is suddenly blazing through pies, splattering blueberry all over himself and the table. Some of the other contestants actually stop in amazement. Even Sven and Aristos are slowing down, and Torm blazes past them.

When the timer is called it is Torm the Foundling who is victorious. The small crowd that was watching the competition cheers for the young half-orc and with great ceremony the matronly woman from the registration table offers Torm the Masterwork Elven Dagger in a fine leather sheathe laced with silver thread. She stops, eyeing Torm's dirty hands and says "I will hold on to this while you get cleaned up."

2012-02-02, 11:00 PM
Ashton curses when he notices himself falling behind the pack. This was not how he envisioned this going. And Juno was in second place! He couldn't stand for that. Gritting his teeth, the half-elf steeled himself for the climb ahead.

2012-02-03, 03:28 AM
Despite pacing herself, Derall was exhausted upon reaching the climb. Everyone but Ashton was far ahead of her. Upon reaching the mountain side, she started trying to find a hand hold to get her started. Beginning to climb, she felt the rock give way in her hand, sending her falling back down to the ground with a bump. Wincing, she stood and looked forlornly up at the rocks above her.

I think this is a lost cause...

2012-02-03, 08:23 AM
Torm stops, crust clinging to face and hands. And arms, chest, legs...

I won? Huh, I didn't expect that.

He starts to hop up, then slows. Ugh...need to take it easy. Let my stomach settle. Don't want them taking back the knife if i lose the pie. He smiles, staring at the ground as his victory is announced. He manages to give Amelia a glance and a wave before returning to his intense study of grass and dirt.

He reaches eagerly for his prize, but stops short at the woman's suggestion. Stupid, should have thought of that. Can't ruin my prize by getting it sticky. And my clothes, Widow Gray is going to kill me for these stains! Maybe I should just burn them and say I got robbed. No, too many witnesses. Time to flee town?

I should give Amelia something, she really helped a lot. I wouldn't have done it without her, not even signed up. But how do you share a dagger? I could sell it...but I've never really won anything before, not like that. Its so nice too. But it was just a stupid pie-eating contest, not a melee or joust or anything to be proud of. And that armor, in the dwarves booth...I would look like a real knight in that. Or that sword...would still cost too much, but then there was that hammer...but I WON the dagger, is it right to sell a prize like that? But if I sold it I could give some of the money to the temple...

The youth's mind churns as he heads to find some water to attempt to make himself remotely presentable.

Anyone know prestidigitation?

2012-02-03, 09:46 AM
Only one person faster than her? That was good news for the most part, Juno thought to herself as the race started. A quick glance back showed Derall and Ashton lagging pretty far behind. Ah, damn. Wish there was some way to give them a hand.

Looking forward, she realized she had problems of her own to contend with. It begins. she thinks to herself bitterly as she begins her ascent. She had been making good headway, it wasn't time stop now.

Climb check: [roll0]

2012-02-07, 08:36 AM
Obstacle Course

You reach the peak of the mountain, at various times, and are relieved to see that the rest of the course is downhill. However, there is still a final stretch of running to the finish line, but going downhill, avoiding obstacles, and running a swift pace is tricky.

Juno nimbly climbs past the man ahead of her and is now in first place! Ashton manages to gain a couple of positions ahead, but the top three are still far ahead of him. Poor Derall has had great difficulty with the climb, and is now far in last place. Eventually, however, she manages to make it to the top.

((Last roll: Fortitude and Reflex))
Everyone Else

"Seylawind Silvertongue will begin in twenty minutes, after the conclusion of the obstacle course!" The Criers announce across town. Already you can see people crowding around the performance area, trying to find ideal spots to watch the famous elf perform.

2012-02-07, 11:31 AM
After an agonising climb, the finishing line finally came into sight for Derall. It didn't look like she had any chance of winning, but she could at least finish the course.

Alright, last stretch, I can do this.

Exhausted, Derall set off down the hill at a light jog. About halfway down she placed her foot badly between two rocks and fell. Wincing in pain, Derall gingerly pushed herself back up to her feet and checked her ankle.

Doesn't feel too serious, just twisted. I hope the other two did better than I've been doing. She smiled wryly, It's not like they could be doing any worse

Deciding not to risk further injury, and seeing that everybody else had already finished anyway, Derall took a slow walk to cross the finish line. As she started looking for Ashton and Juno, she heard the announcement for Seylawind Silvertongue.

Excellent, can't wait for that to start

Her mood brightening again, she called out "Juno! Ashton! We've got to get to the performance before all the good spots are taken!"

2012-02-07, 11:52 AM
Having cleaned off and claimed his prize, Torm takes a moment to look and listen. Hmm, obstacle course might have been interesting, but I can only be one place at a time.There anything I can drag Amelia into to get her back?

Seylawind Silvertongue? Probably be where everyone is going. I guess it couldn't hurt to listen, nothing else to do. I think all the events aren't until after or tomorrow. "Hey, Amelia, you going to the concert?"

Morbis Meh
2012-02-07, 12:20 PM
Amelia hobbles horridly towards Torm and hops gleefully exclaiming "Congratulations! I knew you could do it, did you hear me? I cheered as loud as I could! Oh by the way you missed a spot..." Without invitation, Amelia gingerly licks her finger and proceeds to scrub off a bit of blueberry juice from Torm's face. Amidst her scrubbing she replies "Hey now, hold still! Of course I an going silly and I expect you to come along with me. There that's much better!

During this awkward scene, Cyrus approaches his sister and lets oh a content sigh which is soon followed with a rather loud and unpleasant smelling burp " Oh my that was delicious! I am so stuffed right now! You didn't cheer for be though sis, you're a terrible sister! Hey Torm can I see your dagger? It looks soooo cool!

Amelia turns to her brother and huffs angrily "No, you may not see his dagger you little pig! I didn't cheer for you because you weren't trying to win you just went up there for free pie you brat! Now wipe your face, we're going to the concert!

Cyrus looks up at his sister defiantly "You can't tell Torm what to do you bssy cow! And I am not going to some lame concert, I am going to go home and you have to come with me so THERE! "With that last statement, Cyrus, promptly sticks out his tongue.

Amelia's face grew dark then contorted with rage, at her young age she had already began to make use of the face mother's worldwide used to scare children everywhere! "Oh you're a coming alright or else I will not only tell mom what you did to her favorite pot... I will end YOU!"

Cyrus instantly stopped pestering his sister and when quiet, fear marked his face and all he did was nod in reply....

2012-02-07, 01:06 PM
Torm jerks his head away from the wet finger. "Stop, hey, you know I hate that. Just let me...fine. Hurry up."

At Cyrus's request, he is about to produce the dagger, but is caught up short by Amelia's response. Why shouldn't he see the dagger. Its a nice dagger, I'd want to see it too. But I rather not contradict her in front of her brother, especially in full big-sister mode. Guess I never had to worry about that.

He shrugs, then, as they walk, he whispers to Cyrus, "Maybe you can see it later. She'll be distracted by the music."

2012-02-07, 02:02 PM
Ashton pulls himself over the top of the ridge and plunges himself down the mountainside. He was desperate to place highly, but was pushing himself too hard. His elven heritage shows, as he nimbly dodges the obstacles in his way, but his pace was slowing. He was too tired to keep up. Cursing, he struggles to make it to the finish line.

2012-02-07, 03:48 PM
Alexa watches the obstacle course, acting like she doesn't care that her parents caused her to miss out on the fun...

2012-02-07, 05:24 PM
Whilst trying to find Juno and Ashton, Derall caught sight of Alexa standing idly off to the side.

Grinning broadly, Derall yelled "Alexa!" before moving up towards her, "You're coming to see Seylawind perform too, right? I was going to head there as soon as I'd found Ashton and Juno, but I can't see them through the crowd."

2012-02-07, 05:58 PM
"Well, since you asked Derall... sure I'll go. Let's find them quickly... I can't stand crowds."

Alexa will follow Derall, trying to hide her jubilation. Winter follows closely behind Alexa, occasionaly stopping to play with various debris found on the ground, such as rocks, ribbons, or strings.

"So...having fun Derall?"

2012-02-07, 07:19 PM
Geez, I got super lucky on that climb. Juno mused as she finished scrambling to the top. Finding no one else in front of her, she grinned and with a renewed vigor ran down the hill at top speed, incline be damned.

Oh yes, she was enjoying herself. The race, the adrenaline rush, the competition, the experience was breathtaking. There was a phrase for kids like her: Born to Run. The pain building up in her legs meant that the glory of finishing was that much more worth it, the perseverance to keep going meant as much as the speed of her legs.

I'll have to find Derall and Ashton after all this. Not that I looked back much, but they seemed pretty far behind. Derall's better on stage, anyhow. She thought to herself as she hit the finish line.

2012-02-08, 06:40 AM
"Well, I only just finished up on the obstacle course. Juno and Ashton took part too, and they'll have finished already. With luck they'll have placed as well." Derall turns her head back to Alexa and pretends to grimace, "I didn't do so well, finished dead last with nothing but a sore ankle for my trouble."

Derall catches sight of the podiums for the top three as they walk, and makes a bee line for them.

"You didn't say what you've been up to, been enjoying the festival so far?"

2012-02-08, 10:41 AM
Juno easily outpaces 2nd place, finishing almost ten seconds ahead of Frederick Bowser, the carpenter.

"Winner! Juno Schmidt!" A crier booms. You don't even hear the names of the rest of the finishers, even the other placers, as the crowd erupts in exultation at Juno's victory. She is bodily lifted and carried to the winner's podium where a solid gold medallion is placed about her neck. After a few moments of crowd adoration the tailor Nanami Fitheyn approached Juno, flanked by the other prize bearers. She smiles sweetly at the young girl and bows her had, offering her a richly-made hat of velvet with a fur trimming.

Nanami reaches up and whispers in Juno's ear. "This hat is special, it can assume whatever shape you wish, be it comb, beret, whatever. It also has a small protective ward on it." she draws back and smiles again.

By this time the crowd is already dispersing with whispers that it is almost time for Seylawind Silvertongue's performance.

You now have a magic hat of my own design. It has the morphing abilities of a hat of disguise so it can assume whatever form you wish, so long as it belongs on your head :P It also gives +1 to all of your saves.
The Fir Plaza is quickly packing up with people, and all of the best seats are now taken. Currently Seylawind's husband, Daranth, is on stage, making final preperations for the concert. He is red faced, obviously frustrated with the assistants that are moving props around. He seems to take no notice the audience.

At one point a nervous-looking assistant rushes up to him and whispers fiercely in his ear. You see his eyes bulge and he whispers something fiercely to the assistant and quickly disappears off-stage.

Morbis Meh
2012-02-08, 12:22 PM
Amelia , growing bored at the delay, notices the assistant walk on stage and the reaction on Daranth's face. She turns to Torm and says "I think somethings wrong, do you think we should see if we can help out?"

2012-02-08, 12:43 PM
Torm half notices the events on the stage as they look for a good seat. Though the other children often shy away from him, his imposing presence does little to move the adults.

"Huh, wonder what the problem is up there? Probably artsy-elf thing. People look like they would be disappointed if the show got delayed though. Hey, is there a spot on that little hill? Fine, we can go check, but they won't need us."

Morbis Meh
2012-02-08, 12:56 PM
Amelia shrugs "You never know!" Looking to her brother she said "Cyrus stay here and don't move, we're going to see if we can help!" and before he could complain she gave him one of her looks then proceeded to make her wat to the stage with Torm in tow. She approached Daranth and quietly said "Excuse me is there something wrong? Can we do anything to help?"

2012-02-08, 01:49 PM
Daranth turns to Amelia, a cross look on his face. "Everything is fine, young lady. Now please, leave me alone!"
He stalks into another room, but you can hear snippets of a heated conversation. "Dulcimer......gone......guards!?.... filthy goblins.....ruined!"

2012-02-08, 03:10 PM
Ashton stumbles over the finish line somewhere in the middle of the pack. he takes a few steps away and leans over, trying to catch his breath. He hardly gets a chance before his little sister is tugging at his sleeve again.

"Come on, Ashton! We're gonna miss the show!"

Reluctantly, Ashton allows Diana to drag him towards Fir Plaza. He keeps an eye out for his friends, but considers avoiding them, embarassed by his rather underwhelming performance in the race. However, he hopes Derall made it through okay. The half-elf hadn't seen her when he crossed the finish line.

As Diana pulled him closer to the front of the stage, Ashton easily spots Torm in the crowd, and probably Amelia as well. The half-elf starts to wave, but stops, sensing something was wrong.

Diana was rather annoyed by this. "Ashton, let's go! I can't see from here!"

"Hold on, something's up." He follows the others backstage, pulling his little sister along with him. The half-elf motions for the girl to remain quiet as they step up beside Torm. "What's going on?"

2012-02-08, 03:45 PM
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn, this 'hat' is pretty sweet for a race prize. Juno thought to herself as she was handed her prize. Taking the beret idea, she plops a bright red beret on her head and looks about for Ashton and Derall.

Mostly Ashton. Derall was a little short for Juno to see over everyone else. Looking in the direction of the soon-to-be-concert, she noticed Ashton going towards Amelia and Torm. Knowing Derall would be making his way to them as well, she thanked the lady who handed her the prize and sped off. Sure there was an adoring crowd that would've loved to give her congratulatory pats on the back, but friends trumped fans.

Avoiding the siblings left behind, Juno caught up to the backstage four and guessed by the snippets she was hearing that something had either gone wrong, or gone horribly wrong. Looking at Torm and Amelia, Juno asked, "Okay, so who broke what?"

2012-02-08, 04:43 PM
"Seylawind's going to start singing soon and I can't see Juno or Ashton, we'll just have to meet them there."

Gingerly pushing her way through the crowd, Derall makes her way to the performance area. Spotting Juno near the front, and wearing her new prize too, Derall broke into a huge grin. Exhaustion forgotten and with just a hurried "Come on!" to Alexa, Derall starts to run towards her friends.

Laughing as she comes up to Juno, she says "I knew you'd do well but you didn't have to show me up that much! First place, that's so... Great..." Seeing the worried looks on everyone's faces, Derall's own good cheer began to disappear, "What's happened, is somebody hurt?"

2012-02-08, 05:03 PM
Torm strains to hear the bits of conversation. Eavesdropping doesn't' befit a paladin....but they might need help. Its okay if I help, right?

He answers the other youths as they gather. "Something about goblins and the dulcimer. Goblins are evil, thieves and bandits, right?" He looks at his hammer, shield, and new dagger. "Maybe I...we...can go after them. If you want to. I mean, I will. Its my job. But you can all come to. If you want. I wonder where we are going?"

2012-02-08, 05:30 PM
"You want to hunt them down, but you don't even know where you're going?" Ashton smirks at the half-orc. "I could track, them, of course." Probably, anyways, but youthful over confidence was showing here.

Diana tugs at his sleeve. "Ashton, won't that be dangerous?"

"We'll be fine." He tells her.

2012-02-08, 05:41 PM
Derall looks at the two boys, completely stunned at how casually they were talking about killing. How can they think like that? I suppose Torm sees it as his duty, but that doesn't make it right, and Ashton has no excuse!

As she thought it over, Derall began to realise that there wasn't really much of a choice here. If what Torm overheard was true, then the Goblins were behind some kind of attack, and it could well be fight or die. There didn't seem to be another way around it, unless...

Determination etched in her face, Derall confidently said "I'm coming too, if this is important enough to be causing problems with the guards then you'll need all the help you can get."

And hopefully I can work out a way to sort this out without anybody getting hurt...

2012-02-08, 09:56 PM
Torm pauses in thought. "I guess we should talk to the guards first, after we find out what's going on. And I should tell Father Mordek too. I'm not supposed to, you know...its bad to just run off looking for trouble. Maybe they'll let us come though."

2012-02-09, 02:31 AM
"Why in the world would they do that?" Ashton asks. "You can run off an tell the adults if you want, but by the time they've mustered the guards, those gobbos will be long gone. You've got to follow a trail while it's fresh. Besides, who knows the woods around this town better than us?" The half-elf reasons. Who but this group of misfits spent a good amount of their time alone in the wilderness?

2012-02-09, 07:14 AM
"I'm up for some thrilling heroics," Juno said, looking at her motley group of misfits, "But we're not rushing in blindly just like that. We don't even know which direction they went." The urge to take the leadership helm dawned on Juno, though she didn't want to take it immediately just in case someone else took offense to it.

Still, they were pretty misfitty. Ragtag batches of misfits were apt descriptions of most of her dad's adventuring tales. They probably had a real good shot at accomplishing this, but they had to be careful as they were new to the whole heroing business. "Second, are we all armed? The gobs probably are, and I'm not waltzing into a field of knives without having a few myself. They're goblins, they won't be too hard to find, so lets just make sure we don't get hurt too badly for silly reasons, eh?"

2012-02-09, 08:06 AM
Torm stands up straighter, jaw thrust out. "No one is going anywhere without me. I can fight better than anybody. Got my hammer and shield. A nice dagger too, though if someone needs a weapon they could borrow it."

2012-02-09, 08:49 AM
At that moment, there is a brief tingle of magic in the air as all six of you hear a silvery voice whisper. “The prologue is being written in the book of your destiny… But you will decide how this tale unfolds…”

The voice disappears as quickly as it came, as does the prickly feeling up your spines. It is obvious that only your band has heard the voice.

Morbis Meh
2012-02-09, 09:41 AM
Amelia screams inwardly Why Sarenrae! Why must you push me to violence...

Drawing a deep breath, Amelia shouted "Enough! We don't have time for bickering about this, Torm, Ashton is right we do not have time to wait for the guard and we do know the woods around here." Looking gravely at Juno who appeared to be enjoying the situation "There is nothing thrilling about this, someone's life is in danger and as form running around town gathering arms, don't you think the adults would suspicious of armed teens running around the town? If we leave we leave now, Torm has already volunteered his dagger and I can always use my walking stick to defend myself.... I abhor violence but I will do what I can to keep you safe..."

2012-02-09, 10:53 AM
Torm's face twists. What was that voice...father spoke of receiving a calling...I didn't think it would be quite so literal. Did the others hear that too? Looks like Amelia heard something. The others too, if I can guess at their faces.

Maybe it's finally time to be a hero. My whole life...

"Well, let's get going then. Ashton, you find the trail. I'll be right with you. As soon as we get away from the village We can draw our weapons, have to be ready." He stands tall, doing his best to look authoritative and leader-y.

2012-02-09, 11:36 AM
"I've got this." Ahston draws out the kukri he kept hidden at the small of his back and gives it a bit of a spin, rolling the blade over his knuckles before catching it and hiding it away again. "Let's go."

"Ashton, you can't!" his younger sister protests.

He turns to chastize her, but stops, hearing the stange magic voice in the air. "I'm doing this." Ashtons says, his voice serious. "Go find mom. She's probably still with the Elves."

Pouting, Diana steps back. "I'm gonna tell!" She declares before running off.

Ashton frowns. That was going to come back to bite him later. "Whatever." He mumbles, before speaking louder so the others can here. "Let's start with where Silvertongue is staying. I'll try to pick up the trail there."

2012-02-09, 12:10 PM
"No killing if it can be helped!" Derall snaps, "There has to be another way around it, we're not killers. I agree that we need to help, but we can't just run in and kill everything we see!"

Distressed, Derall ran her fingers through her hair. The voice she'd just heard had unnerved her more than a little. For the most part she didn't want anything to do with an adventure, and the voice sounded suspiciously like it was promising just that. However, there was a small part of her that resonated with what she'd heard, feeling the pull of destiny. She loved hearing tales of the heroes of old, and she couldn't deny that the glory of being a part of such a tale would be incredible.

Sighing, she looked up at the other five, "If we're going to do this, then let's do it now. Every moment we wait is a moment that they could get further from us."

2012-02-09, 12:25 PM
Torm gives Derall a quizzical look. "Who said killing? We need weapons, they aren't just going to hand stuff back, but no one said we were going to kill them. They'll probably run off. If we can we should bring them back to town, for the judge you know. I mean, sometimes you have to kill, but it shouldn't be our goal. Though goblins are evil, I mean, usually, right? If we had to it wouldn't be BAD. Its just better not to have to."

He shrugs. "Let's get going."

Morbis Meh
2012-02-09, 12:39 PM
Amelia looks to Ashton and says "Well since you know how to track.... lead the way. " Gripping her staff tightly she feels a shiver rub through her and a sense of impending dread fills her. Looking to Derall she whispers Don't worry, I won't let anyone or anything die... I swear by my goddess. "

2012-02-09, 12:48 PM
Derall gave Amelia a weak smile of thanks, but Torm was right, until Derall had said it nobody had been talking about killing the Goblins.

Was it really... Shaking her head just slightly, Derall pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind, No, now isn't the time. Have to focus on what we're doing

2012-02-09, 01:00 PM
With the plan decided on, you sneak toward the rear of the plaza. Few pay attention to you anyhow, with all their efforts focused on the stage.

Before you are out of earshot you hear Daranth announce to the crowd. "My deepest regrets, friends, but Seylawind Silvertongue has had... ahem... complications, and will be unable to perform tonight."

The crowd roars its disapproval and it is several moments before Daranth can calm the people down again. "I know this is a severe disappointment, and as compensation Seylawind has promised to stay and perform for twice what was originally planned..."

His voice fades as you draw further from the plaza. You know that Seylawind was staying at the Golden Harvest Inn, in the luxury suite at the top floor. If her musical instruments were staying there, you have no clue.

The Inn looms ahead. The light is still on inside the common room but the usual drunken cheer is not audible from the inside. In fact, the doors and windows have been shut fast, odd even for this time of night.

Morbis Meh
2012-02-09, 01:38 PM
Amelia's pulse quickened as they approached Inn... the sinking feeling in her stomach grew and felt as if she was being dragged down by some unseen force. Oddly her leg began to ache, whether it was a sign of danger she didn't know but she knew well enough that she was afraid. "Why is the inn shut up? Shouldn't it be open later during the festival? "

2012-02-09, 02:13 PM
Torm tilts his head as he looks at the building. "This place is never empty. I've been inside a few times. For errands and stuff. I've never seen it closed, not at this hour. Especially with the festival. Not everyone could be at the concert, right? Let's knock."

After strapping his shield to his arm and drawing his hammer, just in case, he reaches to rap on the door with his knuckles. Going to look silly if the inn keeper answers the door and nothing is wrong.

2012-02-09, 03:45 PM
Juno wasn't all surprised that the other girls in the party were not inclined to go after the goblins, at all, thinking "finding" was synonymous with "killing". From what she heard, her and the guys just thought of finding the missing items, not slaughtering little goblins. When the time comes, Juno just hoped that no one here go hurt, and if killing someone in self-defense meant her friends came home that day, then so be it.

When Torm offered the dagger, she padded herself down to see if she needed one. Unable to find one on her person anywhere, she sighed as she said, "Actually, Torm, I'll have to take you up on the offer. I must've left mine at home. Dad keeps saying I should carry 'rule number 2' with me everywhere, but I keep forgetting. On all the days to forget, too."

As for the inn door, Juno kept watch around the sides. If the inn was closed at this time, who knows what could be coming in or out?

Perception Check to notice anything that shouldn't be there: [roll0]

2012-02-09, 11:18 PM
"Something's not right." Ashton agrees. Taking Juno's lead, he too searches for anything that might be off. He starts to walk around the building, so he coul see if there was anything going on at the back.

2012-02-10, 11:55 AM
There is no response to Torm's knocking, and he can hear the sound reverberate throughout the building. Peering into the windows reveals no further insight, as there is no light.

Ashton, in searching the back, discovers that the back door of the inn has been slashed open. The wooden door was not bashed, but cut into slivers. A few chunks hang limply on it's hinges. There are mutliple depressions in the soft earth outside the door, with multiple small footprints and a large groove, as wide as a man, leading away from the inn and into the nearby woods.

2012-02-10, 12:04 PM
The half-elf's eyes go wide at the destruction of the door. That definately wasn't good. Ashton turns and runs around to the front again, waving a the others to get their attention.

"They broke in through the back door and dragged somthing out. I can pick up the trail from there, easy. Let's go!" He smiles, partly putting on a brave face for the others, but mostly excited by the chance for adventure. He knew he could track the goblins, and together they would all get back the dulcimer and be real heroes.

Ashton dissappears around the corner of the building again, eager to start tracking the trail from the back door.

2012-02-10, 01:50 PM
"Drug something out? How big? Let's go." The thrill of adventure was overcoming Torm's reservations, he felt like he would burst his skin in the excitement as be ran around to the other side of the building to follow Ashton. He bounces in place, flexing his shield-hand and idly swinging his hammer as he waits, burning off nervous energy.

Morbis Meh
2012-02-10, 02:36 PM
Amelia eyes become sullen, and she begins trembling but not from fear more from a mix of anger and despair. She hated violence more than anything, her only wish was for people to be kind to one another but even at her age she knew that was only a foolish dream. She pushed aside her emotions and focused on the task at hand: rescuing an innocent life. Swallowing back her tears, Amelia grips her staff and says "Indeed, we have no time to waste for a life is at stake and by Sarenrae I will see to it that they are brought back unharmed even if it costs me my life..."

2012-02-10, 04:55 PM
Derall shifted uneasily at hearing that somebody had been forcibly taken from the building. Her heart began to beat out a more rapid rhythm at hearing Amelia talk about laying her life down to save another.

Looking over at her, she saw fear and quiet determination in her eyes. "Nobodies dying today, don't talk like that."

Her words came out harsher than she had meant them to, Amelia only wanted to keep people safe, a feeling Derall sympathised with. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap. I'm just..." Derall paused, thinking better of what she had been about to say.

They're all being so brave, I can't let them know I'm scared.

"I just want you to be safe." She finished, putting on a smile to be more convincing.

It was odd though. She was definitely scared, the thought of having to fight, quite possibly for her life, was terrifying. And yet the very idea of being a hero was seductive. To orchestrate and perform a successful rescue would be incredible, and then there was that voice. It had promised that this was just the beginning, the suggestion that they could become the stuff of song and legends.

"We'd better catch up to Ashton and Torm, without us they'd probably just run in head first."

Saying that, Derall walks around the corner to join the two boys.

2012-02-11, 03:48 PM
"Something pretty large."Ashton answers Torm. "See that mark there?" He points out the large groove on the ground. "They went that way." He traces the line of it, and starts to walk along it, studying the marks carefully.

2012-02-12, 12:37 AM
From a combination of Ashton's training, natural inclination, and the fact that whoever left this trail wasn't trying too hard to conceal their movements, you make steady progress into the thickening woods.

The forest canopy grows closer and closer together, and the bright silvery light of the moon dims until those with unaltered vision cannot see so clearly. The ground softens more so the trail is easier to follow.

Eventually, you see a blazing fire up ahead, it appears to be up against a sheer rock wall.

Morbis Meh
2012-02-12, 12:52 AM
Amelia sees the fire and begins to feel anxious... she has a feeling that something horrible is about to happen and it will end in bloodshed. Thankfully they had Ashton with them for without them they would not have found the trail so quickly and right now time was a commodity they didn't have.

Slowing her breathing, Amelia slowly creeps forward, being as quiet as she can so she can catch a better glimpse up ahead.

stealth [roll0]
perception [roll1]

2012-02-12, 09:47 AM
The fire lighting up the wall put Derall a little on edge. The moment of truth was fast approaching, she wanted this to end peacefully but was well aware it may not work out that way. Creeping closer to the fire, Derall tried to get a good look at what was happening around the fire. The fire ruined her night eyes though, and she struggled to see what was going on.

2012-02-12, 08:18 PM
Why is everyone slowing down...oh yeah, its dark, I forget that not everyone can see in the dark. Guess that means I have to be twice as watchful. Torm constantly scans the area ahead, the hair on his neck standing straight in the tension. He tries to swallow a heat rising in his blood, the thrill of imminent violence calling to the deep recesses of his savage heritage.

perception [roll0] w/ darkvision 60'

2012-02-12, 08:47 PM
Spotting the fire, Ashton grinned. They'd made it! Carefully, he moves closer, trying to move how his father and uncle had taught him. Stay low. Be careful not to disturb the vegetation. Watch where you put your-


The half-elf freezes when a twig snaps under his foot. Hopefully the goblins hadn't heard him.

2012-02-12, 09:45 PM
"Shh! Winter, don't get us caught." Alexa says to her cat companion.

"So...what now?" Alexa says to her friends, with a glance of worrying on her face, but trying to sound disinterested as if nothing is bothering her.

2012-02-13, 10:13 AM
Ashton cracks a try twig, and immediately after Torm scrapes his foot against a fallen log, causing it to roll off a stone and crash on the ground with a deep thud. The sudden noises are greatly amplified in the night’s stillness.

Ahead, you hear the sudden excited chattering and babbling of a squealing, primitive language. It is followed shortly by a muffled cry, this time the voice is unmistakably human.

2012-02-13, 10:44 AM
A voice, someone is alive and in need of help. "I'll go first. They must have heard us. Uhm, help somehow, if you can. I have a feeling they won't want to talk and I don't know their language anyway." He double-checks his shield and hammer as he strides toward the fire, ready to defend himself but trying not to look too threatening, a tall order as his hands tremble with anticipation, ready to seek a foe as if by their own will.

2012-02-13, 10:55 AM
Ashton winces at the sudden crashing, then looks over at Torm, a look of amazement on his face. "Really, dude?"

Hearing the scream, his head snaps around. "I'll back you up." The half-elf says, drawing his kukri. He moves behind Torm, planning to stay hidden a few steps behind the half-orc until he might be needed.

Morbis Meh
2012-02-13, 10:56 AM
Amelia hangs back, knowing she is not trained in combat but prepared to help her friends if necessary. The muffled human voice calmed her nerves for it at least confined that the hostage was still alive. She decided that when the others rushed into combat that she would maneuver herself so she could release the captive while the captors were preoccupied.

She says a silent prayer Sarenrae, Holy mother of life and light, please bless your children and grant us protection on this night. May you forgive us for our transgressions and know that I, your ever faithful servant, will do my best to preserve life. In your name, Amen.

2012-02-13, 02:12 PM
Derall crouched in place quietly, cursing her difficulty in seeing what was around the fire. She started in fright at the loud crashing to her left, glancing round she saw Torm and Ashton moving through the undergrowth with the same subtlety as a wild horse. Hopefully they won't- A sudden commotion from the fire, along with a muffled cry, interrupted her train of thought.

Derall rose slightly, They've got someone hostage!

In hushed tones, she whispered "Amelia, I'm going to try and untie the captive while they're distracted by all that noise"

Looking back at the two boys, she saw they were moving to openly confront whoever was around the fire. She winced as several twigs cracked under her feet. I really hope they didn't hear that

Morbis Meh
2012-02-13, 02:29 PM
Amelia puts her finger to her mouth as a signal to Derall then proceeds to circle around in hopes that she can remain unnoticed while Torm and Ashton crash about... Why do boys have to be so noisy? Even with my leg I am more silent than them...

2012-02-13, 03:21 PM
Juno quietly stayed with Derall and Amelia as they went to try and untie the womanly voice. Firstly, she had no weapon other than the twigs on the ground, which whomps. Lots. Secondly, somebody had to look after the two chickens.

Besides, should the boys run into trouble, she could just run up and join them. They weren't that far away, were they?

First things first, though. Juno attempted to be legitimately stealthy, but she was wondering at this point if there was any point to doing so.

Stealth check! [roll0]

2012-02-13, 06:21 PM
You break into a small clearing, and see the goblins now, all four of them. However, it is obvious they heard you approach as they are facing you with their dogslicers in their tiny, gnarly hands. three of them are in front swaying menacingly.

The fourth is in the back, next to the fire and a large burlap sack which is constantly shifting and from which you hear constant moaning and groaning. The fourth goblin is constantly poking and slicing at the bag, which has already been sliced several times and is now becoming quite bloody.

The goblins all charge immediately upon seeing you.

((At this point, everyone post their first actions and initiative rolls. I won't worry too much about maps until we start dealing with area effects and the like))

Morbis Meh
2012-02-13, 06:32 PM
Amelia notices the bloody sack and despairs, ignoring the goblins she quickly limps as close as she can and releases a burst of positive energy into the area, hoping to heal the victim.

initiative roll [roll0]
first use of channel positive energy [roll1]

2012-02-13, 09:10 PM
Seeing the goblin already assaulting their captive, Torm abandons hope of a peaceful resolution. Foul beasts tormenting a helpless prisoner! Worse than beasts, demons! I will not allow it. Forge-master guide my steel, Deadeye steady my hand.

His last reservations gone, the blood-fury takes over as he charges into the goblins, hammer and shield held high.

charge attack [roll0] ( includes +2 charge, -1 PA)
damage [roll1]

2012-02-13, 10:40 PM
Ashton follows after Torm, running towards the line of goblins. He has his kukri in hand and seeks to slip in to where he can best support the half-orc. The half-elf lets out a rage filled shout as he closes the gap. These creatures were torturing that poor soul. They were evil and deserved to die.

2012-02-14, 03:22 AM
The sight of the poor soul trapped in the sack sent a thrill of pity through Derall. She felt that Torm and Ashton had been right in their decision to fight. Having left her fishing spear at home, Derall had no weapon to fight with. She hurried with Amelia in the hopes that she could aid her.

There must be some way I can help...

As Derall watched, she saw something unusual. The combat that was about to break out seemed like a prelude, there was a certain tempo to it. It promised the most primal of states, violence and glory. Perhaps... If they heard the songs of Hero's?

The pounding of feet beat out an irregular rhythm, the snarls of the Goblins and Ashtons cry of rage were the backing music, Derall began to sing with all her heart of the glory of battle on this most unique of stages.

2012-02-14, 02:18 PM
Looks like they're pre-occupied with the guys, I could probably get the drop on the unattentive runt. Juno thought as she ducked around the ensuing melee. Going to save whomever was in the sack, Juno went to clothesline the fourth goblin to the ground and knock him away into helplessness.

Trip attack, I guess: [roll0]

2012-02-14, 06:55 PM
Order of Battle

Amelia: 24
Juno: 24
Ashton: 21
Derall: 20
Goblins: 8
Torm: 8
((Alexa does not act without an IC post))

Battle is quickly joined and instantly turns chaotic. Amelia bravely rushes first into the fight, past the goblins, who act confused by the surprise act by what appeared to be the weakest of the children. Her burst of positive energy manifests as warm light that soothes the aches of all those nearby. The being in the sack slows, and the pained moans stop. Even the goblins are flabbergasted for the time being by the gentle healing touch as several minor scrapes and bruises slowly fade away.

Juno's attempt to tackle the goblin closest to the sack and Amelia fails as the nimble little biter dodges to one side, babbling maniacally in it's filthy language.

Ashton is next, swinging his kukri wildly at one of the creatures, who parries ts the blade with its own crude dogslicer.

Derall starts singing, and her song of the courage of heroes past inspires each of you.

The goblins shake off the odd sensation of Amelia's healing light and Derall's song to spring to attack. The goblin by the bag wastes no time striking at the young oracle with his blade. However, the blow is ill-timed and deflects off of her heavy clothing

Another goblin turns on Juno, jabbing the cruel dogslicer at her and barely missing as Juno quickly twists away. A few strands of her hair is cut by the razor-sharp blade.

Ashton is targeted next, but adeptly parries the dogslicer with his kukri.

The last goblin also rounds on Ashton, but that also fails.

Torm finally charges in, surprising one of the goblins with the ferocity of his charge. His hammer rains down on the goblins head, bashing in the skull with an extremely ugly crushing noise. The little beast has little time to cry out in pain before falling to the ground, still twitching its fingers.

2012-02-14, 09:06 PM
The scent of blood fills Torm's nostrils as the goblin falls. He lets free a savage howl, not a war-cry but the cry of a hunting beast upon its prey. His eyes are shot red as he casts down his shield and swings his hammer in both hands, losing himself in the violence.

attack [roll0] (-1 PA, +1 inspire courage)
damage [roll1] (+4 Str 2-handed, +3 PA, +1 inspire courage)

I know its not optimal, but I think its good for the character

2012-02-14, 09:34 PM
Juno felt the dogslicer move through her hair, and turned around to meet the new threat. "They let kids like you play with sharp objects?" she joked as she went for the goblin's extended wrist to disarm him. More out of a fear of the blade going awry and into one of her friends rather than any sort of perceptible harm to herself.

Disarm attempt: [roll0]

Morbis Meh
2012-02-14, 09:59 PM
Amelia, terrified by the entire ordeal, was strangely calm it was almost as if her emotions were disembodied and another entity had grabbed hold if her. Looking at thegiblin with the bag she steps back out if its reach and shouts at it in a firm commanding voice.
"By the light of Sarenrae I order you to stop creature of the dark!"
As the words passed through her lips she felt a warmth flow through her and light blazed out from her fingertips and jumped to the goblin's face.

I am casting light on its nose... if anything it should distract it but the spells affect is entirely up to you Oh mighty GM!

2012-02-14, 10:59 PM
Ashton lets out a shout to echo Torm's. He couldn't match the half-orc for volume, but the same emotion was there. The sudden bloodshed made it real for Ashton. This wasn't a game. It was good against evil. A struggle for life and death. Derall's song made it all more clear. They were going to be heros! A manic grin spreads across the half-elf's face as he slashes again at his opponent.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2012-02-15, 12:55 AM
Alexa, upon seeing the goblins, is taken aback!


Initiative [roll0]

Alice, being unarmed as she doesn't carry a weapon, will cast daze on the goblin closest to her!
DC 13 Will save or be dazed for one round.

"Winter, stay back!!!! THEY WILL EAT YOU!" Alexa says to her cat, despite the fact that the goblins seem more interested in harming her and her friends!

2012-02-15, 03:38 AM
Derall matched the yells of fury with a crescendo, the rapid clash of blades with a faster beat. Completely divorced from the violence around her, she watched impassively as Torm slew the Goblin before him. A part of her idly noted that before she had begun her song, such a sight would have shaken her to her core. None of that seemed to matter now, there was only the moment.

Derall will continue with her Bardic song

2012-02-15, 01:30 PM
Order of Battle

Amelia: 24
Juno: 24
Ashton: 21
Derall: 20
Alexa: 11
Goblins: 8
Torm: 8

Amelia throws a light spell directly in her attacker's face. The creature squeals at the sudden distraction, but swings at Amelia anyhow.

Juno deftly manages to force the goblin facing her to drop his weapon. It clatters to the ground against a rock. The goblin stares at the young rogue stupidly in shock.

Ashton succesfully brings his kukri down on his goblin's shoulder, cutting deep into the bone. Despite the deep wound, the creature is still alive and fighting.

Derall continues her song, singing of the heroics of past generations.

Alexa's spell is successful and the goblin that is fighting Amelia stands absolutely still, Now focusing more on it's blindedness and confusion from the double-whammy of spells assaulting it.

Ashton's goblin, seemingly more infuriated at its injury than hurt, slices out at the boy's arm, digging its dogslicer deep into the flesh but stopping before reaching bone. As he wrenches the blade away, blood sprays out across the ground, Ashton, and his friend Torm. ((3 damage))

Amelia's goblin stands stupidly, blinded by the light, revved up like a deuce, and rolling in the night from Alexa's Daze spell.

Juno's attacker doesn't even blink after losing it's blade, but grabs Juno into a hold, his dirty fingernails pressing hard against her skin.. ((Juno is grappled))

Torm, blinded in rage, swings madly at a goblin, but the nimble creature ducks, taunting Ashton and Torm both having dodged the fearsome Half-Orc's attack and digging his blade into Ashton's arm.

2012-02-15, 01:48 PM
RRAAHH I MISSED... The lessons of his youth come back to him. Slow down, collect yourself. This is not how a paladin fights. Deliberate strikes, measured force, you can never miss fast enough to win. An unconscious foe is just as defeated as a dead one and potentially more useful. Blood-lust is for savages and beasts. Not men. Not men. I am a holy warrior, not a butcher.

The large youth visibly pauses, taking in a deep breath. Though his blood still called to him, his next blows where more careful and collected.

attack [roll0] (includes bard song)
damage [roll1] 12 rolled OOC

Morbis Meh
2012-02-15, 02:08 PM
The strange calmness that swept over her so quickly suddenly left Amelia. Her fear returning instantly causing her to panick and in her terrified state she swung her staff at the goblin attack in front of her screaming "Leave me alone!"

This should be fun in its utter fail! [roll0] damage [roll1]

2012-02-15, 11:44 PM
Ashton yowls in pain as the goblin's blade bites into his arm. Gods that hurt! For the first time since they'd left the village, he was starting to doubt their ability to do this. Only Derall's song kept him from being truly afraid. Instead, he felt determination. This had to be finished. They wer etoo deep into it now. The goblins had to die. Before they killed him. Before they killed his friends.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2012-02-16, 03:08 AM
Derall's song begins to falter a little as she hears cries of pain and fear from her comrades. Doing her best to rise above them, she sings all the louder.

Is this even helping? I'm just standing here and singing!

2012-02-16, 07:29 AM
Juno looked at the little freak who grabbed a hold of her and decided the best thing to remedy this situation was to give the goblin a swift punch to the head. Hearing the goblin's dagger fall to the ground, she picked it up and slammed it into the goblin again.

That should give the little bugger reason to let go. She had friends in trouble, and she couldn't be stuck here with this...thing if somebody needed her help.

AoO: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2012-02-16, 05:22 PM
Alexa will cast Daze on the goblin that hit Ashton, and look for something to use as a weapon...like a good sized stick or rock.

"There must be something to defend myself with.."

[roll0] (Assuming I get the +2 from the familiar? If not -2 to the roll)

If she sees something, she will pick it up with her move action if possible.

2012-02-17, 08:40 AM
Order of Battle
Amelia: 24
Juno: 24
Ashton: 21
Derall: 20
Alexa: 11
Goblins: 8
Torm: 8

Amelia swings her staff at the goblin, but it dances aside, jeering at her.

Juno attempts to jab the gobin with the dogslicer, but the blade deflects off a metal ringlet in the goblins clothing.

Ashton is too distracted by the pain his fighting arm that his swing is feeble, and is easily deflected by the goblin.

Derall continues singing.

Alexa throws daze at Ashton's goblin, who is stunned. He blinks stupidly as he tries to brush away the imaginary images that are distracting him. She also finds a stout branch nearby, likely intended for firewood. It can serve as a decent weapon ((improvised club, 1d4 damage. Usual penalties associated with improvised weapons))

The goblin takes advantage of the moment that Amelia is off-balance from her missed attack and swings upward at her with his dogslicer, cutting into her chest. It's cuts deep into the flesh, drawing copious amounts of blood. ((3 damage))

Ashton's goblin takes no action this turn.

The goblin still holding Juno bites down hard on her arm, breaking skin and drawing a little blood ((1 damage))

Torm regains his composure and begins performing better. His latest attack misses as the goblin suddenly darts behind Ashton, and he pulls back, not wishing to accidentally strike his friend.

Morbis Meh
2012-02-17, 09:25 AM
Amelia cries out in pain, feeling a warm wetness spread over her chest, Amelia begins to feel nauseous. Desperately trying to keep from bolting she swings her staff again, this time with more accuracy.

attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Wow are we ever getting RNG screwed....

2012-02-17, 09:56 AM
Finish this one, then help the others. No good to anyone if I get a knife in the back. Torm recovers quickly, continuing his attack while trying not to be distracted by the cries of pain from the others.

"We need to work together, distract one so others can hit. Remember to flank!"

He'll take a 5' step to try to get himself or someone else into flanking position for the +2. If We could start acting tactically we will be fine. Could we get a map to help with that?

attack [roll0] (if bard song still counts add +1)
damage [roll1]

2012-02-17, 10:14 AM
Amelia's cry of pain broke Derall's focus on her song completely. No longer apart from the violence around her, Derall was suddenly acutely aware of the danger they were all in. We have to get out of here, fast

Spotting an oppertunity, Derall ran to try and free the Goblin's captive so that they could all escape.

Derall is no longer singing and will try and free the captive if he/she is close enough. If not she will spend her round getting near enough to free him/her.

2012-02-17, 10:10 PM
Amelia's cry of pain awakened a jolt of primal fury in Juno. "Hold on tight you little blight." She told her little 'friend' gnawing on her arm as she used it as Torm might shield bash somebody to whack Amelia's goblin with hers. In her angered mind, she figured the two issues would solve themselves if she beat one with the other.

Soooo, how do I roll with this? :smalltongue:
Improvised Weapon attack: [roll0] (-4 Improvised weapon, +1 bard song)
Heavy Shield Bash? [roll1]

2012-02-18, 02:36 PM
With his opponent temporarily not trying to kill him, Ashton takes a short moment to steel himself against the pain and focus on attacking again. He hears Torm call for flanking, and steps around to do just that. Together they should be able to deal with this one easily.

If I've interpreted things correctly, you've said we should be able to flank. Also, I'm assuming Derall's bard song is still active until her turn starts.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2012-02-18, 02:56 PM
Alexa will try to swing the club at the closest goblin. If only she could hex like a real witch she reads about in her books!

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2012-02-21, 01:08 PM
Order of Battle
Amelia: 24
Juno: 24
Ashton: 21
Derall: 20
Alexa: 11
Goblins: 8
Torm: 8

Amelia's attack misses
Juno's attack misses
Ashton's kukri slams into the confused goblin, this time it falls to the ground, dead.
Derall rushes to open the bag. She opens it to reveal Tara Hardwright, the owner of the Golden Harvest Inn. She sputters out a horrified shriek at first, until she recognizes Derall's face. She doesn't speak, and is clearly terrified. There are multiple tiny cuts across her body, but those are mostly healing from Amelia's positive energy burst.
Alexa's attack at the last goblin on Juno misses.
The last goblin is desperate now, but attempts to bite Juno once more. However, he is unable to get a good grip on her this time around. He ceases his grapple.
Torm bounds up to the last goblin, taking advantage of it's distraction to manuever into a good position. His hammer swings downward mercilessly on to the goblin's head, crashing in it's skull as bits of bone, brain, and blood squich out across everybody nearby.

The four goblins are dead, and Tara is free. She still sits in the bag, quivering.

2012-02-21, 01:29 PM
Torm's head whips around, searching wildly for more foes. With great effort he stops, drawing in a deep breath, holding it, then slowly exhaling. With measured care he wipes him hammer clean, then bends over the shocked woman. "You are safe now. Are you injured? We should get you back to the village."

Standing he looks over his friends. Some look shaky. I know they didn't want blood, but what choice did we have?

He retrieves his shield before speaking. "We did not come here looking to harm others, only to save one taken from us. The goblins chose their path, chose to pillage, kidnap, assault. What we did was right and just, though we did not want to do it. That is what it means to grow-up, isn't it? Doing what you do not want to do because you know it must be done?"

But I wanted to, despite my words. I wanted to strike them down, taste their blood. Torog help me, I wanted to.

"we should get back, there could be more. Is anyone too hurt to walk?"

Morbis Meh
2012-02-21, 01:55 PM
Amelia sinks to her knees, her body trembling from stress, the wound on her cheat begins to throb. She looks at the scene in front of her and begins to weep, Torm's words fall on deaf ears. The stench of blood stings Amelia's nostrils and her sense combine to form a horrorific painting of carnage. Unable to deal with the sight she begins to vomit.
Amidst her tears a warmness begins to swell within her chest and a gentle voice speaks softly to her consoling her like a mother would do for her child It's over now child... never forget you did this to save a life and that upholding good within this world has its price. Be strong for yourself and for your friends. They are hurt and are in need of you...

Amelia wipes her tears away and shakily stands up, relying heavily on her staff. She then hobbles towards Derall and the sac. She breathes deeply then says "Gather around me everyone... May the light of Sarenrae preserve us all and shield us from further atrocities. "

Amelia glows for a faint second, acting as a conduit yet again, then allows the warm light to flow through her and spread out over her friends; her own wound closing in the process.

Another channeling to patch you folks up! [roll0]

2012-02-21, 02:35 PM
Ahston watches the goblin in front of him fall. It had been so easy to slide his kukri into its gut. So easy to kill. A moment ago the goblin had been standing, fighting for its own life as it tried to take Ashton's. Now it was a corpse, laying dead at his feet. The half-elf frowns, uncertain of what exactly that meant. He'd won. He'd survived.

But the adrenaline from the chase and the fight was bleeding away. His hands shook as he knelt to clean the blood from his blade, stabbing it into the soft earth again and again, wiping away what remained on the grass, just like his father had taught him, years ago when they'd gone hunting together. The pain from the cut on his arm marked this as a very different experience. Deer didn't fight back. Not with knives. Not with such hatred.

Distantly, Ashton hears Torm speaking and nods. "They were evil." He agrees. "They had to die."

When Amelia calls to them, Ashton stands up and, after putting his kukri away, walks closer. He's a bit surprised when the magic washes over him, healing the cut to his arm. One moment pain, the next, nothing. The half-elf looks down at his arm, then looks up, curiously, at Amelia. "How did you do that?"

Morbis Meh
2012-02-21, 03:54 PM
Amelia turns toward Ashton, pale faced and exhausted "I don't know... I just can. My grandmother said I was touched by Sarenrae like she was but I only found out recently that I could do this... "

She suddenly looks fearful and begins to stammer "Please don't tell anyone... I don't want to be called a freak! "

2012-02-21, 05:15 PM
Derall frets over Tara, helping her to her feet and trying to support her when walking, her size making the latter difficult. "I'm sorry that we couldn't get here sooner, I..."

I have no idea what to say

Derall was almost relieved when Amelia called them all over, it saved her having to try and finish her sentence.

"Careful now, you don't want to make any of those cuts worse than they are."

The flash of light completely surprised Derall, Amelia's apparent fear of what she could do was even more shocking.

"What do you mean? That was incredible!" The fighting momentarily forgotten, Derall began to quiz Amelia on how she created the flash, "Did you learn it from Garl? He tried to teach me a few things but I never really got the hang of it. But you said you were touched by Serenae?" Derall's eyes went wide, "That sounds like some of the hero's from the Elven tales."

Derall's mind was racing, if Amelia could channel divine power then she could have the potential to be just like some of the famous characters in her favourite songs. And speaking of songs...

When I sang, it felt like nothing I've ever felt before. Almost like urging them on with their fighting.

An icy sense of dread settled over her as she slowly looked at the four dead Goblins around her. Her hand came up to cover her mouth as she sank to her knees in shock at the scene around her. Silent tears ran down her cheeks, the stories had said nothing of this.

2012-02-22, 08:32 AM
We all react differently. Each brought his own strength, giving us victory.

What, wasn't there a stolen instrument?

The healing light washes over Torm. Though he had no serious injuries, his spirit is buoyed by the warm light. "Amelia, never be ashamed of that gift."

"Now, does anyone see the stolen instruments that started all this?"

2012-02-22, 10:41 AM
Ashton sees Derall drop to her knees and walks over to comfort her. He thinks to put a hand on her shoulder, but stops short. He was covered in blood, both the goblins' and his own. Instead, he opts to just squat down beside her. For a long moment he's quiet, unsure of what to say.

"Derall, please don't cry." Asthon says quietly. "We won. We rescued Tara. We're going to be heroes." he tells her, trying to cheer her up.

2012-02-22, 11:38 AM
After dislodging the goblin remains from her arm, she looked around for the next visible threat, adrenaline still coursing through her veins. Finding none, she took several deep breaths to steady herself and bring herself back down to earth.

The killing was new, very definitely. On the one hand, they were now heroes, rescuing a fair maiden and everything. On the other, they had outright killed four small creatures who were sentient, despite their obviously evil instincts. She thought to herself to ask her dad how he coped with the killing as well as his role as the healer. Juno wasn't a wicked killer, but reality dictates that she must kill or be killed.

While her companions were coping in their own ways, and talking amongst each other, Juno checked the area around them to make sure there wasn't any more threats to deal with.

Torm brought up an excellent point though, but it was going to wait for a minute. She knelt in front of Derall and put a comforting hand on her shoulder, saying "I know the thought of killing frightens you to death, but the tales aren't always as glamourous as they say. If it makes you feel any better, we did the right thing. These monsters would've killed somebody else if we hadn't stopped them. At the end of the day, I think we can safely say we did a good deed."

Morbis Meh
2012-02-22, 11:44 AM
Amelia blushes at the attention "I wasn't taught by anyone... I just was able to do it one day when my grandma was getting worse. I never said I was touched, my grandma says it, hence why my leg is the way it is. Sometimes I hear a voice and sometimes someone kind of takes control of me when I am in a bad situation. I don't know where the instrument is... I can take a look. "Amelia concentrates for a moment and her staff begins to light up allowing her to see better she kneels down before Derall and says softly "Would you like to help me look for the dulcimer, I am pretty sure the others don't know what one looks like. "

2012-02-22, 11:53 AM
It takes a few moments for the kind words and reassurances to sink in for Derall. When she realises people are concerned about her, she turns bright red.

"I... Yes, we better... Better try and find it" She stammers to Amelia.

Pushing herself back up to her feet, she starts to pick through the impromptu camp, searching for the Dulcimer. As she walks she tries to avoid the areas of the ground that are bloodstained.

2012-02-24, 12:45 PM
Tara nods, still quivering from the recent shock of the evening's events. "They...they broke in when I was alone, took me, raided the inn..."

Derall quickly finds the goblin stash. It is a large sack filled mostly with useless junk, mostly the scrap metal that goblins use to make their dog and horse slicers. You are careful to avoid those nasty bits, as they are also dirty and everyone knows a dirty cut is the most dangerous. You find a few coins, most likely stolen from the inn, a few ale mugs, and the pieces of the dulcimer.

Your heart stops for a moment until you realize that it was designed to be taken apart for easy transport. All the pieces are intact, not even a string is broken. It is carved from a delicate Weirwood, bone-white, with the carvings blood red without any alteration save for a preservation treatment.

((there are 5 gold pieces, 8 silver pieces, and 15 copper pieces in the sack))

2012-02-24, 12:53 PM
Torm places the goods back in the sack and hefts it over his shoulder. "These goods look like they were stolen from the inn. I suspect e the money belongs to Tara, taken in the raid. We must get back and tell of what happened. The guard should know where we found the goblins, there could be more. Which is another reason to go back, I don't think we are ready for another fight."

And I don't know if some of us are even going to be able to sleep tonight, much less fight again. I must tell father of this. He will not be pleased, I almost lost myself to the rage.

Morbis Meh
2012-02-24, 01:20 PM
Amelia breathes a sigh of relief when they found the instrument, they had accomplished they task they had set out for; however, it had cost them dearly and the full price would bot be determined tonight. She walks over to Derall and puts an arm around her, knowing the halfling needed the support as much as she did.

Managing a weak smile, she says "Well at least we're don't here... maybe be can get a private lesson from Miss Silvertongue? Hey why don't you stay over at my place tonight, I am sure my parents won't mind, especially after tonight... " She touches the now healed scar on her chest and begins to weep, her grandma had made her the dress she had ruined.

2012-02-24, 01:59 PM
Torm pauses, condsidering how the others may have been affected by the evening. Not everyone flies into a rage. They didn't want this. My dreams will be their nightmares, blood. Death.

"Thank you Amelia, but I should be to the temple tonight. I have much to do." I'll spend the night in vigil, pray, meditate, cleanse myself of the beast.

Morbis Meh
2012-02-24, 02:18 PM
All of a sudden Amelia begins to laugh "I was talking to Derall Torm, not you! You're silly you know that? Like my parents would allow me to have a boy over! Though I suppose you could ask for signing lessons too if you wanted"

Amelia felt better, she didn't know if it was intentional or an accident but it cheered her up nonetheless.

2012-02-24, 02:48 PM
Torm turns away quickly, gray skin darkening. "Uh, yeah. I knew that. Just, uhm, lightening the mood. Since we're all upset. You know."

2012-02-24, 05:39 PM
Derall looks up at Amelia and smiled weakly at her offer. "Thanks, I guess I'd need to check with my dad before I say yes though."

I think I could use some company for a while, help keep my mind off... What did Torm just say?

Despite herself, Derall began to grin at the exchange between Amelia and Torm. "I don't know if we could present him to Seylawind without any training first Amelia," she chimed in, "Perhaps we should give him a few lessons first?"

Finding the light hearted jibes to be helping, Derall began to pull herself together into a better mood.

2012-02-24, 09:56 PM
Ashton chuckles at the exchange between his friends, trying to imagine what Torm's signing voice must sound like. The half-elf was in better spirits than the others. At least, he didn't consider himself upset by the experience. That, perhaps, would come later.

"Let's get home." He suggests. "I'm sure they've noticed we're missing by now. Best not to keep them worrying." Ashton was certain Diana had found their mother. Half the village probably knew where'd they gone off to. He was glad things had turned out as best they could, else there would've been hell to pay. Well, he'd probably still be grounded for this.

The half-elf offers his arm to Tara, to help her walk through the underbrush and not trip. It was a possibility with how shakey the woman was. "Come on, Ms. Hardwright. Let's get back to the village."

2012-02-25, 03:32 PM
"I agree...home sounds good. I'd definitely take cleaning up father's shop to fighting off these goblins! Alexa says with a half hearted laugh.

"No one is hurt too bad, right?"

2012-02-28, 08:25 AM
Juno looked at her friends' recoveries after their first tumble with life and death. Maybe she had heard too many stories about her dad's brushes with death, but she felt that she'd be okay on her own so long as she could walk away. She'd definitely be talking with her dad about today's events, regardless. But her friends concerned her moreso than her own insecurities...or maybe they were her insecurity. That's a worry for another time. They're all fine now, I think.

Coming out of her inward reverie, Juno continued Derall's jibe, "Aye. His temple keeps him all too silent. Maybe he could chant us a prayer?" as she joined Ashton in extending an arm to Tara, as another hand would make it easier to support the woman.

2012-02-28, 09:49 AM
Torm walks in front so the others can't see his face. "I...I don't sing. Let's just walk, okay?"

Morbis Meh
2012-02-28, 12:29 PM
Amelia laughs "Oh come on now Torm, everyone can sing! Let's all sing together on the way home. Derall and I can start off and everyone can just join in! "Amelia breaks out into a catchy well known folk song.
Let's see how well I do after vomiting... [roll0]

2012-02-28, 12:44 PM
You leave the goblin carcasses behind. However, in a way, you take them with you each in your own way as you slowly trudge through the forest back toward Ingrid's Grove, and home.

About halfway back, by Ashton's reckoning, there is a commotion up ahead. You pause just as five figures burst into sight. You instantly recognize two dwarves, Halberk Whitebeard and Mordek of the Forgeheart, girded for battle. There are two elves, one of which is Daranth and the other is an elven woman of indescribale beauty with piercing green eyes that can only be Seylawind. Both have fine elven blades in their hands. The last is Alistair Wormwood, leading the group with longbow in hand. They stop immediately when they see you. Halberk and Mordek scowl, Daranth gasps upon seeing the dulcimer, Seylawind smiles knowingly, and Alistair lowers his bow.

"What do you think you were doing!" Halberk barks at you. "Running off into the woods, at dark, alone, and KNOWING that there were goblins about! Do you have any idea how worried your parents have been!?"

Mordek rests a calming hand on the elder dwarf's shoulder."At peace, old friend, they appear unharmed, or at least healed, and bearing the marks and spoils of battle..." His eyes dart over at the bloody clothing on the children and casts a stern glare at Torm. A silent admonishment for not protecting his friends better.

Daranth stands open-mouthed, speechless. Seylawind speaks in a voice that is strikingly familiar to your group. "Perhaps this prologue fortells a greater story after all..."

2012-02-28, 01:22 PM
Torm mostly just mumbles along with the song, moving his lips so as to not draw further comments.

At the sound of the other group, Torm starts to rush forward in excitement, wanting to tell his story. He then sees who is in it and remembers himself. He hangs his head, as much to not stare at Selawind as from his father's gaze.

He speaks haltingly, as tentative as he wasn't in the battle. "Father, I, we rescued Tara from the goblins. We tracked them and they were hurting her and we couldn't let them so we fought and the goblins are dead even though we didn't really want to fight them but had to to save Tara and..." he trails off, eyes still intent on the ground.

He kneels. "Father, I take responsibility. I should have told you. I knew you would say no and did it anyway. I am sorry. The others wouldn't have gone if I wasn't willing."

2012-02-28, 02:08 PM
Derall sings along with Amelia readily. The song is well known to her and is one of her favourites.

Derall's singing trailed off quickly as the other group came into sight. They looked very serious, and she was fairly certain nobody had let the adults know they had gone. This can't be good.

When she realised Seylawind was with them, Derall's eyes went wide in surprise.

Her attention entirely captured by Seylawind, Derall didn't really hear what Torm or the adults were saying. "We, uh, we got your Dulcimer back for you."

Morbis Meh
2012-02-28, 02:23 PM
Amelia lowers her head and says solemnly "I'm sorry... I only came along to heal the injured, I am useless in battle. "Tears begin to form in the corner of her eyes "Please forgive me! I just didn't want anyone to die... including the goblins."

She looks towards Seylawind and flushes with embarrassment knowing she probably heard her crude and ill trained singing. Amelia begins to tense up and quickly looks away desiring nothing more to slink away and hide in the darkest corner she could find.

2012-02-28, 03:13 PM
Juno sings along happily, regardless of her ability to be on tune.

However, being berated for doing the job didn't sit well with Juno. Were they supposed to sit back when they knew something had to be done? She matched the dwarf's hard gaze with all the courage she could muster, "I, for one, am not sorry. We knew the risks jumping in here, and we took them head on."

She felt especially bad for Torm, who she felt actually did a fantastic job at protecting his friends. His bloody weapon was a testament to that. So, she she moved beside him, and placed a hand on his shoulder and praised him to his 'father': "Torm fought hard to protect us, and Tara. It was his might that gave us our victory here. I don't care what his 'protocol' says about whatever punishment he should receive, but as his friend, I'm going to have a good long chat with anyone who thinks any less of him for his heroism."

2012-02-28, 04:14 PM
Halberk continues to scowl but Mordek's expression softens somewhat. He looks at Torm and his companions and sighs.

"Torm, come with me. We have much to discuss at the temple. Juno, Ashton, Alexa. I'd like you three to come with me as well. Your families have been worried sick about you." The priest turns to leave. Before he does, he leans in at Halberk's ear and whispers something inaudible before leaving the group.

The Dwarf elder shrugs slightly and turns to follow Mordek.

"I will take Tara home." Alistair announces, walking to the innkeeper and gently taking her hand. As he passes you he whispers. "Don't let the old one get to you. He was really just concerned for your safety. I think you did good tonight." He leaves toward the village, escorting Tara.

Daranth exults at seeing the dulcimer and quickly retrieves it before turning to head back to town. Seylawind stops him and whispers something to him. He takes a quick glance back at Amelia and Derall before heading off.

Seylawind smiles at the two girls. "You have great potential as singers... In fact, I believe there is a little magic to be found in your voices. What you did today was heroic..." she cups a gentle hand on Amelia's face, lifting her eyes to hers. "Do not be troubled. This is but the first of many steps that you and your friends will have to take. The ways of the world are harsh, but it is people like you and your fellows, those willing to stand up and protect those who cannot protect themselves, that allow the world to retain all of its beauty and splendor."

"Derall, Amelia, walk with me..." she says, turning toward the village, but walking in a slightly different direction than the others.

2012-02-28, 04:51 PM
Torm rises and follows silently, pondering what would happen the next few hours. We had to help, but...but I should have done what I thought in the first place, told the adults, told father, and let them do their duty. I wonder what my punishment will be? Why should I be punished? I, we, won! Did really well. But success in no excuse if you shouldn't have tried to begin with...I wish he would say something, waiting is worse than knowing.

2012-02-28, 05:40 PM
It took a moment or two for Derall to fully process what Seylawind had just said.

She thinks we have potential? That's incredible! And her voice, it sounds like the one I heard earlier, could it have been her?

Realising Seylawind had already walked off a way, Derall gave a hurried goodbye to her friends, flashed a grin at Amelia and walked quickly to catch up.

Morbis Meh
2012-02-28, 06:11 PM
Amelia gave a slight smile at the compliment but the more she heard the voice the more she was sure that it was her they had heard. Great another voice in my head... a few more and I can be officially called crazy She sighs deeply and proceeds to hobble towards Seylawind and Derall.

Upon catching up, Amelia worked up her courage and asked sheepishly "Where are we going and why do you want only us?" The words came out barely above the sound of a whisper but they were clear and audible.

2012-02-28, 07:24 PM
Waving goodbye back to Derall and Amelia, Juno walked beside Torm while he was still obviously deep in thought. His relationship with his father and his duties were enough for her to guess what he was thinking about.

She playfully nudged him in the arm, and cheerfully said, "Yo, you know if you need anyone to talk to, I'm always willing to listen. I'm probably not the best speaker or talker or anything, but at least you're never alone. I'm willing to bet that goes for everyone involved today." She wanted Torm to cheer up, as she didn't think it was fair he got shot down after he got to be the big damn hero he always wanted to be. "And if you get locked up somewhere with some duty, send someone to get me. I'll bust you out."

2012-02-28, 09:25 PM
Torm keeps walking. After a moment he breaks his reverie. "Huh? Oh...thanks Juno. I, I just don't feel like talking right now. But thanks. I appreciate it. Now I just want to sleep, deal with all of this in the morning, fresh eyes and a clear head, you know?"

2012-02-29, 05:40 PM
Throughout the encounter with the adults, Ashton stays quiet. No need to speak up and make himself the focus of things. Besides, he could hardly take his eyes off of Seylawind. The half-elf smiles at Alistair, glad for his encouragement. With a bit of jealousy, he watches the girls leave with Seylawind, before turning and following Juno and Torm back towards the village. Ashton trails behind a few steps, though, wondering how his mother reacted to all of this. Halberk said their parents were worried about them. Did she even know he'd left, though? Surely Diana had told her. The half-elf dragged his feet as they walked, knowing there'd be trouble when he got home.

Why go home, though? What if he didn't go back with the others? Ashton had stayed out in the woods overnight before. He wondered how long he could stay out.

Not wanting to go home, and his curiousity getting the better of him, Ashton turns off the trail and tries to figure out where the girls had gone with Seylawind.

2012-03-02, 01:32 PM
Luckily for Ashton, Seylawind doesn't seem to be making a concerted effort to conceal her activities and is easy to track.

"Derall, you have the potential to be a Bard. I do not mean a minstrel. You do know the difference, correct?" Seylawind says to the young halfling.

To Amelia. "Your voice comes directly from Sarenrae herself, does it not? You hear her whispers, fortelling events before they occur and you have the ability to channel her power."

She stops, and smiles. She turns back and calls. "Young Ashton. To be a Ranger of these wilds you will have to learn to watch for dry twigs... Please, join us. I have words for you also."

She motions for the three of you to be seated as she positions herself atop a fallen, mossy log.

Halberk and Mordek reach the village before noticing that Ashton is gone. "He will have hell to pay when he gets back..." Halberk mutters. "Mordek, will you kindly return these children home. I have to make a speech to reassure the people that everything is okay..."
Mordek nods and Halberk leaves. He turns to those still with him. "Torm, Juno, Alexa... before I take you home. Tell me what happened." There is no reproach in his voice, now that Halberk is gone.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-02, 02:21 PM
Amelia's brows furrow at the question, she did hear a voice and certainly felt a presence at times but she didn't know if it was Sarenrae, the goddess didn't explicitly announce herself...

"I hear a voice but I have no knowledge who it is exactly, its warm and kind but nonethess anonymous. My grandmother says otherwise but I guess that is up to a person's faith...I haven't been shown visions yet like grandma but I have been taken over momentarily. How did you know? I haven't told anyone of this since tonight and I was sworn to secrecy by grandma... she said people would hurt is if they knew... are you one of those people?"

Amelia became fearful, not only had this woman spoken to her through her mind but she also knew her deepest secret. Who was this woman and what was she going to do? The thought dispersed as she heard Ashton's name being called turning around she spotted him. Sighing out loud Amelia muttered "Silly boys and their snooping!"

2012-03-02, 02:26 PM
Torm gathers his thoughts for a moment. before speaking softly and quickly. "We were gathering for the concert and heard that there was trouble, the Selawind's instrument was missing, that goblins took it. We thought we would help out and go look around the inn. We saw the tracks, that someone had been drug away, so we followed. We didn't want to leave anyone in goblin hands, can't be certain they'll last. When we caught up, they were tormenting her. None of us speak goblin and they were hurting her and they got aggressive, so we had to fight. We were able to stop them. They all died though, we would have taken a prisoner if we could, but we had to protect ourselves and not all of us know how to fight. Anyway we rescued Tara and found the instrument and we're all alive and not too badly hurt."

Don't tell him about how you fought. Not yet. Deal with that later.

2012-03-02, 03:17 PM
Derall looked around in surprise when Asthon was called out of the bushes, she hadn't been aware that he'd followed them. It didn't matter too much to her though and, pausing just to give him a small smile of greeting, she sat down and began to consider Seylawind's question.

When you get right down to it, what is a Bard?

"I think I know the difference. A minstrel is a court performer, unmistakeably an artist of high talent, they'd have to be to perform in a court. But all the same they'd be an artist." Derall looks up at Seylawind, "A Bard, however, is a chronicler. The greatest tales and songs of hero's are those told by the Bard's who accompanied them. A Bard can be considered an artist, but it's just one facet of who they truly are."

Feeling like she'd been told to stand up in front of the class to give an answer, she had to ask "Am I right?"

2012-03-03, 09:01 AM
Ahston steps out and takes a seat, looking mildly embarassed. But could he really expect to hide from a woman like this? Seylawind seemed to know more than she should. That voice was so familiar, too. She'd been watching them, hadn't she? how else would she know he'd made a bad habit in stepping on twigs? But why? Why not get back the dulcimer herself if she knew what was going on?

"You were watching us." The young half-elf states more than asks.

2012-03-03, 06:13 PM
Seylawind smirks at Ashton. "Watching is more...active... I prefer the term seeing."

"I didn't just come here for the festival, you see. I was guided here by Sarenrae. I am not just a bard, I am also a devout of Our Lady the Dawnflower. One year ago I had a dream, and I believe that it was an avatar of Sarenrae that told me to venture to Ingrid's Grove for the Festival of 200 Days, and that I would be responsible for...teaching."

She nods at Derall. "You understand the soul of my profession, thus the hardest lesson is one you already know... Would you be interested in learning my craft?"

Seylawind also speaks to Amelia. "And you, young seer. You have the divine touch of Sarenrae herself. You are chosen by her to exert her will upon the world. I can guide you."

To Ashton. "And you, child of the forest, there is some of Our Lady's grace in you as well..."


Mordek nods. He looks to Juno and Alexa. "You two, go home to your parents. They are likely very worried about you. I need to speak with Torm, alone."

Mordek leads Torm to the temple, but says nothing more to him until he reaches his personal chambers. "Inside, we have much to discuss, my son." He says, pushing the door open.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-03, 06:48 PM
Amelia stares dumbfounded by Seyalwind's statement So Grandma was right... she's not crazy like people say. Chosen to exert the will of a Goddess, me? What would Sarenrae want with a cripple like me?

Finding words amidst her confusion Amelia blurts out "But I'm a cripple? Not very good representaion for a goddess... but I know that within this world there is a lot of pain and darkness, if I can be a light to guide and heal then I shall abide bet Our Lady's will. "Amelia laughs "What choice do I have anyways? One does not simply shun a goddess... So if you came here to teach us that would mean you are staying and if you are able to teach me, do you have the ability to heal my grandma?" She looks up with a mix of hope and desperation in her eyes. She couldn't bear to gave her original teacher and only confidant in the world to die...

Amelia then wondered how long she would remain I have Ingrid's Grove, if she was to be the wordly representative of Sarenrae then she most likely would be forced to leave her family.

2012-03-03, 08:24 PM
Unconsciously, Ashton reaches for the holy symbol that hung from his neck. It was a simple thing, carved from wood with a simple strip of leather, but it was important to the boy. It had been a gift from his father, over five years ago, before he left the village.

Gabriel Jager had explained to his son the role his family played and the importance of his bloodline. They were Hunters, a last line of defense against the dark things of the world. Though the Goddess' influence was more obvious in some, Ashton was still one of her Chosen.

"I know some of Serenrae's teachings." Ashton admits. "My father taught me." He adds, quietly.

2012-03-04, 07:30 PM
As Seylawind makes her offer, Derall's eyes light up in delight. "That would be wonderful! I'd love to learn to be a Bard!"

Some of the excitement drains from her as she realises something, "But, being a Bard means you're always on the move too... So, I'd be leaving home? Leaving my family?"

Suddenly it didn't seem so clear cut anymore. To wonder the world and observe and record first hand the legacies of heroes would be a dream come true. However, her travels would take her far from home if the tales she'd read were true. It could be years before she came home again, possibly longer. The gravity of the decision was not something to be taken lightly.

"Um... Do you mind if I talk to my parents about it before I agree?"

2012-03-05, 07:58 AM
Torm enters silently and takes his seat, his mind still whirling with the same thoughts that have consumed him since the battle.

2012-03-05, 04:19 PM
Juno kept quiet for most of the questionnaire period, except reinforcing what Torm had explained in a more positive light. She was more interested in the pretty lady with the obvious adventure hook, but she stuck by the plucky paladin just in case he got in trouble alone. Alexa seemed a little too...quiet to be counted on for that support, should be need it.

I probably should go see dad. Knowing this town, they'd have told him I was in trouble, and told him nothing else on top of that. She thought to herself, looking back at the forest that she just came out of. ...you know what? Dad can wait for a bit. He knows I can take care of myself, and I don't think the others have come back out of the forest yet.

Making up her mind to keep mischiefing and whatnot, she followed her tracks back through the forest, thinking I can follow a heavy-ass paladin and a chick with a bum leg through the woods, right?

2012-03-07, 10:53 AM
Juno quickly finds where Seylawind is speaking to the three and can hear their conversation about training them.

Seylawind laughs. "It will be many years, young one, before you are ready to venture out into the world, so fear not. When the time does come, you will be more than prepared for those challenges."

She rests a slender hand on Amelia's shoulder. "Little one, what Sarenrae takes she returns in many other ways." This is perhaps the first time that Amelia may notice that the elf-woman's eyes are clouded.

"Will you have me as your teacher? That is the most important question I have to ask."

Mordek turns away from Torm, his hands clasped behind his back. "What you did was impulsive, foolish, and dangerous, Torm. What you did put you and your friends in danger..."

He sighs and turns around. "And yet... you did the right thing. You saved lives today, Torm. Make no doubt about that."

He rests a hand on Torm's shoulder. "I had always hoped that you could have been a priest of Sarenrae, Torag, or Erastil, but the cloistered existence is not for you, that much is clear to me now. It reminds me of...me..." He squeezes Torm's shoulder and walks toward his chamber closet. His hand tenses against the latch a moment before drawing it open. Inside you see an armor stand, bearing a stout suit of mail that has obviously been meticuously cared for. It is dwarven-make, and the ringlets are of a dull gray steel.

"This was my armor when I was an adventurer, when I was much younger. You are nearly a man grown, Torm, and you have the heart of a warrior. Starting tomorrow you will no longer perform the regular duties of the other acolytes. You will be commisioned in the militia and focus your primary efforts in developing your natural martial talents. Your days will be spent in combat training, and your evenings will be spent with me for personal study. If you prove yourself to me, this armor will be yours, Torm. What do you have to say for yourself? This is not a reward, this is me giving you the responsibility that you have shown that you crave."

2012-03-07, 11:09 AM
Torm checks himself, restraining his enthusiasm. It is what I have wanted...but I must no act lightly. A village priest is not a bad life. You bring aid and comfort to many. My brothers are content. But I do not feel it is my calling. I will follow in my fathers footsteps. Perhaps a quiet life is in my future, but it is not near. Great deeds await.

Breaking his silence, he speaks carefully. "I accept. It is my calling, I could not turn aside from my duty even if I wished it. May Torag mold me and Erastil teach me. I will do all in my power to prove worthy of this honor."

Father's armor...will I be ready?

Morbis Meh
2012-03-07, 11:40 AM
Amelia bites her lip and fights back the tears, she knew her grandmother's time was short but she only wished she didn't have to feel so helpless. Looking into the eyes of the woman, Amelia gasps She's blind! Yet she seems to know where everyone is... is she too touched by Sarenrae? I have to accept her... so I have a choice?

Amelia lowers her head and closes her eyes, her friends had been amazed at her ability... but she had little control over it. She owes it to her friends and loved ones to take up the call, so that she may bring the warmth of Sarenrae to all who needes it.

She looks back up and with a stern, determined face she replied I humbly accept you as my teacher, if I am to help protect the innocent I must enhance the abilities I already have and to do that I need a teacher... " She looks back and sees Juno standing behind them easedropping and scowls, she wasn't overly fond of the girl and she fought it was rude to follow others when not invited.

2012-03-08, 09:07 AM
Heaving a sigh of relief that everyone was still okay, Juno stepped forward towards her friends. She clearly made her presence heard, thinking that being upfront about any sort of spying beats out skulking around pretty badly. Ashton might have been able to pull it off, but her feet were better suited for an urban environment than a forest.

"Hey guys, is Miss Seylawind treating you guys well, or is Torm not the only one waist deep in trouble?" she asked as she joined the conversation by walking up to her friends. She figured it was the former, guessing by the still star-struck faces of Amelia and Derall, but it didn't hurt to ask, no?

Well, okay, Amelia wasn't smiling as much. Guessing it was because of her late, unannounced, and pretty damn uninvited appearance, she quickly apologized for it, "Sorry for sneaking up on you guys, but I only just got here. Torm's gonna be okay, he just needs some time to cool down on his own. You guys weren't back yet, and I worried about the lot of ya."

Morbis Meh
2012-03-08, 11:55 AM
Amelia raised her eyebrow not sure of Juno was legitimately concerned or just prying into matters that didn't concern her. Keeping her dissatisfied gaze she replies "We are fine, miss Seylawind is not a goblin it an angry parent. We are merely discussing Derall and myself's tutelage, nothing more. So if you be so kind to not interupt us, it would be most appreciated. "

Her words sounded harsh to her ears and it made her feel slightly guilty but this was one if the first times in her life she truly felt special and not a burden... she didn't want someone else to ruin the moment or steal it from her.

2012-03-08, 12:30 PM
Some of Derall's worries dissappear at this, replaced by relief that she didn't have to make the choice. "I'm glad to hear it, it'd be amazing if you could teach me."

Juno's arrival, and the slightly aggressive words from Amelia surprised her though.

Seeking to avoid an argument, Derall put on a grin and joked "We didn't leave a trail of breadcrumbs did we? Everyone seems to have followed us here." She made a show of looking around them, as though trying to spot someone else, "Should we be expecting Torm to show himself next?"

2012-03-13, 07:19 AM
Clearly, coming back had meant stepping on more than a few toes. "Tutelage?" Juno asked, comprehension dawning on her face, "Ah...oh. My apologies Miss Seylawind, don't let my interruption put any of my friends in a bad light. I was only concerned with their well-being now that Torm's been taken care of. Please continue." She hoped that would set the scene back in motion, preferably without causing more angry looks.

And as she backed out of the immediate circle a little more, though, she answered Derall's joke, "Torm's probably stuck in his temple for the next day. Poor bugger."

Morbis Meh
2012-03-13, 08:22 AM
Amelia began to feel shameful of her actions, it did appear it was genuine concern coming from Juno so Amelia also decided to add ro the joke. Shaking her head she said "You obviously don't know Torm's father, if he's lucky he will see the light of day in a fortnight... if you come into the church it is actually amusing to watch Torm in those silly robes chanting and he cleans. "She chuckles softly at her own joke.

2012-03-27, 12:03 PM
Your rescue of Tara the innkeeper sent shockwaves through the town that night. For most of the rest of the festival you were congratulated, scolded, given gifts, scoffed at by the older children, and fawned over by the younger. About a week after, you are each given special accommodations for services to the village by Halberk himself.

Your families are, generally, less than thrilled of your risky exploits, but you catch the glimpse of pride nonetheless. You are treated more like adults, certainly. In fact, you are also burdened with very real responsibilities afterward. You train harder, you grow, you have your first loves, and you have your hearts broken. Your list of friends and family grow, and friends and family die or move away. Life continues, but changes. Seylawind and Daranth stay in Elder’s Grove, and every night is filled with the sweet songs of the music. When you look back, years farther ahead, you remember this time as the most idyllic and peaceful time of your life. The happy memories you forged would carry you through the harshest of times, bolstering you to continue ever onward, fighting for what’s right.

--------------End of Prologue-----------------

Chapter One
It has been five years since the night you fought the goblins and saved Tara the innkeeper. She has since married Alistair the hunter. You are provided free food whenever you wish and, when you get older, a free ale now and then, as a sign of Tara’s eternal gratitude for saving her from the goblins’ torture. Alistair takes time to teach Ashton a trick or two about the forest, of tracking and hunting, and mastery of the bow and blade just as he learns more of Sarenrae from Seylawind.

Seylawind stays busy, taking time to teach Derall not only to sing and play a multitude of instruments, but also to weave her music with true magic to bolster their effects by tenfold. She also directs her in the ways of battle. Amelia continues her lessons with her grandmother, learning more of her nature. These lessons are tempered by Seylawind’s similar experiences.

Torm trains hard daily, both in body in mind. He has little time for himself as every hour is dedicated to honing his mind, his body, and his spirit into a finely-tuned extension of holy power. His father, Mordek, teaches him not only how to channel positive energy, but also ethics. He learns from Captain Tindale Summerhall the ways of battle, of how to fight as a unit, of martial theory and battle tactics.
Juno was perhaps

Juno was perhaps the only member of the heroes whose parental experience after the goblins was purely one of pride, though she was gently reminded that she should have stuck to the shadows and struck when the goblin least-expected not, not rushed in as if she were an armored “meathead”. Her lessons in subterfuge, legerdemain, and dirty fighting only intensified, and soon she was snapping open locks like the best of them.

Alexa continues learning the mystical and eldritch ways of the witch, of communing with the powers beyond, fueling her mastery of the arcane. She is touched by some outside force, and her powers only grow. Now she is a true student of the arcane. Untempered, yes, but now possessing the confidence of what she already knows, and the ability to master more. She learns the ability of the Hex, along with the discipline to understand when such powerful tools are to be employed.

It is in the early Fall, five years after the end of the Festival of 200 days, that a lone messenger arrives in the village. He is adorned in the livery of Prince Radahand, of the neighboring Principality of Viachis. Rumors quickly buzz through town of a new war between Viachis and Brendolyn, the seat of Prince Kyung. Both countries share borders with the mountains, both are neighbors of Elder’s Grove. Halberk has spent his many years as Elder of the village maintaining both independence and neutrality. It appears that that is now being threatened.

2012-03-27, 12:20 PM
Torm, no longer that sparse youth, now more heavily muscled from the long hours training with both the smiths hammer and the warhammer, clad in the plate and mail he and his father forged to suit him, is granted the duty of escorting the messenger through the village. His green and silver tabbard flaps as he walks, mighty hammer slung on his back next to his bow (mostly there to honor Erastil). He stands outside the meeting, not privy to the discussion within, reflecting on the events that have lead him here.

Though he has enjoyed the respect given to him by the other acolytes and youths of the village, he has grown restless. Long hours of training have given him new skills and the work is rewarding in itself, but his heart yearns for greater deeds.

A war would provide opportunity for many, though he would not have such an evil come to pass. Perhaps that would be something he could do, something to prevent it?

Morbis Meh
2012-03-28, 12:15 AM
The past five years had been bittersweet, her grandmother had lived for a few more years, long enough for her to pass on her knowledge to Amelia. Amelia was taught a harsh lesson that night, to preserve life and the beauty it contained, one must pay a hefty price a price that sometimes called for blood. The cruel scar on her chest the constant reminder of her naivety, a childhood fancy that could have gotten several of her friends killed. She took the lesson to heart and swore on her life she would not make the same mistake twice. The day of her grandmother's death, now two years past, she approached the captain of the guard seeking training in the ways of combat. Initially she was laughed at but she ignored they ridicule and sought a different teacher; father Mordek. He may be a holy man but she knew he had seen combat and that he would be willing to teach her the ways of defence.

If Torm was to be the hammer, she would be the anvil, waves of enemies would fall upon her and break. She would bear the price of protecting life, alone if need be, it was worth it to keep the beauty and sanctity of Sarenrae's gift pristine and unspoiled. Though Amelia prepared for the coming storm she also took time to indulge in her childhood pleasures on occasion. Every now and again she would seek instruction from Seylawind in the ways of song and etiquette, mostly to appease her mother who grew rather concerned at her daughter's change.

Her parents were worried that what had happened would haunt her for the rest of her life and cause her to be more reclusive. They were partially correct but Amelia would not stand to be defeated, she was chosen by her goddess to exert divine will upon mankind and she would see it done. She would not strike fear like Torm would but instead be the shield for the weak, a mighty oak sheltering the innocent and helpless from the storm. Over those two years, she developed a lot of muscle and grew proficient with armour and defensive tactics. She would protect her love ones from even, withstand the darkness and comfort those in need with the grace of Sarenrae.

Though her body and will has become tempered like steel, remnants of the sweet, warm girl still existed. Amelia knew that kindness and compassion were required for peace but she also knew that one could not simply stand idly by holding onto such passive way. With the talk of war forming on the lips of the town, Amelia knew her time had come, she could only pray she was ready for what was to come...

2012-03-28, 01:42 PM
Possibilities whirled around Derall as she sat under the tree. Different sounds and emotions flowed together and apart, it seemed like they were telling a story to her. The trill of a note speaking of joy, a shift to minor the tempering of experience. Throughout it all a steady increase in volume and tempo, signifying a passion for life. Her violin case lay beside her, closed for the moment. Her quill scratched across the parchment rapidly, filling the score with notes yet unplayed. As she worked, Derall hummed little snatches of her piece to herself, making minor alterations now and again.

Abruptly, she stopped. Being careful not to smudge the ink, she carefully propped the sheet up at eye level before unpacking her instrument from its case. After a quick tune up she turned her attention to the music she'd just composed. Drawing the bow across the strings, she began.

A few moments later she stopped, a grimace on her face. Lowering her bow and violin, she took a closer look at what she'd pieced together.

That wasn't what I wanted at all... Where did I go wrong?

This piece of music was something Derall had been working on for a good few weeks now. She was trying to create something unique to her which would impress Seylawind. Every time she tried though it felt like something was missing.

Sighing, Derall packed away her violin and, once the ink had dried, her sheet music.

It'll come to me, I just need to be patient

2012-03-29, 11:38 AM
Though Torm had been tasked with escorting the messenger through the village, another had been shadowing the man since he entered the forest around Elder's Grove. In the past few years, Ashton had learned to avoid stepping on dry twigs and to stay hidden in the foliage. When the messenger came close to the village, the half-elf veered off, taking a different route.

Hearing the notes of a violin, Ashton followed his ears to the source. He smiled when he found Derall.

"How's the new song coming?" Ashton asks, leaning against the tree. He'd grown taller and stronger from the time he spent in the forest. Today he was dressed in studded leather armor. His bow was slung across his back and a scimitar hung from his belt. Compared to how he was a few years before, Ashton had the look of a real Ranger now.

2012-03-29, 03:13 PM
Derall started a bit when she heard Ashton speak. Looking up at him with a smile she said "You should make some noise, I didn't hear you coming."

She looked back down at the case she'd just closed, brushed her hand lightly against the surface of it before clipping it shut. "It's coming along slowly, I want to make sure I get it right. There's just little things in it that don't feel right..."

Derall hoisted the case up onto her shoulder by its strap. "So tell me," a smile on her lips as she said this, "Did you come all the way out here just to listen to me?"

2012-03-29, 03:19 PM
As easily distracted as always, Juno wandered through the town square looking for any of her friends. Ashton wasn't the only one being a shadow, though Juno preferred alleys and rooftops over dirt and trees. Different strokes for different folks, though. Finding Torm was playing macho-protector to the guy today, she smiled to herself as she saw that Torm was getting the respect the boy she knew years ago wanted so badly.

Of course, as she remembered such, other memories of the past five years fluttered through her head unbidden and uninvited. Like dirty shirts that never seem to leave the laundry no matter how many times you go to wash it. Unlike her friends, she got to get some travelling done in her five-year stint. Three years ago, her dad had left Ingrid's Grove at the request of his family. Juno thought it odd, since from what she could recall both sets of parental families wanted nothing to do with Neil and herself.

Naturally, they just wanted Neil's medical expertise for free rather than going to another healer which would cost them money. Passive to passive-aggressive as always, Neil put up with it due to 'family'. Juno scowled a little as she remembered the harpies that called themselves 'family' when they were little more than opportunistic backstabbers. Finding herself as unwanted as she didn't want to be there away from everyone else, she ran home.

Well, she ran to the streets first. As much as she felt comfortable stealing from her 'folks', she didn't quite have enough money to get home as a young girl on her own. So, she turned to the world's second oldest profession: thievery. Only once though, and only from someone who didn't miss it too much. Cute noble-ish boy at a pub, dark night, lots of drinks, the works. Woke up the next morning in his house hours before he did and cleaned out about a third of his shiny things. The only major thing she stole that night was her rapier, a memento to remember her first profitable heist by.

After that, she sold the loot apart from the rapier, and hitched a caravan back to Ingrid's Grove. She had cut her hair that morning as well, just in case there was anyone looking for her for any reason, figuring the best disguise would be outright mutilation. The damn thing kept getting caught in things all night and morning anyways, and would be problematic if she actually needed to do any thieving.

Once she was back home, safe and sound, she moved into her old house on her own, and been happy for it ever since.

Snap out of it girl, what was the point of that infodump? Juno thought as she brought herself back to reality. Since Torm was clearly busy, and thus Amelia likely wasn't too far behind, she decided to try and find Derall and Ashton instead. Mostly Derall, since finding Ashton would be an exercise in futility, and the bard's violin made it easier to hea-

"Speak of the devil, or would that be his fiddle?" She said aloud as Derall's violin playing played lightly in the distance. At least, that was the assumption. Who else played the violin in the Grove, anyhow?

As she made it to the tree, she saw the ranger was already there and frowned again at his height. Over a foot above her! Guessing by him saying "How's that new song coming," that Derall wasn't happy about her latest composition. "Do you need inspiration?" she asked, then followed up in a much lighter tone, "Can I be your inspiration?"

2012-03-29, 06:13 PM
The half elf chuckles a bit. "I wish that I had. That sounded pretty good to me." Ashton replies with a grin. He spares a smile for Juno as well, when she approaches. "Actually, there's something going on. I followed someone through the woods. Looks like he works for Prince Radahand, from how he's dressed. Must be something important. I saw Torm escort him in after he left the treeline." His smile transforms into something closer to a mischievious smirk, something like the one he wore before they hunted down those goblins years before. "Shall we go see what that's all about?" He suggests to the ladies.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-30, 09:53 AM
The cool breeze was a relief on the hot day, Amelia had been training since dawn, looking around she could still replay the events that had happened five years ago. She visited this place often, partially as a reminder and partially as an attempt to find what she had lost here so long ago. Strapping her shield to her back she moves forward towards home. Twirling her mace around without thought she stops as the sound of a violin drifts through the forest. Smiling Amelia loops her mace on her belt and changes her direction now moving towards the music. She did have duties to attend to but they could wait, Father Morsel was more than adept at healing scraped knees.

Emerging from the trees, a common sight greets Amelia, three figures laughing amongst themselves. Deciding to make a more noticible entrance Amelia begins to sing the same notes she had just hears, not adding words to the notes but filling a few of the blanks left alone by Derall.

perform vocal lets see if we can make some magic happen! [roll0]

She winced at the harshness of the notes, perhaps she was still out of breath or mayhap she had been neglecting training of a different for. She made a mental note to see Mistress Seylawind for a lesson. Hearing Juno's comment about being a muse she replies playfully "Sorry Juno, I think you won't do for a muse, alas I tried I truly did but alas I sound like a screeching cat! "She giggles at her joke but her face turns more serious "Maybe we can work on the piece together later Derall? If not then at least we can drive my brother mad, right? Anyway, I recommend you all make your way back toward the town for there is to be a meeting and I fear it will be an unpleasant one."

2012-03-30, 10:24 AM
Torm grinds his toe in the dirt. Getting warm in the sun. Wonder how long they will be in the meeting. I was supposed to lead drills, plus there's the harvest festival planning. Won't miss that, actually. Still, standing here is boring. Okay, don't wish for a dragon attack, but something happening would be nice. I wonder, how does one become a knight errant? Seems like you need...something, not just wake up one day and say I'm going out to look for quests, be back when evil is vanquished.

2012-03-30, 11:00 AM
"I just said that..." Ashton mutters, his smile dissappearing, replaced with confusion.

"Unpleasant or not, I want to know what's going on." the ranger decides. "You ladies enjoy your music. I'm going to that meeting. I'm sure half the village knows that messenger's here by now. I want a good spot." With that he turns and walks off towards the village center where, undoubtedly, a crowd would be growing. He looks for Torm, who he knows will be at the center of things. That and the big guy was pretty easy to spot.

2012-03-30, 03:53 PM
"I'm certainly game for taking a peek at the meeting."

Derall follows Ashton through the woods back towards town, humming a little to herself as they travel.

She turns to Amelia during the walk and says "I'd appreciate your input on this actually, I can't seem to get the kind of sound I want for this piece."

After a few more steps she asks, "Does anybody know what the meetings about?"

Morbis Meh
2012-03-30, 04:30 PM
Amelia blushes, a rare sight indeed for her now "Sorry Ashton, I didn't cry hear you..." Turning to Derall she replies " We will work ob the piece later this evening but right now... the meeting is about the war and request for our aid in it. I think the time Seylawind talked about long ago is finally upon us. "
She falls silent, contemplating her last statement, merely content to walk along with the others as her thoughts plagued her.

2012-03-30, 10:15 PM
Torm hears raised voices, muffled by the door, but still partially discernible.

"...rightful claim! ....no right...demand... the false Prince, Kyung!"

"Out of the question... never! ... my people... peace..."

"Seylawind's chosen... perhaps they would... maybe the Gods' will..."

Torm recognizes his father's voice coming last.

The door bursts open. Mordek, Halberk, Garl Fireweaver, Captain Summerhall, and the messenger emerge. The captain nods at Torm. "Corporal Torm, escort our guest to his room at the Golden Harvest Inn. You will be relieved by Sergeant Cuddy at that time."

Halberk nods. "Find your friends, Torm. I would speak with you, tonight."

2012-03-31, 11:53 AM
Torm's new charge bringing unpleasant news wasn't unexpected to Juno. Usually, if you need one of the biggest guys in town to be a bodyguard, you're bringing something people don't want. She easily agreed with Ashton and followed him in.

Juno answered Amelia's re-wording of Seylawind's 'prophecies' back with, "As much as I don't think a bunch of kids are going to be that big of a deciding force, we do fit the part, eh? Derall, how many stories have you heard or told that had the heroes be a ragtag batch of misfits? I figure we're as raggy-taggy misfity as can be."

2012-03-31, 12:16 PM
Torm nods sharply and executes a crisp turn. He leads the messenger to the inn, not making any attempts at conversation. He does hold his head a little higher, making sure everyone knows it is an important duty.

Have to tell Amelia about this...bet I could trade what I heard for free drinks at the inn...probably get in trouble though, best not to stay any longer than needed. I've done everything right so far, can't ruin it by flapping my gums. Word will get around soon enough. If I don't say anything, they'll all think I know more than I do.

Is that a smudge on my breastplate? Bah, I spent all morning cleaning this thing!

2012-04-04, 03:47 PM
Dutiful Torm eventually meets with each of the heroes and explains that Halberk wishes to meet with them. You dally the day away until Twilight, when you converge on the stone manor house that Halberk built himself so long ago. Juno raps expectantly on the heavy oak door. It isn’t long before the door creaks open and Halberk’s servant, Menaleus, beckons you to follow him in.

The windows are shuttered, and the house is dimly lit by everburning candles, casting dancing shadows against the displays of weapons and armors from Halberk’s long and distinguished career. Each is meticulously kept free of dust and wear. Above, the walls are lined with various monstrous beasts that Halberk has slain throughout his adventuring career. You pass by his parlor, which is dominated by the largest dragon skull you have ever seen. You had no idea they could truly grow so large. You recall the tale told in your youth of how Halberk slew Traxyzytos the Black after the beast had killed the rest of his adventuring company, with only one other survivor. It was that incident that led Halberk to his retirement, and the founding of Elder’s Grove.

Menaleus stops in front of a sealed door. He knocks three times and you hear the dwarf’s voice call out. “See them in, Menaleus, then you may leave for the evening.” You are allowed into the study, which is piled high with books, scrolls, and maps of lands you have never heard of. You each take a seat, with Derall and Amelia sharing a small couch.

Halberk eyes over the group of you and you have never seen him look so old. His beard has gone completely white, punctuated by the elaborate silver and gold chains he adorns it with. Without his hat, you see that his head is completely bald. His eyelids sag low over tired eyes. The muscles on his arms seem faded, the memory of a taut youth. “Thank you for coming.” He finally says.

“I’m sure the rumors have sprung up over town already, regarding the visit from Prince Radahand’s messenger…” he says, popping open a nearby flask and taking a quick drink of a strongly smelling liquor. “And they are true, I’m afraid. Viachis and Brendolyn are at war.”

He stands and walks over to one of his bookshelves. He peruses through the parchment there for a moment and withdraws a map. He flattens it on his desk and you stand to look over it with him. “This is a map of the region, drawn before I founded this town, here.” He points a grubby finger at the map. “Here on the Barrier Mountains. Viachis and Brendolyn are here, and here.” He says, trailing his fingers across the map. “As you can see, we stand directly on the disputed border of the two Principalities.”

He steps back and lets you continue gazing at the map, then sighs. “I tell you this because we need help. Radahand has demanded my allegiance and the support of this town for his war. I fully expect Kyung to make a similar demand. Accepting either will drag us into the war, denying both will be equally dangerous…”

“I cannot spare any of the militia…we need to defend this town against a possible raid or invasion… Elder’s Grove needs heroes…. Elder’s Grove needs you.”

2012-04-05, 02:10 AM
Derall's eyes widened a little at the mention of war. She'd been vaguely aware that something had been brewing, but she hadn't thought it was that serious.

"What can we do to help?"

It's not as though we could stand in the way of an army if they asked us to...

2012-04-05, 07:09 AM
Torm bows sharply. "I will do whatever is needed." Finally, I waited and trained, the quest came to me. I knew I had a higher destiny. Our deeds years ago where only the beginning.

2012-04-05, 07:38 AM
Juno's face darkened at the mention of being dragged into a war. Regardless of the position they take, it spelt bad news for the Grove. Worse, the fate of her home rested between five people barely out of their childhood. Small party of goblins were one thing. Armies in armor and discipline were another. She wouldn't admit it, especially to herself, but fear creeped up inside of her.

If there weren't enough people in the town, Juno looked at the map and asked, "There's not another town or two on the boarder in a similar situation like us, is there? If we could group up with anyone else in our situation, we could hopefully fight off that invasion if it comes.

Either way, Derall's got a point. Where do we start this party?" Fully bravado, yes, but breaking down under fear at this point with no actual threat yet would lead to nowhere.

Morbis Meh
2012-04-05, 08:27 AM
Amelia sat there stone faced listening silently...So the flames of war have reached the grove, standing with either side will result in the town's destruction since it will turn into a battlefield.... Looking to Juno she slowly shakes her head and softly replies " That wouldn't be enough I am afraid, a small coalition of towns would not be enough to stand against an army. They'd simply sack us and take what they wanted. Though the idea in theory is sound. "She manages a weak smile to show some measure of support.

Looking to the town Elder she asks slowly, trying to be respectful "What is your plan Elder? You wouldn't call us here if you didn't already have something in mind. Five people are definitely not enough to make an assault nor would you ask of us to defend it alone without the guard. No matter what the task I shall see it done, to protect my home, my family and my friends."

She goes silent, politely waiting for a response from anyone.

2012-04-06, 09:11 AM
Halberk nods at each of your affirmations. “I knew you would be the best choices. There is a spark among you, both of talent and unity. It reminds me… It reminds me of my old friends.” You see tears well up in his ancient eyes. He gracefully wipes one away, his movements made of perfectly-measured power. “I chose you both for your talents and your unity, for you will need to rely on each other for the tasks ahead.”

“What I am about to tell you is a secret that none others know, it is why I settled here and founded this town. It was after my friends and I defeated Traxyzytos, the great black Dragon that had settled in the swamps of Eastfen, not too far from here. The beast had slain all of my fellows, leaving only me alive. Before I struck the final blow, ending the creature’s existence, it spoke to me. He told me of this place in the mountains, and that it bore a great secret. He told me that through ending his life, I had taken the responsibility of guarding it.” His fists tighten at the memory.

“I travelled here, and climbed high into the heart of the Elder mountain, and there I discovered the power behind this mountain. Elder’s Grove was merely a front. Nobody would suspect the ancient secrets that it guarded. It is this secret that can very well save Elder’s Grove from the storm to follow…”

Halberk stands and turns away. He stares out the window of his study, looking down upon the village he formed. He is silent for several seconds before speaking, still facing away from you. “I…encouraged…the settlement of goblins and their brethren, high up the mountain, as further deterrent to any who would seek out what Elder mountain was hiding. Those goblins you fought years ago were of that tribe. The truce we held was nearly broken that night, and we must break it again. However, dealing with one goblin tribe is a better prospect than the might of two principalities. Your quest won’t be easy.”

He turns and pulls open a drawer in his desk. He reaches in and withdraws a stone rod, covered in ancient runes. He hands it over to Juno, who is seated nearest to him. “This is the key, to the stone door that houses the Elder Reliquary. It has the power… it has the power to grant wishes. But it only functions once every century, needing time for its energies to charge. I do not know who built it, or what powers it, but it can be very dangerous in the wrong hands. I am too old now, to make the journey to the peak of Elder Mountain, and to fight off the goblins and other creatures that make their home there. You have good hearts, and I trust you to make that wish, to make the wish that will save Elder’s Grove, our home.”

He slumps back down in his chair. “You must tell no one of the Reliquary, and you must leave tonight. I will provide you a map that will guide you to a secret passage near here. It will lead you to the Stone Door that shields the Reliquary within. You must wish for our deliverance, for our protection from those that would do harm.”

“If you have questions, or need supplies, please speak now.”

2012-04-06, 09:30 AM
TOrm mind struggles to keep up with the amazing revelation. Does father know? A wish magic...thing, in the mountains? It's a legend come to life.

"So we cannot trust the goblins, they would not let us through under any terms of the old truce? Very well, it must be done for the greater good, though I do not desire to break the truce. Though I suppose it is just, they violated it once, we are allowed one in return? For the fate of the village we must be."

He stands straighter, saluting. "I am ready."

actually, he needs rope, a grappling hook, and likely a number of other items, but he's impulsive like that. Probably won't even remember his cooking pans.

Morbis Meh
2012-04-06, 11:25 AM
Amelia's chest tightened So the day has come... an ancient device that grants wishes? Such a thing should be destroyed for the damage it could do would certainly outweigh its benefits...

Pushing her thoughts aside Amelia asked the most obvious of questions "Elder, if this device requires centuries to charge then how do you know it is ready for use? Also how do you know it even exists that it isn't some trap designed for vengeance by the dragon you slew? I only ask because the longer it takes the more danger we put the grove in, if this device is not ready or doesn't exist then the grove shall be doomed... I am not questioning your decision I just want to be certain that's all. I am prepared to do anything for my home and family, goblins nor dragons nor the gods themselves will preventing me from saving the lives of those I hold dear."

2012-04-07, 09:55 AM
Derall ran her hand through her hair, digesting the information she'd just been given. It wouldn't be an easy task for them, were they really ready for it?

"Is there no other option available to us? I guess not if you've called us here about it. What kind of defenses should we expect to find when we get there?"

2012-04-07, 08:00 PM
"The goblin tribe broke the truce first, and they have long been a thorn in my side since allowing them to enter Elder Mountain... Besides. I can argue that a small group of dissident adventurers should hardly be blamed on the village as a whole..." Halberk says the last with a slight smirk toward Torm.

He nods toward Amelia. "It is once every century, Amelia, and I know because I have used it one before... one hundred and fifteen years ago. It should be ready to use. I haven't used it since because... because the power is terrible, and even the best of intentions may be led astray... But I see no other choice. We cannot allow either Prince to occupy the Grove and jeopardize the secret of the mountain to be revealed. Can you imagine what would happen if a greedy, petty, Arhadian princeling got ahold of such a device?"

"As for defenses. The goblins have had well over a century to entrench themselves. There is no way to assault them directly. You must use guile, and pick your battles carefully. I do not lie, I am sending you on a deadly venture, but there really are none else who are capable of doing this."

2012-04-09, 07:59 AM
Ashton frowns. Throwing themselves against a goblin encampment wouldn't be easy. But maybe they could find a way around it. Once they go there, though... "The wish." The half elf speaks up. "Such things must be carefully worded. One misplaced phrase could wipe the village off the map, especially if this device is as treaturous as you say. We should work out what is to be said first, so there can be no mistake."

Morbis Meh
2012-04-09, 09:22 AM
Amelia nods in agreement Indeed, how specific does one need to be? You said you've used it in the past, what did you say before?"

2012-04-09, 11:29 AM
Halberk's face darkens. "I wished...I wished for Ingrid's Grove...the home of heroes..."

2012-04-09, 11:40 AM
Torm looks troubled. Wait...the home of heroes...am I here because of this wish? Was my whole life ordained by the whim of some magic spell under the mountain? If he hadn't, would my life have been different? Would I even have been born?

He says nothing, having much to think of.

Morbis Meh
2012-04-09, 12:51 PM
Amelia cannot help but laugh, it wasn't out of disrespect but out of irony, her entire existence due to the wish of an old dwarf... Calming down she begins to speak whilst wiping away her tears "My apologies elder, it's just that is the most general and simplest wish I have ever heard of. You should count yourself lucky that it worked out so well."

2012-04-10, 05:53 AM
"The home of heroes..." Derall whispered.

Icy cold shot down her spine as the implications set in.

We're here because of a wish... I came here because we were exiled...

Memories flashed by rapidly, resurfacing thanks to this thought. Derall's mother talking in hushed tones with her father in the back of their wagon, young Trin held in her arms as they talked. They looked so worried.

Another memory, a heated argument between her father and the troupe head while Derall hid nearby. Their words lost in a storm, the occassional clap of thunder adding to the terror she felt.

The last time she saw her aunt, away from the caravan. Tears were in her eyes as she pressed the bracelet into her hand. The words long forgotten, just the meaning and sorrow remained.

Five years ago, the pain that had come with their first adventure. The nightmares that had followed the fight. Forcing smiles as the town had celebrated what they had done.

Derall snapped back to the present to find herself shaking slightly, her hand resting on her bracelet.

"You're the reason we're here?" Her voice still quiet, "Your wish bought us here?"

2012-04-10, 01:19 PM
"There's... more to it than that, young one, but suffice to say that I wished for a home of heroes to protect the mountain, and the Reliquary exacted its toll from me, in equal measure. All I know is that, after more than 200 years since my first wish, and particularly after the second I have watched over Ingrid's Grove and have seen it grow from a no-account moutain thorp to a bustling town with a greater concentration of skilled warriors, artisans, singers, mages, and clerics, than any other town I ever visited in my youth." Halberk sighs.

"And I am old, and my long life appears to be finally nearing its end. I can't allow this wonderful pocket of hope be smashed by the whims of the Princes."

"Seylawind has spoken to me, long and fervently, that you are the ones that I had wished for so long ago. The Elder Relaquary must be protected, and it cannot be so without Ingrid's Grove. I have every confidence that you are the ones to accomplish this task, but it must be done soon." You will leave in the morning. Tell your families nothing of what I ask you, only that there is an important task that requires your talents, for the good of our home. I will provide Ashton a map. Juno, you are entrusted with the key...

2012-04-10, 01:35 PM
Ashton frowns, keying in on some of Halberk's words. "What toll? What price did that thing make you pay? That you are now asking us to pay as well." He was liking this situation less and less. Was this their destiny? To be born and live and perhaps even die to protect some artifact? He would fight to the last for his home, but that was his choice. This reliquary, Halberk had said he'd gotten it from an evil dragon. Could such a thing be trusted? What tainted magic did it contain?

2012-04-10, 01:37 PM
I can't tell father...but I need his instruction. This is too great a challenge to rush into without speaking with him...but I can't. If the elder has kept this from him for so long, than I must not break the silence.

Can I do this alone? But I'm not alone, I have my friends...can we actually do this?

"Yes, Sir."

Torm moves to leave, lingering outside in case the others wish to speak.

2012-04-10, 01:41 PM
Halberk nods thoughtfully at Ashton's outburst. "The price, for me and my friend, Rigel, were our lives."

He sees you start but raises a calming hand. "Not in the literal sense. It did not take our lives until they were ready to take. Rigel's was taken after a long and fulfilling life and as you can see, I still have mine for the forseeable future." He chuckles. "Do you see many 365 year old Dwarves in this world?"

"I only know that it is a price that was worth paying."

2012-04-10, 02:18 PM
"You give your lives, but only when you are ready to give them? I don't understand. How is this a price? What's the catch?" Ashton presses, not trusting this at all, now.

2012-04-10, 02:23 PM
"WE gave our lives, boy. You may be asked something completely different." Halberk practically growlst his part.

"It is much that I am asking of you. You certainly have the right to say no, and live out your lives in this town. I'm asking you to make a sacrifice. I am sorry that I cannot say how deep that sacrifice may run, but that is the very nature of the gesture itself. Torm gets it, bless him."

Morbis Meh
2012-04-10, 02:33 PM
Amelia approaches Derall and places a hand on her shoulder while saying softly " Looks like we will have to wait on finishing that piece. I will see you in the morning and maybe while we're still within the boundaries of the grove we can work on it yes?" She walks away and exists the house. Taking her time going home she quietly takes in her surroundings, noting that this may be the last time she walks these streets. By the time she arrived at her home her family was asleep. Not wanting to wake them she quietly limped to her room and packed up her belongings, knowing her parents would do all that they could to prevent her from going she quickly writes a brief note. A tear falls from her eye and lands upon the note, in truth she wished she could say goodbye but knew this was the easier option. At the door she took one last look at her home, taking every detail in before she opening the door and turning her back on her family.

She travelled quickly to her favourite meadow, seeking its solace one last time. Amelia lays down and watches the stars, she soon drifts off to sleep... but then she is suddenly standing amidst the remains of a burning city, the stench of smoke stinging her nostrils. She slowly walks forward confused and frightened but stops dead at the mound of bodies in front of her. The scent of blood and charred flesh overwhelm her and she drops to her knees gagging. When she's looks up she sees HIM, never has an image been so ingrained within her memory. Standing before her is a man aflame, his eyes burning with pure unaltered hatred. He howls at her and extends a grotesque claws towards her, seeking to rend flesh. Amelia, overcome with horror faints from fright.

Suddenly, she bolts upright, a silent scream clinging to her lips. She is drenched with sweat yet she is cold, so very cold, she begins weeping at the memory of what she had witnessed and curls up into a ball and begins rocking. Is this what Seylawind and Grandma were talking about? Are these the visions that I am forever doomed to endure? Blessed Sarenrae what have I done to deserve such a fate?crying over the unanswered questions she falls into a dreamless slumber.

2012-04-10, 02:50 PM
"But if we don't do it, there won't be a town to live in." Ashton concludes, scowling. "So we'll do it because we need to. That's what being a hero's all about, right?" the half-elf all but spits. Without waiting for a response, he gets up and leaves, grabbing the map on the way out.

Torm will see him storm out of the house, clearly angry about the whole thing.

2012-04-10, 03:07 PM
Derall paid little attention to the questions the others asked, nor the answers they received. When Amelia left, she gave a small nod to acknowledge her. She just felt... numb. Is that what she was meant to feel?

I've just been told I have to leave my family, possibly for good. I knew it would happen sooner or later... Derall shook her head, it didn't feel real. Almost as though she were watching the scene from afar.

"If you'll excuse me then," her voice sounded muted, "I have a few things I must prepare."

Not bothering to wait for a reply, Derall stood and then walked out the door. As pre-occupied as she was, she almost walked into Torm.

"Um... Sorry, didn't see you there."

She paused and looked up to Torm. The Half-Orc towered over her and, if Derall hadn't known him so well, would have been quite intimidating. Torm's acceptance of what Halberk had said had bought a question to her mind though, and in her detatched mood it seemed natural to simply ask.

"Can I ask you something?" Her tone neutral, empty of accusation, "How can you be so confident that this is right? You're so sure of yourself, decisive and certain. How are you able to see so clearly that the path you take is what must be done?

2012-04-10, 03:25 PM
Torm is glad of the darkness, not wanting the others to see his turmoil. He lets Ashton and Amelia pass, leaving them to their own thoughts.

His mind churns at Derall's question. How can I be sure? Since when am I sure? We may all die on that mountain. But we have to try.

"If we are here because of some great magic, then it is simply our fate. If not, than we must try, regardless of our desires or convenience, because we can save the town. There is much here worth saving, family, friends, an entire way of life. I may have not always been part of it, but I would not see it crushed between selfish lordlings."

"It doesn't matter if I am chosen. I chose myself for this task. My whole life I've asked for a chance to prove myself, for an opportunity to fight for goodness and honor, to do great deeds. How could I draw back now? I can't make anyone else come, but I will go. I hope you all come too."

2012-04-11, 07:33 AM
After being handed the key, the metaphorical weight behind the item created an infinitely heavier burden than the literal weight ever could. Once explained, Juno spent over a minute trying to find a good secure place to keep the key while the conversation went on without her, and finally decided on the traditional bosom of holding...despite not a hell of a lot of holding. Apart from swallowing it, it seemed to be the most secure place to keep the thing.

So, in a nutshell, we've got an eternal wish granting machine that requires routing an entire goblin empire? She thought as a quick recap as she returned back to the conversation at hand. Or, the preparations rather, seeing as she managed to keep to herself the entire time. I need to stop dazing out so often. Everyone's gonna think I've got something wrong with me. Like Narcolepsy. Or worse.

Juno hurriedly makes apologies to Halberk for being so easily distracted again, and hastens to add that he can count on her as well despite being distracted. Last to leave, again, she headed outside to make her final preparations. Seeing Derall and Torm together deep in conversation again, she decided that Ashton would probably have the best insight on what to bring. Besides, he had the map.

She cautiously approached the other half-elf and asked: "Yo, you okay? You seemed pretty angry when you left. Either way, do we have everything you think we need for this trip? You're the woodsman, so I figured you'd have the best insight out of all of us."

2012-04-11, 09:40 AM
Torm's reasoning frustrated Derall a little, though the logic was clear.

"It just doesn't seem fair. Why does it have to be us? Why couldn't the war just pass us by?" Derall sighed.

Ifs and maybes don't matter, get a grip.

Running a hand through her hair, Derall continued.

"Sorry, it's not your fault. And you are right, we have to do what we can to keep this place safe, I'd have chosen to do so."

It just feels like I wasn't given a choice...

"I'll see you in the morning, I need to get ready"

Walking home in the dark, Derall looked wistfully around her. She had to do this, if she didn't she would have no way to come back to this. After a while she reached her house. There was light coming from downstairs, her parents must still be awake.

How can I tell them?

2012-04-11, 09:57 AM
"The world is not fair, life is not fair. But we must press on, making it better as we go. Goodnight."

Torm heads back to the temple to pray, keeping vigil until sleep overcomes him.

I presume the priest knows they are going already, even if the reasons aren't exactly clear. If not, Torm will tell him (in general, not the details, per their instructions.)

2012-04-11, 01:57 PM
Ashton sighs. "Yeah, I'll be alright." He runs a hand through his hair, anger giving way to anxiety. "I knew something like this would happen to me someday. I didn't think it would involve all of you, though. I don't like this, Juno. I'm all for saving the village, but this sacrifice we're going to have to make? I know Halberk's only looking out for everyone, but I don't think it's fair he's asking us to do this. Who knows what'll happen to us?" The ranger shakes his head. "Not that it matters. We're all doing this, aren't we? Apparently it's what we were born to do."

"I'm sure everyone will get their own weapons and armor. I'd suggest food and waterskins. At least the latter. I can always hunt for us, but you need fresh water, and it's often hard to find. We know we'll probably get into combat. Healing potions would be great, or at least some bandages. I don't know how you feel about sleeping outside, but you might want a tent, or at least a bedroll." He advises.

2012-04-12, 12:21 PM
"If you liked the idea of sacrifice, I'd worry you'd have a bigger hero complex than Torm," Juno remarked as Ashton ranted his anxieties. She did her best to calm them, "I'm sure that Halberk has a perfectly good reason for getting us to do it. Whatever happens can't be too bad, or else he wouldn't have let his precious protege Torm come with us. The fact he's coming along with absolutely no hitch makes me think we'll be okay, eh?"

Going back to asking what to bring, Juno nodded and agreed, "So, apart from the usual camping stuff, bring some healing? I'll be sure to pick something up in the morning then. I don't think Silas would appreciate being woken up for me again."

2012-04-12, 01:29 PM
"You're not supposed to like sacrifice. You just do it because it's the right thing to do." Ashton's shoulders slump and he's looking mroe sad now than anything. He remembered his father teaching him similar lessions when he was younger, before he'd dissappeared.

"But yeah, that's all I can suggest, unless you can think of something that'll give us an advantage over those goblins? Honestly, I'm hoping we can avoid them entirely."

2012-04-14, 05:23 PM
As quietly as she could, Derall opened the front door of her house. She was still in two minds about telling her parents that she was going to have to leave in the morning, possibly for good. On the one hand she was approaching an age where she'd need to move out soon so she could probably say she just felt it was time, though it would seem very rushed if she left the very next morning with barely any goodbyes. It would mean deceiving them, having to pretend she wanted out of Ingrid's Grove so that they didn't wonder where she vanished to and it would be easy to see through.

The other option felt almost as bad. She could simply run away without telling them. But then they'd be left wondering what they did wrong, what they had done to drive away their eldest daughter. How could she carry on with that hanging over her?

No, I need to tell them. They deserve to know the truth of why I'm leaving, it's the least I can do.

The light she had seen from outside was coming from the kitchen, presumably her parents were having a late night talk or something similair.

Steeling herself for the conversation to come, Derall walked into the room. A few candles were lit on the table, the smell of dinner was still in the air. Derall was confused for a moment when she realised that she was alone.

The room is lit but nobody is in here?

It was then that she noticed the envelope propped up against the candle stand. It had her name on it. Curious, despite herself, Derall opened the letter.


Glad you're safely back home. Left over dinner's in the stove to keep it warm if you want some. We waited up for a while but Trin's been a handful all day and your father has had a rough day at work so we had an early night. He was worried that something had happened to you with you out so long, but I told him that you're a young woman now and you've earned a greater amount of independance. Just try not to make a habit of it. Sleep well dear.

Love, Mum

Trembling slightly, Derall carefully folded the note back up.

"This isn't fair..." she whispered to herself.

The option of talking to her parents denied to her, Derall's resolve to explain the situation wavered. It didn't seem right to wake them up just to tell them that she wouldn't be staying.

More time to decide what to do though I suppose

Carefully, Derall carried the candle to her room. She needed to work out what to take in the morning. Eventually she settled on some old camping gear, her violin along with a few sheets of music and her crossbow and fishing spear for if things should turn nasty.

Throughout all of this her mind churned, trying to work out how to let her family know where she went whilst keeping Halberk's trust.

Halberk... A grim smile crossed Derall's face, I suppose if he wants to keep secrets he'd know best how to do it.

Carefully, Derall smoothed out a piece of parchment and began to write.

Good Morning!

Sorry I got in so late last night, and sorry again that I couldn't tell you this in person. I didn't want to wake you up. I've had to head out early this morning, Halberk's asked a few of us to run an errand for him. I might be gone for a while so don't worry about me.

Lots of Love, Derall.

Walking back to the kitchen with the note, she had another thought. Carefully placing the candle down again, and after propping the note against it, she took off her bracelet. Tearing a strip off the note she had already made, she wrote


Hold onto this for me until I get back. Our aunt gave me this, it's a lucky bracelet. As long as you have it everything will go right for you. Take care of mum and dad while I'm gone.

Love, Derall.

Quietly, she snuck into Trin's room and placed the note with the bracelet resting on it by his bedside table. She took a moment to watch him sleeping, to remember him as he was now. Then, she crept quietly back to her room, trying to get what little sleep she could in the remainder of the night. All too soon morning would come.

2012-04-16, 08:30 AM
Seeing Ashton run a gamut of emotions in a short amount of time, from anger and frustration to anguish and sadness, Juno did the one thing she could think of to ground him back down: Give him a hug. "We'll all come back, then. We're going together, and we're coming back together. Derall, Torm, Amelia, you, and me, and whoever comes with us," she promised from somewhere down around Ashton's chest. Felt a little awkward hugging someone over a foot taller than oneself.

After five seconds, the act she did caught up with her head. Letting go just as quickly, Juno stepped back a bit and asked sheepishly, "Uhhh...feel any better?" with an awkward smile.

2012-04-16, 08:51 PM
Ashton's a bit surprised by the hug, and doesn't immediately know what to do. He goes a bit red and awkwardly returns the hug. "Er... yeah. Thanks, Juno." the half-elf says, smiling back.

2012-04-17, 12:18 PM
It is a restless night that greets you that night, but somehow you each find a way to slumber. But morning comes far too quickly.

You dress, prepare your gear, and give tear-filled farewells to your families before stalking to the West. You are surprised to find yourself joined by none other than Niall, the Dolan boy who arrived in Ingrid's Grove shortly after your prior escapades with the Goblins.

He explains that he was asked by Halberk to assist you on your journey as well, and he knows about the Elder Reliquary.

Ashton takes the lead, following the map that Halberk provided him. Your journey starts off pleasantly enough, winding through forest trails with the sunlight beaming warmly through the canopy, birds chirping merrily while squirrels chase one another through the brush, and the soft, rich grass brushing dew against your shoes and boots.

By midday, however, you reach your first mountain trail, climbing upward. You pass a sign that states "Danger, here be goblins!" and is typically considered where Ingrid's Grove's authority ends, and the wild begins.

You climb. The trail is now steep and rocky. No pleasant earth or grass to cushion your footfals means you quickly get sore. You stop for a hearty lunch, then continue climbing again.

You can now see the entire valley below you, and Ingrid's Grove. You, perhaps, had never noticed how small your home had truly been when you see the rest of the Arhadian lands stretched out before you. There is still much to climb, however, at least two more days before you can reach the summit, and the hidden entrance to the home of the Reliquary.

Night begins to fall, and you search for a place to camp. The air turns bitterly cold, and you shiver against your blankets which do little to shield you from the biting winds.

Dark encroaches further, and all you hear is the whistle of the mountain wind.

((Perception Checks, please))

2012-04-17, 01:03 PM
Torm rises early, having slept little on the temple floor where he held vigil. He spoke little to the other acolytes before taking his fathers hand. No words were spoken, but a look and a nod was enough. He would not fail.


He takes the darkest watch, his eyes untroubled by the lack of light.

perception [roll0]

And no, that certainly wasn't a cop-out to avoid writing a long goodbye scene, no sir.

2012-04-17, 01:48 PM
Derall rose just before the sun. The faint glow on the horizon came providing enough light for her to leave the house. Silently, she rose and picked up her pack. She tried not to think about what she was doing, telling herself she was just heading out to meet her friends a little earlier than normal. Despite telling herself that, the click of the front door seemed to carry a certain finality as it closed behind her.

She almost turned back, but she knew her friends were waiting for her. She couldn't leave them now. Taking a deep breath, she made her way through the empty streets to the meeting point.

Arriving, she was a little surprised to see Nial. After fumbling for an excuse for why she was there for a few moments, he put her out of her misery by explaining that he'd been sent by Halberk as well.

I wonder why he didn't ask to meet him at the same time as us last night?

Before long, the rest of their party arrived. None seemed especially joyful at the prospects before them, or at leaving behind the home they all knew.

It's going to be a long journey...

2012-04-17, 03:48 PM
When he arrived at the meeting place, Niall was wearing his customary simple clothing. It had always bugged him, somewhat, that he didn't have anything nicer to wear, but it wouldn't have been practical for mountain climbing even if he did. His apron was rolled up in the massive backpack he currently had strapped around himself, along with his hat. Running a hand through his typically mussed hair, he smiled at the halfling.

"Mr. Halberk thought I ought to go along with you."

He seemed a little less chipper than usual. The Dolans, undoubtedly, had been sad to see their only son set off on his own, and the boy himself looked like he'd shed more than a few tears during the goodbye. He had mostly recovered by now, his mouth going a mile a minute to take his mind off things.

"I've heard a few stories about things like this," he was saying. "Wish granting artifacts? They show up in a surprisingly large number of legends. There's one about a boy who finds a lamp, only that one granted wishes because it had a djinn inside of it. It didn't ask for anything in return for the wishes, either, and you got three of them. I don't think this one works like that, or everyone would want it, don't you think?"

He had always been like that, when he wasn't in one of his quieter moods. Niall had only two speeds: verbose and mute. There was little middle ground between the two, and the former usually only came up when he was excited about something.

Morbis Meh
2012-04-17, 09:53 PM
Amelia emerges from the woods, pale and fatigued, the vision of last night still haunting her in the day. Even in her weary state she still noticed someone new standing in the chosen meeting place. The man was odd looking with his massive backpack and his hat seemed more fashionable than practical Who is this guy and does he think we're going for a hike? Noting that Derall was speaking with him, Amelia vaguely remembers the mention of some new resident that was a talented artist of some sort. She herself had slacked on her vocal training, picking up the sword and putting down the pen as it were. It annoyed her that she couldn't think of any information on this guy, she had been very busy with her training and had been given more duties at the church as of late but it still bothered her that she hadn't made an effort to meet this person. Setting aside her dread for the time being, she doesn't her best to make a good impression though she doubted she looked very warm and welcoming.

Upon approaching the little group she overheard him chattering about some child's story and then she recalled Derall mentioning that this one enjoyed history or something like that. Waiting patiently for him to finish, Amelia smiles as best as she can in her current state "That is rather fascinating, though it's a mystery why there isn't more disasters or miracles spontaneously popping up if they are really that common. By the way, I am Amelia... I don't think you and I have even met. Though, I have heard Derall speak of you." She moves in closer and whisper in his ear, so the others wouldn't over hear "I have something I would like to speak to you about... I have heard you are rather knowledgeable in the area of history and I have a matter for you to pick your brain over."

2012-04-18, 07:01 AM
Torm gives the newcomer a nod. "Nial, Good to have you. Amelia, I never mentioned him? Good stories. Don't know how accurate, but good anyway." He gives a stretch, then goes back to peering into the dark.

2012-04-20, 05:16 AM
"accurate enough, I should hope." Niall smiled, continuing to speak. "I don't suppose such artifacts are common per se, just that stories about them feature heavily throughout history. Usually with a young and disadvantaged protagonist who uses the artifact to achieve greater things than his station might otherwise allow, I've noticed."

With a nod to Amelia in response to her whispered words, Niall lapsed back into silence. Perhaps he had run out of things to say.

2012-04-20, 07:52 AM
"Well, we're certainly young and at a disadvantage." Ashton remarks, stepping out from the treeline. The half-elf hadn't returned home the night before, opting to stay in the forest. It was a calmer environment for him than home. "Hopefully things will work out for us like it does for those heroes. Do you think they'll write a story about us? or maybe a song?" He flashes a grin at the musically inclined of the group. The ranger was clearly in a better mood this morning. At least, he was trying to keep the spirits of the others up.

2012-04-20, 08:20 AM
"We will do what we must, because it is right. Even if we fail utterly and are remembered by no one, we have a duty." Torm says solemnly

Then he tilts his head. "Though if they do write a song I hope its catchy."

Morbis Meh
2012-04-20, 11:39 AM
Amelia smiles ruefully "OIt also helps that we have our very own minstrel accompanying us on said journey. Though I am sure have a chronicler will also be beneficial."

2012-04-20, 12:52 PM
Ashton interrupts the conversation, asking to be quiet as he strains his neck out, listening. Juno hears it too.

It is moments after that that you see the first goblin rush into view... Shadows dance around behind the first, there are more to follow...

((Everyone roll initiative))

Combat Notes
In the dim light or twilight, it is difficult to see. Characters with Low-light vision are unaffected. If you have Darkvision or Normal vision there will be a 20% miss chance on all of your attacks.

2012-04-20, 01:06 PM
Derall had been trying to work out how to begin a song about her friends adventures when the goblin appeared. If it weren't for Ashton she likely wouldn't have heard it at all.

Exclaiming in surprise, Derall opened her violin case to get to her instrument as quickly as she could. Seylawinds lessons on how her magic was closely linked to her music springing to mind.

Drawing the bow across the string, possibilities flashed through her mind. The feeling of being able to play in harmony with the world and, in doing so, alter it and add to it was intoxicating. Eager to try to avoid a fight, Derall coaxed the music into creating what appeared to be a large pit before them into existence.

Initiative roll - [roll0]

Derall will unpack her Violin this turn (assuming this is a move action) then casting Silent Image to make it appear as though a long pit has opened up between the Goblins and any party members who are not already in melee with them.

Edit - Save to disbelieve is DC 16 for Silent Image

2012-04-20, 01:15 PM
Torm rises quickly, drawing his hammer. "If you value your heads, leave us be."

initiative [roll0]

Why would characters with darkvision get a miss chance for low light? If its within 60' he doesn't need ANY kind of light.

Also, Torm is NOT flatfooted at start of combat (defensive strategist trait).

2012-04-20, 02:08 PM
Almost the instant Ashton hears the goblin, he draws his scimitar and moves to engadge the onrushing creature, putting himself between it and his friends.

Morbis Meh
2012-04-20, 02:24 PM
Amelia immediately readied her weapon at the mention of an attack. With stern resolve she makes ready to strike.

Initiative 1d20+7Roll

Morbis Meh
2012-04-20, 02:31 PM
Dan stupid smartphone [roll0]

2012-04-20, 04:39 PM
Goblins? Well, they had passed the sign. Biting his lip nervously, Niall drew his crossbow. It would be the first time he had used the weapon to shoot at something living, but first he had to do something about the light. He couldn't see to aim in the cursed half-light. Muttering a few words under his breath, he waved his free hand in a circle. Pinpoints of blue light sprung into being around the party, like ghostly floating torches.

Move action to draw the crossbow, standard action to cast dancing lights.