View Full Version : Kahuna Mauna Loa

2012-01-29, 08:44 PM
So I was having a half-way dream during my afternoon nap, and went over a number of archetypes my group has covered in roleplay and what not (Rockstar, Ninja, Knight, King, Mecha, Sailor Scout, Lumberjacks, etc.) and it occured to me. Not once have we fielded a surfing character, (which saddens me, not that I surf or anything, but the concept is neat)

So to start with I'm thinking a Tower Shield used in conjunction with either an Overland Flight or a Levitate spell. Preference to Overland Flight (or even Fly, although I thought that might be a bit far although, hey, sky surfing) Water Walk seems good, but I want the character to be useful outside of the water. Granted there's a high chance this character will be NPC'd. Other than that item I can't imagine what the character would be, I imagine a character that uses weather spells and or effects (needs good waves brah) Any ideas or concepts would be appreciated.

Current Basics, Add to this if you think of something, or have ideas. Edit as needed I suppose.
"Surfboard" Tower Shield + Water Walk (or Overland Flight, Maybe Fly)
Some Water/Weather Based Caster
Tower Shield Proficiency will have to be Feated, I suppose. Probably an Arcane Caster unless there is a way to bypass the 50% Failure rate.

2012-01-29, 08:58 PM
You could always "dive" into Stormwrack for the Stormcaster Prc to get all the weather-based casting goodness.

2012-01-29, 09:01 PM
^^ That was all I was going to recommend :smalltongue: Or just look around in stormwrack for a while. They got some cool stuff.

2012-01-29, 09:03 PM
I feel like this needs Bard. Possibly with some Water-themed substitutions to the spell list.

Add lots of tremolo.
And even more reverb.

2012-01-29, 10:43 PM
Okay. Step one: Riverine Greatsword.
Step two: Sizing.
Step three: Flying special ability (+1, Magic of Faerun).
Flying swordboard the size of New Mexico!

Cost should only be around 15,000 if you make the original greatsword small enough that it only weighs a pound.

Obviously, it doesn't have to be the size of New Mexico. If you size it up to Large it should be about a good size for riding, since Large two-handed weapons count as Large objects. In order to make it cheaper early-game, you could just go with a Large +1 Flying greatsword for somewhere around 8000 GP; this might also be better if your DM's an old-school DM who has no problem with destroying your loot at will, as Riverine can be destroyed easily with magic. It would be awfully mean of your DM to destroy your cool loot, though, especially when your build's built around it.

2012-01-30, 07:55 AM
Okay. Step one: Riverine Greatsword.
Step two: Sizing.
Step three: Flying special ability (+1, Magic of Faerun).
Flying swordboard the size of New Mexico!

Cost should only be around 15,000 if you make the original greatsword small enough that it only weighs a pound.

Obviously, it doesn't have to be the size of New Mexico. If you size it up to Large it should be about a good size for riding, since Large two-handed weapons count as Large objects. In order to make it cheaper early-game, you could just go with a Large +1 Flying greatsword for somewhere around 8000 GP; this might also be better if your DM's an old-school DM who has no problem with destroying your loot at will, as Riverine can be destroyed easily with magic. It would be awfully mean of your DM to destroy your cool loot, though, especially when your build's built around it.

Umm, You've lost me at one single point.

this might also be better if your DM's an old-school DM who has no problem with destroying your loot at will, as Riverine can be destroyed easily with magic.

Now, I remember Riverine being special, but I can't remember what for. But somehow I think this was supposed to mean it can't be easily destroyed by magic.

Also while I'm technically looking for any and all possibilities I will be using this in a Pathfinder setting, (rule of cool trumps absolutely everything. ever. yes even that. that too)

2012-01-30, 08:25 PM
Now, I remember Riverine being special, but I can't remember what for. But somehow I think this was supposed to mean it can't be easily destroyed by magic.

It's basically a wall of force. It's vulnerable to Disintegrate and Disjunction. (Although I suppose normal items are just as vulnerable. Mostly, it's that it's explicitly mentioned that it's immediately destroyed by those, so if your DM's the kind of guy who likes to destroy loot that'll set him on that sort of path.)