View Full Version : [Pathfinder] Dungeon Crawl -Group 1- IC

2012-01-30, 10:56 AM
Day: 1
Hour: Unknown

About 30 seconds ago you were at home enjoying a fine dinner with your family or in the tavern drink far too much in far too little time or perhaps upstairs in one of the tavern's room making love with someone that is far too ugly and not quite the right specie (if that was the case consider your self saved and not damned for the events that are too follow, for the rest of you, you are damned.) You heard a small Fwoosh and found your self taken away from previous situation and brought to this darkened room. You can fell the weight of your armor and the clang your your vials which may or may not have been present 30 seconds ago.

Finally some fog is lifted from your drunken confused mind when the light in front of you brightens and shines on the small body of a gnome. She appears to be female, dressed in flowing leather and cloth of all color. On her shoulder sits a small violin and she is playing it. (click here) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCi4hblpR2k&feature=fvwrel) As she plays you find your self rather entranced by the notes and the movements of her wild dress.

"Well, now that I have your attention," she says in the smallest voice "I am Tilli. Hi hi" She laughs the tiniest little giggle you have ever heard. "And welcome to my maze. Save your questions, I don't know why you are here. It is the gods will I suppose. Nevertheless if you want to get out you will have to come and find me. Hi hi. Good bye" She turns around and starts playing again, "Oh and by the way, beware of the locals they are not so friendly." With those last words she walks out a small door which closes quickly behind her. The lights brighten a bit and you notice there is four other people around looking quite confused as well.

2012-01-30, 05:05 PM
"Whoo. Hell of a night, huh?" asks Tylos as he rises groggily from the floor. He finds he is fully armored, but isn't sore and stiff as he would be if he actually had slept in it. His polearm was laid by his side, a long haft topped by a wickedly curved blade - Not the sort of thing you took with you for a night of drinking at the local tavern. His other weapons and adventuring gear were present as well, for which he supposed he ought to be grateful.

"I don't suppose anyone else knows how we got here?"

Ashen Star
2012-01-31, 02:14 AM

Rising from a seated position, it seems rather obvious that this man was rather dutifully studying the book now in-hand. Muttering something about "...inconvenient timing.", he begins to look over his newfound companions. Attempting to answer Tylos' question without knowing who the person is, he smiles congenially, saying "I'm going to take a wild shot in the dark and say 'magic'." The phrasing isn't quite right, but he's obviously making an effort at being conversational rather than sarcastic.

2012-01-31, 08:48 PM
Thrash rises from the floor. He grabs his chain and looks around, growling softly. Maybe he is dreaming. Probably he is dead, or will be soon. This was not the afterlife he expected.

He wonders who he will have to kill next. These others seem to be in the same position that he is, so probably not them. It all depended on figuring out where he was.

2012-02-01, 03:11 AM
As the last of the fog is cleared from his head, Tylos gets up and moves towards the door the Gnome girl left through. Just as he reaches for it, he stops and turns back towards the group. "What do you all say we get after her?"

2012-02-01, 07:23 PM
Thrash examines his companion and nods, slowly.

Ashen Star
2012-02-01, 07:38 PM

The wizard nods at his Tylos, saying, "I do believe you're right. Let's make our way onward."

2012-02-01, 10:38 PM
With that, Tylos turns back towards the door and opens it. One member of the party still appears insensate, however, and he is hesitant to leave anyone behind.

"Are you coming?"

2012-02-01, 11:00 PM
As Tylos touches the latch to open the door, a great big web of blue electricity flashes across the door way and to the latch. Tylos sees it coming but is just a fraction of a second to slow than the electricity jumps to his armored and hand and through his body. He yelps in pain and and stiffens as every muscle in his body contracts.

It is at that very same moment that the fifth person in the room speaks up. The small man had been preocupied by something in the corner. As he looks up towards you, you realize he had been munching on insects. He says, "O right thats my cue." He then stands up and pushes a brick in the wall. This causes the northern wall to drop down into the floor revealing another room about the size of this room. It is brightly lit with torches all around the walls. At the far end you see a tall skinny figure which appears to be wrapped in decaying clothes. It steps towards you making inhuman sounds.

please roll initiative :xykon:

Rolls and more

Reflex save for Tylos: [roll0]

Tylos takes 7 damage

Round 1 starts.... NOW

Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/19F0qFxk-Dty1EUlIgvVUZ5o0iaVv7LhnN8kLXzgAhcM/edit)

2012-02-02, 08:03 AM
Thrash grins.

Initiative: [roll0]

2012-02-02, 09:03 AM

From his prone position on the floor, Darius collects himself very, very slowly. His suddenly sober mind is still processing the now-horrifying images of the fifty year old Orc battle-matron when the Gnome begins playing and addles his brain once again. The combination leaves him stunned far longer than it should.

Finally, his mind begins catching up with the events going on around him, and as the wall falls away to reveal an undead threat, he waves at the electified half-elf and croaks out, "Wait, the door is trapped..."

2012-02-02, 11:23 AM
Still reeling from the trap on the door, Tylos turns to the last two people to speak and growls, "You might have said something sooner..."

The irritation dies as the nightmarish figure is revealed in the next room. His training takes over and he immediately moves closer to the group, leveling his polearm and watching for an opportune moment to strike.

5 foot step to the east, and use Combat Patrol as a full round action. If an attack of opportunity is provoked, he will make a trip attempt.

2012-02-02, 06:22 PM
Thrash slowly approaches the creature, spinning his chain lazily. Suddenly, he strikes, whipping at the thing's throat.

Thrash moves three spaces north and attacks the monster.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit confirmation: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Ashen Star
2012-02-02, 06:47 PM

Taking a defensive posture, Erroneous casts a spell, and strikes at the smaller creature in the corner.

Casting Ghoul Touch (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/g/ghoul-touch)

Melee Touch Attack - [roll0]
Concentration Check - [roll1]
Paralysis Duration - [roll2]
DC 19 Fortitude