View Full Version : Rod of Awesome

2012-01-30, 11:35 AM
For lo, the Rod of Awesome has been revealed.

The Rod of Awesome was created by a group of wizards who opened a time space portal, trained under Batman, and stole the Gurren Laggan. Yes, that's how awesome they are. They will have a prestige class eventually, because they're the godamn Batmna, and who the hell do you think they are!?! anyways the Rod of Awesome is similar to the Rod of Wonder, but it has over 9999 effects and they are all awesome. See here: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=201699 for inspiration. Just post an ability and it's number please.

2012-01-30, 12:37 PM
For lo, the Rod of Awesome has been revealed.

The Rod of Awesome was created by a group of wizards who opened a time space portal, trained under Batman, and stole the Gurren Laggan. Yes, that's how awesome they are. They will have a prestige class eventually, because they're the godamn Batmna, and who the hell do you think they are!?! anyways the Rod of Awesome is similar to the Rod of Wonder, but it has over 9999 effects and they are all awesome. See here: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=201699 for inspiration. Just post an ability and it's number please. They must be truly awesome to make it to the final version, which will be included in my campaign.

2012-01-30, 03:34 PM
Are you sure about that link? Doesn't seem right.

What exactly is your goal? A rod of wonders with effects that are of a similar powerlevel like the rod of wonders effects? Or a unique artifact with high powered effects?

2012-01-30, 03:42 PM
Theme Music
Extraordinary Ability
Available at Will to turn on or off, volume up or down. Volume can not exceed 10 unless the nob on the player's stereo actually has a notch marked eleven and the nob actually turns to it.
For Bards: Treat all Theme Music as 'set to 11' for any relevant checks or bonuses.
To Dispell or Alter: GM must succeed on a 'turn it the hell down' check, DC18, in order to turn off the music or lower it's volume. The GM may also hit the player with the heaviest book within reach until the volume reaches acceptable levels.
The ability is automatically dispelled the moment the player attempts to create their own theme music.
"The path of Awesomness is not just about being personally awesome, but to be 100% awesome to all things, and leave an awesome impression on all those whom you encounter. Awesome people have awesome theme music, in perfect harmony with all of their actions and exploits and awesomeness"

2012-02-05, 12:51 PM
The Mod Wonder: Thread merged.