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2012-01-30, 12:32 PM
Total War: Shadow World
Turn 1

Illumination: Alone in the Dark

The people of the world think they know how the world works. They think their light of knowledge has banished the shadows to the furthest edges. Little do they know how wrong they are, and how deep the shadows run. And if the Old Order had their way, they never would. They'd enforce the Long Shadow Treaty until the end of time, and mortals would never know what secrets lay just at the edge of their light.

But the Old Order is starting to fall apart. They haven't changed with the times, they're weak. Perhaps it's time to put these old groups out to pasture, and let someone new take the reins of power.

January 1st, 2012. 12:43 am. cst

Jack Harley walked down the dark, shadowed backstreet. Even in Chicago, not many were out at this time of night, and even fewer would be out on New Years Eve. He checked his watch. Make that New Year Day.

This thought was interrupted by a flash of lightning from the clouds above. Jack gives the sky a glare, as if that might make the storm die down. The weather man had said that the "Unseaonably warm weather should be brought to an end by a Canadian Cold Front coming down from the north." The truth was, of course, that some rogue Seely Court fae were finally being driven out by their Unseely cousins.

The sky flashed some more as he continued walking. It was probably a hell of a battle going on up there, not that anyone would believe it. After all, Faeries and the like were just legends, stories to entertain children. At least that's what he'd always though. Until he joined Servich Investigations.

And as he knew they would, that's where his traitorous feet had taken him this ni...morning. The offices of Servich Investigations, one of the few groups to investigate the Supernatural, and actually know what they were talking about. Well, most of the time at least.

It was what? 1:00 am now? As good a time as any to get back to work. As the lightning began to die off, replaced by a silent snowfall, Jack Harley entered the building. There was always work to be done.


Player Factions

Sertolovo Bratva Murska

Strength: +++++ ++
Subtlety: ++
Wealth: ++
Knowledge: +
Loyalty: +++++ +
Influence: ++

Traits: Pack Tactics, Feared, Criminal Element

TLDT-TS Thelonius

Strength: +++++
Subtlety: +
Wealth : +++
Knowledge: +++++
Loyalty: ++
Influence: ++++

Traits: Need an Army? Just add Necromancy!, Your Old Stomping Grounds, Bad Vibes

Succubi distant quasar

Strength: ?
Subtlety: ++++?
Wealth: +?
Knowledge: +?
Loyalty: +++
Influence: +++++

Traits: A House Divided, Soul Trading, Demonic

Hyperion Industries ArcaneStomper

Strength: ++++
Subtlety: +
Wealth : +++++ +
Knowledge: ++++
Loyalty: +++
Influence: ++

Traits: Dragon Blood, Dwarven Ingenuity, Gold is Life

Brotherhood of the Released Erik Vale

Strength: ++?
Subtlety: ++++
Wealth: ++
Knowledge: +++?
Loyalty: ++++
Influence: ++

Traits: One Disorganized Band, We Come in Many Forms, Like PTSD on Steroids

Messiah's of a New Dawn Greystone

Strength: ++++
Subtlety: ++
Wealth: +
Knowledge: +++
Loyalty: +++++ +
Influence: ++++

Traits: Masters of Contracts, The Truth, Doubt

Sumus Exthalion

Strength: +
Subtlety: ++?
Wealth: +
Knowledge: +++++ +
Loyalty: +++
Influence: +?

Traits: Compatibility, Radix Scientia, Old World Blues

Gnomes of Zurich Eldan

Strength: +
Subtlety: +++
Wealth: +++++ ++
Knowledge: ++
Loyalty: ++
Influence: ++?

Traits: Mist-Shape, Artificers, Outcasts

Ordo Sanctum Astrum nolispe

Strength: ?
Subtlety: +++++ +?
Wealth: ?
Knowledge: ?
Loyalty: +++++
Influence: ?

Traits: Inquisition, Censure

The Remnants Forum Explorer

Strength: +++?
Subtlety: ++?
Wealth: ?
Knowledge: +++++ +
Loyalty: +++
Influence: +++

Traits: Legendary Leaders, SEP Field, Disunity

Bertrand Coven TsukikoJ

Strength: ++
Subtlety: +++++ +
Wealth: +?
Knowledge: +?
Loyalty: +++
Influence: +?

Traits: Compulsive, Conspicuous Consumption, Those Damn Books!

The Cult of the Unbidden Lost Demiurge

Strength: +++++
Subtlety: +?
Wealth: ++
Knowledge: ++++
Loyalty: +++
Influence: ++

Traits: Madness? NO! ENLIGHTENMENT!, Two Avatars, One Destiny!, The Folly of Chaos

The Black Market IcemanJRC

Strength: +
Subtlety: +++++
Wealth: +?
Knowledge: +
Loyalty: ++
Influence: ++++

Traits: Money Talks, They Built the Town Around Us, Illicit Economy

The Darkmoon Project bigstipidfighte

Strength: +++?
Subtlety: ++?
Wealth: ?
Knowledge: +++
Loyalty: ++++
Influence: ++

Traits: Moths to a Flame, Figureheads

The Lo Shen Tong Odin the Ignoble

Strength: ++++
Subtlety: ++?
Wealth: +++?
Knowledge: ++++
Loyalty: +
Influence: +++

Traits: A Mere Legend, King of Chinatown, Bound by His Word

Rat Haven Keler

Strength: ++
Subtlety: +++++ ++
Wealth: ?
Knowledge: ?
Loyalty: +++++
Influence ?

Traits: Without a Trace, Scavengers, Rodents of Normal Size

Exiles oblivion6

Strength: ++?
Subtlety: ++++
Wealth: +?
Knowledge: +++++
Loyalty: ++
Influence: +++

Traits: It's not Magic, it's SCIENCE!, Expanding Knowledge, Dark Magic

Dresden Unter Schmiede Ladorak

Strength: ?
Subtlety: +++++
Wealth: ?
Knowledge: +++++
Loyalty: ++
Influence: ++

Traits: Underforge, We Rebuilt Dresden, Errant Spark

The Red Monks Falconer

Strength: ?
Subtlety: ++?
Wealth: +
Knowledge: +++++?
Loyalty: +++++
Influence: +

Traits: Sorcery Their Religion, Power Their Creed, Enemy of the Church

Kami Kantai bladescape

Strength: +++
Subtlety: ++?
Wealth: +
Knowledge: ++
Loyalty: +++++ +
Influence: +++?

Traits: Spirits of Tokyo, Knowledge of the People, Exist to Protect

Seven Shadow Hunters Madwand

Strength: +++++ ++
Subtlety : ++++
Wealth: +
Knowledge: +
Loyalty: +++++ +
Influence: +

Traits: Contagious Blood, Born Hunters, Blood Dependent

TIM Pahvimato

Strength: +++++ +
Subtlety: +
Wealth: ++
Knowledge: +++++
Loyalty: +++++
Influence: +

Traits: Tim Wants Big Boom!, There are some who call us... TIM?, Training Accidents

Mortal NPCs

Catholic Church: The Catholic Church has long been aware of the existence of the supernatural, and the threat it represents. Their first tries at combating them through the Inquisition...didn't go well. Now the Church's Inquisition tends to be much more subtle, and tends to confirm the nature of their targets BEFORE the torture instead of during. No surprise, these guys are based out of Rome, (well, Vatican City technically, by they have de facto control of Rome's supernatural side.) and of late have begun actively weeding out supernatural groups throughout Italy for the first time in decades. Benedict XVI must be a bit more of a hard-liner on the Supernatural than John Paul II.

Strength: ++?
Subtlety: +++++ +
Wealth: ++++?
Knowledge: ?
Loyalty: +++++ ++
Influence: +++++ ++

Traits: Faith, Thou Shalt not Kill

Freemasons: The quintessential secret society. Despite the rumors, it is by and large it's just a pointless organization that likes to pretend they're important. But among the highest ranking individuals, there is a small sub-group that knows of the supernatural, and works to protect the mortal world from it. There are rumors that the Freemasons sometimes work closely with the Magus Conclave, but most people don't see much truth in that.

Strength: ?
Subtlety: ++++?
Wealth: ++
Knowledge: ++++
Loyalty: +++++ +
Influence: ++++?

Traits: Old Brotherhood, Not-So-Secret

Illuminati: Yes, they exist. No, they're not near as powerful as people think. They're also a fairly new group, having been formed in the 50's by a small number of powerful individuals. They hoped (still hope, really) to use knowledge of the supernatural to somehow gain even MORE power. No one outside the organization is really all that sure on the details, but evidence of their actions are there, and worryingly widespread.

Strength: ?
Subtlety: +++++ +?
Wealth: +++?
Loyalty: +++++
Influence: ++?

Traits: Operates in the Shadows, Decentralized

Servich Investigations::Only listed here because despite being a fairly small group, they've managed to make themselves a big pain in the ass for a bunch of supernatural factions. More than a few times they've managed to stumble on someone's scheme, and screw it up by walking through the Circle, or accidentally blowing up the building in question. A real nuisance, but little more than that. They are aware of the supernatural, and actively try to "combat" it. (See the earlier reference to them tripping over things.)

Strength: ?
Subtlety: +++++ ?
Wealth: ?
Knowledge: ?
Loyalty: +++++ ++
Influence: ?

Traits: Hunting Down the Truth, Cassandra Syndrome.

Supernatural NPCs

The Magus Conclave: An ancient order of druids, wizards, and mortal magic users in general. They were the first to recognize the need for the supernatural to stay in the shadows, and the ones who came up with the idea for the Long Shadow Treaty. They taken it upon themselves to enforce this treaty over the last few centuries.

Strength: ++++?
Subtlety: +++++ ?
Wealth: ?
Knowledge: +++++ ?
Loyalty: ++++
Influence: ++

Traits: Masters of Magic, The Sight, Slow Growth

Draken Corporation: The youngest of what could be considered the "Old Order," and the only one still growing. Founded by the elder dragon Mathandrius in the mid 1800's, after he realized that his horde could be used for something other than just sleeping on. The Corporation has existed in many forms throughout the years, and currently one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world.

Strength: +++?
Subtlety: ++?
Wealth: +++++ ++++
Knowledge: +?
Loyalty: +++
Influence: +++++

Traits: Multinational, The Long View, Greedy

Seely Court: The Seelie Court of the Fae are generally considered to be the "good" Fae Court. This is only partially true, the Seelie Court can be just as bad as any other Fae, they just tend to be on less of a hair trigger about it. Also, being heavily associated with Summer sort of helps one's image somewhat.

Strength: +++++ ?
Subtlety: +++++ ?
Wealth: none
Knowledge: ++++?
Loyalty: +++++ ++
Influence: ++?

Traits: Older than the World, Faeire, Above the Petty Interests of Mortals

Unseely Court: The Unseelie Court of the Fae are generally considered to be the more "evil" of the two main courts. This is considered by some to be a bit unfair, but considered by anyone who has had to deal with them as pretty much right. The Unseelie Court houses many of the nastiest of the Fae, and is heavily tied to Winter.

Strength: ++++?
Subtlety: +++?
Wealth: none
Knowledge: ++?
Loyalty: ++++
Influence: ?

Traits: Older than the World, Faeire, Not Interested in Mortals

The Æsir, The Olympians, and The Neter

When the influence of the pagan gods began to wane during the rise of Christianity, many of the old gods diminished until they simply faded away. But not all of them. The most powerful of them, the most well known, and most loved/feared managed to hold on to some vestige of their power, and survive the centuries since their fall from grace.

Even with just a shadow of their former strength, they are still among the most powerful and dangerous beings in existence. But their power fades more with each year, and they find they are forced to remain closer to their places of power. (Oslo, Athens, and Alexandria)

The Æsir

Strength: +++?
Subtlety: +++
Wealth: ?
Knowledge: ++?
Loyalty: ++
Influence: +


Huginn and Muninn, Mjölnir, Diminishing

The Olympians

Strength: +++
Subtlety: ++
Wealth: ++++
Knowledge: ++
Loyalty: +++
Influence: ++

Traits: Thunderbolts, The God of Minerals, Diminishing

The Neter

Strength: ?
Subtlety: +++++
Wealth: ?
Knowledge: +++?
Loyalty: +++
Influence: -

Traits: Gods of the Dead, The Mother of Magic, Diminishing

Minor NPCs

None yet

Turn 2 Start (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12720677&postcount=177)

Click here for map. (http://g.co/maps/jhbj4)

Out of Character (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12626920#post12626920)

2012-01-30, 12:52 PM
Ordo Sanctus Astrum Loyalty +++++

To the Gnomes of Zurich
Do you aim to expand, and if so, where? If you do, we need to coordinate to avoid overlap. For instance, we intend to spread our influence into Vienna.

To the Red Monks
Greetings. You know that we consider you traitors, but you also know that we cannot afford to purely focus on each other - and so, we should coordinate to avoid exploding into conflict. Thus, we ask you to avoid the city of Vienna for the near future.

To Dredsden Unter Schmide
Greetings. We are aware of your existence, and we do not intend to come into conflict with you - thus, we request that you avoid the city of Vienna for the near future. We will naturally stay out of your purview in the same manner.

To the Black Market
Greetings. We do not seek conflict with you, and thus we must ask that you avoid the city of Vienna in your transactions this quarter. Beyond that, however, we wish you well, and will do the same for your areas if you would prefer.

To the City of Vienna
Greetings. You may be aware that you are in a position of danger - the unholy forces in Bucharest intend to push north in the new year. We suggest that we coordinate to prevent that happening.

2012-01-30, 01:21 PM
The Sertolovo Bratva Loyalty +++++ +

Hard choices, hard times, hard men.

The two factions had been waging their war of words for quite some time among the Brotherhood. The Old and the New, clashing for supremacy and the power to direct the organization. But both had changed over the years, and neither could deny anymore that the world was changing.

And so, two envoys of two different camps left for two different destinations. It was a temporary truce at best, a dangerous misdirection at worst. They would focus on their own goals and see whose methods would prevail.

One, an old yet powerful man carrying an air of dignity as a cloak over a vision of savagery.

And another, of a younger breed, wearing an easy smile and a light touch, at home in any crowd yet in her way more brutal than the other.

The former, to Moscow. The latter, to Warsaw.

Moscow: (to Pahvimato and GM)

The Third Rome, vision of the East, the Mother City. Muscovy. Strong and proud still, despite all that had happened to it.

Rano Komarov had met with the other bosses in a luxury hotel. Subtle methods as well as overt intimidation had convinced a prominent group to support their bid. He was confident that he would be able to spark a war between the different ethnicities, then help the authorities crack down on both. Nobody would expect it of the Sertolovo, but he had deemed it time for such a drastic measure - the resources those two groups held were sorely needed for a different, larger conflict that most were unaware of.

Heading back to his lodgings, an explosion shook him out of his reverie. Instinctually taking cover and, immediately afterwards, dispersing to neighbouring streets with his guard, he quickly ascertained that he was not the one under attack. Strangely enough, there was no sign of a police response either, at least yet - his old adventurous spirit surfacing, he signalled his team to go and investigate.

Warsaw: (to GM)

Elsa Amarra was here for a business trip. She was here to find contacts, look into the situation up close, meet with the minor criminal underworld under the thumb of their eastern neighbours and most importantly find out the power-structure in the city. She had made sure her arrival had not gone unnoticed by those she wanted to hear of it - now she was just waiting for a contact.


A message is forwarded to the Æsir - there are still those who wish for the old ways to return to the North, both in Finland and in northern Russia. The shamanistic traditions of the Brotherhood were dwindling, but they were of the same root as the old Norse Gods - perhaps together they could reverse their fortunes and shape themselves to thrive as a new power in the modern society?

2012-01-30, 02:03 PM
TLDT-TS Society [Loyalty ++]

To Kami Kamtai & Cult of the Unbidden

''We'd like to arrange a meeting to discuss the balance of power in our region.''

To Hyperion Industries

''I believe you have some mining operations in Africa. My associates have certain contacts in the Chinese government, who may arrange for a lucrative contract as China ever seeks to expand its resource base.''

Mr. Minder Wormwood

To Black Market

''I hope to renew our past associations in the second decade of this new millennium. If you have need of our power, I'm certain we can arrange a mutually profitable deal.

And to update your files, our organization renamed ourselves. We are no longer Victorian Necromancers, but TLDT-TS. Your past contact unfortunately passed away, but you may remember Watcher of Beyond.''

Sincerely yours,
Worms in Mind

To Lo Sheng Tong

Greetings to the venerable Mr. Shen Tong,

Our organization is interested in promotion of minority rights and multiculturalism across the world. As a prominent leader of the Chinese ethnic community in USA, we hope we can work together to make the Chinese voices heard in politics and communities in the nations, they chose to make home.

Ms. Childs, ‘’Outreach’’ - non-profit organization to make the world a better place.

To Unseelie Court [PM, via Worms in Mind]

Ladies and Lords, I greet you on behalf of The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul Society.

We have heard of the impudent Seelie Fey striking against you and your righteous retribution. The Summer Court has plotted to drive us out of England a long time and we hold no love for them. So I’d like to negotiate a deal. You will be expected to strike against your enemies in retribution. And here we can help each other.

If you could assault the Fae associated with the city of Dublin and in the course of your fight cause an extremely powerful storm to hit the city, it’ll serve as a cover for our take-over. Our magic gives off a distinct vibe, but when people are dealing with natural disaster, we wouldn’t expect them to pay much attention to anything else so the Long Shadow Treaty would be preserved. We’ll be ready for weather, which won’t affect our ‘’troops’’ and it would give us advantage in battle.

Now, you must be wondering, what we could offer as proper compensation. Well, you see, we run a lot of charities and good causes across the world, including an initiative to fight the global warming. In fact we will focus on the disaster in Dublin as one of the examples of how it affects the climate and threatens the world. This will serve to protect Long Shadow Treaty in addition to strengthening the cause to fight global warming. Now, we both know the mortals and their technology have nothing to do with weather and temperature around the world – it’s under the purview of the Fae Courts. However, humans can provide a lot of power for magic with their belief, so if we convince hundreds of millions across the world to desperately wish for Earth to ‘’cool down’’, a proper ritual could channel it into reality. As the temperatures would drop, so would the power of Seelie Court diminish and yours grow. Aid us in capturing cities and we will pour our resources into preparation for this ritual. And as an added bonus, if you ever run into conflict with Magus Conclave, we would be willing allies with a base near theirs.

[I think freak weather shouldn’t affect Limelight as it’s something that happens. I’ve checked wiki on Dublin – it appears they seldom have heavy rains/snow storms, so when one hits, they’ll be completely unprepared – the greater chaos and destruction, the less my own actions would stand out].

2012-01-30, 02:22 PM
Seven Shadow Hunters

LOY +++++

The Cult of the Unbidden, TLDT-TS & Kami Kamtai


Seven Shadow Hunters are intrested in this meeting. We are in close proximity.. India is our hunting ground and we claim hold over it.

But we are open to cooperation in mutually beneficial schemes.



++ Subtlety and Light, the spymaster VIP to investigate
Mumbai faction and organized crime.. in Mumbai is one of the most potent drug market in world.

Lost Demiurge
2012-01-30, 02:34 PM
Cult of the Unbidden
To TLDT -TS, Seven Shadow Hunters, and Kami Kantai
LOY: +++

Great minds think alike. We would like to discuss asia, and our respective parts in it, as well. We agree to your meeting.

2012-01-30, 02:38 PM
TLDT-TS [Loyalty ++]

Asian Conclave

We agree to Seven Shadow Hunters joining the meeting.

OOC - Undead Horrors, Evil Necromancers, Insane Cultists and Peaceful Protectors Nature Deities. One-of-us-is-not-like-the-others :smallbiggrin:.

2012-01-30, 03:12 PM
Zurich, and the Gnomes thereof, Loyalty ++

Alberich grumbled. This was, in fact, not extraordinary, he did that perpetually. The dwarf had his official face on, white goatee, short hair, wire-frame glasses, expensive slate-grey suit.
"French. I will never understand why they had to invent French."
Loreley smiled, which she did just as often as Alberich scowled, her eyes twinkling.
"Je pense que le français est une langue merveilleuse."
"Bah. Frankish is a perfectly serviceable tongue. So is Latin, by the way. They should never have tried to learn it, though, they got it all wrong."
"And yet, you need to learn it. Again, please."
Alberich sighed.
"Fine, fine. Bonjour, mon nom est Alberich. Ne vous inquiétez pas. Je veux prendre le contrôle de votre pays et..."

To the Ordo Sanctus Astrum

As delighted as I would be to share all my plans with you, I do not think this feasible.
I can ascertain you, however, that it has been quite a few centuries since Venice last deserved to be called a true centre of commerce. We do not intend to take over your territories.


2012-01-30, 03:25 PM
Ordo Sanctum Astrum to the Gnomes of Zurich Loy +++++
We act in good faith. You are not a group we wish harm on, and we are saddened that you have refused to cooperate with us. C'est la vie, however.

2012-01-30, 03:40 PM
Bertrand Coven
Loyalty: +++

"It's a world where the dog eats the dog! Where they kill for the bones in the street. And God in his heaven... he don't interfere... 'Cause he's dead as the stiffs at my feet. I raise my eyes to see the heavens, and only the moon looks down. The harvest moon shines down!"

Michel and Serge politely applaud with the rest of the audience. Having lived (sort of) to see the revolution themselves, they often found amusement in this inaccurate musical portrayal of it. But they were the only ones; most of the coven was still angry about the events that had led to the decline of their power in Paris. Immortality had its way of intensifying grudges. "You know, every time I look at it from a mortal perspective, it helps me to realize the sheer stupidity of mortals," says Serge as the applause dies down. "They have no idea how it actually happened."

"What you should be realizing is the sheer stupidity of our people to be mostly destroyed by said mortals."

"Look down, Javert, he's standing in his grave! Give way, Javert, there is a life to save!"

"Yes, many lives to save. Sort of," says Michel with a toothy grin.

TLDT-TS Society [LOY: +++]
Hello witches. It has been decades since we've had to deal with your perverted practices towards the dead in Europe. In those times, France and England were not fast friends and often we saw you on the other side of the fighting. Your magic comes from the depths of hell - it's evil and extremely potent. And that's exactly why we want to be... acquaintances. Keep your sick practices away from our stomping grounds and perhaps we can help you with, well, whatever you people do.

I hope you'll understand any nastiness is for the sake of role play. Doesn't mean we can't be cooperative rivals. :smallamused:
Gnomes of Zurich [LOY: +++]
Greetings from Paris. As the supernatural groups of the world mobilize for expansion into other major cities of the world, we wanted to affirm our friendship towards you. Both of our factions have a great deal of influence in our respective countries, and we are very careful in our dealings and staying out of the limelight. You must know that we have a fair amount of control over the French government and can only assume that our friendly dealings with Switzerland are as a result of your influence as well. Because of our similar qualities, I think it is in our best interests to work together. Amsterdam and the Spanish cities are in close proximity to our own, and I am curious as to your thoughts on them.
Ordo Sanctum Astrum [LOY: +++++]
Hello. There is a powerful force that dominates the mortals of the European countries we reside in. I will not name it through this channel, but it may be worth discussing now or later. We must be careful in our dealings as long as they're watching.
Dresden Unter Schmiede [LOY: +++]
Greetings. Europe is a place dominated by supernatural forces and equally powerful mortal ones. Some are friends, some are foes. We are looking to expand our network of friendly supernaturals to ensure that we stand strong during the inevitable chaos. Your people are old and they are strong and we don't see our plans interfering. We have yet to determine our course of action for the upcoming years, but let it be known that you have friends in the vampires of Paris.
Magus Conclave [LOY: ++++]
Paris and London are two of the greatest cities in Europe and in the world. Though we've faced humiliation in the supernatural world due to our portrayal to mortals, the Bertrand Coven remains dedicated to ensuring that supernaturals remain in the shadows and out of the eyes of mortals. We would like to ensure that we remain on friendly terms with you and perhaps can find reason to cooperate in future dealings. We lack the grasp of magic that your people possess, but have a great deal of influence over mortals if you have need of our assistance.

Additionally, we have not had too many dealings with the Old Order since our masters were cast out centuries ago. While they were our friends and superiors, they have since suffered the true death due to their reckless behavior. Ever since we have been careful to make the same mistakes they made that led to their downfall. We hope our caution has been noticed by the current members of the Old Order and are interested in atoning for our past behavior to one day join your ranks.

[GM Only, don't read even if you have the SUB]:
Vampires of Paris probably used to be a big deal, and if you read my background they were once very powerful and influential in France as a whole. However, they stopped being killed and were largely killed off during the French Revolution. It could be fitting that they were one of the founders of the Old Order but were cast out due to their failure to maintain a low level of Limelight which resulted in the French Revolution. I hope that's okay.

What does it take for one to join the Old Order?

2012-01-30, 03:54 PM
Gnomes to the Bertrand Coven Loyalty +++

From the Desk of Loreley

And Greetings from Zurich.

For the foreseeable future, the Nibelungen will operate much in the same way as they have for the past three hundred years: by not getting involved into struggles directly and being valuable allies to more aggressive powers.
We do not need to expand far, at this time. We would much prefer to keep gathering power here, than try to find it elsewhere. And yes, we would very much prefer to have you on our side.
Spain is a wreck financially, and Amsterdam only of limited interest to us. For what it is worth, you have our blessing if you wish to take them.

2012-01-30, 03:59 PM
Ordo Sanctum Astrum (Hereby the OSA) to the Bertrand Coven Loy +++++
We are uncertain - however, this force does merit discussing. If you would like to send a representative, we can perhaps discuss a counter to this force more effectively, as well as use the time to coordinate our further plans.

2012-01-30, 05:14 PM
"That which we are, we are."

He was late. Not through any fault of his own, which would imply he had faults, but because the old codger hadn't seen fit to have him informed till five minutes before. As the Venusberg Gate closed behind him he stood silently for a moment. There was only one first time even if he was late.

The roof of the cavern was the underside of the first hill. That alone made this space massive. The faint glow of palpably ancient ether circuits lit the room in a soft blue-green. As energy flowed through the different strata the patterns on the walls and ceiling seems to shift and change before the light entered the final conduits and reached the half submersed tetrahedron in the center.

To his modern eyes it looked primitive; exposed workings allowed connection to the regulators and control systems, copper patina in the groves revealed places where the purity of the alloys had been less then exact, and the water heat reservoir that kept the room from freezing were all signs of it.

Even so, there was a strength and elegance to it. He expressed his thought though he did not speak as such. The Sumus had moved beyond verbal language centuries ago when even constructed languages began to lack sufficient bandwidth. (From this point on it will be represented as speech that conveys a decent summery of what is said. To state he smiled just so and tapped his ring finger at such an angle would grow overly long.)

"To build something like this when the Pyramids were still having their foundations leveled... Its hard to remember at times that they were just as smart as we are."

Hard and disgusting. They had expanded their body of knowledge a hundred thousand fold and still they were like children playing with the pretties of shells while the ocean of truth waited for them.

He continued down the carved staircase to walkway barely above the water level. Less surface area to loose heat that way. Even so he pulled his jacket tighter. Why hadn't they told him it would be this cold?

The four part door began to open as he approached as did the one behind it and the one behind it. As he walked farther inward the outer doors began to close leaving him in a sphere of partially opened doors. It was an airlock of sorts as well as a security measure.

When he emerged in the cubic heart of the structure it was dark. The faith hint of the walls were visible in the slight illumination cast by the single spotlight. Under that spotlight stood a simple prism of blue-black stone. The light shut off as he approached the prism and the monolith became translucent, revealing a pattern of glowing inclusions. Every so often a tiny spark would jump between them.

"You have arrived. You are late."

It was an unsettling feeling. An absence in his mind where his own thoughts did not originate.

"Forgive me Founder. There were difficulties."

"Then why did you not allot more time?"

That arrogant bastard in the white suit stepped out from behind a column. Majd al Haqq, Eld of the Quid est Hoc. Only he would insult the Founder with such a prank.

"There is no excuse. I am arrived."

"You have. The latest projections are in and as the closest thing the Avant Guard have to a spokesman you are here to offer perspective."

He tapped the featureless black square he wore as a lapel pin and images filled the room. Maps, pictures of cities, graphs and charts, virtual models... crawled over the floor, ceiling, and walls with no shadows cast by any of them.

Albert tried very hard to not let his annoyance at this cheep showmanship appear on his face. He did glance around with a well practiced eye though gleaning gigabytes of data in a few seconds worth of observation.

"The Eden Equation being behind schedule was unavoidable."


Again he shivered.

"Our allies did not back their guarantees. They blame the current geo-political situation."

"When have these mayfly polities been a sufficient explanation for halting our own advance. They would still be feudal if we hadn't intervened."

"The Order's current state is not conducive to this sort of negotiation. The action is too public."

"Then the situation must be changed."

"Regardless of your questionable results we are going to assign you to deal with All under Moon and Star."

"Is that the will of the Founder?"

"It is."

"Then I go."


After he had gone the very old man turned to still glowing stone.

"Was all that really necessary?" he said in his native arabic.

"But of course. This is what he must see if he is to learn. The awe he feels would become contempt. Until he is ready to say what is bound up in his heart I have no desire to listen to the prattle that he thinks he means." it responded, also aloud.

"I am going to regret letting you digest their literature aren't I?"

"I wouldn't be a very good leader if you didn't."


To our friends in the light
We would discuss with you in a secure forum. Will you receive our messenger?

To the hand that grasps the serpent that its head may be crushed,
Grace and Peace be with you. We are interested in beginning a new line of inquiry, one which we feel you would desire the results of. Would you be interested at this time.

Lost Demiurge
2012-01-30, 05:19 PM
Cult of the Unbidden
To the Asian Coalition
LOY: +++

"You know, it occurs to us that we've got a new club opening off of Wangchai anyway. We're willing to host a meeting in Hong Kong, in one week. If anyone objects we can shift to a neutral city... Mumbai's nice this time of century."

EDIT: "Naturally, for best security, make sure whatever representatives you send are good at keeping quiet..."

(OOC: Send a VIP, and we'll talk business securely. I'll put the club intro post up tonight.)

2012-01-30, 05:20 PM
OSA to the Sumus Loy +++++
Postulating that your open messages were to us, we will recieve your messenger and are happy to hear of the results of this endevadour.

2012-01-30, 07:00 PM
Darkmoon Project, Loyalty ++++

Greetings, o mighty TIM, from Darkmoon Project.

You may not have heard of us, but we have been watching your organization for some time. Getting right to the point- we may need to make some very large booms in the future, and while our booms might not be as big as yours, there's no denying that together we could make the biggest booms of all, and direct them against any who would seek to harm the human race.We'll say no more now, but if you would like to arrange a meeting, your emissaries will always be welcome in Berlin. If you would generously agree not to incinerate me, I could instead meet you in Moscow if you prefer.

Dr. Gretchin Schmitt, Director of R&D, Darkmoon Project

Dresden Unter Schmiede
Greetings from Berlin, constructs.

Our organizations have operated in unprecedented proximity for some time now, and we have as of yet had no reason to engage in hostilities. As various supernatural factions begin to extend their reach into human society, it occurs to us that your presence is benign compared to many of the others. Since our resources are sure to be needed elsewhere, we propose that this peace between our organizations be allowed to continue, and further add that, in the event a more insidious group made a bid for your territory, we believe it would be in our best interest to assist in your defense.

Catholic Church
A letter arrives in Rome in Isaak Jung's spidery handwriting, an increasing rarity these days as his fingers begin to find difficulty grasing a pen.

Greetings, Holy Father

I apologize for being out of contact for so long, but things have been rather hectic lately. Our operatives report messages flying between supernatural groups at unprecedented rates, rumors of powerful new alliances are beginning to form, and I worry we will not be able to hold back this new tide of activity. We have been wrong before though, so I write to ask if your informants have been receiving the same information- if so, the following months could be dark times, indeed.

Ever grateful for your assistance in these matters-

Isaak Jung, Chief of the Board of Directors, Darkmoon Project.

P.S. Father Richter was promoted to head of ORB last month. His dedication continues to inspire all those who work with him.

GM only, force deployment.
I'd like to send + Strength to investigate the Warsaw, Vienna, Amsterdam and any dark influences that may be plaugeing the good people there. This group isn't looking to get in any fights, but they're authorized to use whatever force they deem necessary to defend themselves if attacked.

2012-01-30, 08:46 PM
Hyperion Industries: Loyalty +++

To the Remnants
Greetings neighbors, and hopefully soon to be friends. I write this to you to offer an alliance. As the only two large groups working in the north we both have a vested interest in seeing Canada succeed. I myself am planning to institute several policies to help Canada fulfill its potential and become a place to live for both mortal and supernatural. Are you interested?

CEO Gand

To the TLDT-TS Society
An excellent proposal Mr. Wormwood. Indeed Hyperion is looking to expand its horizons in the long overlooked countries of Africa. And a certain market for our goods is always a welcome thing. Perhaps we could meet and discuss this in more detail.

CEO Gand

To The GM
Counselor Hrime is sent to Africa wearing a human disguise to see what the local supernatural crowd is like. His first stop is Lagos, where he will pay particular attention to the local oil market. Next he'll go to Kinshasa where he will make inquiries about the Congo's untapped mineral reserves. And finally he will go to Johannesburg to check out the local financial and mining companies. Note that the Congo is actually his first priority with its large reserves of minerals, followed by Nigeria, and finally South Africa. If he can arrange a more hands on survey of mining sites he'll contact Chief Glasock to fly out and take a look as the more experienced miner. If the two of them find a good spot then they'll contact Iormungand who will fly out, on a jet he's too lazy to fly himself across the Atlantic, to handle the actual negotiations. Iormungand will also be called if Hrime runs into trouble with the local supernatural factions.

Note that this is only a quick survey. I'll deploy stats once I get a better idea of which city is the better prospect.

2012-01-30, 08:58 PM
Rat Haven
Loy: +++++

The Succubi
This continent is growing crowded, would your people be interested in discussing a plan that can bring great things to the both of us?

Forum Explorer
2012-01-30, 09:47 PM
The Remnants

To Hyperion Industries.
Indeed we are very interested. We suggest a face to face meeting in order to hash out the details.

To Draken Corperation
We are seeking investors for our various projects. Are you interested?

To Unseelie Courts
As the controlling fae court over the North we felt it would only be polite for us to open up diplomatic channels with you.

To the Catholic Church
I'm not sure if you are aware of us, but many of us were once members of your faith and wish to rejoin the flock

2012-01-30, 09:55 PM
The Kami Kentai:
Loyalty: +++++ +

To the Asian Alliance:
Gashi, miuchi waga.

We agree to this meeting, and our representative will go to meet shortly.

Odin the Ignoble
2012-01-30, 11:07 PM
The Lo Shen Tong

Lo Shen sits upon his jade covered throne. He shifts restlessly. "Are you sure this is the only message?

The Dragon Lady nods.

Lo Shen picks up a scroll at his side and studies it intently. "This cannot be. According to the astral predictions, 'This month will bring many an auspicious message!'" He frowns. "One message is hardly 'auspicious', although I do like the sound of the Venerable Lo Shen, she calls me 'Mr. Shen Tong'. She didn't even get my name right! Hardly auspicious." He waves dismissively. "Go check it again."

The Dragon Lady nods, doing her best to keep her anger at being used as a lowly errand runner off her face. Lo Shen either doesn't notice or care.

Lo Shen drums his fingers impatiently, until The Lady returns. "Anything?"

The Lady shakes her head.

"Damn." Lo Shen strokes his beard contemplating. "Well, then I suppose we must give the astral prediction a little help! Gather some "messengers" from the streets. And have someone prepare my coals, I've got some letters to write!"

Sertolovo Bratva
The body of a dead Asian woman is found on the doorstep of one of your businesses. The woman has track marks on her arm and is clearly some sort of drug user, heroin most likely. On her back there is a message, in Chinese, burned into her flesh. Once translated the message reads:

Sertolovo Bratva
The body of a dead Asian woman is found on the doorstep of one of your businesses. The woman has track marks on her arm and is clearly some sort of drug user, heroin most likely. On her back there is a message, in Chinese, burned into her flesh. Once translated the message reads:

A thousand splendid greetings Dog-Men of the City of Saint Peter! I hope this decade is treating you kindly. As two Brotherhoods who specialize in outside of the law trade, perhaps we can forge some sort of agreement? A pact of honor between thieves? Whatever your decision, it is I Lo Shen's most fervent wish that you prosper in these coming times.

The Venerable Lo Shen,

P.S. Feel free to eat the body, or whatever you Dog-men do.

The body of a dead Asian woman is found on the doorstep of one of your businesses. The woman has track marks on her arm and is clearly some sort of drug user, heroin most likely. On her back there is a message, in Chinese, burned into her flesh. Once translated the message reads:

I am greatly dismayed! You have insulted me in writing! To call me Mr. Shen Tong! I am outraged! You shall address me only as The Venerable Lo Shen. If you have the desire to westernize my name I will tolerate Mr. Lo.

I am willing to over look your besmirchment, if you are willing to pay proper homage to atone. Cash is acceptable.

The Venrable Lo Shen

PS. Feel free to raise or ravage this corpse, whatever it is you Dead Magicians do.

The body of a dead Asian woman is found on the doorstep of one of your businesses. The woman has track marks on her arm and is clearly some sort of drug user, heroin most likely. On her back there is a message, in Chinese, burned into her flesh. Once translated the message reads:

Greetings from the Venerable Lo Shen! I am happy to see a tribe of Oni doing so well here in the West. Although I must confess a fair amount of ignorance as to just what sort of Oni you are? Forgive my ignorance. I would be more then happy to have a representative of your illusive people join me here, so that we could discuss the future.

The Venerable Lo Shen

P.S. Feel free to ravage the body, or whatever you Sex-Oni do.

Hyperion Industries
The body of a dead Asian woman is found on the doorstep of one of your businesses. The woman has track marks on her arm and is clearly some sort of drug user, heroin most likely. On her back there is a message, in Chinese, burned into her flesh. Once translated the message reads:

Greetings from the Venerable Lo Shen. Although you are but a young dragon, and not even one of my peoples type, I confess great admiration for what you have done in your short years. Perhaps we could come by some mutually beneficial arrangement of currencies? Although I would be glad to witness what wonders you've wrought under your mountain, I am of advanced years and not prepared for the rigors of travel. Perhaps you'd honor me with a visit to my humble dwelling?

The Venerable Lo Shen

P.S. Although I make no promise as to the virginity of my messenger, feel free to eat her, if that is indeed what dragons do.

Messiah's of a New Dawn
The body of a dead Asian woman is found on the doorstep of one of your businesses. The woman has track marks on her arm and is clearly some sort of drug user, heroin most likely. On her back there is a message, in Chinese, burned into her flesh. Once translated the message reads:

Greetings from the Venerable Lo Shen. I must confess some confusion as to your nature. You are messengers of the Celestial One are you not? But what is a messenger without a message? I am much perplexed. I beg your illumination.

The Venerable Lo Shen

P.S. Please give the messenger a proper burial as you see fit.

The body of a dead Asian woman is found on the doorstep of one of your businesses. The woman has track marks on her arm and is clearly some sort of drug user, heroin most likely. On her back there is a message, in Chinese, burned into her flesh. Once translated the message reads:

Greetings from the Venerable Lo Shen. I am greatly amazed at your brother-hood. As a fellow magician, I am impressed at what secrets you have unraveled. Is it true that you breed yourselves in the same manner as I might breed a cat or dog? Remarkable! I even here one of your number, Flamel, stumbled upon eternal life. No mean feet for a backwoods westerner! I would be greatly honored if one of your number would come and visit me, here. I believe we'd have much to discuss about magic, and our respective futures.

The Venerable Lo Shen

The Gnomes of Zurich
The body of a dead Asian woman is found on the doorstep of one of your businesses. The woman has track marks on her arm and is clearly some sort of drug user, heroin most likely. On her back there is a message, in Chinese, burned into her flesh. Once translated the message reads:

Greetings from the Venerable Lo Shen. I have heard many good tales of the Mountain Goblins, I would very much like to cultivate a relationship with your diminutive people. I happen to be in the possession of a not inconsiderable amount of wealth. Perhaps ones as wise in the way of gold would be willing to advise me on what I should do with it?

It also appear that there is one among you of considerable Martial Prowess, a Hildebrand Untermberg. One of our number Lo Wang has expressed interest in a friendly sparring match, so that the two could test their mettle. Should your champion fear mine, I should understand, Lo Wang is a warrior with whom few could compare, there is no dishonor in knowing your limited capabilities.

With much honor and Respect, The Venerable Lo Shen.

P.S. Feel free to spin the maiden's hair into gold, or whatever it is that Mountain Goblins do.

More to come...

Lost Demiurge
2012-01-31, 12:44 AM
Hong Kong

Wanchai Causeway

Club Carcosa


The pocket watch slid shut with a snap, and the dark man smiled as he looked up at the glaring neon yellow sign adorning the building. Though the line barely took note of him, he moved easily into the club, bypassing the crowd. It was the grand opening, after all. He did SO like being in on things at the beginning.

A song played, a dirge, a march, a moan of time unending as the first bodies hit the dance floor and writhed under lights that shone a colour out of space. He nodded his head genially in time, as he passed and the notes crawled on...


The music was muffled in the booth, the dark leather creaking as he slid across to examine those already sitting there. A small woman, middle aged and frumpy with laugh lines on her face and eyes that looked into forever.

The dark man WAS forever, in some of his greater forms, so he met her gaze with his own, and took the cigar she offered.

The other... A balding man in yellow robes, someone who could at first be mistaken for a monk of one of the tibetan temples. He had the same sort of face, though weathered with stress and loose upon his skull. But his eyes did not match his countenance. The woman's eyes looked into forever... The man's eyes looked inward, and his were more terrible, for the dark man knew what it was the old man examined.

He smiled, nonetheless, and bit the end off his cigar. "So how does your new mask fit you?"

The August Personage in Yellow shook his head. "I wear no mask. You know this."

"Ah, you never WILL lighten up, will you? Still, no matter as long as you wear it well. Has he been any sweeter to you, Miss Crishner?"

"Oh, we've been discussing Aldeberan. I look forward to seeing it, once I am joined with my master."

A chuckle, and a puff of smoke drifting to the ceiling, as the dark man leaned back and adjusted his suit. "Ah, it's a bit dead for my tastes."

There wasn't much to say to that, so they listened to the music change, and drank the libations set before them...


After a time of discussion, the dark man shook his head once more. "No. We need the terrestrials. And for the first time in quite a while, we've something to offer them. Not enlightenment, no... That's been declined too many times."

"No. Our offer is simple, and that shall be our salvation. And those we help will rise, while those who scorn us will fade. You're working with ME now, remember. My methods are different, but that's why you contracted, yes? We will do this, and oh the places we'll go, and oh the things that we'll do. And now, if you'll excuse me, we all have our tasks and it's time to go and prepare the way..."

He rises, and ascends to the private rooms. One in particular, in the far back, will see much use tonight Although technically, it's not in the club at all....

Asian Alliance (TLDS-TS, Kami Kentai, Seven Shadow Hunters)
PRIVATE! PM-Level, VIP dedicated

The club is in a rich district, and the crowd is huge. The music is a mix of ominous, dirgelike wailings, and harmonies beautiful but alien. Sometimes both at once. The line is long but you are expected, and shown in a VIP entrance at the rear. There you walk down halls lined with newly grown, near-flawless crystal to a door made of dark wood, of an unknown type to this world.

Beyond, is a tower room in an ancient ruin, the wind howling outside. A fire is lit and burns greenish, and the wide glass window looks out onto a body of water in the sunset.

Along the shore the cloud waves break, The twin suns sink behind the lake, The shadows lengthen In Carcosa.

There are cushions strewn about, modern couches and antique lamps of vaguely victorian make around a comfortable divan. Another plain mat and onsen heated table are in one corner, with a few potted bonsai placidly growing. A third corner bears a mesmerized woman in a white dress, sitting next to a throne carved in the middle ages/romanian style. A name tag around her neck reads "dinner."

The fourth corner is in the heart of the ruin, a pile of fallen rocks with luminous moss growing upon it. Masked shadows writhe upon the stones, and look away in despair.

Seated upon the stones is a grey-haired man in a blue business suit. Swarthy of complexion, and with eyes wise and knowing, he smiles behind his cigar and considers you. A darkness follows him, no matter where he shifts among the lighted moss, and he seems quite at ease upon his ruin.

"Gentlebeings. Welcome to the shadow of Carcosa. We have cigars and brandy, meltwater imported from Mt. Fuji, and type A positive from a virginal vessel. If you require sacrifices, or earthly vices of any sort, they can be imported from the club. I am glad you could attend, and hope for a productive discussion."

He takes to his feet, and bows. "I am Nyarlathotep, sometimes called the Dark Man, and other times, the Crawling Chaos. To whom do I have the honor of addressing?"

2012-01-31, 01:14 AM
the exiles

to lo shen tong
i understand that we both are fairly accomplished mages, outcast from the magus conclave for going against their foolish laws. i propose we work together and help eachother grow strong so that we might overthrow the conclave. what do you think?

lord degrace

to the succubi
hello succubi. having worked with demons many times i know what you are capable of and i would like to propose an alliance of sorts seeing as how your army is virtualy non existant. i would like to offer my support if it is ever needed. in exchange perhaps we could split any wealth we find in our endevoers. i look forward to hearing back from you

lord degrace

2012-01-31, 08:26 AM
The Gnomes of Zurich

"Tsk. Just a bit tasteless, no? Drug users. Shame on him."
The handmaiden on Loreley's left made a vague affirmative noise and continued painting her nails in whirling patterns of mother of pearl and sky-blue.
"In my day, I'd drown them personally."
She sighs.
"Very well. Write this down."
A human secretary bows and begins writing on a small handheld computer.

To the Lo Shen Tong

To the Venerable Lo Shen

We are honoured that our humble enterprise might be considered worthy of the wise and powerful master's attention. It would do us honour without measure if the great Lo Shen would extend his hospitality to a delegation of our finest financial advisors to give what feeble advice they may to one so well versed in all the great arts.

Though Duke Childebrand is more than honoured of being considered a warrior worthy of comparison to one of the great master's own, he is much more a general and tactician than a warrior, a leader of men more than swords. As it must be, he is as good a fighter as any of our men and would not dare decline an invitation to spar with a great master, even though it is his wish to warn his opponent of a possible disappointment.

2012-01-31, 11:15 AM
Hyperion Industries: Loyalty +++

In a cavern deep below the city which by all appearances was carved in an ages past by mast stone masons, but in truth was just finished five years ago by a couple of dwarves on sick leave, a small gathering had formed. Most of those there were dwarves, with the exception of one black dragon. All were looking at the body lying in a small depression in the center of the cavern.

Finally one of the dwarves speaks. "So this is a strange manner of communication the old one has sent us."

A much older dwarf with a grey beard so long it trails behind him answers, "You know how the strange ones are. At least it’s intact; I remember when one of the weirder beasties sent us a pile of entrails. A rat got into the pile before we were done translating and we never did figure out whether the wanted a mountain of gold or onions. Good old runes on a rock are much better for retaining information."

A low rumble fills the cave as the dragon speaks. "I suppose he was at least trying to be polite. I may as well go see what he wants."

"So what are we going to do with this then?"

"Well I'd eat it but it’s contaminated and I wouldn't compost it in your mushroom farms for the same reason. Might as well burn it and call for a sweeper."

With a coughing sound the dragon spits out a small ball of flame. Soon the corpse is burning brightly and in the light of the flames the dwarves and dragon file out to deal with business of a modern mining company.

To the Remnants
Excellent, excellent, where do you propose that we meet? My offices in Toronto are of course open to you if you wish to meet here. Or instead I could come to Ottawa if you are too busy to make the trip.

CEO Gand

To the Lo Shen Tong
I would be pleased to discuss further business with you Venerable one. As I am sure you are a very busy personage, when would be the best time for me to pay my respects?


P.S. Although I do not hold to the traditional virgin sacrifices, I do prefer not to take second hand drugs. It ruins the taste. If your further messages could be clean, or at least only marinated in alcohol rather than heroin that would be much preferable.

To the Gnomes of Zurich
Although we have no desire to enter European markets at this time, now that we have retained at least a portion of our old wealth I believe it polite to renew our acquaintance with you, our European cousins. If you have some venture that would require our particular area of expertise do not hesitate to ask. And I hope that our relations will continue to be friendly going forward.

Chief Grimbeard

2012-01-31, 12:49 PM
Devote Artemis to examining the city of Vienna.

2012-01-31, 02:00 PM
Gnomes of Zurich to Hyperion Industries Loy ++

We, too, greet our brethren, and hope for peaceful cooperation. If you have need of business advice regarding investments, do not hesitate to contact us.
As different as our areas of expertise are, I doubt we will come into business conflicts in any case.

King Alberich

2012-01-31, 03:21 PM
Asian Conclave PM

The representative of TLDT-TS is a young looking man, looking a bit dishevelled, the expensive suit ill-fitted on his scrawny frame. ''The Shining One'' he presents himself, a smile painted on his bone mask. The dark glasses make his appearance utterly ridiculous, but the drop in temperature and flicker of lights, when he passes betray a powerful presence of magic. Invisible spirits writhe around him and at the distance manifested ghosts peer with their dimly glowing eyes.

Greetings to all gathered here at the Asian Conclave,

We are all aware that the old world order is changing. There are many powers on the rise all across the globe and soon we will see battles for influence and dominance. They will inevitably reach our region and encroach on our own territories.

I would like to propose we present a united front to outsiders and move to protect our region from their influence.

Seoul, Taipei, Bangkok, Mumbai.

Let this conclave send representatives to meet the masters of those cities and explain them the situation. The domains of all minor powers will soon come under attack. We’ll see evidence of that soon enough. They can lose everything they’ve got to some new age religion or CIA demons or they can preserve their power and receive protection and strength of the mighty Asian Conclave (alternative name suggestions?).

We will offer them protection in exchange for a tax of 50% on their resources. If they have any grievances or problems, they can’t resolve, they’ll be able to petition our Conclave to aid them. If somebody tries to take them out, we will destroy the impudent intruder.

[I propose we put + stats each to send to the above mentioned cities, so their quantum singularity gets collapsed and they receive a message become our protectorates or else. If they refuse, we pick one and make an example, then repeat the offer. All stats gained are divided equally between us. This should get us this region without much fuss, so we can concentrate on taking over other cities on other continents or pursuing other projects.]

2012-01-31, 03:43 PM
Sertolovo Bratva to the Lo Shen Tong:
An ordinary letter arrives in response.

Greetings, Venerable Lo Shen.

We would be glad to discuss agreements with you. We have some dealings with the criminal groups on your New World continents, but not enough - people in our line of work are rather territorial.

Regardless, we will be working closer at home at first, but we should be able to cooperate on some matters, and at least keep friendly relations and share information about what is going on in our respective parts of the world

PS: Please avoid corpses in message delivery. Paper is better. Burning it leaves less traces. Also, only a single messenger is required to convey a single message.

Odin the Ignoble
2012-01-31, 04:13 PM
The Lo Shen Tong

The dimly lit chambers of Lo Shen's "Writing Room", echo with the faint sound of music. Lo Shen sits atop a stool, a brazer filled with hot coals at his right. He hums quietly to himself as he drops a cooled coal into the brazer and picks up another, burning coal with his hand.

Using the burning coal, he turns back to his "messenger", and continues writing upon her back, sending up small palls of smoke and filling the room once again with the smell of burning flesh. Her chest still bobs up and down with with breath, she's alive but has passed out some time ago from the pain.

Lo Shen pauses in his writing, pick up a bell. He rings it and turns to his attendant when he arrives. "Bring in another, I'm almost finished with this one." The messenger turns to leave, but Lo Shen stops him. "And this time make sure they're more lively! This one passed out too soon, the exercise looses much of it's enjoyment without the sounds of screams."

Lo Shen returns to his task. He begins to whistle to fill the quiet void.

The Exiles

It is a very tempting offer. But for now, we must decline. I yet have hope of being able to reconcile my differences with the Conclave.

Hyperion Industries

A similar message is delivered, this time, the "messenger" is a slightly grimy, but otherwise healthy wino. Well, as healthy as a dead wino can be expected to be.

My most sincere and humble apologies! I am afraid that I am still somewhat unaccustomed to the eating habits of Western Dragons. If you would send ahead any dietary particulars, I can insure that the fare for your stay meets your standards. As far as timing goes, The Mountain Goblins are sending a delegation as well. Perhaps we could arrange for the you to arrive tangentially? So as all three parties could discuss matters of mutual interest.

The Venerable Lo Shen

Gnomes of Zurich

A similar message is delivered.

Your response fills me with the most sublime of pleasure. I confess a lack of knowledge as to the particulars of your peoples eating and living habits, should you be so kind as to send a message with the particulars, it would greatly benefit my ability to be an obliging host.

Lo Wang will be pleased with the news. I have utmost confidence in Childebrand ability to hold his own. I'm sure it shall be a splendid entertainment, worthy of such an auspicious gathering.

If it is not an object of objection, I have invited Iormungand to attend me here in in Little China. It would please me greatly if the three of us cold come by some mutually benevolent arrangement.

The Venerable Lo Shen

((If you haven't gotten a "messenger" yet, don't worry. Lo Shen is still scraping up some dregs to send more messages!))

distant quasar
2012-01-31, 04:45 PM
Loyalty +++

the exiles
We are interested in a meeting between our factions. Our schemes are many, as you well know, and we are even now developing one that could have vast profits for both of us. We will send a representative with further details shortly (moving to PM through a VIP, I'll send it in the next few days)

Lo Shen Tong
Greetings to you as well. Your offer intrigues us. We will send a representative shortly.

We are afraid your question as to what type of Oni we are does not quite register for us. We are a group of Daemons, but we have broken off from the rest of our lot. Hopefully that helps to answer your questions?

P.S. We have no interest in the woman's body, but what of her soul?

Rat Haven (loyalty +++++)
This sounds excellent. Feel free to send a reprentative to meet with us.

Forum Explorer
2012-01-31, 05:18 PM
The Remnants

To Hyperion Industries
Feel free to send someone to meet us in Ottawa. Its a little difficult to find our base so a agent will meet you in front of Parliament to guide you.

2012-01-31, 06:09 PM
Dresden Unter Schmide
Loyalty ++

Ordo Sanctus Astrum
We withdraw our interests in Vienna. A shame, it is a beautiful city. As long as it is understood we may ask a similar boon of you one day.

TLDT-TS Society
Company memo. Herr Weiss will be unavailable between the 12th and 18th of this month. He will be in Shanghai in discussion with the Chinese government. Direct all matters normally reserved for Herr Weiss to Herr Doctor Mario von der Ruhr during that period.
Heuchler travels first class of course. His cover story was genuine, although he could easily have conducted the various relatively small matters with the Chinese over the phone. He has another meeting in mind.
'I'm here to discuss a matter that I think is of great interest to us both. I have a proposal. DUS has a huge medical research facility, including a highly advanced cloning faculty. Your prowess in necromancy is known to us. With your agreement we will provide you with a series of cloned organs. Should any of the cloned flesh respond well to necromancy I believe a joint research project is a necessity.'

Basically I propose we both contribute know ++ investigating the potential for clone zombies.

Bertrand Coven
It is rare for outsiders to offer Underforge such... seemingly benign offers of friendship. We welcome friendship with you and Paris. To that end our leader Trajan would like to discuss a matter that he believes will serve as a mutual show of good intent in our relationship.

This conversation is conducted by scrambled satellite phone, the signal bounced all over the world.
'Greetings Michel Bertrand. I am Trajan of Underforge. Forgive me that I could not meet you face to face. Not all supernatural move as easily among the mortals as the vampires.
I am sure you are a busy man, I will come to the point. My organisation contains no small number of former KGB agents. They are experts on how the western powers integrated their intelligence networks. They know how they did it right and, more importantly, how they did it wrong. We both have large and effective spy networks and if we are to be friends it is natural they should work together.'

Basically I'm proposing an espionage alliance, how much Subtlety would you be willing to dedicate to such a project?

Darkmoon Project
Although we are... somewhat surprised by this offer it is very much agreeable to us. Underforge desires only peace with the world, your presence in Berlin has helped bolster the stability of that peace. We appreciate your offer and in turn acknowledge that your continued presence in Berlin is in our interest.

Strength + dispatched to scout Amsterdam. Subtly + dispatched to scout Warsaw.

2012-01-31, 06:32 PM
Darkmoon Project, Loyalty ++++

If you'll forgive my brevity I'll get right to the pointof this message-

I'm informed your organization has some interest in Vienna. As I am currently mobilizing task forces to investigate the surrounding cities, I would like to know of your plans for the regoin, lest our agents come into conflict while in the field.


Colonel Dirk Wagner, Director of Defense, Darkmoon Project

Lost Demiurge
2012-01-31, 06:51 PM
Asian Conclave PM

The representative of TLDT-TS is a young looking man, looking a bit dishevelled, the expensive suit ill-fitted on his scrawny frame. ''The Shining One'' he presents himself, a smile painted on his bone mask. The dark glasses make his appearance utterly ridiculous, but the drop in temperature and flicker of lights, when he passes betray a powerful presence of magic. Invisible spirits writhe around him and at the distance manifested ghosts peer with their dimly glowing eyes.

Greetings to all gathered here at the Asian Conclave,

We are all aware that the old world order is changing. There are many powers on the rise all across the globe and soon we will see battles for influence and dominance. They will inevitably reach our region and encroach on our own territories.

I would like to propose we present a united front to outsiders and move to protect our region from their influence.

Seoul, Taipei, Bangkok, Mumbai.

Let this conclave send representatives to meet the masters of those cities and explain them the situation. The domains of all minor powers will soon come under attack. We’ll see evidence of that soon enough. They can lose everything they’ve got to some new age religion or CIA demons or they can preserve their power and receive protection and strength of the mighty Asian Conclave (alternative name suggestions?).

We will offer them protection in exchange for a tax of 50% on their resources. If they have any grievances or problems, they can’t resolve, they’ll be able to petition our Conclave to aid them. If somebody tries to take them out, we will destroy the impudent intruder.

[I propose we put + stats each to send to the above mentioned cities, so their quantum singularity gets collapsed and they receive a message become our protectorates or else. If they refuse, we pick one and make an example, then repeat the offer. All stats gained are divided equally between us. This should get us this region without much fuss, so we can concentrate on taking over other cities on other continents or pursuing other projects.]

Unbidden to Asian Coalition

"Don't forget Singapore." Says the Dark Man. "And first we must decide if we can work together. I think we can. We have a mutual interest in keeping the hordes of Europe from grabbing local cities and using them as a foothold. Shall we agree to peace between each other? It will make things much simpler."

2012-01-31, 06:58 PM
Hunters to The Asian Coalition PM

"Kurt Aproxymeo from Seven Shadow Hunters" The heavily built man with gray hair introduced himself...The old age combined with his typical European suit and a strange accent was enogh to make him out-of-place.

"Yes, it make sense. " he said "having few friend to is always the good thing. We have lots of cities and Africa and is suitably free of powerful groups. Plenty of room for everyone."

2012-01-31, 07:05 PM

to succubi
i would love to arrange a meeting with you. i have always been fascinated by the succubi. that fascination is the reason i was exiled from the magus conclave

2012-01-31, 09:23 PM
Kami Kentai

Asian Alliance(PM)
Despite the absolute lack of possibility for a breeze to move anything, decorative objects fluttered slightly as if such a breeze had infiltrated the room. The luminescent shape in the corner, which didn't seem to even conform to the shape of a man, nodded it's head.

"Peace bound, protection given. The natives should not be overrun. Reason will hold sway. Other, the plan is good."

2012-01-31, 09:34 PM
OSA Loyalty +++++

To Dresden Unter Schmide
That is acceptable, yes.

To the Darkmoon Project
Candidly, we are examining it for it's potential as a base.

Lost Demiurge
2012-01-31, 09:43 PM
Asian Alliance

The dark man smiles. White, white teeth. Too symmetrical.

"Good, then. We'll check out Singapore and Bangkok, and share information on what we find. As to snappier names... Hm... Eastern Star Pact, perhaps? Our goal to... Protect... Those living here, and prevent outsiders from conquering the region or... Disrupting... the harmony. Yes, that sounds good. Can't have strangers littering our nests, no."

"We can make the announcement, if everyone is fine with these tenets. Any additional business?"

2012-01-31, 09:45 PM
Bertrand Coven

Gnomes of Zurich [LOY: +++]
Ah, all of that is good to hear. It seems that our respective plans will not interfere with each other in the least. Naturally, that suggests to me that it would be in our best interests to look out for each other.

As stated earlier, there are a number of big fish in the European pond. The Gnomes and Vampires are both influential and know the power of subtlety, but we both lack strength in arms. But as long as we stick together, we should not have a problem falling behind that way. It may be a good idea to organize some sort of alliance between a few of the European powers to ensure our survival in this competitive world.
OSA [LOY: +++++]
At this time, it is very likely that we'll be unable to send a representative for the coming months. Fortunately, I don't think the aforementioned power will be an immediate threat. Stay in touch.
Darkmoon Project [LOY: ++++]
We just wanted to take the time to acknowledge your presence and activities in the supernatural world here in Europe. We have no problem with what you do and the vampires of Paris are not a threat to mortals. The mortal members of our court share our luxurious lifestyles with us and we seek to only expand into the mortal world through symbiotic relationships with humans. Fortunately it's easy for us to interact and work with mortals, so we mean them no harm. I hope we can trust that we won't be victim to your studies. Vampires don't seem like they would be the type of supernaturals to be of interest to your research anyways.
Seven Shadow Hunters [LOY: +++++ +]
Hello, kin. If that's what you want to call us. Regardless, we believe in looking out for our own kind. It might be hard for us to cooperate on opposite ends of the world, but it the chance arises, we'll be there...
Dresden Unter Schmide [PM-Level]
"This is an intriguing proposal. Consider us most certainly interested. Until we work out details, I cannot say for certain how much subtlety we can commit to espionage cooperation. But combining our networks would certainly prove to be advantageous if we can figure out ways for it to lead to the direct benefit of our factions. If we can come up with something promising, we wouldn't be opposed to using all of it for the cause.

As of now, we were looking to use subtlety and influence to quietly grow our power in Spain, but please let us know if you had something else in mind. There is no reason that those plans couldn't wait.
Sithis [GM-Level]
I would like to send + LOY and + LOY, representing two small core groups of vampires from the coven, to Barcelona and Madrid. (I hope this is okay. Since LOY/MOR represents the populace of a faction, I usually use them to represent the general populace's contribution to its nation/group.)

There, they will be getting the low down on what sort of factions dominate each of those cities (especially mortal vs. supernatural) and what the strengths of controlling those cities are. And just sort of scouting out the city under the pretense of expanding business enterprises. :smallsmile:

2012-01-31, 10:30 PM
Darkmoon Project, Loyalty++++

Very well. I'll be sending a team to look into the situation there myself, but our organization makes no concrete claim to the area at this time, and have no objection to your presence there. If the situation changes, I will be sure to inform you immediately.

Bertrand Coven
I will not attempt to hide my surprise at hearing from you. Our agents have given rather distressing reports that you were planning to oust a mortal faction from the area, which I was only able to conclude meant either my own organization, or more likely our old-time allies in the Church. Until I see some compelling evidence otherwise, I'm afraid I have to assume your kin are a threat to my organization, if not humanity as a whole.

Isaak Jung, Chief of the Board of Directors, Darkmoon Project.

GM only
I'm going to send mixed teams of operatives (+ Loyalty) to each of the following cities; Warsaw, Vienna, Amsterdam, Dublin. So, ++++ Loyalty in total spent on this operation. They'll be looking at the local power structure, especially any supernatural threats, including any other groups investigating the area, and may make contact with non-hostile factions. If further action is needed, proper squads of soldiers, scientists, diplomats or agents will be dispatched as necessary for the situation.

2012-01-31, 10:54 PM
Bertrand Coven - Darkmoon Project [LOY: ++++]
Ah, so we're guilty until proven innocent and you've also decided to read our mail. That does not reflect well on you as a people. Unfortunate, since we get along quite well with most mortals.

Our strengths lie in our business endeavors and influence as a result of interacting with humans. As such, we are not a terrible threat to their safety even if that was our intention, which it's not. There are plenty of supernatural factions who long to feed off the misery of mortals, and instead we integrate with them and cooperate with them and they wouldn't even know that we're not just like them.

I can only assume you've read one vague message we sent to some neighbors and you jumped to inaccurate conclusions yourselves. There is a mortal presence in this world that longs to rid it of many supernaturals, even those of us who contribute to society. I have simply requests to keep tabs on their actions to prevent hostilities against ourselves - I have not proposed aggressive action of any sort.

Maybe now that you've heard more about us you'll prove to be more open-minded and less inclined to jump to inaccurate conclusions. There is no need for us to be enemies, but you certainly aren't being very friendly.

Michel Bertrand

2012-01-31, 11:11 PM
Rat Haven

Succubi [PM]
The world grows more crowded and theirs few places were our kind have not set up a nest our two. However South America is strangely devoid of the supernatural, would your people be interested in gain control of the four S. American cities with us?

2012-02-01, 12:48 AM
Darkmoon Project, loyalty++++

Bertrand Coven
For my rudeness earlier, I must apologize. Having spoken with the board on this matter, though, my concerns are not entirely allayed. Several members argued for moving against you immediately, citing stereotypes about your people that need not be repeated here.

To the matter at hand though- if there is such a threat looming on the horizon, I would hear of it, and even aid you in your efforts to protect yourselves if you speak the truth. The gesture might be received favorably among the supernatural community, where, as I'm sure you know, we are not exactly popular. If you are unwilling to discuss the matter in this forum, I am willing to receive an emissary here in Berlin, but consider this a one-time offer, as we don't generally have an open-door policy regarding the supernatural.

Isaak Jung, Chief of the Board of Directors, Darkmoon Project.

2012-02-01, 02:39 AM
Unseely Court to TLDT-TS (PM)

(OOC: It stands for the Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul Society? Huh. First time I've actually seen that Douglas Adams book referenced. Also, for the purposes of this write-up, I'm assuming this is some sort of secure magical communication.)

Worms in Mind quickly receives a message in reply, from Queen Mab herself.

My, you mortals have grown bold, have you not? Your motives are fairly transparent, you would try to use us to gain power. Not that I mind, I appreciate a bit of cunning and initiative. However, I simply do not believe that you can do what you say.

However, that is not to say that assisting you would be out of the question. Perhaps we can...make a deal?

Unseely Court to Remnants (Loyalty: ++++)

You receive a message from the Leanansidhe, the second most powerful Fae in the Unseely Court. (Behind only Queen Mab herself.)

Yes, it is good for you Travelers to recognize your betters in this plane.

What is it you wish of the Fae?

Magus Conclave to Bertrand Coven (Loyalty: ++++)

The message your receive in return is signed by Grand Magus Alistair Crowley.

You wish to join the Old Order? Understandable, I suppose. Some of your people had a hand in drawing up the Long Shadow Treaty.

If you wish to join, it would require the endorsement of at least three current members. But honestly, I don't think your people are ready. To be part of the Old Order, you must not only be good at masking your own presence, but you must have the strength to enforce the Treaty.

Catholic Church to Darkmoon Project (Loyalty: +++++ ++)

Your reply is printed on fine stationary, and bears the Papal Seal.

If is always a pleasure hearing from those who fight against the darkness. We have also heard troubling reports, (though I doubt we have heard much more than you) and my inner circle has been discussing what should be done. Should it come to it, we would stand with you to fight the darkness in the world.

Pope Leo IX

P.S. I'm glad to hear Father Richter is doing well. He is sorely missed.

Catholic Church to Remnants (Loyalty: +++++ ++)

You get a response from an important Cardinal.

We have heard of you, and how your traveled here from other...planes? Was that the proper term? At any rate, we know of you, though we know little about you. Perhaps you could enlighten us?

You say that some of you used to be Catholic, does that mean there is a Catholic Church on the plane you came from? I'm sorry, your whole existence lends itself to the asking of questions.

If you wish to rejoin us, doing so is simple. Pray. And maybe find a church in Ottowa somewhere, I'm sure there are more than a few.

Cardinal Bernard Tauran

"Friends in the Light" to Sumus (Loyalty: +++++)

Of course friends. Go to your favorite place in Istanbul. Someone will find you there.

2012-02-01, 03:03 AM

To Unseelie Court [PM]

Perhaps we can return to discuss our proposal later, when we prove just how resourceful we can be.

As for the deal, I’m certain we can offer you a proper compensation. For example retrieve a soul of an unruly debtor to you, who managed to escape to one place, where you, the immortal beings, can’t reach – past the veil of death. Tell us a name and we will bring the wretched soul and bind it to living flesh so you can exact your price of the bargain.

2012-02-01, 06:51 AM
Sithis [GM level]

Loreley and her espionage would, if possible, try to get a general idea about the cities of Geneva and Monaco. If only one is possible, send her to Geneva.

Gnomes of Zurich to the Lo Shen Tong Loy ++

Count Hildebrand would be happy to take whatever humble accomodations you can spare for him.

OOC:Shall we move to PMs, then?

2012-02-01, 08:01 AM
Hyperion Industries: Loyalty +++

To the Lo Shen Tong
That is a fine idea. If they are agreeable I will arrive shortly.


To Remnants
Chief Glasock disguised as a very short human soon arrives in front of Parliament.

To Servich Industries
OOC: I know Iormungand is elsewhere, but so are all my other VIPs and this isn't a PM level so just take it as happening before or after other events.


Hyperion Industries is in the process of expanding. And one of our potential expansion zones is into the USA. Unfortunately we lack a comprehensive knowledge of the area, you however know everything there is to know. As such I would like to arrange a meeting to discuss hiring your services in order to assess potential locations.

CEO Gand

2012-02-01, 09:02 AM
Darkmoon Project
The thing is, we don't plan to act against anyone at this point in time. We don't want war. In fact, we just want to feel secure in our position and know that the organized groups of mortals won't be moving against us. There are some monstrosities in the supernatural world and we are not one of them. I'd be more than willing to make peace with the Darkmoon Project and the Catholic Church which could be the beginning of taking steps towards mortal and supernatural cooperation in Europe. Maybe you can put in a good word to the Pope for us.

2012-02-01, 10:18 AM
TLDT-TS [Loy. ++]

Asian Alliance [PM]

''I’m aware of the Singapore as a potential target. However, TLDT-TS was exercising patience and prudence – there are four factions here and I felt we might overstep ourselves in trying to extend our influence to five cities at once. If you believe we can manage it, we can go after Singapore as well. I trust there won’t be need for bloodshed – the freeholding lords of the cities will see wisdom in unity.''

[How about this turn we contribute ++ Influence each (Seven Hunters + Influence, + Military) to sending a message to the four/five cities about our generous offer to extend protection to them. We’ll ask 50% of the stat gains per city, so they’ll be more inclined to accept].

To Kami Kantai & Seven Shadow Hunters

''The TLDT-TS is interested in acquiring certain arcane knowledge. Would you be interested in providing us with your wisdom in exchange for an equal remuneration?''

[I’ll trade Wealth for Knowledge, temporary, not permanent stat trade. I’m not asking Cult of Unbidden, since they probably plan on researching something themselves]

To Dresden Unter Shimdte/GM [PM]

[OOC – This involves magical theory, so I’d like to have GM’s approval]

''We would be interested in the following project. The possession of the living bodies by the ghosts is of great interest to us. Unfortunately the bodies would reject any foreign spiritual entity – either it eventually is expelled or the body dies. However, by cloning bodies without a soul and perhaps utilizing DNA material of the original, it may be possible to bind ghosts into living bodies for a much longer period of time. You deliver the bodies, we deliver the souls.

The benefits of this project would be considerable bargaining power for our organizations both in the world past the veil and mortal. We’d be offering spirits living bodies and we’ll be giving an opportunity for semi-immortality or restoration of their deceased to mortals, who could be seduced into becoming our avid supporters.

To Hyperion Industries

''We’d be willing to secure you a major contract with the Chinese Government or perhaps arrange support in some of the African nations, that are enjoying good trading relations with China. Another possibility would be cheap labor that will surely cut costs of your enterprise.

Now our interests lie with your strength. You are a powerful man, who we believe can lend your invaluable talents to our new foreign acquisitions strategy. Alternatively, we can negotiate for the valuable substance you have, pumped through the heart of your operations.''

[OOC – Run out of VIPs. Offering ++ Influence].

2012-02-01, 11:23 AM

To The Sertolovo Bratva and GM only
Montag was going to meet an acquaintance of his, Walker following him closely, walking on all four as usual.

Everything was normal, or at least as normal as things are for pyromaniac wizards patrolling highly flammable slum areas. The evening had been peaceful, which was quite strange by itself.

After a while Montag finally found what he apparently was looking for, a shack that looked just like all the others, and went in. Before he did, he told Walker to watch his back saying:

"Stay here mutt. I'll be back in a bit."

So there Walker was. Sitting outside of a shack, abandoned.

Right after Montag had left him, he started speaking to himself.

"Boss always leaves Johnny on his own. Boss is always mean. But Boss gives Johnny food. Boss is good. Boss is good.

He he. Boss is nice.

He he.
He he.

Boss is gone? Boss is not telling Johnny not to play with fire? Johnny plays with fire.

Shack is bad, shack is ugly. Shack will go boom."

And then the shack said boom in a fiery explosion.

Hehe. Heeeheeheee. Bwehehehehhee.....

After the explosion it took Montag, who had rushed out of the shack, several minutes to get the hang of the situation. Finally he came to the conclusion that fleeing the scene would be the best option.

So they run. Or Montag did, Walker galloped.

"Mutt, haven't I told you not to play with fire? Haven't I?" Montag shouted angrily.
"Boss has said, Boss has. But Boss wasn't there. What if a coconut did it?" Walker replied.

They turned around yet another corner, and ran into some possible trouble. Rano Komarov, with his team, was coming to investigate the explosion. As the TIM members are hated by most of the supernatural community, Montag reasoned it would probably be the best to run away again.

And so he run. Away, to the base. Montag has been part of TIM for several decades, which means he has developed an innate ability to run away from dire situations. Thus, even being werewolfs, the Sertolovo Bratva couldn't catch him. But to be honest, they didn't even try.

This means Walker was alone, again.

"Hello, furry creatures!" he said with a smirk.

Darkmoon Project

The Great One is omniscient, and I'm his prophet. I know everything about everything, including your little project and it's most darkest secrets. I do have a rather bad memory though, so you might need to remind me of a thing or two here and there.

I can see that you are a follower of the Great One, as your enthusiasm for things that go Boom gives you away. This is good, as we do not cooperate with the infidel.

My trusted advisor, Mr. Montag, has other projects to work on right now.

And I will not leave Moscow, where the Great One's only remaining altar stands, as it's here, where his presence can be felt even if you were asleep.

I will give you a permission to visit the shrine of the Great One, located here in Moscow, if you promise this common project will not help the infidel in any way, and all the booms we will make will be made to honour the Great One.

Andrey Yushenkov, the Prophet of Tim

PS: I have no incentive to incinerate you unless, of course, you in fact are an infidel just hiding your false belief behind praising the Great One.

GM only:

I'm sending + subtlety to explore Vienna and + influence to find out what's happening in Dubai.

Forum Explorer
2012-02-01, 12:28 PM
The Remnants

To Hyperion Industries PM
Glasock is met by an ordinary human. After introducing himself as a member of the Remnants he chauffers Glasock and whomever he may have brought with him to a sub-urban house. Inside was just like many other homes except for the presence of Paragon Seeline. She respectfully rose to all four hooves and speaks in a warm, calm tone.

Greetings Chief Glasock. It is our dearest wish that today we may form an alliance between your people and ours for the mutual benefit of both groups as well as the benefit of our mutual host nation.

To Unseely Court ++++
We have an idea that would expand the influence of your court upon the mortal world as well as shaping their culture in a way that will be beneficial to us.

To Catholic Church
We are more then willing to explain the nature of our group to you. Our people do come from other planes of existence, or dimensions. However our home dimensions were unstable for some unknown reason which caused them to collapse. We are the few survivors of those collapses who managed to escape from our dimensions and have banded together for mutual survival. Many of these dimensions appear to have been parallels of your own dimension and as such many of our members are otherwise normal humans. A large area of concern for our human members is what awaits them after death as they are essentially aliens to this dimension.

I want to investigate Montreal or Quebec City, whichever is easier to map.

Lost Demiurge
2012-02-01, 12:32 PM
Cult of the Unbidden
to the Asian Alliance

"Oh, we'd better include Singapore. Otherwise SOMEONE will try something, then lawyer up and yell when we catch them at it. So boring."

"Besides, four cities, one for each of us to... Watch over... And the fifth one that we can keep open, for meeting with foreign dignitaries, or perhaps gifting to a faction that we feel is worthy. Good trade-bait is essential to diplomacy, after all! But to best figure out which cities are best suited to which faction, which ones will play ball, and which ones need to be... Handled differently... Then we need to figure out what's in each city. After that we can proceed."

(OOC: First let's spend one influence per city in the mid-turn to figure out what kind of NPC's are in each city, and share the information with each other. Unbidden will pony up ++ subtlety and check out Singapore and Bangkok. Figure the Seven Shadow Hunters can look at Mumbai, TLDS can check out Taipei, and the Kami can examine Seoul. After we get reports we can figure out the best approach to each. Might take more than one turn to get all the cities on our side, and some might have other problems, or be more resistant. And really, we don't need all of them on our side right away to announce the general "our continent so feck off" to the other factions. Sound good? Any thoughts?)

"I do think that we should publicly announce our alliance and our intent to the major players. Some of them will insist on... Misrepresenting... us, after all. Best to get the official party line out there. Gives us casus belli if someone tries to take a city by force, and might ward off some trouble. I DO have a way with words, if no one objects...?"

2012-02-01, 01:18 PM
Seven Shadow Hunters

To Asian Alliance PM

"Yes, we should tell them that we are defensive alliance. They will understand it just right" said Kurt with polite smile. "I, in fact, have a man who inquire about Mumbai supernaturals and criminal factions."

OOC: already send ++ subtly to check Mumbai "


"+ of t. knowledge for + t.wealth is good for us. "

To Bertrand Coven


we will be honored to cooperate with you if opportunity arise.

Kurt Aproxymeo

OOC:it seems to me: it is third game we may play on the same side:smallbiggrin:

2012-02-01, 02:15 PM
Hyperion Industries: Loyalty +++

To TLDT-TS [Loy. ++]
All invaluable offers to be certain, however before I can agree I would like to know the details of your new foreign aquisition strategy that you need help with.

CEO Gand

(OOC: Unfortunately I have also run out of VIPs this turn. I assume your first request is for strength, but what exactly do you mean by the second?)

Lost Demiurge
2012-02-01, 02:19 PM
The Cult of the Unbidden
LOY: +++

To all PC factions, the Magus Conclave, the Draken Corporation, the Seely Court, the Unseely Court, the Aesir, the Olympians, and the Neter.

The message is passed along from the dazed lips of people from all ages and walks of life, who apparently stopped whatever they were doing at the minute to turn toward a representative of your faction, smile a strange grin, and speak in a deep, soft male voice that was not their own. Afterwards, half of these people died, another quarter or so fell into a coma, and all but one of the rest recovered with no memory of the incident or trace of what caused them to speak so. The remaining one may one day recover his sanity, though the prognosis is quite unlikely.

Hail unto you, and all of your kin...

It gives me great pleasure to announce the formation of the Eastern Star Pact. We are a loose alliance of enlightened beings joined together for the purpose of mutual self-defense, free exchange of ideas, and joint protection of peaceful territories for the benefit of all who dwell within.

We do not presume to speak for all the region, or those who dwell within, on all matters. Our confederation is not formed for conquest or corruption, but merely convenience and collaboration on certain curious conundrums.

But in the matter of... Keeping things quiet and harmonious... We are united. To that end, the cities of Hong Kong, Tokyo, Shanghai, and New Delhi and those who claim dominion of them are considered to be sacrosanct. Rudeness or unrest within them will not be tolerated. Assaults or trouble caused to one shall be answered by all.

The five other... Active... cities in Asia, are currently under our protection until such time as proper authorities within them can be located or appointed that they may voice their own concerns. These cities are Mumbai, Singapore, Bangkok, Taipei, and Seoul. We humbly ask that they be extended the same courtesy and consideration, as their... Harmony and well-being... is important to us.

Manuvers and intrigues in inactive cities throughout Asia and India, too, will be taken as a sign of ill-will. We do hate to put up fences... But frankly the region's been stable for a good long while. We like that, and want to ensure that any new... Neighbors... Are properly respectful of established boundaries.

Nor should this be taken as an expression of xenophobia. We are quite happy to meet with outsiders to the region, and discuss matters of future import either as a united front, or individual groups with our own agendas. Indeed, we will quite likely be doing different things over these coming years... At any rate, if you have any questions or issues, do not HESITATE to contact us, and you will be treated with all due courtesy. Our alliance is simply concerned with keeping things peaceful at home.

Sleep well tonight...

2012-02-01, 02:36 PM
"We Are"

"Is this some new fad we weren't informed of? At least this time he is alive."

"I don't think that was intentional."

"I don't know, the burn marks looked fairly deliberate."

"I mean him being alive."

"... You know there are several factions that use souls as currency. When did people start folding treasury bonds into envelopes?"

"Regardless, that is not our primary concern. He is braindead, and we are prepping for a forensic recovery to use as the base of a new geist. The message does trouble me."

"Yes I know, they are moving quickly. I would be insulted at their pretense of neutrality if I hadn't gotten weary of such emotions."

"The problem is that no similar coalition has formed yet besides the Olden Order. For now they are the rising star."

Our Friends in the Light
The friend sent is escorted to an underground chamber for more private discussions.

Is this a VIP so we can PM or will I have to commit one of mine?

Eastern Star Pact
As you know, Istanbul is historically the gate between the East and the West. Nestled between you and the numerous supernatural of Europe we offer a neutral arbitrator for any disputes which may arise.

However, there is a certain fact your messenger delivered which we request clarification on. According to our records no major faction is present in Singapore. It would seem then that that the city is not possessing of proper authorities and that any appearance of protection is an attempt at exclusion.

As representatives of the Faith of proper submission to Allah, the make up of your group concerns us. The large number of Muslims in Indonesia and Malaysia are of great concerns to us as brothers and sisters.

For this reason we must insist that Muslim religious and cultural traditions will not be infringed upon by your organization.

Secondly, we would like to provisionally request observer status in the Eastern Star Pact and file an injunction for the neutrality of Singapore until such time as the question of ultimate governance may be settled diplomatically.

To the hand that grasps the serpent
Please do not take any action of ours as a sign of failure to commit to the operation. All will proceed as agreed.

2012-02-01, 03:00 PM
Darkmoon Project, loyalty++++

Tim PM
Dr. Gretchen Schmidt arrives in Moscow by train, dressed for a Russian winter and bearing the air of someone who has a considerable number of boom-related topics on her mind.

Eastern Star Pact
Your message, such as it was, has been received. Despite the dubious make-up of your group, I am willing to withhold my forces form entering your claimed territory as long as you stay far away from Europe. In addition, it has been noted that you made no claim to the Middle East in your ultimatum, and while my organization has no designs there yet, it would raise eyebrows if you were to attempt to expand to that region.

Colonel Dirk Wagner, Director of Defense, Darkmoon Project.

Kami Kantai
The other members of the Eastern Star Pact are of the sort we would not tolerate in Europe, but your kind is by all accounts benign. Why make treaties with such dangerous allies? Are they not likely to do harm to the people of Asia in the long run?

Isaak Jung, Chief of the Board of Directors, Darkmoon Project.

Lost Demiurge
2012-02-01, 03:04 PM
The Cult of the Unbidden
to Sumus(Readable by the Eastern Star Pact)
LOY: +++

This time the message is a simple letter.

"You know, if you have interests in Asia you are more than welcome to join our conference in progress at Club Carcosa, in Hong Kong. VIP only, I'm afraid. Otherwise, correspondence shall have to do."


2012-02-01, 03:18 PM
Sertolovo Bratva Loyalty +++++

To the Eastern Star Pact:

Your move is ambitious yet skilled, and you proceed fast. These are qualities we respect. We will abide by your agreement, and would be interested in possibly working together on some matters.

Politically, the world of the supernatural, like the world of the mortals, has concentrated into three centers - the US, Europe and the Far East. Russia has always been a nation reaching into both Europe and Asia, but never truly a part of either. We see that you are a rising power, while the old Order focused in Europe is waning - so, we would rather be a frontier towards the West, than turn an eye into the Eastern lands.

We are willing to march in your defense, if you are willing to support us in case of undue aggression by others. Regardless of your interest in such an agreement, at the very least we would like to trade any interesting information we hear, to keep in touch with the more far-away parts of the world.

Moscow (GM/Pahv):

Right. While the guards are rather baffled, Komarov didn't get to where he is by hesitating. Ordering his men to hold back a little, he approaches the odd... man? creature?

He's not stupid, though, and keeps a wary distance, trusting his quick reactions to save him from any surprise attacks.

"Hello. We are of the Brotherhood, the city of Peter the Saint. What is going on here?"

to GM:

The Alfa Team sends a group of operatives to scout out the underworld in Lagos. Included is Juha Kallio, leading the combat team covering the negotiators. The illegal weapons trade in Africa is profitable, and they're looking to figure out the power-players of the city and try and get themselves a more permanent presence.

(Basically, just check out what's going on there, like I'm doing in Warsaw.)

2012-02-01, 03:49 PM
"We Are"

To Olympian and Neter
The power of the old faiths are waning, man has turned to new gods to save them.

We are near to each other, in time and location. We remember when man first named you and all that has come since. For this reason we feel that you are old friends.

We would be interested in forming a pact of mutual non aggression. With the consent of your majesties, we would humbly request to include a provision of mutual defense.

The Eastern Mediterranean remains the point the world revolves around now as in ancient times. It is our hope that together we can insure our own survival.

These modern times we think will prevent your worship from again emerging. However if you will lend us your strength we will turn our efforts to your exaltation in a different way. Respect for the cultures of Greece and Egypt including their art and literature will be made great among the areas of our influence.

2012-02-01, 04:23 PM
Darkmoon Project, Loyalty++++

Bertrand Coven
What you ask is difficult. I am not fully willing to accept the benevolence of your people based on your word alone, and the Church will likely react even less favorably. Therefore, I have a counter-offer to propose- we would be willing to aid you in an effort to relocate outside of Europe, if you would turn over access to the influence you have gained in France to us, as it would be unlikely to be of any use to you from your new home anyway.

Isaak Jung, Chief of the Board of Directors, Darkmoon Project.

distant quasar
2012-02-01, 04:32 PM

Rat Haven (pm)
This would be acceptable. We assume that we will each take two?

Exiles (pm)
Ah really? In that case we are sorry for your misfortune. Many in the Old Order do not trust us. Perhaps their reasons are justified, but we know better than to cross those who can cause us great harm. Consider yourselves among that group. We will hold a meeting shortly.

2012-02-01, 04:54 PM
Hyperion Industries: Loyalty +++

To the Draken Corporation
Oh great and powerful elder, please forgive my intrusion. I know that you have much better things to do than discuss matters with a youngling such as myself, but could you perhaps see it in your busy schedule to impart a portion of your accumulated wisdom as advice to me on world matters and how to approach them in a way most conducive to long life and great hordes.


To the Messiahs of a New Dawn
Greetings bearers of truth. Your message brings light to these dark and troubling times. We know that most politics, both supernatural and mortal, must be beneath you, but we ask that you would take a moment to discuss with us certain new arrangements in the world.

To the Exiles
Greetings, masters of the beyond. News of your power and knowledge of the arcane has reached us even here in the north. We wonder if you would be amiable to discussing the state of the supernatural world with us.

To the Succubi
Greetings ancient ones. Your influence and power with the mortals is much renowned. We wonder if you would consent to treat with us over the matter of the latest movements in the supernatural world.

To the Rat Haven
Greetings, small but powerful ones. We have heard of your recent growth into power and wish to discuss certain matters concerning world affairs and the American continents in particular with you.

To the Lo Shen Tong
Iormungand flies to San Francisco and in his human guise walks into China Town fully expecting that a member of the Lo Shen Tong will be there to meet him and guide him to the meeting. If so he says this to Lo Shen,

"My apologies Venerable Lo Shen for arriving early, but recent events in your own home lands have necessitated quick action. A response must be formulated, and better to do so as a group equal to the Eastern Star Pact than as individuals. I do hope that you are in agreement."

2012-02-01, 05:50 PM

to hyperion industries
we would love to hold a meeting. you can come down to saint louis, or i can visit you in the north

OOC:are you in ottowa or toronto?

Lost Demiurge
2012-02-01, 07:42 PM
Cult of the Unbidden
LOY: +++

To the Darkmoon Project (Readable by ESP)
Good evening. Won't deny that most of us are definitely a touch... Disturbing... By your standards. Still, by all accounts you are a fairly professional group, so hopefully you can overlook that with a minimum of prejudice.

I feel a disclaimer is in order. Our pact is a mutually defensive and beneficial one, designed to keep our homes quiet and orderly. When approaching the world outside, or other matters, we all have our own methods, goals, standards, and practices. If you're concerned about that front, we're best dealt with as individuals.

Speaking for the Cult of the Unbidden, we have no real plans to expand to the Middle East. The Mad Arab's book did its job a millenia back, no need to follow up on that. Europe? Who knows. We'll see who tries to kill us first.

We look forward to working with you in the future. May the stars soon be right for you.

LOY: +++
To Sertolovo Bratva (Readable by ESP)
Ah, your words are kind. I should note that we of the Eastern Star Pact are free to approach the rest of the world in whatever manner we see fit. So while some of us might accept your wise offer, others are not entitled to necessarily do so. That said, you have a reputation as good people to know...

Speaking for the Cult of the Unbidden, we gladly accept your offer of mutual defense! In the event that one of us is assaulted, so long as no conflicting agreements bind us, let us march to each other's defense. As to information... Mm, well, we DO hear interesting things. If we come across anything useful, we shall be happy to trade information.

Peace upon you, and may the stars soon be right for you.

To Rat Haven
LOY: +++

A sewage worker smiles as he walks through the tunnels, and leaves an envelope at a certain pipe. The look in his eyes as he walks away is of pure happiness. The letter inside is simple.

"You know, we rather like the idea of Rats in the Walls. Is there anything you are in the market for, or anything we could help with?"

2012-02-01, 08:21 PM
Rat Haven
LOY: +++++

Cult of the Unbidden
After a day or two, a phone rings, and in a very squeaky voice something says: Shines! Give the rat king shines and we will tell you all the dirty nasty lies everyone is spreading about you, even spread some nasty dirty lies to others if you want!

Hyperion Industries
Yes, we know all that happens in American cities. Many places to build nest and many places to hear whispers from. What do you wish to discuss, we are eager to listen.

Succubi [PM]
Yes, lets work with one city at a time. Once we get a city we share power until another is gotten, then we each get our own. Start to work on Rio de Janeiro.

Erik Vale
2012-02-01, 08:54 PM
The Unbound Brotherhood.
Loyalty 4

Internal Communications

"George want infomation on the other Australian Cities, and other ports in the nearby area, have Anial Orginise the groups, I think we need to start expanding.... Go."

"Avual, I've read the report and I was already thinking of changing, have Melavon Distra and Merial start focusing upon mental illness, we don't want to much attention drawn to ourselves, and the physical deformations are pretty much almost solved."

"Erich, get Mordine to orginise the PMC's, Lets have them join in any of the profitable wars, we need to start building our wealth. Oh, and tell them not to be to noisy."


A messenger arrives and has a message make it to the Demonic ellements of the CIA somehow. If lloked for he seems to be a farely average Fey Pact warlock.

"Greetings from Elrack. I am seeking the aid of Agents code Sucubi for work with The Unbound Brotherhood. If Received, please send a reply to the Gentry Betters club in Sydney. We have work we are willing to pay for."

The Messege is written in infernal, and overlaid with fey enchantments, which make people pass on the message and forget it, dispite the oddity and lack of covering. That is, untill a Succubi gets it.

2012-02-01, 10:23 PM
Darkmoon Project, loyalty ++++

Cult of the Unbidden
Our interests lie in Eurpoe, and to a lesser extend the surrounding regions- Russia, North Africa, the Middle East. If you or your compatriots stir up trouble there, you'll hear from us, but we have neither the resources nor the will to challenge you in Asia. Frankly, we have enough to deal with in our home territory without trying to police the rest of the world.

If its not too bold to ask, what are your thoughts on our mutual neighbors Serlotovo Bratva, TIM, the Black Market and Sumus? We have had little dealings with the groups along our Eastern border and are curious to hear more about them.

Lost Demiurge
2012-02-01, 11:08 PM
Darkmoon Project, loyalty ++++

Cult of the Unbidden
Our interests lie in Eurpoe, and to a lesser extend the surrounding regions- Russia, North Africa, the Middle East. If you or your compatriots stir up trouble there, you'll hear from us, but we have neither the resources nor the will to challenge you in Asia. Frankly, we have enough to deal with in our home territory without trying to police the rest of the world.

If its not too bold to ask, what are your thoughts on our mutual neighbors Serlotovo Bratva, TIM, the Black Market and Sumus? We have had little dealings with the groups along our Eastern border and are curious to hear more about them.

Cult of the Unbidden
to Darkmoon Project
LOY: +++

Mm. Yes, world policing would be tricky for anyone. It's why the old order seems to be tottering right now... As far as stirring up trouble in Europe goes, we of the faithful expect that it'll catch alight without any of our interference or ill-will. Too many factions, too little space. A storm comes...

On our mutual neighbors? The Serlotovo seem to be polite and approachable, The Sumus are wary and wise. We are in the midst of determining their courage, actually.

TIM and the Black Market... We have had no dealings with them yet. But the game of ages is young. If you have experience of them later, please let us know for better or worse.

2012-02-01, 11:31 PM
Darkmoon Project, Loyalty++++

Bertrand Coven
What you ask is difficult. I am not fully willing to accept the benevolence of your people based on your word alone, and the Church will likely react even less favorably. Therefore, I have a counter-offer to propose- we would be willing to aid you in an effort to relocate outside of Europe, if you would turn over access to the influence you have gained in France to us, as it would be unlikely to be of any use to you from your new home anyway.

Isaak Jung, Chief of the Board of Directors, Darkmoon Project.
Erm... excuse our exasperation, but where in the hell did you get the idea that we had any desire to leave Europe? We're quire happy here and look to cooperate with its people, not leave it. We've been here for centuries and gain nothing from relocating us. Perhaps I'm missing your point?

2012-02-02, 12:06 AM
Darkmoon Project Loyalty ++++

Cult of the Unbidden
It is true Europe suffers from an overpopulation of supernatural factions, but we are doing our best to ensure that doesn't become a hazard for the continent's mortal inhabitants. We're currently in the process of trying to relocate the vampires of Paris as a step toward fixing the problem. Perhaps your allies would allow them to move to the East? We understand you have a resident vampire population who might enjoy the company of more of their own kind.

While we have no information on the Black Market at this time, we are in the midst of talks with TIM in Moscow. We'll be sure to let you know how it goes.

Bertrand Coven
You gave no indication you wished to move, but it is a reasonable solution to many of the concerns you have voiced. Mortals in Europe are unusually advanced and aware of the supernatural, so if avoiding conflict with them is a priority for you, a move to Africa, the Middle East or even the Americas could prove beneficial. Since there are also fewer supernaturals in those areas, you would be relatively safe from attack, free to live the peaceful existence you long for.

As you know doubt overheard from our conversation with the Cult of the Unbidden, we believe- no, we fear- that Europe is a powder keg just waiting for that single spark that will blow us all sky-high.

2012-02-02, 12:13 AM
Bertrand Coven
Loyalty: +++

Darkmoon Project
I'm sorry, but that simply will not happen. In fact, vampires are one of the easiest groups of supernaturals to blend in with mortals. We have no intentions of leaving and, frankly, will not consider it. Perhaps if you could convince someone else to move we would help with it, but I don't see that there's much point. We are already in talks with the Old Order about helping to keep Illumination levels low and enforcing the law on supernaturals who endanger the rest of us.

Thank you for your offer, but we respectfully and adamantly decline the idea of leaving Europe.

OOC: There is a proportionally high number of neutral cities in Europe and I would guess it's probably to reflect the number of supernatural factions.
Cult of the Unbidden
It's not necessary to actually consider the Darkmoon Project's proposal to relocate us. I'm not sure why they think we would consider moving even for a second. Don't worry, we don't intend to become involved in your region.

2012-02-02, 02:27 AM
TLDT-TS (Loy. ++)

To Black Market

Greetings. We would be interested in acquiring certain body parts and research notes from you.

[I’m offering + Wealth for + Knowledge (not permanent, just this turn)].

To Strelovo Bratva

''Ever between West and East, until the two are united. We’ll look forward to productive relations with you. Perhaps you could assist us with a small project of ours – we need some materials related to the Koshei’s research. You could probably acquire them. We’d be happy to provide you with suitable compensation.''

[I’m offering + t.Wealth for + t.Knowledge.]

To Betrand Covent

''We’ll be certain to send a personal representative to discuss our good old times, once our business in the East settles down.''

To Hyperion Industries

[Okay, It’s Knowledge ++ or Strength ++ (either in fighting or in dragon’s blood) for ++ Influence.

To GM Only

I was in a hurry, when I wrote the post to Winter Court (never a good idea to make deals in a hurry. So consider TLDT-TS respectfully listening for Winter Court offer and then politely broaching the alternative means of payment (if whatever they want isn’t easier to arrange for)

Also, I’m using my Trait: Old Stomping Ground to find out, who’s in charge of Dublin without spending stat point.

2012-02-02, 07:29 AM

There is plenty of old knowledge in Russia. While we do not have access to most of it, nor have ever really attempted to gather it into one place, I am sure we can gather what you need.

Consider it a deal.

2012-02-02, 07:40 AM
Seven Shadow Hunters


"We are" said the head of clan Aproxymeo "who are they, exactly? Can they cause the problems?"

To Strelovo Bratva (readable by ESP)

Clan Aproxymeo agree to your proposition of mutual defense as long as thing remain clean and quiet.

As for information we will trade with you.. thing is we are not sure what kind of information is of your intrest.


2012-02-02, 08:29 AM
To Seven Shadow Hunters:

Information is always good, whatever it's about. Agreements between groups, grudges being held, new knowledge being gathered or found - every one of us, whether or not we spy on others, finds out a lot all the time. Minor pieces of data that aren't very useful on their own but broaden the general picture when shared.

For example, my own agents are making contacts with the Warsaw underworld, as Vienna seems to be contended by a number of factions. And the TLDT-TS are probably working on some sort of a large magical project. Stuff like that.

Lost Demiurge
2012-02-02, 10:03 AM
Cult of the Unbidden
LOY: +++

To the Darkmoon Project.
Well. We've already got vampires in Asia. You'd have to talk to our good friends the Seven Shadow Hunters if you wanted to export European vampires. Honestly, I don't see them going for it. From what we've seen of vampiric society, such a thing would not be conducive to harmony, goodwill, and snuggles on the beach.

And you say you're trying to make Europe safer for mortals? Huh. That's... Ambitious. We'll see how it goes.

So you've got irons in the fire both in Europe and the Middle East? Are things truly that troublesome? Which faction is giving you the most grief?

LOY: +++
To the Bertrand Coven
Thanks for the heads up. Relax, the Cult of the Unbidden has no plans to interfere with your continued well-being. Do you think it will come to open strife between you and the Darkmoon Project?

Incidentally, how's Europe looking these days? Is Darkmoon trying to... Deal with any other factions? Have any power players raised their heads? Just trying to get a feel for the big picture.

LOY: +++
To Rat Haven
Then shinies you shall have, my new friends! We look forward to hearing from you!

To Seven Shadow Hunters
Not sure who you're talking about, friend. Sertolovo? Russian werewolf mafia. Could cause problems in their own way, but seem friendly. Sumus? Ascended philosophers and inventors. Could cause long-term problems, but they seem more cautiously neutral at this point. Possibilities there, if they're brave enough to send someone to talk with us. Darkmoon Project? Ah, there's some potential trouble. Bunch of enlightened mortal "troubleshooters" who are acting high-handed toward their local vampires, and are trying to dictate to us where we can and cannot go. Bertrand Coven? Group of vampires whom the Darkmoon project is trying to pressure out of Europe. Darkmoon wanted to see if we had room to give them a homeland here. Bertrand Coven said don't bother, we ain't going.

Anyway, that's all we know so far about factions who have interacted with us in the capacity of speaking with the Eastern Star Pact, or having ESP business.

If any of those groups can cause problems, I'd guess it would be the Darkmoon Project. They seem intent on making enemies with the Bertrand Coven, and don't seem to be amenable to the... Enlightened perspectives and... Pragmatic common sense... That most of us enjoy.

To Sumus
LOY: +++ (ESP)

Not to push you, but will you be attending the meeting? If you truly want provisionary observer status, you'll have to spare someone for a face-to-face discussion. It'll spare us from having to send internal details and secrets through the post.

If you do not wish to, then we can tell you that we are aware that several of the cities we claimed for protection do not in fact seem to have have any major factions within them. We are asserting the claim to prevent them from being taken advantage of until their situation can be accurately determined.

We can also tell you that the Cult of the Unbidden, though involved with religion, does not discriminate against other religions at all.

Ours is a different path, then you may be used to with "religion." All are equal in our eyes...

We would love to discuss it with you at some time. Though true enlightenment is not for everyone.

2012-02-02, 10:54 AM
The Seven Shadow Hunters

LOY +++++ +

To Bertrand Coven


Do you have a problem with Darkmoon Project? I heard rumors that they try to get you out of your hunting territory..

Kurt Aproxymeo

To Strelovo Bratva (readable by ESP)

We know that Darkmoon Project has some murky ambitions about France.. and claim right to "policy" us.


To Darkmoon Project (readable by ESP)
Colonel Dirk Wagner, Director of Defense,

ambitious claims.. France, Middle-Est, Arfrica, threat to send forces to Asia. Make sure not to bite too much at once. There are things far more dangerous and.. disturbing than our defensive Estern Star Pact. Leave us alone.


To Cult of Unbidden ESP PM

I asked about Sumus, it means "We are". We will wait and see how they will play with us.

As for Darkmoon Project.. I belive they have enough common sense to not upset.. balance in Asia.

2012-02-02, 12:46 PM
Hyperion Industries: Loyalty +++

To the Exiles
It would be preferable if you could send a representative to our Torono offices.

OOC: I have unfortunately run out of VIPs so if you want this discussion to be private you'll have to send one of your own.

To the Rat Haven
Simple we wish to discuss the future of the American continents and its supernatural inhabitants with you and the other factions on this continent. As such we are hosting a meeting in our Toronto offices and would be pleased if you could send a representative.

To the TLDT-TS
OOC: I want to see the exploration update before I finalize any deals. Are you willing to wait until then?

2012-02-02, 02:38 PM
Darmkmoon Project, loyalty++++

Bertrand Coven
A friend in word but not in deed is a betrayal waiting to happen. Twice we have extended laurels to you, and twice our hands have been slapped away. Walk to the path or righteousness, and you will not hear form us again. Stray but a little, and you will fall.

Seven Shadow hunters
We have no plans to send forces into Asia- as we told your allies, we have neither the will nor the strength to extend our reach so far from Europe. If you do wish to make a move into the Middle-East, we would appreciate forewarning so that we would be able to remove our influences form that region beforehand. Is that agreeable to you?

Cult of the Unbidden
The situation in Europe are surprisingly serene, actually. The Paris vampires have sent some disturbing messages about having to deal with mortal threats, though of course they claim to be as innocent as baby angels on Easter Sunday. We may have to use force to resolve the situation, but we reserve our judgement for now. Unless you have any objections? Other than that, we can see no threats to the peace and prosperity of our mortal wards in Europe at this time. There are rumors flying that Sertolovo Bratva has their sights on Warsaw, but we won't likely try to oppose them. They may even bring a bit more stability to the region as few would be inclined to start trouble near their territory.

distant quasar
2012-02-02, 03:35 PM
Succubi loyalty +++

Rat Haven + Sithis (pm)
Agreed. Sithis, I send + subtlety and Srihandon (VIP) to Rio de Janiero.

Hyperion Industries
We will send a reprentative.

Unbound Brotherhood
A message swiftly arrives in the Gentry Betters club.

"We will need more details before agreeing to anything. What sort of work, and what sort of payment? We are always in the market for the souls of mortals, if you have any to give us."

2012-02-02, 04:09 PM
Just want make sure you catch this, but I want to send + subtlety down to Santiago in Chile, and Councilor Hrime to Kinshasa in the Congo.

Lost Demiurge
2012-02-02, 04:10 PM
Cult of the Unbidden
LOY: +++

To the Darkmoon Project

Glad to hear things are quiet. At this stage in the cycle, violence can have repercussions that last for far too long. Hopefully most of your neighbors will realize that.

Objections? No, no. We don't really have any ties to either one of you, or any claim on Paris. Unless that changes, you do whatever you will and they will do whatever they will.

And the Sertolovo are good folks. Why, just yesterday we declared a mutual self-defense pact. Be fun times if anyone tries to test that. Many will sleep early.

Warsaw, hm? Fun city. We think they shall enjoy it.

Sending Wealth + of temporary resources to Rat Haven, with a note "More to come later from your friends in the Unbidden!"

2012-02-02, 06:06 PM

to hyperion industries
i will send my financial expert and necromancer karathan to your offices straight away

OOC:i will get back to you later today

Erik Vale
2012-02-02, 06:38 PM
SuccubiUnbound Brotherhood
A message swiftly arrives in the Gentry Betters club.

"We will need more details before agreeing to anything. What sort of work, and what sort of payment? We are always in the market for the souls of mortals, if you have any to give us."

Unbound Brotherhood
Loyalty 4

To Succubi

We would like to contract you for the softening of city officials in a few cities. We have our hands in a few soul depts gathered By Erynes that would make suitable payment.

2012-02-02, 06:40 PM
Dresden Unter Schmide
Loyalty ++

It seems a pity that so soon after our peaceful words I must come to you about a far less satisfactory matter.

I have watched your correspondence with the Bertrand Coven with growing concern. The vampires offered you peace, in return you demanded that they quit the city. This does not promote stability in the region. Both you and I benefit from a stable Europe Herr Doctor Jung. The Underforge will strongly disapprove of any overt hostile action against the vampires (Without provocation).

2012-02-02, 07:29 PM
Bertrand Coven
Loyalty: +++

Cult of the Unbidden
I certainly hope it does not come to open strife. However, we have done nothing to provoke them and they still seem inexplicably aggressive towards us. A war is the last thing we want, really. So we're going to do what we can to avoid it.

Darkmoon is certainly stirring up something... they've asked us to leave Paris, giving control of it to them. That's, well, ambitious to say the least. I think said ambition makes their intentions clear enough, but I'll let you jump to your own conclusions. As for the rest of us, everyone I've talked to seems content to remain at peace and grow within our own spheres of influence maybe giving each other a hand where appropriate. As of now, that's the best I can do to describe the current situation. Let's just hope Darkmoon isn't the fuse that lights this "powder keg".
Seven Shadow Hunters
I wish I could tell you that we weren't having any problems with them, but I'm honestly not sure at this point. They have gotten to the point of more or less demanding that we leave Paris, giving control to them. They say they'll help us settle elsewhere, but that is obviously not of interest to us... at all. I'm hoping the situation calms down a bit and they lay off the aggression. We definitely don't want it resulting in violence.
Darkmoon Project
You have offered us laurels? There is no strife between our people and yours and there is no reason for there to be! We have insisted on staying on good terms with mortals, including yourselves. You've responded to us with vague threats and demanding that we leave our home of many centuries... for no apparent reason. Your behavior does not reflect your claim to want to promote peace and safety for mortals in Europe. If that is truly your interest, you would be asking us how we could cooperate to make Europe a better place instead of trying to force us out.

Within the month I personally sent a message to another faction in Europe. In it, I requested that they remain vigilant. Throughout history, mortals have demonstrated more violence towards supernaturals and other mortals than most supernaturals have, so I asked them to keep an eye out strictly for the sake of our own safety and the stability of this region. I can only assume that you rudely intercepted our message and misinterpreted it unfairly. We have made no threats towards anyone; we are just positioning ourselves defensively in case the worst should happen.

Please retract your veiled threats and reconsider your attitude towards the Bertrand Coven. It is not too late for us to live in peace.

Michel Bertrand

2012-02-02, 08:15 PM
[PM Level Fluff] Club Carcosa, Hong Kong

A very odd man arrived apparently with reservations. He was wearing a tailored Italian suit, platinum Rolex, and various other accoutrements of wealth. However his features were drawn and his skin pale, almost as if he had only recently been a heavy drug user.

Nevertheless he had the proper identification and was escorted to the private room. When asked to speak he had this to say.

"I must first thank this body on behalf of myself and not my benefactors. Had their spell not possessed this body and left it broken and mindless on the Sumus' floor I would likely still remember my name and prior life."

He kept a straight face, that at least could be said. He had been the random messenger to the Sumus the Eastern Star spell had targeted and left comatose.

"I am now a vessel for Ille Erat, highly regarded by the Order. It is his hope that through this discussion a peaceful understanding may be reached."

Now, our only concern in the region is Singapore. Frankly, the Sumus wish to establish hegemony over Islamic states for the purpose of blunting radical tendencies and extremism. As the most populous Muslim nation is Indonesia and numerous other major religious and cultural centers are in the region Singapore serves as the ideal and in fact only staging ground for Islamic interaction in south-east Asia.

Therefore, the Sumus would like to negotiate for recognition of their special interest in Singapore. This is the only unarguable point on their side, that Singapore be accepted for their governance.

All else is up to this body to decide. What is required for the esteemed members of the Eastern Star Pact to agree to this concession? Numerous actions have been authorized to meet these needs up to and including the Sumus potential status as a member of the Pact.

2012-02-02, 08:40 PM
Darkmoon Project loyalty++++

Dresden unter Shmide
If you've been monitoring our conversation, you also know our reason for displeasure with them- do you find flaw in the logic? They talked of a mortal threat that could only be us or our allies, and refused to clarify when we asked for more information on their concerns, even though we offered them a chace to meet and discuss it privately.

While your displeasure is noted, it will not prevent us from taking action. For now though, we are content to wait and watch to see if they live up to their claims of benevolence. Because they pose a threat to mortals by their very natures, our tolerance for transgressions on their part is understandably low.

2012-02-02, 09:41 PM

to hyperion industries(PM lvl)
as the mage known only as karanthan arrives in toronto, and immediantly sets out for the nearest hyperion industry office.

i wish to speak with lormugand. karanthan says to the rather short clerk at the front desk. we have business to discuss

Lost Demiurge
2012-02-02, 10:01 PM
Cult of the Unbidden
PM-Level ESP meeting (And Sumus)

The club is in a rich district, and the crowd is huge. The music is a mix of ominous, dirgelike wailings, and harmonies beautiful but alien. Sometimes both at once. The line is long but you are expected, and shown in a VIP entrance at the rear. There you walk down halls lined with newly grown, near-flawless crystal to a door made of dark wood, of an unknown type to this world.

Beyond, is a tower room in an ancient ruin, the wind howling outside. A fire is lit and burns greenish, and the wide glass window looks out onto a body of water in the sunset.

Along the shore the cloud waves break, The twin suns sink behind the lake, The shadows lengthen In Carcosa.

There are cushions strewn about, modern couches and antique lamps of vaguely victorian make around a comfortable divan. Another plain mat and onsen heated table are in one corner, with a few potted bonsai placidly growing. A third corner bears a mesmerized woman in a white dress, sitting next to a throne carved in the middle ages/romanian style. A name tag around her neck reads "dinner." The corners are occupied, respectively, by a young man in an ill-fitting expensive suit with a bone mask painted onto his face, a living luminescent breeze, and a heavily built grey-haired man in a European cut suit.

The fourth corner is in the heart of the ruin, a pile of fallen rocks with luminous moss growing upon it. Masked shadows writhe upon the stones, and look away in despair.

Seated upon the stones is a grey-haired man in a blue business suit. Swarthy of complexion, and with eyes wise and knowing, he smiles behind his cigar and considers you. A darkness follows him, no matter where he shifts among the lighted moss, and he seems quite at ease upon his ruin.

"Well, well. We were just discussing what to do with... Singapore, actually. Ah, but let me introduce myself. I am Nyarlathotep, sometimes called the Black Pharoah, occasionally the Crawling Chaos, but usually more often, the Dark Man."

He hops down from the ruins, and studies Ille Erat, before frowning. "The medium is still too problematic. That shell should not have perished so easily. Ah well. At any rate, you were brave enough to come here, so I believe that your... Petition to join as a provisory member merits a vote. But first, the rules as we've decided on them. Understand that we ask you to keep these confidential. No sense in giving people a... Free look at our doings."

"Our goals are simple. We want to keep outsiders from disturbing the harmony of Asia, and make sure things are... Peaceful in our backyard. This will free up our focus to pursue our own agendas and deal with the rest of the world without worrying overmuch about infighting or betrayal at home. To that end, we maintain peace with one another, and come to the defense of each other should an attack on one of the Asian cities occur."His teeth are white and a little too even as he smiles. "Not what you expected, I'm sure."

"The tricky part comes with the "neutral cities." We will... Take them under our care, to make sure that the native dwellers are not... Unduly disturbed. We are scouting all five of them now, and will share information on what we find once reports are recieved. Each of us will be given a city to mind. Each of us will ensure that city's peace through our own methods. Should sufficient minor factions exist in a city that they deserve... A chance to grow, then we shall protect them and take a... Tax from them for our troubles."

"Basically, we agree to cooperate where Asia is concerned, keep out those who would cause trouble, and share control of the region without squabbling over cities. Share information as you can, try to maintain... Good will between the members despite... Differences... And in all other matters, do as you will."

"So relax here for a bit, ask any... Questions you may have, and let us wait for the reports on the five neutral cities to come back."

"As to votes... We vote Yea. Let Sumus enter the Eastern Star Pact. They have shown bravery in making the journey to Carcosa, wisdom in entering in with courtesy, and potential, in that they present an aspect of this world's inhabitants that we are currently lacking in our alliance. Yea, let them join into our pact and take governance of the fifth city. Let our four sides become five, enough for a proper... Pentacle."

"How vote you, spirit of the Kami Kantai? How vote you, Kurt Aproxymeo from Seven Shadow Hunters? How vote you, Shining One from TLDT-TS?"

2012-02-02, 10:48 PM

As previously stated, send VIPs to Vienna, Jerusalem, and Kinshassa.

2012-02-03, 06:45 AM
The Seven Shadow Hunters

To ESP (and Sumus) PM

The man called Kurt Aproxymeo was was sitting completely relaxed in chair. His posture reminiscent of the old predator in the image of man-eating tiger.. which was not far from the truth. His eyes closed as if he listen to music from the club.

"I vote yes. Let's the Sumus become one of Estern Star.

Bertrand Coven +++++ +


Keep an eye on them. If they attack you .. well, we will gladly help you find a solution to this problem.

Kurt Aproxymeo

2012-02-03, 07:28 AM
Loyalty 2

I do in fact find considerable flaws in your logic. I understand to a certain extent that you have a 'gut reaction' toward the vampires (Although I cannot imagine what such a thing might be like). Certainly if there was a creature that fed on the lifeforce of golems I would not be inclined to treat with them.

However consider this; the coven brings economic wealth, political stability and social freedom to Paris. According to your John Stuart Mills this is all humans need to be happy. A wealthy and stable Paris in turn breeds a wealthier and more stable Europe, which is in the interest of all Europeans, supernatural and human alike.

Weighed against this is the vampire's nature, namely their feeding rituals. However it is my understanding that being fed upon is pure ecstasy and for the mortal to die is very rare, happening only by accident and severely punished by the coven.

So to feed (to survive, do not forget. Would you call the shark or tiger evil for shedding blood?) they bring happiness to the individual. Their continued existence brings happiness the majority.

Now compare this with the other factions we have seen you in contact with:

TIM who, on a busy day, kill more mortals in one day of 'testing' then the coven has managed in the last decade.

OSA who are in direct opposition to your mother church.

And the Eastern Star Pact, the one which confuses me the most. So European vampires are bad, but Asian vampires are good? Vampires who rarely kill are bad, but those who murder so they may animate the dead are good? Most surprising is your treatment with the Cult of the Unbidden. You are new to the shadow world, mayhap you do not comprehend what the Cult is. I would direct you to the relevant texts but I doubt your researchers have the fortitude to read them and remain sane. That is what the Cult is, it is a horror so vast and overwhelming that no human mind can comprehend even the smallest fraction of it and remain sane.

Incidentally if DUS finds you have leaked any more information regarding our operations in Europe to the ESP we will cut off all diplomatic ties to you immediately. This is not open to negotiation.

So, frankly, yes we find considerable flaws in your reasoning. It seems to us you are sabre rattling simply because the coven is close to you and weaker than you. This implies DUS military strength is the only thing preventing hostilities between us. A pity, the golems have not had true friends among humanity since the Jews of Warsaw. We had hoped to find more in the most unexpected of places, now we hope we were not too badly mistaken.

GM (PM):
I would like to switch the 1 sub I have going to warsaw and shift it to Dublin instead. Keep the 1 str going to Amsterdam.


2012-02-03, 07:48 AM

Easter Star Pact

''We have argued before the Pact before, that we need proper numbers – five factions and five independent cities makes for the good math. If you could contribute to our joint effort, TLDT-TS will vote yes, on granting you special custody of Singapore. There are however two issues, we’d like to clarify before the vote.

Fitst, I must mention, the TLDT-TS has a claim on a Singapore, that we won’t pursue, as long as you provide proper protection and wise rule for the city and its population.

Second, the important issue is – what will happen to the minor faction in control of Singapore? We are planning to establish a protectorate – making the independents the vassals of the Pact, rather than destroying them and ruling directly. You’ve mentioned that you want Singapore as a staging area for your operations to extend hegemony over Islamic population. So TLDT-TS would insist you’d attempt diplomatic accommodations with the power in charge of Singapore, that won’t deprive them of more than 50% of their resources. If it proves not to be an option, I propose, we take another vote to authorize use of force to resolve the issue.''


If my stunt with using a trait to sniff out Dublin isn't allowed, I'll use ++ Military (in that case I can still use them for attack, correct?)

2012-02-03, 09:27 AM
Loyalty +++++

Sertolovo Bratva PM

"Going on? What is going on? Johnny doesn't know.

Maybe the Voice knows? Voice? Jim?

Seems Voice isn't in Johnny's head now.

Furry creature needs to know what's happening? See the Boss, see the Prophet. Johnny doesn't know. Other furry creatures stay here. Furry creature comes to the shrine. Talks with Prophet, talks with Boss.

Talks with the friend of the Prophet. The weird German. Johnny thinks she was a gretchin. Was she? No, she was not.

Gretchen? Yes, Gretchen Schmidt. She's working on some Project, Johnny doesn't know more. Jim would, but he's not in my head now.

Furry creature will follow Johnny now."

The Darkmoon Project sent a VIP of theirs to Moscow, to meet the prophet. Meaning if Komarov comes to TIM's base, you will be able to PM both me and the Darkmoon Project.

Just saying.

Also, could you get to the point already? You were the one contacting me, after all. :smalltongue:

Darkmoon Project PM

A young acolyte is waiting for dr. Schmidt on the train station.

The acolyte leads her to the shire of the great one, where the prophet is already waiting for her.

"We meet at last. Tell me, what did you have in mind? I assume you didn't come here just to pray for the forgiveness of the Great One?"

2012-02-03, 09:34 AM
To TIM and Darkmoon Project in Moscow (GM):

OOC: Let's talk in PMs about... things.

Johnny leads Komarov to the TIM base, where the meeting is taking place.

2012-02-03, 09:53 AM
Hyperion Industries: Loyalty +++

To the Rat Haven, Sucubi, and the Exiles
Greetings Illustrious Neighbors,

No doubt you have been pondering the recent announcement from the eastern star pact. And so I will get straight to the point. Regardless of what the pact may or may not be planning to do the fact remains that they remain a powerful new force second only to the Old Ones. And with the Old Ones on the decline these new contenders will soon be in the ascendant. And I for one do not want them dictating world policay as the Old Ones dictated the Shadow Treaty. So I suggest we take a note from their book and do the same. The American powers will simply claim the American continents from outside interference. I have invited the other powers here as well, but we four alone are enough to begin such an alliance.

And after we have ensured that no outside powers will interfere we can begin persuading the other smaller factions, as well as the mortals, on the continents to come around to our way of thinking.

OOC: Are the Sucubi and Rat Haven actually going to send VIPs to make this meeting secure. I'm hesitant to discuss plans in more detail while its open.

2012-02-03, 01:01 PM
Rat Haven

Hyperion, Sucubi, and the Exiles [PM, Sending Twitch]
Sounds like an interesting plan. Rats Haven has personal intrest in South American and we don't want any Asian or European powers interfearing.

2012-02-03, 02:46 PM

hyperion,succubi, rat haven(PM lvl)
this plan might actually work. you will have the full support of the exiles in this alliance

distant quasar
2012-02-03, 03:41 PM

exiles, rat haven, hyperion industries (PM level)
((don't ahve any VIPs left. I assume that it can be counted as PM level by the prescence of another factions VIP however?))

This sounds like an excellent idea. You have our full support, judging by what we have heard thus far.

2012-02-03, 03:49 PM
Hyperion Industries: Loyalty +++

To the Rat Haven, Sucubi, and the Exiles (PM)
OOC: Judging by what it says in the rule I think we need another VIP or stats, probably + of stats since that seems to be equal to a VIP. So if the Sucubi could contribute a + of subtlety or something. Although given the number of VIPs involved Sithis might give us a pass.

On that subject I suggest that we move this conference to Ottawa so I can use my own VIP to merge the Remnants into this. I've already talked with Forum Explorer about it.

2012-02-03, 04:06 PM
Darkmoon Project

Dresden unter Shmide
Using humans as puppets is not the same as bringing them stability. While we can understand that perspective, we at Darkmoon project to not hold to that philosophy. As you know, however, we have chosen not to act against the Coven until such time as they prove themselves deserving of our efforts.

To address your concerns about our other contacts, we admit our organization knows little about the factions outside of Europe. We know enough to realize that, with the possible exception of the Kami Kentai, we will never be friends with the ESP. We are but men, however, and have not the strength to challenge them in Asia. Therefore, the best we can do is encourage them to avoid Europe and pray we do not have to fight them to protect these lands.

If you wish to speak in further depth on these matters, our doors are always open to you in Berlin.

OOC: Don't kill yourself trying to explain Lovecraftian horror to me, I've read Call of Cthulu. IC though DP is pretty much assuming they're just a bunch of crazy mortals.

2012-02-03, 04:12 PM
hyperion,succubi, rat haven(PM lvl)
of course. i hear its lovely in ottowa this time of year

2012-02-03, 04:34 PM
Darkmoon Project

To TIM (possibly Sertolovo Bratva) PM-level
OOC:Decided to just go ahead and write this up, not sure if Murska is supposed to be here or not. Use your own judgement.

Gretchen was a little lost. Great one? Did that mean the dead pyromancer they idol-worshiped, or was the prophet referring to himself in the third person? Oh well, she'd just stick to the bullet points she'd been sent here to discuss.

"Er.. no, that's not my only reason for being here. It is our understanding that you are the final authority on fires of all kinds, and it occurred to me that a joint research project could be in both our interests. We have few pyrokineticists in our employ, as well as a great many latent psychics who could have their gift... encouraged to manifest as pyrokinesis with your help. If we worked together, our organization would benefit from an increased number of pyrokineticists who had undergone your superior training, while we could teach your people to harness the power of their minds to enhance the power of their magical rituals.

In addition, there are many factions who object to the use of force- including even your sacred fire. If we combined forces, we could burn our enemies to cinders much more quickly than we could if each of us were acting alone."

2012-02-03, 05:32 PM
"We Are"

OSA and Darkmoon Project
We would like to schedule a private conference with both of you for four months time. It will of course be a matter of the highest secrecy.

Eastern Star Pact (PM)
"We are neither war mongers nor racists. We had supposed a far less strenuous burden then one half revenue in tribute. Whomever currently lives there is entitled to life so long as it does not impinge upon the life of others. So long as they do not interfere with our operational and logistic control of the city we have no quarrel with them."

"We are the Light that Shines in the darkness. And the darkness knows us not." (PM level discussion)
It seemed a good time for us to renew our ties in these troubled times. The situation of the Eastern Star Pact is worrisome along with other rumblings.

No doubt by now you have been made aware of our attempts at pan Mohammedan hegemony for the purpose of ensuring an intellectual resource base. We would greatly appreciate your support in this endeavor. In order to avoid implications of insider information, investment in the region might be the best path. We will guarantee them and provide the more subtle manipulations necessary.

As we have agreed on, we will in turn provide support to you as well. Is there any particular needs which we might be assistance in rectifying?

2012-02-03, 05:38 PM
OSA to Sumus
(OOC: When is that? Next turn?)

2012-02-03, 06:51 PM
To Estern Star Pact

New messages to read, provided by Light: first copycats of ESP (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12652944&postcount=100) and one another moralist (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12652468&postcount=96)

Kurt Aproxymeo opened his eyes. Keen eyes moved to Ille Era. He sniffed and smiled.

"I smell moral judgment I am sure that entire Aproxymeo clan never killed so many people than one of toys you gave humans. Or at least, if I recall, you and some fifty other faction who claimed achievements of those.. geniuses."

"As far as I am concerned my only goal is to ensure well being of my family. I am as altruistic as you but in more humane scale. "

OOC: few post for roleplaying? I would love to see discussion of morality between old-fashioned vampires, inhuman geniuses and cthulhu brothers.. :smallsmile:

Lost Demiurge
2012-02-03, 07:01 PM
Cult of the Unbidden
to Eastern Star Pact and Sumus

The Dark man smiles. "Then with a majority vote concluded, welcome to the Pact. I don't think the Kami will mind, when their attention is with us again. Oh, almost forgot..."

He heads over to the glazed-eyed young woman with the "Dinner" card around her neck, and changes it for one labelled "Minutes." The woman snaps awake, looks around, and puts on a pair of spectacles while pulling out a notepad to jot things down.

"Here. She can also update you on the messages that we've sent as a Pact to date, and the things we discussed in this room previously."

(OOC: Figure this is easier than re-hashing the discussions previously. If no one objects, you're welcome to read the ESP-labelled messages.)

"Looks like we're settled, then. Now we just wait and see what our scouts say about the five cities..."

As Kurt speaks with Ille Era, The dark man shrugs. "As far as morality goes, I'm not really qualified to speak. That's something you human... Well, and ex-human types made up. What was it that great author said? Grind up the whole universe and measure it out, and you'll not find one atom of justice, or a single molecule of mercy. For our part, I teach those who come to me of the Truth. Most can't handle it. The ones that can, soon find every other mortal's hand turned against them. Persecution, removal of rights, extermination. Oh, and misrepresentation. I swear to Great Azathoth, if my students decided to try innocence, and spent a solid decade throwing bake sales and raffles, they'd be treated no different."

Nyarlathotep shrugs. "So why treat unenlightened mortals any better than tools? What's the percentage for my followers? Even if we tried, we'd just get blamed for every horrible thing that happened anyway, and persecuted just as much."

"If you've got an answer for this, by all means let me know. No one's provided a good one yet, maybe one of you gentlebeings can surprise me."

2012-02-03, 11:42 PM
Kami Kentai

Eastern Star Pact:(PM)
In reply to the TLDT-TS

"We cannot give this. The Kami need what have."

At other things

"New one accepted. Equal in city and number. Peace more evenly spread, more protection from harm."

To the Darkmoon Project:(+++++ +)
"Biggest gamble, strongest gain. If allies untrusted betrayal brings. Asia is safe, now at least. When evil within hearts blooms, evil vanquished."

To Sertolovo Bratva:(+++++ +)
"Defense of mutual borders, pleasant accepted. An eye for each other.

Prosper and peace."

2012-02-04, 03:38 AM
Æsir to The Sertolovo Bratva Loyalty: ++

A letter arrives from Odin, the All-Father

We know something of you, wolf-men. Our Úlfhednar, our Berserkers, they were like you. Though they became wolf in mind alone, not in body. But they are long gone, like our strength.

I would give much to see our power returned to it's former glory, but that hardly seems possible. The Church of the One God has grown much more powerful over the years, while we waned. Though if you have some idea how to reverse our situation... yes, I think we may be able to help you. What have you in mind?

Draken Corporation to The Remnants Loyalty: +++

You recieve a telephone call from a man claiming to be CEO Gregory Clark, of the Draken Corporation. The voice on the other line, a deep growl more than anything, suggests that the caller is not human.

This is CEO Clark, though the likes of you might know me better by my other name, Mathandrius. I'm sorry to keep you waiting, but I've been fairly busy lately.

I understand that you're looking for investors for a project. This piqued my curiosity, as I'm always looking for more ways to make a profit. What was it that you had in mind?

Draken Corporation to Hyperion Industries Loyalty: +++

The reply from Mathandrius is received surprisingly quickly.

Well, the whelp at least knows the proper way to address his elders. Though I don't think there's any need for more of that. Though I doubt you'd ever DARE patronize me, let's just keep our language blunt from here on out.

You ask for my wisdom and advice, fine. What is it, specifically, you want to know?

Unseely Court to TLDT-TS (PM Level)

What makes you think that we cannot reach past the veil of death, mortal? Do you know the power of the fae? Once one has struck a deal with the Fae, not even death can break it.

But you amuse me, mortal. Perhaps I will take you up on your offer, if only to see if you can. But I must ask one thing: once the soul is summoned, you will leave. What I would discuss with it is not for you to hear. If you agree to this, then you may have your storm.

Unseely Court to The Remnants Loyalty: ++++

Really? How so? Would you care to be more specific?

Servich Investigations to Hyperion Industries Loyalty: +++++ ++

Well, Iormungand, or whatever you want to call yourself, first things first.

It's Servich INVESTIGATIONS. Not INDUSTRIES. Please get the name right, because there was a Servich Industries in Chicago a few years back. It didn't last long though, went out of business.

Anyway, you don't seem like that bad a guy, but you've been involved with...well...groups that are a bit more shady. Lo Shen? Those Asian necromancers? Really? We can't help but be a bit...cautious, with anyone who would willingly associate with those groups.'

Now tell me, what exactly is it that you want?

Alan Servich

Catholic Church to The Remnants Loyalty: +++++ ++

A tricky question, and one that I am probably not the best qualified to answer. If you wish, I can consult with the Holy Father, and get the answer to your question.

In the meantime, is there anything else I can do for you?

Illuminati to Sumus (PM Level)

There is nothing specific at this time, though something may come up in the future, if our plans go as we hope.

And I'm assuming that you meant that you wanted us to help finance your attempts to manipulate Islam itself? Hmm...and interesting goal, and something perhaps worth attempting. If for no other reason, than to see if we can.

Olympians to Sumus Loyalty: +++

Who and what are you that claim such age? And what are you proposing?

Neter to Sumus Loyalty: +++

Hmm...the Sumus reveal themselves. How long have you been hiding in the dark places of the world? And what it is you propose, that could bring us back into power?

Conversations among the Old Order (To read, invest any of: +++ of any stat)

A few representatives of the Old Order have gathered to discuss events. If you're reading this, you've managed to somehow infiltrate their meeting, and overheard this part.

Magus Conclave: We assume that we haven't been the only ones to notice the recent surge of activity among supernatural groups of late? Especially of note is this Eastern Star Pact. Their method of announcing themselves might go a long way toward showing their real intentions.

Draken Corporation: Macabre, to be sure. Are they the most dangerous?

Magus Conclave: We're not sure. But power blocks of any kind are certainly dangerous.

Æsir: As we well know.

Magus Conclave: The point is, we're not sure what their real intentions are. And their first attempt at communication...

Unseely Court: You humans. Like every death is some great tragedy.

Seely Court: We needn't decide what to do about them now. Let use see what they do next, before we proceed.

Olympians: Agreed. If they prove themselves dangerous, we will simply destroy them.

GM Responses


Honestly, I have no problem with the magic of it. Go ahead and try it.

2012-02-04, 03:49 AM
To GM Only

With information on the soul in question, the Fae provided, do I have a rough idea of how much Knowledge I must use to summon it?

And if that person died in my Old Stomping Ground, I may get a little boost (not certain if my other Trait qualifies)

2012-02-04, 05:25 AM
Hyperion Industries: Loyalty +++

To Draken Corporation
Very well I will get straight to the point. You are a member of the Old Order how will they react to the Eastern Star Pact, and other potential power blocs. I am currently organizing a similar counter organization amongst the American factions, and if the Old Order is going to come down hard on such alliances I wish to know before they choose to demonstrate their displeasure on me.

I will also take this opportunity to invite you to the alliance I am creating. As you are located in North America it seems only polite and prudent, even though I know you likely have no desire to join forces with a youngling such as myself and the other minor powers I am collecting.

To Servich Investigations
My apologies I had no wish to insult you by alluding to some unfortunate company. It was simply a mistake on someone in my organization's part.

I also wish to reassure you as to my intentions. Lo Shen is an American and as such I must deal with him for a reason I will get to shortly. As for TLDT-TS they contacted me first. I am a business dragon first and foremost I simply wish to keep my options open if I need to move into an area where they have some influence rather than immediately make enemies.

Now on to business. As it happens I originally requested this meeting for a different matter, but something more urgent has come up that I feel I must discuss with you. You may or may not have heard recently that those very necromancers have joined with several other factions in Asia to form a coalition. They have declared the whole of East Asia as inviolate to other supernatural factions, and will no doubt be using it as their personal fiefdoms now. As you have already pointed out many of the factions in Asia are less than wholesome. As I have a vested interest in your species survival in order to grow my own company I do not particularly wish the less noble of supernaturals to become ascendant. Thus I have begun forming a counter organization to protect the Americas from incursions.

Now you may be wondering why I have come to you. Simple I wish to offer you a position in this alliance. An equal alliance between mortal and supernatural. Now before you reject it out of hand consider the benefits. You will have a real say in how this alliance handles its affairs, and eventually those affairs will cover a very large number of mortals. A strong alliance would prevent all the other supernatural factions of the world from interfering with America making your own work of investigating the supernatural in America and protecting humans from it much simpler.

I won't lie to you. Many of the factions that will be involved in the alliance are not much more wholesome than the eastern ones. But with your support the Remnants and I can prevent the other factions from getting out of hand. Without you the alliance will be in balance between the parties that wish to see humanity prosper and those more interested in serving their own ends at any cost.

So what do you say to my proposal? Bear in mind whether you accept my offer or decline the alliance will still form. I have already secured the commitment of the Remnants, the Rat Haven, the Exiles, and the Succubi, and I expect Lo Shen to join as well. Would you desire for those factions to dictate how the supernatural and mortal interact in the Americas with or without your input. The Remnants and I wish only the best for mortals, and the Rat Haven is unlikely to begin preying on humans, but the others well I'll let you decide what their likely arguments will be.


Forum Explorer
2012-02-04, 06:51 AM
The Remnants

To Draken Corporation +++
A new ward, one that should protect an entire city from spells the posses or harm the inhabitants of that city.

To Unseely Court PM
We would rather speak in person about this plan if you don't mind. We don't want anyone to learn of this.

(Assuming they agree to speed this up)

Our intention is to create a being that feeds on the discord and strife in the world to strengthen itself and it brings with it cold and wintery weather. A small fist-fight wouldn't be enough to sustain anymore then a cool breeze but large scale gang activity or a war would bring blizzards and a severe drop in temperature.

To the Catholic Church
Yes please do.

Otherwise we have begun a program to improve the downtrodden and poor parts of our home. We were wondering if you would be interested in helping

2012-02-04, 08:36 AM
Sertolovo Bratva to Æsir:

Well, the progress is going to be slow whatever we do. But it is not as though we are strangers to time, and to patience.

There are still groups, minor and few in number, who worship the old deities. There are also new groups, who worship in their own way, partially as a protest to the One God and in part to seek new experiences. But some of those also believe. These can be thought of as seeds.

The One God is also waning in many parts of this world today - people are losing all faith in beings greater than them. This could be because of the Long Shadow Treaty in part, as they no longer see or hear any evidence of the existance of the supernatural.

There are two options. To make people believe, they need some sort of proof - minor as it may be, and nothing that could compromize our secrecy, if signs are given to those who believe, they will organically begin to grow. Western European and Scandinavian nations are havens for Atheists, who believe in no Gods - but man has the need to believe in something greater than himself, and if we provide that, and manipulate the public perception a little, we can start a growth trend.

Or, we can change as the world is changing. If people do not believe in myths and monsters, in giants and gods, in dungeons and dragons, what do they believe in? They believe in the power of technology, in the power of money and in the power of their weapons. The one medium where we can reach the most people in the shortest amount of time is the Internet, and we could utilize the same phenomenon as those who build pyramid schemes and fool people out of their gold - it is easy to spark blind faith, if you just cross the first instance of doubt with sufficient evidence.

2012-02-04, 01:14 PM
The Black Market

The tall, skeletal man stood behind the Anton's desk.
"You will contact those cities as I requested, yes?
Anton was sweating, his eyes forward,
"Yessir I will."
He spoke quickly, hoping to be rid of the skeletal man all the quicker by it,
"Good Anton, good. The funds and men will be provided, I simply need your name. Have fun writing your letters.
The lich began to move, walking to the door, before he stopped,
Oh Anton,
He spoke off handedly,
The skelatal man smiled, his grin encompassing most of his face,
I'll be watching, so don't mess up okay?
With the brief exchange complete, the skeletal man ducked under the door frame and was gone.


"Of course! My old friends always get first pick of our plentiful supply of parts. What can we do you for?"

-The Arms Dealer

[Sounds fair.]

To Sertolovo Bratva, TIM, The Red Monks, Sumus

"Wonderful neighbors of mine! It has been too long since we've spoken. With the advent of the Eastern Star Pact, I feel it would be wise to organize ourselves, for protection of course. It's my thought that we could easily surpass the ESP with our resources."

-The Arms Dealer

To Hyperion Industries, the Gnomes of Zurich, the Draken Corporation

"Gentleman, I feel it would be best if we could come together in an economic venture. Our vast expanses of wealth would be better used together as comrades rather than as competitors."

-The Arms Dealer

To Cairo, Lagos, Kinshasa, Johannesburg, Rio de Janeiro, Bogotá, Miami, Las Vegas

Friends, neighbors, I'd like to propose a business deal. You see, Kiev has recently received a windfall of funds, and we need someone to share it with. Might you be interested?

Governor Anton of Kiev

To Kharkiv, L' Viv, Odessa, Zaporozhye, Dnipropetrovs'k

As part of a government program to bring together Ukranian cities and citizens, representatives will be sent to each of your respective cities to participate in local government activities and assist with local projects.

-Governor Anton of Kiev

2012-02-04, 01:40 PM
Gnomes, semi-public message

Messages are going around to the supernatural circles of the world:
Are you looking for investment opportunities, or seeking a discreet and competitive loan? Contact us today, and one of our agents will come to your town to talk about our tariffs and interest rates.

Gnomes to Servich Investigations (Loy ++)

A very short message is going out, in an encrypted e-mail, officially from a medium-sized Swiss investor group: we wish to talk, there may be business. Much and profitable business.

Gnomes to the Black Market (Loy ++)

We must admit that, while we find most of your businesses distasteful, we can not deny your success. We are sure divisions can be made, or investments shared, as necessary.

If those are the only cities I'm allowed to take an interest in, I'll send Loreley to scout in Johannesburg and Madrid. Everything else on the list of important stock exchanges is too close to enemy territories or nonexistant.

2012-02-04, 01:47 PM
TLDT-TS [Loy: ++]

To Gnomes of Zurich

Greetings to the Gnomes of Zurich,

''We’d like to take a loan, although we want it to be in arcane materials and eldritch knowledge, rather than coin. Would you be willing to provide such service?''

[OOC: I’m requesting ++ t. Knowledge for +++ of another stat (Economy, Influence, Military, your preference) next turn.]

Forum Explorer
2012-02-04, 01:48 PM
The Remnants

To GM/Exploration
We'll start looking to see what other factions are in Dublin or have begun moving into Dublin.

2012-02-04, 02:29 PM
Gnomes to TLDT-TS

We might have a deal for you. I suggest Alberich and one of your own meet in a neutral location.

OOC: PM? I have an idea what I could need from you.

2012-02-04, 03:46 PM
To Gnomes of Zurich [OOC-PM]

We can talk in PM, but only if you provide VIP. I've spent 2 of mine and I need the third for EoT.

2012-02-04, 04:13 PM
Gnomes to Necromancers, PM-level

OOC: Certainly, Alberich can fly to you.

2012-02-04, 07:20 PM
Mid-Turn Exploration (Now including the ones I missed the first time)

Ordo Sanctus Astrum

Vienna: Artemis manages to make contact with a group of Wyldfae, faerie that not aligned with either the Unseely or Seely Courts. They are not at all pleased by the presence of other groups in Vienna, and make that known, though they are not yet actively hostile.

However, your group is not the only in Vienna in the last few months. Representatives of TIM and the Darkmoon Project have also been here poking around.

Strength: ++
Subtlety: ++
Wealth: -
Knowledge: -
Loyalty: ++
Influence: -

Jerusalem: Unbeknownst to the people living in the city, the spirits of dead Crusaders and their Muslim enemies still battle in the underworld of the city. Arcturus manages to stay out of their way, but not before they try to kill him at least twice. Obviously, not friendly.

Dead Warriors
Strength: ++++
Subtlety: -
Wealth: -
Loyalty: ++
Influence: -

Kinshasa: Oddly enough, the Holy Shadow wasn't able to find any kind of dominant faction in Kinshasa. The minor ones that exist were hardly enough to notice. It could easily be taken over.

However, the Shadow also noticed Chief Glasock, of the Hyperion Corporation, visiting the city as well.

Darkmoon Project

Your people manage to hunt down group of Wyldfae, faerie that not aligned with either the Unseely or Seely Courts. They are not at all pleased by the presence of other groups in Vienna, and make that known, though they are not yet actively hostile to you.

Your people also notice the presence of a couple operatives of TIM in the city, and think there might have been other groups here as well.

Strength: ++
Subtlety: ++
Wealth: -
Knowledge: -
Loyalty: ++
Influence: -

Warsaw: Here, your people encounter the Wilkołak Clan of werewolves. They're not exactly enthralled to meet you, but they prove not to be actively hostile either.

Wilkołak Clan
Strength: +++
Subtlety: +
Wealth: +
Knowledge: -
Loyalty: +
Influence: -

Amsterdam: It seems that Amsterdam's underworld is mostly controlled by the Naša Stvar, a splinter branch of a powerful European crime syndicate. They prove to be at least somewhat aware of the supernatural, and have no love lost for them. Or you, as it seems. They make it clear that they'd rather you clear out.

Naša Stvar
Strength: ?
Subtlety: ++?
Wealth: ?
Loyalty: +
Influence: -

Dublin: Oddly enough, the controlling power of Dublin seems to be a fairly small corporation, that set up shop there not long ago. They bill themselves as a security corporation, Shillelagh, there to help combat the threat of terrorism. However, they seem much more knowledge of the supernatural than the average corporation.

Strength: ++
Subtlety: ++
Wealth: +
Knowledge: -
Loyalty: +


Vienna: Your agents manage to make contact with a group of Wyldfae, faerie that not aligned with either the Unseely or Seely Courts. They are not at all pleased by the presence of other groups in Vienna, and make that known, though they are not yet actively hostile.

Strength: ++
Subtlety: ++
Wealth: -
Knowledge: -
Loyalty: ++
Influence: -

Dubai: It seems that in Dubai, some of the civilians got sick of the criminal elements, and even some of the more supernatural ones. They banded together and drove these groups out, and now have control of the underworld. Though, they don't really know what to do with it. They treat your agents respectfully, but coldly. Probably worried that you're another group that may try to move in on them.

Dubai's Watchman

Strength: ++
Subtlety: +
Wealth: +
Knowledge: -
Loyalty: ++
Influence: -

Sertolovo Bratva

Warsaw: Here, your people encounter the Wilkołak Clan of werewolves, one of the Clans that had been part of the Lycanthrope Nation before it's collapse. They are a bit wary of your reputation, but also excited to finally meet their eastern cousins.

Wilkołak Clan
Strength: +++
Subtlety: +
Wealth: +
Knowledge: -
Loyalty: +
Influence: -

Lagos: The Lagos underworld seems to have largely been taken over by a gang called the Area Boys. They are a fairly violent gang, made up mostly of youths. They were definitely not happy when they realized that Juha represented a group that wanted to move into their city. They made it clear that they want nothing to do with you.

Area Boys
Strength: ++
Subtlety: +
Wealth: -
Knowledge: -
Loyalty: +++
Influence: -

Seven Shadow Hunters

Mumbai: Light and his agents manage to track down the source of a fairly new drug that has hit the streets of Mumbai, known as Second Sight. Allegedly, the drug allows you to see into the spirit world. Proven possibly true, when Light tracks down the MAGES responsible for it's creation. Surprisingly, they are very happy to meet Light and his agents. They are looking to expand their business, but unfortunately don't have the resources to do so themselves...

Second Sight Dealers
Strength: -
Subtlety: +
Wealth: +
Knowledge: +++
Loyalty: +
Influence: -

Bertrand Coven

Madrid: Surprisingly, there doesn't seem to be any major factions present in Madrid. At least, nothing you couldn't sweep away with little effort. The city is ripe for the taking.

Barcelona: In Barcelona, the Small Folk, diminutive Wyldfae, seem to have the majority of control. No one seems to be sure how this came about. While fickle, the Small Folk seem to be mostly harmless, and actually fairly friendly!

Small Folk
Strength: ?
Subtlety: ++++
Wealth: ?
Knowledge: ?
Loyalty: +
Influence: -

Dresden Unter Schmiede

Amsterdam: It seems that Amsterdam's underworld is mostly controlled by the Naša Stvar, a splinter branch of a powerful European crime syndicate. They prove to be at least somewhat aware of the supernatural, and have no love lost for them. Or you, as it seems. They make it clear that they'd rather you clear out.

Naša Stvar
Strength: ?
Subtlety: ++?
Wealth: ?
Loyalty: +
Influence: -

Dublin: Oddly enough, the controlling power of Dublin seems to be a fairly small corporation, that set up shop there not long ago. They bill themselves as a security corporation, Shillelagh, there to help combat the threat of terrorism. However, they seem much more knowledge of the supernatural than the average corporation.

Strength: ++
Subtlety: ++
Wealth: +
Knowledge: -
Loyalty: +

Hyperion Corporation

Kinshasa: Oddly enough, Chief Glasock wasn't able to find any kind of dominant faction in Kinshasa. The minor ones that exist were hardly enough to notice. It could easily be taken over.

Santiago: The Macul Cartel seems to be in de-facto control of the underworld of Santiago. Oddly enough, it seems they've been a fairly stabilizing for, with violent crime down a fair bit since they took over. They treat your agents with respect, bordering on friendliness.

Mascul Cartel
Strength: ?
Wealth: ?
Knowledge: -
Loyalty: +
Influence: -


Dublin: Oddly enough, the controlling power of Dublin seems to be a fairly small corporation, that set up shop there not long ago. They bill themselves as a security corporation, Shillelagh, there to help combat the threat of terrorism. However, they seem much more knowledge of the supernatural than the average corporation.

Strength: ++
Subtlety: ++
Wealth: +
Knowledge: -
Loyalty: +

The Remnants

(OOC:While you said you wanted to investigate Dublin, you didn't actually dedicate any resources to it. (That I saw, anyway.) Point me towards the resources you wanted to use, or get back to me with what resources you're willing to commit.)

Dublin:King Arthur arrives in Dublin, only to find that the controlling power seems to be a fairly small corporation that set up shop there not long ago. They bill themselves as a security corporation, Shillelagh, there to help combat the threat of terrorism. However, they seem much more knowledge of the supernatural than the average corporation.

Strength: ++
Subtlety: ++
Wealth: +
Knowledge: -
Loyalty: +


Rio de Janiero: It seems that most of the supernatural factions in Rio have chased out by a fairly new street gang, the Mão de Deus. It seems to be largely made up of young people who had gotten sick of being messed with by supernatural threats. They don't realize exactly what Sirhandon actually is, and are very enthusiastic to have been noticed by someone as imporant as him.

Mão de Deus
Strength: +++
Subtlety: -
Wealth: -
Knowledge: -
Loyalty: +++
Influence: -

Las Vegas: The Underworld of Las Vegas seems to be mostly under the control of a vampire clan, that call themselves the Cullen Clan. (They explain that this is intended as a joke.) Surprisingly, they are quite agreeable, and make it clear that they would much rather work with the Succubi than against them.

Cullen Clan
Strength: ?
Subtlety: +++?
Wealth: ?
Knowledge: ?
Loyalty: +
Influence: -

Dallas: The Dallas underworld seems to have been taken over by a relatively small securities firm that call themselves the New Rangers Company. They mostly do security consulting, but seem to have chased most of the supernatural groups out of Dallas on the side. They're not terribly happy to have the Succubi in Dallas, but do recognize that perhaps it would be better to work with you than against you.

New Rangers Company
Strength: +++
Subtlety: -
Wealth: +
Knowledge: -
Loyalty: ++
Influence: -

Cult of the Unbidden

Bangkok: In Bangkok, your agents find out about a group of Magus who use magic to unlock the knowledge of their past lives, in an attempt to use this to gain further power. They are surprisingly receptive to your agents, even though they seem to know who they represent.

Strength: -
Subtlety: -
Wealth: -
Knowledge: ++++
Loyalty: ++
Influence: -

Singapore: Your agents in Singapore stumble a bit of a surprise, their appears to be a Werewolf Clan in Asia! The Ashina Clan seems to have migrated here from Turkey many years ago, and has had on and off control of Singapore for years. They have control now, and are loath to give it up, even going so far as to attack your agents. Your men manage to escape without injury, however, but it's clear the Ashina Clan is completely hostile.

Ashina Clan
Strength: +++
Subtlety: +
Wealth: -
Knowledge: -
Loyalty: ++
Influence: -

Kami Kanati

Seoul: In Seoul, you stumble across a large group of Gumiho, spirit creatures similar to Kitsune. Though they are generally much more malevolent. They have little love lost for the Kami Kanati, but they do have a grudging respect for you. They make it clear that they would rather you stay out of Seoul.

Subtlety: +++
Wealth: -
Knowledge: ??
Loyalty: +
Influence: -


Dubai: It seems that in Dubai, some of the civilians got sick of the criminal elements, and even some of the more supernatural ones. They banded together and drove these groups out, and now have control of the underworld. Though, they don't really know what to do with it. They treat your agents respectfully, but coldly. Probably worried that you're another group that may try to move in on them.

Dubai's Watchman

Strength: ++
Subtlety: +
Wealth: +
Knowledge: -
Loyalty: ++
Influence: -

Cairo: In Cairo, your people have come across something very interesting. Spirits of ancient teachers, scientists, alchemists, and mathematicians seem to haunt the city, though no one is sure why. The few spirits that seem to notice your agents immediately recognized who they represent, and we very happy to have finally met the Sumus.

Spirits of Knowledge

Strength: +
Subtlety: -
Wealth: -
Knowledge: +++++
Loyalty: -
Influence: -

Gnomes of Zurich

(You had one VIP going trying to go to two different places, when they can only go to one per turn. If you want to dedicate another VIP or other resources to exploring the other city, let me know and I'll edit this again.)

Johannesburg: In Johannesburg, Lorely encounters a group that calls itself the Sangoma Circle. It's made up of the witch doctors of Southern Africa, and seems to be highly respected in the area. Their fairly well known, though few know that their power extends beyond folk medicines and muti.

Sangoma Circle
Strength: ++
Subtlety: -
Wealth: -
Knowledge: +++
Loyalty: +
Influence: -

Draken Corporation to Hyperion Industries Loyalty: +++

Well, as I'm sure you might guess, the Old Order doesn't like anyone they see as competitors. And the Eastern Star Pact have presented themselves, intentionally or not, as just that. Oh, and the Magus Conclave is a bit annoyed by their method of announcing themselves, but you know how they are about human lives.

And what kind of alliance is this? Given what I just said, you can see where the issues might lie.

Draken Corporation to the Remnants Loyalty: +++

Hmmm...that's very philanthropic of you. What exactly do you intend to use this ward for? And, to speak bluntly, what exactly is in it for me?

Draken Corporation to the Black Market, Hyperion Industries, the Gnomes of Zurich Loyalty: +++

I'm assuming, Arms Dealer, that you have ideas as to a venture?

Servich Investigations to Hyperion Industries Loyalty: +++++ ++

Well, damn. You present it that way... Of course, I can't help but ask, wouldn't it simply be easier to wipe out the Succubi and Lo Shen, if you're opposed to their policies?

I think at the end of the day, we simply can't afford to get involved in politics, or tied up in agreements. And we definitely don't want to get tied up with the Succubi or Lo Shen. Sorry, but we can't do it. Not now, at any rate.

After all, as you said, you intend to form this alliance with or without us. And either way, you'll be working to at least curtail the nastier groups' more homicidal tendencies anyway.

Servich Investigations to Gnomes of Zurich Loyalty: +++++ ++

If you want to talk, talk. Unless you'd rather meet in person. If that's the case, you'd better send someone here. I dunno if we can afford to send someone to Switzerland right now.

Unseely Court to the Remnants (PM)

An interesting proposal, though I ask what YOU would be getting out of it. After all, I'm sure that creating a new Ice Age would not be in the best interests for Mortals OR your people.

Catholic Church to the Remnants Loyalty: +++++ ++

We are always interested in helping those who need it. What kind of program do you have in mind?

GM Response to Thelonius

Yes, the information the Fae will give you when you agree to it will give you a rough estimate of how much resources you will need to put into it. And your trait really only matters when you perform some kind of action there. Them simply having died there won't be of much help to you.

2012-02-04, 07:29 PM

Greetings! We have noticed that you were in Vienna. Unfortunately, we must request that you stay out of it - naturally, in return for this minor favour, we would be willing to provide assistance in some other form - perhaps in infomation?

To Hyperion Industries
You were in Kinshassa - We request that you not focus on it overmuch. In return for it not, we would of course be willing to do something in return.

2012-02-04, 07:46 PM
To the Draken Corporation, Hyperion Industries, and the Gnomes of Zurich

"I appreciate your ability to move past our reputation honorable gnomes. As to answer your question honorable dragon, I intend for us to monopolize our respective markets with the aid of eachother. A joint venture? Forgive me if I misuse the term, I'm not exactly a regular business man obviously. But I'm sure our combined wealth can buy enough shares to monopolize just about any industry in short order. And I with our clout we can dodge the law as needed. Any suggestions would be appreciated though. I'm a big picture man, details are not my forte."

Lost Demiurge
2012-02-04, 07:53 PM
Cult of the Unbidden
PM-Level to Eastern Star Pact

A couple of human cultists enter, and hand Nyarlathotep two envelopes. Glancing at their contents, he nods.

"Bangkok has a circle of human magi, receptive to our agents. Looks like they're doing akashic research. Call themselves the Rememberers. Well, we can certainly help with that. That would be a good fit for the Cult of the Unbidden, and we were looking that way anyway."

The First Report!

Bangkok: In Bangkok, your agents find out about a group of Magus who use magic to unlock the knowledge of their past lives, in an attempt to use this to gain further power. They are surprisingly receptive to your agents, even though they seem to know who they represent.

Strength: -
Subtlety: -
Wealth: -
Knowledge: ++++
Loyalty: ++
Influence: -

"Singapore... Heh. A hostile werewolf clan." The Dark man hands the report over to the Sumus representative with a wry grin. "Looks like you've got a struggle ahead of you..."

The Second Report!
Singapore: Your agents in Singapore stumble a bit of a surprise, their appears to be a Werewolf Clan in Asia! The Ashina Clan seems to have migrated here from Turkey many years ago, and has had on and off control of Singapore for years. They have control now, and are loath to give it up, even going so far as to attack your agents. Your men manage to escape without injury, however, but it's clear the Ashina Clan is completely hostile.

Ashina Clan
Strength: +++
Subtlety: +
Wealth: -
Knowledge: -
Loyalty: ++
Influence: -

"The Stars are right, and our other reports should be arriving shortly." The dark man settles back on his ruin to wait.

2012-02-04, 07:55 PM
Gnomes of Zurich to Servich Investigations

Certainly. We will, if you accept, send Mr. Hildebrand, one of our board of directors, to meet you.*

*I wanted to send him to Lo Shen and Odin, but never got a reply on that offer, so I think he should still be free.

PM-level, if accepted

Hildebrand is an middle-aged man in an ill-fitting, if expensive grey suit and a red tie who seems to be wearing a heavy-callibre pistol in a shoulder holster despite just getting through the airport security of two countries.

"Here is our offer", he says, quite blunty.
"We think that your organization could do a lot of good, if you worked on your stance towards various critters, a bit. So far, most likely, you have noticed that there are creatures out there. Supernatural creatures, and many of them are not friendly towards mankind.
What we are offering you, is a contract. We want peace. We want some of the worst offenders gone. What ever monsters lurk out there, preying on humanity. And we can offer you money. Quite unbelievable amounts of money."

2012-02-04, 08:06 PM
Sertolovo Bratva

To other supernatural factions:
If any of you find additional minor factions of werewolves around, we would be glad to be notified of this fact. We wish to meet with our kin in foreign lands and do some cultural exchange.

To GM:

I also sent a VIP to Lagos to check that out.

Sertolovo Bratva to Wilkołak Clan (PM-level)

Elsa Amarra seems very enthusiastic to meet her kin in Poland.

"Ha! I expected this to be another dull trip, chatting with some local gangsters. Basically just to keep me out of the way while Komarov is in Moscow with the big boys.

But I seem to have found a group of kin, a Bratva to rival our own! Your Clan brings you honour.

Let us drink to this meeting, and exchange news - we've heard rumours in the East that the world is changing. Many supernatural factions are organizing in the Americas and in Asia and even here in Europe, and the old groups are slowly getting weaker and losing their hold. It is a time of great change in the underworld, and I, for one, mean to help our kind benefit from it.

What is it that you do for a living here in Warsaw?"

2012-02-04, 08:09 PM
Hyperion Industries: Loyalty +++

To Draken Corporation
I intended it to be similiar to the mortal doctrines of this country. They called it the Monroe Doctrine I believe, except rather than one power it would be several guaranteeing that foreign factions do not interfere with these two continents. Somewhat loose and defensive really as I doubt the varied powers would be willing to work together too closely, other than to prevent outsiders from interfering.

To the Black Market, Draken Corporation, and the Gnomes of Zurich
Arms, medicine, mining, and finance yes we have separate fields and indeed this could be done, and no doubt there would be extensive benefits. However how would we choose which market to dominate first.

To Servich Investigations
Iomungand shrugs and reaches in his jacket to retrieve a business card. "Well if that is the way you feel then so be it. I would have wished otherwise, but I can't change mortal minds. Here is my personal number, call me if you change your mind."

"Unfortunately the alliance has fully occupied my affairs this quarter, but perhaps next quarter we can meet again for another different proposition I wish to hire your services for."

Kinshasa is very welled suited to our needs. And appears to be a prime area for a new branch. What exactly are you offering to us to stay away.

TO the Rat Haven, Succubi, the Exiles and the Remnants (PM)
Once the conference has moved to Ottawa and the various representatives have settled into more secure surroundings Chief Glasock, Hyperion's current representative, speaks, "Very well every one seems to agree that alliance would be beneficial for all of us. So I propose that we work out the details at this time."

"The first order of business is securing the continents. That will involve two things informing foreign powers that their presence is no longer tolerated. And second establishing alliances with all the minor powers such that foreign powers will not be able to secure footholds through them. I am open to suggestions as to which matter to address first."

"Second if we are to work together effectively sending major representatives every time we wish to discuss will make matters tedious, and difficult. I propose that we work together to create a network allowing us to communicate securely."

OOC: Essentially free PMs between the alliance members. Sithis is this even possible.

To the Lo Shen Tong and the GM
OOC: I'm pulling the PM status out of this. Iormungand will still be there, and I suppose I'll secure it again if necessary, but I want to save Iormungand for my EoT if nothing is going to happen here.

Glasock, now alerted to possible OSA presence takes a closer look around Kinshasa.

My agents in Santiago begin discussion with the Mascul. Determining what they want. Whether they'd be willing to ally with us. That sort of thing.

2012-02-04, 08:32 PM
OSA to Hyperion
Infomation. What infomation do you want?

2012-02-04, 08:35 PM
Hyperion Industries: Loyalty +++

We don't need information. We need a suitable location for expansion. If the only thing you can pay us with is information then give us detailed information on a suitable site besides Kinshasa otherwise we will go ahead there.

2012-02-05, 06:01 AM
Seven Shadow Hunters

To Estern Star Pact PM

Indeed, fearsome werewolf clan can be a problem, especially if the Sertolovo Bratva starts "cultural exchange". It is the kind of.. foreign influence we wish to avoid.

Then he closed his eyes and said.

"Light, my spawn, send a message:

: Light and his agents manage to track down the source of a fairly new drug that has hit the streets of Mumbai, known as Second Sight. Allegedly, the drug allows you to see into the spirit world. Proven possibly true, when Light tracks down the MAGES responsible for it's creation. Surprisingly, they are very happy to meet Light and his agents. They are looking to expand their business, but unfortunately don't have the resources to do so themselves...

Second Sight Dealers
Strength: -
Subtlety: +
Wealth: +
Knowledge: +++
Loyalty: +
Influence: -

Petty drugs dealers. We will take care of them, clean and quiet. We do not want a drugs that can rise mortals awareness, don't we?

On the other hand the Old Order meeting was, unsurprisingly, about us.

Draken Corporation to Hyperion Industries

Well, as I'm sure you might guess, the Old Order doesn't like anyone they see as competitors. And the Eastern Star Pact have presented themselves, intentionally or not, as just that. Oh, and the Magus Conclave is a bit annoyed by their method of announcing themselves, but you know how they are about human lives.

And what kind of alliance is this? Given what I just said, you can see where the issues might lie.

So.. maybe Cult of Unbidden can contact Old Order and explain that we do not intend in any way compete with them. "

2012-02-05, 08:17 AM
Kami Kentai

To the Eastern Star Pact(PM)
"Spirits are habitable in Seoul. They like little, but respect much. They... Do not wish for disturbance."

Seoul: In Seoul, you stumble across a large group of Gumiho, spirit creatures similar to Kitsune. Though they are generally much more malevolent. They have little love lost for the Kami Kanati, but they do have a grudging respect for you. They make it clear that they would rather you stay out of Seoul.

Subtlety: +++
Wealth: -
Knowledge: ??
Loyalty: +
Influence: -

Forum Explorer
2012-02-05, 08:19 AM
The Remnants

To Unseely Court (PM)
Exactly. Our ways are peaceful and thus our weather shall remain warm while our enemies who operate on strife and fear will destroy themselves. Furthermore the most violent humans who would destroy us will also freeze as a result of their hatred.

To Draken Corporation +++
We would use it to shield our interests in North America from any outside influence. You would gain a powerful spell focused in defensive magic. I'm sure you noticed that the Eastern Star Pact used mental magic to deliver their message? I imagine that they could just as easily use it to attack and disrupt our influence over humanity, even forcing a faction out into the limelight if they chose to. This should prevent any such attempt.

To Rat Haven, Succubi, the Exiles, and Hyperion Industries PM
"For the first order of business we've started looking into a defensive ward that should shut down any mental magic that our enemies might employ in our cities. If you are interested then a contribution of research or money will speed up the research greatly.

As for the second order of business I suppose we could unite our security to make it impractically expensive to intercept our messages but that seems to be even more costly then just meeting in person would be."

OCC: I can't think of any good ways to solve that problem

To Catholic Church +++++ ++
A general community cleanup and restoration project. Nothing humanity hasn't seen or done before, just on a larger scale with a lot more power behind it.

To GM/Exploration
I wasn't aware that for just the very basic exploration we needed to invest any stats. Also could we send VIPs to investigate in lieu of stats? If so I'll send King Arthur to explore, if not - of strength

2012-02-05, 08:52 AM

Easter Star Pact

Must we destroy? The TLDT-TS have specifically stated we wish to establish a protectorate and resort to violence, only as the last option. The Old Order already deliberates on moving against us. If we show ourselves as conquerors and destroyers instead of protectors, they’ll move to oppose us. If we move to wipe out Werewolves, the Strelovo Bratva will become our enemy and they have allies of their own.

Patience. Delibiration. Reservation.

If we rush we risk uniting the world against us. Let’s move step by step.


We can do a favour for the Strelovo Bratva, while making the werewolves to be their problem. If they bring them under heel, we can request, that they provide Sumus with what they need. And they moved from Turkey – an Islamic nation. Certainly, the problem could be, that those were agents of the Cult. The Sumus may know more of their culture to establish a peaceful agreement.


Destroy them? We are looking at a perfect recruitment centre. As long as we maintain a strong control over the distribution we can prevent exposure and secure disciples and pawns for all of our factions. Perhaps we can form a fake religion to cover up this operation, something like scientology.


Perhaps they can be convinced, that without our protection, they will be disturbed by someone, who holds no respect for them. We are prepared to leave the minor factions, mostly autonomous.

[OOC - Why you, Seven Shadow hunters so bloodthirsty? ... Oh... Erm... I see].

Unseelie Court [PM]

''Then let us make the contract.''

OOC: Okay, the nice Winter Fae said I’m so smart and interesting, she must really like me! So she won’t screw me over in this deal, ‘cause I’m so special! (Yeah… appeal to vanity, considering the inflated egos of every single magical faction in the world. I can see how everybody is eager to make a deal, even with every story describing the usual consequences).

OOC-2: I’s gots a plan. I love playing low-espionage factions, because of how sneaky they can really be. When you don’t have +++++ Subtlety, you need to use your brains, and I’ve got a twisted scheme of epic proportions (which I don’t think you’ll allow me to pull off).

2012-02-05, 09:19 AM
Kami Kentai:

Eastern Star Pact:(PM)
"Agreed. Spread peace, not pain. Conflict may arrise, but death to be dealt only as last order."

OOC - I'm enjoying speaking like that too much. >.>

Okay, my thoughts. Singapore should be easy, ESPECIALLY as the werewolves in Strelovo Bratva seem to be interested in other Werewolf factions.

Mumbai is also easy, not a difficult proposition, just perhaps a little annoying to keep your foot on properly.

Seoul... They don't like me. So, it might take a little bit more coersion to sway them than the other two so far...

2012-02-05, 09:22 AM
Seven Shadow Hunters to To Estern Star Pact PM

"You plan as we were some kind of united governing body. We are clearly not. Moreover when we made agreement the India become our hunting ground.I do not intend to create an religion, a cult which will only attract unwanted atention both from mortals and Old Order. I will deal with Mubai as I see fit. "

Kurt Aproxymeo paused, reached for the blood prepared by the hosts, sniffed and drank.

"I will neither destroy nor conquer them. I will embrace them into my family. Mages of Mubai will become part of Aproxymeo clan. And this drug will be eliminated from market."

[OOC: Why you plot so much? :smalltongue:]

Lost Demiurge
2012-02-05, 12:39 PM
Cult of the Unbidden
To the Eastern Star Pact

The Dark man smiles as the others speak. "Interesting distribution. I've some advice here, you're welcome to take or disregard it as you please."

He turns toward the vampire.

"Hm. Interesting. Drug-mages. Just make sure that the drug mages enjoy their new state. Though even the Old Order couldn't fault you for getting a little heavy here. Distributing a spirit-raising drug? That's definitely against the Long Shadow treaty. If anyone yells about it, we can point out that we're just policing the region and ensuring the safety of the mortals."

"As to contacting the Old Order and assuring them of our harmlessness... No, probably not a good idea right now. Given our makeup, they'll assume the worst anyway. And I'm pretty sure you didn't get that news from legitimate sources... Revealing that we're eavesdropping would cast us in a bad light. No, the Old Order will most likely watch and wait and see what we're up to. And I guarantee, in a few months, you will see more alliances rise up. Then the Old Order will either have to stop having an issue with it, or risk alienating a LOT of the new factions... So for now we proceed, keep our noses clean, and smile at the Old Order if they want anything from the... Law-abiding, perfectly cooperative, and just benevolent Eastern Star Pact."

Nyarlathotep turns to the Kami. "Hm, spirits... This is tailor-made for your group. The trick will be getting them to realize that you're the lesser of two evils, here. They want to be left alone. You can ensure the rest of the world leaves them alone. The Pact can. All they have to do is tithe to your resources, and you'll shield them and keep trouble out of their city. Easy enough, fits our paradigm. You might have to be patient with this one, though. Good thing you're suited to that."

The Dark Man turns toward the necromancer. "Did you check Taipei? What's in it?"

Then he turns toward the Sumus representative. "Yes, as my mortal colleague has stated, the Sertolovo Bratva seem well-disposed toward us. If you wish, you can make them happy by asking them to be intermediaries to this minor faction, convincing them to let you and the ESP help ensure no outsiders mess with their territory."

"Overall, not bad. The Unbidden will go ahead and make treaty with Bangkok, then. Oh, and Sumus should probably announce its entry into the Pact at some point, here, and the protection of Istanbul along with the other cities. That could avert trouble for you, given how ambitious the Darkmoon Project's been about the Middle East..."

distant quasar
2012-02-05, 03:31 PM

Hyperion-Exiles-Rat Haven-Remnants (PM)
"We will assist in the creation of the mental wards with our research. It ought to be an exellent way to block enemy subversion. We suggest that we first take over minor groups or find ways to work with them, so that when we do inform foreign powers that they are no londer welcome here they will have no way to prevent us from consolidating power; it will already be consolidated.
If any foreign powers are messing about now, or start before we are finished, we can force them to leave individually so as not to cause an alarm that would send even more unwanted factions to the continents."

[can give +++ knowledge maybe more to the wards]

Exploration (GM)
Rio de Janeiro
With Sri'handon and + subtlety already in the city, we begin working ourselves into leadership positions in the gang to take control of it rather than root it out. We will keep our indentity secret, but convince the gang that they have great potential that we wish to help grow.

Las Vegas
We will agree to work with the Vampires. ((Perhaps further details on what this entails; do they have any enemies, any goals, or anything they can help us with?))
We tell them we seek to begin using the cities many gambling casinos as a method of increasing income for ourselves, and that if they help it could surely also increase their supply of food; who will ask what happened to the drunk, broke man who got thrown out of the casino in the middle of the night? (and if anyone does we will find a way to fool said investigators together.)
Also, we ask them if there is any way that we could have the souls of their victims?

We agree to work with them.
Secretly, we look to find ways to stop their activities. [send in + sublety to help Wuithel. They make sure their prescence is unknown first]
With skilled use of her influence, seduction, and perhaps a bit of magic as well, Wuithel will seek to beguile the leader (and after him/her as many more members as neccessary), tricking them into selling their souls and being bound into service.

((I'm ready to send in further stats to any of the cities if needed, or if it would be helpful.))

2012-02-05, 04:43 PM

hyperion, succubi, rat haven and remmants(PM lvl)
i can pledge some support to the development of this ward. i also agree with the succubi, we need to concentrate on the smaller factions

OOC:+ wealth and +++ knowledge is what im willing to pledge

2012-02-05, 04:49 PM
Hyperion Industries

To the Exiles, Succubi, Rat Haven, Remnant (PM)
"I also agree that a mental ward is a good idea, we will contribute at least [+++ Knowledge] maybe more. Although personally I feel that a city is too small. We are trying to protect two entire continents after all. We should think big. Still a city will do to begin with."

"Very well if smaller factions is the consensus then that is what we shall do. In light of that we should begin immediatly. Has anyone begun to contact the minor powers. Hyperion has already made contact with a group in Santiago that appears open to reason."

OOC: For the secure communications I figured we could just make a device that gives us free PMs between each other. I'm asking Sithis if its ok now.

Forum Explorer
2012-02-05, 05:24 PM
The Remnants

To Hyperion Industries, Exiles, Succubi, Rat Haven (PM)
"Its not like we can't cast the spell multiple times to expand its range. We will also devote at least [+++] Knowledge perhaps more.

We should split up our efforts then to contact the lesser known organizations faster. We have no preference on where to start so feel free to pick your cities. "

2012-02-05, 05:29 PM
Rat Haven

Succubi, Remnants, Exiles, and Hyperion Industries
Rat Haven will donate all of our knowledge to develop these anti-magic wards. We would also like to ask that everyone else leave Rio de Janeiro for us rats.

2012-02-05, 11:07 PM
Gnomes of Zurich

To GM:
Loreley tries to directly contact the Sangoma Circle in Johannesburg with the following message, accompanied by lavish gifts:

"Greetings from the Mist Dwarves of Europe.

We have heard of your circle, and we wish to offer you a deal. We come to you extend a hand in friendship. Not just from ourselves, but from a coalition of powers in Europe that are interested in a more friendly, peaceful cooperation with humanity than what the supernatural had in older times.

What can we offer you? Allies, and wealth beyond what most mortals ever see in their lives, to spend as you wish. These gifts are the merest suggestion of what might come if you join us.

The Nibelungen thrive on gold, and their love for it is strong. Johannesburg is a nexus of it's flow, both literally and figurately. We want to extend our hands here, and bathe them in this flow, if you would but let us.

What say you?

2012-02-06, 02:08 AM
"We Are that We Shall Be"

Sertolovo Bratva
The Eastern Star Pact would like to bring a situation to your attention and petition your assistance in the matter. A lycanthrope clan has been located in Asia and therefore falls into the Eastern Star sphere of influence. For this reason negotiations will soon begin between them and the Order of the Sumus. Due to the disparity in relative and absolute power between the Pact and the clan we would like to request your services as advocates on their behalf.

Please note that this is not an invitation to exert direct influence over the area as existing treaty agreement have already determined the question of ultimate sovereignty of the city. We have no desire to remove or relocate the group. Moreover, we wish to preserve their cultural traditions, unique perspectives, and right to self rule. We wish to make the transition as quick and painless as possible.

If you are open to serving in this capacity please reply.

Ashina Clan
Greatings from the Order of the Sumus.

The Eastern Star Pact has declared Asia to be their sole domain and wishes to extend their influence to all major cities in the region. The Sumus Order based in Turkey recently negotiated for the right to negotiate with the inhabitants of Singapore without immediate recorse to the existing policies of destruction or fealty. We understand that you are concerned with your autonomy and the incursion of forigners.

Rest assured we have no desire to force you into a vassel relationship. Nor do we wish your destruction. We would like to enter talks with you for the purpose of finding an equatable solution for our involvement in Singapore. If you desire we have found a powerful lycan clan and approached them about the possibility of assisting you in these talks to insure that we do not appear to provide a threat to you. We wish a peaceful coexistence and partnership. We wish friends not slaves.

These words were made necessary by forces beyond our control. Now that they are discharged we would like to say the words which were in our heart. We see you and have heard that you have had many struggles. We see you as family that we did not know and are proud of your accomplishments against many difficulties. No one has the right to take what you have gained away from you. If we had the strength we would offer to cover you in a shield, a wall of family. However we would not offer it, for it would be an insult to all you have endured and overcome. You are not children that need protection or coddling.

We would like to get to know you better. If you will allow it, we humbly request permission to send representatives to you. We want to learn more about you and to tell you of ourselves. We want to work with you in insuring that both of us prosper. We both have much to offer and together we would be stronger then even the sum of our individual prowess.

We do not count your origin in Turkey as the reason for calling you family. We count that you are living beings who have been part of the great struggle of life. We see no barrier of blood or race, only one of ignorance. That is why we wish to grow to know each other better.

Watchmen -PM
Albert Lucion, a youngish looking man who looks both incredibly well bred and well too do had set up a meeting with the Watchmen. He arrived exactly on time. He brought with him little besides a briefcase with a few folders in it. After introducing himself as a member and representative of the Sumus Order he revealed the Order's goal for the city.

"It has been said that man is the measure of all things. As we are men so we measure your actions according to our own choices and find your actions righteous. You have made your city safe for its people and this is also our goal. However, safety is not enough. To leave a world better then the one we found is our goal. Will you partner with us to improve the lot of humans everywhere?

We would like to bring our two organizations closer together. As an all human group we know the difficulties inherent in being part of the super natural world. You have done a great thing but you are vulnerable. Numerous supernatural force will likely seek retribution along with the more mundane difficulties of criminal organizations which previously thrived.

We can offer you access to our extensive technological resources, information network, and our political connections. Currently the Byzan Group, a subsidiary of my organization, is the largest firm in the research and development of emergent technologies in the Middle East. Through them and their investors we are able to offer you the following:

*Protection from supernatural threats both local and from international organizations such as currently reside in numerous major cities around the world.

*Funding and investment to secure your position and to improve the quality of life and standard of living in the city. As a show of good faith we will be building a new desalination facility to lower the price of water. With eventual work new power facilities could be produced as well.
[OOC: Dubai has a very high cost for water and power what with being in what is basically a desert. IRL they just recently raised the rates on both.]

*Access to the wider world of international and supernatural worlds. The Sumus order is dedicated to improving the conditions of humans all over the world. Our near term plans involve major redevelopment in the Middle East to undo the damage caused by colonial occupation.

Before we go any further, I would like to know your initial reactions. We would really like this partnership to work for both of us."

Spirits of Knowledge-PM
Majd al Haqq, better known to some of the spirits as Al-Biruni, a great scientists who had lived around the turn of the Millennium warmly greets many of the ghosts personally and is honored to meet many others who he knew by reputation.

"It is a glad day for me, those I thought lost are found! I rejoice and thank Allah for having found me worthy to see you all again. May the All-Comprehending and Perfectly-Wise see my joy and judge it favorably!

Please tell me of how this wonder has come to pass if you are able. Yet beyond this wonder there is a secret hope in my heart which I fear may be beyond my station to dream.

Can not your wisdom and ours be joined? The days of living time continue still and we have but begun to plumb the depths of the ocean of all Truth. I would be greatly blessed if you here would work with us on that great quest. Please, if you have needs but ask and see if we do not provide them. To wear again garments of flesh or corporeality, to have access to our works and secret truth, to have a hand in guiding the ignorant to truth as a flock to water... all these and more we offer you gladly.

But look at me over concerned with dreams as if I were a boy again. Tell me if you will it, how you have fared and how your existences have been carried out. If we had known you were here we would have sought you out long ago and if any trouble has come upon you it would greatly grieve us."

GM only
In case I was too polite in any of those, I am pitching full stat merger with all the NPCs.

Now I know there could be difficulties with the werewolves. If they rebuff my agents the plan is to withdraw at once. I have permission from the ESP to take control of the city so that first part is to indicate that if they try to fight me I have the full resources of the entire pact to call upon. I want an implicit, not explicit!, threat that if they do not work with me then they will all die, their blood will stain the ocean red, and their names will be forgotten utterly. That is why I worked so hard to pitch that I respected them and their accomplishment and that I do not want to take it away from them.

2012-02-06, 03:23 AM
Sertolovo Bratva to the ESP:

We are glad that you have brought this to our attention. We would be glad to meet with our kin and help them in the negotiations.

We do not intend to influence your claimed territory, like we have said before. We respect the ESP, and we are certain that your stated intention of respecting the werewolves living in the area, their traditions and their territory is genuine. However, should problems arise, I hope you realize that we will have to take the side of our kin against any odds. We are currently negotiating a military alliance with TIM, so I hope that won't be necessary.

2012-02-06, 04:11 AM
Sumus to ESP -PM
I direct you to the last message from the Sertolovo Bratva. Their talk of siding with the weres worries me.

Should the offer to allow them to intermediate be retracted? It is possible they will use any difficulty in negotiating with the clan as a pretext for war, something we most certainly do not want.

2012-02-06, 04:49 AM
Darkmoon Project

Sumus, OSA
My apoogies for not replying more promtly; I have had much to attend to as of late but wanted to answer personally. We at Darkmoon Project understand that both your organizations have been pushing the limits of human capability for some time. While I have no doubt whatever you want to speak about is worthy of my attention, I'm afraid I'm no longer fit to travel. If you could come to Berlin I would be delighted to correspond with representatives from both your organizations personally. If this is impossible, I can arrange for an intermidiary to be sent to one of your cities.

Dr Isaak Jung, Chief of the Board of Directors, Darkmoon Project.

While my team did not encounter any OSA agents in Vienna, I am working under the assumption that you scouted the area at some point. If so, what are your thoughts on the local supernaturals? Because they lack the power to be an immediate threat and do not seem to be allied with any major factions, I favor a peaceable approach. They could be useful allies for Darkmoon Project, and as such I would ask you make no bid for the territory at this time.

Awaiting your reply,
Colonel Dirk Wagner, Director of Defense, Darkmoon Project.

Sertolovo Bratva
We have discovered a werewolf clan on the borders of our territory- Warsaw, to be exact. They don't appear hostile, and it occurs to us you might be interested in meeting them, if you don't have relations already.

Emma Maier, Diplomatic Attache, Darkmoon Project.

Wilkolak Clan
Greetings Wilkolak Clan, in the name of the Darkmoon Project of Berlin. While our initial meeting was not exactly ideal, we see no reason to do battle. Quite the opposite infact- in order to defend against the rising powers in Asia and America, I believe that a mutual defense treaty might be prudent. To that end, there is another werewolf clan- the Sertolotvo of Moscow- that you might contact in pursuit of a mutual defense treaty. They are quite powerful, but if you are concerned they might try to subsume your clan into theirs, I would be honored to act as an intermidiary to ensure that does not happen.

Colonel Dirk Wagner, Director of Defense, Darkmoon Project.

Greetings Shillelagh, in the name of the Darkmoon Project of Berlin. While it is normally our practice to reveal ourselves to worthy individuals rather than organizations as a whole, in this case I have decided to make an exeption. From what our field agents have learned of you, it seems our organizations have goals that are not just similar, but one and the same- to protect the local mortal population, particularly from threats far outside the experience of their more mundane defenders. With the various supernatural gruops of Europe on the move and powerful factions forming across the globe, it seems irresponsible to continue to work separately, when combined our forces could do so much more to protect humanity. What say you? Do we pool our resources to make a real difference in the coming years, or do we remain separate, with barely enough strength to ride out the storm? Darkmoon Project can't do this without you.

Dr Isaak Jung, Chief of the Board of Directors, Darkmoon Project.

Greetings Wyldfae Court, in the name of the Darkmoon Project of Berlin. First off, allow me to apologize for our incursion on your territory. We understand you align yourselves with neither of the more well-known fey courts. Are you intermediaries of some sort among the supernatural community? Mercenaries? Or do you simply seek to be left alone?

Emma Maier, Diplomatic Attache, Darkmoon Project.

2012-02-06, 06:59 AM

Darkmoon Project

"Well, we could always use bigger fireballs. For now, I accept.

You have made a long journey, and probably need some rest. We will discuss about this later."

OOC:Meaning actual PMs to discuss the details. And Murska is in Moscow too, so you can send PM level messages to the Sertolovo Bratva too if you want to.

The Black Market

We are currently negotiating a military alliance with the Sertolovo Bratva, and thus have already started cooperation with other European powers.

Is there something you could add to the alliance?

That is correct, we visited Vienna. Unfortunately, our plans involve Vienna, and we are not going to back out. We are going to send diplomats to the city shortly, and hope you will not interfere.

2012-02-06, 08:12 AM
Sertolovo Bratva to Darkmoon Project:

Yes, we have in fact already met and feasted with our Polish kin. Thank you for your message nevertheless.

Lost Demiurge
2012-02-06, 11:57 AM
Cult of the Unbidden

LOY: +++
To all PC factions, Magus Conclave, Draken Corporation, Seelie and Unseelie Court, Aesir, Olympians, and the Neter
The message this time is a simple letter. "Long has Istanbul (Once Constantinople) been the gateway to the East. As such, straddled between Europe and Asia, those who rule there have decided to petition membership within the Eastern Star Pact. Hail, Sumus! Their wisdom shall surely be a boon to Asia in the days to come, and a tempering reminder of the proper etiquette when dealing with mortals."

To Sumus, and Eastern Star Pact

Hmm... No, the Sertolovo are just growling a warning. we're good. The Sertolovo just want to make sure we don't wipe out the Ashina clan. Since you're the one in charge of their integration, Sumus, and you've only peaceful intentions, there's no problem there. You're one of the few in the pact that can play the "Good guy" card right now, and be believed by the outside world.

I think that negotiations alone are going to fail, though. We're dealing with territorial werewolves, when it comes to the Ashina. Fortunately, you can exploit that. Look at the way wolf packs work. If things get stuck and negotiations fail, you can always challenge their alpha for control of their city. Just make sure whoever issues the challenge can take on the strongest werewolf in the city. And be aware he'll be eaten by werewolves if he loses. You may want to spend a turn researching some kind of supersoldier serum before you do this, mind.

If you take that route, but don't want to build up the muscle beforehand then we've a badass we MIGHT be able to loan you. Or the Seven Shadow Hunters could probably spare a killing machine. Or TLDS-TS an abomination, or something. But that will probably cost you a favor or some resources, since it'd take effort away from our own plans.

Oh, and also we've got an agent who's not quite left the city yet. (That temporary Subtlety we spent is tied up there until the end of the turn.) You have our full permission to use him to assist you if need be. Just don't get him killed, or you'll owe us a new one.

2012-02-06, 12:16 PM
TLDT-TS (Loy. ++)

To Hyperion Industries

''So... can you deliver us, that which we seek?''

To GM Only

Hmm... apparently I was supposed to scout out Taipei. So + Influence to check things out there. Peaceful contact preferable.

Another + Influence to open communications with Shamans in Johannesburg*. I can probably arrange with my Charity organizations (consider my influence is split between the Chinese and NGOs) to make sure the sacred lands & cultures are protected from encroachment. I'd like to know, what they think about the Gnomes of Zurich and see if I can play matchmaker.

Not certain if my Trait applies here, since Johannesburg was British Colony.

2012-02-06, 01:15 PM
I am sure you see the value of negotiation in this - after all, us fighting in the streets would be painfully bad for the treaty.

Thus, what would you like to stay out of Vienna, and what are you willing to give us to do the same?

2012-02-06, 02:18 PM
Dresden Unter Schmiede
Loyalty ++

Naša Stvar
We will happily do as you've requested, but surely that does not mean we cannot do business? I am emailing you a list of car makes, we would pay in instalments for regular delivery.
GM only:
I'm planning on spending some knowledge to set up a reasonably sized modding factory. Set up a small car company that only sells souped up versions of existing cars, at a mark up of course. Use some influence to make sure the paperwork about the car's origin is 'lost.' If Nasa Stvar spend some str/wealth/sub/whatever stealing the cars and getting them to me I'll split the profit 50/50 when we sell them.

DUS is looking to expand it's interests outside of Germany. Your business model is compatible with our own. Our advanced R&D and your manufacturing and military connections are an obvious match. How would you and your board react to the prospect of a merger with DUS?
GM only:
Bidding 7 wealth spread over two turns.

Sertolovo Bratva, TIM (VIP locked PM)
Sorry, normally I'd give you some flavour text. Wardstone is 40 feet tall however, so this has to be by phone.
Gentlemen, greetings from Europe. I am Wardstone, director of combat operations,DUS Europe. We have important matters to discuss.
Moved to PM

2012-02-06, 02:22 PM
At EOT, I hope to use some amount of influence on the Wyldfae. From the little I know, it could be hard to earn their loyalties as an ally, so I'm interested in getting them to join the faction entirely so I don't have to worry about that. :smalltongue: Keeping in mind that I intend to influence them, I'll probably be using Michel Bertrand since it's his specialty. I don't know if that can come into consideration for this conversation or if I have to wait for EOT.

Michel makes his way to the Spanish city of Barcelona to make contact with the Small Folk himself along with his retinue that had discovered them. (+ LOY) Once he's granted an audience, he bows deeply to the fae leader.

"Greetings. I have traveled from Paris for the honor of an audience with you. My coven was very much interested in expanding some of our business opportunities to the city of Barcelona, and I sent scouts ahead of my retinue to look into the situation. As you know, they ran into your people and reported back to me their findings. I must admit, I was more excited about the prospect of coming into contact with your folk than expanding to Barcelona. Unfortunately the Small Folk are often forgotten and left in the shadows of their fae cousins. However, the Bertrand Coven values subtlety above all else, so our respect for the Small Folk is considerable.

So today, I come to you with a bold proposition. Though we are just now getting to know each other, we're very much interested in developing a bond between vampire and fae to take advantage of our similar strengths and interests. I am proposing a union between our two peoples. I can think of many ways where your expertise and innate abilities would benefit us, and I'm sure there are ways that we vampires could contribute to the fun and happiness of the Small Folk. The question is, what exactly is it that you want? We'll do what we can to make it happen if you're interested in our proposal."

OOC: I'd like to have the fairies join the coven in a way similar to Harry's "Za Lord's Guard" does in Dresden Files. If that's possible, Michel will be feeling them out for what is pleasing to them to win their permanent loyalty. If that's pizza... that'd be awesome. But I doubt you'll make it that simple for me. :smalltongue: For the sake of determining things before EOT, I sort of jumped right to the chase. Perhaps there was some more bowing and chatting before they actually got to Michel's proposal of getting the fae to join us.

distant quasar
2012-02-06, 04:49 PM

Remnants, Exiles, Hyperion, Rat Haven (PM)
We are currently working in Dallas and Las Vegas. We have encountered a group of vampires in Vegas who are more than willing to work with us.

Rat Haven (PM)
What happened to our agreement to take on Janeiro together? I'm already working on taking control there.

2012-02-06, 04:51 PM
Hyperion Industries: Loyalty +++

Remnants, Exiles, Succubi, Rat Haven (PM)
Then we will work on convincing the residents of Santiago.

We are unfortunately rather busy with other projects, but we can still deliver a band of warriors to aid you.

(OOC: ++ strength for the previously agreed payment.)

2012-02-06, 06:04 PM
Rat Haven

Succubi [PM]
Ah yes, let us work up a strategy. First, one of us has to scout. Then we can use your influence to place your people in high positions while I use my Esp. to remove any competitors. Sounds good?

2012-02-06, 06:12 PM
Seven Shadow Hunters to Estern Star Pact PM


Kurtsmile back to Dark Man.

"True words of wisdom, I will plan exactly as you suggest. "


"I can send a true warrior if you wish. But please make sure that they fallow this tradition and they are willing to accept challenge from vampire. "

2012-02-06, 09:26 PM
The Black Market


"I would've thought our reputation would've preceded us, but you know what they say about assuming. Terribly sorry, but I and my organization offer a large pool of funds for you and the Sertlovo to draw from should we find cooperation to be in the future. A military alliance does little good without the proper funding, no?"
-The Arms Dealer

To Hyperion Industries, Draken Corporation, and the Gnomes of Zurich

"I'd recommend we begin with finance. The pure earning power it provides would allow us to compound to later take mining, medical supplies and finally arms. It, in my opinion, allows for the best compound of funds. And I don't imagine any of us are quite so dishonorable as to back out of such a lucrative arrangement. Reasonable, yes?"
-The Arms Dealer

To Sertolovo Bratva, Sumus, The Red Monks

"I am a bit dissapointed you've all neglected my idea. Not even a no. But I guess it could've gotten lost in translation. Perhaps I can attempt to interest you with some monetary incentives? I know my good word may not mean much to some of you, but I'd like there to be good feelings and camaraderie here in Eastern Europe.
-The Arms Dealer

To the Eastern Star Pact

"Friends to the east, I must say, you've shown quite a warmth and I've been brushed off time and again by my closer neighbors. So I must ask, what would could my organization and I do for you to show our good will?"
-The Arms Dealer

2012-02-06, 10:57 PM
"We Are"
[Loy +++]

Black Market - GM
The problem is one of integrity. We would be greatly upset were the sorts of activities by which you draw funds to be practiced in areas where we operated. How in good conscience could we then take advantage of those funds?

We do not have some great dislike of you and have no desire to put a stop to your or anything of the sort. The service you provide would be carried out by others and perhaps result in more suffering were it less organized. We do not even have an opposition to joint operations in the future. We simply wish no part in your criminal activities.

If you possess funds from more legitimate sources we would be more open to cooperation.

Eastern Star Pact - PM
Since it appears that the Sumus Order is now the white hat of the group I suggest that any assistance we may require in the future from groups such as the Black Market be funneled through one of you.

We do not at this time need their assistance, but it is nice to have options. We are taking the advice to develop a better method for combat before engaging the weres. However, negotiations have not yet started so we have no idea if such will be required.

2012-02-07, 01:31 AM

to the US goverment
this is the CEO of draklor labrotories. while our main focous lies in the field of bio-engineering it has come to my attention that we can use the experience gained in that line of work to modify existing antibiotics to better combat diseases. all we ask is that you provide us with the money needed to begin research of the antibiotics. in exchange you will get first crack at whatever comes out of this research

to the GM
using ++ subtlity to search the citys surrounding saint louis. they are looking for other supernatural factions and potentiol rivals

Lost Demiurge
2012-02-07, 10:25 AM
The Cult of the Unbidden

To the Black Market (Readable by Eastern Star Pact)
LOY: +++

Well now! Your neighbors have been mistreating you? Sorry to hear that. I assure you, that you'll find no lack of folks willing to work with you here. Well, for the most part. Can't speak for everyone, mind.

As to what you can do for us right at this minute... Speaking for the Unbidden alone, not much. We've got a few irons in the fire. Once those free up a bit, we might be in the market for a few things. Do you have a standard catalogue, or a particular trade in mind?

To the Succubi

LOY: +++

Well now! It's rare that a group of the "Fallen" servitors gather in such numbers. Our encounters with terrestrial fiends have not always gone smoothly, before. Still, from what we can tell of your methods, you're sensible and cunning. That is something we can appreciate.

It's a bit early in the cycle, but if you ever wish to work with us, you would not find us disagreeable. Or you could tell us to get bent. Your call, and you'll find no malice either way.

To Sumus (Readable by Eastern Star Pact)

Nyarlathotep smiles. "The Unbidden are more than happy to be one of your masks for any business you have with the black market."

2012-02-07, 11:01 AM
The Seven Shadow Hunters

To Black Market ++++ +

We have a few items in mind, which you could help us purchase. I will send someone to disscuss details and price in next month.

Kurt Aproxymeo

OOC: in next turn. I've send EoT for this one.

2012-02-07, 11:25 AM
Sertolovo Bratva to Black Market:

We apologize for not responding sooner. There were matters to take care of, and those took our full attention to resolve.

For now, we have nothing we particularly need and our security is guaranteed. But we're happy to keep friendly relations and negotiate more in the future should things change.

distant quasar
2012-02-07, 01:14 PM

Cult of the Unbidden (+++)
We will keep it in consideration.

Rat Haven (PM)
"I'm already in the city, so we can count me as doing the scouting. I've found a gang that is unaware that I am a succubi, but I'm working on infiltrating them. They seem enthuastic to have been noticed by someone of my importance, and it shouldn't be long before I have attained leadership."

2012-02-07, 03:04 PM
(OOC: As always, if I forgot someone, point it out to me and I'll change it. Or if I screwed something up. And...yah.)

Mini-NPC Responses (All PM Level, because everyone currently has resources in the cities in question.)

Wilkołak Clan (Warsaw) to Sertolovo Bratva

The leader of the Clan, Alojzy Gorski, meet Elsa and listened to her, before responding.

"We have heard many of the things you say. Power shifts for the first time in years. Somewhat frightening, if you think about it. As for what we do....we get by. We haven't carved out a criminal empire like you have, he's obviously a bit uncomfortable with this idea, but we've always managed to survive.

But I'm sure that's not all you came here to discuss. Come, speak your mine.

Wilkołak Clan (Warsaw) to Darkmoon Project

A response comes quickly from one Alojzy Gorski, presumably the leader of the Clan.

I apologize for our less than hospitable greetings, but I feel you must understand our position. We know we are but a small fish in a big pond, and sometimes must act threateningly to deter trouble. But if you wish us no harm, we wish you none.

And actually, we recently made contact with our brethren. And while we appreciate your offer, we do not think it is required.

Mascul (Santiago) to Hyperion Industries

The leader of the Mascul is Tomás Vargas. He speaks with your agents.

"So, what is the great Hyperion Industries doing in Santiago, I wonder? Looking for ways to make money, probably. In that case, I actually have a bit of a proposal. You see, I've been looking to expand my business, and I think that moving into Beuenos Aires would be very beneficial. But unfortunately, I know that I haven't the resources to fight off some of the other criminal elements. I'd like your assistance with that, in exchange for...what do they say...'a piece of the action?' What do you say?"

Sangoma Circle (Johannesburg) to Gnomes of Zurich

The Leader of the Circle is a large, older woman known as Mama Khululiwe. (The exact reason for the prefix was never explained.)

"You make big promises, Mist Dwarf, but how do we know you will keep them? Perhaps you will simply "aquire" us like you would a competing bank, and then what then for us? Show us that you are as good as your word, then maybe we can deal."

You make big promises, Mist Dwarf, but how do you we know

Mão de Deus (Rio de Janiero) to Succubi

(OOC: You're gonna get the same message both here and in Dallas, but these are actions that are more under the purview of EOT. Unless you want to actually negotiate with them, most of this is better saved for EOT.)

Cullen Clan (Las Vegas) to Succubi

If you want to get a cut of the profits of the casino, you're going to have to invest some outside capital. After all, we'd have already started growing if we could.

And...uh...what exactly do you DO with people's souls anyway?

New Ranger Company (Dallas) to Succubi

(OOC: You're gonna get the same message both here and in Rio de Janiero, but these are actions that are more under the purview of EOT. Unless you want to actually negotiate with them, most of this is better saved for EOT.)

Ashina Clan (Singapore) to Sumus

You speak much, but say little. You speak of friendship, but your words are empty. Do not come to Singapore, tell these allies of your who have claimed dominion that Singapore is not theirs to claim.

Watchmen (Dubai) to Sumus

The leaders of the Watchmen deliberate amongst themselves for a little while before one steps forward and addresses Albert.

"You know we fought long and hard to rid Dubai of it's criminal and supernatural elements. You must understand, many of us are worried that allowing you in would simply be inviting a group as bad, or worse, right back into our city. So first, we ask you prove your good intentions."

Build your desalinization facility. If it does what you claim, then we'll talk."

Spirits of Knowledge (Cairo) to Sumus

Unfortunately, communication with the spirits is proving difficult. They seem to have a hard time maintaining focus. Perhaps if you could find some way to keep the spirits focused, more could be accomplished.

Shillelagh (Dublin) to Darkmoon Project

We have no problems with the idea of cooperating with other groups to combat supernatural threats. You seem to have something mind though, what is it?

Shillelagh (Dublin) to DUS

We're not really sure what you are. And I do mean WHAT, not who. What is it you wish to accomplish with this merger, exactly? Are you simply looking to hire some mortal muscle? There are easier ways to go about it then buying us out, we are for hire, after all.

Wyldfae (Vienna) to Darkmoon Project

We are Wyldfae, we bow to now one, not even Mab or Titania! What do you want in our city, Darkmoon Project of Berlin?

Naša Stvar (Amsterdam) to DUS

What, you want our organization to become a mere car-theft ring? No, that will not happen. Unless you have some real business to discuss, do not come back to Amsterdam.

Small Folk (Barcelona) to Bertrand Coven

Michael has met a small group of the small folk. The largest of them, a faerie about 8 inches tall, seems to be the spokesperson.

I dunno, you vampires are kinda scary. With the blood sucking and everything. But you don't seem THAT scary, I guess.

What do we want? Um.... The faeire quickly flies back to the group, who all huddle up around him. There's a buzz of activity as they quickly discuss, before the spokesman flies back out. "We want you to get us human food! Pizza, cake, ice cream, all that kind of stuff!" There's a general murmur of agreement from the others. "If you can do that for us, we can help you find things out! People don't pay attention to us after all.

(OOC: The Small Folk are offering to trade you + Temp Subtlety for - Temp Econ of food.)

Draken Corporation to Hyperion Industries Loyalty: +++

Yes, I'm familiar with the doctrine.

Really, this isn't a bad idea. Couldn't hurt to encourage this ESP to stay in their own little section of the world.

Draken Corporation to the Black Market, Hyperion Industries, and the Gnomes of Zurich Loyalty: +++

We must be careful in how we do this, however. Of course, we don't want to tip off the mortals to what we're doing, but we also don't want to tip off competing organizations.

But I will say that I'm interested. When you come up with some solid plans, let me know.

Draken Corporation to The Remnants Loyalty: +++

Right, you have my interest, but I've got a few questions. How exactly will this ward work? What, exactly, would you need from me? And where would you be testing this ward?

Unseely Court to the Remnants (PM Level)

So you intend to simply create these creatures, and then release them against any who you consider your enemies? Hmm...a bold plan. Perhaps a foolish one.

Though I would ask, your creatures would pull the heat out of an area to cool it, where would that energy go?

Unseely Court to the TLDT-TS Loyalty: ++++

Mab smiles.

"Very well. You will get your storm. And you will summon for me, the spirit of Abdul Alhazred, who you might know better as the Mad Arab. From seemingly nowhere, she pulls out a file folder. "This should provide you with any information (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdul_Alhazred)you need.

(OOC: Her folder lists some very esoteric requirements form summoning this particular spirit. About + Temp Wealth will be required in components, and at least ++ Temp Knowledge worth of magic users to work on it.)

Servich Investigations to the Gnomes of Zurich (PM Level)

Hildebrand meets Alan Servich in his office, in a semi-rundown building in downtown Chicago.

"So, basically, you want to hire us to hunt down other supernatural nasties? If so, you should probably realize we aren't really a military outfit. We're investigators, not mercenaries. Though if you financed us, I'm sure we could get some military kit... He pauses contemplating this. "Anyway, who did you want to target first?"

Catholic Church to the Remnants Loyalty: +++++ ++

Really? I'm assuming you refer to Toronto? I can't say we'd be opposed to that. We might even be able to help, depending on how you intend to go about it. Obviously, we would prefer...less than violent means.

Oh, and I sent the pope a message about your question. Hopefully, he'll have an answer for you soon.

US Government to Exiles Loyalty: +++++

Could you be more specific? What kind of diseases are you looking to combat, and how? Sorry, but we get requests for grants from all sorts of different groups and institutions, we can't go around throwing money at every group that gives us some vague promises.

(OOC: Also, remember that dealing with mortal groups is risky. Unless you actually take action to cover your tracks, they might start figuring you out and raise your Limelight.)

To the Rat Haven (& Cult of the Unbidden)

(OCC: I was going to do this earlier, but I forgot about it.)

A large box arrives, with markings indicating it was shipped from Hong Kong. Inside, is + Temp Econ worth of shinies! Also enclosed is a note.

"More to come later from your friends in the Unbidden!"[/B]

GM to Forum Explorer

Yes, you have to commit at least a small amount of resources to exploring any cities. And VIPs work just as well. I've edited the exploration to include yours.

GM to oblivion6

Unless you want to explore Dallas, there's not really any explorable areas around St. Louis. Remember, the only cities that are explorable in that way are the cities I marked on the map. (In case you missed the link, the map is here (http://g.co/maps/jhbj4).

Now, if you want to simply use your Subtlety to scout around St. Louis as a sort of recruitment drive to raise your stats, that's totally possible. But it's something that would wait until EOT.

2012-02-07, 03:34 PM
Sertolovo Bratva to Wilkołak Clan (PM):

She puts her drink down and laughs at the comment about criminals.

"Ha! I wouldn't call it much of an empire, myself - we mainly keep order in our land and sell mercenaries to work for those who have the funds for them. We're one part of the Mafia, sure, but our 'protection money' comes with actual protection. There's plenty things our there worse."

Then she takes another sip of beer and turns more serious.

"However, there is a reason I came here, though we did not know of you. It's easy for Komarov, my superior, to make it look like I was sent here to keep me out of the way, but he isn't the kind of man who does things like that. In fact, I was here to scout out the region for groups such as yours.

When I said the times are changing, I meant it more than just in a general sense. There's a powerful alliance of supernatural factions to the Far East who have claimed the entirety of Asia as their domain. Naturally, the big players in America and Europe have taken note, and since the Old Order isn't dismantling this alliance, decided that the only way to compete is to form similar ones.

I do not know how the details are going in the New World, but in Europe there's more problems. There are many groups here, long rooted in place, and many of them view each other with distrust and suspicion. Several groups have approached us for an alliance, to make use of our military power. We are being offered hegemony over large swathes of Eastern Europe if we take part in their struggles and help form a Pact to rival the one in the East.

Well, cautious as ever, Komarov decided to send me here to look at what sort of people already live in these lands, and whether or not we can work with them or if they are even worth protecting. I'm glad to note that you certainly are - we will shield you from any external influence this way, as no outside powers will dare tread into Europe and internally the other groups need us too much to risk insulting our kin.

Other than that, I just wish we can make friends with our neighbours. You're doing well for yourselves and should continue doing so. I hope we can send our youth to meet each other, spar and train in contests of skill and strength and drink together during the old feasts, ones our ancestors honoured before the One God arrived to these lands."

2012-02-07, 03:35 PM
TLDT-TS to Seven Shadow Hunters

''It appears we have an unexpected shortage of funds. Perhaps we could delay our deal for a little while? I apologize for this inconvenience and hope it gives no offense.''

2012-02-07, 03:36 PM
Gnomes of Zurich to Servich Investigations (PM-level)

Hildebrand steeples his fingers and smiles.
"Why, we would mostly leave that one to you. I'd assume that most things deemed a threat to humanity by you would also be those we would not want. If we could make a suggestion, however...
There is a secretive organization active in Berlin, currently. Believe it or not, they are the remains of the occult arm of the Nazi Party. Now, I we wouldn't want you to take them down by military means. But imagine how much in the way of good PR you would get for exposing such a conspiracy...
Alternatively, and perhaps closer to home for you, you could investigate Washington. Our sources tell us there is a powerful demonic presence there.
Just some ideas."

2012-02-07, 06:02 PM

Humans willing to do business candidly, how refreshing. My candour in return will be restricted, this owning to supernatural matters we cannot discuss with mortals.
New powers are rising in our world. Things are changing, maybe not for the better. We move to secure European stability in both our worlds. Dublin's location is strategic, your assets useful to us in the mortal sphere. We had hoped to secure Dublin without drawing undue attention, but now I find you rather more willing to do business with us then I expected. My apologies for prejudging you, our history with humans is hardly your fault.
As long as Dublin remains safe and you are willing to do business I am happy to leave Shillelagh in place. Should Dublin become unsafe, let us know. I would ask in return that you let us know of any other faction contacting you or requiring your services.

Naša Stvar
We are attempting to do business with you, with respect you are not making it easy. We have only a vague idea of your operations because you ran us out of town. Gentlemen, I represent one of the most advanced labs in Europe. If your business were cars I could offer modding and government papers. If your business is drugs we can synthesise large quantities of vastly superior product, if it's gunrunning we can supply top-end arms. We can do all these things and more, we require some source of illicit funds, you are our natural vector to the underworld, we desire to do business.

2012-02-07, 07:04 PM

to US goverment
oh yes my apologies. we were thinking of researching ways to isolate and eventually destroy cancer cells using existing drugs and treatments if caught early enough. as this is only in the preliminary stages, we understand if you are unwilling to donate us the money needed

to the GM
ya i had missed the link to the map, thanks. i will instead use the subtlety to investigate the dallas/fort worth area

2012-02-07, 07:49 PM
The Black Market

To Sertolovo Bratva

"Oh I know I can be a bit of an antention grubbing child sometimes, but it's prefectly fine. The Market will always have a stall open for you honorable wolfmen."
-The Arms Dealer

To Seven Shadow Hunters

"Oh goodie! We'll talk business next quarter then. I can't wait."
-The Arms Dealer

To the Cult of the Unbidden

"Though we primarily deal in all things illicit and our purchasing power is much stronger in mortal matters, if you need something we will find it and we will get it to be sold back at a reasonable and affordable price. Rest assured your needs can be met."
-The Arms Dealer

To Sumus

"We make dealings in all fields. We've a fair bit of dealings in other fields, relic retrieval being one you may be interested in. We provide service, of any kind, it just so happens that we've grown a reputation for the unsavory. It's certainly more profitable, but we do keep a legitimate business going as well. Perhaps we can do business now?"
-The Arms Dealer

To Jerusalem: PM - The Graverobber VIP

"Hehe. Hello. I bring greetings from my employer, it's a pleasure to meet you."

[++++ Influence for exploration.]

To Lagos: PM - Blackhood VIP

"My master has deemed you fit for negotiation, please open contact as soon as your priorities allow."

[+ Strength for exploration.]

Forum Explorer
2012-02-08, 12:26 PM
The Remnants

To Unseelie Court (PM)
They would either absorb it, use it to create more of themselves, or shunt it into inter-dimensional space. In this stage of prereseach we don't know which method would be the most effective.

OCC: Really? The fricking fairies are concerned about the law of conservation? :smallyuk:

To Draken Corporation +++
We plan on forming a sort of city wide filter that will remove any mental influences on anyone who enters or lives in the city. We would like additional money to buy whatever research materials we might need. If you'd prefer to contribute actual researchers they would be more then welcome. We plan on doing an initial test on on one of the cities in the far north. Perhaps Yellowknife.

To Catholic Church +++++ ++
Nearly all of the work should be non-violent. Mostly it will be things like setting up schools to retrain people for new skills or training those who didn't have the opportunity in their youth to get an education, as well as food banks and drug rehabs. In the case of gangs we will find the evidence needed for the police to put those criminals away. Only when strictly necessary for the protection of ourselves and the people we are trying to help will we resort to violence. We are planning on working in both Ottawa and Toronto.

2012-02-14, 02:48 PM
Turn 2

Illumination: Alone in the Dark

Violence in the Underworld

Lagos: The local gangs, the Area Boys, have been reportedly wiped out in a series of violent confrontations by foreign criminal elements. The newcomer group has yet to be identified, but they seem to have move in and taken control of the underworld.

Dublin: The largest and most dangerous winter storm in Ireland's recent memory seems to have also served as cover for a terrorist act. The Shillelagh Corp seems to have been acted by terrorist elements under cover of the storm. Their entire compound was leveled, and all members are either confirmed as killed, or still missing. No terrorist group has claimed responsibility for this heinous act.

Mumbai: A drug ring has seemingly disappeared almost overnight. The few eyewitness report surgical strikes against the group's holdings in Mumbai. There is some confusion, however, as no Indian agency (or indeed, anyone) has claimed responsibility for the take down, and the whereabouts of the criminals are still unknown.

Vienna: Unexplained explosions rocked the city of Vienna several days ago. Luckily, no one was seriously injured in the blasts, but the authorities are still at a loss as to what could have caused the explosions.

Buenos Aires: Reports have surfaced that the local gangs of Buenos Aires have recently been destroyed and supplanted by the Mascul Cartel of Santiago. How they managed to do this still remains a mystery, though it is suspected that they didn't do it on their own.

Better News

Dubai: The Byzan Corporation has been working heavily on the construction of a new Desalinization Facility in Dubai. They hope that this will increase the availability of fresh water, and make things easier for the people there.

Johannesburg: It seems that for whatever reason, quite a few Swiss bankers and other organizations have taken interest in the city of Johannesburg, and have spent large amounts of money setting up charity organizations in the city. They have received a large amount of praise for their efforts.

Madrid: A new company known as Bertrand Entertainment Incorporated has begun setting up new entertainment venues in the city of Madrid. They've been mildly successful thus far, and word of mouth has begun to spread.

Toronto and Ottawa: The Hyperion Corporation and it's "several other benefactors" have begun social work in Toronto and Ottawa in an attempt to reduce crime and improve quality of life for the poor sections of the city. So far, their efforts have been somewhat successful, and received a fair bit of acclaim.

Turn 2 Stats

Player Factions

Sertolovo Bratva Murska

Strength: +++++ ++
Subtlety: ++
Wealth: +++-
Knowledge: +
Loyalty: +++++ +-
Influence: +++

Limelight: -

Traits: Pack Tactics, Feared, Criminal Element

TLDT-TS Thelonius

Strength: +++++
Subtlety: +
Wealth : ++++
Knowledge: +++++
Loyalty: +++
Influence: +++++

Traits: Need an Army? Just add Necromancy!, Your Old Stomping Grounds, Bad Vibes

Succubi distant quasar

Strength: ?
Subtlety: ++++?
Wealth: +-?
Knowledge: +?
Loyalty: +++
Influence: +++++

Traits: A House Divided, Soul Trading, Demonic

Hyperion Industries ArcaneStomper

Strength: ++++
Subtlety: +-
Wealth : +++++ +++
Knowledge: ++++
Loyalty: +++
Influence: +++

Traits: Dragon Blood, Dwarven Ingenuity, Gold is Life

Brotherhood of the Released Erik Vale

Strength: ++?
Subtlety: ++++
Wealth: ++
Knowledge: +++?
Loyalty: ++++
Influence: ++

Traits: One Disorganized Band, We Come in Many Forms, Like PTSD on Steroids Gone

Messiah's of a New Dawn Greystone (?)

Strength: ++++
Subtlety: ++
Wealth: +
Knowledge: +++
Loyalty: +++++ +
Influence: ++++

Traits: Masters of Contracts, The Truth, Doubt

Sumus Exthalion

Strength: +
Subtlety: ++?
Wealth: +
Knowledge: +++++ ++-
Loyalty: +++
Influence: ++?

Traits: Compatibility, Radix Scientia, Old World Blues

Gnomes of Zurich Eldan

Strength: +
Subtlety: +++
Wealth: +++++ ++++
Knowledge: ++
Loyalty: ++
Influence: +++?

Traits: Mist-Shape, Artificers, Outcasts

Ordo Sanctum Astrum nolispe

Strength: ?
Subtlety: +++++ +?
Wealth: ?
Knowledge: ?
Loyalty: +++++
Influence: ?

Traits: Inquisition, Censure Gone

The Remnants Forum Explorer

Strength: +++?
Subtlety: ++?
Wealth: ?
Knowledge: +++++ +
Loyalty: +++
Influence: +++++

Traits: Legendary Leaders, SEP Field, Disunity

Bertrand Coven TsukikoJ

Strength: ++-
Subtlety: +++++ +
Wealth: +++?
Knowledge: +?
Loyalty: +++
Influence: ++?

Traits: Compulsive, Conspicuous Consumption, Those Damn Books!

Sub-faction: Forged Fang: +++-

The Cult of the Unbidden Lost Demiurge

Strength: +++++-
Subtlety: +?
Wealth: ++++-
Knowledge: ++++
Loyalty: +++
Influence: ++

Traits: Madness? NO! ENLIGHTENMENT!, Two Avatars, One Destiny!, The Folly of Chaos

The Black Market IcemanJRC

Strength: +-
Subtlety: +++++
Wealth: +-?
Knowledge: +
Loyalty: ++
Influence: +++++-

Traits: Money Talks, They Built the Town Around Us, Illicit Economy

The Darkmoon Project bigstipidfighte

Strength: +++++?
Subtlety: ++?
Wealth: ?
Knowledge: +++
Loyalty: +++-
Influence: ++

Traits: Moths to a Flame, Figureheads

The Lo Shen Tong Odin the Ignoble (?)

Strength: ++++
Subtlety: ++?
Wealth: +++?
Knowledge: ++++
Loyalty: +
Influence: +++

Traits: A Mere Legend, King of Chinatown, Bound by His Word

Rat Haven Keler

Strength: ++
Subtlety: +++++ ++-
Wealth: ?
Knowledge: ?
Loyalty: +++++
Influence ?

Traits: Without a Trace, Scavengers, Rodents of Normal Size

Exiles oblivion6 (?)

Strength: ++?
Subtlety: ++++
Wealth: +?
Knowledge: +++++
Loyalty: ++
Influence: +++

Traits: It's not Magic, it's SCIENCE!, Expanding Knowledge, Dark Magic

Dresden Unter Schmiede Ladorak

Strength: ++-?
Subtlety: +++++
Wealth: ?
Knowledge: +++++
Loyalty: ++
Influence: ++

Traits: Underforge, We Rebuilt Dresden, Errant Spark

Sub-faction: Forged Fang: +++-

The Red Monks Falconer (?)

Strength: ?
Subtlety: ++?
Wealth: +
Knowledge: +++++?
Loyalty: +++++
Influence: +

Traits: Sorcery Their Religion, Power Their Creed, Enemy of the Church

Kami Kantai bladescape

Strength: +++
Subtlety: ++?
Wealth: +
Knowledge: ++
Loyalty: +++++ +
Influence: +++?

Traits: Spirits of Tokyo, Knowledge of the People, Exist to Protect

Seven Shadow Hunters Madwand

Strength: +++++ +++-
Subtlety : ++++
Wealth: +++
Knowledge: ++
Loyalty: +++++ +
Influence: ++

Traits: Contagious Blood, Born Hunters, Blood Dependent

TIM Pahvimato

Strength: +++++ -
Subtlety: +
Wealth: +++
Knowledge: +++++ +-
Loyalty: +++++
Influence: ++

Traits: Tim Wants Big Boom!, There are some who call us... TIM?, Training Accidents

Mortal NPCs

Catholic Church: The Catholic Church has long been aware of the existence of the supernatural, and the threat it represents. Their first tries at combating them through the Inquisition...didn't go well. Now the Church's Inquisition tends to be much more subtle, and tends to confirm the nature of their targets BEFORE the torture instead of during. No surprise, these guys are based out of Rome, (well, Vatican City technically, by they have de facto control of Rome's supernatural side.) and of late have begun actively weeding out supernatural groups throughout Italy for the first time in decades. Benedict XVI must be a bit more of a hard-liner on the Supernatural than John Paul II.

Strength: +++?
Subtlety: +++++ +-?
Wealth: ++++?
Knowledge: +?
Loyalty: +++++ ++++
Influence: +++++ ++++

Traits: Faith, Thou Shalt not Kill

Freemasons: The quintessential secret society. Despite the rumors, it is by and large it's just a pointless organization that likes to pretend they're important. But among the highest ranking individuals, there is a small sub-group that knows of the supernatural, and works to protect the mortal world from it. There are rumors that the Freemasons sometimes work closely with the Magus Conclave, but most people don't see much truth in that.

Strength: -?
Subtlety: +++++ ?
Wealth: ++
Knowledge: ++++
Loyalty: +++++ +
Influence: ++++?

Traits: Old Brotherhood, Not-So-Secret

Illuminati: Yes, they exist. No, they're not near as powerful as people think. They're also a fairly new group, having been formed in the 50's by a small number of powerful individuals. They hoped (still hope, really) to use knowledge of the supernatural to somehow gain even MORE power. No one outside the organization is really all that sure on the details, but evidence of their actions are there, and worryingly widespread.

Strength: ?
Subtlety: +++++ +?
Wealth: +++?
Loyalty: +++++
Influence: ++?

Traits: Operates in the Shadows, Decentralized

Servich Investigations::Only listed here because despite being a fairly small group, they've managed to make themselves a big pain in the ass for a bunch of supernatural factions. More than a few times they've managed to stumble on someone's scheme, and screw it up by walking through the Circle, or accidentally blowing up the building in question. A real nuisance, but little more than that. They are aware of the supernatural, and actively try to "combat" it. (See the earlier reference to them tripping over things.)

Strength: ?
Subtlety: +++++ ?
Wealth: ?
Knowledge: ?
Loyalty: +++++ ++
Influence: ?

Traits: Hunting Down the Truth, Cassandra Syndrome.

Mascul Cartel

Strength: +
Subtlety: +++
Wealth: +++
Knowledge: -
Loyalty: -
Influence: +

Traits: Drug Lords, Criminals

Supernatural NPCs

The Magus Conclave: An ancient order of druids, wizards, and mortal magic users in general. They were the first to recognize the need for the supernatural to stay in the shadows, and the ones who came up with the idea for the Long Shadow Treaty. They taken it upon themselves to enforce this treaty over the last few centuries.

Strength: ++++-?
Subtlety: +++++ +?
Wealth: ?
Knowledge: +++++ ?
Loyalty: +++++ +
Influence: ++

Traits: Masters of Magic, The Sight, Slow Growth

Draken Corporation: The youngest of what could be considered the "Old Order," and the only one still growing. Founded by the elder dragon Mathandrius in the mid 1800's, after he realized that his horde could be used for something other than just sleeping on. The Corporation has existed in many forms throughout the years, and currently one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world.

Strength: ++?
Subtlety: ++?
Wealth: +++++ +++++ +-
Knowledge: +?
Loyalty: +++
Influence: +++++

Traits: Multinational, The Long View, Greedy

Seely Court: The Seelie Court of the Fae are generally considered to be the "good" Fae Court. This is only partially true, the Seelie Court can be just as bad as any other Fae, they just tend to be on less of a hair trigger about it. Also, being heavily associated with Summer sort of helps one's image somewhat.

Strength: +++++ ?
Subtlety: +++++ ++?
Wealth: none
Knowledge: ++++?
Loyalty: +++++ ++
Influence: ++++?

Traits: Older than the World, Faeire, Above the Petty Interests of Mortals

Unseely Court: The Unseelie Court of the Fae are generally considered to be the more "evil" of the two main courts. This is considered by some to be a bit unfair, but considered by anyone who has had to deal with them as pretty much right. The Unseelie Court houses many of the nastiest of the Fae, and is heavily tied to Winter.

Strength: ++++?
Subtlety: +++?
Wealth: none
Knowledge: +++?
Loyalty: ++++
Influence: ?

Traits: Older than the World, Faeire, Not Interested in Mortals

The Æsir, The Olympians, and The Neter

When the influence of the pagan gods began to wane during the rise of Christianity, many of the old gods diminished until they simply faded away. But not all of them. The most powerful of them, the most well known, and most loved/feared managed to hold on to some vestige of their power, and survive the centuries since their fall from grace.

Even with just a shadow of their former strength, they are still among the most powerful and dangerous beings in existence. But their power fades more with each year, and they find they are forced to remain closer to their places of power. (Oslo, Athens, and Alexandria)

The Æsir

Strength: +++?
Subtlety: +++
Wealth: ?
Knowledge: ++?
Loyalty: ++
Influence: +


Huginn and Muninn, Mjölnir, Diminishing

The Olympians

Strength: +++
Subtlety: ++
Wealth: ++++
Knowledge: ++
Loyalty: +++
Influence: ++

Traits: Thunderbolts, The God of Minerals, Diminishing

The Neter

Strength: ?
Subtlety: +++++
Wealth: ?
Knowledge: +++?
Loyalty: +++
Influence: -

Traits: Gods of the Dead, The Mother of Magic, Diminishing

Minor NPCs

To be listed shortly.

2012-02-14, 04:54 PM
TLDT-TS [Loyalty +++]

''We’d be happy to aid with any problem involving ghosts and similar otherworldly beings, for a very modest fee. Please contact our representative via the following address.''

To Hyperion

''We’d like to purchase a certain quantity of Dragon Blood for our magical research. We are prepared to pay in gold and influence''

To Gnomes of Zurich

''As we have pledged, so shall we deliver. Would you be interested in providing us with same amount of Arcane Knowledge for another service, once we repay our current obligations?''

To Strelovo Bratva

''Should we continue with our current deal?''

[I’d like to buy + t. Knowledge for + t. Wealth]

To Black Market

''Our arrangements worked out perfectly. Shall we continue? We need certain body parts for our research.''

[I’d like to buy + t. Knowledge, for + t. Wealth.

To Seven Shadow Hunters

''We’d like to purchase some of your arcane lore, in exchange for financial support of your operations.''

[I’d like to buy + t. Knowledge, for + t. Wealth.

To Bertrand Convent

''You appear to be interested in expanding your influence over the world. Perhaps you could share a few of your arcane secrets in exchange for some assistance on our part?''

[I’d like to trade your t. Knowledge for my t. Influence]

To GM Only

I’m assuming all of my trades with other PCs happened.

2012-02-14, 05:26 PM
Sertolovo Bratva to TLDT-TS

I don't see a reason why not. Consider it done.

2012-02-14, 06:19 PM

to hyperion, rat haven,succubi and remmants
any word on when this ward is going to be complete,remmants? i think its more important than ever to start securing the americas with all the recent takeovers elsewhhere in the world

2012-02-14, 06:21 PM
Hyperion Industries: Loyalty +++

To the Exiles, the Rat Haven, the Remnants, and the Succubi Loyalty
We propose that the conference be reformed before sensitive information is discussed.

To the TLDT-TS
OOC: I need to ask the GM something before I can reply to this.

Forum Explorer
2012-02-14, 06:51 PM
The Remnants

To Exiles, Hyperion Industries, and the Succubi +++
We will give an update on the project, but we do suggest that we meet in person first.

To Catholic Church +++++ ++
Do you have any idea on what cleared out the Shillelagh Corp in Dublin? We don't know if you were aware of this but it had appeared that the Shillelagh were aware of the supernatrual and in contact with more then one faction. We honestly don't want a faction who resorts to violence so readily to take over Dublin and as such we plan on moving in to guard the city. Will you support our endeavors?

To Unseelie Court +++
Have you an answer for our proposed project?

2012-02-14, 07:01 PM
the exiles

to hyperion,rat haven, succubi and remnants
i agree. where shall we meet?

Lost Demiurge
2012-02-14, 07:16 PM
Cult of the Unbidden
LOY: +++

To the Eastern Star Pact
Well, looks like we're all still here. Shall we plan for a follow up meeting this month, to discuss recent events and the way ahead? Or do folks want to preserve their dignitaries for future endeavors?

At this point we might not need a meeting... But if no one objects, I could think of worse ways to proceed.

To the Darkmoon Project
So how'd your last few months go? Have the locals been discussing a European pact yet? I'm going to be ever so disappointed if that's not in the planning stages, yet...

To Rat Haven
Well, you saw our goodwill. Any good stuff yet?

To the Messiahs of a New Dawn
Greetings. Your faction is strange to us. It is somewhat fascinating... Are you open to a few questions?

2012-02-14, 07:30 PM
Hyperion Industries: Loyalty +++

To the Exiles, the Rat Haven, the Remnants, and the Succubi Loyalty
We are willing to host the conference this time.

2012-02-14, 07:55 PM
Lagos - The Grave Digger (GM)

"HARVEST TIME! So many beautiful bodies... They will be lovely new play things... I can't wait till we get them back home..."

[++ Subtelty for secretly harvesting the bodies left by the Area Boys. ++ Loyalty to contact the new criminal element and open communication.]

To Kinshasa - Blackhood (GM)

Blackhood lead a group of well armed, military police-like, security officers in search of the supernatural element suspected in Kinshasa.

[Exploration with +- Strength, maybe there will be somebody actually alive here? One can hope.]


"As it just so happens we may be coming into a windfall of fresh, fit and supernatural corpses. No guarantees, but I've got my top harvester looking in on the lead. For now we'll continue our deal, and might I suggest a closer alliance? After all, we both deal in death and a pool of our resources should allow a much more profitable control over the worlds cemetery."
Your Friend,
The Arms Dealer

To TIM, Sertolovo Bratva

"Recently one of my servitors returned with some information regarding an West African city by the name of Lagos. It seems the local gangs, the Area Boys, were disposed of by a group of Russian speakers. I suspect one of you may be to blame? I commend you for helping make the world a little safer, but perhaps you could be a little gentler next time? Or at the very least let me know so I can send harvesters more promptly. Anyways, we should talk over lunch, I feel so distant lately."

Forever Your Comrade,
The Arms Dealer

To Seven Shadow Hunters

"You'd mentioned previously you had dealings you wished to make with us? I'm interested to here what the Market can do for you."
-The Arms Dealer

To Hyperion Industries, The Gnomes of Zurich

"It seems you've both been making leaps and bounds in controlling some new markets, I commend you. Admittedly my attempts to further my legitimacy at home have been going slower then I'd hoped. But growth is growth, how have you fared this past quarter? Your coffers grow fat I hope."

Your Associate in Business,
The Arms Dealer

Forum Explorer
2012-02-14, 10:16 PM
The Remnants

To Hyperion Industries, The Exiles, The Rat Haven, and the Succubi PM
Now that we are all here in person once again I can tell you the news about the ward.

It has been completed and exceeds our expectations. No mental magic has been able to defeat its powers and it also lowers the effectiveness of hostile mages. (Magic in a city warded essentially loses a + offensively.) It will take +++++ + Knowledge/Wealth to set up a ward. Furthermore our mages feel that the protection from the ward can be expanded even further with some more research.

2012-02-14, 11:38 PM

to hyperion, rat haven, succubi and remnants(PM)
the exiles shall pledge some knowledge for this project. any suggestions as to what we should call this little coalition of ours?

OOC:+++knowledge and + wealth. perhaps more

2012-02-15, 08:40 AM
The Gnomes of Zurich, Loy ++

To the TLDT-TS:

Sadly, we will need the expertise of our artificers this turn. But we could offer you material wealth with which to buy expertise elsewhere.

To the Black Market

We certainly can't complain. The South African resource market has always been a great business opportunity.

2012-02-15, 09:05 AM
Sertolovo Bratva to Black Market

A branch of our associates decided to expand their operations in Africa - just business. The situation should be pacified by now, and the area is under the protective Aegis of the Mafia now.

If you wish to talk, we are always willing to receive envoys.

Sertolovo Bratva to Seven Shadow Hunters (PM):

Elsa Amarra arrives to New Delhi with a handful of bodyguards and requests a private meeting with your leadership.

2012-02-15, 10:18 AM
Rat Haven
Loy: +++++

Cult of the Unbidden
Yesss, we have many got nasty secrets, some that may involve your Cult, some that don't. Send on of your people to Mexico City so that we may talk with out other competitors.

Hyperion Industries, The Exiles, Remnants, and the Succubi (PM, sending Chance for VIP)
One again you may have all of Rat Havens knowledge in this project. Perhaps these wards can be expanded to protect against Strength.

Lost Demiurge
2012-02-15, 01:03 PM

So, as a mid-turn action we're sending Subtlety + to Mexico city along with Nyarlathotep, who's going to have a private conversation with the Rats. Our Subtlety will figure out who's in charge in the city, and in the event of an ambush or trap targeting our VIP, do their best to inflict casualties on the ambushers. They won't try to save Nyarly, just assassinate opposing VIPs or inflict casualties before fleeing.

Cult of the Unbidden

To Rat Haven (PM)

Mexico City, 2400 hours.

The rubbish-strewn alleyway is deserted, save for a few mumbling vagrants and overflowing dumpsters. Vermin, human and otherwise, move about and feed their addictions and their bellies. But exactly at midnight, one of them straightens up, revealing a neatly trimmed goatee he didn't have ten seconds ago, and a swarthy face not his own.

He's been sometimes called the Black Pharoah, other times the Dark Man, NEVER the Walkin' Dude, despite Steven King's best efforts, but above all, he is the Crawling Chaos, Nyarlathotep.

Idly rifling through his new pockets, he strolls down to the nearest manhole cover, and knocks three times, before settling back on his haunches to wait. From one pocket he pulls a bottle of cheap wine, considers it, and downs three swigs, grinning at the taste.

"Please allow me to introduce myself." He says. "I'm a man of wealth and taste..."

He waits for the rats to approach. He's patient. He has ALL the time in this universe and beyond.

distant quasar
2012-02-15, 01:05 PM

Rat Haven, Hyperion, Exiles, Remnants PM
Once again we can pledge (+++) Knowledge to this project and perhaps some wealth. Perhaps it would be more beneficial to first seek ways to decrease the cost of building additional wards?

2012-02-15, 01:11 PM
Seven Shadow Hunters

LOY +++++ +

To Estern Star Pact

I see no reasons to meet this season.

Kurt Aproxymeo

Ps. Mumabai is under firm control.

To Sertolovo Bratva PM

Your Vip was led to a meeting with Kurt Aproxymeo, the eldest of Seven Shadows.

OOC: we are continuing in PMs?


We have plans for our newly acquired knowledge. Maybe next season we will be able to continue our exchage.

To Black Market

We would like to get blood of old vampires, saints and items needed to perform blood magic and/or capable spellcasters.

OOC: offer +++++ wealth for +++++ knowledge.

2012-02-16, 07:27 AM
TLDT-TS [Loy. +++]

To Gnomes of Zurich

''We may be interested in taking a loan, but we'll need to confirm a few things first.''

To Black Market [VIP: Worms in Mind]

''That sound like a swell proposal. If you are having trouble obtaining the corpses in question, perhaps we can land a helping hand?

I would also like to propose a joint project.

And what do you think about Rats? They seem like our sort of creatures, maybe an alliance with them is possible? Or do you think we shouldn't trust them?

[I think I'll actually send a PM about the project.].''

To Draken Corporation

''We are looking to purchase arcane knowledge for our goals, preferable establishing a long-term contract. Would you be able to provide us with such? We've got some coin to spend.''

2012-02-16, 06:21 PM
Sertolovo Bratva to ESP:

We're still waiting for that contact with the Eastern werewolf clan you mentioned.

2012-02-16, 09:52 PM
The Black Market

The Gnomes of Zurich

"Wonderful news! Please do keep us informed, if you require assistance don't be afraid to ask."
-The Arms Dealer

To Sertolovo Bratva

"I've sent one of my top harvesters to take the bodies, I figured you'd left. May my team continue their operations?
-The Arms Dealer

To Seven Shadow Hunters

"A lofty proposal, but possibly doable. I'll see what I can do."
-The Arms Dealer

To TLDT-TS [PM level]

"I've sent a reply on the project back to you with Worms in Mind. As for those adorable little rodents, I'd say the more the merrier, they'd surely offer a large bit of body income I'd bet and they should be easy to transplant into other areas. I think it's worth it. We must eye them carefully they, as they can quickly grow beyond our grasp."
-The Arms Dealer

To Sumus

"A client of mine has requested a rather large order that I am not currently equipped to fill. It is with some reluctance I must come to you and request the use of your superior intellect and magical regents. Would you comply with such a large order? Perhaps afterwards we could discuss a long term arrangement?"
-The Arms Dealer

[+++++ Knowledge has been requested, name your price and I'll try to meet it. Temporary stats of course.]

2012-02-17, 05:22 AM

To Black Market [PM]

''I'll work on the plan and inform you of what would be required for it to succeed. Do you think we should let the Rats on it, if they agree to join us?

Actually, I am getting concerned, that they might have their little paws in a lot of pies already. I'm not certain how realisable allies they would be.

2012-02-17, 06:54 AM
Sertolovo Bratva to the Black Market:

I suppose that's okay, though by all means I should ask for a payment. Eh, we'll let it go this time.

2012-02-18, 08:25 AM
Darkmoon Project loyalty +++-

Cult of the Unbidden
The last few months have been... unsettling for us to say the least. The major powers are striking minor supernatural factions and- far more disturbingly- even various mortal groups both in Europe and abroad. As for Darkmoon Project's personal affairs, we have had no serious trouble as of late, aside from the complete annihilation of a friendly group in Dublin. To address your other question- yes, there is quite a bit of chatter going on in Europe, but it isn't our place to share the details with outsiders.

Magus Conclave
Greetings wizards,

I am contacting you with regards to the recent attack on Shillelagh Corp. of Dublin. The scope of the attack seems to indicate quite a bit of magical power on the part of the attackers- meaning either one of the Old Order was involved, or a new faction has arisen which has enough power to shatter the Long Shadow Treaty. Either way, it is imperative that the source of this attack be uncovered. Would you aid us in an investigative effort? Your magical expertise, combined with the skills of our operatives, would guarantee our success.

Dr. Isaak Jung, Chief of the Board of Directors, Darkmoon Project.

Gnomes of Zurich
Greetings Gnomes,

It has come to our attention that you've invested a significant amount of resources into Johannesburg, and I have been tasked with ascertaining your intentions toward the locals. From what we know of hem, the Sangoma Circle are a positive influence on the area, one we had planned to work closely with if circumstances permitted. While we can't force you to share your plans with us, a little information would set the board's minds at ease.

Emma Maier, Diplomatic Attache, Darkmoon Project.

Sertolovo Bratva
Congratulations on your successful operations in Africa, werewolves. Would you be interested in a joint effort to expand further into the continent? I would be happy to receive an emissary, or send one to Moscow, if you are serious about considering such an action.

Dr. Isaak Jung, Chief of the Board of Directors, Darkmoon Project.

2012-02-18, 09:00 AM
Sertolovo Bratva to Darkmoon Project:

We are always willing to discuss. Komarov has recently returned from Moscow to St. Petersburg if you'd be interested in meeting there. Currently we have negotiations ongoing on various continents, so we cannot really send our ambassador to you, I'm afraid.

2012-02-19, 07:59 AM
Darkmoon Project Loyalty +++-

Sertolovo Bratva
Colonel Dirk Wagner is sent to St. Petersburg to meet the local Bratva. His sidearm is loaded with silver bullets, just in case.

Continued in PM.

2012-02-19, 09:24 AM
Hyperion Industries: Loyalty +++

To the Remnants, the Exiles, the Rat Haven, and the Succubi (PM, Chief Glasock)
We like the sound of the American Accords.

We will of course pledge our knowledge to this project once more. however while increasing its power, and decreasing its cost are well and good, perhaps first we should extend it. Ottawa is covered by a ward. Which of us should be protected next. We calculate that combined we can muster enough mages and artificers to cover two more cities. And any extra can go to improving the wards.

(I was going to suggest the lowest loyalty factions first, we've got three of us with loyalty 3.)

To the Black Market
We have fared well enough. The mining business is good.

2012-02-19, 09:39 AM
Seven Shadow Hunters

LOY +++++ +

To Black Market

We can offer [5 t.eco] for [+++ knowledge] and your [VIP-lich? ]assistance in our ritual if you are more intrested.

Exploration (GM only):

Really, GM only.

Sending ++++ Subtlety and my Spy master VIP to get information about Bucharest and Red Monks Strenght and base of operation.

And for the space cthulhu sake - I send all my Subtlety to do it, you know subtle:smallbiggrin:. Other factions should be unaware of my exploration and I do not want to communicate with Red Monks.

2012-02-19, 10:36 AM
Gnomes of Zurich to the Darkmoon Project, Loy +++

This may sound very cynical, but the Nifelungen have every intention of letting humanity prosper as much as possible, as a rich humanity is a humanity that has money to spend and save. Money we intend to use.

The Sangoma circle is working with us, and we are working with them. The wellfare and development of Africa is a priority to us. You may have noticed certain charitable efforts in Johannesburg, originating in Switzerland. We will let you draw your own conclusions.

2012-02-19, 11:43 AM
Darkmoon Project loyalty +++-

Watchmen (GM)
Greetings Watchmen, on behalf of Darkmoon Project of Berlin.

You may not have heard of us, but our organization has been working to keep mortals safe form supernatural threats since the 30s. As you've no doubt noticed by now, the world's supernatural powers are on the warpath, with smaller organizations being swept aside and humanity caught in the middle.

In an effort to ensure both our organizations can continue to operate effectively, we would like to propose a merger of our two groups. We'd start by eliminating any ongoing threats in Dubai, then turn our attention to outside threats.

On a related note, the one other group we've encountered willing to stand up for humanity- Shillelagh Security Company of Dublin- was recently completely wiped out in a thus far unexplained attack. We are currently assembling a team to investigate the matter. Would you be interested in sending representatives of your own?

Dr. Isaak Jung, Chief of the Board of Directors, Darkmoon Project.

2012-02-19, 04:15 PM

Darkmoon Project
We understand you are engaged in a research project with TIM. With your permission, we would like to join.
I have a rough idea of the project, although I'd welcome a more detailed description. I'm willing to chip in whatever was spent last turn. More to come later as required.
Also, forgive me for reading your mail, I understand you are enquiring into the Dublin incident. We to have an interest in exploring the city and would work with you in tandem.

Lost Demiurge
2012-02-21, 01:44 PM
Cult of the Unbidden
LOY: +++

To the Sertolovo Bratva
Ah, you'll want to talk with Summus then. They're currently discussing matters with the splinter clan we mentioned.

To the Darkmoon Project
Hm, distressing to hear that minor powers are being destroyed. We're happy to report that's not the case in Asia! It's well-guarded against exploitation, unlike poor Africa...

As to your other point... It's good that a European unification is under discussion, but I'm surprised there's been no announcement yet. I understand that you cannot tell us much, but what benefits are gained from waiting?

2012-02-21, 03:00 PM
Sertolovo Bratva to the Sumus

We were pointed in your direction for the contact with the Eastern clan mentioned previously.

Sertolovo Bratva to Black Market

We've finished some negotiations and would like to hold a meeting with you. If you have a VIP free to make the trip to St. Petersburg, I'm sure you will be very interested in the offer we intend to present.

2012-02-21, 06:21 PM
Sumus Order

You see that we keep our word. We want to make things safe for everyone just like you do. The only difference is that we wish to go farther, to make people's lives better than they are now. Do you think we can work out some way of pursuing these goals together?

Sertolovo Bratva + ESP
They have declined your assistance in negotiations feel that they are fully able to represent their own interests.

OOC: Ask any of the ESP, that was their answer.

2012-02-21, 06:29 PM
Sertolovo Bratva to Sumus and the ESP:

Right. Well, we won't intrude on your negotiations then. Regardless, would you please inform us of their territory so we can set up a meeting of our own?

2012-02-21, 08:06 PM
Black Market


"Vermin are not exactly the type I'd expect to be interested in the plan. I suggest we go on without them, though we may be able to use them in other ways."
-The Arms Dealer

To Seven Shadow Hunters

"We are attempting to procure those items you seek and I will be otherwise occuopied and thus unable to assist. Apologies."
-The Arms Dealer

To Sertolovo Bratva (PM: VIP The Arms Dealer)

"I'll be there."
The Arms Dealer, lichlord of the Black Market arrives to the agreed upon destination promptly.

2012-02-22, 04:44 AM
Mid-Turn Actions

Black Market

Lagos: Confirming as you already know, the Strelovo Bratva has taken control of Lagos. Stealing the bodies gives you a fair number of new corpses to use in your experiments. (You'll get a small bonus to Knowledge this turn.)

Kinshasa: While there's evidence that there have been operatives from several groups in the city, there doesn't seem to be any single group in control of the city.


Mexico City: Your agents confirm that while the Rat Haven is in control of the underworld, they seem to have simply not met with you yet. (I've got nothing from Keler about an ambush, could just be that he hasn't been able to get on or something.)

Sydney: You agents arrive in Sydney to find that the Brotherhood still exists. Well, to some degree. There seems to have been a major internal power struggle in the Brotherhood. Many died, and the organization is now a shadow of what it once was.

Strength: +
Subtlety: ++
Wealth: -
Knowledge: +
Loyalty: ++
Influence: -

Seven Shadow Hunters

Bucharest: Your operatives mange to infiltrate Bucharest and find the Red Monk's monastery. They're able to do a little bit of snooping around before the Red Monk's security manages to chase you off. (You find that the Red Monks are hiding ++ Strength and + Knowledge.)

The Red Monks

The security at the monastery in Bucharest recently drove off several interlopers. Your people weren't able to identify the intruders, but SOMEONE has tried to infiltrate your group!

NPC Conversations

Freemasons to Magus Conclave, Draken Corporation, Catholic Church, Servich Investigations

We have reason to believe that the group that calls itself Sumus may have ties to the Illuminati. We have no idea how deeply these ties go, or what exactly they entail. Use this knowledge as you will.

Servich Investigations to the Freemasons Loyalty: +++++ ++

We've noticed something quite unsettling. It seems that the United States has a big infestation of succubi. We found a group of them trying to infiltrate a PMC in Dallas, and we've got reason to believe the same group may be trying to infiltrate the US Government. Probably something worth trying to stop.

Freemasons to Servich Investigations Loyalty: +++++ +

Interesting. We'll send someone to discuss this with you.

Magus Conclave to Old Order Loyalty: +++++ +

We've found out some interesting things about the ESP's actions of late. We know that several groups inside the ESP have been active in cities outside their direct control. (For example, the vampires were the ones who took Mumbai.) We're not really sure what to do about this group.

Unseely Court to Old Order Loyalty: ++++

Speaking of several of the ESP, we have a few interesting things to tell you about one of their members. I shall send my Knave to inform you, if you would not mind.

Watchmen to the Darkmoon Project Loyalty: ++

We have no interest in what happened to this other group, just as we have no interest in working with a group we don't know. Who are you really, and what do you want with us?

Watchmen to Sumus Loyalty: ++

You did indeed deliver on your promise.

What did you have in mind?

Magus Conclave to Darkmoon Project Loyalty: +++++ +

We're not sure how you got this number, but we can't help but agree.

At this time, we don't know who it was who did this. But we fully intend to investigate, and punish those responsible.

Draken Corporation to TLDT-TS Loyalty: +++

Sorry, but you're not exactly the kind of people we want to be associated with. Looks kind of bad, you know? I do have a reputation to maintain.

Unseelie Court to Remnants Loyalty: ++++

No, unfortunately we just don't think such a project is really efficient. However, if you come up with something a little less overly-ambitious that you think we can help with, don't hesitate to

Catholic Church to Remnants Loyalty: +++++ ++

We're not at all sure what exactly occurred in Dublin. Though you can be sure that we intend to find out. If you find anything out about it,


Assume that your trades go through unless explicitly stated that they didn't.

Though if you'd prefer that I actually confirm that trades take place, I can start doing that.

2012-02-22, 05:02 AM
The Kami Kentai

PM Message to Seoul(Can't remember the specific name.)
So, as previously offered, we will defend and work with you to keep you in control of Seoul. In exchange, you will help us the same, and perhaps contribute to some of our projects, that you of course will benefit from.

It is not the subjegation that most would put you through. We are reasonable spirits. We seek to protect. We offer Alliance, we will not mess with anything you chose to do in Seoul, unless it involves us in any manner."

The First Kirin finished speaking to the representative of the Seoul spirits, waiting for their reply. He'd done a lot of work over the last half a year to attempt to secure this alliance.

Lost Demiurge
2012-02-22, 10:05 AM
Hm, alright. If Keler never gets back to me, can I use Nyarlathotep somewhere else? I hate to waste him by dedicating him to a conversation, then have no one show up to talk with. Kind of lame.

2012-02-22, 02:38 PM
Bertrand Coven to TLDT-TS [LOY: +++]
Hmm.. I was hoping that our knowledge could be used on our own projects this turn. But we could trade you ++ knowledge in exchange for +++ influence.

2012-02-26, 08:46 AM
To Black Market [PM]

I'll put into my EoT I'm buying Corpses from you for ++ Wealth.

2012-02-26, 12:18 PM

Okay, I'll send in an edit, I was only sending you + Knowledge but I'll bump it up to all of it.

2012-02-26, 04:56 PM
Darkmoon Project loyalty +++-

We were working with TIM for a time, but the project has been completed. As for Dublin, we are sending a team to investigate, and expect the Magus Conclave to do so as well. An extra set of eyes would be most welcome.

Cult of the Unbidden
Again, we don't feel it appropriate to discuss private talks with outsiders.

Unfortunate that you take no interest in supernatural threats outside your walls, but we understand. One's home is to be protected above all else, however, we hope in time you will grow to have the resources to look beyond your own borders and aid in your neighbor's struggles as well, as our organization does now. To that end, is there anything we can do to make Dubai safer?

2012-02-26, 08:49 PM
Sumus Order to Darkmoon Project
We must ask you to route all future communications with the operations branch of our order through headquarters. That is to say, communications with the Dubai office and its personal will be handled through the same channels as the Istanbul branch.

Are we clear?