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View Full Version : Arterial Strike+Invisible Blade

2006-03-06, 03:23 PM
Do the two(Arterial Strike and IB's Bleeding Wound power) stack? If no, it would be because they're both the same effect, sacrifice 1d6 of Sneak to make opponent lose 1 hp per round till healed. If yes, it would be because they're differently named(although I recall seeing the original IB+Master Thrower 10 level PrC had it listed as Arterial Strike, the Invisible Blade in Complete Warrior doesn't mention it at all).

On a side-note, that 10 level original concept certainly explains why a character focused on up-close trickery(the current 5 level Invisible Blade) has Point-Blank Shot as a pre-requisite(more sloppiness from the spooky Lizard) :(

Abd al-Azrad
2006-03-06, 03:31 PM
It's kind of weird, but Arterial Strike states in it, "You can only deliver one bleeding wound per successful sneak attack." We note that the Invisible Blade's ability is called Bleeding Wound. It would seem in my books that at least one of these abilities doesn't stack with the other, so they don't work together.

2006-03-06, 06:24 PM
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.

Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!

oh wait, sorry, what was that?

Oh, bleed effects! It seems to me I saw somewhere a SA variant that allowed you to sacrafice multiple d6s, but that may very well be incorrect.

It would seem rather extreme though were that allowed. You are allowed one bleed effect per SA, which is handy, so you can theoretically open with more than one bleed effect if you get a good jump on them. It would just require multiple SAs in that first round.

2007-06-19, 10:44 AM
FYI, WotC screwed Invisible Blade in the errata. They can only fient once per turn now, and thus Sneak Attack only applies to one attack per round.

I suggest having a friend cast Greater Invisibility on you. Or buy a Ring of Blinking.

Also, Arterial Strike also doesn't add that much damage. You're probably better off with another feat.

2007-06-20, 02:33 AM
FYI, WotC screwed Invisible Blade in the errata. They can only fient once per turn now, and thus Sneak Attack only applies to one attack per round.

I suggest having a friend cast Greater Invisibility on you. Or buy a Ring of Blinking.

Also, Arterial Strike also doesn't add that much damage. You're probably better off with another feat.

Yeah, don't bother being an Invisible Blade basically - their capstone ability sucks ass and it's the only one really worth having (except for quite specific builds that need, e.g., Int to AC over armour).