View Full Version : Into the Koronus Expanse! (Rogue Trader)

2012-01-30, 06:04 PM
Okay here we go!

You have come to Port Wander in search of trade, profit, and
most important of all, glory. Perched on the edge of the Calixis
Sector, in the far reaches of the Drusian Marches, Port Wander
is the gateway to the Koronus Expanse and the vast untamed void
beyond. The station itself hangs massive and silent in the baleful
light of Rubycon II, surrounded by the shattered remnants of
ancient asteroids and serviced by a flotilla of Imperial vessels both
large and small.
Upon your arrival you have been greeted by several formal
envoys and salutations from both the Imperial Authority and other
Rogue Traders, welcoming your dynasty to port and honouring
your right to passage. This kind of reception is one you have grown
used to and is no less than you would expect. However, one vox
message stands out and demands your attention. Recorded in your
dynasty’s personal cipher, the message is from a man who calls
himself Erza Gray. He says he has been waiting a long time for
a member of the family line to return, and carries a message and a
gift from your Rogue Trader’s great-grandfather. He would meet
with you as soon as you have docked at a specified location in the
Court of the Dead; Port Wander’s vast markets. It is a matter, he
says, that promises great glory.

The Architect
2012-01-30, 06:26 PM
Lord-Captain, Rogue Trader Alaric Wolfe accepted the pleasantries with his typical wit and niceties but quickly ensured the group of Administratum peons dispersed quickly, leaving him with his trusted advisors and allies.

In a hushed tone he turns to the others he brought with him

"I must admit I do fear that our quick sojourn may be lengthened by a trap we must spring or a most fortuitus opportunity. Cez, I hope you are prepared for a little firing practice,"

Wolfe walks alone with his large scarlet coat and puffy white sleeves obscuring armour beneath

"Okay, Okay, I know talking like that gets on your nerves but the Administratum lackies love it and right now we need to look and sound our best. I already informed you guys why we need to go to the Court of the Dead and I know the Vox message is probably a trap or a con but right now we need all the glory we can get and I trust all of you guys to cover my back. Any questions? Ideas?"

2012-01-30, 09:18 PM
"Of course, Lord-Captain." The bolt pistol was holstered outside the guardsman flak armor, ready to be reached for and utilized in a heartbeat. She glanced around them, keeping to Alaric's back left. If someone intended to get the jump on them, she'd be prepared.

"As for ideas... see the mysterious contact, see what he wants, shoot him in the kneecap if he tries to con us, sir." Ever the daughter of a commissar.

2012-01-30, 10:41 PM
"Even an attempt to con can tell us about our enemies. There is even the chance that this is what it seems, unlikely as that may be." the navigator contributes, the direction that he is looking indeterminable as his eyes are solid black. "I shall ensure that this individual is not a psyker, and if things get too dire, do not look in my direction." he warns the other, hoping that it does not come to removing the headscarf he habitually wears. His finely wrought and ornate hellpistol ever at his side, and his robes hide the mesh armour underneath.

2012-01-31, 07:58 AM
Cez grinned as she continued her vigilance. "It's always a pleasure to have you with us, Mr. Vor'cle. It's nice to know we can reduce a section of station to slag if necessary." Sure, there was something creepy about someone with completely black eyes, especially when that person reportedly had three of them, but the tactical advantage of a psyker outweighed the inherent fear. Plus, a ship without a healthy supply of navigators wasn't going to be a ship soon -- and the Destiny certainly owed it to the hundred thousand souls to keep everything working smoothly.

2012-01-31, 02:55 PM
“Mm-hmm,” a throat is quietly cleared, followed by a cluster of light tapping on a keypad and the snap-flash of an automatic lighter, accompanied by the cloyingly sweet smell of high-quality tobacco laced with herbs and oils. “Begging the Lord-Captain’s pardon, and yes, yes, it is all very exciting, but…what does My Lord know of this Mister Gray aside from the fact that he used the Wolfe Cipher, itself a curious occurrence? Is this a name oft-spoken or even occasionally mentioned in the vaunted fetes of the Dynasty? And My Lord’s own great-grandfather giving a cross-generational gift? Certainly My Lord remembers how often I have traveled to Port Wander on the behalf of the Dynasty, and yet only upon this occurrence does this man send a message? Here and now, it’s all too convenient, but I don’t propose we walk in with weapons drawn, begging Miss Francezka her pardon of quashing her potential fun of course.” Canaan inputs a few deft taps to his data-slate, half-smiling at Captain Wolfe and giving a slight tip of his anachronistic hat. “Fortunately I have taken all due precautions for My Lord since he so graciously provided me with the aforementioned message. Also, in response to your earlier queries my lord, Scintillan brandy has raised .07521% for every 27th, gargantipede imports have dropped by a margin of 2.235% since that mess on Fenksworld…ah, a thousand pardons, you’ll doubtlessly see the report later. Should there be a specific product or personnel dossier you wish to inquire about before the Court of the Dead, as always, I am at the Dynasty’s service.” He gently taps on something at his ear and sighs. "Yes, yes, Master Purser, that report can wait, just have it prepared before we disembark, thank you, and if the crew doesn't like it, we can always use new servitors, thank you." He smooths his pale hair and half-smiles at the Captain.

Trying to have information gathered about this Mister Gray.

Inquiry vs TN 57: [roll0] + 1 additional DoS

The Architect
2012-01-31, 04:23 PM
Wolfe smiles and lets out an honest laugh at Cez' knee cap comment

"I do so love your practical problem solving Cez, but aye Mr. Vor'Cle has a point, as does Lord of Whispers and Purse Canaan Aurelius Iskander Nikolai-Gustaf Kaffiq XXVIII. If Cez walks in with a gun held high than they have little reason to suspect distrust if they are loyal, as she is as much my bodyguard as my most trusted 1st. If they are not loyal than it makes no difference how armed we enter as, they will spring the trap all the same. The rest of us to sell the half-deception of Cez being the only wary one will enter without our weapons drawn.

First, Master Canaan, look into acquiring a single Atomic, I enjoy disproportionate responses and the idea of having at least one thing with greater destructive capability than Cez when I beat her at Regicide, as an Ace in the whole. Cez and Mr. Vor'Cle also forwarded some other requests to me that I'd like you to look into for them.

I have a few personal requests but we can discuss them in private when we discuss the rest of your report.

Remind me as well to rustle up a body guard each for you and Vor'cle, I know you can handle yourselves but I worry about my few trusted advisors and friends, as a man of my station should. Preferably something dead, a cherubim flock or a servitor, I'm not sure the living on this station could be trusted not to sell on what they hear.

SO . . . with all prepared, and discussed, let us make haste to, the hopefully not appropriately named, Court of the Dead."

With that Wolfe walks to the lead the way to the market, his coat billowing almost dramaticly, possibly intentionally, probably ridiculously behind him.

2012-01-31, 07:41 PM
"As My Lord requests." Canaan inputs a few sharp taps into his data slate as he rushes to catch up with the captain. "Lord-Captain Wolfe, we must beg a moment on a particularly imminent issue," he murmurs. "My people have vetted this Erza Gray. Indeed, he once served your great-grandfather when he was head of your illustrious Dynasty. Yet if he served your great-grandfather, he doubtless has access to juvenant, and therefore money, unless the succession of My Lord's Dynasty has been quicker and rockier than my records indicate. A little bird told me that, at some point, Gray was tasked with waiting for a blood relative of your illustrious forebear to make port here at Port Wander, to-wit: you are the first to do so since then. All sources point to Gray being a very trusted member of the Wolfe Dynasty...though of course years stuck in such a dismal, cutthroat port might change any man for the worse. My Lord should proceed with caution, unless of course being incautious is part of My Lord's overall greater plan for his Dynasty, but perhaps this man is more trustworthy than your average scrapegrace or stubjack or infomonger on-station." Canaan tucks the data-slate away, lighting another fragrant lho, the purplish smoke curling about his fingers.

2012-01-31, 09:30 PM
"I'm capable of drawing my bolter at incredible speed, Lord-Captain -- it's not necessary that I go in with it drawn immediately. As for requests... a fire selector and organgrinder rounds, Lord-Captain, so I can more adequately kill those who might threaten your life. Perhaps interkeratic cybernetics, to stop assassins who rely on darkness. But I'm more interested in getting back to the Destiny as soon as we can."

She gave another glance around the port. While being called Lord Wolfe's bodyguard made Cez's heart swell with pride, she was well aware of her myriad failings in such a position and had no intention of allowing such failings to compromise her Lord-Captain's life.

2012-01-31, 10:14 PM
"Unfortunately my family did not see fit to provide me with a mesh cowl of fine craftsmanship. While my own navigational abilities should be sufficient for most stellar navigation that our vessel requires, a good or preferably artistic quality Navis Prima would be a fine addition to our supplies. I consider the cowl of utmost importance though," the Navigator chimes in, facing the Seneschal as people tended to have difficult telling who he was addressing otherwise. His eyes scan around the room, not that anyone is able to tell.

Awareness: [roll0] TN 52

2012-02-01, 02:36 PM
As you make your way to the Court of the Dead, you can't help but notice the vast amount of people in the port. At first the common folk are showing reverance for the illustrious Explorers, but as you get further and further from the dock people are just as likely to shy away as they are to show reverance. The navigators prescence startles some folk and the ever drawn weapon of Cez is a deterrent in itself. At one point an "urchin" calls out to the explorers and trys to get your attention.

Do you respond or keep moving along?

The Architect
2012-02-01, 03:50 PM
Wolfe stops the group and kneels down to look the urchin in the eye, speaking with a caring smile

"What is it you would have of me, little one? I would prefer brevity as my courtiers and I have a prior and pressing engagement,"

He clasps the boy's hand in an almost fatherly genial hand shake and in doing so passes him a Calixian Throne, the coin resting in the palm of his hand as he exchanges it

Charm Test:
Reason: Mainly just to try and get the kid to open up if he knows something or get him to like me enough he's not willing to rob or cheat me. Please tell me we're not so poor that I need to make an acquisition test for the throne coin I just gave him :smalleek::smalltongue:

[roll0] vs. 70 + or - Difficulty Modifier (Fel 60, Talented (Charm)).

Edit: Huzzah! Success with five degrees! :smallbiggrin: Plus or minus any for difficulty of course :smalltongue:

2012-02-01, 04:22 PM
Canaan sighs quietly and makes a quick note to update the accouting of the Master's petty cash fund. If this child is already on their payroll, he'll need to have a talk with his handler about appropriate and unobtrusive Dynastic interaction.

2012-02-01, 04:57 PM
The urchin smiles with a big grin (several teeth missing of course) and says "Thank ya sir! I've been looking for somebody important looking to help me!" At this poin he gets very sad and starts to sniff randomly. "My daddy was mistaken for a criminal by the Arbi-arbe-.... police! He didn't do anything wrong and I can prove it! I just need your help!" He looks imploringly at the entire group.

If you decide to undergo this "mini quest" you'll get a reward I promise. It might not be a worthwile reward but a reward none the less.

The Architect
2012-02-01, 05:07 PM
For a moment Wolf looks back at the group, and has a fleeting temptation to ask, or order, Cez to depart and help the boy but decides against it. If this will only take a moment he supposed it couldn't hurt . . .

"Fine, little one, I'll help, but you must be very, very quick or my friend Cez will get hungry and gobble you up like the boogey woogie man or whatever he is called in this secluded arena of space."

He motions for the child to lead the way to where he needs the group to be. The others know their Captain has a soft spot for kids, they don't know it's because he wasn't really ever treated like one, having been made to order.

2012-02-01, 05:24 PM
Cez simply looked at the urchin, arms crossed. If the Lord-Captain wished to spin her into a cannibal in order to evoke alacrity from this waif, so be it. The motherly part of her soul -- a piece often forgotten and abused -- longed to help the little child, and the chance to spite the Arbites -- spite being a massive and cherished facet of her soul -- was certainly appealing as well.

Another glance around the place, making sure no one made a move to pickpocket the party or listen in unscrupulously. Lord Wolfe had a way with words, something deVor lacked completely. It made him the sort of man thieves looked for. A mark.

[roll0] v. 35

2012-02-01, 06:06 PM
The urchin excitedly leads the group towards the ports detention center. Here we are! Standing in front of the explorers is a rather unremarkable building standing at medium heigth. Besides the glyphs declaring "Detention Center" the only remarkable things about the building are the combat servitors patrolling the roof and grounds and the Extremely tall wall surrounding the compound.

Standing at the gate are 2 members of the Adeptus Arbites. They are accompanied by 2 combat servitors. As your group approaches they step forward and shout HALT! State your business!

2012-02-01, 06:10 PM
Francezka ground her teeth together as they approached the Adeptus Arbites compound. A vision of the Destiny opening fire from a thousand kilometers off, full-salvos tearing into the -- but she stopped the thought and waited for her Lord-Captain to reply.

No matter how miserable, wretched or unpalatable the Arbites were, it wasn't her place to render judgment on them.

Yet, anyways.

2012-02-01, 06:10 PM
The navigator simple looks on as the captain decides to aid the child, awaiting to see how he can aid in this endeavor. Upon being challanged he says something to the captain in High Gothic:
"Perhaps we should have determined the evidence the child had before following him to the detention center."

2012-02-01, 06:16 PM
"My Lord, truly, tis unseemly to involve yourself in such petty local trifles. Miss Francezka and a squad of Houseguard would be sufficient to secure My Lord's goals, I am certain. Even assuming the child speaks true--a large assumption I am unwilling to fully indulge without proof--this is an Adeptus matter, and we have not yet left Calixis...the Arbites have full power here and for them to be involved instead of local enforcers means violations of Imperial Law, sacred edict that it is...as the Lex Imperialis says, 'innocence proves nothing.' Of course I seek not to gain say My Lord's will, merely to provide him reasoned counsel when dealing with the full might of Imperial authority." Caanan says quietly at Captain Wolfe's elbow.

The Architect
2012-02-01, 07:27 PM
"You make a good point, Canaan, please vox the ship for some guards, 4 if possible, and have one of you lead them ahead while I deal with this, I shouldn't be long and I'll merely appear fashionably late,"

he replies with his typical grin, admittedly he's have tempted to go by the advice of the others and leave the urchin, especially if the arbites were so sure, but he'd help at least until it became more than a minor inconvenience.

2012-02-02, 10:47 AM
Canaan touches a finger to his ear and whispers into a pin on the lapel of his cloak, eyes flicking back to the Arbites.

2012-02-03, 10:23 AM
"Lord-Captain, shall I stay nearby?" The idea of leaving Wolfe to the Arbites, especially with some potential thief, made Cez's insides boil. She knew the bolter was nearby, and she could draw it fast enough to get in a good shot on at least one of the Arbites if the situation called for it.

The Architect
2012-02-03, 11:46 AM
"Indeed, my dear Cez, you will accompany myself while Canaan and Vor'cle, along with a few guards will pursue the more pertinent manner until we can join them, of course in my absence I trust you both to speak with my full authority and the weight of my wallet if you need acquire anything. We will do our best to return quickly,"

Wolf smiles, happy that Cez has his back

"And remember as I have said a hundred times before, you need only call me by a title in front of the masses, in private you may call me Wolf, as can all my friends and confidants."

2012-02-03, 11:56 AM
"As you will, My Lord. We shall rendezvous with the Houseguard en route. Throne be with you on your errand," he bows and steps away, casting a warning glance at Cez. "Master Vor'cle, shall we?" Canaan asks as he starts to walk on.

2012-02-03, 12:02 PM
"I can't see why not, Master Canaan. After you." The Navigator follows the seneschal, hoping that the captain's mission of mercy does not end up causing more problems for the ship.

The Architect
2012-02-03, 12:11 PM
Waving politely at Canaan as he departs he half shouts

"It's Wolf to you too Canaan. no more My Lord, it sounds like your talking to my father,"

Once the other two are out of earshot Wolf's demeanour suddenly grows cold and serious, and he gives Cez a stern look, his voice drops to a tone only Cez normally hears and he shifts to the mood he shows to few others

"Come Francezka, let's get this over with before Vor'cle or Canaan get hurt or I have beat someone to death with my hammer. I tire of the stench of this place, and I get the feeling you don't like much more than I do. Once we help the boy let's find out what the old man Gray knows and then get the frak out of this infested cess pool."

With that he turns away from where the others went and draws his thunder hammer, using it's long haft like a cane, and following the boy, his serious, otherwise emotionless look still evident.

2012-02-03, 12:18 PM
"I worry about the Master, I really do. Hopefully this stop will be short and won't implicate the Arbites' little fleet elements. We don't need a messy exit. What's your opinion on this meeting and this boy?"

2012-02-03, 12:45 PM
Francezka nodded at Wolfe and followed after him, cracking her fingers and making sure the vox connection between her mind impulse unit and the bolt pistol is firm and steady. "Sorry Wolf, I don't like showing you anything less than the full respect you deserve. And you're right, this place would be better if half of it received a public execution, by my reckoning, but I trust your judgment."

Once the two of them and the boy got to the Arbites and they said their spiel, Cez looked to Wolf to see what his reaction would be. The Lord-Captain had a way with words -- Cez only had a way with guns.

2012-02-03, 12:52 PM
"With what little information we have it's hard to say. If the child actually has proof of his father's innocence, I am uncertain as to why he needs assistance. Although seeing as the Navis Nobilite is not subject to a number of Imperial Laws, my ignorance is not surprising. Hopefully the father's crime is nothing that will affect the captain's legal standing simply for speaking up for him, and the boy's evidence actually exists." Vor'cle sighs. "I really wish the captain had gathered all pertinent information before rushing in."

The Architect
2012-02-03, 01:00 PM
Wolf stepped forward as his hammer made a tapping noise against the metal of the station's floor

"I am the Esteemed Rogue Trader Alaric Pius Wolfe, of the Pius-Wolfe Dynasty, I would have words with your superior officer in regards the crime of this child's father, bring me to your Leader. As you do, explain the crime the child's father is held for."

Charm (Fel 60 + Talented + or - difficulty modifiers):

2012-02-03, 01:10 PM
"It's a common maxim in Imperial Law..." Canaan drops his voice, "And within the Holy Ordos, that 'innocence proves nothing.'" He turns down onto a wide thoroughfare. "I personally saw no need to get involved with what must have implicated sacred Imperial law for the Arbites to be involved, but...the Captain is, well, the Captain. I cannot see the Arbites being questioned as going well. Less so if violence erupts, that could get us a writ of generational execution and a warrant of excommunicate traitoris. And Miss Francezka is...obviously not the most fond of the Arbites," he sighs. "Well, we can't worry too much, the outcome is out of our hands. Best to focus on the task at hand and hope this Mr. Gray won't insist on waiting for the Captain to talk business. Hopefully we won't have to embark on a jailbreak..."

He quickly voxes the ship. "Watch, this is Lord Kaffiq. Spin up the drive to fast departure levels. Cancel any shore leave and speed up the loading. Don't ask questions, voidsman, just be done with it."

2012-02-03, 01:24 PM
Francezka's micro bead beeped, and she listened to the voice on the other end while the Captain spoke to the Arbites. Apparently Kaffiq had given an order to prevent shore leave? She weighed the choices before her and decided to speak to the Lord-Captain momentarily. There were one hundred thousand men -- well, a few hundred more than that, but roughly one hundred thousand on the nose. Trying to stop them from having furlough would be disastrous to the crew's morale, something that Francezka wasn't pleased with.

She stood behind the Lord-Captain's right side and leaned in, whispering in his ear. "Lord Kaffiq gave the order to stop shore leave. Theringard's begging for the order to be overturned, Lord." She would wait to see what Wolf wanted before repeating it to the chief bosun.

2012-02-03, 01:25 PM
"Hopefully our own task goes smoothly. It wouldn't do for all four of us to become embroiled in intrigue and difficulty. Such an occurrence would make rescue... difficult. Seeing as the captain is involving himself with such an organization, it is likely best that you ordered the ship ready for a swift departure. Besides, our own objective may require rapid departure for one reason or another"

2012-02-03, 01:31 PM
"At least neither of us is a bloodthirsty maniac," Canaan smiles. "Though the Captain handles his Arch-Militant well, I fear for the Captain more than us. Barring something extraordinary, I believe we can handle ourselves here. The men won't appreciate restricted leave but better that than a percent of the crew being on-station if we need to make a hasty exit. Once this is smoothed over peacefully I see no need to rush or employ such precautions."

2012-02-03, 01:35 PM
"It's not as if most of the lower ratings couldn't simply be replaced through another press ganging, however if possible why loose experienced and trained crew? I would think that being left behind would prove worse for crew moral than canceling shore leave, as such an action might indicate to the crew that the ship's officers care not for their well-being. Speaking of bloodthirsty maniacs, where exactly did you ask the armsmen to meet us? While I'm sure we are quite capable of handing ourselves should the need arise, I'd prefer to have a visible armed escort to discourage troublemakers."

2012-02-03, 02:02 PM
"Just up here. The squad should be outside the Blackfeather Club at the Via Stregazza. Lieutenant Findley came very highly recommended. I spare no expense when it comes to the Houseguard." He lights a lho.

The Architect
2012-02-04, 03:46 PM
Wolfe whispers sideways to Francezka
"He's probably just worried about our myriad business' near going south. Once this is all over we'll reinstate shoreleave."

2012-02-05, 08:49 AM
She nodded and turned her head slightly to the left, speaking softly. "For the time being, it's cancelled. Follow Lord Kaffiq's orders." With that, she returned her full attention to the Arbites and their reply.

2012-02-11, 03:01 PM
The Arbitrators stand even straighter than they were before. "Right away, Lord Wolfe."

"The man in question is called Shank on the streets, but his birth name is Lucius Hrect. He is accused of murdering an agent of the Ordo Xenos. We were just about to finish collecting the rest of the evidence to begin the trial."

As the Arbitrators lead you through the complex, the boy hands you a small dataslate. "On this slate is a video of what actually happened to the agent. Sorry I didn't give it to you sooner" He gets really quiet after this.

After a few moments you are brought before the Marshall.

The Architect
2012-02-11, 08:35 PM
Wolfe watches the video before he says another word, he's not even getting involved with the murder of an Inquisitorial agent unless he's a 100% sure the man is innocent. He's kind, but he's not mentally deficient or unstable. :smalleek:

2012-02-11, 09:05 PM
"Lieutenant Findley, splendid. Sorry if we kept you waiting, there was a marvelous commercial device I just had to acquire and the emporium owning it possessed quite the savvy sales rep." Canaan tips his hat to the tall man with the deep facial scars and an eye cybernetic, standing amid a cluster of fellows wearing brown cloaks with the Dynasty seal over quality armor, many eating some kind of local food on skewers. "Wrap it up, gents. We're off to the Court of the Dead. The Master will be catching up with us. We will proceed without him. That woman is with him, nothing to worry about, just an idle fancy of justice or some such they preferred to indulge in private." He sighs. "How I'm supposed to make him any money with that dedication to honor and chivalry, I have no idea, but I will take up the challenge. Now, let's be about it, Lieutenant, and mind Master Vor'cle too of course. If it comes to it, no bravado lads, you won't impress the ladies as a servo-skull." He starts walking off, expecting the guard to follow.

2012-02-13, 12:06 AM
The slate starts up the footage with servo skull footage depicting what you assume is the agents room. It shows the agent sleeping in his bed when he bolts straight upright. He says something but the servo skull wasn't told to record voice so the machine spirit didn't do any of the sort. All of a sudden a dark form drops from the ceiling and slams into the agent and stabs him repeatedly. After the agent is dead the form stands up and sees the servo skull and walks slowly up to it. As it gets closer you can make out an alien form. It eventually reveals itself to be a kroot of an unkown origin. Shortly after the footage is lost.

The Marshall clears his throat. "Excuse me Lord Wolfe, but might I inquire your purpose here? We are very busy today and I'm sure you understand if I'm pressed for time."

2012-02-13, 01:01 PM
Cez glowered at the Marshal but said nothing, waiting for Wolf to reply. He had a silver tongue, and she had an acid one. It was better for him to speak and she to shoot things in the head when they needed to be.

But the dataslate didn't seem legit. If the child had seen this, why hadn't he already given it to the Arbites? It might be worthwhile to just let the whole thing go. The Imperium wouldn't miss this urchin's father.

Glancing at the Lord-Captain, Francezka deVor waited to see what their next move would be.

The Architect
2012-02-15, 06:40 PM
Lord Wolfe handed the Arbites the slate

"This slate appears to indicate the child's father is innocent of any wrong doing. I would like to know why this slate doesn't completely clear his name?"

2012-02-15, 09:18 PM
As the Marshall watches the footage of the murder, his face changes from one of suspicious disbelief to one of outright rage as the Kroot shows itself.

"If we'd had this, we wouldn't have even arrested Mr.Hrect. This raises some important questions though. My name is Julius Serek and I wish to thank you for bringing this to light."