View Full Version : Kickstarter help - How to change my pledge

Nathan Drake
2012-01-30, 11:10 PM

I made a pledge for the War and Xps, but i was on a trip and only today i found out that there is a pledge that includes both War and Xps and No Cure for Paladin Blues, the only books that i do not have!

So i'd like to change my pledge, and add the shipping cost too... how can i do it???

2012-01-30, 11:13 PM
See that big blue button just under the project goal that says "Manage your pledge"?

2012-01-30, 11:13 PM
Just go to kickstarter and change it.

"Manage My Pledge" and select a new one.

2012-01-30, 11:14 PM
There should be an option for you to manage your pledge. Simply change the amount you want to pledge to what is needed for the reward you want. Clickthat reward on the list and it will deselect your old one. Then confirm and it will take you to Amazon. Then do what you would normally do when purchasing.

Nathan Drake
2012-01-30, 11:20 PM
But let's say that i pledge my current bid from 45 to 79, the system will understand my new bid? and what about the money that refers to the shipping costs?


Well, i did it... changed the reward option and the pledge total to 116 (79 + 37 from shipping)... i hope that it is correct, thanks guys!

2012-01-30, 11:24 PM
The new pledge amount isn't added on, it's replaced. Any extra shipping cost needed is mentioned in the rewards. You just add those on top of the pledge amount you need.

Nathan Drake
2012-01-30, 11:27 PM
The new pledge amount isn't added on, it's replaced. Any extra shipping cost needed is mentioned in the rewards. You just add those on top of the pledge amount you need.

yup... that's what i did.

just like to add that this kickstarter project was an awsome idea!